blob: 5ac13a45c233b067092d2dbc622eabe0e665eca2 [file] [log] [blame]
This module matches the parameters in Fragment header.
.BR "--fragid " "[!] \fIid\fP[:\fIid\fP]"
Matches the given Identification or range of it.
.BR "--fraglen " "[!] \fIlength\fP"
This option cannot be used with kernel version 2.6.10 or later. The length of
Fragment header is static and this option doesn't make sense.
.BR "--fragres "
Matches if the reserved fields are filled with zero.
.BR "--fragfirst "
Matches on the first fragment.
.BR "[--fragmore]"
Matches if there are more fragments.
.BR "[--fraglast]"
Matches if this is the last fragement.