blob: e78ee798d7bd2c1fb7e0fe7aff56683370ecaf05 [file] [log] [blame]
What: /sys/bus/event_source/devices/hv_24x7/interface/catalog
Date: February 2014
Contact: Cody P Schafer <>
Provides access to the binary "24x7 catalog" provided by the
hypervisor on POWER7 and 8 systems. This catalog lists events
avaliable from the powerpc "hv_24x7" pmu. Its format is
documented here:
What: /sys/bus/event_source/devices/hv_24x7/interface/catalog_length
Date: February 2014
Contact: Cody P Schafer <>
A number equal to the length in bytes of the catalog. This is
also extractable from the provided binary "catalog" sysfs entry.
What: /sys/bus/event_source/devices/hv_24x7/interface/catalog_version
Date: February 2014
Contact: Cody P Schafer <>
Exposes the "version" field of the 24x7 catalog. This is also
extractable from the provided binary "catalog" sysfs entry.