blob: fe500c704b3c8a75c6eab8713c84cd27f60e84a9 [file] [log] [blame]
#include "test-lib.h"
#include "mem-pool.h"
static void setup_static(void (*f)(struct mem_pool *), size_t block_alloc)
struct mem_pool pool = { .block_alloc = block_alloc };
mem_pool_discard(&pool, 0);
static void t_calloc_100(struct mem_pool *pool)
size_t size = 100;
char *buffer = mem_pool_calloc(pool, 1, size);
for (size_t i = 0; i < size; i++)
check_int(buffer[i], ==, 0);
if (!check(pool->mp_block != NULL))
check(pool->mp_block->next_free != NULL);
check(pool->mp_block->end != NULL);
int cmd_main(int argc UNUSED, const char **argv UNUSED)
TEST(setup_static(t_calloc_100, 1024 * 1024),
"mem_pool_calloc returns 100 zeroed bytes with big block");
TEST(setup_static(t_calloc_100, 1),
"mem_pool_calloc returns 100 zeroed bytes with tiny block");
return test_done();