README.klibc: update build information

It seems this file was still conveying the old way to build klibc
and hence confusing the users, simplify and reword build instructions.

Signed-off-by: maximilian attems <>
diff --git a/usr/klibc/README.klibc b/usr/klibc/README.klibc
index 47618ec..7de5fea 100644
--- a/usr/klibc/README.klibc
+++ b/usr/klibc/README.klibc
@@ -7,13 +7,12 @@
 The build procedure is not very polished yet, but it should work like
-a) In the source root directory (the directory above the one in which
-   this file is found) create a symlink called "linux" pointing to the
-   target of "make headers_install" from a recent Linux kernel tree.
-   This can be done by extracting the Linux kernel into a directory,
-   running "make headers_install" for the appropriate architecture,
-   and then making a symlink to the "usr" subdirectory of that directory
-   tree.
+a) Extract a recent Linux kernel into a directory and run
+   "make headers_install".
+   Now enter the klibc dir and point KLIBCKERNELSRC to the
+   path of the configured linux tree
+   "make  KLIBCKERNELSRC=`pwd`/../linux/usr/".
 b) If you're cross-compiling, you need to set KLIBCARCH to the
    appropriate architecture, and set CROSS_COMPILE to your toolchain
@@ -66,9 +65,7 @@
    Note that even the "working" ones likely have bugs.  Please report
    them if you run into them.
-c) Type "make" and pray...
-d) Try the test programs in the tests/ directory.  They should run...
+c) Try the test programs in the tests/ directory.  They should run...
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