From: Olaf Hering <>
Subject: [klibc] [PATCH] update crt0.S on ppc32

The _start stuff was changed some time ago, but ppc was not updated.
This fixes klibc for me. I'm not sure what to do with the second arg to
__libc_init, so I set it to 0..

However, looking at other static binaries, there is more stuff todo.

diff --git a/klibc/arch/ppc/crt0.S b/klibc/arch/ppc/crt0.S
index f7274b0..861c8e7 100644
--- a/klibc/arch/ppc/crt0.S
+++ b/klibc/arch/ppc/crt0.S
@@ -1,29 +1,14 @@
 # arch/ppc/crt0.S
-# void _start(void)
-# {
-#    /* Divine up argc, argv, and envp */
-#    environ = envp;
-#    exit(main(argc, argv, envp));
-# } 
 	.align 4
 	.type _start,@function
 	.globl _start
-	lwz	3,0(1)
-	addi	4,1,4
-	addi	5,1,8
-	slwi	0,3,2
-	add	5,5,0
-	li	0,0
-	stwu	0,-16(1)
-	lis	9,environ@ha
-	stw	5,environ@l(9)
-	bl	main
-	bl	exit
+	mr	3,1
+	li	4,0
+	bl	__libc_init
 	.size _start,.-_start