blob: 6d1621f5f5fb096fcb0e3489e2f442544476b1bd [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2005 - 2008 ServerEngines
* All rights reserved.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2
* as published by the Free Software Foundation. The full GNU General
* Public License is included in this distribution in the file called COPYING.
* Contact Information:
* ServerEngines
* 209 N. Fair Oaks Ave
* Sunnyvale, CA 94085
* Autogenerated by srcgen version: 0127
#ifndef __post_codes_amap_h__
#define __post_codes_amap_h__
#define POST_STAGE_POWER_ON_RESET (0) /* State after a cold or warm boot. */
#define POST_STAGE_AWAITING_HOST_RDY (1) /* ARM boot code awaiting a
go-ahed from the host. */
#define POST_STAGE_HOST_RDY (2) /* Host has given go-ahed to ARM. */
#define POST_STAGE_BE_RESET (3) /* Host wants to reset chip, this is a chip
workaround */
#define POST_STAGE_SEEPROM_CS_START (256) /* SEEPROM checksum
test start. */
#define POST_STAGE_SEEPROM_CS_DONE (257) /* SEEPROM checksum test
done. */
#define POST_STAGE_DDR_CONFIG_START (512) /* DDR configuration start. */
#define POST_STAGE_DDR_CONFIG_DONE (513) /* DDR configuration done. */
#define POST_STAGE_DDR_CALIBRATE_START (768) /* DDR calibration start. */
#define POST_STAGE_DDR_CALIBRATE_DONE (769) /* DDR calibration done. */
#define POST_STAGE_DDR_TEST_START (1024) /* DDR memory test start. */
#define POST_STAGE_DDR_TEST_DONE (1025) /* DDR memory test done. */
#define POST_STAGE_REDBOOT_INIT_START (1536) /* Redboot starts execution. */
#define POST_STAGE_REDBOOT_INIT_DONE (1537) /* Redboot done execution. */
#define POST_STAGE_FW_IMAGE_LOAD_START (1792) /* Firmware image load to
DDR start. */
#define POST_STAGE_FW_IMAGE_LOAD_DONE (1793) /* Firmware image load
to DDR done. */
#define POST_STAGE_ARMFW_START (2048) /* ARMfw runtime code
starts execution. */
#define POST_STAGE_DHCP_QUERY_START (2304) /* DHCP server query start. */
#define POST_STAGE_DHCP_QUERY_DONE (2305) /* DHCP server query done. */
Discovery Start. */
Discovery Done. */
#define POST_STAGE_RC_OPTION_SET (2816) /* Remote configuration
option is set in SEEPROM */
#define POST_STAGE_SWITCH_LINK (2817) /* Wait for link up on switch */
#define POST_STAGE_SEND_ICDS_MESSAGE (2818) /* Send the ICDS message
to switch */
#define POST_STAGE_PERFROM_TFTP (2819) /* Download xml using TFTP */
#define POST_STAGE_PARSE_XML (2820) /* Parse XML file */
#define POST_STAGE_DOWNLOAD_IMAGE (2821) /* Download IMAGE from
TFTP server */
#define POST_STAGE_FLASH_IMAGE (2822) /* Flash the IMAGE */
#define POST_STAGE_RC_DONE (2823) /* Remote configuration
complete */
#define POST_STAGE_REBOOT_SYSTEM (2824) /* Upgrade IMAGE done,
reboot required */
#define POST_STAGE_MAC_ADDRESS (3072) /* MAC Address Check */
#define POST_STAGE_ARMFW_READY (49152) /* ARMfw is done with POST
and ready. */
#define POST_STAGE_ARMFW_UE (61440) /* ARMfw has asserted an
unrecoverable error. The
lower 3 hex digits of the
stage code identify the
unique error code.
/* This structure defines the format of the MPU semaphore
* register when used for POST.
u8 stage[16]; /* DWORD 0 */
u8 rsvd0[10]; /* DWORD 0 */
u8 iscsi_driver_loaded; /* DWORD 0 */
u8 option_rom_installed; /* DWORD 0 */
u8 iscsi_ip_conflict; /* DWORD 0 */
u8 iscsi_no_ip; /* DWORD 0 */
u8 backup_fw; /* DWORD 0 */
u8 error; /* DWORD 0 */
} __packed;
u32 dw[1];
#define POST_BIT_BAD_IP_ADDR (28)
#define POST_BIT_NO_IP_ADDR (29)
#define POST_BIT_BACKUP_FW (30)
#define POST_BIT_ERROR (31)
#define POST_ISCSI_DRIVER_LOADED (67108864)
#define POST_OPTROM_INSTALLED (134217728)
#define POST_ISCSI_NO_IP_ADDRESS (536870912)
#define POST_BACKUP_FW_LOADED (1073741824)
#define POST_FATAL_ERROR (2147483648)
#endif /* __post_codes_amap_h__ */