blob: cc4ca3a95ec67644716c8a42fda4b94870dacba4 [file] [log] [blame]
# -*- perl -*-
# arch/cris/
# Script to generate system call stubs
# We use a subsection for the syscall stubs, so we can be
# sure they're within reach of a 16-bit BA
sub make_sysstub($$$$@) {
my($fname, $type, $sname, $stype, @args) = @_;
open(OUT, '>', "syscalls/${fname}.S");
print OUT "#include <asm/unistd.h>\n";
print OUT "\n";
print OUT "\t.set noreorder\n";
print OUT "\n";
print OUT "\t.text\n";
print OUT "\t.subsection \".syscall\"\n";
print OUT "\t.type ${fname},\@function\n";
print OUT "\t.globl ${fname}\n";
print OUT "${fname}:\n";
print OUT "\tba\t__syscall_common\n";
print OUT "\t move.d\t__NR_${sname}, $r9\n";
print OUT "\t.size ${fname},.-${fname}\n";