| # This file isn't used as a test script directly, instead it is |
| # sourced from t8001-annotate.sh and t8002-blame.sh. |
| |
| check_count () { |
| head= && |
| file='file' && |
| options= && |
| while : |
| do |
| case "$1" in |
| -h) head="$2"; shift; shift ;; |
| -f) file="$2"; shift; shift ;; |
| -*) options="$options $1"; shift ;; |
| *) break ;; |
| esac |
| done && |
| echo "$PROG $options $file $head" >&4 && |
| $PROG $options $file $head >actual && |
| perl -e ' |
| my %expect = (@ARGV); |
| my %count = map { $_ => 0 } keys %expect; |
| while (<STDIN>) { |
| if (/^[0-9a-f]+\t\(([^\t]+)\t/) { |
| my $author = $1; |
| for ($author) { s/^\s*//; s/\s*$//; } |
| $count{$author}++; |
| } |
| } |
| my $bad = 0; |
| while (my ($author, $count) = each %count) { |
| my $ok; |
| my $value = 0; |
| $value = $expect{$author} if defined $expect{$author}; |
| if ($value != $count) { |
| $bad = 1; |
| $ok = "bad"; |
| } |
| else { |
| $ok = "good"; |
| } |
| print STDERR "Author $author (expected $value, attributed $count) $ok\n"; |
| } |
| exit($bad); |
| ' "$@" <actual |
| } |
| |
| test_expect_success 'setup A lines' ' |
| echo "1A quick brown fox jumps over the" >file && |
| echo "lazy dog" >>file && |
| git add file && |
| git commit -a -m "Initial." |
| ' |
| |
| test_expect_success 'blame 1 author' ' |
| check_count A 2 |
| ' |
| |
| test_expect_success 'setup B lines' ' |
| echo "2A quick brown fox jumps over the" >>file && |
| echo "lazy dog" >>file && |
| git commit -a -m "Second." |
| ' |
| |
| test_expect_success 'blame 2 authors' ' |
| check_count A 2 B 2 |
| ' |
| |
| test_expect_success 'setup B1 lines (branch1)' ' |
| git checkout -b branch1 master && |
| echo "3A slow green fox jumps into the" >>file && |
| echo "well." >>file && |
| git commit -a -m "Branch1-1" |
| ' |
| |
| test_expect_success 'blame 2 authors + 1 branch1 author' ' |
| check_count A 2 B 2 B1 2 |
| ' |
| |
| test_expect_success 'setup B2 lines (branch2)' ' |
| git checkout -b branch2 master && |
| sed -e "s/2A quick brown/4A quick brown lazy dog/" <file >file.new && |
| mv file.new file && |
| git commit -a -m "Branch2-1" |
| ' |
| |
| test_expect_success 'blame 2 authors + 1 branch2 author' ' |
| check_count A 2 B 1 B2 1 |
| ' |
| |
| test_expect_success 'merge branch1 & branch2' ' |
| git pull . branch1 |
| ' |
| |
| test_expect_success 'blame 2 authors + 2 merged-in authors' ' |
| check_count A 2 B 1 B1 2 B2 1 |
| ' |
| |
| test_expect_success 'blame ancestor' ' |
| check_count -h master A 2 B 2 |
| ' |
| |
| test_expect_success 'blame great-ancestor' ' |
| check_count -h master^ A 2 |
| ' |
| |
| test_expect_success 'setup evil merge' ' |
| echo "evil merge." >>file && |
| git commit -a --amend |
| ' |
| |
| test_expect_success 'blame evil merge' ' |
| check_count A 2 B 1 B1 2 B2 1 "A U Thor" 1 |
| ' |
| |
| test_expect_success 'setup incomplete line' ' |
| echo "incomplete" | tr -d "\\012" >>file && |
| git commit -a -m "Incomplete" |
| ' |
| |
| test_expect_success 'blame incomplete line' ' |
| check_count A 2 B 1 B1 2 B2 1 "A U Thor" 1 C 1 |
| ' |
| |
| test_expect_success 'setup edits' ' |
| mv file file.orig && |
| { |
| cat file.orig && |
| echo |
| } | sed -e "s/^3A/99/" -e "/^1A/d" -e "/^incomplete/d" >file && |
| echo "incomplete" | tr -d "\\012" >>file && |
| git commit -a -m "edit" |
| ' |
| |
| test_expect_success 'blame edits' ' |
| check_count A 1 B 1 B1 1 B2 1 "A U Thor" 1 C 1 D 1 |
| ' |
| |
| test_expect_success 'setup obfuscated email' ' |
| echo "No robots allowed" >file.new && |
| cat file >>file.new && |
| mv file.new file && |
| GIT_AUTHOR_NAME="E" GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL="E at test dot git" \ |
| git commit -a -m "norobots" |
| ' |
| |
| test_expect_success 'blame obfuscated email' ' |
| check_count A 1 B 1 B1 1 B2 1 "A U Thor" 1 C 1 D 1 E 1 |
| ' |
| |
| test_expect_success 'blame -L 1 (all)' ' |
| check_count -L1 A 1 B 1 B1 1 B2 1 "A U Thor" 1 C 1 D 1 E 1 |
| ' |
| |
| test_expect_success 'blame -L , (all)' ' |
| check_count -L, A 1 B 1 B1 1 B2 1 "A U Thor" 1 C 1 D 1 E 1 |
| ' |
| |
| test_expect_success 'blame -L X (X to end)' ' |
| check_count -L5 B1 1 C 1 D 1 "A U Thor" 1 |
| ' |
| |
| test_expect_success 'blame -L X, (X to end)' ' |
| check_count -L5, B1 1 C 1 D 1 "A U Thor" 1 |
| ' |
| |
| test_expect_success 'blame -L ,Y (up to Y)' ' |
| check_count -L,3 A 1 B2 1 E 1 |
| ' |
| |
| test_expect_success 'blame -L X,X' ' |
| check_count -L3,3 B2 1 |
| ' |
| |
| test_expect_success 'blame -L X,Y' ' |
| check_count -L3,6 B 1 B1 1 B2 1 D 1 |
| ' |
| |
| test_expect_success 'blame -L Y,X (undocumented)' ' |
| check_count -L6,3 B 1 B1 1 B2 1 D 1 |
| ' |
| |
| test_expect_failure 'blame -L ,+0' ' |
| test_must_fail $PROG -L,+0 file |
| ' |
| |
| test_expect_success 'blame -L X,+0' ' |
| test_must_fail $PROG -L1,+0 file |
| ' |
| |
| test_expect_success 'blame -L X,+1' ' |
| check_count -L3,+1 B2 1 |
| ' |
| |
| test_expect_success 'blame -L X,+N' ' |
| check_count -L3,+4 B 1 B1 1 B2 1 D 1 |
| ' |
| |
| test_expect_failure 'blame -L ,-0' ' |
| test_must_fail $PROG -L,-0 file |
| ' |
| |
| test_expect_success 'blame -L X,-0' ' |
| test_must_fail $PROG -L1,-0 file |
| ' |
| |
| test_expect_success 'blame -L X,-1' ' |
| check_count -L3,-1 B2 1 |
| ' |
| |
| test_expect_success 'blame -L X,-N' ' |
| check_count -L6,-4 B 1 B1 1 B2 1 D 1 |
| ' |
| |
| test_expect_success 'blame -L /RE/ (RE to end)' ' |
| check_count -L/evil/ C 1 "A U Thor" 1 |
| ' |
| |
| test_expect_success 'blame -L /RE/,/RE2/' ' |
| check_count -L/robot/,/green/ A 1 B 1 B2 1 D 1 E 1 |
| ' |
| |
| test_expect_success 'blame -L X,/RE/' ' |
| check_count -L5,/evil/ B1 1 D 1 "A U Thor" 1 |
| ' |
| |
| test_expect_success 'blame -L /RE/,Y' ' |
| check_count -L/99/,7 B1 1 D 1 "A U Thor" 1 |
| ' |
| |
| test_expect_success 'blame -L /RE/,+N' ' |
| check_count -L/99/,+3 B1 1 D 1 "A U Thor" 1 |
| ' |
| |
| test_expect_success 'blame -L /RE/,-N' ' |
| check_count -L/99/,-3 B 1 B2 1 D 1 |
| ' |
| |
| # 'file' ends with an incomplete line, so 'wc' reports one fewer lines than |
| # git-blame sees, hence the last line is actually $(wc...)+1. |
| test_expect_success 'blame -L X (X == nlines)' ' |
| n=$(expr $(wc -l <file) + 1) && |
| check_count -L$n C 1 |
| ' |
| |
| test_expect_success 'blame -L X (X == nlines + 1)' ' |
| n=$(expr $(wc -l <file) + 2) && |
| test_must_fail $PROG -L$n file |
| ' |
| |
| test_expect_success 'blame -L X (X > nlines)' ' |
| test_must_fail $PROG -L12345 file |
| ' |
| |
| test_expect_success 'blame -L ,Y (Y == nlines)' ' |
| n=$(expr $(wc -l <file) + 1) && |
| check_count -L,$n A 1 B 1 B1 1 B2 1 "A U Thor" 1 C 1 D 1 E 1 |
| ' |
| |
| test_expect_success 'blame -L ,Y (Y == nlines + 1)' ' |
| n=$(expr $(wc -l <file) + 2) && |
| test_must_fail $PROG -L,$n file |
| ' |
| |
| test_expect_success 'blame -L ,Y (Y > nlines)' ' |
| test_must_fail $PROG -L,12345 file |
| ' |
| |
| test_expect_success 'setup -L :regex' ' |
| tr Q "\\t" >hello.c <<-\EOF && |
| int main(int argc, const char *argv[]) |
| { |
| Qputs("hello"); |
| } |
| EOF |
| git add hello.c && |
| git commit -m "hello" && |
| |
| mv hello.c hello.orig && |
| sed -e "/}/ {x; s/$/Qputs(\"goodbye\");/; G;}" <hello.orig | |
| tr Q "\\t" >hello.c && |
| git commit -a -m "goodbye" && |
| |
| mv hello.c hello.orig && |
| echo "#include <stdio.h>" >hello.c && |
| cat hello.orig >>hello.c && |
| tr Q "\\t" >>hello.c <<-\EOF |
| void mail() |
| { |
| Qputs("mail"); |
| } |
| EOF |
| git commit -a -m "mail" |
| ' |
| |
| test_expect_success 'blame -L :literal' ' |
| check_count -f hello.c -L:main F 4 G 1 |
| ' |
| |
| test_expect_success 'blame -L :regex' ' |
| check_count -f hello.c "-L:m[a-z][a-z]l" H 4 |
| ' |
| |
| test_expect_success 'blame -L :nomatch' ' |
| test_must_fail $PROG -L:nomatch hello.c |
| ' |
| |
| test_expect_success 'setup incremental' ' |
| ( |
| export GIT_AUTHOR_NAME && |
| GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL=I@test.git && |
| export GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL && |
| >incremental && |
| git add incremental && |
| git commit -m "step 0" && |
| printf "partial" >>incremental && |
| git commit -a -m "step 0.5" && |
| echo >>incremental && |
| git commit -a -m "step 1" |
| ) |
| ' |
| |
| test_expect_success 'blame empty' ' |
| check_count -h HEAD^^ -f incremental |
| ' |
| |
| test_expect_success 'blame -L 0 empty (undocumented)' ' |
| check_count -h HEAD^^ -f incremental -L0 |
| ' |
| |
| test_expect_success 'blame -L 1 empty' ' |
| test_must_fail $PROG -L1 incremental HEAD^^ |
| ' |
| |
| test_expect_success 'blame -L 2 empty' ' |
| test_must_fail $PROG -L2 incremental HEAD^^ |
| ' |
| |
| test_expect_success 'blame half' ' |
| check_count -h HEAD^ -f incremental I 1 |
| ' |
| |
| test_expect_success 'blame -L 0 half (undocumented)' ' |
| check_count -h HEAD^ -f incremental -L0 I 1 |
| ' |
| |
| test_expect_success 'blame -L 1 half' ' |
| check_count -h HEAD^ -f incremental -L1 I 1 |
| ' |
| |
| test_expect_success 'blame -L 2 half' ' |
| test_must_fail $PROG -L2 incremental HEAD^ |
| ' |
| |
| test_expect_success 'blame -L 3 half' ' |
| test_must_fail $PROG -L3 incremental HEAD^ |
| ' |
| |
| test_expect_success 'blame full' ' |
| check_count -f incremental I 1 |
| ' |
| |
| test_expect_success 'blame -L 0 full (undocumented)' ' |
| check_count -f incremental -L0 I 1 |
| ' |
| |
| test_expect_success 'blame -L 1 full' ' |
| check_count -f incremental -L1 I 1 |
| ' |
| |
| test_expect_success 'blame -L 2 full' ' |
| test_must_fail $PROG -L2 incremental |
| ' |
| |
| test_expect_success 'blame -L 3 full' ' |
| test_must_fail $PROG -L3 incremental |
| ' |
| |
| test_expect_success 'blame -L' ' |
| test_must_fail $PROG -L file |
| ' |
| |
| test_expect_success 'blame -L X,+' ' |
| test_must_fail $PROG -L1,+ file |
| ' |
| |
| test_expect_success 'blame -L X,-' ' |
| test_must_fail $PROG -L1,- file |
| ' |
| |
| test_expect_success 'blame -L X (non-numeric X)' ' |
| test_must_fail $PROG -LX file |
| ' |
| |
| test_expect_success 'blame -L X,Y (non-numeric Y)' ' |
| test_must_fail $PROG -L1,Y file |
| ' |
| |
| test_expect_success 'blame -L X,+N (non-numeric N)' ' |
| test_must_fail $PROG -L1,+N file |
| ' |
| |
| test_expect_success 'blame -L X,-N (non-numeric N)' ' |
| test_must_fail $PROG -L1,-N file |
| ' |