blob: 368952916ff60394bf8950f2da85aefc2fd4f7a6 [file] [log] [blame]
# -*- perl -*-
# arch/mips/
# Script to generate system call stubs
# On MIPS, most system calls follow the standard convention, with the
# system call number in r0 (v0), return an error value in r19 (a3) as
# well as the return value in r0 (v0).
sub make_sysstub($$$$$@) {
my($outputdir, $fname, $type, $sname, $stype, @args) = @_;
$stype = $stype || 'common';
open(OUT, '>', "${outputdir}/${fname}.S");
print OUT "#include <machine/asm.h>\n";
print OUT "#include <asm/unistd.h>\n";
print OUT "\n";
print OUT "\t.set noreorder\n";
print OUT "\n";
print OUT "LEAF(${fname})\n";
print OUT "\tj\t__syscall_${stype}\n";
print OUT "\t li\tv0, __NR_${sname}\n";
print OUT "\tEND(${fname})\n";