blob: e9179471b97d6009a4103d3f90bb2a7e7a27ebd9 [file] [log] [blame]
# Generic kbuild routines
# The temporary file to save gcc -MD generated dependencies must not
# contain a comma
depfile = $(subst $(comma),_,$(@D)/.$(@F).d)
ifneq ($(KBUILD_NOCMDDEP),1)
# Check if both arguments has same arguments. Result in empty string if equal
# User may override this check using make KBUILD_NOCMDDEP=1
arg-check = $(strip $(filter-out $(1), $(2)) $(filter-out $(2), $(1)) )
# If quiet is set, only print short version of command
cmd = @$(if $($(quiet)cmd_$(1)),\
echo ' $(subst ','\'',$($(quiet)cmd_$(1)))' &&) $(cmd_$(1))
# echo command. Short version is $(quiet) equals quiet, otherwise full command
echo-cmd = $(if $($(quiet)cmd_$(1)), \
echo ' $(subst ','\'',$($(quiet)cmd_$(1)))';)
# function to only execute the passed command if necessary
# >'< substitution is for echo to work,
# >$< substitution to preserve $ when reloading .cmd file
# note: when using inline perl scripts [perl -e '...$$t=1;...'] in
# $(cmd_xxx) double $$ your perl vars
if_changed = $(if $(strip $? $(call arg-check, $(cmd_$(1)), $(cmd_$@)) ), \
@set -e; \
$(echo-cmd) \
$(cmd_$(1)); \
echo 'cmd_$@ := $(subst $$,$$$$,$(subst ','\'',$(cmd_$(1))))' \
> $(@D)/.$(@F).cmd)
# execute the command and also postprocess generated .d dependencies
# file
if_changed_dep = $(if $(strip $? $(filter-out FORCE $(wildcard $^),$^) \
$(call arg-check, $(cmd_$(1)), $(cmd_$@)) ), \
@set -e; \
$(echo-cmd) \
$(cmd_$(1)); \
scripts/basic/fixdep $(depfile) $@ \
'$(subst $$,$$$$,$(subst ','\'',$(cmd_$(1))))' > $(@D)/.$(@F).tmp; \
rm -f $(depfile); \
mv -f $(@D)/.$(@F).tmp $(@D)/.$(@F).cmd)