Disable the use of libgcc; klcc doesn't provide it, and some
architectures can't use the standard libgcc for klibc-compiled code.
It would be best if we didn't need it, but smoke out any problems.

diff --git a/MCONFIG b/MCONFIG
index c833499..9b884f1 100644
@@ -59,7 +59,8 @@
 # Static library paths
 CRT0      = $(KLIBOBJ)/crt0.o
 KLIBC     = $(KLIBOBJ)/libc.a
-LIBGCC    = $(shell $(CC) --print-libgcc)
+# Don't use libgcc for now, to see if anything breaks...
+LIBGCC    = # $(shell $(CC) --print-libgcc)
 # Shared library paths
 CRTSHARED = $(KLIBOBJ)/interp.o