| #!/bin/sh |
| |
| test_description='Clone repositories and store files in Git LFS' |
| |
| . ./lib-git-p4.sh |
| |
| git lfs help >/dev/null 2>&1 || { |
| skip_all='skipping git p4 Git LFS tests; Git LFS not found' |
| test_done |
| } |
| |
| test_file_in_lfs () { |
| FILE="$1" && |
| SIZE="$2" && |
| sed -n '1,1 p' "$FILE" | grep "^version " && |
| sed -n '2,2 p' "$FILE" | grep "^oid " && |
| sed -n '3,3 p' "$FILE" | grep "^size " && |
| test_line_count = 3 "$FILE" && |
| cat "$FILE" | grep "size $SIZE" && |
| HASH=$(cat "$FILE" | grep "oid sha256:" | sed -e "s/oid sha256://g") && |
| LFS_FILE=".git/lfs/objects/$(echo "$HASH" | cut -c1-2)/$(echo "$HASH" | cut -c3-4)/$HASH" && |
| echo $EXPECTED_CONTENT >expect && |
| test_path_is_file "$FILE" && |
| test_path_is_file "$LFS_FILE" && |
| test_cmp expect "$LFS_FILE" |
| } |
| |
| test_file_count_in_dir () { |
| DIR="$1" && |
| EXPECTED_COUNT="$2" && |
| find "$DIR" -type f >actual && |
| test_line_count = $EXPECTED_COUNT actual |
| } |
| |
| test_expect_success 'start p4d' ' |
| start_p4d |
| ' |
| |
| test_expect_success 'Create repo with binary files' ' |
| client_view "//depot/... //client/..." && |
| ( |
| cd "$cli" && |
| |
| echo "content 1 txt 23 bytes" >file1.txt && |
| p4 add file1.txt && |
| echo "content 2-3 bin 25 bytes" >file2.dat && |
| p4 add file2.dat && |
| p4 submit -d "Add text and binary file" && |
| |
| mkdir "path with spaces" && |
| echo "content 2-3 bin 25 bytes" >"path with spaces/file3.bin" && |
| p4 add "path with spaces/file3.bin" && |
| p4 submit -d "Add another binary file with same content and spaces in path" && |
| |
| echo "content 4 bin 26 bytes XX" >file4.bin && |
| p4 add file4.bin && |
| p4 submit -d "Add another binary file with different content" |
| ) |
| ' |
| |
| test_expect_success 'Store files in LFS based on size (>24 bytes)' ' |
| client_view "//depot/... //client/..." && |
| test_when_finished cleanup_git && |
| ( |
| cd "$git" && |
| git init . && |
| git config git-p4.useClientSpec true && |
| git config git-p4.largeFileSystem GitLFS && |
| git config git-p4.largeFileThreshold 24 && |
| git p4 clone --destination="$git" //depot@all && |
| |
| test_file_in_lfs file2.dat 25 "content 2-3 bin 25 bytes" && |
| test_file_in_lfs "path with spaces/file3.bin" 25 "content 2-3 bin 25 bytes" && |
| test_file_in_lfs file4.bin 26 "content 4 bin 26 bytes XX" && |
| |
| test_file_count_in_dir ".git/lfs/objects" 2 && |
| |
| cat >expect <<-\EOF && |
| |
| # |
| # Git LFS (see https://git-lfs.github.com/) |
| # |
| /file2.dat filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text |
| /file4.bin filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text |
| /path[[:space:]]with[[:space:]]spaces/file3.bin filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text |
| EOF |
| test_path_is_file .gitattributes && |
| test_cmp expect .gitattributes |
| ) |
| ' |
| |
| test_expect_success 'Store files in LFS based on size (>25 bytes)' ' |
| client_view "//depot/... //client/..." && |
| test_when_finished cleanup_git && |
| ( |
| cd "$git" && |
| git init . && |
| git config git-p4.useClientSpec true && |
| git config git-p4.largeFileSystem GitLFS && |
| git config git-p4.largeFileThreshold 25 && |
| git p4 clone --destination="$git" //depot@all && |
| |
| test_file_in_lfs file4.bin 26 "content 4 bin 26 bytes XX" && |
| test_file_count_in_dir ".git/lfs/objects" 1 && |
| |
| cat >expect <<-\EOF && |
| |
| # |
| # Git LFS (see https://git-lfs.github.com/) |
| # |
| /file4.bin filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text |
| EOF |
| test_path_is_file .gitattributes && |
| test_cmp expect .gitattributes |
| ) |
| ' |
| |
| test_expect_success 'Store files in LFS based on extension (dat)' ' |
| client_view "//depot/... //client/..." && |
| test_when_finished cleanup_git && |
| ( |
| cd "$git" && |
| git init . && |
| git config git-p4.useClientSpec true && |
| git config git-p4.largeFileSystem GitLFS && |
| git config git-p4.largeFileExtensions dat && |
| git p4 clone --destination="$git" //depot@all && |
| |
| test_file_in_lfs file2.dat 25 "content 2-3 bin 25 bytes" && |
| test_file_count_in_dir ".git/lfs/objects" 1 && |
| |
| cat >expect <<-\EOF && |
| |
| # |
| # Git LFS (see https://git-lfs.github.com/) |
| # |
| *.dat filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text |
| EOF |
| test_path_is_file .gitattributes && |
| test_cmp expect .gitattributes |
| ) |
| ' |
| |
| test_expect_success 'Store files in LFS based on size (>25 bytes) and extension (dat)' ' |
| client_view "//depot/... //client/..." && |
| test_when_finished cleanup_git && |
| ( |
| cd "$git" && |
| git init . && |
| git config git-p4.useClientSpec true && |
| git config git-p4.largeFileSystem GitLFS && |
| git config git-p4.largeFileExtensions dat && |
| git config git-p4.largeFileThreshold 25 && |
| git p4 clone --destination="$git" //depot@all && |
| |
| test_file_in_lfs file2.dat 25 "content 2-3 bin 25 bytes" && |
| test_file_in_lfs file4.bin 26 "content 4 bin 26 bytes XX" && |
| test_file_count_in_dir ".git/lfs/objects" 2 && |
| |
| cat >expect <<-\EOF && |
| |
| # |
| # Git LFS (see https://git-lfs.github.com/) |
| # |
| *.dat filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text |
| /file4.bin filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text |
| EOF |
| test_path_is_file .gitattributes && |
| test_cmp expect .gitattributes |
| ) |
| ' |
| |
| test_expect_success 'Remove file from repo and store files in LFS based on size (>24 bytes)' ' |
| client_view "//depot/... //client/..." && |
| ( |
| cd "$cli" && |
| p4 delete file4.bin && |
| p4 submit -d "Remove file" |
| ) && |
| |
| client_view "//depot/... //client/..." && |
| test_when_finished cleanup_git && |
| ( |
| cd "$git" && |
| git init . && |
| git config git-p4.useClientSpec true && |
| git config git-p4.largeFileSystem GitLFS && |
| git config git-p4.largeFileThreshold 24 && |
| git p4 clone --destination="$git" //depot@all && |
| |
| test_file_in_lfs file2.dat 25 "content 2-3 bin 25 bytes" && |
| test_file_in_lfs "path with spaces/file3.bin" 25 "content 2-3 bin 25 bytes" && |
| test_path_is_missing file4.bin && |
| test_file_count_in_dir ".git/lfs/objects" 2 && |
| |
| cat >expect <<-\EOF && |
| |
| # |
| # Git LFS (see https://git-lfs.github.com/) |
| # |
| /file2.dat filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text |
| /path[[:space:]]with[[:space:]]spaces/file3.bin filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text |
| EOF |
| test_path_is_file .gitattributes && |
| test_cmp expect .gitattributes |
| ) |
| ' |
| |
| test_expect_success 'Add .gitattributes and store files in LFS based on size (>24 bytes)' ' |
| client_view "//depot/... //client/..." && |
| ( |
| cd "$cli" && |
| echo "*.txt text" >.gitattributes && |
| p4 add .gitattributes && |
| p4 submit -d "Add .gitattributes" |
| ) && |
| |
| client_view "//depot/... //client/..." && |
| test_when_finished cleanup_git && |
| ( |
| cd "$git" && |
| git init . && |
| git config git-p4.useClientSpec true && |
| git config git-p4.largeFileSystem GitLFS && |
| git config git-p4.largeFileThreshold 24 && |
| git p4 clone --destination="$git" //depot@all && |
| |
| test_file_in_lfs file2.dat 25 "content 2-3 bin 25 bytes" && |
| test_file_in_lfs "path with spaces/file3.bin" 25 "content 2-3 bin 25 bytes" && |
| test_path_is_missing file4.bin && |
| test_file_count_in_dir ".git/lfs/objects" 2 && |
| |
| cat >expect <<-\EOF && |
| *.txt text |
| |
| # |
| # Git LFS (see https://git-lfs.github.com/) |
| # |
| /file2.dat filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text |
| /path[[:space:]]with[[:space:]]spaces/file3.bin filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text |
| EOF |
| test_path_is_file .gitattributes && |
| test_cmp expect .gitattributes |
| ) |
| ' |
| |
| test_expect_success 'Add big files to repo and store files in LFS based on compressed size (>28 bytes)' ' |
| client_view "//depot/... //client/..." && |
| ( |
| cd "$cli" && |
| echo "content 5 bin 40 bytes XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" >file5.bin && |
| p4 add file5.bin && |
| p4 submit -d "Add file with small footprint after compression" && |
| |
| echo "content 6 bin 39 bytes XXXXXYYYYYZZZZZ" >file6.bin && |
| p4 add file6.bin && |
| p4 submit -d "Add file with large footprint after compression" |
| ) && |
| |
| client_view "//depot/... //client/..." && |
| test_when_finished cleanup_git && |
| ( |
| cd "$git" && |
| git init . && |
| git config git-p4.useClientSpec true && |
| git config git-p4.largeFileSystem GitLFS && |
| git config git-p4.largeFileCompressedThreshold 28 && |
| # We only import HEAD here ("@all" is missing!) |
| git p4 clone --destination="$git" //depot && |
| |
| test_file_in_lfs file6.bin 13 "content 6 bin 39 bytes XXXXXYYYYYZZZZZ" |
| test_file_count_in_dir ".git/lfs/objects" 1 && |
| |
| cat >expect <<-\EOF && |
| *.txt text |
| |
| # |
| # Git LFS (see https://git-lfs.github.com/) |
| # |
| /file6.bin filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text |
| EOF |
| test_path_is_file .gitattributes && |
| test_cmp expect .gitattributes |
| ) |
| ' |
| |
| test_expect_success 'kill p4d' ' |
| kill_p4d |
| ' |
| |
| test_done |