blob: c7125bb9fe9cfa32ee6a061b517905c65bc25e2b [file] [log] [blame]
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
import static;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import org.eclipse.jgit.junit.TestRepository;
import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.AnyObjectId;
import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.Ref;
import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.Repository;
import org.eclipse.jgit.revwalk.RevCommit;
import org.eclipse.jgit.revwalk.RevWalk;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
public class DfsGarbageCollectorTest {
private TestRepository<InMemoryRepository> git;
private InMemoryRepository repo;
private DfsObjDatabase odb;
public void setUp() throws IOException {
DfsRepositoryDescription desc = new DfsRepositoryDescription("test");
git = new TestRepository<>(new InMemoryRepository(desc));
repo = git.getRepository();
odb = repo.getObjectDatabase();
public void testCollectionWithNoGarbage() throws Exception {
RevCommit commit0 = commit().message("0").create();
RevCommit commit1 = commit().message("1").parent(commit0).create();
git.update("master", commit1);
assertTrue("commit0 reachable", isReachable(repo, commit0));
assertTrue("commit1 reachable", isReachable(repo, commit1));
// Packs start out as INSERT.
assertEquals(2, odb.getPacks().length);
for (DfsPackFile pack : odb.getPacks()) {
assertEquals(INSERT, pack.getPackDescription().getPackSource());
// Single GC pack present with all objects.
assertEquals(1, odb.getPacks().length);
DfsPackFile pack = odb.getPacks()[0];
assertEquals(GC, pack.getPackDescription().getPackSource());
assertTrue("commit0 in pack", isObjectInPack(commit0, pack));
assertTrue("commit1 in pack", isObjectInPack(commit1, pack));
public void testCollectionWithGarbage() throws Exception {
RevCommit commit0 = commit().message("0").create();
RevCommit commit1 = commit().message("1").parent(commit0).create();
git.update("master", commit0);
assertTrue("commit0 reachable", isReachable(repo, commit0));
assertFalse("commit1 garbage", isReachable(repo, commit1));
assertEquals(2, odb.getPacks().length);
DfsPackFile gc = null;
DfsPackFile garbage = null;
for (DfsPackFile pack : odb.getPacks()) {
DfsPackDescription d = pack.getPackDescription();
if (d.getPackSource() == GC) {
gc = pack;
} else if (d.getPackSource() == UNREACHABLE_GARBAGE) {
garbage = pack;
} else {
fail("unexpected " + d.getPackSource());
assertNotNull("created GC pack", gc);
assertTrue(isObjectInPack(commit0, gc));
assertNotNull("created UNREACHABLE_GARBAGE pack", garbage);
assertTrue(isObjectInPack(commit1, garbage));
public void testCollectionWithGarbageAndGarbagePacksPurged()
throws Exception {
RevCommit commit0 = commit().message("0").create();
RevCommit commit1 = commit().message("1").parent(commit0).create();
git.update("master", commit0);
// The repository has an UNREACHABLE_GARBAGE pack that could have
// expired, but since we never purge the most recent UNREACHABLE_GARBAGE
// pack, it must have survived the GC.
boolean commit1Found = false;
for (DfsPackFile pack : odb.getPacks()) {
DfsPackDescription d = pack.getPackDescription();
if (d.getPackSource() == GC) {
assertTrue("has commit0", isObjectInPack(commit0, pack));
assertFalse("no commit1", isObjectInPack(commit1, pack));
} else if (d.getPackSource() == UNREACHABLE_GARBAGE) {
commit1Found |= isObjectInPack(commit1, pack);
} else {
fail("unexpected " + d.getPackSource());
assertTrue("garbage commit1 still readable", commit1Found);
// Find oldest UNREACHABLE_GARBAGE; it will be pruned by next GC.
DfsPackDescription oldestGarbagePack = null;
for (DfsPackFile pack : odb.getPacks()) {
DfsPackDescription d = pack.getPackDescription();
if (d.getPackSource() == UNREACHABLE_GARBAGE) {
oldestGarbagePack = oldestPack(oldestGarbagePack, d);
assertNotNull("has UNREACHABLE_GARBAGE", oldestGarbagePack);
assertTrue("has packs", odb.getPacks().length > 0);
for (DfsPackFile pack : odb.getPacks()) {
assertNotEquals(oldestGarbagePack, pack.getPackDescription());
public void testCollectionWithGarbageCoalescence() throws Exception {
RevCommit commit0 = commit().message("0").create();
RevCommit commit1 = commit().message("1").parent(commit0).create();
git.update("master", commit0);
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
commit1 = commit().message("g" + i).parent(commit1).create();
// Make sure we don't have more than 1 UNREACHABLE_GARBAGE pack
// because they're coalesced.
assertEquals(1, countPacks(UNREACHABLE_GARBAGE));
public void testCollectionWithGarbageNoCoalescence() throws Exception {
RevCommit commit0 = commit().message("0").create();
RevCommit commit1 = commit().message("1").parent(commit0).create();
git.update("master", commit0);
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
commit1 = commit().message("g" + i).parent(commit1).create();
DfsGarbageCollector gc = new DfsGarbageCollector(repo);
gc.setGarbageTtl(0, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
assertEquals(1 + i, countPacks(UNREACHABLE_GARBAGE));
private TestRepository<InMemoryRepository>.CommitBuilder commit() {
return git.commit();
private void gcNoTtl() throws IOException {
DfsGarbageCollector gc = new DfsGarbageCollector(repo);
gc.setGarbageTtl(0, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); // disable TTL
private void gcWithTtl() throws InterruptedException, IOException {
// Wait for the system clock to move by at least 1 millisecond.
// This allows the DfsGarbageCollector to recognize the boundary.
long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
do {
} while (System.currentTimeMillis() <= start);
DfsGarbageCollector gc = new DfsGarbageCollector(repo);
gc.setGarbageTtl(1, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
private void run(DfsGarbageCollector gc) throws IOException {
assertTrue("gc repacked", gc.pack(null));
private static boolean isReachable(Repository repo, AnyObjectId id)
throws IOException {
try (RevWalk rw = new RevWalk(repo)) {
for (Ref ref : repo.getAllRefs().values()) {
for (RevCommit next; (next = != null;) {
if (AnyObjectId.equals(next, id)) {
return true;
return false;
private boolean isObjectInPack(AnyObjectId id, DfsPackFile pack)
throws IOException {
try (DfsReader reader = new DfsReader(odb)) {
return pack.hasObject(reader, id);
private static DfsPackDescription oldestPack(DfsPackDescription a,
DfsPackDescription b) {
if (a != null && a.getLastModified() < b.getLastModified()) {
return a;
return b;
private int countPacks(PackSource source) throws IOException {
int cnt = 0;
for (DfsPackFile pack : odb.getPacks()) {
if (pack.getPackDescription().getPackSource() == source) {
return cnt;