blob: abbf74cda7377675c7a2fd64532e165bfce7608f [file] [log] [blame]
# Chinese translations for Git package
# Git 软件包的简体中文翻译.
# Copyright (C) 2012,2013 Jiang Xin < AT>
# This file is distributed under the same license as the Git package.
# Contributors:
# - Fangyi Zhou <me AT>
# - Jiang Xin < AT>
# - Lian Cheng <rhythm.mail AT>
# - Ray Chen <oldsharp AT>
# - Riku <lu.riku AT>
# - Thynson <lanxingcan AT>
# - ws3389 <willsmith3389 AT>
# - Wang Sheng <wangsheng2008love AT>
# - 依云 <lilydjwg AT>
# - Yichao Yu <yyc1992 AT>
# - Zhuang Ya <zhuangya AT>
# Git glossary for Chinese translators
# English | Chinese
# ---------------------------------+--------------------------------------
# 3-way merge | 三方合并
# abbreviate | 简写(的 SHA-1 值)
# alternate object database | 备用对象库
# amend | 修补
# ancestor | 祖先,祖先提交
# annotated tag | 附注标签
# bare repository | 纯仓库
# bisect | 二分查找
# blob object | 数据对象
# bloom filter | 布隆过滤器
# branch | 分支
# bundle | 归档包
# bypass | 绕过
# cache | 索引(的别称)
# chain | (提交)链
# changeset | 变更集
# checkout | 检出
# checksum | 校验,校验和
# cherry-picking | 拣选
# clean | 干净(的工作区)
# clone | 克隆
# commit | 提交
# commit message | 提交说明
# commit object | 提交对象
# commit-ish (also committish) | 提交号
# conflict | 冲突
# core Git | 核心 Git 工具
# cover letter | 附函
# DAG | 有向无环图
# dangling object | 悬空对象
# detached HEAD | 分离头指针
# directory | 目录
# dirty | 脏(的工作区)
# dumb HTTP protocol | 哑 HTTP 协议
# evil merge | 坏合并(合并引入了父提交没有的修改)
# fast-forward | 快进
# fetch | 获取
# file system | 文件系统
# fork | 派生
# Git archive | 仓库(对于 arch 用户)
# gitfile | gitfile(仓库链接文件)
# grafts | (提交)移植
# hash | 哈希值
# HEAD | HEAD(头指针,亦即当前分支)
# head | 头、分支
# head ref | 分支
# header | 头信息
# hook | 钩子
# hunk | 补丁片段
# index | 索引
# index entry | 索引条目
# loose object | 松散对象
# loose refs | 松散引用
# master | master(默认分支名)
# merge | 合并
# object | 对象
# object database | 对象库
# object identifier | 对象标识符
# object name | 对象名称
# object type | 对象类型
# octopus | 章鱼式合并(两分支以上的合并)
# origin | origin(默认的远程名称)
# pack | 包
# pack index | 包索引
# packfile | 包文件
# parent | 父提交
# patch | 补丁
# pathspec | 路径规格
# pattern | 模式
# pickaxe | 挖掘
# plumbing | 管件(Git 底层核心命令的别称)
# porcelain | 瓷件(Git 上层封装命令的别称)
# precious-objects repo | 珍品仓库
# promisor | 承诺者
# prune | 清除
# pull | 拉,拉取
# push | 推,推送
# reachable | 可达
# rebase | 变基
# ref | 引用
# reflog | 引用日志
# refspec | 引用规格
# remote | 远程,远程仓库
# remote-tracking branch | 远程跟踪分支
# replay | 重放
# repo | 仓库
# repository | 仓库
# resolve | (冲突)解决
# revert | 还原
# revision | 版本
# rewind | 回退
# SCM | 源代码管理(工具)
# SHA-1 | SHA-1(安全哈希算法1)
# shallow repository | 浅(克隆)仓库
# signed tag | 签名标签
# smart HTTP protocol | 智能 HTTP 协议
# squash | 挤压
# stage | n. 暂存区(即索引); v. 暂存
# stash | n. 贮藏区; v. 贮藏
# submodule | 子模组
# symref | 符号引用
# tag | n. 标签; v. 打标签
# tag object | 标签对象
# tagger | 打标签者
# topic branch | 主题分支
# track | 跟踪
# trailer | 尾注
# tree | 树(工作区或树对象)
# tree object | 树对象
# tree-ish (also treeish) | 树对象(或可以解析为一树对象)
# unmerged index | 未合并索引
# unpack | 解包
# unreachable object | 不可达对象
# unstage | 取消暂存
# upstream | 上游
# upstream branch | 上游分支
# working tree | 工作区
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Git\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: Git Mailing List <>\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-08-14 07:56+0800\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2021-08-14 17:27+0800\n"
"Last-Translator: Jiang Xin <>\n"
"Language-Team: GitHub <>\n"
"Language: zh_CN\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
#: add-interactive.c:376
#, c-format
msgid "Huh (%s)?"
msgstr "嗯(%s)?"
#: add-interactive.c:529 add-interactive.c:830 reset.c:64 sequencer.c:3493
#: sequencer.c:3964 sequencer.c:4119 builtin/rebase.c:1528
#: builtin/rebase.c:1953
msgid "could not read index"
msgstr "不能读取索引"
#: add-interactive.c:584 git-add--interactive.perl:269
#: git-add--interactive.perl:294
msgid "binary"
msgstr "二进制"
#: add-interactive.c:642 git-add--interactive.perl:278
#: git-add--interactive.perl:332
msgid "nothing"
msgstr "无"
#: add-interactive.c:643 git-add--interactive.perl:314
#: git-add--interactive.perl:329
msgid "unchanged"
msgstr "没有修改"
#: add-interactive.c:680 git-add--interactive.perl:641
msgid "Update"
msgstr "更新"
#: add-interactive.c:697 add-interactive.c:885
#, c-format
msgid "could not stage '%s'"
msgstr "不能暂存 '%s'"
#: add-interactive.c:703 add-interactive.c:892 reset.c:88 sequencer.c:3707
msgid "could not write index"
msgstr "不能写入索引"
#: add-interactive.c:706 git-add--interactive.perl:626
#, c-format, perl-format
msgid "updated %d path\n"
msgid_plural "updated %d paths\n"
msgstr[0] "更新了 %d 个路径\n"
msgstr[1] "更新了 %d 个路径\n"
#: add-interactive.c:724 git-add--interactive.perl:676
#, c-format, perl-format
msgid "note: %s is untracked now.\n"
msgstr "说明:%s 现已成为未跟踪的。\n"
#: add-interactive.c:729 apply.c:4127 builtin/checkout.c:298
#: builtin/reset.c:145
#, c-format
msgid "make_cache_entry failed for path '%s'"
msgstr "对路径 '%s' 的 make_cache_entry 操作失败"
#: add-interactive.c:759 git-add--interactive.perl:653
msgid "Revert"
msgstr "还原"
#: add-interactive.c:775
msgid "Could not parse HEAD^{tree}"
msgstr "不能解析 HEAD^{tree}"
#: add-interactive.c:813 git-add--interactive.perl:629
#, c-format, perl-format
msgid "reverted %d path\n"
msgid_plural "reverted %d paths\n"
msgstr[0] "还原了 %d 个路径\n"
msgstr[1] "还原了 %d 个路径\n"
#: add-interactive.c:864 git-add--interactive.perl:693
#, c-format
msgid "No untracked files.\n"
msgstr "没有未跟踪的文件。\n"
#: add-interactive.c:868 git-add--interactive.perl:687
msgid "Add untracked"
msgstr "添加未跟踪的"
#: add-interactive.c:895 git-add--interactive.perl:623
#, c-format, perl-format
msgid "added %d path\n"
msgid_plural "added %d paths\n"
msgstr[0] "增加了 %d 个路径\n"
msgstr[1] "增加了 %d 个路径\n"
#: add-interactive.c:925
#, c-format
msgid "ignoring unmerged: %s"
msgstr "忽略未合入的:%s"
#: add-interactive.c:937 add-patch.c:1752 git-add--interactive.perl:1369
#, c-format
msgid "Only binary files changed.\n"
msgstr "只有二进制文件被修改。\n"
#: add-interactive.c:939 add-patch.c:1750 git-add--interactive.perl:1371
#, c-format
msgid "No changes.\n"
msgstr "没有修改。\n"
#: add-interactive.c:943 git-add--interactive.perl:1379
msgid "Patch update"
msgstr "补丁更新"
#: add-interactive.c:982 git-add--interactive.perl:1792
msgid "Review diff"
msgstr "检视 diff"
#: add-interactive.c:1010
msgid "show paths with changes"
msgstr "显示含变更的路径"
#: add-interactive.c:1012
msgid "add working tree state to the staged set of changes"
msgstr "将工作区状态添加到暂存区修改集中"
#: add-interactive.c:1014
msgid "revert staged set of changes back to the HEAD version"
msgstr "将暂存的修改集恢复为 HEAD 版本"
#: add-interactive.c:1016
msgid "pick hunks and update selectively"
msgstr "挑选数据块并有选择地更新"
#: add-interactive.c:1018
msgid "view diff between HEAD and index"
msgstr "显示 HEAD 和索引的差异"
#: add-interactive.c:1020
msgid "add contents of untracked files to the staged set of changes"
msgstr "将未跟踪文件的内容添加到暂存区修改集中"
#: add-interactive.c:1028 add-interactive.c:1077
msgid "Prompt help:"
msgstr "帮助:"
#: add-interactive.c:1030
msgid "select a single item"
msgstr "选择一个条目"
#: add-interactive.c:1032
msgid "select a range of items"
msgstr "选择一系列条目"
#: add-interactive.c:1034
msgid "select multiple ranges"
msgstr "选择多个范围"
#: add-interactive.c:1036 add-interactive.c:1081
msgid "select item based on unique prefix"
msgstr "基于唯一前缀选择条目"
#: add-interactive.c:1038
msgid "unselect specified items"
msgstr "反选指定的条目"
#: add-interactive.c:1040
msgid "choose all items"
msgstr "选择所有条目"
#: add-interactive.c:1042
msgid "(empty) finish selecting"
msgstr "(空)结束选择"
#: add-interactive.c:1079
msgid "select a numbered item"
msgstr "选择一个编号条目"
#: add-interactive.c:1083
msgid "(empty) select nothing"
msgstr "(空)不选择任何内容"
#: add-interactive.c:1091 builtin/clean.c:813 git-add--interactive.perl:1896
msgid "*** Commands ***"
msgstr "*** 命令 ***"
#: add-interactive.c:1092 builtin/clean.c:814 git-add--interactive.perl:1893
msgid "What now"
msgstr "请选择"
#: add-interactive.c:1144 git-add--interactive.perl:213
msgid "staged"
msgstr "缓存"
#: add-interactive.c:1144 git-add--interactive.perl:213
msgid "unstaged"
msgstr "未缓存"
#: add-interactive.c:1144 apply.c:4994 apply.c:4997 builtin/am.c:2309
#: builtin/am.c:2312 builtin/bugreport.c:135 builtin/clone.c:128
#: builtin/fetch.c:152 builtin/merge.c:285 builtin/pull.c:190
#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:410 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1886
#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1889 builtin/submodule--helper.c:2343
#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:2346 builtin/submodule--helper.c:2589
#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:2890 builtin/submodule--helper.c:2893
#: git-add--interactive.perl:213
msgid "path"
msgstr "路径"
#: add-interactive.c:1151
msgid "could not refresh index"
msgstr "不能刷新索引"
#: add-interactive.c:1165 builtin/clean.c:778 git-add--interactive.perl:1803
#, c-format
msgid "Bye.\n"
msgstr "再见。\n"
#: add-patch.c:34 git-add--interactive.perl:1431
#, c-format, perl-format
msgid "Stage mode change [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
msgstr "暂存模式变更 [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
#: add-patch.c:35 git-add--interactive.perl:1432
#, c-format, perl-format
msgid "Stage deletion [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
msgstr "暂存删除动作 [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
#: add-patch.c:36 git-add--interactive.perl:1433
#, c-format, perl-format
msgid "Stage addition [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
msgstr "暂存添加动作 [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
#: add-patch.c:37 git-add--interactive.perl:1434
#, c-format, perl-format
msgid "Stage this hunk [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
msgstr "暂存该块 [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
#: add-patch.c:39
msgid ""
"If the patch applies cleanly, the edited hunk will immediately be marked for "
msgstr "如果补丁能正确地应用,编辑块将立即标记为暂存。"
#: add-patch.c:42
msgid ""
"y - stage this hunk\n"
"n - do not stage this hunk\n"
"q - quit; do not stage this hunk or any of the remaining ones\n"
"a - stage this hunk and all later hunks in the file\n"
"d - do not stage this hunk or any of the later hunks in the file\n"
msgstr ""
"y - 暂存该块\n"
"n - 不要暂存该块\n"
"q - 退出。不暂存该块及后面的全部块\n"
"a - 暂存该块和本文件中后面的全部块\n"
"d - 不暂存该块和本文件中后面的全部块\n"
#: add-patch.c:56 git-add--interactive.perl:1437
#, c-format, perl-format
msgid "Stash mode change [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
msgstr "贮藏模式变更 [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
#: add-patch.c:57 git-add--interactive.perl:1438
#, c-format, perl-format
msgid "Stash deletion [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
msgstr "贮藏删除动作 [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
#: add-patch.c:58 git-add--interactive.perl:1439
#, c-format, perl-format
msgid "Stash addition [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
msgstr "贮藏添加动作 [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
#: add-patch.c:59 git-add--interactive.perl:1440
#, c-format, perl-format
msgid "Stash this hunk [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
msgstr "贮藏该块 [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
#: add-patch.c:61
msgid ""
"If the patch applies cleanly, the edited hunk will immediately be marked for "
msgstr "如果补丁能正确地应用,编辑块将立即标记为贮藏。"
#: add-patch.c:64
msgid ""
"y - stash this hunk\n"
"n - do not stash this hunk\n"
"q - quit; do not stash this hunk or any of the remaining ones\n"
"a - stash this hunk and all later hunks in the file\n"
"d - do not stash this hunk or any of the later hunks in the file\n"
msgstr ""
"y - 贮藏该块\n"
"n - 不要贮藏该块\n"
"q - 退出。不贮藏该块及后面的全部块\n"
"a - 贮藏该块和本文件中后面的全部块\n"
"d - 不贮藏该块和本文件中后面的全部块\n"
#: add-patch.c:80 git-add--interactive.perl:1443
#, c-format, perl-format
msgid "Unstage mode change [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
msgstr "取消暂存模式变更 [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
#: add-patch.c:81 git-add--interactive.perl:1444
#, c-format, perl-format
msgid "Unstage deletion [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
msgstr "取消暂存删除动作 [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
#: add-patch.c:82 git-add--interactive.perl:1445
#, c-format, perl-format
msgid "Unstage addition [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
msgstr "取消暂存添加动作 [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
#: add-patch.c:83 git-add--interactive.perl:1446
#, c-format, perl-format
msgid "Unstage this hunk [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
msgstr "取消暂存该块 [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
#: add-patch.c:85
msgid ""
"If the patch applies cleanly, the edited hunk will immediately be marked for "
msgstr "如果补丁能正确地应用,编辑块将立即标记为未暂存。"
#: add-patch.c:88
msgid ""
"y - unstage this hunk\n"
"n - do not unstage this hunk\n"
"q - quit; do not unstage this hunk or any of the remaining ones\n"
"a - unstage this hunk and all later hunks in the file\n"
"d - do not unstage this hunk or any of the later hunks in the file\n"
msgstr ""
"y - 取消暂存该块\n"
"n - 不要取消暂存该块\n"
"q - 退出。不要取消暂存该块及后面的全部块\n"
"a - 取消暂存该块和本文件中后面的全部块\n"
"d - 不要取消暂存该块和本文件中后面的全部块\n"
#: add-patch.c:103 git-add--interactive.perl:1449
#, c-format, perl-format
msgid "Apply mode change to index [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
msgstr "将模式变更应用到索引 [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
#: add-patch.c:104 git-add--interactive.perl:1450
#, c-format, perl-format
msgid "Apply deletion to index [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
msgstr "将删除操作应用到索引 [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
#: add-patch.c:105 git-add--interactive.perl:1451
#, c-format, perl-format
msgid "Apply addition to index [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
msgstr "将添加操作应用到索引 [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
#: add-patch.c:106 git-add--interactive.perl:1452
#, c-format, perl-format
msgid "Apply this hunk to index [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
msgstr "将该块应用到索引 [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
#: add-patch.c:108 add-patch.c:176 add-patch.c:221
msgid ""
"If the patch applies cleanly, the edited hunk will immediately be marked for "
msgstr "如果补丁能正确地应用,编辑块将立即标记为应用。"
#: add-patch.c:111
msgid ""
"y - apply this hunk to index\n"
"n - do not apply this hunk to index\n"
"q - quit; do not apply this hunk or any of the remaining ones\n"
"a - apply this hunk and all later hunks in the file\n"
"d - do not apply this hunk or any of the later hunks in the file\n"
msgstr ""
"y - 在索引中应用该块\n"
"n - 不要在索引中应用该块\n"
"q - 退出。不要应用该块及后面的全部块\n"
"a - 应用该块和本文件中后面的全部块\n"
"d - 不要应用该块和本文件中后面的全部块\n"
#: add-patch.c:126 git-add--interactive.perl:1455
#: git-add--interactive.perl:1473
#, c-format, perl-format
msgid "Discard mode change from worktree [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
msgstr "从工作区中丢弃模式变更 [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
#: add-patch.c:127 git-add--interactive.perl:1456
#: git-add--interactive.perl:1474
#, c-format, perl-format
msgid "Discard deletion from worktree [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
msgstr "从工作区中丢弃删除动作 [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
#: add-patch.c:128 git-add--interactive.perl:1457
#: git-add--interactive.perl:1475
#, c-format, perl-format
msgid "Discard addition from worktree [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
msgstr "从工作区中丢弃添加动作 [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
#: add-patch.c:129 git-add--interactive.perl:1458
#: git-add--interactive.perl:1476
#, c-format, perl-format
msgid "Discard this hunk from worktree [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
msgstr "从工作区中丢弃该块 [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
#: add-patch.c:131 add-patch.c:154 add-patch.c:199
msgid ""
"If the patch applies cleanly, the edited hunk will immediately be marked for "
msgstr "如果补丁能正确地应用,编辑块将立即标记为丢弃。"
#: add-patch.c:134 add-patch.c:202
msgid ""
"y - discard this hunk from worktree\n"
"n - do not discard this hunk from worktree\n"
"q - quit; do not discard this hunk or any of the remaining ones\n"
"a - discard this hunk and all later hunks in the file\n"
"d - do not discard this hunk or any of the later hunks in the file\n"
msgstr ""
"y - 在工作区中丢弃该块\n"
"n - 不要在工作区中丢弃该块\n"
"q - 退出。不要丢弃该块及后面的全部块\n"
"a - 丢弃该块和本文件中后面的全部块\n"
"d - 不要丢弃该块和本文件中后面的全部块\n"
#: add-patch.c:149 add-patch.c:194 git-add--interactive.perl:1461
#, c-format, perl-format
msgid "Discard mode change from index and worktree [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
msgstr "从索引和工作区中丢弃模式变更 [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
#: add-patch.c:150 add-patch.c:195 git-add--interactive.perl:1462
#, c-format, perl-format
msgid "Discard deletion from index and worktree [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
msgstr "从索引和工作区中丢弃删除动作 [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
#: add-patch.c:151 add-patch.c:196 git-add--interactive.perl:1463
#, c-format, perl-format
msgid "Discard addition from index and worktree [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
msgstr "从索引和工作区中丢弃添加动作 [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
#: add-patch.c:152 add-patch.c:197 git-add--interactive.perl:1464
#, c-format, perl-format
msgid "Discard this hunk from index and worktree [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
msgstr "从索引和工作区中丢弃该块 [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
#: add-patch.c:157
msgid ""
"y - discard this hunk from index and worktree\n"
"n - do not discard this hunk from index and worktree\n"
"q - quit; do not discard this hunk or any of the remaining ones\n"
"a - discard this hunk and all later hunks in the file\n"
"d - do not discard this hunk or any of the later hunks in the file\n"
msgstr ""
"y - 在索引和工作区中丢弃该块\n"
"n - 不要在索引和工作区中丢弃该块\n"
"q - 退出。不要丢弃该块及后面的全部块\n"
"a - 丢弃该块和本文件中后面的全部块\n"
"d - 不要丢弃该块和本文件中后面的全部块\n"
#: add-patch.c:171 add-patch.c:216 git-add--interactive.perl:1467
#, c-format, perl-format
msgid "Apply mode change to index and worktree [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
msgstr "将模式变更应用到索引和工作区 [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
#: add-patch.c:172 add-patch.c:217 git-add--interactive.perl:1468
#, c-format, perl-format
msgid "Apply deletion to index and worktree [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
msgstr "将删除操作应用到索引和工作区 [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
#: add-patch.c:173 add-patch.c:218 git-add--interactive.perl:1469
#, c-format, perl-format
msgid "Apply addition to index and worktree [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
msgstr "将添加操作应用到索引和工作区 [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
#: add-patch.c:174 add-patch.c:219 git-add--interactive.perl:1470
#, c-format, perl-format
msgid "Apply this hunk to index and worktree [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
msgstr "将该块应用到索引和工作区 [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
#: add-patch.c:179
msgid ""
"y - apply this hunk to index and worktree\n"
"n - do not apply this hunk to index and worktree\n"
"q - quit; do not apply this hunk or any of the remaining ones\n"
"a - apply this hunk and all later hunks in the file\n"
"d - do not apply this hunk or any of the later hunks in the file\n"
msgstr ""
"y - 在索引和工作区中应用该块\n"
"n - 不要在索引和工作区中应用该块\n"
"q - 退出。不要应用该块及后面的全部块\n"
"a - 应用该块和本文件中后面的全部块\n"
"d - 不要应用该块和本文件中后面的全部块\n"
#: add-patch.c:224
msgid ""
"y - apply this hunk to worktree\n"
"n - do not apply this hunk to worktree\n"
"q - quit; do not apply this hunk or any of the remaining ones\n"
"a - apply this hunk and all later hunks in the file\n"
"d - do not apply this hunk or any of the later hunks in the file\n"
msgstr ""
"y - 在工作区中应用该块\n"
"n - 不要在工作区中应用该块\n"
"q - 退出。不要应用该块及后面的全部块\n"
"a - 应用该块和本文件中后面的全部块\n"
"d - 不要应用该块和本文件中后面的全部块\n"
#: add-patch.c:343
#, c-format
msgid "could not parse hunk header '%.*s'"
msgstr "无法解析数据块头信息 '%.*s'"
#: add-patch.c:362 add-patch.c:366
#, c-format
msgid "could not parse colored hunk header '%.*s'"
msgstr "无法解析彩色数据块头信息 '%.*s'"
#: add-patch.c:420
msgid "could not parse diff"
msgstr "不能解析差异信息"
#: add-patch.c:439
msgid "could not parse colored diff"
msgstr "不能解析彩色差异信息"
#: add-patch.c:453
#, c-format
msgid "failed to run '%s'"
msgstr "运行 '%s' 失败"
#: add-patch.c:612
msgid "mismatched output from interactive.diffFilter"
msgstr "interactive.diffFilter 的输出不匹配"
#: add-patch.c:613
msgid ""
"Your filter must maintain a one-to-one correspondence\n"
"between its input and output lines."
msgstr "您的过滤器必须在其输入和输出的行之间保持一一对应的关系。"
#: add-patch.c:791
#, c-format
msgid ""
"expected context line #%d in\n"
msgstr ""
"预期上下文行 #%d 于\n"
#: add-patch.c:806
#, c-format
msgid ""
"hunks do not overlap:\n"
"\tdoes not end with:\n"
msgstr ""
#: add-patch.c:1082 git-add--interactive.perl:1115
msgid "Manual hunk edit mode -- see bottom for a quick guide.\n"
msgstr "手动块编辑模式 -- 查看底部的快速指南。\n"
#: add-patch.c:1086
#, c-format
msgid ""
"To remove '%c' lines, make them ' ' lines (context).\n"
"To remove '%c' lines, delete them.\n"
"Lines starting with %c will be removed.\n"
msgstr ""
"要删除 '%c' 开始的行,使其成为 ' ' 开始的行(上下文)。\n"
"要删除 '%c' 开始的行,删除它们。\n"
"以 %c 开始的行将被删除。\n"
#. TRANSLATORS: 'it' refers to the patch mentioned in the previous messages.
#: add-patch.c:1100 git-add--interactive.perl:1129
msgid ""
"If it does not apply cleanly, you will be given an opportunity to\n"
"edit again. If all lines of the hunk are removed, then the edit is\n"
"aborted and the hunk is left unchanged.\n"
msgstr ""
#: add-patch.c:1133
msgid "could not parse hunk header"
msgstr "无法解析数据块头信息"
#: add-patch.c:1178
msgid "'git apply --cached' failed"
msgstr "'git apply --cached' 失败"
#. TRANSLATORS: do not translate [y/n]
#. The program will only accept that input at this point.
#. Consider translating (saying "no" discards!) as
#. (saying "n" for "no" discards!) if the translation
#. of the word "no" does not start with n.
#. TRANSLATORS: do not translate [y/n]
#. The program will only accept that input
#. at this point.
#. Consider translating (saying "no" discards!) as
#. (saying "n" for "no" discards!) if the translation
#. of the word "no" does not start with n.
#: add-patch.c:1247 git-add--interactive.perl:1242
msgid ""
"Your edited hunk does not apply. Edit again (saying \"no\" discards!) [y/n]? "
msgstr "您的编辑块不能被应用。重新编辑(选择 \"no\" 丢弃!) [y/n]? "
#: add-patch.c:1290
msgid "The selected hunks do not apply to the index!"
msgstr "选中的块不能应用到索引!"
#: add-patch.c:1291 git-add--interactive.perl:1346
msgid "Apply them to the worktree anyway? "
msgstr "无论如何都要应用到工作区么?"
#: add-patch.c:1298 git-add--interactive.perl:1349
msgid "Nothing was applied.\n"
msgstr "未应用。\n"
#: add-patch.c:1355
msgid ""
"j - leave this hunk undecided, see next undecided hunk\n"
"J - leave this hunk undecided, see next hunk\n"
"k - leave this hunk undecided, see previous undecided hunk\n"
"K - leave this hunk undecided, see previous hunk\n"
"g - select a hunk to go to\n"
"/ - search for a hunk matching the given regex\n"
"s - split the current hunk into smaller hunks\n"
"e - manually edit the current hunk\n"
"? - print help\n"
msgstr ""
"j - 维持该块未决状态,查看下一个未决块\n"
"J - 维持该块未决状态,查看下一个块\n"
"k - 维持该块未决状态,查看上一个未决块\n"
"K - 维持该块未决状态,查看上一个块\n"
"g - 选择跳转到一个块\n"
"/ - 查找和给定正则表达式匹配的块\n"
"s - 拆分当前块为更小的块\n"
"e - 手动编辑当前块\n"
"? - 显示帮助\n"
#: add-patch.c:1517 add-patch.c:1527
msgid "No previous hunk"
msgstr "没有前一个块"
#: add-patch.c:1522 add-patch.c:1532
msgid "No next hunk"
msgstr "没有下一个块"
#: add-patch.c:1538
msgid "No other hunks to goto"
msgstr "没有其它可供跳转的块"
#: add-patch.c:1549 git-add--interactive.perl:1606
msgid "go to which hunk (<ret> to see more)? "
msgstr "跳转到哪个块(<回车> 查看更多)? "
#: add-patch.c:1550 git-add--interactive.perl:1608
msgid "go to which hunk? "
msgstr "跳转到哪个块?"
#: add-patch.c:1561
#, c-format
msgid "Invalid number: '%s'"
msgstr "无效数字:'%s'"
#: add-patch.c:1566
#, c-format
msgid "Sorry, only %d hunk available."
msgid_plural "Sorry, only %d hunks available."
msgstr[0] "对不起,只有 %d 个可用块。"
msgstr[1] "对不起,只有 %d 个可用块。"
#: add-patch.c:1575
msgid "No other hunks to search"
msgstr "没有其它可供查找的块"
#: add-patch.c:1581 git-add--interactive.perl:1661
msgid "search for regex? "
msgstr "使用正则表达式搜索?"
#: add-patch.c:1596
#, c-format
msgid "Malformed search regexp %s: %s"
msgstr "错误的正则表达式 %s:%s"
#: add-patch.c:1613
msgid "No hunk matches the given pattern"
msgstr "没有和给定模式相匹配的块"
#: add-patch.c:1620
msgid "Sorry, cannot split this hunk"
msgstr "对不起,不能拆分这个块"
#: add-patch.c:1624
#, c-format
msgid "Split into %d hunks."
msgstr "拆分为 %d 块。"
#: add-patch.c:1628
msgid "Sorry, cannot edit this hunk"
msgstr "对不起,不能编辑这个块"
#: add-patch.c:1680
msgid "'git apply' failed"
msgstr "'git apply' 失败"
#: advice.c:145
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Disable this message with \"git config advice.%s false\""
msgstr ""
"使用 \"git config advice.%s false\" 来关闭此消息"
#: advice.c:161
#, c-format
msgid "%shint: %.*s%s\n"
msgstr "%s提示:%.*s%s\n"
#: advice.c:252
msgid "Cherry-picking is not possible because you have unmerged files."
msgstr "无法拣选,因为您有未合并的文件。"
#: advice.c:254
msgid "Committing is not possible because you have unmerged files."
msgstr "无法提交,因为您有未合并的文件。"
#: advice.c:256
msgid "Merging is not possible because you have unmerged files."
msgstr "无法合并,因为您有未合并的文件。"
#: advice.c:258
msgid "Pulling is not possible because you have unmerged files."
msgstr "无法拉取,因为您有未合并的文件。"
#: advice.c:260
msgid "Reverting is not possible because you have unmerged files."
msgstr "无法回退,因为您有未合并的文件。"
#: advice.c:262
#, c-format
msgid "It is not possible to %s because you have unmerged files."
msgstr "无法 %s,因为您有未合并的文件。"
#: advice.c:270
msgid ""
"Fix them up in the work tree, and then use 'git add/rm <file>'\n"
"as appropriate to mark resolution and make a commit."
msgstr ""
"请在工作区改正文件,然后酌情使用 'git add/rm <文件>' 命令标记\n"
#: advice.c:278
msgid "Exiting because of an unresolved conflict."
msgstr "因为存在未解决的冲突而退出。"
#: advice.c:283 builtin/merge.c:1375
msgid "You have not concluded your merge (MERGE_HEAD exists)."
msgstr "您尚未结束您的合并(存在 MERGE_HEAD)。"
#: advice.c:285
msgid "Please, commit your changes before merging."
msgstr "请在合并前先提交您的修改。"
#: advice.c:286
msgid "Exiting because of unfinished merge."
msgstr "因为存在未完成的合并而退出。"
#: advice.c:296
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The following pathspecs didn't match any eligible path, but they do match "
"entries outside the current sparse checkout:\n"
msgstr ""
#: advice.c:303
msgid ""
"Disable or modify the sparsity rules if you intend to update such entries."
msgstr "如果您打算更新此类条目,请禁用或修改稀疏规则。"
#: advice.c:310
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Note: switching to '%s'.\n"
"You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental\n"
"changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this\n"
"state without impacting any branches by switching back to a branch.\n"
"If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may\n"
"do so (now or later) by using -c with the switch command. Example:\n"
" git switch -c <new-branch-name>\n"
"Or undo this operation with:\n"
" git switch -\n"
"Turn off this advice by setting config variable advice.detachedHead to "
msgstr ""
"注意:正在切换到 '%s'。\n"
"如果您想要通过创建分支来保留在此状态下所做的提交,您可以通过在 switch 命令\n"
"中添加参数 -c 来实现(现在或稍后)。例如:\n"
" git switch -c <新分支名>\n"
" git switch -\n"
"通过将配置变量 advice.detachedHead 设置为 false 来关闭此建议\n"
#: alias.c:50
msgid "cmdline ends with \\"
msgstr "命令行以 \\ 结尾"
#: alias.c:51
msgid "unclosed quote"
msgstr "未关闭的引号"
#: apply.c:70
#, c-format
msgid "unrecognized whitespace option '%s'"
msgstr "未能识别的空白字符选项 '%s'"
#: apply.c:86
#, c-format
msgid "unrecognized whitespace ignore option '%s'"
msgstr "未能识别的空白字符忽略选项 '%s'"
#: apply.c:136
msgid "--reject and --3way cannot be used together."
msgstr "--reject 和 --3way 不能同时使用。"
#: apply.c:139
msgid "--3way outside a repository"
msgstr "--3way 在一个仓库之外"
#: apply.c:150
msgid "--index outside a repository"
msgstr "--index 在一个仓库之外"
#: apply.c:153
msgid "--cached outside a repository"
msgstr "--cached 在一个仓库之外"
#: apply.c:800
#, c-format
msgid "Cannot prepare timestamp regexp %s"
msgstr "无法准备时间戳正则表达式 %s"
#: apply.c:809
#, c-format
msgid "regexec returned %d for input: %s"
msgstr "regexec 返回 %d,输入为:%s"
#: apply.c:883
#, c-format
msgid "unable to find filename in patch at line %d"
msgstr "不能在补丁的第 %d 行找到文件名"
#: apply.c:921
#, c-format
msgid "git apply: bad git-diff - expected /dev/null, got %s on line %d"
msgstr "git apply:错误的 git-diff - 应为 /dev/null,但在第 %2$d 行得到 %1$s"
#: apply.c:927
#, c-format
msgid "git apply: bad git-diff - inconsistent new filename on line %d"
msgstr "git apply:错误的 git-diff - 第 %d 行上新文件名不一致"
#: apply.c:928
#, c-format
msgid "git apply: bad git-diff - inconsistent old filename on line %d"
msgstr "git apply:错误的 git-diff - 第 %d 行上旧文件名不一致"
#: apply.c:933
#, c-format
msgid "git apply: bad git-diff - expected /dev/null on line %d"
msgstr "git apply:错误的 git-diff - 第 %d 行处应为 /dev/null"
#: apply.c:962
#, c-format
msgid "invalid mode on line %d: %s"
msgstr "第 %d 行包含无效文件模式:%s"
#: apply.c:1281
#, c-format
msgid "inconsistent header lines %d and %d"
msgstr "不一致的文件头,%d 行和 %d 行"
#: apply.c:1371
#, c-format
msgid ""
"git diff header lacks filename information when removing %d leading pathname "
"component (line %d)"
msgid_plural ""
"git diff header lacks filename information when removing %d leading pathname "
"components (line %d)"
msgstr[0] "当移除 %d 个前导路径后 git diff 头缺乏文件名信息(第 %d 行)"
msgstr[1] "当移除 %d 个前导路径后 git diff 头缺乏文件名信息(第 %d 行)"
#: apply.c:1384
#, c-format
msgid "git diff header lacks filename information (line %d)"
msgstr "git diff 的头信息中缺乏文件名信息(第 %d 行)"
#: apply.c:1480
#, c-format
msgid "recount: unexpected line: %.*s"
msgstr "recount:意外的行:%.*s"
#: apply.c:1549
#, c-format
msgid "patch fragment without header at line %d: %.*s"
msgstr "第 %d 行的补丁片段没有头信息:%.*s"
#: apply.c:1752
msgid "new file depends on old contents"
msgstr "新文件依赖旧内容"
#: apply.c:1754
msgid "deleted file still has contents"
msgstr "删除的文件仍有内容"
#: apply.c:1788
#, c-format
msgid "corrupt patch at line %d"
msgstr "补丁在第 %d 行损坏"
#: apply.c:1825
#, c-format
msgid "new file %s depends on old contents"
msgstr "新文件 %s 依赖旧内容"
#: apply.c:1827
#, c-format
msgid "deleted file %s still has contents"
msgstr "删除的文件 %s 仍有内容"
#: apply.c:1830
#, c-format
msgid "** warning: file %s becomes empty but is not deleted"
msgstr "** 警告:文件 %s 成为空文件但并未删除"
#: apply.c:1977
#, c-format
msgid "corrupt binary patch at line %d: %.*s"
msgstr "二进制补丁在第 %d 行损坏:%.*s"
#: apply.c:2014
#, c-format
msgid "unrecognized binary patch at line %d"
msgstr "未能识别的二进制补丁位于第 %d 行"
#: apply.c:2176
#, c-format
msgid "patch with only garbage at line %d"
msgstr "补丁文件的第 %d 行只有垃圾数据"
#: apply.c:2262
#, c-format
msgid "unable to read symlink %s"
msgstr "无法读取符号链接 %s"
#: apply.c:2266
#, c-format
msgid "unable to open or read %s"
msgstr "不能打开或读取 %s"
#: apply.c:2935
#, c-format
msgid "invalid start of line: '%c'"
msgstr "无效的行首字符:'%c'"
#: apply.c:3056
#, c-format
msgid "Hunk #%d succeeded at %d (offset %d line)."
msgid_plural "Hunk #%d succeeded at %d (offset %d lines)."
msgstr[0] "块 #%d 成功应用于 %d(偏移 %d 行)"
msgstr[1] "块 #%d 成功应用于 %d(偏移 %d 行)"
#: apply.c:3068
#, c-format
msgid "Context reduced to (%ld/%ld) to apply fragment at %d"
msgstr "上下文减少到(%ld/%ld)以在第 %d 行应用补丁片段"
#: apply.c:3074
#, c-format
msgid ""
"while searching for:\n"
msgstr ""
#: apply.c:3096
#, c-format
msgid "missing binary patch data for '%s'"
msgstr "缺失 '%s' 的二进制补丁数据"
#: apply.c:3104
#, c-format
msgid "cannot reverse-apply a binary patch without the reverse hunk to '%s'"
msgstr "不能反向应用一个缺少到 '%s' 的反向数据块的二进制补丁"
#: apply.c:3151
#, c-format
msgid "cannot apply binary patch to '%s' without full index line"
msgstr "不能在 '%s' 上应用没有完整索引行的二进制补丁"
#: apply.c:3162
#, c-format
msgid ""
"the patch applies to '%s' (%s), which does not match the current contents."
msgstr "补丁应用到 '%s'(%s),但是和当前内容不匹配。"
#: apply.c:3170
#, c-format
msgid "the patch applies to an empty '%s' but it is not empty"
msgstr "补丁应用到空文件 '%s',但其并非空文件"
#: apply.c:3188
#, c-format
msgid "the necessary postimage %s for '%s' cannot be read"
msgstr "无法读取 '%2$s' 必需的目标文件 %1$s"
#: apply.c:3201
#, c-format
msgid "binary patch does not apply to '%s'"
msgstr "二进制补丁未应用到 '%s'"
#: apply.c:3208
#, c-format
msgid "binary patch to '%s' creates incorrect result (expecting %s, got %s)"
msgstr "到 '%s' 的二进制补丁产生了不正确的结果(应为 %s,却为 %s)"
#: apply.c:3229
#, c-format
msgid "patch failed: %s:%ld"
msgstr "打补丁失败:%s:%ld"
#: apply.c:3352
#, c-format
msgid "cannot checkout %s"
msgstr "不能检出 %s"
#: apply.c:3404 apply.c:3415 apply.c:3461 midx.c:98 pack-revindex.c:214
#: setup.c:308
#, c-format
msgid "failed to read %s"
msgstr "无法读取 %s"
#: apply.c:3412
#, c-format
msgid "reading from '%s' beyond a symbolic link"
msgstr "读取位于符号链接中的 '%s'"
#: apply.c:3441 apply.c:3687
#, c-format
msgid "path %s has been renamed/deleted"
msgstr "路径 %s 已经被重命名/删除"
#: apply.c:3527 apply.c:3702
#, c-format
msgid "%s: does not exist in index"
msgstr "%s:不存在于索引中"
#: apply.c:3536 apply.c:3710 apply.c:3954
#, c-format
msgid "%s: does not match index"
msgstr "%s:和索引不匹配"
#: apply.c:3571
msgid "repository lacks the necessary blob to perform 3-way merge."
msgstr "仓库缺乏执行三方合并所必需的数据对象。"
#: apply.c:3574
#, c-format
msgid "Performing three-way merge...\n"
msgstr "执行三方合并...\n"
#: apply.c:3590 apply.c:3594
#, c-format
msgid "cannot read the current contents of '%s'"
msgstr "无法读取 '%s' 的当前内容"
#: apply.c:3606
#, c-format
msgid "Failed to perform three-way merge...\n"
msgstr "无法执行三方合并...\n"
#: apply.c:3620
#, c-format
msgid "Applied patch to '%s' with conflicts.\n"
msgstr "应用补丁到 '%s' 存在冲突。\n"
#: apply.c:3625
#, c-format
msgid "Applied patch to '%s' cleanly.\n"
msgstr "成功应用补丁到 '%s'。\n"
#: apply.c:3642
#, c-format
msgid "Falling back to direct application...\n"
msgstr "回落到直接应用...\n"
#: apply.c:3654
msgid "removal patch leaves file contents"
msgstr "移除补丁仍留下了文件内容"
#: apply.c:3727
#, c-format
msgid "%s: wrong type"
msgstr "%s:错误类型"
#: apply.c:3729
#, c-format
msgid "%s has type %o, expected %o"
msgstr "%s 的类型是 %o,应为 %o"
#: apply.c:3894 apply.c:3896 read-cache.c:863 read-cache.c:892
#: read-cache.c:1353
#, c-format
msgid "invalid path '%s'"
msgstr "无效路径 '%s'"
#: apply.c:3952
#, c-format
msgid "%s: already exists in index"
msgstr "%s:已经存在于索引中"
#: apply.c:3956
#, c-format
msgid "%s: already exists in working directory"
msgstr "%s:已经存在于工作区中"
#: apply.c:3976
#, c-format
msgid "new mode (%o) of %s does not match old mode (%o)"
msgstr "%2$s 的新模式(%1$o)和旧模式(%3$o)不匹配"
#: apply.c:3981
#, c-format
msgid "new mode (%o) of %s does not match old mode (%o) of %s"
msgstr "%2$s 的新模式(%1$o)和 %4$s 的旧模式(%3$o)不匹配"
#: apply.c:4001
#, c-format
msgid "affected file '%s' is beyond a symbolic link"
msgstr "受影响的文件 '%s' 位于符号链接中"
#: apply.c:4005
#, c-format
msgid "%s: patch does not apply"
msgstr "%s:补丁未应用"
#: apply.c:4020
#, c-format
msgid "Checking patch %s..."
msgstr "正在检查补丁 %s..."
#: apply.c:4112
#, c-format
msgid "sha1 information is lacking or useless for submodule %s"
msgstr "子模组 %s 的 sha1 信息缺失或无效"
#: apply.c:4119
#, c-format
msgid "mode change for %s, which is not in current HEAD"
msgstr "%s 的模式变更,但它不在当前 HEAD 中"
#: apply.c:4122
#, c-format
msgid "sha1 information is lacking or useless (%s)."
msgstr "sha1 信息缺失或无效(%s)。"
#: apply.c:4131
#, c-format
msgid "could not add %s to temporary index"
msgstr "不能在临时索引中添加 %s"
#: apply.c:4141
#, c-format
msgid "could not write temporary index to %s"
msgstr "不能把临时索引写入到 %s"
#: apply.c:4279
#, c-format
msgid "unable to remove %s from index"
msgstr "不能从索引中移除 %s"
#: apply.c:4313
#, c-format
msgid "corrupt patch for submodule %s"
msgstr "子模组 %s 损坏的补丁"
#: apply.c:4319
#, c-format
msgid "unable to stat newly created file '%s'"
msgstr "不能对新建文件 '%s' 调用 stat"
#: apply.c:4327
#, c-format
msgid "unable to create backing store for newly created file %s"
msgstr "不能为新建文件 %s 创建后端存储"
#: apply.c:4333 apply.c:4478
#, c-format
msgid "unable to add cache entry for %s"
msgstr "无法为 %s 添加缓存条目"
#: apply.c:4376 builtin/bisect--helper.c:525
#, c-format
msgid "failed to write to '%s'"
msgstr "写入 '%s' 失败"
#: apply.c:4380
#, c-format
msgid "closing file '%s'"
msgstr "关闭文件 '%s'"
#: apply.c:4450
#, c-format
msgid "unable to write file '%s' mode %o"
msgstr "不能写文件 '%s' 权限 %o"
#: apply.c:4548
#, c-format
msgid "Applied patch %s cleanly."
msgstr "成功应用补丁 %s。"
#: apply.c:4556
msgid "internal error"
msgstr "内部错误"
#: apply.c:4559
#, c-format
msgid "Applying patch %%s with %d reject..."
msgid_plural "Applying patch %%s with %d rejects..."
msgstr[0] "应用 %%s 个补丁,其中 %d 个被拒绝..."
msgstr[1] "应用 %%s 个补丁,其中 %d 个被拒绝..."
#: apply.c:4570
#, c-format
msgid "truncating .rej filename to %.*s.rej"
msgstr "截短 .rej 文件名为 %.*s.rej"
#: apply.c:4578 builtin/fetch.c:993 builtin/fetch.c:1394
#, c-format
msgid "cannot open %s"
msgstr "不能打开 %s"
#: apply.c:4592
#, c-format
msgid "Hunk #%d applied cleanly."
msgstr "第 #%d 个片段成功应用。"
#: apply.c:4596
#, c-format
msgid "Rejected hunk #%d."
msgstr "拒绝第 #%d 个片段。"
#: apply.c:4725
#, c-format
msgid "Skipped patch '%s'."
msgstr "略过补丁 '%s'。"
#: apply.c:4733
msgid "unrecognized input"
msgstr "未能识别的输入"
#: apply.c:4753
msgid "unable to read index file"
msgstr "无法读取索引文件"
#: apply.c:4910
#, c-format
msgid "can't open patch '%s': %s"
msgstr "不能打开补丁 '%s':%s"
#: apply.c:4937
#, c-format
msgid "squelched %d whitespace error"
msgid_plural "squelched %d whitespace errors"
msgstr[0] "抑制下仍有 %d 个空白字符误用"
msgstr[1] "抑制下仍有 %d 个空白字符误用"
#: apply.c:4943 apply.c:4958
#, c-format
msgid "%d line adds whitespace errors."
msgid_plural "%d lines add whitespace errors."
msgstr[0] "%d 行新增了空白字符误用。"
msgstr[1] "%d 行新增了空白字符误用。"
#: apply.c:4951
#, c-format
msgid "%d line applied after fixing whitespace errors."
msgid_plural "%d lines applied after fixing whitespace errors."
msgstr[0] "修复空白错误后,应用了 %d 行。"
msgstr[1] "修复空白错误后,应用了 %d 行。"
#: apply.c:4967 builtin/add.c:678 builtin/mv.c:304 builtin/rm.c:423
msgid "Unable to write new index file"
msgstr "无法写入新索引文件"
#: apply.c:4995
msgid "don't apply changes matching the given path"
msgstr "不要应用与给出路径向匹配的变更"
#: apply.c:4998
msgid "apply changes matching the given path"
msgstr "应用与给出路径向匹配的变更"
#: apply.c:5000 builtin/am.c:2318
msgid "num"
msgstr "数字"
#: apply.c:5001
msgid "remove <num> leading slashes from traditional diff paths"
msgstr "从传统的 diff 路径中移除指定数量的前导斜线"
#: apply.c:5004
msgid "ignore additions made by the patch"
msgstr "忽略补丁中的添加的文件"
#: apply.c:5006
msgid "instead of applying the patch, output diffstat for the input"
msgstr "不应用补丁,而是显示输入的差异统计(diffstat)"
#: apply.c:5010
msgid "show number of added and deleted lines in decimal notation"
msgstr "以十进制数显示添加和删除的行数"
#: apply.c:5012
msgid "instead of applying the patch, output a summary for the input"
msgstr "不应用补丁,而是显示输入的概要"
#: apply.c:5014
msgid "instead of applying the patch, see if the patch is applicable"
msgstr "不应用补丁,而是查看补丁是否可应用"
#: apply.c:5016
msgid "make sure the patch is applicable to the current index"
msgstr "确认补丁可以应用到当前索引"
#: apply.c:5018
msgid "mark new files with `git add --intent-to-add`"
msgstr "使用命令 `git add --intent-to-add` 标记新增文件"
#: apply.c:5020
msgid "apply a patch without touching the working tree"
msgstr "应用补丁而不修改工作区"
#: apply.c:5022
msgid "accept a patch that touches outside the working area"
msgstr "接受修改工作区之外文件的补丁"
#: apply.c:5025
msgid "also apply the patch (use with --stat/--summary/--check)"
msgstr "还应用此补丁(与 --stat/--summary/--check 选项同时使用)"
#: apply.c:5027
msgid "attempt three-way merge, fall back on normal patch if that fails"
msgstr "尝试三路合并,如果失败则回落至正常补丁模式"
#: apply.c:5029
msgid "build a temporary index based on embedded index information"
msgstr "创建一个临时索引基于嵌入的索引信息"
#: apply.c:5032 builtin/checkout-index.c:196 builtin/ls-files.c:617
msgid "paths are separated with NUL character"
msgstr "路径以 NUL 字符分隔"
#: apply.c:5034
msgid "ensure at least <n> lines of context match"
msgstr "确保至少匹配 <n> 行上下文"
#: apply.c:5035 builtin/am.c:2294 builtin/am.c:2297
#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:98 builtin/interpret-trailers.c:100
#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:102 builtin/pack-objects.c:3991
#: builtin/rebase.c:1347
msgid "action"
msgstr "动作"
#: apply.c:5036
msgid "detect new or modified lines that have whitespace errors"
msgstr "检查新增和修改的行中间的空白字符滥用"
#: apply.c:5039 apply.c:5042
msgid "ignore changes in whitespace when finding context"
msgstr "查找上下文时忽略空白字符的变更"
#: apply.c:5045
msgid "apply the patch in reverse"
msgstr "反向应用补丁"
#: apply.c:5047
msgid "don't expect at least one line of context"
msgstr "无需至少一行上下文"
#: apply.c:5049
msgid "leave the rejected hunks in corresponding *.rej files"
msgstr "将拒绝的补丁片段保存在对应的 *.rej 文件中"
#: apply.c:5051
msgid "allow overlapping hunks"
msgstr "允许重叠的补丁片段"
#: apply.c:5052 builtin/add.c:364 builtin/check-ignore.c:22
#: builtin/commit.c:1481 builtin/count-objects.c:98 builtin/fsck.c:756
#: builtin/log.c:2297 builtin/mv.c:123 builtin/read-tree.c:128
msgid "be verbose"
msgstr "冗长输出"
#: apply.c:5054
msgid "tolerate incorrectly detected missing new-line at the end of file"
msgstr "允许不正确的文件末尾换行符"
#: apply.c:5057
msgid "do not trust the line counts in the hunk headers"
msgstr "不信任补丁片段的头信息中的行号"
#: apply.c:5059 builtin/am.c:2306
msgid "root"
msgstr "根目录"
#: apply.c:5060
msgid "prepend <root> to all filenames"
msgstr "为所有文件名前添加 <根目录>"
#: archive-tar.c:125 archive-zip.c:345
#, c-format
msgid "cannot stream blob %s"
msgstr "不能打开数据对象 %s"
#: archive-tar.c:265 archive-zip.c:358
#, c-format
msgid "unsupported file mode: 0%o (SHA1: %s)"
msgstr "不支持的文件模式:0%o (SHA1: %s)"
#: archive-tar.c:450
#, c-format
msgid "unable to start '%s' filter"
msgstr "无法启动 '%s' 过滤器"
#: archive-tar.c:453
msgid "unable to redirect descriptor"
msgstr "无法重定向描述符"
#: archive-tar.c:460
#, c-format
msgid "'%s' filter reported error"
msgstr "'%s' 过滤器报告了错误"
#: archive-zip.c:318
#, c-format
msgid "path is not valid UTF-8: %s"
msgstr "路径不是有效的 UTF-8:%s"
#: archive-zip.c:322
#, c-format
msgid "path too long (%d chars, SHA1: %s): %s"
msgstr "路径太长(%d 字符,SHA1:%s):%s"
#: archive-zip.c:469 builtin/pack-objects.c:365 builtin/pack-objects.c:368
#, c-format
msgid "deflate error (%d)"
msgstr "压缩错误 (%d)"
#: archive-zip.c:603
#, c-format
msgid "timestamp too large for this system: %<PRIuMAX>"
msgstr "对于本系统时间戳太大:%<PRIuMAX>"
#: archive.c:14
msgid "git archive [<options>] <tree-ish> [<path>...]"
msgstr "git archive [<选项>] <树对象> [<路径>...]"
#: archive.c:15
msgid "git archive --list"
msgstr "git archive --list"
#: archive.c:16
msgid ""
"git archive --remote <repo> [--exec <cmd>] [<options>] <tree-ish> [<path>...]"
msgstr ""
"git archive --remote <仓库> [--exec <命令>] [<选项>] <树对象> [<路径>...]"
#: archive.c:17
msgid "git archive --remote <repo> [--exec <cmd>] --list"
msgstr "git archive --remote <仓库> [--exec <命令>] --list"
#: archive.c:188
#, c-format
msgid "cannot read %s"
msgstr "不能读取 %s"
#: archive.c:342 sequencer.c:460 sequencer.c:1915 sequencer.c:3095
#: sequencer.c:3537 sequencer.c:3665 builtin/am.c:262 builtin/commit.c:833
#: builtin/merge.c:1144
#, c-format
msgid "could not read '%s'"
msgstr "不能读取 '%s'"
#: archive.c:427 builtin/add.c:205 builtin/add.c:645 builtin/rm.c:328
#, c-format
msgid "pathspec '%s' did not match any files"
msgstr "路径规格 '%s' 未匹配任何文件"
#: archive.c:451
#, c-format
msgid "no such ref: %.*s"
msgstr "无此引用:%.*s"
#: archive.c:457
#, c-format
msgid "not a valid object name: %s"
msgstr "不是一个有效的对象名:%s"
#: archive.c:470
#, c-format
msgid "not a tree object: %s"
msgstr "不是一个树对象:%s"
#: archive.c:482
msgid "current working directory is untracked"
msgstr "当前工作目录未被跟踪"
#: archive.c:523
#, c-format
msgid "File not found: %s"
msgstr "文件未找到:%s"
#: archive.c:525
#, c-format
msgid "Not a regular file: %s"
msgstr "不是一个常规文件:%s"
#: archive.c:552
msgid "fmt"
msgstr "格式"
#: archive.c:552
msgid "archive format"
msgstr "归档格式"
#: archive.c:553 builtin/log.c:1775
msgid "prefix"
msgstr "前缀"
#: archive.c:554
msgid "prepend prefix to each pathname in the archive"
msgstr "为归档中每个路径名加上前缀"
#: archive.c:555 archive.c:558 builtin/blame.c:884 builtin/blame.c:888
#: builtin/blame.c:889 builtin/commit-tree.c:117 builtin/config.c:135
#: builtin/fast-export.c:1207 builtin/fast-export.c:1209
#: builtin/fast-export.c:1213 builtin/grep.c:921 builtin/hash-object.c:105
#: builtin/ls-files.c:653 builtin/ls-files.c:656 builtin/notes.c:412
#: builtin/notes.c:578 builtin/read-tree.c:123 parse-options.h:191
msgid "file"
msgstr "文件"
#: archive.c:556
msgid "add untracked file to archive"
msgstr "将未跟踪文件添加到归档"
#: archive.c:559 builtin/archive.c:90
msgid "write the archive to this file"
msgstr "归档写入此文件"
#: archive.c:561
msgid "read .gitattributes in working directory"
msgstr "读取工作区中的 .gitattributes"
#: archive.c:562
msgid "report archived files on stderr"
msgstr "在标准错误上报告归档文件"
#: archive.c:564
msgid "set compression level"
msgstr "设置压缩级别"
#: archive.c:567
msgid "list supported archive formats"
msgstr "列出支持的归档格式"
#: archive.c:569 builtin/archive.c:91 builtin/clone.c:118 builtin/clone.c:121
#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1898 builtin/submodule--helper.c:2352
#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:2902
msgid "repo"
msgstr "仓库"
#: archive.c:570 builtin/archive.c:92
msgid "retrieve the archive from remote repository <repo>"
msgstr "从远程仓库(<仓库>)提取归档文件"
#: archive.c:571 builtin/archive.c:93 builtin/difftool.c:717
#: builtin/notes.c:498
msgid "command"
msgstr "命令"
#: archive.c:572 builtin/archive.c:94
msgid "path to the remote git-upload-archive command"
msgstr "远程 git-upload-archive 命令的路径"
#: archive.c:579
msgid "Unexpected option --remote"
msgstr "未知参数 --remote"
#: archive.c:581
msgid "Option --exec can only be used together with --remote"
msgstr "选项 --exec 只能和 --remote 同时使用"
#: archive.c:583
msgid "Unexpected option --output"
msgstr "未知参数 --output"
#: archive.c:585
msgid "Options --add-file and --remote cannot be used together"
msgstr "选项 --add-file 和 --remote 不能同时使用"
#: archive.c:607
#, c-format
msgid "Unknown archive format '%s'"
msgstr "未知归档格式 '%s'"
#: archive.c:616
#, c-format
msgid "Argument not supported for format '%s': -%d"
msgstr "参数不支持此格式 '%s':-%d"
#: attr.c:202
#, c-format
msgid "%.*s is not a valid attribute name"
msgstr "%.*s 不是一个有效的属性名"
#: attr.c:363
#, c-format
msgid "%s not allowed: %s:%d"
msgstr "不允许 %s:%s:%d"
#: attr.c:403
msgid ""
"Negative patterns are ignored in git attributes\n"
"Use '\\!' for literal leading exclamation."
msgstr ""
"负值模版在 git attributes 中被忽略\n"
"当字符串确实要以感叹号开始时,使用 '\\!'。"
#: bisect.c:489
#, c-format
msgid "Badly quoted content in file '%s': %s"
msgstr "文件 '%s' 包含错误的引用格式:%s"
#: bisect.c:699
#, c-format
msgid "We cannot bisect more!\n"
msgstr "我们无法进行更多的二分查找!\n"
#: bisect.c:766
#, c-format
msgid "Not a valid commit name %s"
msgstr "不是一个有效的提交名 %s"
#: bisect.c:791
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The merge base %s is bad.\n"
"This means the bug has been fixed between %s and [%s].\n"
msgstr ""
"合并基线 %s 是坏的。\n"
"这意味着介于 %s 和 [%s] 之间的 bug 已经被修复。\n"
#: bisect.c:796
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The merge base %s is new.\n"
"The property has changed between %s and [%s].\n"
msgstr ""
"合并基线 %s 是新的。\n"
"介于 %s 和 [%s] 之间的属性已经被修改。\n"
#: bisect.c:801
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The merge base %s is %s.\n"
"This means the first '%s' commit is between %s and [%s].\n"
msgstr ""
"合并基线 %s 是 %s。\n"
"这意味着第一个 '%s' 提交位于 %s 和 [%s] 之间。\n"
#: bisect.c:809
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Some %s revs are not ancestors of the %s rev.\n"
"git bisect cannot work properly in this case.\n"
"Maybe you mistook %s and %s revs?\n"
msgstr ""
"一些 %s 版本不是 %s 版本的祖先。\n"
"这种情况下 git 二分查找无法正常工作。\n"
"您可能弄错了 %s 和 %s 版本?\n"
#: bisect.c:822
#, c-format
msgid ""
"the merge base between %s and [%s] must be skipped.\n"
"So we cannot be sure the first %s commit is between %s and %s.\n"
"We continue anyway."
msgstr ""
"介于 %s 和 [%s] 的合并基线一定被忽略了。\n"
"所以我们无法确认第一个 %s 提交是否介于 %s 和 %s 之间。\n"
#: bisect.c:861
#, c-format
msgid "Bisecting: a merge base must be tested\n"
msgstr "二分查找中:合并基线必须是经过测试的\n"
#: bisect.c:911
#, c-format
msgid "a %s revision is needed"
msgstr "需要一个 %s 版本"
#: bisect.c:941 builtin/notes.c:177 builtin/tag.c:298
#, c-format
msgid "could not create file '%s'"
msgstr "不能创建文件 '%s'"
#: bisect.c:987 builtin/merge.c:153
#, c-format
msgid "could not read file '%s'"
msgstr "不能读取文件 '%s'"
#: bisect.c:1027
msgid "reading bisect refs failed"
msgstr "读取二分查找引用失败"
#: bisect.c:1057
#, c-format
msgid "%s was both %s and %s\n"
msgstr "%s 同时为 %s 和 %s\n"
#: bisect.c:1066
#, c-format
msgid ""
"No testable commit found.\n"
"Maybe you started with bad path arguments?\n"
msgstr ""
#: bisect.c:1095
#, c-format
msgid "(roughly %d step)"
msgid_plural "(roughly %d steps)"
msgstr[0] "(大概 %d 步)"
msgstr[1] "(大概 %d 步)"
#. TRANSLATORS: the last %s will be replaced with "(roughly %d
#. steps)" translation.
#: bisect.c:1101
#, c-format
msgid "Bisecting: %d revision left to test after this %s\n"
msgid_plural "Bisecting: %d revisions left to test after this %s\n"
msgstr[0] "二分查找中:在此之后,还剩 %d 个版本待测试 %s\n"
msgstr[1] "二分查找中:在此之后,还剩 %d 个版本待测试 %s\n"
#: blame.c:2776
msgid "--contents and --reverse do not blend well."
msgstr "--contents 和 --reverse 不能混用。"
#: blame.c:2790
msgid "cannot use --contents with final commit object name"
msgstr "不能将 --contents 和最终的提交对象名共用"
#: blame.c:2811
msgid "--reverse and --first-parent together require specified latest commit"
msgstr "--reverse 和 --first-parent 共用,需要指定最新的提交"
#: blame.c:2820 bundle.c:224 ref-filter.c:2278 remote.c:2041 sequencer.c:2333
#: sequencer.c:4865 submodule.c:844 builtin/commit.c:1113 builtin/log.c:414
#: builtin/log.c:1021 builtin/log.c:1629 builtin/log.c:2056 builtin/log.c:2346
#: builtin/merge.c:428 builtin/pack-objects.c:3343 builtin/pack-objects.c:3806
#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3821 builtin/shortlog.c:255
msgid "revision walk setup failed"
msgstr "版本遍历设置失败"
#: blame.c:2838
msgid ""
"--reverse --first-parent together require range along first-parent chain"
msgstr "--reverse 和 --first-parent 共用,需要第一祖先链上的提交范围"
#: blame.c:2849
#, c-format
msgid "no such path %s in %s"
msgstr "在 %2$s 中无此路径 %1$s"
#: blame.c:2860
#, c-format
msgid "cannot read blob %s for path %s"
msgstr "不能为路径 %2$s 读取数据对象 %1$s"
#: branch.c:53
#, c-format
msgid ""
"After fixing the error cause you may try to fix up\n"
"the remote tracking information by invoking\n"
"\"git branch --set-upstream-to=%s%s%s\"."
msgstr ""
"\"git branch --set-upstream-to=%s%s%s\" 。"
#: branch.c:67
#, c-format
msgid "Not setting branch %s as its own upstream."
msgstr "未设置分支 %s 作为它自己的上游。"
#: branch.c:93
#, c-format
msgid "Branch '%s' set up to track remote branch '%s' from '%s' by rebasing."
msgstr "分支 '%1$s' 设置为使用变基来跟踪来自 '%3$s' 的远程分支 '%2$s'。"
#: branch.c:94
#, c-format
msgid "Branch '%s' set up to track remote branch '%s' from '%s'."
msgstr "分支 '%1$s' 设置为跟踪来自 '%3$s' 的远程分支 '%2$s'。"
#: branch.c:98
#, c-format
msgid "Branch '%s' set up to track local branch '%s' by rebasing."
msgstr "分支 '%s' 设置为使用变基来跟踪本地分支 '%s'。"
#: branch.c:99
#, c-format
msgid "Branch '%s' set up to track local branch '%s'."
msgstr "分支 '%s' 设置为跟踪本地分支 '%s'。"
#: branch.c:104
#, c-format
msgid "Branch '%s' set up to track remote ref '%s' by rebasing."
msgstr "分支 '%s' 设置为使用变基来跟踪远程引用 '%s'。"
#: branch.c:105
#, c-format
msgid "Branch '%s' set up to track remote ref '%s'."
msgstr "分支 '%s' 设置为跟踪远程引用 '%s'。"
#: branch.c:109
#, c-format
msgid "Branch '%s' set up to track local ref '%s' by rebasing."
msgstr "分支 '%s' 设置为使用变基来跟踪本地引用 '%s'。"
#: branch.c:110
#, c-format
msgid "Branch '%s' set up to track local ref '%s'."
msgstr "分支 '%s' 设置为跟踪本地引用 '%s'。"
#: branch.c:119
msgid "Unable to write upstream branch configuration"
msgstr "无法写入上游分支配置"
#: branch.c:156
#, c-format
msgid "Not tracking: ambiguous information for ref %s"
msgstr "未跟踪:引用 %s 有歧义"
#: branch.c:189
#, c-format
msgid "'%s' is not a valid branch name."
msgstr "'%s' 不是一个有效的分支名称。"
#: branch.c:208
#, c-format
msgid "A branch named '%s' already exists."
msgstr "一个分支名 '%s' 已经存在。"
#: branch.c:213
msgid "Cannot force update the current branch."
msgstr "无法强制更新当前分支。"
#: branch.c:233
#, c-format
msgid "Cannot setup tracking information; starting point '%s' is not a branch."
msgstr "无法设置跟踪信息;起始点 '%s' 不是一个分支。"
#: branch.c:235
#, c-format
msgid "the requested upstream branch '%s' does not exist"
msgstr "请求的上游分支 '%s' 不存在"
#: branch.c:237
msgid ""
"If you are planning on basing your work on an upstream\n"
"branch that already exists at the remote, you may need to\n"
"run \"git fetch\" to retrieve it.\n"
"If you are planning to push out a new local branch that\n"
"will track its remote counterpart, you may want to use\n"
"\"git push -u\" to set the upstream config as you push."
msgstr ""
"您可能需要执行 \"git fetch\" 来获取分支。\n"
"您可能需要使用 \"git push -u\" 推送分支并配置和上游的关联。"
#: branch.c:281
#, c-format
msgid "Not a valid object name: '%s'."
msgstr "不是一个有效的对象名:'%s'。"
#: branch.c:301
#, c-format
msgid "Ambiguous object name: '%s'."
msgstr "歧义的对象名:'%s'。"
#: branch.c:306
#, c-format
msgid "Not a valid branch point: '%s'."
msgstr "无效的分支点:'%s'。"
#: branch.c:366
#, c-format
msgid "'%s' is already checked out at '%s'"
msgstr "'%s' 已经检出到 '%s'"
#: branch.c:389
#, c-format
msgid "HEAD of working tree %s is not updated"
msgstr "工作区 %s 的 HEAD 指向没有被更新"
#: bundle.c:44
#, c-format
msgid "unrecognized bundle hash algorithm: %s"
msgstr "未能识别的归档包哈希算法:%s"
#: bundle.c:48
#, c-format
msgid "unknown capability '%s'"
msgstr "未知能力 '%s'"
#: bundle.c:74
#, c-format
msgid "'%s' does not look like a v2 or v3 bundle file"
msgstr "'%s' 不像是一个 v2 或 v3 版本的归档包文件"
#: bundle.c:113
#, c-format
msgid "unrecognized header: %s%s (%d)"
msgstr "未能识别的包头:%s%s (%d)"
#: bundle.c:140 rerere.c:464 rerere.c:674 sequencer.c:2593 sequencer.c:3385
#: builtin/commit.c:861
#, c-format
msgid "could not open '%s'"
msgstr "不能打开 '%s'"
#: bundle.c:198
msgid "Repository lacks these prerequisite commits:"
msgstr "仓库中缺少这些必备的提交:"
#: bundle.c:201
msgid "need a repository to verify a bundle"
msgstr "需要一个仓库来校验一个归档包"
#: bundle.c:257
#, c-format
msgid "The bundle contains this ref:"
msgid_plural "The bundle contains these %d refs:"
msgstr[0] "这个归档包中含有这个引用:"
msgstr[1] "这个归档包中含有 %d 个引用:"
#: bundle.c:264
msgid "The bundle records a complete history."
msgstr "这个归档包记录一个完整历史。"
#: bundle.c:266
#, c-format
msgid "The bundle requires this ref:"
msgid_plural "The bundle requires these %d refs:"
msgstr[0] "这个归档包需要这个引用:"
msgstr[1] "这个归档包需要 %d 个引用:"
#: bundle.c:333
msgid "unable to dup bundle descriptor"
msgstr "无法复制归档包描述符"
#: bundle.c:340
msgid "Could not spawn pack-objects"
msgstr "不能生成 pack-objects 进程"
#: bundle.c:351
msgid "pack-objects died"
msgstr "pack-objects 终止"
#: bundle.c:400
#, c-format
msgid "ref '%s' is excluded by the rev-list options"
msgstr "引用 '%s' 被 rev-list 选项排除"
#: bundle.c:504
#, c-format
msgid "unsupported bundle version %d"
msgstr "不支持的归档包版本 %d"
#: bundle.c:506
#, c-format
msgid "cannot write bundle version %d with algorithm %s"
msgstr "不能写入,归档包版本 %d 不支持算法 %s"
#: bundle.c:524 builtin/log.c:210 builtin/log.c:1938 builtin/shortlog.c:396
#, c-format
msgid "unrecognized argument: %s"
msgstr "未能识别的参数:%s"
#: bundle.c:553
msgid "Refusing to create empty bundle."
msgstr "不能创建空的归档包。"
#: bundle.c:563
#, c-format
msgid "cannot create '%s'"
msgstr "不能创建 '%s'"
#: bundle.c:588
msgid "index-pack died"
msgstr "index-pack 终止"
#: chunk-format.c:117
msgid "terminating chunk id appears earlier than expected"
msgstr "终止块 ID 比预期更早出现"
#: chunk-format.c:126
#, c-format
msgid "improper chunk offset(s) %<PRIx64> and %<PRIx64>"
msgstr "不正确的块偏移 %<PRIx64> 和 %<PRIx64>"
#: chunk-format.c:133
#, c-format
msgid "duplicate chunk ID %<PRIx32> found"
msgstr "发现重复的块ID %<PRIx32>"
#: chunk-format.c:147
#, c-format
msgid "final chunk has non-zero id %<PRIx32>"
msgstr "最终块有非零 ID %<PRIx32>"
#: color.c:329
#, c-format
msgid "invalid color value: %.*s"
msgstr "无效的颜色值:%.*s"
#: commit-graph.c:204 midx.c:47
msgid "invalid hash version"
msgstr "无效的哈希版本"
#: commit-graph.c:262
msgid "commit-graph file is too small"
msgstr "提交图形文件太小"
#: commit-graph.c:355
#, c-format
msgid "commit-graph signature %X does not match signature %X"
msgstr "提交图形签名 %X 和签名 %X 不匹配"
#: commit-graph.c:362
#, c-format
msgid "commit-graph version %X does not match version %X"
msgstr "提交图形版本 %X 和版本 %X 不匹配"
#: commit-graph.c:369
#, c-format
msgid "commit-graph hash version %X does not match version %X"
msgstr "提交图形哈希版本 %X 和版本 %X 不匹配"
#: commit-graph.c:386
#, c-format
msgid "commit-graph file is too small to hold %u chunks"
msgstr "提交图形文件太小,容不下 %u 个块"
#: commit-graph.c:482
msgid "commit-graph has no base graphs chunk"
msgstr "提交图形没有基础图形块"
#: commit-graph.c:492
msgid "commit-graph chain does not match"
msgstr "提交图形链不匹配"
#: commit-graph.c:540
#, c-format
msgid "invalid commit-graph chain: line '%s' not a hash"
msgstr "无效的提交图形链:行 '%s' 不是一个哈希值"
#: commit-graph.c:564
msgid "unable to find all commit-graph files"
msgstr "无法找到所有提交图形文件"
#: commit-graph.c:745 commit-graph.c:782
msgid "invalid commit position. commit-graph is likely corrupt"
msgstr "无效的提交位置。提交图形可能已损坏"
#: commit-graph.c:766
#, c-format
msgid "could not find commit %s"
msgstr "无法找到提交 %s"
#: commit-graph.c:799
msgid "commit-graph requires overflow generation data but has none"
msgstr "提交图需要溢出世代数据,但是没有"
#: commit-graph.c:1075 builtin/am.c:1341
#, c-format
msgid "unable to parse commit %s"
msgstr "不能解析提交 %s"
#: commit-graph.c:1337 builtin/pack-objects.c:3057
#, c-format
msgid "unable to get type of object %s"
msgstr "无法获得对象 %s 类型"
#: commit-graph.c:1368
msgid "Loading known commits in commit graph"
msgstr "正在加载提交图中的已知提交"
#: commit-graph.c:1385
msgid "Expanding reachable commits in commit graph"
msgstr "正在扩展提交图中的可达提交"
#: commit-graph.c:1405
msgid "Clearing commit marks in commit graph"
msgstr "正在清除提交图中的提交标记"
#: commit-graph.c:1424
msgid "Computing commit graph topological levels"
msgstr "正在计算提交图拓扑级别"
#: commit-graph.c:1477
msgid "Computing commit graph generation numbers"
msgstr "正在计算提交图世代数字"
#: commit-graph.c:1558
msgid "Computing commit changed paths Bloom filters"
msgstr "计算提交变更路径的布隆过滤器"
#: commit-graph.c:1635
msgid "Collecting referenced commits"
msgstr "正在收集引用的提交"
#: commit-graph.c:1660
#, c-format
msgid "Finding commits for commit graph in %d pack"
msgid_plural "Finding commits for commit graph in %d packs"
msgstr[0] "正在 %d 个包中查找提交图的提交"
msgstr[1] "正在 %d 个包中查找提交图的提交"
#: commit-graph.c:1673
#, c-format
msgid "error adding pack %s"
msgstr "添加包 %s 出错"
#: commit-graph.c:1677
#, c-format
msgid "error opening index for %s"
msgstr "为 %s 打开索引出错"
#: commit-graph.c:1714
msgid "Finding commits for commit graph among packed objects"
msgstr "正在打包对象中查找提交图的提交"
#: commit-graph.c:1732
msgid "Finding extra edges in commit graph"
msgstr "正在查找提交图中额外的边"
#: commit-graph.c:1781
msgid "failed to write correct number of base graph ids"
msgstr "无法写入正确数量的基础图形 ID"
#: commit-graph.c:1812 midx.c:911
#, c-format
msgid "unable to create leading directories of %s"
msgstr "不能为 %s 创建先导目录"
#: commit-graph.c:1825
msgid "unable to create temporary graph layer"
msgstr "无法创建临时图层"
#: commit-graph.c:1830
#, c-format
msgid "unable to adjust shared permissions for '%s'"
msgstr "无法为 '%s' 调整共享权限"
#: commit-graph.c:1887
#, c-format
msgid "Writing out commit graph in %d pass"
msgid_plural "Writing out commit graph in %d passes"
msgstr[0] "正在用 %d 步写出提交图"
msgstr[1] "正在用 %d 步写出提交图"
#: commit-graph.c:1923
msgid "unable to open commit-graph chain file"
msgstr "无法打开提交图形链文件"
#: commit-graph.c:1939
msgid "failed to rename base commit-graph file"
msgstr "无法重命名基础提交图形文件"
#: commit-graph.c:1959
msgid "failed to rename temporary commit-graph file"
msgstr "无法重命名临时提交图形文件"
#: commit-graph.c:2092
msgid "Scanning merged commits"
msgstr "正在扫描合并提交"
#: commit-graph.c:2136
msgid "Merging commit-graph"
msgstr "正在合并提交图形"
#: commit-graph.c:2244
msgid "attempting to write a commit-graph, but 'core.commitGraph' is disabled"
msgstr "正尝试写提交图,但是 'core.commitGraph' 被禁用"
#: commit-graph.c:2351
msgid "too many commits to write graph"
msgstr "提交太多不能画图"
#: commit-graph.c:2449
msgid "the commit-graph file has incorrect checksum and is likely corrupt"
msgstr "提交图文件的校验码错误,可能已经损坏"
#: commit-graph.c:2459
#, c-format
msgid "commit-graph has incorrect OID order: %s then %s"
msgstr "提交图形的对象 ID 顺序不正确:%s 然后 %s"
#: commit-graph.c:2469 commit-graph.c:2484
#, c-format
msgid "commit-graph has incorrect fanout value: fanout[%d] = %u != %u"
msgstr "提交图形有不正确的扇出值:fanout[%d] = %u != %u"
#: commit-graph.c:2476
#, c-format
msgid "failed to parse commit %s from commit-graph"
msgstr "无法从提交图形中解析提交 %s"
#: commit-graph.c:2494
msgid "Verifying commits in commit graph"
msgstr "正在校验提交图中的提交"
#: commit-graph.c:2509
#, c-format
msgid "failed to parse commit %s from object database for commit-graph"
msgstr "无法从提交图形的对象库中解析提交 %s"
#: commit-graph.c:2516
#, c-format
msgid "root tree OID for commit %s in commit-graph is %s != %s"
msgstr "提交图形中的提交 %s 的根树对象 ID 是 %s != %s"
#: commit-graph.c:2526
#, c-format
msgid "commit-graph parent list for commit %s is too long"
msgstr "提交 %s 的提交图形父提交列表太长了"
#: commit-graph.c:2535
#, c-format
msgid "commit-graph parent for %s is %s != %s"
msgstr "%s 的提交图形父提交是 %s != %s"
#: commit-graph.c:2549
#, c-format
msgid "commit-graph parent list for commit %s terminates early"
msgstr "提交 %s 的提交图形父提交列表过早终止"
#: commit-graph.c:2554
#, c-format
msgid ""
"commit-graph has generation number zero for commit %s, but non-zero elsewhere"
msgstr "提交图形中提交 %s 的世代号是零,但其它地方非零"
#: commit-graph.c:2558
#, c-format
msgid ""
"commit-graph has non-zero generation number for commit %s, but zero elsewhere"
msgstr "提交图形中提交 %s 的世代号非零,但其它地方是零"
#: commit-graph.c:2575
#, c-format
msgid "commit-graph generation for commit %s is %<PRIuMAX> < %<PRIuMAX>"
msgstr "提交图形中的提交 %s 的世代号是 %<PRIuMAX> < %<PRIuMAX>"
#: commit-graph.c:2581
#, c-format
msgid "commit date for commit %s in commit-graph is %<PRIuMAX> != %<PRIuMAX>"
msgstr "提交图形中提交 %s 的提交日期是 %<PRIuMAX> != %<PRIuMAX>"
#: commit.c:52 sequencer.c:3088 builtin/am.c:372 builtin/am.c:417
#: builtin/am.c:422 builtin/am.c:1420 builtin/am.c:2067 builtin/replace.c:457
#, c-format
msgid "could not parse %s"
msgstr "不能解析 %s"
#: commit.c:54
#, c-format
msgid "%s %s is not a commit!"
msgstr "%s %s 不是一个提交!"
#: commit.c:194
msgid ""
"Support for <GIT_DIR>/info/grafts is deprecated\n"
"and will be removed in a future Git version.\n"
"Please use \"git replace --convert-graft-file\"\n"
"to convert the grafts into replace refs.\n"
"Turn this message off by running\n"
"\"git config advice.graftFileDeprecated false\""
msgstr ""
"对 <GIT_DIR>/info/grafts 的支持已过时,并将在\n"
"请使用 \"git replace --convert-graft-file\" 将\n"
"grafts 转换为替换引用。\n"
"设置 \"git config advice.graftFileDeprecated false\"\n"
#: commit.c:1237
#, c-format
msgid "Commit %s has an untrusted GPG signature, allegedly by %s."
msgstr "提交 %s 有一个非可信的声称来自 %s 的 GPG 签名。"
#: commit.c:1241
#, c-format
msgid "Commit %s has a bad GPG signature allegedly by %s."
msgstr "提交 %s 有一个错误的声称来自 %s 的 GPG 签名。"
#: commit.c:1244
#, c-format
msgid "Commit %s does not have a GPG signature."
msgstr "提交 %s 没有 GPG 签名。"
#: commit.c:1247
#, c-format
msgid "Commit %s has a good GPG signature by %s\n"
msgstr "提交 %s 有一个来自 %s 的好的 GPG 签名。\n"
#: commit.c:1501
msgid ""
"Warning: commit message did not conform to UTF-8.\n"
"You may want to amend it after fixing the message, or set the config\n"
"variable i18n.commitencoding to the encoding your project uses.\n"
msgstr ""
"警告:提交说明不符合 UTF-8 字符编码。\n"
"您可以通过修补提交来改正提交说明,或者将配置变量 i18n.commitencoding\n"
#: compat/obstack.c:406 compat/obstack.c:408
msgid "memory exhausted"
msgstr "内存耗尽"
#: config.c:126
#, c-format
msgid ""
"exceeded maximum include depth (%d) while including\n"
"This might be due to circular includes."
msgstr ""
#: config.c:142
#, c-format
msgid "could not expand include path '%s'"
msgstr "无法扩展包含路径 '%s'"
#: config.c:153
msgid "relative config includes must come from files"
msgstr "相对路径的配置文件引用必须来自于文件"
#: config.c:199
msgid "relative config include conditionals must come from files"
msgstr "相对路径的配置文件条件引用必须来自于文件"
#: config.c:396
#, c-format
msgid "invalid config format: %s"
msgstr "无效的配置格式:%s"
#: config.c:400
#, c-format
msgid "missing environment variable name for configuration '%.*s'"
msgstr "配置 '%.*s' 缺少环境变量名称"
#: config.c:405
#, c-format
msgid "missing environment variable '%s' for configuration '%.*s'"
msgstr "缺少环境变量 '%s' 于配置 '%.*s' "
#: config.c:442
#, c-format
msgid "key does not contain a section: %s"
msgstr "键名没有包含一个小节名称:%s"
#: config.c:448
#, c-format
msgid "key does not contain variable name: %s"
msgstr "键名没有包含变量名:%s"
#: config.c:472 sequencer.c:2785
#, c-format
msgid "invalid key: %s"
msgstr "无效键名:%s"
#: config.c:478
#, c-format
msgid "invalid key (newline): %s"
msgstr "无效键名(有换行符):%s"
#: config.c:511
msgid "empty config key"
msgstr "空的配置键名"
#: config.c:529 config.c:541
#, c-format
msgid "bogus config parameter: %s"
msgstr "伪配置参数:%s"
#: config.c:555 config.c:572 config.c:579 config.c:588
#, c-format
msgid "bogus format in %s"
msgstr "%s 中格式错误"
#: config.c:622
#, c-format
msgid "bogus count in %s"
msgstr "%s 中错误计数"
#: config.c:626
#, c-format
msgid "too many entries in %s"
msgstr "%s 中太多的条目"
#: config.c:636
#, c-format
msgid "missing config key %s"
msgstr "缺失配置键名 %s"
#: config.c:644
#, c-format
msgid "missing config value %s"
msgstr "缺失配置取值 %s"
#: config.c:995
#, c-format
msgid "bad config line %d in blob %s"
msgstr "数据对象 %2$s 中错误的配置行 %1$d"
#: config.c:999
#, c-format
msgid "bad config line %d in file %s"
msgstr "文件 %2$s 中错误的配置行 %1$d"
#: config.c:1003
#, c-format
msgid "bad config line %d in standard input"
msgstr "标准输入中错误的配置行 %d"
#: config.c:1007
#, c-format
msgid "bad config line %d in submodule-blob %s"
msgstr "子模组数据对象 %2$s 中错误的配置行 %1$d"
#: config.c:1011
#, c-format
msgid "bad config line %d in command line %s"
msgstr "命令行 %2$s 中错误的配置行 %1$d"
#: config.c:1015
#, c-format
msgid "bad config line %d in %s"
msgstr "在 %2$s 中错误的配置行 %1$d"
#: config.c:1152
msgid "out of range"
msgstr "超出范围"
#: config.c:1152
msgid "invalid unit"
msgstr "无效的单位"
#: config.c:1153
#, c-format
msgid "bad numeric config value '%s' for '%s': %s"
msgstr "配置变量 '%2$s' 的数字取值 '%1$s' 设置错误:%3$s"
#: config.c:1163
#, c-format
msgid "bad numeric config value '%s' for '%s' in blob %s: %s"
msgstr "数据对象 %3$s 中配置变量 '%2$s' 错误的取值 '%1$s':%4$s"
#: config.c:1166
#, c-format
msgid "bad numeric config value '%s' for '%s' in file %s: %s"
msgstr "文件 %3$s 中配置变量 '%2$s' 错误的取值 '%1$s':%4$s"
#: config.c:1169
#, c-format
msgid "bad numeric config value '%s' for '%s' in standard input: %s"
msgstr "标准输入中配置变量 '%2$s' 错误的取值 '%1$s':%3$s"
#: config.c:1172
#, c-format
msgid "bad numeric config value '%s' for '%s' in submodule-blob %s: %s"
msgstr "子模组数据 %3$s 中配置变量 '%2$s' 错误的取值 '%1$s':%4$s"
#: config.c:1175
#, c-format
msgid "bad numeric config value '%s' for '%s' in command line %s: %s"
msgstr "命令行 %3$s 中配置变量 '%2$s' 错误的取值 '%1$s':%4$s"
#: config.c:1178
#, c-format
msgid "bad numeric config value '%s' for '%s' in %s: %s"
msgstr "在 %3$s 中配置变量 '%2$s' 错误的取值 '%1$s':%4$s"
#: config.c:1257
#, c-format
msgid "bad boolean config value '%s' for '%s'"
msgstr "'%2$s' 的错误的布尔取值 '%1$s'"
#: config.c:1275
#, c-format
msgid "failed to expand user dir in: '%s'"
msgstr "无法扩展用户目录:'%s'"
#: config.c:1284
#, c-format
msgid "'%s' for '%s' is not a valid timestamp"
msgstr "'%2$s' 的值 '%1$s' 不是一个有效的时间戳"
#: config.c:1377
#, c-format
msgid "abbrev length out of range: %d"
msgstr "缩写长度超出范围:%d"
#: config.c:1391 config.c:1402
#, c-format
msgid "bad zlib compression level %d"
msgstr "错误的 zlib 压缩级别 %d"
#: config.c:1494
msgid "core.commentChar should only be one character"
msgstr "core.commentChar 应该是一个字符"
#: config.c:1527
#, c-format
msgid "invalid mode for object creation: %s"
msgstr "无效的对象创建模式:%s"
#: config.c:1599
#, c-format
msgid "malformed value for %s"
msgstr "%s 的取值格式错误"
#: config.c:1625
#, c-format
msgid "malformed value for %s: %s"
msgstr "%s 的取值格式错误:%s"
#: config.c:1626
msgid "must be one of nothing, matching, simple, upstream or current"
msgstr "必须是其中之一:nothing、matching、simple、upstream 或 current"
#: config.c:1687 builtin/pack-objects.c:4084
#, c-format
msgid "bad pack compression level %d"
msgstr "错误的打包压缩级别 %d"
#: config.c:1809
#, c-format
msgid "unable to load config blob object '%s'"
msgstr "无法从数据对象 '%s' 加载配置"
#: config.c:1812
#, c-format
msgid "reference '%s' does not point to a blob"
msgstr "引用 '%s' 没有指向一个数据对象"
#: config.c:1829
#, c-format
msgid "unable to resolve config blob '%s'"
msgstr "不能解析配置对象 '%s'"
#: config.c:1874
#, c-format
msgid "failed to parse %s"
msgstr "解析 %s 失败"
#: config.c:1930
msgid "unable to parse command-line config"
msgstr "无法解析命令行中的配置"
#: config.c:2294
msgid "unknown error occurred while reading the configuration files"
msgstr "在读取配置文件时遇到未知错误"
#: config.c:2468
#, c-format
msgid "Invalid %s: '%s'"
msgstr "无效 %s:'%s'"
#: config.c:2513
#, c-format
msgid "splitIndex.maxPercentChange value '%d' should be between 0 and 100"
msgstr "splitIndex.maxPercentChange 的取值 '%d' 应该介于 0 和 100 之间"
#: config.c:2559
#, c-format
msgid "unable to parse '%s' from command-line config"
msgstr "无法解析命令行配置中的 '%s'"
#: config.c:2561
#, c-format
msgid "bad config variable '%s' in file '%s' at line %d"
msgstr "在文件 '%2$s' 的第 %3$d 行发现错误的配置变量 '%1$s'"
#: config.c:2645
#, c-format
msgid "invalid section name '%s'"
msgstr "无效的小节名称 '%s'"
#: config.c:2677
#, c-format
msgid "%s has multiple values"
msgstr "%s 有多个取值"
#: config.c:2706
#, c-format
msgid "failed to write new configuration file %s"
msgstr "写入新的配置文件 %s 失败"
#: config.c:2958 config.c:3285
#, c-format
msgid "could not lock config file %s"
msgstr "不能锁定配置文件 %s"
#: config.c:2969
#, c-format
msgid "opening %s"
msgstr "打开 %s"
#: config.c:3006 builtin/config.c:361
#, c-format
msgid "invalid pattern: %s"
msgstr "无效模式:%s"
#: config.c:3031
#, c-format
msgid "invalid config file %s"
msgstr "无效的配置文件 %s"
#: config.c:3044 config.c:3298
#, c-format
msgid "fstat on %s failed"
msgstr "对 %s 调用 fstat 失败"
#: config.c:3055
#, c-format
msgid "unable to mmap '%s'%s"
msgstr "不能 mmap '%s'%s"
#: config.c:3065 config.c:3303
#, c-format
msgid "chmod on %s failed"
msgstr "对 %s 调用 chmod 失败"
#: config.c:3150 config.c:3400
#, c-format
msgid "could not write config file %s"
msgstr "不能写入配置文件 %s"
#: config.c:3184
#, c-format
msgid "could not set '%s' to '%s'"
msgstr "不能设置 '%s' 为 '%s'"
#: config.c:3186 builtin/remote.c:657 builtin/remote.c:855 builtin/remote.c:863
#, c-format
msgid "could not unset '%s'"
msgstr "不能取消设置 '%s'"
#: config.c:3276
#, c-format
msgid "invalid section name: %s"
msgstr "无效的小节名称:%s"
#: config.c:3443
#, c-format
msgid "missing value for '%s'"
msgstr "%s 的取值缺失"
#: connect.c:61
msgid "the remote end hung up upon initial contact"
msgstr "远端在初始连接时即挂断"
#: connect.c:63
msgid ""
"Could not read from remote repository.\n"
"Please make sure you have the correct access rights\n"
"and the repository exists."
msgstr ""
#: connect.c:81
#, c-format
msgid "server doesn't support '%s'"
msgstr "服务器不支持 '%s'"
#: connect.c:118
#, c-format
msgid "server doesn't support feature '%s'"
msgstr "服务器不支持特性 '%s'"
#: connect.c:129
msgid "expected flush after capabilities"
msgstr "在能力之后应为一个 flush 包"
#: connect.c:263
#, c-format
msgid "ignoring capabilities after first line '%s'"
msgstr "忽略第一行 '%s' 之后的能力字段"
#: connect.c:284
msgid "protocol error: unexpected capabilities^{}"
msgstr "协议错误:意外的 capabilities^{}"
#: connect.c:306
#, c-format
msgid "protocol error: expected shallow sha-1, got '%s'"
msgstr "协议错误:预期浅克隆 sha-1,却得到 '%s'"
#: connect.c:308
msgid "repository on the other end cannot be shallow"
msgstr "另一端的仓库不能是浅克隆仓库"
#: connect.c:347
msgid "invalid packet"
msgstr "无效数据包"
#: connect.c:367
#, c-format
msgid "protocol error: unexpected '%s'"
msgstr "协议错误:意外的 '%s'"
#: connect.c:497
#, c-format
msgid "unknown object format '%s' specified by server"
msgstr "服务器给出未知的对象格式 '%s'"
#: connect.c:526
#, c-format
msgid "invalid ls-refs response: %s"
msgstr "无效的 ls-refs 响应:%s"
#: connect.c:530
msgid "expected flush after ref listing"
msgstr "在引用列表之后应该有一个 flush 包"
#: connect.c:533
msgid "expected response end packet after ref listing"
msgstr "在引用列表之后应该有响应结束包"
#: connect.c:666
#, c-format
msgid "protocol '%s' is not supported"
msgstr "不支持 '%s' 协议"
#: connect.c:717
msgid "unable to set SO_KEEPALIVE on socket"
msgstr "无法为 socket 设置 SO_KEEPALIVE"
#: connect.c:757 connect.c:820
#, c-format
msgid "Looking up %s ... "
msgstr "查找 %s ..."
#: connect.c:761
#, c-format
msgid "unable to look up %s (port %s) (%s)"
msgstr "无法查找 %s(端口 %s)(%s)"
#. TRANSLATORS: this is the end of "Looking up %s ... "
#: connect.c:765 connect.c:836
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Connecting to %s (port %s) ... "
msgstr ""
"连接到 %s(端口 %s)... "
#: connect.c:787 connect.c:864
#, c-format
msgid ""
"unable to connect to %s:\n"
msgstr ""
"无法连接到 %s:\n"
#. TRANSLATORS: this is the end of "Connecting to %s (port %s) ... "
#: connect.c:793 connect.c:870
msgid "done."
msgstr "完成。"
#: connect.c:824
#, c-format
msgid "unable to look up %s (%s)"
msgstr "无法查找 %s(%s)"
#: connect.c:830
#, c-format
msgid "unknown port %s"
msgstr "未知端口 %s"
#: connect.c:967 connect.c:1299
#, c-format
msgid "strange hostname '%s' blocked"
msgstr "已阻止奇怪的主机名 '%s'"
#: connect.c:969
#, c-format
msgid "strange port '%s' blocked"
msgstr "已阻止奇怪的端口号 '%s'"
#: connect.c:979
#, c-format
msgid "cannot start proxy %s"
msgstr "不能启动代理 %s"
#: connect.c:1050
msgid "no path specified; see 'git help pull' for valid url syntax"
msgstr "未指定路径,执行 'git help pull' 查看有效的 url 语法"
#: connect.c:1190
msgid "newline is forbidden in git:// hosts and repo paths"
msgstr "在 git:// 主机和仓库路径中禁止使用换行符"
#: connect.c:1247
msgid "ssh variant 'simple' does not support -4"
msgstr "ssh 变体 'simple' 不支持 -4"
#: connect.c:1259
msgid "ssh variant 'simple' does not support -6"
msgstr "ssh 变体 'simple' 不支持 -6"
#: connect.c:1276
msgid "ssh variant 'simple' does not support setting port"
msgstr "ssh 变体 'simple' 不支持设置端口"
#: connect.c:1388
#, c-format
msgid "strange pathname '%s' blocked"
msgstr "已阻止奇怪的路径名 '%s'"
#: connect.c:1436
msgid "unable to fork"
msgstr "无法 fork"
#: connected.c:108 builtin/fsck.c:189 builtin/prune.c:45
msgid "Checking connectivity"
msgstr "正在检查连通性"
#: connected.c:120
msgid "Could not run 'git rev-list'"
msgstr "不能执行 'git rev-list'"
#: connected.c:144
msgid "failed write to rev-list"
msgstr "写入 rev-list 失败"
#: connected.c:149
msgid "failed to close rev-list's stdin"
msgstr "关闭 rev-list 的标准输入失败"
#: convert.c:183
#, c-format
msgid "illegal crlf_action %d"
msgstr "非法的 crlf_action %d"
#: convert.c:196
#, c-format
msgid "CRLF would be replaced by LF in %s"
msgstr "%s 中的 CRLF 将被 LF 替换"
#: convert.c:198
#, c-format
msgid ""
"CRLF will be replaced by LF in %s.\n"
"The file will have its original line endings in your working directory"
msgstr ""
"%s 中的 CRLF 将被 LF 替换。<\n"
#: convert.c:206
#, c-format
msgid "LF would be replaced by CRLF in %s"
msgstr "文件 %s 中的 LF 将被 CRLF 替换"
#: convert.c:208
#, c-format
msgid ""
"LF will be replaced by CRLF in %s.\n"
"The file will have its original line endings in your working directory"
msgstr ""
"%s 中的 LF 将被 CRLF 替换。\n"
#: convert.c:273
#, c-format
msgid "BOM is prohibited in '%s' if encoded as %s"
msgstr "如果使用 %2$s 编码,禁止在 '%1$s' 中使用 BOM"
#: convert.c:280
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The file '%s' contains a byte order mark (BOM). Please use UTF-%.*s as "
msgstr ""
"文件 '%s' 包含一个字节顺序标记(BOM)。请使用 UTF-%.*s 作为工作区编码。"
#: convert.c:293
#, c-format
msgid "BOM is required in '%s' if encoded as %s"
msgstr "如果编码为 %2$s,需要在 '%1$s' 中使用 BOM"
#: convert.c:295
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The file '%s' is missing a byte order mark (BOM). Please use UTF-%sBE or UTF-"
"%sLE (depending on the byte order) as working-tree-encoding."
msgstr ""
"文件 '%s' 缺失一个字节顺序标记(BOM)。请使用 UTF-%sBE or UTF-%sLE(取决于字"
#: convert.c:408 convert.c:479
#, c-format
msgid "failed to encode '%s' from %s to %s"
msgstr "无法对 '%s' 进行从 %s 到 %s 的编码"
#: convert.c:451
#, c-format
msgid "encoding '%s' from %s to %s and back is not the same"
msgstr "将'%s' 的编码从 %s 到 %s 来回转换不一致"
#: convert.c:654
#, c-format
msgid "cannot fork to run external filter '%s'"
msgstr "不能 fork 以执行外部过滤器 '%s'"
#: convert.c:674
#, c-format
msgid "cannot feed the input to external filter '%s'"
msgstr "不能将输入传递给外部过滤器 '%s'"
#: convert.c:681
#, c-format
msgid "external filter '%s' failed %d"
msgstr "外部过滤器 '%s' 失败码 %d"
#: convert.c:716 convert.c:719
#, c-format
msgid "read from external filter '%s' failed"
msgstr "从外部过滤器 '%s' 读取失败"
#: convert.c:722 convert.c:777
#, c-format
msgid "external filter '%s' failed"
msgstr "外部过滤器 '%s' 失败"
#: convert.c:826
msgid "unexpected filter type"
msgstr "意外的过滤类型"
#: convert.c:837
msgid "path name too long for external filter"
msgstr "外部过滤器的路径名太长"
#: convert.c:935
#, c-format
msgid ""
"external filter '%s' is not available anymore although not all paths have "
"been filtered"
msgstr "外部过滤器 '%s' 不再可用,但并非所有路径都已过滤"
#: convert.c:1236
msgid "true/false are no valid working-tree-encodings"
msgstr "true/false 不是有效的工作区编码"
#: convert.c:1416 convert.c:1449
#, c-format
msgid "%s: clean filter '%s' failed"
msgstr "%s:clean 过滤器 '%s' 失败"
#: convert.c:1492
#, c-format
msgid "%s: smudge filter %s failed"
msgstr "%s:smudge 过滤器 %s 失败"
#: credential.c:96
#, c-format
msgid "skipping credential lookup for key: credential.%s"
msgstr "跳过凭据查询:credential.%s"
#: credential.c:112
msgid "refusing to work with credential missing host field"
msgstr "拒绝使用缺少主机字段的凭据"
#: credential.c:114
msgid "refusing to work with credential missing protocol field"
msgstr "拒绝使用缺少协议字段的凭据"
#: credential.c:394
#, c-format
msgid "url contains a newline in its %s component: %s"
msgstr "URL 的 %s 组件中包含换行符:%s"
#: credential.c:438
#, c-format
msgid "url has no scheme: %s"
msgstr "URL 没有 scheme:%s"
#: credential.c:511
#, c-format
msgid "credential url cannot be parsed: %s"
msgstr "不能解析凭据 URL:%s"
#: date.c:138
msgid "in the future"
msgstr "在将来"
#: date.c:144
#, c-format
msgid "%<PRIuMAX> second ago"
msgid_plural "%<PRIuMAX> seconds ago"
msgstr[0] "%<PRIuMAX> 秒钟前"
msgstr[1] "%<PRIuMAX> 秒钟前"
#: date.c:151
#, c-format
msgid "%<PRIuMAX> minute ago"
msgid_plural "%<PRIuMAX> minutes ago"
msgstr[0] "%<PRIuMAX> 分钟前"
msgstr[1] "%<PRIuMAX> 分钟前"
#: date.c:158
#, c-format
msgid "%<PRIuMAX> hour ago"
msgid_plural "%<PRIuMAX> hours ago"
msgstr[0] "%<PRIuMAX> 小时前"
msgstr[1] "%<PRIuMAX> 小时前"
#: date.c:165
#, c-format
msgid "%<PRIuMAX> day ago"
msgid_plural "%<PRIuMAX> days ago"
msgstr[0] "%<PRIuMAX> 天前"
msgstr[1] "%<PRIuMAX> 天前"
#: date.c:171
#, c-format
msgid "%<PRIuMAX> week ago"
msgid_plural "%<PRIuMAX> weeks ago"
msgstr[0] "%<PRIuMAX> 周前"
msgstr[1] "%<PRIuMAX> 周前"
#: date.c:178
#, c-format
msgid "%<PRIuMAX> month ago"
msgid_plural "%<PRIuMAX> months ago"
msgstr[0] "%<PRIuMAX> 个月前"
msgstr[1] "%<PRIuMAX> 个月前"
#: date.c:189
#, c-format
msgid "%<PRIuMAX> year"
msgid_plural "%<PRIuMAX> years"
msgstr[0] "%<PRIuMAX> 年"
msgstr[1] "%<PRIuMAX> 年"
#. TRANSLATORS: "%s" is "<n> years"
#: date.c:192
#, c-format
msgid "%s, %<PRIuMAX> month ago"
msgid_plural "%s, %<PRIuMAX> months ago"
msgstr[0] "%s %<PRIuMAX> 个月前"
msgstr[1] "%s %<PRIuMAX> 个月前"
#: date.c:197 date.c:202
#, c-format
msgid "%<PRIuMAX> year ago"
msgid_plural "%<PRIuMAX> years ago"
msgstr[0] "%<PRIuMAX> 年前"
msgstr[1] "%<PRIuMAX> 年前"
#: delta-islands.c:272
msgid "Propagating island marks"
msgstr "正在传播数据岛标记"
#: delta-islands.c:290
#, c-format
msgid "bad tree object %s"
msgstr "坏的树对象 %s"
#: delta-islands.c:334
#, c-format
msgid "failed to load island regex for '%s': %s"
msgstr "未能加载 '%s' 的数据岛正则表达式:%s"
#: delta-islands.c:390
#, c-format
msgid "island regex from config has too many capture groups (max=%d)"
msgstr "来自 config 的数据岛正则表达式有太多的捕获组(最多 %d 个)"
#: delta-islands.c:467
#, c-format
msgid "Marked %d islands, done.\n"
msgstr "已标记 %d 个数据岛,结束。\n"
#: diff-merges.c:70
#, c-format
msgid "unknown value for --diff-merges: %s"
msgstr "未知的 --diff-merges 取值:%s"
#: diff-lib.c:557
msgid "--merge-base does not work with ranges"
msgstr "--merge-base 不适用于范围"
#: diff-lib.c:559
msgid "--merge-base only works with commits"
msgstr "--merge-base 仅适用于提交"
#: diff-lib.c:576
msgid "unable to get HEAD"
msgstr "不能解析 HEAD"
#: diff-lib.c:583
msgid "no merge base found"
msgstr "未找到合并基线"
#: diff-lib.c:585
msgid "multiple merge bases found"
msgstr "找到了多条合并基线"
#: diff-no-index.c:237
msgid "git diff --no-index [<options>] <path> <path>"
msgstr "git diff --no-index [<选项>] <路径> <路径>"
#: diff-no-index.c:262
msgid ""
"Not a git repository. Use --no-index to compare two paths outside a working "
msgstr "不是 git 仓库。使用 --no-index 比较工作区之外的两个路径"
# 译者:注意保持前导空格
#: diff.c:156
#, c-format
msgid " Failed to parse dirstat cut-off percentage '%s'\n"
msgstr " 无法解析 dirstat 截止(cut-off)百分比 '%s'\n"
# 译者:注意保持前导空格
#: diff.c:161
#, c-format
msgid " Unknown dirstat parameter '%s'\n"
msgstr " 未知的 dirstat 参数 '%s'\n"
#: diff.c:297
msgid ""
"color moved setting must be one of 'no', 'default', 'blocks', 'zebra', "
"'dimmed-zebra', 'plain'"
msgstr ""
"移动的颜色设置必须是 'no'、'default'、'blocks'、'zebra'、'dimmed-zebra' 或 "
#: diff.c:325
#, c-format
msgid ""
"unknown color-moved-ws mode '%s', possible values are 'ignore-space-change', "
"'ignore-space-at-eol', 'ignore-all-space', 'allow-indentation-change'"
msgstr ""
"未知的 color-moved-ws 模式 '%s',可能的取值有 'ignore-space-change'、'ignore-"
#: diff.c:333
msgid ""
"color-moved-ws: allow-indentation-change cannot be combined with other "
"whitespace modes"
msgstr "color-moved-ws:allow-indentation-change 不能与其它空白字符模式共用"
#: diff.c:410
#, c-format
msgid "Unknown value for 'diff.submodule' config variable: '%s'"
msgstr "配置变量 'diff.submodule' 未知的取值:'%s'"
#: diff.c:470
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Found errors in 'diff.dirstat' config variable:\n"
msgstr ""
"发现配置变量 'diff.dirstat' 中的错误:\n"
#: diff.c:4282
#, c-format
msgid "external diff died, stopping at %s"
msgstr "外部 diff 退出,停止在 %s"
#: diff.c:4634
msgid "--name-only, --name-status, --check and -s are mutually exclusive"
msgstr "--name-only、--name-status、--check 和 -s 是互斥的"
#: diff.c:4637
msgid "-G, -S and --find-object are mutually exclusive"
msgstr "-G、-S 和 --find-object 是互斥的"
#: diff.c:4640
msgid ""
"-G and --pickaxe-regex are mutually exclusive, use --pickaxe-regex with -S"
msgstr "-G 和 --pickaxe-regex 互斥,使用 --pickaxe-regex 和 -S"
#: diff.c:4643
msgid ""
"--pickaxe-all and --find-object are mutually exclusive, use --pickaxe-all "
"with -G and -S"
msgstr "---pickaxe-all 和 --find-object 互斥,使用 --pickaxe-all 与 -G 和 -S"
#: diff.c:4722
msgid "--follow requires exactly one pathspec"
msgstr "--follow 明确要求只跟一个路径规格"
#: diff.c:4770
#, c-format
msgid "invalid --stat value: %s"
msgstr "无效的 --stat 值:%s"
#: diff.c:4775 diff.c:4780 diff.c:4785 diff.c:4790 diff.c:5318
#: parse-options.c:197 parse-options.c:201 builtin/commit-graph.c:180
#, c-format
msgid "%s expects a numerical value"
msgstr "%s 期望一个数字值"
#: diff.c:4807
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Failed to parse --dirstat/-X option parameter:\n"
msgstr ""
"无法解析 --dirstat/-X 选项的参数:\n"
#: diff.c:4892
#, c-format
msgid "unknown change class '%c' in --diff-filter=%s"
msgstr "--diff-filter=%2$s 中未知的变更类 '%1$c'"
#: diff.c:4916
#, c-format
msgid "unknown value after ws-error-highlight=%.*s"
msgstr "ws-error-highlight=%.*s 之后未知的值"
#: diff.c:4930
#, c-format
msgid "unable to resolve '%s'"
msgstr "不能解析 '%s'"
#: diff.c:4980 diff.c:4986
#, c-format
msgid "%s expects <n>/<m> form"
msgstr "%s 期望 <n>/<m> 格式"
#: diff.c:4998
#, c-format
msgid "%s expects a character, got '%s'"
msgstr "%s 期望一个字符,得到 '%s'"
#: diff.c:5019
#, c-format
msgid "bad --color-moved argument: %s"
msgstr "坏的 --color-moved 参数:%s"
#: diff.c:5038
#, c-format
msgid "invalid mode '%s' in --color-moved-ws"
msgstr "--color-moved-ws 中的无效模式 '%s' "
#: diff.c:5078
msgid ""
"option diff-algorithm accepts \"myers\", \"minimal\", \"patience\" and "
msgstr ""
"diff-algorithm 选项有 \"myers\"、\"minimal\"、\"patience\" 和 \"histogram\""
#: diff.c:5114 diff.c:5134
#, c-format
msgid "invalid argument to %s"
msgstr "%s 的参数无效"
#: diff.c:5238
#, c-format
msgid "invalid regex given to -I: '%s'"
msgstr "选项 -I 的正则表达式无效:'%s'"
#: diff.c:5287
#, c-format
msgid "failed to parse --submodule option parameter: '%s'"
msgstr "无法解析 --submodule 选项的参数:'%s'"
#: diff.c:5343
#, c-format
msgid "bad --word-diff argument: %s"
msgstr "坏的 --word-diff 参数:%s"
#: diff.c:5379
msgid "Diff output format options"
msgstr "差异输出格式化选项"
#: diff.c:5381 diff.c:5387
msgid "generate patch"
msgstr "生成补丁"
#: diff.c:5384 builtin/log.c:179
msgid "suppress diff output"
msgstr "不显示差异输出"
#: diff.c:5389 diff.c:5503 diff.c:5510
msgid "<n>"
msgstr "<n>"
#: diff.c:5390 diff.c:5393
msgid "generate diffs with <n> lines context"
msgstr "生成含 <n> 行上下文的差异"
#: diff.c:5395
msgid "generate the diff in raw format"
msgstr "生成原始格式的差异"
#: diff.c:5398
msgid "synonym for '-p --raw'"
msgstr "和 '-p --raw' 同义"
#: diff.c:5402
msgid "synonym for '-p --stat'"
msgstr "和 '-p --stat' 同义"
#: diff.c:5406
msgid "machine friendly --stat"
msgstr "机器友好的 --stat"
#: diff.c:5409
msgid "output only the last line of --stat"
msgstr "只输出 --stat 的最后一行"
#: diff.c:5411 diff.c:5419
msgid "<param1,param2>..."
msgstr "<参数1,参数2>..."
#: diff.c:5412
msgid ""
"output the distribution of relative amount of changes for each sub-directory"
msgstr "输出每个子目录相对变更的分布"
#: diff.c:5416
msgid "synonym for --dirstat=cumulative"
msgstr "和 --dirstat=cumulative 同义"
#: diff.c:5420
msgid "synonym for --dirstat=files,param1,param2..."
msgstr "是 --dirstat=files,param1,param2... 的同义词"
#: diff.c:5424
msgid "warn if changes introduce conflict markers or whitespace errors"
msgstr "如果变更中引入冲突定界符或空白错误,给出警告"
#: diff.c:5427
msgid "condensed summary such as creations, renames and mode changes"
msgstr "精简摘要,例如创建、重命名和模式变更"
#: diff.c:5430
msgid "show only names of changed files"
msgstr "只显示变更文件的文件名"
#: diff.c:5433
msgid "show only names and status of changed files"
msgstr "只显示变更文件的文件名和状态"
#: diff.c:5435
msgid "<width>[,<name-width>[,<count>]]"
msgstr "<宽度>[,<文件名宽度>[,<次数>]]"
#: diff.c:5436
msgid "generate diffstat"
msgstr "生成差异统计(diffstat)"
#: diff.c:5438 diff.c:5441 diff.c:5444
msgid "<width>"
msgstr "<宽度>"
#: diff.c:5439
msgid "generate diffstat with a given width"
msgstr "使用给定的长度生成差异统计"
#: diff.c:5442
msgid "generate diffstat with a given name width"
msgstr "使用给定的文件名长度生成差异统计"
#: diff.c:5445
msgid "generate diffstat with a given graph width"
msgstr "使用给定的图形长度生成差异统计"
#: diff.c:5447
msgid "<count>"
msgstr "<次数>"
#: diff.c:5448
msgid "generate diffstat with limited lines"
msgstr "生成有限行数的差异统计"
#: diff.c:5451
msgid "generate compact summary in diffstat"
msgstr "生成差异统计的简洁摘要"
#: diff.c:5454
msgid "output a binary diff that can be applied"
msgstr "输出一个可以应用的二进制差异"
#: diff.c:5457
msgid "show full pre- and post-image object names on the \"index\" lines"
msgstr "在 \"index\" 行显示完整的前后对象名称"
#: diff.c:5459
msgid "show colored diff"
msgstr "显示带颜色的差异"
#: diff.c:5460
msgid "<kind>"
msgstr "<类型>"
#: diff.c:5461
msgid ""
"highlight whitespace errors in the 'context', 'old' or 'new' lines in the "
msgstr "对于差异中的上下文、旧的和新的行,加亮显示错误的空白字符"
#: diff.c:5464
msgid ""
"do not munge pathnames and use NULs as output field terminators in --raw or "
msgstr ""
"在 --raw 或者 --numstat 中,不对路径字符转码并使用 NUL 字符做为输出字段的分隔"
#: diff.c:5467 diff.c:5470 diff.c:5473 diff.c:5582
msgid "<prefix>"
msgstr "<前缀>"
#: diff.c:5468
msgid "show the given source prefix instead of \"a/\""
msgstr "显示给定的源前缀取代 \"a/\""
#: diff.c:5471
msgid "show the given destination prefix instead of \"b/\""
msgstr "显示给定的目标前缀取代 \"b/\""
#: diff.c:5474
msgid "prepend an additional prefix to every line of output"
msgstr "输出的每一行附加前缀"
#: diff.c:5477
msgid "do not show any source or destination prefix"
msgstr "不显示任何源和目标前缀"
#: diff.c:5480
msgid "show context between diff hunks up to the specified number of lines"
msgstr "显示指定行数的差异块间的上下文"
#: diff.c:5484 diff.c:5489 diff.c:5494
msgid "<char>"
msgstr "<字符>"
#: diff.c:5485
msgid "specify the character to indicate a new line instead of '+'"
msgstr "指定一个字符取代 '+' 来表示新的一行"
#: diff.c:5490
msgid "specify the character to indicate an old line instead of '-'"
msgstr "指定一个字符取代 '-' 来表示旧的一行"
#: diff.c:5495
msgid "specify the character to indicate a context instead of ' '"
msgstr "指定一个字符取代 ' ' 来表示一行上下文"
#: diff.c:5498
msgid "Diff rename options"
msgstr "差异重命名选项"
#: diff.c:5499
msgid "<n>[/<m>]"
msgstr "<n>[/<m>]"
#: diff.c:5500
msgid "break complete rewrite changes into pairs of delete and create"
msgstr "将完全重写的变更打破为成对的删除和创建"
#: diff.c:5504
msgid "detect renames"
msgstr "检测重命名"
#: diff.c:5508
msgid "omit the preimage for deletes"
msgstr "省略删除操作的差异输出"
#: diff.c:5511
msgid "detect copies"
msgstr "检测拷贝"
#: diff.c:5515
msgid "use unmodified files as source to find copies"
msgstr "使用未修改的文件做为发现拷贝的源"
#: diff.c:5517
msgid "disable rename detection"
msgstr "禁用重命名探测"
#: diff.c:5520
msgid "use empty blobs as rename source"
msgstr "使用空的数据对象做为重命名的源"
#: diff.c:5522
msgid "continue listing the history of a file beyond renames"
msgstr "继续列出文件重命名以外的历史记录"
#: diff.c:5525
msgid ""
"prevent rename/copy detection if the number of rename/copy targets exceeds "
"given limit"
msgstr "如果重命名/拷贝目标超过给定的限制,禁止重命名/拷贝检测"
#: diff.c:5527
msgid "Diff algorithm options"
msgstr "差异算法选项"
#: diff.c:5529
msgid "produce the smallest possible diff"
msgstr "生成尽可能小的差异"
#: diff.c:5532
msgid "ignore whitespace when comparing lines"
msgstr "行比较时忽略空白字符"
#: diff.c:5535
msgid "ignore changes in amount of whitespace"
msgstr "忽略空白字符的变更"
#: diff.c:5538
msgid "ignore changes in whitespace at EOL"
msgstr "忽略行尾的空白字符变更"
#: diff.c:5541
msgid "ignore carrier-return at the end of line"
msgstr "忽略行尾的回车符(CR)"
#: diff.c:5544
msgid "ignore changes whose lines are all blank"
msgstr "忽略整行都是空白的变更"
#: diff.c:5546 diff.c:5568 diff.c:5571 diff.c:5616
msgid "<regex>"
msgstr "<正则>"
#: diff.c:5547
msgid "ignore changes whose all lines match <regex>"
msgstr "忽略所有行都和正则表达式匹配的变更"
#: diff.c:5550
msgid "heuristic to shift diff hunk boundaries for easy reading"
msgstr "启发式转换差异边界以便阅读"
#: diff.c:5553
msgid "generate diff using the \"patience diff\" algorithm"
msgstr "使用 \"patience diff\" 算法生成差异"
#: diff.c:5557
msgid "generate diff using the \"histogram diff\" algorithm"
msgstr "使用 \"histogram diff\" 算法生成差异"
#: diff.c:5559
msgid "<algorithm>"
msgstr "<算法>"
#: diff.c:5560
msgid "choose a diff algorithm"
msgstr "选择一个差异算法"
#: diff.c:5562
msgid "<text>"
msgstr "<文本>"
#: diff.c:5563
msgid "generate diff using the \"anchored diff\" algorithm"
msgstr "使用 \"anchored diff\" 算法生成差异"
#: diff.c:5565 diff.c:5574 diff.c:5577
msgid "<mode>"
msgstr "<模式>"
#: diff.c:5566
msgid "show word diff, using <mode> to delimit changed words"
msgstr "显示单词差异,使用 <模式> 分隔变更的单词"
#: diff.c:5569
msgid "use <regex> to decide what a word is"
msgstr "使用 <正则表达式> 确定何为一个词"
#: diff.c:5572
msgid "equivalent to --word-diff=color --word-diff-regex=<regex>"
msgstr "相当于 --word-diff=color --word-diff-regex=<正则>"
#: diff.c:5575
msgid "moved lines of code are colored differently"
msgstr "移动的代码行用不同方式着色"
#: diff.c:5578
msgid "how white spaces are ignored in --color-moved"
msgstr "在 --color-moved 下如何忽略空白字符"
#: diff.c:5581
msgid "Other diff options"
msgstr "其它差异选项"
#: diff.c:5583
msgid "when run from subdir, exclude changes outside and show relative paths"
msgstr "当从子目录运行,排除目录之外的变更并显示相对路径"
#: diff.c:5587
msgid "treat all files as text"
msgstr "把所有文件当做文本处理"
#: diff.c:5589
msgid "swap two inputs, reverse the diff"
msgstr "交换两个输入,反转差异"
#: diff.c:5591
msgid "exit with 1 if there were differences, 0 otherwise"
msgstr "有差异时退出码为 1,否则为 0"
#: diff.c:5593
msgid "disable all output of the program"
msgstr "禁用本程序的所有输出"
#: diff.c:5595
msgid "allow an external diff helper to be executed"
msgstr "允许执行一个外置的差异助手"
#: diff.c:5597
msgid "run external text conversion filters when comparing binary files"
msgstr "当比较二进制文件时,运行外部的文本转换过滤器"
#: diff.c:5599
msgid "<when>"
msgstr "<何时>"
#: diff.c:5600
msgid "ignore changes to submodules in the diff generation"
msgstr "在生成差异时,忽略子模组的更改"
#: diff.c:5603
msgid "<format>"
msgstr "<格式>"
#: diff.c:5604
msgid "specify how differences in submodules are shown"
msgstr "指定子模组的差异如何显示"
#: diff.c:5608
msgid "hide 'git add -N' entries from the index"
msgstr "隐藏索引中 'git add -N' 条目"
#: diff.c:5611
msgid "treat 'git add -N' entries as real in the index"
msgstr "将索引中 'git add -N' 条目当做真实的"
#: diff.c:5613
msgid "<string>"
msgstr "<字符串>"
#: diff.c:5614
msgid ""
"look for differences that change the number of occurrences of the specified "
msgstr "查找改变了指定字符串出现次数的差异"
#: diff.c:5617
msgid ""
"look for differences that change the number of occurrences of the specified "
msgstr "查找改变指定正则匹配出现次数的差异"
#: diff.c:5620
msgid "show all changes in the changeset with -S or -G"
msgstr "显示使用 -S 或 -G 的变更集的所有变更"
#: diff.c:5623
msgid "treat <string> in -S as extended POSIX regular expression"
msgstr "将 -S 的 <string> 当做扩展的 POSIX 正则表达式"
#: diff.c:5626
msgid "control the order in which files appear in the output"
msgstr "控制输出中的文件显示顺序"
#: diff.c:5627 diff.c:5630
msgid "<path>"
msgstr "<路径>"
#: diff.c:5628
msgid "show the change in the specified path first"
msgstr "先显示指定路径的变更"
#: diff.c:5631
msgid "skip the output to the specified path"
msgstr "跳过指定路径的输出"
#: diff.c:5633
msgid "<object-id>"
msgstr "<对象 ID>"
#: diff.c:5634
msgid ""
"look for differences that change the number of occurrences of the specified "
msgstr "查找改变指定对象出现次数的差异"
#: diff.c:5636
msgid "[(A|C|D|M|R|T|U|X|B)...[*]]"
msgstr "[(A|C|D|M|R|T|U|X|B)...[*]]"
#: diff.c:5637
msgid "select files by diff type"
msgstr "通过差异类型选择文件"
#: diff.c:5639
msgid "<file>"
msgstr "<文件>"
#: diff.c:5640
msgid "Output to a specific file"
msgstr "输出到一个指定的文件"
#: diff.c:6298
msgid "exhaustive rename detection was skipped due to too many files."
msgstr "由于文件太多,跳过详尽的重命名检查。"
#: diff.c:6301
msgid "only found copies from modified paths due to too many files."
msgstr "由于文件太多,只在修改的路径中找到了拷贝。"
#: diff.c:6304
#, c-format
msgid ""
"you may want to set your %s variable to at least %d and retry the command."
msgstr "您可能想要将变量 %s 设置为至少 %d 并再次执行此命令。"
#: diffcore-order.c:24
#, c-format
msgid "failed to read orderfile '%s'"
msgstr "读取排序文件 '%s' 失败"
#: diffcore-rename.c:1514
msgid "Performing inexact rename detection"
msgstr "正在进行非精确的重命名探测"
#: diffcore-rotate.c:29
#, c-format
msgid "No such path '%s' in the diff"
msgstr "在差异中无此路径 '%s'"
#: dir.c:593
#, c-format
msgid "pathspec '%s' did not match any file(s) known to git"
msgstr "路径规格 '%s' 未匹配任何 git 已知文件"
#: dir.c:733 dir.c:762 dir.c:775
#, c-format
msgid "unrecognized pattern: '%s'"
msgstr "未识别的模式:'%s'"
#: dir.c:790 dir.c:804
#, c-format
msgid "unrecognized negative pattern: '%s'"
msgstr "未识别的反向模式:'%s'"
#: dir.c:820
#, c-format
msgid "your sparse-checkout file may have issues: pattern '%s' is repeated"
msgstr "您的 sparse-checkout 文件可能有问题:重复的模式 '%s'"
#: dir.c:830
msgid "disabling cone pattern matching"
msgstr "禁止 cone 模式匹配"
#: dir.c:1214
#, c-format
msgid "cannot use %s as an exclude file"
msgstr "不能将 %s 用作排除文件"
#: dir.c:2351
#, c-format
msgid "could not open directory '%s'"
msgstr "不能打开目录 '%s'"
#: dir.c:2653
msgid "failed to get kernel name and information"
msgstr "无法获得内核名称和信息"
#: dir.c:2777
msgid "untracked cache is disabled on this system or location"
msgstr "缓存未跟踪文件在本系统或位置中被禁用"
#: dir.c:3610
#, c-format
msgid "index file corrupt in repo %s"
msgstr "仓库 %s 中的索引文件损坏"
#: dir.c:3657 dir.c:3662
#, c-format
msgid "could not create directories for %s"
msgstr "不能为 %s 创建目录"
#: dir.c:3691
#, c-format
msgid "could not migrate git directory from '%s' to '%s'"
msgstr "不能从 '%s' 迁移 git 目录到 '%s'"
#: editor.c:74
#, c-format
msgid "hint: Waiting for your editor to close the file...%c"
msgstr "提示:等待您的编辑器关闭文件...%c"
#: entry.c:176
msgid "Filtering content"
msgstr "过滤内容"
#: entry.c:497
#, c-format
msgid "could not stat file '%s'"
msgstr "不能对文件 '%s' 调用 stat"
#: environment.c:152
#, c-format
msgid "bad git namespace path \"%s\""
msgstr "错误的 git 名字空间路径 \"%s\""
#: environment.c:334
#, c-format
msgid "could not set GIT_DIR to '%s'"
msgstr "不能设置 GIT_DIR 为 '%s'"
#: exec-cmd.c:363
#, c-format
msgid "too many args to run %s"
msgstr "执行 %s 的参数太多"
#: fetch-pack.c:182
msgid "git fetch-pack: expected shallow list"
msgstr "git fetch-pack:应为 shallow 列表"
#: fetch-pack.c:185
msgid "git fetch-pack: expected a flush packet after shallow list"
msgstr "git fetch-pack:在浅克隆列表之后期望一个 flush 包"
#: fetch-pack.c:196
msgid "git fetch-pack: expected ACK/NAK, got a flush packet"
msgstr "git fetch-pack:期望 ACK/NAK,却得到 flush 包"
#: fetch-pack.c:216
#, c-format
msgid "git fetch-pack: expected ACK/NAK, got '%s'"
msgstr "git fetch-pack:应为 ACK/NAK,却得到 '%s'"
#: fetch-pack.c:227
msgid "unable to write to remote"
msgstr "无法写到远程"
#: fetch-pack.c:288
msgid "--stateless-rpc requires multi_ack_detailed"
msgstr "--stateless-rpc 需要 multi_ack_detailed"
#: fetch-pack.c:383 fetch-pack.c:1423
#, c-format
msgid "invalid shallow line: %s"
msgstr "无效的 shallow 信息:%s"
#: fetch-pack.c:389 fetch-pack.c:1429
#, c-format
msgid "invalid unshallow line: %s"
msgstr "无效的 unshallow 信息:%s"
#: fetch-pack.c:391 fetch-pack.c:1431
#, c-format
msgid "object not found: %s"
msgstr "对象未找到:%s"
#: fetch-pack.c:394 fetch-pack.c:1434
#, c-format
msgid "error in object: %s"
msgstr "对象中出错:%s"
#: fetch-pack.c:396 fetch-pack.c:1436
#, c-format
msgid "no shallow found: %s"
msgstr "未发现 shallow:%s"
#: fetch-pack.c:399 fetch-pack.c:1440
#, c-format
msgid "expected shallow/unshallow, got %s"
msgstr "应为 shallow/unshallow,却得到 %s"
#: fetch-pack.c:439
#, c-format
msgid "got %s %d %s"
msgstr "得到 %s %d %s"
#: fetch-pack.c:456
#, c-format
msgid "invalid commit %s"
msgstr "无效提交 %s"
#: fetch-pack.c:487
msgid "giving up"
msgstr "放弃"
#: fetch-pack.c:500 progress.c:339
msgid "done"
msgstr "完成"
#: fetch-pack.c:512
#, c-format
msgid "got %s (%d) %s"
msgstr "得到 %s (%d) %s"
#: fetch-pack.c:548
#, c-format
msgid "Marking %s as complete"
msgstr "标记 %s 为完成"
#: fetch-pack.c:763
#, c-format<