Fix shared libraries on x86-64.

diff --git a/klibc/arch/x86_64/MCONFIG b/klibc/arch/x86_64/MCONFIG
index f3c8741..a2a2367 100644
--- a/klibc/arch/x86_64/MCONFIG
+++ b/klibc/arch/x86_64/MCONFIG
@@ -20,3 +20,9 @@
 BITSIZE      = 64
 LDFLAGS      = -m elf_x86_64
+# Extra linkflags when building the shared version of the library
+# This address needs to be reachable using normal inter-module
+# calls, and work on the memory models for this architecture
+# 2 MB - normal binaries start at 4 MB
+SHAREDFLAGS     = -Ttext 0x00200200