| # Chinese (traditional) translations for Git package |
| # Git 套裝軟體的繁體中文翻譯。 |
| # Copyright (C) 2012,2013 Jiang Xin <worldhello.net AT gmail.com> |
| # Copyright (C) 2019,2020 Yi-Jyun Pan <pan93412@gmail.com> |
| # This file is distributed under the same license as the Git package. |
| # Contributors (CN): |
| # - Fangyi Zhou <me AT fangyi.io> |
| # - Jiang Xin <worldhello.net AT gmail.com> |
| # - Lian Cheng <rhythm.mail AT gmail.com> |
| # - Ray Chen <oldsharp AT gmail.com> |
| # - Riku <lu.riku AT gmail.com> |
| # - Thynson <lanxingcan AT gmail.com> |
| # - ws3389 <willsmith3389 AT gmail.com> |
| # - Wang Sheng <wangsheng2008love AT 163.com> |
| # - 依云 <lilydjwg AT gmail.com> |
| # - Yichao Yu <yyc1992 AT gmail.com> |
| # - Zhuang Ya <zhuangya AT me.com> |
| # |
| # Git glossary for Chinese translators |
| # updated on 5/23/2020 |
| # |
| # 原文 翻譯 |
| # 3 way merge 三方合併 |
| # ? ? |
| # abbreviate 縮寫 |
| # abort 中止 |
| # Add 加入 |
| # all 所有 |
| # allow 允許 |
| # alternative 替代 |
| # Amend 修訂 |
| # annotate 附註 |
| # annotated tag 附註標籤 |
| # Apply 套用 |
| # argument 引數 |
| # argument 引數 |
| # Assume 假設 |
| # author 作者 |
| # bad 不良 |
| # Bare 祼 |
| # bare repo 祼版本庫 |
| # Bisect 二分法 |
| # Blame 究責 |
| # blob blob |
| # bloom filter 布隆過濾器 |
| # Branch 分支 |
| # branch (動詞)建立分支 |
| # Branches 分支 |
| # browse 瀏覽 |
| # browser 瀏覽器 |
| # bug 臭蟲 |
| # Bug-ID Bug-ID |
| # cache 快取 |
| # certificate 憑證 |
| # Change 變更 |
| # change 變更 |
| # changed 已變更 |
| # changes 變更 |
| # Check help file 查看說明檔案 |
| # checkbox 核取方塊 |
| # Checkout 檢出 |
| # checksum 總和檢查碼 |
| # Cherry Pick 摘取 |
| # clean 清除 |
| # cleanup 清理 |
| # clear 清空 |
| # click 按一下 |
| # client 用戶端 |
| # clipboard 剪貼簿 |
| # Clone 複製 |
| # Close 關閉 |
| # Collapse 收合 |
| # Color 色彩 |
| # Combine 結合 |
| # comment 評註 |
| # Commit 提交 |
| # committer 提交者 |
| # compare 比對 |
| # comparing 比對 |
| # Configure 設定 |
| # confirm 確認 |
| # Conflict 衝突 |
| # Context lines 情境列 |
| # context menu 快顯功能表 |
| # continue 繼續 |
| # continuous 持續性 |
| # copy 複製 |
| # Corrections 更正 |
| # Could not start 無法啟動 |
| # Create 建立 |
| # Creates 建立 |
| # Creating 建立中 |
| # Credential 憑證 |
| # Credential helper 憑證協助程式 |
| # Credentials 憑證 |
| # credentials 憑證 |
| # current 目前 |
| # custom 自訂 |
| # Customize 自訂 |
| # Daemon 守護程序 |
| # Date 日期 |
| # Default 預設 |
| # Delete 刪除 |
| # describe describe |
| # description 描述 |
| # Destination 目的地 |
| # detach 分離 |
| # detect 偵測 |
| # Dialogs 對話框 |
| # Diff 差異 |
| # differences 差異 |
| # different 差異 |
| # dir 目錄 |
| # directory 目錄 |
| # Discard 丟棄 |
| # Display 顯示 |
| # double click 按兩下 |
| # edit 編輯 |
| # editor 編輯器 |
| # email email |
| # Enable 啟用 |
| # Error code 錯誤碼 |
| # explicitly 顯式 |
| # Export 匯出 |
| # expression 表示式 |
| # extension 擴充套件 |
| # external 外部 |
| # fast forward 快進 |
| # fast-forward 快進 |
| # fetch 獲取 |
| # file 檔案 |
| # files 檔案 |
| # filter 篩選 |
| # find 搜尋 |
| # Finish 完成 |
| # folder 資料夾 |
| # folders 資料夾 |
| # follow 跟隨 |
| # Force 強制 |
| # from 自 |
| # Git Git |
| # Git for Windows Git for Windows |
| # hash 雜湊 |
| # highlight 標示 |
| # Hook 掛鉤 |
| # hunk 區塊 |
| # hunks 區塊 |
| # Ignore 忽略 |
| # Index 索引 |
| # Info 資訊 |
| # information 資訊 |
| # Init 初始化 |
| # initial checkout 初始簽出 |
| # Inline Diff 行內差異 |
| # inline diff 列內差異 |
| # is up to date 已最新 |
| # issue 議題 |
| # item 項目 |
| # items 項目 |
| # Keywords 關鍵字 |
| # label 標記 |
| # labels 標記 |
| # Last 最後 |
| # later 稍後 |
| # limitation 限制 |
| # line 列 |
| # lines 列 |
| # local 本地端 |
| # Local 本地端 |
| # Log 記錄 |
| # Merge 合併 |
| # merge 合併 |
| # message 訊息 |
| # Message 訊息 |
| # modify 修改 |
| # Name 名稱 |
| # Note 註 |
| # note 註 |
| # Notes 註解 |
| # Open 開啟 |
| # Options 選項 |
| # Ordering 順序 |
| # Overlay 圖示覆蓋 |
| # pack 包裝 |
| # Parent 父 |
| # patch 補綴 |
| # patched 補綴 |
| # paths 路徑 |
| # pick 取 |
| # position 位置 |
| # preview 預覽 |
| # process 處理 |
| # program 程式 |
| # Project 專案 |
| # Prune 剪除 |
| # Pull 拉取 |
| # Pull Request 拉取請求 |
| # Push 推送 |
| # rebase 重定基底 |
| # rebase 重定基底 |
| # recover 還原 |
| # recovered 還原 |
| # recursively 遞迴 |
| # recycle bin 回收桶 |
| # redo 重做 |
| # Ref 參照 |
| # ref 參照 |
| # reference 參照 |
| # RefLog 參照日誌 |
| # refmap 參照映射 |
| # refs 參照 |
| # refspec 參照規格 |
| # Remote 遠端 |
| # remote branches 遠端分支 |
| # Remote-tracking branches 遠端跟蹤分支 |
| # remote-treacking branches 遠端追蹤分支 |
| # remove 移除 |
| # removed 已移除 |
| # repo 版本庫 |
| # repositories 版本庫 |
| # Repository 版本庫 |
| # request 要求 |
| # Reset 重設 |
| # resolve 解決 |
| # rest 其餘的 |
| # Restore 還原 |
| # Revert 復原 |
| # reverted 已復原 |
| # review 檢閱 |
| # revision 修訂版 |
| # revisions 版本 |
| # script 指令稿 |
| # Scripts 指令稿 |
| # sections 部分 |
| # Show 顯示 |
| # sign 簽署 |
| # signed 已簽署 |
| # skip 略過 |
| # special 特殊 |
| # Squash 壓合 |
| # stage 暫存 |
| # stage 暫存 |
| # staged 已暫存 |
| # staging area 暫存區 |
| # Stash 收藏 |
| # Status 狀態 |
| # subject 主旨 |
| # Submodule 子模組 |
| # Superproject 上層專案 |
| # Switch 切換 |
| # tag (動詞)貼標籤 |
| # Tag 標籤 |
| # tagger 貼標籤者 |
| # tags 標籤 |
| # task 工作 |
| # thesaurus 同義字 |
| # three way 三方 |
| # Track 跟蹤 |
| # Tracked 跟蹤中 |
| # tracking 跟蹤 |
| # tree 樹 |
| # two 2 |
| # type 類型 |
| # unchanged 未變更 |
| # Undo 復原 |
| # Unified diff 單一差異 |
| # unified diff 統合式差異 |
| # Unknown 未知 |
| # unstash 取消收藏 |
| # Untracked 未跟蹤的 |
| # Unversioned 無版控 |
| # Update 更新 |
| # UpStream 上游 |
| # user 使用者 |
| # username 使用者名稱 |
| # vanilla 原 |
| # verify 核驗 |
| # view 檢視 |
| # viewer 檢視器 |
| # Warning 警告 |
| # whitespace 空白字元 |
| # whitespaces 空白字元 |
| # working 工作 |
| # working copy 工作複本 |
| # Working tree 工作目錄 |
| # You might need 您可能需要 |
| # |
| msgid "" |
| msgstr "" |
| "Project-Id-Version: Git\n" |
| "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: Git Mailing List <git@vger.kernel.org>\n" |
| "POT-Creation-Date: 2021-05-17 16:02+0800\n" |
| "PO-Revision-Date: 2021-05-23 15:30+0800\n" |
| "Last-Translator: Yi-Jyun Pan <pan93412@gmail.com>\n" |
| "Language-Team: Chinese (Traditional) <zh-l10n@lists.linux.org.tw>\n" |
| "Language: zh_TW\n" |
| "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" |
| "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" |
| "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" |
| "Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n" |
| "X-Generator: Poedit 2.4.3\n" |
| "X-ZhConverter: 繁化姬 dict-f4bc617e-r910 @ 2019/11/16 20:23:12 | https://" |
| "zhconvert.org\n" |
| |
| #: add-interactive.c:376 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Huh (%s)?" |
| msgstr "嗯(%s)?" |
| |
| #: add-interactive.c:529 add-interactive.c:830 reset.c:65 sequencer.c:3493 |
| #: sequencer.c:3944 sequencer.c:4099 builtin/rebase.c:1528 |
| #: builtin/rebase.c:1953 |
| msgid "could not read index" |
| msgstr "無法讀取索引" |
| |
| #: add-interactive.c:584 git-add--interactive.perl:269 |
| #: git-add--interactive.perl:294 |
| msgid "binary" |
| msgstr "二進位" |
| |
| #: add-interactive.c:642 git-add--interactive.perl:278 |
| #: git-add--interactive.perl:332 |
| msgid "nothing" |
| msgstr "無" |
| |
| #: add-interactive.c:643 git-add--interactive.perl:314 |
| #: git-add--interactive.perl:329 |
| msgid "unchanged" |
| msgstr "未變更" |
| |
| #: add-interactive.c:680 git-add--interactive.perl:641 |
| msgid "Update" |
| msgstr "更新" |
| |
| #: add-interactive.c:697 add-interactive.c:885 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "could not stage '%s'" |
| msgstr "無法暫存「%s」" |
| |
| #: add-interactive.c:703 add-interactive.c:892 reset.c:89 sequencer.c:3687 |
| msgid "could not write index" |
| msgstr "無法寫入索引" |
| |
| #: add-interactive.c:706 git-add--interactive.perl:626 |
| #, c-format, perl-format |
| msgid "updated %d path\n" |
| msgid_plural "updated %d paths\n" |
| msgstr[0] "已更新 %d 個路徑\n" |
| |
| #: add-interactive.c:724 git-add--interactive.perl:676 |
| #, c-format, perl-format |
| msgid "note: %s is untracked now.\n" |
| msgstr "注意:%s 現已不再追蹤。\n" |
| |
| #: add-interactive.c:729 apply.c:4127 builtin/checkout.c:298 |
| #: builtin/reset.c:145 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "make_cache_entry failed for path '%s'" |
| msgstr "「%s」路徑執行 make_cache_entry 失敗" |
| |
| #: add-interactive.c:759 git-add--interactive.perl:653 |
| msgid "Revert" |
| msgstr "還原" |
| |
| #: add-interactive.c:775 |
| msgid "Could not parse HEAD^{tree}" |
| msgstr "不能解析 HEAD^{樹}" |
| |
| #: add-interactive.c:813 git-add--interactive.perl:629 |
| #, c-format, perl-format |
| msgid "reverted %d path\n" |
| msgid_plural "reverted %d paths\n" |
| msgstr[0] "還原了 %d 個路徑\n" |
| |
| #: add-interactive.c:864 git-add--interactive.perl:693 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "No untracked files.\n" |
| msgstr "沒有未追蹤的檔案。\n" |
| |
| #: add-interactive.c:868 git-add--interactive.perl:687 |
| msgid "Add untracked" |
| msgstr "新增未追蹤的" |
| |
| #: add-interactive.c:895 git-add--interactive.perl:623 |
| #, c-format, perl-format |
| msgid "added %d path\n" |
| msgid_plural "added %d paths\n" |
| msgstr[0] "增加了 %d 個路徑\n" |
| |
| #: add-interactive.c:925 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "ignoring unmerged: %s" |
| msgstr "忽略未合併:%s" |
| |
| #: add-interactive.c:937 add-patch.c:1751 git-add--interactive.perl:1369 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Only binary files changed.\n" |
| msgstr "只有二進位檔案被修改。\n" |
| |
| #: add-interactive.c:939 add-patch.c:1749 git-add--interactive.perl:1371 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "No changes.\n" |
| msgstr "沒有修改。\n" |
| |
| #: add-interactive.c:943 git-add--interactive.perl:1379 |
| msgid "Patch update" |
| msgstr "修補檔更新" |
| |
| #: add-interactive.c:982 git-add--interactive.perl:1792 |
| msgid "Review diff" |
| msgstr "檢視 diff" |
| |
| #: add-interactive.c:1010 |
| msgid "show paths with changes" |
| msgstr "顯示有變更的路徑" |
| |
| #: add-interactive.c:1012 |
| msgid "add working tree state to the staged set of changes" |
| msgstr "加入工作區狀態至暫存列表" |
| |
| #: add-interactive.c:1014 |
| msgid "revert staged set of changes back to the HEAD version" |
| msgstr "還原修改的暫存集至 HEAD 版本" |
| |
| #: add-interactive.c:1016 |
| msgid "pick hunks and update selectively" |
| msgstr "挑選區塊並選擇性更新" |
| |
| #: add-interactive.c:1018 |
| msgid "view diff between HEAD and index" |
| msgstr "檢視 HEAD 及索引之間的差異" |
| |
| #: add-interactive.c:1020 |
| msgid "add contents of untracked files to the staged set of changes" |
| msgstr "加入未追蹤檔案的內容至暫存列表" |
| |
| #: add-interactive.c:1028 add-interactive.c:1077 |
| msgid "Prompt help:" |
| msgstr "提示說明:" |
| |
| #: add-interactive.c:1030 |
| msgid "select a single item" |
| msgstr "選擇單一項目" |
| |
| #: add-interactive.c:1032 |
| msgid "select a range of items" |
| msgstr "選擇項目範圍" |
| |
| #: add-interactive.c:1034 |
| msgid "select multiple ranges" |
| msgstr "選擇多個範圍" |
| |
| #: add-interactive.c:1036 add-interactive.c:1081 |
| msgid "select item based on unique prefix" |
| msgstr "基於唯一前綴選擇項目" |
| |
| #: add-interactive.c:1038 |
| msgid "unselect specified items" |
| msgstr "取消選擇指定項目" |
| |
| #: add-interactive.c:1040 |
| msgid "choose all items" |
| msgstr "選擇所有項目" |
| |
| #: add-interactive.c:1042 |
| msgid "(empty) finish selecting" |
| msgstr "(空)完成選取" |
| |
| #: add-interactive.c:1079 |
| msgid "select a numbered item" |
| msgstr "選擇編號過的項目" |
| |
| #: add-interactive.c:1083 |
| msgid "(empty) select nothing" |
| msgstr "(空)全不選取" |
| |
| #: add-interactive.c:1091 builtin/clean.c:816 git-add--interactive.perl:1896 |
| msgid "*** Commands ***" |
| msgstr "*** 指令 ***" |
| |
| #: add-interactive.c:1092 builtin/clean.c:817 git-add--interactive.perl:1893 |
| msgid "What now" |
| msgstr "請選擇" |
| |
| #: add-interactive.c:1144 git-add--interactive.perl:213 |
| msgid "staged" |
| msgstr "快取" |
| |
| #: add-interactive.c:1144 git-add--interactive.perl:213 |
| msgid "unstaged" |
| msgstr "未快取" |
| |
| #: add-interactive.c:1144 apply.c:4994 apply.c:4997 builtin/am.c:2308 |
| #: builtin/am.c:2311 builtin/bugreport.c:135 builtin/clone.c:128 |
| #: builtin/fetch.c:152 builtin/merge.c:285 builtin/pull.c:190 |
| #: builtin/submodule--helper.c:409 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1819 |
| #: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1822 builtin/submodule--helper.c:2327 |
| #: builtin/submodule--helper.c:2330 builtin/submodule--helper.c:2573 |
| #: git-add--interactive.perl:213 |
| msgid "path" |
| msgstr "路徑" |
| |
| #: add-interactive.c:1151 |
| msgid "could not refresh index" |
| msgstr "無法重新整理索引" |
| |
| #: add-interactive.c:1165 builtin/clean.c:781 git-add--interactive.perl:1803 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Bye.\n" |
| msgstr "再見。\n" |
| |
| #: add-patch.c:34 git-add--interactive.perl:1431 |
| #, c-format, perl-format |
| msgid "Stage mode change [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? " |
| msgstr "暫存模式變更 [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? " |
| |
| #: add-patch.c:35 git-add--interactive.perl:1432 |
| #, c-format, perl-format |
| msgid "Stage deletion [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? " |
| msgstr "暫存刪除變更 [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? " |
| |
| #: add-patch.c:36 git-add--interactive.perl:1433 |
| #, c-format, perl-format |
| msgid "Stage addition [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? " |
| msgstr "暫存新增變更 [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? " |
| |
| #: add-patch.c:37 git-add--interactive.perl:1434 |
| #, c-format, perl-format |
| msgid "Stage this hunk [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? " |
| msgstr "暫存此區塊 [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? " |
| |
| #: add-patch.c:39 |
| msgid "" |
| "If the patch applies cleanly, the edited hunk will immediately be marked for " |
| "staging." |
| msgstr "如果修補檔能乾淨地套用,編輯區塊將立即標記為暫存。" |
| |
| #: add-patch.c:42 |
| msgid "" |
| "y - stage this hunk\n" |
| "n - do not stage this hunk\n" |
| "q - quit; do not stage this hunk or any of the remaining ones\n" |
| "a - stage this hunk and all later hunks in the file\n" |
| "d - do not stage this hunk or any of the later hunks in the file\n" |
| msgstr "" |
| "y - 暫存此區塊\n" |
| "n - 不要暫存此區塊\n" |
| "q - 離開。不暫存此區塊及後面的全部區塊\n" |
| "a - 暫存此區塊和本檔案中後面的全部區塊\n" |
| "d - 不暫存此區塊和本檔案中後面的全部區塊\n" |
| |
| #: add-patch.c:56 git-add--interactive.perl:1437 |
| #, c-format, perl-format |
| msgid "Stash mode change [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? " |
| msgstr "儲藏模式變更 [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? " |
| |
| #: add-patch.c:57 git-add--interactive.perl:1438 |
| #, c-format, perl-format |
| msgid "Stash deletion [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? " |
| msgstr "儲藏刪除變更 [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? " |
| |
| #: add-patch.c:58 git-add--interactive.perl:1439 |
| #, c-format, perl-format |
| msgid "Stash addition [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? " |
| msgstr "儲藏新增變更 [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? " |
| |
| #: add-patch.c:59 git-add--interactive.perl:1440 |
| #, c-format, perl-format |
| msgid "Stash this hunk [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? " |
| msgstr "儲藏此區塊 [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? " |
| |
| #: add-patch.c:61 |
| msgid "" |
| "If the patch applies cleanly, the edited hunk will immediately be marked for " |
| "stashing." |
| msgstr "如果修補檔能乾淨地套用,編輯區塊將立即標記為儲藏。" |
| |
| #: add-patch.c:64 |
| msgid "" |
| "y - stash this hunk\n" |
| "n - do not stash this hunk\n" |
| "q - quit; do not stash this hunk or any of the remaining ones\n" |
| "a - stash this hunk and all later hunks in the file\n" |
| "d - do not stash this hunk or any of the later hunks in the file\n" |
| msgstr "" |
| "y - 儲藏此區塊\n" |
| "n - 不要儲藏此區塊\n" |
| "q - 離開。不儲藏此區塊及後面的全部區塊\n" |
| "a - 儲藏此區塊和本檔案中後面的全部區塊\n" |
| "d - 不儲藏此區塊和本檔案中後面的全部區塊\n" |
| |
| #: add-patch.c:80 git-add--interactive.perl:1443 |
| #, c-format, perl-format |
| msgid "Unstage mode change [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? " |
| msgstr "取消暫存模式變更 [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? " |
| |
| #: add-patch.c:81 git-add--interactive.perl:1444 |
| #, c-format, perl-format |
| msgid "Unstage deletion [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? " |
| msgstr "取消暫存刪除變更 [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? " |
| |
| #: add-patch.c:82 git-add--interactive.perl:1445 |
| #, c-format, perl-format |
| msgid "Unstage addition [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? " |
| msgstr "取消暫存新增變更 [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? " |
| |
| #: add-patch.c:83 git-add--interactive.perl:1446 |
| #, c-format, perl-format |
| msgid "Unstage this hunk [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? " |
| msgstr "取消暫存此區塊 [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? " |
| |
| #: add-patch.c:85 |
| msgid "" |
| "If the patch applies cleanly, the edited hunk will immediately be marked for " |
| "unstaging." |
| msgstr "如果修補檔能乾淨地套用,編輯區塊將立即標記為未暫存。" |
| |
| #: add-patch.c:88 |
| msgid "" |
| "y - unstage this hunk\n" |
| "n - do not unstage this hunk\n" |
| "q - quit; do not unstage this hunk or any of the remaining ones\n" |
| "a - unstage this hunk and all later hunks in the file\n" |
| "d - do not unstage this hunk or any of the later hunks in the file\n" |
| msgstr "" |
| "y - 不暫存此區塊\n" |
| "n - 不要不暫存此區塊\n" |
| "q - 離開。不要不暫存此區塊及後面的全部區塊\n" |
| "a - 不暫存此區塊和本檔案中後面的全部區塊\n" |
| "d - 不要不暫存此區塊和本檔案中後面的全部區塊\n" |
| |
| #: add-patch.c:103 git-add--interactive.perl:1449 |
| #, c-format, perl-format |
| msgid "Apply mode change to index [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? " |
| msgstr "將模式變更套用到索引 [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? " |
| |
| #: add-patch.c:104 git-add--interactive.perl:1450 |
| #, c-format, perl-format |
| msgid "Apply deletion to index [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? " |
| msgstr "將刪除變更套用到索引 [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? " |
| |
| #: add-patch.c:105 git-add--interactive.perl:1451 |
| #, c-format, perl-format |
| msgid "Apply addition to index [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? " |
| msgstr "套用新增變更至索引 [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? " |
| |
| #: add-patch.c:106 git-add--interactive.perl:1452 |
| #, c-format, perl-format |
| msgid "Apply this hunk to index [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? " |
| msgstr "將此區塊套用到索引 [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? " |
| |
| #: add-patch.c:108 add-patch.c:176 add-patch.c:221 |
| msgid "" |
| "If the patch applies cleanly, the edited hunk will immediately be marked for " |
| "applying." |
| msgstr "如果修補檔能乾淨地套用,編輯區塊將立即標記為套用。" |
| |
| #: add-patch.c:111 |
| msgid "" |
| "y - apply this hunk to index\n" |
| "n - do not apply this hunk to index\n" |
| "q - quit; do not apply this hunk or any of the remaining ones\n" |
| "a - apply this hunk and all later hunks in the file\n" |
| "d - do not apply this hunk or any of the later hunks in the file\n" |
| msgstr "" |
| "y - 在索引中套用此區塊\n" |
| "n - 不要在索引中套用此區塊\n" |
| "q - 離開。不要套用此區塊及後面的全部區塊\n" |
| "a - 套用此區塊和本檔案中後面的全部區塊\n" |
| "d - 不要套用此區塊和本檔案中後面的全部區塊\n" |
| |
| #: add-patch.c:126 git-add--interactive.perl:1455 |
| #: git-add--interactive.perl:1473 |
| #, c-format, perl-format |
| msgid "Discard mode change from worktree [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? " |
| msgstr "從工作區中捨棄模式變更 [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? " |
| |
| #: add-patch.c:127 git-add--interactive.perl:1456 |
| #: git-add--interactive.perl:1474 |
| #, c-format, perl-format |
| msgid "Discard deletion from worktree [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? " |
| msgstr "從工作區中捨棄刪除變更 [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? " |
| |
| #: add-patch.c:128 git-add--interactive.perl:1457 |
| #: git-add--interactive.perl:1475 |
| #, c-format, perl-format |
| msgid "Discard addition from worktree [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? " |
| msgstr "放棄工作目錄的新增變更 [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? " |
| |
| #: add-patch.c:129 git-add--interactive.perl:1458 |
| #: git-add--interactive.perl:1476 |
| #, c-format, perl-format |
| msgid "Discard this hunk from worktree [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? " |
| msgstr "從工作區中捨棄此區塊 [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? " |
| |
| #: add-patch.c:131 add-patch.c:154 add-patch.c:199 |
| msgid "" |
| "If the patch applies cleanly, the edited hunk will immediately be marked for " |
| "discarding." |
| msgstr "如果修補檔能乾淨地套用,編輯區塊將立即標記為捨棄。" |
| |
| #: add-patch.c:134 add-patch.c:202 |
| msgid "" |
| "y - discard this hunk from worktree\n" |
| "n - do not discard this hunk from worktree\n" |
| "q - quit; do not discard this hunk or any of the remaining ones\n" |
| "a - discard this hunk and all later hunks in the file\n" |
| "d - do not discard this hunk or any of the later hunks in the file\n" |
| msgstr "" |
| "y - 在工作區中捨棄此區塊\n" |
| "n - 不要在工作區中捨棄此區塊\n" |
| "q - 離開。不要捨棄此區塊及後面的全部區塊\n" |
| "a - 捨棄此區塊和本檔案中後面的全部區塊\n" |
| "d - 不要捨棄此區塊和本檔案中後面的全部區塊\n" |
| |
| #: add-patch.c:149 add-patch.c:194 git-add--interactive.perl:1461 |
| #, c-format, perl-format |
| msgid "Discard mode change from index and worktree [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? " |
| msgstr "從索引和工作區中捨棄模式變更 [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? " |
| |
| #: add-patch.c:150 add-patch.c:195 git-add--interactive.perl:1462 |
| #, c-format, perl-format |
| msgid "Discard deletion from index and worktree [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? " |
| msgstr "從索引和工作區中捨棄刪除 [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? " |
| |
| #: add-patch.c:151 add-patch.c:196 git-add--interactive.perl:1463 |
| #, c-format, perl-format |
| msgid "Discard addition from index and worktree [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? " |
| msgstr "放棄索引及工作目錄的新增變更 [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? " |
| |
| #: add-patch.c:152 add-patch.c:197 git-add--interactive.perl:1464 |
| #, c-format, perl-format |
| msgid "Discard this hunk from index and worktree [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? " |
| msgstr "從索引和工作區中捨棄此區塊 [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? " |
| |
| #: add-patch.c:157 |
| msgid "" |
| "y - discard this hunk from index and worktree\n" |
| "n - do not discard this hunk from index and worktree\n" |
| "q - quit; do not discard this hunk or any of the remaining ones\n" |
| "a - discard this hunk and all later hunks in the file\n" |
| "d - do not discard this hunk or any of the later hunks in the file\n" |
| msgstr "" |
| "y - 在索引和工作區中捨棄此區塊\n" |
| "n - 不要在索引和工作區中捨棄此區塊\n" |
| "q - 離開。不要捨棄此區塊及後面的全部區塊\n" |
| "a - 捨棄此區塊和本檔案中後面的全部區塊\n" |
| "d - 不要捨棄此區塊和本檔案中後面的全部區塊\n" |
| |
| #: add-patch.c:171 add-patch.c:216 git-add--interactive.perl:1467 |
| #, c-format, perl-format |
| msgid "Apply mode change to index and worktree [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? " |
| msgstr "將模式變更套用到索引和工作區 [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? " |
| |
| #: add-patch.c:172 add-patch.c:217 git-add--interactive.perl:1468 |
| #, c-format, perl-format |
| msgid "Apply deletion to index and worktree [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? " |
| msgstr "將刪除變更套用到索引和工作區 [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? " |
| |
| #: add-patch.c:173 add-patch.c:218 git-add--interactive.perl:1469 |
| #, c-format, perl-format |
| msgid "Apply addition to index and worktree [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? " |
| msgstr "套用索引及工作目錄的新增變更 [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? " |
| |
| #: add-patch.c:174 add-patch.c:219 git-add--interactive.perl:1470 |
| #, c-format, perl-format |
| msgid "Apply this hunk to index and worktree [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? " |
| msgstr "將此區塊套用到索引和工作區 [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? " |
| |
| #: add-patch.c:179 |
| msgid "" |
| "y - apply this hunk to index and worktree\n" |
| "n - do not apply this hunk to index and worktree\n" |
| "q - quit; do not apply this hunk or any of the remaining ones\n" |
| "a - apply this hunk and all later hunks in the file\n" |
| "d - do not apply this hunk or any of the later hunks in the file\n" |
| msgstr "" |
| "y - 在索引和工作區中套用此區塊\n" |
| "n - 不要在索引和工作區中套用此區塊\n" |
| "q - 離開。不要套用此區塊及後面的全部區塊\n" |
| "a - 套用此區塊和本檔案中後面的全部區塊\n" |
| "d - 不要套用此區塊和本檔案中後面的全部區塊\n" |
| |
| #: add-patch.c:224 |
| msgid "" |
| "y - apply this hunk to worktree\n" |
| "n - do not apply this hunk to worktree\n" |
| "q - quit; do not apply this hunk or any of the remaining ones\n" |
| "a - apply this hunk and all later hunks in the file\n" |
| "d - do not apply this hunk or any of the later hunks in the file\n" |
| msgstr "" |
| "y - 在工作區中套用此區塊\n" |
| "n - 不要在工作區中套用此區塊\n" |
| "q - 離開。不要套用此區塊及後面的全部區塊\n" |
| "a - 套用此區塊和本檔案中後面的全部區塊\n" |
| "d - 不要套用此區塊和本檔案中後面的全部區塊\n" |
| |
| #: add-patch.c:342 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "could not parse hunk header '%.*s'" |
| msgstr "無法解析區塊標頭 '%.*s'" |
| |
| #: add-patch.c:361 add-patch.c:365 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "could not parse colored hunk header '%.*s'" |
| msgstr "無法解析上色過的區塊標頭 '%.*s'" |
| |
| #: add-patch.c:419 |
| msgid "could not parse diff" |
| msgstr "無法解析差異 (diff)" |
| |
| #: add-patch.c:438 |
| msgid "could not parse colored diff" |
| msgstr "無法解析上色過的差異 (diff)" |
| |
| #: add-patch.c:452 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "failed to run '%s'" |
| msgstr "無法執行 '%s'" |
| |
| #: add-patch.c:611 |
| msgid "mismatched output from interactive.diffFilter" |
| msgstr "interactive.diffFilter 的輸出不符" |
| |
| #: add-patch.c:612 |
| msgid "" |
| "Your filter must maintain a one-to-one correspondence\n" |
| "between its input and output lines." |
| msgstr "您的過濾器必須在其輸入及輸出行維持一對一的對應關係。" |
| |
| #: add-patch.c:790 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "expected context line #%d in\n" |
| "%.*s" |
| msgstr "" |
| "應有上下文行 #%d 於\n" |
| "%.*s" |
| |
| #: add-patch.c:805 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "hunks do not overlap:\n" |
| "%.*s\n" |
| "\tdoes not end with:\n" |
| "%.*s" |
| msgstr "" |
| "區塊未重疊:\n" |
| "%.*s\n" |
| "\t不以下述結尾:\n" |
| "%.*s" |
| |
| #: add-patch.c:1081 git-add--interactive.perl:1115 |
| msgid "Manual hunk edit mode -- see bottom for a quick guide.\n" |
| msgstr "手動區塊編輯模式 -- 檢視底部的快速指南。\n" |
| |
| #: add-patch.c:1085 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "---\n" |
| "To remove '%c' lines, make them ' ' lines (context).\n" |
| "To remove '%c' lines, delete them.\n" |
| "Lines starting with %c will be removed.\n" |
| msgstr "" |
| "---\n" |
| "要刪除 '%c' 開始的行,使其成為 ' ' 開始的行(上下文)。\n" |
| "要刪除 '%c' 開始的行,刪除它們。\n" |
| "以 %c 開始的行將被刪除。\n" |
| |
| #. TRANSLATORS: 'it' refers to the patch mentioned in the previous messages. |
| #: add-patch.c:1099 git-add--interactive.perl:1129 |
| msgid "" |
| "If it does not apply cleanly, you will be given an opportunity to\n" |
| "edit again. If all lines of the hunk are removed, then the edit is\n" |
| "aborted and the hunk is left unchanged.\n" |
| msgstr "" |
| "如果未乾淨套用,您就有機會重新編輯。若刪掉此區塊的全部內容,則會中止\n" |
| "本次編輯,區塊則不會被修改。\n" |
| |
| #: add-patch.c:1132 |
| msgid "could not parse hunk header" |
| msgstr "無法解析區塊標頭" |
| |
| #: add-patch.c:1177 |
| msgid "'git apply --cached' failed" |
| msgstr "「git apply --cached」失敗" |
| |
| #. TRANSLATORS: do not translate [y/n] |
| #. The program will only accept that input at this point. |
| #. Consider translating (saying "no" discards!) as |
| #. (saying "n" for "no" discards!) if the translation |
| #. of the word "no" does not start with n. |
| #. |
| #. TRANSLATORS: do not translate [y/n] |
| #. The program will only accept that input |
| #. at this point. |
| #. Consider translating (saying "no" discards!) as |
| #. (saying "n" for "no" discards!) if the translation |
| #. of the word "no" does not start with n. |
| #: add-patch.c:1246 git-add--interactive.perl:1242 |
| msgid "" |
| "Your edited hunk does not apply. Edit again (saying \"no\" discards!) [y/n]? " |
| msgstr "未套用編輯區塊。是否重新編輯(輸入 “no” 捨棄!) [y/n]? " |
| |
| #: add-patch.c:1289 |
| msgid "The selected hunks do not apply to the index!" |
| msgstr "選取的區塊不會套用進索引!" |
| |
| #: add-patch.c:1290 git-add--interactive.perl:1346 |
| msgid "Apply them to the worktree anyway? " |
| msgstr "無論如何都要套用到工作區嗎?" |
| |
| #: add-patch.c:1297 git-add--interactive.perl:1349 |
| msgid "Nothing was applied.\n" |
| msgstr "未套用。\n" |
| |
| #: add-patch.c:1354 |
| msgid "" |
| "j - leave this hunk undecided, see next undecided hunk\n" |
| "J - leave this hunk undecided, see next hunk\n" |
| "k - leave this hunk undecided, see previous undecided hunk\n" |
| "K - leave this hunk undecided, see previous hunk\n" |
| "g - select a hunk to go to\n" |
| "/ - search for a hunk matching the given regex\n" |
| "s - split the current hunk into smaller hunks\n" |
| "e - manually edit the current hunk\n" |
| "? - print help\n" |
| msgstr "" |
| "j - 維持此區塊未決狀態,檢視下一個未決定區塊\n" |
| "J - 維持此區塊未決狀態,檢視下一個區塊\n" |
| "k - 維持此區塊未決狀態,檢視上一個未決定區塊\n" |
| "K - 維持此區塊未決狀態,檢視上一個區塊\n" |
| "g - 選擇要跳轉至的區塊\n" |
| "/ - 尋找符合提供之正規表示式的區塊\n" |
| "s - 分割目前區塊為更小的區塊\n" |
| "e - 手動編輯目前區塊\n" |
| "? - 顯示說明\n" |
| |
| #: add-patch.c:1516 add-patch.c:1526 |
| msgid "No previous hunk" |
| msgstr "沒有上一個區塊" |
| |
| #: add-patch.c:1521 add-patch.c:1531 |
| msgid "No next hunk" |
| msgstr "沒有下一個區塊" |
| |
| #: add-patch.c:1537 |
| msgid "No other hunks to goto" |
| msgstr "沒有其它可供跳轉的區塊" |
| |
| #: add-patch.c:1548 git-add--interactive.perl:1606 |
| msgid "go to which hunk (<ret> to see more)? " |
| msgstr "要跳轉到哪個區塊(<Enter> 檢視更多)? " |
| |
| #: add-patch.c:1549 git-add--interactive.perl:1608 |
| msgid "go to which hunk? " |
| msgstr "跳轉到哪個區塊?" |
| |
| #: add-patch.c:1560 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Invalid number: '%s'" |
| msgstr "無效數字:'%s'" |
| |
| #: add-patch.c:1565 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Sorry, only %d hunk available." |
| msgid_plural "Sorry, only %d hunks available." |
| msgstr[0] "對不起,只有 %d 個可用區塊。" |
| |
| #: add-patch.c:1574 |
| msgid "No other hunks to search" |
| msgstr "沒有其它可供尋找的區塊" |
| |
| #: add-patch.c:1580 git-add--interactive.perl:1661 |
| msgid "search for regex? " |
| msgstr "使用正規表示式搜尋?" |
| |
| #: add-patch.c:1595 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Malformed search regexp %s: %s" |
| msgstr "錯誤的正規表示式 %s:%s" |
| |
| #: add-patch.c:1612 |
| msgid "No hunk matches the given pattern" |
| msgstr "沒有和提供模式相符合的區塊" |
| |
| #: add-patch.c:1619 |
| msgid "Sorry, cannot split this hunk" |
| msgstr "對不起,不能分割這個區塊" |
| |
| #: add-patch.c:1623 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Split into %d hunks." |
| msgstr "分割為 %d 個區塊。" |
| |
| #: add-patch.c:1627 |
| msgid "Sorry, cannot edit this hunk" |
| msgstr "對不起,不能編輯這個區塊" |
| |
| #: add-patch.c:1679 |
| msgid "'git apply' failed" |
| msgstr "'git apply' 失敗" |
| |
| #: advice.c:145 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "\n" |
| "Disable this message with \"git config advice.%s false\"" |
| msgstr "" |
| "\n" |
| "請使用「git config advice.%s false」來停用此訊息" |
| |
| #: advice.c:161 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "%shint: %.*s%s\n" |
| msgstr "%s提示:%.*s%s\n" |
| |
| #: advice.c:252 |
| msgid "Cherry-picking is not possible because you have unmerged files." |
| msgstr "無法揀選,因為您有未合併的檔案。" |
| |
| #: advice.c:254 |
| msgid "Committing is not possible because you have unmerged files." |
| msgstr "無法提交,因為您有未合併的檔案。" |
| |
| #: advice.c:256 |
| msgid "Merging is not possible because you have unmerged files." |
| msgstr "無法合併,因為您有未合併的檔案。" |
| |
| #: advice.c:258 |
| msgid "Pulling is not possible because you have unmerged files." |
| msgstr "無法拉取,因為您有未合併的檔案。" |
| |
| #: advice.c:260 |
| msgid "Reverting is not possible because you have unmerged files." |
| msgstr "無法還原提交,因為您有未合併的檔案。" |
| |
| #: advice.c:262 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "It is not possible to %s because you have unmerged files." |
| msgstr "無法 %s,因為您有未合併的檔案。" |
| |
| #: advice.c:270 |
| msgid "" |
| "Fix them up in the work tree, and then use 'git add/rm <file>'\n" |
| "as appropriate to mark resolution and make a commit." |
| msgstr "" |
| "請在工作區改正檔案,然後酌情使用 'git add/rm <檔案>' 指令標記\n" |
| "解決方案並提交。" |
| |
| #: advice.c:278 |
| msgid "Exiting because of an unresolved conflict." |
| msgstr "因為存在未解決的衝突而離開。" |
| |
| #: advice.c:283 builtin/merge.c:1374 |
| msgid "You have not concluded your merge (MERGE_HEAD exists)." |
| msgstr "您尚未結束您的合併(存在 MERGE_HEAD)。" |
| |
| #: advice.c:285 |
| msgid "Please, commit your changes before merging." |
| msgstr "請在合併前先提交您的修改。" |
| |
| #: advice.c:286 |
| msgid "Exiting because of unfinished merge." |
| msgstr "因為存在未完成的合併而離開。" |
| |
| #: advice.c:296 |
| #, fuzzy, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "The following pathspecs didn't match any eligible path, but they do match " |
| "index\n" |
| "entries outside the current sparse checkout:\n" |
| msgstr "沒有符合下列路徑規格的合規路徑,但有符合目前稀疏簽出之外的索引項目:\n" |
| |
| #: advice.c:303 |
| msgid "" |
| "Disable or modify the sparsity rules if you intend to update such entries." |
| msgstr "若有意更新這些項目,請停用或修改稀疏規則。" |
| |
| #: advice.c:310 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "Note: switching to '%s'.\n" |
| "\n" |
| "You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental\n" |
| "changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this\n" |
| "state without impacting any branches by switching back to a branch.\n" |
| "\n" |
| "If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may\n" |
| "do so (now or later) by using -c with the switch command. Example:\n" |
| "\n" |
| " git switch -c <new-branch-name>\n" |
| "\n" |
| "Or undo this operation with:\n" |
| "\n" |
| " git switch -\n" |
| "\n" |
| "Turn off this advice by setting config variable advice.detachedHead to " |
| "false\n" |
| "\n" |
| msgstr "" |
| "注意:正在切換到 '%s'。\n" |
| "\n" |
| "您正處於分離開頭指標狀態。您可以檢視、做實驗性的修改及提交,並且您可以在切" |
| "換\n" |
| "回一個分支時,捨棄在此狀態下所做的提交而不對分支造成影響。\n" |
| "\n" |
| "如果您想要透過建立分支來保留在此狀態下所做的提交,您可以透過在 switch 指令\n" |
| "中新增參數 -c 來實現(現在或稍後)。例如:\n" |
| "\n" |
| " git switch -c <新分支名>\n" |
| "\n" |
| "或者復原此動作:\n" |
| "\n" |
| " git switch -\n" |
| "\n" |
| "透過將設定變數 advice.detachedHead 設定為 false 來關閉此建議\n" |
| "\n" |
| |
| #: alias.c:50 |
| msgid "cmdline ends with \\" |
| msgstr "指令列以 \\ 結尾" |
| |
| #: alias.c:51 |
| msgid "unclosed quote" |
| msgstr "未閉合的引號" |
| |
| #: apply.c:70 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "unrecognized whitespace option '%s'" |
| msgstr "無法識別的空白字元選項 '%s'" |
| |
| #: apply.c:86 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "unrecognized whitespace ignore option '%s'" |
| msgstr "無法識別的空白字元忽略選項 '%s'" |
| |
| #: apply.c:136 |
| msgid "--reject and --3way cannot be used together." |
| msgstr "--reject 和 --3way 不能同時使用。" |
| |
| #: apply.c:139 |
| msgid "--3way outside a repository" |
| msgstr "--3way 在版本庫之外" |
| |
| #: apply.c:150 |
| msgid "--index outside a repository" |
| msgstr "--index 在版本庫之外" |
| |
| #: apply.c:153 |
| msgid "--cached outside a repository" |
| msgstr "--cached 在版本庫之外" |
| |
| #: apply.c:800 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Cannot prepare timestamp regexp %s" |
| msgstr "無法準備時間戳正規表示式 %s" |
| |
| #: apply.c:809 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "regexec returned %d for input: %s" |
| msgstr "regexec 返回 %d,輸入為:%s" |
| |
| #: apply.c:883 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "unable to find filename in patch at line %d" |
| msgstr "不能在修補檔的第 %d 行找到檔案名" |
| |
| #: apply.c:921 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "git apply: bad git-diff - expected /dev/null, got %s on line %d" |
| msgstr "git apply:錯誤的 git-diff - 應為 /dev/null,但在第 %2$d 行得到 %1$s" |
| |
| #: apply.c:927 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "git apply: bad git-diff - inconsistent new filename on line %d" |
| msgstr "git apply:錯誤的 git-diff - 第 %d 行上新檔案名不一致" |
| |
| #: apply.c:928 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "git apply: bad git-diff - inconsistent old filename on line %d" |
| msgstr "git apply:錯誤的 git-diff - 第 %d 行上舊檔案名不一致" |
| |
| #: apply.c:933 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "git apply: bad git-diff - expected /dev/null on line %d" |
| msgstr "git apply:錯誤的 git-diff - 第 %d 行處應為 /dev/null" |
| |
| #: apply.c:962 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "invalid mode on line %d: %s" |
| msgstr "第 %d 行包含無效檔案模式:%s" |
| |
| #: apply.c:1281 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "inconsistent header lines %d and %d" |
| msgstr "不一致的檔案頭,%d 行和 %d 行" |
| |
| #: apply.c:1371 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "git diff header lacks filename information when removing %d leading pathname " |
| "component (line %d)" |
| msgid_plural "" |
| "git diff header lacks filename information when removing %d leading pathname " |
| "components (line %d)" |
| msgstr[0] "當移除 %d 個前導路徑後 git diff 頭缺乏檔案名訊息(第 %d 行)" |
| |
| #: apply.c:1384 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "git diff header lacks filename information (line %d)" |
| msgstr "git diff 的標頭訊息中缺乏檔案名訊息(第 %d 行)" |
| |
| #: apply.c:1480 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "recount: unexpected line: %.*s" |
| msgstr "recount:意外的行:%.*s" |
| |
| #: apply.c:1549 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "patch fragment without header at line %d: %.*s" |
| msgstr "第 %d 行的修補檔區塊沒有標頭訊息:%.*s" |
| |
| #: apply.c:1752 |
| msgid "new file depends on old contents" |
| msgstr "新檔案依賴舊內容" |
| |
| #: apply.c:1754 |
| msgid "deleted file still has contents" |
| msgstr "刪除的檔案仍有內容" |
| |
| #: apply.c:1788 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "corrupt patch at line %d" |
| msgstr "修補檔在第 %d 行發現損壞" |
| |
| #: apply.c:1825 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "new file %s depends on old contents" |
| msgstr "新檔案 %s 依賴舊內容" |
| |
| #: apply.c:1827 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "deleted file %s still has contents" |
| msgstr "刪除的檔案 %s 仍有內容" |
| |
| #: apply.c:1830 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "** warning: file %s becomes empty but is not deleted" |
| msgstr "** 警告:檔案 %s 成為空檔案但並未刪除" |
| |
| #: apply.c:1977 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "corrupt binary patch at line %d: %.*s" |
| msgstr "二進位修補檔在第 %d 行損壞:%.*s" |
| |
| #: apply.c:2014 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "unrecognized binary patch at line %d" |
| msgstr "無法識別的二進位修補檔位於第 %d 行" |
| |
| #: apply.c:2176 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "patch with only garbage at line %d" |
| msgstr "修補檔案的第 %d 行只有垃圾資料" |
| |
| #: apply.c:2262 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "unable to read symlink %s" |
| msgstr "無法讀取符號連結 %s" |
| |
| #: apply.c:2266 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "unable to open or read %s" |
| msgstr "不能開啟或讀取 %s" |
| |
| #: apply.c:2935 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "invalid start of line: '%c'" |
| msgstr "無效的行首字元:'%c'" |
| |
| #: apply.c:3056 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Hunk #%d succeeded at %d (offset %d line)." |
| msgid_plural "Hunk #%d succeeded at %d (offset %d lines)." |
| msgstr[0] "區塊 #%d 成功套用於 %d(位移 %d 行)。" |
| |
| #: apply.c:3068 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Context reduced to (%ld/%ld) to apply fragment at %d" |
| msgstr "上下文減少到(%ld/%ld)以在第 %d 行套用修補檔區塊" |
| |
| #: apply.c:3074 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "while searching for:\n" |
| "%.*s" |
| msgstr "" |
| "當查詢:\n" |
| "%.*s" |
| |
| #: apply.c:3096 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "missing binary patch data for '%s'" |
| msgstr "缺少 '%s' 的二進位修補檔資料" |
| |
| #: apply.c:3104 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "cannot reverse-apply a binary patch without the reverse hunk to '%s'" |
| msgstr "不能反向套用一個缺少到 '%s' 的反向資料區塊的二進位修補檔" |
| |
| #: apply.c:3151 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "cannot apply binary patch to '%s' without full index line" |
| msgstr "不能在 '%s' 上套用沒有完整索引行的二進位修補檔" |
| |
| #: apply.c:3162 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "the patch applies to '%s' (%s), which does not match the current contents." |
| msgstr "修補檔套用到 '%s'(%s),但是和目前內容不符合。" |
| |
| #: apply.c:3170 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "the patch applies to an empty '%s' but it is not empty" |
| msgstr "修補檔套用到空檔案 '%s',但其並非空檔案" |
| |
| #: apply.c:3188 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "the necessary postimage %s for '%s' cannot be read" |
| msgstr "無法讀取 '%2$s' 必需的目標檔案 %1$s" |
| |
| #: apply.c:3201 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "binary patch does not apply to '%s'" |
| msgstr "二進位修補檔未套用到 '%s'" |
| |
| #: apply.c:3208 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "binary patch to '%s' creates incorrect result (expecting %s, got %s)" |
| msgstr "到 '%s' 的二進位修補檔產生了不正確的結果(應為 %s,卻為 %s)" |
| |
| #: apply.c:3229 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "patch failed: %s:%ld" |
| msgstr "打修補檔失敗:%s:%ld" |
| |
| #: apply.c:3352 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "cannot checkout %s" |
| msgstr "不能檢出 %s" |
| |
| #: apply.c:3404 apply.c:3415 apply.c:3461 midx.c:98 pack-revindex.c:214 |
| #: setup.c:308 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "failed to read %s" |
| msgstr "無法讀取 %s" |
| |
| #: apply.c:3412 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "reading from '%s' beyond a symbolic link" |
| msgstr "讀取位於符號連結中的 '%s'" |
| |
| #: apply.c:3441 apply.c:3687 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "path %s has been renamed/deleted" |
| msgstr "路徑 %s 已經被重新命名/刪除" |
| |
| #: apply.c:3527 apply.c:3702 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "%s: does not exist in index" |
| msgstr "%s:不存在於索引中" |
| |
| #: apply.c:3536 apply.c:3710 apply.c:3954 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "%s: does not match index" |
| msgstr "%s:和索引不符合" |
| |
| #: apply.c:3571 |
| msgid "repository lacks the necessary blob to perform 3-way merge." |
| msgstr "版本庫缺少用來進行三方合併所需要的資料物件。" |
| |
| #: apply.c:3574 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Performing three-way merge...\n" |
| msgstr "正在進行三方合併⋯⋯\n" |
| |
| #: apply.c:3590 apply.c:3594 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "cannot read the current contents of '%s'" |
| msgstr "無法讀取 '%s' 的目前內容" |
| |
| #: apply.c:3606 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Failed to perform three-way merge...\n" |
| msgstr "無法進行三方合併⋯⋯\n" |
| |
| #: apply.c:3620 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Applied patch to '%s' with conflicts.\n" |
| msgstr "套用修補檔到 '%s' 存在衝突。\n" |
| |
| #: apply.c:3625 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Applied patch to '%s' cleanly.\n" |
| msgstr "成功套用修補檔到 '%s'。\n" |
| |
| #: apply.c:3642 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Falling back to direct application...\n" |
| msgstr "" |
| |
| #: apply.c:3654 |
| msgid "removal patch leaves file contents" |
| msgstr "移除修補檔仍留下了檔案內容" |
| |
| #: apply.c:3727 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "%s: wrong type" |
| msgstr "%s:錯誤類型" |
| |
| #: apply.c:3729 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "%s has type %o, expected %o" |
| msgstr "%s 的類型是 %o,應為 %o" |
| |
| #: apply.c:3894 apply.c:3896 read-cache.c:861 read-cache.c:890 |
| #: read-cache.c:1351 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "invalid path '%s'" |
| msgstr "無效路徑 '%s'" |
| |
| #: apply.c:3952 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "%s: already exists in index" |
| msgstr "%s:已經存在於索引中" |
| |
| #: apply.c:3956 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "%s: already exists in working directory" |
| msgstr "%s:已經存在於工作區中" |
| |
| #: apply.c:3976 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "new mode (%o) of %s does not match old mode (%o)" |
| msgstr "%2$s 的新模式(%1$o)和舊模式(%3$o)不符合" |
| |
| #: apply.c:3981 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "new mode (%o) of %s does not match old mode (%o) of %s" |
| msgstr "%2$s 的新模式(%1$o)和 %4$s 的舊模式(%3$o)不符合" |
| |
| #: apply.c:4001 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "affected file '%s' is beyond a symbolic link" |
| msgstr "受影響的檔案 '%s' 位於符號連結中" |
| |
| #: apply.c:4005 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "%s: patch does not apply" |
| msgstr "%s:修補檔未套用" |
| |
| #: apply.c:4020 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Checking patch %s..." |
| msgstr "正在檢查修補檔 %s..." |
| |
| #: apply.c:4112 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "sha1 information is lacking or useless for submodule %s" |
| msgstr "子模組 %s 的 sha1 訊息缺少或無效" |
| |
| #: apply.c:4119 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "mode change for %s, which is not in current HEAD" |
| msgstr "%s 的模式變更,但它不在目前 HEAD 中" |
| |
| #: apply.c:4122 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "sha1 information is lacking or useless (%s)." |
| msgstr "sha1 訊息缺少或無效(%s)。" |
| |
| #: apply.c:4131 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "could not add %s to temporary index" |
| msgstr "不能在暫時索引中新增 %s" |
| |
| #: apply.c:4141 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "could not write temporary index to %s" |
| msgstr "不能把暫時索引寫入到 %s" |
| |
| #: apply.c:4279 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "unable to remove %s from index" |
| msgstr "不能從索引中移除 %s" |
| |
| #: apply.c:4313 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "corrupt patch for submodule %s" |
| msgstr "子模組 %s 損壞的修補檔" |
| |
| #: apply.c:4319 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "unable to stat newly created file '%s'" |
| msgstr "不能對建立檔案 '%s' 呼叫 stat" |
| |
| #: apply.c:4327 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "unable to create backing store for newly created file %s" |
| msgstr "不能為建立檔案 %s 建立後端儲存" |
| |
| #: apply.c:4333 apply.c:4478 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "unable to add cache entry for %s" |
| msgstr "無法為 %s 新增快取條目" |
| |
| #: apply.c:4376 builtin/bisect--helper.c:523 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "failed to write to '%s'" |
| msgstr "寫入 '%s' 失敗" |
| |
| #: apply.c:4380 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "closing file '%s'" |
| msgstr "關閉檔案 '%s'" |
| |
| #: apply.c:4450 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "unable to write file '%s' mode %o" |
| msgstr "不能寫入檔案 '%s' 權限 %o" |
| |
| #: apply.c:4548 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Applied patch %s cleanly." |
| msgstr "成功套用修補檔 %s。" |
| |
| #: apply.c:4556 |
| msgid "internal error" |
| msgstr "內部錯誤" |
| |
| #: apply.c:4559 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Applying patch %%s with %d reject..." |
| msgid_plural "Applying patch %%s with %d rejects..." |
| msgstr[0] "套用 %%s 個修補檔,其中 %d 個被拒絕..." |
| |
| #: apply.c:4570 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "truncating .rej filename to %.*s.rej" |
| msgstr "截短 .rej 檔案名為 %.*s.rej" |
| |
| #: apply.c:4578 builtin/fetch.c:993 builtin/fetch.c:1394 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "cannot open %s" |
| msgstr "不能開啟 %s" |
| |
| #: apply.c:4592 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Hunk #%d applied cleanly." |
| msgstr "成功套用第 #%d 個區塊。" |
| |
| #: apply.c:4596 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Rejected hunk #%d." |
| msgstr "拒絕第 #%d 個區塊。" |
| |
| #: apply.c:4725 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Skipped patch '%s'." |
| msgstr "略過修補檔 '%s'。" |
| |
| #: apply.c:4733 |
| msgid "unrecognized input" |
| msgstr "無法識別的輸入" |
| |
| #: apply.c:4753 |
| msgid "unable to read index file" |
| msgstr "無法讀取索引檔案" |
| |
| #: apply.c:4910 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "can't open patch '%s': %s" |
| msgstr "不能開啟修補檔 '%s':%s" |
| |
| #: apply.c:4937 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "squelched %d whitespace error" |
| msgid_plural "squelched %d whitespace errors" |
| msgstr[0] "抑制下仍有 %d 個空白字元誤用" |
| |
| #: apply.c:4943 apply.c:4958 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "%d line adds whitespace errors." |
| msgid_plural "%d lines add whitespace errors." |
| msgstr[0] "%d 行新增了空白字元誤用。" |
| |
| #: apply.c:4951 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "%d line applied after fixing whitespace errors." |
| msgid_plural "%d lines applied after fixing whitespace errors." |
| msgstr[0] "修復空白錯誤後,套用了 %d 行。" |
| |
| #: apply.c:4967 builtin/add.c:679 builtin/mv.c:304 builtin/rm.c:423 |
| msgid "Unable to write new index file" |
| msgstr "無法寫入新索引檔案" |
| |
| #: apply.c:4995 |
| msgid "don't apply changes matching the given path" |
| msgstr "不要套用符合提供路徑的變更" |
| |
| #: apply.c:4998 |
| msgid "apply changes matching the given path" |
| msgstr "套用符合提供路徑的變更" |
| |
| #: apply.c:5000 builtin/am.c:2317 |
| msgid "num" |
| msgstr "數字" |
| |
| #: apply.c:5001 |
| msgid "remove <num> leading slashes from traditional diff paths" |
| msgstr "從傳統的 diff 路徑中移除指定數量的前導斜線" |
| |
| #: apply.c:5004 |
| msgid "ignore additions made by the patch" |
| msgstr "忽略修補檔中的新增的檔案" |
| |
| #: apply.c:5006 |
| msgid "instead of applying the patch, output diffstat for the input" |
| msgstr "不套用修補檔,而是顯示輸入的差異統計(diffstat)" |
| |
| #: apply.c:5010 |
| msgid "show number of added and deleted lines in decimal notation" |
| msgstr "以十進位數顯示新增和刪除的行數" |
| |
| #: apply.c:5012 |
| msgid "instead of applying the patch, output a summary for the input" |
| msgstr "不套用修補檔,而是顯示輸入的概要" |
| |
| #: apply.c:5014 |
| msgid "instead of applying the patch, see if the patch is applicable" |
| msgstr "不套用修補檔,而是檢視修補檔是否可套用" |
| |
| #: apply.c:5016 |
| msgid "make sure the patch is applicable to the current index" |
| msgstr "確認修補檔可以套用到目前索引" |
| |
| #: apply.c:5018 |
| msgid "mark new files with `git add --intent-to-add`" |
| msgstr "使用指令 `git add --intent-to-add` 標記新增檔案" |
| |
| #: apply.c:5020 |
| msgid "apply a patch without touching the working tree" |
| msgstr "套用修補檔而不修改工作區" |
| |
| #: apply.c:5022 |
| msgid "accept a patch that touches outside the working area" |
| msgstr "接受修改工作區之外檔案的修補檔" |
| |
| #: apply.c:5025 |
| msgid "also apply the patch (use with --stat/--summary/--check)" |
| msgstr "還套用此修補檔(與 --stat/--summary/--check 選項同時使用)" |
| |
| #: apply.c:5027 |
| msgid "attempt three-way merge, fall back on normal patch if that fails" |
| msgstr "嘗試三方合併。如果失敗,則回到正常修補檔 (patch) 模式" |
| |
| #: apply.c:5029 |
| msgid "build a temporary index based on embedded index information" |
| msgstr "建立一個暫時索引基於嵌入的索引訊息" |
| |
| #: apply.c:5032 builtin/checkout-index.c:196 builtin/ls-files.c:617 |
| msgid "paths are separated with NUL character" |
| msgstr "路徑以 NUL 字元分隔" |
| |
| #: apply.c:5034 |
| msgid "ensure at least <n> lines of context match" |
| msgstr "確保至少符合 <n> 行上下文" |
| |
| #: apply.c:5035 builtin/am.c:2293 builtin/am.c:2296 |
| #: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:98 builtin/interpret-trailers.c:100 |
| #: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:102 builtin/pack-objects.c:3831 |
| #: builtin/rebase.c:1347 |
| msgid "action" |
| msgstr "動作" |
| |
| #: apply.c:5036 |
| msgid "detect new or modified lines that have whitespace errors" |
| msgstr "檢查新增和修改的行中間的空白字元濫用" |
| |
| #: apply.c:5039 apply.c:5042 |
| msgid "ignore changes in whitespace when finding context" |
| msgstr "尋找上下文時忽略空白字元的變更" |
| |
| #: apply.c:5045 |
| msgid "apply the patch in reverse" |
| msgstr "反向套用修補檔" |
| |
| #: apply.c:5047 |
| msgid "don't expect at least one line of context" |
| msgstr "無需至少一行上下文" |
| |
| #: apply.c:5049 |
| msgid "leave the rejected hunks in corresponding *.rej files" |
| msgstr "將拒絕的修補檔區塊儲存在對應的 *.rej 檔案中" |
| |
| #: apply.c:5051 |
| msgid "allow overlapping hunks" |
| msgstr "允許重疊的修補檔區塊" |
| |
| #: apply.c:5052 builtin/add.c:364 builtin/check-ignore.c:22 |
| #: builtin/commit.c:1474 builtin/count-objects.c:98 builtin/fsck.c:755 |
| #: builtin/log.c:2295 builtin/mv.c:123 builtin/read-tree.c:128 |
| msgid "be verbose" |
| msgstr "詳細輸出" |
| |
| #: apply.c:5054 |
| msgid "tolerate incorrectly detected missing new-line at the end of file" |
| msgstr "允許不正確的檔案末尾換行符號" |
| |
| #: apply.c:5057 |
| msgid "do not trust the line counts in the hunk headers" |
| msgstr "不信任修補檔區塊的標頭訊息中的行號" |
| |
| #: apply.c:5059 builtin/am.c:2305 |
| msgid "root" |
| msgstr "根目錄" |
| |
| #: apply.c:5060 |
| msgid "prepend <root> to all filenames" |
| msgstr "為所有檔案名前新增 <根目錄>" |
| |
| #: archive-tar.c:125 archive-zip.c:345 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "cannot stream blob %s" |
| msgstr "不能開啟資料物件 %s" |
| |
| #: archive-tar.c:265 archive-zip.c:358 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "unsupported file mode: 0%o (SHA1: %s)" |
| msgstr "不支援的檔案模式:0%o (SHA1: %s)" |
| |
| #: archive-tar.c:450 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "unable to start '%s' filter" |
| msgstr "無法啟動 '%s' 過濾器" |
| |
| #: archive-tar.c:453 |
| msgid "unable to redirect descriptor" |
| msgstr "無法重定向描述符" |
| |
| #: archive-tar.c:460 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "'%s' filter reported error" |
| msgstr "'%s' 過濾器報告了錯誤" |
| |
| #: archive-zip.c:318 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "path is not valid UTF-8: %s" |
| msgstr "路徑不是有效的 UTF-8:%s" |
| |
| #: archive-zip.c:322 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "path too long (%d chars, SHA1: %s): %s" |
| msgstr "路徑太長(%d 字元,SHA1:%s):%s" |
| |
| #: archive-zip.c:469 builtin/pack-objects.c:244 builtin/pack-objects.c:247 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "deflate error (%d)" |
| msgstr "壓縮錯誤 (%d)" |
| |
| #: archive-zip.c:603 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "timestamp too large for this system: %<PRIuMAX>" |
| msgstr "對於本系統時間戳太大:%<PRIuMAX>" |
| |
| #: archive.c:14 |
| msgid "git archive [<options>] <tree-ish> [<path>...]" |
| msgstr "git archive [<選項>] <樹或提交> [<路徑>...]" |
| |
| #: archive.c:15 |
| msgid "git archive --list" |
| msgstr "git archive --list" |
| |
| #: archive.c:16 |
| msgid "" |
| "git archive --remote <repo> [--exec <cmd>] [<options>] <tree-ish> [<path>...]" |
| msgstr "" |
| "git archive --remote <版本庫> [--exec <命令>] [<選項>] <樹或提交> [<路徑>...]" |
| |
| #: archive.c:17 |
| msgid "git archive --remote <repo> [--exec <cmd>] --list" |
| msgstr "git archive --remote <版本庫> [--exec <命令>] --list" |
| |
| #: archive.c:188 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "cannot read %s" |
| msgstr "不能讀取 %s" |
| |
| #: archive.c:342 sequencer.c:460 sequencer.c:1915 sequencer.c:3095 |
| #: sequencer.c:3536 sequencer.c:3645 builtin/am.c:261 builtin/commit.c:833 |
| #: builtin/merge.c:1143 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "could not read '%s'" |
| msgstr "不能讀取 '%s'" |
| |
| #: archive.c:427 builtin/add.c:205 builtin/add.c:646 builtin/rm.c:328 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "pathspec '%s' did not match any files" |
| msgstr "路徑規格 '%s' 未符合任何檔案" |
| |
| #: archive.c:451 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "no such ref: %.*s" |
| msgstr "無此引用:%.*s" |
| |
| #: archive.c:457 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "not a valid object name: %s" |
| msgstr "不是一個有效的物件名:%s" |
| |
| #: archive.c:470 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "not a tree object: %s" |
| msgstr "不是一個樹狀物件:%s" |
| |
| #: archive.c:482 |
| msgid "current working directory is untracked" |
| msgstr "目前工作目錄未被追蹤" |
| |
| #: archive.c:523 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "File not found: %s" |
| msgstr "找不到檔案:%s" |
| |
| #: archive.c:525 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Not a regular file: %s" |
| msgstr "不是一般檔案:%s" |
| |
| #: archive.c:552 |
| msgid "fmt" |
| msgstr "格式" |
| |
| #: archive.c:552 |
| msgid "archive format" |
| msgstr "歸檔格式" |
| |
| #: archive.c:553 builtin/log.c:1772 |
| msgid "prefix" |
| msgstr "前綴" |
| |
| #: archive.c:554 |
| msgid "prepend prefix to each pathname in the archive" |
| msgstr "為歸檔中每個路徑名加上前綴" |
| |
| #: archive.c:555 archive.c:558 builtin/blame.c:884 builtin/blame.c:888 |
| #: builtin/blame.c:889 builtin/commit-tree.c:117 builtin/config.c:135 |
| #: builtin/fast-export.c:1207 builtin/fast-export.c:1209 |
| #: builtin/fast-export.c:1213 builtin/grep.c:922 builtin/hash-object.c:105 |
| #: builtin/ls-files.c:653 builtin/ls-files.c:656 builtin/notes.c:412 |
| #: builtin/notes.c:578 builtin/read-tree.c:123 parse-options.h:191 |
| msgid "file" |
| msgstr "檔案" |
| |
| #: archive.c:556 |
| msgid "add untracked file to archive" |
| msgstr "將未追蹤檔案加入歸檔" |
| |
| #: archive.c:559 builtin/archive.c:90 |
| msgid "write the archive to this file" |
| msgstr "歸檔寫入此檔案" |
| |
| #: archive.c:561 |
| msgid "read .gitattributes in working directory" |
| msgstr "讀取工作區中的 .gitattributes" |
| |
| #: archive.c:562 |
| msgid "report archived files on stderr" |
| msgstr "在標準錯誤上報告歸檔檔案" |
| |
| #: archive.c:564 |
| msgid "set compression level" |
| msgstr "設定壓縮級別" |
| |
| #: archive.c:567 |
| msgid "list supported archive formats" |
| msgstr "列出支援的歸檔格式" |
| |
| #: archive.c:569 builtin/archive.c:91 builtin/clone.c:118 builtin/clone.c:121 |
| #: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1831 builtin/submodule--helper.c:2336 |
| msgid "repo" |
| msgstr "版本庫" |
| |
| #: archive.c:570 builtin/archive.c:92 |
| msgid "retrieve the archive from remote repository <repo>" |
| msgstr "從遠端版本庫(<版本庫>)擷取歸檔檔案" |
| |
| #: archive.c:571 builtin/archive.c:93 builtin/difftool.c:718 |
| #: builtin/notes.c:498 |
| msgid "command" |
| msgstr "指令" |
| |
| #: archive.c:572 builtin/archive.c:94 |
| msgid "path to the remote git-upload-archive command" |
| msgstr "遠端 git-upload-archive 指令的路徑" |
| |
| #: archive.c:579 |
| msgid "Unexpected option --remote" |
| msgstr "未知參數 --remote" |
| |
| #: archive.c:581 |
| msgid "Option --exec can only be used together with --remote" |
| msgstr "選項 --exec 只能和 --remote 同時使用" |
| |
| #: archive.c:583 |
| msgid "Unexpected option --output" |
| msgstr "未知參數 --output" |
| |
| #: archive.c:585 |
| msgid "Options --add-file and --remote cannot be used together" |
| msgstr "--add-file 和 --remote 選項不能同時使用" |
| |
| #: archive.c:607 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Unknown archive format '%s'" |
| msgstr "未知歸檔格式 '%s'" |
| |
| #: archive.c:616 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Argument not supported for format '%s': -%d" |
| msgstr "參數不支援此格式 '%s':-%d" |
| |
| #: attr.c:202 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "%.*s is not a valid attribute name" |
| msgstr "%.*s 不是一個有效的屬性名" |
| |
| #: attr.c:363 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "%s not allowed: %s:%d" |
| msgstr "不允許 %s:%s:%d" |
| |
| #: attr.c:403 |
| msgid "" |
| "Negative patterns are ignored in git attributes\n" |
| "Use '\\!' for literal leading exclamation." |
| msgstr "" |
| "反向模式在 git attributes 中被忽略\n" |
| "當字串確定要以驚嘆號開始時,使用 '\\!'。" |
| |
| #: bisect.c:489 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Badly quoted content in file '%s': %s" |
| msgstr "檔案 '%s' 包含錯誤的引用格式:%s" |
| |
| #: bisect.c:699 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "We cannot bisect more!\n" |
| msgstr "我們無法進行更多的二分搜尋!\n" |
| |
| #: bisect.c:766 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Not a valid commit name %s" |
| msgstr "不是一個有效的提交名 %s" |
| |
| #: bisect.c:791 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "The merge base %s is bad.\n" |
| "This means the bug has been fixed between %s and [%s].\n" |
| msgstr "" |
| "合併基礎 %s 是壞的。\n" |
| "這意味著介於 %s 和 [%s] 之間的 bug 已經被修復。\n" |
| |
| #: bisect.c:796 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "The merge base %s is new.\n" |
| "The property has changed between %s and [%s].\n" |
| msgstr "" |
| "合併基礎 %s 是新的。\n" |
| "介於 %s 和 [%s] 之間的屬性已經被修改。\n" |
| |
| #: bisect.c:801 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "The merge base %s is %s.\n" |
| "This means the first '%s' commit is between %s and [%s].\n" |
| msgstr "" |
| "合併基礎 %s 是 %s。\n" |
| "這意味著第一個 '%s' 提交位於 %s 和 [%s] 之間。\n" |
| |
| #: bisect.c:809 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "Some %s revs are not ancestors of the %s rev.\n" |
| "git bisect cannot work properly in this case.\n" |
| "Maybe you mistook %s and %s revs?\n" |
| msgstr "" |
| "一些 %s 版本不是 %s 版本的祖先。\n" |
| "這種情況下 git 二分搜尋無法正常工作。\n" |
| "您可能弄錯了 %s 和 %s 版本?\n" |
| |
| #: bisect.c:822 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "the merge base between %s and [%s] must be skipped.\n" |
| "So we cannot be sure the first %s commit is between %s and %s.\n" |
| "We continue anyway." |
| msgstr "" |
| "介於 %s 和 [%s] 的合併基礎一定被忽略了。\n" |
| "所以我們無法確認第一個 %s 提交是否介於 %s 和 %s 之間。\n" |
| "我們仍舊繼續。" |
| |
| #: bisect.c:861 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Bisecting: a merge base must be tested\n" |
| msgstr "二分搜尋中:合併基礎必須是經過測試的\n" |
| |
| #: bisect.c:911 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "a %s revision is needed" |
| msgstr "需要一個 %s 版本" |
| |
| #: bisect.c:941 builtin/notes.c:177 builtin/tag.c:298 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "could not create file '%s'" |
| msgstr "不能建立檔案 '%s'" |
| |
| #: bisect.c:987 builtin/merge.c:153 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "could not read file '%s'" |
| msgstr "不能讀取檔案 '%s'" |
| |
| #: bisect.c:1027 |
| msgid "reading bisect refs failed" |
| msgstr "讀取二分搜尋引用失敗" |
| |
| #: bisect.c:1057 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "%s was both %s and %s\n" |
| msgstr "%s 同時為 %s 和 %s\n" |
| |
| #: bisect.c:1066 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "No testable commit found.\n" |
| "Maybe you started with bad path arguments?\n" |
| msgstr "" |
| "沒找到能夠測試的提交。\n" |
| "可能是執行傳入的路徑引數是錯誤的?\n" |
| |
| #: bisect.c:1095 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "(roughly %d step)" |
| msgid_plural "(roughly %d steps)" |
| msgstr[0] "(大概 %d 步)" |
| |
| #. TRANSLATORS: the last %s will be replaced with "(roughly %d |
| #. steps)" translation. |
| #. |
| #: bisect.c:1101 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Bisecting: %d revision left to test after this %s\n" |
| msgid_plural "Bisecting: %d revisions left to test after this %s\n" |
| msgstr[0] "二分搜尋中:在此之後,還剩 %d 個版本待測試 %s\n" |
| |
| #: blame.c:2776 |
| msgid "--contents and --reverse do not blend well." |
| msgstr "--contents 和 --reverse 不能混用。" |
| |
| #: blame.c:2790 |
| msgid "cannot use --contents with final commit object name" |
| msgstr "不能將 --contents 和最終的提交物件名共用" |
| |
| #: blame.c:2811 |
| msgid "--reverse and --first-parent together require specified latest commit" |
| msgstr "--reverse 和 --first-parent 共用,需要指定最新的提交" |
| |
| #: blame.c:2820 bundle.c:213 ref-filter.c:2207 remote.c:2041 sequencer.c:2333 |
| #: sequencer.c:4866 submodule.c:857 builtin/commit.c:1106 builtin/log.c:411 |
| #: builtin/log.c:1018 builtin/log.c:1626 builtin/log.c:2054 builtin/log.c:2344 |
| #: builtin/merge.c:428 builtin/pack-objects.c:3183 builtin/pack-objects.c:3646 |
| #: builtin/pack-objects.c:3661 builtin/shortlog.c:255 |
| msgid "revision walk setup failed" |
| msgstr "版本遍歷設定失敗" |
| |
| #: blame.c:2838 |
| msgid "" |
| "--reverse --first-parent together require range along first-parent chain" |
| msgstr "--reverse 和 --first-parent 共用,需要第一祖先鏈上的提交範圍" |
| |
| #: blame.c:2849 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "no such path %s in %s" |
| msgstr "在 %2$s 中無此路徑 %1$s" |
| |
| #: blame.c:2860 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "cannot read blob %s for path %s" |
| msgstr "不能為路徑 %2$s 讀取資料物件 %1$s" |
| |
| #: branch.c:53 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "\n" |
| "After fixing the error cause you may try to fix up\n" |
| "the remote tracking information by invoking\n" |
| "\"git branch --set-upstream-to=%s%s%s\"." |
| msgstr "" |
| "\n" |
| "在修復錯誤後,您可以嘗試修改遠端追蹤分支,透過執行指令\n" |
| "\"git branch --set-upstream-to=%s%s%s\" 。" |
| |
| #: branch.c:67 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Not setting branch %s as its own upstream." |
| msgstr "未設定分支 %s 作為它自己的上游。" |
| |
| #: branch.c:93 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Branch '%s' set up to track remote branch '%s' from '%s' by rebasing." |
| msgstr "分支 '%1$s' 設定為使用重定基底來追蹤來自 '%3$s' 的遠端分支 '%2$s'。" |
| |
| #: branch.c:94 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Branch '%s' set up to track remote branch '%s' from '%s'." |
| msgstr "分支 '%1$s' 設定為追蹤來自 '%3$s' 的遠端分支 '%2$s'。" |
| |
| #: branch.c:98 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Branch '%s' set up to track local branch '%s' by rebasing." |
| msgstr "分支 '%s' 設定為使用重定基底來追蹤本機分支 '%s'。" |
| |
| #: branch.c:99 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Branch '%s' set up to track local branch '%s'." |
| msgstr "分支 '%s' 設定為追蹤本機分支 '%s'。" |
| |
| #: branch.c:104 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Branch '%s' set up to track remote ref '%s' by rebasing." |
| msgstr "分支 '%s' 設定為使用重定基底來追蹤遠端引用 '%s'。" |
| |
| #: branch.c:105 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Branch '%s' set up to track remote ref '%s'." |
| msgstr "分支 '%s' 設定為追蹤遠端引用 '%s'。" |
| |
| #: branch.c:109 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Branch '%s' set up to track local ref '%s' by rebasing." |
| msgstr "分支 '%s' 設定為使用重定基底來追蹤本機引用 '%s'。" |
| |
| #: branch.c:110 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Branch '%s' set up to track local ref '%s'." |
| msgstr "分支 '%s' 設定為追蹤本機引用 '%s'。" |
| |
| #: branch.c:119 |
| msgid "Unable to write upstream branch configuration" |
| msgstr "無法寫入上游分支設定" |
| |
| #: branch.c:156 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Not tracking: ambiguous information for ref %s" |
| msgstr "未追蹤:引用 %s 有歧義" |
| |
| #: branch.c:189 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "'%s' is not a valid branch name." |
| msgstr "'%s' 不是一個有效的分支名稱。" |
| |
| #: branch.c:208 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "A branch named '%s' already exists." |
| msgstr "一個分支名 '%s' 已經存在。" |
| |
| #: branch.c:213 |
| msgid "Cannot force update the current branch." |
| msgstr "無法強制更新目前分支。" |
| |
| #: branch.c:233 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Cannot setup tracking information; starting point '%s' is not a branch." |
| msgstr "無法設定追蹤訊息;起始點 '%s' 不是一個分支。" |
| |
| #: branch.c:235 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "the requested upstream branch '%s' does not exist" |
| msgstr "請求的上游分支 '%s' 不存在" |
| |
| #: branch.c:237 |
| msgid "" |
| "\n" |
| "If you are planning on basing your work on an upstream\n" |
| "branch that already exists at the remote, you may need to\n" |
| "run \"git fetch\" to retrieve it.\n" |
| "\n" |
| "If you are planning to push out a new local branch that\n" |
| "will track its remote counterpart, you may want to use\n" |
| "\"git push -u\" to set the upstream config as you push." |
| msgstr "" |
| "\n" |
| "如果您正計劃基於遠端一個現存的上游分支開始你的工作,\n" |
| "您可能需要執行 \"git fetch\" 來取得分支。\n" |
| "\n" |
| "如果您正計劃推送一個能與對應遠端分支建立追蹤的新的本機分支,\n" |
| "您可能需要使用 \"git push -u\" 推送分支並設定和上游的關聯。" |
| |
| #: branch.c:281 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Not a valid object name: '%s'." |
| msgstr "不是一個有效的物件名:'%s'。" |
| |
| #: branch.c:301 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Ambiguous object name: '%s'." |
| msgstr "歧義的物件名:'%s'。" |
| |
| #: branch.c:306 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Not a valid branch point: '%s'." |
| msgstr "無效的分支點:'%s'。" |
| |
| #: branch.c:366 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "'%s' is already checked out at '%s'" |
| msgstr "'%s' 已經檢出到 '%s'" |
| |
| #: branch.c:389 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "HEAD of working tree %s is not updated" |
| msgstr "工作區 %s 的 HEAD 指向沒有被更新" |
| |
| #: bundle.c:41 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "unrecognized bundle hash algorithm: %s" |
| msgstr "無法識別的包雜湊演算法:%s" |
| |
| #: bundle.c:45 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "unknown capability '%s'" |
| msgstr "未知功能 '%s'" |
| |
| #: bundle.c:71 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "'%s' does not look like a v2 or v3 bundle file" |
| msgstr "'%s' 不像是一個 v2 或 v3 版本的包檔案" |
| |
| #: bundle.c:110 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "unrecognized header: %s%s (%d)" |
| msgstr "無法識別的包頭:%s%s (%d)" |
| |
| #: bundle.c:136 rerere.c:464 rerere.c:674 sequencer.c:2593 sequencer.c:3385 |
| #: builtin/commit.c:861 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "could not open '%s'" |
| msgstr "不能開啟 '%s'" |
| |
| #: bundle.c:189 |
| msgid "Repository lacks these prerequisite commits:" |
| msgstr "版本庫中缺少這些必備的提交:" |
| |
| #: bundle.c:192 |
| msgid "need a repository to verify a bundle" |
| msgstr "需要版本庫驗證一個包" |
| |
| #: bundle.c:243 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "The bundle contains this ref:" |
| msgid_plural "The bundle contains these %d refs:" |
| msgstr[0] "這個包中含有這 %d 個引用:" |
| |
| #: bundle.c:250 |
| msgid "The bundle records a complete history." |
| msgstr "這個包記錄一個完整歷史。" |
| |
| #: bundle.c:252 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "The bundle requires this ref:" |
| msgid_plural "The bundle requires these %d refs:" |
| msgstr[0] "這個包需要這 %d 個引用:" |
| |
| #: bundle.c:319 |
| msgid "unable to dup bundle descriptor" |
| msgstr "無法複製 bundle 描述符" |
| |
| #: bundle.c:326 |
| msgid "Could not spawn pack-objects" |
| msgstr "不能生成 pack-objects 進程" |
| |
| #: bundle.c:337 |
| msgid "pack-objects died" |
| msgstr "pack-objects 終止" |
| |
| #: bundle.c:386 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "ref '%s' is excluded by the rev-list options" |
| msgstr "引用 '%s' 被 rev-list 選項排除" |
| |
| #: bundle.c:490 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "unsupported bundle version %d" |
| msgstr "不支援的包版本 %d" |
| |
| #: bundle.c:492 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "cannot write bundle version %d with algorithm %s" |
| msgstr "無法寫入 %2$s 演算法的包版本 %1$d" |
| |
| #: bundle.c:510 builtin/log.c:210 builtin/log.c:1935 builtin/shortlog.c:396 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "unrecognized argument: %s" |
| msgstr "無法識別的參數:%s" |
| |
| #: bundle.c:539 |
| msgid "Refusing to create empty bundle." |
| msgstr "不能建立空包。" |
| |
| #: bundle.c:549 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "cannot create '%s'" |
| msgstr "不能建立 '%s'" |
| |
| #: bundle.c:574 |
| msgid "index-pack died" |
| msgstr "index-pack 終止" |
| |
| #: chunk-format.c:113 |
| msgid "terminating chunk id appears earlier than expected" |
| msgstr "終止區塊 id 出現的時間早於預期" |
| |
| #: chunk-format.c:122 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "improper chunk offset(s) %<PRIx64> and %<PRIx64>" |
| msgstr "不正確的區塊偏移 %<PRIx64> 及 %<PRIx64>" |
| |
| #: chunk-format.c:129 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "duplicate chunk ID %<PRIx32> found" |
| msgstr "找到重複的區塊 ID %<PRIx32>" |
| |
| #: chunk-format.c:143 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "final chunk has non-zero id %<PRIx32>" |
| msgstr "最終區塊有非零 ID %<PRIx32>" |
| |
| #: color.c:329 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "invalid color value: %.*s" |
| msgstr "無效的顏色值:%.*s" |
| |
| #: commit-graph.c:204 midx.c:47 |
| msgid "invalid hash version" |
| msgstr "無效的雜湊版本" |
| |
| #: commit-graph.c:262 |
| msgid "commit-graph file is too small" |
| msgstr "提交圖形檔案太小" |
| |
| #: commit-graph.c:355 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "commit-graph signature %X does not match signature %X" |
| msgstr "提交圖形簽名 %X 和簽名 %X 不符合" |
| |
| #: commit-graph.c:362 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "commit-graph version %X does not match version %X" |
| msgstr "提交圖形版本 %X 和版本 %X 不符合" |
| |
| #: commit-graph.c:369 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "commit-graph hash version %X does not match version %X" |
| msgstr "提交圖形雜湊版本 %X 和版本 %X 不符合" |
| |
| #: commit-graph.c:386 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "commit-graph file is too small to hold %u chunks" |
| msgstr "commit-graph 檔案不夠放置 %u 個區塊" |
| |
| #: commit-graph.c:482 |
| msgid "commit-graph has no base graphs chunk" |
| msgstr "提交圖形沒有基礎圖形區塊" |
| |
| #: commit-graph.c:492 |
| msgid "commit-graph chain does not match" |
| msgstr "提交圖形鏈不符合" |
| |
| #: commit-graph.c:540 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "invalid commit-graph chain: line '%s' not a hash" |
| msgstr "無效的提交圖形鏈:行 '%s' 不是一個雜湊值" |
| |
| #: commit-graph.c:564 |
| msgid "unable to find all commit-graph files" |
| msgstr "無法找到所有提交圖形檔案" |
| |
| #: commit-graph.c:745 commit-graph.c:782 |
| msgid "invalid commit position. commit-graph is likely corrupt" |
| msgstr "無效的提交位置。提交圖形可能已損壞" |
| |
| #: commit-graph.c:766 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "could not find commit %s" |
| msgstr "無法找到提交 %s" |
| |
| #: commit-graph.c:799 |
| msgid "commit-graph requires overflow generation data but has none" |
| msgstr "提交圖需要比目前更多的世代資料,但沒有相關資料" |
| |
| #: commit-graph.c:1075 builtin/am.c:1340 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "unable to parse commit %s" |
| msgstr "不能解析提交 %s" |
| |
| #: commit-graph.c:1337 builtin/pack-objects.c:2897 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "unable to get type of object %s" |
| msgstr "無法獲得物件 %s 類型" |
| |
| #: commit-graph.c:1368 |
| msgid "Loading known commits in commit graph" |
| msgstr "正在載入提交圖中的已知提交" |
| |
| #: commit-graph.c:1385 |
| msgid "Expanding reachable commits in commit graph" |
| msgstr "正在擴展提交圖中的可以取得提交" |
| |
| #: commit-graph.c:1405 |
| msgid "Clearing commit marks in commit graph" |
| msgstr "正在清除提交圖中的提交標記" |
| |
| #: commit-graph.c:1424 |
| msgid "Computing commit graph topological levels" |
| msgstr "正在計算提交圖拓樸級別" |
| |
| #: commit-graph.c:1477 |
| msgid "Computing commit graph generation numbers" |
| msgstr "正在計算提交圖世代數字" |
| |
| #: commit-graph.c:1558 |
| msgid "Computing commit changed paths Bloom filters" |
| msgstr "正在計算提交變更路徑的布隆過濾器" |
| |
| #: commit-graph.c:1635 |
| msgid "Collecting referenced commits" |
| msgstr "正在收集引用提交" |
| |
| #: commit-graph.c:1660 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Finding commits for commit graph in %d pack" |
| msgid_plural "Finding commits for commit graph in %d packs" |
| msgstr[0] "正在 %d 個包中尋找提交圖的提交" |
| |
| #: commit-graph.c:1673 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "error adding pack %s" |
| msgstr "新增包 %s 發生錯誤" |
| |
| #: commit-graph.c:1677 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "error opening index for %s" |
| msgstr "為 %s 開啟索引發生錯誤" |
| |
| #: commit-graph.c:1714 |
| msgid "Finding commits for commit graph among packed objects" |
| msgstr "正在打包物件中尋找提交圖的提交" |
| |
| #: commit-graph.c:1732 |
| msgid "Finding extra edges in commit graph" |
| msgstr "正在尋找提交圖中額外的邊" |
| |
| #: commit-graph.c:1781 |
| msgid "failed to write correct number of base graph ids" |
| msgstr "無法寫入正確數量的基礎圖形 ID" |
| |
| #: commit-graph.c:1812 midx.c:906 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "unable to create leading directories of %s" |
| msgstr "不能為 %s 建立先導目錄" |
| |
| #: commit-graph.c:1825 |
| msgid "unable to create temporary graph layer" |
| msgstr "無法建立暫時的圖形層" |
| |
| #: commit-graph.c:1830 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "unable to adjust shared permissions for '%s'" |
| msgstr "無法調整「%s」的共用權限" |
| |
| #: commit-graph.c:1887 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Writing out commit graph in %d pass" |
| msgid_plural "Writing out commit graph in %d passes" |
| msgstr[0] "正在用 %d 步寫出提交圖" |
| |
| #: commit-graph.c:1923 |
| msgid "unable to open commit-graph chain file" |
| msgstr "無法開啟提交圖形鏈檔案" |
| |
| #: commit-graph.c:1939 |
| msgid "failed to rename base commit-graph file" |
| msgstr "無法重新命名基礎提交圖形檔案" |
| |
| #: commit-graph.c:1959 |
| msgid "failed to rename temporary commit-graph file" |
| msgstr "無法重新命名暫時提交圖形檔案" |
| |
| #: commit-graph.c:2092 |
| msgid "Scanning merged commits" |
| msgstr "正在掃描合併提交" |
| |
| #: commit-graph.c:2136 |
| msgid "Merging commit-graph" |
| msgstr "正在合併提交圖形" |
| |
| #: commit-graph.c:2244 |
| msgid "attempting to write a commit-graph, but 'core.commitGraph' is disabled" |
| msgstr "嘗試寫入提交圖形,但 “core.commitGraph” 已被停用。" |
| |
| #: commit-graph.c:2351 |
| msgid "too many commits to write graph" |
| msgstr "提交太多不能畫圖" |
| |
| #: commit-graph.c:2450 |
| msgid "the commit-graph file has incorrect checksum and is likely corrupt" |
| msgstr "提交圖檔案的總和檢查碼錯誤,可能已經損壞" |
| |
| #: commit-graph.c:2460 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "commit-graph has incorrect OID order: %s then %s" |
| msgstr "提交圖形的物件 ID 順序不正確:%s 然後 %s" |
| |
| #: commit-graph.c:2470 commit-graph.c:2485 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "commit-graph has incorrect fanout value: fanout[%d] = %u != %u" |
| msgstr "提交圖形有不正確的扇出值:fanout[%d] = %u != %u" |
| |
| #: commit-graph.c:2477 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "failed to parse commit %s from commit-graph" |
| msgstr "無法從提交圖形中解析提交 %s" |
| |
| #: commit-graph.c:2495 |
| msgid "Verifying commits in commit graph" |
| msgstr "正在驗證提交圖中的提交" |
| |
| #: commit-graph.c:2510 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "failed to parse commit %s from object database for commit-graph" |
| msgstr "無法從提交圖形的物件庫中解析提交 %s" |
| |
| #: commit-graph.c:2517 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "root tree OID for commit %s in commit-graph is %s != %s" |
| msgstr "提交圖形中的提交 %s 的根樹狀物件 ID 是 %s != %s" |
| |
| #: commit-graph.c:2527 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "commit-graph parent list for commit %s is too long" |
| msgstr "提交 %s 的提交圖形父提交列表太長了" |
| |
| #: commit-graph.c:2536 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "commit-graph parent for %s is %s != %s" |
| msgstr "%s 的提交圖形父提交是 %s != %s" |
| |
| #: commit-graph.c:2550 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "commit-graph parent list for commit %s terminates early" |
| msgstr "提交 %s 的提交圖形父提交列表過早終止" |
| |
| #: commit-graph.c:2555 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "commit-graph has generation number zero for commit %s, but non-zero elsewhere" |
| msgstr "提交圖形中提交 %s 的世代號是零,但其它地方非零" |
| |
| #: commit-graph.c:2559 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "commit-graph has non-zero generation number for commit %s, but zero elsewhere" |
| msgstr "提交圖形中提交 %s 的世代號非零,但其它地方是零" |
| |
| #: commit-graph.c:2576 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "commit-graph generation for commit %s is %<PRIuMAX> < %<PRIuMAX>" |
| msgstr "提交 %s 的提交圖形處於 %<PRIuMAX> < %<PRIuMAX> 世代" |
| |
| #: commit-graph.c:2582 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "commit date for commit %s in commit-graph is %<PRIuMAX> != %<PRIuMAX>" |
| msgstr "提交圖形中提交 %s 的提交日期是 %<PRIuMAX> != %<PRIuMAX>" |
| |
| #: commit.c:52 sequencer.c:3088 builtin/am.c:371 builtin/am.c:416 |
| #: builtin/am.c:421 builtin/am.c:1419 builtin/am.c:2066 builtin/replace.c:457 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "could not parse %s" |
| msgstr "不能解析 %s" |
| |
| #: commit.c:54 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "%s %s is not a commit!" |
| msgstr "%s %s 不是一個提交!" |
| |
| #: commit.c:194 |
| msgid "" |
| "Support for <GIT_DIR>/info/grafts is deprecated\n" |
| "and will be removed in a future Git version.\n" |
| "\n" |
| "Please use \"git replace --convert-graft-file\"\n" |
| "to convert the grafts into replace refs.\n" |
| "\n" |
| "Turn this message off by running\n" |
| "\"git config advice.graftFileDeprecated false\"" |
| msgstr "" |
| "對 <GIT_DIR>/info/grafts 的支援已被棄用,並將在\n" |
| "未來的Git版本中被移除。\n" |
| "\n" |
| "請使用 \"git replace --convert-graft-file\" 將\n" |
| "grafts 轉換為取代引用。\n" |
| "\n" |
| "設定 \"git config advice.graftFileDeprecated false\"\n" |
| "可關閉本消息" |
| |
| #: commit.c:1237 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Commit %s has an untrusted GPG signature, allegedly by %s." |
| msgstr "提交 %s 有一個非可信的聲稱來自 %s 的 GPG 簽名。" |
| |
| #: commit.c:1241 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Commit %s has a bad GPG signature allegedly by %s." |
| msgstr "提交 %s 有一個錯誤的聲稱來自 %s 的 GPG 簽名。" |
| |
| #: commit.c:1244 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Commit %s does not have a GPG signature." |
| msgstr "提交 %s 沒有 GPG 簽名。" |
| |
| #: commit.c:1247 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Commit %s has a good GPG signature by %s\n" |
| msgstr "提交 %s 有一個來自 %s 的好的 GPG 簽名。\n" |
| |
| #: commit.c:1501 |
| msgid "" |
| "Warning: commit message did not conform to UTF-8.\n" |
| "You may want to amend it after fixing the message, or set the config\n" |
| "variable i18n.commitencoding to the encoding your project uses.\n" |
| msgstr "" |
| "警告:提交說明不符合 UTF-8 字元編碼。\n" |
| "您可以透過修補提交來改正提交說明,或者將設定變數 i18n.commitencoding\n" |
| "設定為您項目所用的字元編碼。\n" |
| |
| #: compat/obstack.c:406 compat/obstack.c:408 |
| msgid "memory exhausted" |
| msgstr "記憶體耗盡" |
| |
| #: config.c:126 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "exceeded maximum include depth (%d) while including\n" |
| "\t%s\n" |
| "from\n" |
| "\t%s\n" |
| "This might be due to circular includes." |
| msgstr "" |
| "超過了最大包含深度(%1$d),當從\n" |
| "\t%3$s\n" |
| "包含\n" |
| "\t%2$s\n" |
| "這可能是因為循環包含。" |
| |
| #: config.c:142 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "could not expand include path '%s'" |
| msgstr "無法擴展包含路徑 '%s'" |
| |
| #: config.c:153 |
| msgid "relative config includes must come from files" |
| msgstr "相對路徑的設定檔案引用必須來自於檔案" |
| |
| #: config.c:199 |
| msgid "relative config include conditionals must come from files" |
| msgstr "相對路徑的設定檔案條件引用必須來自於檔案" |
| |
| #: config.c:396 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "invalid config format: %s" |
| msgstr "無效的設定檔格式:%s" |
| |
| #: config.c:400 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "missing environment variable name for configuration '%.*s'" |
| msgstr "缺少「%.*s」組態設定的環境變數名稱" |
| |
| #: config.c:405 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "missing environment variable '%s' for configuration '%.*s'" |
| msgstr "缺少環境變數「%s」(於「%.*s」組態設定)" |
| |
| #: config.c:442 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "key does not contain a section: %s" |
| msgstr "鍵名沒有包含一個小節名稱:%s" |
| |
| #: config.c:448 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "key does not contain variable name: %s" |
| msgstr "鍵名沒有包含變數名:%s" |
| |
| #: config.c:472 sequencer.c:2785 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "invalid key: %s" |
| msgstr "無效鍵名:%s" |
| |
| #: config.c:478 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "invalid key (newline): %s" |
| msgstr "無效鍵名(有換行符號):%s" |
| |
| #: config.c:511 |
| msgid "empty config key" |
| msgstr "空白設定鍵" |
| |
| #: config.c:529 config.c:541 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "bogus config parameter: %s" |
| msgstr "偽設定參數:%s" |
| |
| #: config.c:555 config.c:572 config.c:579 config.c:588 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "bogus format in %s" |
| msgstr "%s 中格式錯誤" |
| |
| #: config.c:622 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "bogus count in %s" |
| msgstr "%s 中有偽計數" |
| |
| #: config.c:626 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "too many entries in %s" |
| msgstr "%s 中的項目過多" |
| |
| #: config.c:636 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "missing config key %s" |
| msgstr "缺少 %s 設定鍵" |
| |
| #: config.c:644 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "missing config value %s" |
| msgstr "缺少 %s 設定值" |
| |
| #: config.c:995 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "bad config line %d in blob %s" |
| msgstr "資料物件 %2$s 中錯誤的設定行 %1$d" |
| |
| #: config.c:999 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "bad config line %d in file %s" |
| msgstr "檔案 %2$s 中錯誤的設定行 %1$d" |
| |
| #: config.c:1003 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "bad config line %d in standard input" |
| msgstr "標準輸入中錯誤的設定行 %d" |
| |
| #: config.c:1007 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "bad config line %d in submodule-blob %s" |
| msgstr "子模組資料物件 %2$s 中錯誤的設定行 %1$d" |
| |
| #: config.c:1011 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "bad config line %d in command line %s" |
| msgstr "指令列 %2$s 中錯誤的設定行 %1$d" |
| |
| #: config.c:1015 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "bad config line %d in %s" |
| msgstr "在 %2$s 中錯誤的設定行 %1$d" |
| |
| #: config.c:1152 |
| msgid "out of range" |
| msgstr "超出範圍" |
| |
| #: config.c:1152 |
| msgid "invalid unit" |
| msgstr "無效的單位" |
| |
| #: config.c:1153 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "bad numeric config value '%s' for '%s': %s" |
| msgstr "設定變數 '%2$s' 的數字取值 '%1$s' 設定錯誤:%3$s" |
| |
| #: config.c:1163 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "bad numeric config value '%s' for '%s' in blob %s: %s" |
| msgstr "資料物件 %3$s 中設定變數 '%2$s' 錯誤的取值 '%1$s':%4$s" |
| |
| #: config.c:1166 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "bad numeric config value '%s' for '%s' in file %s: %s" |
| msgstr "檔案 %3$s 中設定變數 '%2$s' 錯誤的取值 '%1$s':%4$s" |
| |
| #: config.c:1169 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "bad numeric config value '%s' for '%s' in standard input: %s" |
| msgstr "標準輸入中設定變數 '%2$s' 錯誤的取值 '%1$s':%3$s" |
| |
| #: config.c:1172 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "bad numeric config value '%s' for '%s' in submodule-blob %s: %s" |
| msgstr "子模組資料 %3$s 中設定變數 '%2$s' 錯誤的取值 '%1$s':%4$s" |
| |
| #: config.c:1175 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "bad numeric config value '%s' for '%s' in command line %s: %s" |
| msgstr "指令列 %3$s 中設定變數 '%2$s' 錯誤的取值 '%1$s':%4$s" |
| |
| #: config.c:1178 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "bad numeric config value '%s' for '%s' in %s: %s" |
| msgstr "在 %3$s 中設定變數 '%2$s' 錯誤的取值 '%1$s':%4$s" |
| |
| #: config.c:1257 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "bad boolean config value '%s' for '%s'" |
| msgstr "「%2$s」的「%1$s」布林設定值無效" |
| |
| #: config.c:1275 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "failed to expand user dir in: '%s'" |
| msgstr "無法擴展使用者目錄:'%s'" |
| |
| #: config.c:1284 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "'%s' for '%s' is not a valid timestamp" |
| msgstr "'%2$s' 的值 '%1$s' 不是一個有效的時間戳" |
| |
| #: config.c:1377 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "abbrev length out of range: %d" |
| msgstr "縮寫長度超出範圍:%d" |
| |
| #: config.c:1391 config.c:1402 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "bad zlib compression level %d" |
| msgstr "錯誤的 zlib 壓縮級別 %d" |
| |
| #: config.c:1494 |
| msgid "core.commentChar should only be one character" |
| msgstr "core.commentChar 應該是一個字元" |
| |
| #: config.c:1527 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "invalid mode for object creation: %s" |
| msgstr "無效的物件建立模式:%s" |
| |
| #: config.c:1599 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "malformed value for %s" |
| msgstr "%s 的取值格式錯誤" |
| |
| #: config.c:1625 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "malformed value for %s: %s" |
| msgstr "%s 的取值格式錯誤:%s" |
| |
| #: config.c:1626 |
| msgid "must be one of nothing, matching, simple, upstream or current" |
| msgstr "必須是其中之一:nothing、matching、simple、upstream 或 current" |
| |
| #: config.c:1687 builtin/pack-objects.c:3924 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "bad pack compression level %d" |
| msgstr "錯誤的打包壓縮級別 %d" |
| |
| #: config.c:1809 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "unable to load config blob object '%s'" |
| msgstr "無法從資料物件 '%s' 載入設定" |
| |
| #: config.c:1812 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "reference '%s' does not point to a blob" |
| msgstr "引用 '%s' 沒有指向一個資料物件" |
| |
| #: config.c:1829 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "unable to resolve config blob '%s'" |
| msgstr "不能解析設定物件 '%s'" |
| |
| #: config.c:1873 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "failed to parse %s" |
| msgstr "解析 %s 失敗" |
| |
| #: config.c:1929 |
| msgid "unable to parse command-line config" |
| msgstr "無法解析指令列中的設定" |
| |
| #: config.c:2293 |
| msgid "unknown error occurred while reading the configuration files" |
| msgstr "在讀取設定檔案時遇到未知錯誤" |
| |
| #: config.c:2467 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Invalid %s: '%s'" |
| msgstr "無效 %s:'%s'" |
| |
| #: config.c:2512 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "splitIndex.maxPercentChange value '%d' should be between 0 and 100" |
| msgstr "splitIndex.maxPercentChange 的取值 '%d' 應該介於 0 和 100 之間" |
| |
| #: config.c:2558 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "unable to parse '%s' from command-line config" |
| msgstr "無法解析指令列設定中的 '%s'" |
| |
| #: config.c:2560 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "bad config variable '%s' in file '%s' at line %d" |
| msgstr "在檔案 '%2$s' 的第 %3$d 行發現錯誤的設定變數 '%1$s'" |
| |
| #: config.c:2644 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "invalid section name '%s'" |
| msgstr "無效的小節名稱 '%s'" |
| |
| #: config.c:2676 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "%s has multiple values" |
| msgstr "%s 有多個取值" |
| |
| #: config.c:2705 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "failed to write new configuration file %s" |
| msgstr "寫入新的設定檔案 %s 失敗" |
| |
| #: config.c:2957 config.c:3283 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "could not lock config file %s" |
| msgstr "不能鎖定設定檔案 %s" |
| |
| #: config.c:2968 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "opening %s" |
| msgstr "開啟 %s" |
| |
| #: config.c:3005 builtin/config.c:361 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "invalid pattern: %s" |
| msgstr "無效模式:%s" |
| |
| #: config.c:3030 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "invalid config file %s" |
| msgstr "無效的設定檔案 %s" |
| |
| #: config.c:3043 config.c:3296 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "fstat on %s failed" |
| msgstr "對 %s 呼叫 fstat 失敗" |
| |
| #: config.c:3054 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "unable to mmap '%s'" |
| msgstr "不能 mmap '%s'" |
| |
| #: config.c:3063 config.c:3301 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "chmod on %s failed" |
| msgstr "對 %s 呼叫 chmod 失敗" |
| |
| #: config.c:3148 config.c:3398 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "could not write config file %s" |
| msgstr "不能寫入設定檔案 %s" |
| |
| #: config.c:3182 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "could not set '%s' to '%s'" |
| msgstr "不能設定 '%s' 為 '%s'" |
| |
| #: config.c:3184 builtin/remote.c:657 builtin/remote.c:855 builtin/remote.c:863 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "could not unset '%s'" |
| msgstr "不能取消設定 '%s'" |
| |
| #: config.c:3274 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "invalid section name: %s" |
| msgstr "無效的小節名稱:%s" |
| |
| #: config.c:3441 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "missing value for '%s'" |
| msgstr "%s 的取值缺少" |
| |
| #: connect.c:61 |
| msgid "the remote end hung up upon initial contact" |
| msgstr "遠端在初始連線時即掛斷" |
| |
| #: connect.c:63 |
| msgid "" |
| "Could not read from remote repository.\n" |
| "\n" |
| "Please make sure you have the correct access rights\n" |
| "and the repository exists." |
| msgstr "" |
| "無法讀取遠端版本庫。\n" |
| "\n" |
| "請確認您有正確的存取權限並且版本庫存在。" |
| |
| #: connect.c:81 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "server doesn't support '%s'" |
| msgstr "伺服器不支援 '%s'" |
| |
| #: connect.c:118 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "server doesn't support feature '%s'" |
| msgstr "伺服器不支援特性 '%s'" |
| |
| #: connect.c:129 |
| msgid "expected flush after capabilities" |
| msgstr "在能力之後應為一個 flush 包" |
| |
| #: connect.c:263 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "ignoring capabilities after first line '%s'" |
| msgstr "忽略第一行 '%s' 之後的能力欄位" |
| |
| #: connect.c:284 |
| msgid "protocol error: unexpected capabilities^{}" |
| msgstr "協定錯誤:意外的 capabilities^{}" |
| |
| #: connect.c:306 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "protocol error: expected shallow sha-1, got '%s'" |
| msgstr "協定錯誤:預期淺複製 sha-1,卻得到 '%s'" |
| |
| #: connect.c:308 |
| msgid "repository on the other end cannot be shallow" |
| msgstr "另一端的版本庫不能是淺複製版本庫" |
| |
| #: connect.c:347 |
| msgid "invalid packet" |
| msgstr "無效封包" |
| |
| #: connect.c:367 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "protocol error: unexpected '%s'" |
| msgstr "協定錯誤:意外的 '%s'" |
| |
| #: connect.c:497 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "unknown object format '%s' specified by server" |
| msgstr "伺服器指定的「%s」物件格式無效" |
| |
| #: connect.c:526 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "invalid ls-refs response: %s" |
| msgstr "無效的 ls-refs 回應:%s" |
| |
| #: connect.c:530 |
| msgid "expected flush after ref listing" |
| msgstr "在引用列表之後應該有一個 flush 包" |
| |
| #: connect.c:533 |
| msgid "expected response end packet after ref listing" |
| msgstr "在引用列表後預期要有回應結束封包" |
| |
| #: connect.c:666 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "protocol '%s' is not supported" |
| msgstr "不支援 '%s' 協定" |
| |
| #: connect.c:717 |
| msgid "unable to set SO_KEEPALIVE on socket" |
| msgstr "無法為 socket 設定 SO_KEEPALIVE" |
| |
| #: connect.c:757 connect.c:820 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Looking up %s ... " |
| msgstr "尋找 %s ... " |
| |
| #: connect.c:761 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "unable to look up %s (port %s) (%s)" |
| msgstr "無法尋找 %s(埠 %s)(%s)" |
| |
| #. TRANSLATORS: this is the end of "Looking up %s ... " |
| #: connect.c:765 connect.c:836 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "done.\n" |
| "Connecting to %s (port %s) ... " |
| msgstr "" |
| "完成。\n" |
| "連線到 %s(埠 %s)... " |
| |
| #: connect.c:787 connect.c:864 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "unable to connect to %s:\n" |
| "%s" |
| msgstr "" |
| "無法連線到 %s:\n" |
| "%s" |
| |
| #. TRANSLATORS: this is the end of "Connecting to %s (port %s) ... " |
| #: connect.c:793 connect.c:870 |
| msgid "done." |
| msgstr "完成。" |
| |
| #: connect.c:824 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "unable to look up %s (%s)" |
| msgstr "無法尋找 %s(%s)" |
| |
| #: connect.c:830 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "unknown port %s" |
| msgstr "未知埠 %s" |
| |
| #: connect.c:967 connect.c:1299 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "strange hostname '%s' blocked" |
| msgstr "已阻止奇怪的主機名稱 '%s'" |
| |
| #: connect.c:969 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "strange port '%s' blocked" |
| msgstr "已阻止奇怪的埠號 '%s'" |
| |
| #: connect.c:979 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "cannot start proxy %s" |
| msgstr "不能啟動代理 %s" |
| |
| #: connect.c:1050 |
| msgid "no path specified; see 'git help pull' for valid url syntax" |
| msgstr "未指定路徑,執行 'git help pull' 檢視有效的 url 語法" |
| |
| #: connect.c:1190 |
| msgid "newline is forbidden in git:// hosts and repo paths" |
| msgstr "git:// 主機名稱和版本庫路徑中不能有換行" |
| |
| #: connect.c:1247 |
| msgid "ssh variant 'simple' does not support -4" |
| msgstr "ssh 變體 'simple' 不支援 -4" |
| |
| #: connect.c:1259 |
| msgid "ssh variant 'simple' does not support -6" |
| msgstr "ssh 變體 'simple' 不支援 -6" |
| |
| #: connect.c:1276 |
| msgid "ssh variant 'simple' does not support setting port" |
| msgstr "ssh 變體 'simple' 不支援設定埠" |
| |
| #: connect.c:1388 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "strange pathname '%s' blocked" |
| msgstr "已阻止奇怪的路徑名 '%s'" |
| |
| #: connect.c:1436 |
| msgid "unable to fork" |
| msgstr "無法 fork" |
| |
| #: connected.c:108 builtin/fsck.c:188 builtin/prune.c:45 |
| msgid "Checking connectivity" |
| msgstr "正在檢查連通性" |
| |
| #: connected.c:120 |
| msgid "Could not run 'git rev-list'" |
| msgstr "不能執行 'git rev-list'" |
| |
| #: connected.c:144 |
| msgid "failed write to rev-list" |
| msgstr "寫入 rev-list 失敗" |
| |
| #: connected.c:149 |
| msgid "failed to close rev-list's stdin" |
| msgstr "關閉 rev-list 的標準輸入失敗" |
| |
| #: convert.c:183 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "illegal crlf_action %d" |
| msgstr "非法的 crlf 動作 %d" |
| |
| #: convert.c:196 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "CRLF would be replaced by LF in %s" |
| msgstr "%s 中的 CRLF 將被 LF 取代" |
| |
| #: convert.c:198 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "CRLF will be replaced by LF in %s.\n" |
| "The file will have its original line endings in your working directory" |
| msgstr "" |
| "%s 中的 CRLF 將被 LF 取代。\n" |
| "在工作區中該檔案仍保持原有的換行符號" |
| |
| #: convert.c:206 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "LF would be replaced by CRLF in %s" |
| msgstr "檔案 %s 中的 LF 將被 CRLF 取代" |
| |
| #: convert.c:208 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "LF will be replaced by CRLF in %s.\n" |
| "The file will have its original line endings in your working directory" |
| msgstr "" |
| "%s 中的 LF 將被 CRLF 取代。\n" |
| "在工作區中該檔案仍保持原有的換行符號" |
| |
| #: convert.c:273 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "BOM is prohibited in '%s' if encoded as %s" |
| msgstr "如果使用 %2$s 編碼,禁止在 '%1$s' 中使用 BOM" |
| |
| #: convert.c:280 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "The file '%s' contains a byte order mark (BOM). Please use UTF-%.*s as " |
| "working-tree-encoding." |
| msgstr "檔案 '%s' 包含位元組順序標記(BOM)。請使用 UTF-%.*s 作為工作區編碼。" |
| |
| #: convert.c:293 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "BOM is required in '%s' if encoded as %s" |
| msgstr "如果編碼為 %2$s,需要在 '%1$s' 中使用 BOM" |
| |
| #: convert.c:295 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "The file '%s' is missing a byte order mark (BOM). Please use UTF-%sBE or UTF-" |
| "%sLE (depending on the byte order) as working-tree-encoding." |
| msgstr "" |
| "檔案 '%s' 缺少一個位元組順序標記(BOM)。請使用 UTF-%sBE or UTF-%sLE(取決於" |
| "字節序)作為工作區編碼。" |
| |
| #: convert.c:408 convert.c:479 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "failed to encode '%s' from %s to %s" |
| msgstr "無法對 '%s' 進行從 %s 到 %s 的編碼" |
| |
| #: convert.c:451 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "encoding '%s' from %s to %s and back is not the same" |
| msgstr "將'%s' 的編碼從 %s 到 %s 來迴轉換不一致" |
| |
| #: convert.c:654 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "cannot fork to run external filter '%s'" |
| msgstr "不能 fork 以執行外部過濾器 '%s'" |
| |
| #: convert.c:674 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "cannot feed the input to external filter '%s'" |
| msgstr "不能將輸入傳遞給外部過濾器 '%s'" |
| |
| #: convert.c:681 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "external filter '%s' failed %d" |
| msgstr "外部過濾器 '%s' 失敗碼 %d" |
| |
| #: convert.c:716 convert.c:719 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "read from external filter '%s' failed" |
| msgstr "從外部過濾器 '%s' 讀取失敗" |
| |
| #: convert.c:722 convert.c:777 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "external filter '%s' failed" |
| msgstr "外部過濾器 '%s' 失敗" |
| |
| #: convert.c:826 |
| msgid "unexpected filter type" |
| msgstr "意外的過濾類型" |
| |
| #: convert.c:837 |
| msgid "path name too long for external filter" |
| msgstr "外部過濾器的路徑名太長" |
| |
| #: convert.c:934 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "external filter '%s' is not available anymore although not all paths have " |
| "been filtered" |
| msgstr "外部過濾器 '%s' 不再可用,但並非所有路徑都已過濾" |
| |
| #: convert.c:1234 |
| msgid "true/false are no valid working-tree-encodings" |
| msgstr "true/false 不是有效的工作區編碼" |
| |
| #: convert.c:1414 convert.c:1447 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "%s: clean filter '%s' failed" |
| msgstr "%s:clean 過濾器 '%s' 失敗" |
| |
| #: convert.c:1490 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "%s: smudge filter %s failed" |
| msgstr "%s:smudge 過濾器 %s 失敗" |
| |
| #: credential.c:96 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "skipping credential lookup for key: credential.%s" |
| msgstr "略過鍵的憑證查詢:credential.%s" |
| |
| #: credential.c:112 |
| msgid "refusing to work with credential missing host field" |
| msgstr "拒絕使用缺少主機欄位的憑證" |
| |
| #: credential.c:114 |
| msgid "refusing to work with credential missing protocol field" |
| msgstr "拒絕使用缺少通訊協定欄位的憑證" |
| |
| #: credential.c:394 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "url contains a newline in its %s component: %s" |
| msgstr "URL 的 %s 部分有換行:%s" |
| |
| #: credential.c:438 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "url has no scheme: %s" |
| msgstr "URL 沒有 Scheme:%s" |
| |
| #: credential.c:511 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "credential url cannot be parsed: %s" |
| msgstr "無法解析憑證 URL:%s" |
| |
| #: date.c:138 |
| msgid "in the future" |
| msgstr "在將來" |
| |
| #: date.c:144 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "%<PRIuMAX> second ago" |
| msgid_plural "%<PRIuMAX> seconds ago" |
| msgstr[0] "%<PRIuMAX> 秒鐘前" |
| |
| #: date.c:151 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "%<PRIuMAX> minute ago" |
| msgid_plural "%<PRIuMAX> minutes ago" |
| msgstr[0] "%<PRIuMAX> 分鐘前" |
| |
| #: date.c:158 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "%<PRIuMAX> hour ago" |
| msgid_plural "%<PRIuMAX> hours ago" |
| msgstr[0] "%<PRIuMAX> 小時前" |
| |
| #: date.c:165 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "%<PRIuMAX> day ago" |
| msgid_plural "%<PRIuMAX> days ago" |
| msgstr[0] "%<PRIuMAX> 天前" |
| |
| #: date.c:171 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "%<PRIuMAX> week ago" |
| msgid_plural "%<PRIuMAX> weeks ago" |
| msgstr[0] "%<PRIuMAX> 周前" |
| |
| #: date.c:178 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "%<PRIuMAX> month ago" |
| msgid_plural "%<PRIuMAX> months ago" |
| msgstr[0] "%<PRIuMAX> 個月前" |
| |
| #: date.c:189 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "%<PRIuMAX> year" |
| msgid_plural "%<PRIuMAX> years" |
| msgstr[0] "%<PRIuMAX> 年" |
| |
| #. TRANSLATORS: "%s" is "<n> years" |
| #: date.c:192 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "%s, %<PRIuMAX> month ago" |
| msgid_plural "%s, %<PRIuMAX> months ago" |
| msgstr[0] "%s %<PRIuMAX> 個月前" |
| |
| #: date.c:197 date.c:202 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "%<PRIuMAX> year ago" |
| msgid_plural "%<PRIuMAX> years ago" |
| msgstr[0] "%<PRIuMAX> 年前" |
| |
| #: delta-islands.c:272 |
| msgid "Propagating island marks" |
| msgstr "正在傳播資料島標記" |
| |
| #: delta-islands.c:290 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "bad tree object %s" |
| msgstr "壞的樹狀物件 %s" |
| |
| #: delta-islands.c:334 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "failed to load island regex for '%s': %s" |
| msgstr "未能載入 '%s' 的資料島正規表示式:%s" |
| |
| #: delta-islands.c:390 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "island regex from config has too many capture groups (max=%d)" |
| msgstr "來自 config 的資料島正規表示式有太多的捕獲組(最多 %d 個)" |
| |
| #: delta-islands.c:467 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Marked %d islands, done.\n" |
| msgstr "已標記 %d 個資料島,結束。\n" |
| |
| #: diff-merges.c:80 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "unknown value for --diff-merges: %s" |
| msgstr "--diff-merges 的值無效:%s" |
| |
| #: diff-lib.c:538 |
| msgid "--merge-base does not work with ranges" |
| msgstr "—merge-base 跟範圍無法搭配運作" |
| |
| #: diff-lib.c:540 |
| msgid "--merge-base only works with commits" |
| msgstr "--merge-base 只能跟提交搭配才能運作" |
| |
| #: diff-lib.c:557 |
| msgid "unable to get HEAD" |
| msgstr "不能取得 HEAD" |
| |
| #: diff-lib.c:564 |
| msgid "no merge base found" |
| msgstr "找不到合併基底" |
| |
| #: diff-lib.c:566 |
| msgid "multiple merge bases found" |
| msgstr "找到多個合併基底" |
| |
| #: diff-no-index.c:238 |
| msgid "git diff --no-index [<options>] <path> <path>" |
| msgstr "git diff --no-index [<選項>] <路徑> <路徑>" |
| |
| #: diff-no-index.c:263 |
| msgid "" |
| "Not a git repository. Use --no-index to compare two paths outside a working " |
| "tree" |
| msgstr "不是一個 git 版本庫。使用 --no-index 比較工作區之外的兩個路徑" |
| |
| # 譯者:請維持前導空格 |
| #: diff.c:156 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid " Failed to parse dirstat cut-off percentage '%s'\n" |
| msgstr " 無法解析 dirstat 截止(cut-off)百分比 '%s'\n" |
| |
| # 譯者:請維持前導空格 |
| #: diff.c:161 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid " Unknown dirstat parameter '%s'\n" |
| msgstr " 未知的 dirstat 參數 '%s'\n" |
| |
| #: diff.c:297 |
| msgid "" |
| "color moved setting must be one of 'no', 'default', 'blocks', 'zebra', " |
| "'dimmed-zebra', 'plain'" |
| msgstr "" |
| "移動的顏色設定必須是 'no'、'default'、'blocks'、'zebra'、'dimmed_zebra' 或 " |
| "'plain'" |
| |
| #: diff.c:325 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "unknown color-moved-ws mode '%s', possible values are 'ignore-space-change', " |
| "'ignore-space-at-eol', 'ignore-all-space', 'allow-indentation-change'" |
| msgstr "" |
| "未知的 color-moved-ws 模式 '%s',可能的取值有 'ignore-space-change'、'ignore-" |
| "space-at-eol'、'ignore-all-space'、'allow-indentation-change'" |
| |
| #: diff.c:333 |
| msgid "" |
| "color-moved-ws: allow-indentation-change cannot be combined with other " |
| "whitespace modes" |
| msgstr "color-moved-ws:allow-indentation-change 不能與其它空白字元模式共用" |
| |
| #: diff.c:410 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Unknown value for 'diff.submodule' config variable: '%s'" |
| msgstr "設定變數 'diff.submodule' 未知的取值:'%s'" |
| |
| #: diff.c:470 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "Found errors in 'diff.dirstat' config variable:\n" |
| "%s" |
| msgstr "" |
| "發現設定變數 'diff.dirstat' 中的錯誤:\n" |
| "%s" |
| |
| #: diff.c:4278 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "external diff died, stopping at %s" |
| msgstr "外部 diff 離開,停止在 %s" |
| |
| #: diff.c:4630 |
| msgid "--name-only, --name-status, --check and -s are mutually exclusive" |
| msgstr "--name-only、--name-status、--check 和 -s 是互斥的" |
| |
| #: diff.c:4633 |
| msgid "-G, -S and --find-object are mutually exclusive" |
| msgstr "-G、-S 和 --find-object 是互斥的" |
| |
| #: diff.c:4712 |
| msgid "--follow requires exactly one pathspec" |
| msgstr "--follow 明確要求只跟一個路徑規格" |
| |
| #: diff.c:4760 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "invalid --stat value: %s" |
| msgstr "無效的 --stat 值:%s" |
| |
| #: diff.c:4765 diff.c:4770 diff.c:4775 diff.c:4780 diff.c:5308 |
| #: parse-options.c:197 parse-options.c:201 builtin/commit-graph.c:180 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "%s expects a numerical value" |
| msgstr "%s 期望一個數字值" |
| |
| #: diff.c:4797 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "Failed to parse --dirstat/-X option parameter:\n" |
| "%s" |
| msgstr "" |
| "無法解析 --dirstat/-X 選項的參數:\n" |
| "%s" |
| |
| #: diff.c:4882 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "unknown change class '%c' in --diff-filter=%s" |
| msgstr "--diff-filter=%2$s 中未知的變更類 '%1$c'" |
| |
| #: diff.c:4906 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "unknown value after ws-error-highlight=%.*s" |
| msgstr "ws-error-highlight=%.*s 之後未知的值" |
| |
| #: diff.c:4920 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "unable to resolve '%s'" |
| msgstr "不能解析 '%s'" |
| |
| #: diff.c:4970 diff.c:4976 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "%s expects <n>/<m> form" |
| msgstr "%s 期望 <n>/<m> 格式" |
| |
| #: diff.c:4988 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "%s expects a character, got '%s'" |
| msgstr "%s 期望一個字元,得到 '%s'" |
| |
| #: diff.c:5009 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "bad --color-moved argument: %s" |
| msgstr "壞的 --color-moved 參數:%s" |
| |
| #: diff.c:5028 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "invalid mode '%s' in --color-moved-ws" |
| msgstr "--color-moved-ws 中的無效模式 '%s'" |
| |
| #: diff.c:5068 |
| msgid "" |
| "option diff-algorithm accepts \"myers\", \"minimal\", \"patience\" and " |
| "\"histogram\"" |
| msgstr "" |
| "diff-algorithm 選項有 \"myers\"、\"minimal\"、\"patience\" 和 \"histogram\"" |
| |
| #: diff.c:5104 diff.c:5124 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "invalid argument to %s" |
| msgstr "%s 的參數無效" |
| |
| #: diff.c:5228 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "invalid regex given to -I: '%s'" |
| msgstr "傳入 -I 的正規表示式無效:「%s」" |
| |
| #: diff.c:5277 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "failed to parse --submodule option parameter: '%s'" |
| msgstr "無法解析 --submodule 選項的參數:'%s'" |
| |
| #: diff.c:5333 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "bad --word-diff argument: %s" |
| msgstr "壞的 --word-diff 參數:%s" |
| |
| #: diff.c:5369 |
| msgid "Diff output format options" |
| msgstr "差異輸出格式化選項" |
| |
| #: diff.c:5371 diff.c:5377 |
| msgid "generate patch" |
| msgstr "生成修補檔" |
| |
| #: diff.c:5374 builtin/log.c:179 |
| msgid "suppress diff output" |
| msgstr "不顯示差異輸出" |
| |
| #: diff.c:5379 diff.c:5493 diff.c:5500 |
| msgid "<n>" |
| msgstr "<n>" |
| |
| #: diff.c:5380 diff.c:5383 |
| msgid "generate diffs with <n> lines context" |
| msgstr "生成含 <n> 行上下文的差異" |
| |
| #: diff.c:5385 |
| msgid "generate the diff in raw format" |
| msgstr "生成原始格式的差異" |
| |
| #: diff.c:5388 |
| msgid "synonym for '-p --raw'" |
| msgstr "和 '-p --raw' 同義" |
| |
| #: diff.c:5392 |
| msgid "synonym for '-p --stat'" |
| msgstr "和 '-p --stat' 同義" |
| |
| #: diff.c:5396 |
| msgid "machine friendly --stat" |
| msgstr "機器友好的 --stat" |
| |
| #: diff.c:5399 |
| msgid "output only the last line of --stat" |
| msgstr "只輸出 --stat 的最後一行" |
| |
| #: diff.c:5401 diff.c:5409 |
| msgid "<param1,param2>..." |
| msgstr "<參數1,參數2>..." |
| |
| #: diff.c:5402 |
| msgid "" |
| "output the distribution of relative amount of changes for each sub-directory" |
| msgstr "輸出每個子目錄相對變更的分布" |
| |
| #: diff.c:5406 |
| msgid "synonym for --dirstat=cumulative" |
| msgstr "和 --dirstat=cumulative 同義" |
| |
| #: diff.c:5410 |
| msgid "synonym for --dirstat=files,param1,param2..." |
| msgstr "是 --dirstat=files,param1,param2... 的同義詞" |
| |
| #: diff.c:5414 |
| msgid "warn if changes introduce conflict markers or whitespace errors" |
| msgstr "如果變更中引入衝突定界符或空白錯誤,給出警告" |
| |
| #: diff.c:5417 |
| msgid "condensed summary such as creations, renames and mode changes" |
| msgstr "精簡摘要,例如建立、重新命名和模式變更" |
| |
| #: diff.c:5420 |
| msgid "show only names of changed files" |
| msgstr "只顯示變更檔案的檔案名" |
| |
| #: diff.c:5423 |
| msgid "show only names and status of changed files" |
| msgstr "只顯示變更檔案的檔案名和狀態" |
| |
| #: diff.c:5425 |
| msgid "<width>[,<name-width>[,<count>]]" |
| msgstr "<寬度>[,<檔案名寬度>[,<次數>]]" |
| |
| #: diff.c:5426 |
| msgid "generate diffstat" |
| msgstr "生成差異統計(diffstat)" |
| |
| #: diff.c:5428 diff.c:5431 diff.c:5434 |
| msgid "<width>" |
| msgstr "<寬度>" |
| |
| #: diff.c:5429 |
| msgid "generate diffstat with a given width" |
| msgstr "使用提供的長度生成差異統計" |
| |
| #: diff.c:5432 |
| msgid "generate diffstat with a given name width" |
| msgstr "使用提供的檔案名長度生成差異統計" |
| |
| #: diff.c:5435 |
| msgid "generate diffstat with a given graph width" |
| msgstr "使用提供的圖形長度生成差異統計" |
| |
| #: diff.c:5437 |
| msgid "<count>" |
| msgstr "<次數>" |
| |
| #: diff.c:5438 |
| msgid "generate diffstat with limited lines" |
| msgstr "生成有限行數的差異統計" |
| |
| #: diff.c:5441 |
| msgid "generate compact summary in diffstat" |
| msgstr "生成差異統計的簡潔摘要" |
| |
| #: diff.c:5444 |
| msgid "output a binary diff that can be applied" |
| msgstr "輸出一個可以套用的二進位差異" |
| |
| #: diff.c:5447 |
| msgid "show full pre- and post-image object names on the \"index\" lines" |
| msgstr "在 \"index\" 行顯示完整的前後物件名稱" |
| |
| #: diff.c:5449 |
| msgid "show colored diff" |
| msgstr "顯示帶顏色的差異" |
| |
| #: diff.c:5450 |
| msgid "<kind>" |
| msgstr "<類型>" |
| |
| #: diff.c:5451 |
| msgid "" |
| "highlight whitespace errors in the 'context', 'old' or 'new' lines in the " |
| "diff" |
| msgstr "對於差異中的上下文、舊的和新的行,加亮顯示錯誤的空白字元" |
| |
| #: diff.c:5454 |
| msgid "" |
| "do not munge pathnames and use NULs as output field terminators in --raw or " |
| "--numstat" |
| msgstr "" |
| "在 --raw 或者 --numstat 中,不對路徑字元轉檔並使用 NUL 字元做為輸出欄位的分隔" |
| "符" |
| |
| #: diff.c:5457 diff.c:5460 diff.c:5463 diff.c:5572 |
| msgid "<prefix>" |
| msgstr "<前綴>" |
| |
| #: diff.c:5458 |
| msgid "show the given source prefix instead of \"a/\"" |
| msgstr "顯示提供的源前綴取代 \"a/\"" |
| |
| #: diff.c:5461 |
| msgid "show the given destination prefix instead of \"b/\"" |
| msgstr "顯示提供的目標前綴取代 \"b/\"" |
| |
| #: diff.c:5464 |
| msgid "prepend an additional prefix to every line of output" |
| msgstr "輸出的每一行附加前綴" |
| |
| #: diff.c:5467 |
| msgid "do not show any source or destination prefix" |
| msgstr "不顯示任何源和目標前綴" |
| |
| #: diff.c:5470 |
| msgid "show context between diff hunks up to the specified number of lines" |
| msgstr "顯示指定行數的差異區塊間的上下文" |
| |
| #: diff.c:5474 diff.c:5479 diff.c:5484 |
| msgid "<char>" |
| msgstr "<字元>" |
| |
| #: diff.c:5475 |
| msgid "specify the character to indicate a new line instead of '+'" |
| msgstr "指定一個字元取代 '+' 來表示新的一行" |
| |
| #: diff.c:5480 |
| msgid "specify the character to indicate an old line instead of '-'" |
| msgstr "指定一個字元取代 '-' 來表示舊的一行" |
| |
| #: diff.c:5485 |
| msgid "specify the character to indicate a context instead of ' '" |
| msgstr "指定一個字元取代 ' ' 來表示一行上下文" |
| |
| #: diff.c:5488 |
| msgid "Diff rename options" |
| msgstr "差異重新命名選項" |
| |
| #: diff.c:5489 |
| msgid "<n>[/<m>]" |
| msgstr "<n>[/<m>]" |
| |
| #: diff.c:5490 |
| msgid "break complete rewrite changes into pairs of delete and create" |
| msgstr "將完全重寫的變更打破為成對的刪除和建立" |
| |
| #: diff.c:5494 |
| msgid "detect renames" |
| msgstr "檢測重新命名" |
| |
| #: diff.c:5498 |
| msgid "omit the preimage for deletes" |
| msgstr "省略刪除變更的差異輸出" |
| |
| #: diff.c:5501 |
| msgid "detect copies" |
| msgstr "檢測複製" |
| |
| #: diff.c:5505 |
| msgid "use unmodified files as source to find copies" |
| msgstr "使用未修改的檔案做為發現複製的源" |
| |
| #: diff.c:5507 |
| msgid "disable rename detection" |
| msgstr "停用重新命名偵測" |
| |
| #: diff.c:5510 |
| msgid "use empty blobs as rename source" |
| msgstr "使用空的資料物件做為重新命名的源" |
| |
| #: diff.c:5512 |
| msgid "continue listing the history of a file beyond renames" |
| msgstr "繼續列出檔案重新命名以外的歷史記錄" |
| |
| #: diff.c:5515 |
| msgid "" |
| "prevent rename/copy detection if the number of rename/copy targets exceeds " |
| "given limit" |
| msgstr "如果重新命名/複製目標超過提供的限制,禁止重新命名/複製檢測" |
| |
| #: diff.c:5517 |
| msgid "Diff algorithm options" |
| msgstr "差異演算法選項" |
| |
| #: diff.c:5519 |
| msgid "produce the smallest possible diff" |
| msgstr "生成儘可能小的差異" |
| |
| #: diff.c:5522 |
| msgid "ignore whitespace when comparing lines" |
| msgstr "行比較時忽略空白字元" |
| |
| #: diff.c:5525 |
| msgid "ignore changes in amount of whitespace" |
| msgstr "忽略空白字元的變更" |
| |
| #: diff.c:5528 |
| msgid "ignore changes in whitespace at EOL" |
| msgstr "忽略行尾的空白字元變更" |
| |
| #: diff.c:5531 |
| msgid "ignore carrier-return at the end of line" |
| msgstr "忽略行尾的Enter符(CR)" |
| |
| #: diff.c:5534 |
| msgid "ignore changes whose lines are all blank" |
| msgstr "忽略整行都是空白的變更" |
| |
| #: diff.c:5536 diff.c:5558 diff.c:5561 diff.c:5606 |
| msgid "<regex>" |
| msgstr "<正則>" |
| |
| #: diff.c:5537 |
| msgid "ignore changes whose all lines match <regex>" |
| msgstr "忽略整行符合 <regex> 的變更" |
| |
| #: diff.c:5540 |
| msgid "heuristic to shift diff hunk boundaries for easy reading" |
| msgstr "啟發式轉換差異邊界以便閱讀" |
| |
| #: diff.c:5543 |
| msgid "generate diff using the \"patience diff\" algorithm" |
| msgstr "使用 \"patience diff\" 演算法生成差異" |
| |
| #: diff.c:5547 |
| msgid "generate diff using the \"histogram diff\" algorithm" |
| msgstr "使用 \"histogram diff\" 演算法生成差異" |
| |
| #: diff.c:5549 |
| msgid "<algorithm>" |
| msgstr "<演算法>" |
| |
| #: diff.c:5550 |
| msgid "choose a diff algorithm" |
| msgstr "選擇一個差異演算法" |
| |
| #: diff.c:5552 |
| msgid "<text>" |
| msgstr "<文字>" |
| |
| #: diff.c:5553 |
| msgid "generate diff using the \"anchored diff\" algorithm" |
| msgstr "使用 \"anchored diff\" 演算法生成差異" |
| |
| #: diff.c:5555 diff.c:5564 diff.c:5567 |
| msgid "<mode>" |
| msgstr "<模式>" |
| |
| #: diff.c:5556 |
| msgid "show word diff, using <mode> to delimit changed words" |
| msgstr "顯示單詞差異,使用 <模式> 分隔變更的單詞" |
| |
| #: diff.c:5559 |
| msgid "use <regex> to decide what a word is" |
| msgstr "使用 <正規表示式> 確定何為一個詞" |
| |
| #: diff.c:5562 |
| msgid "equivalent to --word-diff=color --word-diff-regex=<regex>" |
| msgstr "相當於 --word-diff=color --word-diff-regex=<正則>" |
| |
| #: diff.c:5565 |
| msgid "moved lines of code are colored differently" |
| msgstr "移動的程式碼行用不同方式著色" |
| |
| #: diff.c:5568 |
| msgid "how white spaces are ignored in --color-moved" |
| msgstr "在 --color-moved 下如何忽略空白字元" |
| |
| #: diff.c:5571 |
| msgid "Other diff options" |
| msgstr "其它差異選項" |
| |
| #: diff.c:5573 |
| msgid "when run from subdir, exclude changes outside and show relative paths" |
| msgstr "當從子目錄執行,排除目錄之外的變更並顯示相對路徑" |
| |
| #: diff.c:5577 |
| msgid "treat all files as text" |
| msgstr "把所有檔案當做文字處理" |
| |
| #: diff.c:5579 |
| msgid "swap two inputs, reverse the diff" |
| msgstr "交換兩個輸入,反轉差異" |
| |
| #: diff.c:5581 |
| msgid "exit with 1 if there were differences, 0 otherwise" |
| msgstr "有差異時離開碼為 1,否則為 0" |
| |
| #: diff.c:5583 |
| msgid "disable all output of the program" |
| msgstr "停用本程式的所有輸出" |
| |
| #: diff.c:5585 |
| msgid "allow an external diff helper to be executed" |
| msgstr "允許執行一個外部的差異協助工具" |
| |
| #: diff.c:5587 |
| msgid "run external text conversion filters when comparing binary files" |
| msgstr "當比較二進位檔案時,執行外部的文字轉換過濾器" |
| |
| #: diff.c:5589 |
| msgid "<when>" |
| msgstr "<何時>" |
| |
| #: diff.c:5590 |
| msgid "ignore changes to submodules in the diff generation" |
| msgstr "在生成差異時,忽略子模組的更改" |
| |
| #: diff.c:5593 |
| msgid "<format>" |
| msgstr "<格式>" |
| |
| #: diff.c:5594 |
| msgid "specify how differences in submodules are shown" |
| msgstr "指定子模組的差異如何顯示" |
| |
| #: diff.c:5598 |
| msgid "hide 'git add -N' entries from the index" |
| msgstr "隱藏索引中 'git add -N' 條目" |
| |
| #: diff.c:5601 |
| msgid "treat 'git add -N' entries as real in the index" |
| msgstr "將索引中 'git add -N' 條目當做真實的" |
| |
| #: diff.c:5603 |
| msgid "<string>" |
| msgstr "<字串>" |
| |
| #: diff.c:5604 |
| msgid "" |
| "look for differences that change the number of occurrences of the specified " |
| "string" |
| msgstr "尋找改變了指定字串出現次數的差異" |
| |
| #: diff.c:5607 |
| msgid "" |
| "look for differences that change the number of occurrences of the specified " |
| "regex" |
| msgstr "尋找改變指定正則符合出現次數的差異" |
| |
| #: diff.c:5610 |
| msgid "show all changes in the changeset with -S or -G" |
| msgstr "顯示使用 -S 或 -G 的變更集的所有變更" |
| |
| #: diff.c:5613 |
| msgid "treat <string> in -S as extended POSIX regular expression" |
| msgstr "將 -S 的 <string> 當做擴展的 POSIX 正規表示式" |
| |
| #: diff.c:5616 |
| msgid "control the order in which files appear in the output" |
| msgstr "控制輸出中的檔案顯示順序" |
| |
| #: diff.c:5617 diff.c:5620 |
| msgid "<path>" |
| msgstr "<路徑>" |
| |
| #: diff.c:5618 |
| msgid "show the change in the specified path first" |
| msgstr "先顯示指定路徑的變更" |
| |
| #: diff.c:5621 |
| msgid "skip the output to the specified path" |
| msgstr "略過輸出至指定路徑" |
| |
| #: diff.c:5623 |
| msgid "<object-id>" |
| msgstr "<物件 ID>" |
| |
| #: diff.c:5624 |
| msgid "" |
| "look for differences that change the number of occurrences of the specified " |
| "object" |
| msgstr "尋找改變指定物件出現次數的差異" |
| |
| #: diff.c:5626 |
| msgid "[(A|C|D|M|R|T|U|X|B)...[*]]" |
| msgstr "[(A|C|D|M|R|T|U|X|B)...[*]]" |
| |
| #: diff.c:5627 |
| msgid "select files by diff type" |
| msgstr "透過差異類型選擇檔案" |
| |
| #: diff.c:5629 |
| msgid "<file>" |
| msgstr "<檔案>" |
| |
| #: diff.c:5630 |
| msgid "Output to a specific file" |
| msgstr "輸出到一個指定的檔案" |
| |
| #: diff.c:6287 |
| msgid "inexact rename detection was skipped due to too many files." |
| msgstr "因為檔案太多,略過不嚴格的重新命名檢查。" |
| |
| #: diff.c:6290 |
| msgid "only found copies from modified paths due to too many files." |
| msgstr "因為檔案太多,只在修改的路徑中尋找複製。" |
| |
| #: diff.c:6293 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "you may want to set your %s variable to at least %d and retry the command." |
| msgstr "您可能想要將變數 %s 設定為至少 %d 並再次執行此指令。" |
| |
| #: diffcore-order.c:24 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "failed to read orderfile '%s'" |
| msgstr "讀取排序檔案 '%s' 失敗" |
| |
| #: diffcore-rename.c:1418 |
| msgid "Performing inexact rename detection" |
| msgstr "正在進行非精確的重新命名偵測" |
| |
| #: diffcore-rotate.c:29 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "No such path '%s' in the diff" |
| msgstr "diff 中沒有「%s」路徑" |
| |
| #: dir.c:578 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "pathspec '%s' did not match any file(s) known to git" |
| msgstr "路徑規格 '%s' 未符合任何 git 已知檔案" |
| |
| #: dir.c:718 dir.c:747 dir.c:760 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "unrecognized pattern: '%s'" |
| msgstr "無法識別樣式:「%s」" |
| |
| #: dir.c:777 dir.c:791 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "unrecognized negative pattern: '%s'" |
| msgstr "無法識別反向模式:「%s」" |
| |
| #: dir.c:809 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "your sparse-checkout file may have issues: pattern '%s' is repeated" |
| msgstr "您的稀疏檢出檔案可能有問題:「%s」樣式重複" |
| |
| #: dir.c:819 |
| msgid "disabling cone pattern matching" |
| msgstr "停用 cone 樣式符合模式" |
| |
| #: dir.c:1206 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "cannot use %s as an exclude file" |
| msgstr "不能將 %s 用作排除檔案" |
| |
| #: dir.c:2314 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "could not open directory '%s'" |
| msgstr "不能開啟目錄 '%s'" |
| |
| #: dir.c:2614 |
| msgid "failed to get kernel name and information" |
| msgstr "無法獲得核心名稱和訊息" |
| |
| #: dir.c:2738 |
| msgid "untracked cache is disabled on this system or location" |
| msgstr "快取未追蹤檔案在本系統或位置中被停用" |
| |
| #: dir.c:3543 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "index file corrupt in repo %s" |
| msgstr "版本庫 %s 中的索引檔案損壞" |
| |
| #: dir.c:3590 dir.c:3595 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "could not create directories for %s" |
| msgstr "不能為 %s 建立目錄" |
| |
| #: dir.c:3624 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "could not migrate git directory from '%s' to '%s'" |
| msgstr "不能從 '%s' 遷移 git 目錄到 '%s'" |
| |
| #: editor.c:74 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "hint: Waiting for your editor to close the file...%c" |
| msgstr "提示:等待您的編輯器關閉檔案...%c" |
| |
| #: entry.c:179 |
| msgid "Filtering content" |
| msgstr "過濾內容" |
| |
| #: entry.c:500 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "could not stat file '%s'" |
| msgstr "不能對檔案 '%s' 呼叫 stat" |
| |
| #: environment.c:152 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "bad git namespace path \"%s\"" |
| msgstr "錯誤的 git 名字空間路徑 \"%s\"" |
| |
| #: environment.c:335 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "could not set GIT_DIR to '%s'" |
| msgstr "不能設定 GIT_DIR 為 '%s'" |
| |
| #: exec-cmd.c:363 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "too many args to run %s" |
| msgstr "執行 %s 的參數太多" |
| |
| #: fetch-pack.c:182 |
| msgid "git fetch-pack: expected shallow list" |
| msgstr "git fetch-pack:應為 shallow 列表" |
| |
| #: fetch-pack.c:185 |
| msgid "git fetch-pack: expected a flush packet after shallow list" |
| msgstr "git fetch-pack:在淺複製列表之後期望一個 flush 包" |
| |
| #: fetch-pack.c:196 |
| msgid "git fetch-pack: expected ACK/NAK, got a flush packet" |
| msgstr "git fetch-pack:期望 ACK/NAK,卻得到 flush 包" |
| |
| #: fetch-pack.c:216 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "git fetch-pack: expected ACK/NAK, got '%s'" |
| msgstr "git fetch-pack:應為 ACK/NAK,卻得到 '%s'" |
| |
| #: fetch-pack.c:227 |
| msgid "unable to write to remote" |
| msgstr "無法寫到遠端" |
| |
| #: fetch-pack.c:288 |
| msgid "--stateless-rpc requires multi_ack_detailed" |
| msgstr "--stateless-rpc 需要 multi_ack_detailed" |
| |
| #: fetch-pack.c:383 fetch-pack.c:1423 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "invalid shallow line: %s" |
| msgstr "無效的 shallow 訊息:%s" |
| |
| #: fetch-pack.c:389 fetch-pack.c:1429 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "invalid unshallow line: %s" |
| msgstr "無效的 unshallow 訊息:%s" |
| |
| #: fetch-pack.c:391 fetch-pack.c:1431 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "object not found: %s" |
| msgstr "物件未找到:%s" |
| |
| #: fetch-pack.c:394 fetch-pack.c:1434 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "error in object: %s" |
| msgstr "物件中發生錯誤:%s" |
| |
| #: fetch-pack.c:396 fetch-pack.c:1436 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "no shallow found: %s" |
| msgstr "未發現 shallow:%s" |
| |
| #: fetch-pack.c:399 fetch-pack.c:1440 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "expected shallow/unshallow, got %s" |
| msgstr "應為 shallow/unshallow,卻得到 %s" |
| |
| #: fetch-pack.c:439 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "got %s %d %s" |
| msgstr "得到 %s %d %s" |
| |
| #: fetch-pack.c:456 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "invalid commit %s" |
| msgstr "無效提交 %s" |
| |
| #: fetch-pack.c:487 |
| msgid "giving up" |
| msgstr "放棄" |
| |
| #: fetch-pack.c:500 progress.c:339 |
| msgid "done" |
| msgstr "完成" |
| |
| #: fetch-pack.c:512 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "got %s (%d) %s" |
| msgstr "得到 %s (%d) %s" |
| |
| #: fetch-pack.c:548 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Marking %s as complete" |
| msgstr "標記 %s 為完成" |
| |
| #: fetch-pack.c:763 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "already have %s (%s)" |
| msgstr "已經有 %s(%s)" |
| |
| #: fetch-pack.c:849 |
| msgid "fetch-pack: unable to fork off sideband demultiplexer" |
| msgstr "fetch-pack:無法衍生 sideband 多路輸出" |
| |
| #: fetch-pack.c:857 |
| msgid "protocol error: bad pack header" |
| msgstr "協定錯誤:壞的包頭" |
| |
| #: fetch-pack.c:951 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "fetch-pack: unable to fork off %s" |
| msgstr "fetch-pack:無法 fork %s 處理程序" |
| |
| #: fetch-pack.c:957 |
| msgid "fetch-pack: invalid index-pack output" |
| msgstr "fetch-pack:無效的 index-pack 輸出" |
| |
| #: fetch-pack.c:974 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "%s failed" |
| msgstr "%s 失敗" |
| |
| #: fetch-pack.c:976 |
| msgid "error in sideband demultiplexer" |
| msgstr "sideband 多路輸出發生錯誤" |
| |
| #: fetch-pack.c:1019 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Server version is %.*s" |
| msgstr "伺服器版本 %.*s" |
| |
| #: fetch-pack.c:1027 fetch-pack.c:1033 fetch-pack.c:1036 fetch-pack.c:1042 |
| #: fetch-pack.c:1046 fetch-pack.c:1050 fetch-pack.c:1054 fetch-pack.c:1058 |
| #: fetch-pack.c:1062 fetch-pack.c:1066 fetch-pack.c:1070 fetch-pack.c:1074 |
| #: fetch-pack.c:1080 fetch-pack.c:1086 fetch-pack.c:1091 fetch-pack.c:1096 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Server supports %s" |
| msgstr "伺服器支援 %s" |
| |
| #: fetch-pack.c:1029 |
| msgid "Server does not support shallow clients" |
| msgstr "伺服器不支援 shalllow 用戶端" |
| |
| #: fetch-pack.c:1089 |
| msgid "Server does not support --shallow-since" |
| msgstr "伺服器不支援 --shallow-since" |
| |
| #: fetch-pack.c:1094 |
| msgid "Server does not support --shallow-exclude" |
| msgstr "伺服器不支援 --shallow-exclude" |
| |
| #: fetch-pack.c:1098 |
| msgid "Server does not support --deepen" |
| msgstr "伺服器不支援 --deepen" |
| |
| #: fetch-pack.c:1100 |
| msgid "Server does not support this repository's object format" |
| msgstr "伺服器不支援此版本庫的物件格式" |
| |
| #: fetch-pack.c:1113 |
| msgid "no common commits" |
| msgstr "沒有共同的提交" |
| |
| #: fetch-pack.c:1122 fetch-pack.c:1469 builtin/clone.c:1238 |
| msgid "source repository is shallow, reject to clone." |
| msgstr "來源版本庫是淺版本庫 (shallow)。拒絕 clone。" |
| |
| #: fetch-pack.c:1128 fetch-pack.c:1651 |
| msgid "git fetch-pack: fetch failed." |
| msgstr "git fetch-pack:取得失敗。" |
| |
| #: fetch-pack.c:1242 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "mismatched algorithms: client %s; server %s" |
| msgstr "算法不一致:用戶端 %s;伺服器 %s" |
| |
| #: fetch-pack.c:1246 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "the server does not support algorithm '%s'" |
| msgstr "伺服器不支援「%s」算法" |
| |
| #: fetch-pack.c:1279 |
| msgid "Server does not support shallow requests" |
| msgstr "伺服器不支援 shalllow 請求" |
| |
| #: fetch-pack.c:1286 |
| msgid "Server supports filter" |
| msgstr "伺服器支援 filter" |
| |
| #: fetch-pack.c:1329 fetch-pack.c:2034 |
| msgid "unable to write request to remote" |
| msgstr "無法將請求寫到遠端" |
| |
| #: fetch-pack.c:1347 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "error reading section header '%s'" |
| msgstr "讀取節標題 '%s' 發生錯誤" |
| |
| #: fetch-pack.c:1353 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "expected '%s', received '%s'" |
| msgstr "預期 '%s',得到 '%s'" |
| |
| #: fetch-pack.c:1387 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "unexpected acknowledgment line: '%s'" |
| msgstr "意外的確認行:'%s'" |
| |
| #: fetch-pack.c:1392 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "error processing acks: %d" |
| msgstr "處理 ack 發生錯誤:%d" |
| |
| #: fetch-pack.c:1402 |
| msgid "expected packfile to be sent after 'ready'" |
| msgstr "預期在 'ready' 之後傳送 packfile" |
| |
| #: fetch-pack.c:1404 |
| msgid "expected no other sections to be sent after no 'ready'" |
| msgstr "在沒有 'ready' 不應該傳送其它小節" |
| |
| #: fetch-pack.c:1445 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "error processing shallow info: %d" |
| msgstr "處理淺複製訊息發生錯誤:%d" |
| |
| #: fetch-pack.c:1494 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "expected wanted-ref, got '%s'" |
| msgstr "預期 wanted-ref,得到 '%s'" |
| |
| #: fetch-pack.c:1499 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "unexpected wanted-ref: '%s'" |
| msgstr "意外的 wanted-ref:'%s'" |
| |
| #: fetch-pack.c:1504 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "error processing wanted refs: %d" |
| msgstr "處理要取得的引用發生錯誤:%d" |
| |
| #: fetch-pack.c:1534 |
| msgid "git fetch-pack: expected response end packet" |
| msgstr "git fetch-pack: 預期要有回應結束封包" |
| |
| #: fetch-pack.c:1930 |
| msgid "no matching remote head" |
| msgstr "沒有符合的遠端分支" |
| |
| #: fetch-pack.c:1953 builtin/clone.c:697 |
| msgid "remote did not send all necessary objects" |
| msgstr "遠端沒有傳送所有必需的物件" |
| |
| #: fetch-pack.c:2056 |
| msgid "unexpected 'ready' from remote" |
| msgstr "從遠端收到非預期的 ‘ready’" |
| |
| #: fetch-pack.c:2079 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "no such remote ref %s" |
| msgstr "沒有這樣的遠端引用 %s" |
| |
| #: fetch-pack.c:2082 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Server does not allow request for unadvertised object %s" |
| msgstr "伺服器不允許請求未公開的物件 %s" |
| |
| #: gpg-interface.c:273 |
| msgid "could not create temporary file" |
| msgstr "不能建立暫存檔" |
| |
| #: gpg-interface.c:276 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "failed writing detached signature to '%s'" |
| msgstr "無法將分離式簽名寫入 '%s'" |
| |
| #: gpg-interface.c:470 |
| msgid "gpg failed to sign the data" |
| msgstr "gpg 無法為資料簽名" |
| |
| #: graph.c:98 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "ignore invalid color '%.*s' in log.graphColors" |
| msgstr "忽略 log.graphColors 中無效的顏色 '%.*s'" |
| |
| #: grep.c:531 |
| msgid "" |
| "given pattern contains NULL byte (via -f <file>). This is only supported " |
| "with -P under PCRE v2" |
| msgstr "" |
| "提供的模式包含 NULL 字元(通過 -f <檔案> 參數)。只有 PCRE v2 下的 -P 支援此" |
| "功能" |
| |
| #: grep.c:1893 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "'%s': unable to read %s" |
| msgstr "'%s':無法讀取 %s" |
| |
| #: grep.c:1910 setup.c:176 builtin/clone.c:416 builtin/diff.c:90 |
| #: builtin/rm.c:136 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "failed to stat '%s'" |
| msgstr "對 '%s' 呼叫 stat 失敗" |
| |
| #: grep.c:1921 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "'%s': short read" |
| msgstr "'%s':讀取不完整" |
| |
| #: help.c:23 |
| msgid "start a working area (see also: git help tutorial)" |
| msgstr "開始一個工作區(參見:git help tutorial)" |
| |
| #: help.c:24 |
| msgid "work on the current change (see also: git help everyday)" |
| msgstr "在目前變更上工作(參見:git help everyday)" |
| |
| #: help.c:25 |
| msgid "examine the history and state (see also: git help revisions)" |
| msgstr "檢查歷史和狀態(參見:git help revisions)" |
| |
| #: help.c:26 |
| msgid "grow, mark and tweak your common history" |
| msgstr "擴展、標記和調校您的歷史記錄" |
| |
| #: help.c:27 |
| msgid "collaborate (see also: git help workflows)" |
| msgstr "協同(參見:git help workflows)" |
| |
| #: help.c:31 |
| msgid "Main Porcelain Commands" |
| msgstr "主要的上層指令" |
| |
| #: help.c:32 |
| msgid "Ancillary Commands / Manipulators" |
| msgstr "輔助指令/動作者" |
| |
| #: help.c:33 |
| msgid "Ancillary Commands / Interrogators" |
| msgstr "輔助指令/詢問者" |
| |
| #: help.c:34 |
| msgid "Interacting with Others" |
| msgstr "與其它系統互動" |
| |
| #: help.c:35 |
| msgid "Low-level Commands / Manipulators" |
| msgstr "低級指令/動作者" |
| |
| #: help.c:36 |
| msgid "Low-level Commands / Interrogators" |
| msgstr "低級指令/詢問者" |
| |
| #: help.c:37 |
| msgid "Low-level Commands / Syncing Repositories" |
| msgstr "低級指令 / 同步版本庫" |
| |
| #: help.c:38 |
| msgid "Low-level Commands / Internal Helpers" |
| msgstr "低級指令/內部協助工具" |
| |
| #: help.c:300 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "available git commands in '%s'" |
| msgstr "在 '%s' 下可用的 git 指令" |
| |
| #: help.c:307 |
| msgid "git commands available from elsewhere on your $PATH" |
| msgstr "在 $PATH 路徑中的其他地方可用的 git 指令" |
| |
| #: help.c:316 |
| msgid "These are common Git commands used in various situations:" |
| msgstr "這些是各種場合常見的 Git 指令:" |
| |
| #: help.c:365 git.c:100 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "unsupported command listing type '%s'" |
| msgstr "不支援的指令列表類型 '%s'" |
| |
| #: help.c:405 |
| msgid "The Git concept guides are:" |
| msgstr "Git 概念嚮導有:" |
| |
| #: help.c:429 |
| msgid "See 'git help <command>' to read about a specific subcommand" |
| msgstr "執行 'git help <command>' 來檢視特定子指令" |
| |
| #: help.c:434 |
| msgid "External commands" |
| msgstr "外部指令" |
| |
| #: help.c:449 |
| msgid "Command aliases" |
| msgstr "指令別名" |
| |
| #: help.c:527 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "'%s' appears to be a git command, but we were not\n" |
| "able to execute it. Maybe git-%s is broken?" |
| msgstr "" |
| "'%s' 像是一個 git 指令,但卻無法執行。\n" |
| "可能是 git-%s 受損?" |
| |
| #: help.c:543 help.c:631 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "git: '%s' is not a git command. See 'git --help'." |
| msgstr "git:'%s' 不是一個 git 指令。參見 'git --help'。" |
| |
| #: help.c:591 |
| msgid "Uh oh. Your system reports no Git commands at all." |
| msgstr "唉呀,您的系統中未發現 Git 指令。" |
| |
| #: help.c:613 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "WARNING: You called a Git command named '%s', which does not exist." |
| msgstr "警告:您執行了一個並不存在的 Git 指令 '%s'。" |
| |
| #: help.c:618 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Continuing under the assumption that you meant '%s'." |
| msgstr "假定你想要的是 '%s' 並繼續。" |
| |
| #: help.c:623 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Continuing in %0.1f seconds, assuming that you meant '%s'." |
| msgstr "假定你想要的是 '%2$s',在 %1$0.1f 秒鐘後繼續。" |
| |
| #: help.c:635 |
| msgid "" |
| "\n" |
| "The most similar command is" |
| msgid_plural "" |
| "\n" |
| "The most similar commands are" |
| msgstr[0] "" |
| "\n" |
| "最類似的指令有" |
| |
| #: help.c:675 |
| msgid "git version [<options>]" |
| msgstr "git version [<選項>]" |
| |
| #: help.c:730 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "%s: %s - %s" |
| msgstr "%s:%s - %s" |
| |
| #: help.c:734 |
| msgid "" |
| "\n" |
| "Did you mean this?" |
| msgid_plural "" |
| "\n" |
| "Did you mean one of these?" |
| msgstr[0] "" |
| "\n" |
| "您指的是這個嗎?" |
| |
| #: ident.c:353 |
| msgid "Author identity unknown\n" |
| msgstr "作者身分未知\n" |
| |
| #: ident.c:356 |
| msgid "Committer identity unknown\n" |
| msgstr "提交者身分未知\n" |
| |
| #: ident.c:362 |
| msgid "" |
| "\n" |
| "*** Please tell me who you are.\n" |
| "\n" |
| "Run\n" |
| "\n" |
| " git config --global user.email \"you@example.com\"\n" |
| " git config --global user.name \"Your Name\"\n" |
| "\n" |
| "to set your account's default identity.\n" |
| "Omit --global to set the identity only in this repository.\n" |
| "\n" |
| msgstr "" |
| "\n" |
| "*** 請告訴我你是誰。\n" |
| "\n" |
| "執行\n" |
| "\n" |
| " git config --global user.email \"you@example.com\"\n" |
| " git config --global user.name \"Your Name\"\n" |
| "\n" |
| "來設定您帳號的預設身份標記。\n" |
| "如果僅在本版本庫設定身份標記,則省略 --global 參數。\n" |
| |
| #: ident.c:397 |
| msgid "no email was given and auto-detection is disabled" |
| msgstr "未提供信件位址且自動偵測被停用" |
| |
| #: ident.c:402 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "unable to auto-detect email address (got '%s')" |
| msgstr "無法自動偵測信件位址(得到 '%s')" |
| |
| #: ident.c:419 |
| msgid "no name was given and auto-detection is disabled" |
| msgstr "未提供姓名且自動偵測被停用" |
| |
| #: ident.c:425 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "unable to auto-detect name (got '%s')" |
| msgstr "無法自動偵測姓名(得到 '%s')" |
| |
| #: ident.c:433 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "empty ident name (for <%s>) not allowed" |
| msgstr "不允許空的姓名(對於 <%s>)" |
| |
| #: ident.c:439 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "name consists only of disallowed characters: %s" |
| msgstr "姓名中僅包含停用字元:%s" |
| |
| #: ident.c:454 builtin/commit.c:647 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "invalid date format: %s" |
| msgstr "無效的日期格式:%s" |
| |
| #: list-objects-filter-options.c:83 |
| msgid "expected 'tree:<depth>'" |
| msgstr "期望 'tree:<深度>'" |
| |
| #: list-objects-filter-options.c:98 |
| msgid "sparse:path filters support has been dropped" |
| msgstr "sparse:path 過濾器支援已被刪除" |
| |
| #: list-objects-filter-options.c:105 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "'%s' for 'object:type=<type>' isnot a valid object type" |
| msgstr "“object:type=<type>” 的 “%s” 不是有效的物件格式" |
| |
| #: list-objects-filter-options.c:124 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "invalid filter-spec '%s'" |
| msgstr "無效的過濾器表達式 '%s'" |
| |
| #: list-objects-filter-options.c:140 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "must escape char in sub-filter-spec: '%c'" |
| msgstr "必須對 sub-filter-spec 中的字元進行轉義:'%c'" |
| |
| #: list-objects-filter-options.c:182 |
| msgid "expected something after combine:" |
| msgstr "期望在組合後有一些東西:" |
| |
| #: list-objects-filter-options.c:264 |
| msgid "multiple filter-specs cannot be combined" |
| msgstr "不能混用多種過濾規格" |
| |
| #: list-objects-filter-options.c:376 |
| msgid "unable to upgrade repository format to support partial clone" |
| msgstr "無法升級版本庫格式,以致不支援部分複製" |
| |
| #: list-objects-filter.c:532 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "unable to access sparse blob in '%s'" |
| msgstr "不能存取 '%s' 中的稀疏資料物件" |
| |
| #: list-objects-filter.c:535 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "unable to parse sparse filter data in %s" |
| msgstr "無法解析 %s 中的稀疏過濾器資料" |
| |
| #: list-objects.c:127 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "entry '%s' in tree %s has tree mode, but is not a tree" |
| msgstr "樹 %2$s 中的條目 '%1$s' 具有樹的屬性,但不是一個樹狀物件" |
| |
| #: list-objects.c:140 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "entry '%s' in tree %s has blob mode, but is not a blob" |
| msgstr "樹 %2$s 中的條目 '%1$s' 具有資料物件的屬性,但不是一個資料物件" |
| |
| #: list-objects.c:395 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "unable to load root tree for commit %s" |
| msgstr "無法為提交 %s 載入根樹" |
| |
| #: lockfile.c:152 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "Unable to create '%s.lock': %s.\n" |
| "\n" |
| "Another git process seems to be running in this repository, e.g.\n" |
| "an editor opened by 'git commit'. Please make sure all processes\n" |
| "are terminated then try again. If it still fails, a git process\n" |
| "may have crashed in this repository earlier:\n" |
| "remove the file manually to continue." |
| msgstr "" |
| "無法建立 '%s.lock':%s。\n" |
| "\n" |
| "似乎另外一個 git 進程在這個版本庫中執行,例如:'git commit' 指令打\n" |
| "開了一個編輯器。請確認所有進程都已經關閉然後重試。如果仍然報錯,\n" |
| "可能之前有一個 git 進程在這個版本庫中異常離開:\n" |
| "手動刪除這個檔案再繼續。" |
| |
| #: lockfile.c:160 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Unable to create '%s.lock': %s" |
| msgstr "不能建立 '%s.lock':%s" |
| |
| #: ls-refs.c:37 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "invalid value '%s' for lsrefs.unborn" |
| msgstr "lsrefs.unborn 的值「%s」無效" |
| |
| #: ls-refs.c:167 |
| msgid "expected flush after ls-refs arguments" |
| msgstr "在 ls-refs 引數之後應該有一個 flush 包" |
| |
| #: mailinfo.c:1050 |
| msgid "quoted CRLF detected" |
| msgstr "偵測到由可列印字元 (quoted) 所組成的 CRLF" |
| |
| #: mailinfo.c:1254 builtin/am.c:176 builtin/mailinfo.c:46 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "bad action '%s' for '%s'" |
| msgstr "「%s」動作對「%s」無效" |
| |
| #: merge-ort.c:1116 merge-recursive.c:1205 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Failed to merge submodule %s (not checked out)" |
| msgstr "無法合併子模組 %s (沒有檢出)" |
| |
| #: merge-ort.c:1125 merge-recursive.c:1212 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Failed to merge submodule %s (commits not present)" |
| msgstr "無法合併子模組 %s(提交不存在)" |
| |
| #: merge-ort.c:1134 merge-recursive.c:1219 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Failed to merge submodule %s (commits don't follow merge-base)" |
| msgstr "無法合併子模組 %s (提交未跟隨合併基礎)" |
| |
| #: merge-ort.c:1144 merge-ort.c:1151 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Note: Fast-forwarding submodule %s to %s" |
| msgstr "注意:正在將 %s 子模組快轉到 %s" |
| |
| #: merge-ort.c:1172 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Failed to merge submodule %s" |
| msgstr "無法合併 %s 子模組" |
| |
| #: merge-ort.c:1179 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "Failed to merge submodule %s, but a possible merge resolution exists:\n" |
| "%s\n" |
| msgstr "" |
| "無法合併 %s 子模組,但有找到一個可行的合併方案:\n" |
| "%s\n" |
| |
| #: merge-ort.c:1183 merge-recursive.c:1273 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "If this is correct simply add it to the index for example\n" |
| "by using:\n" |
| "\n" |
| " git update-index --cacheinfo 160000 %s \"%s\"\n" |
| "\n" |
| "which will accept this suggestion.\n" |
| msgstr "" |
| "如果這個正確,將其新增到索引,例如使用指令:\n" |
| "\n" |
| " git update-index --cacheinfo 160000 %s \"%s\"\n" |
| "\n" |
| "以接受此建議。\n" |
| |
| #: merge-ort.c:1196 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "Failed to merge submodule %s, but multiple possible merges exist:\n" |
| "%s" |
| msgstr "" |
| "無法合併 %s 子模組,但有找到幾個可行的合併方案:\n" |
| "%s" |
| |
| #: merge-ort.c:1415 merge-recursive.c:1362 |
| msgid "Failed to execute internal merge" |
| msgstr "無法執行內部合併" |
| |
| #: merge-ort.c:1420 merge-recursive.c:1367 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Unable to add %s to database" |
| msgstr "不能新增 %s 至物件庫" |
| |
| #: merge-ort.c:1427 merge-recursive.c:1400 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Auto-merging %s" |
| msgstr "自動合併 %s" |
| |
| #: merge-ort.c:1566 merge-recursive.c:2122 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "CONFLICT (implicit dir rename): Existing file/dir at %s in the way of " |
| "implicit directory rename(s) putting the following path(s) there: %s." |
| msgstr "" |
| "衝突(隱式目錄重新命名):處於隱式目錄重新命名的現存檔案/目錄 %s,將以下路徑" |
| "放在:%s。" |
| |
| #: merge-ort.c:1576 merge-recursive.c:2132 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "CONFLICT (implicit dir rename): Cannot map more than one path to %s; " |
| "implicit directory renames tried to put these paths there: %s" |
| msgstr "" |
| "衝突(隱式目錄重新命名):無法映射一個以上路徑到 %s,隱式目錄重新命名嘗試將這" |
| "些路徑放置於此:%s" |
| |
| #: merge-ort.c:1634 |
| #, fuzzy, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "CONFLICT (directory rename split): Unclear where to rename %s to; it was " |
| "renamed to multiple other directories, with no destination getting a " |
| "majority of the files." |
| msgstr "" |
| "衝突(分割的目錄重新命名):未知 %s 應重新命名成什麼。其已重新命名為多個其他" |
| "目錄,卻沒有目的地取得檔案的主要部分。" |
| |
| #: merge-ort.c:1788 merge-recursive.c:2468 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "WARNING: Avoiding applying %s -> %s rename to %s, because %s itself was " |
| "renamed." |
| msgstr "警告:避免套用 %s -> %s 的重新命名到 %s,因為 %s 本身已被重新命名。" |
| |
| #: merge-ort.c:1932 merge-recursive.c:3244 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "Path updated: %s added in %s inside a directory that was renamed in %s; " |
| "moving it to %s." |
| msgstr "" |
| "路徑已更新:%s 新增到 %s,位於一個被重新命名到 %s 的目錄中,將其移動到 %s。" |
| |
| #: merge-ort.c:1939 merge-recursive.c:3251 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "Path updated: %s renamed to %s in %s, inside a directory that was renamed in " |
| "%s; moving it to %s." |
| msgstr "" |
| "路徑已更新:%1$s 重新命名為 %3$s 中的 %2$s,而該目錄被重新命名到 %4$s 中,將" |
| "其移動到 %5$s。" |
| |
| #: merge-ort.c:1952 merge-recursive.c:3247 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "CONFLICT (file location): %s added in %s inside a directory that was renamed " |
| "in %s, suggesting it should perhaps be moved to %s." |
| msgstr "" |
| "衝突(檔案位置):%s 新增到 %s,位於一個被重新命名為 %s 的目錄中,建議將其移" |
| "動到 %s。" |
| |
| #: merge-ort.c:1960 merge-recursive.c:3254 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "CONFLICT (file location): %s renamed to %s in %s, inside a directory that " |
| "was renamed in %s, suggesting it should perhaps be moved to %s." |
| msgstr "" |
| "衝突(檔案位置):%1$s 重新命名為 %3$s 中的 %2$s,而該目錄被重新命名到 %4$s " |
| "中,建議將其移動到 %5$s。" |
| |
| #: merge-ort.c:2103 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "CONFLICT (rename/rename): %s renamed to %s in %s and to %s in %s." |
| msgstr "" |
| "衝突(重新命名/重新命名):%1$s 已重新命名為 %3$s 中的 %2$s 和 %5$s 中的 " |
| "%4$s。" |
| |
| #: merge-ort.c:2198 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "CONFLICT (rename involved in collision): rename of %s -> %s has content " |
| "conflicts AND collides with another path; this may result in nested conflict " |
| "markers." |
| msgstr "" |
| "衝突(重新命名陷入相撞):%s -> %s 這個重新命名有內容衝突並與其他路徑相撞,可" |
| "能會因此出現巢狀衝突標記。" |
| |
| #: merge-ort.c:2217 merge-ort.c:2241 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "CONFLICT (rename/delete): %s renamed to %s in %s, but deleted in %s." |
| msgstr "" |
| "衝突(重新命名/刪除):%1$s 已重新命名為 %3$s 中的 %2$s 卻在 %4$s 中被刪除。" |
| |
| #: merge-ort.c:2550 merge-recursive.c:3002 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "cannot read object %s" |
| msgstr "不能讀取物件 %s" |
| |
| #: merge-ort.c:2553 merge-recursive.c:3005 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "object %s is not a blob" |
| msgstr "物件 %s 不是一個資料物件" |
| |
| #: merge-ort.c:2981 |
| #, fuzzy, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "CONFLICT (file/directory): directory in the way of %s from %s; moving it to " |
| "%s instead." |
| msgstr "衝突(檔案/目錄):目錄擋住來自 %2$s 的 %1$s。改移動到 %3$s。" |
| |
| #: merge-ort.c:3055 |
| #, fuzzy, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "CONFLICT (distinct types): %s had different types on each side; renamed both " |
| "of them so each can be recorded somewhere." |
| msgstr "" |
| "衝突(類型有異):每個來源的 %s 類型不同。已經重新命名這兩個來源,這樣每個來" |
| "源都可以分別記錄。" |
| |
| #: merge-ort.c:3062 |
| #, fuzzy, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "CONFLICT (distinct types): %s had different types on each side; renamed one " |
| "of them so each can be recorded somewhere." |
| msgstr "" |
| "衝突(類型有異):每個來源的 %s 類型不同。已經重新命名其中一個來源,這樣每個" |
| "來源都可以分別記錄。" |
| |
| #: merge-ort.c:3162 merge-recursive.c:3081 |
| msgid "content" |
| msgstr "內容" |
| |
| #: merge-ort.c:3164 merge-recursive.c:3085 |
| msgid "add/add" |
| msgstr "新增/新增" |
| |
| #: merge-ort.c:3166 merge-recursive.c:3130 |
| msgid "submodule" |
| msgstr "子模組" |
| |
| #: merge-ort.c:3168 merge-recursive.c:3131 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "CONFLICT (%s): Merge conflict in %s" |
| msgstr "衝突(%s):合併衝突於 %s" |
| |
| #: merge-ort.c:3198 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "CONFLICT (modify/delete): %s deleted in %s and modified in %s. Version %s " |
| "of %s left in tree." |
| msgstr "" |
| "衝突(修改/刪除):%1$s 已在 %2$s 刪除和在 %3$s 修改。%5$s 的 %4$s 版本留在樹" |
| "上。" |
| |
| #: merge-ort.c:3433 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "Note: %s not up to date and in way of checking out conflicted version; old " |
| "copy renamed to %s" |
| msgstr "註:%s 不是最新且干擾到簽出衝突版本。已將舊拷貝重新命名至 %s" |
| |
| #. TRANSLATORS: The %s arguments are: 1) tree hash of a merge |
| #. base, and 2-3) the trees for the two trees we're merging. |
| #. |
| #: merge-ort.c:3730 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "collecting merge info failed for trees %s, %s, %s" |
| msgstr "%s, %s, %s 樹的合併資訊收集失敗" |
| |
| #: merge-ort-wrappers.c:13 merge-recursive.c:3699 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by merge:\n" |
| " %s" |
| msgstr "" |
| "您對下列檔案的本機修改將被合併動作覆蓋:\n" |
| " %s" |
| |
| #: merge-ort-wrappers.c:33 merge-recursive.c:3465 builtin/merge.c:402 |
| msgid "Already up to date." |
| msgstr "已經是最新的。" |
| |
| #: merge-recursive.c:356 |
| msgid "(bad commit)\n" |
| msgstr "(壞提交)\n" |
| |
| #: merge-recursive.c:379 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "add_cacheinfo failed for path '%s'; merge aborting." |
| msgstr "add_cacheinfo 對路徑 '%s' 執行失敗,合併終止。" |
| |
| #: merge-recursive.c:388 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "add_cacheinfo failed to refresh for path '%s'; merge aborting." |
| msgstr "add_cacheinfo 無法重新整理路徑 '%s',合併終止。" |
| |
| #: merge-recursive.c:876 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "failed to create path '%s'%s" |
| msgstr "建立路徑 '%s'%s 失敗" |
| |
| #: merge-recursive.c:887 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Removing %s to make room for subdirectory\n" |
| msgstr "刪除 %s 以便為子目錄留出空間\n" |
| |
| #: merge-recursive.c:901 merge-recursive.c:920 |
| msgid ": perhaps a D/F conflict?" |
| msgstr ":可能是一個目錄/檔案衝突?" |
| |
| #: merge-recursive.c:910 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "refusing to lose untracked file at '%s'" |
| msgstr "拒絕捨棄 '%s' 中的未追蹤檔案" |
| |
| #: merge-recursive.c:951 builtin/cat-file.c:41 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "cannot read object %s '%s'" |
| msgstr "不能讀取物件 %s '%s'" |
| |
| #: merge-recursive.c:956 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "blob expected for %s '%s'" |
| msgstr "%s '%s' 應為資料物件" |
| |
| #: merge-recursive.c:981 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "failed to open '%s': %s" |
| msgstr "開啟 '%s' 失敗:%s" |
| |
| #: merge-recursive.c:992 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "failed to symlink '%s': %s" |
| msgstr "建立符號連結 '%s' 失敗:%s" |
| |
| #: merge-recursive.c:997 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "do not know what to do with %06o %s '%s'" |
| msgstr "不知道如何處理 %06o %s '%s'" |
| |
| #: merge-recursive.c:1227 merge-recursive.c:1239 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Fast-forwarding submodule %s to the following commit:" |
| msgstr "子模組 %s 快轉到如下提交:" |
| |
| #: merge-recursive.c:1230 merge-recursive.c:1242 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Fast-forwarding submodule %s" |
| msgstr "快轉子模組 %s" |
| |
| #: merge-recursive.c:1265 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Failed to merge submodule %s (merge following commits not found)" |
| msgstr "無法合併子模組 %s (沒發現合併跟隨的提交)" |
| |
| #: merge-recursive.c:1269 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Failed to merge submodule %s (not fast-forward)" |
| msgstr "無法合併子模組 %s(非快轉)" |
| |
| #: merge-recursive.c:1270 |
| msgid "Found a possible merge resolution for the submodule:\n" |
| msgstr "找到子模組的一個可能的合併方案:\n" |
| |
| #: merge-recursive.c:1282 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Failed to merge submodule %s (multiple merges found)" |
| msgstr "無法合併子模組 %s (發現多個合併)" |
| |
| #: merge-recursive.c:1424 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Error: Refusing to lose untracked file at %s; writing to %s instead." |
| msgstr "錯誤:拒絕遺失未追蹤檔案 '%s',而是寫入 %s。" |
| |
| #: merge-recursive.c:1496 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "CONFLICT (%s/delete): %s deleted in %s and %s in %s. Version %s of %s left " |
| "in tree." |
| msgstr "" |
| "衝突(%1$s/刪除):%2$s 在 %3$s 中被刪除,在 %5$s 中被 %4$s。%7$s 的 %6$s 版" |
| "本被保留。" |
| |
| #: merge-recursive.c:1501 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "CONFLICT (%s/delete): %s deleted in %s and %s to %s in %s. Version %s of %s " |
| "left in tree." |
| msgstr "" |
| "衝突(%1$s/刪除):%2$s 在 %3$s 中被刪除,在 %6$s 中的 %5$s 被 %4$s。%8$s 的 " |
| "%7$s 版本被保留。" |
| |
| #: merge-recursive.c:1508 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "CONFLICT (%s/delete): %s deleted in %s and %s in %s. Version %s of %s left " |
| "in tree at %s." |
| msgstr "" |
| "衝突(%1$s/刪除):%2$s 在 %3$s 中被刪除,在 %5$s 中被 %4$s。%7$s 的 %6$s 版" |
| "本保留在 %8$s 中。" |
| |
| #: merge-recursive.c:1513 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "CONFLICT (%s/delete): %s deleted in %s and %s to %s in %s. Version %s of %s " |
| "left in tree at %s." |
| msgstr "" |
| "衝突(%1$s/刪除):%2$s 在 %3$s 中被刪除,在 %6$s 中的 %5$s 被 %4$s。%8$s 的 " |
| "%7$s 版本保留在 %9$s 中。" |
| |
| #: merge-recursive.c:1548 |
| msgid "rename" |
| msgstr "重新命名" |
| |
| #: merge-recursive.c:1548 |
| msgid "renamed" |
| msgstr "重新命名" |
| |
| #: merge-recursive.c:1599 merge-recursive.c:2505 merge-recursive.c:3158 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Refusing to lose dirty file at %s" |
| msgstr "拒絕遺失髒檔案 '%s'" |
| |
| #: merge-recursive.c:1609 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Refusing to lose untracked file at %s, even though it's in the way." |
| msgstr "拒絕在 '%s' 處失去未追蹤檔案,即使它存在於重新命名中。" |
| |
| #: merge-recursive.c:1667 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "CONFLICT (rename/add): Rename %s->%s in %s. Added %s in %s" |
| msgstr "" |
| "衝突(重新命名/新增):在 %3$s 中重新命名 %1$s->%2$s。在 %5$s 中新增 %4$s" |
| |
| #: merge-recursive.c:1698 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "%s is a directory in %s adding as %s instead" |
| msgstr "%s 是 %s 中的一個目錄而已 %s 為名被新增" |
| |
| #: merge-recursive.c:1703 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Refusing to lose untracked file at %s; adding as %s instead" |
| msgstr "拒絕遺失未追蹤檔案 '%s',而是新增為 %s" |
| |
| #: merge-recursive.c:1730 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "CONFLICT (rename/rename): Rename \"%s\"->\"%s\" in branch \"%s\" rename \"%s" |
| "\"->\"%s\" in \"%s\"%s" |
| msgstr "" |
| "衝突(重新命名/重新命名):在分支 \"%3$s\" 中重新命名 \"%1$s\"->\"%2$s\",在" |
| "分支 \"%6$s\" 中重新命名 \"%4$s\"->\"%5$s\"%7$s" |
| |
| #: merge-recursive.c:1735 |
| msgid " (left unresolved)" |
| msgstr " (留下未解決)" |
| |
| #: merge-recursive.c:1827 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "CONFLICT (rename/rename): Rename %s->%s in %s. Rename %s->%s in %s" |
| msgstr "" |
| "衝突(重新命名/重新命名):在 %3$s 中重新命名 %1$s->%2$s,在 %6$s 中重新命名 " |
| "%4$s->%5$s" |
| |
| #: merge-recursive.c:2090 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "CONFLICT (directory rename split): Unclear where to place %s because " |
| "directory %s was renamed to multiple other directories, with no destination " |
| "getting a majority of the files." |
| msgstr "" |
| "衝突(分割的目錄重新命名):不清楚 %s 應該放在哪裡,因為目錄 %s 被重新命名到" |
| "多個其它目錄,沒有目錄包含大部分檔案。" |
| |
| #: merge-recursive.c:2224 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "CONFLICT (rename/rename): Rename directory %s->%s in %s. Rename directory %s-" |
| ">%s in %s" |
| msgstr "" |
| "衝突(重新命名/重新命名):在 %3$s 中重新命名目錄 %1$s->%2$s,在 %6$s 中重新" |
| "命名目錄 %4$s->%5$s" |
| |
| #: merge-recursive.c:3069 |
| msgid "modify" |
| msgstr "修改" |
| |
| #: merge-recursive.c:3069 |
| msgid "modified" |
| msgstr "修改" |
| |
| #: merge-recursive.c:3108 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Skipped %s (merged same as existing)" |
| msgstr "略過 %s(已經做過相同合併)" |
| |
| #: merge-recursive.c:3161 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Adding as %s instead" |
| msgstr "而是以 %s 為名新增" |
| |
| #: merge-recursive.c:3368 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Removing %s" |
| msgstr "刪除 %s" |
| |
| #: merge-recursive.c:3391 |
| msgid "file/directory" |
| msgstr "檔案/目錄" |
| |
| #: merge-recursive.c:3396 |
| msgid "directory/file" |
| msgstr "目錄/檔案" |
| |
| #: merge-recursive.c:3403 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "CONFLICT (%s): There is a directory with name %s in %s. Adding %s as %s" |
| msgstr "衝突(%1$s):在 %3$s 中有一個名為 %2$s 的目錄。以 %5$s 為名新增 %4$s" |
| |
| #: merge-recursive.c:3412 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Adding %s" |
| msgstr "新增 %s" |
| |
| #: merge-recursive.c:3421 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "CONFLICT (add/add): Merge conflict in %s" |
| msgstr "衝突(add/add):合併衝突於 %s" |
| |
| #: merge-recursive.c:3474 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "merging of trees %s and %s failed" |
| msgstr "無法合併樹 %s 和 %s" |
| |
| #: merge-recursive.c:3568 |
| msgid "Merging:" |
| msgstr "合併:" |
| |
| #: merge-recursive.c:3581 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "found %u common ancestor:" |
| msgid_plural "found %u common ancestors:" |
| msgstr[0] "發現 %u 個共同祖先:" |
| |
| #: merge-recursive.c:3631 |
| msgid "merge returned no commit" |
| msgstr "合併未返回提交" |
| |
| #: merge-recursive.c:3796 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Could not parse object '%s'" |
| msgstr "不能解析物件 '%s'" |
| |
| #: merge-recursive.c:3814 builtin/merge.c:716 builtin/merge.c:900 |
| #: builtin/stash.c:473 |
| msgid "Unable to write index." |
| msgstr "不能寫入索引。" |
| |
| #: merge.c:41 |
| msgid "failed to read the cache" |
| msgstr "讀取快取失敗" |
| |
| #: merge.c:109 rerere.c:704 builtin/am.c:1931 builtin/am.c:1965 |
| #: builtin/checkout.c:595 builtin/checkout.c:849 builtin/clone.c:821 |
| #: builtin/stash.c:267 |
| msgid "unable to write new index file" |
| msgstr "無法寫新的索引檔案" |
| |
| #: midx.c:74 |
| msgid "multi-pack-index OID fanout is of the wrong size" |
| msgstr "多包索引的物件 ID fanout 大小錯誤" |
| |
| #: midx.c:105 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "multi-pack-index file %s is too small" |
| msgstr "多包索引檔案 %s 太小" |
| |
| #: midx.c:121 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "multi-pack-index signature 0x%08x does not match signature 0x%08x" |
| msgstr "多包索引簽名 0x%08x 和簽名 0x%08x 不符合" |
| |
| #: midx.c:126 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "multi-pack-index version %d not recognized" |
| msgstr "multi-pack-index 版本 %d 不能被識別" |
| |
| #: midx.c:131 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "multi-pack-index hash version %u does not match version %u" |
| msgstr "multi-pack-index 雜湊版本 %u 與版本 %u 不符合" |
| |
| #: midx.c:148 |
| msgid "multi-pack-index missing required pack-name chunk" |
| msgstr "多包索引缺少必需的包名區塊" |
| |
| #: midx.c:150 |
| msgid "multi-pack-index missing required OID fanout chunk" |
| msgstr "多包索引缺少必需的物件 ID fanout 區塊" |
| |
| #: midx.c:152 |
| msgid "multi-pack-index missing required OID lookup chunk" |
| msgstr "多包索引缺少必需的物件 ID 查詢區塊" |
| |
| #: midx.c:154 |
| msgid "multi-pack-index missing required object offsets chunk" |
| msgstr "多包索引缺少必需的物件位移區塊" |
| |
| #: midx.c:170 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "multi-pack-index pack names out of order: '%s' before '%s'" |
| msgstr "多包索引包名無序:'%s' 在 '%s' 之前" |
| |
| #: midx.c:214 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "bad pack-int-id: %u (%u total packs)" |
| msgstr "錯的 pack-int-id:%u(共有 %u 個包)" |
| |
| #: midx.c:264 |
| msgid "multi-pack-index stores a 64-bit offset, but off_t is too small" |
| msgstr "多包索引儲存一個64位位移,但是 off_t 太小" |
| |
| #: midx.c:490 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "failed to add packfile '%s'" |
| msgstr "新增 packfile '%s' 失敗" |
| |
| #: midx.c:496 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "failed to open pack-index '%s'" |
| msgstr "開啟包索引 '%s' 失敗" |
| |
| #: midx.c:564 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "failed to locate object %d in packfile" |
| msgstr "在 packfile 中定位物件 %d 失敗" |
| |
| #: midx.c:880 builtin/index-pack.c:1535 |
| msgid "cannot store reverse index file" |
| msgstr "無法儲存倒排索引檔案" |
| |
| #: midx.c:933 |
| msgid "Adding packfiles to multi-pack-index" |
| msgstr "正在新增 packfile 至多包索引" |
| |
| #: midx.c:979 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "did not see pack-file %s to drop" |
| msgstr "沒有看到要捨棄的包檔案 %s" |
| |
| #: midx.c:1024 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "unknown preferred pack: '%s'" |
| msgstr "未知偏好包:「%s」" |
| |
| #: midx.c:1029 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "preferred pack '%s' is expired" |
| msgstr "偏好包「%s」已經過期" |
| |
| #: midx.c:1045 |
| msgid "no pack files to index." |
| msgstr "沒有要索引的 pack 檔案。" |
| |
| #: midx.c:1125 builtin/clean.c:37 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "failed to remove %s" |
| msgstr "刪除 %s 失敗" |
| |
| #: midx.c:1156 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "failed to clear multi-pack-index at %s" |
| msgstr "清理位於 %s 的多包索引失敗" |
| |
| #: midx.c:1214 |
| msgid "multi-pack-index file exists, but failed to parse" |
| msgstr "有 multi-pack-index 檔案,但無法解析" |
| |
| #: midx.c:1222 |
| msgid "Looking for referenced packfiles" |
| msgstr "正在尋找引用的 packfile" |
| |
| #: midx.c:1237 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "oid fanout out of order: fanout[%d] = %<PRIx32> > %<PRIx32> = fanout[%d]" |
| msgstr "物件 ID 扇出無序:fanout[%d] = %<PRIx32> > %<PRIx32> = fanout[%d]" |
| |
| #: midx.c:1242 |
| msgid "the midx contains no oid" |
| msgstr "midx 沒有 oid" |
| |
| #: midx.c:1251 |
| msgid "Verifying OID order in multi-pack-index" |
| msgstr "正在驗證多包索引中的物件 ID 順序" |
| |
| #: midx.c:1260 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "oid lookup out of order: oid[%d] = %s >= %s = oid[%d]" |
| msgstr "物件 ID 查詢無序:oid[%d] = %s >= %s = oid[%d]" |
| |
| #: midx.c:1280 |
| msgid "Sorting objects by packfile" |
| msgstr "透過 packfile 為物件排序" |
| |
| #: midx.c:1287 |
| msgid "Verifying object offsets" |
| msgstr "正在驗證物件位移" |
| |
| #: midx.c:1303 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "failed to load pack entry for oid[%d] = %s" |
| msgstr "為 oid[%d] = %s 載入包條目失敗" |
| |
| #: midx.c:1309 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "failed to load pack-index for packfile %s" |
| msgstr "為 packfile %s 載入包索引失敗" |
| |
| #: midx.c:1318 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "incorrect object offset for oid[%d] = %s: %<PRIx64> != %<PRIx64>" |
| msgstr "oid[%d] = %s 錯誤的物件位移:%<PRIx64> != %<PRIx64>" |
| |
| #: midx.c:1343 |
| msgid "Counting referenced objects" |
| msgstr "正在計算引用物件" |
| |
| #: midx.c:1353 |
| msgid "Finding and deleting unreferenced packfiles" |
| msgstr "正在尋找並刪除沒有參考的 packfile" |
| |
| #: midx.c:1544 |
| msgid "could not start pack-objects" |
| msgstr "不能開始 pack-objects" |
| |
| #: midx.c:1564 |
| msgid "could not finish pack-objects" |
| msgstr "不能結束 pack-objects" |
| |
| #: name-hash.c:542 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "unable to create lazy_dir thread: %s" |
| msgstr "不能建立 lazy_dir 執行緒:%s" |
| |
| #: name-hash.c:564 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "unable to create lazy_name thread: %s" |
| msgstr "不能建立 lazy_name 執行緒:%s" |
| |
| #: name-hash.c:570 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "unable to join lazy_name thread: %s" |
| msgstr "不能加入 lasy_name 執行緒:%s" |
| |
| #: notes-merge.c:277 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "You have not concluded your previous notes merge (%s exists).\n" |
| "Please, use 'git notes merge --commit' or 'git notes merge --abort' to " |
| "commit/abort the previous merge before you start a new notes merge." |
| msgstr "" |
| "您的前一次備註合併尚未結束(存在 %s)。\n" |
| "在開始一個新的備註合併之前,請使用 'git notes merge --commit' 或者 'git " |
| "notes merge --abort' 來提交/終止前一次合併。" |
| |
| #: notes-merge.c:284 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "You have not concluded your notes merge (%s exists)." |
| msgstr "您尚未結束備註合併(存在 %s)。" |
| |
| #: notes-utils.c:46 |
| msgid "Cannot commit uninitialized/unreferenced notes tree" |
| msgstr "不能提交未初始化/未引用的註解樹" |
| |
| #: notes-utils.c:105 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Bad notes.rewriteMode value: '%s'" |
| msgstr "壞的 notes.rewriteMode 值:'%s'" |
| |
| #: notes-utils.c:115 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Refusing to rewrite notes in %s (outside of refs/notes/)" |
| msgstr "拒絕向 %s(在 refs/notes/ 之外)寫入註解" |
| |
| #. TRANSLATORS: The first %s is the name of |
| #. the environment variable, the second %s is |
| #. its value. |
| #. |
| #: notes-utils.c:145 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Bad %s value: '%s'" |
| msgstr "壞的 %s 值:'%s'" |
| |
| #: object-file.c:526 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "object directory %s does not exist; check .git/objects/info/alternates" |
| msgstr "物件目錄 %s 不存在,檢查 .git/objects/info/alternates" |
| |
| #: object-file.c:577 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "unable to normalize alternate object path: %s" |
| msgstr "無法規範化備用物件路徑:%s" |
| |
| #: object-file.c:649 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "%s: ignoring alternate object stores, nesting too deep" |
| msgstr "%s:忽略備用物件庫,嵌套太深" |
| |
| #: object-file.c:656 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "unable to normalize object directory: %s" |
| msgstr "無法規範化物件目錄: %s" |
| |
| #: object-file.c:699 |
| msgid "unable to fdopen alternates lockfile" |
| msgstr "無法 fdopen 取代鎖檔案" |
| |
| #: object-file.c:717 |
| msgid "unable to read alternates file" |
| msgstr "無法讀取替代檔案" |
| |
| #: object-file.c:724 |
| msgid "unable to move new alternates file into place" |
| msgstr "無法將新的替代檔案移動到位" |
| |
| #: object-file.c:759 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "path '%s' does not exist" |
| msgstr "路徑 '%s' 不存在" |
| |
| #: object-file.c:780 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "reference repository '%s' as a linked checkout is not supported yet." |
| msgstr "尚不支援將參考版本庫 '%s' 作為一個連結檢出。" |
| |
| #: object-file.c:786 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "reference repository '%s' is not a local repository." |
| msgstr "參考版本庫 '%s' 不是一個本機版本庫。" |
| |
| #: object-file.c:792 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "reference repository '%s' is shallow" |
| msgstr "參考版本庫 '%s' 是一個淺複製" |
| |
| #: object-file.c:800 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "reference repository '%s' is grafted" |
| msgstr "參考版本庫 '%s' 已被移植" |
| |
| #: object-file.c:860 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "invalid line while parsing alternate refs: %s" |
| msgstr "解析備用引用時無效的行:%s" |
| |
| #: object-file.c:1010 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "attempting to mmap %<PRIuMAX> over limit %<PRIuMAX>" |
| msgstr "嘗試 mmap %<PRIuMAX>,超過了最大值 %<PRIuMAX>" |
| |
| #: object-file.c:1031 |
| msgid "mmap failed" |
| msgstr "mmap 失敗" |
| |
| #: object-file.c:1195 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "object file %s is empty" |
| msgstr "物件檔案 %s 為空" |
| |
| #: object-file.c:1330 object-file.c:2524 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "corrupt loose object '%s'" |
| msgstr "損壞的鬆散物件 '%s'" |
| |
| #: object-file.c:1332 object-file.c:2528 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "garbage at end of loose object '%s'" |
| msgstr "鬆散物件 '%s' 後面有垃圾資料" |
| |
| #: object-file.c:1374 |
| msgid "invalid object type" |
| msgstr "無效的物件類型" |
| |
| #: object-file.c:1458 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "unable to unpack %s header with --allow-unknown-type" |
| msgstr "無法用 --allow-unknown-type 參數解開 %s 標頭訊息" |
| |
| #: object-file.c:1461 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "unable to unpack %s header" |
| msgstr "無法解開 %s 頭部" |
| |
| #: object-file.c:1467 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "unable to parse %s header with --allow-unknown-type" |
| msgstr "無法用 --allow-unknown-type 參數解析 %s 標頭訊息" |
| |
| #: object-file.c:1470 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "unable to parse %s header" |
| msgstr "無法解析 %s 頭部" |
| |
| #: object-file.c:1697 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "failed to read object %s" |
| msgstr "讀取物件 %s 失敗" |
| |
| #: object-file.c:1701 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "replacement %s not found for %s" |
| msgstr "找不到 %2$s 的替代 %1$s" |
| |
| #: object-file.c:1705 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "loose object %s (stored in %s) is corrupt" |
| msgstr "鬆散物件 %s(儲存在 %s)已損壞" |
| |
| #: object-file.c:1709 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "packed object %s (stored in %s) is corrupt" |
| msgstr "打包物件 %s(儲存在 %s)已損壞" |
| |
| #: object-file.c:1814 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "unable to write file %s" |
| msgstr "無法寫檔案 %s" |
| |
| #: object-file.c:1821 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "unable to set permission to '%s'" |
| msgstr "無法為 '%s' 設定權限" |
| |
| #: object-file.c:1828 |
| msgid "file write error" |
| msgstr "檔案寫錯誤" |
| |
| #: object-file.c:1848 |
| msgid "error when closing loose object file" |
| msgstr "關閉鬆散物件檔案時發生錯誤" |
| |
| #: object-file.c:1913 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "insufficient permission for adding an object to repository database %s" |
| msgstr "權限不足,無法在版本庫物件庫 %s 中新增物件" |
| |
| #: object-file.c:1915 |
| msgid "unable to create temporary file" |
| msgstr "無法建立暫存檔" |
| |
| #: object-file.c:1939 |
| msgid "unable to write loose object file" |
| msgstr "不能寫鬆散物件檔案" |
| |
| #: object-file.c:1945 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "unable to deflate new object %s (%d)" |
| msgstr "不能壓縮新物件 %s(%d)" |
| |
| #: object-file.c:1949 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "deflateEnd on object %s failed (%d)" |
| msgstr "在物件 %s 上呼叫 deflateEnd 失敗(%d)" |
| |
| #: object-file.c:1953 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "confused by unstable object source data for %s" |
| msgstr "被 %s 的不穩定物件源資料搞糊塗了" |
| |
| #: object-file.c:1963 builtin/pack-objects.c:1097 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "failed utime() on %s" |
| msgstr "在 %s 上呼叫 utime() 失敗" |
| |
| #: object-file.c:2040 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "cannot read object for %s" |
| msgstr "不能讀取物件 %s" |
| |
| #: object-file.c:2091 |
| msgid "corrupt commit" |
| msgstr "損壞的提交" |
| |
| #: object-file.c:2099 |
| msgid "corrupt tag" |
| msgstr "損壞的標籤" |
| |
| #: object-file.c:2199 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "read error while indexing %s" |
| msgstr "索引 %s 時讀取錯誤" |
| |
| #: object-file.c:2202 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "short read while indexing %s" |
| msgstr "索引 %s 時讀入不完整" |
| |
| #: object-file.c:2275 object-file.c:2285 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "%s: failed to insert into database" |
| msgstr "%s:插入資料庫失敗" |
| |
| #: object-file.c:2291 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "%s: unsupported file type" |
| msgstr "%s:不支援的檔案類型" |
| |
| #: object-file.c:2315 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "%s is not a valid object" |
| msgstr "%s 不是一個有效的物件" |
| |
| #: object-file.c:2317 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "%s is not a valid '%s' object" |
| msgstr "%s 不是一個有效的 '%s' 物件" |
| |
| #: object-file.c:2344 builtin/index-pack.c:192 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "unable to open %s" |
| msgstr "不能開啟 %s" |
| |
| #: object-file.c:2535 object-file.c:2588 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "hash mismatch for %s (expected %s)" |
| msgstr "%s 的雜湊值不符合(預期 %s)" |
| |
| #: object-file.c:2559 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "unable to mmap %s" |
| msgstr "不能 mmap %s" |
| |
| #: object-file.c:2564 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "unable to unpack header of %s" |
| msgstr "無法解壓縮 %s 的頭部" |
| |
| #: object-file.c:2570 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "unable to parse header of %s" |
| msgstr "無法解析 %s 的頭部" |
| |
| #: object-file.c:2581 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "unable to unpack contents of %s" |
| msgstr "無法解壓縮 %s 的內容" |
| |
| #: object-name.c:486 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "short object ID %s is ambiguous" |
| msgstr "短物件 ID %s 存在歧義" |
| |
| #: object-name.c:497 |
| msgid "The candidates are:" |
| msgstr "候選者有:" |
| |
| #: object-name.c:796 |
| msgid "" |
| "Git normally never creates a ref that ends with 40 hex characters\n" |
| "because it will be ignored when you just specify 40-hex. These refs\n" |
| "may be created by mistake. For example,\n" |
| "\n" |
| " git switch -c $br $(git rev-parse ...)\n" |
| "\n" |
| "where \"$br\" is somehow empty and a 40-hex ref is created. Please\n" |
| "examine these refs and maybe delete them. Turn this message off by\n" |
| "running \"git config advice.objectNameWarning false\"" |
| msgstr "" |
| "Git 通常不會建立以 40 個十六進位字元結尾的引用,\n" |
| "因為當您只提供 40 個十六進位字元時,其將被忽略。\n" |
| "這些引用可能被意外建立。例如:\n" |
| "\n" |
| " git switch -c $br $(git rev-parse ...)\n" |
| "\n" |
| "當「$br」因為某些原因空白時,會建立出 40 位十六進位的引用。\n" |
| "請檢查這些引用,並視需要刪除。執行\n" |
| "「git config advice.objectNameWarning false」命令以關閉本訊息通知" |
| |
| #: object-name.c:916 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "log for '%.*s' only goes back to %s" |
| msgstr "'%.*s' 的日誌只能回到 %s" |
| |
| #: object-name.c:924 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "log for '%.*s' only has %d entries" |
| msgstr "'%.*s' 的日誌只有 %d 個項目" |
| |
| #: object-name.c:1702 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "path '%s' exists on disk, but not in '%.*s'" |
| msgstr "磁碟上存在 '%s' 路徑,但不存在於 '%.*s'" |
| |
| #: object-name.c:1708 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "path '%s' exists, but not '%s'\n" |
| "hint: Did you mean '%.*s:%s' aka '%.*s:./%s'?" |
| msgstr "" |
| "'%s' 路徑存在,但不是 '%s'\n" |
| "提示:你在說 '%.*s:%s',即 '%.*s:./%s' 嗎?" |
| |
| #: object-name.c:1717 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "path '%s' does not exist in '%.*s'" |
| msgstr "'%s' 路徑不存在於 '%.*s'" |
| |
| #: object-name.c:1745 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "path '%s' is in the index, but not at stage %d\n" |
| "hint: Did you mean ':%d:%s'?" |
| msgstr "" |
| "'%s' 路徑在索引,但不在 %d 暫存區\n" |
| "提示:你在說 ':%d:%s' 嗎?" |
| |
| #: object-name.c:1761 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "path '%s' is in the index, but not '%s'\n" |
| "hint: Did you mean ':%d:%s' aka ':%d:./%s'?" |
| msgstr "" |
| "'%s' 路徑在索引,但不是 '%s'\n" |
| "提示:你在說 ':%d:%s',即 ':%d:%s' 嗎?" |
| |
| #: object-name.c:1769 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "path '%s' exists on disk, but not in the index" |
| msgstr "磁碟上存在 '%s' 路徑,但不在索引中" |
| |
| #: object-name.c:1771 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "path '%s' does not exist (neither on disk nor in the index)" |
| msgstr "'%s' 路徑不存在 (既不存在磁碟,也不存在索引)" |
| |
| #: object-name.c:1784 |
| msgid "relative path syntax can't be used outside working tree" |
| msgstr "相對路徑與法不能用在工作區外" |
| |
| #: object-name.c:1922 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "invalid object name '%.*s'." |
| msgstr "'%.*s' 物件名稱無效。" |
| |
| #: object.c:53 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "invalid object type \"%s\"" |
| msgstr "無效的物件類型 \"%s\"" |
| |
| #: object.c:173 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "object %s is a %s, not a %s" |
| msgstr "物件 %s 是一個 %s,不是一個 %s" |
| |
| #: object.c:232 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "object %s has unknown type id %d" |
| msgstr "物件 %s 有未知的類型 id %d" |
| |
| #: object.c:245 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "unable to parse object: %s" |
| msgstr "不能解析物件:%s" |
| |
| #: object.c:265 object.c:277 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "hash mismatch %s" |
| msgstr "雜湊值與 %s 不符合" |
| |
| #: pack-bitmap.c:844 pack-bitmap.c:850 builtin/pack-objects.c:2251 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "unable to get size of %s" |
| msgstr "不能得到 %s 的大小" |
| |
| #: pack-bitmap.c:1547 builtin/rev-list.c:92 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "unable to get disk usage of %s" |
| msgstr "無法取得 %s 的磁碟用量" |
| |
| #: pack-revindex.c:221 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "reverse-index file %s is too small" |
| msgstr "%s 倒排索引檔案過小" |
| |
| #: pack-revindex.c:226 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "reverse-index file %s is corrupt" |
| msgstr "%s 倒排索引檔案損壞" |
| |
| #: pack-revindex.c:234 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "reverse-index file %s has unknown signature" |
| msgstr "%s 倒排索引檔案有未知簽章" |
| |
| #: pack-revindex.c:238 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "reverse-index file %s has unsupported version %<PRIu32>" |
| msgstr "倒排索引檔案 %s 有不支援的版本 %<PRIu32>" |
| |
| #: pack-revindex.c:243 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "reverse-index file %s has unsupported hash id %<PRIu32>" |
| msgstr "倒排索引檔案 %s 有不支援的雜湊 ID %<PRIu32>" |
| |
| #: pack-write.c:250 |
| msgid "cannot both write and verify reverse index" |
| msgstr "無法同時寫入和驗證倒排索引" |
| |
| #: pack-write.c:271 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "could not stat: %s" |
| msgstr "無法 stat:%s" |
| |
| #: pack-write.c:283 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "failed to make %s readable" |
| msgstr "無法讓 %s 能夠寫入" |
| |
| #: pack-write.c:522 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "could not write '%s' promisor file" |
| msgstr "無法寫入「%s」promisor 檔案" |
| |
| #: packfile.c:625 |
| msgid "offset before end of packfile (broken .idx?)" |
| msgstr "位移量在 packfile 結束之前(損壞的 .idx?)" |
| |
| #: packfile.c:1937 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "offset before start of pack index for %s (corrupt index?)" |
| msgstr "位移量在 %s 的包索引開始之前(損壞的索引?)" |
| |
| #: packfile.c:1941 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "offset beyond end of pack index for %s (truncated index?)" |
| msgstr "位移量越過了 %s 的包索引的結尾(被截斷的索引?)" |
| |
| #: parse-options-cb.c:20 parse-options-cb.c:24 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "option `%s' expects a numerical value" |
| msgstr "選項 `%s' 期望一個數字值" |
| |
| #: parse-options-cb.c:41 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "malformed expiration date '%s'" |
| msgstr "格式錯誤的到期時間:'%s'" |
| |
| #: parse-options-cb.c:54 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "option `%s' expects \"always\", \"auto\", or \"never\"" |
| msgstr "選項 `%s' 期望 \"always\"、\"auto\" 或 \"never\"" |
| |
| #: parse-options-cb.c:132 parse-options-cb.c:149 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "malformed object name '%s'" |
| msgstr "格式錯誤的物件名 '%s'" |
| |
| #: parse-options.c:38 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "%s requires a value" |
| msgstr "%s 需要一個值" |
| |
| #: parse-options.c:73 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "%s is incompatible with %s" |
| msgstr "%s 與 %s 不相容" |
| |
| #: parse-options.c:78 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "%s : incompatible with something else" |
| msgstr "%s:和其它的不相容" |
| |
| #: parse-options.c:92 parse-options.c:96 parse-options.c:317 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "%s takes no value" |
| msgstr "%s 不取值" |
| |
| #: parse-options.c:94 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "%s isn't available" |
| msgstr "%s 不可用" |
| |
| #: parse-options.c:217 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "%s expects a non-negative integer value with an optional k/m/g suffix" |
| msgstr "%s 期望一個非負整數和一個可選的 k/m/g 後綴" |
| |
| #: parse-options.c:386 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "ambiguous option: %s (could be --%s%s or --%s%s)" |
| msgstr "有歧義的選項:%s(可以是 --%s%s 或 --%s%s)" |
| |
| #: parse-options.c:420 parse-options.c:428 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "did you mean `--%s` (with two dashes)?" |
| msgstr "你的意思是 `--%s`(有兩個短線)嗎?" |
| |
| #: parse-options.c:668 parse-options.c:988 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "alias of --%s" |
| msgstr "--%s 的別名" |
| |
| #: parse-options.c:879 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "unknown option `%s'" |
| msgstr "未知選項 `%s'" |
| |
| #: parse-options.c:881 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "unknown switch `%c'" |
| msgstr "未知開關 `%c'" |
| |
| #: parse-options.c:883 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "unknown non-ascii option in string: `%s'" |
| msgstr "字串中未知的非 ascii 字元選項:`%s'" |
| |
| #: parse-options.c:907 |
| msgid "..." |
| msgstr "..." |
| |
| #: parse-options.c:926 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "usage: %s" |
| msgstr "用法:%s" |
| |
| #. TRANSLATORS: the colon here should align with the |
| #. one in "usage: %s" translation. |
| #. |
| #: parse-options.c:932 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid " or: %s" |
| msgstr " 或:%s" |
| |
| # 譯者:為保證在輸出中對齊,注意調整句中空格! |
| #: parse-options.c:935 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid " %s" |
| msgstr " %s" |
| |
| #: parse-options.c:974 |
| msgid "-NUM" |
| msgstr "-數字" |
| |
| #: path.c:915 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Could not make %s writable by group" |
| msgstr "不能設定 %s 為組可寫" |
| |
| #: pathspec.c:151 |
| msgid "Escape character '\\' not allowed as last character in attr value" |
| msgstr "跳脫字元 '\\' 不能作為屬性值的最後一個字元" |
| |
| #: pathspec.c:169 |
| msgid "Only one 'attr:' specification is allowed." |
| msgstr "只允許一個 'attr:' 規格。" |
| |
| #: pathspec.c:172 |
| msgid "attr spec must not be empty" |
| msgstr "屬性規格不能為空" |
| |
| #: pathspec.c:215 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "invalid attribute name %s" |
| msgstr "無效的屬性名 %s" |
| |
| #: pathspec.c:280 |
| msgid "global 'glob' and 'noglob' pathspec settings are incompatible" |
| msgstr "全域的 'glob' 和 'noglob' 路徑規格設定不相容" |
| |
| #: pathspec.c:287 |
| msgid "" |
| "global 'literal' pathspec setting is incompatible with all other global " |
| "pathspec settings" |
| msgstr "全域的 'literal' 路徑規格設定和其它的全域路徑規格設定不相容" |
| |
| #: pathspec.c:327 |
| msgid "invalid parameter for pathspec magic 'prefix'" |
| msgstr "路徑規格包含無效的神奇前綴" |
| |
| #: pathspec.c:348 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Invalid pathspec magic '%.*s' in '%s'" |
| msgstr "在路徑規格 '%3$s' 中無效的神奇前綴 '%2$.*1$s'" |
| |
| #: pathspec.c:353 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Missing ')' at the end of pathspec magic in '%s'" |
| msgstr "路徑規格 '%s' 的神奇前綴結尾少了一個 ')'" |
| |
| #: pathspec.c:391 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Unimplemented pathspec magic '%c' in '%s'" |
| msgstr "路徑規格 '%2$s' 中包含未實現的神奇前綴 '%1$c'" |
| |
| #: pathspec.c:450 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "%s: 'literal' and 'glob' are incompatible" |
| msgstr "%s:'literal' 和 'glob' 不相容" |
| |
| #: pathspec.c:466 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "%s: '%s' is outside repository at '%s'" |
| msgstr "%s:'%s' 在位於 '%s' 的版本庫之外" |
| |
| #: pathspec.c:542 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "'%s' (mnemonic: '%c')" |
| msgstr "'%s'(助記符:'%c')" |
| |
| #: pathspec.c:552 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "%s: pathspec magic not supported by this command: %s" |
| msgstr "%s:路徑規格神奇前綴不被此指令支援:%s" |
| |
| #: pathspec.c:619 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "pathspec '%s' is beyond a symbolic link" |
| msgstr "路徑規格 '%s' 位於符號連結中" |
| |
| #: pathspec.c:664 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "line is badly quoted: %s" |
| msgstr "某行不應該被括號括住:%s" |
| |
| #: pkt-line.c:92 |
| msgid "unable to write flush packet" |
| msgstr "無法寫 flush 包" |
| |
| #: pkt-line.c:99 |
| msgid "unable to write delim packet" |
| msgstr "無法寫 delim 包" |
| |
| #: pkt-line.c:106 |
| msgid "unable to write stateless separator packet" |
| msgstr "無法寫入無狀態的分隔符號封包" |
| |
| #: pkt-line.c:113 |
| msgid "flush packet write failed" |
| msgstr "flush 包寫錯誤" |
| |
| #: pkt-line.c:153 pkt-line.c:265 |
| msgid "protocol error: impossibly long line" |
| msgstr "協定錯誤:不可能的長行" |
| |
| #: pkt-line.c:169 pkt-line.c:171 |
| msgid "packet write with format failed" |
| msgstr "格式化包寫入錯誤" |
| |
| #: pkt-line.c:204 |
| msgid "packet write failed - data exceeds max packet size" |
| msgstr "寫封包失敗:資料超過了包的最大長度" |
| |
| #: pkt-line.c:222 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "packet write failed: %s" |
| msgstr "封包寫入失敗:%s" |
| |
| #: pkt-line.c:328 pkt-line.c:329 |
| msgid "read error" |
| msgstr "讀取錯誤" |
| |
| #: pkt-line.c:339 pkt-line.c:340 |
| msgid "the remote end hung up unexpectedly" |
| msgstr "遠端意外掛斷了" |
| |
| #: pkt-line.c:369 pkt-line.c:371 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "protocol error: bad line length character: %.4s" |
| msgstr "協定錯誤:錯誤的行長度字串:%.4s" |
| |
| #: pkt-line.c:386 pkt-line.c:388 pkt-line.c:394 pkt-line.c:396 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "protocol error: bad line length %d" |
| msgstr "協定錯誤:錯誤的行長度 %d" |
| |
| #: pkt-line.c:413 sideband.c:165 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "remote error: %s" |
| msgstr "遠端錯誤:%s" |
| |
| #: preload-index.c:125 |
| msgid "Refreshing index" |
| msgstr "正在重新整理索引" |
| |
| #: preload-index.c:144 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "unable to create threaded lstat: %s" |
| msgstr "無法建立執行緒 lstat:%s" |
| |
| #: pretty.c:988 |
| msgid "unable to parse --pretty format" |
| msgstr "不能解析 --pretty 格式" |
| |
| #: promisor-remote.c:30 |
| msgid "promisor-remote: unable to fork off fetch subprocess" |
| msgstr "promisor-remote: 無法 fork fetch 子處理程序" |
| |
| #: promisor-remote.c:35 promisor-remote.c:37 |
| msgid "promisor-remote: could not write to fetch subprocess" |
| msgstr "promisor-remote: 無法寫入 fetch 子處理程序" |
| |
| #: promisor-remote.c:41 |
| msgid "promisor-remote: could not close stdin to fetch subprocess" |
| msgstr "promisor-remote: 無法關閉 fetch 子處理程序的 stdin" |
| |
| #: promisor-remote.c:53 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "promisor remote name cannot begin with '/': %s" |
| msgstr "promisor 遠端名稱不能以 '/' 開始:%s" |
| |
| #: protocol-caps.c:103 |
| msgid "object-info: expected flush after arguments" |
| msgstr "object-info:引數後預期要有 flush" |
| |
| #: prune-packed.c:35 |
| msgid "Removing duplicate objects" |
| msgstr "正在刪除重複物件" |
| |
| #: range-diff.c:78 |
| msgid "could not start `log`" |
| msgstr "不能啟動 `log`" |
| |
| #: range-diff.c:80 |
| msgid "could not read `log` output" |
| msgstr "不能讀取 `log` 的輸出" |
| |
| #: range-diff.c:101 sequencer.c:5551 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "could not parse commit '%s'" |
| msgstr "不能解析提交 '%s'" |
| |
| #: range-diff.c:115 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "could not parse first line of `log` output: did not start with 'commit ': " |
| "'%s'" |
| msgstr "無法解析第一行「log」輸出:開頭不是「commit」:「%s」" |
| |
| #: range-diff.c:140 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "could not parse git header '%.*s'" |
| msgstr "無法解析 git 頭 '%.*s'" |
| |
| #: range-diff.c:306 |
| msgid "failed to generate diff" |
| msgstr "生成 diff 失敗" |
| |
| #: range-diff.c:558 |
| msgid "--left-only and --right-only are mutually exclusive" |
| msgstr "--left-only 和 --right-only 互斥" |
| |
| #: range-diff.c:561 range-diff.c:563 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "could not parse log for '%s'" |
| msgstr "不能解析 '%s' 的日誌" |
| |
| #: read-cache.c:708 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "will not add file alias '%s' ('%s' already exists in index)" |
| msgstr "將不會新增檔案別名 '%s'('%s' 已經存在於索引中)" |
| |
| #: read-cache.c:724 |
| msgid "cannot create an empty blob in the object database" |
| msgstr "不能在物件資料庫中建立空的資料物件" |
| |
| #: read-cache.c:746 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "%s: can only add regular files, symbolic links or git-directories" |
| msgstr "%s:只能新增一般檔案、符號連結或 git 目錄" |
| |
| #: read-cache.c:751 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "'%s' does not have a commit checked out" |
| msgstr "'%s' 沒有檢出一個提交" |
| |
| #: read-cache.c:803 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "unable to index file '%s'" |
| msgstr "無法索引檔案 '%s'" |
| |
| #: read-cache.c:822 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "unable to add '%s' to index" |
| msgstr "無法在索引中新增 '%s'" |
| |
| #: read-cache.c:833 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "unable to stat '%s'" |
| msgstr "無法對 %s 執行 stat" |
| |
| #: read-cache.c:1356 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "'%s' appears as both a file and as a directory" |
| msgstr "'%s' 看起來既是檔案又是目錄" |
| |
| #: read-cache.c:1571 |
| msgid "Refresh index" |
| msgstr "重新整理索引" |
| |
| #: read-cache.c:1700 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "index.version set, but the value is invalid.\n" |
| "Using version %i" |
| msgstr "" |
| "設定了 index.version,但是取值無效。\n" |
| "使用版本 %i" |
| |
| #: read-cache.c:1710 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "GIT_INDEX_VERSION set, but the value is invalid.\n" |
| "Using version %i" |
| msgstr "" |
| "設定了 GIT_INDEX_VERSION,但是取值無效。\n" |
| "使用版本 %i" |
| |
| #: read-cache.c:1766 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "bad signature 0x%08x" |
| msgstr "壞的簽名 0x%08x" |
| |
| #: read-cache.c:1769 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "bad index version %d" |
| msgstr "壞的索引版本 %d" |
| |
| #: read-cache.c:1778 |
| msgid "bad index file sha1 signature" |
| msgstr "壞的索引檔案 sha1 簽名" |
| |
| #: read-cache.c:1812 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "index uses %.4s extension, which we do not understand" |
| msgstr "索引使用不被支援的 %.4s 擴展" |
| |
| # |
| #: read-cache.c:1814 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "ignoring %.4s extension" |
| msgstr "忽略 %.4s 擴展" |
| |
| #: read-cache.c:1851 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "unknown index entry format 0x%08x" |
| msgstr "未知的索引條目格式 0x%08x" |
| |
| #: read-cache.c:1867 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "malformed name field in the index, near path '%s'" |
| msgstr "索引中靠近路徑 '%s' 有錯誤的名稱欄位" |
| |
| #: read-cache.c:1924 |
| msgid "unordered stage entries in index" |
| msgstr "索引中有未排序的暫存條目" |
| |
| #: read-cache.c:1927 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "multiple stage entries for merged file '%s'" |
| msgstr "合併檔案 '%s' 有多個暫存條目" |
| |
| #: read-cache.c:1930 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "unordered stage entries for '%s'" |
| msgstr "'%s' 的未排序暫存條目" |
| |
| #: read-cache.c:2036 read-cache.c:2333 rerere.c:549 rerere.c:583 rerere.c:1095 |
| #: submodule.c:1635 builtin/add.c:575 builtin/check-ignore.c:183 |
| #: builtin/checkout.c:522 builtin/checkout.c:711 builtin/clean.c:991 |
| #: builtin/commit.c:377 builtin/diff-tree.c:122 builtin/grep.c:505 |
| #: builtin/mv.c:146 builtin/reset.c:247 builtin/rm.c:291 |
| #: builtin/submodule--helper.c:332 |
| msgid "index file corrupt" |
| msgstr "索引檔案損壞" |
| |
| #: read-cache.c:2180 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "unable to create load_cache_entries thread: %s" |
| msgstr "無法建立 load_cache_entries 執行緒:%s" |
| |
| #: read-cache.c:2193 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "unable to join load_cache_entries thread: %s" |
| msgstr "無法加入 load_cache_entries 執行緒:%s" |
| |
| #: read-cache.c:2226 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "%s: index file open failed" |
| msgstr "%s:開啟索引檔案失敗" |
| |
| #: read-cache.c:2230 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "%s: cannot stat the open index" |
| msgstr "%s:不能對開啟的索引執行 stat 動作" |
| |
| #: read-cache.c:2234 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "%s: index file smaller than expected" |
| msgstr "%s:索引檔案比預期的小" |
| |
| #: read-cache.c:2238 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "%s: unable to map index file" |
| msgstr "%s:無法對索引檔案執行 map 動作" |
| |
| #: read-cache.c:2280 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "unable to create load_index_extensions thread: %s" |
| msgstr "無法建立 load_index_extensions 執行緒:%s" |
| |
| #: read-cache.c:2307 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "unable to join load_index_extensions thread: %s" |
| msgstr "無法加入 load_index_extensions 執行緒:%s" |
| |
| #: read-cache.c:2345 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "could not freshen shared index '%s'" |
| msgstr "無法重新整理共享索引 '%s'" |
| |
| #: read-cache.c:2392 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "broken index, expect %s in %s, got %s" |
| msgstr "損壞的索引,期望在 %2$s 中的 %1$s,得到 %3$s" |
| |
| #: read-cache.c:3095 strbuf.c:1173 wrapper.c:633 builtin/merge.c:1145 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "could not close '%s'" |
| msgstr "不能關閉 '%s'" |
| |
| #: read-cache.c:3138 |
| msgid "failed to convert to a sparse-index" |
| msgstr "無法轉換成稀疏索引" |
| |
| #: read-cache.c:3209 sequencer.c:2684 sequencer.c:4441 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "could not stat '%s'" |
| msgstr "不能對 '%s' 呼叫 stat" |
| |
| #: read-cache.c:3222 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "unable to open git dir: %s" |
| msgstr "不能開啟 git 目錄:%s" |
| |
| #: read-cache.c:3234 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "unable to unlink: %s" |
| msgstr "無法刪除:%s" |
| |
| #: read-cache.c:3263 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "cannot fix permission bits on '%s'" |
| msgstr "不能修復 '%s' 的權限位" |
| |
| #: read-cache.c:3412 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "%s: cannot drop to stage #0" |
| msgstr "%s:不能落到暫存區 #0" |
| |
| #: rebase-interactive.c:11 |
| msgid "" |
| "You can fix this with 'git rebase --edit-todo' and then run 'git rebase --" |
| "continue'.\n" |
| "Or you can abort the rebase with 'git rebase --abort'.\n" |
| msgstr "" |
| "您可以用 'git rebase --edit-todo' 修正,然後執行 'git rebase --continue'。\n" |
| "或者您可以用 'git rebase --abort' 終止重定基底。\n" |
| |
| #: rebase-interactive.c:33 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "unrecognized setting %s for option rebase.missingCommitsCheck. Ignoring." |
| msgstr "選項 rebase.missingCommitsCheck 的值 %s 無法識別。已忽略。" |
| |
| #: rebase-interactive.c:42 |
| msgid "" |
| "\n" |
| "Commands:\n" |
| "p, pick <commit> = use commit\n" |
| "r, reword <commit> = use commit, but edit the commit message\n" |
| "e, edit <commit> = use commit, but stop for amending\n" |
| "s, squash <commit> = use commit, but meld into previous commit\n" |
| "f, fixup [-C | -c] <commit> = like \"squash\" but keep only the previous\n" |
| " commit's log message, unless -C is used, in which case\n" |
| " keep only this commit's message; -c is same as -C but\n" |
| " opens the editor\n" |
| "x, exec <command> = run command (the rest of the line) using shell\n" |
| "b, break = stop here (continue rebase later with 'git rebase --continue')\n" |
| "d, drop <commit> = remove commit\n" |
| "l, label <label> = label current HEAD with a name\n" |
| "t, reset <label> = reset HEAD to a label\n" |
| "m, merge [-C <commit> | -c <commit>] <label> [# <oneline>]\n" |
| ". create a merge commit using the original merge commit's\n" |
| ". message (or the oneline, if no original merge commit was\n" |
| ". specified); use -c <commit> to reword the commit message\n" |
| "\n" |
| "These lines can be re-ordered; they are executed from top to bottom.\n" |
| msgstr "" |
| "\n" |
| "指令:\n" |
| "p, pick <提交> = 使用提交\n" |
| "r, reword <提交> = 使用提交,但編輯提交說明\n" |
| "e, edit <提交> = 使用提交,但不直接修補 (amend) \n" |
| "s, squash <提交> = 使用提交,但融合至上個提交\n" |
| "f, fixup [-C | -c] <提交> = 跟 “squash” 相似,但除非傳入「-C」\n" |
| " 否則只保留上一個提交的日誌訊息。傳入 -C 表示只保留這個\n" |
| " 提交的訊息;傳入 -c 與 -C 功能相同,但會開啟編輯器\n" |
| "x, exec <命令> = 使用 shell 執行指令(這一行的剩餘部分)\n" |
| "b, break = 在這停止(使用 'git rebase --continue' 繼續重定基底)\n" |
| "d, drop <提交> = 移除提交\n" |
| "l, label <標籤> = 為目前 HEAD 打上指定名字標籤\n" |
| "t, reset <標籤> = 重設 HEAD 到指定標籤\n" |
| "m, merge [-C <commit> | -c <commit>] <label> [# <oneline>]\n" |
| ". 建立一個合併提交,並使用原始的合併提交說明(如果沒有指定\n" |
| ". 原始提交,使用備註部分的 oneline 作為提交說明)。使用\n" |
| ". -c <commit> 可以編輯提交說明。\n" |
| "\n" |
| "可以對這些行重新排序,會從上至下執行。\n" |
| |
| #: rebase-interactive.c:66 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Rebase %s onto %s (%d command)" |
| msgid_plural "Rebase %s onto %s (%d commands)" |
| msgstr[0] "重定基底 %s 到 %s(%d 個提交)" |
| |
| #: rebase-interactive.c:75 git-rebase--preserve-merges.sh:218 |
| msgid "" |
| "\n" |
| "Do not remove any line. Use 'drop' explicitly to remove a commit.\n" |
| msgstr "" |
| "\n" |
| "不要刪除任意一行。使用 'drop' 顯式地刪除一個提交。\n" |
| |
| #: rebase-interactive.c:78 git-rebase--preserve-merges.sh:222 |
| msgid "" |
| "\n" |
| "If you remove a line here THAT COMMIT WILL BE LOST.\n" |
| msgstr "" |
| "\n" |
| "如果您在這裡刪除一行,對應的提交將會遺失。\n" |
| |
| #: rebase-interactive.c:84 git-rebase--preserve-merges.sh:861 |
| msgid "" |
| "\n" |
| "You are editing the todo file of an ongoing interactive rebase.\n" |
| "To continue rebase after editing, run:\n" |
| " git rebase --continue\n" |
| "\n" |
| msgstr "" |
| "\n" |
| "您正在修改進行中的互動式重定基底待辦列表。若要在編輯結束後繼續重定基底,\n" |
| "請執行:\n" |
| " git rebase --continue\n" |
| "\n" |
| |
| #: rebase-interactive.c:89 git-rebase--preserve-merges.sh:938 |
| msgid "" |
| "\n" |
| "However, if you remove everything, the rebase will be aborted.\n" |
| "\n" |
| msgstr "" |
| "\n" |
| "然而,如果您刪除全部內容,重定基底動作將會終止。\n" |
| "\n" |
| |
| #: rebase-interactive.c:113 rerere.c:469 rerere.c:676 sequencer.c:3816 |
| #: sequencer.c:3842 sequencer.c:5657 builtin/fsck.c:327 builtin/rebase.c:271 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "could not write '%s'" |
| msgstr "不能寫入 '%s'" |
| |
| #: rebase-interactive.c:119 builtin/rebase.c:203 builtin/rebase.c:229 |
| #: builtin/rebase.c:253 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "could not write '%s'." |
| msgstr "不能寫入 '%s'。" |
| |
| #: rebase-interactive.c:196 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "Warning: some commits may have been dropped accidentally.\n" |
| "Dropped commits (newer to older):\n" |
| msgstr "" |
| "警告:一些提交可能被意外捨棄。\n" |
| "捨棄的提交(從新到舊):\n" |
| |
| #: rebase-interactive.c:203 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "To avoid this message, use \"drop\" to explicitly remove a commit.\n" |
| "\n" |
| "Use 'git config rebase.missingCommitsCheck' to change the level of " |
| "warnings.\n" |
| "The possible behaviours are: ignore, warn, error.\n" |
| "\n" |
| msgstr "" |
| "為避免這條訊息,使用 \"drop\" 指令顯式地刪除一個提交。\n" |
| "\n" |
| "使用 'git config rebase.missingCommitsCheck' 來修改警告級別。\n" |
| "可選值有:ignore、warn、error。\n" |
| "\n" |
| |
| #: rebase-interactive.c:236 rebase-interactive.c:241 sequencer.c:2597 |
| #: builtin/rebase.c:189 builtin/rebase.c:214 builtin/rebase.c:240 |
| #: builtin/rebase.c:265 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "could not read '%s'." |
| msgstr "不能讀取 '%s'。" |
| |
| #: ref-filter.c:42 wt-status.c:1978 |
| msgid "gone" |
| msgstr "遺失" |
| |
| #: ref-filter.c:43 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "ahead %d" |
| msgstr "領先 %d" |
| |
| #: ref-filter.c:44 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "behind %d" |
| msgstr "落後 %d" |
| |
| #: ref-filter.c:45 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "ahead %d, behind %d" |
| msgstr "領先 %d,落後 %d" |
| |
| #: ref-filter.c:175 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "expected format: %%(color:<color>)" |
| msgstr "期望的格式:%%(color:<顏色>)" |
| |
| #: ref-filter.c:177 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "unrecognized color: %%(color:%s)" |
| msgstr "無法識別的顏色:%%(color:%s)" |
| |
| #: ref-filter.c:199 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Integer value expected refname:lstrip=%s" |
| msgstr "期望整數值 refname:lstrip=%s" |
| |
| #: ref-filter.c:203 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Integer value expected refname:rstrip=%s" |
| msgstr "期望整數值 refname:rstrip=%s" |
| |
| #: ref-filter.c:205 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "unrecognized %%(%s) argument: %s" |
| msgstr "無法識別的 %%(%s) 參數:%s" |
| |
| #: ref-filter.c:260 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "%%(objecttype) does not take arguments" |
| msgstr "%%(objecttype) 不帶參數" |
| |
| #: ref-filter.c:282 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "unrecognized %%(objectsize) argument: %s" |
| msgstr "無法識別的 %%(objectsize) 參數:%s" |
| |
| #: ref-filter.c:290 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "%%(deltabase) does not take arguments" |
| msgstr "%%(deltabase) 不帶參數" |
| |
| #: ref-filter.c:302 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "%%(body) does not take arguments" |
| msgstr "%%(body) 不帶參數" |
| |
| #: ref-filter.c:315 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "unrecognized %%(subject) argument: %s" |
| msgstr "無法識別的 %%(subject) 引數:%s" |
| |
| #: ref-filter.c:334 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "expected %%(trailers:key=<value>)" |
| msgstr "預期是 %%(trailers:key=<value>)" |
| |
| #: ref-filter.c:336 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "unknown %%(trailers) argument: %s" |
| msgstr "未知的 %%(trailers) 參數:%s" |
| |
| #: ref-filter.c:367 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "positive value expected contents:lines=%s" |
| msgstr "期望一個正數 contents:lines=%s" |
| |
| #: ref-filter.c:369 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "unrecognized %%(contents) argument: %s" |
| msgstr "無法識別的 %%(contents) 參數:%s" |
| |
| #: ref-filter.c:384 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "positive value expected '%s' in %%(%s)" |
| msgstr "%%(%2$s) 中的 '%1$s' 預期是正數值" |
| |
| #: ref-filter.c:388 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "unrecognized argument '%s' in %%(%s)" |
| msgstr "無法識別 %%(%2$s) 中的 '%1$s' 參數" |
| |
| #: ref-filter.c:402 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "unrecognized email option: %s" |
| msgstr "無法識別的 email 選項:%s" |
| |
| #: ref-filter.c:432 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "expected format: %%(align:<width>,<position>)" |
| msgstr "期望的格式:%%(align:<寬度>,<位置>)" |
| |
| #: ref-filter.c:444 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "unrecognized position:%s" |
| msgstr "無法識別的位置:%s" |
| |
| #: ref-filter.c:451 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "unrecognized width:%s" |
| msgstr "無法識別的寬度:%s" |
| |
| #: ref-filter.c:460 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "unrecognized %%(align) argument: %s" |
| msgstr "無法識別的 %%(align) 參數:%s" |
| |
| #: ref-filter.c:468 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "positive width expected with the %%(align) atom" |
| msgstr "元素 %%(align) 需要一個正數的寬度" |
| |
| #: ref-filter.c:486 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "unrecognized %%(if) argument: %s" |
| msgstr "無法識別的 %%(if) 參數:%s" |
| |
| #: ref-filter.c:588 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "malformed field name: %.*s" |
| msgstr "格式錯誤的欄位名:%.*s" |
| |
| #: ref-filter.c:615 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "unknown field name: %.*s" |
| msgstr "未知的欄位名:%.*s" |
| |
| #: ref-filter.c:619 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "not a git repository, but the field '%.*s' requires access to object data" |
| msgstr "不是一個 git 版本庫,但是欄位 '%.*s' 需要存取物件資料" |
| |
| #: ref-filter.c:743 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "format: %%(if) atom used without a %%(then) atom" |
| msgstr "格式:使用了 %%(if) 元素而沒有 %%(then) 元素" |
| |
| #: ref-filter.c:807 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "format: %%(then) atom used without an %%(if) atom" |
| msgstr "格式:使用了 %%(then) 元素而沒有 %%(if) 元素" |
| |
| #: ref-filter.c:809 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "format: %%(then) atom used more than once" |
| msgstr "格式:%%(then) 元素用了多次" |
| |
| #: ref-filter.c:811 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "format: %%(then) atom used after %%(else)" |
| msgstr "格式:%%(then) 元素用在了 %%(else) 之後" |
| |
| #: ref-filter.c:839 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "format: %%(else) atom used without an %%(if) atom" |
| msgstr "格式:使用了 %%(else) 元素而沒有 %%(if) 元素" |
| |
| #: ref-filter.c:841 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "format: %%(else) atom used without a %%(then) atom" |
| msgstr "格式:使用了 %%(else) 元素而沒有 %%(then) 元素" |
| |
| #: ref-filter.c:843 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "format: %%(else) atom used more than once" |
| msgstr "格式:%%(else) 元素用了多次" |
| |
| #: ref-filter.c:858 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "format: %%(end) atom used without corresponding atom" |
| msgstr "格式:使用了 %%(end) 元素卻沒有它的對應元素" |
| |
| #: ref-filter.c:915 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "malformed format string %s" |
| msgstr "錯誤的格式化字串 %s" |
| |
| #: ref-filter.c:1556 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "(no branch, rebasing %s)" |
| msgstr "(無分支,重定 %s 的基底)" |
| |
| #: ref-filter.c:1559 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "(no branch, rebasing detached HEAD %s)" |
| msgstr "(無分支,重定 %s 分離開頭指標的基底)" |
| |
| #: ref-filter.c:1562 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "(no branch, bisect started on %s)" |
| msgstr "(無分支,二分搜尋從 %s 開始)" |
| |
| #: ref-filter.c:1566 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "(HEAD detached at %s)" |
| msgstr "(開頭指標分離於 %s)" |
| |
| #: ref-filter.c:1569 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "(HEAD detached from %s)" |
| msgstr "(開頭指標分離自 %s)" |
| |
| #: ref-filter.c:1572 |
| msgid "(no branch)" |
| msgstr "(無分支)" |
| |
| #: ref-filter.c:1604 ref-filter.c:1813 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "missing object %s for %s" |
| msgstr "缺少 %2$s 的物件 %1$s" |
| |
| #: ref-filter.c:1614 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "parse_object_buffer failed on %s for %s" |
| msgstr "parse_object_buffer 失敗於 %2$s 的 %1$s" |
| |
| #: ref-filter.c:1997 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "malformed object at '%s'" |
| msgstr "格式錯誤的物件 '%s'" |
| |
| #: ref-filter.c:2086 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "ignoring ref with broken name %s" |
| msgstr "忽略帶有錯誤名稱 %s 的引用" |
| |
| #: ref-filter.c:2091 refs.c:676 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "ignoring broken ref %s" |
| msgstr "忽略損壞的引用 %s" |
| |
| #: ref-filter.c:2431 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "format: %%(end) atom missing" |
| msgstr "格式:缺少 %%(end) 元素" |
| |
| #: ref-filter.c:2525 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "malformed object name %s" |
| msgstr "格式錯誤的物件名 %s" |
| |
| #: ref-filter.c:2530 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "option `%s' must point to a commit" |
| msgstr "選項 `%s' 必須指向一個提交" |
| |
| #: refs.c:264 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "%s does not point to a valid object!" |
| msgstr "%s 沒有指向一個有效的物件!" |
| |
| #: refs.c:566 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "Using '%s' as the name for the initial branch. This default branch name\n" |
| "is subject to change. To configure the initial branch name to use in all\n" |
| "of your new repositories, which will suppress this warning, call:\n" |
| "\n" |
| "\tgit config --global init.defaultBranch <name>\n" |
| "\n" |
| "Names commonly chosen instead of 'master' are 'main', 'trunk' and\n" |
| "'development'. The just-created branch can be renamed via this command:\n" |
| "\n" |
| "\tgit branch -m <name>\n" |
| msgstr "" |
| "將「%s」設定為初始分支的名稱。這個預設分支名稱可以變更。\n" |
| "如果要設定所有新版本庫要使用的初始分支名稱,\n" |
| "請呼叫(會隱藏這個警告):\n" |
| "\n" |
| "\tgit config —global init.defaultBranch <name>\n" |
| "\n" |
| "除了 ‘master’ 外,常用的分支名稱有 ‘main’, ‘trunk’ 以及\n" |
| "‘development’。剛建立的分支可以用這個命令重新命名:\n" |
| "\n" |
| "\tgit branch -m <name>\n" |
| |
| #: refs.c:588 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "could not retrieve `%s`" |
| msgstr "無法擷取「%s」" |
| |
| #: refs.c:598 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "invalid branch name: %s = %s" |
| msgstr "分支名稱無效:%s = %s" |
| |
| #: refs.c:674 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "ignoring dangling symref %s" |
| msgstr "忽略懸空符號引用 %s" |
| |
| #: refs.c:922 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "log for ref %s has gap after %s" |
| msgstr "引用 %s 的日誌在 %s 之後有缺口" |
| |
| #: refs.c:929 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "log for ref %s unexpectedly ended on %s" |
| msgstr "引用 %s 的日誌意外終止於 %s" |
| |
| #: refs.c:994 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "log for %s is empty" |
| msgstr "%s 的日誌為空" |
| |
| #: refs.c:1086 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "refusing to update ref with bad name '%s'" |
| msgstr "拒絕更新有錯誤名稱 '%s' 的引用" |
| |
| #: refs.c:1157 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "update_ref failed for ref '%s': %s" |
| msgstr "對引用 '%s' 執行 update_ref 失敗:%s" |
| |
| #: refs.c:2051 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "multiple updates for ref '%s' not allowed" |
| msgstr "不允許對引用 '%s' 多次更新" |
| |
| #: refs.c:2131 |
| msgid "ref updates forbidden inside quarantine environment" |
| msgstr "在隔離環境中禁止更新引用" |
| |
| #: refs.c:2142 |
| msgid "ref updates aborted by hook" |
| msgstr "引用更新被掛鉤拒絕" |
| |
| #: refs.c:2242 refs.c:2272 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "'%s' exists; cannot create '%s'" |
| msgstr "'%s' 已存在,無法建立 '%s'" |
| |
| #: refs.c:2248 refs.c:2283 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "cannot process '%s' and '%s' at the same time" |
| msgstr "無法同時處理 '%s' 和 '%s'" |
| |
| #: refs/files-backend.c:1228 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "could not remove reference %s" |
| msgstr "無法刪除引用 %s" |
| |
| #: refs/files-backend.c:1242 refs/packed-backend.c:1542 |
| #: refs/packed-backend.c:1552 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "could not delete reference %s: %s" |
| msgstr "無法刪除引用 %s:%s" |
| |
| #: refs/files-backend.c:1245 refs/packed-backend.c:1555 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "could not delete references: %s" |
| msgstr "無法刪除引用:%s" |
| |
| #: refspec.c:170 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "invalid refspec '%s'" |
| msgstr "無效的引用表達式:'%s'" |
| |
| #: remote.c:351 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "config remote shorthand cannot begin with '/': %s" |
| msgstr "設定的遠端短名稱不能以 '/' 開始:%s" |
| |
| #: remote.c:399 |
| msgid "more than one receivepack given, using the first" |
| msgstr "提供了一個以上的 receivepack,使用第一個" |
| |
| #: remote.c:407 |
| msgid "more than one uploadpack given, using the first" |
| msgstr "提供了一個以上的 uploadpack,使用第一個" |
| |
| #: remote.c:590 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Cannot fetch both %s and %s to %s" |
| msgstr "不能同時取得 %s 和 %s 至 %s" |
| |
| #: remote.c:594 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "%s usually tracks %s, not %s" |
| msgstr "%s 通常追蹤 %s,而非 %s" |
| |
| #: remote.c:598 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "%s tracks both %s and %s" |
| msgstr "%s 同時追蹤 %s 和 %s" |
| |
| #: remote.c:666 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "key '%s' of pattern had no '*'" |
| msgstr "模式的鍵 '%s' 沒有 '*'" |
| |
| #: remote.c:676 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "value '%s' of pattern has no '*'" |
| msgstr "模式的值 '%s' 沒有 '*'" |
| |
| #: remote.c:1083 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "src refspec %s does not match any" |
| msgstr "源引用表達式 %s 沒有符合" |
| |
| #: remote.c:1088 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "src refspec %s matches more than one" |
| msgstr "源引用表達式 %s 符合超過一個" |
| |
| #. TRANSLATORS: "matches '%s'%" is the <dst> part of "git push |
| #. <remote> <src>:<dst>" push, and "being pushed ('%s')" is |
| #. the <src>. |
| #. |
| #: remote.c:1103 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "The destination you provided is not a full refname (i.e.,\n" |
| "starting with \"refs/\"). We tried to guess what you meant by:\n" |
| "\n" |
| "- Looking for a ref that matches '%s' on the remote side.\n" |
| "- Checking if the <src> being pushed ('%s')\n" |
| " is a ref in \"refs/{heads,tags}/\". If so we add a corresponding\n" |
| " refs/{heads,tags}/ prefix on the remote side.\n" |
| "\n" |
| "Neither worked, so we gave up. You must fully qualify the ref." |
| msgstr "" |
| "您提供的目標不是一個完整的引用名稱(即以 \"refs/\" 開頭)。我們\n" |
| "試著猜測您的想法:\n" |
| "\n" |
| "- 在遠端查詢和 '%s' 符合的引用。\n" |
| "- 檢查要推送的 <src>('%s')是不是在 \"refs/{heads,tags}/\" 中的\n" |
| " 引用。如果是,我們會在對應的遠端新增 refs/{heads,tags}/ 前綴。\n" |
| "\n" |
| "都不行,所以我們已放棄。您必須給出完整的引用。" |
| |
| #: remote.c:1123 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "The <src> part of the refspec is a commit object.\n" |
| "Did you mean to create a new branch by pushing to\n" |
| "'%s:refs/heads/%s'?" |
| msgstr "" |
| "引用表達式的 <src> 是一個提交物件。您是想建立一個新的分支而向\n" |
| "'%s:refs/heads/%s' 推送嗎?" |
| |
| #: remote.c:1128 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "The <src> part of the refspec is a tag object.\n" |
| "Did you mean to create a new tag by pushing to\n" |
| "'%s:refs/tags/%s'?" |
| msgstr "" |
| "引用表達式的 <src> 是一個標籤物件。您是想建立一個新的標籤而向\n" |
| "'%s:refs/tags/%s' 推送嗎?" |
| |
| #: remote.c:1133 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "The <src> part of the refspec is a tree object.\n" |
| "Did you mean to tag a new tree by pushing to\n" |
| "'%s:refs/tags/%s'?" |
| msgstr "" |
| "引用表達式的 <src> 是一個樹狀物件。您是想為這個樹狀物件建立標籤而向\n" |
| "'%s:refs/tags/%s' 推送嗎?" |
| |
| #: remote.c:1138 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "The <src> part of the refspec is a blob object.\n" |
| "Did you mean to tag a new blob by pushing to\n" |
| "'%s:refs/tags/%s'?" |
| msgstr "" |
| "引用表達式的 <src> 是一個資料物件。您是想為這個資料物件建立標籤而向\n" |
| "'%s:refs/tags/%s' 推送嗎?" |
| |
| #: remote.c:1174 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "%s cannot be resolved to branch" |
| msgstr "%s 無法被解析為分支" |
| |
| #: remote.c:1185 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "unable to delete '%s': remote ref does not exist" |
| msgstr "無法刪除 '%s':遠端引用不存在" |
| |
| #: remote.c:1197 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "dst refspec %s matches more than one" |
| msgstr "目標引用表達式 %s 符合超過一個" |
| |
| #: remote.c:1204 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "dst ref %s receives from more than one src" |
| msgstr "目標引用 %s 接收超過一個源" |
| |
| #: remote.c:1724 remote.c:1825 |
| msgid "HEAD does not point to a branch" |
| msgstr "HEAD 沒有指向一個分支" |
| |
| #: remote.c:1733 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "no such branch: '%s'" |
| msgstr "沒有此分支:'%s'" |
| |
| #: remote.c:1736 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "no upstream configured for branch '%s'" |
| msgstr "尚未給分支 '%s' 設定上游" |
| |
| #: remote.c:1742 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "upstream branch '%s' not stored as a remote-tracking branch" |
| msgstr "上游分支 '%s' 沒有儲存為一個遠端追蹤分支" |
| |
| #: remote.c:1757 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "push destination '%s' on remote '%s' has no local tracking branch" |
| msgstr "推送目標 '%s' 至遠端 '%s' 沒有本機追蹤分支" |
| |
| #: remote.c:1769 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "branch '%s' has no remote for pushing" |
| msgstr "分支 '%s' 沒有設定要推送的遠端伺服器" |
| |
| #: remote.c:1779 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "push refspecs for '%s' do not include '%s'" |
| msgstr "向 '%s' 推送引用規格未包含 '%s'" |
| |
| #: remote.c:1792 |
| msgid "push has no destination (push.default is 'nothing')" |
| msgstr "推送無目標(push.default 是 'nothing')" |
| |
| #: remote.c:1814 |
| msgid "cannot resolve 'simple' push to a single destination" |
| msgstr "無法解析 'simple' 推送至一個單獨的目標" |
| |
| #: remote.c:1943 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "couldn't find remote ref %s" |
| msgstr "無法找到遠端引用 %s" |
| |
| #: remote.c:1956 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "* Ignoring funny ref '%s' locally" |
| msgstr "* 在本機忽略可笑的引用 '%s'" |
| |
| #: remote.c:2119 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Your branch is based on '%s', but the upstream is gone.\n" |
| msgstr "您的分支基於 '%s',但此上游分支已經不存在。\n" |
| |
| #: remote.c:2123 |
| msgid " (use \"git branch --unset-upstream\" to fixup)\n" |
| msgstr " (使用 \"git branch --unset-upstream\" 來修復)\n" |
| |
| #: remote.c:2126 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Your branch is up to date with '%s'.\n" |
| msgstr "您的分支與上游分支 '%s' 一致。\n" |
| |
| #: remote.c:2130 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Your branch and '%s' refer to different commits.\n" |
| msgstr "您的分支和 '%s' 指向不同的提交。\n" |
| |
| #: remote.c:2133 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid " (use \"%s\" for details)\n" |
| msgstr " (使用 \"%s\" 檢視詳情)\n" |
| |
| #: remote.c:2137 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Your branch is ahead of '%s' by %d commit.\n" |
| msgid_plural "Your branch is ahead of '%s' by %d commits.\n" |
| msgstr[0] "您的分支領先 '%s' 共 %d 個提交。\n" |
| |
| #: remote.c:2143 |
| msgid " (use \"git push\" to publish your local commits)\n" |
| msgstr " (使用 \"git push\" 來發布您的本機提交)\n" |
| |
| #: remote.c:2146 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Your branch is behind '%s' by %d commit, and can be fast-forwarded.\n" |
| msgid_plural "" |
| "Your branch is behind '%s' by %d commits, and can be fast-forwarded.\n" |
| msgstr[0] "您的分支落後 '%s' 共 %d 個提交,並且可以快轉。\n" |
| |
| # 譯者:請維持前導空格 |
| #: remote.c:2154 |
| msgid " (use \"git pull\" to update your local branch)\n" |
| msgstr " (使用 \"git pull\" 來更新您的本機分支)\n" |
| |
| #: remote.c:2157 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "Your branch and '%s' have diverged,\n" |
| "and have %d and %d different commit each, respectively.\n" |
| msgid_plural "" |
| "Your branch and '%s' have diverged,\n" |
| "and have %d and %d different commits each, respectively.\n" |
| msgstr[0] "" |
| "您的分支和 '%s' 出現了偏離,\n" |
| "並且分別有 %d 和 %d 處不同的提交。\n" |
| |
| # 譯者:請維持前導空格 |
| #: remote.c:2167 |
| msgid " (use \"git pull\" to merge the remote branch into yours)\n" |
| msgstr " (使用 \"git pull\" 來合併遠端分支)\n" |
| |
| #: remote.c:2359 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "cannot parse expected object name '%s'" |
| msgstr "無法解析期望的物件名 '%s'" |
| |
| #: replace-object.c:21 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "bad replace ref name: %s" |
| msgstr "錯誤的取代引用名稱:%s" |
| |
| #: replace-object.c:30 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "duplicate replace ref: %s" |
| msgstr "重複的取代引用:%s" |
| |
| #: replace-object.c:82 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "replace depth too high for object %s" |
| msgstr "物件 %s 的取代層級太深" |
| |
| #: rerere.c:201 rerere.c:210 rerere.c:213 |
| msgid "corrupt MERGE_RR" |
| msgstr "損壞的 MERGE_RR" |
| |
| #: rerere.c:248 rerere.c:253 |
| msgid "unable to write rerere record" |
| msgstr "無法寫入 rerere 記錄" |
| |
| #: rerere.c:479 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "there were errors while writing '%s' (%s)" |
| msgstr "寫入 '%s' (%s) 時發生錯誤" |
| |
| #: rerere.c:482 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "failed to flush '%s'" |
| msgstr "重新整理 '%s' 失敗" |
| |
| #: rerere.c:487 rerere.c:1023 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "could not parse conflict hunks in '%s'" |
| msgstr "不能解析 '%s' 中的衝突區塊" |
| |
| #: rerere.c:668 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "failed utime() on '%s'" |
| msgstr "在 '%s' 上呼叫 utime() 失敗" |
| |
| #: rerere.c:678 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "writing '%s' failed" |
| msgstr "寫入 '%s' 失敗" |
| |
| #: rerere.c:698 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Staged '%s' using previous resolution." |
| msgstr "使用之前的解決方案暫存 '%s'。" |
| |
| #: rerere.c:737 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Recorded resolution for '%s'." |
| msgstr "已記錄 '%s' 的解決方案。" |
| |
| #: rerere.c:772 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Resolved '%s' using previous resolution." |
| msgstr "使用之前的解決方案解決 '%s'。" |
| |
| #: rerere.c:787 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "cannot unlink stray '%s'" |
| msgstr "不能刪除 stray '%s'" |
| |
| #: rerere.c:791 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Recorded preimage for '%s'" |
| msgstr "為 '%s' 記錄 preimage" |
| |
| #: rerere.c:865 submodule.c:2089 builtin/log.c:2000 |
| #: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1879 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1891 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "could not create directory '%s'" |
| msgstr "不能建立目錄 '%s'" |
| |
| #: rerere.c:1041 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "failed to update conflicted state in '%s'" |
| msgstr "更新 '%s' 中的衝突狀態失敗" |
| |
| #: rerere.c:1052 rerere.c:1059 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "no remembered resolution for '%s'" |
| msgstr "沒有為 '%s' 記憶的解決方案" |
| |
| #: rerere.c:1061 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "cannot unlink '%s'" |
| msgstr "不能刪除 '%s'" |
| |
| #: rerere.c:1071 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Updated preimage for '%s'" |
| msgstr "已為 '%s' 更新 preimage" |
| |
| #: rerere.c:1080 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Forgot resolution for '%s'\n" |
| msgstr "忘記 '%s' 的解決方案\n" |
| |
| #: rerere.c:1191 |
| msgid "unable to open rr-cache directory" |
| msgstr "不能開啟 rr-cache 目錄" |
| |
| #: reset.c:42 |
| msgid "could not determine HEAD revision" |
| msgstr "不能確定 HEAD 版本" |
| |
| #: reset.c:70 reset.c:76 sequencer.c:3669 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "failed to find tree of %s" |
| msgstr "無法找到 %s 指向的樹" |
| |
| #: revision.c:2343 |
| msgid "--unpacked=<packfile> no longer supported" |
| msgstr "--unpacked=<packfile> 已不受支援" |
| |
| #: revision.c:2683 |
| msgid "your current branch appears to be broken" |
| msgstr "您的目前分支好像被損壞" |
| |
| #: revision.c:2686 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "your current branch '%s' does not have any commits yet" |
| msgstr "您的目前分支 '%s' 尚無任何提交" |
| |
| #: revision.c:2892 |
| msgid "-L does not yet support diff formats besides -p and -s" |
| msgstr "-L 尚不支援 -p 和 -s 之外的差異格式" |
| |
| #: run-command.c:767 |
| msgid "open /dev/null failed" |
| msgstr "不能開啟 /dev/null" |
| |
| #: run-command.c:1275 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "cannot create async thread: %s" |
| msgstr "不能建立 async 執行緒:%s" |
| |
| #: run-command.c:1345 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "The '%s' hook was ignored because it's not set as executable.\n" |
| "You can disable this warning with `git config advice.ignoredHook false`." |
| msgstr "" |
| "因為沒有將掛鉤 '%s' 設定為可執行,掛鉤被忽略。您可以透過\n" |
| "設定 `git config advice.ignoredHook false` 來關閉這條警告。" |
| |
| #: send-pack.c:150 |
| msgid "unexpected flush packet while reading remote unpack status" |
| msgstr "讀取遠端解包狀態時收到意外的 flush 包" |
| |
| #: send-pack.c:152 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "unable to parse remote unpack status: %s" |
| msgstr "不能解析遠端解包狀態:%s" |
| |
| #: send-pack.c:154 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "remote unpack failed: %s" |
| msgstr "遠端解包失敗:%s" |
| |
| #: send-pack.c:378 |
| msgid "failed to sign the push certificate" |
| msgstr "為推送證書籤名失敗" |
| |
| #: send-pack.c:433 |
| msgid "send-pack: unable to fork off fetch subprocess" |
| msgstr "send-pack:無法 fork 一個 fetch 子處理程序" |
| |
| #: send-pack.c:455 |
| msgid "push negotiation failed; proceeding anyway with push" |
| msgstr "push 協商失敗。繼續使用 push 處理" |
| |
| #: send-pack.c:520 |
| msgid "the receiving end does not support this repository's hash algorithm" |
| msgstr "接收端不支援此版本庫的雜湊算法" |
| |
| #: send-pack.c:529 |
| msgid "the receiving end does not support --signed push" |
| msgstr "接收端不支援簽名推送" |
| |
| #: send-pack.c:531 |
| msgid "" |
| "not sending a push certificate since the receiving end does not support --" |
| "signed push" |
| msgstr "未傳送推送證書,因為接收端不支援簽名推送" |
| |
| #: send-pack.c:543 |
| msgid "the receiving end does not support --atomic push" |
| msgstr "接收端不支援原子推送" |
| |
| #: send-pack.c:548 |
| msgid "the receiving end does not support push options" |
| msgstr "接收端不支援推送選項" |
| |
| #: sequencer.c:196 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "invalid commit message cleanup mode '%s'" |
| msgstr "無效的提交說明清理模式 '%s'" |
| |
| #: sequencer.c:324 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "could not delete '%s'" |
| msgstr "無法刪除 '%s'" |
| |
| #: sequencer.c:344 builtin/rebase.c:757 builtin/rebase.c:1592 builtin/rm.c:402 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "could not remove '%s'" |
| msgstr "無法刪除 '%s'" |
| |
| #: sequencer.c:354 |
| msgid "revert" |
| msgstr "復原" |
| |
| #: sequencer.c:356 |
| msgid "cherry-pick" |
| msgstr "摘取" |
| |
| #: sequencer.c:358 |
| msgid "rebase" |
| msgstr "rebase" |
| |
| #: sequencer.c:360 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "unknown action: %d" |
| msgstr "未知動作:%d" |
| |
| #: sequencer.c:419 |
| msgid "" |
| "after resolving the conflicts, mark the corrected paths\n" |
| "with 'git add <paths>' or 'git rm <paths>'" |
| msgstr "" |
| "衝突解決完畢後,用 'git add <路徑>' 或 'git rm <路徑>'\n" |
| "指令標記修正後的檔案" |
| |
| #: sequencer.c:422 |
| msgid "" |
| "after resolving the conflicts, mark the corrected paths\n" |
| "with 'git add <paths>' or 'git rm <paths>'\n" |
| "and commit the result with 'git commit'" |
| msgstr "" |
| "衝突解決完畢後,用 'git add <路徑>' 或 'git rm <路徑>'\n" |
| "對修正後的檔案做標記,然後用 'git commit' 提交" |
| |
| #: sequencer.c:435 sequencer.c:3271 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "could not lock '%s'" |
| msgstr "不能鎖定 '%s'" |
| |
| #: sequencer.c:437 sequencer.c:3070 sequencer.c:3275 sequencer.c:3289 |
| #: sequencer.c:3546 sequencer.c:5567 strbuf.c:1170 wrapper.c:631 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "could not write to '%s'" |
| msgstr "不能寫入 '%s'" |
| |
| #: sequencer.c:442 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "could not write eol to '%s'" |
| msgstr "不能將換行符號寫入 '%s'" |
| |
| #: sequencer.c:447 sequencer.c:3075 sequencer.c:3277 sequencer.c:3291 |
| #: sequencer.c:3554 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "failed to finalize '%s'" |
| msgstr "無法完成 '%s'" |
| |
| #: sequencer.c:486 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "your local changes would be overwritten by %s." |
| msgstr "您的本機修改將被%s覆蓋。" |
| |
| #: sequencer.c:490 |
| msgid "commit your changes or stash them to proceed." |
| msgstr "提交您的修改或儲藏後再繼續。" |
| |
| #: sequencer.c:522 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "%s: fast-forward" |
| msgstr "%s:快轉" |
| |
| #: sequencer.c:561 builtin/tag.c:609 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Invalid cleanup mode %s" |
| msgstr "無效的清理模式 %s" |
| |
| #. TRANSLATORS: %s will be "revert", "cherry-pick" or |
| #. "rebase". |
| #. |
| #: sequencer.c:671 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "%s: Unable to write new index file" |
| msgstr "%s:無法寫入新索引檔案" |
| |
| #: sequencer.c:685 |
| msgid "unable to update cache tree" |
| msgstr "不能更新快取樹" |
| |
| #: sequencer.c:699 |
| msgid "could not resolve HEAD commit" |
| msgstr "不能解析 HEAD 提交" |
| |
| #: sequencer.c:779 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "no key present in '%.*s'" |
| msgstr "在 '%.*s' 中沒有 key" |
| |
| #: sequencer.c:790 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "unable to dequote value of '%s'" |
| msgstr "無法為 '%s' 的值去引號" |
| |
| #: sequencer.c:827 wrapper.c:201 wrapper.c:371 builtin/am.c:728 |
| #: builtin/am.c:820 builtin/merge.c:1140 builtin/rebase.c:910 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "could not open '%s' for reading" |
| msgstr "無法開啟 '%s' 進行讀取" |
| |
| #: sequencer.c:837 |
| msgid "'GIT_AUTHOR_NAME' already given" |
| msgstr "已經給出 'GIT_AUTHOR_NAME'" |
| |
| #: sequencer.c:842 |
| msgid "'GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL' already given" |
| msgstr "已經給出 'GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL'" |
| |
| #: sequencer.c:847 |
| msgid "'GIT_AUTHOR_DATE' already given" |
| msgstr "已經給出 'GIT_AUTHOR_DATE'" |
| |
| #: sequencer.c:851 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "unknown variable '%s'" |
| msgstr "未知變數 '%s'" |
| |
| #: sequencer.c:856 |
| msgid "missing 'GIT_AUTHOR_NAME'" |
| msgstr "缺少 'GIT_AUTHOR_NAME'" |
| |
| #: sequencer.c:858 |
| msgid "missing 'GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL'" |
| msgstr "缺少 'GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL'" |
| |
| #: sequencer.c:860 |
| msgid "missing 'GIT_AUTHOR_DATE'" |
| msgstr "缺少 'GIT_AUTHOR_DATE'" |
| |
| #: sequencer.c:925 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "you have staged changes in your working tree\n" |
| "If these changes are meant to be squashed into the previous commit, run:\n" |
| "\n" |
| " git commit --amend %s\n" |
| "\n" |
| "If they are meant to go into a new commit, run:\n" |
| "\n" |
| " git commit %s\n" |
| "\n" |
| "In both cases, once you're done, continue with:\n" |
| "\n" |
| " git rebase --continue\n" |
| msgstr "" |
| "您的工作區中存在已暫存的修改\n" |
| "如果這些修改需要被併入前一個提交,執行:\n" |
| "\n" |
| " git commit --amend %s\n" |
| "\n" |
| "如果這些修改要形成一個新提交,執行:\n" |
| "\n" |
| " git commit %s\n" |
| "\n" |
| "無論哪種情況,當您完成提交,繼續執行:\n" |
| "\n" |
| " git rebase --continue\n" |
| |
| #: sequencer.c:1212 |
| msgid "'prepare-commit-msg' hook failed" |
| msgstr "'prepare-commit-msg' 掛鉤失敗" |
| |
| #: sequencer.c:1218 |
| msgid "" |
| "Your name and email address were configured automatically based\n" |
| "on your username and hostname. Please check that they are accurate.\n" |
| "You can suppress this message by setting them explicitly. Run the\n" |
| "following command and follow the instructions in your editor to edit\n" |
| "your configuration file:\n" |
| "\n" |
| " git config --global --edit\n" |
| "\n" |
| "After doing this, you may fix the identity used for this commit with:\n" |
| "\n" |
| " git commit --amend --reset-author\n" |
| msgstr "" |
| "您的姓名和信件位址基於登入名稱和主機名稱自動設定。請檢查它們正確\n" |
| "與否。您可以對其進行設定以免再出現本提示訊息。執行如下指令在編輯器\n" |
| "中編輯您的設定檔案:\n" |
| "\n" |
| " git config --global --edit\n" |
| "\n" |
| "設定完畢後,您可以用下面的指令來修正本次提交所使用的使用者身份:\n" |
| "\n" |
| " git commit --amend --reset-author\n" |
| |
| #: sequencer.c:1231 |
| msgid "" |
| "Your name and email address were configured automatically based\n" |
| "on your username and hostname. Please check that they are accurate.\n" |
| "You can suppress this message by setting them explicitly:\n" |
| "\n" |
| " git config --global user.name \"Your Name\"\n" |
| " git config --global user.email you@example.com\n" |
| "\n" |
| "After doing this, you may fix the identity used for this commit with:\n" |
| "\n" |
| " git commit --amend --reset-author\n" |
| msgstr "" |
| "您的姓名和信件位址基於登入名稱和主機名稱自動設定。請檢查它們正確\n" |
| "與否。您可以對其進行設定以免再出現本提示訊息:\n" |
| "\n" |
| " git config --global user.name \"Your Name\"\n" |
| " git config --global user.email you@example.com\n" |
| "\n" |
| "設定完畢後,您可以用下面的指令來修正本次提交所使用的使用者身份:\n" |
| "\n" |
| " git commit --amend --reset-author\n" |
| |
| #: sequencer.c:1273 |
| msgid "couldn't look up newly created commit" |
| msgstr "無法找到新建立的提交" |
| |
| #: sequencer.c:1275 |
| msgid "could not parse newly created commit" |
| msgstr "不能解析新建立的提交" |
| |
| #: sequencer.c:1321 |
| msgid "unable to resolve HEAD after creating commit" |
| msgstr "建立提交後,不能解析 HEAD" |
| |
| #: sequencer.c:1323 |
| msgid "detached HEAD" |
| msgstr "分離 HEAD" |
| |
| # 譯者:中文字串拼接,可刪除前導空格 |
| #: sequencer.c:1327 |
| msgid " (root-commit)" |
| msgstr " (根提交)" |
| |
| #: sequencer.c:1348 |
| msgid "could not parse HEAD" |
| msgstr "不能解析 HEAD" |
| |
| #: sequencer.c:1350 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "HEAD %s is not a commit!" |
| msgstr "HEAD %s 不是一個提交!" |
| |
| #: sequencer.c:1354 sequencer.c:1432 builtin/commit.c:1692 |
| msgid "could not parse HEAD commit" |
| msgstr "不能解析 HEAD 提交" |
| |
| #: sequencer.c:1410 sequencer.c:2295 |
| msgid "unable to parse commit author" |
| msgstr "不能解析提交作者" |
| |
| #: sequencer.c:1421 builtin/am.c:1614 builtin/merge.c:706 |
| msgid "git write-tree failed to write a tree" |
| msgstr "git write-tree 無法寫入樹狀物件" |
| |
| #: sequencer.c:1454 sequencer.c:1574 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "unable to read commit message from '%s'" |
| msgstr "不能從 '%s' 讀取提交說明" |
| |
| #: sequencer.c:1485 sequencer.c:1517 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "invalid author identity '%s'" |
| msgstr "無效的作者身分 '%s'" |
| |
| #: sequencer.c:1491 |
| msgid "corrupt author: missing date information" |
| msgstr "作者資訊損壞:缺少日期資訊" |
| |
| #: sequencer.c:1530 builtin/am.c:1641 builtin/commit.c:1806 builtin/merge.c:909 |
| #: builtin/merge.c:934 t/helper/test-fast-rebase.c:78 |
| msgid "failed to write commit object" |
| msgstr "寫提交物件失敗" |
| |
| #: sequencer.c:1557 sequencer.c:4493 t/helper/test-fast-rebase.c:198 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "could not update %s" |
| msgstr "不能更新 %s" |
| |
| #: sequencer.c:1606 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "could not parse commit %s" |
| msgstr "不能解析提交 %s" |
| |
| #: sequencer.c:1611 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "could not parse parent commit %s" |
| msgstr "不能解析父提交 %s" |
| |
| #: sequencer.c:1694 sequencer.c:1975 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "unknown command: %d" |
| msgstr "未知指令:%d" |
| |
| #: sequencer.c:1736 git-rebase--preserve-merges.sh:486 |
| msgid "This is the 1st commit message:" |
| msgstr "這是第一個提交說明:" |
| |
| #: sequencer.c:1737 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "This is the commit message #%d:" |
| msgstr "這是提交說明 #%d:" |
| |
| #: sequencer.c:1738 |
| msgid "The 1st commit message will be skipped:" |
| msgstr "略過第 1 個提交說明:" |
| |
| #: sequencer.c:1739 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "The commit message #%d will be skipped:" |
| msgstr "略過第 %d 個提交說明:" |
| |
| #: sequencer.c:1740 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "This is a combination of %d commits." |
| msgstr "這是整合 %d 個提交的集合提交。" |
| |
| #: sequencer.c:1887 sequencer.c:1944 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "cannot write '%s'" |
| msgstr "不能寫 '%s'" |
| |
| #: sequencer.c:1934 |
| msgid "need a HEAD to fixup" |
| msgstr "需要一個 HEAD 來修復" |
| |
| #: sequencer.c:1936 sequencer.c:3581 |
| msgid "could not read HEAD" |
| msgstr "不能讀取 HEAD" |
| |
| #: sequencer.c:1938 |
| msgid "could not read HEAD's commit message" |
| msgstr "不能讀取 HEAD 的提交說明" |
| |
| #: sequencer.c:1962 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "could not read commit message of %s" |
| msgstr "不能讀取 %s 的提交說明" |
| |
| #: sequencer.c:2072 |
| msgid "your index file is unmerged." |
| msgstr "您的索引檔案未完成合併。" |
| |
| #: sequencer.c:2079 |
| msgid "cannot fixup root commit" |
| msgstr "不能修復根提交" |
| |
| #: sequencer.c:2098 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "commit %s is a merge but no -m option was given." |
| msgstr "提交 %s 是一個合併提交但未提供 -m 選項。" |
| |
| #: sequencer.c:2106 sequencer.c:2114 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "commit %s does not have parent %d" |
| msgstr "提交 %s 沒有第 %d 個父提交" |
| |
| #: sequencer.c:2120 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "cannot get commit message for %s" |
| msgstr "不能得到 %s 的提交說明" |
| |
| #. TRANSLATORS: The first %s will be a "todo" command like |
| #. "revert" or "pick", the second %s a SHA1. |
| #: sequencer.c:2139 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "%s: cannot parse parent commit %s" |
| msgstr "%s:不能解析父提交 %s" |
| |
| #: sequencer.c:2205 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "could not rename '%s' to '%s'" |
| msgstr "不能將 '%s' 重新命名為 '%s'" |
| |
| #: sequencer.c:2265 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "could not revert %s... %s" |
| msgstr "不能還原 %s... %s" |
| |
| #: sequencer.c:2266 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "could not apply %s... %s" |
| msgstr "不能套用 %s... %s" |
| |
| #: sequencer.c:2287 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "dropping %s %s -- patch contents already upstream\n" |
| msgstr "拋棄 %s %s -- 修補檔的內容已在上游\n" |
| |
| #: sequencer.c:2345 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "git %s: failed to read the index" |
| msgstr "git %s:無法讀取索引" |
| |
| #: sequencer.c:2352 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "git %s: failed to refresh the index" |
| msgstr "git %s:無法重新整理索引" |
| |
| #: sequencer.c:2425 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "%s does not accept arguments: '%s'" |
| msgstr "%s 不接受參數:'%s'" |
| |
| #: sequencer.c:2434 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "missing arguments for %s" |
| msgstr "缺少 %s 的參數" |
| |
| #: sequencer.c:2477 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "could not parse '%s'" |
| msgstr "無法解析 '%s'" |
| |
| #: sequencer.c:2538 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "invalid line %d: %.*s" |
| msgstr "無效行 %d:%.*s" |
| |
| #: sequencer.c:2549 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "cannot '%s' without a previous commit" |
| msgstr "沒有父提交的情況下不能 '%s'" |
| |
| #: sequencer.c:2635 |
| msgid "cancelling a cherry picking in progress" |
| msgstr "正在取消一個進行中的揀選" |
| |
| #: sequencer.c:2644 |
| msgid "cancelling a revert in progress" |
| msgstr "正在取消一個進行中的還原" |
| |
| #: sequencer.c:2690 |
| msgid "please fix this using 'git rebase --edit-todo'." |
| msgstr "請用 'git rebase --edit-todo' 來修改。" |
| |
| #: sequencer.c:2692 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "unusable instruction sheet: '%s'" |
| msgstr "不可用的指令清單:'%s'" |
| |
| #: sequencer.c:2697 |
| msgid "no commits parsed." |
| msgstr "沒有解析提交。" |
| |
| #: sequencer.c:2708 |
| msgid "cannot cherry-pick during a revert." |
| msgstr "不能在還原提交中執行揀選。" |
| |
| #: sequencer.c:2710 |
| msgid "cannot revert during a cherry-pick." |
| msgstr "不能在揀選中執行還原提交。" |
| |
| #: sequencer.c:2788 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "invalid value for %s: %s" |
| msgstr "%s 的值無效:%s" |
| |
| #: sequencer.c:2897 |
| msgid "unusable squash-onto" |
| msgstr "不可用的 squash-onto" |
| |
| #: sequencer.c:2917 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "malformed options sheet: '%s'" |
| msgstr "格式錯誤的選項清單:'%s'" |
| |
| #: sequencer.c:3012 sequencer.c:4869 |
| msgid "empty commit set passed" |
| msgstr "提供了空的提交集" |
| |
| #: sequencer.c:3029 |
| msgid "revert is already in progress" |
| msgstr "一個還原動作已在進行" |
| |
| #: sequencer.c:3031 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "try \"git revert (--continue | %s--abort | --quit)\"" |
| msgstr "嘗試 \"git revert (--continue | %s--abort | --quit)\"" |
| |
| #: sequencer.c:3034 |
| msgid "cherry-pick is already in progress" |
| msgstr "揀選動作已在進行" |
| |
| #: sequencer.c:3036 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "try \"git cherry-pick (--continue | %s--abort | --quit)\"" |
| msgstr "嘗試 \"git cherry-pick (--continue | %s--abort | --quit)\"" |
| |
| #: sequencer.c:3050 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "could not create sequencer directory '%s'" |
| msgstr "不能建立序列目錄 '%s'" |
| |
| #: sequencer.c:3065 |
| msgid "could not lock HEAD" |
| msgstr "不能鎖定 HEAD" |
| |
| #: sequencer.c:3125 sequencer.c:4582 |
| msgid "no cherry-pick or revert in progress" |
| msgstr "揀選或還原動作並未進行" |
| |
| #: sequencer.c:3127 sequencer.c:3138 |
| msgid "cannot resolve HEAD" |
| msgstr "不能解析 HEAD" |
| |
| #: sequencer.c:3129 sequencer.c:3173 |
| msgid "cannot abort from a branch yet to be born" |
| msgstr "不能從尚未建立的分支終止" |
| |
| #: sequencer.c:3159 builtin/grep.c:759 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "cannot open '%s'" |
| msgstr "不能開啟 '%s'" |
| |
| #: sequencer.c:3161 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "cannot read '%s': %s" |
| msgstr "不能讀取 '%s':%s" |
| |
| #: sequencer.c:3162 |
| msgid "unexpected end of file" |
| msgstr "意外的檔案結束" |
| |
| #: sequencer.c:3168 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "stored pre-cherry-pick HEAD file '%s' is corrupt" |
| msgstr "儲存揀選提交前的 HEAD 檔案 '%s' 損壞" |
| |
| #: sequencer.c:3179 |
| msgid "You seem to have moved HEAD. Not rewinding, check your HEAD!" |
| msgstr "您好像移動了 HEAD。未能還原,檢查您的 HEAD!" |
| |
| #: sequencer.c:3220 |
| msgid "no revert in progress" |
| msgstr "沒有正在進行的還原" |
| |
| #: sequencer.c:3229 |
| msgid "no cherry-pick in progress" |
| msgstr "沒有正在進行的揀選" |
| |
| #: sequencer.c:3239 |
| msgid "failed to skip the commit" |
| msgstr "無法略過這個提交" |
| |
| #: sequencer.c:3246 |
| msgid "there is nothing to skip" |
| msgstr "沒有要略過的" |
| |
| #: sequencer.c:3249 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "have you committed already?\n" |
| "try \"git %s --continue\"" |
| msgstr "" |
| "您已經提交了嗎?\n" |
| "試試 \"git %s --continue\"" |
| |
| #: sequencer.c:3411 sequencer.c:4473 |
| msgid "cannot read HEAD" |
| msgstr "不能讀取 HEAD" |
| |
| #: sequencer.c:3428 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "unable to copy '%s' to '%s'" |
| msgstr "無法複製 '%s' 至 '%s'" |
| |
| #: sequencer.c:3436 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "You can amend the commit now, with\n" |
| "\n" |
| " git commit --amend %s\n" |
| "\n" |
| "Once you are satisfied with your changes, run\n" |
| "\n" |
| " git rebase --continue\n" |
| msgstr "" |
| "您現在可以修補這個提交,使用\n" |
| "\n" |
| " git commit --amend %s\n" |
| "\n" |
| "當您對變更感到滿意,執行\n" |
| "\n" |
| " git rebase --continue\n" |
| |
| #: sequencer.c:3446 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Could not apply %s... %.*s" |
| msgstr "不能套用 %s... %.*s" |
| |
| #: sequencer.c:3453 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Could not merge %.*s" |
| msgstr "不能合併 %.*s" |
| |
| #: sequencer.c:3467 sequencer.c:3471 builtin/difftool.c:644 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "could not copy '%s' to '%s'" |
| msgstr "不能複製 '%s' 至 '%s'" |
| |
| #: sequencer.c:3483 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Executing: %s\n" |
| msgstr "執行:%s\n" |
| |
| # 譯者:請維持前導空格 |
| #: sequencer.c:3498 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "execution failed: %s\n" |
| "%sYou can fix the problem, and then run\n" |
| "\n" |
| " git rebase --continue\n" |
| "\n" |
| msgstr "" |
| "執行失敗:%s\n" |
| "%s您可以改正該問題,然後執行\n" |
| "\n" |
| " git rebase --continue\n" |
| "\n" |
| |
| #: sequencer.c:3504 |
| msgid "and made changes to the index and/or the working tree\n" |
| msgstr "並且修改索引和/或工作區\n" |
| |
| #: sequencer.c:3510 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "execution succeeded: %s\n" |
| "but left changes to the index and/or the working tree\n" |
| "Commit or stash your changes, and then run\n" |
| "\n" |
| " git rebase --continue\n" |
| "\n" |
| msgstr "" |
| "執行成功:%s\n" |
| "但是在索引和/或工作區中存在變更\n" |
| "提交或儲藏修改,然後執行\n" |
| "\n" |
| " git rebase --continue\n" |
| "\n" |
| |
| #: sequencer.c:3571 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "illegal label name: '%.*s'" |
| msgstr "非法的標籤名稱:'%.*s'" |
| |
| #: sequencer.c:3625 |
| msgid "writing fake root commit" |
| msgstr "寫偽根提交" |
| |
| #: sequencer.c:3630 |
| msgid "writing squash-onto" |
| msgstr "寫入 squash-onto" |
| |
| #: sequencer.c:3714 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "could not resolve '%s'" |
| msgstr "無法解析 '%s'" |
| |
| #: sequencer.c:3747 |
| msgid "cannot merge without a current revision" |
| msgstr "沒有目前版本不能合併" |
| |
| #: sequencer.c:3769 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "unable to parse '%.*s'" |
| msgstr "無法解析 '%.*s'" |
| |
| #: sequencer.c:3778 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "nothing to merge: '%.*s'" |
| msgstr "無可用合併:'%.*s'" |
| |
| #: sequencer.c:3790 |
| msgid "octopus merge cannot be executed on top of a [new root]" |
| msgstr "章魚合並不能在一個新的根提交上執行" |
| |
| #: sequencer.c:3806 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "could not get commit message of '%s'" |
| msgstr "不能取得 '%s' 的提交說明" |
| |
| #: sequencer.c:3989 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "could not even attempt to merge '%.*s'" |
| msgstr "甚至不能嘗試合併 '%.*s'" |
| |
| #: sequencer.c:4005 |
| msgid "merge: Unable to write new index file" |
| msgstr "合併:無法寫入新索引檔案" |
| |
| #: sequencer.c:4079 |
| msgid "Cannot autostash" |
| msgstr "無法 autostash" |
| |
| #: sequencer.c:4082 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Unexpected stash response: '%s'" |
| msgstr "意外的 stash 回應:'%s'" |
| |
| #: sequencer.c:4088 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Could not create directory for '%s'" |
| msgstr "不能為 '%s' 建立目錄" |
| |
| #: sequencer.c:4091 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Created autostash: %s\n" |
| msgstr "建立了 autostash:%s\n" |
| |
| #: sequencer.c:4095 |
| msgid "could not reset --hard" |
| msgstr "無法 reset --hard" |
| |
| #: sequencer.c:4120 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Applied autostash.\n" |
| msgstr "已套用 autostash。\n" |
| |
| #: sequencer.c:4132 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "cannot store %s" |
| msgstr "不能儲存 %s" |
| |
| #: sequencer.c:4135 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "%s\n" |
| "Your changes are safe in the stash.\n" |
| "You can run \"git stash pop\" or \"git stash drop\" at any time.\n" |
| msgstr "" |
| "%s\n" |
| "您的修改安全地儲存在儲藏區中。\n" |
| "您可以在任何時候執行 \"git stash pop\" 或 \"git stash drop\"。\n" |
| |
| #: sequencer.c:4140 |
| msgid "Applying autostash resulted in conflicts." |
| msgstr "因套用自動儲藏而導致衝突。" |
| |
| #: sequencer.c:4141 |
| msgid "Autostash exists; creating a new stash entry." |
| msgstr "已有自動儲藏;建立新儲藏項目。" |
| |
| #: sequencer.c:4234 git-rebase--preserve-merges.sh:769 |
| msgid "could not detach HEAD" |
| msgstr "不能分離開頭指標" |
| |
| #: sequencer.c:4249 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Stopped at HEAD\n" |
| msgstr "停止在 HEAD\n" |
| |
| #: sequencer.c:4251 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Stopped at %s\n" |
| msgstr "停止在 %s\n" |
| |
| #: sequencer.c:4259 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "Could not execute the todo command\n" |
| "\n" |
| " %.*s\n" |
| "It has been rescheduled; To edit the command before continuing, please\n" |
| "edit the todo list first:\n" |
| "\n" |
| " git rebase --edit-todo\n" |
| " git rebase --continue\n" |
| msgstr "" |
| "無法執行待辦指令\n" |
| "\n" |
| " %.*s\n" |
| "已被重新安排,在繼續之前編輯指令,請先編輯待辦列表:\n" |
| "\n" |
| " git rebase --edit-todo\n" |
| " git rebase --continue\n" |
| |
| #: sequencer.c:4305 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Rebasing (%d/%d)%s" |
| msgstr "正在重定基底 (%d/%d)%s" |
| |
| #: sequencer.c:4351 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Stopped at %s... %.*s\n" |
| msgstr "停止在 %s... %.*s\n" |
| |
| #: sequencer.c:4422 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "unknown command %d" |
| msgstr "未知指令 %d" |
| |
| #: sequencer.c:4481 |
| msgid "could not read orig-head" |
| msgstr "不能讀取 orig-head" |
| |
| #: sequencer.c:4486 |
| msgid "could not read 'onto'" |
| msgstr "不能讀取 'onto'" |
| |
| #: sequencer.c:4500 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "could not update HEAD to %s" |
| msgstr "不能更新 HEAD 為 %s" |
| |
| #: sequencer.c:4560 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Successfully rebased and updated %s.\n" |
| msgstr "成功重定基底並更新 %s。\n" |
| |
| #: sequencer.c:4612 |
| msgid "cannot rebase: You have unstaged changes." |
| msgstr "不能重定基底:您有未暫存的變更。" |
| |
| #: sequencer.c:4621 |
| msgid "cannot amend non-existing commit" |
| msgstr "不能修補不存在的提交" |
| |
| #: sequencer.c:4623 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "invalid file: '%s'" |
| msgstr "無效檔案:'%s'" |
| |
| #: sequencer.c:4625 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "invalid contents: '%s'" |
| msgstr "無效內容:'%s'" |
| |
| #: sequencer.c:4628 |
| msgid "" |
| "\n" |
| "You have uncommitted changes in your working tree. Please, commit them\n" |
| "first and then run 'git rebase --continue' again." |
| msgstr "" |
| "\n" |
| "您的工作區中有未提交的變更。請先提交然後再次執行 'git rebase --continue'。" |
| |
| #: sequencer.c:4664 sequencer.c:4703 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "could not write file: '%s'" |
| msgstr "不能寫入檔案:'%s'" |
| |
| #: sequencer.c:4719 |
| msgid "could not remove CHERRY_PICK_HEAD" |
| msgstr "不能刪除 CHERRY_PICK_HEAD" |
| |
| #: sequencer.c:4726 |
| msgid "could not commit staged changes." |
| msgstr "不能提交暫存的修改。" |
| |
| #: sequencer.c:4846 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "%s: can't cherry-pick a %s" |
| msgstr "%s:不能揀選一個%s" |
| |
| #: sequencer.c:4850 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "%s: bad revision" |
| msgstr "%s:錯誤的版本" |
| |
| #: sequencer.c:4885 |
| msgid "can't revert as initial commit" |
| msgstr "不能作為初始提交還原提交" |
| |
| #: sequencer.c:5362 |
| msgid "make_script: unhandled options" |
| msgstr "make_script:有未能處理的選項" |
| |
| #: sequencer.c:5365 |
| msgid "make_script: error preparing revisions" |
| msgstr "make_script:準備版本時錯誤" |
| |
| #: sequencer.c:5615 sequencer.c:5632 |
| msgid "nothing to do" |
| msgstr "無事可做" |
| |
| #: sequencer.c:5651 |
| msgid "could not skip unnecessary pick commands" |
| msgstr "無法略過不必要的揀選" |
| |
| #: sequencer.c:5751 |
| msgid "the script was already rearranged." |
| msgstr "腳本已經重新編排。" |
| |
| #: setup.c:133 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "'%s' is outside repository at '%s'" |
| msgstr "'%s' 在位於 '%s' 的版本庫之外" |
| |
| #: setup.c:185 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "%s: no such path in the working tree.\n" |
| "Use 'git <command> -- <path>...' to specify paths that do not exist locally." |
| msgstr "" |
| "%s:工作區中無此路徑。\n" |
| "使用指令 'git <命令> -- <路徑>...' 來指定本機不存在的路徑。" |
| |
| #: setup.c:198 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "ambiguous argument '%s': unknown revision or path not in the working tree.\n" |
| "Use '--' to separate paths from revisions, like this:\n" |
| "'git <command> [<revision>...] -- [<file>...]'" |
| msgstr "" |
| "有歧義的參數 '%s':未知的版本或路徑不存在於工作區中。\n" |
| "使用 '--' 來分隔版本和路徑,例如:\n" |
| "'git <命令> [<版本>...] -- [<檔案>...]'" |
| |
| #: setup.c:264 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "option '%s' must come before non-option arguments" |
| msgstr "選項 '%s' 必須在其他非選項參數之前" |
| |
| #: setup.c:283 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "ambiguous argument '%s': both revision and filename\n" |
| "Use '--' to separate paths from revisions, like this:\n" |
| "'git <command> [<revision>...] -- [<file>...]'" |
| msgstr "" |
| "有歧義的參數 '%s':可同時是版本和檔案\n" |
| "使用 '--' 來分隔版本和路徑,例如:\n" |
| "'git <命令> [<版本>...] -- [<檔案>...]'" |
| |
| #: setup.c:419 |
| msgid "unable to set up work tree using invalid config" |
| msgstr "無法使用無效設定來建立工作區" |
| |
| #: setup.c:423 |
| msgid "this operation must be run in a work tree" |
| msgstr "該動作必須在一個工作區中執行" |
| |
| #: setup.c:661 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Expected git repo version <= %d, found %d" |
| msgstr "期望 git 版本庫版本 <= %d,卻得到 %d" |
| |
| #: setup.c:669 |
| msgid "unknown repository extensions found:" |
| msgstr "發現未知的版本庫擴展:" |
| |
| #: setup.c:681 |
| msgid "repo version is 0, but v1-only extensions found:" |
| msgstr "repo 的版本是 0,但找到只支援 v1 的擴充元件:" |
| |
| #: setup.c:700 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "error opening '%s'" |
| msgstr "開啟 '%s' 發生錯誤" |
| |
| #: setup.c:702 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "too large to be a .git file: '%s'" |
| msgstr "檔案太大,無法作為 .git 檔案:'%s'" |
| |
| #: setup.c:704 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "error reading %s" |
| msgstr "讀取 %s 發生錯誤" |
| |
| #: setup.c:706 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "invalid gitfile format: %s" |
| msgstr "無效的 gitfile 格式:%s" |
| |
| #: setup.c:708 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "no path in gitfile: %s" |
| msgstr "在 gitfile 中沒有路徑:%s" |
| |
| #: setup.c:710 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "not a git repository: %s" |
| msgstr "不是一個 git 版本庫:%s" |
| |
| #: setup.c:812 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "'$%s' too big" |
| msgstr "'$%s' 太大" |
| |
| #: setup.c:826 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "not a git repository: '%s'" |
| msgstr "不是一個 git 版本庫:'%s'" |
| |
| #: setup.c:855 setup.c:857 setup.c:888 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "cannot chdir to '%s'" |
| msgstr "不能切換目錄到 '%s'" |
| |
| #: setup.c:860 setup.c:916 setup.c:926 setup.c:965 setup.c:973 |
| msgid "cannot come back to cwd" |
| msgstr "無法返回目前工作目錄" |
| |
| #: setup.c:987 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "failed to stat '%*s%s%s'" |
| msgstr "取得 '%*s%s%s' 狀態(stat)失敗" |
| |
| #: setup.c:1225 |
| msgid "Unable to read current working directory" |
| msgstr "不能讀取目前工作目錄" |
| |
| #: setup.c:1234 setup.c:1240 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "cannot change to '%s'" |
| msgstr "不能切換到 '%s'" |
| |
| #: setup.c:1245 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): %s" |
| msgstr "不是一個 git 版本庫(或者任何父目錄):%s" |
| |
| #: setup.c:1251 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "not a git repository (or any parent up to mount point %s)\n" |
| "Stopping at filesystem boundary (GIT_DISCOVERY_ACROSS_FILESYSTEM not set)." |
| msgstr "" |
| "不是一個 git 版本庫(或者直至掛載點 %s 的任何父目錄)\n" |
| |
| #: setup.c:1370 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "problem with core.sharedRepository filemode value (0%.3o).\n" |
| "The owner of files must always have read and write permissions." |
| msgstr "" |
| "參數 core.sharedRepository 的檔案屬性值有問題(0%.3o)。\n" |
| "檔案所有者必須始終擁有讀寫權限。" |
| |
| #: setup.c:1417 |
| msgid "open /dev/null or dup failed" |
| msgstr "不能開啟或者複製 /dev/null" |
| |
| #: setup.c:1432 |
| msgid "fork failed" |
| msgstr "fork 失敗" |
| |
| #: setup.c:1437 t/helper/test-simple-ipc.c:285 |
| msgid "setsid failed" |
| msgstr "setsid 失敗" |
| |
| #: sparse-index.c:151 |
| msgid "attempting to use sparse-index without cone mode" |
| msgstr "嘗試不在 cone 模式使用稀疏索引" |
| |
| #: sparse-index.c:156 |
| #, fuzzy |
| msgid "unable to update cache-tree, staying full" |
| msgstr "無法更新快取樹:保持用完狀態" |
| |
| #: sparse-index.c:239 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "index entry is a directory, but not sparse (%08x)" |
| msgstr "索引項目是資料夾,但不是稀疏資料夾(%08x)" |
| |
| #. TRANSLATORS: IEC 80000-13:2008 gibibyte |
| #: strbuf.c:850 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "%u.%2.2u GiB" |
| msgstr "%u.%2.2u GiB" |
| |
| #. TRANSLATORS: IEC 80000-13:2008 gibibyte/second |
| #: strbuf.c:852 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "%u.%2.2u GiB/s" |
| msgstr "%u.%2.2u GiB/s" |
| |
| #. TRANSLATORS: IEC 80000-13:2008 mebibyte |
| #: strbuf.c:860 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "%u.%2.2u MiB" |
| msgstr "%u.%2.2u MiB" |
| |
| #. TRANSLATORS: IEC 80000-13:2008 mebibyte/second |
| #: strbuf.c:862 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "%u.%2.2u MiB/s" |
| msgstr "%u.%2.2u MiB/s" |
| |
| #. TRANSLATORS: IEC 80000-13:2008 kibibyte |
| #: strbuf.c:869 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "%u.%2.2u KiB" |
| msgstr "%u.%2.2u KiB" |
| |
| #. TRANSLATORS: IEC 80000-13:2008 kibibyte/second |
| #: strbuf.c:871 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "%u.%2.2u KiB/s" |
| msgstr "%u.%2.2u KiB/s" |
| |
| #. TRANSLATORS: IEC 80000-13:2008 byte |
| #: strbuf.c:877 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "%u byte" |
| msgid_plural "%u bytes" |
| msgstr[0] "%u 位元組" |
| |
| #. TRANSLATORS: IEC 80000-13:2008 byte/second |
| #: strbuf.c:879 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "%u byte/s" |
| msgid_plural "%u bytes/s" |
| msgstr[0] "%u 位元組/秒" |
| |
| #: strbuf.c:1168 wrapper.c:199 wrapper.c:369 builtin/am.c:737 |
| #: builtin/rebase.c:866 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "could not open '%s' for writing" |
| msgstr "無法開啟 '%s' 進行寫入" |
| |
| #: strbuf.c:1177 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "could not edit '%s'" |
| msgstr "無法編輯 '%s'" |
| |
| #: submodule-config.c:237 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "ignoring suspicious submodule name: %s" |
| msgstr "忽略可疑的子模組名稱:%s" |
| |
| #: submodule-config.c:304 |
| msgid "negative values not allowed for submodule.fetchjobs" |
| msgstr "submodule.fetchjobs 不允許為負值" |
| |
| #: submodule-config.c:402 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "ignoring '%s' which may be interpreted as a command-line option: %s" |
| msgstr "忽略可能被解析為指令列選項的 '%s':%s" |
| |
| #: submodule-config.c:499 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "invalid value for %s" |
| msgstr "%s 的值無效" |
| |
| #: submodule-config.c:766 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Could not update .gitmodules entry %s" |
| msgstr "不能更新 .gitmodules 條目 %s" |
| |
| #: submodule.c:114 submodule.c:143 |
| msgid "Cannot change unmerged .gitmodules, resolve merge conflicts first" |
| msgstr "無法修改未合併的 .gitmodules,先解決合併衝突" |
| |
| #: submodule.c:118 submodule.c:147 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Could not find section in .gitmodules where path=%s" |
| msgstr "無法在 .gitmodules 中找到 path=%s 的小節" |
| |
| #: submodule.c:154 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Could not remove .gitmodules entry for %s" |
| msgstr "無法移除 %s 的 .gitmodules 條目" |
| |
| #: submodule.c:165 |
| msgid "staging updated .gitmodules failed" |
| msgstr "將更新後 .gitmodules 新增暫存區失敗" |
| |
| #: submodule.c:328 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "in unpopulated submodule '%s'" |
| msgstr "位於未檢出的子模組 '%s'" |
| |
| #: submodule.c:359 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Pathspec '%s' is in submodule '%.*s'" |
| msgstr "路徑規格 '%s' 在子模組 '%.*s' 中" |
| |
| #: submodule.c:436 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "bad --ignore-submodules argument: %s" |
| msgstr "無效 --ignore-submodules 參數:%s" |
| |
| #: submodule.c:818 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "Submodule in commit %s at path: '%s' collides with a submodule named the " |
| "same. Skipping it." |
| msgstr "%s 提交位於路徑:'%s' 的子模組與同名的子模組衝突。略過。" |
| |
| #: submodule.c:921 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "submodule entry '%s' (%s) is a %s, not a commit" |
| msgstr "子模組條目 '%s'(%s)是一個 %s,不是一個提交" |
| |
| #: submodule.c:1006 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "Could not run 'git rev-list <commits> --not --remotes -n 1' command in " |
| "submodule %s" |
| msgstr "無法在 %s 子模組執行 'git rev-list <提交> --not --remotes -n 1' 命令" |
| |
| #: submodule.c:1129 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "process for submodule '%s' failed" |
| msgstr "處理 '%s' 子模組失敗" |
| |
| #: submodule.c:1158 builtin/branch.c:691 builtin/submodule--helper.c:2470 |
| msgid "Failed to resolve HEAD as a valid ref." |
| msgstr "無法將 HEAD 解析為有效引用。" |
| |
| #: submodule.c:1169 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Pushing submodule '%s'\n" |
| msgstr "正在推送 '%s' 子模組\n" |
| |
| #: submodule.c:1172 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Unable to push submodule '%s'\n" |
| msgstr "無法推送 '%s' 子模組\n" |
| |
| #: submodule.c:1464 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Fetching submodule %s%s\n" |
| msgstr "正在抓取 %s%s 子模組\n" |
| |
| #: submodule.c:1498 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Could not access submodule '%s'\n" |
| msgstr "無法存取子模組 '%s'\n" |
| |
| #: submodule.c:1653 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "Errors during submodule fetch:\n" |
| "%s" |
| msgstr "" |
| "抓取子模組時發生錯誤:\n" |
| "%s" |
| |
| #: submodule.c:1678 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "'%s' not recognized as a git repository" |
| msgstr "無法將 '%s' 識別為一個 git 版本庫" |
| |
| #: submodule.c:1695 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Could not run 'git status --porcelain=2' in submodule %s" |
| msgstr "無法在 %s 子模組執行 'git status --porcelain=2'" |
| |
| #: submodule.c:1736 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "'git status --porcelain=2' failed in submodule %s" |
| msgstr "%s 子模組執行 'git status --porcelain=2' 失敗" |
| |
| #: submodule.c:1811 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "could not start 'git status' in submodule '%s'" |
| msgstr "無法在子模組 '%s' 中啟動 'git status'" |
| |
| #: submodule.c:1824 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "could not run 'git status' in submodule '%s'" |
| msgstr "無法在子模組 '%s' 中執行 'git status'" |
| |
| #: submodule.c:1839 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Could not unset core.worktree setting in submodule '%s'" |
| msgstr "無法在子模組 '%s' 中取消 core.worktree 的設定" |
| |
| #: submodule.c:1866 submodule.c:2176 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "could not recurse into submodule '%s'" |
| msgstr "無法遞迴子模組路徑 '%s'" |
| |
| #: submodule.c:1887 |
| msgid "could not reset submodule index" |
| msgstr "無法重設子模組的索引" |
| |
| #: submodule.c:1929 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "submodule '%s' has dirty index" |
| msgstr "子模組 '%s' 中有髒索引" |
| |
| #: submodule.c:1981 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Submodule '%s' could not be updated." |
| msgstr "子模組 '%s' 無法被更新。" |
| |
| #: submodule.c:2049 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "submodule git dir '%s' is inside git dir '%.*s'" |
| msgstr "「%s」子模組 git 目錄在「%.*s」git 路徑中" |
| |
| #: submodule.c:2070 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "relocate_gitdir for submodule '%s' with more than one worktree not supported" |
| msgstr "不支援對有多個工作區的子模組 '%s' 執行 relocate_gitdir" |
| |
| #: submodule.c:2082 submodule.c:2141 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "could not lookup name for submodule '%s'" |
| msgstr "不能查詢子模組 '%s' 的名稱" |
| |
| #: submodule.c:2086 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "refusing to move '%s' into an existing git dir" |
| msgstr "拒絕移動「%s」至現存 git 目錄" |
| |
| #: submodule.c:2093 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "Migrating git directory of '%s%s' from\n" |
| "'%s' to\n" |
| "'%s'\n" |
| msgstr "" |
| "將 '%s%s' 的 git 目錄從\n" |
| "'%s' 遷移至\n" |
| "'%s'\n" |
| |
| #: submodule.c:2221 |
| msgid "could not start ls-files in .." |
| msgstr "無法在 .. 中啟動 ls-files" |
| |
| #: submodule.c:2261 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "ls-tree returned unexpected return code %d" |
| msgstr "ls-tree 返回未知返回值 %d" |
| |
| #: symlinks.c:244 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "failed to lstat '%s'" |
| msgstr "無法 lstat “%s”" |
| |
| #: trailer.c:244 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "running trailer command '%s' failed" |
| msgstr "執行 trailer 指令 '%s' 失敗" |
| |
| #: trailer.c:493 trailer.c:498 trailer.c:503 trailer.c:562 trailer.c:566 |
| #: trailer.c:570 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "unknown value '%s' for key '%s'" |
| msgstr "鍵 '%2$s' 的未知取值 '%1$s'" |
| |
| #: trailer.c:547 trailer.c:552 trailer.c:557 builtin/remote.c:299 |
| #: builtin/remote.c:324 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "more than one %s" |
| msgstr "多於一個 %s" |
| |
| #: trailer.c:743 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "empty trailer token in trailer '%.*s'" |
| msgstr "簽名 '%.*s' 的鍵為空" |
| |
| #: trailer.c:763 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "could not read input file '%s'" |
| msgstr "不能讀取輸入檔案 '%s'" |
| |
| #: trailer.c:766 builtin/mktag.c:88 |
| msgid "could not read from stdin" |
| msgstr "不能自標準輸入讀取" |
| |
| #: trailer.c:1024 wrapper.c:676 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "could not stat %s" |
| msgstr "不能對 %s 呼叫 stat" |
| |
| #: trailer.c:1026 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "file %s is not a regular file" |
| msgstr "檔案 %s 不是一個正規檔案" |
| |
| #: trailer.c:1028 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "file %s is not writable by user" |
| msgstr "檔案 %s 使用者不可寫" |
| |
| #: trailer.c:1040 |
| msgid "could not open temporary file" |
| msgstr "不能開啟暫存檔" |
| |
| #: trailer.c:1080 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "could not rename temporary file to %s" |
| msgstr "不能重新命名暫存檔為 %s" |
| |
| #: transport-helper.c:62 transport-helper.c:91 |
| msgid "full write to remote helper failed" |
| msgstr "完整寫入遠端協助工具失敗" |
| |
| #: transport-helper.c:145 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "unable to find remote helper for '%s'" |
| msgstr "無法為 '%s' 找到遠端協助工具" |
| |
| #: transport-helper.c:161 transport-helper.c:575 |
| msgid "can't dup helper output fd" |
| msgstr "無法複製協助工具輸出檔案句柄" |
| |
| #: transport-helper.c:214 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "unknown mandatory capability %s; this remote helper probably needs newer " |
| "version of Git" |
| msgstr "未知的強制能力 %s,該遠端協助工具可能需要新版本的Git" |
| |
| #: transport-helper.c:220 |
| msgid "this remote helper should implement refspec capability" |
| msgstr "遠端協助工具需要實現 refspec 能力" |
| |
| #: transport-helper.c:287 transport-helper.c:429 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "%s unexpectedly said: '%s'" |
| msgstr "%s 意外地說:'%s'" |
| |
| #: transport-helper.c:417 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "%s also locked %s" |
| msgstr "%s 也鎖定了 %s" |
| |
| #: transport-helper.c:497 |
| msgid "couldn't run fast-import" |
| msgstr "不能執行 fast-import" |
| |
| #: transport-helper.c:520 |
| msgid "error while running fast-import" |
| msgstr "執行 fast-import 發生錯誤" |
| |
| #: transport-helper.c:549 transport-helper.c:1247 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "could not read ref %s" |
| msgstr "無法讀取引用 %s" |
| |
| #: transport-helper.c:594 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "unknown response to connect: %s" |
| msgstr "連線時未知的回應:%s" |
| |
| #: transport-helper.c:616 |
| msgid "setting remote service path not supported by protocol" |
| msgstr "協定不支援設定遠端服務路徑" |
| |
| #: transport-helper.c:618 |
| msgid "invalid remote service path" |
| msgstr "無效的遠端服務路徑" |
| |
| #: transport-helper.c:661 transport.c:1471 |
| msgid "operation not supported by protocol" |
| msgstr "協定不支援該動作" |
| |
| #: transport-helper.c:664 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "can't connect to subservice %s" |
| msgstr "不能連線到子服務 %s" |
| |
| #: transport-helper.c:693 transport.c:397 |
| msgid "--negotiate-only requires protocol v2" |
| msgstr "--negotiate-only 需要 v2 版協定" |
| |
| #: transport-helper.c:755 |
| msgid "'option' without a matching 'ok/error' directive" |
| msgstr "'option' 缺少對應的 'ok/error' 指令" |
| |
| #: transport-helper.c:798 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "expected ok/error, helper said '%s'" |
| msgstr "預期 ok/error,協助工具說 '%s'" |
| |
| #: transport-helper.c:855 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "helper reported unexpected status of %s" |
| msgstr "協助工具報告 %s 的意外狀態" |
| |
| #: transport-helper.c:938 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "helper %s does not support dry-run" |
| msgstr "協助工具 %s 不支援 dry-run" |
| |
| #: transport-helper.c:941 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "helper %s does not support --signed" |
| msgstr "協助工具 %s 不支援 --signed" |
| |
| #: transport-helper.c:944 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "helper %s does not support --signed=if-asked" |
| msgstr "協助工具 %s 不支援 --signed=if-asked" |
| |
| #: transport-helper.c:949 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "helper %s does not support --atomic" |
| msgstr "協助工具 %s 不支援 --atomic" |
| |
| #: transport-helper.c:953 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "helper %s does not support --%s" |
| msgstr "協助工具 %s 不支援 --%s" |
| |
| #: transport-helper.c:960 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "helper %s does not support 'push-option'" |
| msgstr "協助工具 %s 不支援 'push-option'" |
| |
| #: transport-helper.c:1060 |
| msgid "remote-helper doesn't support push; refspec needed" |
| msgstr "remote-heper 不支援 push,需要引用表達式" |
| |
| #: transport-helper.c:1065 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "helper %s does not support 'force'" |
| msgstr "協助工具 %s 不支援 'force'" |
| |
| #: transport-helper.c:1112 |
| msgid "couldn't run fast-export" |
| msgstr "無法執行 fast-export" |
| |
| #: transport-helper.c:1117 |
| msgid "error while running fast-export" |
| msgstr "執行 fast-export 時發生錯誤" |
| |
| #: transport-helper.c:1142 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "No refs in common and none specified; doing nothing.\n" |
| "Perhaps you should specify a branch.\n" |
| msgstr "" |
| "沒有共同的引用並且也沒有指定,什麼也不會做。\n" |
| "您或許得指定一個分支。\n" |
| |
| #: transport-helper.c:1224 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "unsupported object format '%s'" |
| msgstr "不支援的物件格式「%s」" |
| |
| #: transport-helper.c:1233 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "malformed response in ref list: %s" |
| msgstr "引用列表中格式錯誤的回應:%s" |
| |
| #: transport-helper.c:1385 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "read(%s) failed" |
| msgstr "讀取(%s)失敗" |
| |
| #: transport-helper.c:1412 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "write(%s) failed" |
| msgstr "寫(%s)失敗" |
| |
| #: transport-helper.c:1461 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "%s thread failed" |
| msgstr "%s 執行緒失敗" |
| |
| #: transport-helper.c:1465 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "%s thread failed to join: %s" |
| msgstr "%s 執行緒等待失敗:%s" |
| |
| #: transport-helper.c:1484 transport-helper.c:1488 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "can't start thread for copying data: %s" |
| msgstr "不能啟動執行緒來複製資料:%s" |
| |
| #: transport-helper.c:1525 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "%s process failed to wait" |
| msgstr "%s 進程等待失敗" |
| |
| #: transport-helper.c:1529 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "%s process failed" |
| msgstr "%s 進程失敗" |
| |
| #: transport-helper.c:1547 transport-helper.c:1556 |
| msgid "can't start thread for copying data" |
| msgstr "不能啟動執行緒來複製資料" |
| |
| #: transport.c:116 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Would set upstream of '%s' to '%s' of '%s'\n" |
| msgstr "將要設定 '%1$s' 的上游為 '%3$s' 的 '%2$s'\n" |
| |
| #: transport.c:145 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "could not read bundle '%s'" |
| msgstr "無法讀取 bundle '%s'" |
| |
| #: transport.c:220 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "transport: invalid depth option '%s'" |
| msgstr "傳輸:無效的深度選項 '%s'" |
| |
| #: transport.c:272 |
| msgid "see protocol.version in 'git help config' for more details" |
| msgstr "檢視 'git help config' 中的 protocol.version 取得更多訊息" |
| |
| #: transport.c:273 |
| msgid "server options require protocol version 2 or later" |
| msgstr "服務端選項需要版本 2 協定或更高" |
| |
| #: transport.c:400 |
| msgid "server does not support wait-for-done" |
| msgstr "伺服器不支援「等待完成」(wait-for-done) 功能" |
| |
| #: transport.c:751 |
| msgid "could not parse transport.color.* config" |
| msgstr "不能解析 transport.color.* 設定" |
| |
| #: transport.c:826 |
| msgid "support for protocol v2 not implemented yet" |
| msgstr "協定 v2 的支援尚未實現" |
| |
| #: transport.c:960 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "unknown value for config '%s': %s" |
| msgstr "設定 '%s' 的取值未知:%s" |
| |
| #: transport.c:1026 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "transport '%s' not allowed" |
| msgstr "傳輸 '%s' 不允許" |
| |
| #: transport.c:1079 |
| msgid "git-over-rsync is no longer supported" |
| msgstr "不再支援 git-over-rsync" |
| |
| #: transport.c:1181 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "The following submodule paths contain changes that can\n" |
| "not be found on any remote:\n" |
| msgstr "下列子模組路徑所包含的修改在任何遠端源中都找不到:\n" |
| |
| #: transport.c:1185 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "\n" |
| "Please try\n" |
| "\n" |
| "\tgit push --recurse-submodules=on-demand\n" |
| "\n" |
| "or cd to the path and use\n" |
| "\n" |
| "\tgit push\n" |
| "\n" |
| "to push them to a remote.\n" |
| "\n" |
| msgstr "" |
| "\n" |
| "請嘗試\n" |
| "\n" |
| "\tgit push --recurse-submodules=on-demand\n" |
| "\n" |
| "或者進入到子目錄執行\n" |
| "\n" |
| "\tgit push\n" |
| "\n" |
| "以推送至遠端。\n" |
| "\n" |
| |
| #: transport.c:1193 |
| msgid "Aborting." |
| msgstr "正在終止。" |
| |
| #: transport.c:1340 |
| msgid "failed to push all needed submodules" |
| msgstr "不能推送全部需要的子模組" |
| |
| #: tree-walk.c:33 |
| msgid "too-short tree object" |
| msgstr "太短的樹狀物件" |
| |
| #: tree-walk.c:39 |
| msgid "malformed mode in tree entry" |
| msgstr "樹狀物件中的條目模式錯誤" |
| |
| #: tree-walk.c:43 |
| msgid "empty filename in tree entry" |
| msgstr "樹狀物件條目中空的檔案名" |
| |
| #: tree-walk.c:118 |
| msgid "too-short tree file" |
| msgstr "太短的樹檔案" |
| |
| #: unpack-trees.c:115 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by checkout:\n" |
| "%%sPlease commit your changes or stash them before you switch branches." |
| msgstr "" |
| "您對下列檔案的本機修改將被檢出動作覆蓋:\n" |
| "%%s請在切換分支前提交或儲藏您的修改。" |
| |
| #: unpack-trees.c:117 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by checkout:\n" |
| "%%s" |
| msgstr "" |
| "您對下列檔案的本機修改將被檢出動作覆蓋:\n" |
| "%%s" |
| |
| #: unpack-trees.c:120 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by merge:\n" |
| "%%sPlease commit your changes or stash them before you merge." |
| msgstr "" |
| "您對下列檔案的本機修改將被合併動作覆蓋:\n" |
| "%%s請在合併前提交或儲藏您的修改。" |
| |
| #: unpack-trees.c:122 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by merge:\n" |
| "%%s" |
| msgstr "" |
| "您對下列檔案的本機修改將被合併動作覆蓋:\n" |
| "%%s" |
| |
| #: unpack-trees.c:125 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by %s:\n" |
| "%%sPlease commit your changes or stash them before you %s." |
| msgstr "" |
| "您對下列檔案的本機修改將被 %s 覆蓋:\n" |
| "%%s請在 %s 之前提交或儲藏您的修改。" |
| |
| #: unpack-trees.c:127 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by %s:\n" |
| "%%s" |
| msgstr "" |
| "您對下列檔案的本機修改將被 %s 覆蓋:\n" |
| "%%s" |
| |
| #: unpack-trees.c:132 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "Updating the following directories would lose untracked files in them:\n" |
| "%s" |
| msgstr "" |
| "更新如下目錄將會遺失其中未追蹤的檔案:\n" |
| "%s" |
| |
| #: unpack-trees.c:136 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "The following untracked working tree files would be removed by checkout:\n" |
| "%%sPlease move or remove them before you switch branches." |
| msgstr "" |
| "工作區中下列未追蹤的檔案將會因為檢出動作而被刪除:\n" |
| "%%s請在切換分支之前移動或刪除。" |
| |
| #: unpack-trees.c:138 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "The following untracked working tree files would be removed by checkout:\n" |
| "%%s" |
| msgstr "" |
| "工作區中下列未追蹤的檔案將會因為檢出動作而被刪除:\n" |
| "%%s" |
| |
| #: unpack-trees.c:141 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "The following untracked working tree files would be removed by merge:\n" |
| "%%sPlease move or remove them before you merge." |
| msgstr "" |
| "工作區中下列未追蹤的檔案將會因為合併動作而被刪除:\n" |
| "%%s請在合併前移動或刪除。" |
| |
| #: unpack-trees.c:143 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "The following untracked working tree files would be removed by merge:\n" |
| "%%s" |
| msgstr "" |
| "工作區中下列未追蹤的檔案將會因為合併動作而被刪除:\n" |
| "%%s" |
| |
| #: unpack-trees.c:146 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "The following untracked working tree files would be removed by %s:\n" |
| "%%sPlease move or remove them before you %s." |
| msgstr "" |
| "工作區中下列未追蹤的檔案將會因為 %s 動作而被刪除:\n" |
| "%%s請在 %s 前移動或刪除。" |
| |
| #: unpack-trees.c:148 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "The following untracked working tree files would be removed by %s:\n" |
| "%%s" |
| msgstr "" |
| "工作區中下列未追蹤的檔案將會因為 %s 動作而被刪除:\n" |
| "%%s" |
| |
| #: unpack-trees.c:154 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "The following untracked working tree files would be overwritten by " |
| "checkout:\n" |
| "%%sPlease move or remove them before you switch branches." |
| msgstr "" |
| "工作區中下列未追蹤的檔案將會因為檢出動作而被覆蓋:\n" |
| "%%s請在切換分支前移動或刪除。" |
| |
| #: unpack-trees.c:156 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "The following untracked working tree files would be overwritten by " |
| "checkout:\n" |
| "%%s" |
| msgstr "" |
| "工作區中下列未追蹤的檔案將會因為檢出動作而被覆蓋:\n" |
| "%%s" |
| |
| #: unpack-trees.c:159 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "The following untracked working tree files would be overwritten by merge:\n" |
| "%%sPlease move or remove them before you merge." |
| msgstr "" |
| "工作區中下列未追蹤的檔案將會因為合併動作而被覆蓋:\n" |
| "%%s請在合併前移動或刪除。" |
| |
| #: unpack-trees.c:161 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "The following untracked working tree files would be overwritten by merge:\n" |
| "%%s" |
| msgstr "" |
| "工作區中下列未追蹤的檔案將會因為合併動作而被覆蓋:\n" |
| "%%s" |
| |
| #: unpack-trees.c:164 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "The following untracked working tree files would be overwritten by %s:\n" |
| "%%sPlease move or remove them before you %s." |
| msgstr "" |
| "工作區中下列未追蹤的檔案將會因為 %s 動作而被覆蓋:\n" |
| "%%s請在 %s 前移動或刪除。" |
| |
| #: unpack-trees.c:166 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "The following untracked working tree files would be overwritten by %s:\n" |
| "%%s" |
| msgstr "" |
| "工作區中下列未追蹤的檔案將會因為 %s 動作而被覆蓋:\n" |
| "%%s" |
| |
| #: unpack-trees.c:174 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Entry '%s' overlaps with '%s'. Cannot bind." |
| msgstr "條目 '%s' 和 '%s' 重疊。無法合併。" |
| |
| #: unpack-trees.c:177 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "Cannot update submodule:\n" |
| "%s" |
| msgstr "" |
| "無法更新子模組:\n" |
| "%s" |
| |
| #: unpack-trees.c:180 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "The following paths are not up to date and were left despite sparse " |
| "patterns:\n" |
| "%s" |
| msgstr "" |
| "即使有稀疏檢出樣板,以下路徑不是最新且保留下來:\n" |
| "%s" |
| |
| #: unpack-trees.c:182 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "The following paths are unmerged and were left despite sparse patterns:\n" |
| "%s" |
| msgstr "" |
| "即使有稀疏檢出樣板,以下路徑未合併且保留下來:\n" |
| "%s" |
| |
| #: unpack-trees.c:184 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "The following paths were already present and thus not updated despite sparse " |
| "patterns:\n" |
| "%s" |
| msgstr "" |
| "即使有稀疏檢出樣板,以下路徑已經存在而因此未更新:\n" |
| "%s" |
| |
| #: unpack-trees.c:264 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Aborting\n" |
| msgstr "正在終止\n" |
| |
| #: unpack-trees.c:291 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "After fixing the above paths, you may want to run `git sparse-checkout " |
| "reapply`.\n" |
| msgstr "修正以上路徑後,您可能想要執行「git sparse-checkout reapply」。\n" |
| |
| #: unpack-trees.c:352 |
| msgid "Updating files" |
| msgstr "正在更新檔案" |
| |
| #: unpack-trees.c:384 |
| msgid "" |
| "the following paths have collided (e.g. case-sensitive paths\n" |
| "on a case-insensitive filesystem) and only one from the same\n" |
| "colliding group is in the working tree:\n" |
| msgstr "" |
| "以下路徑發生碰撞(如:在不區分大小寫的檔案系統上的區分大小寫的路徑),\n" |
| "並且碰撞組中只有一個檔案存在工作區中:\n" |
| |
| #: unpack-trees.c:1519 |
| msgid "Updating index flags" |
| msgstr "正在更新索引旗標" |
| |
| #: unpack-trees.c:2608 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "worktree and untracked commit have duplicate entries: %s" |
| msgstr "工作區和未追蹤提交有重複項目:%s" |
| |
| #: upload-pack.c:1548 |
| msgid "expected flush after fetch arguments" |
| msgstr "在 fetch 引數應為一個 flush 包" |
| |
| #: urlmatch.c:163 |
| msgid "invalid URL scheme name or missing '://' suffix" |
| msgstr "無效的 URL 方案名稱或遺失 '://' 後綴" |
| |
| #: urlmatch.c:187 urlmatch.c:346 urlmatch.c:405 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "invalid %XX escape sequence" |
| msgstr "無效的 %XX 轉義序列" |
| |
| #: urlmatch.c:215 |
| msgid "missing host and scheme is not 'file:'" |
| msgstr "缺少主機名稱且 URL 方案不是 'file:'" |
| |
| #: urlmatch.c:232 |
| msgid "a 'file:' URL may not have a port number" |
| msgstr "一個 'file:' URL 不應該包含埠號" |
| |
| #: urlmatch.c:247 |
| msgid "invalid characters in host name" |
| msgstr "主機名稱中包含無效的字元" |
| |
| #: urlmatch.c:292 urlmatch.c:303 |
| msgid "invalid port number" |
| msgstr "無效的埠號" |
| |
| #: urlmatch.c:371 |
| msgid "invalid '..' path segment" |
| msgstr "無效的 '..' 路徑區塊" |
| |
| #: walker.c:170 |
| msgid "Fetching objects" |
| msgstr "正在抓取物件" |
| |
| #: worktree.c:238 builtin/am.c:2151 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "failed to read '%s'" |
| msgstr "讀取 '%s' 失敗" |
| |
| #: worktree.c:304 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "'%s' at main working tree is not the repository directory" |
| msgstr "在主工作區的 '%s' 不是版本庫目錄" |
| |
| #: worktree.c:315 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "'%s' file does not contain absolute path to the working tree location" |
| msgstr "檔案 '%s' 不包含工作區的絕對路徑" |
| |
| #: worktree.c:327 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "'%s' does not exist" |
| msgstr "'%s' 不存在" |
| |
| #: worktree.c:333 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "'%s' is not a .git file, error code %d" |
| msgstr "'%s' 不是一個 .git 檔案,錯誤碼 %d" |
| |
| #: worktree.c:342 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "'%s' does not point back to '%s'" |
| msgstr "'%s' 沒有指回到 '%s'" |
| |
| #: worktree.c:608 |
| msgid "not a directory" |
| msgstr "不是目錄" |
| |
| #: worktree.c:617 |
| msgid ".git is not a file" |
| msgstr ".git 不是檔案" |
| |
| #: worktree.c:619 |
| msgid ".git file broken" |
| msgstr ".git 檔案損毀" |
| |
| #: worktree.c:621 |
| msgid ".git file incorrect" |
| msgstr ".git 檔案不正確" |
| |
| #: worktree.c:727 |
| msgid "not a valid path" |
| msgstr "非有效路徑" |
| |
| #: worktree.c:733 |
| msgid "unable to locate repository; .git is not a file" |
| msgstr "無法定位版本庫;.git 不是檔案" |
| |
| #: worktree.c:737 |
| msgid "unable to locate repository; .git file does not reference a repository" |
| msgstr "無法定位版本庫;.git 檔案未參考版本庫" |
| |
| #: worktree.c:741 |
| msgid "unable to locate repository; .git file broken" |
| msgstr "無法定位版本庫;.git 檔案損壞" |
| |
| #: worktree.c:747 |
| msgid "gitdir unreadable" |
| msgstr "無法讀取 gitdir" |
| |
| #: worktree.c:751 |
| msgid "gitdir incorrect" |
| msgstr "不正確的 gitdir" |
| |
| #: worktree.c:776 |
| msgid "not a valid directory" |
| msgstr "非有效目錄" |
| |
| #: worktree.c:782 |
| msgid "gitdir file does not exist" |
| msgstr "找不到 gitdir 檔案" |
| |
| #: worktree.c:787 worktree.c:796 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "unable to read gitdir file (%s)" |
| msgstr "無法讀取 gitdir 檔案 (%s)" |
| |
| #: worktree.c:806 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "short read (expected %<PRIuMAX> bytes, read %<PRIuMAX>)" |
| msgstr "讀取過短(預期有 %<PRIuMAX> 位元組,只讀到 %<PRIuMAX>)" |
| |
| #: worktree.c:814 |
| msgid "invalid gitdir file" |
| msgstr "gitdir 檔案無效" |
| |
| #: worktree.c:822 |
| msgid "gitdir file points to non-existent location" |
| msgstr "gitdir 檔案指向的位置不存在" |
| |
| #: wrapper.c:197 wrapper.c:367 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "could not open '%s' for reading and writing" |
| msgstr "無法開啟 '%s' 進行讀寫" |
| |
| #: wrapper.c:398 wrapper.c:599 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "unable to access '%s'" |
| msgstr "不能存取 '%s'" |
| |
| #: wrapper.c:607 |
| msgid "unable to get current working directory" |
| msgstr "不能取得目前工作目錄" |
| |
| #: wt-status.c:158 |
| msgid "Unmerged paths:" |
| msgstr "未合併的路徑:" |
| |
| # 譯者:請維持前導空格 |
| #: wt-status.c:187 wt-status.c:219 |
| msgid " (use \"git restore --staged <file>...\" to unstage)" |
| msgstr " (使用 \"git restore --staged <檔案>...\" 以取消暫存)" |
| |
| # 譯者:請維持前導空格 |
| #: wt-status.c:190 wt-status.c:222 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid " (use \"git restore --source=%s --staged <file>...\" to unstage)" |
| msgstr " (使用 \"git restore --source=%s --staged <檔案>...\" 以取消暫存)" |
| |
| # 譯者:請維持前導空格 |
| #: wt-status.c:193 wt-status.c:225 |
| msgid " (use \"git rm --cached <file>...\" to unstage)" |
| msgstr " (使用 \"git rm --cached <檔案>...\" 以取消暫存)" |
| |
| # 譯者:請維持前導空格 |
| #: wt-status.c:197 |
| msgid " (use \"git add <file>...\" to mark resolution)" |
| msgstr " (使用 \"git add <檔案>...\" 標記解決方案)" |
| |
| # 譯者:請維持前導空格 |
| #: wt-status.c:199 wt-status.c:203 |
| msgid " (use \"git add/rm <file>...\" as appropriate to mark resolution)" |
| msgstr " (酌情使用 \"git add/rm <檔案>...\" 標記解決方案)" |
| |
| # 譯者:請維持前導空格 |
| #: wt-status.c:201 |
| msgid " (use \"git rm <file>...\" to mark resolution)" |
| msgstr " (使用 \"git rm <檔案>...\" 標記解決方案)" |
| |
| #: wt-status.c:211 wt-status.c:1075 |
| msgid "Changes to be committed:" |
| msgstr "要提交的變更:" |
| |
| #: wt-status.c:234 wt-status.c:1084 |
| msgid "Changes not staged for commit:" |
| msgstr "尚未暫存以備提交的變更:" |
| |
| # 譯者:請維持前導空格 |
| #: wt-status.c:238 |
| msgid " (use \"git add <file>...\" to update what will be committed)" |
| msgstr " (使用 \"git add <檔案>...\" 更新要提交的內容)" |
| |
| # 譯者:請維持前導空格 |
| #: wt-status.c:240 |
| msgid " (use \"git add/rm <file>...\" to update what will be committed)" |
| msgstr " (使用 \"git add/rm <檔案>...\" 更新要提交的內容)" |
| |
| # 譯者:請維持前導空格 |
| #: wt-status.c:241 |
| msgid "" |
| " (use \"git restore <file>...\" to discard changes in working directory)" |
| msgstr " (使用 \"git restore <檔案>...\" 捨棄工作區的改動)" |
| |
| # 譯者:請維持前導空格 |
| #: wt-status.c:243 |
| msgid " (commit or discard the untracked or modified content in submodules)" |
| msgstr " (提交或捨棄子模組中未追蹤或修改的內容)" |
| |
| # 譯者:請維持前導空格 |
| #: wt-status.c:254 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid " (use \"git %s <file>...\" to include in what will be committed)" |
| msgstr " (使用 \"git %s <檔案>...\" 以包含要提交的內容)" |
| |
| #: wt-status.c:266 |
| msgid "both deleted:" |
| msgstr "雙方刪除:" |
| |
| #: wt-status.c:268 |
| msgid "added by us:" |
| msgstr "由我們新增:" |
| |
| #: wt-status.c:270 |
| msgid "deleted by them:" |
| msgstr "由他們刪除:" |
| |
| #: wt-status.c:272 |
| msgid "added by them:" |
| msgstr "由他們新增:" |
| |
| #: wt-status.c:274 |
| msgid "deleted by us:" |
| msgstr "由我們刪除:" |
| |
| #: wt-status.c:276 |
| msgid "both added:" |
| msgstr "雙方新增:" |
| |
| #: wt-status.c:278 |
| msgid "both modified:" |
| msgstr "雙方修改:" |
| |
| #: wt-status.c:288 |
| msgid "new file:" |
| msgstr "新檔案:" |
| |
| #: wt-status.c:290 |
| msgid "copied:" |
| msgstr "複製:" |
| |
| #: wt-status.c:292 |
| msgid "deleted:" |
| msgstr "刪除:" |
| |
| #: wt-status.c:294 |
| msgid "modified:" |
| msgstr "修改:" |
| |
| #: wt-status.c:296 |
| msgid "renamed:" |
| msgstr "重新命名:" |
| |
| #: wt-status.c:298 |
| msgid "typechange:" |
| msgstr "類型變更:" |
| |
| #: wt-status.c:300 |
| msgid "unknown:" |
| msgstr "未知:" |
| |
| #: wt-status.c:302 |
| msgid "unmerged:" |
| msgstr "未合併:" |
| |
| # 譯者:末尾兩個位元組可能被刪減,如果翻譯為中文標點會出現半個漢字 |
| #: wt-status.c:382 |
| msgid "new commits, " |
| msgstr "新提交, " |
| |
| # 譯者:末尾兩個位元組可能被刪減,如果翻譯為中文標點會出現半個漢字 |
| #: wt-status.c:384 |
| msgid "modified content, " |
| msgstr "修改的內容, " |
| |
| # 譯者:末尾兩個位元組可能被刪減,如果翻譯為中文標點會出現半個漢字 |
| #: wt-status.c:386 |
| msgid "untracked content, " |
| msgstr "未追蹤的內容, " |
| |
| #: wt-status.c:908 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Your stash currently has %d entry" |
| msgid_plural "Your stash currently has %d entries" |
| msgstr[0] "您的儲藏區目前有 %d 條紀錄" |
| |
| #: wt-status.c:939 |
| msgid "Submodules changed but not updated:" |
| msgstr "子模組已修改但尚未更新:" |
| |
| #: wt-status.c:941 |
| msgid "Submodule changes to be committed:" |
| msgstr "要提交的子模組變更:" |
| |
| #: wt-status.c:1023 |
| msgid "" |
| "Do not modify or remove the line above.\n" |
| "Everything below it will be ignored." |
| msgstr "" |
| "不要改動或刪除上面的一行。\n" |
| "其下所有內容都將被忽略。" |
| |
| #: wt-status.c:1115 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "\n" |
| "It took %.2f seconds to compute the branch ahead/behind values.\n" |
| "You can use '--no-ahead-behind' to avoid this.\n" |
| msgstr "" |
| "\n" |
| "花了 %.2f 秒才計算出分支的領先/落後範圍。\n" |
| "為避免,您可以使用 '--no-ahead-behind'。\n" |
| |
| #: wt-status.c:1145 |
| msgid "You have unmerged paths." |
| msgstr "您有尚未合併的路徑。" |
| |
| # 譯者:請維持前導空格 |
| #: wt-status.c:1148 |
| msgid " (fix conflicts and run \"git commit\")" |
| msgstr " (解決衝突並執行 \"git commit\")" |
| |
| # 譯者:請維持前導空格 |
| #: wt-status.c:1150 |
| msgid " (use \"git merge --abort\" to abort the merge)" |
| msgstr " (使用 \"git merge --abort\" 終止合併)" |
| |
| #: wt-status.c:1154 |
| msgid "All conflicts fixed but you are still merging." |
| msgstr "所有衝突已解決但您仍處於合併中。" |
| |
| # 譯者:請維持前導空格 |
| #: wt-status.c:1157 |
| msgid " (use \"git commit\" to conclude merge)" |
| msgstr " (使用 \"git commit\" 結束合併)" |
| |
| #: wt-status.c:1166 |
| msgid "You are in the middle of an am session." |
| msgstr "您正處於 am 動作過程中。" |
| |
| #: wt-status.c:1169 |
| msgid "The current patch is empty." |
| msgstr "目前的修補檔為空。" |
| |
| # 譯者:請維持前導空格 |
| #: wt-status.c:1173 |
| msgid " (fix conflicts and then run \"git am --continue\")" |
| msgstr " (解決衝突,然後執行 \"git am --continue\")" |
| |
| # 譯者:請維持前導空格 |
| #: wt-status.c:1175 |
| msgid " (use \"git am --skip\" to skip this patch)" |
| msgstr " (使用 \"git am --skip\" 略過此修補檔)" |
| |
| # 譯者:請維持前導空格 |
| #: wt-status.c:1177 |
| msgid " (use \"git am --abort\" to restore the original branch)" |
| msgstr " (使用 \"git am --abort\" 復原原有分支)" |
| |
| #: wt-status.c:1310 |
| msgid "git-rebase-todo is missing." |
| msgstr "git-rebase-todo 遺失。" |
| |
| #: wt-status.c:1312 |
| msgid "No commands done." |
| msgstr "沒有指令被執行。" |
| |
| #: wt-status.c:1315 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Last command done (%d command done):" |
| msgid_plural "Last commands done (%d commands done):" |
| msgstr[0] "最後一條指令已完成(%d 條指令被執行):" |
| |
| #: wt-status.c:1326 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid " (see more in file %s)" |
| msgstr " (更多參見檔案 %s)" |
| |
| #: wt-status.c:1331 |
| msgid "No commands remaining." |
| msgstr "未剩下任何指令。" |
| |
| #: wt-status.c:1334 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Next command to do (%d remaining command):" |
| msgid_plural "Next commands to do (%d remaining commands):" |
| msgstr[0] "接下來要執行的指令(剩餘 %d 條指令):" |
| |
| # 譯者:請維持前導空格 |
| #: wt-status.c:1342 |
| msgid " (use \"git rebase --edit-todo\" to view and edit)" |
| msgstr " (使用 \"git rebase --edit-todo\" 來檢視和編輯)" |
| |
| #: wt-status.c:1354 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "You are currently rebasing branch '%s' on '%s'." |
| msgstr "您在執行將分支 '%s' 重定基底到 '%s' 的動作。" |
| |
| #: wt-status.c:1359 |
| msgid "You are currently rebasing." |
| msgstr "您在執行重定基底動作。" |
| |
| # 譯者:請維持前導空格 |
| #: wt-status.c:1372 |
| msgid " (fix conflicts and then run \"git rebase --continue\")" |
| msgstr " (解決衝突,然後執行 \"git rebase --continue\")" |
| |
| # 譯者:請維持前導空格 |
| #: wt-status.c:1374 |
| msgid " (use \"git rebase --skip\" to skip this patch)" |
| msgstr " (使用 \"git rebase --skip\" 略過此修補檔)" |
| |
| # 譯者:請維持前導空格 |
| #: wt-status.c:1376 |
| msgid " (use \"git rebase --abort\" to check out the original branch)" |
| msgstr " (使用 \"git rebase --abort\" 以檢出原有分支)" |
| |
| # 譯者:請維持前導空格 |
| #: wt-status.c:1383 |
| msgid " (all conflicts fixed: run \"git rebase --continue\")" |
| msgstr " (所有衝突已解決:執行 \"git rebase --continue\")" |
| |
| #: wt-status.c:1387 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "You are currently splitting a commit while rebasing branch '%s' on '%s'." |
| msgstr "您在執行將分支 '%s' 重定基底到 '%s' 的動作時分割提交。" |
| |
| #: wt-status.c:1392 |
| msgid "You are currently splitting a commit during a rebase." |
| msgstr "您在執行重定基底動作時分割提交。" |
| |
| # 譯者:請維持前導空格 |
| #: wt-status.c:1395 |
| msgid " (Once your working directory is clean, run \"git rebase --continue\")" |
| msgstr " (一旦您工作目錄提交乾淨後,執行 \"git rebase --continue\")" |
| |
| #: wt-status.c:1399 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "You are currently editing a commit while rebasing branch '%s' on '%s'." |
| msgstr "您在執行將分支 '%s' 重定基底到 '%s' 的動作時編輯提交。" |
| |
| #: wt-status.c:1404 |
| msgid "You are currently editing a commit during a rebase." |
| msgstr "您在執行重定基底動作時編輯提交。" |
| |
| # 譯者:請維持前導空格 |
| #: wt-status.c:1407 |
| msgid " (use \"git commit --amend\" to amend the current commit)" |
| msgstr " (使用 \"git commit --amend\" 修補目前提交)" |
| |
| # 譯者:請維持前導空格 |
| #: wt-status.c:1409 |
| msgid "" |
| " (use \"git rebase --continue\" once you are satisfied with your changes)" |
| msgstr " (當您對您的修改滿意後執行 \"git rebase --continue\")" |
| |
| #: wt-status.c:1420 |
| msgid "Cherry-pick currently in progress." |
| msgstr "揀選動作正在進行中。" |
| |
| #: wt-status.c:1423 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "You are currently cherry-picking commit %s." |
| msgstr "您在執行揀選提交 %s 的動作。" |
| |
| # 譯者:請維持前導空格 |
| #: wt-status.c:1430 |
| msgid " (fix conflicts and run \"git cherry-pick --continue\")" |
| msgstr " (解決衝突並執行 \"git cherry-pick --continue\")" |
| |
| # 譯者:請維持前導空格 |
| #: wt-status.c:1433 |
| msgid " (run \"git cherry-pick --continue\" to continue)" |
| msgstr " (執行 \"git cherry-pick --continue\" 以繼續)" |
| |
| # 譯者:請維持前導空格 |
| #: wt-status.c:1436 |
| msgid " (all conflicts fixed: run \"git cherry-pick --continue\")" |
| msgstr " (所有衝突已解決:執行 \"git cherry-pick --continue\")" |
| |
| # 譯者:請維持前導空格 |
| #: wt-status.c:1438 |
| msgid " (use \"git cherry-pick --skip\" to skip this patch)" |
| msgstr " (使用 \"git cherry-pick --skip\" 略過此修補檔)" |
| |
| # 譯者:請維持前導空格 |
| #: wt-status.c:1440 |
| msgid " (use \"git cherry-pick --abort\" to cancel the cherry-pick operation)" |
| msgstr " (使用 \"git cherry-pick --abort\" 以取消揀選動作)" |
| |
| #: wt-status.c:1450 |
| msgid "Revert currently in progress." |
| msgstr "還原動作正在行中。" |
| |
| #: wt-status.c:1453 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "You are currently reverting commit %s." |
| msgstr "您在執行反轉提交 %s 的動作。" |
| |
| # 譯者:請維持前導空格 |
| #: wt-status.c:1459 |
| msgid " (fix conflicts and run \"git revert --continue\")" |
| msgstr " (解決衝突並執行 \"git revert --continue\")" |
| |
| # 譯者:請維持前導空格 |
| #: wt-status.c:1462 |
| msgid " (run \"git revert --continue\" to continue)" |
| msgstr " (執行 \"git revert --continue\" 以繼續)" |
| |
| # 譯者:請維持前導空格 |
| #: wt-status.c:1465 |
| msgid " (all conflicts fixed: run \"git revert --continue\")" |
| msgstr " (所有衝突已解決:執行 \"git revert --continue\")" |
| |
| # 譯者:請維持前導空格 |
| #: wt-status.c:1467 |
| msgid " (use \"git revert --skip\" to skip this patch)" |
| msgstr " (使用 \"git revert --skip\" 略過此修補檔)" |
| |
| # 譯者:請維持前導空格 |
| #: wt-status.c:1469 |
| msgid " (use \"git revert --abort\" to cancel the revert operation)" |
| msgstr " (使用 \"git revert --abort\" 以取消反轉提交動作)" |
| |
| #: wt-status.c:1479 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "You are currently bisecting, started from branch '%s'." |
| msgstr "您在執行從分支 '%s' 開始的二分搜尋動作。" |
| |
| #: wt-status.c:1483 |
| msgid "You are currently bisecting." |
| msgstr "您在執行二分搜尋動作。" |
| |
| # 譯者:請維持前導空格 |
| #: wt-status.c:1486 |
| msgid " (use \"git bisect reset\" to get back to the original branch)" |
| msgstr " (使用 \"git bisect reset\" 檢出原有分支)" |
| |
| #: wt-status.c:1497 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "You are in a sparse checkout with %d%% of tracked files present." |
| msgstr "您處於稀疏簽出狀態,包含 %d%% 的追蹤檔案。" |
| |
| #: wt-status.c:1736 |
| msgid "On branch " |
| msgstr "位於分支 " |
| |
| #: wt-status.c:1743 |
| msgid "interactive rebase in progress; onto " |
| msgstr "互動式重定基底動作正在進行中;至 " |
| |
| #: wt-status.c:1745 |
| msgid "rebase in progress; onto " |
| msgstr "重定基底動作正在進行中;至 " |
| |
| #: wt-status.c:1750 |
| msgid "HEAD detached at " |
| msgstr "開頭指標分離於 " |
| |
| #: wt-status.c:1752 |
| msgid "HEAD detached from " |
| msgstr "開頭指標分離自 " |
| |
| #: wt-status.c:1755 |
| msgid "Not currently on any branch." |
| msgstr "目前不在任何分支上。" |
| |
| #: wt-status.c:1772 |
| msgid "Initial commit" |
| msgstr "初始提交" |
| |
| #: wt-status.c:1773 |
| msgid "No commits yet" |
| msgstr "尚無提交" |
| |
| #: wt-status.c:1787 |
| msgid "Untracked files" |
| msgstr "未追蹤的檔案" |
| |
| #: wt-status.c:1789 |
| msgid "Ignored files" |
| msgstr "忽略的檔案" |
| |
| #: wt-status.c:1793 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "It took %.2f seconds to enumerate untracked files. 'status -uno'\n" |
| "may speed it up, but you have to be careful not to forget to add\n" |
| "new files yourself (see 'git help status')." |
| msgstr "" |
| "耗費了 %.2f 秒以枚舉未追蹤的檔案。'status -uno' 也許能提高速度,\n" |
| "但您需要小心不要忘了新增新檔案(參見 'git help status')。" |
| |
| #: wt-status.c:1799 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Untracked files not listed%s" |
| msgstr "未追蹤的檔案沒有列出%s" |
| |
| # 譯者:中文字串拼接,可刪除前導空格 |
| #: wt-status.c:1801 |
| msgid " (use -u option to show untracked files)" |
| msgstr " (使用 -u 參數顯示未追蹤的檔案)" |
| |
| #: wt-status.c:1807 |
| msgid "No changes" |
| msgstr "沒有修改" |
| |
| #: wt-status.c:1812 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "no changes added to commit (use \"git add\" and/or \"git commit -a\")\n" |
| msgstr "修改尚未加入提交(使用 \"git add\" 和/或 \"git commit -a\")\n" |
| |
| #: wt-status.c:1816 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "no changes added to commit\n" |
| msgstr "修改尚未加入提交\n" |
| |
| #: wt-status.c:1820 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "nothing added to commit but untracked files present (use \"git add\" to " |
| "track)\n" |
| msgstr "提交為空,但是存在尚未追蹤的檔案(使用 \"git add\" 建立追蹤)\n" |
| |
| #: wt-status.c:1824 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "nothing added to commit but untracked files present\n" |
| msgstr "提交為空,但是存在尚未追蹤的檔案\n" |
| |
| # 譯者:中文字串拼接,可刪除前導空格 |
| #: wt-status.c:1828 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "nothing to commit (create/copy files and use \"git add\" to track)\n" |
| msgstr "無檔案要提交(建立/複製檔案並使用 \"git add\" 建立追蹤)\n" |
| |
| #: wt-status.c:1832 wt-status.c:1838 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "nothing to commit\n" |
| msgstr "無檔案要提交\n" |
| |
| # 譯者:中文字串拼接,可刪除前導空格 |
| #: wt-status.c:1835 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "nothing to commit (use -u to show untracked files)\n" |
| msgstr "無檔案要提交(使用 -u 顯示未追蹤的檔案)\n" |
| |
| # 譯者:中文字串拼接,可刪除前導空格 |
| #: wt-status.c:1840 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "nothing to commit, working tree clean\n" |
| msgstr "沒有要提交的檔案,工作區為乾淨狀態\n" |
| |
| #: wt-status.c:1945 |
| msgid "No commits yet on " |
| msgstr "尚無提交在 " |
| |
| #: wt-status.c:1949 |
| msgid "HEAD (no branch)" |
| msgstr "HEAD(非分支)" |
| |
| #: wt-status.c:1980 |
| msgid "different" |
| msgstr "不同" |
| |
| # 譯者:請維持句尾空格 |
| #: wt-status.c:1982 wt-status.c:1990 |
| msgid "behind " |
| msgstr "落後 " |
| |
| #: wt-status.c:1985 wt-status.c:1988 |
| msgid "ahead " |
| msgstr "領先 " |
| |
| #. TRANSLATORS: the action is e.g. "pull with rebase" |
| #: wt-status.c:2511 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "cannot %s: You have unstaged changes." |
| msgstr "不能%s:您有未暫存的變更。" |
| |
| #: wt-status.c:2517 |
| msgid "additionally, your index contains uncommitted changes." |
| msgstr "另外,您的索引中包含未提交的變更。" |
| |
| #: wt-status.c:2519 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "cannot %s: Your index contains uncommitted changes." |
| msgstr "不能%s:您的索引中包含未提交的變更。" |
| |
| #: compat/simple-ipc/ipc-unix-socket.c:178 |
| msgid "could not send IPC command" |
| msgstr "無法傳送 IPC 命令" |
| |
| #: compat/simple-ipc/ipc-unix-socket.c:185 |
| msgid "could not read IPC response" |
| msgstr "無法讀取 IPC 回應" |
| |
| #: compat/simple-ipc/ipc-unix-socket.c:862 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "could not start accept_thread '%s'" |
| msgstr "無法啟動 accept_thread “%s”" |
| |
| #: compat/simple-ipc/ipc-unix-socket.c:874 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "could not start worker[0] for '%s'" |
| msgstr "無法啟動「%s」的 worker[0]" |
| |
| #: compat/precompose_utf8.c:58 builtin/clone.c:461 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "failed to unlink '%s'" |
| msgstr "刪除 '%s' 失敗" |
| |
| #: builtin/add.c:26 |
| msgid "git add [<options>] [--] <pathspec>..." |
| msgstr "git add [<選項>] [--] <路徑規格>..." |
| |
| #: builtin/add.c:61 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "cannot chmod %cx '%s'" |
| msgstr "無法 chmod %cx ‘%s’" |
| |
| #: builtin/add.c:99 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "unexpected diff status %c" |
| msgstr "意外的差異狀態 %c" |
| |
| #: builtin/add.c:104 builtin/commit.c:297 |
| msgid "updating files failed" |
| msgstr "更新檔案失敗" |
| |
| #: builtin/add.c:114 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "remove '%s'\n" |
| msgstr "刪除 '%s'\n" |
| |
| #: builtin/add.c:198 |
| msgid "Unstaged changes after refreshing the index:" |
| msgstr "重新整理索引之後尚未被暫存的變更:" |
| |
| #: builtin/add.c:307 builtin/rev-parse.c:991 |
| msgid "Could not read the index" |
| msgstr "不能讀取索引" |
| |
| #: builtin/add.c:318 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Could not open '%s' for writing." |
| msgstr "無法為寫入開啟 '%s'。" |
| |
| #: builtin/add.c:322 |
| msgid "Could not write patch" |
| msgstr "不能生成修補檔" |
| |
| #: builtin/add.c:325 |
| msgid "editing patch failed" |
| msgstr "編輯修補檔失敗" |
| |
| #: builtin/add.c:328 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Could not stat '%s'" |
| msgstr "不能對 '%s' 呼叫 stat" |
| |
| #: builtin/add.c:330 |
| msgid "Empty patch. Aborted." |
| msgstr "空修補檔。異常終止。" |
| |
| #: builtin/add.c:335 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Could not apply '%s'" |
| msgstr "不能套用 '%s'" |
| |
| #: builtin/add.c:343 |
| msgid "The following paths are ignored by one of your .gitignore files:\n" |
| msgstr "下列路徑根據您的一個 .gitignore 檔案而被忽略:\n" |
| |
| #: builtin/add.c:363 builtin/clean.c:904 builtin/fetch.c:173 builtin/mv.c:124 |
| #: builtin/prune-packed.c:14 builtin/pull.c:204 builtin/push.c:559 |
| #: builtin/remote.c:1427 builtin/rm.c:243 builtin/send-pack.c:190 |
| msgid "dry run" |
| msgstr "測試執行" |
| |
| #: builtin/add.c:366 |
| msgid "interactive picking" |
| msgstr "互動式揀選" |
| |
| #: builtin/add.c:367 builtin/checkout.c:1567 builtin/reset.c:308 |
| msgid "select hunks interactively" |
| msgstr "互動式挑選資料區塊" |
| |
| #: builtin/add.c:368 |
| msgid "edit current diff and apply" |
| msgstr "編輯目前差異並套用" |
| |
| #: builtin/add.c:369 |
| msgid "allow adding otherwise ignored files" |
| msgstr "允許新增忽略的檔案" |
| |
| #: builtin/add.c:370 |
| msgid "update tracked files" |
| msgstr "更新已追蹤的檔案" |
| |
| #: builtin/add.c:371 |
| msgid "renormalize EOL of tracked files (implies -u)" |
| msgstr "對已追蹤檔案(隱含 -u)重新歸一換行符號" |
| |
| #: builtin/add.c:372 |
| msgid "record only the fact that the path will be added later" |
| msgstr "只記錄,該路徑稍後再新增" |
| |
| #: builtin/add.c:373 |
| msgid "add changes from all tracked and untracked files" |
| msgstr "新增所有改變的已追蹤檔案和未追蹤檔案" |
| |
| #: builtin/add.c:376 |
| msgid "ignore paths removed in the working tree (same as --no-all)" |
| msgstr "忽略工作區中移除的路徑(和 --no-all 相同)" |
| |
| #: builtin/add.c:378 |
| msgid "don't add, only refresh the index" |
| msgstr "不新增,只重新整理索引" |
| |
| #: builtin/add.c:379 |
| msgid "just skip files which cannot be added because of errors" |
| msgstr "略過因發生錯誤不能新增的檔案" |
| |
| #: builtin/add.c:380 |
| msgid "check if - even missing - files are ignored in dry run" |
| msgstr "檢查在測試執行模式下檔案(即使不存在)是否被忽略" |
| |
| #: builtin/add.c:382 builtin/update-index.c:1006 |
| msgid "override the executable bit of the listed files" |
| msgstr "覆蓋列表裡檔案的可執行位" |
| |
| #: builtin/add.c:384 |
| msgid "warn when adding an embedded repository" |
| msgstr "建立一個嵌入式版本庫時給予警告" |
| |
| #: builtin/add.c:386 |
| msgid "backend for `git stash -p`" |
| msgstr "`git stash -p` 的後端" |
| |
| #: builtin/add.c:404 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "You've added another git repository inside your current repository.\n" |
| "Clones of the outer repository will not contain the contents of\n" |
| "the embedded repository and will not know how to obtain it.\n" |
| "If you meant to add a submodule, use:\n" |
| "\n" |
| "\tgit submodule add <url> %s\n" |
| "\n" |
| "If you added this path by mistake, you can remove it from the\n" |
| "index with:\n" |
| "\n" |
| "\tgit rm --cached %s\n" |
| "\n" |
| "See \"git help submodule\" for more information." |
| msgstr "" |
| "您在目前版本庫中新增了另外一個 Git 版本庫。複製外層的版本庫將不包含嵌入版本庫" |
| "的內容,並且不知道該如何取得它。\n" |
| "如果您要新增一個子模組,使用:\n" |
| "\n" |
| "\tgit submodule add <url> %s\n" |
| "\n" |
| "如果您不小心新增了這個路徑,可以用下面的指令將其從索引中刪除:\n" |
| "\n" |
| "\tgit rm --cached %s\n" |
| "\n" |
| "參見 \"git help submodule\" 取得更多訊息。" |
| |
| #: builtin/add.c:432 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "adding embedded git repository: %s" |
| msgstr "正在新增嵌入式 git 版本庫:%s" |
| |
| #: builtin/add.c:451 |
| msgid "" |
| "Use -f if you really want to add them.\n" |
| "Turn this message off by running\n" |
| "\"git config advice.addIgnoredFile false\"" |
| msgstr "" |
| "如果您真的想加入,請使用 -f。\n" |
| "如要關閉此訊息,請執行\n" |
| "\"git config advice.addIgnoredFile false\"" |
| |
| #: builtin/add.c:460 |
| msgid "adding files failed" |
| msgstr "新增檔案失敗" |
| |
| #: builtin/add.c:488 |
| msgid "--dry-run is incompatible with --interactive/--patch" |
| msgstr "--dry-run 和 --interactive/--patch 不相容" |
| |
| #: builtin/add.c:490 builtin/commit.c:357 |
| msgid "--pathspec-from-file is incompatible with --interactive/--patch" |
| msgstr "--pathspec-from-file 與 --interactive/--patch 不相容" |
| |
| #: builtin/add.c:507 |
| msgid "--pathspec-from-file is incompatible with --edit" |
| msgstr "--pathspec-from-file 與 --edit 不相容" |
| |
| #: builtin/add.c:519 |
| msgid "-A and -u are mutually incompatible" |
| msgstr "-A 和 -u 選項互斥" |
| |
| #: builtin/add.c:522 |
| msgid "Option --ignore-missing can only be used together with --dry-run" |
| msgstr "選項 --ignore-missing 只能和 --dry-run 同時使用" |
| |
| #: builtin/add.c:526 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "--chmod param '%s' must be either -x or +x" |
| msgstr "參數 --chmod 取值 '%s' 必須是 -x 或 +x" |
| |
| #: builtin/add.c:544 builtin/checkout.c:1735 builtin/commit.c:363 |
| #: builtin/reset.c:328 builtin/rm.c:273 builtin/stash.c:1637 |
| msgid "--pathspec-from-file is incompatible with pathspec arguments" |
| msgstr "--pathspec-from-file 與 <路徑規格> 參數不相容" |
| |
| #: builtin/add.c:551 builtin/checkout.c:1747 builtin/commit.c:369 |
| #: builtin/reset.c:334 builtin/rm.c:279 builtin/stash.c:1643 |
| msgid "--pathspec-file-nul requires --pathspec-from-file" |
| msgstr "--pathspec-file-nul 需要 --pathspec-from-file" |
| |
| #: builtin/add.c:555 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Nothing specified, nothing added.\n" |
| msgstr "沒有指定檔案,也沒有檔案被新增。\n" |
| |
| #: builtin/add.c:557 |
| msgid "" |
| "Maybe you wanted to say 'git add .'?\n" |
| "Turn this message off by running\n" |
| "\"git config advice.addEmptyPathspec false\"" |
| msgstr "" |
| "可能你要做的是 'git add .'?\n" |
| "如要關閉此訊息,請執行\n" |
| "\"git config advice.addEmptyPathspec false\"" |
| |
| #: builtin/am.c:364 |
| msgid "could not parse author script" |
| msgstr "不能解析作者腳本" |
| |
| #: builtin/am.c:454 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "'%s' was deleted by the applypatch-msg hook" |
| msgstr "'%s' 被 applypatch-msg 掛鉤刪除" |
| |
| #: builtin/am.c:496 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Malformed input line: '%s'." |
| msgstr "非法的輸入行:'%s'。" |
| |
| #: builtin/am.c:534 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Failed to copy notes from '%s' to '%s'" |
| msgstr "從 '%s' 複製註解到 '%s' 時失敗" |
| |
| #: builtin/am.c:560 |
| msgid "fseek failed" |
| msgstr "fseek 失敗" |
| |
| #: builtin/am.c:748 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "could not parse patch '%s'" |
| msgstr "無法解析修補檔 '%s'" |
| |
| #: builtin/am.c:813 |
| msgid "Only one StGIT patch series can be applied at once" |
| msgstr "一次只能有一個 StGIT 修補檔佇列被套用" |
| |
| #: builtin/am.c:861 |
| msgid "invalid timestamp" |
| msgstr "無效的時間戳" |
| |
| #: builtin/am.c:866 builtin/am.c:878 |
| msgid "invalid Date line" |
| msgstr "無效的日期行" |
| |
| #: builtin/am.c:873 |
| msgid "invalid timezone offset" |
| msgstr "無效的時區位移值" |
| |
| #: builtin/am.c:966 |
| msgid "Patch format detection failed." |
| msgstr "修補檔格式偵測失敗。" |
| |
| #: builtin/am.c:971 builtin/clone.c:414 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "failed to create directory '%s'" |
| msgstr "建立目錄 '%s' 失敗" |
| |
| #: builtin/am.c:976 |
| msgid "Failed to split patches." |
| msgstr "分割修補檔失敗。" |
| |
| #: builtin/am.c:1125 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "When you have resolved this problem, run \"%s --continue\"." |
| msgstr "當您解決這一問題,執行 \"%s --continue\"。" |
| |
| #: builtin/am.c:1126 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "If you prefer to skip this patch, run \"%s --skip\" instead." |
| msgstr "如果您想要略過這一修補檔,則執行 \"%s --skip\"。" |
| |
| #: builtin/am.c:1127 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "To restore the original branch and stop patching, run \"%s --abort\"." |
| msgstr "若要復原至原始分支並停止修補動作,執行 \"%s --abort\"。" |
| |
| #: builtin/am.c:1222 |
| msgid "Patch sent with format=flowed; space at the end of lines might be lost." |
| msgstr "修補檔使用 format=flowed 格式傳送,行尾的空格可能會遺失。" |
| |
| #: builtin/am.c:1250 |
| msgid "Patch is empty." |
| msgstr "修補檔為空。" |
| |
| #: builtin/am.c:1315 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "missing author line in commit %s" |
| msgstr "在提交 %s 中缺少作者行" |
| |
| #: builtin/am.c:1318 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "invalid ident line: %.*s" |
| msgstr "無效的身份標記:%.*s" |
| |
| #: builtin/am.c:1537 |
| msgid "Repository lacks necessary blobs to fall back on 3-way merge." |
| msgstr "版本庫缺乏必要的資料物件以進行三方合併。" |
| |
| #: builtin/am.c:1539 |
| msgid "Using index info to reconstruct a base tree..." |
| msgstr "使用索引來重建一個(三方合併的)基礎目錄樹..." |
| |
| #: builtin/am.c:1558 |
| msgid "" |
| "Did you hand edit your patch?\n" |
| "It does not apply to blobs recorded in its index." |
| msgstr "" |
| "您是否曾手動編輯過您的修補檔?\n" |
| "無法套用修補檔到索引中的資料物件上。" |
| |
| #: builtin/am.c:1564 |
| msgid "Falling back to patching base and 3-way merge..." |
| msgstr "回落到基礎版本上修補及進行三方合併..." |
| |
| #: builtin/am.c:1590 |
| msgid "Failed to merge in the changes." |
| msgstr "無法合併變更。" |
| |
| #: builtin/am.c:1622 |
| msgid "applying to an empty history" |
| msgstr "正套用到一個空歷史上" |
| |
| #: builtin/am.c:1674 builtin/am.c:1678 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "cannot resume: %s does not exist." |
| msgstr "無法繼續:%s 不存在。" |
| |
| #: builtin/am.c:1696 |
| msgid "Commit Body is:" |
| msgstr "提交內容為:" |
| |
| # 譯者:請維持句尾空格 |
| #. TRANSLATORS: Make sure to include [y], [n], [e], [v] and [a] |
| #. in your translation. The program will only accept English |
| #. input at this point. |
| #. |
| #: builtin/am.c:1706 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Apply? [y]es/[n]o/[e]dit/[v]iew patch/[a]ccept all: " |
| msgstr "套用?是[y]/否[n]/編輯[e]/檢視修補檔[v]/全部接受[a]: " |
| |
| #: builtin/am.c:1752 builtin/commit.c:408 |
| msgid "unable to write index file" |
| msgstr "無法寫入索引檔案" |
| |
| #: builtin/am.c:1756 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Dirty index: cannot apply patches (dirty: %s)" |
| msgstr "髒索引:不能套用修補檔(髒檔案:%s)" |
| |
| #: builtin/am.c:1796 builtin/am.c:1864 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Applying: %.*s" |
| msgstr "套用:%.*s" |
| |
| #: builtin/am.c:1813 |
| msgid "No changes -- Patch already applied." |
| msgstr "沒有變更——修補檔已經套用過。" |
| |
| #: builtin/am.c:1819 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Patch failed at %s %.*s" |
| msgstr "打修補檔失敗於 %s %.*s" |
| |
| #: builtin/am.c:1823 |
| msgid "Use 'git am --show-current-patch=diff' to see the failed patch" |
| msgstr "用 'git am --show-current-patch=diff' 命令檢視失敗的修補檔" |
| |
| #: builtin/am.c:1867 |
| msgid "" |
| "No changes - did you forget to use 'git add'?\n" |
| "If there is nothing left to stage, chances are that something else\n" |
| "already introduced the same changes; you might want to skip this patch." |
| msgstr "" |
| "沒有變更 —— 您是不是忘了執行 'git add'?\n" |
| "如果沒有什麼要新增到暫存區的,則很可能是其它提交已經引入了相同的變更。\n" |
| "您也許想要略過這個修補檔。" |
| |
| #: builtin/am.c:1874 |
| msgid "" |
| "You still have unmerged paths in your index.\n" |
| "You should 'git add' each file with resolved conflicts to mark them as " |
| "such.\n" |
| "You might run `git rm` on a file to accept \"deleted by them\" for it." |
| msgstr "" |
| "在您的索引中仍存在未合併的路徑。\n" |
| "您應該對已經衝突解決的每一個檔案執行 'git add' 來標記已經完成。 \n" |
| "你可以對 \"由他們刪除\" 的檔案執行 `git rm` 指令。" |
| |
| #: builtin/am.c:1981 builtin/am.c:1985 builtin/am.c:1997 builtin/reset.c:347 |
| #: builtin/reset.c:355 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Could not parse object '%s'." |
| msgstr "不能解析物件 '%s'。" |
| |
| #: builtin/am.c:2033 |
| msgid "failed to clean index" |
| msgstr "清空索引失敗" |
| |
| #: builtin/am.c:2077 |
| msgid "" |
| "You seem to have moved HEAD since the last 'am' failure.\n" |
| "Not rewinding to ORIG_HEAD" |
| msgstr "您好像在上一次 'am' 失敗後移動了 HEAD。未還原至 ORIG_HEAD" |
| |
| #: builtin/am.c:2184 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Invalid value for --patch-format: %s" |
| msgstr "無效的 --patch-format 值:%s" |
| |
| #: builtin/am.c:2226 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Invalid value for --show-current-patch: %s" |
| msgstr "無效的 --show-current-patch 值:%s" |
| |
| #: builtin/am.c:2230 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "--show-current-patch=%s is incompatible with --show-current-patch=%s" |
| msgstr "--show-current-patch=%s 與 --show-current-patch=%s 不相容" |
| |
| #: builtin/am.c:2261 |
| msgid "git am [<options>] [(<mbox> | <Maildir>)...]" |
| msgstr "git am [<選項>] [(<mbox> | <Maildir>)...]" |
| |
| #: builtin/am.c:2262 |
| msgid "git am [<options>] (--continue | --skip | --abort)" |
| msgstr "git am [<選項>] (--continue | --skip | --abort)" |
| |
| #: builtin/am.c:2268 |
| msgid "run interactively" |
| msgstr "以互動式方式執行" |
| |
| #: builtin/am.c:2270 |
| msgid "historical option -- no-op" |
| msgstr "老的參數 —— 無作用" |
| |
| #: builtin/am.c:2272 |
| msgid "allow fall back on 3way merging if needed" |
| msgstr "如果必要,允許使用三方合併" |
| |
| #: builtin/am.c:2273 builtin/init-db.c:546 builtin/prune-packed.c:16 |
| #: builtin/repack.c:472 builtin/stash.c:948 |
| msgid "be quiet" |
| msgstr "靜默模式" |
| |
| #: builtin/am.c:2275 |
| msgid "add a Signed-off-by trailer to the commit message" |
| msgstr "在提交說明結尾加入 Signed-off-by" |
| |
| #: builtin/am.c:2278 |
| msgid "recode into utf8 (default)" |
| msgstr "使用 utf8 字元集(預設)" |
| |
| #: builtin/am.c:2280 |
| msgid "pass -k flag to git-mailinfo" |
| msgstr "向 git-mailinfo 傳遞 -k 參數" |
| |
| #: builtin/am.c:2282 |
| msgid "pass -b flag to git-mailinfo" |
| msgstr "向 git-mailinfo 傳遞 -b 參數" |
| |
| #: builtin/am.c:2284 |
| msgid "pass -m flag to git-mailinfo" |
| msgstr "向 git-mailinfo 傳遞 -m 參數" |
| |
| #: builtin/am.c:2286 |
| msgid "pass --keep-cr flag to git-mailsplit for mbox format" |
| msgstr "針對 mbox 格式,向 git-mailsplit 傳遞 --keep-cr 參數" |
| |
| #: builtin/am.c:2289 |
| msgid "do not pass --keep-cr flag to git-mailsplit independent of am.keepcr" |
| msgstr "不向 git-mailsplit 傳遞 --keep-cr 參數,覆蓋 am.keepcr 的設定" |
| |
| #: builtin/am.c:2292 |
| msgid "strip everything before a scissors line" |
| msgstr "捨棄裁切線前的所有內容" |
| |
| #: builtin/am.c:2294 |
| msgid "pass it through git-mailinfo" |
| msgstr "透過 git-mailinfo 傳遞" |
| |
| #: builtin/am.c:2297 builtin/am.c:2300 builtin/am.c:2303 builtin/am.c:2306 |
| #: builtin/am.c:2309 builtin/am.c:2312 builtin/am.c:2315 builtin/am.c:2318 |
| #: builtin/am.c:2324 |
| msgid "pass it through git-apply" |
| msgstr "傳遞給 git-apply" |
| |
| #: builtin/am.c:2314 builtin/commit.c:1505 builtin/fmt-merge-msg.c:17 |
| #: builtin/fmt-merge-msg.c:20 builtin/grep.c:906 builtin/merge.c:261 |
| #: builtin/pull.c:141 builtin/pull.c:200 builtin/pull.c:217 |
| #: builtin/rebase.c:1342 builtin/repack.c:483 builtin/repack.c:487 |
| #: builtin/repack.c:489 builtin/show-branch.c:650 builtin/show-ref.c:172 |
| #: builtin/tag.c:447 parse-options.h:155 parse-options.h:176 |
| #: parse-options.h:317 |
| msgid "n" |
| msgstr "n" |
| |
| #: builtin/am.c:2320 builtin/branch.c:672 builtin/bugreport.c:137 |
| #: builtin/for-each-ref.c:40 builtin/replace.c:556 builtin/tag.c:481 |
| #: builtin/verify-tag.c:38 |
| msgid "format" |
| msgstr "格式" |
| |
| #: builtin/am.c:2321 |
| msgid "format the patch(es) are in" |
| msgstr "修補檔的格式" |
| |
| #: builtin/am.c:2327 |
| msgid "override error message when patch failure occurs" |
| msgstr "打修補檔失敗時顯示的錯誤訊息" |
| |
| #: builtin/am.c:2329 |
| msgid "continue applying patches after resolving a conflict" |
| msgstr "衝突解決後繼續套用修補檔" |
| |
| #: builtin/am.c:2332 |
| msgid "synonyms for --continue" |
| msgstr "和 --continue 同義" |
| |
| #: builtin/am.c:2335 |
| msgid "skip the current patch" |
| msgstr "略過目前修補檔" |
| |
| #: builtin/am.c:2338 |
| msgid "restore the original branch and abort the patching operation" |
| msgstr "還原原始分支並中止修補動作" |
| |
| #: builtin/am.c:2341 |
| msgid "abort the patching operation but keep HEAD where it is" |
| msgstr "終止修補動作但保持 HEAD 不變。" |
| |
| #: builtin/am.c:2345 |
| msgid "show the patch being applied" |
| msgstr "顯示正在套用的修補檔" |
| |
| #: builtin/am.c:2350 |
| msgid "lie about committer date" |
| msgstr "將作者日期作為提交日期" |
| |
| #: builtin/am.c:2352 |
| msgid "use current timestamp for author date" |
| msgstr "用目前時間作為作者日期" |
| |
| #: builtin/am.c:2354 builtin/commit-tree.c:120 builtin/commit.c:1630 |
| #: builtin/merge.c:298 builtin/pull.c:175 builtin/rebase.c:537 |
| #: builtin/rebase.c:1395 builtin/revert.c:117 builtin/tag.c:462 |
| msgid "key-id" |
| msgstr "key-id" |
| |
| #: builtin/am.c:2355 builtin/rebase.c:538 builtin/rebase.c:1396 |
| msgid "GPG-sign commits" |
| msgstr "使用 GPG 簽名提交" |
| |
| #: builtin/am.c:2358 |
| msgid "(internal use for git-rebase)" |
| msgstr "(內部使用,用於 git-rebase)" |
| |
| #: builtin/am.c:2376 |
| msgid "" |
| "The -b/--binary option has been a no-op for long time, and\n" |
| "it will be removed. Please do not use it anymore." |
| msgstr "" |
| "參數 -b/--binary 已經很長時間不做任何實質動作了,並且將被移除。\n" |
| "請不要再使用它了。" |
| |
| #: builtin/am.c:2383 |
| msgid "failed to read the index" |
| msgstr "讀取索引失敗" |
| |
| #: builtin/am.c:2398 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "previous rebase directory %s still exists but mbox given." |
| msgstr "之前的重定基底目錄 %s 仍然存在,但卻提供了 mbox。" |
| |
| #: builtin/am.c:2422 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "Stray %s directory found.\n" |
| "Use \"git am --abort\" to remove it." |
| msgstr "" |
| "發現了錯誤的 %s 目錄。\n" |
| "使用 \"git am --abort\" 刪除它。" |
| |
| #: builtin/am.c:2428 |
| msgid "Resolve operation not in progress, we are not resuming." |
| msgstr "解決動作未進行,我們不會繼續。" |
| |
| #: builtin/am.c:2438 |
| msgid "interactive mode requires patches on the command line" |
| msgstr "互動式模式需要指令列上提供修補檔" |
| |
| #: builtin/apply.c:8 |
| msgid "git apply [<options>] [<patch>...]" |
| msgstr "git apply [<選項>] [<修補檔>...]" |
| |
| #: builtin/archive.c:17 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "could not create archive file '%s'" |
| msgstr "不能建立歸檔檔案 '%s'" |
| |
| #: builtin/archive.c:20 |
| msgid "could not redirect output" |
| msgstr "不能重定向輸出" |
| |
| #: builtin/archive.c:37 |
| msgid "git archive: Remote with no URL" |
| msgstr "git archive:未提供遠端 URL" |
| |
| #: builtin/archive.c:61 |
| msgid "git archive: expected ACK/NAK, got a flush packet" |
| msgstr "git archive:期望是 ACK/NAK,卻得到 flush 包" |
| |
| #: builtin/archive.c:64 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "git archive: NACK %s" |
| msgstr "git archive:NACK %s" |
| |
| #: builtin/archive.c:65 |
| msgid "git archive: protocol error" |
| msgstr "git archive:協定錯誤" |
| |
| #: builtin/archive.c:69 |
| msgid "git archive: expected a flush" |
| msgstr "git archive:應有一個 flush 包" |
| |
| #: builtin/bisect--helper.c:23 |
| msgid "git bisect--helper --bisect-reset [<commit>]" |
| msgstr "git bisect--helper --bisect-reset [<提交>]" |
| |
| #: builtin/bisect--helper.c:24 |
| msgid "git bisect--helper --bisect-next-check <good_term> <bad_term> [<term>]" |
| msgstr "git bisect--helper --bisect-next-check <好-術語> <壞-術語> [<術語>]" |
| |
| #: builtin/bisect--helper.c:25 |
| msgid "" |
| "git bisect--helper --bisect-terms [--term-good | --term-old | --term-bad | --" |
| "term-new]" |
| msgstr "" |
| "git bisect--helper --bisect-terms [--term-good | --term-old | --term-bad | --" |
| "term-new]" |
| |
| #: builtin/bisect--helper.c:26 |
| msgid "" |
| "git bisect--helper --bisect-start [--term-{new,bad}=<term> --term-{old,good}" |
| "=<term>] [--no-checkout] [--first-parent] [<bad> [<good>...]] [--] " |
| "[<paths>...]" |
| msgstr "" |
| "git bisect--helper --bisect-start [--term-{new,bad}=<術語> --term-{old,good}" |
| "=<術語>] [--no-checkout] [--first-parent] [<壞> [<好>...]] [--] [<路徑>...]" |
| |
| #: builtin/bisect--helper.c:28 |
| msgid "git bisect--helper --bisect-next" |
| msgstr "git bisect--helper --bisect-next" |
| |
| #: builtin/bisect--helper.c:29 |
| msgid "git bisect--helper --bisect-state (bad|new) [<rev>]" |
| msgstr "git bisect--helper --bisect-state (bad|new) [<修訂版>]" |
| |
| #: builtin/bisect--helper.c:30 |
| msgid "git bisect--helper --bisect-state (good|old) [<rev>...]" |
| msgstr "git bisect--helper --bisect-state (good|old) [<修訂版>...]" |
| |
| #: builtin/bisect--helper.c:31 |
| msgid "git bisect--helper --bisect-replay <filename>" |
| msgstr "git bisect--helper --bisect-replay <檔名>" |
| |
| #: builtin/bisect--helper.c:32 |
| msgid "git bisect--helper --bisect-skip [(<rev>|<range>)...]" |
| msgstr "git bisect--helper --bisect-skip [(<修訂版>|<範圍>)...]" |
| |
| #: builtin/bisect--helper.c:107 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "cannot open file '%s' in mode '%s'" |
| msgstr "無法以 '%2$s' 模式開啟 '%1$s' 檔案" |
| |
| #: builtin/bisect--helper.c:114 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "could not write to file '%s'" |
| msgstr "無法寫入 '%s' 檔案" |
| |
| #: builtin/bisect--helper.c:153 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "'%s' is not a valid term" |
| msgstr "'%s' 不是一個有效的術語" |
| |
| #: builtin/bisect--helper.c:157 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "can't use the builtin command '%s' as a term" |
| msgstr "不能使用內建指令 '%s' 作為術語" |
| |
| #: builtin/bisect--helper.c:167 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "can't change the meaning of the term '%s'" |
| msgstr "不能修改術語 '%s' 的含義" |
| |
| #: builtin/bisect--helper.c:177 |
| msgid "please use two different terms" |
| msgstr "請使用兩個不同的術語" |
| |
| #: builtin/bisect--helper.c:193 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "We are not bisecting.\n" |
| msgstr "我們沒有在二分搜尋。\n" |
| |
| #: builtin/bisect--helper.c:201 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "'%s' is not a valid commit" |
| msgstr "'%s' 不是一個有效的提交" |
| |
| #: builtin/bisect--helper.c:210 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "could not check out original HEAD '%s'. Try 'git bisect reset <commit>'." |
| msgstr "不能檢出原始 HEAD '%s'。嘗試 'git bisect reset <提交>'。" |
| |
| #: builtin/bisect--helper.c:254 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Bad bisect_write argument: %s" |
| msgstr "壞的 bisect_write 參數:%s" |
| |
| #: builtin/bisect--helper.c:259 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "couldn't get the oid of the rev '%s'" |
| msgstr "無法取得版本 '%s' 的物件 ID" |
| |
| #: builtin/bisect--helper.c:271 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "couldn't open the file '%s'" |
| msgstr "無法開啟檔案 '%s'" |
| |
| #: builtin/bisect--helper.c:297 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Invalid command: you're currently in a %s/%s bisect" |
| msgstr "無效的指令:您目前正處於一個 %s/%s 二分搜尋中" |
| |
| #: builtin/bisect--helper.c:324 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "You need to give me at least one %s and %s revision.\n" |
| "You can use \"git bisect %s\" and \"git bisect %s\" for that." |
| msgstr "" |
| "您需要給我至少一個 %s 和一個 %s 版本。\n" |
| "為此您可以用 \"git bisect %s\" 和 \"git bisect %s\"。" |
| |
| #: builtin/bisect--helper.c:328 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "You need to start by \"git bisect start\".\n" |
| "You then need to give me at least one %s and %s revision.\n" |
| "You can use \"git bisect %s\" and \"git bisect %s\" for that." |
| msgstr "" |
| "您需要執行 \"git bisect start\" 來開始。\n" |
| "然後需要提供我至少一個 %s 和一個 %s 版本。\n" |
| "為此您可以用 \"git bisect %s\" 和 \"git bisect %s\" 指令。" |
| |
| #: builtin/bisect--helper.c:348 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "bisecting only with a %s commit" |
| msgstr "在只有一個 %s 提交的情況下二分搜尋" |
| |
| # 譯者:請維持句尾空格 |
| #. TRANSLATORS: Make sure to include [Y] and [n] in your |
| #. translation. The program will only accept English input |
| #. at this point. |
| #. |
| #: builtin/bisect--helper.c:356 |
| msgid "Are you sure [Y/n]? " |
| msgstr "您確認嗎[Y/n]? " |
| |
| #: builtin/bisect--helper.c:417 |
| msgid "no terms defined" |
| msgstr "未定義術語" |
| |
| #: builtin/bisect--helper.c:420 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "Your current terms are %s for the old state\n" |
| "and %s for the new state.\n" |
| msgstr "您目前針對舊狀態的術語是 %s,對新狀態的術語是 %s。\n" |
| |
| #: builtin/bisect--helper.c:430 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "invalid argument %s for 'git bisect terms'.\n" |
| "Supported options are: --term-good|--term-old and --term-bad|--term-new." |
| msgstr "" |
| "指令 'git bisect terms' 的參數 %s 無效。\n" |
| "支援的選項有:--term-good|--term-old 和 --term-bad|--term-new。" |
| |
| #: builtin/bisect--helper.c:497 builtin/bisect--helper.c:1021 |
| msgid "revision walk setup failed\n" |
| msgstr "版本遍歷設定失敗\n" |
| |
| #: builtin/bisect--helper.c:519 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "could not open '%s' for appending" |
| msgstr "無法開啟 '%s' 進行附加" |
| |
| #: builtin/bisect--helper.c:638 builtin/bisect--helper.c:651 |
| msgid "'' is not a valid term" |
| msgstr "'' 不是一個有效的術語" |
| |
| #: builtin/bisect--helper.c:661 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "unrecognized option: '%s'" |
| msgstr "未識別的選項:'%s'" |
| |
| #: builtin/bisect--helper.c:665 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "'%s' does not appear to be a valid revision" |
| msgstr "'%s' 看起來不是一個有效的版本" |
| |
| #: builtin/bisect--helper.c:696 |
| msgid "bad HEAD - I need a HEAD" |
| msgstr "壞的 HEAD - 我需要一個 HEAD" |
| |
| #: builtin/bisect--helper.c:711 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "checking out '%s' failed. Try 'git bisect start <valid-branch>'." |
| msgstr "檢出 '%s' 失敗。嘗試 'git bisect start <有效分支>'。" |
| |
| #: builtin/bisect--helper.c:732 |
| msgid "won't bisect on cg-seek'ed tree" |
| msgstr "不會在做了 cg-seek 的樹上做二分搜尋" |
| |
| #: builtin/bisect--helper.c:735 |
| msgid "bad HEAD - strange symbolic ref" |
| msgstr "壞的 HEAD - 奇怪的符號引用" |
| |
| #: builtin/bisect--helper.c:755 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "invalid ref: '%s'" |
| msgstr "無效的引用:'%s'" |
| |
| #: builtin/bisect--helper.c:813 |
| msgid "You need to start by \"git bisect start\"\n" |
| msgstr "您需要執行 \"git bisect start\" 來開始\n" |
| |
| # 譯者:請維持句尾空格 |
| #. TRANSLATORS: Make sure to include [Y] and [n] in your |
| #. translation. The program will only accept English input |
| #. at this point. |
| #. |
| #: builtin/bisect--helper.c:824 |
| msgid "Do you want me to do it for you [Y/n]? " |
| msgstr "您想讓我為您這樣做嗎[Y/n]? " |
| |
| #: builtin/bisect--helper.c:842 |
| msgid "Please call `--bisect-state` with at least one argument" |
| msgstr "要呼叫 `—bisect-state`,請傳入一個以上的引數" |
| |
| #: builtin/bisect--helper.c:855 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "'git bisect %s' can take only one argument." |
| msgstr "'git bisect %s' 只能有一個參數。" |
| |
| #: builtin/bisect--helper.c:867 builtin/bisect--helper.c:880 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Bad rev input: %s" |
| msgstr "<修訂版> 輸入格式錯誤:%s" |
| |
| #: builtin/bisect--helper.c:887 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Bad rev input (not a commit): %s" |
| msgstr "修訂版輸入有誤(不是提交):%s" |
| |
| #: builtin/bisect--helper.c:919 |
| msgid "We are not bisecting." |
| msgstr "我們沒有在二分搜尋。" |
| |
| #: builtin/bisect--helper.c:969 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "'%s'?? what are you talking about?" |
| msgstr "「%s」??您在說什麼?" |
| |
| #: builtin/bisect--helper.c:981 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "cannot read file '%s' for replaying" |
| msgstr "無法讀取「%s」檔案來重放" |
| |
| #: builtin/bisect--helper.c:1054 |
| msgid "reset the bisection state" |
| msgstr "清除二分搜尋狀態" |
| |
| #: builtin/bisect--helper.c:1056 |
| msgid "check whether bad or good terms exist" |
| msgstr "檢查壞的或好的術語是否存在" |
| |
| #: builtin/bisect--helper.c:1058 |
| msgid "print out the bisect terms" |
| msgstr "列印二分搜尋術語" |
| |
| #: builtin/bisect--helper.c:1060 |
| msgid "start the bisect session" |
| msgstr "啟動二分搜尋過程" |
| |
| #: builtin/bisect--helper.c:1062 |
| msgid "find the next bisection commit" |
| msgstr "尋找下一個二分搜尋提交" |
| |
| #: builtin/bisect--helper.c:1064 |
| msgid "mark the state of ref (or refs)" |
| msgstr "標記 ref (或 refs) 的狀態" |
| |
| #: builtin/bisect--helper.c:1066 |
| msgid "list the bisection steps so far" |
| msgstr "列出迄今的二分搜尋步驟" |
| |
| #: builtin/bisect--helper.c:1068 |
| msgid "replay the bisection process from the given file" |
| msgstr "從指定檔案重放二分搜尋過程" |
| |
| #: builtin/bisect--helper.c:1070 |
| msgid "skip some commits for checkout" |
| msgstr "略過要檢出的部分提交" |
| |
| #: builtin/bisect--helper.c:1072 |
| msgid "no log for BISECT_WRITE" |
| msgstr "BISECT_WRITE 無日誌" |
| |
| #: builtin/bisect--helper.c:1087 |
| msgid "--bisect-reset requires either no argument or a commit" |
| msgstr "--bisect-reset 無需參數或者需要一個提交" |
| |
| #: builtin/bisect--helper.c:1092 |
| msgid "--bisect-next-check requires 2 or 3 arguments" |
| msgstr "--bisect-next-check 需要 2 或 3 個參數" |
| |
| #: builtin/bisect--helper.c:1098 |
| msgid "--bisect-terms requires 0 or 1 argument" |
| msgstr "--bisect-terms 需要 0 或 1 個參數" |
| |
| #: builtin/bisect--helper.c:1107 |
| msgid "--bisect-next requires 0 arguments" |
| msgstr "--bisect-next 需要 0 個引數" |
| |
| #: builtin/bisect--helper.c:1118 |
| msgid "--bisect-log requires 0 arguments" |
| msgstr "--bisect-log 需要 0 個引數" |
| |
| #: builtin/bisect--helper.c:1123 |
| msgid "no logfile given" |
| msgstr "未提供日誌檔案" |
| |
| #: builtin/blame.c:32 |
| msgid "git blame [<options>] [<rev-opts>] [<rev>] [--] <file>" |
| msgstr "git blame [<選項>] [<版本選項>] [<版本>] [--] <檔案>" |
| |
| #: builtin/blame.c:37 |
| msgid "<rev-opts> are documented in git-rev-list(1)" |
| msgstr "<版本選項> 的檔案記錄在 git-rev-list(1) 中" |
| |
| #: builtin/blame.c:410 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "expecting a color: %s" |
| msgstr "期望一個顏色:%s" |
| |
| #: builtin/blame.c:417 |
| msgid "must end with a color" |
| msgstr "必須以一個顏色結尾" |
| |
| #: builtin/blame.c:728 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "invalid color '%s' in color.blame.repeatedLines" |
| msgstr "設定 color.blame.repeatedLines 中的無效顏色 '%s'" |
| |
| #: builtin/blame.c:746 |
| msgid "invalid value for blame.coloring" |
| msgstr "設定 blame.coloring 中的無效取值" |
| |
| #: builtin/blame.c:845 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "cannot find revision %s to ignore" |
| msgstr "不能找到要忽略的版本 %s" |
| |
| #: builtin/blame.c:867 |
| msgid "show blame entries as we find them, incrementally" |
| msgstr "增量式顯示發現的 blame 條目" |
| |
| #: builtin/blame.c:868 |
| msgid "do not show object names of boundary commits (Default: off)" |
| msgstr "不要顯示邊界提交的物件名稱(預設值: off)" |
| |
| #: builtin/blame.c:869 |
| msgid "do not treat root commits as boundaries (Default: off)" |
| msgstr "不將根提交看作邊界(預設值:off)" |
| |
| #: builtin/blame.c:870 |
| msgid "show work cost statistics" |
| msgstr "顯示工作量統計" |
| |
| #: builtin/blame.c:871 builtin/checkout.c:1524 builtin/clone.c:94 |
| #: builtin/commit-graph.c:84 builtin/commit-graph.c:222 builtin/fetch.c:179 |
| #: builtin/merge.c:297 builtin/multi-pack-index.c:55 builtin/pull.c:119 |
| #: builtin/push.c:575 builtin/send-pack.c:198 |
| msgid "force progress reporting" |
| msgstr "強制顯示進度報告" |
| |
| #: builtin/blame.c:872 |
| msgid "show output score for blame entries" |
| msgstr "顯示判斷 blame 條目位移的得分診斷訊息" |
| |
| #: builtin/blame.c:873 |
| msgid "show original filename (Default: auto)" |
| msgstr "顯示原始檔案名稱(預設值:auto)" |
| |
| #: builtin/blame.c:874 |
| msgid "show original linenumber (Default: off)" |
| msgstr "顯示原始檔案名稱(預設值:off)" |
| |
| #: builtin/blame.c:875 |
| msgid "show in a format designed for machine consumption" |
| msgstr "顯示成適合機器讀取的格式" |
| |
| #: builtin/blame.c:876 |
| msgid "show porcelain format with per-line commit information" |
| msgstr "顯示每一列適合機器的提交說明" |
| |
| #: builtin/blame.c:877 |
| msgid "use the same output mode as git-annotate (Default: off)" |
| msgstr "使用和 git-annotate 相同的輸出模式(預設值:off)" |
| |
| #: builtin/blame.c:878 |
| msgid "show raw timestamp (Default: off)" |
| msgstr "顯示原始時間戳(預設值:off)" |
| |
| #: builtin/blame.c:879 |
| msgid "show long commit SHA1 (Default: off)" |
| msgstr "顯示較長的 SHA1 提交編號(預設值:off)" |
| |
| #: builtin/blame.c:880 |
| msgid "suppress author name and timestamp (Default: off)" |
| msgstr "隱藏作者名字及時間戳(預設值:off)" |
| |
| #: builtin/blame.c:881 |
| msgid "show author email instead of name (Default: off)" |
| msgstr "顯示作者信箱而非名稱(預設值:off)" |
| |
| #: builtin/blame.c:882 |
| msgid "ignore whitespace differences" |
| msgstr "忽略空白差異" |
| |
| #: builtin/blame.c:883 builtin/log.c:1820 |
| msgid "rev" |
| msgstr "版本" |
| |
| #: builtin/blame.c:883 |
| msgid "ignore <rev> when blaming" |
| msgstr "在執行 blame 動作時忽略 <修訂版>" |
| |
| #: builtin/blame.c:884 |
| msgid "ignore revisions from <file>" |
| msgstr "忽略 <檔案> 中的修訂版" |
| |
| #: builtin/blame.c:885 |
| msgid "color redundant metadata from previous line differently" |
| msgstr "使用顏色間隔輸出與前一行不同的重複元訊息" |
| |
| #: builtin/blame.c:886 |
| msgid "color lines by age" |
| msgstr "依據時間著色" |
| |
| #: builtin/blame.c:887 |
| msgid "spend extra cycles to find better match" |
| msgstr "循環更多次以找到更佳符合" |
| |
| #: builtin/blame.c:888 |
| msgid "use revisions from <file> instead of calling git-rev-list" |
| msgstr "使用來自 <檔案> 的修訂集而不是呼叫 git-rev-list" |
| |
| #: builtin/blame.c:889 |
| msgid "use <file>'s contents as the final image" |
| msgstr "將 <檔案> 的內容當成是最終 image" |
| |
| #: builtin/blame.c:890 builtin/blame.c:891 |
| msgid "score" |
| msgstr "得分" |
| |
| #: builtin/blame.c:890 |
| msgid "find line copies within and across files" |
| msgstr "找到檔案內及跨檔案的複製列" |
| |
| #: builtin/blame.c:891 |
| msgid "find line movements within and across files" |
| msgstr "找到檔案內及跨檔案的移動列" |
| |
| #: builtin/blame.c:892 |
| msgid "range" |
| msgstr "range" |
| |
| #: builtin/blame.c:893 |
| msgid "process only line range <start>,<end> or function :<funcname>" |
| msgstr "只處理範圍在 <開始>,<結尾> 的列,或是 :<函數名稱> 函數" |
| |
| #: builtin/blame.c:945 |
| msgid "--progress can't be used with --incremental or porcelain formats" |
| msgstr "--progress 不能和 --incremental 或 --porcelain 同時使用" |
| |
| #. TRANSLATORS: This string is used to tell us the |
| #. maximum display width for a relative timestamp in |
| #. "git blame" output. For C locale, "4 years, 11 |
| #. months ago", which takes 22 places, is the longest |
| #. among various forms of relative timestamps, but |
| #. your language may need more or fewer display |
| #. columns. |
| #. |
| #: builtin/blame.c:996 |
| msgid "4 years, 11 months ago" |
| msgstr "4 年 11 個月前" |
| |
| #: builtin/blame.c:1112 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "file %s has only %lu line" |
| msgid_plural "file %s has only %lu lines" |
| msgstr[0] "檔案 %s 只有 %lu 行" |
| |
| #: builtin/blame.c:1157 |
| msgid "Blaming lines" |
| msgstr "追蹤程式碼行" |
| |
| #: builtin/branch.c:29 |
| msgid "git branch [<options>] [-r | -a] [--merged] [--no-merged]" |
| msgstr "git branch [<選項>] [-r | -a] [--merged] [--no-merged]" |
| |
| #: builtin/branch.c:30 |
| msgid "git branch [<options>] [-l] [-f] <branch-name> [<start-point>]" |
| msgstr "git branch [<選項>] [-l] [-f] <分支名> [<起始點>]" |
| |
| #: builtin/branch.c:31 |
| msgid "git branch [<options>] [-r] (-d | -D) <branch-name>..." |
| msgstr "git branch [<選項>] [-r] (-d | -D) <分支名>..." |
| |
| #: builtin/branch.c:32 |
| msgid "git branch [<options>] (-m | -M) [<old-branch>] <new-branch>" |
| msgstr "git branch [<選項>] (-m | -M) [<舊分支>] <新分支>" |
| |
| #: builtin/branch.c:33 |
| msgid "git branch [<options>] (-c | -C) [<old-branch>] <new-branch>" |
| msgstr "git branch [<選項>] (-c | -C) [<老分支>] <新分支>" |
| |
| #: builtin/branch.c:34 |
| msgid "git branch [<options>] [-r | -a] [--points-at]" |
| msgstr "git branch [<選項>] [-r | -a] [--points-at]" |
| |
| #: builtin/branch.c:35 |
| msgid "git branch [<options>] [-r | -a] [--format]" |
| msgstr "git branch [<選項>] [-r | -a] [--format]" |
| |
| # 譯者:保持原換行格式,在輸出時 %s 的替代內容會讓字串變長 |
| #: builtin/branch.c:154 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "deleting branch '%s' that has been merged to\n" |
| " '%s', but not yet merged to HEAD." |
| msgstr "" |
| "將要刪除的分支 '%s' 已經被合併到\n" |
| " '%s',但未合併到 HEAD。" |
| |
| # 譯者:保持原換行格式,在輸出時 %s 的替代內容會讓字串變長 |
| #: builtin/branch.c:158 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "not deleting branch '%s' that is not yet merged to\n" |
| " '%s', even though it is merged to HEAD." |
| msgstr "" |
| "並未刪除分支 '%s', 雖然它已經合併到 HEAD,\n" |
| " 然而卻尚未被合併到分支 '%s' 。" |
| |
| #: builtin/branch.c:172 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Couldn't look up commit object for '%s'" |
| msgstr "無法查詢 '%s' 指向的提交物件" |
| |
| #: builtin/branch.c:176 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "The branch '%s' is not fully merged.\n" |
| "If you are sure you want to delete it, run 'git branch -D %s'." |
| msgstr "" |
| "分支 '%s' 沒有完全合併。\n" |
| "如果您確認要刪除它,執行 'git branch -D %s'。" |
| |
| #: builtin/branch.c:189 |
| msgid "Update of config-file failed" |
| msgstr "更新設定檔案失敗" |
| |
| #: builtin/branch.c:223 |
| msgid "cannot use -a with -d" |
| msgstr "不能將 -a 和 -d 同時使用" |
| |
| #: builtin/branch.c:230 |
| msgid "Couldn't look up commit object for HEAD" |
| msgstr "無法查詢 HEAD 指向的提交物件" |
| |
| #: builtin/branch.c:244 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Cannot delete branch '%s' checked out at '%s'" |
| msgstr "無法刪除在「%2$s」檢出的「%1$s」分支" |
| |
| #: builtin/branch.c:259 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "remote-tracking branch '%s' not found." |
| msgstr "未能找到遠端追蹤分支 '%s'。" |
| |
| #: builtin/branch.c:260 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "branch '%s' not found." |
| msgstr "分支 '%s' 未發現。" |
| |
| #: builtin/branch.c:291 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Deleted remote-tracking branch %s (was %s).\n" |
| msgstr "已刪除遠端追蹤分支 %s(曾為 %s)。\n" |
| |
| #: builtin/branch.c:292 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Deleted branch %s (was %s).\n" |
| msgstr "已刪除分支 %s(曾為 %s)。\n" |
| |
| #: builtin/branch.c:440 builtin/tag.c:63 |
| msgid "unable to parse format string" |
| msgstr "不能解析格式化字串" |
| |
| #: builtin/branch.c:471 |
| msgid "could not resolve HEAD" |
| msgstr "不能解析 HEAD 提交" |
| |
| #: builtin/branch.c:477 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "HEAD (%s) points outside of refs/heads/" |
| msgstr "HEAD (%s) 指向 refs/heads/ 之外" |
| |
| #: builtin/branch.c:492 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Branch %s is being rebased at %s" |
| msgstr "分支 %s 正被重定基底到 %s" |
| |
| #: builtin/branch.c:496 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Branch %s is being bisected at %s" |
| msgstr "分支 %s 正被二分搜尋於 %s" |
| |
| #: builtin/branch.c:513 |
| msgid "cannot copy the current branch while not on any." |
| msgstr "無法複製目前分支因為不處於任何分支上。" |
| |
| #: builtin/branch.c:515 |
| msgid "cannot rename the current branch while not on any." |
| msgstr "無法重新命名目前分支因為不處於任何分支上。" |
| |
| #: builtin/branch.c:526 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Invalid branch name: '%s'" |
| msgstr "無效的分支名:'%s'" |
| |
| #: builtin/branch.c:555 |
| msgid "Branch rename failed" |
| msgstr "分支重新命名失敗" |
| |
| #: builtin/branch.c:557 |
| msgid "Branch copy failed" |
| msgstr "分支複製失敗" |
| |
| #: builtin/branch.c:561 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Created a copy of a misnamed branch '%s'" |
| msgstr "已為錯誤命名的分支 '%s' 建立了一個副本" |
| |
| #: builtin/branch.c:564 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Renamed a misnamed branch '%s' away" |
| msgstr "已將錯誤命名的分支 '%s' 重新命名" |
| |
| #: builtin/branch.c:570 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Branch renamed to %s, but HEAD is not updated!" |
| msgstr "分支重新命名為 %s,但 HEAD 沒有更新!" |
| |
| #: builtin/branch.c:579 |
| msgid "Branch is renamed, but update of config-file failed" |
| msgstr "分支被重新命名,但更新設定檔案失敗" |
| |
| #: builtin/branch.c:581 |
| msgid "Branch is copied, but update of config-file failed" |
| msgstr "分支已複製,但更新設定檔案失敗" |
| |
| #: builtin/branch.c:597 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "Please edit the description for the branch\n" |
| " %s\n" |
| "Lines starting with '%c' will be stripped.\n" |
| msgstr "" |
| "請編輯分支的描述\n" |
| " %s\n" |
| "以 '%c' 開頭的行將被過濾。\n" |
| |
| #: builtin/branch.c:631 |
| msgid "Generic options" |
| msgstr "通用選項" |
| |
| #: builtin/branch.c:633 |
| msgid "show hash and subject, give twice for upstream branch" |
| msgstr "顯示雜湊值和主題,若參數出現兩次則顯示上游分支" |
| |
| #: builtin/branch.c:634 |
| msgid "suppress informational messages" |
| msgstr "不顯示訊息" |
| |
| #: builtin/branch.c:635 |
| msgid "set up tracking mode (see git-pull(1))" |
| msgstr "設定追蹤模式(參見 git-pull(1))" |
| |
| #: builtin/branch.c:637 |
| msgid "do not use" |
| msgstr "不要使用" |
| |
| #: builtin/branch.c:639 builtin/rebase.c:533 |
| msgid "upstream" |
| msgstr "上游" |
| |
| #: builtin/branch.c:639 |
| msgid "change the upstream info" |
| msgstr "改變上游訊息" |
| |
| #: builtin/branch.c:640 |
| msgid "unset the upstream info" |
| msgstr "取消上游資訊設定" |
| |
| #: builtin/branch.c:641 |
| msgid "use colored output" |
| msgstr "使用彩色輸出" |
| |
| #: builtin/branch.c:642 |
| msgid "act on remote-tracking branches" |
| msgstr "作用於遠端追蹤分支" |
| |
| #: builtin/branch.c:644 builtin/branch.c:646 |
| msgid "print only branches that contain the commit" |
| msgstr "只列印包含該提交的分支" |
| |
| #: builtin/branch.c:645 builtin/branch.c:647 |
| msgid "print only branches that don't contain the commit" |
| msgstr "只列印不包含該提交的分支" |
| |
| #: builtin/branch.c:650 |
| msgid "Specific git-branch actions:" |
| msgstr "具體的 git-branch 動作:" |
| |
| #: builtin/branch.c:651 |
| msgid "list both remote-tracking and local branches" |
| msgstr "列出遠端追蹤及本機分支" |
| |
| #: builtin/branch.c:653 |
| msgid "delete fully merged branch" |
| msgstr "刪除完全合併的分支" |
| |
| #: builtin/branch.c:654 |
| msgid "delete branch (even if not merged)" |
| msgstr "刪除分支(即使沒有合併)" |
| |
| #: builtin/branch.c:655 |
| msgid "move/rename a branch and its reflog" |
| msgstr "移動/重新命名一個分支,以及它的引用日誌" |
| |
| #: builtin/branch.c:656 |
| msgid "move/rename a branch, even if target exists" |
| msgstr "移動/重新命名一個分支,即使目標已存在" |
| |
| #: builtin/branch.c:657 |
| msgid "copy a branch and its reflog" |
| msgstr "複製一個分支和它的引用日誌" |
| |
| #: builtin/branch.c:658 |
| msgid "copy a branch, even if target exists" |
| msgstr "複製一個分支,即使目標已存在" |
| |
| #: builtin/branch.c:659 |
| msgid "list branch names" |
| msgstr "列出分支名" |
| |
| #: builtin/branch.c:660 |
| msgid "show current branch name" |
| msgstr "顯示目前分支名" |
| |
| #: builtin/branch.c:661 |
| msgid "create the branch's reflog" |
| msgstr "建立分支的引用日誌" |
| |
| #: builtin/branch.c:663 |
| msgid "edit the description for the branch" |
| msgstr "標記分支的描述" |
| |
| #: builtin/branch.c:664 |
| msgid "force creation, move/rename, deletion" |
| msgstr "強制建立、移動/重新命名、刪除" |
| |
| #: builtin/branch.c:665 |
| msgid "print only branches that are merged" |
| msgstr "只列印已經合併的分支" |
| |
| #: builtin/branch.c:666 |
| msgid "print only branches that are not merged" |
| msgstr "只列印尚未合併的分支" |
| |
| #: builtin/branch.c:667 |
| msgid "list branches in columns" |
| msgstr "以列的方式顯示分支" |
| |
| #: builtin/branch.c:669 builtin/for-each-ref.c:44 builtin/notes.c:415 |
| #: builtin/notes.c:418 builtin/notes.c:581 builtin/notes.c:584 |
| #: builtin/tag.c:477 |
| msgid "object" |
| msgstr "物件" |
| |
| #: builtin/branch.c:670 |
| msgid "print only branches of the object" |
| msgstr "只列印指向該物件的分支" |
| |
| #: builtin/branch.c:671 builtin/for-each-ref.c:50 builtin/tag.c:484 |
| msgid "sorting and filtering are case insensitive" |
| msgstr "排序和過濾屬於大小寫不敏感" |
| |
| #: builtin/branch.c:672 builtin/for-each-ref.c:40 builtin/tag.c:482 |
| #: builtin/verify-tag.c:38 |
| msgid "format to use for the output" |
| msgstr "輸出格式" |
| |
| #: builtin/branch.c:695 builtin/clone.c:794 |
| msgid "HEAD not found below refs/heads!" |
| msgstr "HEAD 沒有位於 /refs/heads 之下!" |
| |
| #: builtin/branch.c:719 |
| msgid "--column and --verbose are incompatible" |
| msgstr "--column 和 --verbose 不相容" |
| |
| #: builtin/branch.c:734 builtin/branch.c:790 builtin/branch.c:799 |
| msgid "branch name required" |
| msgstr "必須提供分支名" |
| |
| #: builtin/branch.c:766 |
| msgid "Cannot give description to detached HEAD" |
| msgstr "不能向分離開頭指標提供描述" |
| |
| #: builtin/branch.c:771 |
| msgid "cannot edit description of more than one branch" |
| msgstr "不能為一個以上的分支編輯描述" |
| |
| #: builtin/branch.c:778 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "No commit on branch '%s' yet." |
| msgstr "分支 '%s' 尚無提交。" |
| |
| #: builtin/branch.c:781 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "No branch named '%s'." |
| msgstr "沒有分支 '%s'。" |
| |
| #: builtin/branch.c:796 |
| msgid "too many branches for a copy operation" |
| msgstr "為複製動作提供了太多的分支名" |
| |
| #: builtin/branch.c:805 |
| msgid "too many arguments for a rename operation" |
| msgstr "為重新命名動作提供了太多的參數" |
| |
| #: builtin/branch.c:810 |
| msgid "too many arguments to set new upstream" |
| msgstr "為設定新上游提供了太多的參數" |
| |
| #: builtin/branch.c:814 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "could not set upstream of HEAD to %s when it does not point to any branch." |
| msgstr "無法設定 HEAD 的上游為 %s,因為 HEAD 沒有指向任何分支。" |
| |
| #: builtin/branch.c:817 builtin/branch.c:840 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "no such branch '%s'" |
| msgstr "沒有此分支 '%s'" |
| |
| #: builtin/branch.c:821 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "branch '%s' does not exist" |
| msgstr "分支 '%s' 不存在" |
| |
| #: builtin/branch.c:834 |
| msgid "too many arguments to unset upstream" |
| msgstr "為取消上游設定動作提供了太多的參數" |
| |
| #: builtin/branch.c:838 |
| msgid "could not unset upstream of HEAD when it does not point to any branch." |
| msgstr "在 HEAD 的上游未指向任何分支時無法取消設定。" |
| |
| #: builtin/branch.c:844 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Branch '%s' has no upstream information" |
| msgstr "分支 '%s' 沒有上游訊息" |
| |
| #: builtin/branch.c:854 |
| msgid "" |
| "The -a, and -r, options to 'git branch' do not take a branch name.\n" |
| "Did you mean to use: -a|-r --list <pattern>?" |
| msgstr "" |
| "'git branch' 的 -a 和 -r 選項不帶一個分支名。\n" |
| "您是否想要使用:-a|-r --list <模式>?" |
| |
| #: builtin/branch.c:858 |
| msgid "" |
| "the '--set-upstream' option is no longer supported. Please use '--track' or " |
| "'--set-upstream-to' instead." |
| msgstr "" |
| "不再支援選項 '--set-upstream'。請使用 '--track' 或 '--set-upstream-to'。" |
| |
| #: builtin/bugreport.c:15 |
| msgid "git version:\n" |
| msgstr "git 版本:\n" |
| |
| #: builtin/bugreport.c:21 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "uname() failed with error '%s' (%d)\n" |
| msgstr "uname() 失敗,錯誤:「%s」(%d)\n" |
| |
| #: builtin/bugreport.c:31 |
| msgid "compiler info: " |
| msgstr "編譯器資訊: " |
| |
| #: builtin/bugreport.c:34 |
| msgid "libc info: " |
| msgstr "libc 資訊: " |
| |
| #: builtin/bugreport.c:80 |
| msgid "not run from a git repository - no hooks to show\n" |
| msgstr "不是從 git 版本庫執行 - 沒有可顯示的掛鉤\n" |
| |
| #: builtin/bugreport.c:90 |
| msgid "git bugreport [-o|--output-directory <file>] [-s|--suffix <format>]" |
| msgstr "git bugreport [-o|--output-directory <檔案>] [-s|--suffix <格式>]" |
| |
| #: builtin/bugreport.c:97 |
| msgid "" |
| "Thank you for filling out a Git bug report!\n" |
| "Please answer the following questions to help us understand your issue.\n" |
| "\n" |
| "What did you do before the bug happened? (Steps to reproduce your issue)\n" |
| "\n" |
| "What did you expect to happen? (Expected behavior)\n" |
| "\n" |
| "What happened instead? (Actual behavior)\n" |
| "\n" |
| "What's different between what you expected and what actually happened?\n" |
| "\n" |
| "Anything else you want to add:\n" |
| "\n" |
| "Please review the rest of the bug report below.\n" |
| "You can delete any lines you don't wish to share.\n" |
| msgstr "" |
| "感謝您填寫 Git 臭蟲報告!\n" |
| "請回答下列問題,以讓我們能夠了解您的問題。\n" |
| "\n" |
| "臭蟲發生前,您做了什麼?(重現問題的步驟)\n" |
| "\n" |
| "你原本期望發生什麼?(期望行為)\n" |
| "\n" |
| "那實際上發生了什麼?(實際行為)\n" |
| "\n" |
| "期望行為跟實際發生的行為有什麼不同?\n" |
| "\n" |
| "其他您想加入的:\n" |
| "\n" |
| "請檢閱臭蟲報告下方的剩餘部分。\n" |
| "您可刪除任何您不想分享的地方。\n" |
| |
| #: builtin/bugreport.c:136 |
| msgid "specify a destination for the bugreport file" |
| msgstr "請指定 bugreport 檔案的目的地" |
| |
| #: builtin/bugreport.c:138 |
| msgid "specify a strftime format suffix for the filename" |
| msgstr "請指定檔案名稱的 strftime 格式後綴" |
| |
| #: builtin/bugreport.c:160 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "could not create leading directories for '%s'" |
| msgstr "無法建立 '%s' 的前置目錄" |
| |
| #: builtin/bugreport.c:167 |
| msgid "System Info" |
| msgstr "系統資訊" |
| |
| #: builtin/bugreport.c:170 |
| msgid "Enabled Hooks" |
| msgstr "啟用的掛鉤" |
| |
| #: builtin/bugreport.c:177 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "couldn't create a new file at '%s'" |
| msgstr "不要在「%s」建立新檔案" |
| |
| #: builtin/bugreport.c:180 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "unable to write to %s" |
| msgstr "無法寫入 %s" |
| |
| #: builtin/bugreport.c:190 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Created new report at '%s'.\n" |
| msgstr "已在「%s」建立新報告。\n" |
| |
| #: builtin/bundle.c:15 builtin/bundle.c:23 |
| msgid "git bundle create [<options>] <file> <git-rev-list args>" |
| msgstr "git bundle create [<選項>] <檔案> <git-rev-list 參數>" |
| |
| #: builtin/bundle.c:16 builtin/bundle.c:28 |
| msgid "git bundle verify [<options>] <file>" |
| msgstr "git bundle verify [<選項>] <檔案>" |
| |
| #: builtin/bundle.c:17 builtin/bundle.c:33 |
| msgid "git bundle list-heads <file> [<refname>...]" |
| msgstr "git bundle list-heads <檔案> [<參考名稱>...]" |
| |
| #: builtin/bundle.c:18 builtin/bundle.c:38 |
| msgid "git bundle unbundle <file> [<refname>...]" |
| msgstr "git bundle unbundle <檔案> [<參考名稱>...]" |
| |
| #: builtin/bundle.c:67 builtin/pack-objects.c:3747 |
| msgid "do not show progress meter" |
| msgstr "不顯示進度表" |
| |
| #: builtin/bundle.c:69 builtin/pack-objects.c:3749 |
| msgid "show progress meter" |
| msgstr "顯示進度表" |
| |
| #: builtin/bundle.c:71 builtin/pack-objects.c:3751 |
| msgid "show progress meter during object writing phase" |
| msgstr "在物件寫入階段顯示進度表" |
| |
| #: builtin/bundle.c:74 builtin/pack-objects.c:3754 |
| msgid "similar to --all-progress when progress meter is shown" |
| msgstr "當進度表顯示時類似於 --all-progress" |
| |
| #: builtin/bundle.c:76 |
| msgid "specify bundle format version" |
| msgstr "指定包格式版本" |
| |
| #: builtin/bundle.c:96 |
| msgid "Need a repository to create a bundle." |
| msgstr "需要一個版本庫來建立包。" |
| |
| #: builtin/bundle.c:107 |
| msgid "do not show bundle details" |
| msgstr "不顯示包 (bundle) 詳細資訊" |
| |
| #: builtin/bundle.c:122 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "%s is okay\n" |
| msgstr "%s 可以\n" |
| |
| #: builtin/bundle.c:163 |
| msgid "Need a repository to unbundle." |
| msgstr "需要一個版本庫來解包。" |
| |
| #: builtin/bundle.c:171 builtin/remote.c:1700 |
| msgid "be verbose; must be placed before a subcommand" |
| msgstr "詳細輸出;必須置於子指令之前" |
| |
| #: builtin/bundle.c:193 builtin/remote.c:1731 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Unknown subcommand: %s" |
| msgstr "未知子指令:%s" |
| |
| #: builtin/cat-file.c:598 |
| msgid "" |
| "git cat-file (-t [--allow-unknown-type] | -s [--allow-unknown-type] | -e | -" |
| "p | <type> | --textconv | --filters) [--path=<path>] <object>" |
| msgstr "" |
| "git cat-file (-t [--allow-unknown-type] | -s [--allow-unknown-type] | -e | -" |
| "p | <類型> | --textconv | --filters) [--path=<路徑>] <物件>" |
| |
| #: builtin/cat-file.c:599 |
| msgid "" |
| "git cat-file (--batch[=<format>] | --batch-check[=<format>]) [--follow-" |
| "symlinks] [--textconv | --filters]" |
| msgstr "" |
| "git cat-file (--batch[=<format>] | --batch-check[=<format>]) [--follow-" |
| "symlinks] [--textconv | --filters]" |
| |
| #: builtin/cat-file.c:620 |
| msgid "only one batch option may be specified" |
| msgstr "只能指定一個批次處理選項" |
| |
| #: builtin/cat-file.c:638 |
| msgid "<type> can be one of: blob, tree, commit, tag" |
| msgstr "<類型> 可以是其中之一:blob、tree、commit、tag" |
| |
| #: builtin/cat-file.c:639 |
| msgid "show object type" |
| msgstr "顯示物件類型" |
| |
| #: builtin/cat-file.c:640 |
| msgid "show object size" |
| msgstr "顯示物件大小" |
| |
| #: builtin/cat-file.c:642 |
| msgid "exit with zero when there's no error" |
| msgstr "當沒有錯誤時離開並返回零" |
| |
| #: builtin/cat-file.c:643 |
| msgid "pretty-print object's content" |
| msgstr "美觀地列印物件的內容" |
| |
| #: builtin/cat-file.c:645 |
| msgid "for blob objects, run textconv on object's content" |
| msgstr "對於資料物件,對其內容做文字轉換" |
| |
| #: builtin/cat-file.c:647 |
| msgid "for blob objects, run filters on object's content" |
| msgstr "對於資料物件,對其內容做過濾" |
| |
| #: builtin/cat-file.c:648 |
| msgid "blob" |
| msgstr "blob" |
| |
| #: builtin/cat-file.c:649 |
| msgid "use a specific path for --textconv/--filters" |
| msgstr "對於 --textconv/--filters 使用一個特定的路徑" |
| |
| #: builtin/cat-file.c:651 |
| msgid "allow -s and -t to work with broken/corrupt objects" |
| msgstr "允許 -s 和 -t 對損壞的物件生效" |
| |
| #: builtin/cat-file.c:652 |
| msgid "buffer --batch output" |
| msgstr "緩衝 --batch 的輸出" |
| |
| #: builtin/cat-file.c:654 |
| msgid "show info and content of objects fed from the standard input" |
| msgstr "顯示從標準輸入提供的物件的訊息和內容" |
| |
| #: builtin/cat-file.c:658 |
| msgid "show info about objects fed from the standard input" |
| msgstr "顯示從標準輸入提供的物件的訊息" |
| |
| #: builtin/cat-file.c:662 |
| msgid "follow in-tree symlinks (used with --batch or --batch-check)" |
| msgstr "跟隨樹內符號連結(和 --batch 或 --batch-check 共用)" |
| |
| #: builtin/cat-file.c:664 |
| msgid "show all objects with --batch or --batch-check" |
| msgstr "使用 --batch 或 --batch-check 參數顯示所有物件" |
| |
| #: builtin/cat-file.c:666 |
| msgid "do not order --batch-all-objects output" |
| msgstr "不要對 --batch-all-objects 的輸出排序" |
| |
| #: builtin/check-attr.c:13 |
| msgid "git check-attr [-a | --all | <attr>...] [--] <pathname>..." |
| msgstr "git check-attr [-a | --all | <屬性>...] [--] <路徑名>..." |
| |
| #: builtin/check-attr.c:14 |
| msgid "git check-attr --stdin [-z] [-a | --all | <attr>...]" |
| msgstr "git check-attr --stdin [-z] [-a | --all | <屬性>...]" |
| |
| #: builtin/check-attr.c:21 |
| msgid "report all attributes set on file" |
| msgstr "報告設定在檔案上的所有屬性" |
| |
| #: builtin/check-attr.c:22 |
| msgid "use .gitattributes only from the index" |
| msgstr "只使用索引中的 .gitattributes" |
| |
| #: builtin/check-attr.c:23 builtin/check-ignore.c:25 builtin/hash-object.c:102 |
| msgid "read file names from stdin" |
| msgstr "從標準輸入讀出檔案名" |
| |
| #: builtin/check-attr.c:25 builtin/check-ignore.c:27 |
| msgid "terminate input and output records by a NUL character" |
| msgstr "輸入和輸出的紀錄使用 NUL 字元終結" |
| |
| #: builtin/check-ignore.c:21 builtin/checkout.c:1520 builtin/gc.c:549 |
| #: builtin/worktree.c:491 |
| msgid "suppress progress reporting" |
| msgstr "不顯示進度報告" |
| |
| #: builtin/check-ignore.c:29 |
| msgid "show non-matching input paths" |
| msgstr "顯示未符合的輸入路徑" |
| |
| #: builtin/check-ignore.c:31 |
| msgid "ignore index when checking" |
| msgstr "檢查時忽略索引" |
| |
| #: builtin/check-ignore.c:165 |
| msgid "cannot specify pathnames with --stdin" |
| msgstr "不能同時指定路徑及 --stdin 參數" |
| |
| #: builtin/check-ignore.c:168 |
| msgid "-z only makes sense with --stdin" |
| msgstr "-z 需要和 --stdin 參數共用才有意義" |
| |
| #: builtin/check-ignore.c:170 |
| msgid "no path specified" |
| msgstr "未指定路徑" |
| |
| #: builtin/check-ignore.c:174 |
| msgid "--quiet is only valid with a single pathname" |
| msgstr "參數 --quiet 只在提供一個路徑名時有效" |
| |
| #: builtin/check-ignore.c:176 |
| msgid "cannot have both --quiet and --verbose" |
| msgstr "不能同時提供 --quiet 和 --verbose 參數" |
| |
| #: builtin/check-ignore.c:179 |
| msgid "--non-matching is only valid with --verbose" |
| msgstr "--non-matching 選項只在使用 --verbose 時有效" |
| |
| #: builtin/check-mailmap.c:9 |
| msgid "git check-mailmap [<options>] <contact>..." |
| msgstr "git check-mailmap [<選項>] <聯繫位址>..." |
| |
| #: builtin/check-mailmap.c:14 |
| msgid "also read contacts from stdin" |
| msgstr "還從標準輸入讀取聯繫位址" |
| |
| #: builtin/check-mailmap.c:25 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "unable to parse contact: %s" |
| msgstr "不能解析聯繫位址:%s" |
| |
| #: builtin/check-mailmap.c:48 |
| msgid "no contacts specified" |
| msgstr "未指定聯繫位址" |
| |
| #: builtin/checkout--worker.c:110 |
| #| msgid "git checkout [<options>] <branch>" |
| msgid "git checkout--worker [<options>]" |
| msgstr "git checkout--worker [<選項>]" |
| |
| #: builtin/checkout--worker.c:118 builtin/checkout-index.c:201 |
| #: builtin/column.c:31 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1825 |
| #: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1828 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1836 |
| #: builtin/submodule--helper.c:2334 builtin/worktree.c:719 |
| msgid "string" |
| msgstr "字串" |
| |
| #: builtin/checkout--worker.c:119 builtin/checkout-index.c:202 |
| msgid "when creating files, prepend <string>" |
| msgstr "在建立檔案時,在前面加上 <字串>" |
| |
| #: builtin/checkout-index.c:152 |
| msgid "git checkout-index [<options>] [--] [<file>...]" |
| msgstr "git checkout-index [<選項>] [--] [<檔案>...]" |
| |
| #: builtin/checkout-index.c:169 |
| msgid "stage should be between 1 and 3 or all" |
| msgstr "索引值應該取值 1 到 3 或者 all" |
| |
| #: builtin/checkout-index.c:187 |
| msgid "check out all files in the index" |
| msgstr "檢出索引區的所有檔案" |
| |
| #: builtin/checkout-index.c:188 |
| msgid "force overwrite of existing files" |
| msgstr "強制覆蓋現有的檔案" |
| |
| #: builtin/checkout-index.c:190 |
| msgid "no warning for existing files and files not in index" |
| msgstr "存在或不在索引中的檔案都沒有警告" |
| |
| #: builtin/checkout-index.c:192 |
| msgid "don't checkout new files" |
| msgstr "不檢出新檔案" |
| |
| #: builtin/checkout-index.c:194 |
| msgid "update stat information in the index file" |
| msgstr "更新索引中檔案的狀態訊息" |
| |
| #: builtin/checkout-index.c:198 |
| msgid "read list of paths from the standard input" |
| msgstr "從標準輸入讀取路徑列表" |
| |
| #: builtin/checkout-index.c:200 |
| msgid "write the content to temporary files" |
| msgstr "將內容寫入暫存檔" |
| |
| #: builtin/checkout-index.c:204 |
| msgid "copy out the files from named stage" |
| msgstr "從指定暫存區中拷出檔案" |
| |
| #: builtin/checkout.c:33 |
| msgid "git checkout [<options>] <branch>" |
| msgstr "git checkout [<選項>] <分支>" |
| |
| #: builtin/checkout.c:34 |
| msgid "git checkout [<options>] [<branch>] -- <file>..." |
| msgstr "git checkout [<選項>] [<分支>] -- <檔案>..." |
| |
| #: builtin/checkout.c:39 |
| msgid "git switch [<options>] [<branch>]" |
| msgstr "git switch [<選項>] [<分支>]" |
| |
| #: builtin/checkout.c:44 |
| msgid "git restore [<options>] [--source=<branch>] <file>..." |
| msgstr "git restore [<選項>] [--source=<分支>] <檔案>..." |
| |
| #: builtin/checkout.c:190 builtin/checkout.c:229 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "path '%s' does not have our version" |
| msgstr "路徑 '%s' 沒有我們的版本" |
| |
| #: builtin/checkout.c:192 builtin/checkout.c:231 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "path '%s' does not have their version" |
| msgstr "路徑 '%s' 沒有他們的版本" |
| |
| #: builtin/checkout.c:208 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "path '%s' does not have all necessary versions" |
| msgstr "路徑 '%s' 沒有全部必需的版本" |
| |
| #: builtin/checkout.c:261 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "path '%s' does not have necessary versions" |
| msgstr "路徑 '%s' 沒有必需的版本" |
| |
| #: builtin/checkout.c:278 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "path '%s': cannot merge" |
| msgstr "path '%s':無法合併" |
| |
| #: builtin/checkout.c:294 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Unable to add merge result for '%s'" |
| msgstr "無法為 '%s' 新增合併結果" |
| |
| #: builtin/checkout.c:414 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Recreated %d merge conflict" |
| msgid_plural "Recreated %d merge conflicts" |
| msgstr[0] "重新建立了 %d 個合併衝突" |
| |
| #: builtin/checkout.c:419 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Updated %d path from %s" |
| msgid_plural "Updated %d paths from %s" |
| msgstr[0] "從 %2$s 更新了 %1$d 個路徑" |
| |
| #: builtin/checkout.c:426 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Updated %d path from the index" |
| msgid_plural "Updated %d paths from the index" |
| msgstr[0] "從索引區更新了 %d 個路徑" |
| |
| #: builtin/checkout.c:449 builtin/checkout.c:452 builtin/checkout.c:455 |
| #: builtin/checkout.c:459 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "'%s' cannot be used with updating paths" |
| msgstr "'%s' 不能在更新路徑時使用" |
| |
| #: builtin/checkout.c:462 builtin/checkout.c:465 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "'%s' cannot be used with %s" |
| msgstr "'%s' 不能和 %s 同時使用" |
| |
| #: builtin/checkout.c:469 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Cannot update paths and switch to branch '%s' at the same time." |
| msgstr "不能同時更新路徑並切換到分支'%s'。" |
| |
| #: builtin/checkout.c:473 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "neither '%s' or '%s' is specified" |
| msgstr "'%s' 或 '%s' 都沒有指定" |
| |
| #: builtin/checkout.c:477 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "'%s' must be used when '%s' is not specified" |
| msgstr "未指定 '%2$s' 時,必須使用 '%1$s'" |
| |
| #: builtin/checkout.c:482 builtin/checkout.c:487 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "'%s' or '%s' cannot be used with %s" |
| msgstr "'%s' 或 '%s' 不能和 %s 一起使用" |
| |
| #: builtin/checkout.c:563 builtin/checkout.c:570 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "path '%s' is unmerged" |
| msgstr "路徑 '%s' 未合併" |
| |
| #: builtin/checkout.c:739 |
| msgid "you need to resolve your current index first" |
| msgstr "您需要先解決目前索引的衝突" |
| |
| #: builtin/checkout.c:793 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "cannot continue with staged changes in the following files:\n" |
| "%s" |
| msgstr "" |
| "不能繼續,下列檔案有暫存的修改:\n" |
| "%s" |
| |
| #: builtin/checkout.c:886 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Can not do reflog for '%s': %s\n" |
| msgstr "不能對 '%s' 執行 reflog 動作:%s\n" |
| |
| #: builtin/checkout.c:928 |
| msgid "HEAD is now at" |
| msgstr "HEAD 目前位於" |
| |
| #: builtin/checkout.c:932 builtin/clone.c:725 t/helper/test-fast-rebase.c:202 |
| msgid "unable to update HEAD" |
| msgstr "不能更新 HEAD" |
| |
| #: builtin/checkout.c:936 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Reset branch '%s'\n" |
| msgstr "重設分支 '%s'\n" |
| |
| #: builtin/checkout.c:939 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Already on '%s'\n" |
| msgstr "已經位於 '%s'\n" |
| |
| #: builtin/checkout.c:943 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Switched to and reset branch '%s'\n" |
| msgstr "切換並重設分支 '%s'\n" |
| |
| #: builtin/checkout.c:945 builtin/checkout.c:1376 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Switched to a new branch '%s'\n" |
| msgstr "切換到一個新分支 '%s'\n" |
| |
| #: builtin/checkout.c:947 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Switched to branch '%s'\n" |
| msgstr "切換到分支 '%s'\n" |
| |
| # 譯者:請維持前導空格 |
| #: builtin/checkout.c:998 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid " ... and %d more.\n" |
| msgstr " ... 及其它 %d 個。\n" |
| |
| #: builtin/checkout.c:1004 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "Warning: you are leaving %d commit behind, not connected to\n" |
| "any of your branches:\n" |
| "\n" |
| "%s\n" |
| msgid_plural "" |
| "Warning: you are leaving %d commits behind, not connected to\n" |
| "any of your branches:\n" |
| "\n" |
| "%s\n" |
| msgstr[0] "" |
| "警告:您正丟下 %d 個提交,未和任何分支關聯:\n" |
| "\n" |
| "%s\n" |
| |
| #: builtin/checkout.c:1023 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "If you want to keep it by creating a new branch, this may be a good time\n" |
| "to do so with:\n" |
| "\n" |
| " git branch <new-branch-name> %s\n" |
| "\n" |
| msgid_plural "" |
| "If you want to keep them by creating a new branch, this may be a good time\n" |
| "to do so with:\n" |
| "\n" |
| " git branch <new-branch-name> %s\n" |
| "\n" |
| msgstr[0] "" |
| "如果您想要透過建立新分支儲存它,這可能是一個好時候。\n" |
| "如下動作:\n" |
| "\n" |
| " git branch <新分支名> %s\n" |
| "\n" |
| |
| #: builtin/checkout.c:1058 |
| msgid "internal error in revision walk" |
| msgstr "在版本遍歷時遇到內部錯誤" |
| |
| #: builtin/checkout.c:1062 |
| msgid "Previous HEAD position was" |
| msgstr "之前的 HEAD 位置是" |
| |
| #: builtin/checkout.c:1102 builtin/checkout.c:1371 |
| msgid "You are on a branch yet to be born" |
| msgstr "您位於一個尚未初始化的分支" |
| |
| #: builtin/checkout.c:1184 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "'%s' could be both a local file and a tracking branch.\n" |
| "Please use -- (and optionally --no-guess) to disambiguate" |
| msgstr "" |
| "'%s' 既可以是一個本機檔案,也可以是一個追蹤分支。\n" |
| "請使用 --(和可選的 --no-guess)來消除歧義" |
| |
| #: builtin/checkout.c:1191 |
| msgid "" |
| "If you meant to check out a remote tracking branch on, e.g. 'origin',\n" |
| "you can do so by fully qualifying the name with the --track option:\n" |
| "\n" |
| " git checkout --track origin/<name>\n" |
| "\n" |
| "If you'd like to always have checkouts of an ambiguous <name> prefer\n" |
| "one remote, e.g. the 'origin' remote, consider setting\n" |
| "checkout.defaultRemote=origin in your config." |
| msgstr "" |
| "如果您想要檢出一個遠端追蹤分支,例如 'origin',您可以\n" |
| "使用 --track 選項寫出全名:\n" |
| "\n" |
| " git checkout --track origin/<name>\n" |
| "\n" |
| "如果您總是喜歡使用模糊的簡短分支名 <name>,而不喜歡如 'origin' 的遠端\n" |
| "版本庫名,可以在設定中設定 checkout.defaultRemote=origin。" |
| |
| #: builtin/checkout.c:1201 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "'%s' matched multiple (%d) remote tracking branches" |
| msgstr "'%s' 符合多個 (%d) 遠端追蹤分支" |
| |
| #: builtin/checkout.c:1267 |
| msgid "only one reference expected" |
| msgstr "預期只有一個引用" |
| |
| #: builtin/checkout.c:1284 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "only one reference expected, %d given." |
| msgstr "應只有一個引用,卻提供了 %d 個。" |
| |
| #: builtin/checkout.c:1330 builtin/worktree.c:270 builtin/worktree.c:438 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "invalid reference: %s" |
| msgstr "無效引用:%s" |
| |
| #: builtin/checkout.c:1343 builtin/checkout.c:1709 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "reference is not a tree: %s" |
| msgstr "引用不是一個樹:%s" |
| |
| #: builtin/checkout.c:1390 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "a branch is expected, got tag '%s'" |
| msgstr "期望一個分支,得到標籤 '%s'" |
| |
| #: builtin/checkout.c:1392 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "a branch is expected, got remote branch '%s'" |
| msgstr "期望一個分支,得到遠端分支 '%s'" |
| |
| #: builtin/checkout.c:1393 builtin/checkout.c:1401 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "a branch is expected, got '%s'" |
| msgstr "期望一個分支,得到 '%s'" |
| |
| #: builtin/checkout.c:1396 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "a branch is expected, got commit '%s'" |
| msgstr "期望一個分支,得到提交 '%s'" |
| |
| #: builtin/checkout.c:1412 |
| msgid "" |
| "cannot switch branch while merging\n" |
| "Consider \"git merge --quit\" or \"git worktree add\"." |
| msgstr "" |
| "不能在合併時切換分支\n" |
| "考慮使用 \"git merge --quit\" 或 \"git worktree add\"。" |
| |
| #: builtin/checkout.c:1416 |
| msgid "" |
| "cannot switch branch in the middle of an am session\n" |
| "Consider \"git am --quit\" or \"git worktree add\"." |
| msgstr "" |
| "不能在 am 工作階段期間切換分支\n" |
| "考慮使用 \"git am --quit\" 或 \"git worktree add\"。" |
| |
| #: builtin/checkout.c:1420 |
| msgid "" |
| "cannot switch branch while rebasing\n" |
| "Consider \"git rebase --quit\" or \"git worktree add\"." |
| msgstr "" |
| "不能在重定基底時切換分支\n" |
| "考慮使用 \"git rebase --quit\" 或 \"git worktree add\"。" |
| |
| #: builtin/checkout.c:1424 |
| msgid "" |
| "cannot switch branch while cherry-picking\n" |
| "Consider \"git cherry-pick --quit\" or \"git worktree add\"." |
| msgstr "" |
| "不能在揀選時切換分支\n" |
| "考慮使用 \"git cherry-pick --quit\" 或 \"git worktree add\"。" |
| |
| #: builtin/checkout.c:1428 |
| msgid "" |
| "cannot switch branch while reverting\n" |
| "Consider \"git revert --quit\" or \"git worktree add\"." |
| msgstr "" |
| "不能在還原時切換分支\n" |
| "考慮使用 \"git revert --quit\" 或 \"git worktree add\"。" |
| |
| #: builtin/checkout.c:1432 |
| msgid "you are switching branch while bisecting" |
| msgstr "您在執行二分搜尋時切換分支" |
| |
| #: builtin/checkout.c:1439 |
| msgid "paths cannot be used with switching branches" |
| msgstr "路徑不能和切換分支同時使用" |
| |
| #: builtin/checkout.c:1442 builtin/checkout.c:1446 builtin/checkout.c:1450 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "'%s' cannot be used with switching branches" |
| msgstr "'%s' 不能和切換分支同時使用" |
| |
| #: builtin/checkout.c:1454 builtin/checkout.c:1457 builtin/checkout.c:1460 |
| #: builtin/checkout.c:1465 builtin/checkout.c:1470 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "'%s' cannot be used with '%s'" |
| msgstr "'%s' 不能和 '%s' 同時使用" |
| |
| #: builtin/checkout.c:1467 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "'%s' cannot take <start-point>" |
| msgstr "'%s' 不帶 <起始點>" |
| |
| #: builtin/checkout.c:1475 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Cannot switch branch to a non-commit '%s'" |
| msgstr "不能切換分支到一個非提交 '%s'" |
| |
| #: builtin/checkout.c:1482 |
| msgid "missing branch or commit argument" |
| msgstr "缺少分支或提交參數" |
| |
| #: builtin/checkout.c:1525 |
| msgid "perform a 3-way merge with the new branch" |
| msgstr "和新的分支執行三方合併" |
| |
| #: builtin/checkout.c:1526 builtin/log.c:1807 parse-options.h:323 |
| msgid "style" |
| msgstr "風格" |
| |
| #: builtin/checkout.c:1527 |
| msgid "conflict style (merge or diff3)" |
| msgstr "衝突輸出風格(merge 或 diff3)" |
| |
| #: builtin/checkout.c:1539 builtin/worktree.c:488 |
| msgid "detach HEAD at named commit" |
| msgstr "HEAD 從指定的提交分離" |
| |
| #: builtin/checkout.c:1540 |
| msgid "set upstream info for new branch" |
| msgstr "為新的分支設定上游訊息" |
| |
| #: builtin/checkout.c:1542 |
| msgid "force checkout (throw away local modifications)" |
| msgstr "強制檢出(捨棄本機修改)" |
| |
| #: builtin/checkout.c:1544 |
| msgid "new-branch" |
| msgstr "新分支" |
| |
| #: builtin/checkout.c:1544 |
| msgid "new unparented branch" |
| msgstr "新的沒有父提交的分支" |
| |
| #: builtin/checkout.c:1546 builtin/merge.c:301 |
| msgid "update ignored files (default)" |
| msgstr "更新忽略的檔案(預設)" |
| |
| #: builtin/checkout.c:1549 |
| msgid "do not check if another worktree is holding the given ref" |
| msgstr "不檢查指定的引用是否被其他工作區所占用" |
| |
| #: builtin/checkout.c:1562 |
| msgid "checkout our version for unmerged files" |
| msgstr "對尚未合併的檔案檢出我們的版本" |
| |
| #: builtin/checkout.c:1565 |
| msgid "checkout their version for unmerged files" |
| msgstr "對尚未合併的檔案檢出他們的版本" |
| |
| #: builtin/checkout.c:1569 |
| msgid "do not limit pathspecs to sparse entries only" |
| msgstr "對路徑不做稀疏檢出的限制" |
| |
| #: builtin/checkout.c:1624 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "-%c, -%c and --orphan are mutually exclusive" |
| msgstr "-%c、-%c 和 --orphan 是互斥的" |
| |
| #: builtin/checkout.c:1628 |
| msgid "-p and --overlay are mutually exclusive" |
| msgstr "-p 和 --overlay 互斥" |
| |
| #: builtin/checkout.c:1665 |
| msgid "--track needs a branch name" |
| msgstr "--track 需要一個分支名" |
| |
| #: builtin/checkout.c:1670 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "missing branch name; try -%c" |
| msgstr "缺少分支名稱,請嘗試 -%c" |
| |
| #: builtin/checkout.c:1702 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "could not resolve %s" |
| msgstr "無法解析 %s" |
| |
| #: builtin/checkout.c:1718 |
| msgid "invalid path specification" |
| msgstr "無效的路徑規格" |
| |
| #: builtin/checkout.c:1725 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "'%s' is not a commit and a branch '%s' cannot be created from it" |
| msgstr "'%s' 不是一個提交,不能基於它建立分支 '%s'" |
| |
| #: builtin/checkout.c:1729 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "git checkout: --detach does not take a path argument '%s'" |
| msgstr "git checkout:--detach 不能接收路徑參數 '%s'" |
| |
| #: builtin/checkout.c:1738 |
| msgid "--pathspec-from-file is incompatible with --detach" |
| msgstr "--pathspec-from-file 與 --detach 不相容" |
| |
| #: builtin/checkout.c:1741 builtin/reset.c:325 builtin/stash.c:1634 |
| msgid "--pathspec-from-file is incompatible with --patch" |
| msgstr "--pathspec-from-file 與 --patch 不相容" |
| |
| #: builtin/checkout.c:1754 |
| msgid "" |
| "git checkout: --ours/--theirs, --force and --merge are incompatible when\n" |
| "checking out of the index." |
| msgstr "" |
| "git checkout:在從索引檢出時,--ours/--theirs、--force 和 --merge 不相容。" |
| |
| #: builtin/checkout.c:1759 |
| msgid "you must specify path(s) to restore" |
| msgstr "您必須指定一個要復原的路徑" |
| |
| #: builtin/checkout.c:1785 builtin/checkout.c:1787 builtin/checkout.c:1836 |
| #: builtin/checkout.c:1838 builtin/clone.c:126 builtin/remote.c:170 |
| #: builtin/remote.c:172 builtin/submodule--helper.c:2720 builtin/worktree.c:484 |
| #: builtin/worktree.c:486 |
| msgid "branch" |
| msgstr "分支" |
| |
| #: builtin/checkout.c:1786 |
| msgid "create and checkout a new branch" |
| msgstr "建立並檢出一個新的分支" |
| |
| #: builtin/checkout.c:1788 |
| msgid "create/reset and checkout a branch" |
| msgstr "建立/重設並檢出一個分支" |
| |
| #: builtin/checkout.c:1789 |
| msgid "create reflog for new branch" |
| msgstr "為新的分支建立引用日誌" |
| |
| #: builtin/checkout.c:1791 |
| msgid "second guess 'git checkout <no-such-branch>' (default)" |
| msgstr "二次猜測 'git checkout <無此分支>'(預設)" |
| |
| #: builtin/checkout.c:1792 |
| msgid "use overlay mode (default)" |
| msgstr "使用疊加模式(預設)" |
| |
| #: builtin/checkout.c:1837 |
| msgid "create and switch to a new branch" |
| msgstr "建立並切換一個新分支" |
| |
| #: builtin/checkout.c:1839 |
| msgid "create/reset and switch to a branch" |
| msgstr "建立/重設並切換一個分支" |
| |
| #: builtin/checkout.c:1841 |
| msgid "second guess 'git switch <no-such-branch>'" |
| msgstr "二次猜測 'git switch <無此分支>'" |
| |
| #: builtin/checkout.c:1843 |
| msgid "throw away local modifications" |
| msgstr "捨棄本機修改" |
| |
| #: builtin/checkout.c:1877 |
| msgid "which tree-ish to checkout from" |
| msgstr "要檢出哪一個樹" |
| |
| #: builtin/checkout.c:1879 |
| msgid "restore the index" |
| msgstr "復原索引" |
| |
| #: builtin/checkout.c:1881 |
| msgid "restore the working tree (default)" |
| msgstr "復原工作區(預設)" |
| |
| #: builtin/checkout.c:1883 |
| msgid "ignore unmerged entries" |
| msgstr "忽略未合併條目" |
| |
| #: builtin/checkout.c:1884 |
| msgid "use overlay mode" |
| msgstr "使用疊加模式" |
| |
| #: builtin/clean.c:29 |
| msgid "" |
| "git clean [-d] [-f] [-i] [-n] [-q] [-e <pattern>] [-x | -X] [--] <paths>..." |
| msgstr "" |
| "git clean [-d] [-f] [-i] [-n] [-q] [-e <模式>] [-x | -X] [--] <路徑>..." |
| |
| #: builtin/clean.c:33 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Removing %s\n" |
| msgstr "正刪除 %s\n" |
| |
| #: builtin/clean.c:34 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Would remove %s\n" |
| msgstr "將刪除 %s\n" |
| |
| #: builtin/clean.c:35 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Skipping repository %s\n" |
| msgstr "忽略版本庫 %s\n" |
| |
| #: builtin/clean.c:36 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Would skip repository %s\n" |
| msgstr "將忽略版本庫 %s\n" |
| |
| #: builtin/clean.c:38 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "could not lstat %s\n" |
| msgstr "不能對 %s 呼叫 lstat\n" |
| |
| #: builtin/clean.c:302 git-add--interactive.perl:593 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "Prompt help:\n" |
| "1 - select a numbered item\n" |
| "foo - select item based on unique prefix\n" |
| " - (empty) select nothing\n" |
| msgstr "" |
| "協助:\n" |
| "1 - 透過編號選擇一個選項\n" |
| "foo - 透過唯一前綴選擇一個選項\n" |
| " - (空)什麼也不選擇\n" |
| |
| #: builtin/clean.c:306 git-add--interactive.perl:602 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "Prompt help:\n" |
| "1 - select a single item\n" |
| "3-5 - select a range of items\n" |
| "2-3,6-9 - select multiple ranges\n" |
| "foo - select item based on unique prefix\n" |
| "-... - unselect specified items\n" |
| "* - choose all items\n" |
| " - (empty) finish selecting\n" |
| msgstr "" |
| "協助:\n" |
| "1 - 選擇一個選項\n" |
| "3-5 - 選擇一個範圍內的所有選項\n" |
| "2-3,6-9 - 選擇多個範圍內的所有選項\n" |
| "foo - 透過唯一前綴選擇一個選項\n" |
| "-... - 反選特定的選項\n" |
| "* - 選擇所有選項\n" |
| " - (空)結束選擇\n" |
| |
| #: builtin/clean.c:521 git-add--interactive.perl:568 |
| #: git-add--interactive.perl:573 |
| #, c-format, perl-format |
| msgid "Huh (%s)?\n" |
| msgstr "嗯(%s)?\n" |
| |
| #: builtin/clean.c:661 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Input ignore patterns>> " |
| msgstr "輸入範本以排除條目>> " |
| |
| #: builtin/clean.c:696 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "WARNING: Cannot find items matched by: %s" |
| msgstr "警告:無法找到和 %s 符合的條目" |
| |
| #: builtin/clean.c:717 |
| msgid "Select items to delete" |
| msgstr "選擇要刪除的條目" |
| |
| #. TRANSLATORS: Make sure to keep [y/N] as is |
| #: builtin/clean.c:758 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Remove %s [y/N]? " |
| msgstr "移除 %s [y/N]? " |
| |
| #: builtin/clean.c:789 |
| msgid "" |
| "clean - start cleaning\n" |
| "filter by pattern - exclude items from deletion\n" |
| "select by numbers - select items to be deleted by numbers\n" |
| "ask each - confirm each deletion (like \"rm -i\")\n" |
| "quit - stop cleaning\n" |
| "help - this screen\n" |
| "? - help for prompt selection" |
| msgstr "" |
| "clean - 開始清理\n" |
| "filter by pattern - 透過範本排除要刪除的條目\n" |
| "select by numbers - 透過數字選擇要刪除的條目\n" |
| "ask each - 針對刪除逐一詢問(就像 \"rm -i\")\n" |
| "quit - 停止刪除並離開\n" |
| "help - 顯示本協助\n" |
| "? - 顯示如何在提示符下選擇的協助" |
| |
| #: builtin/clean.c:825 |
| msgid "Would remove the following item:" |
| msgid_plural "Would remove the following items:" |
| msgstr[0] "將刪除如下條目:" |
| |
| #: builtin/clean.c:841 |
| msgid "No more files to clean, exiting." |
| msgstr "沒有要清理的檔案,離開。" |
| |
| #: builtin/clean.c:903 |
| msgid "do not print names of files removed" |
| msgstr "不列印刪除檔案的名稱" |
| |
| #: builtin/clean.c:905 |
| msgid "force" |
| msgstr "強制" |
| |
| #: builtin/clean.c:906 |
| msgid "interactive cleaning" |
| msgstr "互動式清除" |
| |
| #: builtin/clean.c:908 |
| msgid "remove whole directories" |
| msgstr "刪除整個目錄" |
| |
| #: builtin/clean.c:909 builtin/describe.c:565 builtin/describe.c:567 |
| #: builtin/grep.c:924 builtin/log.c:184 builtin/log.c:186 |
| #: builtin/ls-files.c:650 builtin/name-rev.c:526 builtin/name-rev.c:528 |
| #: builtin/show-ref.c:179 |
| msgid "pattern" |
| msgstr "模式" |
| |
| #: builtin/clean.c:910 |
| msgid "add <pattern> to ignore rules" |
| msgstr "新增 <模式> 到忽略規則" |
| |
| #: builtin/clean.c:911 |
| msgid "remove ignored files, too" |
| msgstr "也刪除忽略的檔案" |
| |
| #: builtin/clean.c:913 |
| msgid "remove only ignored files" |
| msgstr "只刪除忽略的檔案" |
| |
| #: builtin/clean.c:929 |
| msgid "" |
| "clean.requireForce set to true and neither -i, -n, nor -f given; refusing to " |
| "clean" |
| msgstr "" |
| "clean.requireForce 設定為 true 且未提供 -i、-n 或 -f 選項,拒絕執行清理動作" |
| |
| #: builtin/clean.c:932 |
| msgid "" |
| "clean.requireForce defaults to true and neither -i, -n, nor -f given; " |
| "refusing to clean" |
| msgstr "" |
| "clean.requireForce 預設為 true 且未提供 -i、-n 或 -f 選項,拒絕執行清理動作" |
| |
| #: builtin/clean.c:944 |
| msgid "-x and -X cannot be used together" |
| msgstr "-x 和 -X 不能同時使用" |
| |
| #: builtin/clone.c:45 |
| msgid "git clone [<options>] [--] <repo> [<dir>]" |
| msgstr "git clone [<選項>] [--] <版本庫> [<路徑>]" |
| |
| #: builtin/clone.c:96 |
| msgid "don't clone shallow repository" |
| msgstr "不要複製淺版本庫" |
| |
| #: builtin/clone.c:98 |
| msgid "don't create a checkout" |
| msgstr "不建立一個檢出" |
| |
| #: builtin/clone.c:99 builtin/clone.c:101 builtin/init-db.c:541 |
| msgid "create a bare repository" |
| msgstr "建立一個純版本庫" |
| |
| #: builtin/clone.c:103 |
| msgid "create a mirror repository (implies bare)" |
| msgstr "建立一個鏡像版本庫(也是純版本庫)" |
| |
| #: builtin/clone.c:105 |
| msgid "to clone from a local repository" |
| msgstr "從本機版本庫複製" |
| |
| #: builtin/clone.c:107 |
| msgid "don't use local hardlinks, always copy" |
| msgstr "不使用本機硬連結,始終複製" |
| |
| #: builtin/clone.c:109 |
| msgid "setup as shared repository" |
| msgstr "設定為共享版本庫" |
| |
| #: builtin/clone.c:111 |
| msgid "pathspec" |
| msgstr "路徑規格" |
| |
| #: builtin/clone.c:111 |
| msgid "initialize submodules in the clone" |
| msgstr "在複製時初始化子模組" |
| |
| #: builtin/clone.c:115 |
| msgid "number of submodules cloned in parallel" |
| msgstr "並發複製的子模組的數量" |
| |
| #: builtin/clone.c:116 builtin/init-db.c:538 |
| msgid "template-directory" |
| msgstr "範本目錄" |
| |
| #: builtin/clone.c:117 builtin/init-db.c:539 |
| msgid "directory from which templates will be used" |
| msgstr "範本目錄將被使用" |
| |
| #: builtin/clone.c:119 builtin/clone.c:121 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1832 |
| #: builtin/submodule--helper.c:2337 |
| msgid "reference repository" |
| msgstr "參考版本庫" |
| |
| #: builtin/clone.c:123 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1834 |
| #: builtin/submodule--helper.c:2339 |
| msgid "use --reference only while cloning" |
| msgstr "僅在複製時參考 --reference 指向的本機版本庫" |
| |
| #: builtin/clone.c:124 builtin/column.c:27 builtin/init-db.c:549 |
| #: builtin/merge-file.c:46 builtin/pack-objects.c:3815 builtin/repack.c:495 |
| #: t/helper/test-simple-ipc.c:696 t/helper/test-simple-ipc.c:698 |
| msgid "name" |
| msgstr "名稱" |
| |
| #: builtin/clone.c:125 |
| msgid "use <name> instead of 'origin' to track upstream" |
| msgstr "使用 <名稱> 而不是 'origin' 去追蹤上游" |
| |
| #: builtin/clone.c:127 |
| msgid "checkout <branch> instead of the remote's HEAD" |
| msgstr "檢出 <分支> 而不是遠端 HEAD" |
| |
| #: builtin/clone.c:129 |
| msgid "path to git-upload-pack on the remote" |
| msgstr "遠端 git-upload-pack 路徑" |
| |
| #: builtin/clone.c:130 builtin/fetch.c:180 builtin/grep.c:863 |
| #: builtin/pull.c:208 |
| msgid "depth" |
| msgstr "深度" |
| |
| #: builtin/clone.c:131 |
| msgid "create a shallow clone of that depth" |
| msgstr "建立一個指定深度的淺複製" |
| |
| #: builtin/clone.c:132 builtin/fetch.c:182 builtin/pack-objects.c:3804 |
| #: builtin/pull.c:211 |
| msgid "time" |
| msgstr "時間" |
| |
| #: builtin/clone.c:133 |
| msgid "create a shallow clone since a specific time" |
| msgstr "從一個特定時間建立一個淺複製" |
| |
| #: builtin/clone.c:134 builtin/fetch.c:184 builtin/fetch.c:207 |
| #: builtin/pull.c:214 builtin/pull.c:239 builtin/rebase.c:1318 |
| msgid "revision" |
| msgstr "修訂版" |
| |
| #: builtin/clone.c:135 builtin/fetch.c:185 builtin/pull.c:215 |
| msgid "deepen history of shallow clone, excluding rev" |
| msgstr "深化淺複製的歷史,除了特定版本" |
| |
| #: builtin/clone.c:137 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1844 |
| #: builtin/submodule--helper.c:2353 |
| msgid "clone only one branch, HEAD or --branch" |
| msgstr "只複製一個分支、HEAD 或 --branch" |
| |
| #: builtin/clone.c:139 |
| msgid "don't clone any tags, and make later fetches not to follow them" |
| msgstr "不要複製任何標籤,並且後續取得動作也不下載它們" |
| |
| #: builtin/clone.c:141 |
| msgid "any cloned submodules will be shallow" |
| msgstr "子模組將以淺下載模式複製" |
| |
| #: builtin/clone.c:142 builtin/init-db.c:547 |
| msgid "gitdir" |
| msgstr "git目錄" |
| |
| #: builtin/clone.c:143 builtin/init-db.c:548 |
| msgid "separate git dir from working tree" |
| msgstr "git目錄和工作區分離" |
| |
| #: builtin/clone.c:144 |
| msgid "key=value" |
| msgstr "key=value" |
| |
| #: builtin/clone.c:145 |
| msgid "set config inside the new repository" |
| msgstr "在新版本庫中設定設定訊息" |
| |
| #: builtin/clone.c:147 builtin/fetch.c:202 builtin/ls-remote.c:77 |
| #: builtin/pull.c:230 builtin/push.c:584 builtin/send-pack.c:196 |
| msgid "server-specific" |
| msgstr "server-specific" |
| |
| #: builtin/clone.c:147 builtin/fetch.c:202 builtin/ls-remote.c:77 |
| #: builtin/pull.c:231 builtin/push.c:584 builtin/send-pack.c:197 |
| msgid "option to transmit" |
| msgstr "傳輸選項" |
| |
| #: builtin/clone.c:148 builtin/fetch.c:203 builtin/pull.c:234 |
| #: builtin/push.c:585 |
| msgid "use IPv4 addresses only" |
| msgstr "只使用 IPv4 位址" |
| |
| #: builtin/clone.c:150 builtin/fetch.c:205 builtin/pull.c:237 |
| #: builtin/push.c:587 |
| msgid "use IPv6 addresses only" |
| msgstr "只使用 IPv6 位址" |
| |
| #: builtin/clone.c:154 |
| msgid "any cloned submodules will use their remote-tracking branch" |
| msgstr "任何複製的子模組將使用它們的遠端追蹤分支" |
| |
| #: builtin/clone.c:156 |
| msgid "initialize sparse-checkout file to include only files at root" |
| msgstr "初始化稀疏檢出檔案,只包含根目錄中的檔案" |
| |
| #: builtin/clone.c:292 |
| msgid "" |
| "No directory name could be guessed.\n" |
| "Please specify a directory on the command line" |
| msgstr "" |
| "無法猜到目錄名。\n" |
| "請在指令列指定一個目錄" |
| |
| #: builtin/clone.c:345 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "info: Could not add alternate for '%s': %s\n" |
| msgstr "info: 不能為 '%s' 新增一個備用:%s\n" |
| |
| #: builtin/clone.c:418 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "%s exists and is not a directory" |
| msgstr "%s 存在且不是一個目錄" |
| |
| #: builtin/clone.c:436 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "failed to start iterator over '%s'" |
| msgstr "無法在 '%s' 上啟動疊代器" |
| |
| #: builtin/clone.c:467 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "failed to create link '%s'" |
| msgstr "建立連結 '%s' 失敗" |
| |
| #: builtin/clone.c:471 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "failed to copy file to '%s'" |
| msgstr "複製檔案至 '%s' 失敗" |
| |
| #: builtin/clone.c:476 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "failed to iterate over '%s'" |
| msgstr "無法在 '%s' 上疊代" |
| |
| #: builtin/clone.c:503 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "done.\n" |
| msgstr "完成。\n" |
| |
| #: builtin/clone.c:517 |
| msgid "" |
| "Clone succeeded, but checkout failed.\n" |
| "You can inspect what was checked out with 'git status'\n" |
| "and retry with 'git restore --source=HEAD :/'\n" |
| msgstr "" |
| "複製成功,但是檢出失敗。\n" |
| "您可以透過 'git status' 檢查哪些已被檢出,然後使用指令\n" |
| "'git restore --source=HEAD :/' 重試\n" |
| |
| #: builtin/clone.c:594 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Could not find remote branch %s to clone." |
| msgstr "不能發現要複製的遠端分支 %s。" |
| |
| #: builtin/clone.c:713 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "unable to update %s" |
| msgstr "不能更新 %s" |
| |
| #: builtin/clone.c:761 |
| msgid "failed to initialize sparse-checkout" |
| msgstr "無法初始化稀疏檢出" |
| |
| #: builtin/clone.c:784 |
| msgid "remote HEAD refers to nonexistent ref, unable to checkout.\n" |
| msgstr "遠端 HEAD 指向一個不存在的引用,無法檢出。\n" |
| |
| #: builtin/clone.c:816 |
| msgid "unable to checkout working tree" |
| msgstr "不能檢出工作區" |
| |
| #: builtin/clone.c:894 |
| msgid "unable to write parameters to config file" |
| msgstr "無法將參數寫入設定檔案" |
| |
| #: builtin/clone.c:957 |
| msgid "cannot repack to clean up" |
| msgstr "無法執行 repack 來清理" |
| |
| #: builtin/clone.c:959 |
| msgid "cannot unlink temporary alternates file" |
| msgstr "無法刪除暫時的 alternates 檔案" |
| |
| #: builtin/clone.c:1001 builtin/receive-pack.c:2491 |
| msgid "Too many arguments." |
| msgstr "太多參數。" |
| |
| #: builtin/clone.c:1005 |
| msgid "You must specify a repository to clone." |
| msgstr "您必須指定一個版本庫來複製。" |
| |
| #: builtin/clone.c:1018 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "--bare and --origin %s options are incompatible." |
| msgstr "--bare 和 --origin %s 選項不相容。" |
| |
| #: builtin/clone.c:1021 |
| msgid "--bare and --separate-git-dir are incompatible." |
| msgstr "--bare 和 --separate-git-dir 選項不相容。" |
| |
| #: builtin/clone.c:1035 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "repository '%s' does not exist" |
| msgstr "版本庫 '%s' 不存在" |
| |
| #: builtin/clone.c:1039 builtin/fetch.c:2011 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "depth %s is not a positive number" |
| msgstr "深度 %s 不是一個正數" |
| |
| #: builtin/clone.c:1049 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "destination path '%s' already exists and is not an empty directory." |
| msgstr "目標路徑 '%s' 已經存在,並且不是一個空目錄。" |
| |
| #: builtin/clone.c:1055 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "repository path '%s' already exists and is not an empty directory." |
| msgstr "版本庫路徑 '%s' 已經存在,並且不是一個空目錄。" |
| |
| #: builtin/clone.c:1069 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "working tree '%s' already exists." |
| msgstr "工作區 '%s' 已經存在。" |
| |
| #: builtin/clone.c:1084 builtin/clone.c:1105 builtin/difftool.c:272 |
| #: builtin/log.c:1995 builtin/worktree.c:282 builtin/worktree.c:314 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "could not create leading directories of '%s'" |
| msgstr "不能為 '%s' 建立先導目錄" |
| |
| #: builtin/clone.c:1089 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "could not create work tree dir '%s'" |
| msgstr "不能建立工作區目錄 '%s'" |
| |
| #: builtin/clone.c:1109 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Cloning into bare repository '%s'...\n" |
| msgstr "複製到純版本庫 '%s'...\n" |
| |
| #: builtin/clone.c:1111 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Cloning into '%s'...\n" |
| msgstr "正複製到 '%s'...\n" |
| |
| #: builtin/clone.c:1135 |
| msgid "" |
| "clone --recursive is not compatible with both --reference and --reference-if-" |
| "able" |
| msgstr "clone --recursive 和 --reference 以及 --reference-if-able 不相容" |
| |
| #: builtin/clone.c:1188 builtin/remote.c:200 builtin/remote.c:705 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "'%s' is not a valid remote name" |
| msgstr "'%s' 不是一個有效的遠端名稱" |
| |
| #: builtin/clone.c:1229 |
| msgid "--depth is ignored in local clones; use file:// instead." |
| msgstr "--depth 在本機複製時被忽略,請改用 file:// 協定。" |
| |
| #: builtin/clone.c:1231 |
| msgid "--shallow-since is ignored in local clones; use file:// instead." |
| msgstr "--shallow-since 在本機複製時被忽略,請改用 file:// 協定。" |
| |
| #: builtin/clone.c:1233 |
| msgid "--shallow-exclude is ignored in local clones; use file:// instead." |
| msgstr "--shallow-exclude 在本機複製時被忽略,請改用 file:// 協定。" |
| |
| #: builtin/clone.c:1235 |
| msgid "--filter is ignored in local clones; use file:// instead." |
| msgstr "--filter 在本機複製時被忽略,請改用 file:// 協定。" |
| |
| #: builtin/clone.c:1240 |
| msgid "source repository is shallow, ignoring --local" |
| msgstr "源版本庫是淺複製,忽略 --local" |
| |
| #: builtin/clone.c:1245 |
| msgid "--local is ignored" |
| msgstr "--local 被忽略" |
| |
| #: builtin/clone.c:1337 builtin/clone.c:1345 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Remote branch %s not found in upstream %s" |
| msgstr "遠端分支 %s 在上游 %s 未發現" |
| |
| #: builtin/clone.c:1348 |
| msgid "You appear to have cloned an empty repository." |
| msgstr "您似乎複製了一個空版本庫。" |
| |
| #: builtin/column.c:10 |
| msgid "git column [<options>]" |
| msgstr "git column [<選項>]" |
| |
| #: builtin/column.c:27 |
| msgid "lookup config vars" |
| msgstr "尋找設定變數" |
| |
| #: builtin/column.c:28 builtin/column.c:29 |
| msgid "layout to use" |
| msgstr "要使用的配置" |
| |
| #: builtin/column.c:30 |
| msgid "maximum width" |
| msgstr "最大寬度" |
| |
| #: builtin/column.c:31 |
| msgid "padding space on left border" |
| msgstr "左邊框的填充空間" |
| |
| #: builtin/column.c:32 |
| msgid "padding space on right border" |
| msgstr "右邊框的填充空間" |
| |
| #: builtin/column.c:33 |
| msgid "padding space between columns" |
| msgstr "兩直行之間的填充空間" |
| |
| #: builtin/column.c:51 |
| msgid "--command must be the first argument" |
| msgstr "--command 必須是第一個參數" |
| |
| #: builtin/commit-graph.c:13 builtin/commit-graph.c:22 |
| msgid "" |
| "git commit-graph verify [--object-dir <objdir>] [--shallow] [--[no-]progress]" |
| msgstr "" |
| "git commit-graph verify [--object-dir <物件目錄>] [--shallow] [--" |
| "[no-]progress]" |
| |
| #: builtin/commit-graph.c:14 builtin/commit-graph.c:27 |
| msgid "" |
| "git commit-graph write [--object-dir <objdir>] [--append] [--" |
| "split[=<strategy>]] [--reachable|--stdin-packs|--stdin-commits] [--changed-" |
| "paths] [--[no-]max-new-filters <n>] [--[no-]progress] <split options>" |
| msgstr "" |
| "git commit-graph write [--object-dir <objdir>] [--append] [--" |
| "split[=<strategy>]] [--reachable|--stdin-packs|--stdin-commits] [--changed-" |
| "paths] [--[no-]max-new-filters <n>] [--[no-]progress] <split options>" |
| |
| #: builtin/commit-graph.c:64 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "could not find object directory matching %s" |
| msgstr "找不到符合 %s 的物件目錄" |
| |
| #: builtin/commit-graph.c:80 builtin/commit-graph.c:210 |
| #: builtin/commit-graph.c:316 builtin/fetch.c:191 builtin/log.c:1776 |
| msgid "dir" |
| msgstr "目錄" |
| |
| #: builtin/commit-graph.c:81 builtin/commit-graph.c:211 |
| #: builtin/commit-graph.c:317 |
| msgid "the object directory to store the graph" |
| msgstr "儲存圖形的物件目錄" |
| |
| #: builtin/commit-graph.c:83 |
| msgid "if the commit-graph is split, only verify the tip file" |
| msgstr "如果提交圖形被分割,只驗證頭一個檔案" |
| |
| #: builtin/commit-graph.c:106 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Could not open commit-graph '%s'" |
| msgstr "無法開啟提交圖形 '%s'" |
| |
| #: builtin/commit-graph.c:142 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "unrecognized --split argument, %s" |
| msgstr "無法識別的 --split 參數,%s" |
| |
| #: builtin/commit-graph.c:155 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "unexpected non-hex object ID: %s" |
| msgstr "非期望的非十六進位物件 ID:%s" |
| |
| #: builtin/commit-graph.c:160 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "invalid object: %s" |
| msgstr "物件無效:%s" |
| |
| #: builtin/commit-graph.c:213 |
| msgid "start walk at all refs" |
| msgstr "開始遍歷所有引用" |
| |
| #: builtin/commit-graph.c:215 |
| msgid "scan pack-indexes listed by stdin for commits" |
| msgstr "從標準輸入中的包索引檔案列表中掃描提交" |
| |
| #: builtin/commit-graph.c:217 |
| msgid "start walk at commits listed by stdin" |
| msgstr "從標準輸入中的提交開始掃描" |
| |
| #: builtin/commit-graph.c:219 |
| msgid "include all commits already in the commit-graph file" |
| msgstr "包含 commit-graph 檔案中已有所有提交" |
| |
| #: builtin/commit-graph.c:221 |
| msgid "enable computation for changed paths" |
| msgstr "啟用已變更路徑的計算" |
| |
| #: builtin/commit-graph.c:224 |
| msgid "allow writing an incremental commit-graph file" |
| msgstr "允許寫一個增量提交圖形檔案" |
| |
| #: builtin/commit-graph.c:228 |
| msgid "maximum number of commits in a non-base split commit-graph" |
| msgstr "在非基本分割提交圖形中的最大提交數" |
| |
| #: builtin/commit-graph.c:230 |
| msgid "maximum ratio between two levels of a split commit-graph" |
| msgstr "一個分割提交圖形的兩個級別之間的最大比率" |
| |
| #: builtin/commit-graph.c:232 |
| msgid "only expire files older than a given date-time" |
| msgstr "只將舊於指定日期與時間的檔案設為過期" |
| |
| #: builtin/commit-graph.c:234 |
| msgid "maximum number of changed-path Bloom filters to compute" |
| msgstr "變更路徑的布隆過濾器要計算的最大量" |
| |
| #: builtin/commit-graph.c:255 |
| msgid "use at most one of --reachable, --stdin-commits, or --stdin-packs" |
| msgstr "不能同時使用 --reachable、--stdin-commits 或 --stdin-packs" |
| |
| #: builtin/commit-graph.c:287 |
| msgid "Collecting commits from input" |
| msgstr "正在從輸入收集提交" |
| |
| #: builtin/commit-tree.c:18 |
| msgid "" |
| "git commit-tree [(-p <parent>)...] [-S[<keyid>]] [(-m <message>)...] [(-F " |
| "<file>)...] <tree>" |
| msgstr "" |
| "git commit-tree [(-p <父提交>)...] [-S[<keyid>]] [(-m <消息>)...] [(-F <檔案" |
| ">)...] <樹>" |
| |
| #: builtin/commit-tree.c:31 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "duplicate parent %s ignored" |
| msgstr "忽略重複的父提交 %s" |
| |
| #: builtin/commit-tree.c:56 builtin/commit-tree.c:136 builtin/log.c:559 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "not a valid object name %s" |
| msgstr "不是一個有效的物件名 %s" |
| |
| #: builtin/commit-tree.c:93 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "git commit-tree: failed to open '%s'" |
| msgstr "git commit-tree:無法開啟 '%s'" |
| |
| #: builtin/commit-tree.c:96 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "git commit-tree: failed to read '%s'" |
| msgstr "git commit-tree:無法讀取 '%s'" |
| |
| #: builtin/commit-tree.c:98 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "git commit-tree: failed to close '%s'" |
| msgstr "git commit-tree:無法關閉 '%s'" |
| |
| #: builtin/commit-tree.c:111 |
| msgid "parent" |
| msgstr "父提交" |
| |
| #: builtin/commit-tree.c:112 |
| msgid "id of a parent commit object" |
| msgstr "父提交物件 ID" |
| |
| #: builtin/commit-tree.c:114 builtin/commit.c:1614 builtin/merge.c:282 |
| #: builtin/notes.c:409 builtin/notes.c:575 builtin/stash.c:1605 |
| #: builtin/tag.c:456 |
| msgid "message" |
| msgstr "訊息" |
| |
| #: builtin/commit-tree.c:115 builtin/commit.c:1614 |
| msgid "commit message" |
| msgstr "提交說明" |
| |
| #: builtin/commit-tree.c:118 |
| msgid "read commit log message from file" |
| msgstr "從檔案中讀取提交說明" |
| |
| #: builtin/commit-tree.c:121 builtin/commit.c:1631 builtin/merge.c:299 |
| #: builtin/pull.c:176 builtin/revert.c:118 |
| msgid "GPG sign commit" |
| msgstr "GPG 提交簽名" |
| |
| #: builtin/commit-tree.c:133 |
| msgid "must give exactly one tree" |
| msgstr "必須精確地提供一個樹" |
| |
| #: builtin/commit-tree.c:140 |
| msgid "git commit-tree: failed to read" |
| msgstr "git commit-tree:讀取失敗" |
| |
| #: builtin/commit.c:41 |
| msgid "git commit [<options>] [--] <pathspec>..." |
| msgstr "git commit [<選項>] [--] <路徑規格>..." |
| |
| #: builtin/commit.c:46 |
| msgid "git status [<options>] [--] <pathspec>..." |
| msgstr "git status [<選項>] [--] <路徑規格>..." |
| |
| #: builtin/commit.c:51 |
| msgid "" |
| "You asked to amend the most recent commit, but doing so would make\n" |
| "it empty. You can repeat your command with --allow-empty, or you can\n" |
| "remove the commit entirely with \"git reset HEAD^\".\n" |
| msgstr "" |
| "您要修補最近的提交,但這麼做會讓它成為空提交。您可以重複您的指令並帶上\n" |
| "--allow-empty 選項,或者您可用指令 \"git reset HEAD^\" 整個刪除該提交。\n" |
| |
| #: builtin/commit.c:56 |
| msgid "" |
| "The previous cherry-pick is now empty, possibly due to conflict resolution.\n" |
| "If you wish to commit it anyway, use:\n" |
| "\n" |
| " git commit --allow-empty\n" |
| "\n" |
| msgstr "" |
| "之前的揀選動作現在是一個空提交,可能是由衝突解決導致的。如果您無論如何\n" |
| "也要提交,使用指令:\n" |
| "\n" |
| " git commit --allow-empty\n" |
| "\n" |
| |
| #: builtin/commit.c:63 |
| msgid "Otherwise, please use 'git rebase --skip'\n" |
| msgstr "否則,請使用 'git rebase --skip'\n" |
| |
| #: builtin/commit.c:66 |
| msgid "Otherwise, please use 'git cherry-pick --skip'\n" |
| msgstr "否則,請使用 'git cherry-pick --skip'\n" |
| |
| #: builtin/commit.c:69 |
| msgid "" |
| "and then use:\n" |
| "\n" |
| " git cherry-pick --continue\n" |
| "\n" |
| "to resume cherry-picking the remaining commits.\n" |
| "If you wish to skip this commit, use:\n" |
| "\n" |
| " git cherry-pick --skip\n" |
| "\n" |
| msgstr "" |
| "然後使用:\n" |
| "\n" |
| " git cherry-pick --continue\n" |
| "\n" |
| "來繼續揀選剩餘提交。如果您想略過此提交,使用:\n" |
| "\n" |
| " git cherry-pick --skip\n" |
| "\n" |
| |
| #: builtin/commit.c:324 |
| msgid "failed to unpack HEAD tree object" |
| msgstr "解包 HEAD 樹狀物件失敗" |
| |
| #: builtin/commit.c:360 |
| msgid "--pathspec-from-file with -a does not make sense" |
| msgstr "--pathspec-from-file 和 -a 同時使用沒有意義" |
| |
| #: builtin/commit.c:374 |
| msgid "No paths with --include/--only does not make sense." |
| msgstr "參數 --include/--only 不跟路徑沒有意義。" |
| |
| #: builtin/commit.c:386 |
| msgid "unable to create temporary index" |
| msgstr "不能建立暫時索引" |
| |
| #: builtin/commit.c:395 |
| msgid "interactive add failed" |
| msgstr "互動式新增失敗" |
| |
| #: builtin/commit.c:410 |
| msgid "unable to update temporary index" |
| msgstr "無法更新暫時索引" |
| |
| #: builtin/commit.c:412 |
| msgid "Failed to update main cache tree" |
| msgstr "不能更新樹的主快取" |
| |
| #: builtin/commit.c:437 builtin/commit.c:460 builtin/commit.c:508 |
| msgid "unable to write new_index file" |
| msgstr "無法寫 new_index 檔案" |
| |
| #: builtin/commit.c:489 |
| msgid "cannot do a partial commit during a merge." |
| msgstr "在合併過程中不能做部分提交。" |
| |
| #: builtin/commit.c:491 |
| msgid "cannot do a partial commit during a cherry-pick." |
| msgstr "在揀選過程中不能做部分提交。" |
| |
| #: builtin/commit.c:493 |
| msgid "cannot do a partial commit during a rebase." |
| msgstr "在重定基底過程中不能做部分提交。" |
| |
| #: builtin/commit.c:501 |
| msgid "cannot read the index" |
| msgstr "無法讀取索引" |
| |
| #: builtin/commit.c:520 |
| msgid "unable to write temporary index file" |
| msgstr "無法寫暫時索引檔案" |
| |
| #: builtin/commit.c:618 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "commit '%s' lacks author header" |
| msgstr "提交 '%s' 缺少作者訊息" |
| |
| #: builtin/commit.c:620 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "commit '%s' has malformed author line" |
| msgstr "提交 '%s' 有格式錯誤的作者訊息" |
| |
| #: builtin/commit.c:639 |
| msgid "malformed --author parameter" |
| msgstr "格式錯誤的 --author 參數" |
| |
| #: builtin/commit.c:692 |
| msgid "" |
| "unable to select a comment character that is not used\n" |
| "in the current commit message" |
| msgstr "無法選擇一個未被目前提交說明使用的備註字元" |
| |
| #: builtin/commit.c:746 builtin/commit.c:780 builtin/commit.c:1158 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "could not lookup commit %s" |
| msgstr "不能查詢提交 %s" |
| |
| #: builtin/commit.c:758 builtin/shortlog.c:413 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "(reading log message from standard input)\n" |
| msgstr "(正從標準輸入中讀取日誌訊息)\n" |
| |
| #: builtin/commit.c:760 |
| msgid "could not read log from standard input" |
| msgstr "不能從標準輸入中讀取日誌訊息" |
| |
| #: builtin/commit.c:764 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "could not read log file '%s'" |
| msgstr "不能讀取日誌檔案 '%s'" |
| |
| #: builtin/commit.c:801 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "cannot combine -m with --fixup:%s" |
| msgstr "-m 和 --fixup:%s 不可結合使用" |
| |
| #: builtin/commit.c:813 builtin/commit.c:829 |
| msgid "could not read SQUASH_MSG" |
| msgstr "不能讀取 SQUASH_MSG" |
| |
| #: builtin/commit.c:820 |
| msgid "could not read MERGE_MSG" |
| msgstr "不能讀取 MERGE_MSG" |
| |
| #: builtin/commit.c:880 |
| msgid "could not write commit template" |
| msgstr "不能寫提交範本" |
| |
| #: builtin/commit.c:900 |
| msgid "" |
| "\n" |
| "It looks like you may be committing a merge.\n" |
| "If this is not correct, please run\n" |
| "\tgit update-ref -d MERGE_HEAD\n" |
| "and try again.\n" |
| msgstr "" |
| "\n" |
| "您似乎正在提交一個合併提交。\n" |
| "如果錯誤,請執行\n" |
| "\tgit update-ref -d MERGE_HEAD\n" |
| "後重試。\n" |
| |
| #: builtin/commit.c:905 |
| msgid "" |
| "\n" |
| "It looks like you may be committing a cherry-pick.\n" |
| "If this is not correct, please run\n" |
| "\tgit update-ref -d CHERRY_PICK_HEAD\n" |
| "and try again.\n" |
| msgstr "" |
| "\n" |
| "您似乎正在提交一個揀選提交。\n" |
| "如果錯誤,請執行\n" |
| "\tgit update-ref -d CHERRY_PICK_HEAD\n" |
| "後重試。\n" |
| |
| #: builtin/commit.c:915 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "Please enter the commit message for your changes. Lines starting\n" |
| "with '%c' will be ignored, and an empty message aborts the commit.\n" |
| msgstr "" |
| "請為您的變更輸入提交說明。以 '%c' 開始的行將被忽略,而一個空的提交\n" |
| "說明將會終止提交。\n" |
| |
| #: builtin/commit.c:923 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "Please enter the commit message for your changes. Lines starting\n" |
| "with '%c' will be kept; you may remove them yourself if you want to.\n" |
| "An empty message aborts the commit.\n" |
| msgstr "" |
| "請為您的變更輸入提交說明。以 '%c' 開始的行將被保留,如果您原意\n" |
| "也可以刪除它們。一個空的提交說明將會終止提交。\n" |
| |
| # 譯者:為保證在輸出中對齊,注意調整句中空格! |
| #: builtin/commit.c:940 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "%sAuthor: %.*s <%.*s>" |
| msgstr "%s作者: %.*s <%.*s>" |
| |
| # 譯者:為保證在輸出中對齊,注意調整句中空格! |
| #: builtin/commit.c:948 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "%sDate: %s" |
| msgstr "%s日期: %s" |
| |
| # 譯者:為保證在輸出中對齊,注意調整句中空格! |
| #: builtin/commit.c:955 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "%sCommitter: %.*s <%.*s>" |
| msgstr "%s提交者:%.*s <%.*s>" |
| |
| #: builtin/commit.c:973 |
| msgid "Cannot read index" |
| msgstr "無法讀取索引" |
| |
| #: builtin/commit.c:1018 |
| msgid "unable to pass trailers to --trailers" |
| msgstr "無法將尾部署名傳遞至 --trailers" |
| |
| #: builtin/commit.c:1058 |
| msgid "Error building trees" |
| msgstr "無法建立樹狀物件" |
| |
| #: builtin/commit.c:1072 builtin/tag.c:319 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Please supply the message using either -m or -F option.\n" |
| msgstr "請使用 -m 或 -F 選項提供提交說明。\n" |
| |
| #: builtin/commit.c:1116 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "--author '%s' is not 'Name <email>' and matches no existing author" |
| msgstr "--author '%s' 不是 '姓名 <信箱>' 格式,且未能在現有作者中找到符合" |
| |
| #: builtin/commit.c:1130 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Invalid ignored mode '%s'" |
| msgstr "無效的忽略模式 '%s'" |
| |
| #: builtin/commit.c:1148 builtin/commit.c:1441 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Invalid untracked files mode '%s'" |
| msgstr "無效的未追蹤檔案參數 '%s'" |
| |
| #: builtin/commit.c:1188 |
| msgid "--long and -z are incompatible" |
| msgstr "--long 和 -z 選項不相容" |
| |
| #: builtin/commit.c:1219 |
| msgid "You are in the middle of a merge -- cannot reword." |
| msgstr "正在合併中——不能重新輸入。" |
| |
| #: builtin/commit.c:1221 |
| msgid "You are in the middle of a cherry-pick -- cannot reword." |
| msgstr "正在揀選中——不能重新輸入。" |
| |
| #: builtin/commit.c:1224 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "cannot combine reword option of --fixup with path '%s'" |
| msgstr "不能將「%s」路徑與 --fixup 的 reword 選項結合" |
| |
| #: builtin/commit.c:1226 |
| msgid "" |
| "reword option of --fixup is mutually exclusive with --patch/--interactive/--" |
| "all/--include/--only" |
| msgstr "" |
| "--fixup 的 reword 選項與 --patch/--interactive/--all/--include/--only 互斥" |
| |
| #: builtin/commit.c:1245 |
| msgid "Using both --reset-author and --author does not make sense" |
| msgstr "同時使用 --reset-author 和 --author 沒有意義" |
| |
| #: builtin/commit.c:1254 |
| msgid "You have nothing to amend." |
| msgstr "您沒有可修補的提交。" |
| |
| #: builtin/commit.c:1257 |
| msgid "You are in the middle of a merge -- cannot amend." |
| msgstr "您正處於一個合併過程中 -- 無法修補提交。" |
| |
| #: builtin/commit.c:1259 |
| msgid "You are in the middle of a cherry-pick -- cannot amend." |
| msgstr "您正處於一個揀選過程中 -- 無法修補提交。" |
| |
| #: builtin/commit.c:1261 |
| msgid "You are in the middle of a rebase -- cannot amend." |
| msgstr "您正處於重定基底的過程中 -- 無法修訂。" |
| |
| #: builtin/commit.c:1264 |
| msgid "Options --squash and --fixup cannot be used together" |
| msgstr "選項 --squash 和 --fixup 不能同時使用" |
| |
| #: builtin/commit.c:1274 |
| msgid "Only one of -c/-C/-F/--fixup can be used." |
| msgstr "只能用一個 -c/-C/-F/--fixup 選項。" |
| |
| #: builtin/commit.c:1276 |
| msgid "Option -m cannot be combined with -c/-C/-F." |
| msgstr "選項 -m 不能和 -c/-C/-F 同時使用。" |
| |
| #: builtin/commit.c:1285 |
| msgid "--reset-author can be used only with -C, -c or --amend." |
| msgstr "--reset-author 只能和 -C、-c 或 --amend 同時使用。" |
| |
| #: builtin/commit.c:1303 |
| msgid "Only one of --include/--only/--all/--interactive/--patch can be used." |
| msgstr "只能用一個 --include/--only/--all/--interactive/--patch 選項。" |
| |
| #: builtin/commit.c:1331 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "unknown option: --fixup=%s:%s" |
| msgstr "未知選項:--fixup=%s:%s" |
| |
| #: builtin/commit.c:1345 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "paths '%s ...' with -a does not make sense" |
| msgstr "路徑 '%s ...' 和 -a 選項同時使用沒有意義" |
| |
| #: builtin/commit.c:1476 builtin/commit.c:1642 |
| msgid "show status concisely" |
| msgstr "以簡潔的格式顯示狀態" |
| |
| #: builtin/commit.c:1478 builtin/commit.c:1644 |
| msgid "show branch information" |
| msgstr "顯示分支訊息" |
| |
| #: builtin/commit.c:1480 |
| msgid "show stash information" |
| msgstr "顯示儲藏區訊息" |
| |
| #: builtin/commit.c:1482 builtin/commit.c:1646 |
| msgid "compute full ahead/behind values" |
| msgstr "計算完整的領先/落後值" |
| |
| #: builtin/commit.c:1484 |
| msgid "version" |
| msgstr "版本" |
| |
| #: builtin/commit.c:1484 builtin/commit.c:1648 builtin/push.c:560 |
| #: builtin/worktree.c:681 |
| msgid "machine-readable output" |
| msgstr "機器可讀的輸出" |
| |
| #: builtin/commit.c:1487 builtin/commit.c:1650 |
| msgid "show status in long format (default)" |
| msgstr "以長格式顯示狀態(預設)" |
| |
| #: builtin/commit.c:1490 builtin/commit.c:1653 |
| msgid "terminate entries with NUL" |
| msgstr "條目以 NUL 字元結尾" |
| |
| #: builtin/commit.c:1492 builtin/commit.c:1496 builtin/commit.c:1656 |
| #: builtin/fast-export.c:1198 builtin/fast-export.c:1201 |
| #: builtin/fast-export.c:1204 builtin/rebase.c:1407 parse-options.h:337 |
| msgid "mode" |
| msgstr "模式" |
| |
| #: builtin/commit.c:1493 builtin/commit.c:1656 |
| msgid "show untracked files, optional modes: all, normal, no. (Default: all)" |
| msgstr "顯示未追蹤的檔案,「模式」的可選參數:all、normal、no。(預設值:all)" |
| |
| #: builtin/commit.c:1497 |
| msgid "" |
| "show ignored files, optional modes: traditional, matching, no. (Default: " |
| "traditional)" |
| msgstr "" |
| "顯示已忽略的檔案,可選模式:traditional、matching、no。(預設值:" |
| "traditional)" |
| |
| #: builtin/commit.c:1499 parse-options.h:193 |
| msgid "when" |
| msgstr "何時" |
| |
| #: builtin/commit.c:1500 |
| msgid "" |
| "ignore changes to submodules, optional when: all, dirty, untracked. " |
| "(Default: all)" |
| msgstr "" |
| "忽略子模組的更改,「何時」的可選參數:all、dirty、untracked。(預設值:all)" |
| |
| #: builtin/commit.c:1502 |
| msgid "list untracked files in columns" |
| msgstr "以列的方式顯示未追蹤的檔案" |
| |
| #: builtin/commit.c:1503 |
| msgid "do not detect renames" |
| msgstr "不檢測重新命名" |
| |
| #: builtin/commit.c:1505 |
| msgid "detect renames, optionally set similarity index" |
| msgstr "檢測重新命名,可以設定索引相似度" |
| |
| #: builtin/commit.c:1525 |
| msgid "Unsupported combination of ignored and untracked-files arguments" |
| msgstr "不支援已忽略和未追蹤檔案參數的組合" |
| |
| #: builtin/commit.c:1607 |
| msgid "suppress summary after successful commit" |
| msgstr "提交成功後不顯示概述訊息" |
| |
| #: builtin/commit.c:1608 |
| msgid "show diff in commit message template" |
| msgstr "在提交說明範本裡顯示差異" |
| |
| #: builtin/commit.c:1610 |
| msgid "Commit message options" |
| msgstr "提交說明選項" |
| |
| #: builtin/commit.c:1611 builtin/merge.c:286 builtin/tag.c:458 |
| msgid "read message from file" |
| msgstr "從檔案中讀取提交說明" |
| |
| #: builtin/commit.c:1612 |
| msgid "author" |
| msgstr "作者" |
| |
| #: builtin/commit.c:1612 |
| msgid "override author for commit" |
| msgstr "提交時覆蓋作者" |
| |
| #: builtin/commit.c:1613 builtin/gc.c:550 |
| msgid "date" |
| msgstr "日期" |
| |
| #: builtin/commit.c:1613 |
| msgid "override date for commit" |
| msgstr "提交時覆蓋日期" |
| |
| #: builtin/commit.c:1615 builtin/commit.c:1616 builtin/commit.c:1622 |
| #: parse-options.h:329 ref-filter.h:90 |
| msgid "commit" |
| msgstr "提交" |
| |
| #: builtin/commit.c:1615 |
| msgid "reuse and edit message from specified commit" |
| msgstr "重用並編輯指定提交的提交說明" |
| |
| #: builtin/commit.c:1616 |
| msgid "reuse message from specified commit" |
| msgstr "重用指定提交的提交說明" |
| |
| #. TRANSLATORS: Leave "[(amend|reword):]" as-is, |
| #. and only translate <commit>. |
| #. |
| #: builtin/commit.c:1621 |
| #| msgid "amend previous commit" |
| msgid "[(amend|reword):]commit" |
| msgstr "[(amend|reword):]commit" |
| |
| #: builtin/commit.c:1621 |
| msgid "" |
| "use autosquash formatted message to fixup or amend/reword specified commit" |
| msgstr "使用 autosquash 格式化後的說明來 fixup 或是 amend/reword 指定提交" |
| |
| #: builtin/commit.c:1622 |
| msgid "use autosquash formatted message to squash specified commit" |
| msgstr "使用 autosquash 格式的提交說明用以壓縮至指定的提交" |
| |
| #: builtin/commit.c:1623 |
| msgid "the commit is authored by me now (used with -C/-c/--amend)" |
| msgstr "現在將該提交的作者改為我(和 -C/-c/--amend 參數共用)" |
| |
| #: builtin/commit.c:1624 builtin/interpret-trailers.c:111 |
| msgid "trailer" |
| msgstr "尾部署名" |
| |
| #: builtin/commit.c:1624 |
| msgid "add custom trailer(s)" |
| msgstr "加入自訂尾部署名" |
| |
| #: builtin/commit.c:1625 builtin/log.c:1751 builtin/merge.c:302 |
| #: builtin/pull.c:145 builtin/revert.c:110 |
| msgid "add a Signed-off-by trailer" |
| msgstr "在結尾加入 Signed-off-by" |
| |
| #: builtin/commit.c:1626 |
| msgid "use specified template file" |
| msgstr "使用指定的範本檔案" |
| |
| #: builtin/commit.c:1627 |
| msgid "force edit of commit" |
| msgstr "強制編輯提交" |
| |
| #: builtin/commit.c:1629 |
| msgid "include status in commit message template" |
| msgstr "在提交說明範本裡包含狀態訊息" |
| |
| #: builtin/commit.c:1634 |
| msgid "Commit contents options" |
| msgstr "提交內容選項" |
| |
| #: builtin/commit.c:1635 |
| msgid "commit all changed files" |
| msgstr "提交所有改動的檔案" |
| |
| #: builtin/commit.c:1636 |
| msgid "add specified files to index for commit" |
| msgstr "新增指定的檔案到索引區等待提交" |
| |
| #: builtin/commit.c:1637 |
| msgid "interactively add files" |
| msgstr "互動式新增檔案" |
| |
| #: builtin/commit.c:1638 |
| msgid "interactively add changes" |
| msgstr "互動式新增變更" |
| |
| #: builtin/commit.c:1639 |
| msgid "commit only specified files" |
| msgstr "只提交指定的檔案" |
| |
| #: builtin/commit.c:1640 |
| msgid "bypass pre-commit and commit-msg hooks" |
| msgstr "繞過 pre-commit 和 commit-msg 掛鉤" |
| |
| #: builtin/commit.c:1641 |
| msgid "show what would be committed" |
| msgstr "顯示將要提交的內容" |
| |
| #: builtin/commit.c:1654 |
| msgid "amend previous commit" |
| msgstr "修改先前的提交" |
| |
| #: builtin/commit.c:1655 |
| msgid "bypass post-rewrite hook" |
| msgstr "繞過 post-rewrite 掛鉤" |
| |
| #: builtin/commit.c:1662 |
| msgid "ok to record an empty change" |
| msgstr "允許一個空提交" |
| |
| #: builtin/commit.c:1664 |
| msgid "ok to record a change with an empty message" |
| msgstr "允許空的提交說明" |
| |
| #: builtin/commit.c:1737 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Corrupt MERGE_HEAD file (%s)" |
| msgstr "損壞的 MERGE_HEAD 檔案(%s)" |
| |
| #: builtin/commit.c:1744 |
| msgid "could not read MERGE_MODE" |
| msgstr "不能讀取 MERGE_MODE" |
| |
| #: builtin/commit.c:1765 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "could not read commit message: %s" |
| msgstr "不能讀取提交說明:%s" |
| |
| #: builtin/commit.c:1772 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Aborting commit due to empty commit message.\n" |
| msgstr "終止提交因為提交說明為空。\n" |
| |
| #: builtin/commit.c:1777 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Aborting commit; you did not edit the message.\n" |
| msgstr "終止提交;您未更改來自範本的提交說明。\n" |
| |
| #: builtin/commit.c:1788 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Aborting commit due to empty commit message body.\n" |
| msgstr "提交說明內文空白,中止提交作業。\n" |
| |
| #: builtin/commit.c:1824 |
| msgid "" |
| "repository has been updated, but unable to write\n" |
| "new_index file. Check that disk is not full and quota is\n" |
| "not exceeded, and then \"git restore --staged :/\" to recover." |
| msgstr "" |
| "版本庫已更新,但無法寫 new_index 檔案。檢查是否磁碟已滿或\n" |
| "磁碟配額已耗盡,然後執行 \"git restore --staged :/\" 復原。" |
| |
| #: builtin/config.c:11 |
| msgid "git config [<options>]" |
| msgstr "git config [<選項>]" |
| |
| #: builtin/config.c:109 builtin/env--helper.c:27 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "unrecognized --type argument, %s" |
| msgstr "無法識別的 --type 參數,%s" |
| |
| #: builtin/config.c:121 |
| msgid "only one type at a time" |
| msgstr "一次只能一個類型" |
| |
| #: builtin/config.c:130 |
| msgid "Config file location" |
| msgstr "設定檔案位置" |
| |
| #: builtin/config.c:131 |
| msgid "use global config file" |
| msgstr "使用全域設定檔案" |
| |
| #: builtin/config.c:132 |
| msgid "use system config file" |
| msgstr "使用系統級設定檔案" |
| |
| #: builtin/config.c:133 |
| msgid "use repository config file" |
| msgstr "使用版本庫級設定檔案" |
| |
| #: builtin/config.c:134 |
| msgid "use per-worktree config file" |
| msgstr "使用工作區級別的設定檔案" |
| |
| #: builtin/config.c:135 |
| msgid "use given config file" |
| msgstr "使用指定的設定檔案" |
| |
| #: builtin/config.c:136 |
| msgid "blob-id" |
| msgstr "資料物件 ID" |
| |
| #: builtin/config.c:136 |
| msgid "read config from given blob object" |
| msgstr "從提供的資料物件讀取設定" |
| |
| #: builtin/config.c:137 |
| msgid "Action" |
| msgstr "動作" |
| |
| #: builtin/config.c:138 |
| msgid "get value: name [value-pattern]" |
| msgstr "取得值:name [value-pattern]" |
| |
| #: builtin/config.c:139 |
| msgid "get all values: key [value-pattern]" |
| msgstr "取得所有值:key [value-pattern]" |
| |
| #: builtin/config.c:140 |
| msgid "get values for regexp: name-regex [value-pattern]" |
| msgstr "根據正規表示式取得值:name-regex [value-pattern]" |
| |
| #: builtin/config.c:141 |
| msgid "get value specific for the URL: section[.var] URL" |
| msgstr "獲得 URL 取值:section[.var] URL" |
| |
| #: builtin/config.c:142 |
| msgid "replace all matching variables: name value [value-pattern]" |
| msgstr "取代所有符合的變數:name value [value-pattern]" |
| |
| #: builtin/config.c:143 |
| msgid "add a new variable: name value" |
| msgstr "新增一個新的變數:name value" |
| |
| #: builtin/config.c:144 |
| msgid "remove a variable: name [value-pattern]" |
| msgstr "移除一個變數:name [value-pattern]" |
| |
| #: builtin/config.c:145 |
| msgid "remove all matches: name [value-pattern]" |
| msgstr "移除所有符合項目:name [value-pattern]" |
| |
| #: builtin/config.c:146 |
| msgid "rename section: old-name new-name" |
| msgstr "重新命名小節:old-name new-name" |
| |
| #: builtin/config.c:147 |
| msgid "remove a section: name" |
| msgstr "刪除一個小節:name" |
| |
| #: builtin/config.c:148 |
| msgid "list all" |
| msgstr "全部列出" |
| |
| #: builtin/config.c:149 |
| msgid "use string equality when comparing values to 'value-pattern'" |
| msgstr "比較「value-pattern」的值時,使用字串相等比較" |
| |
| #: builtin/config.c:150 |
| msgid "open an editor" |
| msgstr "開啟一個編輯器" |
| |
| #: builtin/config.c:151 |
| msgid "find the color configured: slot [default]" |
| msgstr "獲得設定的顏色:設定 [預設]" |
| |
| #: builtin/config.c:152 |
| msgid "find the color setting: slot [stdout-is-tty]" |
| msgstr "獲得顏色設定:設定 [stdout-is-tty]" |
| |
| #: builtin/config.c:153 |
| msgid "Type" |
| msgstr "類型" |
| |
| #: builtin/config.c:154 builtin/env--helper.c:43 |
| msgid "value is given this type" |
| msgstr "取值為該類型" |
| |
| #: builtin/config.c:155 |
| msgid "value is \"true\" or \"false\"" |
| msgstr "值是 \"true\" 或 \"false\"" |
| |
| #: builtin/config.c:156 |
| msgid "value is decimal number" |
| msgstr "值是十進位數" |
| |
| #: builtin/config.c:157 |
| msgid "value is --bool or --int" |
| msgstr "值是 --bool or --int" |
| |
| #: builtin/config.c:158 |
| msgid "value is --bool or string" |
| msgstr "值是 --bool 或 string" |
| |
| #: builtin/config.c:159 |
| msgid "value is a path (file or directory name)" |
| msgstr "值是一個路徑(檔案或目錄名)" |
| |
| #: builtin/config.c:160 |
| msgid "value is an expiry date" |
| msgstr "值是一個到期日期" |
| |
| #: builtin/config.c:161 |
| msgid "Other" |
| msgstr "其它" |
| |
| #: builtin/config.c:162 |
| msgid "terminate values with NUL byte" |
| msgstr "終止值是 NUL 位元組" |
| |
| #: builtin/config.c:163 |
| msgid "show variable names only" |
| msgstr "只顯示變數名" |
| |
| #: builtin/config.c:164 |
| msgid "respect include directives on lookup" |
| msgstr "查詢時參照 include 指令遞迴尋找" |
| |
| #: builtin/config.c:165 |
| msgid "show origin of config (file, standard input, blob, command line)" |
| msgstr "顯示設定的來源(檔案、標準輸入、資料物件,或指令列)" |
| |
| #: builtin/config.c:166 |
| msgid "show scope of config (worktree, local, global, system, command)" |
| msgstr "" |
| "顯示設定檔的作用域 (工作區 worktree、本機 local、全域 global、系統 system、指" |
| "令 command)" |
| |
| #: builtin/config.c:167 builtin/env--helper.c:45 |
| msgid "value" |
| msgstr "取值" |
| |
| #: builtin/config.c:167 |
| msgid "with --get, use default value when missing entry" |
| msgstr "使用 --get 但未指定參數時所使用的預設值" |
| |
| #: builtin/config.c:181 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "wrong number of arguments, should be %d" |
| msgstr "錯誤的參數個數,應該為 %d 個" |
| |
| #: builtin/config.c:183 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "wrong number of arguments, should be from %d to %d" |
| msgstr "錯誤的參數個數,應該為從 %d 個到 %d 個" |
| |
| #: builtin/config.c:339 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "invalid key pattern: %s" |
| msgstr "無效鍵名模式:%s" |
| |
| #: builtin/config.c:377 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "failed to format default config value: %s" |
| msgstr "格式化預設設定值失敗:%s" |
| |
| #: builtin/config.c:441 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "cannot parse color '%s'" |
| msgstr "無法解析顏色 '%s'" |
| |
| #: builtin/config.c:483 |
| msgid "unable to parse default color value" |
| msgstr "無法解析預設顏色值" |
| |
| #: builtin/config.c:536 builtin/config.c:833 |
| msgid "not in a git directory" |
| msgstr "不在 git 版本庫中" |
| |
| #: builtin/config.c:539 |
| msgid "writing to stdin is not supported" |
| msgstr "不支援寫到標準輸入" |
| |
| #: builtin/config.c:542 |
| msgid "writing config blobs is not supported" |
| msgstr "不支援寫到設定資料物件" |
| |
| #: builtin/config.c:627 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "# This is Git's per-user configuration file.\n" |
| "[user]\n" |
| "# Please adapt and uncomment the following lines:\n" |
| "#\tname = %s\n" |
| "#\temail = %s\n" |
| msgstr "" |
| "# This is Git's per-user configuration file.\n" |
| "[user]\n" |
| "# Please adapt and uncomment the following lines:\n" |
| "#\tname = %s\n" |
| "#\temail = %s\n" |
| |
| #: builtin/config.c:652 |
| msgid "only one config file at a time" |
| msgstr "一次只能有一個設定檔案" |
| |
| #: builtin/config.c:658 |
| msgid "--local can only be used inside a git repository" |
| msgstr "--local 只能在一個版本庫內使用" |
| |
| #: builtin/config.c:660 |
| msgid "--blob can only be used inside a git repository" |
| msgstr "--blob 只能在一個版本庫內使用" |
| |
| #: builtin/config.c:662 |
| msgid "--worktree can only be used inside a git repository" |
| msgstr "--worktree 只能在 git 版本庫中使用" |
| |
| #: builtin/config.c:684 |
| msgid "$HOME not set" |
| msgstr "$HOME 未設定" |
| |
| #: builtin/config.c:708 |
| msgid "" |
| "--worktree cannot be used with multiple working trees unless the config\n" |
| "extension worktreeConfig is enabled. Please read \"CONFIGURATION FILE\"\n" |
| "section in \"git help worktree\" for details" |
| msgstr "" |
| "不能和多個工作區一起使用 --worktree,除非啟用 worktreeConfig 設定擴展。\n" |
| "詳情請閱讀「git help worktree」的「CONFIGURATION FILE」小節" |
| |
| #: builtin/config.c:743 |
| msgid "--get-color and variable type are incoherent" |
| msgstr "--get-color 和變數類型不相容" |
| |
| #: builtin/config.c:748 |
| msgid "only one action at a time" |
| msgstr "一次只能有一個動作" |
| |
| #: builtin/config.c:761 |
| msgid "--name-only is only applicable to --list or --get-regexp" |
| msgstr "--name-only 僅適用於 --list 或 --get-regexp" |
| |
| #: builtin/config.c:767 |
| msgid "" |
| "--show-origin is only applicable to --get, --get-all, --get-regexp, and --" |
| "list" |
| msgstr "--show-origin 僅適用於 --get、--get-all、--get-regexp 和 --list" |
| |
| #: builtin/config.c:773 |
| msgid "--default is only applicable to --get" |
| msgstr "--default 僅適用於 --get" |
| |
| #: builtin/config.c:806 |
| msgid "--fixed-value only applies with 'value-pattern'" |
| msgstr "--fixed-value 僅套用至 'value-pattern'" |
| |
| #: builtin/config.c:822 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "unable to read config file '%s'" |
| msgstr "無法讀取設定檔案 '%s'" |
| |
| #: builtin/config.c:825 |
| msgid "error processing config file(s)" |
| msgstr "處理設定檔案發生錯誤" |
| |
| #: builtin/config.c:835 |
| msgid "editing stdin is not supported" |
| msgstr "不支援編輯標準輸入" |
| |
| #: builtin/config.c:837 |
| msgid "editing blobs is not supported" |
| msgstr "不支援編輯資料物件" |
| |
| #: builtin/config.c:851 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "cannot create configuration file %s" |
| msgstr "不能建立設定檔案 %s" |
| |
| #: builtin/config.c:864 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "cannot overwrite multiple values with a single value\n" |
| " Use a regexp, --add or --replace-all to change %s." |
| msgstr "" |
| "無法用一個值覆蓋多個值\n" |
| " 使用一個正規表示式、--add 或 --replace-all 來修改 %s。" |
| |
| #: builtin/config.c:943 builtin/config.c:954 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "no such section: %s" |
| msgstr "無此小節:%s" |
| |
| #: builtin/count-objects.c:90 |
| msgid "git count-objects [-v] [-H | --human-readable]" |
| msgstr "git count-objects [-v] [-H | --human-readable]" |
| |
| #: builtin/count-objects.c:100 |
| msgid "print sizes in human readable format" |
| msgstr "以使用者可讀的格式顯示大小" |
| |
| #: builtin/credential-cache--daemon.c:227 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "The permissions on your socket directory are too loose; other\n" |
| "users may be able to read your cached credentials. Consider running:\n" |
| "\n" |
| "\tchmod 0700 %s" |
| msgstr "" |
| "您的 socket 目錄權限過於寬鬆,其他使用者可能會讀取您快取的認證訊息。考慮執" |
| "行:\n" |
| "\n" |
| "\tchmod 0700 %s" |
| |
| #: builtin/credential-cache--daemon.c:276 |
| msgid "print debugging messages to stderr" |
| msgstr "除錯訊息輸出到標準錯誤" |
| |
| #: builtin/credential-cache--daemon.c:316 |
| msgid "credential-cache--daemon unavailable; no unix socket support" |
| msgstr "credential-cache--daemon 無法使用;缺少 unix socket 支援" |
| |
| #: builtin/credential-cache.c:154 |
| msgid "credential-cache unavailable; no unix socket support" |
| msgstr "credential-cache 無法使用;缺少 unix socket 支援" |
| |
| #: builtin/credential-store.c:66 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "unable to get credential storage lock in %d ms" |
| msgstr "無法在 %d 毫秒內取得憑證儲存空間的鎖" |
| |
| #: builtin/describe.c:26 |
| msgid "git describe [<options>] [<commit-ish>...]" |
| msgstr "git describe [<選項>] [<提交號>...]" |
| |
| #: builtin/describe.c:27 |
| msgid "git describe [<options>] --dirty" |
| msgstr "git describe [<選項>] --dirty" |
| |
| #: builtin/describe.c:63 |
| msgid "head" |
| msgstr "HEAD" |
| |
| #: builtin/describe.c:63 |
| msgid "lightweight" |
| msgstr "輕量級的" |
| |
| #: builtin/describe.c:63 |
| msgid "annotated" |
| msgstr "附註的" |
| |
| #: builtin/describe.c:277 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "annotated tag %s not available" |
| msgstr "附註標籤 %s 無效" |
| |
| #: builtin/describe.c:281 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "tag '%s' is externally known as '%s'" |
| msgstr "「%s」標籤在外部被認為是「%s」" |
| |
| #: builtin/describe.c:328 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "no tag exactly matches '%s'" |
| msgstr "沒有標籤準確符合 '%s'" |
| |
| #: builtin/describe.c:330 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "No exact match on refs or tags, searching to describe\n" |
| msgstr "沒有精確符合到引用或標籤,繼續搜尋進行描述\n" |
| |
| #: builtin/describe.c:397 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "finished search at %s\n" |
| msgstr "完成搜尋 %s\n" |
| |
| #: builtin/describe.c:424 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "No annotated tags can describe '%s'.\n" |
| "However, there were unannotated tags: try --tags." |
| msgstr "" |
| "沒有附註標籤能描述 '%s'。\n" |
| "然而,存在未附註標籤:嘗試 --tags。" |
| |
| #: builtin/describe.c:428 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "No tags can describe '%s'.\n" |
| "Try --always, or create some tags." |
| msgstr "" |
| "沒有標籤能描述 '%s'。\n" |
| "嘗試 --always,或者建立一些標籤。" |
| |
| #: builtin/describe.c:458 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "traversed %lu commits\n" |
| msgstr "已遍歷 %lu 個提交\n" |
| |
| #: builtin/describe.c:461 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "more than %i tags found; listed %i most recent\n" |
| "gave up search at %s\n" |
| msgstr "" |
| "發現多於 %i 個標籤,列出最近的 %i 個\n" |
| "在 %s 放棄搜尋\n" |
| |
| #: builtin/describe.c:529 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "describe %s\n" |
| msgstr "描述 %s\n" |
| |
| #: builtin/describe.c:532 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Not a valid object name %s" |
| msgstr "不是一個有效的物件名 %s" |
| |
| #: builtin/describe.c:540 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "%s is neither a commit nor blob" |
| msgstr "%s 既不是提交也不是資料物件" |
| |
| #: builtin/describe.c:554 |
| msgid "find the tag that comes after the commit" |
| msgstr "尋找該提交之後的標籤" |
| |
| #: builtin/describe.c:555 |
| msgid "debug search strategy on stderr" |
| msgstr "在標準錯誤上除錯搜尋策略" |
| |
| #: builtin/describe.c:556 |
| msgid "use any ref" |
| msgstr "使用任意引用" |
| |
| #: builtin/describe.c:557 |
| msgid "use any tag, even unannotated" |
| msgstr "使用任意標籤,即使未附帶備註" |
| |
| #: builtin/describe.c:558 |
| msgid "always use long format" |
| msgstr "始終使用長提交號格式" |
| |
| #: builtin/describe.c:559 |
| msgid "only follow first parent" |
| msgstr "只跟隨第一個父提交" |
| |
| #: builtin/describe.c:562 |
| msgid "only output exact matches" |
| msgstr "只輸出精確符合" |
| |
| #: builtin/describe.c:564 |
| msgid "consider <n> most recent tags (default: 10)" |
| msgstr "考慮最近 <n> 個標籤(預設值:10)" |
| |
| #: builtin/describe.c:566 |
| msgid "only consider tags matching <pattern>" |
| msgstr "只考慮符合 <模式> 的標籤" |
| |
| #: builtin/describe.c:568 |
| msgid "do not consider tags matching <pattern>" |
| msgstr "不考慮符合 <模式> 的標籤" |
| |
| #: builtin/describe.c:570 builtin/name-rev.c:535 |
| msgid "show abbreviated commit object as fallback" |
| msgstr "顯示簡寫的提交號作為後備" |
| |
| #: builtin/describe.c:571 builtin/describe.c:574 |
| msgid "mark" |
| msgstr "標記" |
| |
| #: builtin/describe.c:572 |
| msgid "append <mark> on dirty working tree (default: \"-dirty\")" |
| msgstr "對於髒工作區,追加 <標記>(預設值:”-dirty\")" |
| |
| #: builtin/describe.c:575 |
| msgid "append <mark> on broken working tree (default: \"-broken\")" |
| msgstr "對於損壞的工作區,追加 <標記>(預設值:”-broken\")" |
| |
| #: builtin/describe.c:593 |
| msgid "--long is incompatible with --abbrev=0" |
| msgstr "--long 與 --abbrev=0 不相容" |
| |
| #: builtin/describe.c:622 |
| msgid "No names found, cannot describe anything." |
| msgstr "沒有發現名稱,無法描述任何東西。" |
| |
| #: builtin/describe.c:673 |
| msgid "--dirty is incompatible with commit-ishes" |
| msgstr "--dirty 與提交號不相容" |
| |
| #: builtin/describe.c:675 |
| msgid "--broken is incompatible with commit-ishes" |
| msgstr "--broken 與提交號不相容" |
| |
| #: builtin/diff-tree.c:155 |
| msgid "--stdin and --merge-base are mutually exclusive" |
| msgstr "--stdin 和 --merge-base 互斥" |
| |
| #: builtin/diff-tree.c:157 |
| msgid "--merge-base only works with two commits" |
| msgstr "--merge-base 只對 2 個以上的提交有用" |
| |
| #: builtin/diff.c:92 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "'%s': not a regular file or symlink" |
| msgstr "'%s':不是一個正規檔案或符號連結" |
| |
| #: builtin/diff.c:259 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "invalid option: %s" |
| msgstr "無效選項:%s" |
| |
| #: builtin/diff.c:376 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "%s...%s: no merge base" |
| msgstr "%s...%s: 無合併基底" |
| |
| #: builtin/diff.c:486 |
| msgid "Not a git repository" |
| msgstr "不是一個 git 版本庫" |
| |
| #: builtin/diff.c:532 builtin/grep.c:684 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "invalid object '%s' given." |
| msgstr "提供了無效物件 '%s'。" |
| |
| #: builtin/diff.c:543 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "more than two blobs given: '%s'" |
| msgstr "提供了超過兩個資料物件:'%s'" |
| |
| #: builtin/diff.c:548 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "unhandled object '%s' given." |
| msgstr "無法處理的物件 '%s'。" |
| |
| #: builtin/diff.c:582 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "%s...%s: multiple merge bases, using %s" |
| msgstr "%s...%s:多個合併基底,使用 %s" |
| |
| #: builtin/difftool.c:31 |
| msgid "git difftool [<options>] [<commit> [<commit>]] [--] [<path>...]" |
| msgstr "git difftool [<選項>] [<提交> [<提交>]] [--] [<路徑>...]" |
| |
| #: builtin/difftool.c:261 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "failed: %d" |
| msgstr "失敗:%d" |
| |
| #: builtin/difftool.c:303 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "could not read symlink %s" |
| msgstr "無法讀取符號連結 %s" |
| |
| #: builtin/difftool.c:305 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "could not read symlink file %s" |
| msgstr "無法讀取符號連結檔案 %s" |
| |
| #: builtin/difftool.c:313 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "could not read object %s for symlink %s" |
| msgstr "無法讀取符號連結 %2$s 指向的物件 %1$s" |
| |
| #: builtin/difftool.c:413 |
| msgid "" |
| "combined diff formats('-c' and '--cc') are not supported in\n" |
| "directory diff mode('-d' and '--dir-diff')." |
| msgstr "" |
| "不支援在目錄比較模式('-d' 和 '--dir-diff')中採用組合差異格式('-c' 和 '--" |
| "cc')。" |
| |
| #: builtin/difftool.c:637 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "both files modified: '%s' and '%s'." |
| msgstr "兩個檔案都被修改:'%s' 和 '%s'。" |
| |
| #: builtin/difftool.c:639 |
| msgid "working tree file has been left." |
| msgstr "工作區檔案被留了下來。" |
| |
| #: builtin/difftool.c:650 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "temporary files exist in '%s'." |
| msgstr "暫存檔存在於 '%s'。" |
| |
| #: builtin/difftool.c:651 |
| msgid "you may want to cleanup or recover these." |
| msgstr "您可能想要清理或者復原它們。" |
| |
| #: builtin/difftool.c:700 |
| msgid "use `diff.guitool` instead of `diff.tool`" |
| msgstr "使用 `diff.guitool` 代替 `diff.tool`" |
| |
| #: builtin/difftool.c:702 |
| msgid "perform a full-directory diff" |
| msgstr "執行一個全目錄差異比較" |
| |
| #: builtin/difftool.c:704 |
| msgid "do not prompt before launching a diff tool" |
| msgstr "啟動差異比較工具之前不提示" |
| |
| #: builtin/difftool.c:709 |
| msgid "use symlinks in dir-diff mode" |
| msgstr "在 dir-diff 模式中使用符號連結" |
| |
| #: builtin/difftool.c:710 |
| msgid "tool" |
| msgstr "工具" |
| |
| #: builtin/difftool.c:711 |
| msgid "use the specified diff tool" |
| msgstr "使用指定的差異比較工具" |
| |
| #: builtin/difftool.c:713 |
| msgid "print a list of diff tools that may be used with `--tool`" |
| msgstr "顯示可以用在 `--tool` 參數後的差異工具列表" |
| |
| #: builtin/difftool.c:716 |
| msgid "" |
| "make 'git-difftool' exit when an invoked diff tool returns a non - zero exit " |
| "code" |
| msgstr "當執行 diff 工具返回非零離開碼時,使 'git-difftool' 離開" |
| |
| #: builtin/difftool.c:719 |
| msgid "specify a custom command for viewing diffs" |
| msgstr "指定一個用於檢視差異的自訂指令" |
| |
| #: builtin/difftool.c:720 |
| msgid "passed to `diff`" |
| msgstr "傳遞給 `diff`" |
| |
| #: builtin/difftool.c:735 |
| msgid "difftool requires worktree or --no-index" |
| msgstr "difftool 要求工作區或者 --no-index" |
| |
| #: builtin/difftool.c:742 |
| msgid "--dir-diff is incompatible with --no-index" |
| msgstr "--dir-diff 和 --no-index 不相容" |
| |
| #: builtin/difftool.c:745 |
| msgid "--gui, --tool and --extcmd are mutually exclusive" |
| msgstr "--gui、--tool 和 --extcmd 互斥" |
| |
| #: builtin/difftool.c:753 |
| msgid "no <tool> given for --tool=<tool>" |
| msgstr "沒有為 --tool=<工具> 參數提供 <工具>" |
| |
| #: builtin/difftool.c:760 |
| msgid "no <cmd> given for --extcmd=<cmd>" |
| msgstr "沒有為 --extcmd=<命令> 參數提供 <命令>" |
| |
| #: builtin/env--helper.c:6 |
| msgid "git env--helper --type=[bool|ulong] <options> <env-var>" |
| msgstr "git env--helper --type=[bool|ulong] <選項> <環境變數>" |
| |
| #: builtin/env--helper.c:42 builtin/hash-object.c:98 |
| msgid "type" |
| msgstr "類型" |
| |
| #: builtin/env--helper.c:46 |
| msgid "default for git_env_*(...) to fall back on" |
| msgstr "git_env_*(...) 的預設值" |
| |
| #: builtin/env--helper.c:48 |
| msgid "be quiet only use git_env_*() value as exit code" |
| msgstr "安靜模式,只使用 git_env_*() 的值作為離開碼" |
| |
| #: builtin/env--helper.c:67 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "option `--default' expects a boolean value with `--type=bool`, not `%s`" |
| msgstr "選項 `--default' 和 `type=bool` 期望一個布林值,不是 `%s`" |
| |
| #: builtin/env--helper.c:82 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "option `--default' expects an unsigned long value with `--type=ulong`, not `" |
| "%s`" |
| msgstr "選項 `--default' 和 `type=ulong` 期望一個無符號長整型,不是 `%s`" |
| |
| #: builtin/fast-export.c:29 |
| msgid "git fast-export [rev-list-opts]" |
| msgstr "git fast-export [rev-list-opts]" |
| |
| #: builtin/fast-export.c:868 |
| msgid "Error: Cannot export nested tags unless --mark-tags is specified." |
| msgstr "錯誤:除非指定 --mark-tags,否則無法匯出嵌套標籤。" |
| |
| #: builtin/fast-export.c:1177 |
| msgid "--anonymize-map token cannot be empty" |
| msgstr "--anonymize-map 的鍵不能空白" |
| |
| #: builtin/fast-export.c:1197 |
| msgid "show progress after <n> objects" |
| msgstr "在 <n> 個物件之後顯示進度" |
| |
| #: builtin/fast-export.c:1199 |
| msgid "select handling of signed tags" |
| msgstr "選擇如何處理簽名標籤" |
| |
| #: builtin/fast-export.c:1202 |
| msgid "select handling of tags that tag filtered objects" |
| msgstr "選擇當標籤指向被過濾物件時該標籤的處理方式" |
| |
| #: builtin/fast-export.c:1205 |
| msgid "select handling of commit messages in an alternate encoding" |
| msgstr "選擇使用備用編碼處理提交說明" |
| |
| #: builtin/fast-export.c:1208 |
| msgid "dump marks to this file" |
| msgstr "把標記傾印到這個檔案" |
| |
| #: builtin/fast-export.c:1210 |
| msgid "import marks from this file" |
| msgstr "從這個檔案匯入標記" |
| |
| #: builtin/fast-export.c:1214 |
| msgid "import marks from this file if it exists" |
| msgstr "如果這個檔案存在,則從檔案匯入標記" |
| |
| #: builtin/fast-export.c:1216 |
| msgid "fake a tagger when tags lack one" |
| msgstr "當標籤缺少標記者欄位時假裝有一個" |
| |
| #: builtin/fast-export.c:1218 |
| msgid "output full tree for each commit" |
| msgstr "每次提交都輸出整棵樹" |
| |
| #: builtin/fast-export.c:1220 |
| msgid "use the done feature to terminate the stream" |
| msgstr "使用 done 功能終止串流" |
| |
| #: builtin/fast-export.c:1221 |
| msgid "skip output of blob data" |
| msgstr "略過資料物件資料的輸出" |
| |
| #: builtin/fast-export.c:1222 builtin/log.c:1823 |
| msgid "refspec" |
| msgstr "參照規格" |
| |
| #: builtin/fast-export.c:1223 |
| msgid "apply refspec to exported refs" |
| msgstr "對匯出的引用套用引用規格" |
| |
| #: builtin/fast-export.c:1224 |
| msgid "anonymize output" |
| msgstr "匿名輸出" |
| |
| #: builtin/fast-export.c:1225 |
| msgid "from:to" |
| msgstr "from:to" |
| |
| #: builtin/fast-export.c:1226 |
| msgid "convert <from> to <to> in anonymized output" |
| msgstr "在匿名輸出中將 <from> 轉換為 <to>" |
| |
| #: builtin/fast-export.c:1229 |
| msgid "reference parents which are not in fast-export stream by object id" |
| msgstr "依物件 ID 參考不在 fast-export 串流中的引用父物件" |
| |
| #: builtin/fast-export.c:1231 |
| msgid "show original object ids of blobs/commits" |
| msgstr "顯示資料物件及提交的原始物件 ID" |
| |
| #: builtin/fast-export.c:1233 |
| msgid "label tags with mark ids" |
| msgstr "為包含標記 ID 的標籤打上標記" |
| |
| #: builtin/fast-export.c:1256 |
| msgid "--anonymize-map without --anonymize does not make sense" |
| msgstr "缺少 --anonymize 的 --anonymize-map 沒有意義" |
| |
| #: builtin/fast-export.c:1271 |
| msgid "Cannot pass both --import-marks and --import-marks-if-exists" |
| msgstr "不能同時傳遞參數 --import-marks 和 --import-marks-if-exists" |
| |
| #: builtin/fast-import.c:3088 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Missing from marks for submodule '%s'" |
| msgstr "「%s」子模組缺少 from 標記" |
| |
| #: builtin/fast-import.c:3090 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Missing to marks for submodule '%s'" |
| msgstr "「%s」子模組缺少 to 標記" |
| |
| #: builtin/fast-import.c:3225 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Expected 'mark' command, got %s" |
| msgstr "預期 'mark' 指令,得到 %s" |
| |
| #: builtin/fast-import.c:3230 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Expected 'to' command, got %s" |
| msgstr "預期 'to' 指令,得到 %s" |
| |
| #: builtin/fast-import.c:3322 |
| msgid "Expected format name:filename for submodule rewrite option" |
| msgstr "期望子模組 rewrite 選項的格式是 name:filename" |
| |
| #: builtin/fast-import.c:3377 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "feature '%s' forbidden in input without --allow-unsafe-features" |
| msgstr "沒有 --allow-unsafe-features 時,禁止在輸入中使用 '%s' 功能" |
| |
| #: builtin/fetch-pack.c:242 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Lockfile created but not reported: %s" |
| msgstr "已建立鎖定檔案,但尚未回報:%s" |
| |
| #: builtin/fetch.c:35 |
| msgid "git fetch [<options>] [<repository> [<refspec>...]]" |
| msgstr "git fetch [<選項>] [<版本庫> [<引用規格>...]]" |
| |
| #: builtin/fetch.c:36 |
| msgid "git fetch [<options>] <group>" |
| msgstr "git fetch [<選項>] <組>" |
| |
| #: builtin/fetch.c:37 |
| msgid "git fetch --multiple [<options>] [(<repository> | <group>)...]" |
| msgstr "git fetch --multiple [<選項>] [(<版本庫> | <組>)...]" |
| |
| #: builtin/fetch.c:38 |
| msgid "git fetch --all [<options>]" |
| msgstr "git fetch --all [<選項>]" |
| |
| #: builtin/fetch.c:122 |
| msgid "fetch.parallel cannot be negative" |
| msgstr "fetch.parallel 不能為負數" |
| |
| #: builtin/fetch.c:145 builtin/pull.c:185 |
| msgid "fetch from all remotes" |
| msgstr "從所有的遠端抓取" |
| |
| #: builtin/fetch.c:147 builtin/pull.c:245 |
| msgid "set upstream for git pull/fetch" |
| msgstr "為 git pull/fetch 設定上游" |
| |
| #: builtin/fetch.c:149 builtin/pull.c:188 |
| msgid "append to .git/FETCH_HEAD instead of overwriting" |
| msgstr "追加到 .git/FETCH_HEAD 而不是覆蓋它" |
| |
| #: builtin/fetch.c:151 |
| msgid "use atomic transaction to update references" |
| msgstr "使用原子事務更新參考" |
| |
| #: builtin/fetch.c:153 builtin/pull.c:191 |
| msgid "path to upload pack on remote end" |
| msgstr "上傳包到遠端的路徑" |
| |
| #: builtin/fetch.c:154 |
| msgid "force overwrite of local reference" |
| msgstr "強制覆蓋本機引用" |
| |
| #: builtin/fetch.c:156 |
| msgid "fetch from multiple remotes" |
| msgstr "從多個遠端抓取" |
| |
| #: builtin/fetch.c:158 builtin/pull.c:195 |
| msgid "fetch all tags and associated objects" |
| msgstr "抓取所有的標籤和關聯物件" |
| |
| #: builtin/fetch.c:160 |
| msgid "do not fetch all tags (--no-tags)" |
| msgstr "不抓取任何標籤(--no-tags)" |
| |
| #: builtin/fetch.c:162 |
| msgid "number of submodules fetched in parallel" |
| msgstr "子模組取得的並發數" |
| |
| #: builtin/fetch.c:164 |
| msgid "modify the refspec to place all refs within refs/prefetch/" |
| msgstr "修改參考規格 (refspec) 以便將所有參考 (refs) 放置在 refs/prefetch/ 中" |
| |
| #: builtin/fetch.c:166 builtin/pull.c:198 |
| msgid "prune remote-tracking branches no longer on remote" |
| msgstr "清除遠端已經不存在的分支的追蹤分支" |
| |
| #: builtin/fetch.c:168 |
| msgid "prune local tags no longer on remote and clobber changed tags" |
| msgstr "清除遠端不存在的本機標籤,並且取代變更標籤" |
| |
| # 譯者:可選值,不能翻譯 |
| #: builtin/fetch.c:169 builtin/fetch.c:194 builtin/pull.c:122 |
| msgid "on-demand" |
| msgstr "on-demand" |
| |
| #: builtin/fetch.c:170 |
| msgid "control recursive fetching of submodules" |
| msgstr "控制子模組的遞迴抓取" |
| |
| #: builtin/fetch.c:175 |
| msgid "write fetched references to the FETCH_HEAD file" |
| msgstr "將取得的參考寫入 FETCH_HEAD 檔案" |
| |
| #: builtin/fetch.c:176 builtin/pull.c:206 |
| msgid "keep downloaded pack" |
| msgstr "保持下載包" |
| |
| #: builtin/fetch.c:178 |
| msgid "allow updating of HEAD ref" |
| msgstr "允許更新 HEAD 引用" |
| |
| #: builtin/fetch.c:181 builtin/fetch.c:187 builtin/pull.c:209 |
| #: builtin/pull.c:218 |
| msgid "deepen history of shallow clone" |
| msgstr "深化淺複製的歷史" |
| |
| #: builtin/fetch.c:183 builtin/pull.c:212 |
| msgid "deepen history of shallow repository based on time" |
| msgstr "基於時間來深化淺複製的歷史" |
| |
| #: builtin/fetch.c:189 builtin/pull.c:221 |
| msgid "convert to a complete repository" |
| msgstr "轉換為一個完整的版本庫" |
| |
| #: builtin/fetch.c:192 |
| msgid "prepend this to submodule path output" |
| msgstr "在子模組路徑輸出的前面加上此目錄" |
| |
| #: builtin/fetch.c:195 |
| msgid "" |
| "default for recursive fetching of submodules (lower priority than config " |
| "files)" |
| msgstr "遞迴取得子模組的預設值(比設定檔案優先度低)" |
| |
| #: builtin/fetch.c:199 builtin/pull.c:224 |
| msgid "accept refs that update .git/shallow" |
| msgstr "接受更新 .git/shallow 的引用" |
| |
| #: builtin/fetch.c:200 builtin/pull.c:226 |
| msgid "refmap" |
| msgstr "引用映射" |
| |
| #: builtin/fetch.c:201 builtin/pull.c:227 |
| msgid "specify fetch refmap" |
| msgstr "指定取得動作的引用映射" |
| |
| #: builtin/fetch.c:208 builtin/pull.c:240 |
| msgid "report that we have only objects reachable from this object" |
| msgstr "報告我們只擁有從該物件開始可以取得的物件" |
| |
| #: builtin/fetch.c:210 |
| #, fuzzy |
| msgid "do not fetch a packfile; instead, print ancestors of negotiation tips" |
| msgstr "不取得包檔案。反之,輸出 negotiation tips 的祖先" |
| |
| #: builtin/fetch.c:213 builtin/fetch.c:215 |
| msgid "run 'maintenance --auto' after fetching" |
| msgstr "取得 (fetch) 後執行 'maintenance --auto'" |
| |
| #: builtin/fetch.c:217 builtin/pull.c:243 |
| msgid "check for forced-updates on all updated branches" |
| msgstr "在所有更新分支上檢查強制更新" |
| |
| #: builtin/fetch.c:219 |
| msgid "write the commit-graph after fetching" |
| msgstr "抓取後寫入分支圖" |
| |
| #: builtin/fetch.c:221 |
| msgid "accept refspecs from stdin" |
| msgstr "從標準輸入中接受引用表達式" |
| |
| #: builtin/fetch.c:586 |
| msgid "Couldn't find remote ref HEAD" |
| msgstr "無法發現遠端 HEAD 引用" |
| |
| #: builtin/fetch.c:757 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "configuration fetch.output contains invalid value %s" |
| msgstr "設定變數 fetch.output 包含無效值 %s" |
| |
| #: builtin/fetch.c:856 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "object %s not found" |
| msgstr "物件 %s 未發現" |
| |
| #: builtin/fetch.c:860 |
| msgid "[up to date]" |
| msgstr "[最新]" |
| |
| #: builtin/fetch.c:873 builtin/fetch.c:889 builtin/fetch.c:961 |
| msgid "[rejected]" |
| msgstr "[已拒絕]" |
| |
| #: builtin/fetch.c:874 |
| msgid "can't fetch in current branch" |
| msgstr "目前分支下不能執行取得動作" |
| |
| #: builtin/fetch.c:884 |
| msgid "[tag update]" |
| msgstr "[標籤更新]" |
| |
| #: builtin/fetch.c:885 builtin/fetch.c:922 builtin/fetch.c:944 |
| #: builtin/fetch.c:956 |
| msgid "unable to update local ref" |
| msgstr "不能更新本機引用" |
| |
| #: builtin/fetch.c:889 |
| msgid "would clobber existing tag" |
| msgstr "會破壞現有的標籤" |
| |
| #: builtin/fetch.c:911 |
| msgid "[new tag]" |
| msgstr "[新標籤]" |
| |
| #: builtin/fetch.c:914 |
| msgid "[new branch]" |
| msgstr "[新分支]" |
| |
| #: builtin/fetch.c:917 |
| msgid "[new ref]" |
| msgstr "[新引用]" |
| |
| #: builtin/fetch.c:956 |
| msgid "forced update" |
| msgstr "強制更新" |
| |
| #: builtin/fetch.c:961 |
| msgid "non-fast-forward" |
| msgstr "非快轉" |
| |
| #: builtin/fetch.c:1065 |
| msgid "" |
| "Fetch normally indicates which branches had a forced update,\n" |
| "but that check has been disabled. To re-enable, use '--show-forced-updates'\n" |
| "flag or run 'git config fetch.showForcedUpdates true'." |
| msgstr "" |
| "取得動作通常顯示哪些分支發生了強制更新,但該檢查已被停用。\n" |
| "要重新啟用,請使用 '--show-forced-updates' 選項或執行\n" |
| "'git config fetch.showForcedUpdates true'。" |
| |
| #: builtin/fetch.c:1069 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "It took %.2f seconds to check forced updates. You can use\n" |
| "'--no-show-forced-updates' or run 'git config fetch.showForcedUpdates " |
| "false'\n" |
| " to avoid this check.\n" |
| msgstr "" |
| "花了 %.2f 秒來檢查強制更新。您可以使用 '--no-show-forced-updates'\n" |
| "或執行 'git config fetch.showForcedUpdates false' 以避免此項檢查。\n" |
| |
| #: builtin/fetch.c:1101 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "%s did not send all necessary objects\n" |
| msgstr "%s 未傳送所有必需的物件\n" |
| |
| #: builtin/fetch.c:1129 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "reject %s because shallow roots are not allowed to be updated" |
| msgstr "拒絕 %s 因為淺複製不允許被更新" |
| |
| #: builtin/fetch.c:1206 builtin/fetch.c:1357 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "From %.*s\n" |
| msgstr "來自 %.*s\n" |
| |
| #: builtin/fetch.c:1228 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "some local refs could not be updated; try running\n" |
| " 'git remote prune %s' to remove any old, conflicting branches" |
| msgstr "" |
| "一些本機引用不能被更新;嘗試執行\n" |
| " 'git remote prune %s' 來刪除舊的、有衝突的分支" |
| |
| # 譯者:請維持前導空格 |
| #: builtin/fetch.c:1327 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid " (%s will become dangling)" |
| msgstr " (%s 將成為懸空狀態)" |
| |
| # 譯者:請維持前導空格 |
| #: builtin/fetch.c:1328 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid " (%s has become dangling)" |
| msgstr " (%s 已成為懸空狀態)" |
| |
| #: builtin/fetch.c:1360 |
| msgid "[deleted]" |
| msgstr "[已刪除]" |
| |
| #: builtin/fetch.c:1361 builtin/remote.c:1118 |
| msgid "(none)" |
| msgstr "(無)" |
| |
| #: builtin/fetch.c:1384 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Refusing to fetch into current branch %s of non-bare repository" |
| msgstr "拒絕取得到非純版本庫的目前分支 %s" |
| |
| #: builtin/fetch.c:1403 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Option \"%s\" value \"%s\" is not valid for %s" |
| msgstr "選項 \"%s\" 的值 \"%s\" 對於 %s 是無效的" |
| |
| #: builtin/fetch.c:1406 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Option \"%s\" is ignored for %s\n" |
| msgstr "選項 \"%s\" 為 %s 所忽略\n" |
| |
| #: builtin/fetch.c:1618 |
| msgid "multiple branches detected, incompatible with --set-upstream" |
| msgstr "檢測到多分支,和 --set-upstream 不相容" |
| |
| #: builtin/fetch.c:1633 |
| msgid "not setting upstream for a remote remote-tracking branch" |
| msgstr "沒有為一個遠端追蹤分支設定上游" |
| |
| #: builtin/fetch.c:1635 |
| msgid "not setting upstream for a remote tag" |
| msgstr "沒有為一個遠端標籤設定上游" |
| |
| #: builtin/fetch.c:1637 |
| msgid "unknown branch type" |
| msgstr "未知的分支類型" |
| |
| #: builtin/fetch.c:1639 |
| msgid "" |
| "no source branch found.\n" |
| "you need to specify exactly one branch with the --set-upstream option." |
| msgstr "" |
| "未發現源分支。\n" |
| "您需要使用 --set-upstream 選項指定一個分支。" |
| |
| #: builtin/fetch.c:1768 builtin/fetch.c:1831 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Fetching %s\n" |
| msgstr "正在取得 %s\n" |
| |
| #: builtin/fetch.c:1778 builtin/fetch.c:1833 builtin/remote.c:101 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Could not fetch %s" |
| msgstr "不能取得 %s" |
| |
| #: builtin/fetch.c:1790 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "could not fetch '%s' (exit code: %d)\n" |
| msgstr "無法取得 '%s'(離開碼:%d)\n" |
| |
| #: builtin/fetch.c:1894 |
| msgid "" |
| "No remote repository specified. Please, specify either a URL or a\n" |
| "remote name from which new revisions should be fetched." |
| msgstr "未指定遠端版本庫。請透過一個 URL 或遠端版本庫名指定,用以取得新提交。" |
| |
| #: builtin/fetch.c:1930 |
| msgid "You need to specify a tag name." |
| msgstr "您需要指定一個標籤名稱。" |
| |
| #: builtin/fetch.c:1995 |
| msgid "Negative depth in --deepen is not supported" |
| msgstr "--deepen 不支援負數深度" |
| |
| #: builtin/fetch.c:1997 |
| msgid "--deepen and --depth are mutually exclusive" |
| msgstr "--deepen 和 --depth 是互斥的" |
| |
| #: builtin/fetch.c:2002 |
| msgid "--depth and --unshallow cannot be used together" |
| msgstr "--depth 和 --unshallow 不能同時使用" |
| |
| #: builtin/fetch.c:2004 |
| msgid "--unshallow on a complete repository does not make sense" |
| msgstr "對於一個完整的版本庫,參數 --unshallow 沒有意義" |
| |
| #: builtin/fetch.c:2021 |
| msgid "fetch --all does not take a repository argument" |
| msgstr "fetch --all 不能帶一個版本庫參數" |
| |
| #: builtin/fetch.c:2023 |
| msgid "fetch --all does not make sense with refspecs" |
| msgstr "fetch --all 帶引用規格沒有任何意義" |
| |
| #: builtin/fetch.c:2032 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "No such remote or remote group: %s" |
| msgstr "沒有這樣的遠端或遠端組:%s" |
| |
| #: builtin/fetch.c:2039 |
| msgid "Fetching a group and specifying refspecs does not make sense" |
| msgstr "取得組並指定引用規格沒有意義" |
| |
| #: builtin/fetch.c:2055 |
| msgid "must supply remote when using --negotiate-only" |
| msgstr "使用 --negotiate-only 時必須提供遠端" |
| |
| #: builtin/fetch.c:2060 |
| msgid "Protocol does not support --negotiate-only, exiting." |
| msgstr "協定不支援 --negotiate-only,結束。" |
| |
| #: builtin/fetch.c:2079 |
| msgid "" |
| "--filter can only be used with the remote configured in extensions." |
| "partialclone" |
| msgstr "只可以將 --filter 用於在 extensions.partialClone 中設定的遠端版本庫" |
| |
| #: builtin/fetch.c:2083 |
| msgid "--atomic can only be used when fetching from one remote" |
| msgstr "--stdin 只能在擷取 (fetch) 一個遠端時使用" |
| |
| #: builtin/fetch.c:2087 |
| msgid "--stdin can only be used when fetching from one remote" |
| msgstr "--stdin 只能在取得一個遠端時使用" |
| |
| #: builtin/fmt-merge-msg.c:7 |
| msgid "" |
| "git fmt-merge-msg [-m <message>] [--log[=<n>] | --no-log] [--file <file>]" |
| msgstr "git fmt-merge-msg [-m <說明>] [--log[=<n>] | --no-log] [--file <檔案>]" |
| |
| #: builtin/fmt-merge-msg.c:18 |
| msgid "populate log with at most <n> entries from shortlog" |
| msgstr "向提交說明中最多複製指定條目(合併而來的提交)的簡短說明" |
| |
| #: builtin/fmt-merge-msg.c:21 |
| msgid "alias for --log (deprecated)" |
| msgstr "參數 --log 的別名(已棄用)" |
| |
| #: builtin/fmt-merge-msg.c:24 |
| msgid "text" |
| msgstr "文字" |
| |
| #: builtin/fmt-merge-msg.c:25 |
| msgid "use <text> as start of message" |
| msgstr "使用 <文字> 作為提交說明的開始" |
| |
| #: builtin/fmt-merge-msg.c:26 |
| msgid "file to read from" |
| msgstr "從檔案中讀取" |
| |
| #: builtin/for-each-ref.c:10 |
| msgid "git for-each-ref [<options>] [<pattern>]" |
| msgstr "git for-each-ref [<選項>] [<模式>]" |
| |
| #: builtin/for-each-ref.c:11 |
| msgid "git for-each-ref [--points-at <object>]" |
| msgstr "git for-each-ref [--points-at <物件>]" |
| |
| #: builtin/for-each-ref.c:12 |
| msgid "git for-each-ref [--merged [<commit>]] [--no-merged [<commit>]]" |
| msgstr "git for-each-ref [--merged [<提交>]] [--no-merged [<提交>]]" |
| |
| #: builtin/for-each-ref.c:13 |
| msgid "git for-each-ref [--contains [<commit>]] [--no-contains [<commit>]]" |
| msgstr "git for-each-ref [--contains [<提交>]] [--no-contains [<提交>]]" |
| |
| #: builtin/for-each-ref.c:30 |
| msgid "quote placeholders suitably for shells" |
| msgstr "引用占位符適用於 shells" |
| |
| #: builtin/for-each-ref.c:32 |
| msgid "quote placeholders suitably for perl" |
| msgstr "引用占位符適用於 perl" |
| |
| #: builtin/for-each-ref.c:34 |
| msgid "quote placeholders suitably for python" |
| msgstr "引用占位符適用於 python" |
| |
| #: builtin/for-each-ref.c:36 |
| msgid "quote placeholders suitably for Tcl" |
| msgstr "引用占位符適用於 Tcl" |
| |
| #: builtin/for-each-ref.c:39 |
| msgid "show only <n> matched refs" |
| msgstr "只顯示 <n> 個符合的引用" |
| |
| #: builtin/for-each-ref.c:41 builtin/tag.c:483 |
| msgid "respect format colors" |
| msgstr "遵照格式中的顏色輸出" |
| |
| #: builtin/for-each-ref.c:44 |
| msgid "print only refs which points at the given object" |
| msgstr "只列印指向提供物件的引用" |
| |
| #: builtin/for-each-ref.c:46 |
| msgid "print only refs that are merged" |
| msgstr "只列印已經合併的引用" |
| |
| #: builtin/for-each-ref.c:47 |
| msgid "print only refs that are not merged" |
| msgstr "只列印沒有合併的引用" |
| |
| #: builtin/for-each-ref.c:48 |
| msgid "print only refs which contain the commit" |
| msgstr "只列印包含該提交的引用" |
| |
| #: builtin/for-each-ref.c:49 |
| msgid "print only refs which don't contain the commit" |
| msgstr "只列印不包含該提交的引用" |
| |
| #: builtin/for-each-repo.c:9 |
| msgid "git for-each-repo --config=<config> <command-args>" |
| msgstr "git for-each-repo --config=<設定> <命令引數>" |
| |
| #: builtin/for-each-repo.c:37 |
| msgid "config" |
| msgstr "config" |
| |
| #: builtin/for-each-repo.c:38 |
| msgid "config key storing a list of repository paths" |
| msgstr "儲存版本庫路徑清單的設定鍵" |
| |
| #: builtin/for-each-repo.c:46 |
| msgid "missing --config=<config>" |
| msgstr "缺少 --config=<設定>" |
| |
| #: builtin/fsck.c:69 builtin/fsck.c:127 builtin/fsck.c:128 |
| msgid "unknown" |
| msgstr "未知" |
| |
| #. TRANSLATORS: e.g. error in tree 01bfda: <more explanation> |
| #: builtin/fsck.c:78 builtin/fsck.c:100 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "error in %s %s: %s" |
| msgstr "%s %s 錯誤:%s" |
| |
| #. TRANSLATORS: e.g. warning in tree 01bfda: <more explanation> |
| #: builtin/fsck.c:94 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "warning in %s %s: %s" |
| msgstr "%s %s 警告:%s" |
| |
| #: builtin/fsck.c:123 builtin/fsck.c:126 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "broken link from %7s %s" |
| msgstr "來自 %7s %s 的損壞的連結" |
| |
| #: builtin/fsck.c:135 |
| msgid "wrong object type in link" |
| msgstr "連結中錯誤的物件類型" |
| |
| #: builtin/fsck.c:151 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "broken link from %7s %s\n" |
| " to %7s %s" |
| msgstr "" |
| "損壞的連結來自於 %7s %s\n" |
| " 到 %7s %s" |
| |
| #: builtin/fsck.c:263 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "missing %s %s" |
| msgstr "缺少 %s %s" |
| |
| #: builtin/fsck.c:290 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "unreachable %s %s" |
| msgstr "無法取得 %s %s" |
| |
| #: builtin/fsck.c:310 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "dangling %s %s" |
| msgstr "懸空 %s %s" |
| |
| #: builtin/fsck.c:320 |
| msgid "could not create lost-found" |
| msgstr "不能建立 lost-found" |
| |
| #: builtin/fsck.c:331 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "could not finish '%s'" |
| msgstr "不能完成 '%s'" |
| |
| #: builtin/fsck.c:348 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Checking %s" |
| msgstr "正在檢查 %s" |
| |
| #: builtin/fsck.c:386 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Checking connectivity (%d objects)" |
| msgstr "正在檢查連通性(%d 個物件)" |
| |
| #: builtin/fsck.c:405 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Checking %s %s" |
| msgstr "正在檢查 %s %s" |
| |
| #: builtin/fsck.c:410 |
| msgid "broken links" |
| msgstr "損壞的連結" |
| |
| #: builtin/fsck.c:419 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "root %s" |
| msgstr "根 %s" |
| |
| #: builtin/fsck.c:427 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "tagged %s %s (%s) in %s" |
| msgstr "已標記 %s %s (%s) 於 %s" |
| |
| #: builtin/fsck.c:456 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "%s: object corrupt or missing" |
| msgstr "%s:物件損壞或遺失" |
| |
| #: builtin/fsck.c:481 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "%s: invalid reflog entry %s" |
| msgstr "%s:無效的引用日誌條目 %s" |
| |
| #: builtin/fsck.c:495 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Checking reflog %s->%s" |
| msgstr "正在檢查引用日誌 %s->%s" |
| |
| #: builtin/fsck.c:529 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "%s: invalid sha1 pointer %s" |
| msgstr "%s:無效的 sha1 指標 %s" |
| |
| #: builtin/fsck.c:536 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "%s: not a commit" |
| msgstr "%s:不是一個提交" |
| |
| #: builtin/fsck.c:590 |
| msgid "notice: No default references" |
| msgstr "注意:無預設引用" |
| |
| #: builtin/fsck.c:605 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "%s: object corrupt or missing: %s" |
| msgstr "%s:物件損壞或遺失:%s" |
| |
| #: builtin/fsck.c:618 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "%s: object could not be parsed: %s" |
| msgstr "%s:不能解析物件:%s" |
| |
| #: builtin/fsck.c:638 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "bad sha1 file: %s" |
| msgstr "壞的 sha1 檔案:%s" |
| |
| #: builtin/fsck.c:653 |
| msgid "Checking object directory" |
| msgstr "正在檢查物件目錄" |
| |
| #: builtin/fsck.c:656 |
| msgid "Checking object directories" |
| msgstr "正在檢查物件目錄" |
| |
| #: builtin/fsck.c:671 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Checking %s link" |
| msgstr "正在檢查 %s 連結" |
| |
| #: builtin/fsck.c:676 builtin/index-pack.c:866 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "invalid %s" |
| msgstr "無效的 %s" |
| |
| #: builtin/fsck.c:683 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "%s points to something strange (%s)" |
| msgstr "%s 指向奇怪的東西(%s)" |
| |
| #: builtin/fsck.c:689 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "%s: detached HEAD points at nothing" |
| msgstr "%s:分離開頭指標的指向不存在" |
| |
| #: builtin/fsck.c:693 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "notice: %s points to an unborn branch (%s)" |
| msgstr "注意:%s 指向一個尚未誕生的分支(%s)" |
| |
| #: builtin/fsck.c:705 |
| msgid "Checking cache tree" |
| msgstr "正在檢查快取樹" |
| |
| #: builtin/fsck.c:710 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "%s: invalid sha1 pointer in cache-tree" |
| msgstr "%s:cache-tree 中無效的 sha1 指標" |
| |
| #: builtin/fsck.c:719 |
| msgid "non-tree in cache-tree" |
| msgstr "cache-tree 中非樹狀物件" |
| |
| #: builtin/fsck.c:750 |
| msgid "git fsck [<options>] [<object>...]" |
| msgstr "git fsck [<選項>] [<物件>...]" |
| |
| #: builtin/fsck.c:756 |
| msgid "show unreachable objects" |
| msgstr "顯示無法取得的物件" |
| |
| #: builtin/fsck.c:757 |
| msgid "show dangling objects" |
| msgstr "顯示懸空的物件" |
| |
| #: builtin/fsck.c:758 |
| msgid "report tags" |
| msgstr "報告標籤" |
| |
| #: builtin/fsck.c:759 |
| msgid "report root nodes" |
| msgstr "報告根節點" |
| |
| #: builtin/fsck.c:760 |
| msgid "make index objects head nodes" |
| msgstr "將索引亦作為檢查的頭節點" |
| |
| #: builtin/fsck.c:761 |
| msgid "make reflogs head nodes (default)" |
| msgstr "將引用日誌作為檢查的頭節點(預設)" |
| |
| #: builtin/fsck.c:762 |
| msgid "also consider packs and alternate objects" |
| msgstr "也考慮包和備用物件" |
| |
| #: builtin/fsck.c:763 |
| msgid "check only connectivity" |
| msgstr "僅檢查連通性" |
| |
| #: builtin/fsck.c:764 builtin/mktag.c:75 |
| msgid "enable more strict checking" |
| msgstr "啟用更嚴格的檢查" |
| |
| #: builtin/fsck.c:766 |
| msgid "write dangling objects in .git/lost-found" |
| msgstr "將懸空物件寫入 .git/lost-found 中" |
| |
| #: builtin/fsck.c:767 builtin/prune.c:134 |
| msgid "show progress" |
| msgstr "顯示進度" |
| |
| #: builtin/fsck.c:768 |
| msgid "show verbose names for reachable objects" |
| msgstr "顯示可以取得物件的詳細名稱" |
| |
| #: builtin/fsck.c:827 builtin/index-pack.c:262 |
| msgid "Checking objects" |
| msgstr "正在檢查物件" |
| |
| #: builtin/fsck.c:855 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "%s: object missing" |
| msgstr "%s:物件缺少" |
| |
| #: builtin/fsck.c:866 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "invalid parameter: expected sha1, got '%s'" |
| msgstr "無效的參數:期望 sha1,得到 '%s'" |
| |
| #: builtin/gc.c:39 |
| msgid "git gc [<options>]" |
| msgstr "git gc [<選項>]" |
| |
| #: builtin/gc.c:93 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Failed to fstat %s: %s" |
| msgstr "對 %s 呼叫 fstat 失敗:%s" |
| |
| #: builtin/gc.c:129 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "failed to parse '%s' value '%s'" |
| msgstr "無法解析 '%s' 值 '%s'" |
| |
| #: builtin/gc.c:487 builtin/init-db.c:57 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "cannot stat '%s'" |
| msgstr "不能對 '%s' 呼叫 stat" |
| |
| #: builtin/gc.c:496 builtin/notes.c:240 builtin/tag.c:573 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "cannot read '%s'" |
| msgstr "不能讀取 '%s'" |
| |
| #: builtin/gc.c:503 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "The last gc run reported the following. Please correct the root cause\n" |
| "and remove %s.\n" |
| "Automatic cleanup will not be performed until the file is removed.\n" |
| "\n" |
| "%s" |
| msgstr "" |
| "最後一次 gc 動作報告如下訊息。請檢查原因並刪除 %s。\n" |
| "在該檔案被刪除之前,自動清理將不會執行。\n" |
| "\n" |
| "%s" |
| |
| #: builtin/gc.c:551 |
| msgid "prune unreferenced objects" |
| msgstr "清除未引用的物件" |
| |
| #: builtin/gc.c:553 |
| msgid "be more thorough (increased runtime)" |
| msgstr "更徹底(增加執行時間)" |
| |
| #: builtin/gc.c:554 |
| msgid "enable auto-gc mode" |
| msgstr "啟用自動垃圾回收模式" |
| |
| #: builtin/gc.c:557 |
| msgid "force running gc even if there may be another gc running" |
| msgstr "強制執行 gc 即使另外一個 gc 正在執行" |
| |
| #: builtin/gc.c:560 |
| msgid "repack all other packs except the largest pack" |
| msgstr "除了最大的包之外,對所有其它包檔案重新打包" |
| |
| #: builtin/gc.c:576 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "failed to parse gc.logexpiry value %s" |
| msgstr "解析 gc.logexpiry 的值 %s 失敗" |
| |
| #: builtin/gc.c:587 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "failed to parse prune expiry value %s" |
| msgstr "解析清除期限值 %s 失敗" |
| |
| #: builtin/gc.c:607 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Auto packing the repository in background for optimum performance.\n" |
| msgstr "自動在後台執行版本庫打包以求最佳性能。\n" |
| |
| #: builtin/gc.c:609 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Auto packing the repository for optimum performance.\n" |
| msgstr "自動打包版本庫以求最佳性能。\n" |
| |
| #: builtin/gc.c:610 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "See \"git help gc\" for manual housekeeping.\n" |
| msgstr "手動維護參見 \"git help gc\"。\n" |
| |
| #: builtin/gc.c:650 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "gc is already running on machine '%s' pid %<PRIuMAX> (use --force if not)" |
| msgstr "gc 已在「%s」機器 pid %<PRIuMAX> 執行(如果不是,使用 --force)" |
| |
| #: builtin/gc.c:705 |
| msgid "" |
| "There are too many unreachable loose objects; run 'git prune' to remove them." |
| msgstr "有太多無法取得的鬆散物件,執行 'git prune' 刪除它們。" |
| |
| #: builtin/gc.c:715 |
| msgid "" |
| "git maintenance run [--auto] [--[no-]quiet] [--task=<task>] [--schedule]" |
| msgstr "" |
| "git maintenance run [--auto] [--[no-]quiet] [--task=<作業>] [--schedule]" |
| |
| #: builtin/gc.c:745 |
| msgid "--no-schedule is not allowed" |
| msgstr "不允許 --no-schedule" |
| |
| #: builtin/gc.c:750 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "unrecognized --schedule argument '%s'" |
| msgstr "無法識別的 --schedule 引數 '%s'" |
| |
| #: builtin/gc.c:869 |
| msgid "failed to write commit-graph" |
| msgstr "無法寫入提交圖形" |
| |
| #: builtin/gc.c:905 |
| msgid "failed to prefetch remotes" |
| msgstr "無法預先取得遠端" |
| |
| #: builtin/gc.c:1022 |
| msgid "failed to start 'git pack-objects' process" |
| msgstr "無法啟動 ‘git pack-objects’ 處理程序" |
| |
| #: builtin/gc.c:1039 |
| msgid "failed to finish 'git pack-objects' process" |
| msgstr "無法完成 ‘git pack-objects’ 處理程序" |
| |
| #: builtin/gc.c:1091 |
| msgid "failed to write multi-pack-index" |
| msgstr "無法寫入多包索引" |
| |
| #: builtin/gc.c:1109 |
| msgid "'git multi-pack-index expire' failed" |
| msgstr "'git multi-pack-index expire' 失敗" |
| |
| #: builtin/gc.c:1170 |
| msgid "'git multi-pack-index repack' failed" |
| msgstr "'git multi-pack-index repack' 失敗" |
| |
| #: builtin/gc.c:1179 |
| msgid "" |
| "skipping incremental-repack task because core.multiPackIndex is disabled" |
| msgstr "略過增量重新打包工作,因為 core.multiPackIndex 已被停用" |
| |
| #: builtin/gc.c:1283 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "lock file '%s' exists, skipping maintenance" |
| msgstr "已存在 '%s' 鎖定檔案,略過維護" |
| |
| #: builtin/gc.c:1313 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "task '%s' failed" |
| msgstr "作業 '%s' 失敗" |
| |
| #: builtin/gc.c:1395 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "'%s' is not a valid task" |
| msgstr "'%s' 非有效作業" |
| |
| #: builtin/gc.c:1400 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "task '%s' cannot be selected multiple times" |
| msgstr "不能多次選取 '%s' 作業" |
| |
| #: builtin/gc.c:1415 |
| msgid "run tasks based on the state of the repository" |
| msgstr "基於版本庫狀態執行作業" |
| |
| #: builtin/gc.c:1416 |
| msgid "frequency" |
| msgstr "frequency" |
| |
| #: builtin/gc.c:1417 |
| msgid "run tasks based on frequency" |
| msgstr "依據頻率執行工作" |
| |
| #: builtin/gc.c:1420 |
| msgid "do not report progress or other information over stderr" |
| msgstr "不要在 stderr 輸出進度或其他資訊" |
| |
| #: builtin/gc.c:1421 |
| msgid "task" |
| msgstr "作業" |
| |
| #: builtin/gc.c:1422 |
| msgid "run a specific task" |
| msgstr "執行指定作業" |
| |
| #: builtin/gc.c:1439 |
| msgid "use at most one of --auto and --schedule=<frequency>" |
| msgstr "--auto 和 --schedule=<頻率> 請任選一" |
| |
| #: builtin/gc.c:1482 |
| msgid "failed to run 'git config'" |
| msgstr "無法執行 ‘git config’" |
| |
| #: builtin/gc.c:1547 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "failed to expand path '%s'" |
| msgstr "無法展開「%s」路徑" |
| |
| #: builtin/gc.c:1576 |
| msgid "failed to start launchctl" |
| msgstr "無法啟動 launchctl" |
| |
| #: builtin/gc.c:1613 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "failed to create directories for '%s'" |
| msgstr "無法建立「%s」的目錄" |
| |
| #: builtin/gc.c:1674 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "failed to bootstrap service %s" |
| msgstr "無法啟動載入 %s 服務" |
| |
| #: builtin/gc.c:1745 |
| msgid "failed to create temp xml file" |
| msgstr "無法建立暫存 XML 檔案" |
| |
| #: builtin/gc.c:1835 |
| msgid "failed to start schtasks" |
| msgstr "無法啟動 schtasks" |
| |
| #: builtin/gc.c:1879 |
| msgid "failed to run 'crontab -l'; your system might not support 'cron'" |
| msgstr "無法執行 “crontab -l”;您的系統可能不支援 “cron”" |
| |
| #: builtin/gc.c:1896 |
| msgid "failed to run 'crontab'; your system might not support 'cron'" |
| msgstr "無法執行 “crontab”;您的系統可能不支援 “cron”" |
| |
| #: builtin/gc.c:1900 |
| msgid "failed to open stdin of 'crontab'" |
| msgstr "無法開啟 ‘crontab’ 的標準輸入" |
| |
| #: builtin/gc.c:1942 |
| msgid "'crontab' died" |
| msgstr "“crontab” 結束運作" |
| |
| #: builtin/gc.c:1976 |
| msgid "another process is scheduling background maintenance" |
| msgstr "其他處理程序正在排定背景維護工作" |
| |
| #: builtin/gc.c:2000 |
| msgid "failed to add repo to global config" |
| msgstr "無法將版本庫加至全域設定" |
| |
| #: builtin/gc.c:2010 |
| msgid "git maintenance <subcommand> [<options>]" |
| msgstr "git maintenance <子命令> [<選項>]" |
| |
| #: builtin/gc.c:2029 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "invalid subcommand: %s" |
| msgstr "無效子命令:%s" |
| |
| #: builtin/grep.c:30 |
| msgid "git grep [<options>] [-e] <pattern> [<rev>...] [[--] <path>...]" |
| msgstr "git grep [<選項>] [-e] <模式> [<版本>...] [[--] <路徑>...]" |
| |
| #: builtin/grep.c:223 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "grep: failed to create thread: %s" |
| msgstr "grep:無法建立執行緒:%s" |
| |
| #: builtin/grep.c:277 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "invalid number of threads specified (%d) for %s" |
| msgstr "為 %2$s 設定的執行緒數 (%1$d) 無效" |
| |
| #. TRANSLATORS: %s is the configuration |
| #. variable for tweaking threads, currently |
| #. grep.threads |
| #. |
| #: builtin/grep.c:285 builtin/index-pack.c:1590 builtin/index-pack.c:1793 |
| #: builtin/pack-objects.c:2969 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "no threads support, ignoring %s" |
| msgstr "沒有執行緒支援,忽略 %s" |
| |
| #: builtin/grep.c:473 builtin/grep.c:603 builtin/grep.c:643 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "unable to read tree (%s)" |
| msgstr "無法讀取樹(%s)" |
| |
| #: builtin/grep.c:658 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "unable to grep from object of type %s" |
| msgstr "無法抓取來自於 %s 類型的物件" |
| |
| #: builtin/grep.c:739 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "switch `%c' expects a numerical value" |
| msgstr "開關 `%c' 期望一個數字值" |
| |
| #: builtin/grep.c:838 |
| msgid "search in index instead of in the work tree" |
| msgstr "在索引區搜尋而不是在工作區" |
| |
| #: builtin/grep.c:840 |
| msgid "find in contents not managed by git" |
| msgstr "在未被 git 管理的內容中尋找" |
| |
| # 譯者:中文字串拼接,可刪除前導空格 |
| #: builtin/grep.c:842 |
| msgid "search in both tracked and untracked files" |
| msgstr "在追蹤和未追蹤的檔案中搜尋" |
| |
| #: builtin/grep.c:844 |
| msgid "ignore files specified via '.gitignore'" |
| msgstr "忽略 '.gitignore' 包含的檔案" |
| |
| #: builtin/grep.c:846 |
| msgid "recursively search in each submodule" |
| msgstr "在每一個子模組中遞迴搜尋" |
| |
| #: builtin/grep.c:849 |
| msgid "show non-matching lines" |
| msgstr "顯示未符合的行" |
| |
| #: builtin/grep.c:851 |
| msgid "case insensitive matching" |
| msgstr "不區分大小寫符合" |
| |
| #: builtin/grep.c:853 |
| msgid "match patterns only at word boundaries" |
| msgstr "只在單詞邊界符合模式" |
| |
| #: builtin/grep.c:855 |
| msgid "process binary files as text" |
| msgstr "把二進位檔案當做文字處理" |
| |
| #: builtin/grep.c:857 |
| msgid "don't match patterns in binary files" |
| msgstr "不在二進位檔案中符合模式" |
| |
| #: builtin/grep.c:860 |
| msgid "process binary files with textconv filters" |
| msgstr "用 textconv 過濾器處理二進位檔案" |
| |
| #: builtin/grep.c:862 |
| msgid "search in subdirectories (default)" |
| msgstr "在子目錄中尋找(預設)" |
| |
| #: builtin/grep.c:864 |
| msgid "descend at most <depth> levels" |
| msgstr "最多以指定的深度向下尋找" |
| |
| #: builtin/grep.c:868 |
| msgid "use extended POSIX regular expressions" |
| msgstr "使用擴展的 POSIX 正規表示式" |
| |
| #: builtin/grep.c:871 |
| msgid "use basic POSIX regular expressions (default)" |
| msgstr "使用基本的 POSIX 正規表示式(預設)" |
| |
| #: builtin/grep.c:874 |
| msgid "interpret patterns as fixed strings" |
| msgstr "把模式解析為固定的字串" |
| |
| #: builtin/grep.c:877 |
| msgid "use Perl-compatible regular expressions" |
| msgstr "使用 Perl 相容的正規表示式" |
| |
| #: builtin/grep.c:880 |
| msgid "show line numbers" |
| msgstr "顯示行號" |
| |
| #: builtin/grep.c:881 |
| msgid "show column number of first match" |
| msgstr "顯示第一個符合的列號" |
| |
| #: builtin/grep.c:882 |
| msgid "don't show filenames" |
| msgstr "不顯示檔案名" |
| |
| #: builtin/grep.c:883 |
| msgid "show filenames" |
| msgstr "顯示檔案名" |
| |
| #: builtin/grep.c:885 |
| msgid "show filenames relative to top directory" |
| msgstr "顯示相對於頂級目錄的檔案名" |
| |
| #: builtin/grep.c:887 |
| msgid "show only filenames instead of matching lines" |
| msgstr "只顯示檔案名而不顯示符合的行" |
| |
| #: builtin/grep.c:889 |
| msgid "synonym for --files-with-matches" |
| msgstr "和 --files-with-matches 同義" |
| |
| #: builtin/grep.c:892 |
| msgid "show only the names of files without match" |
| msgstr "只顯示未符合的檔案名" |
| |
| #: builtin/grep.c:894 |
| msgid "print NUL after filenames" |
| msgstr "在檔案名後輸出 NUL 字元" |
| |
| #: builtin/grep.c:897 |
| msgid "show only matching parts of a line" |
| msgstr "只顯示行中的符合的部分" |
| |
| #: builtin/grep.c:899 |
| msgid "show the number of matches instead of matching lines" |
| msgstr "顯示總符合行數,而不顯示符合的行" |
| |
| #: builtin/grep.c:900 |
| msgid "highlight matches" |
| msgstr "高亮顯示符合項" |
| |
| #: builtin/grep.c:902 |
| msgid "print empty line between matches from different files" |
| msgstr "在不同檔案的符合項之間列印空行" |
| |
| #: builtin/grep.c:904 |
| msgid "show filename only once above matches from same file" |
| msgstr "只在同一檔案的符合項的上面顯示一次檔案名" |
| |
| #: builtin/grep.c:907 |
| msgid "show <n> context lines before and after matches" |
| msgstr "顯示符合項前後的 <n> 行上下文" |
| |
| #: builtin/grep.c:910 |
| msgid "show <n> context lines before matches" |
| msgstr "顯示符合項前 <n> 行上下文" |
| |
| #: builtin/grep.c:912 |
| msgid "show <n> context lines after matches" |
| msgstr "顯示符合項後 <n> 行上下文" |
| |
| #: builtin/grep.c:914 |
| msgid "use <n> worker threads" |
| msgstr "使用 <n> 個工作執行緒" |
| |
| #: builtin/grep.c:915 |
| msgid "shortcut for -C NUM" |
| msgstr "快捷鍵 -C 數字" |
| |
| #: builtin/grep.c:918 |
| msgid "show a line with the function name before matches" |
| msgstr "在符合的前面顯示一行函數名" |
| |
| #: builtin/grep.c:920 |
| msgid "show the surrounding function" |
| msgstr "顯示所在函數的前後內容" |
| |
| #: builtin/grep.c:923 |
| msgid "read patterns from file" |
| msgstr "從檔案讀取模式" |
| |
| #: builtin/grep.c:925 |
| msgid "match <pattern>" |
| msgstr "符合 <模式>" |
| |
| #: builtin/grep.c:927 |
| msgid "combine patterns specified with -e" |
| msgstr "組合用 -e 參數設定的模式" |
| |
| #: builtin/grep.c:939 |
| msgid "indicate hit with exit status without output" |
| msgstr "不輸出,而用離開碼標記命中狀態" |
| |
| #: builtin/grep.c:941 |
| msgid "show only matches from files that match all patterns" |
| msgstr "只顯示符合所有模式的檔案中的符合" |
| |
| #: builtin/grep.c:944 |
| msgid "pager" |
| msgstr "分頁" |
| |
| #: builtin/grep.c:944 |
| msgid "show matching files in the pager" |
| msgstr "分頁顯示符合的檔案" |
| |
| #: builtin/grep.c:948 |
| msgid "allow calling of grep(1) (ignored by this build)" |
| msgstr "允許呼叫 grep(1)(本次組建忽略)" |
| |
| #: builtin/grep.c:1014 |
| msgid "no pattern given" |
| msgstr "未提供符合模式" |
| |
| #: builtin/grep.c:1050 |
| msgid "--no-index or --untracked cannot be used with revs" |
| msgstr "--no-index 或 --untracked 不能和版本同時使用" |
| |
| #: builtin/grep.c:1058 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "unable to resolve revision: %s" |
| msgstr "不能解析版本:%s" |
| |
| #: builtin/grep.c:1088 |
| msgid "--untracked not supported with --recurse-submodules" |
| msgstr "--untracked 不支援與 --recurse-submodules 一起使用" |
| |
| #: builtin/grep.c:1092 |
| msgid "invalid option combination, ignoring --threads" |
| msgstr "無效的選項組合,忽略 --threads" |
| |
| #: builtin/grep.c:1095 builtin/pack-objects.c:3930 |
| msgid "no threads support, ignoring --threads" |
| msgstr "沒有執行緒支援,忽略 --threads" |
| |
| #: builtin/grep.c:1098 builtin/index-pack.c:1587 builtin/pack-objects.c:2966 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "invalid number of threads specified (%d)" |
| msgstr "指定的執行緒數無效(%d)" |
| |
| #: builtin/grep.c:1132 |
| msgid "--open-files-in-pager only works on the worktree" |
| msgstr "--open-files-in-pager 僅用於工作區" |
| |
| #: builtin/grep.c:1158 |
| msgid "--cached or --untracked cannot be used with --no-index" |
| msgstr "--cached 或 --untracked 不能與 --no-index 同時使用" |
| |
| #: builtin/grep.c:1161 |
| msgid "--untracked cannot be used with --cached" |
| msgstr "--untracked 不能與 --cached 一起使用" |
| |
| #: builtin/grep.c:1167 |
| msgid "--[no-]exclude-standard cannot be used for tracked contents" |
| msgstr "--[no-]exclude-standard 不能用於已追蹤內容" |
| |
| #: builtin/grep.c:1175 |
| msgid "both --cached and trees are given" |
| msgstr "同時給出了 --cached 和樹狀物件" |
| |
| #: builtin/hash-object.c:85 |
| msgid "" |
| "git hash-object [-t <type>] [-w] [--path=<file> | --no-filters] [--stdin] " |
| "[--] <file>..." |
| msgstr "" |
| "git hash-object [-t <類型>] [-w] [--path=<檔案> | --no-filters] [--stdin] " |
| "[--] <檔案>..." |
| |
| #: builtin/hash-object.c:86 |
| msgid "git hash-object --stdin-paths" |
| msgstr "git hash-object --stdin-paths" |
| |
| #: builtin/hash-object.c:98 |
| msgid "object type" |
| msgstr "物件類型" |
| |
| #: builtin/hash-object.c:99 |
| msgid "write the object into the object database" |
| msgstr "將物件寫入物件資料庫" |
| |
| #: builtin/hash-object.c:101 |
| msgid "read the object from stdin" |
| msgstr "從標準輸入讀取物件" |
| |
| #: builtin/hash-object.c:103 |
| msgid "store file as is without filters" |
| msgstr "原樣儲存檔案不使用過濾器" |
| |
| #: builtin/hash-object.c:104 |
| msgid "" |
| "just hash any random garbage to create corrupt objects for debugging Git" |
| msgstr "允許對任意隨機垃圾資料做散列來建立損壞的物件以便除錯 Git" |
| |
| #: builtin/hash-object.c:105 |
| msgid "process file as it were from this path" |
| msgstr "處理檔案並假設其來自於此路徑" |
| |
| #: builtin/help.c:47 |
| msgid "print all available commands" |
| msgstr "列印所有可用的指令" |
| |
| #: builtin/help.c:48 |
| msgid "exclude guides" |
| msgstr "排除嚮導" |
| |
| #: builtin/help.c:49 |
| msgid "print list of useful guides" |
| msgstr "顯示有用的指南列表" |
| |
| #: builtin/help.c:50 |
| msgid "print all configuration variable names" |
| msgstr "列印所有設定變數名稱" |
| |
| #: builtin/help.c:52 |
| msgid "show man page" |
| msgstr "顯示 man 手冊" |
| |
| #: builtin/help.c:53 |
| msgid "show manual in web browser" |
| msgstr "在 web 瀏覽器中顯示手冊" |
| |
| #: builtin/help.c:55 |
| msgid "show info page" |
| msgstr "顯示 info 手冊" |
| |
| #: builtin/help.c:57 |
| msgid "print command description" |
| msgstr "列印指令描述" |
| |
| #: builtin/help.c:62 |
| msgid "git help [--all] [--guides] [--man | --web | --info] [<command>]" |
| msgstr "git help [--all] [--guides] [--man | --web | --info] [<命令>]" |
| |
| #: builtin/help.c:163 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "unrecognized help format '%s'" |
| msgstr "無法識別的協助格式 '%s'" |
| |
| #: builtin/help.c:190 |
| msgid "Failed to start emacsclient." |
| msgstr "無法啟動 emacsclient。" |
| |
| #: builtin/help.c:203 |
| msgid "Failed to parse emacsclient version." |
| msgstr "無法解析 emacsclient 版本。" |
| |
| #: builtin/help.c:211 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "emacsclient version '%d' too old (< 22)." |
| msgstr "emacsclient 版本 '%d' 太老(< 22)。" |
| |
| #: builtin/help.c:229 builtin/help.c:251 builtin/help.c:261 builtin/help.c:269 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "failed to exec '%s'" |
| msgstr "執行 '%s' 失敗" |
| |
| #: builtin/help.c:307 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "'%s': path for unsupported man viewer.\n" |
| "Please consider using 'man.<tool>.cmd' instead." |
| msgstr "" |
| "'%s':不支援的 man 手冊檢視器的路徑。\n" |
| "請使用 'man.<工具>.cmd'。" |
| |
| #: builtin/help.c:319 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "'%s': cmd for supported man viewer.\n" |
| "Please consider using 'man.<tool>.path' instead." |
| msgstr "" |
| "'%s': 支援的 man 手冊檢視器指令。\n" |
| "請使用 'man.<工具>.path'。" |
| |
| #: builtin/help.c:436 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "'%s': unknown man viewer." |
| msgstr "'%s':未知的 man 檢視器。" |
| |
| #: builtin/help.c:453 |
| msgid "no man viewer handled the request" |
| msgstr "沒有 man 檢視器處理此請求" |
| |
| #: builtin/help.c:461 |
| msgid "no info viewer handled the request" |
| msgstr "沒有 info 檢視器處理此請求" |
| |
| #: builtin/help.c:520 builtin/help.c:531 git.c:348 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "'%s' is aliased to '%s'" |
| msgstr "'%s' 是 '%s' 的別名" |
| |
| #: builtin/help.c:534 git.c:380 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "bad alias.%s string: %s" |
| msgstr "壞的 alias.%s 字串:%s" |
| |
| #: builtin/help.c:563 builtin/help.c:593 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "usage: %s%s" |
| msgstr "用法:%s%s" |
| |
| #: builtin/help.c:577 |
| msgid "'git help config' for more information" |
| msgstr "'git help config' 取得更多訊息" |
| |
| #: builtin/index-pack.c:222 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "object type mismatch at %s" |
| msgstr "%s 的物件類型不符合" |
| |
| #: builtin/index-pack.c:242 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "did not receive expected object %s" |
| msgstr "未能取得預期的物件 %s" |
| |
| #: builtin/index-pack.c:245 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "object %s: expected type %s, found %s" |
| msgstr "物件 %s:應為類型 %s,卻是 %s" |
| |
| #: builtin/index-pack.c:295 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "cannot fill %d byte" |
| msgid_plural "cannot fill %d bytes" |
| msgstr[0] "無法填充 %d 位元組" |
| |
| #: builtin/index-pack.c:305 |
| msgid "early EOF" |
| msgstr "過早的檔案結束符(EOF)" |
| |
| #: builtin/index-pack.c:306 |
| msgid "read error on input" |
| msgstr "輸入上的讀錯誤" |
| |
| #: builtin/index-pack.c:318 |
| msgid "used more bytes than were available" |
| msgstr "用掉了超過可用的位元組" |
| |
| #: builtin/index-pack.c:325 builtin/pack-objects.c:624 |
| msgid "pack too large for current definition of off_t" |
| msgstr "包太大超過了目前 off_t 的定義" |
| |
| #: builtin/index-pack.c:328 builtin/unpack-objects.c:95 |
| msgid "pack exceeds maximum allowed size" |
| msgstr "包超過了最大允許值" |
| |
| #: builtin/index-pack.c:343 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "unable to create '%s'" |
| msgstr "不能建立 '%s'" |
| |
| #: builtin/index-pack.c:349 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "cannot open packfile '%s'" |
| msgstr "無法開啟 packfile '%s'" |
| |
| #: builtin/index-pack.c:363 |
| msgid "pack signature mismatch" |
| msgstr "包簽名不符合" |
| |
| #: builtin/index-pack.c:365 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "pack version %<PRIu32> unsupported" |
| msgstr "不支援包版本 %<PRIu32>" |
| |
| #: builtin/index-pack.c:383 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "pack has bad object at offset %<PRIuMAX>: %s" |
| msgstr "包中有錯誤的物件位於位移量 %<PRIuMAX>:%s" |
| |
| #: builtin/index-pack.c:489 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "inflate returned %d" |
| msgstr "解壓縮返回 %d" |
| |
| #: builtin/index-pack.c:538 |
| msgid "offset value overflow for delta base object" |
| msgstr "位移值覆蓋了 delta 基準物件" |
| |
| #: builtin/index-pack.c:546 |
| msgid "delta base offset is out of bound" |
| msgstr "delta 基準位移越界" |
| |
| #: builtin/index-pack.c:554 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "unknown object type %d" |
| msgstr "未知物件類型 %d" |
| |
| #: builtin/index-pack.c:585 |
| msgid "cannot pread pack file" |
| msgstr "無法讀取包檔案" |
| |
| #: builtin/index-pack.c:587 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "premature end of pack file, %<PRIuMAX> byte missing" |
| msgid_plural "premature end of pack file, %<PRIuMAX> bytes missing" |
| msgstr[0] "包檔案過早結束,缺少 %<PRIuMAX> 位元組" |
| |
| #: builtin/index-pack.c:613 |
| msgid "serious inflate inconsistency" |
| msgstr "解壓縮嚴重的不一致" |
| |
| #: builtin/index-pack.c:758 builtin/index-pack.c:764 builtin/index-pack.c:788 |
| #: builtin/index-pack.c:827 builtin/index-pack.c:836 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "SHA1 COLLISION FOUND WITH %s !" |
| msgstr "發現 %s 出現 SHA1 衝突!" |
| |
| #: builtin/index-pack.c:761 builtin/pack-objects.c:171 |
| #: builtin/pack-objects.c:231 builtin/pack-objects.c:326 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "unable to read %s" |
| msgstr "不能讀 %s" |
| |
| #: builtin/index-pack.c:825 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "cannot read existing object info %s" |
| msgstr "不能讀取現存物件訊息 %s" |
| |
| #: builtin/index-pack.c:833 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "cannot read existing object %s" |
| msgstr "不能讀取現存物件 %s" |
| |
| #: builtin/index-pack.c:847 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "invalid blob object %s" |
| msgstr "無效的資料物件 %s" |
| |
| #: builtin/index-pack.c:850 builtin/index-pack.c:869 |
| msgid "fsck error in packed object" |
| msgstr "對打包物件 fsck 檢查發生錯誤" |
| |
| #: builtin/index-pack.c:871 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Not all child objects of %s are reachable" |
| msgstr "%s 的所有子物件並非都可以取得" |
| |
| #: builtin/index-pack.c:932 builtin/index-pack.c:979 |
| msgid "failed to apply delta" |
| msgstr "套用 delta 失敗" |
| |
| #: builtin/index-pack.c:1162 |
| msgid "Receiving objects" |
| msgstr "接收物件中" |
| |
| #: builtin/index-pack.c:1162 |
| msgid "Indexing objects" |
| msgstr "索引物件中" |
| |
| #: builtin/index-pack.c:1196 |
| msgid "pack is corrupted (SHA1 mismatch)" |
| msgstr "包衝突(SHA1 不符合)" |
| |
| #: builtin/index-pack.c:1201 |
| msgid "cannot fstat packfile" |
| msgstr "不能對 packfile 呼叫 fstat" |
| |
| #: builtin/index-pack.c:1204 |
| msgid "pack has junk at the end" |
| msgstr "包的結尾有垃圾資料" |
| |
| #: builtin/index-pack.c:1216 |
| msgid "confusion beyond insanity in parse_pack_objects()" |
| msgstr "parse_pack_objects() 中遇到不可理喻的問題" |
| |
| #: builtin/index-pack.c:1239 |
| msgid "Resolving deltas" |
| msgstr "處理 delta 中" |
| |
| #: builtin/index-pack.c:1250 builtin/pack-objects.c:2732 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "unable to create thread: %s" |
| msgstr "不能建立執行緒:%s" |
| |
| #: builtin/index-pack.c:1283 |
| msgid "confusion beyond insanity" |
| msgstr "不可理喻" |
| |
| #: builtin/index-pack.c:1289 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "completed with %d local object" |
| msgid_plural "completed with %d local objects" |
| msgstr[0] "完成 %d 個本機物件" |
| |
| #: builtin/index-pack.c:1301 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Unexpected tail checksum for %s (disk corruption?)" |
| msgstr "對 %s 的尾部總和檢查出現意外(磁碟損壞?)" |
| |
| #: builtin/index-pack.c:1305 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "pack has %d unresolved delta" |
| msgid_plural "pack has %d unresolved deltas" |
| msgstr[0] "包有 %d 個未解決的 delta" |
| |
| #: builtin/index-pack.c:1329 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "unable to deflate appended object (%d)" |
| msgstr "不能壓縮附加物件(%d)" |
| |
| #: builtin/index-pack.c:1425 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "local object %s is corrupt" |
| msgstr "本機物件 %s 已損壞" |
| |
| #: builtin/index-pack.c:1446 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "packfile name '%s' does not end with '.%s'" |
| msgstr "packfile 名稱「%s」的結尾不是「.%s」" |
| |
| #: builtin/index-pack.c:1470 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "cannot write %s file '%s'" |
| msgstr "無法寫入 %s 檔案 '%s'" |
| |
| #: builtin/index-pack.c:1478 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "cannot close written %s file '%s'" |
| msgstr "無法關閉已寫入的 %s 檔案 '%s'" |
| |
| #: builtin/index-pack.c:1504 |
| msgid "error while closing pack file" |
| msgstr "關閉包檔案時發生錯誤" |
| |
| #: builtin/index-pack.c:1518 |
| msgid "cannot store pack file" |
| msgstr "無法儲存包檔案" |
| |
| #: builtin/index-pack.c:1526 |
| msgid "cannot store index file" |
| msgstr "無法儲存索引檔案" |
| |
| #: builtin/index-pack.c:1581 builtin/pack-objects.c:2977 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "bad pack.indexversion=%<PRIu32>" |
| msgstr "壞的 pack.indexversion=%<PRIu32>" |
| |
| #: builtin/index-pack.c:1651 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Cannot open existing pack file '%s'" |
| msgstr "無法開啟現存包檔案 '%s'" |
| |
| #: builtin/index-pack.c:1653 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Cannot open existing pack idx file for '%s'" |
| msgstr "無法為 %s 開啟包索引檔案" |
| |
| #: builtin/index-pack.c:1701 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "non delta: %d object" |
| msgid_plural "non delta: %d objects" |
| msgstr[0] "非 delta:%d 個物件" |
| |
| #: builtin/index-pack.c:1708 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "chain length = %d: %lu object" |
| msgid_plural "chain length = %d: %lu objects" |
| msgstr[0] "鏈長 = %d: %lu 物件" |
| |
| #: builtin/index-pack.c:1750 |
| msgid "Cannot come back to cwd" |
| msgstr "無法返回目前工作目錄" |
| |
| #: builtin/index-pack.c:1804 builtin/index-pack.c:1807 |
| #: builtin/index-pack.c:1823 builtin/index-pack.c:1827 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "bad %s" |
| msgstr "錯誤選項 %s" |
| |
| #: builtin/index-pack.c:1833 builtin/init-db.c:378 builtin/init-db.c:613 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "unknown hash algorithm '%s'" |
| msgstr "未知的「%s」雜湊算法" |
| |
| #: builtin/index-pack.c:1852 |
| msgid "--fix-thin cannot be used without --stdin" |
| msgstr "--fix-thin 不能和 --stdin 同時使用" |
| |
| #: builtin/index-pack.c:1854 |
| msgid "--stdin requires a git repository" |
| msgstr "--stdin 需要一個 git 版本庫" |
| |
| #: builtin/index-pack.c:1856 |
| msgid "--object-format cannot be used with --stdin" |
| msgstr "--object-format 不能和 --stdin 同時使用" |
| |
| #: builtin/index-pack.c:1871 |
| msgid "--verify with no packfile name given" |
| msgstr "--verify 沒有提供 packfile 名稱參數" |
| |
| #: builtin/index-pack.c:1937 builtin/unpack-objects.c:584 |
| msgid "fsck error in pack objects" |
| msgstr "在打包物件中 fsck 檢查發生錯誤" |
| |
| #: builtin/init-db.c:63 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "cannot stat template '%s'" |
| msgstr "不能對範本 '%s' 呼叫 stat" |
| |
| #: builtin/init-db.c:68 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "cannot opendir '%s'" |
| msgstr "不能開啟目錄 '%s'" |
| |
| #: builtin/init-db.c:80 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "cannot readlink '%s'" |
| msgstr "不能讀取連結 '%s'" |
| |
| #: builtin/init-db.c:82 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "cannot symlink '%s' '%s'" |
| msgstr "不能自 '%s' 到 '%s' 建立符號連結" |
| |
| #: builtin/init-db.c:88 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "cannot copy '%s' to '%s'" |
| msgstr "不能複製 '%s' 至 '%s'" |
| |
| #: builtin/init-db.c:92 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "ignoring template %s" |
| msgstr "忽略範本 %s" |
| |
| #: builtin/init-db.c:123 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "templates not found in %s" |
| msgstr "沒有在 %s 中找到範本" |
| |
| #: builtin/init-db.c:138 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "not copying templates from '%s': %s" |
| msgstr "沒有從 '%s' 複製範本:%s" |
| |
| #: builtin/init-db.c:262 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "invalid initial branch name: '%s'" |
| msgstr "無效的初始分支名稱:'%s'" |
| |
| #: builtin/init-db.c:353 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "unable to handle file type %d" |
| msgstr "不能處理 %d 類型的檔案" |
| |
| #: builtin/init-db.c:356 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "unable to move %s to %s" |
| msgstr "不能移動 %s 至 %s" |
| |
| #: builtin/init-db.c:372 |
| msgid "attempt to reinitialize repository with different hash" |
| msgstr "嘗試以不同的雜湊值重新初始化版本庫" |
| |
| #: builtin/init-db.c:396 builtin/init-db.c:399 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "%s already exists" |
| msgstr "%s 已經存在" |
| |
| #: builtin/init-db.c:431 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "re-init: ignored --initial-branch=%s" |
| msgstr "re-init: 忽略 --initial-branch=%s" |
| |
| #: builtin/init-db.c:462 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Reinitialized existing shared Git repository in %s%s\n" |
| msgstr "重新初始化已存在的共享 Git 版本庫於 %s%s\n" |
| |
| #: builtin/init-db.c:463 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Reinitialized existing Git repository in %s%s\n" |
| msgstr "重新初始化已存在的 Git 版本庫於 %s%s\n" |
| |
| #: builtin/init-db.c:467 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Initialized empty shared Git repository in %s%s\n" |
| msgstr "已初始化空的共享 Git 版本庫於 %s%s\n" |
| |
| #: builtin/init-db.c:468 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Initialized empty Git repository in %s%s\n" |
| msgstr "已初始化空的 Git 版本庫於 %s%s\n" |
| |
| #: builtin/init-db.c:517 |
| msgid "" |
| "git init [-q | --quiet] [--bare] [--template=<template-directory>] [--" |
| "shared[=<permissions>]] [<directory>]" |
| msgstr "" |
| "git init [-q | --quiet] [--bare] [--template=<範本目錄>] [--shared[=<權限>]] " |
| "[<目錄>]" |
| |
| #: builtin/init-db.c:543 |
| msgid "permissions" |
| msgstr "權限" |
| |
| #: builtin/init-db.c:544 |
| msgid "specify that the git repository is to be shared amongst several users" |
| msgstr "指定 git 版本庫是多個使用者之間共享的" |
| |
| #: builtin/init-db.c:550 |
| msgid "override the name of the initial branch" |
| msgstr "覆蓋初始分支的名稱" |
| |
| #: builtin/init-db.c:551 builtin/verify-pack.c:74 |
| msgid "hash" |
| msgstr "雜湊" |
| |
| #: builtin/init-db.c:552 builtin/show-index.c:22 builtin/verify-pack.c:75 |
| msgid "specify the hash algorithm to use" |
| msgstr "指定要使用的雜湊算法" |
| |
| #: builtin/init-db.c:559 |
| msgid "--separate-git-dir and --bare are mutually exclusive" |
| msgstr "--separate-git-dir 和 --bare 互斥" |
| |
| #: builtin/init-db.c:590 builtin/init-db.c:595 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "cannot mkdir %s" |
| msgstr "不能建立目錄 %s" |
| |
| #: builtin/init-db.c:599 builtin/init-db.c:654 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "cannot chdir to %s" |
| msgstr "不能切換目錄到 %s" |
| |
| #: builtin/init-db.c:626 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "%s (or --work-tree=<directory>) not allowed without specifying %s (or --git-" |
| "dir=<directory>)" |
| msgstr "不允許 %s(或 --work-tree=<目錄>)而沒有指定 %s(或 --git-dir=<目錄>)" |
| |
| #: builtin/init-db.c:678 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Cannot access work tree '%s'" |
| msgstr "不能存取工作區 '%s'" |
| |
| #: builtin/init-db.c:683 |
| msgid "--separate-git-dir incompatible with bare repository" |
| msgstr "--separate-git-dir 與純版本庫不相容" |
| |
| #: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:16 |
| msgid "" |
| "git interpret-trailers [--in-place] [--trim-empty] [(--trailer " |
| "<token>[(=|:)<value>])...] [<file>...]" |
| msgstr "" |
| "git interpret-trailers [--in-place] [--trim-empty] [(--trailer <鍵>[(=|:)<值" |
| ">])...] [<檔案>...]" |
| |
| #: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:95 |
| msgid "edit files in place" |
| msgstr "在原位編輯檔案" |
| |
| #: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:96 |
| msgid "trim empty trailers" |
| msgstr "刪除空的尾部署名" |
| |
| #: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:99 |
| msgid "where to place the new trailer" |
| msgstr "在哪裡放置新的尾部署名" |
| |
| #: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:101 |
| msgid "action if trailer already exists" |
| msgstr "當尾部署名已經存在時所採取的動作" |
| |
| #: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:103 |
| msgid "action if trailer is missing" |
| msgstr "當尾部署名缺少時所採取的動作" |
| |
| #: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:105 |
| msgid "output only the trailers" |
| msgstr "只輸出尾部署名" |
| |
| #: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:106 |
| msgid "do not apply config rules" |
| msgstr "不要套用組態設定規則" |
| |
| #: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:107 |
| msgid "join whitespace-continued values" |
| msgstr "連線空白折行的值" |
| |
| #: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:108 |
| msgid "set parsing options" |
| msgstr "設定解析選項" |
| |
| #: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:110 |
| msgid "do not treat --- specially" |
| msgstr "不要對 --- 特殊處理" |
| |
| #: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:112 |
| msgid "trailer(s) to add" |
| msgstr "要新增的尾部署名" |
| |
| #: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:123 |
| msgid "--trailer with --only-input does not make sense" |
| msgstr "--trailer 和 --only-input 同時使用沒有意義" |
| |
| #: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:133 |
| msgid "no input file given for in-place editing" |
| msgstr "沒有給出要原位編輯的檔案" |
| |
| #: builtin/log.c:59 |
| msgid "git log [<options>] [<revision-range>] [[--] <path>...]" |
| msgstr "git log [<選項>] [<版本範圍>] [[--] <路徑>...]" |
| |
| #: builtin/log.c:60 |
| msgid "git show [<options>] <object>..." |
| msgstr "git show [<選項>] <物件>..." |
| |
| #: builtin/log.c:113 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "invalid --decorate option: %s" |
| msgstr "無效的 --decorate 選項:%s" |
| |
| #: builtin/log.c:180 |
| msgid "show source" |
| msgstr "顯示源" |
| |
| #: builtin/log.c:181 |
| msgid "use mail map file" |
| msgstr "使用信件映射檔案" |
| |
| #: builtin/log.c:184 |
| msgid "only decorate refs that match <pattern>" |
| msgstr "只修飾與 <模式> 符合的引用" |
| |
| #: builtin/log.c:186 |
| msgid "do not decorate refs that match <pattern>" |
| msgstr "不修飾和 <模式> 符合的引用" |
| |
| #: builtin/log.c:187 |
| msgid "decorate options" |
| msgstr "修飾選項" |
| |
| #: builtin/log.c:190 |
| msgid "" |
| "trace the evolution of line range <start>,<end> or function :<funcname> in " |
| "<file>" |
| msgstr "追蹤 <開始>,<結束> 範圍中橫列或 <檔案> 中> :<函數名稱> 的變化史" |
| |
| #: builtin/log.c:213 |
| msgid "-L<range>:<file> cannot be used with pathspec" |
| msgstr "-L<範圍>:<檔案> 和 pathspec 不能同時使用" |
| |
| #: builtin/log.c:303 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Final output: %d %s\n" |
| msgstr "最終輸出:%d %s\n" |
| |
| #: builtin/log.c:568 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "git show %s: bad file" |
| msgstr "git show %s: 損壞的檔案" |
| |
| #: builtin/log.c:583 builtin/log.c:673 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "could not read object %s" |
| msgstr "不能讀取物件 %s" |
| |
| #: builtin/log.c:698 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "unknown type: %d" |
| msgstr "未知類型:%d" |
| |
| #: builtin/log.c:843 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "%s: invalid cover from description mode" |
| msgstr "%s:從描述產生附函的模式無效" |
| |
| #: builtin/log.c:850 |
| msgid "format.headers without value" |
| msgstr "format.headers 沒有值" |
| |
| #: builtin/log.c:979 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "cannot open patch file %s" |
| msgstr "無法開啟修補檔案 %s" |
| |
| #: builtin/log.c:996 |
| msgid "need exactly one range" |
| msgstr "只需要一個範圍" |
| |
| #: builtin/log.c:1006 |
| msgid "not a range" |
| msgstr "不是一個範圍" |
| |
| #: builtin/log.c:1170 |
| msgid "cover letter needs email format" |
| msgstr "附函需要信件位址格式" |
| |
| #: builtin/log.c:1176 |
| msgid "failed to create cover-letter file" |
| msgstr "無法建立附函檔案" |
| |
| #: builtin/log.c:1263 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "insane in-reply-to: %s" |
| msgstr "不正常的 in-reply-to:%s" |
| |
| #: builtin/log.c:1290 |
| msgid "git format-patch [<options>] [<since> | <revision-range>]" |
| msgstr "git format-patch [<選項>] [<從> | <版本範圍>]" |
| |
| #: builtin/log.c:1348 |
| msgid "two output directories?" |
| msgstr "兩個輸出目錄?" |
| |
| #: builtin/log.c:1499 builtin/log.c:2326 builtin/log.c:2328 builtin/log.c:2340 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "unknown commit %s" |
| msgstr "未知提交 %s" |
| |
| #: builtin/log.c:1510 builtin/replace.c:58 builtin/replace.c:207 |
| #: builtin/replace.c:210 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "failed to resolve '%s' as a valid ref" |
| msgstr "無法將 '%s' 解析為一個有效引用" |
| |
| #: builtin/log.c:1519 |
| msgid "could not find exact merge base" |
| msgstr "不能找到準確的合併基礎" |
| |
| #: builtin/log.c:1529 |
| msgid "" |
| "failed to get upstream, if you want to record base commit automatically,\n" |
| "please use git branch --set-upstream-to to track a remote branch.\n" |
| "Or you could specify base commit by --base=<base-commit-id> manually" |
| msgstr "" |
| "無法得到上游位址,如果你想自動記錄基礎提交,請使用指令\n" |
| "git branch --set-upstream-to 來追蹤一個遠端分支。或者你可以透過\n" |
| "參數 --base=<基礎提交> 手動指定一個基礎提交" |
| |
| #: builtin/log.c:1552 |
| msgid "failed to find exact merge base" |
| msgstr "無法找到準確的合併基礎" |
| |
| #: builtin/log.c:1569 |
| msgid "base commit should be the ancestor of revision list" |
| msgstr "基礎提交應該是版本列表的祖先" |
| |
| #: builtin/log.c:1579 |
| msgid "base commit shouldn't be in revision list" |
| msgstr "基礎提交不應該出現在版本列表中" |
| |
| #: builtin/log.c:1637 |
| msgid "cannot get patch id" |
| msgstr "無法得到修補檔 id" |
| |
| #: builtin/log.c:1700 |
| msgid "failed to infer range-diff origin of current series" |
| msgstr "無法推斷目前系列的 range-diff 起點" |
| |
| #: builtin/log.c:1702 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "using '%s' as range-diff origin of current series" |
| msgstr "將 '%s' 當作目前系列的 range-diff 起點" |
| |
| #: builtin/log.c:1746 |
| msgid "use [PATCH n/m] even with a single patch" |
| msgstr "使用 [PATCH n/m],即使只有一個修補檔" |
| |
| #: builtin/log.c:1749 |
| msgid "use [PATCH] even with multiple patches" |
| msgstr "使用 [PATCH],即使有多個修補檔" |
| |
| #: builtin/log.c:1753 |
| msgid "print patches to standard out" |
| msgstr "列印修補檔到標準輸出" |
| |
| #: builtin/log.c:1755 |
| msgid "generate a cover letter" |
| msgstr "生成一封附函" |
| |
| #: builtin/log.c:1757 |
| msgid "use simple number sequence for output file names" |
| msgstr "使用簡單的數字序列作為輸出檔案名" |
| |
| #: builtin/log.c:1758 |
| msgid "sfx" |
| msgstr "後綴" |
| |
| #: builtin/log.c:1759 |
| msgid "use <sfx> instead of '.patch'" |
| msgstr "使用 <後綴> 代替 '.patch'" |
| |
| #: builtin/log.c:1761 |
| msgid "start numbering patches at <n> instead of 1" |
| msgstr "修補檔以 <n> 開始編號,而不是1" |
| |
| #: builtin/log.c:1762 |
| msgid "reroll-count" |
| msgstr "reroll-count" |
| |
| #: builtin/log.c:1763 |
| msgid "mark the series as Nth re-roll" |
| msgstr "標記修補檔系列是第幾次重製" |
| |
| #: builtin/log.c:1765 |
| msgid "max length of output filename" |
| msgstr "輸出檔名的最大長度" |
| |
| #: builtin/log.c:1767 |
| msgid "use [RFC PATCH] instead of [PATCH]" |
| msgstr "使用 [RFC PATCH] 代替 [PATCH]" |
| |
| #: builtin/log.c:1770 |
| msgid "cover-from-description-mode" |
| msgstr "從描述產生附函的模式" |
| |
| #: builtin/log.c:1771 |
| msgid "generate parts of a cover letter based on a branch's description" |
| msgstr "基於分支描述產生部分附函" |
| |
| #: builtin/log.c:1773 |
| msgid "use [<prefix>] instead of [PATCH]" |
| msgstr "使用 [<前綴>] 代替 [PATCH]" |
| |
| #: builtin/log.c:1776 |
| msgid "store resulting files in <dir>" |
| msgstr "把結果檔案儲存在 <目錄>" |
| |
| #: builtin/log.c:1779 |
| msgid "don't strip/add [PATCH]" |
| msgstr "不刪除/新增 [PATCH]" |
| |
| #: builtin/log.c:1782 |
| msgid "don't output binary diffs" |
| msgstr "不輸出二進位差異" |
| |
| #: builtin/log.c:1784 |
| msgid "output all-zero hash in From header" |
| msgstr "在 From 標頭訊息中輸出全為零的雜湊值" |
| |
| #: builtin/log.c:1786 |
| msgid "don't include a patch matching a commit upstream" |
| msgstr "不包含已在上游提交中的修補檔" |
| |
| #: builtin/log.c:1788 |
| msgid "show patch format instead of default (patch + stat)" |
| msgstr "顯示純修補檔格式而非預設的(修補檔+狀態)" |
| |
| #: builtin/log.c:1790 |
| msgid "Messaging" |
| msgstr "信件傳送" |
| |
| #: builtin/log.c:1791 |
| msgid "header" |
| msgstr "header" |
| |
| #: builtin/log.c:1792 |
| msgid "add email header" |
| msgstr "新增信件頭" |
| |
| #: builtin/log.c:1793 builtin/log.c:1794 |
| msgid "email" |
| msgstr "信件位址" |
| |
| #: builtin/log.c:1793 |
| msgid "add To: header" |
| msgstr "新增收件人" |
| |
| #: builtin/log.c:1794 |
| msgid "add Cc: header" |
| msgstr "新增抄送" |
| |
| #: builtin/log.c:1795 |
| msgid "ident" |
| msgstr "標記" |
| |
| #: builtin/log.c:1796 |
| msgid "set From address to <ident> (or committer ident if absent)" |
| msgstr "將 From 位址設定為 <標記>(如若不提供,則用提交者 ID 做為位址)" |
| |
| #: builtin/log.c:1798 |
| msgid "message-id" |
| msgstr "信件標記" |
| |
| #: builtin/log.c:1799 |
| msgid "make first mail a reply to <message-id>" |
| msgstr "使第一封信件作為對 <信件標記> 的回覆" |
| |
| #: builtin/log.c:1800 builtin/log.c:1803 |
| msgid "boundary" |
| msgstr "邊界" |
| |
| #: builtin/log.c:1801 |
| msgid "attach the patch" |
| msgstr "附件方式新增修補檔" |
| |
| #: builtin/log.c:1804 |
| msgid "inline the patch" |
| msgstr "內聯顯示修補檔" |
| |
| #: builtin/log.c:1808 |
| msgid "enable message threading, styles: shallow, deep" |
| msgstr "啟用信件線索,風格:淺,深" |
| |
| #: builtin/log.c:1810 |
| msgid "signature" |
| msgstr "簽名" |
| |
| #: builtin/log.c:1811 |
| msgid "add a signature" |
| msgstr "新增一個簽名" |
| |
| #: builtin/log.c:1812 |
| msgid "base-commit" |
| msgstr "基礎提交" |
| |
| #: builtin/log.c:1813 |
| msgid "add prerequisite tree info to the patch series" |
| msgstr "為修補檔列表新增前置樹訊息" |
| |
| #: builtin/log.c:1816 |
| msgid "add a signature from a file" |
| msgstr "從檔案新增一個簽名" |
| |
| #: builtin/log.c:1817 |
| msgid "don't print the patch filenames" |
| msgstr "不要列印修補檔檔案名" |
| |
| #: builtin/log.c:1819 |
| msgid "show progress while generating patches" |
| msgstr "在生成修補檔時顯示進度" |
| |
| #: builtin/log.c:1821 |
| msgid "show changes against <rev> in cover letter or single patch" |
| msgstr "在附函或單個修補檔中顯示和 <rev> 的差異" |
| |
| #: builtin/log.c:1824 |
| msgid "show changes against <refspec> in cover letter or single patch" |
| msgstr "在附函或單個修補檔中顯示和 <refspec> 的差異" |
| |
| #: builtin/log.c:1826 builtin/range-diff.c:28 |
| msgid "percentage by which creation is weighted" |
| msgstr "建立權重的百分比" |
| |
| #: builtin/log.c:1913 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "invalid ident line: %s" |
| msgstr "包含無效的身份標記:%s" |
| |
| #: builtin/log.c:1928 |
| msgid "-n and -k are mutually exclusive" |
| msgstr "-n 和 -k 互斥" |
| |
| #: builtin/log.c:1930 |
| msgid "--subject-prefix/--rfc and -k are mutually exclusive" |
| msgstr "--subject-prefix/--rfc 和 -k 互斥" |
| |
| #: builtin/log.c:1938 |
| msgid "--name-only does not make sense" |
| msgstr "--name-only 無意義" |
| |
| #: builtin/log.c:1940 |
| msgid "--name-status does not make sense" |
| msgstr "--name-status 無意義" |
| |
| #: builtin/log.c:1942 |
| msgid "--check does not make sense" |
| msgstr "--check 無意義" |
| |
| #: builtin/log.c:1964 |
| msgid "--stdout, --output, and --output-directory are mutually exclusive" |
| msgstr "--stdout、--output 和 --output-directory 互斥" |
| |
| #: builtin/log.c:2087 |
| msgid "--interdiff requires --cover-letter or single patch" |
| msgstr "--interdiff 需要 --cover-letter 或單一修補檔" |
| |
| #: builtin/log.c:2091 |
| msgid "Interdiff:" |
| msgstr "版本間差異:" |
| |
| #: builtin/log.c:2092 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Interdiff against v%d:" |
| msgstr "對 v%d 的版本差異:" |
| |
| #: builtin/log.c:2098 |
| msgid "--creation-factor requires --range-diff" |
| msgstr "--creation-factor 需要 --range-diff" |
| |
| #: builtin/log.c:2102 |
| msgid "--range-diff requires --cover-letter or single patch" |
| msgstr "--range-diff 需要 --cover-letter 或單一修補檔" |
| |
| #: builtin/log.c:2110 |
| msgid "Range-diff:" |
| msgstr "範圍差異:" |
| |
| #: builtin/log.c:2111 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Range-diff against v%d:" |
| msgstr "對 v%d 的範圍差異:" |
| |
| #: builtin/log.c:2122 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "unable to read signature file '%s'" |
| msgstr "無法讀取簽名檔案 '%s'" |
| |
| #: builtin/log.c:2158 |
| msgid "Generating patches" |
| msgstr "生成修補檔" |
| |
| #: builtin/log.c:2202 |
| msgid "failed to create output files" |
| msgstr "無法建立輸出檔案" |
| |
| #: builtin/log.c:2261 |
| msgid "git cherry [-v] [<upstream> [<head> [<limit>]]]" |
| msgstr "git cherry [-v] [<上游> [<頭> [<限制>]]]" |
| |
| #: builtin/log.c:2315 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "Could not find a tracked remote branch, please specify <upstream> manually.\n" |
| msgstr "不能找到追蹤的遠端分支,請手動指定 <上游>。\n" |
| |
| #: builtin/ls-files.c:563 |
| msgid "git ls-files [<options>] [<file>...]" |
| msgstr "git ls-files [<選項>] [<檔案>...]" |
| |
| #: builtin/ls-files.c:619 |
| msgid "identify the file status with tags" |
| msgstr "用標籤標記檔案的狀態" |
| |
| #: builtin/ls-files.c:621 |
| msgid "use lowercase letters for 'assume unchanged' files" |
| msgstr "使用小寫字母表示 '假設未改變的' 檔案" |
| |
| #: builtin/ls-files.c:623 |
| msgid "use lowercase letters for 'fsmonitor clean' files" |
| msgstr "使用小寫字母表示 'fsmonitor clean' 檔案" |
| |
| #: builtin/ls-files.c:625 |
| msgid "show cached files in the output (default)" |
| msgstr "顯示快取的檔案(預設)" |
| |
| #: builtin/ls-files.c:627 |
| msgid "show deleted files in the output" |
| msgstr "顯示已刪除的檔案" |
| |
| #: builtin/ls-files.c:629 |
| msgid "show modified files in the output" |
| msgstr "顯示已修改的檔案" |
| |
| #: builtin/ls-files.c:631 |
| msgid "show other files in the output" |
| msgstr "顯示其它檔案" |
| |
| #: builtin/ls-files.c:633 |
| msgid "show ignored files in the output" |
| msgstr "顯示忽略的檔案" |
| |
| #: builtin/ls-files.c:636 |
| msgid "show staged contents' object name in the output" |
| msgstr "顯示暫存區內容的物件名稱" |
| |
| #: builtin/ls-files.c:638 |
| msgid "show files on the filesystem that need to be removed" |
| msgstr "顯示檔案系統需要刪除的檔案" |
| |
| #: builtin/ls-files.c:640 |
| msgid "show 'other' directories' names only" |
| msgstr "只顯示「其他」目錄的名稱" |
| |
| #: builtin/ls-files.c:642 |
| msgid "show line endings of files" |
| msgstr "顯示檔案換行符號格式" |
| |
| #: builtin/ls-files.c:644 |
| msgid "don't show empty directories" |
| msgstr "不顯示空目錄" |
| |
| #: builtin/ls-files.c:647 |
| msgid "show unmerged files in the output" |
| msgstr "顯示未合併的檔案" |
| |
| #: builtin/ls-files.c:649 |
| msgid "show resolve-undo information" |
| msgstr "顯示 resolve-undo 訊息" |
| |
| #: builtin/ls-files.c:651 |
| msgid "skip files matching pattern" |
| msgstr "符合排除檔案的模式" |
| |
| #: builtin/ls-files.c:654 |
| msgid "exclude patterns are read from <file>" |
| msgstr "從 <檔案> 中讀取排除模式" |
| |
| #: builtin/ls-files.c:657 |
| msgid "read additional per-directory exclude patterns in <file>" |
| msgstr "從 <檔案> 讀取額外的每個目錄的排除模式" |
| |
| #: builtin/ls-files.c:659 |
| msgid "add the standard git exclusions" |
| msgstr "新增標準的 git 排除" |
| |
| #: builtin/ls-files.c:663 |
| msgid "make the output relative to the project top directory" |
| msgstr "顯示相對於頂級目錄的檔案名" |
| |
| #: builtin/ls-files.c:666 |
| msgid "recurse through submodules" |
| msgstr "在子模組中遞迴" |
| |
| #: builtin/ls-files.c:668 |
| msgid "if any <file> is not in the index, treat this as an error" |
| msgstr "如果任何 <檔案> 都不在索引區,視為錯誤" |
| |
| #: builtin/ls-files.c:669 |
| msgid "tree-ish" |
| msgstr "樹或提交" |
| |
| #: builtin/ls-files.c:670 |
| msgid "pretend that paths removed since <tree-ish> are still present" |
| msgstr "假裝自從 <樹或提交> 之後刪除的路徑仍然存在" |
| |
| #: builtin/ls-files.c:672 |
| msgid "show debugging data" |
| msgstr "顯示除錯資料" |
| |
| #: builtin/ls-files.c:674 |
| msgid "suppress duplicate entries" |
| msgstr "不顯示重複項目" |
| |
| #: builtin/ls-remote.c:9 |
| msgid "" |
| "git ls-remote [--heads] [--tags] [--refs] [--upload-pack=<exec>]\n" |
| " [-q | --quiet] [--exit-code] [--get-url]\n" |
| " [--symref] [<repository> [<refs>...]]" |
| msgstr "" |
| "git ls-remote [--heads] [--tags] [--refs] [--upload-pack=<exec>]\n" |
| " [-q | --quiet] [--exit-code] [--get-url]\n" |
| " [--symref] [<版本庫> [<引用>...]]" |
| |
| #: builtin/ls-remote.c:60 |
| msgid "do not print remote URL" |
| msgstr "不列印遠端 URL" |
| |
| #: builtin/ls-remote.c:61 builtin/ls-remote.c:63 builtin/rebase.c:1399 |
| msgid "exec" |
| msgstr "exec" |
| |
| #: builtin/ls-remote.c:62 builtin/ls-remote.c:64 |
| msgid "path of git-upload-pack on the remote host" |
| msgstr "遠端主機上的 git-upload-pack 路徑" |
| |
| #: builtin/ls-remote.c:66 |
| msgid "limit to tags" |
| msgstr "僅限於標籤" |
| |
| #: builtin/ls-remote.c:67 |
| msgid "limit to heads" |
| msgstr "僅限於分支" |
| |
| #: builtin/ls-remote.c:68 |
| msgid "do not show peeled tags" |
| msgstr "不顯示已解析的標籤" |
| |
| #: builtin/ls-remote.c:70 |
| msgid "take url.<base>.insteadOf into account" |
| msgstr "參考 url.<base>.insteadOf 設定" |
| |
| #: builtin/ls-remote.c:73 |
| msgid "exit with exit code 2 if no matching refs are found" |
| msgstr "若未找到符合的引用則以離開碼2離開" |
| |
| #: builtin/ls-remote.c:76 |
| msgid "show underlying ref in addition to the object pointed by it" |
| msgstr "除了顯示指向的物件外,顯示指向的引用名" |
| |
| #: builtin/ls-tree.c:30 |
| msgid "git ls-tree [<options>] <tree-ish> [<path>...]" |
| msgstr "git ls-tree [<選項>] <樹或提交> [<路徑>...]" |
| |
| #: builtin/ls-tree.c:128 |
| msgid "only show trees" |
| msgstr "只顯示樹" |
| |
| #: builtin/ls-tree.c:130 |
| msgid "recurse into subtrees" |
| msgstr "遞迴到子樹" |
| |
| #: builtin/ls-tree.c:132 |
| msgid "show trees when recursing" |
| msgstr "當遞迴時顯示樹" |
| |
| #: builtin/ls-tree.c:135 |
| msgid "terminate entries with NUL byte" |
| msgstr "條目以 NUL 字元終止" |
| |
| #: builtin/ls-tree.c:136 |
| msgid "include object size" |
| msgstr "包括物件大小" |
| |
| #: builtin/ls-tree.c:138 builtin/ls-tree.c:140 |
| msgid "list only filenames" |
| msgstr "只列出檔案名" |
| |
| #: builtin/ls-tree.c:143 |
| msgid "use full path names" |
| msgstr "使用檔案的全路徑" |
| |
| #: builtin/ls-tree.c:145 |
| msgid "list entire tree; not just current directory (implies --full-name)" |
| msgstr "列出整個樹;不僅僅目前目錄(隱含 --full-name)" |
| |
| #. TRANSLATORS: keep <> in "<" mail ">" info. |
| #: builtin/mailinfo.c:14 |
| #| msgid "git diff --no-index [<options>] <path> <path>" |
| msgid "git mailinfo [<options>] <msg> <patch> < mail >info" |
| msgstr "git mailinfo [<選項>] <訊息> <修補檔> < mail >info" |
| |
| #: builtin/mailinfo.c:58 |
| msgid "keep subject" |
| msgstr "保留主旨" |
| |
| #: builtin/mailinfo.c:60 |
| msgid "keep non patch brackets in subject" |
| msgstr "保留主旨中不是 PATCH 的方括號" |
| |
| #: builtin/mailinfo.c:62 |
| msgid "copy Message-ID to the end of commit message" |
| msgstr "複製 Message-ID 至提交說明末尾" |
| |
| #: builtin/mailinfo.c:64 |
| msgid "re-code metadata to i18n.commitEncoding" |
| msgstr "重新將中繼資料編碼為 i18n.commitEncoding 的設定值" |
| |
| #: builtin/mailinfo.c:67 |
| msgid "disable charset re-coding of metadata" |
| msgstr "停用中繼資料的字元重新編碼功能" |
| |
| #: builtin/mailinfo.c:69 |
| msgid "encoding" |
| msgstr "編碼" |
| |
| #: builtin/mailinfo.c:70 |
| msgid "re-code metadata to this encoding" |
| msgstr "重新將中繼資料編碼為這個編碼方式" |
| |
| #: builtin/mailinfo.c:72 |
| #, fuzzy |
| msgid "use scissors" |
| msgstr "使用 scissors" |
| |
| #: builtin/mailinfo.c:73 |
| msgid "<action>" |
| msgstr "<動作>" |
| |
| #: builtin/mailinfo.c:74 |
| msgid "action when quoted CR is found" |
| msgstr "當找到可列印 CR 字元時所要採取的行為" |
| |
| #: builtin/mailinfo.c:77 |
| #, fuzzy |
| msgid "use headers in message's body" |
| msgstr "在訊息本文部分使用標頭" |
| |
| #: builtin/mailsplit.c:241 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "empty mbox: '%s'" |
| msgstr "空的 mbox:'%s'" |
| |
| #: builtin/merge-base.c:32 |
| msgid "git merge-base [-a | --all] <commit> <commit>..." |
| msgstr "git merge-base [-a | --all] <提交> <提交>..." |
| |
| #: builtin/merge-base.c:33 |
| msgid "git merge-base [-a | --all] --octopus <commit>..." |
| msgstr "git merge-base [-a | --all] --octopus <提交>..." |
| |
| #: builtin/merge-base.c:34 |
| msgid "git merge-base --independent <commit>..." |
| msgstr "git merge-base --independent <提交>..." |
| |
| #: builtin/merge-base.c:35 |
| msgid "git merge-base --is-ancestor <commit> <commit>" |
| msgstr "git merge-base --is-ancestor <提交> <提交>" |
| |
| #: builtin/merge-base.c:36 |
| msgid "git merge-base --fork-point <ref> [<commit>]" |
| msgstr "git merge-base --fork-point <引用> [<提交>]" |
| |
| #: builtin/merge-base.c:143 |
| msgid "output all common ancestors" |
| msgstr "輸出所有共同的祖先" |
| |
| #: builtin/merge-base.c:145 |
| msgid "find ancestors for a single n-way merge" |
| msgstr "尋找一個多路合併的祖先提交" |
| |
| #: builtin/merge-base.c:147 |
| msgid "list revs not reachable from others" |
| msgstr "顯示不能被其他存取到的版本" |
| |
| #: builtin/merge-base.c:149 |
| msgid "is the first one ancestor of the other?" |
| msgstr "第一個是其他的祖先提交嗎?" |
| |
| #: builtin/merge-base.c:151 |
| msgid "find where <commit> forked from reflog of <ref>" |
| msgstr "根據 <引用> 的引用日誌尋找 <提交> 的衍生處" |
| |
| #: builtin/merge-file.c:9 |
| msgid "" |
| "git merge-file [<options>] [-L <name1> [-L <orig> [-L <name2>]]] <file1> " |
| "<orig-file> <file2>" |
| msgstr "" |
| "git merge-file [<選項>] [-L <檔案1> [-L <初始> [-L <名字2>]]] <檔案1> <初始文" |
| "件> <檔案2>" |
| |
| #: builtin/merge-file.c:35 |
| msgid "send results to standard output" |
| msgstr "將結果傳送到標準輸出" |
| |
| #: builtin/merge-file.c:36 |
| msgid "use a diff3 based merge" |
| msgstr "使用基於 diff3 的合併" |
| |
| #: builtin/merge-file.c:37 |
| msgid "for conflicts, use our version" |
| msgstr "如果衝突,使用我們的版本" |
| |
| #: builtin/merge-file.c:39 |
| msgid "for conflicts, use their version" |
| msgstr "如果衝突,使用他們的版本" |
| |
| #: builtin/merge-file.c:41 |
| msgid "for conflicts, use a union version" |
| msgstr "如果衝突,使用聯合版本" |
| |
| #: builtin/merge-file.c:44 |
| msgid "for conflicts, use this marker size" |
| msgstr "如果衝突,使用指定長度的標記" |
| |
| #: builtin/merge-file.c:45 |
| msgid "do not warn about conflicts" |
| msgstr "不要警告衝突" |
| |
| #: builtin/merge-file.c:47 |
| msgid "set labels for file1/orig-file/file2" |
| msgstr "為 檔案1/初始檔案/檔案2 設定標籤" |
| |
| #: builtin/merge-recursive.c:47 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "unknown option %s" |
| msgstr "未知選項 %s" |
| |
| #: builtin/merge-recursive.c:53 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "could not parse object '%s'" |
| msgstr "不能解析物件 '%s'" |
| |
| #: builtin/merge-recursive.c:57 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "cannot handle more than %d base. Ignoring %s." |
| msgid_plural "cannot handle more than %d bases. Ignoring %s." |
| msgstr[0] "無法處理 %d 條以上的基礎。忽略 %s。" |
| |
| #: builtin/merge-recursive.c:65 |
| msgid "not handling anything other than two heads merge." |
| msgstr "不能處理兩個頭合併之外的任何動作。" |
| |
| #: builtin/merge-recursive.c:74 builtin/merge-recursive.c:76 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "could not resolve ref '%s'" |
| msgstr "無法解析引用 '%s'" |
| |
| #: builtin/merge-recursive.c:82 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Merging %s with %s\n" |
| msgstr "合併 %s 和 %s\n" |
| |
| #: builtin/merge.c:58 |
| msgid "git merge [<options>] [<commit>...]" |
| msgstr "git merge [<選項>] [<提交>...]" |
| |
| #: builtin/merge.c:59 |
| msgid "git merge --abort" |
| msgstr "git merge --abort" |
| |
| #: builtin/merge.c:60 |
| msgid "git merge --continue" |
| msgstr "git merge --continue" |
| |
| #: builtin/merge.c:123 |
| msgid "switch `m' requires a value" |
| msgstr "開關 `m' 需要一個值" |
| |
| #: builtin/merge.c:146 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "option `%s' requires a value" |
| msgstr "選項 `%s' 需要一個值" |
| |
| #: builtin/merge.c:199 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Could not find merge strategy '%s'.\n" |
| msgstr "不能找到合併策略 '%s'。\n" |
| |
| #: builtin/merge.c:200 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Available strategies are:" |
| msgstr "可用的策略有:" |
| |
| #: builtin/merge.c:205 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Available custom strategies are:" |
| msgstr "可用的自訂策略有:" |
| |
| #: builtin/merge.c:256 builtin/pull.c:133 |
| msgid "do not show a diffstat at the end of the merge" |
| msgstr "在合併的最後不顯示差異統計" |
| |
| #: builtin/merge.c:259 builtin/pull.c:136 |
| msgid "show a diffstat at the end of the merge" |
| msgstr "在合併的最後顯示差異統計" |
| |
| #: builtin/merge.c:260 builtin/pull.c:139 |
| msgid "(synonym to --stat)" |
| msgstr "(和 --stat 同義)" |
| |
| #: builtin/merge.c:262 builtin/pull.c:142 |
| msgid "add (at most <n>) entries from shortlog to merge commit message" |
| msgstr "在合併提交說明中新增(最多 <n> 條)精簡提交記錄" |
| |
| #: builtin/merge.c:265 builtin/pull.c:148 |
| msgid "create a single commit instead of doing a merge" |
| msgstr "建立一個單獨的提交而不是做一次合併" |
| |
| #: builtin/merge.c:267 builtin/pull.c:151 |
| msgid "perform a commit if the merge succeeds (default)" |
| msgstr "如果合併成功,執行一次提交(預設)" |
| |
| #: builtin/merge.c:269 builtin/pull.c:154 |
| msgid "edit message before committing" |
| msgstr "在提交前編輯提交說明" |
| |
| #: builtin/merge.c:271 |
| msgid "allow fast-forward (default)" |
| msgstr "允許快轉(預設)" |
| |
| #: builtin/merge.c:273 builtin/pull.c:161 |
| msgid "abort if fast-forward is not possible" |
| msgstr "如果不能快轉就放棄合併" |
| |
| #: builtin/merge.c:277 builtin/pull.c:164 |
| msgid "verify that the named commit has a valid GPG signature" |
| msgstr "驗證指定的提交是否包含一個有效的 GPG 簽名" |
| |
| #: builtin/merge.c:278 builtin/notes.c:787 builtin/pull.c:168 |
| #: builtin/rebase.c:540 builtin/rebase.c:1413 builtin/revert.c:114 |
| msgid "strategy" |
| msgstr "策略" |
| |
| #: builtin/merge.c:279 builtin/pull.c:169 |
| msgid "merge strategy to use" |
| msgstr "要使用的合併策略" |
| |
| #: builtin/merge.c:280 builtin/pull.c:172 |
| msgid "option=value" |
| msgstr "option=value" |
| |
| #: builtin/merge.c:281 builtin/pull.c:173 |
| msgid "option for selected merge strategy" |
| msgstr "所選的合併策略的選項" |
| |
| #: builtin/merge.c:283 |
| msgid "merge commit message (for a non-fast-forward merge)" |
| msgstr "合併的提交說明(針對非快轉式合併)" |
| |
| #: builtin/merge.c:290 |
| msgid "abort the current in-progress merge" |
| msgstr "放棄目前正在進行的合併" |
| |
| # |
| #: builtin/merge.c:292 |
| msgid "--abort but leave index and working tree alone" |
| msgstr "--abort,但是保留索引和工作區" |
| |
| #: builtin/merge.c:294 |
| msgid "continue the current in-progress merge" |
| msgstr "繼續目前正在進行的合併" |
| |
| #: builtin/merge.c:296 builtin/pull.c:180 |
| msgid "allow merging unrelated histories" |
| msgstr "允許合並不相關的歷史" |
| |
| #: builtin/merge.c:303 |
| msgid "bypass pre-merge-commit and commit-msg hooks" |
| msgstr "繞過 pre-merge-commit 和 commit-msg 掛鉤" |
| |
| #: builtin/merge.c:320 |
| msgid "could not run stash." |
| msgstr "不能執行儲藏。" |
| |
| #: builtin/merge.c:325 |
| msgid "stash failed" |
| msgstr "儲藏失敗" |
| |
| #: builtin/merge.c:330 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "not a valid object: %s" |
| msgstr "不是一個有效物件:%s" |
| |
| #: builtin/merge.c:352 builtin/merge.c:369 |
| msgid "read-tree failed" |
| msgstr "讀取樹失敗" |
| |
| # 譯者:請維持前導空格 |
| #: builtin/merge.c:400 |
| msgid "Already up to date. (nothing to squash)" |
| msgstr "已經是最新的。(無需壓縮 (squash))" |
| |
| #: builtin/merge.c:414 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Squash commit -- not updating HEAD\n" |
| msgstr "壓縮提交 -- 未更新 HEAD\n" |
| |
| #: builtin/merge.c:464 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "No merge message -- not updating HEAD\n" |
| msgstr "無合併訊息 -- 未更新 HEAD\n" |
| |
| #: builtin/merge.c:515 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "'%s' does not point to a commit" |
| msgstr "'%s' 沒有指向一個提交" |
| |
| #: builtin/merge.c:602 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Bad branch.%s.mergeoptions string: %s" |
| msgstr "壞的 branch.%s.mergeoptions 字串:%s" |
| |
| #: builtin/merge.c:728 |
| msgid "Not handling anything other than two heads merge." |
| msgstr "未處理兩個頭合併之外的任何動作。" |
| |
| #: builtin/merge.c:741 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Unknown option for merge-recursive: -X%s" |
| msgstr "merge-recursive 的未知選項:-X%s" |
| |
| #: builtin/merge.c:760 t/helper/test-fast-rebase.c:209 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "unable to write %s" |
| msgstr "不能寫 %s" |
| |
| #: builtin/merge.c:812 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Could not read from '%s'" |
| msgstr "不能從 '%s' 讀取" |
| |
| #: builtin/merge.c:821 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Not committing merge; use 'git commit' to complete the merge.\n" |
| msgstr "未提交合並,使用 'git commit' 完成此次合併。\n" |
| |
| #: builtin/merge.c:827 |
| msgid "" |
| "Please enter a commit message to explain why this merge is necessary,\n" |
| "especially if it merges an updated upstream into a topic branch.\n" |
| "\n" |
| msgstr "" |
| "請輸入一個提交說明以解釋此合併的必要性,尤其是將一個更新後的上游分支\n" |
| "合併到主題分支。\n" |
| "\n" |
| |
| #: builtin/merge.c:832 |
| msgid "An empty message aborts the commit.\n" |
| msgstr "空的提交說明會終止提交。\n" |
| |
| #: builtin/merge.c:835 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "Lines starting with '%c' will be ignored, and an empty message aborts\n" |
| "the commit.\n" |
| msgstr "以 '%c' 開始的行將被忽略,而空的提交說明將終止提交。\n" |
| |
| #: builtin/merge.c:888 |
| msgid "Empty commit message." |
| msgstr "空提交說明。" |
| |
| #: builtin/merge.c:903 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Wonderful.\n" |
| msgstr "太棒了。\n" |
| |
| #: builtin/merge.c:964 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Automatic merge failed; fix conflicts and then commit the result.\n" |
| msgstr "自動合併失敗,修正衝突然後提交修正的結果。\n" |
| |
| #: builtin/merge.c:1003 |
| msgid "No current branch." |
| msgstr "沒有目前分支。" |
| |
| #: builtin/merge.c:1005 |
| msgid "No remote for the current branch." |
| msgstr "目前分支沒有對應的遠端版本庫。" |
| |
| #: builtin/merge.c:1007 |
| msgid "No default upstream defined for the current branch." |
| msgstr "目前分支沒有定義預設的上游分支。" |
| |
| #: builtin/merge.c:1012 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "No remote-tracking branch for %s from %s" |
| msgstr "對於 %s 沒有來自 %s 的遠端追蹤分支" |
| |
| #: builtin/merge.c:1069 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Bad value '%s' in environment '%s'" |
| msgstr "環境 '%2$s' 中存在壞的取值 '%1$s'" |
| |
| #: builtin/merge.c:1172 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "not something we can merge in %s: %s" |
| msgstr "不能在 %s 中合併:%s" |
| |
| #: builtin/merge.c:1206 |
| msgid "not something we can merge" |
| msgstr "不能合併" |
| |
| #: builtin/merge.c:1316 |
| msgid "--abort expects no arguments" |
| msgstr "--abort 不帶參數" |
| |
| #: builtin/merge.c:1320 |
| msgid "There is no merge to abort (MERGE_HEAD missing)." |
| msgstr "沒有要終止的合併(MERGE_HEAD 遺失)。" |
| |
| #: builtin/merge.c:1338 |
| msgid "--quit expects no arguments" |
| msgstr "--quit 不帶參數" |
| |
| #: builtin/merge.c:1351 |
| msgid "--continue expects no arguments" |
| msgstr "--continue 不帶參數" |
| |
| #: builtin/merge.c:1355 |
| msgid "There is no merge in progress (MERGE_HEAD missing)." |
| msgstr "沒有進行中的合併(MERGE_HEAD 遺失)。" |
| |
| #: builtin/merge.c:1371 |
| msgid "" |
| "You have not concluded your merge (MERGE_HEAD exists).\n" |
| "Please, commit your changes before you merge." |
| msgstr "" |
| "您尚未結束您的合併(存在 MERGE_HEAD)。\n" |
| "請在合併前先提交您的修改。" |
| |
| #: builtin/merge.c:1378 |
| msgid "" |
| "You have not concluded your cherry-pick (CHERRY_PICK_HEAD exists).\n" |
| "Please, commit your changes before you merge." |
| msgstr "" |
| "您尚未結束您的揀選(存在 CHERRY_PICK_HEAD)。\n" |
| "請在合併前先提交您的修改。" |
| |
| #: builtin/merge.c:1381 |
| msgid "You have not concluded your cherry-pick (CHERRY_PICK_HEAD exists)." |
| msgstr "您尚未結束您的揀選(存在 CHERRY_PICK_HEAD)。" |
| |
| #: builtin/merge.c:1395 |
| msgid "You cannot combine --squash with --no-ff." |
| msgstr "您不能將 --squash 和 --no-ff 組合使用。" |
| |
| #: builtin/merge.c:1397 |
| msgid "You cannot combine --squash with --commit." |
| msgstr "您不能將 --squash 和 --commit 組合使用。" |
| |
| #: builtin/merge.c:1413 |
| msgid "No commit specified and merge.defaultToUpstream not set." |
| msgstr "未指定提交並且 merge.defaultToUpstream 未設定。" |
| |
| #: builtin/merge.c:1430 |
| msgid "Squash commit into empty head not supported yet" |
| msgstr "尚不支援到空分支的壓縮提交" |
| |
| #: builtin/merge.c:1432 |
| msgid "Non-fast-forward commit does not make sense into an empty head" |
| msgstr "到空分支的非快轉式提交沒有意義" |
| |
| #: builtin/merge.c:1437 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "%s - not something we can merge" |
| msgstr "%s - 不能被合併" |
| |
| #: builtin/merge.c:1439 |
| msgid "Can merge only exactly one commit into empty head" |
| msgstr "只能將一個提交合並到空分支上" |
| |
| #: builtin/merge.c:1520 |
| msgid "refusing to merge unrelated histories" |
| msgstr "拒絕合併無關的歷史" |
| |
| #: builtin/merge.c:1539 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Updating %s..%s\n" |
| msgstr "更新 %s..%s\n" |
| |
| #: builtin/merge.c:1585 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Trying really trivial in-index merge...\n" |
| msgstr "嘗試非常小的索引內合併...\n" |
| |
| #: builtin/merge.c:1592 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Nope.\n" |
| msgstr "無。\n" |
| |
| #: builtin/merge.c:1623 |
| msgid "Not possible to fast-forward, aborting." |
| msgstr "無法快轉,終止。" |
| |
| #: builtin/merge.c:1651 builtin/merge.c:1716 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Rewinding the tree to pristine...\n" |
| msgstr "將樹回滾至原始狀態...\n" |
| |
| #: builtin/merge.c:1655 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Trying merge strategy %s...\n" |
| msgstr "嘗試合併策略 %s...\n" |
| |
| #: builtin/merge.c:1707 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "No merge strategy handled the merge.\n" |
| msgstr "沒有合併策略處理此合併。\n" |
| |
| #: builtin/merge.c:1709 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Merge with strategy %s failed.\n" |
| msgstr "使用策略 %s 合併失敗。\n" |
| |
| #: builtin/merge.c:1718 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Using the %s to prepare resolving by hand.\n" |
| msgstr "使用 %s 以準備手動解決。\n" |
| |
| #: builtin/merge.c:1732 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Automatic merge went well; stopped before committing as requested\n" |
| msgstr "自動合併進展順利,按要求在提交前停止\n" |
| |
| #: builtin/mktag.c:10 |
| msgid "git mktag" |
| msgstr "git mktag" |
| |
| #: builtin/mktag.c:27 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "warning: tag input does not pass fsck: %s" |
| msgstr "警告:標籤輸入未通過 fsck:%s" |
| |
| #: builtin/mktag.c:38 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "error: tag input does not pass fsck: %s" |
| msgstr "錯誤:標籤輸入未通過 fsck:%s" |
| |
| #: builtin/mktag.c:41 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "%d (FSCK_IGNORE?) should never trigger this callback" |
| msgstr "%d (FSCK_IGNORE?) 不應觸發這個回呼函式" |
| |
| #: builtin/mktag.c:56 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "could not read tagged object '%s'" |
| msgstr "無法讀取有標籤的物件「%s」" |
| |
| #: builtin/mktag.c:59 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "object '%s' tagged as '%s', but is a '%s' type" |
| msgstr "「%s」已標為「%s」,但卻是「%s」類型" |
| |
| #: builtin/mktag.c:97 |
| msgid "tag on stdin did not pass our strict fsck check" |
| msgstr "stdin 上的標籤未通過我們的嚴格 fsck 檢查" |
| |
| #: builtin/mktag.c:100 |
| msgid "tag on stdin did not refer to a valid object" |
| msgstr "標準輸入上的標籤參考的不是有效物件" |
| |
| #: builtin/mktag.c:103 builtin/tag.c:243 |
| msgid "unable to write tag file" |
| msgstr "無法寫標籤檔案" |
| |
| #: builtin/mktree.c:66 |
| msgid "git mktree [-z] [--missing] [--batch]" |
| msgstr "git mktree [-z] [--missing] [--batch]" |
| |
| #: builtin/mktree.c:154 |
| msgid "input is NUL terminated" |
| msgstr "輸入以 NUL 字元終止" |
| |
| #: builtin/mktree.c:155 builtin/write-tree.c:26 |
| msgid "allow missing objects" |
| msgstr "允許遺失的物件" |
| |
| #: builtin/mktree.c:156 |
| msgid "allow creation of more than one tree" |
| msgstr "允許建立一個以上的樹" |
| |
| #: builtin/multi-pack-index.c:10 |
| #| msgid "" |
| #| "git multi-pack-index [<options>] (write|verify|expire|repack --batch-" |
| #| "size=<size>)" |
| msgid "git multi-pack-index [<options>] write [--preferred-pack=<pack>]" |
| msgstr "git multi-pack-index [<選項>] write [--preferred-pack=<包>]" |
| |
| #: builtin/multi-pack-index.c:13 |
| #| msgid "git upload-pack [<options>] <dir>" |
| msgid "git multi-pack-index [<options>] verify" |
| msgstr "git multi-pack-index [<選項>] verify" |
| |
| #: builtin/multi-pack-index.c:16 |
| #| msgid "git upload-pack [<options>] <dir>" |
| msgid "git multi-pack-index [<options>] expire" |
| msgstr "git multi-pack-index [<選項>] expire" |
| |
| #: builtin/multi-pack-index.c:19 |
| #| msgid "" |
| #| "git multi-pack-index [<options>] (write|verify|expire|repack --batch-" |
| #| "size=<size>)" |
| msgid "git multi-pack-index [<options>] repack [--batch-size=<size>]" |
| msgstr "git multi-pack-index [<選項>] repack [--batch-size=<大小>]" |
| |
| #: builtin/multi-pack-index.c:54 |
| msgid "object directory containing set of packfile and pack-index pairs" |
| msgstr "包含成對 packfile 和包索引的物件目錄" |
| |
| #: builtin/multi-pack-index.c:69 |
| msgid "preferred-pack" |
| msgstr "偏好包" |
| |
| #: builtin/multi-pack-index.c:70 |
| msgid "pack for reuse when computing a multi-pack bitmap" |
| msgstr "計算多包位圖時要重複使用的包" |
| |
| #: builtin/multi-pack-index.c:128 |
| msgid "" |
| "during repack, collect pack-files of smaller size into a batch that is " |
| "larger than this size" |
| msgstr "在 repack 期間,將較小尺寸的包檔案收集到大於此大小的批次中" |
| |
| #: builtin/multi-pack-index.c:180 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "unrecognized subcommand: %s" |
| msgstr "未識別的子指令:%s" |
| |
| #: builtin/mv.c:18 |
| msgid "git mv [<options>] <source>... <destination>" |
| msgstr "git mv [<選項>] <源>... <目標>" |
| |
| #: builtin/mv.c:83 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Directory %s is in index and no submodule?" |
| msgstr "目錄 %s 在索引中並且不是子模組?" |
| |
| #: builtin/mv.c:85 |
| msgid "Please stage your changes to .gitmodules or stash them to proceed" |
| msgstr "請將您的修改暫存到 .gitmodules 中或儲藏後再繼續" |
| |
| #: builtin/mv.c:103 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "%.*s is in index" |
| msgstr "%.*s 在索引中" |
| |
| #: builtin/mv.c:125 |
| msgid "force move/rename even if target exists" |
| msgstr "強制移動/重指令,即使目標存在" |
| |
| #: builtin/mv.c:127 |
| msgid "skip move/rename errors" |
| msgstr "略過移動/重新命名錯誤" |
| |
| #: builtin/mv.c:170 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "destination '%s' is not a directory" |
| msgstr "目標 '%s' 不是一個目錄" |
| |
| #: builtin/mv.c:181 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Checking rename of '%s' to '%s'\n" |
| msgstr "檢查 '%s' 到 '%s' 的重新命名\n" |
| |
| #: builtin/mv.c:185 |
| msgid "bad source" |
| msgstr "壞的源" |
| |
| #: builtin/mv.c:188 |
| msgid "can not move directory into itself" |
| msgstr "不能將目錄移動到自身" |
| |
| #: builtin/mv.c:191 |
| msgid "cannot move directory over file" |
| msgstr "不能將目錄移動到檔案" |
| |
| #: builtin/mv.c:200 |
| msgid "source directory is empty" |
| msgstr "源目錄為空" |
| |
| #: builtin/mv.c:225 |
| msgid "not under version control" |
| msgstr "不在版本控制之下" |
| |
| #: builtin/mv.c:227 |
| msgid "conflicted" |
| msgstr "衝突" |
| |
| #: builtin/mv.c:230 |
| msgid "destination exists" |
| msgstr "目標已存在" |
| |
| #: builtin/mv.c:238 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "overwriting '%s'" |
| msgstr "覆蓋 '%s'" |
| |
| #: builtin/mv.c:241 |
| msgid "Cannot overwrite" |
| msgstr "不能覆蓋" |
| |
| #: builtin/mv.c:244 |
| msgid "multiple sources for the same target" |
| msgstr "同一目標具有多個源" |
| |
| #: builtin/mv.c:246 |
| msgid "destination directory does not exist" |
| msgstr "目標目錄不存在" |
| |
| #: builtin/mv.c:253 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "%s, source=%s, destination=%s" |
| msgstr "%s,源=%s,目標=%s" |
| |
| #: builtin/mv.c:274 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Renaming %s to %s\n" |
| msgstr "重新命名 %s 至 %s\n" |
| |
| #: builtin/mv.c:280 builtin/remote.c:785 builtin/repack.c:667 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "renaming '%s' failed" |
| msgstr "重新命名 '%s' 失敗" |
| |
| #: builtin/name-rev.c:465 |
| msgid "git name-rev [<options>] <commit>..." |
| msgstr "git name-rev [<選項>] <提交>..." |
| |
| #: builtin/name-rev.c:466 |
| msgid "git name-rev [<options>] --all" |
| msgstr "git name-rev [<選項>] --all" |
| |
| #: builtin/name-rev.c:467 |
| msgid "git name-rev [<options>] --stdin" |
| msgstr "git name-rev [<選項>] --stdin" |
| |
| #: builtin/name-rev.c:524 |
| msgid "print only ref-based names (no object names)" |
| msgstr "只輸出基於參考的名稱 (沒有物件名稱)" |
| |
| #: builtin/name-rev.c:525 |
| msgid "only use tags to name the commits" |
| msgstr "只使用標籤來命名提交" |
| |
| #: builtin/name-rev.c:527 |
| msgid "only use refs matching <pattern>" |
| msgstr "只使用和 <模式> 相符合的引用" |
| |
| #: builtin/name-rev.c:529 |
| msgid "ignore refs matching <pattern>" |
| msgstr "忽略和 <模式> 相符合的引用" |
| |
| #: builtin/name-rev.c:531 |
| msgid "list all commits reachable from all refs" |
| msgstr "列出可以從所有引用存取的提交" |
| |
| #: builtin/name-rev.c:532 |
| msgid "read from stdin" |
| msgstr "從標準輸入讀取" |
| |
| #: builtin/name-rev.c:533 |
| msgid "allow to print `undefined` names (default)" |
| msgstr "允許列印 `未定義` 的名稱(預設)" |
| |
| #: builtin/name-rev.c:539 |
| msgid "dereference tags in the input (internal use)" |
| msgstr "反向解析輸入中的標籤(內部使用)" |
| |
| #: builtin/notes.c:28 |
| msgid "git notes [--ref <notes-ref>] [list [<object>]]" |
| msgstr "git notes [--ref <註解引用>] [list [<物件>]]" |
| |
| #: builtin/notes.c:29 |
| msgid "" |
| "git notes [--ref <notes-ref>] add [-f] [--allow-empty] [-m <msg> | -F <file> " |
| "| (-c | -C) <object>] [<object>]" |
| msgstr "" |
| "git notes [--ref <註解引用>] add [-f] [--allow-empty] [-m <說明> | -F <檔案> " |
| "| (-c | -C) <物件>] [<物件>]" |
| |
| #: builtin/notes.c:30 |
| msgid "git notes [--ref <notes-ref>] copy [-f] <from-object> <to-object>" |
| msgstr "git notes [--ref <註解引用>] copy [-f] <源物件> <目標物件>" |
| |
| #: builtin/notes.c:31 |
| msgid "" |
| "git notes [--ref <notes-ref>] append [--allow-empty] [-m <msg> | -F <file> | " |
| "(-c | -C) <object>] [<object>]" |
| msgstr "" |
| "git notes [--ref <註解引用>] append [--allow-empty] [-m <說明> | -F <檔案> | " |
| "(-c | -C) <物件>] [<物件>]" |
| |
| #: builtin/notes.c:32 |
| msgid "git notes [--ref <notes-ref>] edit [--allow-empty] [<object>]" |
| msgstr "git notes [--ref <註解引用>] edit [--allow-empty] [<物件>]" |
| |
| #: builtin/notes.c:33 |
| msgid "git notes [--ref <notes-ref>] show [<object>]" |
| msgstr "git notes [--ref <註解引用>] show [<物件>]" |
| |
| #: builtin/notes.c:34 |
| msgid "" |
| "git notes [--ref <notes-ref>] merge [-v | -q] [-s <strategy>] <notes-ref>" |
| msgstr "git notes [--ref <註解引用>] merge [-v | -q] [-s <策略> ] <註解引用>" |
| |
| #: builtin/notes.c:35 |
| msgid "git notes merge --commit [-v | -q]" |
| msgstr "git notes merge --commit [-v | -q]" |
| |
| #: builtin/notes.c:36 |
| msgid "git notes merge --abort [-v | -q]" |
| msgstr "git notes merge --abort [-v | -q]" |
| |
| #: builtin/notes.c:37 |
| msgid "git notes [--ref <notes-ref>] remove [<object>...]" |
| msgstr "git notes [--ref <註解引用>] remove [<物件>...]" |
| |
| #: builtin/notes.c:38 |
| msgid "git notes [--ref <notes-ref>] prune [-n] [-v]" |
| msgstr "git notes [--ref <註解引用>] prune [-n] [-v]" |
| |
| #: builtin/notes.c:39 |
| msgid "git notes [--ref <notes-ref>] get-ref" |
| msgstr "git notes [--ref <註解引用>] get-ref" |
| |
| #: builtin/notes.c:44 |
| msgid "git notes [list [<object>]]" |
| msgstr "git notes [list [<物件>]]" |
| |
| #: builtin/notes.c:49 |
| msgid "git notes add [<options>] [<object>]" |
| msgstr "git notes add [<選項>] [<物件>]" |
| |
| #: builtin/notes.c:54 |
| msgid "git notes copy [<options>] <from-object> <to-object>" |
| msgstr "git notes copy [<選項>] <源物件> <目標物件>" |
| |
| #: builtin/notes.c:55 |
| msgid "git notes copy --stdin [<from-object> <to-object>]..." |
| msgstr "git notes copy --stdin [<源物件> <目標物件>]..." |
| |
| #: builtin/notes.c:60 |
| msgid "git notes append [<options>] [<object>]" |
| msgstr "git notes append [<選項>] [<物件>]" |
| |
| #: builtin/notes.c:65 |
| msgid "git notes edit [<object>]" |
| msgstr "git notes edit [<物件>]" |
| |
| #: builtin/notes.c:70 |
| msgid "git notes show [<object>]" |
| msgstr "git notes show [<物件>]" |
| |
| #: builtin/notes.c:75 |
| msgid "git notes merge [<options>] <notes-ref>" |
| msgstr "git notes merge [<選項>] <註解引用>" |
| |
| #: builtin/notes.c:76 |
| msgid "git notes merge --commit [<options>]" |
| msgstr "git notes merge --commit [<選項>]" |
| |
| #: builtin/notes.c:77 |
| msgid "git notes merge --abort [<options>]" |
| msgstr "git notes merge --abort [<選項>]" |
| |
| #: builtin/notes.c:82 |
| msgid "git notes remove [<object>]" |
| msgstr "git notes remove [<物件>]" |
| |
| #: builtin/notes.c:87 |
| msgid "git notes prune [<options>]" |
| msgstr "git notes prune [<選項>]" |
| |
| #: builtin/notes.c:92 |
| msgid "git notes get-ref" |
| msgstr "git notes get-ref" |
| |
| #: builtin/notes.c:97 |
| msgid "Write/edit the notes for the following object:" |
| msgstr "為下面的物件寫/編輯說明:" |
| |
| #: builtin/notes.c:150 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "unable to start 'show' for object '%s'" |
| msgstr "不能為物件 '%s' 開始 'show'" |
| |
| #: builtin/notes.c:154 |
| msgid "could not read 'show' output" |
| msgstr "不能讀取 'show' 的輸出" |
| |
| #: builtin/notes.c:162 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "failed to finish 'show' for object '%s'" |
| msgstr "無法為物件 '%s' 完成 'show'" |
| |
| #: builtin/notes.c:197 |
| msgid "please supply the note contents using either -m or -F option" |
| msgstr "請透過 -m 或 -F 選項為註解提供內容" |
| |
| #: builtin/notes.c:206 |
| msgid "unable to write note object" |
| msgstr "不能寫註解物件" |
| |
| #: builtin/notes.c:208 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "the note contents have been left in %s" |
| msgstr "註解內容被留在 %s 中" |
| |
| #: builtin/notes.c:242 builtin/tag.c:576 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "could not open or read '%s'" |
| msgstr "不能開啟或讀取 '%s'" |
| |
| #: builtin/notes.c:263 builtin/notes.c:313 builtin/notes.c:315 |
| #: builtin/notes.c:383 builtin/notes.c:438 builtin/notes.c:526 |
| #: builtin/notes.c:531 builtin/notes.c:610 builtin/notes.c:672 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "failed to resolve '%s' as a valid ref." |
| msgstr "無法解析 '%s' 為一個有效引用。" |
| |
| #: builtin/notes.c:265 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "failed to read object '%s'." |
| msgstr "讀取物件 '%s' 失敗。" |
| |
| #: builtin/notes.c:268 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "cannot read note data from non-blob object '%s'." |
| msgstr "不能從非資料物件 '%s' 中讀取註解資料。" |
| |
| #: builtin/notes.c:309 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "malformed input line: '%s'." |
| msgstr "格式錯誤的輸入行:'%s'。" |
| |
| #: builtin/notes.c:324 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "failed to copy notes from '%s' to '%s'" |
| msgstr "從 '%s' 複製註解到 '%s' 時失敗" |
| |
| #. TRANSLATORS: the first %s will be replaced by a git |
| #. notes command: 'add', 'merge', 'remove', etc. |
| #. |
| #: builtin/notes.c:356 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "refusing to %s notes in %s (outside of refs/notes/)" |
| msgstr "拒絕向 %2$s(在 refs/notes/ 之外)%1$s註解" |
| |
| #: builtin/notes.c:376 builtin/notes.c:431 builtin/notes.c:509 |
| #: builtin/notes.c:521 builtin/notes.c:598 builtin/notes.c:665 |
| #: builtin/notes.c:815 builtin/notes.c:963 builtin/notes.c:985 |
| #: builtin/prune-packed.c:25 builtin/tag.c:586 |
| msgid "too many arguments" |
| msgstr "太多參數" |
| |
| #: builtin/notes.c:389 builtin/notes.c:678 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "no note found for object %s." |
| msgstr "未發現物件 %s 的註解。" |
| |
| #: builtin/notes.c:410 builtin/notes.c:576 |
| msgid "note contents as a string" |
| msgstr "註解內容作為一個字串" |
| |
| #: builtin/notes.c:413 builtin/notes.c:579 |
| msgid "note contents in a file" |
| msgstr "註解內容到一個檔案中" |
| |
| #: builtin/notes.c:416 builtin/notes.c:582 |
| msgid "reuse and edit specified note object" |
| msgstr "重用和編輯指定的註解物件" |
| |
| #: builtin/notes.c:419 builtin/notes.c:585 |
| msgid "reuse specified note object" |
| msgstr "重用指定的註解物件" |
| |
| #: builtin/notes.c:422 builtin/notes.c:588 |
| msgid "allow storing empty note" |
| msgstr "允許儲存空白備註" |
| |
| #: builtin/notes.c:423 builtin/notes.c:496 |
| msgid "replace existing notes" |
| msgstr "取代已存在的註解" |
| |
| #: builtin/notes.c:448 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "Cannot add notes. Found existing notes for object %s. Use '-f' to overwrite " |
| "existing notes" |
| msgstr "不能新增註解。發現物件 %s 已存在註解。使用 '-f' 覆蓋現存註解" |
| |
| #: builtin/notes.c:463 builtin/notes.c:544 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Overwriting existing notes for object %s\n" |
| msgstr "覆蓋物件 %s 現存註解\n" |
| |
| #: builtin/notes.c:475 builtin/notes.c:637 builtin/notes.c:902 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Removing note for object %s\n" |
| msgstr "刪除物件 %s 的註解\n" |
| |
| #: builtin/notes.c:497 |
| msgid "read objects from stdin" |
| msgstr "從標準輸入讀取物件" |
| |
| #: builtin/notes.c:499 |
| msgid "load rewriting config for <command> (implies --stdin)" |
| msgstr "重新載入 <命令> 的設定(隱含 --stdin)" |
| |
| #: builtin/notes.c:517 |
| msgid "too few arguments" |
| msgstr "太少參數" |
| |
| #: builtin/notes.c:538 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "Cannot copy notes. Found existing notes for object %s. Use '-f' to overwrite " |
| "existing notes" |
| msgstr "不能複製註解。發現物件 %s 已存在註解。使用 '-f' 覆蓋現存註解" |
| |
| #: builtin/notes.c:550 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "missing notes on source object %s. Cannot copy." |
| msgstr "源物件 %s 缺少註解。不能複製。" |
| |
| #: builtin/notes.c:603 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "The -m/-F/-c/-C options have been deprecated for the 'edit' subcommand.\n" |
| "Please use 'git notes add -f -m/-F/-c/-C' instead.\n" |
| msgstr "" |
| "子指令 'edit' 的選項 -m/-F/-c/-C 已棄用。\n" |
| "請換用 'git notes add -f -m/-F/-c/-C'。\n" |
| |
| #: builtin/notes.c:698 |
| msgid "failed to delete ref NOTES_MERGE_PARTIAL" |
| msgstr "刪除引用 NOTES_MERGE_PARTIAL 失敗" |
| |
| #: builtin/notes.c:700 |
| msgid "failed to delete ref NOTES_MERGE_REF" |
| msgstr "刪除引用 NOTES_MERGE_REF 失敗" |
| |
| #: builtin/notes.c:702 |
| msgid "failed to remove 'git notes merge' worktree" |
| msgstr "刪除 'git notes merge' 工作區失敗" |
| |
| #: builtin/notes.c:722 |
| msgid "failed to read ref NOTES_MERGE_PARTIAL" |
| msgstr "讀取引用 NOTES_MERGE_PARTIAL 失敗" |
| |
| #: builtin/notes.c:724 |
| msgid "could not find commit from NOTES_MERGE_PARTIAL." |
| msgstr "無法從 NOTES_MERGE_PARTIAL 中找到提交。" |
| |
| #: builtin/notes.c:726 |
| msgid "could not parse commit from NOTES_MERGE_PARTIAL." |
| msgstr "無法從 NOTES_MERGE_PARTIAL 中解析提交。" |
| |
| #: builtin/notes.c:739 |
| msgid "failed to resolve NOTES_MERGE_REF" |
| msgstr "解析 NOTES_MERGE_REF 失敗" |
| |
| #: builtin/notes.c:742 |
| msgid "failed to finalize notes merge" |
| msgstr "無法完成註解合併" |
| |
| #: builtin/notes.c:768 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "unknown notes merge strategy %s" |
| msgstr "未知的註解合併策略 %s" |
| |
| #: builtin/notes.c:784 |
| msgid "General options" |
| msgstr "通用選項" |
| |
| #: builtin/notes.c:786 |
| msgid "Merge options" |
| msgstr "合併選項" |
| |
| #: builtin/notes.c:788 |
| msgid "" |
| "resolve notes conflicts using the given strategy (manual/ours/theirs/union/" |
| "cat_sort_uniq)" |
| msgstr "使用指定的策略解決註解衝突 (manual/ours/theirs/union/cat_sort_uniq)" |
| |
| #: builtin/notes.c:790 |
| msgid "Committing unmerged notes" |
| msgstr "提交未合併的註解" |
| |
| #: builtin/notes.c:792 |
| msgid "finalize notes merge by committing unmerged notes" |
| msgstr "透過提交未合併的註解來完成註解合併" |
| |
| #: builtin/notes.c:794 |
| msgid "Aborting notes merge resolution" |
| msgstr "中止註解合併的方案" |
| |
| #: builtin/notes.c:796 |
| msgid "abort notes merge" |
| msgstr "中止註解合併" |
| |
| #: builtin/notes.c:807 |
| msgid "cannot mix --commit, --abort or -s/--strategy" |
| msgstr "不能混用 --commit、--abort 或 -s/--strategy" |
| |
| #: builtin/notes.c:812 |
| msgid "must specify a notes ref to merge" |
| msgstr "必須指定一個註解引用來合併" |
| |
| #: builtin/notes.c:836 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "unknown -s/--strategy: %s" |
| msgstr "未知的 -s/--strategy:%s" |
| |
| #: builtin/notes.c:873 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "a notes merge into %s is already in-progress at %s" |
| msgstr "位於 %2$s 的一個到 %1$s 中的註解合併正在執行中" |
| |
| #: builtin/notes.c:876 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "failed to store link to current notes ref (%s)" |
| msgstr "無法儲存連結到目前的註解引用(%s)" |
| |
| #: builtin/notes.c:878 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "Automatic notes merge failed. Fix conflicts in %s and commit the result with " |
| "'git notes merge --commit', or abort the merge with 'git notes merge --" |
| "abort'.\n" |
| msgstr "" |
| "自動合併說明失敗。修改 %s 中的衝突並且使用指令 'git notes merge --commit' 提" |
| "交結果,或者使用指令 'git notes merge --abort' 終止合併。\n" |
| |
| #: builtin/notes.c:897 builtin/tag.c:589 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Failed to resolve '%s' as a valid ref." |
| msgstr "無法解析 '%s' 為一個有效引用。" |
| |
| #: builtin/notes.c:900 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Object %s has no note\n" |
| msgstr "物件 %s 沒有註解\n" |
| |
| #: builtin/notes.c:912 |
| msgid "attempt to remove non-existent note is not an error" |
| msgstr "嘗試刪除不存在的註解不是一個錯誤" |
| |
| #: builtin/notes.c:915 |
| msgid "read object names from the standard input" |
| msgstr "從標準輸入讀取物件名稱" |
| |
| #: builtin/notes.c:954 builtin/prune.c:132 builtin/worktree.c:148 |
| msgid "do not remove, show only" |
| msgstr "不刪除,只顯示" |
| |
| #: builtin/notes.c:955 |
| msgid "report pruned notes" |
| msgstr "報告清除的註解" |
| |
| #: builtin/notes.c:998 |
| msgid "notes-ref" |
| msgstr "註解引用" |
| |
| #: builtin/notes.c:999 |
| msgid "use notes from <notes-ref>" |
| msgstr "從 <註解引用> 使用註解" |
| |
| #: builtin/notes.c:1034 builtin/stash.c:1739 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "unknown subcommand: %s" |
| msgstr "未知子指令:%s" |
| |
| #: builtin/pack-objects.c:54 |
| msgid "" |
| "git pack-objects --stdout [<options>...] [< <ref-list> | < <object-list>]" |
| msgstr "git pack-objects --stdout [<選項>...] [< <引用列表> | < <物件列表>]" |
| |
| #: builtin/pack-objects.c:55 |
| msgid "" |
| "git pack-objects [<options>...] <base-name> [< <ref-list> | < <object-list>]" |
| msgstr "git pack-objects [<選項>...] <前綴名稱> [< <引用列表> | < <物件列表>]" |
| |
| #: builtin/pack-objects.c:440 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "write_reuse_object: could not locate %s, expected at offset %<PRIuMAX> in " |
| "pack %s" |
| msgstr "" |
| "write_reuse_object:無法定位 %1$s,預期在 %3$s 包中的 %2$<PRIuMAX> 偏移量" |
| |
| #: builtin/pack-objects.c:448 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "bad packed object CRC for %s" |
| msgstr "%s 錯的包物件 CRC" |
| |
| #: builtin/pack-objects.c:459 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "corrupt packed object for %s" |
| msgstr "%s 損壞的包物件" |
| |
| #: builtin/pack-objects.c:590 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "recursive delta detected for object %s" |
| msgstr "發現物件 %s 遞迴 delta" |
| |
| #: builtin/pack-objects.c:801 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "ordered %u objects, expected %<PRIu32>" |
| msgstr "排序了 %u 個物件,預期 %<PRIu32> 個" |
| |
| #: builtin/pack-objects.c:896 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "expected object at offset %<PRIuMAX> in pack %s" |
| msgstr "預期 %2$s 包中的偏移 %1$<PRIuMAX> 有物件" |
| |
| #: builtin/pack-objects.c:1015 |
| msgid "disabling bitmap writing, packs are split due to pack.packSizeLimit" |
| msgstr "停用 bitmap 寫入,因為 pack.packSizeLimit 設定使得包被切分為多個" |
| |
| #: builtin/pack-objects.c:1028 |
| msgid "Writing objects" |
| msgstr "寫入物件中" |
| |
| #: builtin/pack-objects.c:1089 builtin/update-index.c:90 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "failed to stat %s" |
| msgstr "對 %s 呼叫 stat 失敗" |
| |
| #: builtin/pack-objects.c:1141 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "wrote %<PRIu32> objects while expecting %<PRIu32>" |
| msgstr "寫入 %<PRIu32> 個物件而預期 %<PRIu32> 個" |
| |
| #: builtin/pack-objects.c:1383 |
| msgid "disabling bitmap writing, as some objects are not being packed" |
| msgstr "停用 bitmap 寫入,因為一些物件將不會被打包" |
| |
| #: builtin/pack-objects.c:1831 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "delta base offset overflow in pack for %s" |
| msgstr "%s 壓縮中 delta 基準位移越界" |
| |
| #: builtin/pack-objects.c:1840 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "delta base offset out of bound for %s" |
| msgstr "%s 的 delta 基準位移越界" |
| |
| #: builtin/pack-objects.c:2121 |
| msgid "Counting objects" |
| msgstr "物件計數中" |
| |
| #: builtin/pack-objects.c:2266 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "unable to parse object header of %s" |
| msgstr "無法解析物件 %s 標頭訊息" |
| |
| #: builtin/pack-objects.c:2336 builtin/pack-objects.c:2352 |
| #: builtin/pack-objects.c:2362 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "object %s cannot be read" |
| msgstr "物件 %s 無法讀取" |
| |
| #: builtin/pack-objects.c:2339 builtin/pack-objects.c:2366 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "object %s inconsistent object length (%<PRIuMAX> vs %<PRIuMAX>)" |
| msgstr "物件 %s 不一致的物件長度(%<PRIuMAX> vs %<PRIuMAX>)" |
| |
| #: builtin/pack-objects.c:2376 |
| msgid "suboptimal pack - out of memory" |
| msgstr "次優(suboptimal)打包 - 記憶體不足" |
| |
| #: builtin/pack-objects.c:2691 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Delta compression using up to %d threads" |
| msgstr "使用 %d 個執行緒進行壓縮" |
| |
| #: builtin/pack-objects.c:2830 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "unable to pack objects reachable from tag %s" |
| msgstr "無法為標籤 %s 壓縮物件" |
| |
| #: builtin/pack-objects.c:2916 |
| msgid "Compressing objects" |
| msgstr "壓縮物件中" |
| |
| #: builtin/pack-objects.c:2922 |
| msgid "inconsistency with delta count" |
| msgstr "不一致的差異計數" |
| |
| #: builtin/pack-objects.c:3001 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "value of uploadpack.blobpackfileuri must be of the form '<object-hash> <pack-" |
| "hash> <uri>' (got '%s')" |
| msgstr "" |
| "uploadpack.blobpackfileuri 的值格式必須為 '<object-hash> <pack-hash> " |
| "<uri>' (收到 '%s')" |
| |
| #: builtin/pack-objects.c:3004 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "object already configured in another uploadpack.blobpackfileuri (got '%s')" |
| msgstr "物件已經在其他 uploadpack.blobpackfileuri 設定過 (收到 '%s')" |
| |
| #: builtin/pack-objects.c:3039 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "could not get type of object %s in pack %s" |
| msgstr "無法取得 %2$s 包中 %1$s 物件的類型" |
| |
| #: builtin/pack-objects.c:3161 builtin/pack-objects.c:3175 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "could not find pack '%s'" |
| msgstr "找不到「%s」包" |
| |
| #: builtin/pack-objects.c:3218 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "expected edge object ID, got garbage:\n" |
| " %s" |
| msgstr "" |
| "預期邊界物件(edge object)ID,卻得到垃圾資料:\n" |
| " %s" |
| |
| #: builtin/pack-objects.c:3224 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "expected object ID, got garbage:\n" |
| " %s" |
| msgstr "" |
| "預期物件 ID,卻得到垃圾資料:\n" |
| " %s" |
| |
| #: builtin/pack-objects.c:3322 |
| msgid "invalid value for --missing" |
| msgstr "選項 --missing 的值無效" |
| |
| #: builtin/pack-objects.c:3381 builtin/pack-objects.c:3490 |
| msgid "cannot open pack index" |
| msgstr "無法開啟包檔案索引" |
| |
| #: builtin/pack-objects.c:3412 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "loose object at %s could not be examined" |
| msgstr "無法檢查 %s 處的鬆散物件" |
| |
| #: builtin/pack-objects.c:3498 |
| msgid "unable to force loose object" |
| msgstr "無法強制鬆散物件" |
| |
| #: builtin/pack-objects.c:3628 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "not a rev '%s'" |
| msgstr "不是一個版本 '%s'" |
| |
| #: builtin/pack-objects.c:3631 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "bad revision '%s'" |
| msgstr "壞的版本 '%s'" |
| |
| #: builtin/pack-objects.c:3659 |
| msgid "unable to add recent objects" |
| msgstr "無法新增最近的物件" |
| |
| #: builtin/pack-objects.c:3712 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "unsupported index version %s" |
| msgstr "不支援的索引版本 %s" |
| |
| #: builtin/pack-objects.c:3716 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "bad index version '%s'" |
| msgstr "壞的索引版本 '%s'" |
| |
| #: builtin/pack-objects.c:3755 |
| msgid "<version>[,<offset>]" |
| msgstr "<版本>[,<位移>]" |
| |
| #: builtin/pack-objects.c:3756 |
| msgid "write the pack index file in the specified idx format version" |
| msgstr "用指定的 idx 格式版本來寫包索引檔案" |
| |
| #: builtin/pack-objects.c:3759 |
| msgid "maximum size of each output pack file" |
| msgstr "每個輸出包的最大尺寸" |
| |
| #: builtin/pack-objects.c:3761 |
| msgid "ignore borrowed objects from alternate object store" |
| msgstr "忽略從備用物件儲存裡借用物件" |
| |
| #: builtin/pack-objects.c:3763 |
| msgid "ignore packed objects" |
| msgstr "忽略包物件" |
| |
| #: builtin/pack-objects.c:3765 |
| msgid "limit pack window by objects" |
| msgstr "限制打包視窗的物件數" |
| |
| #: builtin/pack-objects.c:3767 |
| msgid "limit pack window by memory in addition to object limit" |
| msgstr "除物件數量限制外設定打包視窗的記憶體限制" |
| |
| #: builtin/pack-objects.c:3769 |
| msgid "maximum length of delta chain allowed in the resulting pack" |
| msgstr "打包允許的 delta 鏈的最大長度" |
| |
| #: builtin/pack-objects.c:3771 |
| msgid "reuse existing deltas" |
| msgstr "重用已存在的 deltas" |
| |
| #: builtin/pack-objects.c:3773 |
| msgid "reuse existing objects" |
| msgstr "重用已存在的物件" |
| |
| #: builtin/pack-objects.c:3775 |
| msgid "use OFS_DELTA objects" |
| msgstr "使用 OFS_DELTA 物件" |
| |
| #: builtin/pack-objects.c:3777 |
| msgid "use threads when searching for best delta matches" |
| msgstr "使用執行緒查詢最佳 delta 符合" |
| |
| #: builtin/pack-objects.c:3779 |
| msgid "do not create an empty pack output" |
| msgstr "不建立空的包輸出" |
| |
| #: builtin/pack-objects.c:3781 |
| msgid "read revision arguments from standard input" |
| msgstr "從標準輸入讀取版本號參數" |
| |
| #: builtin/pack-objects.c:3783 |
| msgid "limit the objects to those that are not yet packed" |
| msgstr "限制那些尚未打包的物件" |
| |
| #: builtin/pack-objects.c:3786 |
| msgid "include objects reachable from any reference" |
| msgstr "包括可以從任何引用存取到的物件" |
| |
| #: builtin/pack-objects.c:3789 |
| msgid "include objects referred by reflog entries" |
| msgstr "包括被引用日誌引用到的物件" |
| |
| #: builtin/pack-objects.c:3792 |
| msgid "include objects referred to by the index" |
| msgstr "包括被索引引用到的物件" |
| |
| #: builtin/pack-objects.c:3795 |
| msgid "read packs from stdin" |
| msgstr "從標準輸入中讀取包" |
| |
| #: builtin/pack-objects.c:3797 |
| msgid "output pack to stdout" |
| msgstr "輸出包到標準輸出" |
| |
| #: builtin/pack-objects.c:3799 |
| msgid "include tag objects that refer to objects to be packed" |
| msgstr "包括那些引用了待打包物件的標籤物件" |
| |
| #: builtin/pack-objects.c:3801 |
| msgid "keep unreachable objects" |
| msgstr "維持無法取得的物件" |
| |
| #: builtin/pack-objects.c:3803 |
| msgid "pack loose unreachable objects" |
| msgstr "打包鬆散的無法取得物件" |
| |
| #: builtin/pack-objects.c:3805 |
| msgid "unpack unreachable objects newer than <time>" |
| msgstr "將比提供 <時間> 新的無法存取的物件解包" |
| |
| #: builtin/pack-objects.c:3808 |
| msgid "use the sparse reachability algorithm" |
| msgstr "使用稀疏可以取得性演算法" |
| |
| #: builtin/pack-objects.c:3810 |
| msgid "create thin packs" |
| msgstr "建立精簡包" |
| |
| #: builtin/pack-objects.c:3812 |
| msgid "create packs suitable for shallow fetches" |
| msgstr "建立適合淺複製版本庫取得的包" |
| |
| #: builtin/pack-objects.c:3814 |
| msgid "ignore packs that have companion .keep file" |
| msgstr "忽略配有 .keep 檔案的包" |
| |
| #: builtin/pack-objects.c:3816 |
| msgid "ignore this pack" |
| msgstr "忽略該 pack" |
| |
| #: builtin/pack-objects.c:3818 |
| msgid "pack compression level" |
| msgstr "打包壓縮級別" |
| |
| #: builtin/pack-objects.c:3820 |
| msgid "do not hide commits by grafts" |
| msgstr "顯示被移植隱藏的提交" |
| |
| #: builtin/pack-objects.c:3822 |
| msgid "use a bitmap index if available to speed up counting objects" |
| msgstr "使用 bitmap 索引(如果有的話)以提高物件計數時的速度" |
| |
| #: builtin/pack-objects.c:3824 |
| msgid "write a bitmap index together with the pack index" |
| msgstr "在建立包索引的同時建立 bitmap 索引" |
| |
| #: builtin/pack-objects.c:3828 |
| msgid "write a bitmap index if possible" |
| msgstr "如果可能,寫 bitmap 索引" |
| |
| #: builtin/pack-objects.c:3832 |
| msgid "handling for missing objects" |
| msgstr "處理遺失的物件" |
| |
| #: builtin/pack-objects.c:3835 |
| msgid "do not pack objects in promisor packfiles" |
| msgstr "不要打包 promisor packfile 中的物件" |
| |
| #: builtin/pack-objects.c:3837 |
| msgid "respect islands during delta compression" |
| msgstr "在增量壓縮時參考資料島" |
| |
| #: builtin/pack-objects.c:3839 |
| msgid "protocol" |
| msgstr "通訊協定" |
| |
| #: builtin/pack-objects.c:3840 |
| msgid "exclude any configured uploadpack.blobpackfileuri with this protocol" |
| msgstr "排除任何設定過,使用此通訊協定的 uploadpack.blobpackfileuri" |
| |
| #: builtin/pack-objects.c:3873 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "delta chain depth %d is too deep, forcing %d" |
| msgstr "增量鏈深度 %d 太深了,強制為 %d" |
| |
| #: builtin/pack-objects.c:3878 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "pack.deltaCacheLimit is too high, forcing %d" |
| msgstr "設定 pack.deltaCacheLimit 太高了,強制為 %d" |
| |
| #: builtin/pack-objects.c:3934 |
| msgid "--max-pack-size cannot be used to build a pack for transfer" |
| msgstr "不能使用 --max-pack-size 來組建傳輸用的包檔案" |
| |
| #: builtin/pack-objects.c:3936 |
| msgid "minimum pack size limit is 1 MiB" |
| msgstr "最小的包檔案大小是 1 MiB" |
| |
| #: builtin/pack-objects.c:3941 |
| msgid "--thin cannot be used to build an indexable pack" |
| msgstr "--thin 不能用於建立一個可索引包" |
| |
| #: builtin/pack-objects.c:3944 |
| msgid "--keep-unreachable and --unpack-unreachable are incompatible" |
| msgstr "--keep-unreachable 和 --unpack-unreachable 不相容" |
| |
| #: builtin/pack-objects.c:3950 |
| msgid "cannot use --filter without --stdout" |
| msgstr "不能在沒有 --stdout 的情況下使用 --filter" |
| |
| #: builtin/pack-objects.c:3952 |
| msgid "cannot use --filter with --stdin-packs" |
| msgstr "無法將 --filter 及 --stdin-packs 結合使用" |
| |
| #: builtin/pack-objects.c:3956 |
| msgid "cannot use internal rev list with --stdin-packs" |
| msgstr "無法將內部版本清單與 --stdin-packs 結合使用" |
| |
| #: builtin/pack-objects.c:4015 |
| msgid "Enumerating objects" |
| msgstr "枚舉物件" |
| |
| #: builtin/pack-objects.c:4052 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "Total %<PRIu32> (delta %<PRIu32>), reused %<PRIu32> (delta %<PRIu32>), pack-" |
| "reused %<PRIu32>" |
| msgstr "" |
| "總共 %<PRIu32> (差異 %<PRIu32>),復用 %<PRIu32> (差異 %<PRIu32>),重用包 " |
| "%<PRIu32>" |
| |
| #: builtin/pack-redundant.c:601 |
| msgid "" |
| "'git pack-redundant' is nominated for removal.\n" |
| "If you still use this command, please add an extra\n" |
| "option, '--i-still-use-this', on the command line\n" |
| "and let us know you still use it by sending an e-mail\n" |
| "to <git@vger.kernel.org>. Thanks.\n" |
| msgstr "" |
| "「git pack-redundant」已被提名準備移除。\n" |
| "如果您仍在使用這條命令,請在命令列多加一個選項\n" |
| "「--i-still-use-this」,然後寄封電子信到\n" |
| "<git@vger.kernel.org> 讓我們知道您還在使用。\n" |
| "感謝。\n" |
| |
| #: builtin/pack-refs.c:8 |
| msgid "git pack-refs [<options>]" |
| msgstr "git pack-refs [<選項>]" |
| |
| #: builtin/pack-refs.c:16 |
| msgid "pack everything" |
| msgstr "打包一切" |
| |
| #: builtin/pack-refs.c:17 |
| msgid "prune loose refs (default)" |
| msgstr "清除鬆散的引用(預設)" |
| |
| #: builtin/prune-packed.c:6 |
| msgid "git prune-packed [-n | --dry-run] [-q | --quiet]" |
| msgstr "git prune-packed [-n | --dry-run] [-q | --quiet]" |
| |
| #: builtin/prune.c:14 |
| msgid "git prune [-n] [-v] [--progress] [--expire <time>] [--] [<head>...]" |
| msgstr "git prune [-n] [-v] [--progress] [--expire <時間>] [--] [<head>...]" |
| |
| #: builtin/prune.c:133 |
| msgid "report pruned objects" |
| msgstr "報告清除的物件" |
| |
| #: builtin/prune.c:136 |
| msgid "expire objects older than <time>" |
| msgstr "使早於提供時間的物件過期" |
| |
| #: builtin/prune.c:138 |
| msgid "limit traversal to objects outside promisor packfiles" |
| msgstr "限制遍歷 promisor packfile 以外的物件" |
| |
| #: builtin/prune.c:152 |
| msgid "cannot prune in a precious-objects repo" |
| msgstr "不能在珍品版本庫中執行清理動作" |
| |
| #: builtin/pull.c:45 builtin/pull.c:47 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Invalid value for %s: %s" |
| msgstr "%s 的值無效:%s" |
| |
| #: builtin/pull.c:67 |
| msgid "git pull [<options>] [<repository> [<refspec>...]]" |
| msgstr "git pull [<選項>] [<版本庫> [<引用規格>...]]" |
| |
| #: builtin/pull.c:123 |
| msgid "control for recursive fetching of submodules" |
| msgstr "控制子模組的遞迴取得" |
| |
| #: builtin/pull.c:127 |
| msgid "Options related to merging" |
| msgstr "和合併相關的選項" |
| |
| #: builtin/pull.c:130 |
| msgid "incorporate changes by rebasing rather than merging" |
| msgstr "使用重定基底動作取代合併動作以套用修改" |
| |
| #: builtin/pull.c:158 builtin/rebase.c:491 builtin/revert.c:126 |
| msgid "allow fast-forward" |
| msgstr "允許快轉式" |
| |
| #: builtin/pull.c:167 parse-options.h:340 |
| msgid "automatically stash/stash pop before and after" |
| msgstr "在動作前後執行自動儲藏和彈出儲藏" |
| |
| #: builtin/pull.c:183 |
| msgid "Options related to fetching" |
| msgstr "和取得相關的參數" |
| |
| #: builtin/pull.c:193 |
| msgid "force overwrite of local branch" |
| msgstr "強制覆蓋本機分支" |
| |
| #: builtin/pull.c:201 |
| msgid "number of submodules pulled in parallel" |
| msgstr "並發拉取的子模組的數量" |
| |
| #: builtin/pull.c:317 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Invalid value for pull.ff: %s" |
| msgstr "pull.ff 的取值無效:%s" |
| |
| #: builtin/pull.c:445 |
| msgid "" |
| "There is no candidate for rebasing against among the refs that you just " |
| "fetched." |
| msgstr "在您剛剛取得到的引用中沒有重定基底動作的候選。" |
| |
| #: builtin/pull.c:447 |
| msgid "" |
| "There are no candidates for merging among the refs that you just fetched." |
| msgstr "在您剛剛取得到的引用中沒有合併動作的候選。" |
| |
| #: builtin/pull.c:448 |
| msgid "" |
| "Generally this means that you provided a wildcard refspec which had no\n" |
| "matches on the remote end." |
| msgstr "通常這意味著您提供了一萬用字元引用規格但未能和遠端符合。" |
| |
| #: builtin/pull.c:451 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "You asked to pull from the remote '%s', but did not specify\n" |
| "a branch. Because this is not the default configured remote\n" |
| "for your current branch, you must specify a branch on the command line." |
| msgstr "" |
| "您要求從遠端 '%s' 拉取,但是未指定一個分支。因為這不是目前\n" |
| "分支預設的遠端版本庫,您必須在指令列中指定一個分支名。" |
| |
| #: builtin/pull.c:456 builtin/rebase.c:1248 |
| msgid "You are not currently on a branch." |
| msgstr "您目前不在一個分支上。" |
| |
| #: builtin/pull.c:458 builtin/pull.c:473 |
| msgid "Please specify which branch you want to rebase against." |
| msgstr "請指定您要重定基底到哪一個分支。" |
| |
| #: builtin/pull.c:460 builtin/pull.c:475 |
| msgid "Please specify which branch you want to merge with." |
| msgstr "請指定您要合併哪一個分支。" |
| |
| #: builtin/pull.c:461 builtin/pull.c:476 |
| msgid "See git-pull(1) for details." |
| msgstr "詳見 git-pull(1)。" |
| |
| #: builtin/pull.c:463 builtin/pull.c:469 builtin/pull.c:478 |
| #: builtin/rebase.c:1254 |
| msgid "<remote>" |
| msgstr "<遠端>" |
| |
| #: builtin/pull.c:463 builtin/pull.c:478 builtin/pull.c:483 |
| msgid "<branch>" |
| msgstr "<分支>" |
| |
| #: builtin/pull.c:471 builtin/rebase.c:1246 |
| msgid "There is no tracking information for the current branch." |
| msgstr "目前分支沒有追蹤訊息。" |
| |
| #: builtin/pull.c:480 |
| msgid "" |
| "If you wish to set tracking information for this branch you can do so with:" |
| msgstr "如果您想要為此分支建立追蹤訊息,您可以執行:" |
| |
| #: builtin/pull.c:485 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "Your configuration specifies to merge with the ref '%s'\n" |
| "from the remote, but no such ref was fetched." |
| msgstr "" |
| "您的設定中指定要合併遠端的引用 '%s',\n" |
| "但是沒有取得到這個引用。" |
| |
| #: builtin/pull.c:596 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "unable to access commit %s" |
| msgstr "無法存取提交 %s" |
| |
| #: builtin/pull.c:902 |
| msgid "ignoring --verify-signatures for rebase" |
| msgstr "為重定基底動作忽略 --verify-signatures" |
| |
| #: builtin/pull.c:930 |
| msgid "" |
| "Pulling without specifying how to reconcile divergent branches is\n" |
| "discouraged. You can squelch this message by running one of the following\n" |
| "commands sometime before your next pull:\n" |
| "\n" |
| " git config pull.rebase false # merge (the default strategy)\n" |
| " git config pull.rebase true # rebase\n" |
| " git config pull.ff only # fast-forward only\n" |
| "\n" |
| "You can replace \"git config\" with \"git config --global\" to set a " |
| "default\n" |
| "preference for all repositories. You can also pass --rebase, --no-rebase,\n" |
| "or --ff-only on the command line to override the configured default per\n" |
| "invocation.\n" |
| msgstr "" |
| "不建議在尚未指定偏離分支的合併策略的情況下拉取。\n" |
| "您可以在下一次呼叫 pull 命令前執行下述命令\n" |
| "以隱藏此訊息:\n" |
| "\n" |
| " git config pull.rebase false # 合併(預設策略)\n" |
| " git config pull.rebase true # 重定基底\n" |
| " git config pull.ff only # 只快進\n" |
| "\n" |
| "您可以將「git config」改成「git config --global」以設定\n" |
| "所有版本庫的預設偏好設定。也可以每次在命令列呼叫\n" |
| "pull 命令時傳遞 --rebase、--no-rebase 或 --ff-only 覆蓋\n" |
| "設定的預設值。\n" |
| |
| #: builtin/pull.c:991 |
| msgid "Updating an unborn branch with changes added to the index." |
| msgstr "更新尚未誕生的分支,變更新增至索引。" |
| |
| #: builtin/pull.c:995 |
| msgid "pull with rebase" |
| msgstr "重定基底式拉取" |
| |
| #: builtin/pull.c:996 |
| msgid "please commit or stash them." |
| msgstr "請提交或儲藏它們。" |
| |
| #: builtin/pull.c:1021 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "fetch updated the current branch head.\n" |
| "fast-forwarding your working tree from\n" |
| "commit %s." |
| msgstr "" |
| "fetch 更新了目前的分支。快轉您的工作區\n" |
| "至提交 %s。" |
| |
| #: builtin/pull.c:1027 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "Cannot fast-forward your working tree.\n" |
| "After making sure that you saved anything precious from\n" |
| "$ git diff %s\n" |
| "output, run\n" |
| "$ git reset --hard\n" |
| "to recover." |
| msgstr "" |
| "您目前的工作區無法執行快轉動作。\n" |
| "首先執行如下指令:\n" |
| "$ git diff %s\n" |
| "以確認所有有用的資料均已儲存。然後執行下面的指令\n" |
| "$ git reset --hard\n" |
| "復原之前的狀態。" |
| |
| #: builtin/pull.c:1042 |
| msgid "Cannot merge multiple branches into empty head." |
| msgstr "無法將多個分支合併到空分支。" |
| |
| #: builtin/pull.c:1046 |
| msgid "Cannot rebase onto multiple branches." |
| msgstr "無法重定基底到多個分支。" |
| |
| #: builtin/pull.c:1067 |
| msgid "cannot rebase with locally recorded submodule modifications" |
| msgstr "本機子模組中有修改,無法重定基底" |
| |
| #: builtin/push.c:19 |
| msgid "git push [<options>] [<repository> [<refspec>...]]" |
| msgstr "git push [<選項>] [<版本庫> [<引用規格>...]]" |
| |
| #: builtin/push.c:111 |
| msgid "tag shorthand without <tag>" |
| msgstr "標籤後面未提供 <標籤> 參數" |
| |
| #: builtin/push.c:119 |
| msgid "--delete only accepts plain target ref names" |
| msgstr "--delete 只接受簡單的目標引用名" |
| |
| #: builtin/push.c:164 |
| msgid "" |
| "\n" |
| "To choose either option permanently, see push.default in 'git help config'." |
| msgstr "" |
| "\n" |
| "為了永久地選擇任一選項,參見 'git help config' 中的 push.default。" |
| |
| #: builtin/push.c:167 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "The upstream branch of your current branch does not match\n" |
| "the name of your current branch. To push to the upstream branch\n" |
| "on the remote, use\n" |
| "\n" |
| " git push %s HEAD:%s\n" |
| "\n" |
| "To push to the branch of the same name on the remote, use\n" |
| "\n" |
| " git push %s HEAD\n" |
| "%s" |
| msgstr "" |
| "您目前分支的上游分支和您目前分支名不符合,為推送到遠端的上游分支,\n" |
| "使用\n" |
| "\n" |
| " git push %s HEAD:%s\n" |
| "\n" |
| "為推送至遠端同名分支,使用\n" |
| "\n" |
| " git push %s HEAD\n" |
| "%s" |
| |
| #: builtin/push.c:182 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "You are not currently on a branch.\n" |
| "To push the history leading to the current (detached HEAD)\n" |
| "state now, use\n" |
| "\n" |
| " git push %s HEAD:<name-of-remote-branch>\n" |
| msgstr "" |
| "您目前不在一個分支上。\n" |
| "現在為推送目前(分離開頭指標)的歷史,使用\n" |
| "\n" |
| " git push %s HEAD:<遠端分支名字>\n" |
| |
| #: builtin/push.c:194 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "The current branch %s has no upstream branch.\n" |
| "To push the current branch and set the remote as upstream, use\n" |
| "\n" |
| " git push --set-upstream %s %s\n" |
| msgstr "" |
| "目前分支 %s 沒有對應的上游分支。\n" |
| "為推送目前分支並建立與遠端上游的追蹤,使用\n" |
| "\n" |
| " git push --set-upstream %s %s\n" |
| |
| #: builtin/push.c:202 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "The current branch %s has multiple upstream branches, refusing to push." |
| msgstr "目前分支 %s 有多個上游分支,拒絕推送。" |
| |
| #: builtin/push.c:205 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "You are pushing to remote '%s', which is not the upstream of\n" |
| "your current branch '%s', without telling me what to push\n" |
| "to update which remote branch." |
| msgstr "" |
| "您正推送至遠端 '%s'(其並非目前分支 '%s' 的上游),\n" |
| "而沒有告訴我要推送什麼、更新哪個遠端分支。" |
| |
| #: builtin/push.c:260 |
| msgid "" |
| "You didn't specify any refspecs to push, and push.default is \"nothing\"." |
| msgstr "您沒有為推送指定任何引用規格,並且 push.default 為 \"nothing\"。" |
| |
| #: builtin/push.c:267 |
| msgid "" |
| "Updates were rejected because the tip of your current branch is behind\n" |
| "its remote counterpart. Integrate the remote changes (e.g.\n" |
| "'git pull ...') before pushing again.\n" |
| "See the 'Note about fast-forwards' in 'git push --help' for details." |
| msgstr "" |
| "更新被拒絕,因為您目前分支的最新提交落後於其對應的遠端分支。\n" |
| "再次推送前,先與遠端變更合併(如 'git pull ...')。詳見\n" |
| "'git push --help' 中的 'Note about fast-forwards' 小節。" |
| |
| #: builtin/push.c:273 |
| msgid "" |
| "Updates were rejected because a pushed branch tip is behind its remote\n" |
| "counterpart. Check out this branch and integrate the remote changes\n" |
| "(e.g. 'git pull ...') before pushing again.\n" |
| "See the 'Note about fast-forwards' in 'git push --help' for details." |
| msgstr "" |
| "更新被拒絕,因為推送的一個分支的最新提交落後於其對應的遠端分支。\n" |
| "檢出該分支並整合遠端變更(如 'git pull ...'),然後再推送。詳見\n" |
| "'git push --help' 中的 'Note about fast-forwards' 小節。" |
| |
| #: builtin/push.c:279 |
| msgid "" |
| "Updates were rejected because the remote contains work that you do\n" |
| "not have locally. This is usually caused by another repository pushing\n" |
| "to the same ref. You may want to first integrate the remote changes\n" |
| "(e.g., 'git pull ...') before pushing again.\n" |
| "See the 'Note about fast-forwards' in 'git push --help' for details." |
| msgstr "" |
| "因為遠端版本庫包含您本機尚不存在的提交,而導致更新被拒絕。這通常是因為另外\n" |
| "一個版本庫已向該引用進行了推送。再次推送前,您可能需要先整合遠端變更\n" |
| "(如 'git pull ...')。\n" |
| "詳見 'git push --help' 中的 'Note about fast-forwards' 小節。" |
| |
| #: builtin/push.c:286 |
| msgid "Updates were rejected because the tag already exists in the remote." |
| msgstr "更新被拒絕,因為該標籤在遠端已經存在。" |
| |
| #: builtin/push.c:289 |
| msgid "" |
| "You cannot update a remote ref that points at a non-commit object,\n" |
| "or update a remote ref to make it point at a non-commit object,\n" |
| "without using the '--force' option.\n" |
| msgstr "" |
| "如果不使用 '--force' 參數,您不能更新一個指向非提交物件的遠端引用,\n" |
| "也不能更新遠端引用讓其指向一個非提交物件。\n" |
| |
| #: builtin/push.c:294 |
| msgid "" |
| "Updates were rejected because the tip of the remote-tracking\n" |
| "branch has been updated since the last checkout. You may want\n" |
| "to integrate those changes locally (e.g., 'git pull ...')\n" |
| "before forcing an update.\n" |
| msgstr "" |
| "更新被拒,因為遠端追蹤分支的最新指針繼上次簽出後有更新。\n" |
| "您可能會希望先將這些變更整合至本地(例如:‘git pull …’)\n" |
| "最後才強制更新。\n" |
| |
| #: builtin/push.c:364 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Pushing to %s\n" |
| msgstr "推送到 %s\n" |
| |
| #: builtin/push.c:371 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "failed to push some refs to '%s'" |
| msgstr "推送一些引用到 '%s' 失敗" |
| |
| #: builtin/push.c:553 |
| msgid "repository" |
| msgstr "版本庫" |
| |
| #: builtin/push.c:554 builtin/send-pack.c:189 |
| msgid "push all refs" |
| msgstr "推送所有引用" |
| |
| #: builtin/push.c:555 builtin/send-pack.c:191 |
| msgid "mirror all refs" |
| msgstr "鏡像所有引用" |
| |
| #: builtin/push.c:557 |
| msgid "delete refs" |
| msgstr "刪除引用" |
| |
| #: builtin/push.c:558 |
| msgid "push tags (can't be used with --all or --mirror)" |
| msgstr "推送標籤(不能使用 --all or --mirror)" |
| |
| #: builtin/push.c:561 builtin/send-pack.c:192 |
| msgid "force updates" |
| msgstr "強制更新" |
| |
| #: builtin/push.c:562 builtin/send-pack.c:204 |
| msgid "<refname>:<expect>" |
| msgstr "<引用名>:<期望值>" |
| |
| #: builtin/push.c:563 builtin/send-pack.c:205 |
| msgid "require old value of ref to be at this value" |
| msgstr "要求引用舊的取值為設定值" |
| |
| #: builtin/push.c:566 builtin/send-pack.c:208 |
| msgid "require remote updates to be integrated locally" |
| msgstr "需要將遠端更新整合進本地" |
| |
| #: builtin/push.c:569 |
| msgid "control recursive pushing of submodules" |
| msgstr "控制子模組的遞迴推送" |
| |
| #: builtin/push.c:570 builtin/send-pack.c:199 |
| msgid "use thin pack" |
| msgstr "使用精簡打包" |
| |
| #: builtin/push.c:571 builtin/push.c:572 builtin/send-pack.c:186 |
| #: builtin/send-pack.c:187 |
| msgid "receive pack program" |
| msgstr "接收包程式" |
| |
| #: builtin/push.c:573 |
| msgid "set upstream for git pull/status" |
| msgstr "設定 git pull/status 的上游" |
| |
| #: builtin/push.c:576 |
| msgid "prune locally removed refs" |
| msgstr "清除本機刪除的引用" |
| |
| #: builtin/push.c:578 |
| msgid "bypass pre-push hook" |
| msgstr "繞過 pre-push 掛鉤" |
| |
| #: builtin/push.c:579 |
| msgid "push missing but relevant tags" |
| msgstr "推送缺少但有關的標籤" |
| |
| #: builtin/push.c:581 builtin/send-pack.c:193 |
| msgid "GPG sign the push" |
| msgstr "用 GPG 為推送簽名" |
| |
| #: builtin/push.c:583 builtin/send-pack.c:200 |
| msgid "request atomic transaction on remote side" |
| msgstr "需要遠端支援原子事務" |
| |
| #: builtin/push.c:601 |
| msgid "--delete is incompatible with --all, --mirror and --tags" |
| msgstr "--delete 與 --all、--mirror 及 --tags 不相容" |
| |
| #: builtin/push.c:603 |
| msgid "--delete doesn't make sense without any refs" |
| msgstr "--delete 未接任何引用沒有意義" |
| |
| #: builtin/push.c:623 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "bad repository '%s'" |
| msgstr "壞的版本庫 '%s'" |
| |
| #: builtin/push.c:624 |
| msgid "" |
| "No configured push destination.\n" |
| "Either specify the URL from the command-line or configure a remote " |
| "repository using\n" |
| "\n" |
| " git remote add <name> <url>\n" |
| "\n" |
| "and then push using the remote name\n" |
| "\n" |
| " git push <name>\n" |
| msgstr "" |
| "沒有設定推送目標。\n" |
| "或透過指令列指定 URL,或用下面指令設定一個遠端版本庫\n" |
| "\n" |
| " git remote add <名稱> <位址>\n" |
| "\n" |
| "然後使用該遠端版本庫名執行推送\n" |
| "\n" |
| " git push <名稱>\n" |
| |
| #: builtin/push.c:639 |
| msgid "--all and --tags are incompatible" |
| msgstr "--all 和 --tags 不相容" |
| |
| #: builtin/push.c:641 |
| msgid "--all can't be combined with refspecs" |
| msgstr "--all 不能和引用規格同時使用" |
| |
| #: builtin/push.c:645 |
| msgid "--mirror and --tags are incompatible" |
| msgstr "--mirror 和 --tags 不相容" |
| |
| #: builtin/push.c:647 |
| msgid "--mirror can't be combined with refspecs" |
| msgstr "--mirror 不能和引用規格同時使用" |
| |
| #: builtin/push.c:650 |
| msgid "--all and --mirror are incompatible" |
| msgstr "--all 和 --mirror 不相容" |
| |
| #: builtin/push.c:657 |
| msgid "push options must not have new line characters" |
| msgstr "推送選項不能有換行符號" |
| |
| #: builtin/range-diff.c:9 |
| msgid "git range-diff [<options>] <old-base>..<old-tip> <new-base>..<new-tip>" |
| msgstr "git range-diff [<選項>] <old-base>..<old-tip> <new-base>..<new-tip>" |
| |
| #: builtin/range-diff.c:10 |
| msgid "git range-diff [<options>] <old-tip>...<new-tip>" |
| msgstr "git range-diff [<選項>] <old-tip>...<new-tip>" |
| |
| #: builtin/range-diff.c:11 |
| msgid "git range-diff [<options>] <base> <old-tip> <new-tip>" |
| msgstr "git range-diff [<選項>] <base> <old-tip> <new-tip>" |
| |
| #: builtin/range-diff.c:30 |
| msgid "use simple diff colors" |
| msgstr "使用簡單差異顏色" |
| |
| #: builtin/range-diff.c:32 |
| msgid "notes" |
| msgstr "註解" |
| |
| #: builtin/range-diff.c:32 |
| msgid "passed to 'git log'" |
| msgstr "傳遞給 'git log'" |
| |
| #: builtin/range-diff.c:35 |
| msgid "only emit output related to the first range" |
| msgstr "只發出跟第一個範圍相關的輸出" |
| |
| #: builtin/range-diff.c:37 |
| msgid "only emit output related to the second range" |
| msgstr "只發出跟第二個範圍相關的輸出" |
| |
| #: builtin/range-diff.c:60 builtin/range-diff.c:64 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "not a commit range: '%s'" |
| msgstr "不是提交範圍:「%s」" |
| |
| #: builtin/range-diff.c:74 |
| msgid "single arg format must be symmetric range" |
| msgstr "單個參數格式必須是對稱範圍(即包含...)" |
| |
| #: builtin/range-diff.c:89 |
| msgid "need two commit ranges" |
| msgstr "需要兩個提交範圍" |
| |
| #: builtin/read-tree.c:41 |
| msgid "" |
| "git read-tree [(-m [--trivial] [--aggressive] | --reset | --prefix=<prefix>) " |
| "[-u [--exclude-per-directory=<gitignore>] | -i]] [--no-sparse-checkout] [--" |
| "index-output=<file>] (--empty | <tree-ish1> [<tree-ish2> [<tree-ish3>]])" |
| msgstr "" |
| "git read-tree [(-m [--trivial] [--aggressive] | --reset | --prefix=<前綴>) [-" |
| "u [--exclude-per-directory=<gitignore>] | -i]] [--no-sparse-checkout] [--" |
| "index-output=<檔案>] (--empty | <樹狀物件1> [<樹狀物件2> [<樹狀物件3>]])" |
| |
| #: builtin/read-tree.c:124 |
| msgid "write resulting index to <file>" |
| msgstr "將索引結果寫入 <檔案>" |
| |
| #: builtin/read-tree.c:127 |
| msgid "only empty the index" |
| msgstr "只是清空索引" |
| |
| #: builtin/read-tree.c:129 |
| msgid "Merging" |
| msgstr "合併" |
| |
| #: builtin/read-tree.c:131 |
| msgid "perform a merge in addition to a read" |
| msgstr "讀取之餘再執行一個合併" |
| |
| #: builtin/read-tree.c:133 |
| msgid "3-way merge if no file level merging required" |
| msgstr "如果沒有檔案級合併需要,執行三方合併" |
| |
| #: builtin/read-tree.c:135 |
| msgid "3-way merge in presence of adds and removes" |
| msgstr "存在新增和刪除時,也執行三方合併" |
| |
| #: builtin/read-tree.c:137 |
| msgid "same as -m, but discard unmerged entries" |
| msgstr "類似於 -m,但捨棄未合併的條目" |
| |
| #: builtin/read-tree.c:138 |
| msgid "<subdirectory>/" |
| msgstr "<子目錄>/" |
| |
| #: builtin/read-tree.c:139 |
| msgid "read the tree into the index under <subdirectory>/" |
| msgstr "讀取樹狀物件到索引的 <子目錄>/ 下" |
| |
| #: builtin/read-tree.c:142 |
| msgid "update working tree with merge result" |
| msgstr "用合併的結果更新工作區" |
| |
| #: builtin/read-tree.c:144 |
| msgid "gitignore" |
| msgstr "gitignore" |
| |
| #: builtin/read-tree.c:145 |
| msgid "allow explicitly ignored files to be overwritten" |
| msgstr "允許忽略檔案中設定的檔案可以被覆蓋" |
| |
| #: builtin/read-tree.c:148 |
| msgid "don't check the working tree after merging" |
| msgstr "合併後不檢查工作區" |
| |
| #: builtin/read-tree.c:149 |
| msgid "don't update the index or the work tree" |
| msgstr "不更新索引區和工作區" |
| |
| #: builtin/read-tree.c:151 |
| msgid "skip applying sparse checkout filter" |
| msgstr "略過套用稀疏檢出過濾器" |
| |
| #: builtin/read-tree.c:153 |
| msgid "debug unpack-trees" |
| msgstr "除錯 unpack-trees" |
| |
| #: builtin/read-tree.c:157 |
| msgid "suppress feedback messages" |
| msgstr "抑制回饋訊息" |
| |
| #: builtin/read-tree.c:188 |
| msgid "You need to resolve your current index first" |
| msgstr "您需要先解決目前索引的衝突" |
| |
| #: builtin/rebase.c:35 |
| msgid "" |
| "git rebase [-i] [options] [--exec <cmd>] [--onto <newbase> | --keep-base] " |
| "[<upstream> [<branch>]]" |
| msgstr "" |
| "git rebase [-i] [options] [--exec <命令>] [--onto <新基礎> | --keep-base] [<" |
| "上游> [<分支>]]" |
| |
| #: builtin/rebase.c:37 |
| msgid "" |
| "git rebase [-i] [options] [--exec <cmd>] [--onto <newbase>] --root [<branch>]" |
| msgstr "" |
| "git rebase [-i] [選項] [--exec <命令>] [--onto <新基礎>] --root [<分支>]" |
| |
| #: builtin/rebase.c:39 |
| msgid "git rebase --continue | --abort | --skip | --edit-todo" |
| msgstr "git rebase --continue | --abort | --skip | --edit-todo" |
| |
| #: builtin/rebase.c:194 builtin/rebase.c:218 builtin/rebase.c:245 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "unusable todo list: '%s'" |
| msgstr "不可用的待辦列表:'%s'" |
| |
| #: builtin/rebase.c:311 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "could not create temporary %s" |
| msgstr "無法建立暫時的 %s" |
| |
| #: builtin/rebase.c:317 |
| msgid "could not mark as interactive" |
| msgstr "無法標記為互動式" |
| |
| #: builtin/rebase.c:370 |
| msgid "could not generate todo list" |
| msgstr "無法生成待辦列表" |
| |
| #: builtin/rebase.c:412 |
| msgid "a base commit must be provided with --upstream or --onto" |
| msgstr "使用 --upstream 或 --onto 必須提供一個基礎提交" |
| |
| #: builtin/rebase.c:481 |
| msgid "git rebase--interactive [<options>]" |
| msgstr "git rebase--interactive [<選項>]" |
| |
| #: builtin/rebase.c:494 builtin/rebase.c:1389 |
| msgid "keep commits which start empty" |
| msgstr "保留開頭是空白的提交" |
| |
| #: builtin/rebase.c:498 builtin/revert.c:128 |
| msgid "allow commits with empty messages" |
| msgstr "允許提交說明為空" |
| |
| #: builtin/rebase.c:500 |
| msgid "rebase merge commits" |
| msgstr "對合併提交重定基底" |
| |
| #: builtin/rebase.c:502 |
| msgid "keep original branch points of cousins" |
| msgstr "保持兄弟提交的原始分支點" |
| |
| #: builtin/rebase.c:504 |
| msgid "move commits that begin with squash!/fixup!" |
| msgstr "移動以 squash!/fixup! 開頭的提交" |
| |
| #: builtin/rebase.c:505 |
| msgid "sign commits" |
| msgstr "簽名提交" |
| |
| #: builtin/rebase.c:507 builtin/rebase.c:1328 |
| msgid "display a diffstat of what changed upstream" |
| msgstr "顯示上游變化的差異統計" |
| |
| #: builtin/rebase.c:509 |
| msgid "continue rebase" |
| msgstr "繼續重定基底" |
| |
| #: builtin/rebase.c:511 |
| msgid "skip commit" |
| msgstr "略過提交" |
| |
| #: builtin/rebase.c:512 |
| msgid "edit the todo list" |
| msgstr "重定基底待辦列表" |
| |
| #: builtin/rebase.c:514 |
| msgid "show the current patch" |
| msgstr "顯示目前修補檔" |
| |
| #: builtin/rebase.c:517 |
| msgid "shorten commit ids in the todo list" |
| msgstr "縮短待辦列表中的提交號" |
| |
| #: builtin/rebase.c:519 |
| msgid "expand commit ids in the todo list" |
| msgstr "擴展待辦列表中的提交號" |
| |
| #: builtin/rebase.c:521 |
| msgid "check the todo list" |
| msgstr "檢查待辦列表" |
| |
| #: builtin/rebase.c:523 |
| msgid "rearrange fixup/squash lines" |
| msgstr "重新排列 fixup/squash 行" |
| |
| #: builtin/rebase.c:525 |
| msgid "insert exec commands in todo list" |
| msgstr "在待辦列表中插入 exec 執行指令" |
| |
| #: builtin/rebase.c:526 |
| msgid "onto" |
| msgstr "onto" |
| |
| #: builtin/rebase.c:529 |
| msgid "restrict-revision" |
| msgstr "restrict-revision" |
| |
| #: builtin/rebase.c:529 |
| msgid "restrict revision" |
| msgstr "限制版本" |
| |
| #: builtin/rebase.c:531 |
| msgid "squash-onto" |
| msgstr "squash-onto" |
| |
| #: builtin/rebase.c:532 |
| msgid "squash onto" |
| msgstr "squash onto" |
| |
| #: builtin/rebase.c:534 |
| msgid "the upstream commit" |
| msgstr "上游提交" |
| |
| #: builtin/rebase.c:536 |
| msgid "head-name" |
| msgstr "head-name" |
| |
| #: builtin/rebase.c:536 |
| msgid "head name" |
| msgstr "head 名稱" |
| |
| #: builtin/rebase.c:541 |
| msgid "rebase strategy" |
| msgstr "重定基底策略" |
| |
| #: builtin/rebase.c:542 |
| msgid "strategy-opts" |
| msgstr "strategy-opts" |
| |
| #: builtin/rebase.c:543 |
| msgid "strategy options" |
| msgstr "策略選項" |
| |
| #: builtin/rebase.c:544 |
| msgid "switch-to" |
| msgstr "切換到" |
| |
| #: builtin/rebase.c:545 |
| msgid "the branch or commit to checkout" |
| msgstr "要檢出的分支或提交" |
| |
| #: builtin/rebase.c:546 |
| msgid "onto-name" |
| msgstr "onto-name" |
| |
| #: builtin/rebase.c:546 |
| msgid "onto name" |
| msgstr "onto name" |
| |
| #: builtin/rebase.c:547 |
| msgid "cmd" |
| msgstr "cmd" |
| |
| #: builtin/rebase.c:547 |
| msgid "the command to run" |
| msgstr "要執行的指令" |
| |
| #: builtin/rebase.c:550 builtin/rebase.c:1422 |
| msgid "automatically re-schedule any `exec` that fails" |
| msgstr "自動重新安排任何失敗的 `exec`" |
| |
| #: builtin/rebase.c:566 |
| msgid "--[no-]rebase-cousins has no effect without --rebase-merges" |
| msgstr "不使用 --rebase-merges,則 --[no-]rebase-cousins 沒有效果" |
| |
| #: builtin/rebase.c:582 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "%s requires the merge backend" |
| msgstr "%s 需要合併後端" |
| |
| #: builtin/rebase.c:625 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "could not get 'onto': '%s'" |
| msgstr "無法取得 'onto':'%s'" |
| |
| #: builtin/rebase.c:642 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "invalid orig-head: '%s'" |
| msgstr "無效的原始 head:'%s'" |
| |
| #: builtin/rebase.c:667 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "ignoring invalid allow_rerere_autoupdate: '%s'" |
| msgstr "忽略無效的 allow_rerere_autoupdate:'%s'" |
| |
| #: builtin/rebase.c:813 git-rebase--preserve-merges.sh:81 |
| msgid "" |
| "Resolve all conflicts manually, mark them as resolved with\n" |
| "\"git add/rm <conflicted_files>\", then run \"git rebase --continue\".\n" |
| "You can instead skip this commit: run \"git rebase --skip\".\n" |
| "To abort and get back to the state before \"git rebase\", run \"git rebase --" |
| "abort\"." |
| msgstr "" |
| "手動解決所有衝突,執行 \"git add/rm <衝突的檔案>\" 標記\n" |
| "衝突已解決,然後執行 \"git rebase --continue\"。您也可以執行\n" |
| "\"git rebase --skip\" 指令略過這個提交。如果想要終止執行並回到\n" |
| "\"git rebase\" 執行之前的狀態,執行 \"git rebase --abort\"。" |
| |
| #: builtin/rebase.c:896 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "\n" |
| "git encountered an error while preparing the patches to replay\n" |
| "these revisions:\n" |
| "\n" |
| " %s\n" |
| "\n" |
| "As a result, git cannot rebase them." |
| msgstr "" |
| "\n" |
| "在為重放這些版本而準備修補檔時,git 遇到了一個錯誤:\n" |
| "\n" |
| " %s\n" |
| "\n" |
| "因此 git 無法對其重定基底。" |
| |
| #: builtin/rebase.c:1222 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "unrecognized empty type '%s'; valid values are \"drop\", \"keep\", and \"ask" |
| "\"." |
| msgstr "無法識別的 '%s' 空類型;有效的數值有 \"drop\"、\"keep\" 跟 \"ask\"。" |
| |
| #: builtin/rebase.c:1240 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "%s\n" |
| "Please specify which branch you want to rebase against.\n" |
| "See git-rebase(1) for details.\n" |
| "\n" |
| " git rebase '<branch>'\n" |
| "\n" |
| msgstr "" |
| "%s\n" |
| "請指定您要重定基底到哪個分支。\n" |
| "詳見 git-rebase(1)。\n" |
| "\n" |
| " git rebase '<branch>'\n" |
| "\n" |
| |
| #: builtin/rebase.c:1256 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "If you wish to set tracking information for this branch you can do so with:\n" |
| "\n" |
| " git branch --set-upstream-to=%s/<branch> %s\n" |
| "\n" |
| msgstr "" |
| "如果您想要為此分支建立追蹤訊息,您可以執行:\n" |
| "\n" |
| " git branch --set-upstream-to=%s/<branch> %s\n" |
| "\n" |
| |
| #: builtin/rebase.c:1286 |
| msgid "exec commands cannot contain newlines" |
| msgstr "exec 指令不能包含換行符號" |
| |
| #: builtin/rebase.c:1290 |
| msgid "empty exec command" |
| msgstr "空的 exec 指令" |
| |
| #: builtin/rebase.c:1319 |
| msgid "rebase onto given branch instead of upstream" |
| msgstr "重定基底到提供的分支而非上游" |
| |
| #: builtin/rebase.c:1321 |
| msgid "use the merge-base of upstream and branch as the current base" |
| msgstr "使用上游和分支的合併基礎做為目前基礎" |
| |
| #: builtin/rebase.c:1323 |
| msgid "allow pre-rebase hook to run" |
| msgstr "允許執行 pre-rebase 掛鉤" |
| |
| #: builtin/rebase.c:1325 |
| msgid "be quiet. implies --no-stat" |
| msgstr "安靜。暗示 --no-stat" |
| |
| #: builtin/rebase.c:1331 |
| msgid "do not show diffstat of what changed upstream" |
| msgstr "不顯示上游變化的差異統計" |
| |
| #: builtin/rebase.c:1334 |
| msgid "add a Signed-off-by trailer to each commit" |
| msgstr "在每個提交結尾加入 Signed-off-by" |
| |
| #: builtin/rebase.c:1337 |
| msgid "make committer date match author date" |
| msgstr "使提交日期與製作日期相符合" |
| |
| #: builtin/rebase.c:1339 |
| msgid "ignore author date and use current date" |
| msgstr "忽略製作日期而使用日前日期" |
| |
| #: builtin/rebase.c:1341 |
| msgid "synonym of --reset-author-date" |
| msgstr "和 --reset-author-date 同義" |
| |
| #: builtin/rebase.c:1343 builtin/rebase.c:1347 |
| msgid "passed to 'git apply'" |
| msgstr "傳遞給 'git apply'" |
| |
| #: builtin/rebase.c:1345 |
| msgid "ignore changes in whitespace" |
| msgstr "忽略空白字元中的變更" |
| |
| #: builtin/rebase.c:1349 builtin/rebase.c:1352 |
| msgid "cherry-pick all commits, even if unchanged" |
| msgstr "揀選所有提交,即使未修改" |
| |
| #: builtin/rebase.c:1354 |
| msgid "continue" |
| msgstr "繼續" |
| |
| #: builtin/rebase.c:1357 |
| msgid "skip current patch and continue" |
| msgstr "略過目前修補檔並繼續" |
| |
| # 譯者:請維持前導空格 |
| #: builtin/rebase.c:1359 |
| msgid "abort and check out the original branch" |
| msgstr "終止並檢出原有分支" |
| |
| #: builtin/rebase.c:1362 |
| msgid "abort but keep HEAD where it is" |
| msgstr "終止但保持 HEAD 不變" |
| |
| #: builtin/rebase.c:1363 |
| msgid "edit the todo list during an interactive rebase" |
| msgstr "在互動式重定基底中編輯待辦列表" |
| |
| #: builtin/rebase.c:1366 |
| msgid "show the patch file being applied or merged" |
| msgstr "顯示正在套用或合併的修補檔案" |
| |
| #: builtin/rebase.c:1369 |
| msgid "use apply strategies to rebase" |
| msgstr "使用套用策略進行重定基底" |
| |
| #: builtin/rebase.c:1373 |
| msgid "use merging strategies to rebase" |
| msgstr "使用合併策略進行重定基底" |
| |
| #: builtin/rebase.c:1377 |
| msgid "let the user edit the list of commits to rebase" |
| msgstr "讓使用者編輯要重定基底的提交列表" |
| |
| #: builtin/rebase.c:1381 |
| msgid "(DEPRECATED) try to recreate merges instead of ignoring them" |
| msgstr "(已棄用)嘗試重建合併提交而非忽略它們" |
| |
| #: builtin/rebase.c:1386 |
| msgid "how to handle commits that become empty" |
| msgstr "處理空白提交的方式" |
| |
| #: builtin/rebase.c:1393 |
| msgid "move commits that begin with squash!/fixup! under -i" |
| msgstr "在 -i 互動模式下,移動以 squash!/fixup! 開頭的提交" |
| |
| #: builtin/rebase.c:1400 |
| msgid "add exec lines after each commit of the editable list" |
| msgstr "可編輯列表的每一個提交下面增加一行 exec" |
| |
| #: builtin/rebase.c:1404 |
| msgid "allow rebasing commits with empty messages" |
| msgstr "允許針對空提交說明的提交重定基底" |
| |
| #: builtin/rebase.c:1408 |
| msgid "try to rebase merges instead of skipping them" |
| msgstr "嘗試對合併提交重定基底而不是忽略它們" |
| |
| #: builtin/rebase.c:1411 |
| msgid "use 'merge-base --fork-point' to refine upstream" |
| msgstr "使用 'merge-base --fork-point' 來最佳化上游" |
| |
| #: builtin/rebase.c:1413 |
| msgid "use the given merge strategy" |
| msgstr "使用提供的合併策略" |
| |
| #: builtin/rebase.c:1415 builtin/revert.c:115 |
| msgid "option" |
| msgstr "選項" |
| |
| #: builtin/rebase.c:1416 |
| msgid "pass the argument through to the merge strategy" |
| msgstr "將參數傳遞給合併策略" |
| |
| #: builtin/rebase.c:1419 |
| msgid "rebase all reachable commits up to the root(s)" |
| msgstr "將所有可以取得的提交重定基底到根提交" |
| |
| #: builtin/rebase.c:1424 |
| msgid "apply all changes, even those already present upstream" |
| msgstr "即使已提供上游,仍套用所有變更" |
| |
| #: builtin/rebase.c:1442 |
| msgid "It looks like 'git am' is in progress. Cannot rebase." |
| msgstr "看起來 'git-am' 正在執行中。無法重定基底。" |
| |
| #: builtin/rebase.c:1483 |
| msgid "" |
| "git rebase --preserve-merges is deprecated. Use --rebase-merges instead." |
| msgstr "git rebase --preserve-merges 被棄用。用 --rebase-merges 代替。" |
| |
| #: builtin/rebase.c:1488 |
| msgid "cannot combine '--keep-base' with '--onto'" |
| msgstr "不能將 '--keep-base' 和 '--onto' 組合使用" |
| |
| #: builtin/rebase.c:1490 |
| msgid "cannot combine '--keep-base' with '--root'" |
| msgstr "不能將 '--keep-base' 和 '--root' 組合使用" |
| |
| #: builtin/rebase.c:1494 |
| msgid "cannot combine '--root' with '--fork-point'" |
| msgstr "不能將 '--root' 和 '--fork-point' 結合使用" |
| |
| #: builtin/rebase.c:1497 |
| msgid "No rebase in progress?" |
| msgstr "沒有正在進行的重定基底?" |
| |
| #: builtin/rebase.c:1501 |
| msgid "The --edit-todo action can only be used during interactive rebase." |
| msgstr "動作 --edit-todo 只能用在互動式重定基底過程中。" |
| |
| #: builtin/rebase.c:1524 t/helper/test-fast-rebase.c:123 |
| msgid "Cannot read HEAD" |
| msgstr "不能讀取 HEAD" |
| |
| #: builtin/rebase.c:1536 |
| msgid "" |
| "You must edit all merge conflicts and then\n" |
| "mark them as resolved using git add" |
| msgstr "" |
| "您必須編輯所有的合併衝突,然後透過 git add\n" |
| "指令將它們標記為已解決" |
| |
| #: builtin/rebase.c:1555 |
| msgid "could not discard worktree changes" |
| msgstr "無法捨棄工作區變更" |
| |
| #: builtin/rebase.c:1574 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "could not move back to %s" |
| msgstr "無法移回 %s" |
| |
| #: builtin/rebase.c:1620 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "It seems that there is already a %s directory, and\n" |
| "I wonder if you are in the middle of another rebase. If that is the\n" |
| "case, please try\n" |
| "\t%s\n" |
| "If that is not the case, please\n" |
| "\t%s\n" |
| "and run me again. I am stopping in case you still have something\n" |
| "valuable there.\n" |
| msgstr "" |
| "似乎已有一個 %s 目錄,我懷疑您正處於另外一個重定基底動作過程中。\n" |
| "如果是這樣,請執行\n" |
| "\t%s\n" |
| "如果不是這樣,請執行\n" |
| "\t%s\n" |
| "然後再重新執行。 為避免遺失重要資料,我已經停止目前動作。\n" |
| |
| #: builtin/rebase.c:1648 |
| msgid "switch `C' expects a numerical value" |
| msgstr "開關 `C' 期望一個數字值" |
| |
| #: builtin/rebase.c:1690 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Unknown mode: %s" |
| msgstr "未知模式:%s" |
| |
| #: builtin/rebase.c:1729 |
| msgid "--strategy requires --merge or --interactive" |
| msgstr "--strategy 需要 --merge 或 --interactive" |
| |
| #: builtin/rebase.c:1759 |
| msgid "cannot combine apply options with merge options" |
| msgstr "不能將 apply 套用選項與 merge 合併選項一起使用" |
| |
| #: builtin/rebase.c:1772 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Unknown rebase backend: %s" |
| msgstr "未知 rebase 後端:%s" |
| |
| #: builtin/rebase.c:1802 |
| msgid "--reschedule-failed-exec requires --exec or --interactive" |
| msgstr "--reschedule-failed-exec 需要 --exec 或 --interactive" |
| |
| #: builtin/rebase.c:1822 |
| msgid "cannot combine '--preserve-merges' with '--rebase-merges'" |
| msgstr "不能將 '--preserve-merges' 和 '--rebase-merges' 同時使用" |
| |
| #: builtin/rebase.c:1826 |
| msgid "" |
| "error: cannot combine '--preserve-merges' with '--reschedule-failed-exec'" |
| msgstr "" |
| "錯誤:不能將 '--preserve-merges' 和 '--reschedule-failed-exec' 同時使用" |
| |
| #: builtin/rebase.c:1850 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "invalid upstream '%s'" |
| msgstr "無效的上游 '%s'" |
| |
| #: builtin/rebase.c:1856 |
| msgid "Could not create new root commit" |
| msgstr "不能建立新的根提交" |
| |
| #: builtin/rebase.c:1882 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "'%s': need exactly one merge base with branch" |
| msgstr "'%s':只需要與分支的一個合併基礎" |
| |
| #: builtin/rebase.c:1885 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "'%s': need exactly one merge base" |
| msgstr "'%s':只需要一個合併基礎" |
| |
| #: builtin/rebase.c:1893 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Does not point to a valid commit '%s'" |
| msgstr "沒有指向一個有效的提交 '%s'" |
| |
| #: builtin/rebase.c:1921 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "fatal: no such branch/commit '%s'" |
| msgstr "致命錯誤:無此分支/提交 '%s'" |
| |
| #: builtin/rebase.c:1929 builtin/submodule--helper.c:40 |
| #: builtin/submodule--helper.c:2415 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "No such ref: %s" |
| msgstr "沒有這樣的引用:%s" |
| |
| #: builtin/rebase.c:1940 |
| msgid "Could not resolve HEAD to a revision" |
| msgstr "無法將 HEAD 解析為一個版本" |
| |
| #: builtin/rebase.c:1961 |
| msgid "Please commit or stash them." |
| msgstr "請提交或儲藏修改。" |
| |
| #: builtin/rebase.c:1997 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "could not switch to %s" |
| msgstr "無法切換到 %s" |
| |
| #: builtin/rebase.c:2008 |
| msgid "HEAD is up to date." |
| msgstr "HEAD 是最新的。" |
| |
| #: builtin/rebase.c:2010 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Current branch %s is up to date.\n" |
| msgstr "目前分支 %s 是最新的。\n" |
| |
| #: builtin/rebase.c:2018 |
| msgid "HEAD is up to date, rebase forced." |
| msgstr "HEAD 是最新的,強制重定基底。" |
| |
| #: builtin/rebase.c:2020 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Current branch %s is up to date, rebase forced.\n" |
| msgstr "目前分支 %s 是最新的,強制重定基底。\n" |
| |
| #: builtin/rebase.c:2028 |
| msgid "The pre-rebase hook refused to rebase." |
| msgstr "pre-rebase 掛鉤拒絕了重定基底動作。" |
| |
| #: builtin/rebase.c:2035 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Changes to %s:\n" |
| msgstr "到 %s 的變更:\n" |
| |
| #: builtin/rebase.c:2038 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Changes from %s to %s:\n" |
| msgstr "從 %s 到 %s 的變更:\n" |
| |
| #: builtin/rebase.c:2063 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "First, rewinding head to replay your work on top of it...\n" |
| msgstr "首先,還原開頭指標以便在其上重放您的工作...\n" |
| |
| #: builtin/rebase.c:2072 |
| msgid "Could not detach HEAD" |
| msgstr "無法分離開頭指標" |
| |
| #: builtin/rebase.c:2081 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Fast-forwarded %s to %s.\n" |
| msgstr "快轉 %s 到 %s。\n" |
| |
| #: builtin/receive-pack.c:34 |
| msgid "git receive-pack <git-dir>" |
| msgstr "git receive-pack <版本庫目錄>" |
| |
| #: builtin/receive-pack.c:1276 |
| msgid "" |
| "By default, updating the current branch in a non-bare repository\n" |
| "is denied, because it will make the index and work tree inconsistent\n" |
| "with what you pushed, and will require 'git reset --hard' to match\n" |
| "the work tree to HEAD.\n" |
| "\n" |
| "You can set the 'receive.denyCurrentBranch' configuration variable\n" |
| "to 'ignore' or 'warn' in the remote repository to allow pushing into\n" |
| "its current branch; however, this is not recommended unless you\n" |
| "arranged to update its work tree to match what you pushed in some\n" |
| "other way.\n" |
| "\n" |
| "To squelch this message and still keep the default behaviour, set\n" |
| "'receive.denyCurrentBranch' configuration variable to 'refuse'." |
| msgstr "" |
| "預設禁止更新非純版本庫的目前分支,因為您推送的內容將導致索引和工作區\n" |
| "不一致,並且將需要執行 'git reset --hard' 將工作區符合到 HEAD。\n" |
| "\n" |
| "您可以在遠端版本庫中設定 'receive.denyCurrentBranch' 設定變數為\n" |
| "'ignore' 或 'warn' 以允許推送到目前分支。然而不推薦這麼做,除非您\n" |
| "用某種方式將其工作區更新至您推送的狀態。\n" |
| "\n" |
| "若要封鎖此訊息且保持預設行為,設定 'receive.denyCurrentBranch'\n" |
| "設定變數為 'refuse'。" |
| |
| #: builtin/receive-pack.c:1296 |
| msgid "" |
| "By default, deleting the current branch is denied, because the next\n" |
| "'git clone' won't result in any file checked out, causing confusion.\n" |
| "\n" |
| "You can set 'receive.denyDeleteCurrent' configuration variable to\n" |
| "'warn' or 'ignore' in the remote repository to allow deleting the\n" |
| "current branch, with or without a warning message.\n" |
| "\n" |
| "To squelch this message, you can set it to 'refuse'." |
| msgstr "" |
| "預設禁止刪除目前分支,因為下一次 'git clone' 將不會檢出任何檔案,\n" |
| "導致困惑。\n" |
| "\n" |
| "您可以在遠端版本庫中設定 'receive.denyDeleteCurrent' 設定變數為\n" |
| "'warn'(顯示警告訊息)或 'ignore'(忽略警告訊息)以允許刪除目前分支。\n" |
| "\n" |
| "若要封鎖此訊息,您可以設定它為 'refuse'。" |
| |
| #: builtin/receive-pack.c:2479 |
| msgid "quiet" |
| msgstr "靜默模式" |
| |
| #: builtin/receive-pack.c:2493 |
| msgid "You must specify a directory." |
| msgstr "您必須指定一個目錄。" |
| |
| #: builtin/reflog.c:17 |
| msgid "" |
| "git reflog expire [--expire=<time>] [--expire-unreachable=<time>] [--" |
| "rewrite] [--updateref] [--stale-fix] [--dry-run | -n] [--verbose] [--all] " |
| "<refs>..." |
| msgstr "" |
| "git reflog expire [--expire=<時間>] [--expire-unreachable=<時間>] [--" |
| "rewrite] [--updateref] [--stale-fix] [--dry-run | -n] [--verbose] [--all] <引" |
| "用>..." |
| |
| #: builtin/reflog.c:22 |
| msgid "" |
| "git reflog delete [--rewrite] [--updateref] [--dry-run | -n] [--verbose] " |
| "<refs>..." |
| msgstr "" |
| "git reflog delete [--rewrite] [--updateref] [--dry-run | -n] [--verbose] <引" |
| "用>..." |
| |
| #: builtin/reflog.c:25 |
| msgid "git reflog exists <ref>" |
| msgstr "git reflog exists <引用>" |
| |
| #: builtin/reflog.c:568 builtin/reflog.c:573 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "'%s' is not a valid timestamp" |
| msgstr "'%s' 不是一個有效的時間戳" |
| |
| #: builtin/reflog.c:609 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Marking reachable objects..." |
| msgstr "正在標記可以取得物件..." |
| |
| #: builtin/reflog.c:647 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "%s points nowhere!" |
| msgstr "%s 指向不存在!" |
| |
| #: builtin/reflog.c:699 |
| msgid "no reflog specified to delete" |
| msgstr "未指定要刪除的引用日誌" |
| |
| #: builtin/reflog.c:708 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "not a reflog: %s" |
| msgstr "不是一個引用日誌:%s" |
| |
| #: builtin/reflog.c:713 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "no reflog for '%s'" |
| msgstr "沒有 '%s' 的引用日誌" |
| |
| #: builtin/reflog.c:759 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "invalid ref format: %s" |
| msgstr "無效的引用格式:%s" |
| |
| #: builtin/reflog.c:768 |
| msgid "git reflog [ show | expire | delete | exists ]" |
| msgstr "git reflog [ show | expire | delete | exists ]" |
| |
| #: builtin/remote.c:17 |
| msgid "git remote [-v | --verbose]" |
| msgstr "git remote [-v | --verbose]" |
| |
| #: builtin/remote.c:18 |
| msgid "" |
| "git remote add [-t <branch>] [-m <master>] [-f] [--tags | --no-tags] [--" |
| "mirror=<fetch|push>] <name> <url>" |
| msgstr "" |
| "git remote add [-t <分支>] [-m <master>] [-f] [--tags | --no-tags] [--" |
| "mirror=<fetch|push>] <名稱> <位址>" |
| |
| #: builtin/remote.c:19 builtin/remote.c:39 |
| msgid "git remote rename <old> <new>" |
| msgstr "git remote rename <舊名稱> <新名稱>" |
| |
| #: builtin/remote.c:20 builtin/remote.c:44 |
| msgid "git remote remove <name>" |
| msgstr "git remote remove <名稱>" |
| |
| #: builtin/remote.c:21 builtin/remote.c:49 |
| msgid "git remote set-head <name> (-a | --auto | -d | --delete | <branch>)" |
| msgstr "git remote set-head <名稱> (-a | --auto | -d | --delete | <分支>)" |
| |
| #: builtin/remote.c:22 |
| msgid "git remote [-v | --verbose] show [-n] <name>" |
| msgstr "git remote [-v | --verbose] show [-n] <名稱>" |
| |
| #: builtin/remote.c:23 |
| msgid "git remote prune [-n | --dry-run] <name>" |
| msgstr "git remote prune [-n | --dry-run] <名稱>" |
| |
| #: builtin/remote.c:24 |
| msgid "" |
| "git remote [-v | --verbose] update [-p | --prune] [(<group> | <remote>)...]" |
| msgstr "git remote [-v | --verbose] update [-p | --prune] [(<組> | <遠端>)...]" |
| |
| #: builtin/remote.c:25 |
| msgid "git remote set-branches [--add] <name> <branch>..." |
| msgstr "git remote set-branches [--add] <名稱> <分支>..." |
| |
| #: builtin/remote.c:26 builtin/remote.c:75 |
| msgid "git remote get-url [--push] [--all] <name>" |
| msgstr "git remote get-url [--push] [--all] <名稱>" |
| |
| #: builtin/remote.c:27 builtin/remote.c:80 |
| msgid "git remote set-url [--push] <name> <newurl> [<oldurl>]" |
| msgstr "git remote set-url [--push] <名稱> <新的位址> [<舊的位址>]" |
| |
| #: builtin/remote.c:28 builtin/remote.c:81 |
| msgid "git remote set-url --add <name> <newurl>" |
| msgstr "git remote set-url --add <名稱> <新的位址>" |
| |
| #: builtin/remote.c:29 builtin/remote.c:82 |
| msgid "git remote set-url --delete <name> <url>" |
| msgstr "git remote set-url --delete <名稱> <位址>" |
| |
| #: builtin/remote.c:34 |
| msgid "git remote add [<options>] <name> <url>" |
| msgstr "git remote add [<選項>] <名稱> <位址>" |
| |
| #: builtin/remote.c:54 |
| msgid "git remote set-branches <name> <branch>..." |
| msgstr "git remote set-branches <名稱> <分支>..." |
| |
| #: builtin/remote.c:55 |
| msgid "git remote set-branches --add <name> <branch>..." |
| msgstr "git remote set-branches --add <名稱> <分支>..." |
| |
| #: builtin/remote.c:60 |
| msgid "git remote show [<options>] <name>" |
| msgstr "git remote show [<選項>] <名稱>" |
| |
| #: builtin/remote.c:65 |
| msgid "git remote prune [<options>] <name>" |
| msgstr "git remote prune [<選項>] <名稱>" |
| |
| #: builtin/remote.c:70 |
| msgid "git remote update [<options>] [<group> | <remote>]..." |
| msgstr "git remote update [<選項>] [<組> | <遠端>]..." |
| |
| #: builtin/remote.c:99 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Updating %s" |
| msgstr "更新 %s 中" |
| |
| #: builtin/remote.c:131 |
| msgid "" |
| "--mirror is dangerous and deprecated; please\n" |
| "\t use --mirror=fetch or --mirror=push instead" |
| msgstr "" |
| "--mirror 選項危險且過時,請使用 --mirror=fetch\n" |
| "\t 或 --mirror=push" |
| |
| #: builtin/remote.c:148 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "unknown mirror argument: %s" |
| msgstr "未知的鏡像參數:%s" |
| |
| #: builtin/remote.c:164 |
| msgid "fetch the remote branches" |
| msgstr "抓取遠端的分支" |
| |
| #: builtin/remote.c:166 |
| msgid "import all tags and associated objects when fetching" |
| msgstr "抓取時匯入所有的標籤和關聯物件" |
| |
| #: builtin/remote.c:169 |
| msgid "or do not fetch any tag at all (--no-tags)" |
| msgstr "或不抓取任何標籤(--no-tags)" |
| |
| #: builtin/remote.c:171 |
| msgid "branch(es) to track" |
| msgstr "追蹤的分支" |
| |
| #: builtin/remote.c:172 |
| msgid "master branch" |
| msgstr "master 分支" |
| |
| #: builtin/remote.c:174 |
| msgid "set up remote as a mirror to push to or fetch from" |
| msgstr "把遠端設定為用以推送或抓取的鏡像" |
| |
| #: builtin/remote.c:186 |
| msgid "specifying a master branch makes no sense with --mirror" |
| msgstr "指定一個 master 分支並使用 --mirror 選項沒有意義" |
| |
| #: builtin/remote.c:188 |
| msgid "specifying branches to track makes sense only with fetch mirrors" |
| msgstr "指定要追蹤的分支只在與取得鏡像同時使用才有意義" |
| |
| #: builtin/remote.c:195 builtin/remote.c:700 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "remote %s already exists." |
| msgstr "遠端 %s 已經存在。" |
| |
| #: builtin/remote.c:240 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Could not setup master '%s'" |
| msgstr "無法設定 master '%s'" |
| |
| #: builtin/remote.c:355 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Could not get fetch map for refspec %s" |
| msgstr "無法得到引用規格 %s 的取得列表" |
| |
| #: builtin/remote.c:454 builtin/remote.c:462 |
| msgid "(matching)" |
| msgstr "(符合)" |
| |
| #: builtin/remote.c:466 |
| msgid "(delete)" |
| msgstr "(刪除)" |
| |
| #: builtin/remote.c:655 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "could not set '%s'" |
| msgstr "無法設定 '%s'" |
| |
| #: builtin/remote.c:660 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "The %s configuration remote.pushDefault in:\n" |
| "\t%s:%d\n" |
| "now names the non-existent remote '%s'" |
| msgstr "" |
| "位於下述位置的 %s 設定項 remote.pushDefault:\n" |
| "\t%s:%d\n" |
| "現命名成不存在的遠端分支 '%s'" |
| |
| #: builtin/remote.c:691 builtin/remote.c:836 builtin/remote.c:943 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "No such remote: '%s'" |
| msgstr "沒有此遠端版本庫:'%s'" |
| |
| #: builtin/remote.c:710 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Could not rename config section '%s' to '%s'" |
| msgstr "不能重新命名設定小節 '%s' 到 '%s'" |
| |
| #: builtin/remote.c:730 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "Not updating non-default fetch refspec\n" |
| "\t%s\n" |
| "\tPlease update the configuration manually if necessary." |
| msgstr "" |
| "沒有更新非預設的取得引用規格\n" |
| "\t%s\n" |
| "\t如果必要請手動更新設定。" |
| |
| #: builtin/remote.c:770 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "deleting '%s' failed" |
| msgstr "刪除 '%s' 失敗" |
| |
| #: builtin/remote.c:804 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "creating '%s' failed" |
| msgstr "建立 '%s' 失敗" |
| |
| #: builtin/remote.c:882 |
| msgid "" |
| "Note: A branch outside the refs/remotes/ hierarchy was not removed;\n" |
| "to delete it, use:" |
| msgid_plural "" |
| "Note: Some branches outside the refs/remotes/ hierarchy were not removed;\n" |
| "to delete them, use:" |
| msgstr[0] "注意:ref/remotes 層級之外的一個分支未被移除。要刪除它,使用:" |
| |
| #: builtin/remote.c:896 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Could not remove config section '%s'" |
| msgstr "不能移除設定小節 '%s'" |
| |
| #: builtin/remote.c:999 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid " new (next fetch will store in remotes/%s)" |
| msgstr " 新的(下一次取得將儲存於 remotes/%s)" |
| |
| #: builtin/remote.c:1002 |
| msgid " tracked" |
| msgstr " 已追蹤" |
| |
| #: builtin/remote.c:1004 |
| msgid " stale (use 'git remote prune' to remove)" |
| msgstr " 過時(使用 'git remote prune' 來移除)" |
| |
| #: builtin/remote.c:1006 |
| msgid " ???" |
| msgstr " ???" |
| |
| #: builtin/remote.c:1047 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "invalid branch.%s.merge; cannot rebase onto > 1 branch" |
| msgstr "無效的 branch.%s.merge,不能重定基底到一個以上的分支" |
| |
| #: builtin/remote.c:1056 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "rebases interactively onto remote %s" |
| msgstr "互動式重定基底到遠端 %s" |
| |
| #: builtin/remote.c:1058 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "rebases interactively (with merges) onto remote %s" |
| msgstr "互動式重定基底(含合併提交)到遠端 %s" |
| |
| #: builtin/remote.c:1061 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "rebases onto remote %s" |
| msgstr "重定基底到遠端 %s" |
| |
| #: builtin/remote.c:1065 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid " merges with remote %s" |
| msgstr " 與遠端 %s 合併" |
| |
| #: builtin/remote.c:1068 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "merges with remote %s" |
| msgstr "與遠端 %s 合併" |
| |
| #: builtin/remote.c:1071 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "%-*s and with remote %s\n" |
| msgstr "%-*s 以及和遠端 %s\n" |
| |
| #: builtin/remote.c:1114 |
| msgid "create" |
| msgstr "建立" |
| |
| #: builtin/remote.c:1117 |
| msgid "delete" |
| msgstr "刪除" |
| |
| #: builtin/remote.c:1121 |
| msgid "up to date" |
| msgstr "最新" |
| |
| #: builtin/remote.c:1124 |
| msgid "fast-forwardable" |
| msgstr "可快轉" |
| |
| #: builtin/remote.c:1127 |
| msgid "local out of date" |
| msgstr "本機已過時" |
| |
| #: builtin/remote.c:1134 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid " %-*s forces to %-*s (%s)" |
| msgstr " %-*s 強制推送至 %-*s (%s)" |
| |
| #: builtin/remote.c:1137 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid " %-*s pushes to %-*s (%s)" |
| msgstr " %-*s 推送至 %-*s (%s)" |
| |
| #: builtin/remote.c:1141 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid " %-*s forces to %s" |
| msgstr " %-*s 強制推送至 %s" |
| |
| #: builtin/remote.c:1144 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid " %-*s pushes to %s" |
| msgstr " %-*s 推送至 %s" |
| |
| #: builtin/remote.c:1212 |
| msgid "do not query remotes" |
| msgstr "不查詢遠端" |
| |
| #: builtin/remote.c:1239 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "* remote %s" |
| msgstr "* 遠端 %s" |
| |
| #: builtin/remote.c:1240 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid " Fetch URL: %s" |
| msgstr " 取得位址:%s" |
| |
| #: builtin/remote.c:1241 builtin/remote.c:1257 builtin/remote.c:1396 |
| msgid "(no URL)" |
| msgstr "(無 URL)" |
| |
| #. TRANSLATORS: the colon ':' should align |
| #. with the one in " Fetch URL: %s" |
| #. translation. |
| #. |
| #: builtin/remote.c:1255 builtin/remote.c:1257 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid " Push URL: %s" |
| msgstr " 推送位址:%s" |
| |
| #: builtin/remote.c:1259 builtin/remote.c:1261 builtin/remote.c:1263 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid " HEAD branch: %s" |
| msgstr " HEAD 分支:%s" |
| |
| # 譯者:中文字串拼接,可刪除前導空格 |
| #: builtin/remote.c:1259 |
| msgid "(not queried)" |
| msgstr "(未查詢)" |
| |
| #: builtin/remote.c:1261 |
| msgid "(unknown)" |
| msgstr "(未知)" |
| |
| #: builtin/remote.c:1265 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| " HEAD branch (remote HEAD is ambiguous, may be one of the following):\n" |
| msgstr " HEAD 分支(遠端 HEAD 模糊,可能是下列中的一個):\n" |
| |
| #: builtin/remote.c:1277 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid " Remote branch:%s" |
| msgid_plural " Remote branches:%s" |
| msgstr[0] " 遠端分支:%s" |
| |
| # 譯者:中文字串拼接,可刪除前導空格 |
| #: builtin/remote.c:1280 builtin/remote.c:1306 |
| msgid " (status not queried)" |
| msgstr "(狀態未查詢)" |
| |
| #: builtin/remote.c:1289 |
| msgid " Local branch configured for 'git pull':" |
| msgid_plural " Local branches configured for 'git pull':" |
| msgstr[0] " 為 'git pull' 設定的本機分支:" |
| |
| #: builtin/remote.c:1297 |
| msgid " Local refs will be mirrored by 'git push'" |
| msgstr " 本機引用將在 'git push' 時被鏡像" |
| |
| #: builtin/remote.c:1303 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid " Local ref configured for 'git push'%s:" |
| msgid_plural " Local refs configured for 'git push'%s:" |
| msgstr[0] " 為 'git push' 設定的本機引用%s:" |
| |
| #: builtin/remote.c:1324 |
| msgid "set refs/remotes/<name>/HEAD according to remote" |
| msgstr "根據遠端設定 refs/remotes/<名稱>/HEAD" |
| |
| #: builtin/remote.c:1326 |
| msgid "delete refs/remotes/<name>/HEAD" |
| msgstr "刪除 refs/remotes/<名稱>/HEAD" |
| |
| #: builtin/remote.c:1341 |
| msgid "Cannot determine remote HEAD" |
| msgstr "無法確定遠端 HEAD" |
| |
| #: builtin/remote.c:1343 |
| msgid "Multiple remote HEAD branches. Please choose one explicitly with:" |
| msgstr "多個遠端 HEAD 分支。請明確地選擇一個用指令:" |
| |
| #: builtin/remote.c:1353 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Could not delete %s" |
| msgstr "無法刪除 %s" |
| |
| #: builtin/remote.c:1361 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Not a valid ref: %s" |
| msgstr "不是一個有效引用:%s" |
| |
| #: builtin/remote.c:1363 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Could not setup %s" |
| msgstr "不能設定 %s" |
| |
| # 譯者:請維持前導空格 |
| #: builtin/remote.c:1381 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid " %s will become dangling!" |
| msgstr " %s 將成為懸空狀態!" |
| |
| # 譯者:請維持前導空格 |
| #: builtin/remote.c:1382 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid " %s has become dangling!" |
| msgstr " %s 已成為懸空狀態!" |
| |
| #: builtin/remote.c:1392 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Pruning %s" |
| msgstr "修剪 %s" |
| |
| #: builtin/remote.c:1393 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "URL: %s" |
| msgstr "URL:%s" |
| |
| #: builtin/remote.c:1409 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid " * [would prune] %s" |
| msgstr " * [將刪除] %s" |
| |
| #: builtin/remote.c:1412 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid " * [pruned] %s" |
| msgstr " * [已刪除] %s" |
| |
| #: builtin/remote.c:1457 |
| msgid "prune remotes after fetching" |
| msgstr "抓取後清除遠端" |
| |
| #: builtin/remote.c:1521 builtin/remote.c:1577 builtin/remote.c:1647 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "No such remote '%s'" |
| msgstr "沒有此遠端 '%s'" |
| |
| #: builtin/remote.c:1539 |
| msgid "add branch" |
| msgstr "新增分支" |
| |
| #: builtin/remote.c:1546 |
| msgid "no remote specified" |
| msgstr "未指定遠端" |
| |
| #: builtin/remote.c:1563 |
| msgid "query push URLs rather than fetch URLs" |
| msgstr "查詢推送 URL 位址,而非取得 URL 位址" |
| |
| #: builtin/remote.c:1565 |
| msgid "return all URLs" |
| msgstr "返回所有 URL 位址" |
| |
| #: builtin/remote.c:1595 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "no URLs configured for remote '%s'" |
| msgstr "沒有給遠端版本庫 '%s' 設定 URL" |
| |
| #: builtin/remote.c:1621 |
| msgid "manipulate push URLs" |
| msgstr "動作推送 URLS" |
| |
| #: builtin/remote.c:1623 |
| msgid "add URL" |
| msgstr "新增 URL" |
| |
| #: builtin/remote.c:1625 |
| msgid "delete URLs" |
| msgstr "刪除 URL" |
| |
| #: builtin/remote.c:1632 |
| msgid "--add --delete doesn't make sense" |
| msgstr "--add --delete 無意義" |
| |
| #: builtin/remote.c:1673 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Invalid old URL pattern: %s" |
| msgstr "無效的舊 URL 符合範本:%s" |
| |
| #: builtin/remote.c:1681 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "No such URL found: %s" |
| msgstr "未找到此 URL:%s" |
| |
| #: builtin/remote.c:1683 |
| msgid "Will not delete all non-push URLs" |
| msgstr "將不會刪除所有非推送 URL 位址" |
| |
| #: builtin/repack.c:26 |
| msgid "git repack [<options>]" |
| msgstr "git repack [<選項>]" |
| |
| #: builtin/repack.c:31 |
| msgid "" |
| "Incremental repacks are incompatible with bitmap indexes. Use\n" |
| "--no-write-bitmap-index or disable the pack.writebitmaps configuration." |
| msgstr "" |
| "增量 repack 和 bitmap 索引不相容。 使用 --no-write-bitmap-index\n" |
| "或停用 pack.writebitmaps 設定。" |
| |
| #: builtin/repack.c:198 |
| msgid "could not start pack-objects to repack promisor objects" |
| msgstr "無法開始 pack-objects 來重新打包 promisor 物件" |
| |
| #: builtin/repack.c:270 builtin/repack.c:630 |
| msgid "repack: Expecting full hex object ID lines only from pack-objects." |
| msgstr "repack:期望來自 pack-objects 的完整十六進位物件 ID。" |
| |
| #: builtin/repack.c:294 |
| msgid "could not finish pack-objects to repack promisor objects" |
| msgstr "無法完成 pack-objects 來重新打包 promisor 物件" |
| |
| #: builtin/repack.c:309 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "cannot open index for %s" |
| msgstr "無法開啟 %s 的索引" |
| |
| #: builtin/repack.c:368 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "pack %s too large to consider in geometric progression" |
| msgstr "%s 包太大,以致不能在等比數列中考慮" |
| |
| #: builtin/repack.c:401 builtin/repack.c:408 builtin/repack.c:413 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "pack %s too large to roll up" |
| msgstr "%s 包太大,以致不能縮合" |
| |
| #: builtin/repack.c:460 |
| msgid "pack everything in a single pack" |
| msgstr "所有內容打包到一個包檔案中" |
| |
| #: builtin/repack.c:462 |
| msgid "same as -a, and turn unreachable objects loose" |
| msgstr "和 -a 相同,並將無法取得的物件設為鬆散物件" |
| |
| #: builtin/repack.c:465 |
| msgid "remove redundant packs, and run git-prune-packed" |
| msgstr "刪除多餘的包,執行 git-prune-packed" |
| |
| #: builtin/repack.c:467 |
| msgid "pass --no-reuse-delta to git-pack-objects" |
| msgstr "向 git-pack-objects 傳遞參數 --no-reuse-delta" |
| |
| #: builtin/repack.c:469 |
| msgid "pass --no-reuse-object to git-pack-objects" |
| msgstr "向 git-pack-objects 傳遞參數 --no-reuse-object" |
| |
| #: builtin/repack.c:471 |
| msgid "do not run git-update-server-info" |
| msgstr "不執行 git-update-server-info" |
| |
| #: builtin/repack.c:474 |
| msgid "pass --local to git-pack-objects" |
| msgstr "向 git-pack-objects 傳遞參數 --local" |
| |
| #: builtin/repack.c:476 |
| msgid "write bitmap index" |
| msgstr "寫 bitmap 索引" |
| |
| #: builtin/repack.c:478 |
| msgid "pass --delta-islands to git-pack-objects" |
| msgstr "向 git-pack-objects 傳遞參數 --delta-islands" |
| |
| #: builtin/repack.c:479 |
| msgid "approxidate" |
| msgstr "近似日期" |
| |
| #: builtin/repack.c:480 |
| msgid "with -A, do not loosen objects older than this" |
| msgstr "使用 -A,不要將早於提供時間的物件過期" |
| |
| #: builtin/repack.c:482 |
| msgid "with -a, repack unreachable objects" |
| msgstr "使用 -a ,重新對無法取得物件打包" |
| |
| #: builtin/repack.c:484 |
| msgid "size of the window used for delta compression" |
| msgstr "用於增量壓縮的視窗值" |
| |
| #: builtin/repack.c:485 builtin/repack.c:491 |
| msgid "bytes" |
| msgstr "位元組" |
| |
| #: builtin/repack.c:486 |
| msgid "same as the above, but limit memory size instead of entries count" |
| msgstr "和上面的相似,但限制記憶體大小而非條目數" |
| |
| #: builtin/repack.c:488 |
| msgid "limits the maximum delta depth" |
| msgstr "限制最大增量深度" |
| |
| #: builtin/repack.c:490 |
| msgid "limits the maximum number of threads" |
| msgstr "限制最大執行緒數" |
| |
| #: builtin/repack.c:492 |
| msgid "maximum size of each packfile" |
| msgstr "每個 packfile 的最大尺寸" |
| |
| #: builtin/repack.c:494 |
| msgid "repack objects in packs marked with .keep" |
| msgstr "對標記為 .keep 的包中的物件重新打包" |
| |
| #: builtin/repack.c:496 |
| msgid "do not repack this pack" |
| msgstr "不要對該包檔案重新打包" |
| |
| #: builtin/repack.c:498 |
| msgid "find a geometric progression with factor <N>" |
| msgstr "尋找因數是 <N> 的等比數列" |
| |
| #: builtin/repack.c:508 |
| msgid "cannot delete packs in a precious-objects repo" |
| msgstr "不能刪除珍品版本庫中的打包檔案" |
| |
| #: builtin/repack.c:512 |
| msgid "--keep-unreachable and -A are incompatible" |
| msgstr "--keep-unreachable 和 -A 不相容" |
| |
| #: builtin/repack.c:527 |
| #| msgid "--long is incompatible with --abbrev=0" |
| msgid "--geometric is incompatible with -A, -a" |
| msgstr "--geometric 與 -A, -a 不相容" |
| |
| #: builtin/repack.c:639 |
| msgid "Nothing new to pack." |
| msgstr "沒有新的要打包。" |
| |
| #: builtin/repack.c:669 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "missing required file: %s" |
| msgstr "缺少必要檔案:%s" |
| |
| #: builtin/repack.c:671 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "could not unlink: %s" |
| msgstr "無法取消連結:%s" |
| |
| #: builtin/replace.c:22 |
| msgid "git replace [-f] <object> <replacement>" |
| msgstr "git replace [-f] <物件> <取代物>" |
| |
| #: builtin/replace.c:23 |
| msgid "git replace [-f] --edit <object>" |
| msgstr "git replace [-f] --edit <物件>" |
| |
| #: builtin/replace.c:24 |
| msgid "git replace [-f] --graft <commit> [<parent>...]" |
| msgstr "git replace [-f] --graft <提交> [<父提交>...]" |
| |
| #: builtin/replace.c:25 |
| msgid "git replace [-f] --convert-graft-file" |
| msgstr "git replace [-f] --convert-graft-file" |
| |
| #: builtin/replace.c:26 |
| msgid "git replace -d <object>..." |
| msgstr "git replace -d <物件>..." |
| |
| #: builtin/replace.c:27 |
| msgid "git replace [--format=<format>] [-l [<pattern>]]" |
| msgstr "git replace [--format=<格式>] [-l [<模式>]]" |
| |
| #: builtin/replace.c:90 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "invalid replace format '%s'\n" |
| "valid formats are 'short', 'medium' and 'long'" |
| msgstr "" |
| "無效的取代格式 '%s'\n" |
| "有效的格式有 'short'、'medium' 和 'long'" |
| |
| #: builtin/replace.c:125 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "replace ref '%s' not found" |
| msgstr "未發現取代引用 '%s'" |
| |
| #: builtin/replace.c:141 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Deleted replace ref '%s'" |
| msgstr "已刪除取代引用 '%s'" |
| |
| #: builtin/replace.c:153 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "'%s' is not a valid ref name" |
| msgstr "'%s' 不是一個有效的引用名" |
| |
| #: builtin/replace.c:158 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "replace ref '%s' already exists" |
| msgstr "取代引用 '%s' 已經存在" |
| |
| #: builtin/replace.c:178 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "Objects must be of the same type.\n" |
| "'%s' points to a replaced object of type '%s'\n" |
| "while '%s' points to a replacement object of type '%s'." |
| msgstr "" |
| "物件必須屬於同一類型。\n" |
| "'%s' 指向 '%s' 類型的取代物件\n" |
| "而 '%s' 指向 '%s' 類型的取代物件。" |
| |
| #: builtin/replace.c:229 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "unable to open %s for writing" |
| msgstr "無法為寫入開啟 %s" |
| |
| #: builtin/replace.c:242 |
| msgid "cat-file reported failure" |
| msgstr "cat-file 報告失敗" |
| |
| #: builtin/replace.c:258 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "unable to open %s for reading" |
| msgstr "無法為讀取開啟 %s" |
| |
| #: builtin/replace.c:272 |
| msgid "unable to spawn mktree" |
| msgstr "無法啟動 mktree" |
| |
| #: builtin/replace.c:276 |
| msgid "unable to read from mktree" |
| msgstr "無法從 mktree 讀取" |
| |
| #: builtin/replace.c:285 |
| msgid "mktree reported failure" |
| msgstr "mktree 報告失敗" |
| |
| #: builtin/replace.c:289 |
| msgid "mktree did not return an object name" |
| msgstr "mktree 沒有返回一個物件名" |
| |
| #: builtin/replace.c:298 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "unable to fstat %s" |
| msgstr "無法對 %s 執行 fstat" |
| |
| #: builtin/replace.c:303 |
| msgid "unable to write object to database" |
| msgstr "無法向資料庫寫入物件" |
| |
| #: builtin/replace.c:322 builtin/replace.c:378 builtin/replace.c:424 |
| #: builtin/replace.c:454 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "not a valid object name: '%s'" |
| msgstr "不是一個有效的物件名:'%s'" |
| |
| #: builtin/replace.c:326 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "unable to get object type for %s" |
| msgstr "無法得到 %s 的物件類型" |
| |
| #: builtin/replace.c:342 |
| msgid "editing object file failed" |
| msgstr "編輯物件檔案失敗" |
| |
| #: builtin/replace.c:351 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "new object is the same as the old one: '%s'" |
| msgstr "新物件和舊物件相同:'%s'" |
| |
| #: builtin/replace.c:384 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "could not parse %s as a commit" |
| msgstr "無法將 %s 解析為一個提交" |
| |
| #: builtin/replace.c:416 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "bad mergetag in commit '%s'" |
| msgstr "提交 '%s' 中含有損壞的合併標籤" |
| |
| #: builtin/replace.c:418 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "malformed mergetag in commit '%s'" |
| msgstr "提交 '%s' 中含有格式錯誤的合併標籤" |
| |
| #: builtin/replace.c:430 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "original commit '%s' contains mergetag '%s' that is discarded; use --edit " |
| "instead of --graft" |
| msgstr "原始提交 '%s' 包含已經捨棄的合併標籤 '%s',使用 --edit 代替 --graft" |
| |
| #: builtin/replace.c:469 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "the original commit '%s' has a gpg signature" |
| msgstr "原始提交 '%s' 中有一個 gpg 簽名" |
| |
| #: builtin/replace.c:470 |
| msgid "the signature will be removed in the replacement commit!" |
| msgstr "在取代的提交中簽名將被移除!" |
| |
| #: builtin/replace.c:480 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "could not write replacement commit for: '%s'" |
| msgstr "不能為 '%s' 寫取代提交" |
| |
| #: builtin/replace.c:488 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "graft for '%s' unnecessary" |
| msgstr "對 '%s' 移植沒有必要" |
| |
| #: builtin/replace.c:492 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "new commit is the same as the old one: '%s'" |
| msgstr "新提交和舊的一樣:'%s'" |
| |
| #: builtin/replace.c:527 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "could not convert the following graft(s):\n" |
| "%s" |
| msgstr "" |
| "不能轉換下列移植:\n" |
| "%s" |
| |
| #: builtin/replace.c:548 |
| msgid "list replace refs" |
| msgstr "列出取代的引用" |
| |
| #: builtin/replace.c:549 |
| msgid "delete replace refs" |
| msgstr "刪除取代的引用" |
| |
| #: builtin/replace.c:550 |
| msgid "edit existing object" |
| msgstr "編輯現存的物件" |
| |
| #: builtin/replace.c:551 |
| msgid "change a commit's parents" |
| msgstr "修改一個提交的父提交" |
| |
| #: builtin/replace.c:552 |
| msgid "convert existing graft file" |
| msgstr "轉換現存的移植檔案" |
| |
| #: builtin/replace.c:553 |
| msgid "replace the ref if it exists" |
| msgstr "如果存在則取代引用" |
| |
| #: builtin/replace.c:555 |
| msgid "do not pretty-print contents for --edit" |
| msgstr "不要為 --edit 動作美觀顯示內容" |
| |
| #: builtin/replace.c:556 |
| msgid "use this format" |
| msgstr "使用此格式" |
| |
| #: builtin/replace.c:569 |
| msgid "--format cannot be used when not listing" |
| msgstr "不列出時不能使用 --format" |
| |
| #: builtin/replace.c:577 |
| msgid "-f only makes sense when writing a replacement" |
| msgstr "只有寫一個取代時 -f 才有意義" |
| |
| #: builtin/replace.c:581 |
| msgid "--raw only makes sense with --edit" |
| msgstr "--raw 只有和 --edit 共用才有意義" |
| |
| #: builtin/replace.c:587 |
| msgid "-d needs at least one argument" |
| msgstr "-d 需要至少一個參數" |
| |
| #: builtin/replace.c:593 |
| msgid "bad number of arguments" |
| msgstr "錯誤的參數個數" |
| |
| #: builtin/replace.c:599 |
| msgid "-e needs exactly one argument" |
| msgstr "-e 需要且僅需要一個參數" |
| |
| #: builtin/replace.c:605 |
| msgid "-g needs at least one argument" |
| msgstr "-g 需要至少一個參數" |
| |
| #: builtin/replace.c:611 |
| msgid "--convert-graft-file takes no argument" |
| msgstr "--convert-graft-file 不帶參數" |
| |
| #: builtin/replace.c:617 |
| msgid "only one pattern can be given with -l" |
| msgstr "只能為 -l 提供一個模式" |
| |
| #: builtin/rerere.c:13 |
| msgid "git rerere [clear | forget <path>... | status | remaining | diff | gc]" |
| msgstr "git rerere [clear | forget <路徑>... | status | remaining | diff | gc]" |
| |
| #: builtin/rerere.c:60 |
| msgid "register clean resolutions in index" |
| msgstr "在索引中註冊乾淨的解決方案" |
| |
| #: builtin/rerere.c:79 |
| msgid "'git rerere forget' without paths is deprecated" |
| msgstr "沒有路徑的 'git rerere forget' 已經過時" |
| |
| #: builtin/rerere.c:113 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "unable to generate diff for '%s'" |
| msgstr "無法為 '%s' 生成差異" |
| |
| #: builtin/reset.c:32 |
| msgid "" |
| "git reset [--mixed | --soft | --hard | --merge | --keep] [-q] [<commit>]" |
| msgstr "git reset [--mixed | --soft | --hard | --merge | --keep] [-q] [<提交>]" |
| |
| #: builtin/reset.c:33 |
| msgid "git reset [-q] [<tree-ish>] [--] <pathspec>..." |
| msgstr "git reset [-q] [<樹或提交>] [--] <路徑規格>..." |
| |
| #: builtin/reset.c:34 |
| msgid "" |
| "git reset [-q] [--pathspec-from-file [--pathspec-file-nul]] [<tree-ish>]" |
| msgstr "" |
| "git reset [-q] [--pathspec-from-file [--pathspec-file-nul]] [<樹或提交>]" |
| |
| #: builtin/reset.c:35 |
| msgid "git reset --patch [<tree-ish>] [--] [<pathspec>...]" |
| msgstr "git reset --patch [<樹或提交>] [--] [<路徑規格>...]" |
| |
| #: builtin/reset.c:41 |
| msgid "mixed" |
| msgstr "混雜" |
| |
| #: builtin/reset.c:41 |
| msgid "soft" |
| msgstr "軟性" |
| |
| #: builtin/reset.c:41 |
| msgid "hard" |
| msgstr "硬性" |
| |
| #: builtin/reset.c:41 |
| msgid "merge" |
| msgstr "合併" |
| |
| #: builtin/reset.c:41 |
| msgid "keep" |
| msgstr "保持" |
| |
| #: builtin/reset.c:83 |
| msgid "You do not have a valid HEAD." |
| msgstr "您沒有一個有效的 HEAD。" |
| |
| #: builtin/reset.c:85 |
| msgid "Failed to find tree of HEAD." |
| msgstr "無法找到 HEAD 指向的樹。" |
| |
| #: builtin/reset.c:91 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Failed to find tree of %s." |
| msgstr "無法找到 %s 指向的樹。" |
| |
| #: builtin/reset.c:116 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "HEAD is now at %s" |
| msgstr "HEAD 現在位於 %s" |
| |
| # 譯者:漢字之間無空格,故刪除%s前後空格 |
| #: builtin/reset.c:195 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Cannot do a %s reset in the middle of a merge." |
| msgstr "在合併過程中不能做%s重設動作。" |
| |
| #: builtin/reset.c:295 builtin/stash.c:589 builtin/stash.c:663 |
| #: builtin/stash.c:687 |
| msgid "be quiet, only report errors" |
| msgstr "安靜模式,只報告錯誤" |
| |
| #: builtin/reset.c:297 |
| msgid "reset HEAD and index" |
| msgstr "重設 HEAD 和索引" |
| |
| #: builtin/reset.c:298 |
| msgid "reset only HEAD" |
| msgstr "只重設 HEAD" |
| |
| #: builtin/reset.c:300 builtin/reset.c:302 |
| msgid "reset HEAD, index and working tree" |
| msgstr "重設 HEAD、索引和工作區" |
| |
| #: builtin/reset.c:304 |
| msgid "reset HEAD but keep local changes" |
| msgstr "重設 HEAD 但儲存本機變更" |
| |
| #: builtin/reset.c:310 |
| msgid "record only the fact that removed paths will be added later" |
| msgstr "將刪除的路徑標記為稍後新增" |
| |
| #: builtin/reset.c:344 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Failed to resolve '%s' as a valid revision." |
| msgstr "無法將 '%s' 解析為一個有效的版本。" |
| |
| #: builtin/reset.c:352 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Failed to resolve '%s' as a valid tree." |
| msgstr "無法將 '%s' 解析為一個有效的樹狀物件。" |
| |
| #: builtin/reset.c:361 |
| msgid "--patch is incompatible with --{hard,mixed,soft}" |
| msgstr "--patch 與 --{hard、mixed、soft} 選項不相容" |
| |
| #: builtin/reset.c:371 |
| msgid "--mixed with paths is deprecated; use 'git reset -- <paths>' instead." |
| msgstr "--mixed 帶路徑已棄用,而是用 'git reset -- <路徑>'。" |
| |
| # 譯者:漢字之間無空格,故刪除%s前後空格 |
| #: builtin/reset.c:373 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Cannot do %s reset with paths." |
| msgstr "不能帶路徑進行%s重設。" |
| |
| # 譯者:漢字之間無空格,故刪除%s前後空格 |
| #: builtin/reset.c:388 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "%s reset is not allowed in a bare repository" |
| msgstr "不能對純版本庫進行%s重設" |
| |
| #: builtin/reset.c:392 |
| msgid "-N can only be used with --mixed" |
| msgstr "-N 只能和 --mixed 同時使用" |
| |
| #: builtin/reset.c:413 |
| msgid "Unstaged changes after reset:" |
| msgstr "重設後取消暫存的變更:" |
| |
| #: builtin/reset.c:416 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "\n" |
| "It took %.2f seconds to enumerate unstaged changes after reset. You can\n" |
| "use '--quiet' to avoid this. Set the config setting reset.quiet to true\n" |
| "to make this the default.\n" |
| msgstr "" |
| "\n" |
| "重設後,枚舉未暫存變更花費了 %.2f 秒。 您可以使用 '--quiet' 避免此情況。\n" |
| "將設定變數 reset.quiet 設定為 true 可使其成為預設值。\n" |
| |
| #: builtin/reset.c:434 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Could not reset index file to revision '%s'." |
| msgstr "不能重設索引檔案至版本 '%s'。" |
| |
| #: builtin/reset.c:439 |
| msgid "Could not write new index file." |
| msgstr "不能寫入新的索引檔案。" |
| |
| #: builtin/rev-list.c:538 |
| msgid "cannot combine --exclude-promisor-objects and --missing" |
| msgstr "不能同時使用 --exclude-promisor-objects 和 --missing 選項" |
| |
| #: builtin/rev-list.c:599 |
| msgid "object filtering requires --objects" |
| msgstr "物件過濾需要 --objects" |
| |
| #: builtin/rev-list.c:659 |
| msgid "rev-list does not support display of notes" |
| msgstr "rev-list 不支援顯示註解" |
| |
| #: builtin/rev-list.c:664 |
| msgid "marked counting is incompatible with --objects" |
| msgstr "--objects 不相容標記計數 (marked counting)" |
| |
| #: builtin/rev-parse.c:409 |
| msgid "git rev-parse --parseopt [<options>] -- [<args>...]" |
| msgstr "git rev-parse --parseopt [<選項>] -- [<參數>...]" |
| |
| #: builtin/rev-parse.c:414 |
| msgid "keep the `--` passed as an arg" |
| msgstr "保持 `--` 作為一個參數傳遞" |
| |
| #: builtin/rev-parse.c:416 |
| msgid "stop parsing after the first non-option argument" |
| msgstr "遇到第一個非選項參數後停止解析" |
| |
| #: builtin/rev-parse.c:419 |
| msgid "output in stuck long form" |
| msgstr "以固定長格式輸出" |
| |
| #: builtin/rev-parse.c:552 |
| msgid "" |
| "git rev-parse --parseopt [<options>] -- [<args>...]\n" |
| " or: git rev-parse --sq-quote [<arg>...]\n" |
| " or: git rev-parse [<options>] [<arg>...]\n" |
| "\n" |
| "Run \"git rev-parse --parseopt -h\" for more information on the first usage." |
| msgstr "" |
| "git rev-parse --parseopt [<選項>] -- [<參數>...]\n" |
| " 或者:git rev-parse --sq-quote [<參數>...]\n" |
| " 或者:git rev-parse [<選項>] [<參數>...]\n" |
| "\n" |
| "初次使用時執行 \"git rev-parse --parseopt -h\" 來獲得更多訊息。" |
| |
| #: builtin/revert.c:24 |
| msgid "git revert [<options>] <commit-ish>..." |
| msgstr "git revert [<選項>] <提交號>..." |
| |
| #: builtin/revert.c:25 |
| msgid "git revert <subcommand>" |
| msgstr "git revert <子指令>" |
| |
| #: builtin/revert.c:30 |
| msgid "git cherry-pick [<options>] <commit-ish>..." |
| msgstr "git cherry-pick [<選項>] <提交號>..." |
| |
| #: builtin/revert.c:31 |
| msgid "git cherry-pick <subcommand>" |
| msgstr "git cherry-pick <子指令>" |
| |
| #: builtin/revert.c:72 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "option `%s' expects a number greater than zero" |
| msgstr "選項 `%s' 期望一個大於零的數字" |
| |
| #: builtin/revert.c:92 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "%s: %s cannot be used with %s" |
| msgstr "%s:%s 不能和 %s 同時使用" |
| |
| #: builtin/revert.c:102 |
| msgid "end revert or cherry-pick sequence" |
| msgstr "終止反轉或揀選動作" |
| |
| #: builtin/revert.c:103 |
| msgid "resume revert or cherry-pick sequence" |
| msgstr "繼續反轉或揀選動作" |
| |
| #: builtin/revert.c:104 |
| msgid "cancel revert or cherry-pick sequence" |
| msgstr "取消反轉或揀選動作" |
| |
| #: builtin/revert.c:105 |
| msgid "skip current commit and continue" |
| msgstr "略過目前提交並繼續" |
| |
| #: builtin/revert.c:107 |
| msgid "don't automatically commit" |
| msgstr "不要自動提交" |
| |
| #: builtin/revert.c:108 |
| msgid "edit the commit message" |
| msgstr "編輯提交說明" |
| |
| #: builtin/revert.c:111 |
| msgid "parent-number" |
| msgstr "父編號" |
| |
| #: builtin/revert.c:112 |
| msgid "select mainline parent" |
| msgstr "選擇主幹父提交編號" |
| |
| #: builtin/revert.c:114 |
| msgid "merge strategy" |
| msgstr "合併策略" |
| |
| #: builtin/revert.c:116 |
| msgid "option for merge strategy" |
| msgstr "合併策略的選項" |
| |
| #: builtin/revert.c:125 |
| msgid "append commit name" |
| msgstr "追加提交名稱" |
| |
| #: builtin/revert.c:127 |
| msgid "preserve initially empty commits" |
| msgstr "保留初始化的空提交" |
| |
| #: builtin/revert.c:129 |
| msgid "keep redundant, empty commits" |
| msgstr "保持多餘的、空的提交" |
| |
| #: builtin/revert.c:237 |
| msgid "revert failed" |
| msgstr "還原失敗" |
| |
| #: builtin/revert.c:250 |
| msgid "cherry-pick failed" |
| msgstr "揀選失敗" |
| |
| #: builtin/rm.c:20 |
| msgid "git rm [<options>] [--] <file>..." |
| msgstr "git rm [<選項>] [--] <檔案>..." |
| |
| #: builtin/rm.c:208 |
| msgid "" |
| "the following file has staged content different from both the\n" |
| "file and the HEAD:" |
| msgid_plural "" |
| "the following files have staged content different from both the\n" |
| "file and the HEAD:" |
| msgstr[0] "如下檔案其暫存的內容和工作區及 HEAD 中的都不一樣:" |
| |
| #: builtin/rm.c:213 |
| msgid "" |
| "\n" |
| "(use -f to force removal)" |
| msgstr "" |
| "\n" |
| "(使用 -f 強制刪除)" |
| |
| #: builtin/rm.c:217 |
| msgid "the following file has changes staged in the index:" |
| msgid_plural "the following files have changes staged in the index:" |
| msgstr[0] "下列檔案索引中有變更" |
| |
| #: builtin/rm.c:221 builtin/rm.c:230 |
| msgid "" |
| "\n" |
| "(use --cached to keep the file, or -f to force removal)" |
| msgstr "" |
| "\n" |
| "(使用 --cached 保留本機檔案,或用 -f 強制刪除)" |
| |
| #: builtin/rm.c:227 |
| msgid "the following file has local modifications:" |
| msgid_plural "the following files have local modifications:" |
| msgstr[0] "如下檔案有本機修改:" |
| |
| #: builtin/rm.c:244 |
| msgid "do not list removed files" |
| msgstr "不列出刪除的檔案" |
| |
| #: builtin/rm.c:245 |
| msgid "only remove from the index" |
| msgstr "只從索引區刪除" |
| |
| #: builtin/rm.c:246 |
| msgid "override the up-to-date check" |
| msgstr "忽略檔案更新狀態檢查" |
| |
| #: builtin/rm.c:247 |
| msgid "allow recursive removal" |
| msgstr "允許遞迴刪除" |
| |
| #: builtin/rm.c:249 |
| msgid "exit with a zero status even if nothing matched" |
| msgstr "即使沒有符合,也以零狀態離開" |
| |
| #: builtin/rm.c:283 |
| msgid "No pathspec was given. Which files should I remove?" |
| msgstr "沒有提供路徑規格。我該移除哪個檔案?" |
| |
| #: builtin/rm.c:310 |
| msgid "please stage your changes to .gitmodules or stash them to proceed" |
| msgstr "請將您的修改暫存到 .gitmodules 中或儲藏後再繼續" |
| |
| #: builtin/rm.c:331 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "not removing '%s' recursively without -r" |
| msgstr "未提供 -r 選項不會遞迴刪除 '%s'" |
| |
| #: builtin/rm.c:379 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "git rm: unable to remove %s" |
| msgstr "git rm:不能刪除 %s" |
| |
| #: builtin/send-pack.c:20 |
| msgid "" |
| "git send-pack [--all | --mirror] [--dry-run] [--force] [--receive-pack=<git-" |
| "receive-pack>] [--verbose] [--thin] [--atomic] [<host>:]<directory> " |
| "[<ref>...]\n" |
| " --all and explicit <ref> specification are mutually exclusive." |
| msgstr "" |
| "git send-pack [--all | --mirror] [--dry-run] [--force] [--receive-pack=<git-" |
| "receive-pack>] [--verbose] [--thin] [--atomic] [<主機>:]<目錄> [<引用>...]\n" |
| " --all 和明確的 <引用> 互斥。" |
| |
| #: builtin/send-pack.c:188 |
| msgid "remote name" |
| msgstr "遠端名稱" |
| |
| #: builtin/send-pack.c:201 |
| msgid "use stateless RPC protocol" |
| msgstr "使用無狀態的 RPC 協定" |
| |
| #: builtin/send-pack.c:202 |
| msgid "read refs from stdin" |
| msgstr "從標準輸入讀取引用" |
| |
| #: builtin/send-pack.c:203 |
| msgid "print status from remote helper" |
| msgstr "列印來自遠端 helper 的狀態" |
| |
| #: builtin/shortlog.c:16 |
| msgid "git shortlog [<options>] [<revision-range>] [[--] <path>...]" |
| msgstr "git shortlog [<選項>] [<版本範圍>] [[--] <路徑>...]" |
| |
| #: builtin/shortlog.c:17 |
| msgid "git log --pretty=short | git shortlog [<options>]" |
| msgstr "git log --pretty=short | git shortlog [<選項>]" |
| |
| #: builtin/shortlog.c:123 |
| msgid "using multiple --group options with stdin is not supported" |
| msgstr "不支援在標準輸入使用多個 --group 選項" |
| |
| #: builtin/shortlog.c:133 |
| msgid "using --group=trailer with stdin is not supported" |
| msgstr "不支援在標準輸入使用 --group=trailer" |
| |
| #: builtin/shortlog.c:323 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "unknown group type: %s" |
| msgstr "未知群組類型:%s" |
| |
| #: builtin/shortlog.c:351 |
| msgid "group by committer rather than author" |
| msgstr "依提交者而非作者分組" |
| |
| #: builtin/shortlog.c:354 |
| msgid "sort output according to the number of commits per author" |
| msgstr "根據每個作者的提交數量排序" |
| |
| #: builtin/shortlog.c:356 |
| msgid "suppress commit descriptions, only provides commit count" |
| msgstr "隱藏提交說明,只提供提交數量" |
| |
| #: builtin/shortlog.c:358 |
| msgid "show the email address of each author" |
| msgstr "顯示每個作者的電子信件位址" |
| |
| #: builtin/shortlog.c:359 |
| msgid "<w>[,<i1>[,<i2>]]" |
| msgstr "<w>[,<i1>[,<i2>]]" |
| |
| #: builtin/shortlog.c:360 |
| msgid "linewrap output" |
| msgstr "折行輸出" |
| |
| #: builtin/shortlog.c:362 |
| msgid "field" |
| msgstr "欄位" |
| |
| #: builtin/shortlog.c:363 |
| msgid "group by field" |
| msgstr "依欄位分組" |
| |
| #: builtin/shortlog.c:391 |
| msgid "too many arguments given outside repository" |
| msgstr "版本庫外執行提供了太多的參數" |
| |
| #: builtin/show-branch.c:13 |
| msgid "" |
| "git show-branch [-a | --all] [-r | --remotes] [--topo-order | --date-order]\n" |
| "\t\t[--current] [--color[=<when>] | --no-color] [--sparse]\n" |
| "\t\t[--more=<n> | --list | --independent | --merge-base]\n" |
| "\t\t[--no-name | --sha1-name] [--topics] [(<rev> | <glob>)...]" |
| msgstr "" |
| "git show-branch [-a | --all] [-r | --remotes] [--topo-order | --date-order]\n" |
| "\t\t[--current] [--color[=<何時>] | --no-color] [--sparse]\n" |
| "\t\t[--more=<n> | --list | --independent | --merge-base]\n" |
| "\t\t[--no-name | --sha1-name] [--topics] [(<版本> | <萬用字元>)...]" |
| |
| #: builtin/show-branch.c:17 |
| msgid "git show-branch (-g | --reflog)[=<n>[,<base>]] [--list] [<ref>]" |
| msgstr "git show-branch (-g | --reflog)[=<n>[,<起始點>]] [--list] [<引用>]" |
| |
| #: builtin/show-branch.c:395 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "ignoring %s; cannot handle more than %d ref" |
| msgid_plural "ignoring %s; cannot handle more than %d refs" |
| msgstr[0] "忽略 %s,無法處理 %d 個以上的引用" |
| |
| #: builtin/show-branch.c:548 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "no matching refs with %s" |
| msgstr "沒有和 %s 符合的引用" |
| |
| #: builtin/show-branch.c:645 |
| msgid "show remote-tracking and local branches" |
| msgstr "顯示遠端追蹤的和本機的分支" |
| |
| #: builtin/show-branch.c:647 |
| msgid "show remote-tracking branches" |
| msgstr "顯示遠端追蹤的分支" |
| |
| #: builtin/show-branch.c:649 |
| msgid "color '*!+-' corresponding to the branch" |
| msgstr "著色 '*!+-' 到相應的分支" |
| |
| #: builtin/show-branch.c:651 |
| msgid "show <n> more commits after the common ancestor" |
| msgstr "顯示共同祖先後的 <n> 個提交" |
| |
| #: builtin/show-branch.c:653 |
| msgid "synonym to more=-1" |
| msgstr "和 more=-1 同義" |
| |
| #: builtin/show-branch.c:654 |
| msgid "suppress naming strings" |
| msgstr "不顯示字串命名" |
| |
| #: builtin/show-branch.c:656 |
| msgid "include the current branch" |
| msgstr "包括目前分支" |
| |
| #: builtin/show-branch.c:658 |
| msgid "name commits with their object names" |
| msgstr "以物件名字命名提交" |
| |
| #: builtin/show-branch.c:660 |
| msgid "show possible merge bases" |
| msgstr "顯示可能合併的基礎" |
| |
| #: builtin/show-branch.c:662 |
| msgid "show refs unreachable from any other ref" |
| msgstr "顯示沒有任何引用的的引用" |
| |
| #: builtin/show-branch.c:664 |
| msgid "show commits in topological order" |
| msgstr "以拓撲順序顯示提交" |
| |
| #: builtin/show-branch.c:667 |
| msgid "show only commits not on the first branch" |
| msgstr "只顯示不在第一個分支上的提交" |
| |
| #: builtin/show-branch.c:669 |
| msgid "show merges reachable from only one tip" |
| msgstr "顯示僅一個分支可存取的合併提交" |
| |
| #: builtin/show-branch.c:671 |
| msgid "topologically sort, maintaining date order where possible" |
| msgstr "拓撲方式排序,並儘可能地保持日期順序" |
| |
| #: builtin/show-branch.c:674 |
| msgid "<n>[,<base>]" |
| msgstr "<n>[,<base>]" |
| |
| #: builtin/show-branch.c:675 |
| msgid "show <n> most recent ref-log entries starting at base" |
| msgstr "顯示從起始點開始的 <n> 條最近的引用日誌記錄" |
| |
| #: builtin/show-branch.c:711 |
| msgid "" |
| "--reflog is incompatible with --all, --remotes, --independent or --merge-base" |
| msgstr "--reflog 和 --all、--remotes、--independent 或 --merge-base 不相容" |
| |
| #: builtin/show-branch.c:735 |
| msgid "no branches given, and HEAD is not valid" |
| msgstr "未提供分支,且 HEAD 無效" |
| |
| #: builtin/show-branch.c:738 |
| msgid "--reflog option needs one branch name" |
| msgstr "選項 --reflog 需要一個分支名" |
| |
| #: builtin/show-branch.c:741 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "only %d entry can be shown at one time." |
| msgid_plural "only %d entries can be shown at one time." |
| msgstr[0] "一次只能顯示 %d 個條目。" |
| |
| #: builtin/show-branch.c:745 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "no such ref %s" |
| msgstr "無此引用 %s" |
| |
| #: builtin/show-branch.c:831 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "cannot handle more than %d rev." |
| msgid_plural "cannot handle more than %d revs." |
| msgstr[0] "不能處理 %d 個以上的版本。" |
| |
| #: builtin/show-branch.c:835 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "'%s' is not a valid ref." |
| msgstr "'%s' 不是一個有效的引用。" |
| |
| #: builtin/show-branch.c:838 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "cannot find commit %s (%s)" |
| msgstr "不能找到提交 %s(%s)" |
| |
| #: builtin/show-index.c:21 |
| msgid "hash-algorithm" |
| msgstr "雜湊算法" |
| |
| #: builtin/show-index.c:31 |
| msgid "Unknown hash algorithm" |
| msgstr "未知的雜湊算法" |
| |
| #: builtin/show-ref.c:12 |
| msgid "" |
| "git show-ref [-q | --quiet] [--verify] [--head] [-d | --dereference] [-s | --" |
| "hash[=<n>]] [--abbrev[=<n>]] [--tags] [--heads] [--] [<pattern>...]" |
| msgstr "" |
| "git show-ref [-q | --quiet] [--verify] [--head] [-d | --dereference] [-s | --" |
| "hash[=<n>]] [--abbrev[=<n>]] [--tags] [--heads] [--] [<模式>...]" |
| |
| #: builtin/show-ref.c:13 |
| msgid "git show-ref --exclude-existing[=<pattern>]" |
| msgstr "git show-ref --exclude-existing[=<模式>]" |
| |
| #: builtin/show-ref.c:162 |
| msgid "only show tags (can be combined with heads)" |
| msgstr "只顯示標籤(可以和頭共用)" |
| |
| #: builtin/show-ref.c:163 |
| msgid "only show heads (can be combined with tags)" |
| msgstr "只顯示頭(可以和標籤共用)" |
| |
| #: builtin/show-ref.c:164 |
| msgid "stricter reference checking, requires exact ref path" |
| msgstr "更嚴格的引用檢測,需要精確的引用路徑" |
| |
| #: builtin/show-ref.c:167 builtin/show-ref.c:169 |
| msgid "show the HEAD reference, even if it would be filtered out" |
| msgstr "顯示 HEAD 引用,即使被過濾掉" |
| |
| #: builtin/show-ref.c:171 |
| msgid "dereference tags into object IDs" |
| msgstr "轉換標籤到物件 ID" |
| |
| #: builtin/show-ref.c:173 |
| msgid "only show SHA1 hash using <n> digits" |
| msgstr "只顯示使用 <n> 個數字的 SHA1 雜湊" |
| |
| #: builtin/show-ref.c:177 |
| msgid "do not print results to stdout (useful with --verify)" |
| msgstr "不列印結果到標準輸出(例如與 --verify 參數共用)" |
| |
| #: builtin/show-ref.c:179 |
| msgid "show refs from stdin that aren't in local repository" |
| msgstr "顯示從標準輸入中讀入的不在本機版本庫中的引用" |
| |
| #: builtin/sparse-checkout.c:22 |
| msgid "git sparse-checkout (init|list|set|add|reapply|disable) <options>" |
| msgstr "git sparse-checkout (init|list|set|add|reapply|disable) <選項>" |
| |
| #: builtin/sparse-checkout.c:46 |
| msgid "git sparse-checkout list" |
| msgstr "git sparse-checkout list" |
| |
| #: builtin/sparse-checkout.c:72 |
| msgid "this worktree is not sparse (sparse-checkout file may not exist)" |
| msgstr "這不是稀疏工作區(sparse-checkout 檔案可能不存在)" |
| |
| #: builtin/sparse-checkout.c:227 |
| msgid "failed to create directory for sparse-checkout file" |
| msgstr "無法建立稀疏檢出檔案的目錄" |
| |
| #: builtin/sparse-checkout.c:268 |
| msgid "unable to upgrade repository format to enable worktreeConfig" |
| msgstr "無法升級版本庫格式,以致無法啟用 worktreeConfig" |
| |
| #: builtin/sparse-checkout.c:270 |
| msgid "failed to set extensions.worktreeConfig setting" |
| msgstr "無法設定 extensions.worktreeConfig 設定" |
| |
| #: builtin/sparse-checkout.c:290 |
| #| msgid "git sparse-checkout init [--cone]" |
| msgid "git sparse-checkout init [--cone] [--[no-]sparse-index]" |
| msgstr "git sparse-checkout init [--cone] [--[no-]sparse-index]" |
| |
| #: builtin/sparse-checkout.c:310 |
| msgid "initialize the sparse-checkout in cone mode" |
| msgstr "以 cone 模式初始化稀疏檢出" |
| |
| #: builtin/sparse-checkout.c:312 |
| msgid "toggle the use of a sparse index" |
| msgstr "切換是否使用稀疏索引" |
| |
| #: builtin/sparse-checkout.c:340 |
| msgid "failed to modify sparse-index config" |
| msgstr "無法修改稀疏索引設定" |
| |
| #: builtin/sparse-checkout.c:361 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "failed to open '%s'" |
| msgstr "無法開啟「%s」" |
| |
| #: builtin/sparse-checkout.c:419 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "could not normalize path %s" |
| msgstr "無法標準化路徑 %s" |
| |
| #: builtin/sparse-checkout.c:431 |
| msgid "git sparse-checkout (set|add) (--stdin | <patterns>)" |
| msgstr "git sparse-checkout (set|add) (--stdin | <樣式>)" |
| |
| #: builtin/sparse-checkout.c:456 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "unable to unquote C-style string '%s'" |
| msgstr "無法去掉 '%s' C 樣式字串的引號" |
| |
| #: builtin/sparse-checkout.c:510 builtin/sparse-checkout.c:534 |
| msgid "unable to load existing sparse-checkout patterns" |
| msgstr "無法載入現存的稀疏檢出樣式" |
| |
| #: builtin/sparse-checkout.c:579 |
| msgid "read patterns from standard in" |
| msgstr "從標準輸入讀取樣式" |
| |
| #: builtin/sparse-checkout.c:594 |
| msgid "git sparse-checkout reapply" |
| msgstr "git sparse-checkout reapply" |
| |
| #: builtin/sparse-checkout.c:613 |
| msgid "git sparse-checkout disable" |
| msgstr "git sparse-checkout disable" |
| |
| #: builtin/sparse-checkout.c:644 |
| msgid "error while refreshing working directory" |
| msgstr "重新整理工作目錄時發生錯誤" |
| |
| #: builtin/stash.c:24 builtin/stash.c:40 |
| msgid "git stash list [<options>]" |
| msgstr "git stash list [<選項>]" |
| |
| #: builtin/stash.c:25 builtin/stash.c:45 |
| msgid "git stash show [<options>] [<stash>]" |
| msgstr "git stash show [<選項>] [<stash>]" |
| |
| #: builtin/stash.c:26 builtin/stash.c:50 |
| msgid "git stash drop [-q|--quiet] [<stash>]" |
| msgstr "git stash drop [-q|--quiet] [<stash>]" |
| |
| #: builtin/stash.c:27 |
| msgid "git stash ( pop | apply ) [--index] [-q|--quiet] [<stash>]" |
| msgstr "git stash ( pop | apply ) [--index] [-q|--quiet] [<stash>]" |
| |
| #: builtin/stash.c:28 builtin/stash.c:65 |
| msgid "git stash branch <branchname> [<stash>]" |
| msgstr "git stash branch <分支名> [<stash>]" |
| |
| #: builtin/stash.c:29 builtin/stash.c:70 |
| msgid "git stash clear" |
| msgstr "git stash clear" |
| |
| #: builtin/stash.c:30 |
| msgid "" |
| "git stash [push [-p|--patch] [-k|--[no-]keep-index] [-q|--quiet]\n" |
| " [-u|--include-untracked] [-a|--all] [-m|--message <message>]\n" |
| " [--pathspec-from-file=<file> [--pathspec-file-nul]]\n" |
| " [--] [<pathspec>...]]" |
| msgstr "" |
| "git stash [push [-p|--patch] [-k|--[no-]keep-index] [-q|--quiet]\n" |
| " [-u|--include-untracked] [-a|--all] [-m|--message <訊息>]\n" |
| " [--pathspec-from-file=<檔案> [--pathspec-file-nul]]\n" |
| " [--] [<路徑規格>...]]" |
| |
| #: builtin/stash.c:34 builtin/stash.c:87 |
| msgid "" |
| "git stash save [-p|--patch] [-k|--[no-]keep-index] [-q|--quiet]\n" |
| " [-u|--include-untracked] [-a|--all] [<message>]" |
| msgstr "" |
| "git stash save [-p|--patch] [-k|--[no-]keep-index] [-q|--quiet]\n" |
| " [-u|--include-untracked] [-a|--all] [<消息>]" |
| |
| #: builtin/stash.c:55 |
| msgid "git stash pop [--index] [-q|--quiet] [<stash>]" |
| msgstr "git stash pop [--index] [-q|--quiet] [<stash>]" |
| |
| #: builtin/stash.c:60 |
| msgid "git stash apply [--index] [-q|--quiet] [<stash>]" |
| msgstr "git stash apply [--index] [-q|--quiet] [<stash>]" |
| |
| #: builtin/stash.c:75 |
| msgid "git stash store [-m|--message <message>] [-q|--quiet] <commit>" |
| msgstr "git stash store [-m|--message <消息>] [-q|--quiet] <提交>" |
| |
| #: builtin/stash.c:80 |
| msgid "" |
| "git stash [push [-p|--patch] [-k|--[no-]keep-index] [-q|--quiet]\n" |
| " [-u|--include-untracked] [-a|--all] [-m|--message <message>]\n" |
| " [--] [<pathspec>...]]" |
| msgstr "" |
| "git stash [push [-p|--patch] [-k|--[no-]keep-index] [-q|--quiet]\n" |
| " [-u|--include-untracked] [-a|--all] [-m|--message <消息>]\n" |
| " [--] [<路徑規格>...]]" |
| |
| #: builtin/stash.c:130 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "'%s' is not a stash-like commit" |
| msgstr "'%s' 不像是一個儲藏提交" |
| |
| #: builtin/stash.c:150 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Too many revisions specified:%s" |
| msgstr "指定了太多的版本:%s" |
| |
| #: builtin/stash.c:164 |
| msgid "No stash entries found." |
| msgstr "未發現儲藏條目。" |
| |
| #: builtin/stash.c:178 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "%s is not a valid reference" |
| msgstr "%s 不是一個有效的引用名" |
| |
| #: builtin/stash.c:227 |
| msgid "git stash clear with arguments is unimplemented" |
| msgstr "尚未實作傳入參數的 git stash clear" |
| |
| #: builtin/stash.c:431 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "WARNING: Untracked file in way of tracked file! Renaming\n" |
| " %s -> %s\n" |
| " to make room.\n" |
| msgstr "" |
| "警告:未追蹤檔案擋住追蹤檔案的去路!已重新命名:\n" |
| " %s -> %s\n" |
| " 以騰出空間留給追蹤檔案。\n" |
| |
| #: builtin/stash.c:492 |
| msgid "cannot apply a stash in the middle of a merge" |
| msgstr "無法在合併過程套用儲藏" |
| |
| #: builtin/stash.c:503 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "could not generate diff %s^!." |
| msgstr "無法生成差異 %s^!." |
| |
| #: builtin/stash.c:510 |
| msgid "conflicts in index. Try without --index." |
| msgstr "索引中有衝突。請試試看不用 --index。" |
| |
| #: builtin/stash.c:516 |
| msgid "could not save index tree" |
| msgstr "不能儲存索引樹" |
| |
| #: builtin/stash.c:525 |
| msgid "could not restore untracked files from stash" |
| msgstr "無法從儲藏條目中復原未追蹤檔案" |
| |
| #: builtin/stash.c:539 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Merging %s with %s" |
| msgstr "正在合併 %s 和 %s" |
| |
| #: builtin/stash.c:549 |
| msgid "Index was not unstashed." |
| msgstr "索引未從儲藏中復原。" |
| |
| #: builtin/stash.c:591 builtin/stash.c:689 |
| msgid "attempt to recreate the index" |
| msgstr "嘗試重建索引" |
| |
| #: builtin/stash.c:635 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Dropped %s (%s)" |
| msgstr "捨棄了 %s(%s)" |
| |
| #: builtin/stash.c:638 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "%s: Could not drop stash entry" |
| msgstr "%s:無法捨棄儲藏條目" |
| |
| #: builtin/stash.c:651 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "'%s' is not a stash reference" |
| msgstr "'%s' 不是一個儲藏引用" |
| |
| #: builtin/stash.c:701 |
| msgid "The stash entry is kept in case you need it again." |
| msgstr "儲藏條目被保留以備您再次需要。" |
| |
| #: builtin/stash.c:724 |
| msgid "No branch name specified" |
| msgstr "未指定分支名" |
| |
| #: builtin/stash.c:808 |
| msgid "failed to parse tree" |
| msgstr "無法解析樹" |
| |
| #: builtin/stash.c:819 |
| msgid "failed to unpack trees" |
| msgstr "無法解包樹" |
| |
| #: builtin/stash.c:839 |
| msgid "include untracked files in the stash" |
| msgstr "在儲藏區包含未追蹤檔案" |
| |
| #: builtin/stash.c:842 |
| msgid "only show untracked files in the stash" |
| msgstr "只在儲藏區顯示未追蹤檔案" |
| |
| #: builtin/stash.c:932 builtin/stash.c:969 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Cannot update %s with %s" |
| msgstr "無法用 %2$s 更新 %1$s" |
| |
| #: builtin/stash.c:950 builtin/stash.c:1606 builtin/stash.c:1671 |
| msgid "stash message" |
| msgstr "儲藏說明" |
| |
| #: builtin/stash.c:960 |
| msgid "\"git stash store\" requires one <commit> argument" |
| msgstr "\"git stash store\" 需要一個 <提交> 參數" |
| |
| #: builtin/stash.c:1175 |
| msgid "No changes selected" |
| msgstr "沒有選擇變更" |
| |
| #: builtin/stash.c:1275 |
| msgid "You do not have the initial commit yet" |
| msgstr "您尚未建立初始提交" |
| |
| #: builtin/stash.c:1302 |
| msgid "Cannot save the current index state" |
| msgstr "無法儲存目前索引狀態" |
| |
| #: builtin/stash.c:1311 |
| msgid "Cannot save the untracked files" |
| msgstr "無法儲存未追蹤檔案" |
| |
| #: builtin/stash.c:1322 builtin/stash.c:1331 |
| msgid "Cannot save the current worktree state" |
| msgstr "無法儲存目前工作區狀態" |
| |
| #: builtin/stash.c:1359 |
| msgid "Cannot record working tree state" |
| msgstr "不能記錄工作區狀態" |
| |
| #: builtin/stash.c:1408 |
| msgid "Can't use --patch and --include-untracked or --all at the same time" |
| msgstr "不能同時使用參數 --patch 和 --include-untracked 或 --all" |
| |
| #: builtin/stash.c:1426 |
| msgid "Did you forget to 'git add'?" |
| msgstr "您是否忘了執行 'git add'?" |
| |
| #: builtin/stash.c:1441 |
| msgid "No local changes to save" |
| msgstr "沒有要儲存的本機修改" |
| |
| #: builtin/stash.c:1448 |
| msgid "Cannot initialize stash" |
| msgstr "無法初始化儲藏" |
| |
| #: builtin/stash.c:1463 |
| msgid "Cannot save the current status" |
| msgstr "無法儲存目前狀態" |
| |
| #: builtin/stash.c:1468 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Saved working directory and index state %s" |
| msgstr "儲存工作目錄和索引狀態 %s" |
| |
| #: builtin/stash.c:1558 |
| msgid "Cannot remove worktree changes" |
| msgstr "無法刪除工作區變更" |
| |
| #: builtin/stash.c:1597 builtin/stash.c:1662 |
| msgid "keep index" |
| msgstr "保持索引" |
| |
| #: builtin/stash.c:1599 builtin/stash.c:1664 |
| msgid "stash in patch mode" |
| msgstr "以修補檔模式儲藏" |
| |
| #: builtin/stash.c:1600 builtin/stash.c:1665 |
| msgid "quiet mode" |
| msgstr "靜默模式" |
| |
| #: builtin/stash.c:1602 builtin/stash.c:1667 |
| msgid "include untracked files in stash" |
| msgstr "儲藏中包含未追蹤檔案" |
| |
| #: builtin/stash.c:1604 builtin/stash.c:1669 |
| msgid "include ignore files" |
| msgstr "包含忽略的檔案" |
| |
| #: builtin/stash.c:1704 |
| msgid "" |
| "the stash.useBuiltin support has been removed!\n" |
| "See its entry in 'git help config' for details." |
| msgstr "" |
| "對 stash.useBuiltin 的支援已被刪除!\n" |
| "詳見「git help config」中的條目。" |
| |
| #: builtin/stripspace.c:18 |
| msgid "git stripspace [-s | --strip-comments]" |
| msgstr "git stripspace [-s | --strip-comments]" |
| |
| #: builtin/stripspace.c:19 |
| msgid "git stripspace [-c | --comment-lines]" |
| msgstr "git stripspace [-c | --comment-lines]" |
| |
| #: builtin/stripspace.c:37 |
| msgid "skip and remove all lines starting with comment character" |
| msgstr "略過和移除所有的備註行" |
| |
| #: builtin/stripspace.c:40 |
| msgid "prepend comment character and space to each line" |
| msgstr "為每一行的行首新增備註符和空格" |
| |
| #: builtin/submodule--helper.c:47 builtin/submodule--helper.c:2424 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Expecting a full ref name, got %s" |
| msgstr "期望一個完整的引用名稱,卻得到 %s" |
| |
| #: builtin/submodule--helper.c:64 |
| msgid "submodule--helper print-default-remote takes no arguments" |
| msgstr "submodule--helper print-default-remote 不帶參數" |
| |
| #: builtin/submodule--helper.c:102 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "cannot strip one component off url '%s'" |
| msgstr "無法從 url '%s' 剝離一個元件" |
| |
| #: builtin/submodule--helper.c:410 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1820 |
| msgid "alternative anchor for relative paths" |
| msgstr "相對路徑的替代錨記(anchor)" |
| |
| #: builtin/submodule--helper.c:415 |
| msgid "git submodule--helper list [--prefix=<path>] [<path>...]" |
| msgstr "git submodule--helper list [--prefix=<路徑>] [<路徑>...]" |
| |
| #: builtin/submodule--helper.c:473 builtin/submodule--helper.c:630 |
| #: builtin/submodule--helper.c:653 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "No url found for submodule path '%s' in .gitmodules" |
| msgstr "在 .gitmodules 中未找到子模組 '%s' 的 url" |
| |
| #: builtin/submodule--helper.c:525 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Entering '%s'\n" |
| msgstr "進入 '%s'\n" |
| |
| #: builtin/submodule--helper.c:528 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "run_command returned non-zero status for %s\n" |
| "." |
| msgstr "" |
| "對 %s 執行 run_command 返回非零值。\n" |
| "." |
| |
| #: builtin/submodule--helper.c:550 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "run_command returned non-zero status while recursing in the nested " |
| "submodules of %s\n" |
| "." |
| msgstr "" |
| "在遞迴 %s 的子模組執行 run_command 時返回非零值。\n" |
| "." |
| |
| #: builtin/submodule--helper.c:566 |
| msgid "suppress output of entering each submodule command" |
| msgstr "隱藏每個子模組進入命令的輸出" |
| |
| #: builtin/submodule--helper.c:568 builtin/submodule--helper.c:889 |
| #: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1488 |
| msgid "recurse into nested submodules" |
| msgstr "遞迴進入嵌套子模組中" |
| |
| #: builtin/submodule--helper.c:573 |
| msgid "git submodule--helper foreach [--quiet] [--recursive] [--] <command>" |
| msgstr "git submodule--helper foreach [--quiet] [--recursive] [--] <命令>" |
| |
| #: builtin/submodule--helper.c:600 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "could not look up configuration '%s'. Assuming this repository is its own " |
| "authoritative upstream." |
| msgstr "無法找到設定 '%s'。假定這個版本庫是其自身的官方上游。" |
| |
| #: builtin/submodule--helper.c:667 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Failed to register url for submodule path '%s'" |
| msgstr "無法為子模組 '%s' 註冊 url" |
| |
| #: builtin/submodule--helper.c:671 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Submodule '%s' (%s) registered for path '%s'\n" |
| msgstr "子模組 '%s'(%s)已對路徑 '%s' 註冊\n" |
| |
| #: builtin/submodule--helper.c:681 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "warning: command update mode suggested for submodule '%s'\n" |
| msgstr "警告:建議子模組 '%s' 使用指令更新模式\n" |
| |
| #: builtin/submodule--helper.c:688 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Failed to register update mode for submodule path '%s'" |
| msgstr "無法為子模組 '%s' 註冊更新模式" |
| |
| #: builtin/submodule--helper.c:710 |
| msgid "suppress output for initializing a submodule" |
| msgstr "隱藏初始化子模組的輸出" |
| |
| #: builtin/submodule--helper.c:715 |
| msgid "git submodule--helper init [<options>] [<path>]" |
| msgstr "git submodule--helper init [<選項>] [<路徑>]" |
| |
| #: builtin/submodule--helper.c:788 builtin/submodule--helper.c:923 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "no submodule mapping found in .gitmodules for path '%s'" |
| msgstr "在 .gitmodules 中沒有發現路徑 '%s' 的子模組映射" |
| |
| #: builtin/submodule--helper.c:836 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "could not resolve HEAD ref inside the submodule '%s'" |
| msgstr "無法解析子模組 '%s' 的 HEAD 引用" |
| |
| #: builtin/submodule--helper.c:863 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1458 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "failed to recurse into submodule '%s'" |
| msgstr "遞迴子模組 '%s' 失敗" |
| |
| #: builtin/submodule--helper.c:887 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1624 |
| msgid "suppress submodule status output" |
| msgstr "隱藏子模組的狀態輸出" |
| |
| #: builtin/submodule--helper.c:888 |
| msgid "" |
| "use commit stored in the index instead of the one stored in the submodule " |
| "HEAD" |
| msgstr "使用儲存在索引中的提交,而非儲存在子模組 HEAD 中的提交" |
| |
| #: builtin/submodule--helper.c:894 |
| msgid "git submodule status [--quiet] [--cached] [--recursive] [<path>...]" |
| msgstr "git submodule status [--quiet] [--cached] [--recursive] [<路徑>...]" |
| |
| #: builtin/submodule--helper.c:918 |
| msgid "git submodule--helper name <path>" |
| msgstr "git submodule--helper name <路徑>" |
| |
| #: builtin/submodule--helper.c:990 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "* %s %s(blob)->%s(submodule)" |
| msgstr "* %s %s(blob)->%s(submodule)" |
| |
| #: builtin/submodule--helper.c:993 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "* %s %s(submodule)->%s(blob)" |
| msgstr "* %s %s(submodule)->%s(blob)" |
| |
| #: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1006 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "%s" |
| msgstr "%s" |
| |
| #: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1056 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "couldn't hash object from '%s'" |
| msgstr "無法雜湊來自 '%s' 的物件" |
| |
| #: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1060 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "unexpected mode %o\n" |
| msgstr "非預期的模式 %o\n" |
| |
| #: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1301 |
| msgid "use the commit stored in the index instead of the submodule HEAD" |
| msgstr "使用儲存在索引中的提交而非子模組 HEAD" |
| |
| #: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1303 |
| msgid "to compare the commit in the index with that in the submodule HEAD" |
| msgstr "比較索引中的,和子模組 HEAD 中的提交" |
| |
| #: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1305 |
| msgid "skip submodules with 'ignore_config' value set to 'all'" |
| msgstr "'ignore_config' 值設為 'all' 時略過子模組" |
| |
| #: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1307 |
| msgid "limit the summary size" |
| msgstr "限制摘要大小" |
| |
| #: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1312 |
| msgid "git submodule--helper summary [<options>] [<commit>] [--] [<path>]" |
| msgstr "git submodule--helper summary [<選項>] [<提交>] [--] [<路徑>]" |
| |
| #: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1336 |
| msgid "could not fetch a revision for HEAD" |
| msgstr "無法取得 HEAD 的版本" |
| |
| #: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1341 |
| msgid "--cached and --files are mutually exclusive" |
| msgstr "--cached 和 --files 互斥" |
| |
| #: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1408 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Synchronizing submodule url for '%s'\n" |
| msgstr "為 '%s' 同步子模組 url\n" |
| |
| #: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1414 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "failed to register url for submodule path '%s'" |
| msgstr "無法為子模組路徑 '%s' 註冊 url" |
| |
| #: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1428 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "failed to get the default remote for submodule '%s'" |
| msgstr "無法得到子模組 '%s' 的預設遠端關聯" |
| |
| #: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1439 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "failed to update remote for submodule '%s'" |
| msgstr "無法為子模組 '%s' 更新遠端關聯" |
| |
| #: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1486 |
| msgid "suppress output of synchronizing submodule url" |
| msgstr "隱藏子模組 URL 同步的輸出" |
| |
| #: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1493 |
| msgid "git submodule--helper sync [--quiet] [--recursive] [<path>]" |
| msgstr "git submodule--helper sync [--quiet] [--recursive] [<路徑>]" |
| |
| #: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1547 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "Submodule work tree '%s' contains a .git directory (use 'rm -rf' if you " |
| "really want to remove it including all of its history)" |
| msgstr "" |
| "子模組工作區 '%s' 包含一個 .git 目錄(如果您確需刪除它及其全部歷史,使用 'rm " |
| "-rf' 指令)" |
| |
| #: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1559 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "Submodule work tree '%s' contains local modifications; use '-f' to discard " |
| "them" |
| msgstr "子模組工作區 '%s' 包含本機修改;使用 '-f' 捨棄它們" |
| |
| #: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1567 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Cleared directory '%s'\n" |
| msgstr "已清除目錄 '%s'\n" |
| |
| #: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1569 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Could not remove submodule work tree '%s'\n" |
| msgstr "無法移除子模組工作區 '%s'\n" |
| |
| #: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1580 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "could not create empty submodule directory %s" |
| msgstr "不能建立空的子模組目錄 %s" |
| |
| #: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1596 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Submodule '%s' (%s) unregistered for path '%s'\n" |
| msgstr "子模組 '%s'(%s)未對路徑 '%s' 註冊\n" |
| |
| #: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1625 |
| msgid "remove submodule working trees even if they contain local changes" |
| msgstr "即使有本機變更仍移除子模組的工作區" |
| |
| #: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1626 |
| msgid "unregister all submodules" |
| msgstr "取消註冊所有子模組" |
| |
| #: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1631 |
| msgid "" |
| "git submodule deinit [--quiet] [-f | --force] [--all | [--] [<path>...]]" |
| msgstr "" |
| "git submodule deinit [--quiet] [-f | --force] [--all | [--] [<路徑>...]]" |
| |
| #: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1645 |
| msgid "Use '--all' if you really want to deinitialize all submodules" |
| msgstr "如果您確定想要對所有子模組執行取消初始化,請使用 '--all'" |
| |
| #: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1714 |
| msgid "" |
| "An alternate computed from a superproject's alternate is invalid.\n" |
| "To allow Git to clone without an alternate in such a case, set\n" |
| "submodule.alternateErrorStrategy to 'info' or, equivalently, clone with\n" |
| "'--reference-if-able' instead of '--reference'." |
| msgstr "" |
| "從上級專案的備用版本庫計算得出的備用版本庫無效。\n" |
| "這種情況下,請設定 submodule.alternateErrorStrategy 為 'info'\n" |
| "以允許 Git 不用備用版本庫複製,亦可使用等效的 '--reference-if-able'\n" |
| "而非 '--reference' 複製。" |
| |
| #: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1753 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1756 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "submodule '%s' cannot add alternate: %s" |
| msgstr "子模組 '%s' 不能新增版本庫備選:%s" |
| |
| #: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1792 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Value '%s' for submodule.alternateErrorStrategy is not recognized" |
| msgstr "不能識別 submodule.alternateErrorStrategy 的取值 '%s'" |
| |
| #: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1799 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Value '%s' for submodule.alternateLocation is not recognized" |
| msgstr "不能識別 submodule.alternateLocaion 的取值 '%s'" |
| |
| #: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1823 |
| msgid "where the new submodule will be cloned to" |
| msgstr "新的子模組將要複製的路徑" |
| |
| #: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1826 |
| msgid "name of the new submodule" |
| msgstr "新子模組的名稱" |
| |
| #: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1829 |
| msgid "url where to clone the submodule from" |
| msgstr "複製子模組的 url 位址" |
| |
| #: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1837 |
| msgid "depth for shallow clones" |
| msgstr "淺複製的深度" |
| |
| #: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1840 builtin/submodule--helper.c:2349 |
| msgid "force cloning progress" |
| msgstr "強制顯示複製進度" |
| |
| #: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1842 builtin/submodule--helper.c:2351 |
| msgid "disallow cloning into non-empty directory" |
| msgstr "不允許複製至非空白目錄" |
| |
| #: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1849 |
| msgid "" |
| "git submodule--helper clone [--prefix=<path>] [--quiet] [--reference " |
| "<repository>] [--name <name>] [--depth <depth>] [--single-branch] --url " |
| "<url> --path <path>" |
| msgstr "" |
| "git submodule--helper clone [--prefix=<路徑>] [--quiet] [--reference <版本庫" |
| ">] [--name <名字>] [--depth <深度>] [--single-branch] --url <url> --path <路" |
| "徑>" |
| |
| #: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1874 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "refusing to create/use '%s' in another submodule's git dir" |
| msgstr "拒絕在其他子模組的 git 路徑建立/使用「%s」" |
| |
| #: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1885 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "clone of '%s' into submodule path '%s' failed" |
| msgstr "無法複製 '%s' 到子模組路徑 '%s'" |
| |
| #: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1889 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "directory not empty: '%s'" |
| msgstr "目錄不是空的:「%s」" |
| |
| #: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1901 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "could not get submodule directory for '%s'" |
| msgstr "無法得到 '%s' 的子模組目錄" |
| |
| #: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1937 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Invalid update mode '%s' for submodule path '%s'" |
| msgstr "子模組 '%2$s' 的更新模式 '%1$s' 無效" |
| |
| #: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1941 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Invalid update mode '%s' configured for submodule path '%s'" |
| msgstr "為子模組 '%2$s' 設定的更新模式 '%1$s' 無效" |
| |
| #: builtin/submodule--helper.c:2042 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Submodule path '%s' not initialized" |
| msgstr "子模組 '%s' 尚未初始化" |
| |
| #: builtin/submodule--helper.c:2046 |
| msgid "Maybe you want to use 'update --init'?" |
| msgstr "也許您想要執行 'update --init'?" |
| |
| #: builtin/submodule--helper.c:2076 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Skipping unmerged submodule %s" |
| msgstr "略過未合併的子模組 %s" |
| |
| #: builtin/submodule--helper.c:2105 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Skipping submodule '%s'" |
| msgstr "略過子模組 '%s'" |
| |
| #: builtin/submodule--helper.c:2255 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Failed to clone '%s'. Retry scheduled" |
| msgstr "複製 '%s' 失敗。按計劃重試" |
| |
| #: builtin/submodule--helper.c:2266 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Failed to clone '%s' a second time, aborting" |
| msgstr "第二次嘗試複製 '%s' 失敗,離開" |
| |
| #: builtin/submodule--helper.c:2328 builtin/submodule--helper.c:2574 |
| msgid "path into the working tree" |
| msgstr "到工作區的路徑" |
| |
| #: builtin/submodule--helper.c:2331 |
| msgid "path into the working tree, across nested submodule boundaries" |
| msgstr "工作區中的路徑,遞迴嵌套子模組" |
| |
| #: builtin/submodule--helper.c:2335 |
| msgid "rebase, merge, checkout or none" |
| msgstr "rebase、merge、checkout 或 none" |
| |
| #: builtin/submodule--helper.c:2341 |
| msgid "create a shallow clone truncated to the specified number of revisions" |
| msgstr "建立一個縮減至指定版本數的淺複製" |
| |
| #: builtin/submodule--helper.c:2344 |
| msgid "parallel jobs" |
| msgstr "並發任務" |
| |
| #: builtin/submodule--helper.c:2346 |
| msgid "whether the initial clone should follow the shallow recommendation" |
| msgstr "初始複製是否應該遵守推薦的淺複製選項" |
| |
| #: builtin/submodule--helper.c:2347 |
| msgid "don't print cloning progress" |
| msgstr "不要輸出複製進度" |
| |
| #: builtin/submodule--helper.c:2358 |
| msgid "git submodule--helper update-clone [--prefix=<path>] [<path>...]" |
| msgstr "git submodule--helper update-clone [--prefix=<路徑>] [<路徑>...]" |
| |
| #: builtin/submodule--helper.c:2371 |
| msgid "bad value for update parameter" |
| msgstr "update 參數取值錯誤" |
| |
| #: builtin/submodule--helper.c:2419 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "Submodule (%s) branch configured to inherit branch from superproject, but " |
| "the superproject is not on any branch" |
| msgstr "子模組(%s)的分支設定為繼承上級專案的分支,但是上級專案不在任何分支上" |
| |
| #: builtin/submodule--helper.c:2542 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "could not get a repository handle for submodule '%s'" |
| msgstr "無法獲得子模組 '%s' 的版本庫句柄" |
| |
| #: builtin/submodule--helper.c:2575 |
| msgid "recurse into submodules" |
| msgstr "在子模組中遞迴" |
| |
| #: builtin/submodule--helper.c:2581 |
| msgid "git submodule--helper absorb-git-dirs [<options>] [<path>...]" |
| msgstr "git submodule--helper absorb-git-dirs [<選項>] [<路徑>...]" |
| |
| #: builtin/submodule--helper.c:2637 |
| msgid "check if it is safe to write to the .gitmodules file" |
| msgstr "檢查寫入 .gitmodules 檔案是否安全" |
| |
| #: builtin/submodule--helper.c:2640 |
| msgid "unset the config in the .gitmodules file" |
| msgstr "取消 .gitmodules 檔案中的設定" |
| |
| #: builtin/submodule--helper.c:2645 |
| msgid "git submodule--helper config <name> [<value>]" |
| msgstr "git submodule--helper config <名稱> [<值>]" |
| |
| #: builtin/submodule--helper.c:2646 |
| msgid "git submodule--helper config --unset <name>" |
| msgstr "git submodule--helper config --unset <名稱>" |
| |
| #: builtin/submodule--helper.c:2647 |
| msgid "git submodule--helper config --check-writeable" |
| msgstr "git submodule--helper config --check-writeable" |
| |
| #: builtin/submodule--helper.c:2666 git-submodule.sh:150 |
| #, sh-format |
| msgid "please make sure that the .gitmodules file is in the working tree" |
| msgstr "請確認 .gitmodules 檔案在工作區裡" |
| |
| #: builtin/submodule--helper.c:2682 |
| msgid "suppress output for setting url of a submodule" |
| msgstr "隱藏子模組設定 URL 的輸出" |
| |
| #: builtin/submodule--helper.c:2686 |
| msgid "git submodule--helper set-url [--quiet] <path> <newurl>" |
| msgstr "git submodule--helper set-url [--quiet] <路徑> <新 URL>" |
| |
| #: builtin/submodule--helper.c:2719 |
| msgid "set the default tracking branch to master" |
| msgstr "將預設的追蹤分支設為 master" |
| |
| #: builtin/submodule--helper.c:2721 |
| msgid "set the default tracking branch" |
| msgstr "設定預設追蹤分支" |
| |
| #: builtin/submodule--helper.c:2725 |
| msgid "git submodule--helper set-branch [-q|--quiet] (-d|--default) <path>" |
| msgstr "git submodule--helper set-branch [-q|--quiet] (-d|--default) <path>" |
| |
| #: builtin/submodule--helper.c:2726 |
| msgid "" |
| "git submodule--helper set-branch [-q|--quiet] (-b|--branch) <branch> <path>" |
| msgstr "" |
| "git submodule--helper set-branch [-q|--quiet] (-b|--branch) <branch> <path>" |
| |
| #: builtin/submodule--helper.c:2733 |
| msgid "--branch or --default required" |
| msgstr "需要 --branch 或 --default" |
| |
| #: builtin/submodule--helper.c:2736 |
| msgid "--branch and --default are mutually exclusive" |
| msgstr "--branch 與 --default 互斥" |
| |
| #: builtin/submodule--helper.c:2793 git.c:449 git.c:724 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "%s doesn't support --super-prefix" |
| msgstr "%s 不支援 --super-prefix" |
| |
| #: builtin/submodule--helper.c:2799 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "'%s' is not a valid submodule--helper subcommand" |
| msgstr "'%s' 不是一個有效的 submodule--helper 子指令" |
| |
| #: builtin/symbolic-ref.c:8 |
| msgid "git symbolic-ref [<options>] <name> [<ref>]" |
| msgstr "git symbolic-ref [<選項>] <名稱> [<引用>]" |
| |
| #: builtin/symbolic-ref.c:9 |
| msgid "git symbolic-ref -d [-q] <name>" |
| msgstr "git symbolic-ref -d [-q] <名稱>" |
| |
| #: builtin/symbolic-ref.c:42 |
| msgid "suppress error message for non-symbolic (detached) refs" |
| msgstr "不顯示非符號(分離的)引用的錯誤訊息" |
| |
| #: builtin/symbolic-ref.c:43 |
| msgid "delete symbolic ref" |
| msgstr "刪除符號引用" |
| |
| #: builtin/symbolic-ref.c:44 |
| msgid "shorten ref output" |
| msgstr "縮短引用輸出" |
| |
| #: builtin/symbolic-ref.c:45 builtin/update-ref.c:499 |
| msgid "reason" |
| msgstr "原因" |
| |
| #: builtin/symbolic-ref.c:45 builtin/update-ref.c:499 |
| msgid "reason of the update" |
| msgstr "更新的原因" |
| |
| #: builtin/tag.c:25 |
| msgid "" |
| "git tag [-a | -s | -u <key-id>] [-f] [-m <msg> | -F <file>]\n" |
| "\t\t<tagname> [<head>]" |
| msgstr "" |
| "git tag [-a | -s | -u <key-id>] [-f] [-m <消息> | -F <檔案>]\n" |
| "\t\t<標籤名> [<頭>]" |
| |
| #: builtin/tag.c:27 |
| msgid "git tag -d <tagname>..." |
| msgstr "git tag -d <標籤名>..." |
| |
| #: builtin/tag.c:28 |
| msgid "" |
| "git tag -l [-n[<num>]] [--contains <commit>] [--no-contains <commit>] [--" |
| "points-at <object>]\n" |
| "\t\t[--format=<format>] [--merged <commit>] [--no-merged <commit>] " |
| "[<pattern>...]" |
| msgstr "" |
| "git tag -l [-n[<數字>]] [--contains <提交>] [--no-contains <提交>] [--points-" |
| "at <物件>]\n" |
| "\t\t[--format=<格式>] [--merged <提交>] [--no-merged <提交>] [<模式>...]" |
| |
| #: builtin/tag.c:30 |
| msgid "git tag -v [--format=<format>] <tagname>..." |
| msgstr "git tag -v [--format=<格式>] <標籤名>..." |
| |
| #: builtin/tag.c:100 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "tag '%s' not found." |
| msgstr "未發現標籤 '%s'。" |
| |
| #: builtin/tag.c:135 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Deleted tag '%s' (was %s)\n" |
| msgstr "已刪除標籤 '%s'(曾為 %s)\n" |
| |
| #: builtin/tag.c:170 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "\n" |
| "Write a message for tag:\n" |
| " %s\n" |
| "Lines starting with '%c' will be ignored.\n" |
| msgstr "" |
| "\n" |
| "輸入一個標籤說明:\n" |
| " %s\n" |
| "以 '%c' 開頭的行將被忽略。\n" |
| |
| #: builtin/tag.c:174 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "\n" |
| "Write a message for tag:\n" |
| " %s\n" |
| "Lines starting with '%c' will be kept; you may remove them yourself if you " |
| "want to.\n" |
| msgstr "" |
| "\n" |
| "輸入一個標籤說明:\n" |
| " %s\n" |
| "以 '%c' 開頭的行將被保留,如果您願意也可以刪除它們。\n" |
| |
| #: builtin/tag.c:241 |
| msgid "unable to sign the tag" |
| msgstr "無法簽署標籤" |
| |
| #: builtin/tag.c:259 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "You have created a nested tag. The object referred to by your new tag is\n" |
| "already a tag. If you meant to tag the object that it points to, use:\n" |
| "\n" |
| "\tgit tag -f %s %s^{}" |
| msgstr "" |
| "您建立了一個嵌套的標籤。您的新標籤指向的物件已經是一個標籤。如果您想要\n" |
| "對其指向的目標建立標籤,使用:\n" |
| "\n" |
| "\tgit tag -f %s %s^{}" |
| |
| #: builtin/tag.c:275 |
| msgid "bad object type." |
| msgstr "壞的物件類型。" |
| |
| #: builtin/tag.c:328 |
| msgid "no tag message?" |
| msgstr "無標籤說明?" |
| |
| #: builtin/tag.c:335 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "The tag message has been left in %s\n" |
| msgstr "標籤說明被保留在 %s\n" |
| |
| #: builtin/tag.c:446 |
| msgid "list tag names" |
| msgstr "列出標籤名稱" |
| |
| #: builtin/tag.c:448 |
| msgid "print <n> lines of each tag message" |
| msgstr "每個標籤訊息列印 <n> 行" |
| |
| #: builtin/tag.c:450 |
| msgid "delete tags" |
| msgstr "刪除標籤" |
| |
| #: builtin/tag.c:451 |
| msgid "verify tags" |
| msgstr "驗證標籤" |
| |
| #: builtin/tag.c:453 |
| msgid "Tag creation options" |
| msgstr "標籤建立選項" |
| |
| #: builtin/tag.c:455 |
| msgid "annotated tag, needs a message" |
| msgstr "附註標籤,需要一個說明" |
| |
| #: builtin/tag.c:457 |
| msgid "tag message" |
| msgstr "標籤說明" |
| |
| #: builtin/tag.c:459 |
| msgid "force edit of tag message" |
| msgstr "強制編輯標籤說明" |
| |
| #: builtin/tag.c:460 |
| msgid "annotated and GPG-signed tag" |
| msgstr "附註並附加 GPG 簽名的標籤" |
| |
| #: builtin/tag.c:463 |
| msgid "use another key to sign the tag" |
| msgstr "使用另外的私鑰簽名該標籤" |
| |
| #: builtin/tag.c:464 |
| msgid "replace the tag if exists" |
| msgstr "如果存在,取代現有的標籤" |
| |
| #: builtin/tag.c:465 builtin/update-ref.c:505 |
| msgid "create a reflog" |
| msgstr "建立引用日誌" |
| |
| #: builtin/tag.c:467 |
| msgid "Tag listing options" |
| msgstr "標籤列表選項" |
| |
| #: builtin/tag.c:468 |
| msgid "show tag list in columns" |
| msgstr "以列的方式顯示標籤列表" |
| |
| #: builtin/tag.c:469 builtin/tag.c:471 |
| msgid "print only tags that contain the commit" |
| msgstr "只列印包含該提交的標籤" |
| |
| #: builtin/tag.c:470 builtin/tag.c:472 |
| msgid "print only tags that don't contain the commit" |
| msgstr "只列印不包含該提交的標籤" |
| |
| #: builtin/tag.c:473 |
| msgid "print only tags that are merged" |
| msgstr "只列印已經合併的標籤" |
| |
| #: builtin/tag.c:474 |
| msgid "print only tags that are not merged" |
| msgstr "只列印尚未合併的標籤" |
| |
| #: builtin/tag.c:478 |
| msgid "print only tags of the object" |
| msgstr "只列印指向該物件的標籤" |
| |
| #: builtin/tag.c:526 |
| msgid "--column and -n are incompatible" |
| msgstr "--column 和 -n 不相容" |
| |
| #: builtin/tag.c:548 |
| msgid "-n option is only allowed in list mode" |
| msgstr "-n 選項只允許用在列表顯示模式" |
| |
| #: builtin/tag.c:550 |
| msgid "--contains option is only allowed in list mode" |
| msgstr "--contains 選項只允許用在列表顯示模式" |
| |
| #: builtin/tag.c:552 |
| msgid "--no-contains option is only allowed in list mode" |
| msgstr "--no-contains 選項只允許用在列表顯示模式" |
| |
| #: builtin/tag.c:554 |
| msgid "--points-at option is only allowed in list mode" |
| msgstr "--points-at 選項只允許用在列表顯示模式" |
| |
| #: builtin/tag.c:556 |
| msgid "--merged and --no-merged options are only allowed in list mode" |
| msgstr "--merged 和 --no-merged 選項只允許用在列表顯示模式" |
| |
| #: builtin/tag.c:567 |
| msgid "only one -F or -m option is allowed." |
| msgstr "只允許一個 -F 或 -m 選項。" |
| |
| #: builtin/tag.c:592 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "'%s' is not a valid tag name." |
| msgstr "'%s' 不是一個有效的標籤名稱。" |
| |
| #: builtin/tag.c:597 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "tag '%s' already exists" |
| msgstr "標籤 '%s' 已存在" |
| |
| #: builtin/tag.c:628 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Updated tag '%s' (was %s)\n" |
| msgstr "已更新標籤 '%s'(曾為 %s)\n" |
| |
| #: builtin/unpack-objects.c:504 |
| msgid "Unpacking objects" |
| msgstr "展開物件中" |
| |
| #: builtin/update-index.c:84 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "failed to create directory %s" |
| msgstr "建立目錄 %s 失敗" |
| |
| #: builtin/update-index.c:100 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "failed to create file %s" |
| msgstr "建立檔案 %s 失敗" |
| |
| #: builtin/update-index.c:108 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "failed to delete file %s" |
| msgstr "刪除檔案 %s 失敗" |
| |
| #: builtin/update-index.c:115 builtin/update-index.c:221 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "failed to delete directory %s" |
| msgstr "刪除目錄 %s 失敗" |
| |
| #: builtin/update-index.c:140 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Testing mtime in '%s' " |
| msgstr "在 '%s' 中測試 mtime " |
| |
| #: builtin/update-index.c:154 |
| msgid "directory stat info does not change after adding a new file" |
| msgstr "新增一個新檔案後,目錄的狀態訊息未改變" |
| |
| #: builtin/update-index.c:167 |
| msgid "directory stat info does not change after adding a new directory" |
| msgstr "新增一個新目錄後,目錄的狀態訊息未改變" |
| |
| #: builtin/update-index.c:180 |
| msgid "directory stat info changes after updating a file" |
| msgstr "更新一個檔案後,目錄的狀態訊息被修改" |
| |
| #: builtin/update-index.c:191 |
| msgid "directory stat info changes after adding a file inside subdirectory" |
| msgstr "在子目錄中新增檔案後,目錄的狀態訊息被修改" |
| |
| #: builtin/update-index.c:202 |
| msgid "directory stat info does not change after deleting a file" |
| msgstr "刪除一個檔案後,目錄的狀態訊息未改變" |
| |
| #: builtin/update-index.c:215 |
| msgid "directory stat info does not change after deleting a directory" |
| msgstr "刪除一個目錄後,目錄的狀態訊息未改變" |
| |
| #: builtin/update-index.c:222 |
| msgid " OK" |
| msgstr " OK" |
| |
| #: builtin/update-index.c:591 |
| msgid "git update-index [<options>] [--] [<file>...]" |
| msgstr "git update-index [<選項>] [--] [<檔案>...]" |
| |
| #: builtin/update-index.c:976 |
| msgid "continue refresh even when index needs update" |
| msgstr "當索引需要更新時繼續重新整理" |
| |
| #: builtin/update-index.c:979 |
| msgid "refresh: ignore submodules" |
| msgstr "重新整理:忽略子模組" |
| |
| #: builtin/update-index.c:982 |
| msgid "do not ignore new files" |
| msgstr "不忽略新的檔案" |
| |
| #: builtin/update-index.c:984 |
| msgid "let files replace directories and vice-versa" |
| msgstr "讓檔案取代目錄(反之亦然)" |
| |
| #: builtin/update-index.c:986 |
| msgid "notice files missing from worktree" |
| msgstr "通知檔案從工作區遺失" |
| |
| #: builtin/update-index.c:988 |
| msgid "refresh even if index contains unmerged entries" |
| msgstr "即使索引區包含未合併的條目也執行重新整理" |
| |
| #: builtin/update-index.c:991 |
| msgid "refresh stat information" |
| msgstr "重新整理統計訊息" |
| |
| #: builtin/update-index.c:995 |
| msgid "like --refresh, but ignore assume-unchanged setting" |
| msgstr "類似於 --refresh,但是忽略 assume-unchanged 設定" |
| |
| #: builtin/update-index.c:999 |
| msgid "<mode>,<object>,<path>" |
| msgstr "<存取模式>,<物件>,<路徑>" |
| |
| #: builtin/update-index.c:1000 |
| msgid "add the specified entry to the index" |
| msgstr "新增指定的條目到索引區" |
| |
| #: builtin/update-index.c:1010 |
| msgid "mark files as \"not changing\"" |
| msgstr "把檔案標記為 \"沒有變更\"" |
| |
| #: builtin/update-index.c:1013 |
| msgid "clear assumed-unchanged bit" |
| msgstr "清除 assumed-unchanged 位" |
| |
| #: builtin/update-index.c:1016 |
| msgid "mark files as \"index-only\"" |
| msgstr "把檔案標記為 \"僅索引\"" |
| |
| #: builtin/update-index.c:1019 |
| msgid "clear skip-worktree bit" |
| msgstr "清除 skip-worktree 位" |
| |
| #: builtin/update-index.c:1022 |
| msgid "do not touch index-only entries" |
| msgstr "不要建立只有索引的項目" |
| |
| #: builtin/update-index.c:1024 |
| msgid "add to index only; do not add content to object database" |
| msgstr "只新增到索引區;不新增物件到物件庫" |
| |
| #: builtin/update-index.c:1026 |
| msgid "remove named paths even if present in worktree" |
| msgstr "即使存在工作區裡,也刪除路徑" |
| |
| #: builtin/update-index.c:1028 |
| msgid "with --stdin: input lines are terminated by null bytes" |
| msgstr "攜帶 --stdin:輸入的行以 null 字元終止" |
| |
| #: builtin/update-index.c:1030 |
| msgid "read list of paths to be updated from standard input" |
| msgstr "從標準輸入中讀取需要更新的路徑列表" |
| |
| #: builtin/update-index.c:1034 |
| msgid "add entries from standard input to the index" |
| msgstr "從標準輸入新增條目到索引區" |
| |
| #: builtin/update-index.c:1038 |
| msgid "repopulate stages #2 and #3 for the listed paths" |
| msgstr "為指定檔案重新生成第2和第3暫存區" |
| |
| #: builtin/update-index.c:1042 |
| msgid "only update entries that differ from HEAD" |
| msgstr "只更新與 HEAD 不同的條目" |
| |
| #: builtin/update-index.c:1046 |
| msgid "ignore files missing from worktree" |
| msgstr "忽略工作區遺失的檔案" |
| |
| #: builtin/update-index.c:1049 |
| msgid "report actions to standard output" |
| msgstr "在標準輸出顯示動作" |
| |
| #: builtin/update-index.c:1051 |
| msgid "(for porcelains) forget saved unresolved conflicts" |
| msgstr "(for porcelains) 忘記儲存的未解決的衝突" |
| |
| #: builtin/update-index.c:1055 |
| msgid "write index in this format" |
| msgstr "以這種格式寫入索引區" |
| |
| #: builtin/update-index.c:1057 |
| msgid "enable or disable split index" |
| msgstr "啟用或停用索引分割" |
| |
| #: builtin/update-index.c:1059 |
| msgid "enable/disable untracked cache" |
| msgstr "啟用/停用對未追蹤檔案的快取" |
| |
| #: builtin/update-index.c:1061 |
| msgid "test if the filesystem supports untracked cache" |
| msgstr "測試檔案系統是否支援未追蹤檔案快取" |
| |
| #: builtin/update-index.c:1063 |
| msgid "enable untracked cache without testing the filesystem" |
| msgstr "無需檢測檔案系統,啟用對未追蹤檔案的快取" |
| |
| #: builtin/update-index.c:1065 |
| msgid "write out the index even if is not flagged as changed" |
| msgstr "即使沒有被標記為已更改,也要寫出索引" |
| |
| #: builtin/update-index.c:1067 |
| msgid "enable or disable file system monitor" |
| msgstr "啟用或停用檔案系統監控" |
| |
| #: builtin/update-index.c:1069 |
| msgid "mark files as fsmonitor valid" |
| msgstr "標記檔案為 fsmonitor 有效" |
| |
| #: builtin/update-index.c:1072 |
| msgid "clear fsmonitor valid bit" |
| msgstr "清除 fsmonitor 有效位" |
| |
| #: builtin/update-index.c:1175 |
| msgid "" |
| "core.splitIndex is set to false; remove or change it, if you really want to " |
| "enable split index" |
| msgstr "core.splitIndex 被設定為 false。如果您確定要啟用索引分割,請移除或修改" |
| |
| #: builtin/update-index.c:1184 |
| msgid "" |
| "core.splitIndex is set to true; remove or change it, if you really want to " |
| "disable split index" |
| msgstr "core.splitIndex 被設定為 true。如果您確定要停用索引分割,請移除或修改" |
| |
| #: builtin/update-index.c:1196 |
| msgid "" |
| "core.untrackedCache is set to true; remove or change it, if you really want " |
| "to disable the untracked cache" |
| msgstr "" |
| "core.untrackedCache 被設定為 true。如果您確定要停用未追蹤檔案的快取,請移除或" |
| "修改" |
| |
| #: builtin/update-index.c:1200 |
| msgid "Untracked cache disabled" |
| msgstr "快取未追蹤檔案被停用" |
| |
| #: builtin/update-index.c:1208 |
| msgid "" |
| "core.untrackedCache is set to false; remove or change it, if you really want " |
| "to enable the untracked cache" |
| msgstr "" |
| "core.untrackedCache 被設定為 false。如果您確定要啟用未追蹤檔案快取,請移除或" |
| "修改" |
| |
| #: builtin/update-index.c:1212 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Untracked cache enabled for '%s'" |
| msgstr "快取未追蹤檔案在 '%s' 啟用" |
| |
| #: builtin/update-index.c:1220 |
| msgid "core.fsmonitor is unset; set it if you really want to enable fsmonitor" |
| msgstr "core.fsmonitor 未設定;如果想要啟用 fsmonitor 請設定該選項" |
| |
| #: builtin/update-index.c:1224 |
| msgid "fsmonitor enabled" |
| msgstr "fsmonitor 被啟用" |
| |
| #: builtin/update-index.c:1227 |
| msgid "" |
| "core.fsmonitor is set; remove it if you really want to disable fsmonitor" |
| msgstr "core.fsmonitor 已設定;如果想要停用 fsmonitor 請移除該選項" |
| |
| #: builtin/update-index.c:1231 |
| msgid "fsmonitor disabled" |
| msgstr "fsmonitor 被停用" |
| |
| #: builtin/update-ref.c:10 |
| msgid "git update-ref [<options>] -d <refname> [<old-val>]" |
| msgstr "git update-ref [<選項>] -d <引用名> [<舊值>]" |
| |
| #: builtin/update-ref.c:11 |
| msgid "git update-ref [<options>] <refname> <new-val> [<old-val>]" |
| msgstr "git update-ref [<選項>] <引用名> <新值> [<舊值>]" |
| |
| #: builtin/update-ref.c:12 |
| msgid "git update-ref [<options>] --stdin [-z]" |
| msgstr "git update-ref [<選項>] --stdin [-z]" |
| |
| #: builtin/update-ref.c:500 |
| msgid "delete the reference" |
| msgstr "刪除引用" |
| |
| #: builtin/update-ref.c:502 |
| msgid "update <refname> not the one it points to" |
| msgstr "更新 <引用名> 本身而不是它指向的引用" |
| |
| #: builtin/update-ref.c:503 |
| msgid "stdin has NUL-terminated arguments" |
| msgstr "標準輸入有以 NUL 字元終止的參數" |
| |
| #: builtin/update-ref.c:504 |
| msgid "read updates from stdin" |
| msgstr "從標準輸入讀取更新" |
| |
| #: builtin/update-server-info.c:7 |
| msgid "git update-server-info [--force]" |
| msgstr "git update-server-info [--force]" |
| |
| #: builtin/update-server-info.c:15 |
| msgid "update the info files from scratch" |
| msgstr "從頭開始更新檔案訊息" |
| |
| #: builtin/upload-pack.c:11 |
| msgid "git upload-pack [<options>] <dir>" |
| msgstr "git upload-pack [<選項>] <目錄>" |
| |
| #: builtin/upload-pack.c:23 t/helper/test-serve-v2.c:17 |
| msgid "quit after a single request/response exchange" |
| msgstr "在一次單獨的請求/回應之後離開" |
| |
| #: builtin/upload-pack.c:25 |
| msgid "exit immediately after initial ref advertisement" |
| msgstr "在初始的引用廣告後立即離開" |
| |
| #: builtin/upload-pack.c:27 |
| msgid "do not try <directory>/.git/ if <directory> is no Git directory" |
| msgstr "如果 <目錄> 不是一個 Git 目錄,不要嘗試 <目錄>/.git/" |
| |
| #: builtin/upload-pack.c:29 |
| msgid "interrupt transfer after <n> seconds of inactivity" |
| msgstr "不活動 <n> 秒鐘後終止傳輸" |
| |
| #: builtin/verify-commit.c:19 |
| msgid "git verify-commit [-v | --verbose] <commit>..." |
| msgstr "git verify-commit [-v | --verbose] <提交>..." |
| |
| #: builtin/verify-commit.c:68 |
| msgid "print commit contents" |
| msgstr "列印提交內容" |
| |
| #: builtin/verify-commit.c:69 builtin/verify-tag.c:37 |
| msgid "print raw gpg status output" |
| msgstr "列印原始 gpg 狀態輸出" |
| |
| #: builtin/verify-pack.c:59 |
| msgid "git verify-pack [-v | --verbose] [-s | --stat-only] <pack>..." |
| msgstr "git verify-pack [-v | --verbose] [-s | --stat-only] <包>..." |
| |
| #: builtin/verify-pack.c:70 |
| msgid "verbose" |
| msgstr "詳細輸出" |
| |
| #: builtin/verify-pack.c:72 |
| msgid "show statistics only" |
| msgstr "只顯示統計" |
| |
| #: builtin/verify-tag.c:18 |
| msgid "git verify-tag [-v | --verbose] [--format=<format>] <tag>..." |
| msgstr "git verify-tag [-v | --verbose] [--format=<格式>] <標籤>..." |
| |
| #: builtin/verify-tag.c:36 |
| msgid "print tag contents" |
| msgstr "列印標籤內容" |
| |
| #: builtin/worktree.c:18 |
| msgid "git worktree add [<options>] <path> [<commit-ish>]" |
| msgstr "git worktree add [<選項>] <路徑> [<提交>]" |
| |
| #: builtin/worktree.c:19 |
| msgid "git worktree list [<options>]" |
| msgstr "git worktree list [<選項>]" |
| |
| #: builtin/worktree.c:20 |
| msgid "git worktree lock [<options>] <path>" |
| msgstr "git worktree lock [<選項>] <路徑>" |
| |
| #: builtin/worktree.c:21 |
| msgid "git worktree move <worktree> <new-path>" |
| msgstr "git worktree move <工作區> <新路徑>" |
| |
| #: builtin/worktree.c:22 |
| msgid "git worktree prune [<options>]" |
| msgstr "git worktree prune [<選項>]" |
| |
| #: builtin/worktree.c:23 |
| msgid "git worktree remove [<options>] <worktree>" |
| msgstr "git worktree remove [<選項>] <工作區>" |
| |
| #: builtin/worktree.c:24 |
| msgid "git worktree unlock <path>" |
| msgstr "git worktree unlock <路徑>" |
| |
| #: builtin/worktree.c:61 builtin/worktree.c:935 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "failed to delete '%s'" |
| msgstr "刪除 '%s' 失敗" |
| |
| #: builtin/worktree.c:74 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Removing %s/%s: %s" |
| msgstr "移除 %s/%s: %s" |
| |
| #: builtin/worktree.c:149 |
| msgid "report pruned working trees" |
| msgstr "報告清除的工作區" |
| |
| #: builtin/worktree.c:151 |
| msgid "expire working trees older than <time>" |
| msgstr "將早於 <時間> 的工作區過期" |
| |
| #: builtin/worktree.c:221 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "'%s' already exists" |
| msgstr "'%s' 已經存在" |
| |
| #: builtin/worktree.c:230 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "unusable worktree destination '%s'" |
| msgstr "無法使用的工作目錄目的地「%s」" |
| |
| #: builtin/worktree.c:235 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "'%s' is a missing but locked worktree;\n" |
| "use '%s -f -f' to override, or 'unlock' and 'prune' or 'remove' to clear" |
| msgstr "" |
| "'%s' 是個遺失但被鎖定的工作區;\n" |
| "使用 '%s -f -f' 覆蓋,或 'unlock' 和 'prune' 或 'remove' 清除" |
| |
| #: builtin/worktree.c:237 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "'%s' is a missing but already registered worktree;\n" |
| "use '%s -f' to override, or 'prune' or 'remove' to clear" |
| msgstr "" |
| "'%s' 是個遺失但已註冊的工作區;\n" |
| "使用 '%s -f' 覆蓋,或 'prune' 或 'remove' 清除" |
| |
| #: builtin/worktree.c:288 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "could not create directory of '%s'" |
| msgstr "不能建立目錄 '%s'" |
| |
| #: builtin/worktree.c:422 builtin/worktree.c:428 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Preparing worktree (new branch '%s')" |
| msgstr "準備工作區(新分支 '%s')" |
| |
| #: builtin/worktree.c:424 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Preparing worktree (resetting branch '%s'; was at %s)" |
| msgstr "準備工作區(重設分支 '%s',之前為 %s)" |
| |
| #: builtin/worktree.c:433 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Preparing worktree (checking out '%s')" |
| msgstr "準備工作區(檢出 '%s')" |
| |
| #: builtin/worktree.c:439 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Preparing worktree (detached HEAD %s)" |
| msgstr "準備工作區(分離開頭指標 %s)" |
| |
| #: builtin/worktree.c:482 |
| msgid "checkout <branch> even if already checked out in other worktree" |
| msgstr "檢出 <分支>,即使已經被檢出到其它工作區" |
| |
| #: builtin/worktree.c:485 |
| msgid "create a new branch" |
| msgstr "建立一個新分支" |
| |
| #: builtin/worktree.c:487 |
| msgid "create or reset a branch" |
| msgstr "建立或重設一個分支" |
| |
| #: builtin/worktree.c:489 |
| msgid "populate the new working tree" |
| msgstr "生成新的工作區" |
| |
| #: builtin/worktree.c:490 |
| msgid "keep the new working tree locked" |
| msgstr "鎖定新工作區" |
| |
| #: builtin/worktree.c:493 |
| msgid "set up tracking mode (see git-branch(1))" |
| msgstr "設定追蹤模式(參見 git-branch(1))" |
| |
| #: builtin/worktree.c:496 |
| msgid "try to match the new branch name with a remote-tracking branch" |
| msgstr "嘗試為新分支名符合一個遠端追蹤分支" |
| |
| #: builtin/worktree.c:504 |
| msgid "-b, -B, and --detach are mutually exclusive" |
| msgstr "-b、-B 和 --detach 是互斥的" |
| |
| #: builtin/worktree.c:565 |
| msgid "--[no-]track can only be used if a new branch is created" |
| msgstr "只能在建立新分支時使用 --[no-]track 選項" |
| |
| #: builtin/worktree.c:682 |
| msgid "show extended annotations and reasons, if available" |
| msgstr "如果有則顯示延伸的註釋和原因" |
| |
| #: builtin/worktree.c:684 |
| msgid "add 'prunable' annotation to worktrees older than <time>" |
| msgstr "對舊於 <時間> 的工作區加上 ‘prunable’ 標示" |
| |
| #: builtin/worktree.c:693 |
| msgid "--verbose and --porcelain are mutually exclusive" |
| msgstr "--verbose 和 --porcelain 互斥" |
| |
| #: builtin/worktree.c:720 |
| msgid "reason for locking" |
| msgstr "鎖定原因" |
| |
| #: builtin/worktree.c:732 builtin/worktree.c:765 builtin/worktree.c:839 |
| #: builtin/worktree.c:963 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "'%s' is not a working tree" |
| msgstr "'%s' 不是一個工作區" |
| |
| #: builtin/worktree.c:734 builtin/worktree.c:767 |
| msgid "The main working tree cannot be locked or unlocked" |
| msgstr "主工作區無法被加鎖或解鎖" |
| |
| #: builtin/worktree.c:739 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "'%s' is already locked, reason: %s" |
| msgstr "'%s' 已被鎖定,原因:%s" |
| |
| #: builtin/worktree.c:741 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "'%s' is already locked" |
| msgstr "'%s' 已被鎖定" |
| |
| #: builtin/worktree.c:769 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "'%s' is not locked" |
| msgstr "'%s' 未被鎖定" |
| |
| #: builtin/worktree.c:810 |
| msgid "working trees containing submodules cannot be moved or removed" |
| msgstr "不能移動或刪除包含子模組的工作區" |
| |
| #: builtin/worktree.c:818 |
| msgid "force move even if worktree is dirty or locked" |
| msgstr "強制移動,即使工作區是髒的或已鎖定" |
| |
| #: builtin/worktree.c:841 builtin/worktree.c:965 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "'%s' is a main working tree" |
| msgstr "'%s' 是一個主工作區" |
| |
| #: builtin/worktree.c:846 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "could not figure out destination name from '%s'" |
| msgstr "無法從 '%s' 算出目標名稱" |
| |
| #: builtin/worktree.c:859 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "cannot move a locked working tree, lock reason: %s\n" |
| "use 'move -f -f' to override or unlock first" |
| msgstr "" |
| "無法移動一個鎖定的工作區,鎖定原因:%s\n" |
| "使用 'move -f -f' 覆蓋或先解鎖" |
| |
| #: builtin/worktree.c:861 |
| msgid "" |
| "cannot move a locked working tree;\n" |
| "use 'move -f -f' to override or unlock first" |
| msgstr "" |
| "無法移動一個鎖定的工作區,\n" |
| "使用 'move -f -f' 覆蓋或先解鎖" |
| |
| #: builtin/worktree.c:864 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "validation failed, cannot move working tree: %s" |
| msgstr "驗證失敗,無法移動工作區:%s" |
| |
| #: builtin/worktree.c:869 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "failed to move '%s' to '%s'" |
| msgstr "移動 '%s' 到 '%s' 失敗" |
| |
| #: builtin/worktree.c:915 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "failed to run 'git status' on '%s'" |
| msgstr "在 '%s' 中執行 'git status' 失敗" |
| |
| #: builtin/worktree.c:919 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "'%s' contains modified or untracked files, use --force to delete it" |
| msgstr "'%s' 包含修改或未追蹤的檔案,使用 --force 刪除" |
| |
| #: builtin/worktree.c:924 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "failed to run 'git status' on '%s', code %d" |
| msgstr "在 '%s' 中執行 'git status' 失敗,離開碼 %d" |
| |
| #: builtin/worktree.c:947 |
| msgid "force removal even if worktree is dirty or locked" |
| msgstr "強制刪除,即使工作區是髒的或已鎖定" |
| |
| #: builtin/worktree.c:970 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "cannot remove a locked working tree, lock reason: %s\n" |
| "use 'remove -f -f' to override or unlock first" |
| msgstr "" |
| "無法刪除一個鎖定的工作區,鎖定原因:%s\n" |
| "使用 'remove -f -f' 覆蓋或先解鎖" |
| |
| #: builtin/worktree.c:972 |
| msgid "" |
| "cannot remove a locked working tree;\n" |
| "use 'remove -f -f' to override or unlock first" |
| msgstr "" |
| "無法刪除一個鎖定的工作區,\n" |
| "使用 'remove -f -f' 覆蓋或先解鎖" |
| |
| #: builtin/worktree.c:975 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "validation failed, cannot remove working tree: %s" |
| msgstr "驗證失敗,無法刪除工作區:%s" |
| |
| #: builtin/worktree.c:999 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "repair: %s: %s" |
| msgstr "修復:%s:%s" |
| |
| #: builtin/worktree.c:1002 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "error: %s: %s" |
| msgstr "錯誤:%s:%s" |
| |
| #: builtin/write-tree.c:15 |
| msgid "git write-tree [--missing-ok] [--prefix=<prefix>/]" |
| msgstr "git write-tree [--missing-ok] [--prefix=<前綴>/]" |
| |
| #: builtin/write-tree.c:28 |
| msgid "<prefix>/" |
| msgstr "<前綴>/" |
| |
| #: builtin/write-tree.c:29 |
| msgid "write tree object for a subdirectory <prefix>" |
| msgstr "將 <前綴> 子目錄內容寫到一個樹狀物件" |
| |
| #: builtin/write-tree.c:31 |
| msgid "only useful for debugging" |
| msgstr "只對除錯有用" |
| |
| #: git.c:28 |
| msgid "" |
| "git [--version] [--help] [-C <path>] [-c <name>=<value>]\n" |
| " [--exec-path[=<path>]] [--html-path] [--man-path] [--info-path]\n" |
| " [-p | --paginate | -P | --no-pager] [--no-replace-objects] [--" |
| "bare]\n" |
| " [--git-dir=<path>] [--work-tree=<path>] [--namespace=<name>]\n" |
| " [--super-prefix=<path>] [--config-env=<name>=<envvar>]\n" |
| " <command> [<args>]" |
| msgstr "" |
| "git [--version] [--help] [-C <路徑>] [-c <名稱>=<數值>]\n" |
| " [--exec-path[=<路徑>]] [--html-path] [--man-path] [--info-path]\n" |
| " [-p | --paginate | -P | --no-pager] [--no-replace-objects] [--" |
| "bare]\n" |
| " [--git-dir=<路徑>] [--work-tree=<路徑>] [--namespace=<名稱>]\n" |
| " [--super-prefix=<路徑>] [--config-env=<名稱>=<環境變數>]\n" |
| " <命令> [<引數>]" |
| |
| #: git.c:36 |
| msgid "" |
| "'git help -a' and 'git help -g' list available subcommands and some\n" |
| "concept guides. See 'git help <command>' or 'git help <concept>'\n" |
| "to read about a specific subcommand or concept.\n" |
| "See 'git help git' for an overview of the system." |
| msgstr "" |
| "指令 'git help -a' 和 'git help -g' 顯示可用的子指令和一些概念說明。\n" |
| "檢視 'git help <命令>' 或 'git help <概念>' 以取得提供子指令或概念\n" |
| "說明。\n" |
| "有關系統概述,檢視 'git help git'。" |
| |
| #: git.c:188 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "no directory given for --git-dir\n" |
| msgstr "沒有為 --git-dir 提供目錄\n" |
| |
| #: git.c:202 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "no namespace given for --namespace\n" |
| msgstr "沒有為 --namespace 提供命名空間\n" |
| |
| #: git.c:216 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "no directory given for --work-tree\n" |
| msgstr "沒有為 --work-tree 提供目錄\n" |
| |
| #: git.c:230 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "no prefix given for --super-prefix\n" |
| msgstr "沒有為 --super-prefix 提供前綴\n" |
| |
| #: git.c:252 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "-c expects a configuration string\n" |
| msgstr "應為 -c 提供一個設定字串\n" |
| |
| #: git.c:260 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "no config key given for --config-env\n" |
| msgstr "未傳入設定鍵至 --config-env\n" |
| |
| #: git.c:300 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "no directory given for -C\n" |
| msgstr "沒有為 -C 提供目錄\n" |
| |
| #: git.c:326 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "unknown option: %s\n" |
| msgstr "未知選項:%s\n" |
| |
| #: git.c:375 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "while expanding alias '%s': '%s'" |
| msgstr "在擴展別名 '%s' 時:'%s'" |
| |
| #: git.c:384 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "alias '%s' changes environment variables.\n" |
| "You can use '!git' in the alias to do this" |
| msgstr "" |
| "別名 '%s' 修改環境變數。您可以使用在別名中\n" |
| "使用 '!git'" |
| |
| #: git.c:391 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "empty alias for %s" |
| msgstr "%s 的空別名" |
| |
| #: git.c:394 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "recursive alias: %s" |
| msgstr "遞迴的別名:%s" |
| |
| #: git.c:476 |
| msgid "write failure on standard output" |
| msgstr "在標準輸出寫入失敗" |
| |
| #: git.c:478 |
| msgid "unknown write failure on standard output" |
| msgstr "到標準輸出的未知寫入錯誤" |
| |
| #: git.c:480 |
| msgid "close failed on standard output" |
| msgstr "標準輸出關閉失敗" |
| |
| #: git.c:833 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "alias loop detected: expansion of '%s' does not terminate:%s" |
| msgstr "檢測到別名循環:'%s'的擴展未終止:%s" |
| |
| #: git.c:883 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "cannot handle %s as a builtin" |
| msgstr "不能作為內建指令處理 %s" |
| |
| #: git.c:896 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "usage: %s\n" |
| "\n" |
| msgstr "" |
| "用法:%s\n" |
| "\n" |
| |
| #: git.c:916 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "expansion of alias '%s' failed; '%s' is not a git command\n" |
| msgstr "展開別名指令 '%s' 失敗,'%s' 不是一個 git 指令\n" |
| |
| #: git.c:928 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "failed to run command '%s': %s\n" |
| msgstr "執行指令 '%s' 失敗:%s\n" |
| |
| #: http-fetch.c:118 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "argument to --packfile must be a valid hash (got '%s')" |
| msgstr "傳入 --packfile 的參數必須是有效的雜湊 (收到 '%s')" |
| |
| #: http-fetch.c:128 |
| msgid "not a git repository" |
| msgstr "不是一個 git 版本庫" |
| |
| #: http-fetch.c:134 |
| msgid "--packfile requires --index-pack-args" |
| msgstr "--packfile 需要 --index-pack-args" |
| |
| #: http-fetch.c:143 |
| msgid "--index-pack-args can only be used with --packfile" |
| msgstr "--index-pack-args 只能與 --packfile 一起使用" |
| |
| #: t/helper/test-fast-rebase.c:141 |
| msgid "unhandled options" |
| msgstr "未處理選項" |
| |
| #: t/helper/test-fast-rebase.c:146 |
| msgid "error preparing revisions" |
| msgstr "準備修訂版本時發生錯誤" |
| |
| #: t/helper/test-reach.c:154 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "commit %s is not marked reachable" |
| msgstr "提交 %s 沒有標記為可以取得" |
| |
| #: t/helper/test-reach.c:164 |
| msgid "too many commits marked reachable" |
| msgstr "太多提交標記為可以取得" |
| |
| #: t/helper/test-serve-v2.c:7 |
| msgid "test-tool serve-v2 [<options>]" |
| msgstr "test-tool serve-v2 [<選項>]" |
| |
| #: t/helper/test-serve-v2.c:19 |
| msgid "exit immediately after advertising capabilities" |
| msgstr "對能力廣告之後立即離開" |
| |
| #: t/helper/test-simple-ipc.c:262 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "socket/pipe already in use: '%s'" |
| msgstr "通訊端 (socket) 或管道 (pipe) 已在使用:「%s」" |
| |
| #: t/helper/test-simple-ipc.c:264 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "could not start server on: '%s'" |
| msgstr "無法在下述位置啟動伺服器:「%s」" |
| |
| #: t/helper/test-simple-ipc.c:295 t/helper/test-simple-ipc.c:331 |
| msgid "could not spawn daemon in the background" |
| msgstr "無法在背景啟動 (spawn) 守護程式" |
| |
| #: t/helper/test-simple-ipc.c:356 |
| #| msgid "setsid failed" |
| msgid "waitpid failed" |
| msgstr "waitpid 失敗" |
| |
| #: t/helper/test-simple-ipc.c:376 |
| msgid "daemon not online yet" |
| msgstr "守護程式尚未上線" |
| |
| #: t/helper/test-simple-ipc.c:406 |
| msgid "daemon failed to start" |
| msgstr "無法啟動守護程式" |
| |
| #: t/helper/test-simple-ipc.c:410 |
| msgid "waitpid is confused" |
| msgstr "" |
| |
| #: t/helper/test-simple-ipc.c:541 |
| msgid "daemon has not shutdown yet" |
| msgstr "守護程式尚未關閉" |
| |
| #: t/helper/test-simple-ipc.c:682 |
| msgid "test-helper simple-ipc is-active [<name>] [<options>]" |
| msgstr "test-helper simple-ipc is-active [<name>] [<options>]" |
| |
| #: t/helper/test-simple-ipc.c:683 |
| msgid "test-helper simple-ipc run-daemon [<name>] [<threads>]" |
| msgstr "test-helper simple-ipc run-daemon [<name>] [<threads>]" |
| |
| #: t/helper/test-simple-ipc.c:684 |
| msgid "test-helper simple-ipc start-daemon [<name>] [<threads>] [<max-wait>]" |
| msgstr "test-helper simple-ipc start-daemon [<name>] [<threads>] [<max-wait>]" |
| |
| #: t/helper/test-simple-ipc.c:685 |
| msgid "test-helper simple-ipc stop-daemon [<name>] [<max-wait>]" |
| msgstr "test-helper simple-ipc stop-daemon [<name>] [<max-wait>]" |
| |
| #: t/helper/test-simple-ipc.c:686 |
| msgid "test-helper simple-ipc send [<name>] [<token>]" |
| msgstr "test-helper simple-ipc send [<name>] [<token>]" |
| |
| #: t/helper/test-simple-ipc.c:687 |
| msgid "test-helper simple-ipc sendbytes [<name>] [<bytecount>] [<byte>]" |
| msgstr "test-helper simple-ipc sendbytes [<name>] [<bytecount>] [<byte>]" |
| |
| #: t/helper/test-simple-ipc.c:688 |
| msgid "" |
| "test-helper simple-ipc multiple [<name>] [<threads>] [<bytecount>] " |
| "[<batchsize>]" |
| msgstr "" |
| "test-helper simple-ipc multiple [<name>] [<threads>] [<bytecount>] " |
| "[<batchsize>]" |
| |
| #: t/helper/test-simple-ipc.c:696 |
| msgid "name or pathname of unix domain socket" |
| msgstr "Unix 網域通訊端的名稱或路徑名稱" |
| |
| #: t/helper/test-simple-ipc.c:698 |
| msgid "named-pipe name" |
| msgstr "有命名管道的名稱" |
| |
| #: t/helper/test-simple-ipc.c:700 |
| msgid "number of threads in server thread pool" |
| msgstr "伺服器執行緒集區的執行緒數量" |
| |
| #: t/helper/test-simple-ipc.c:701 |
| msgid "seconds to wait for daemon to start or stop" |
| msgstr "要等待守護程式啟動或停止多久(秒)" |
| |
| #: t/helper/test-simple-ipc.c:703 |
| msgid "number of bytes" |
| msgstr "位元組數" |
| |
| #: t/helper/test-simple-ipc.c:704 |
| msgid "number of requests per thread" |
| msgstr "每個執行緒的請求數" |
| |
| #: t/helper/test-simple-ipc.c:706 |
| msgid "byte" |
| msgstr "位元組" |
| |
| #: t/helper/test-simple-ipc.c:706 |
| msgid "ballast character" |
| msgstr "穩定 (ballast) 字元" |
| |
| #: t/helper/test-simple-ipc.c:707 |
| msgid "token" |
| msgstr "代符" |
| |
| #: t/helper/test-simple-ipc.c:707 |
| msgid "command token to send to the server" |
| msgstr "要傳送至伺服器的命令代符" |
| |
| #: http.c:399 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "negative value for http.postbuffer; defaulting to %d" |
| msgstr "http.postbuffer 為負值,預設為 %d" |
| |
| #: http.c:420 |
| msgid "Delegation control is not supported with cURL < 7.22.0" |
| msgstr "不支援委託控制,因為 cURL < 7.22.0" |
| |
| #: http.c:429 |
| msgid "Public key pinning not supported with cURL < 7.44.0" |
| msgstr "不支援公鑰檔案鎖定,因為 cURL < 7.44.0" |
| |
| #: http.c:910 |
| msgid "CURLSSLOPT_NO_REVOKE not supported with cURL < 7.44.0" |
| msgstr "不支援 CURLSSLOPT_NO_REVOKE,因為 cURL < 7.44.0" |
| |
| #: http.c:989 |
| msgid "Protocol restrictions not supported with cURL < 7.19.4" |
| msgstr "不支援協定限制,因為 cURL < 7.19.4" |
| |
| #: http.c:1132 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Unsupported SSL backend '%s'. Supported SSL backends:" |
| msgstr "不支援的 SSL 後端 '%s'。支援的 SSL 後端:" |
| |
| #: http.c:1139 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Could not set SSL backend to '%s': cURL was built without SSL backends" |
| msgstr "無法設定 SSL 後端為 '%s':cURL: cURL 沒有使用 SSL 後端組建" |
| |
| #: http.c:1143 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Could not set SSL backend to '%s': already set" |
| msgstr "無法將 SSL 後端設定為 '%s':已經設定" |
| |
| #: http.c:2035 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "" |
| "unable to update url base from redirection:\n" |
| " asked for: %s\n" |
| " redirect: %s" |
| msgstr "" |
| "不能更新重定向的 url base:\n" |
| " 請求:%s\n" |
| " 重定向:%s" |
| |
| #: remote-curl.c:183 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "invalid quoting in push-option value: '%s'" |
| msgstr "在 push-option 取值中無效的引號:'%s'" |
| |
| #: remote-curl.c:307 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "%sinfo/refs not valid: is this a git repository?" |
| msgstr "%sinfo/refs 無效:這是一個 git 版本庫嗎?" |
| |
| #: remote-curl.c:408 |
| msgid "invalid server response; expected service, got flush packet" |
| msgstr "無效的服務端回應。預期服務,得到 flush 包" |
| |
| #: remote-curl.c:439 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "invalid server response; got '%s'" |
| msgstr "無效的服務端回應,得到 '%s'" |
| |
| #: remote-curl.c:499 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "repository '%s' not found" |
| msgstr "版本庫 '%s' 未找到" |
| |
| #: remote-curl.c:503 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "Authentication failed for '%s'" |
| msgstr "'%s' 身份驗證失敗" |
| |
| #: remote-curl.c:507 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "unable to access '%s': %s" |
| msgstr "無法存取 '%s':%s" |
| |
| #: remote-curl.c:513 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "redirecting to %s" |
| msgstr "重定向到 %s" |
| |
| #: remote-curl.c:642 |
| msgid "shouldn't have EOF when not gentle on EOF" |
| msgstr "當沒有設定溫和處理檔案結束符(EOF)時,不應該有檔案結束符" |
| |
| #: remote-curl.c:654 |
| msgid "remote server sent stateless separator" |
| msgstr "遠端伺服器傳送了無狀態的分隔符號" |
| |
| #: remote-curl.c:724 |
| msgid "unable to rewind rpc post data - try increasing http.postBuffer" |
| msgstr "無法還原 rpc post 資料 - 嘗試增加 http.postBuffer" |
| |
| #: remote-curl.c:754 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "remote-curl: bad line length character: %.4s" |
| msgstr "remote-curl: 錯誤的行長度字串:%.4s" |
| |
| #: remote-curl.c:756 |
| msgid "remote-curl: unexpected response end packet" |
| msgstr "remote-curl: 非預期的回應結束封包" |
| |
| #: remote-curl.c:832 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "RPC failed; %s" |
| msgstr "RPC 失敗。%s" |
| |
| #: remote-curl.c:872 |
| msgid "cannot handle pushes this big" |
| msgstr "不能處理這麼大的推送" |
| |
| #: remote-curl.c:987 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "cannot deflate request; zlib deflate error %d" |
| msgstr "不能壓縮請求,zlib 壓縮錯誤 %d" |
| |
| #: remote-curl.c:991 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "cannot deflate request; zlib end error %d" |
| msgstr "不能壓縮請求,zlib 結束錯誤 %d" |
| |
| #: remote-curl.c:1041 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "%d bytes of length header were received" |
| msgstr "收到了 %d 位元組長度的標頭" |
| |
| #: remote-curl.c:1043 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "%d bytes of body are still expected" |
| msgstr "預期仍要有 %d 位元組的本文 (body)" |
| |
| #: remote-curl.c:1132 |
| msgid "dumb http transport does not support shallow capabilities" |
| msgstr "啞 http 傳輸不支援 shalllow 能力" |
| |
| #: remote-curl.c:1147 |
| msgid "fetch failed." |
| msgstr "取得失敗。" |
| |
| #: remote-curl.c:1193 |
| msgid "cannot fetch by sha1 over smart http" |
| msgstr "無法透過智慧 HTTP 取得 sha1" |
| |
| #: remote-curl.c:1237 remote-curl.c:1243 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "protocol error: expected sha/ref, got '%s'" |
| msgstr "協定錯誤:期望 sha/ref,卻得到 '%s'" |
| |
| #: remote-curl.c:1255 remote-curl.c:1373 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "http transport does not support %s" |
| msgstr "http 傳輸協定不支援 %s" |
| |
| #: remote-curl.c:1291 |
| msgid "git-http-push failed" |
| msgstr "git-http-push 失敗" |
| |
| #: remote-curl.c:1479 |
| msgid "remote-curl: usage: git remote-curl <remote> [<url>]" |
| msgstr "remote-curl:用法:git remote-curl <遠端> [<url>]" |
| |
| #: remote-curl.c:1511 |
| msgid "remote-curl: error reading command stream from git" |
| msgstr "remote-curl:錯誤讀取來自 git 的指令流" |
| |
| #: remote-curl.c:1518 |
| msgid "remote-curl: fetch attempted without a local repo" |
| msgstr "remote-curl:嘗試沒有本機版本庫下取得" |
| |
| #: remote-curl.c:1559 |
| #, c-format |
| msgid "remote-curl: unknown command '%s' from git" |
| msgstr "remote-curl:未知的來自 git 的指令 '%s'" |
| |
| #: compat/compiler.h:26 |
| msgid "no compiler information available\n" |
| msgstr "沒有可用的編譯器資訊\n" |
| |
| #: compat/compiler.h:38 |
| msgid "no libc information available\n" |
| msgstr "沒有可用的 libc 資訊\n" |
| |
| #: list-objects-filter-options.h:94 |
| msgid "args" |
| msgstr "參數" |
| |
| #: list-objects-filter-options.h:95 |
| msgid "object filtering" |
| msgstr "物件過濾" |
| |
| #: parse-options.h:184 |
| msgid "expiry-date" |
| msgstr "到期時間" |
| |
| #: parse-options.h:198 |
| msgid "no-op (backward compatibility)" |
| msgstr "空動作(向後相容)" |
| |
| #: parse-options.h:310 |
| msgid "be more verbose" |
| msgstr "更加詳細" |
| |
| #: parse-options.h:312 |
| msgid "be more quiet" |
| msgstr "更加安靜" |
| |
| #: parse-options.h:318 |
| msgid "use <n> digits to display object names" |
| msgstr "用 <n> 位數字顯示物件名稱" |
| |
| #: parse-options.h:337 |
| msgid "how to strip spaces and #comments from message" |
| msgstr "設定如何刪除提交說明裡的空格和 #備註" |
| |
| #: parse-options.h:338 |
| msgid "read pathspec from file" |
| msgstr "從檔案讀取 <路徑規格>" |
| |
| #: parse-options.h:339 |
| msgid "" |
| "with --pathspec-from-file, pathspec elements are separated with NUL character" |
| msgstr "如使用 --pathspec-from-file,則 <路徑規格> 元件會使用 NUL 字元分隔" |
| |
| #: ref-filter.h:99 |
| msgid "key" |
| msgstr "key" |
| |
| #: ref-filter.h:99 |
| msgid "field name to sort on" |
| msgstr "排序的欄位名" |
| |
| #: rerere.h:44 |
| msgid "update the index with reused conflict resolution if possible" |
| msgstr "如果可能,重用衝突解決更新索引" |
| |
| #: command-list.h:50 |
| msgid "Add file contents to the index" |
| msgstr "新增檔案內容至索引" |
| |
| #: command-list.h:51 |
| msgid "Apply a series of patches from a mailbox" |
| msgstr "套用信箱格式的系列修補檔" |
| |
| #: command-list.h:52 |
| msgid "Annotate file lines with commit information" |
| msgstr "使用提交說明備註檔案行" |
| |
| #: command-list.h:53 |
| msgid "Apply a patch to files and/or to the index" |
| msgstr "套用一個修補檔到檔案和/或索引區" |
| |
| #: command-list.h:54 |
| msgid "Import a GNU Arch repository into Git" |
| msgstr "將一個 GNU Arch 版本庫匯入到 Git" |
| |
| #: command-list.h:55 |
| msgid "Create an archive of files from a named tree" |
| msgstr "基於命名過的樹建立檔案封存" |
| |
| #: command-list.h:56 |
| msgid "Use binary search to find the commit that introduced a bug" |
| msgstr "透過二分搜尋定位引入 bug 的提交" |
| |
| #: command-list.h:57 |
| msgid "Show what revision and author last modified each line of a file" |
| msgstr "顯示檔案每一行最後修改的版本和修改者" |
| |
| #: command-list.h:58 |
| msgid "List, create, or delete branches" |
| msgstr "列出、建立或刪除分支" |
| |
| #: command-list.h:59 |
| msgid "Collect information for user to file a bug report" |
| msgstr "幫使用者收集要遞送臭蟲報告的資訊" |
| |
| #: command-list.h:60 |
| msgid "Move objects and refs by archive" |
| msgstr "透過歸檔移動物件和引用" |
| |
| #: command-list.h:61 |
| msgid "Provide content or type and size information for repository objects" |
| msgstr "提供版本庫物件的內容、類型或大小" |
| |
| #: command-list.h:62 |
| msgid "Display gitattributes information" |
| msgstr "顯示 gitattributes 訊息" |
| |
| #: command-list.h:63 |
| msgid "Debug gitignore / exclude files" |
| msgstr "除錯 gitignore / exclude 檔案" |
| |
| #: command-list.h:64 |
| msgid "Show canonical names and email addresses of contacts" |
| msgstr "顯示聯絡人的規範名稱和電子信件" |
| |
| #: command-list.h:65 |
| msgid "Switch branches or restore working tree files" |
| msgstr "切換分支或復原工作區檔案" |
| |
| #: command-list.h:66 |
| msgid "Copy files from the index to the working tree" |
| msgstr "從索引複製檔案到工作區" |
| |
| #: command-list.h:67 |
| msgid "Ensures that a reference name is well formed" |
| msgstr "確保引用名稱格式正確" |
| |
| #: command-list.h:68 |
| msgid "Find commits yet to be applied to upstream" |
| msgstr "尋找尚未套用到上游的提交" |
| |
| #: command-list.h:69 |
| msgid "Apply the changes introduced by some existing commits" |
| msgstr "套用一些現存提交引入的修改" |
| |
| #: command-list.h:70 |
| msgid "Graphical alternative to git-commit" |
| msgstr "git-commit 的圖形替代介面" |
| |
| #: command-list.h:71 |
| msgid "Remove untracked files from the working tree" |
| msgstr "從工作區中刪除未追蹤檔案" |
| |
| #: command-list.h:72 |
| msgid "Clone a repository into a new directory" |
| msgstr "複製版本庫到一個新目錄" |
| |
| #: command-list.h:73 |
| msgid "Display data in columns" |
| msgstr "以列的方式顯示資料" |
| |
| #: command-list.h:74 |
| msgid "Record changes to the repository" |
| msgstr "記錄變更到版本庫" |
| |
| #: command-list.h:75 |
| msgid "Write and verify Git commit-graph files" |
| msgstr "寫入和驗證 Git 提交圖檔案" |
| |
| #: command-list.h:76 |
| msgid "Create a new commit object" |
| msgstr "建立一個新的提交物件" |
| |
| #: command-list.h:77 |
| msgid "Get and set repository or global options" |
| msgstr "取得和設定版本庫或者全域選項" |
| |
| #: command-list.h:78 |
| msgid "Count unpacked number of objects and their disk consumption" |
| msgstr "計算未打包物件的數量和磁碟空間占用" |
| |
| #: command-list.h:79 |
| msgid "Retrieve and store user credentials" |
| msgstr "檢索和儲存使用者密碼" |
| |
| #: command-list.h:80 |
| msgid "Helper to temporarily store passwords in memory" |
| msgstr "在記憶體中暫時儲存密碼的協助工具" |
| |
| #: command-list.h:81 |
| msgid "Helper to store credentials on disk" |
| msgstr "在磁碟儲存密碼的協助工具" |
| |
| #: command-list.h:82 |
| msgid "Export a single commit to a CVS checkout" |
| msgstr "將一個提交匯出到 CVS 檢出中" |
| |
| #: command-list.h:83 |
| msgid "Salvage your data out of another SCM people love to hate" |
| msgstr "從另外一個人們愛恨的設定管理系統中拯救你的資料" |
| |
| #: command-list.h:84 |
| msgid "A CVS server emulator for Git" |
| msgstr "Git 的一個 CVS 服務模擬器" |
| |
| #: command-list.h:85 |
| msgid "A really simple server for Git repositories" |
| msgstr "一個非常簡單的 Git 版本庫伺服器" |
| |
| #: command-list.h:86 |
| msgid "Give an object a human readable name based on an available ref" |
| msgstr "基於一個現存的引用為一個物件起一個可讀的名稱" |
| |
| #: command-list.h:87 |
| msgid "Show changes between commits, commit and working tree, etc" |
| msgstr "顯示提交之間、提交和工作區之間等的差異" |
| |
| #: command-list.h:88 |
| msgid "Compares files in the working tree and the index" |
| msgstr "比較工作區和索引區中的檔案" |
| |
| #: command-list.h:89 |
| msgid "Compare a tree to the working tree or index" |
| msgstr "將一個樹和工作區或索引做比較" |
| |
| #: command-list.h:90 |
| msgid "Compares the content and mode of blobs found via two tree objects" |
| msgstr "比較兩個樹狀物件的檔案內容和模式" |
| |
| #: command-list.h:91 |
| msgid "Show changes using common diff tools" |
| msgstr "使用常見的差異工具顯示更改" |
| |
| #: command-list.h:92 |
| msgid "Git data exporter" |
| msgstr "Git 資料匯出器" |
| |
| #: command-list.h:93 |
| msgid "Backend for fast Git data importers" |
| msgstr "Git 快速資料匯入器後端" |
| |
| #: command-list.h:94 |
| msgid "Download objects and refs from another repository" |
| msgstr "從另外一個版本庫下載物件和引用" |
| |
| #: command-list.h:95 |
| msgid "Receive missing objects from another repository" |
| msgstr "從另一個版本庫取得缺少的物件" |
| |
| #: command-list.h:96 |
| msgid "Rewrite branches" |
| msgstr "重寫分支" |
| |
| #: command-list.h:97 |
| msgid "Produce a merge commit message" |
| msgstr "生成一個合併提交說明" |
| |
| #: command-list.h:98 |
| msgid "Output information on each ref" |
| msgstr "對每一個引用輸出訊息" |
| |
| #: command-list.h:99 |
| msgid "Run a Git command on a list of repositories" |
| msgstr "在列表中的版本庫中執行 Git 命令" |
| |
| #: command-list.h:100 |
| msgid "Prepare patches for e-mail submission" |
| msgstr "準備電子信件提交的修補檔" |
| |
| #: command-list.h:101 |
| msgid "Verifies the connectivity and validity of the objects in the database" |
| msgstr "驗證版本庫中物件的連通性和有效性" |
| |
| #: command-list.h:102 |
| msgid "Cleanup unnecessary files and optimize the local repository" |
| msgstr "清除不必要的檔案和最佳化本機版本庫" |
| |
| #: command-list.h:103 |
| msgid "Extract commit ID from an archive created using git-archive" |
| msgstr "從 git-archive 建立的歸檔檔案中擷取提交 ID" |
| |
| #: command-list.h:104 |
| msgid "Print lines matching a pattern" |
| msgstr "輸出和模式符合的行" |
| |
| #: command-list.h:105 |
| msgid "A portable graphical interface to Git" |
| msgstr "一個便攜的 Git 圖形用戶端" |
| |
| #: command-list.h:106 |
| msgid "Compute object ID and optionally creates a blob from a file" |
| msgstr "從一個檔案計算物件 ID,並可以建立 blob 資料物件" |
| |
| #: command-list.h:107 |
| msgid "Display help information about Git" |
| msgstr "顯示 Git 的說明訊息" |
| |
| #: command-list.h:108 |
| msgid "Server side implementation of Git over HTTP" |
| msgstr "Git HTTP 協定的服務端實現" |
| |
| #: command-list.h:109 |
| msgid "Download from a remote Git repository via HTTP" |
| msgstr "通過 HTTP 從遠端 Git 版本庫下載" |
| |
| #: command-list.h:110 |
| msgid "Push objects over HTTP/DAV to another repository" |
| msgstr "通過 HTTP/DAV 推送物件另一個版本庫" |
| |
| #: command-list.h:111 |
| msgid "Send a collection of patches from stdin to an IMAP folder" |
| msgstr "從標準輸入將一組修補檔傳送到IMAP資料夾" |
| |
| #: command-list.h:112 |
| msgid "Build pack index file for an existing packed archive" |
| msgstr "從一個現存的包存檔檔案建立包索引" |
| |
| #: command-list.h:113 |
| msgid "Create an empty Git repository or reinitialize an existing one" |
| msgstr "建立一個空的 Git 版本庫或重新初始化一個已存在的版本庫" |
| |
| #: command-list.h:114 |
| msgid "Instantly browse your working repository in gitweb" |
| msgstr "在 gitweb 中即時瀏覽您的工作版本庫" |
| |
| #: command-list.h:115 |
| msgid "Add or parse structured information in commit messages" |
| msgstr "新增或解析提交說明中的結構化訊息" |
| |
| #: command-list.h:116 |
| msgid "The Git repository browser" |
| msgstr "Git 版本庫瀏覽器" |
| |
| #: command-list.h:117 |
| msgid "Show commit logs" |
| msgstr "顯示提交日誌" |
| |
| #: command-list.h:118 |
| msgid "Show information about files in the index and the working tree" |
| msgstr "顯示索引和工作區中檔案的訊息" |
| |
| #: command-list.h:119 |
| msgid "List references in a remote repository" |
| msgstr "顯示一個遠端版本庫的引用" |
| |
| #: command-list.h:120 |
| msgid "List the contents of a tree object" |
| msgstr "顯示一個樹狀物件的內容" |
| |
| #: command-list.h:121 |
| msgid "Extracts patch and authorship from a single e-mail message" |
| msgstr "從單個電子信件中擷取修補檔和作者身份" |
| |
| #: command-list.h:122 |
| msgid "Simple UNIX mbox splitter program" |
| msgstr "簡單的 UNIX mbox 信箱切分程式" |
| |
| #: command-list.h:123 |
| msgid "Run tasks to optimize Git repository data" |
| msgstr "執行用來最佳化 Git 版本庫資料的作業" |
| |
| #: command-list.h:124 |
| msgid "Join two or more development histories together" |
| msgstr "合併兩個或更多開發歷史" |
| |
| #: command-list.h:125 |
| msgid "Find as good common ancestors as possible for a merge" |
| msgstr "為了合併尋找儘可能好的公共祖先提交" |
| |
| #: command-list.h:126 |
| msgid "Run a three-way file merge" |
| msgstr "執行一個三路檔案合併" |
| |
| #: command-list.h:127 |
| msgid "Run a merge for files needing merging" |
| msgstr "對於需要合併的檔案執行合併" |
| |
| #: command-list.h:128 |
| msgid "The standard helper program to use with git-merge-index" |
| msgstr "與 git-merge-index 一起使用的標準嚮導程式" |
| |
| #: command-list.h:129 |
| msgid "Run merge conflict resolution tools to resolve merge conflicts" |
| msgstr "執行合併衝突解決工具以解決合併衝突" |
| |
| #: command-list.h:130 |
| msgid "Show three-way merge without touching index" |
| msgstr "顯示三路合併而不動索引" |
| |
| #: command-list.h:131 |
| msgid "Write and verify multi-pack-indexes" |
| msgstr "寫入和驗證多包索引" |
| |
| #: command-list.h:132 |
| msgid "Creates a tag object with extra validation" |
| msgstr "建立有額外驗證的標籤物件" |
| |
| #: command-list.h:133 |
| msgid "Build a tree-object from ls-tree formatted text" |
| msgstr "基於 ls-tree 的格式化文字建立一個樹狀物件" |
| |
| #: command-list.h:134 |
| msgid "Move or rename a file, a directory, or a symlink" |
| msgstr "移動或重新命名一個檔案、目錄或符號連結" |
| |
| # 尋找提供版本的符號名稱 |
| #: command-list.h:135 |
| msgid "Find symbolic names for given revs" |
| msgstr "尋找提供版本的符號名稱" |
| |
| #: command-list.h:136 |
| msgid "Add or inspect object notes" |
| msgstr "新增或檢查物件備註" |
| |
| #: command-list.h:137 |
| msgid "Import from and submit to Perforce repositories" |
| msgstr "匯入和提交到 Perforce 版本庫中" |
| |
| #: command-list.h:138 |
| msgid "Create a packed archive of objects" |
| msgstr "建立物件的存檔包" |
| |
| #: command-list.h:139 |
| msgid "Find redundant pack files" |
| msgstr "尋找冗餘的包檔案" |
| |
| #: command-list.h:140 |
| msgid "Pack heads and tags for efficient repository access" |
| msgstr "打包頭和標籤以實現高效的版本庫存取" |
| |
| #: command-list.h:141 |
| msgid "Compute unique ID for a patch" |
| msgstr "計算一個修補檔的唯一 ID" |
| |
| #: command-list.h:142 |
| msgid "Prune all unreachable objects from the object database" |
| msgstr "刪除物件庫中所有無法取得物件" |
| |
| #: command-list.h:143 |
| msgid "Remove extra objects that are already in pack files" |
| msgstr "刪除已經在包檔案中的多餘物件" |
| |
| #: command-list.h:144 |
| msgid "Fetch from and integrate with another repository or a local branch" |
| msgstr "取得並整合另外的版本庫或一個本機分支" |
| |
| #: command-list.h:145 |
| msgid "Update remote refs along with associated objects" |
| msgstr "更新遠端引用和相關的物件" |
| |
| #: command-list.h:146 |
| msgid "Applies a quilt patchset onto the current branch" |
| msgstr "將一個 quilt 修補檔集合套用到目前分支" |
| |
| #: command-list.h:147 |
| msgid "Compare two commit ranges (e.g. two versions of a branch)" |
| msgstr "比較兩個提交範圍(如一個分支的兩個版本)" |
| |
| #: command-list.h:148 |
| msgid "Reads tree information into the index" |
| msgstr "將樹訊息讀取到索引" |
| |
| #: command-list.h:149 |
| msgid "Reapply commits on top of another base tip" |
| msgstr "在另一個分支上重新套用提交" |
| |
| #: command-list.h:150 |
| msgid "Receive what is pushed into the repository" |
| msgstr "接收推送到版本庫中的物件" |
| |
| #: command-list.h:151 |
| msgid "Manage reflog information" |
| msgstr "管理 reflog 訊息" |
| |
| #: command-list.h:152 |
| msgid "Manage set of tracked repositories" |
| msgstr "管理已追蹤版本庫" |
| |
| #: command-list.h:153 |
| msgid "Pack unpacked objects in a repository" |
| msgstr "打包版本庫中未打包物件" |
| |
| #: command-list.h:154 |
| msgid "Create, list, delete refs to replace objects" |
| msgstr "建立、列出、刪除物件取代引用" |
| |
| #: command-list.h:155 |
| msgid "Generates a summary of pending changes" |
| msgstr "生成待定更改的摘要" |
| |
| #: command-list.h:156 |
| msgid "Reuse recorded resolution of conflicted merges" |
| msgstr "重用衝突合併的解決方案記錄" |
| |
| #: command-list.h:157 |
| msgid "Reset current HEAD to the specified state" |
| msgstr "重設目前 HEAD 到指定狀態" |
| |
| #: command-list.h:158 |
| msgid "Restore working tree files" |
| msgstr "復原工作區檔案" |
| |
| #: command-list.h:159 |
| msgid "Revert some existing commits" |
| msgstr "還原一些現存提交" |
| |
| #: command-list.h:160 |
| msgid "Lists commit objects in reverse chronological order" |
| msgstr "按時間順序列出提交物件" |
| |
| #: command-list.h:161 |
| msgid "Pick out and massage parameters" |
| msgstr "選出並處理參數" |
| |
| #: command-list.h:162 |
| msgid "Remove files from the working tree and from the index" |
| msgstr "從工作區和索引中刪除檔案" |
| |
| #: command-list.h:163 |
| msgid "Send a collection of patches as emails" |
| msgstr "透過電子信件傳送一組修補檔" |
| |
| #: command-list.h:164 |
| msgid "Push objects over Git protocol to another repository" |
| msgstr "使用 Git 協定推送物件到另一個版本庫" |
| |
| #: command-list.h:165 |
| msgid "Restricted login shell for Git-only SSH access" |
| msgstr "只允許 Git SSH 存取的受限登入shell" |
| |
| #: command-list.h:166 |
| msgid "Summarize 'git log' output" |
| msgstr "'git log' 輸出摘要" |
| |
| #: command-list.h:167 |
| msgid "Show various types of objects" |
| msgstr "顯示各種類型的物件" |
| |
| #: command-list.h:168 |
| msgid "Show branches and their commits" |
| msgstr "顯示分支和提交" |
| |
| #: command-list.h:169 |
| msgid "Show packed archive index" |
| msgstr "顯示打包歸檔索引" |
| |
| #: command-list.h:170 |
| msgid "List references in a local repository" |
| msgstr "顯示本機版本庫中的引用" |
| |
| #: command-list.h:171 |
| msgid "Git's i18n setup code for shell scripts" |
| msgstr "為 shell 腳本準備的 Git 國際化設定程式碼" |
| |
| #: command-list.h:172 |
| msgid "Common Git shell script setup code" |
| msgstr "常用的 Git shell 腳本設定程式碼" |
| |
| #: command-list.h:173 |
| msgid "Initialize and modify the sparse-checkout" |
| msgstr "初始化並修改稀疏檢出" |
| |
| #: command-list.h:174 |
| msgid "Stash the changes in a dirty working directory away" |
| msgstr "儲藏髒工作區中的修改" |
| |
| #: command-list.h:175 |
| msgid "Add file contents to the staging area" |
| msgstr "將檔案內容新增到索引" |
| |
| #: command-list.h:176 |
| msgid "Show the working tree status" |
| msgstr "顯示工作區狀態" |
| |
| #: command-list.h:177 |
| msgid "Remove unnecessary whitespace" |
| msgstr "刪除不必要的空白字元" |
| |
| #: command-list.h:178 |
| msgid "Initialize, update or inspect submodules" |
| msgstr "初始化、更新或檢查子模組" |
| |
| #: command-list.h:179 |
| msgid "Bidirectional operation between a Subversion repository and Git" |
| msgstr "Subversion 版本庫和 Git 之間的雙向動作" |
| |
| #: command-list.h:180 |
| msgid "Switch branches" |
| msgstr "切換分支" |
| |
| #: command-list.h:181 |
| msgid "Read, modify and delete symbolic refs" |
| msgstr "讀取、修改和刪除符號引用" |
| |
| #: command-list.h:182 |
| msgid "Create, list, delete or verify a tag object signed with GPG" |
| msgstr "建立、列出、刪除或驗證一個 GPG 簽名的標籤物件" |
| |
| #: command-list.h:183 |
| msgid "Creates a temporary file with a blob's contents" |
| msgstr "用資料物件的內容建立暫存檔" |
| |
| #: command-list.h:184 |
| msgid "Unpack objects from a packed archive" |
| msgstr "從打包檔案中解壓縮物件" |
| |
| #: command-list.h:185 |
| msgid "Register file contents in the working tree to the index" |
| msgstr "將工作區的檔案內容註冊到索引" |
| |
| #: command-list.h:186 |
| msgid "Update the object name stored in a ref safely" |
| msgstr "安全地更新儲存於引用中的物件名稱" |
| |
| #: command-list.h:187 |
| msgid "Update auxiliary info file to help dumb servers" |
| msgstr "更新輔助訊息檔案以協助啞協定服務" |
| |
| #: command-list.h:188 |
| msgid "Send archive back to git-archive" |
| msgstr "將存檔傳送回 git-archive" |
| |
| #: command-list.h:189 |
| msgid "Send objects packed back to git-fetch-pack" |
| msgstr "將物件壓縮包傳送回 git-fetch-pack" |
| |
| #: command-list.h:190 |
| msgid "Show a Git logical variable" |
| msgstr "顯示 Git 邏輯變數" |
| |
| #: command-list.h:191 |
| msgid "Check the GPG signature of commits" |
| msgstr "檢查 GPG 提交簽名" |
| |
| #: command-list.h:192 |
| msgid "Validate packed Git archive files" |
| msgstr "驗證打包的 Git 封存檔案" |
| |
| #: command-list.h:193 |
| msgid "Check the GPG signature of tags" |
| msgstr "檢查標籤的 GPG 簽名" |
| |
| #: command-list.h:194 |
| msgid "Git web interface (web frontend to Git repositories)" |
| msgstr "Git web 介面(Git 版本庫的 web 前端)" |
| |
| #: command-list.h:195 |
| msgid "Show logs with difference each commit introduces" |
| msgstr "顯示每一個提交引入的差異日誌" |
| |
| #: command-list.h:196 |
| msgid "Manage multiple working trees" |
| msgstr "管理多個工作區" |
| |
| #: command-list.h:197 |
| msgid "Create a tree object from the current index" |
| msgstr "從目前索引建立一個樹狀物件" |
| |
| #: command-list.h:198 |
| msgid "Defining attributes per path" |
| msgstr "定義路徑的屬性" |
| |
| #: command-list.h:199 |
| msgid "Git command-line interface and conventions" |
| msgstr "Git 指令列介面和約定" |
| |
| #: command-list.h:200 |
| msgid "A Git core tutorial for developers" |
| msgstr "面向開發人員的 Git 核心教學" |
| |
| #: command-list.h:201 |
| msgid "Providing usernames and passwords to Git" |
| msgstr "將使用者名稱及密碼提供給 Git" |
| |
| #: command-list.h:202 |
| msgid "Git for CVS users" |
| msgstr "適合 CVS 使用者的 Git 協助" |
| |
| #: command-list.h:203 |
| msgid "Tweaking diff output" |
| msgstr "調整差異輸出" |
| |
| #: command-list.h:204 |
| msgid "A useful minimum set of commands for Everyday Git" |
| msgstr "每一天 Git 的一組有用的最小指令集合" |
| |
| #: command-list.h:205 |
| msgid "Frequently asked questions about using Git" |
| msgstr "Git 使用的常見問題" |
| |
| #: command-list.h:206 |
| msgid "A Git Glossary" |
| msgstr "Git 詞彙表" |
| |
| #: command-list.h:207 |
| msgid "Hooks used by Git" |
| msgstr "Git 使用的掛鉤" |
| |
| #: command-list.h:208 |
| msgid "Specifies intentionally untracked files to ignore" |
| msgstr "忽略指定的未追蹤檔案" |
| |
| #: command-list.h:209 |
| msgid "Map author/committer names and/or E-Mail addresses" |
| msgstr "映射作者或提交者的名稱和(或)電子信箱地址" |
| |
| #: command-list.h:210 |
| msgid "Defining submodule properties" |
| msgstr "定義子模組屬性" |
| |
| #: command-list.h:211 |
| msgid "Git namespaces" |
| msgstr "Git 名字空間" |
| |
| #: command-list.h:212 |
| msgid "Helper programs to interact with remote repositories" |
| msgstr "用來與遠端版本庫互動的協助工具" |
| |
| #: command-list.h:213 |
| msgid "Git Repository Layout" |
| msgstr "Git 版本庫配置" |
| |
| #: command-list.h:214 |
| msgid "Specifying revisions and ranges for Git" |
| msgstr "指定 Git 的版本和版本範圍" |
| |
| #: command-list.h:215 |
| msgid "Mounting one repository inside another" |
| msgstr "在某個版本庫掛載某個版本庫" |
| |
| #: command-list.h:216 |
| msgid "A tutorial introduction to Git: part two" |
| msgstr "一個 Git 教學:第二部分" |
| |
| #: command-list.h:217 |
| msgid "A tutorial introduction to Git" |
| msgstr "一個 Git 教學" |
| |
| #: command-list.h:218 |
| msgid "An overview of recommended workflows with Git" |
| msgstr "Git 推薦的工作流概覽" |
| |
| #: git-bisect.sh:68 |
| msgid "bisect run failed: no command provided." |
| msgstr "二分搜尋執行失敗:沒有提供指令。" |
| |
| #: git-bisect.sh:73 |
| #, sh-format |
| msgid "running $command" |
| msgstr "執行 $command" |
| |
| #: git-bisect.sh:80 |
| #, sh-format |
| msgid "" |
| "bisect run failed:\n" |
| "exit code $res from '$command' is < 0 or >= 128" |
| msgstr "" |
| "二分搜尋執行失敗:\n" |
| "指令 '$command' 的離開碼 $res 小於 0 或大於等於 128" |
| |
| #: git-bisect.sh:105 |
| msgid "bisect run cannot continue any more" |
| msgstr "二分搜尋不能繼續執行" |
| |
| #: git-bisect.sh:111 |
| #, sh-format |
| msgid "" |
| "bisect run failed:\n" |
| "'bisect-state $state' exited with error code $res" |
| msgstr "" |
| "二分搜尋執行失敗:\n" |
| "‘bisect-state $state’ 結束,錯誤碼 $res" |
| |
| #: git-bisect.sh:118 |
| msgid "bisect run success" |
| msgstr "二分搜尋執行成功" |
| |
| #: git-merge-octopus.sh:46 |
| msgid "" |
| "Error: Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by " |
| "merge" |
| msgstr "錯誤:您對下列檔案的本機修改將被合併動作覆蓋" |
| |
| #: git-merge-octopus.sh:61 |
| msgid "Automated merge did not work." |
| msgstr "自動合併未生效。" |
| |
| #: git-merge-octopus.sh:62 |
| msgid "Should not be doing an octopus." |
| msgstr "不應該執行章魚式合併。" |
| |
| #: git-merge-octopus.sh:73 |
| #, sh-format |
| msgid "Unable to find common commit with $pretty_name" |
| msgstr "無法找到和 $pretty_name 的基礎提交" |
| |
| #: git-merge-octopus.sh:77 |
| #, sh-format |
| msgid "Already up to date with $pretty_name" |
| msgstr "已經和 $pretty_name 保持一致" |
| |
| #: git-merge-octopus.sh:89 |
| #, sh-format |
| msgid "Fast-forwarding to: $pretty_name" |
| msgstr "快轉至:$pretty_name" |
| |
| #: git-merge-octopus.sh:97 |
| #, sh-format |
| msgid "Trying simple merge with $pretty_name" |
| msgstr "嘗試和 $pretty_name 的簡單合併" |
| |
| #: git-merge-octopus.sh:102 |
| msgid "Simple merge did not work, trying automatic merge." |
| msgstr "簡單合併未生效,嘗試自動合併。" |
| |
| #: git-submodule.sh:179 |
| msgid "Relative path can only be used from the toplevel of the working tree" |
| msgstr "只能在工作區的頂級目錄中使用相對路徑" |
| |
| #: git-submodule.sh:189 |
| #, sh-format |
| msgid "repo URL: '$repo' must be absolute or begin with ./|../" |
| msgstr "版本庫 URL:'$repo' 必須是絕對路徑或以 ./|../ 起始" |
| |
| #: git-submodule.sh:208 |
| #, sh-format |
| msgid "'$sm_path' already exists in the index" |
| msgstr "'$sm_path' 已經存在於索引中" |
| |
| #: git-submodule.sh:211 |
| #, sh-format |
| msgid "'$sm_path' already exists in the index and is not a submodule" |
| msgstr "'$sm_path' 已經存在於索引中且不是一個子模組" |
| |
| #: git-submodule.sh:218 |
| #, sh-format |
| msgid "'$sm_path' does not have a commit checked out" |
| msgstr "'$sm_path' 沒有檢出的提交" |
| |
| #: git-submodule.sh:249 |
| #, sh-format |
| msgid "Adding existing repo at '$sm_path' to the index" |
| msgstr "新增位於 '$sm_path' 的現存版本庫到索引" |
| |
| #: git-submodule.sh:251 |
| #, sh-format |
| msgid "'$sm_path' already exists and is not a valid git repo" |
| msgstr "'$sm_path' 已存在且不是一個有效的 git 版本庫" |
| |
| #: git-submodule.sh:259 |
| #, sh-format |
| msgid "A git directory for '$sm_name' is found locally with remote(s):" |
| msgstr "本機發現 '$sm_name' 的一個 git 目錄,與其對應的遠端版本庫:" |
| |
| #: git-submodule.sh:261 |
| #, sh-format |
| msgid "" |
| "If you want to reuse this local git directory instead of cloning again from\n" |
| " $realrepo\n" |
| "use the '--force' option. If the local git directory is not the correct " |
| "repo\n" |
| "or you are unsure what this means choose another name with the '--name' " |
| "option." |
| msgstr "" |
| "如果您想要重用這個本機 git 目錄而非重新複製自\n" |
| " $realrepo\n" |
| "使用 '--force' 選項。如果本機 git 目錄不是正確的版本庫\n" |
| "或者您不確定這裡的含義,使用 '--name' 選項選擇另外的名稱。" |
| |
| #: git-submodule.sh:267 |
| #, sh-format |
| msgid "Reactivating local git directory for submodule '$sm_name'." |
| msgstr "啟動本機 git 目錄到子模組 '$sm_name'。" |
| |
| #: git-submodule.sh:279 |
| #, sh-format |
| msgid "Unable to checkout submodule '$sm_path'" |
| msgstr "不能檢出子模組 '$sm_path'" |
| |
| #: git-submodule.sh:284 |
| #, sh-format |
| msgid "Failed to add submodule '$sm_path'" |
| msgstr "無法新增子模組 '$sm_path'" |
| |
| #: git-submodule.sh:293 |
| #, sh-format |
| msgid "Failed to register submodule '$sm_path'" |
| msgstr "無法註冊子模組 '$sm_path'" |
| |
| #: git-submodule.sh:568 |
| #, sh-format |
| msgid "Unable to find current revision in submodule path '$displaypath'" |
| msgstr "無法在子模組路徑 '$displaypath' 中找到目前版本" |
| |
| #: git-submodule.sh:578 |
| #, sh-format |
| msgid "Unable to fetch in submodule path '$sm_path'" |
| msgstr "無法在子模組路徑 '$sm_path' 中取得" |
| |
| #: git-submodule.sh:583 |
| #, sh-format |
| msgid "" |
| "Unable to find current ${remote_name}/${branch} revision in submodule path " |
| "'$sm_path'" |
| msgstr "無法在子模組路徑 '$sm_path' 中找到目前版本 ${remote_name}/${branch}" |
| |
| #: git-submodule.sh:601 |
| #, sh-format |
| msgid "" |
| "Unable to fetch in submodule path '$displaypath'; trying to directly fetch " |
| "$sha1:" |
| msgstr "無法在子模組路徑 '$displaypath' 中取得,嘗試直接取得 $sha1:" |
| |
| #: git-submodule.sh:607 |
| #, sh-format |
| msgid "" |
| "Fetched in submodule path '$displaypath', but it did not contain $sha1. " |
| "Direct fetching of that commit failed." |
| msgstr "" |
| "取得了子模組路徑 '$displaypath',但是它沒有包含 $sha1。直接取得該提交失敗。" |
| |
| #: git-submodule.sh:614 |
| #, sh-format |
| msgid "Unable to checkout '$sha1' in submodule path '$displaypath'" |
| msgstr "無法在子模組路徑 '$displaypath' 中檢出 '$sha1'" |
| |
| #: git-submodule.sh:615 |
| #, sh-format |
| msgid "Submodule path '$displaypath': checked out '$sha1'" |
| msgstr "子模組路徑 '$displaypath':檢出 '$sha1'" |
| |
| #: git-submodule.sh:619 |
| #, sh-format |
| msgid "Unable to rebase '$sha1' in submodule path '$displaypath'" |
| msgstr "無法在子模組路徑 '$displaypath' 中重定基底 '$sha1'" |
| |
| #: git-submodule.sh:620 |
| #, sh-format |
| msgid "Submodule path '$displaypath': rebased into '$sha1'" |
| msgstr "子模組路徑 '$displaypath':重定基底至 '$sha1'" |
| |
| #: git-submodule.sh:625 |
| #, sh-format |
| msgid "Unable to merge '$sha1' in submodule path '$displaypath'" |
| msgstr "無法合併 '$sha1' 到子模組路徑 '$displaypath' 中" |
| |
| #: git-submodule.sh:626 |
| #, sh-format |
| msgid "Submodule path '$displaypath': merged in '$sha1'" |
| msgstr "子模組路徑 '$displaypath':已合併入 '$sha1'" |
| |
| #: git-submodule.sh:631 |
| #, sh-format |
| msgid "Execution of '$command $sha1' failed in submodule path '$displaypath'" |
| msgstr "在子模組 '$displaypath' 中執行 '$command $sha1' 失敗" |
| |
| #: git-submodule.sh:632 |
| #, sh-format |
| msgid "Submodule path '$displaypath': '$command $sha1'" |
| msgstr "子模組 '$displaypath':'$command $sha1'" |
| |
| #: git-submodule.sh:663 |
| #, sh-format |
| msgid "Failed to recurse into submodule path '$displaypath'" |
| msgstr "無法遞迴進子模組路徑 '$displaypath'" |
| |
| #: git-rebase--preserve-merges.sh:109 |
| msgid "Applied autostash." |
| msgstr "已套用 autostash。" |
| |
| #: git-rebase--preserve-merges.sh:112 |
| #, sh-format |
| msgid "Cannot store $stash_sha1" |
| msgstr "不能儲存 $stash_sha1" |
| |
| #: git-rebase--preserve-merges.sh:113 |
| msgid "" |
| "Applying autostash resulted in conflicts.\n" |
| "Your changes are safe in the stash.\n" |
| "You can run \"git stash pop\" or \"git stash drop\" at any time.\n" |
| msgstr "" |
| "套用 autostash 導致衝突。\n" |
| "您的修改安全地儲存在儲藏區中。\n" |
| "您可以在任何時候執行 \"git stash pop\" 或 \"git stash drop\"。\n" |
| |
| #: git-rebase--preserve-merges.sh:191 |
| #, sh-format |
| msgid "Rebasing ($new_count/$total)" |
| msgstr "重定基底中($new_count/$total)" |
| |
| #: git-rebase--preserve-merges.sh:197 |
| msgid "" |
| "\n" |
| "Commands:\n" |
| "p, pick <commit> = use commit\n" |
| "r, reword <commit> = use commit, but edit the commit message\n" |
| "e, edit <commit> = use commit, but stop for amending\n" |
| "s, squash <commit> = use commit, but meld into previous commit\n" |
| "f, fixup <commit> = like \"squash\", but discard this commit's log message\n" |
| "x, exec <commit> = run command (the rest of the line) using shell\n" |
| "d, drop <commit> = remove commit\n" |
| "l, label <label> = label current HEAD with a name\n" |
| "t, reset <label> = reset HEAD to a label\n" |
| "m, merge [-C <commit> | -c <commit>] <label> [# <oneline>]\n" |
| ". create a merge commit using the original merge commit's\n" |
| ". message (or the oneline, if no original merge commit was\n" |
| ". specified). Use -c <commit> to reword the commit message.\n" |
| "\n" |
| "These lines can be re-ordered; they are executed from top to bottom.\n" |
| msgstr "" |
| "\n" |
| "指令:\n" |
| "p, pick <提交> = 使用提交\n" |
| "r, reword <提交> = 使用提交,但修改提交說明\n" |
| "e, edit <提交> = 使用提交,但停下來修補\n" |
| "s, squash <提交> = 使用提交,但融合到前一個提交\n" |
| "f, fixup <提交> = 類似於 \"squash\",但捨棄提交說明日誌\n" |
| "x, exec <命令> = 使用 shell 執行指令(此行剩餘部分)\n" |
| "d, drop <提交> = 刪除提交\n" |
| "l, label <標籤> = 為目前 HEAD 打上標籤\n" |
| "t, reset <標籤> = 重設 HEAD 到該標籤\n" |
| "m, merge [-C <提交> | -c <提交>] <標籤> [# <oneline>]\n" |
| ". 建立一個合併提交,並使用原始的合併提交說明(如果沒有指定\n" |
| ". 原始提交,使用備註部分的 oneline 作為提交說明)。使用\n" |
| ". -c <提交> 可以編輯提交說明。\n" |
| "\n" |
| "可以對這些行重新排序,將從上至下執行。\n" |
| |
| #: git-rebase--preserve-merges.sh:260 |
| #, sh-format |
| msgid "" |
| "You can amend the commit now, with\n" |
| "\n" |
| "\tgit commit --amend $gpg_sign_opt_quoted\n" |
| "\n" |
| "Once you are satisfied with your changes, run\n" |
| "\n" |
| "\tgit rebase --continue" |
| msgstr "" |
| "您現在可以修補這個提交,使用\n" |
| "\n" |
| "\tgit commit --amend $gpg_sign_opt_quoted\n" |
| "\n" |
| "當您對變更感到滿意,執行\n" |
| "\n" |
| "\tgit rebase --continue" |
| |
| #: git-rebase--preserve-merges.sh:285 |
| #, sh-format |
| msgid "$sha1: not a commit that can be picked" |
| msgstr "$sha1:不是一個可以被揀選的提交" |
| |
| #: git-rebase--preserve-merges.sh:324 |
| #, sh-format |
| msgid "Invalid commit name: $sha1" |
| msgstr "無效的提交名:$sha1" |
| |
| #: git-rebase--preserve-merges.sh:354 |
| msgid "Cannot write current commit's replacement sha1" |
| msgstr "不能寫入目前提交的替代 sha1" |
| |
| #: git-rebase--preserve-merges.sh:405 |
| #, sh-format |
| msgid "Fast-forward to $sha1" |
| msgstr "快轉到 $sha1" |
| |
| #: git-rebase--preserve-merges.sh:407 |
| #, sh-format |
| msgid "Cannot fast-forward to $sha1" |
| msgstr "不能快轉到 $sha1" |
| |
| #: git-rebase--preserve-merges.sh:416 |
| #, sh-format |
| msgid "Cannot move HEAD to $first_parent" |
| msgstr "不能移動 HEAD 到 $first_parent" |
| |
| #: git-rebase--preserve-merges.sh:421 |
| #, sh-format |
| msgid "Refusing to squash a merge: $sha1" |
| msgstr "拒絕壓縮一個合併:$sha1" |
| |
| #: git-rebase--preserve-merges.sh:439 |
| #, sh-format |
| msgid "Error redoing merge $sha1" |
| msgstr "無法重做合併 $sha1" |
| |
| #: git-rebase--preserve-merges.sh:448 |
| #, sh-format |
| msgid "Could not pick $sha1" |
| msgstr "不能揀選 $sha1" |
| |
| #: git-rebase--preserve-merges.sh:457 |
| #, sh-format |
| msgid "This is the commit message #${n}:" |
| msgstr "這是提交說明 #${n}:" |
| |
| #: git-rebase--preserve-merges.sh:462 |
| #, sh-format |
| msgid "The commit message #${n} will be skipped:" |
| msgstr "提交說明 #${n} 將被略過:" |
| |
| #: git-rebase--preserve-merges.sh:473 |
| #, sh-format |
| msgid "This is a combination of $count commit." |
| msgid_plural "This is a combination of $count commits." |
| msgstr[0] "這是一個 $count 個提交的組合。" |
| |
| #: git-rebase--preserve-merges.sh:482 |
| #, sh-format |
| msgid "Cannot write $fixup_msg" |
| msgstr "不能寫入 $fixup_msg" |
| |
| #: git-rebase--preserve-merges.sh:485 |
| msgid "This is a combination of 2 commits." |
| msgstr "這是一個 2 個提交的組合。" |
| |
| #: git-rebase--preserve-merges.sh:526 git-rebase--preserve-merges.sh:569 |
| #: git-rebase--preserve-merges.sh:572 |
| #, sh-format |
| msgid "Could not apply $sha1... $rest" |
| msgstr "不能套用 $sha1... $rest" |
| |
| #: git-rebase--preserve-merges.sh:601 |
| #, sh-format |
| msgid "" |
| "Could not amend commit after successfully picking $sha1... $rest\n" |
| "This is most likely due to an empty commit message, or the pre-commit hook\n" |
| "failed. If the pre-commit hook failed, you may need to resolve the issue " |
| "before\n" |
| "you are able to reword the commit." |
| msgstr "" |
| "不能在成功揀選 $sha1... $rest 之後修補提交\n" |
| "這通常是因為空的提交說明,或者 pre-commit 掛鉤執行失敗。如果是 pre-commit\n" |
| "掛鉤執行失敗,你可能需要在重寫提交說明前解決這個問題。" |
| |
| #: git-rebase--preserve-merges.sh:616 |
| #, sh-format |
| msgid "Stopped at $sha1_abbrev... $rest" |
| msgstr "停止在 $sha1_abbrev... $rest" |
| |
| #: git-rebase--preserve-merges.sh:631 |
| #, sh-format |
| msgid "Cannot '$squash_style' without a previous commit" |
| msgstr "沒有父提交的情況下不能 '$squash_style'" |
| |
| #: git-rebase--preserve-merges.sh:673 |
| #, sh-format |
| msgid "Executing: $rest" |
| msgstr "執行:$rest" |
| |
| #: git-rebase--preserve-merges.sh:681 |
| #, sh-format |
| msgid "Execution failed: $rest" |
| msgstr "執行失敗:$rest" |
| |
| #: git-rebase--preserve-merges.sh:683 |
| msgid "and made changes to the index and/or the working tree" |
| msgstr "並且修改索引和/或工作區" |
| |
| # 譯者:請維持前導空格 |
| #: git-rebase--preserve-merges.sh:685 |
| msgid "" |
| "You can fix the problem, and then run\n" |
| "\n" |
| "\tgit rebase --continue" |
| msgstr "" |
| "您可以解決這個問題,然後執行\n" |
| "\n" |
| "\tgit rebase --continue" |
| |
| #. TRANSLATORS: after these lines is a command to be issued by the user |
| #: git-rebase--preserve-merges.sh:698 |
| #, sh-format |
| msgid "" |
| "Execution succeeded: $rest\n" |
| "but left changes to the index and/or the working tree\n" |
| "Commit or stash your changes, and then run\n" |
| "\n" |
| "\tgit rebase --continue" |
| msgstr "" |
| "執行成功:$rest\n" |
| "但是在索引和/或工作區中存在變更。提交或儲藏修改,然後執行\n" |
| "\n" |
| "\tgit rebase --continue" |
| |
| #: git-rebase--preserve-merges.sh:709 |
| #, sh-format |
| msgid "Unknown command: $command $sha1 $rest" |
| msgstr "未知指令:$command $sha1 $rest" |
| |
| #: git-rebase--preserve-merges.sh:710 |
| msgid "Please fix this using 'git rebase --edit-todo'." |
| msgstr "要修改請使用指令 'git rebase --edit-todo'。" |
| |
| #: git-rebase--preserve-merges.sh:745 |
| #, sh-format |
| msgid "Successfully rebased and updated $head_name." |
| msgstr "成功重定基底並更新 $head_name。" |
| |
| #: git-rebase--preserve-merges.sh:802 |
| msgid "Could not remove CHERRY_PICK_HEAD" |
| msgstr "不能刪除 CHERRY_PICK_HEAD" |
| |
| #: git-rebase--preserve-merges.sh:807 |
| #, sh-format |
| msgid "" |
| "You have staged changes in your working tree.\n" |
| "If these changes are meant to be\n" |
| "squashed into the previous commit, run:\n" |
| "\n" |
| " git commit --amend $gpg_sign_opt_quoted\n" |
| "\n" |
| "If they are meant to go into a new commit, run:\n" |
| "\n" |
| " git commit $gpg_sign_opt_quoted\n" |
| "\n" |
| "In both cases, once you're done, continue with:\n" |
| "\n" |
| " git rebase --continue\n" |
| msgstr "" |
| "您已暫存了工作區的修改。如果這些修改要壓縮到前一個提交,執行:\n" |
| "\n" |
| " git commit --amend $gpg_sign_opt_quoted\n" |
| "\n" |
| "如果這些變更要形成一個新提交,執行:\n" |
| "\n" |
| " git commit $gpg_sign_opt_quoted\n" |
| "\n" |
| "無論哪種情況,當您完成提交,繼續執行:\n" |
| "\n" |
| " git rebase --continue\n" |
| |
| #: git-rebase--preserve-merges.sh:824 |
| msgid "Error trying to find the author identity to amend commit" |
| msgstr "在修補提交中尋找作者訊息時遇到錯誤" |
| |
| #: git-rebase--preserve-merges.sh:829 |
| msgid "" |
| "You have uncommitted changes in your working tree. Please commit them\n" |
| "first and then run 'git rebase --continue' again." |
| msgstr "" |
| "您的工作區中有未提交的變更。請先提交然後再次執行 'git rebase --continue'。" |
| |
| #: git-rebase--preserve-merges.sh:834 git-rebase--preserve-merges.sh:838 |
| msgid "Could not commit staged changes." |
| msgstr "不能提交暫存的修改。" |
| |
| #: git-rebase--preserve-merges.sh:869 git-rebase--preserve-merges.sh:955 |
| msgid "Could not execute editor" |
| msgstr "無法執行編輯器" |
| |
| #: git-rebase--preserve-merges.sh:890 |
| #, sh-format |
| msgid "Could not checkout $switch_to" |
| msgstr "不能檢出 $switch_to" |
| |
| #: git-rebase--preserve-merges.sh:897 |
| msgid "No HEAD?" |
| msgstr "沒有 HEAD?" |
| |
| #: git-rebase--preserve-merges.sh:898 |
| #, sh-format |
| msgid "Could not create temporary $state_dir" |
| msgstr "不能建立暫時 $state_dir" |
| |
| #: git-rebase--preserve-merges.sh:901 |
| msgid "Could not mark as interactive" |
| msgstr "不能標記為互動式" |
| |
| #: git-rebase--preserve-merges.sh:933 |
| #, sh-format |
| msgid "Rebase $shortrevisions onto $shortonto ($todocount command)" |
| msgid_plural "Rebase $shortrevisions onto $shortonto ($todocount commands)" |
| msgstr[0] "重定基底 $shortrevisions 到 $shortonto($todocount 個提交)" |
| |
| #: git-rebase--preserve-merges.sh:945 |
| msgid "Note that empty commits are commented out" |
| msgstr "注意空提交已被備註掉" |
| |
| #: git-rebase--preserve-merges.sh:987 git-rebase--preserve-merges.sh:992 |
| msgid "Could not init rewritten commits" |
| msgstr "不能對重寫提交進行初始化" |
| |
| #: git-sh-setup.sh:89 git-sh-setup.sh:94 |
| #, sh-format |
| msgid "usage: $dashless $USAGE" |
| msgstr "用法:$dashless $USAGE" |
| |
| #: git-sh-setup.sh:191 |
| #, sh-format |
| msgid "Cannot chdir to $cdup, the toplevel of the working tree" |
| msgstr "不能切換目錄到 $cdup,工作區的頂級目錄" |
| |
| #: git-sh-setup.sh:200 git-sh-setup.sh:207 |
| #, sh-format |
| msgid "fatal: $program_name cannot be used without a working tree." |
| msgstr "致命錯誤:$program_name 不能在沒有工作區的情況下使用。" |
| |
| #: git-sh-setup.sh:221 |
| msgid "Cannot rebase: You have unstaged changes." |
| msgstr "不能重定基底:您有未暫存的變更。" |
| |
| #: git-sh-setup.sh:224 |
| msgid "Cannot rewrite branches: You have unstaged changes." |
| msgstr "不能重寫分支:您有未暫存的變更。" |
| |
| #: git-sh-setup.sh:227 |
| msgid "Cannot pull with rebase: You have unstaged changes." |
| msgstr "無法透過重定基底方式拉取:您有未暫存的變更。" |
| |
| #: git-sh-setup.sh:230 |
| #, sh-format |
| msgid "Cannot $action: You have unstaged changes." |
| msgstr "不能 $action:您有未暫存的變更。" |
| |
| #: git-sh-setup.sh:243 |
| msgid "Cannot rebase: Your index contains uncommitted changes." |
| msgstr "不能重定基底:您的索引中包含未提交的變更。" |
| |
| #: git-sh-setup.sh:246 |
| msgid "Cannot pull with rebase: Your index contains uncommitted changes." |
| msgstr "無法透過重定基底方式拉取:您的索引中包含未提交的變更。" |
| |
| #: git-sh-setup.sh:249 |
| #, sh-format |
| msgid "Cannot $action: Your index contains uncommitted changes." |
| msgstr "不能 $action:您的索引中包含未提交的變更。" |
| |
| #: git-sh-setup.sh:253 |
| msgid "Additionally, your index contains uncommitted changes." |
| msgstr "而且您的索引中包含未提交的變更。" |
| |
| #: git-sh-setup.sh:373 |
| msgid "You need to run this command from the toplevel of the working tree." |
| msgstr "您需要在工作區的頂級目錄中執行這個指令。" |
| |
| #: git-sh-setup.sh:378 |
| msgid "Unable to determine absolute path of git directory" |
| msgstr "不能確定 git 目錄的絕對路徑" |
| |
| #. TRANSLATORS: you can adjust this to align "git add -i" status menu |
| #: git-add--interactive.perl:212 |
| #, perl-format |
| msgid "%12s %12s %s" |
| msgstr "%12s %12s %s" |
| |
| #: git-add--interactive.perl:632 |
| #, perl-format |
| msgid "touched %d path\n" |
| msgid_plural "touched %d paths\n" |
| msgstr[0] "建立了 %d 個路徑\n" |
| |
| #: git-add--interactive.perl:1056 |
| msgid "" |
| "If the patch applies cleanly, the edited hunk will immediately be\n" |
| "marked for staging." |
| msgstr "如果修補檔能乾淨地套用,編輯區塊將立即標記為暫存。" |
| |
| #: git-add--interactive.perl:1059 |
| msgid "" |
| "If the patch applies cleanly, the edited hunk will immediately be\n" |
| "marked for stashing." |
| msgstr "如果修補檔能乾淨地套用,編輯區塊將立即標記為儲藏。" |
| |
| #: git-add--interactive.perl:1062 |
| msgid "" |
| "If the patch applies cleanly, the edited hunk will immediately be\n" |
| "marked for unstaging." |
| msgstr "如果修補檔能乾淨地套用,編輯區塊將立即標記為未暫存。" |
| |
| #: git-add--interactive.perl:1065 git-add--interactive.perl:1074 |
| #: git-add--interactive.perl:1080 |
| msgid "" |
| "If the patch applies cleanly, the edited hunk will immediately be\n" |
| "marked for applying." |
| msgstr "如果修補檔能乾淨地套用,編輯區塊將立即標記為套用。" |
| |
| #: git-add--interactive.perl:1068 git-add--interactive.perl:1071 |
| #: git-add--interactive.perl:1077 |
| msgid "" |
| "If the patch applies cleanly, the edited hunk will immediately be\n" |
| "marked for discarding." |
| msgstr "如果修補檔能乾淨地套用,編輯塊將立即標記為捨棄。" |
| |
| #: git-add--interactive.perl:1114 |
| #, perl-format |
| msgid "failed to open hunk edit file for writing: %s" |
| msgstr "為寫入開啟區塊編輯檔案失敗:%s" |
| |
| #: git-add--interactive.perl:1121 |
| #, perl-format |
| msgid "" |
| "---\n" |
| "To remove '%s' lines, make them ' ' lines (context).\n" |
| "To remove '%s' lines, delete them.\n" |
| "Lines starting with %s will be removed.\n" |
| msgstr "" |
| "---\n" |
| "要刪除 '%s' 開始的行,使其成為 ' ' 開始的行(上下文)。\n" |
| "要刪除 '%s' 開始的行,刪除它們。\n" |
| "以 %s 開始的行將被刪除。\n" |
| |
| #: git-add--interactive.perl:1143 |
| #, perl-format |
| msgid "failed to open hunk edit file for reading: %s" |
| msgstr "無法讀取區塊編輯檔案:%s" |
| |
| #: git-add--interactive.perl:1251 |
| msgid "" |
| "y - stage this hunk\n" |
| "n - do not stage this hunk\n" |
| "q - quit; do not stage this hunk or any of the remaining ones\n" |
| "a - stage this hunk and all later hunks in the file\n" |
| "d - do not stage this hunk or any of the later hunks in the file" |
| msgstr "" |
| "y - 暫存此區塊\n" |
| "n - 不要暫存此區塊\n" |
| "q - 離開。不暫存此區塊及後面的全部區塊\n" |
| "a - 暫存此區塊和本檔案中後面的全部區塊\n" |
| "d - 不暫存此區塊和本檔案中後面的全部區塊" |
| |
| #: git-add--interactive.perl:1257 |
| msgid "" |
| "y - stash this hunk\n" |
| "n - do not stash this hunk\n" |
| "q - quit; do not stash this hunk or any of the remaining ones\n" |
| "a - stash this hunk and all later hunks in the file\n" |
| "d - do not stash this hunk or any of the later hunks in the file" |
| msgstr "" |
| "y - 儲藏此區塊\n" |
| "n - 不要儲藏此區塊\n" |
| "q - 離開。不儲藏此區塊及後面的全部區塊\n" |
| "a - 儲藏此區塊和本檔案中後面的全部區塊\n" |
| "d - 不儲藏此區塊和本檔案中後面的全部區塊" |
| |
| #: git-add--interactive.perl:1263 |
| msgid "" |
| "y - unstage this hunk\n" |
| "n - do not unstage this hunk\n" |
| "q - quit; do not unstage this hunk or any of the remaining ones\n" |
| "a - unstage this hunk and all later hunks in the file\n" |
| "d - do not unstage this hunk or any of the later hunks in the file" |
| msgstr "" |
| "y - 不暫存此區塊\n" |
| "n - 不要不暫存此區塊\n" |
| "q - 離開。不要不暫存此區塊及後面的全部區塊\n" |
| "a - 不暫存此區塊和本檔案中後面的全部區塊\n" |
| "d - 不要不暫存此區塊和本檔案中後面的全部區塊" |
| |
| #: git-add--interactive.perl:1269 |
| msgid "" |
| "y - apply this hunk to index\n" |
| "n - do not apply this hunk to index\n" |
| "q - quit; do not apply this hunk or any of the remaining ones\n" |
| "a - apply this hunk and all later hunks in the file\n" |
| "d - do not apply this hunk or any of the later hunks in the file" |
| msgstr "" |
| "y - 在索引中套用此區塊\n" |
| "n - 不要在索引中套用此區塊\n" |
| "q - 離開。不要套用此區塊及後面的全部區塊\n" |
| "a - 套用此區塊和本檔案中後面的全部區塊\n" |
| "d - 不要套用此區塊和本檔案中後面的全部區塊" |
| |
| #: git-add--interactive.perl:1275 git-add--interactive.perl:1293 |
| msgid "" |
| "y - discard this hunk from worktree\n" |
| "n - do not discard this hunk from worktree\n" |
| "q - quit; do not discard this hunk or any of the remaining ones\n" |
| "a - discard this hunk and all later hunks in the file\n" |
| "d - do not discard this hunk or any of the later hunks in the file" |
| msgstr "" |
| "y - 在工作區中捨棄此區塊\n" |
| "n - 不要在工作區中捨棄此區塊\n" |
| "q - 離開。不要捨棄此區塊及後面的全部區塊\n" |
| "a - 捨棄此區塊和本檔案中後面的全部區塊\n" |
| "d - 不要捨棄此區塊和本檔案中後面的全部區塊" |
| |
| #: git-add--interactive.perl:1281 |
| msgid "" |
| "y - discard this hunk from index and worktree\n" |
| "n - do not discard this hunk from index and worktree\n" |
| "q - quit; do not discard this hunk or any of the remaining ones\n" |
| "a - discard this hunk and all later hunks in the file\n" |
| "d - do not discard this hunk or any of the later hunks in the file" |
| msgstr "" |
| "y - 在索引和工作區中捨棄此區塊\n" |
| "n - 不要在索引和工作區中捨棄此區塊\n" |
| "q - 離開。不要捨棄此區塊及後面的全部區塊\n" |
| "a - 捨棄此區塊和本檔案中後面的全部區塊\n" |
| "d - 不要捨棄此區塊和本檔案中後面的全部區塊" |
| |
| #: git-add--interactive.perl:1287 |
| msgid "" |
| "y - apply this hunk to index and worktree\n" |
| "n - do not apply this hunk to index and worktree\n" |
| "q - quit; do not apply this hunk or any of the remaining ones\n" |
| "a - apply this hunk and all later hunks in the file\n" |
| "d - do not apply this hunk or any of the later hunks in the file" |
| msgstr "" |
| "y - 在索引和工作區中套用此區塊\n" |
| "n - 不要在索引和工作區中套用此區塊\n" |
| "q - 離開。不要套用此區塊及後面的全部區塊\n" |
| "a - 套用此區塊和本檔案中後面的全部區塊\n" |
| "d - 不要套用此區塊和本檔案中後面的全部區塊" |
| |
| #: git-add--interactive.perl:1299 |
| msgid "" |
| "y - apply this hunk to worktree\n" |
| "n - do not apply this hunk to worktree\n" |
| "q - quit; do not apply this hunk or any of the remaining ones\n" |
| "a - apply this hunk and all later hunks in the file\n" |
| "d - do not apply this hunk or any of the later hunks in the file" |
| msgstr "" |
| "y - 在工作區中套用此區塊\n" |
| "n - 不要在工作區中套用此區塊\n" |
| "q - 離開。不要套用此區塊及後面的全部區塊\n" |
| "a - 套用此區塊和本檔案中後面的全部區塊\n" |
| "d - 不要套用此區塊和本檔案中後面的全部區塊" |
| |
| #: git-add--interactive.perl:1314 |
| msgid "" |
| "g - select a hunk to go to\n" |
| "/ - search for a hunk matching the given regex\n" |
| "j - leave this hunk undecided, see next undecided hunk\n" |
| "J - leave this hunk undecided, see next hunk\n" |
| "k - leave this hunk undecided, see previous undecided hunk\n" |
| "K - leave this hunk undecided, see previous hunk\n" |
| "s - split the current hunk into smaller hunks\n" |
| "e - manually edit the current hunk\n" |
| "? - print help\n" |
| msgstr "" |
| "g - 選擇跳轉到一個區塊\n" |
| "/ - 尋找和提供正規表示式符合的區塊\n" |
| "j - 維持此區塊未決狀態,檢視下一個未決定區塊\n" |
| "J - 維持此區塊未決狀態,檢視下一個區塊\n" |
| "k - 維持此區塊未決狀態,檢視上一個未決定區塊\n" |
| "K - 維持此區塊未決狀態,檢視上一個區塊\n" |
| "s - 分割目前區塊為更小的區塊\n" |
| "e - 手動編輯目前區塊\n" |
| "? - 顯示說明\n" |
| |
| #: git-add--interactive.perl:1345 |
| msgid "The selected hunks do not apply to the index!\n" |
| msgstr "選取區塊不能套用到索引!\n" |
| |
| #: git-add--interactive.perl:1360 |
| #, perl-format |
| msgid "ignoring unmerged: %s\n" |
| msgstr "忽略未套用的:%s\n" |
| |
| #: git-add--interactive.perl:1479 |
| #, perl-format |
| msgid "Apply mode change to worktree [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? " |
| msgstr "將模式變更套用到工作區 [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? " |
| |
| #: git-add--interactive.perl:1480 |
| #, perl-format |
| msgid "Apply deletion to worktree [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? " |
| msgstr "將刪除變更套用到工作區 [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? " |
| |
| #: git-add--interactive.perl:1481 |
| #, perl-format |
| msgid "Apply addition to worktree [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? " |
| msgstr "將新增變更套用到工作區 [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? " |
| |
| #: git-add--interactive.perl:1482 |
| #, perl-format |
| msgid "Apply this hunk to worktree [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? " |
| msgstr "將此區塊套用到工作區 [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? " |
| |
| #: git-add--interactive.perl:1599 |
| msgid "No other hunks to goto\n" |
| msgstr "沒有其它可供跳轉的區塊\n" |
| |
| #: git-add--interactive.perl:1617 |
| #, perl-format |
| msgid "Invalid number: '%s'\n" |
| msgstr "無效數字:'%s'\n" |
| |
| #: git-add--interactive.perl:1622 |
| #, perl-format |
| msgid "Sorry, only %d hunk available.\n" |
| msgid_plural "Sorry, only %d hunks available.\n" |
| msgstr[0] "對不起,只有 %d 個可用區塊。\n" |
| |
| #: git-add--interactive.perl:1657 |
| msgid "No other hunks to search\n" |
| msgstr "沒有其它可供尋找的區塊\n" |
| |
| #: git-add--interactive.perl:1674 |
| #, perl-format |
| msgid "Malformed search regexp %s: %s\n" |
| msgstr "錯誤的正規表示式 %s:%s\n" |
| |
| #: git-add--interactive.perl:1684 |
| msgid "No hunk matches the given pattern\n" |
| msgstr "沒有和提供模式相符合的區塊\n" |
| |
| #: git-add--interactive.perl:1696 git-add--interactive.perl:1718 |
| msgid "No previous hunk\n" |
| msgstr "沒有上一個區塊\n" |
| |
| #: git-add--interactive.perl:1705 git-add--interactive.perl:1724 |
| msgid "No next hunk\n" |
| msgstr "沒有下一個區塊\n" |
| |
| #: git-add--interactive.perl:1730 |
| msgid "Sorry, cannot split this hunk\n" |
| msgstr "對不起,不能分割這個區塊\n" |
| |
| #: git-add--interactive.perl:1736 |
| #, perl-format |
| msgid "Split into %d hunk.\n" |
| msgid_plural "Split into %d hunks.\n" |
| msgstr[0] "分割為 %d 塊。\n" |
| |
| #: git-add--interactive.perl:1746 |
| msgid "Sorry, cannot edit this hunk\n" |
| msgstr "對不起,不能編輯這個區塊\n" |
| |
| #. TRANSLATORS: please do not translate the command names |
| #. 'status', 'update', 'revert', etc. |
| #: git-add--interactive.perl:1811 |
| msgid "" |
| "status - show paths with changes\n" |
| "update - add working tree state to the staged set of changes\n" |
| "revert - revert staged set of changes back to the HEAD version\n" |
| "patch - pick hunks and update selectively\n" |
| "diff - view diff between HEAD and index\n" |
| "add untracked - add contents of untracked files to the staged set of " |
| "changes\n" |
| msgstr "" |
| "status - 顯示含變更的路徑\n" |
| "update - 新增工作區狀態至暫存列表\n" |
| "revert - 還原修改的暫存集至 HEAD 版本\n" |
| "patch - 挑選區塊並且有選擇地更新\n" |
| "diff - 顯示 HEAD 和索引間差異\n" |
| "add untracked - 新增未追蹤檔案的內容至暫存列表\n" |
| |
| #: git-add--interactive.perl:1828 git-add--interactive.perl:1840 |
| #: git-add--interactive.perl:1843 git-add--interactive.perl:1850 |
| #: git-add--interactive.perl:1853 git-add--interactive.perl:1860 |
| #: git-add--interactive.perl:1864 git-add--interactive.perl:1870 |
| msgid "missing --" |
| msgstr "缺少 --" |
| |
| #: git-add--interactive.perl:1866 |
| #, perl-format |
| msgid "unknown --patch mode: %s" |
| msgstr "未知的 --patch 模式:%s" |
| |
| #: git-add--interactive.perl:1872 git-add--interactive.perl:1878 |
| #, perl-format |
| msgid "invalid argument %s, expecting --" |
| msgstr "無效的參數 %s,期望是 --" |
| |
| #: git-send-email.perl:138 |
| msgid "local zone differs from GMT by a non-minute interval\n" |
| msgstr "本機時間和 GMT 有不到一分鐘間隔\n" |
| |
| #: git-send-email.perl:145 git-send-email.perl:151 |
| msgid "local time offset greater than or equal to 24 hours\n" |
| msgstr "本機時間位移量大於等於 24 小時\n" |
| |
| #: git-send-email.perl:222 |
| #, perl-format |
| msgid "fatal: command '%s' died with exit code %d" |
| msgstr "致命錯誤:命令「%s」中止,結束碼:%d" |
| |
| #: git-send-email.perl:235 |
| msgid "the editor exited uncleanly, aborting everything" |
| msgstr "編輯器非正常離開,終止所有動作" |
| |
| #: git-send-email.perl:321 |
| #, perl-format |
| msgid "" |
| "'%s' contains an intermediate version of the email you were composing.\n" |
| msgstr "'%s' 包含您正在編寫的一個中間版本的信件。\n" |
| |
| #: git-send-email.perl:326 |
| #, perl-format |
| msgid "'%s.final' contains the composed email.\n" |
| msgstr "'%s.final' 包含編輯的信件。\n" |
| |
| #: git-send-email.perl:419 |
| msgid "--dump-aliases incompatible with other options\n" |
| msgstr "--dump-aliases 和其它選項不相容\n" |
| |
| #: git-send-email.perl:493 |
| msgid "" |
| "fatal: found configuration options for 'sendmail'\n" |
| "git-send-email is configured with the sendemail.* options - note the 'e'.\n" |
| "Set sendemail.forbidSendmailVariables to false to disable this check.\n" |
| msgstr "" |
| "致命錯誤:找到 'sendmail' 的設定選項\n" |
| "git-send-email 已經以 sendemail.* 選項設定 - 注意裡面的 'e'。\n" |
| "請將 sendemail.forbidSendmailVariables 設為 false 停用此檢查。\n" |
| |
| #: git-send-email.perl:498 git-send-email.perl:700 |
| msgid "Cannot run git format-patch from outside a repository\n" |
| msgstr "不能在版本庫之外執行 git format-patch\n" |
| |
| #: git-send-email.perl:501 |
| msgid "" |
| "`batch-size` and `relogin` must be specified together (via command-line or " |
| "configuration option)\n" |
| msgstr "`batch-size` 和 `relogin` 必須同時定義(透過指令列或者設定選項)\n" |
| |
| #: git-send-email.perl:514 |
| #, perl-format |
| msgid "Unknown --suppress-cc field: '%s'\n" |
| msgstr "未知的 --suppress-cc 欄位:'%s'\n" |
| |
| #: git-send-email.perl:545 |
| #, perl-format |
| msgid "Unknown --confirm setting: '%s'\n" |
| msgstr "未知的 --confirm 設定:'%s'\n" |
| |
| #: git-send-email.perl:573 |
| #, perl-format |
| msgid "warning: sendmail alias with quotes is not supported: %s\n" |
| msgstr "警告:不支援帶引號的 sendmail 別名:%s\n" |
| |
| #: git-send-email.perl:575 |
| #, perl-format |
| msgid "warning: `:include:` not supported: %s\n" |
| msgstr "警告:不支援 `:include:`:%s\n" |
| |
| #: git-send-email.perl:577 |
| #, perl-format |
| msgid "warning: `/file` or `|pipe` redirection not supported: %s\n" |
| msgstr "警告:不支援 `/file` 或 `|pipe` 重定向:%s\n" |
| |
| #: git-send-email.perl:582 |
| #, perl-format |
| msgid "warning: sendmail line is not recognized: %s\n" |
| msgstr "警告:不能識別的 sendmail 行:%s\n" |
| |
| #: git-send-email.perl:666 |
| #, perl-format |
| msgid "" |
| "File '%s' exists but it could also be the range of commits\n" |
| "to produce patches for. Please disambiguate by...\n" |
| "\n" |
| " * Saying \"./%s\" if you mean a file; or\n" |
| " * Giving --format-patch option if you mean a range.\n" |
| msgstr "" |
| "存在檔案 '%s' 但是它也可能是一個用於產生修補檔列表的提交範圍。請用如下方法消" |
| "除歧義:\n" |
| "\n" |
| " * 如果含義為一個檔案,使用 \"./%s\",或者\n" |
| " * 如果含義為一個範圍,使用 --format-patch 選項。\n" |
| |
| #: git-send-email.perl:687 |
| #, perl-format |
| msgid "Failed to opendir %s: %s" |
| msgstr "無法開啟目錄 %s: %s" |
| |
| #: git-send-email.perl:720 |
| msgid "" |
| "\n" |
| "No patch files specified!\n" |
| "\n" |
| msgstr "" |
| "\n" |
| "未指定修補檔案!\n" |
| "\n" |
| |
| #: git-send-email.perl:733 |
| #, perl-format |
| msgid "No subject line in %s?" |
| msgstr "在 %s 中沒有標題行?" |
| |
| #: git-send-email.perl:743 |
| #, perl-format |
| msgid "Failed to open for writing %s: %s" |
| msgstr "為寫入開啟 %s 失敗: %s" |
| |
| #: git-send-email.perl:754 |
| msgid "" |
| "Lines beginning in \"GIT:\" will be removed.\n" |
| "Consider including an overall diffstat or table of contents\n" |
| "for the patch you are writing.\n" |
| "\n" |
| "Clear the body content if you don't wish to send a summary.\n" |
| msgstr "" |
| "以 \"GIT:\" 開頭的行將被刪除。\n" |
| "考慮包含一個整體的差異統計或者您正在寫的修補檔的目錄。\n" |
| "\n" |
| "如果您不想傳送摘要,清除內容。\n" |
| |
| #: git-send-email.perl:778 |
| #, perl-format |
| msgid "Failed to open %s: %s" |
| msgstr "無法開啟 %s: %s" |
| |
| #: git-send-email.perl:795 |
| #, perl-format |
| msgid "Failed to open %s.final: %s" |
| msgstr "無法開啟 %s.final: %s" |
| |
| #: git-send-email.perl:838 |
| msgid "Summary email is empty, skipping it\n" |
| msgstr "摘要信件為空,略過\n" |
| |
| #. TRANSLATORS: please keep [y/N] as is. |
| #: git-send-email.perl:873 |
| #, perl-format |
| msgid "Are you sure you want to use <%s> [y/N]? " |
| msgstr "您是否要使用 <%s> [y/N]? " |
| |
| #: git-send-email.perl:928 |
| msgid "" |
| "The following files are 8bit, but do not declare a Content-Transfer-" |
| "Encoding.\n" |
| msgstr "如下檔案含 8bit 內容,但沒有聲明一個 Content-Transfer-Encoding。\n" |
| |
| #: git-send-email.perl:933 |
| msgid "Which 8bit encoding should I declare [UTF-8]? " |
| msgstr "要宣告 8bit 為什麼樣的編碼格式 [UTF-8]? " |
| |
| #: git-send-email.perl:941 |
| #, perl-format |
| msgid "" |
| "Refusing to send because the patch\n" |
| "\t%s\n" |
| "has the template subject '*** SUBJECT HERE ***'. Pass --force if you really " |
| "want to send.\n" |
| msgstr "" |
| "拒絕傳送,因為修補檔\n" |
| "\t%s\n" |
| "包含範本標題 '*** SUBJECT HERE ***'。如果確定想要傳送,使用參數 --force。\n" |
| |
| #: git-send-email.perl:960 |
| msgid "To whom should the emails be sent (if anyone)?" |
| msgstr "信件將要傳送給誰?" |
| |
| #: git-send-email.perl:978 |
| #, perl-format |
| msgid "fatal: alias '%s' expands to itself\n" |
| msgstr "致命錯誤:別名 '%s' 擴展為它自己\n" |
| |
| #: git-send-email.perl:990 |
| msgid "Message-ID to be used as In-Reply-To for the first email (if any)? " |
| msgstr "(如果有)Message-ID 是否要被用作第一封信件的 In-Reply-To ? " |
| |
| #: git-send-email.perl:1048 git-send-email.perl:1056 |
| #, perl-format |
| msgid "error: unable to extract a valid address from: %s\n" |
| msgstr "錯誤:不能從 %s 中擷取一個有效的信件位址\n" |
| |
| #. TRANSLATORS: Make sure to include [q] [d] [e] in your |
| #. translation. The program will only accept English input |
| #. at this point. |
| #: git-send-email.perl:1060 |
| msgid "What to do with this address? ([q]uit|[d]rop|[e]dit): " |
| msgstr "如何處理這個位址?([q]uit|[d]rop|[e]dit):" |
| |
| #: git-send-email.perl:1377 |
| #, perl-format |
| msgid "CA path \"%s\" does not exist" |
| msgstr "CA 路徑 \"%s\" 不存在" |
| |
| #: git-send-email.perl:1460 |
| msgid "" |
| " The Cc list above has been expanded by additional\n" |
| " addresses found in the patch commit message. By default\n" |
| " send-email prompts before sending whenever this occurs.\n" |
| " This behavior is controlled by the sendemail.confirm\n" |
| " configuration setting.\n" |
| "\n" |
| " For additional information, run 'git send-email --help'.\n" |
| " To retain the current behavior, but squelch this message,\n" |
| " run 'git config --global sendemail.confirm auto'.\n" |
| "\n" |
| msgstr "" |
| " 以上的抄送列表(Cc)已經用修補檔提交說明中發現的位址進行\n" |
| " 了擴展。預設 send-email 會給出提示。這個行為可以透過\n" |
| " sendemail.confirm 設定設定。\n" |
| "\n" |
| " 更多訊息,執行 'git send-email --help'。\n" |
| " 要保持目前行為,但不顯示此訊息,執行 'git config --global\n" |
| " sendemail.confirm auto'。\n" |
| "\n" |
| |
| #. TRANSLATORS: Make sure to include [y] [n] [e] [q] [a] in your |
| #. translation. The program will only accept English input |
| #. at this point. |
| #: git-send-email.perl:1475 |
| msgid "Send this email? ([y]es|[n]o|[e]dit|[q]uit|[a]ll): " |
| msgstr "傳送這封信件?([y]es|[n]o|[e]dit|[q]uit|[a]ll): " |
| |
| #: git-send-email.perl:1478 |
| msgid "Send this email reply required" |
| msgstr "傳送要求的信件回復" |
| |
| #: git-send-email.perl:1506 |
| msgid "The required SMTP server is not properly defined." |
| msgstr "要求的 SMTP 伺服器未被正確定義。" |
| |
| #: git-send-email.perl:1553 |
| #, perl-format |
| msgid "Server does not support STARTTLS! %s" |
| msgstr "伺服器不支援 STARTTLS!%s" |
| |
| #: git-send-email.perl:1558 git-send-email.perl:1562 |
| #, perl-format |
| msgid "STARTTLS failed! %s" |
| msgstr "STARTTLS 失敗!%s" |
| |
| #: git-send-email.perl:1571 |
| msgid "Unable to initialize SMTP properly. Check config and use --smtp-debug." |
| msgstr "無法正確地初始化 SMTP。檢查設定並使用 --smtp-debug。" |
| |
| #: git-send-email.perl:1589 |
| #, perl-format |
| msgid "Failed to send %s\n" |
| msgstr "無法傳送 %s\n" |
| |
| #: git-send-email.perl:1592 |
| #, perl-format |
| msgid "Dry-Sent %s\n" |
| msgstr "測試執行傳送 %s\n" |
| |
| #: git-send-email.perl:1592 |
| #, perl-format |
| msgid "Sent %s\n" |
| msgstr "正傳送 %s\n" |
| |
| #: git-send-email.perl:1594 |
| msgid "Dry-OK. Log says:\n" |
| msgstr "測試執行成功。日誌說:\n" |
| |
| #: git-send-email.perl:1594 |
| msgid "OK. Log says:\n" |
| msgstr "OK。日誌說:\n" |
| |
| #: git-send-email.perl:1606 |
| msgid "Result: " |
| msgstr "結果:" |
| |
| #: git-send-email.perl:1609 |
| msgid "Result: OK\n" |
| msgstr "結果:OK\n" |
| |
| #: git-send-email.perl:1627 |
| #, perl-format |
| msgid "can't open file %s" |
| msgstr "無法開啟檔案 %s" |
| |
| #: git-send-email.perl:1674 git-send-email.perl:1694 |
| #, perl-format |
| msgid "(mbox) Adding cc: %s from line '%s'\n" |
| msgstr "(mbox) 新增 cc:%s 自行 '%s'\n" |
| |
| #: git-send-email.perl:1680 |
| #, perl-format |
| msgid "(mbox) Adding to: %s from line '%s'\n" |
| msgstr "(mbox) 新增 to:%s 自行 '%s'\n" |
| |
| #: git-send-email.perl:1737 |
| #, perl-format |
| msgid "(non-mbox) Adding cc: %s from line '%s'\n" |
| msgstr "(non-mbox) 新增 cc:%s 自行 '%s'\n" |
| |
| #: git-send-email.perl:1772 |
| #, perl-format |
| msgid "(body) Adding cc: %s from line '%s'\n" |
| msgstr "(body) 新增 cc: %s 自行 '%s'\n" |
| |
| #: git-send-email.perl:1883 |
| #, perl-format |
| msgid "(%s) Could not execute '%s'" |
| msgstr "(%s) 不能執行 '%s'" |
| |
| #: git-send-email.perl:1890 |
| #, perl-format |
| msgid "(%s) Adding %s: %s from: '%s'\n" |
| msgstr "(%s) 新增 %s: %s 自:'%s'\n" |
| |
| #: git-send-email.perl:1894 |
| #, perl-format |
| msgid "(%s) failed to close pipe to '%s'" |
| msgstr "(%s) 無法關閉管道至 '%s'" |
| |
| #: git-send-email.perl:1924 |
| msgid "cannot send message as 7bit" |
| msgstr "不能以 7bit 形式傳送訊息" |
| |
| #: git-send-email.perl:1932 |
| msgid "invalid transfer encoding" |
| msgstr "無效的傳送編碼" |
| |
| #: git-send-email.perl:1966 |
| #, perl-format |
| msgid "" |
| "fatal: %s: rejected by sendemail-validate hook\n" |
| "%s\n" |
| "warning: no patches were sent\n" |
| msgstr "" |
| "致命錯誤:%s:被 sendemail-validate 掛鈎拒絕\n" |
| "%s\n" |
| "警告:修補檔未能傳送\n" |
| |
| #: git-send-email.perl:1976 git-send-email.perl:2029 git-send-email.perl:2039 |
| #, perl-format |
| msgid "unable to open %s: %s\n" |
| msgstr "不能開啟 %s:%s\n" |
| |
| #: git-send-email.perl:1979 |
| #, perl-format |
| msgid "" |
| "fatal: %s:%d is longer than 998 characters\n" |
| "warning: no patches were sent\n" |
| msgstr "" |
| "致命錯誤:%s:%d 的字元數超過 998\n" |
| "警告:修補檔未能傳送\n" |
| |
| #: git-send-email.perl:1997 |
| #, perl-format |
| msgid "Skipping %s with backup suffix '%s'.\n" |
| msgstr "略過 %s 含備份後綴 '%s'。\n" |
| |
| #. TRANSLATORS: please keep "[y|N]" as is. |
| #: git-send-email.perl:2001 |
| #, perl-format |
| msgid "Do you really want to send %s? [y|N]: " |
| msgstr "您真的要傳送 %s?[y|N]:" |
| |
| #~ msgid "--cached and --3way cannot be used together." |
| #~ msgstr "--cached 和 --3way 不能同時使用。" |
| |
| #~ msgid "both" |
| #~ msgstr "雙方" |
| |
| #~ msgid "one" |
| #~ msgstr "一方" |
| |
| #, c-format |
| #~ msgid "Already up to date!" |
| #~ msgstr "已經是最新的!" |
| |
| #~ msgid "Already up to date. Yeeah!" |
| #~ msgstr "已經是最新的。耶!" |
| |
| #~ msgid "--batch-size option is only for 'repack' subcommand" |
| #~ msgstr "--batch-size 選項僅用於 'repack' 子指令" |
| |
| #~ msgid "Percentage by which creation is weighted" |
| #~ msgstr "建立權重的百分比" |
| |
| #~ msgid "" |
| #~ "the rebase.useBuiltin support has been removed!\n" |
| #~ "See its entry in 'git help config' for details." |
| #~ msgstr "" |
| #~ "對 rebase.useBuiltin 的支援已被刪除!\n" |
| #~ "詳見 'git help config' 中的條目。" |
| |
| #, perl-format |
| #~ msgid "%s: patch contains a line longer than 998 characters" |
| #~ msgstr "%s:修補檔包含一個超過 998 字元的行" |
| |
| #~ msgid "repository contains replace objects; skipping commit-graph" |
| #~ msgstr "版本庫有取代物件;跳過提交圖形" |
| |
| #~ msgid "repository contains (deprecated) grafts; skipping commit-graph" |
| #~ msgstr "版本庫有(廢棄的)移植項目;跳過提交圖形" |
| |
| #~ msgid "repository is shallow; skipping commit-graph" |
| #~ msgstr "版本庫是淺複製;忽略提交圖形" |
| |
| #, c-format |
| #~ msgid "commit-graph improper chunk offset %08x%08x" |
| #~ msgstr "提交圖形不正確的區塊位移 %08x%08x" |
| |
| #, c-format |
| #~ msgid "commit-graph chunk id %08x appears multiple times" |
| #~ msgstr "提交圖形區塊 id %08x 出現了多次" |
| |
| #~ msgid "invalid chunk offset (too large)" |
| #~ msgstr "無效的區塊位移(太大)" |
| |
| #~ msgid "Writing chunks to multi-pack-index" |
| #~ msgstr "寫入區塊至多包索引" |
| |
| #~ msgid "rev-list died" |
| #~ msgstr "rev-list 終止" |
| |
| #~ msgid "" |
| #~ "git bisect--helper --bisect-write [--no-log] <state> <revision> " |
| #~ "<good_term> <bad_term>" |
| #~ msgstr "" |
| #~ "git bisect--helper --bisect-write [--no-log] <狀態> <版本> <好-術語> <壞-" |
| #~ "術語>" |
| |
| #~ msgid "" |
| #~ "git bisect--helper --bisect-check-and-set-terms <command> <good_term> " |
| #~ "<bad_term>" |
| #~ msgstr "" |
| #~ "git bisect--helper --bisect-check-and-set-terms <指令> <好-術語> <壞-術語>" |
| |
| #~ msgid "git bisect--helper --bisect-auto-next" |
| #~ msgstr "git bisect--helper --bisect-auto-next" |
| |
| #~ msgid "write out the bisection state in BISECT_LOG" |
| #~ msgstr "將二分尋找的狀態寫入 BISECT_LOG" |
| |
| #~ msgid "check and set terms in a bisection state" |
| #~ msgstr "在一個二分尋找狀態中檢查和設定術語" |
| |
| #~ msgid "" |
| #~ "verify the next bisection state then checkout the next bisection commit" |
| #~ msgstr "驗證下一個二分尋找狀態後,檢出下一個二分尋找提交" |
| |
| #~ msgid "--bisect-write requires either 4 or 5 arguments" |
| #~ msgstr "--bisect-write 需要 4 或 5 個參數" |
| |
| #~ msgid "--check-and-set-terms requires 3 arguments" |
| #~ msgstr "--check-and-set-terms 需要 3 個參數" |
| |
| #~ msgid "--bisect-auto-next requires 0 arguments" |
| #~ msgstr "--bisect-auto-next 需要 0 個引數" |
| |
| #~ msgid "Force progress reporting" |
| #~ msgstr "強制進度顯示" |
| |
| #, c-format |
| #~ msgid "Error deleting remote-tracking branch '%s'" |
| #~ msgstr "無法刪除遠端追蹤分支 '%s'" |
| |
| #, c-format |
| #~ msgid "Error deleting branch '%s'" |
| #~ msgstr "無法刪除分支 '%s'" |
| |
| #~ msgid "show parse tree for grep expression" |
| #~ msgstr "顯示 grep 表達式的解析樹" |
| |
| #~ msgid "too many parameters" |
| #~ msgstr "參數太多" |
| |
| #~ msgid "too few parameters" |
| #~ msgstr "參數太少" |
| |
| #~ msgid "Recurse into nested submodules" |
| #~ msgstr "遞迴進入嵌套子模組中" |
| |
| #~ msgid "too many params" |
| #~ msgstr "太多參數" |
| |
| #, sh-format |
| #~ msgid "Bad rev input: $arg" |
| #~ msgstr "壞的輸入版本:$arg" |