blob: f5f85cc9bcb1c1d2304fc7f2f319e91b31c90c9e [file] [log] [blame]
* arch/sh/syscall.S
* On sh, r3 contains the syscall number (set by generated stub);
* r4..r7 contain arguments 0-3 per the standard calling convention,
* and arguments 4-5 are passed in r0 and r1.
* The return value is in r3 rather than standard r0.
.section ".text.syscall","ax"
.align 2
.globl __syscall_common
.type __syscall_common,@function
mov.l @(0,sp),r0
mov.l @(4,sp),r1
trapa #0x15
mov.l 1f,r0
cmp/hs r0,r3
bt/s 3f
neg r3,r4
mov.l 2f,r5
mov.l r4,@r5
mov #-1,r0
mov r3,r0
.align 2
1: .long -4096 /* Errno limit */
2: .long errno
.size __syscall_common,.-__syscall_common