| #!/bin/sh |
| |
| test_description='compare full workdir to sparse workdir' |
| |
| |
| . ./test-lib.sh |
| |
| test_expect_success 'setup' ' |
| git init initial-repo && |
| ( |
| cd initial-repo && |
| echo a >a && |
| echo "after deep" >e && |
| echo "after folder1" >g && |
| echo "after x" >z && |
| mkdir folder1 folder2 deep before x && |
| echo "before deep" >before/a && |
| echo "before deep again" >before/b && |
| mkdir deep/deeper1 deep/deeper2 deep/before deep/later && |
| mkdir deep/deeper1/deepest && |
| mkdir deep/deeper1/deepest2 && |
| mkdir deep/deeper1/deepest3 && |
| echo "after deeper1" >deep/e && |
| echo "after deepest" >deep/deeper1/e && |
| cp a folder1 && |
| cp a folder2 && |
| cp a x && |
| cp a deep && |
| cp a deep/before && |
| cp a deep/deeper1 && |
| cp a deep/deeper2 && |
| cp a deep/later && |
| cp a deep/deeper1/deepest && |
| cp a deep/deeper1/deepest2 && |
| cp a deep/deeper1/deepest3 && |
| cp -r deep/deeper1/ deep/deeper2 && |
| mkdir deep/deeper1/0 && |
| mkdir deep/deeper1/0/0 && |
| touch deep/deeper1/0/1 && |
| touch deep/deeper1/0/0/0 && |
| >folder1- && |
| >folder1.x && |
| >folder10 && |
| cp -r deep/deeper1/0 folder1 && |
| cp -r deep/deeper1/0 folder2 && |
| echo >>folder1/0/0/0 && |
| echo >>folder2/0/1 && |
| git add . && |
| git commit -m "initial commit" && |
| git checkout -b base && |
| for dir in folder1 folder2 deep |
| do |
| git checkout -b update-$dir base && |
| echo "updated $dir" >$dir/a && |
| git commit -a -m "update $dir" || return 1 |
| done && |
| |
| git checkout -b rename-base base && |
| cat >folder1/larger-content <<-\EOF && |
| matching |
| lines |
| help |
| inexact |
| renames |
| EOF |
| cp folder1/larger-content folder2/ && |
| cp folder1/larger-content deep/deeper1/ && |
| git add . && |
| git commit -m "add interesting rename content" && |
| |
| git checkout -b rename-out-to-out rename-base && |
| mv folder1/a folder2/b && |
| mv folder1/larger-content folder2/edited-content && |
| echo >>folder2/edited-content && |
| echo >>folder2/0/1 && |
| echo stuff >>deep/deeper1/a && |
| git add . && |
| git commit -m "rename folder1/... to folder2/..." && |
| |
| git checkout -b rename-out-to-in rename-base && |
| mv folder1/a deep/deeper1/b && |
| echo more stuff >>deep/deeper1/a && |
| rm folder2/0/1 && |
| mkdir folder2/0/1 && |
| echo >>folder2/0/1/1 && |
| mv folder1/larger-content deep/deeper1/edited-content && |
| echo >>deep/deeper1/edited-content && |
| git add . && |
| git commit -m "rename folder1/... to deep/deeper1/..." && |
| |
| git checkout -b rename-in-to-out rename-base && |
| mv deep/deeper1/a folder1/b && |
| echo >>folder2/0/1 && |
| rm -rf folder1/0/0 && |
| echo >>folder1/0/0 && |
| mv deep/deeper1/larger-content folder1/edited-content && |
| echo >>folder1/edited-content && |
| git add . && |
| git commit -m "rename deep/deeper1/... to folder1/..." && |
| |
| git checkout -b df-conflict-1 base && |
| rm -rf folder1 && |
| echo content >folder1 && |
| git add . && |
| git commit -m "dir to file" && |
| |
| git checkout -b df-conflict-2 base && |
| rm -rf folder2 && |
| echo content >folder2 && |
| git add . && |
| git commit -m "dir to file" && |
| |
| git checkout -b fd-conflict base && |
| rm a && |
| mkdir a && |
| echo content >a/a && |
| git add . && |
| git commit -m "file to dir" && |
| |
| for side in left right |
| do |
| git checkout -b merge-$side base && |
| echo $side >>deep/deeper2/a && |
| echo $side >>folder1/a && |
| echo $side >>folder2/a && |
| git add . && |
| git commit -m "$side" || return 1 |
| done && |
| |
| git checkout -b deepest base && |
| echo "updated deepest" >deep/deeper1/deepest/a && |
| echo "updated deepest2" >deep/deeper1/deepest2/a && |
| echo "updated deepest3" >deep/deeper1/deepest3/a && |
| git commit -a -m "update deepest" && |
| |
| git checkout -f base && |
| git reset --hard |
| ) |
| ' |
| |
| init_repos () { |
| rm -rf full-checkout sparse-checkout sparse-index && |
| |
| # create repos in initial state |
| cp -r initial-repo full-checkout && |
| git -C full-checkout reset --hard && |
| |
| cp -r initial-repo sparse-checkout && |
| git -C sparse-checkout reset --hard && |
| |
| cp -r initial-repo sparse-index && |
| git -C sparse-index reset --hard && |
| |
| # initialize sparse-checkout definitions |
| git -C sparse-checkout sparse-checkout init --cone && |
| git -C sparse-checkout sparse-checkout set deep && |
| git -C sparse-index sparse-checkout init --cone --sparse-index && |
| test_cmp_config -C sparse-index true index.sparse && |
| git -C sparse-index sparse-checkout set deep |
| } |
| |
| run_on_sparse () { |
| ( |
| cd sparse-checkout && |
| GIT_PROGRESS_DELAY=100000 "$@" >../sparse-checkout-out 2>../sparse-checkout-err |
| ) && |
| ( |
| cd sparse-index && |
| GIT_PROGRESS_DELAY=100000 "$@" >../sparse-index-out 2>../sparse-index-err |
| ) |
| } |
| |
| run_on_all () { |
| ( |
| cd full-checkout && |
| GIT_PROGRESS_DELAY=100000 "$@" >../full-checkout-out 2>../full-checkout-err |
| ) && |
| run_on_sparse "$@" |
| } |
| |
| test_all_match () { |
| run_on_all "$@" && |
| test_cmp full-checkout-out sparse-checkout-out && |
| test_cmp full-checkout-out sparse-index-out && |
| test_cmp full-checkout-err sparse-checkout-err && |
| test_cmp full-checkout-err sparse-index-err |
| } |
| |
| test_sparse_match () { |
| run_on_sparse "$@" && |
| test_cmp sparse-checkout-out sparse-index-out && |
| test_cmp sparse-checkout-err sparse-index-err |
| } |
| |
| test_sparse_unstaged () { |
| file=$1 && |
| for repo in sparse-checkout sparse-index |
| do |
| # Skip "unmerged" paths |
| git -C $repo diff --staged --diff-filter=u -- "$file" >diff && |
| test_must_be_empty diff || return 1 |
| done |
| } |
| |
| test_expect_success 'sparse-index contents' ' |
| init_repos && |
| |
| git -C sparse-index ls-files --sparse --stage >cache && |
| for dir in folder1 folder2 x |
| do |
| TREE=$(git -C sparse-index rev-parse HEAD:$dir) && |
| grep "040000 $TREE 0 $dir/" cache \ |
| || return 1 |
| done && |
| |
| git -C sparse-index sparse-checkout set folder1 && |
| |
| git -C sparse-index ls-files --sparse --stage >cache && |
| for dir in deep folder2 x |
| do |
| TREE=$(git -C sparse-index rev-parse HEAD:$dir) && |
| grep "040000 $TREE 0 $dir/" cache \ |
| || return 1 |
| done && |
| |
| git -C sparse-index sparse-checkout set deep/deeper1 && |
| |
| git -C sparse-index ls-files --sparse --stage >cache && |
| for dir in deep/deeper2 folder1 folder2 x |
| do |
| TREE=$(git -C sparse-index rev-parse HEAD:$dir) && |
| grep "040000 $TREE 0 $dir/" cache \ |
| || return 1 |
| done && |
| |
| # Disabling the sparse-index replaces tree entries with full ones |
| git -C sparse-index sparse-checkout init --no-sparse-index && |
| test_sparse_match git ls-files --stage --sparse |
| ' |
| |
| test_expect_success 'expanded in-memory index matches full index' ' |
| init_repos && |
| test_sparse_match git ls-files --stage |
| ' |
| |
| test_expect_success 'root directory cannot be sparse' ' |
| init_repos && |
| |
| # Remove all in-cone files and directories from the index, collapse index |
| # with `git sparse-checkout reapply` |
| git -C sparse-index rm -r . && |
| git -C sparse-index sparse-checkout reapply && |
| |
| # Verify sparse directories still present, root directory is not sparse |
| cat >expect <<-EOF && |
| before/ |
| folder1/ |
| folder2/ |
| x/ |
| EOF |
| git -C sparse-index ls-files --sparse >actual && |
| test_cmp expect actual |
| ' |
| |
| test_expect_success 'status with options' ' |
| init_repos && |
| test_sparse_match ls && |
| test_all_match git status --porcelain=v2 && |
| test_all_match git status --porcelain=v2 -z -u && |
| test_all_match git status --porcelain=v2 -uno && |
| run_on_all touch README.md && |
| test_all_match git status --porcelain=v2 && |
| test_all_match git status --porcelain=v2 -z -u && |
| test_all_match git status --porcelain=v2 -uno && |
| test_all_match git add README.md && |
| test_all_match git status --porcelain=v2 && |
| test_all_match git status --porcelain=v2 -z -u && |
| test_all_match git status --porcelain=v2 -uno |
| ' |
| |
| test_expect_success 'status with diff in unexpanded sparse directory' ' |
| init_repos && |
| test_all_match git checkout rename-base && |
| test_all_match git reset --soft rename-out-to-out && |
| test_all_match git status --porcelain=v2 |
| ' |
| |
| test_expect_success 'status reports sparse-checkout' ' |
| init_repos && |
| git -C sparse-checkout status >full && |
| git -C sparse-index status >sparse && |
| test_i18ngrep "You are in a sparse checkout with " full && |
| test_i18ngrep "You are in a sparse checkout." sparse |
| ' |
| |
| test_expect_success 'add, commit, checkout' ' |
| init_repos && |
| |
| write_script edit-contents <<-\EOF && |
| echo text >>$1 |
| EOF |
| run_on_all ../edit-contents README.md && |
| |
| test_all_match git add README.md && |
| test_all_match git status --porcelain=v2 && |
| test_all_match git commit -m "Add README.md" && |
| |
| test_all_match git checkout HEAD~1 && |
| test_all_match git checkout - && |
| |
| run_on_all ../edit-contents README.md && |
| |
| test_all_match git add -A && |
| test_all_match git status --porcelain=v2 && |
| test_all_match git commit -m "Extend README.md" && |
| |
| test_all_match git checkout HEAD~1 && |
| test_all_match git checkout - && |
| |
| run_on_all ../edit-contents deep/newfile && |
| |
| test_all_match git status --porcelain=v2 -uno && |
| test_all_match git status --porcelain=v2 && |
| test_all_match git add . && |
| test_all_match git status --porcelain=v2 && |
| test_all_match git commit -m "add deep/newfile" && |
| |
| test_all_match git checkout HEAD~1 && |
| test_all_match git checkout - |
| ' |
| |
| test_expect_success 'deep changes during checkout' ' |
| init_repos && |
| |
| test_sparse_match git sparse-checkout set deep/deeper1/deepest && |
| test_all_match git checkout deepest && |
| test_all_match git checkout base |
| ' |
| |
| test_expect_success 'add outside sparse cone' ' |
| init_repos && |
| |
| run_on_sparse mkdir folder1 && |
| run_on_sparse ../edit-contents folder1/a && |
| run_on_sparse ../edit-contents folder1/newfile && |
| test_sparse_match test_must_fail git add folder1/a && |
| grep "Disable or modify the sparsity rules" sparse-checkout-err && |
| test_sparse_unstaged folder1/a && |
| test_sparse_match test_must_fail git add folder1/newfile && |
| grep "Disable or modify the sparsity rules" sparse-checkout-err && |
| test_sparse_unstaged folder1/newfile |
| ' |
| |
| test_expect_success 'commit including unstaged changes' ' |
| init_repos && |
| |
| write_script edit-file <<-\EOF && |
| echo $1 >$2 |
| EOF |
| |
| run_on_all ../edit-file 1 a && |
| run_on_all ../edit-file 1 deep/a && |
| |
| test_all_match git commit -m "-a" -a && |
| test_all_match git status --porcelain=v2 && |
| |
| run_on_all ../edit-file 2 a && |
| run_on_all ../edit-file 2 deep/a && |
| |
| test_all_match git commit -m "--include" --include deep/a && |
| test_all_match git status --porcelain=v2 && |
| test_all_match git commit -m "--include" --include a && |
| test_all_match git status --porcelain=v2 && |
| |
| run_on_all ../edit-file 3 a && |
| run_on_all ../edit-file 3 deep/a && |
| |
| test_all_match git commit -m "--amend" -a --amend && |
| test_all_match git status --porcelain=v2 |
| ' |
| |
| test_expect_success 'status/add: outside sparse cone' ' |
| init_repos && |
| |
| # folder1 is at HEAD, but outside the sparse cone |
| run_on_sparse mkdir folder1 && |
| cp initial-repo/folder1/a sparse-checkout/folder1/a && |
| cp initial-repo/folder1/a sparse-index/folder1/a && |
| |
| test_sparse_match git status && |
| |
| write_script edit-contents <<-\EOF && |
| echo text >>$1 |
| EOF |
| run_on_all ../edit-contents folder1/a && |
| run_on_all ../edit-contents folder1/new && |
| |
| test_sparse_match git status --porcelain=v2 && |
| |
| # Adding the path outside of the sparse-checkout cone should fail. |
| test_sparse_match test_must_fail git add folder1/a && |
| grep "Disable or modify the sparsity rules" sparse-checkout-err && |
| test_sparse_unstaged folder1/a && |
| test_all_match git add --refresh folder1/a && |
| test_must_be_empty sparse-checkout-err && |
| test_sparse_unstaged folder1/a && |
| test_sparse_match test_must_fail git add folder1/new && |
| grep "Disable or modify the sparsity rules" sparse-checkout-err && |
| test_sparse_unstaged folder1/new && |
| test_sparse_match git add --sparse folder1/a && |
| test_sparse_match git add --sparse folder1/new && |
| |
| test_all_match git add --sparse . && |
| test_all_match git status --porcelain=v2 && |
| test_all_match git commit -m folder1/new && |
| test_all_match git rev-parse HEAD^{tree} && |
| |
| run_on_all ../edit-contents folder1/newer && |
| test_all_match git add --sparse folder1/ && |
| test_all_match git status --porcelain=v2 && |
| test_all_match git commit -m folder1/newer && |
| test_all_match git rev-parse HEAD^{tree} |
| ' |
| |
| test_expect_success 'checkout and reset --hard' ' |
| init_repos && |
| |
| test_all_match git checkout update-folder1 && |
| test_all_match git status --porcelain=v2 && |
| |
| test_all_match git checkout update-deep && |
| test_all_match git status --porcelain=v2 && |
| |
| test_all_match git checkout -b reset-test && |
| test_all_match git reset --hard deepest && |
| test_all_match git reset --hard update-folder1 && |
| test_all_match git reset --hard update-folder2 |
| ' |
| |
| test_expect_success 'diff --cached' ' |
| init_repos && |
| |
| write_script edit-contents <<-\EOF && |
| echo text >>README.md |
| EOF |
| run_on_all ../edit-contents && |
| |
| test_all_match git diff && |
| test_all_match git diff --cached && |
| test_all_match git add README.md && |
| test_all_match git diff && |
| test_all_match git diff --cached |
| ' |
| |
| # NEEDSWORK: sparse-checkout behaves differently from full-checkout when |
| # running this test with 'df-conflict-2' after 'df-conflict-1'. |
| test_expect_success 'diff with renames and conflicts' ' |
| init_repos && |
| |
| for branch in rename-out-to-out \ |
| rename-out-to-in \ |
| rename-in-to-out \ |
| df-conflict-1 \ |
| fd-conflict |
| do |
| test_all_match git checkout rename-base && |
| test_all_match git checkout $branch -- . && |
| test_all_match git status --porcelain=v2 && |
| test_all_match git diff --cached --no-renames && |
| test_all_match git diff --cached --find-renames || return 1 |
| done |
| ' |
| |
| test_expect_success 'diff with directory/file conflicts' ' |
| init_repos && |
| |
| for branch in rename-out-to-out \ |
| rename-out-to-in \ |
| rename-in-to-out \ |
| df-conflict-1 \ |
| df-conflict-2 \ |
| fd-conflict |
| do |
| git -C full-checkout reset --hard && |
| test_sparse_match git reset --hard && |
| test_all_match git checkout $branch && |
| test_all_match git checkout rename-base -- . && |
| test_all_match git status --porcelain=v2 && |
| test_all_match git diff --cached --no-renames && |
| test_all_match git diff --cached --find-renames || return 1 |
| done |
| ' |
| |
| test_expect_success 'log with pathspec outside sparse definition' ' |
| init_repos && |
| |
| test_all_match git log -- a && |
| test_all_match git log -- folder1/a && |
| test_all_match git log -- folder2/a && |
| test_all_match git log -- deep/a && |
| test_all_match git log -- deep/deeper1/a && |
| test_all_match git log -- deep/deeper1/deepest/a && |
| |
| test_all_match git checkout update-folder1 && |
| test_all_match git log -- folder1/a |
| ' |
| |
| test_expect_success 'blame with pathspec inside sparse definition' ' |
| init_repos && |
| |
| for file in a \ |
| deep/a \ |
| deep/deeper1/a \ |
| deep/deeper1/deepest/a |
| do |
| test_all_match git blame $file |
| done |
| ' |
| |
| # Without a revision specified, blame will error if passed any file that |
| # is not present in the working directory (even if the file is tracked). |
| # Here we just verify that this is also true with sparse checkouts. |
| test_expect_success 'blame with pathspec outside sparse definition' ' |
| init_repos && |
| test_sparse_match git sparse-checkout set && |
| |
| for file in a \ |
| deep/a \ |
| deep/deeper1/a \ |
| deep/deeper1/deepest/a |
| do |
| test_sparse_match test_must_fail git blame $file && |
| cat >expect <<-EOF && |
| fatal: Cannot lstat '"'"'$file'"'"': No such file or directory |
| EOF |
| # We compare sparse-checkout-err and sparse-index-err in |
| # `test_sparse_match`. Given we know they are the same, we |
| # only check the content of sparse-index-err here. |
| test_cmp expect sparse-index-err |
| done |
| ' |
| |
| test_expect_success 'checkout and reset (mixed)' ' |
| init_repos && |
| |
| test_all_match git checkout -b reset-test update-deep && |
| test_all_match git reset deepest && |
| |
| # Because skip-worktree is preserved, resetting to update-folder1 |
| # will show worktree changes for folder1/a in full-checkout, but not |
| # in sparse-checkout or sparse-index. |
| git -C full-checkout reset update-folder1 >full-checkout-out && |
| test_sparse_match git reset update-folder1 && |
| grep "M folder1/a" full-checkout-out && |
| ! grep "M folder1/a" sparse-checkout-out && |
| run_on_sparse test_path_is_missing folder1 |
| ' |
| |
| test_expect_success 'checkout and reset (merge)' ' |
| init_repos && |
| |
| write_script edit-contents <<-\EOF && |
| echo text >>$1 |
| EOF |
| |
| test_all_match git checkout -b reset-test update-deep && |
| run_on_all ../edit-contents a && |
| test_all_match git reset --merge deepest && |
| test_all_match git status --porcelain=v2 && |
| |
| test_all_match git reset --hard update-deep && |
| run_on_all ../edit-contents deep/a && |
| test_all_match test_must_fail git reset --merge deepest |
| ' |
| |
| test_expect_success 'checkout and reset (keep)' ' |
| init_repos && |
| |
| write_script edit-contents <<-\EOF && |
| echo text >>$1 |
| EOF |
| |
| test_all_match git checkout -b reset-test update-deep && |
| run_on_all ../edit-contents a && |
| test_all_match git reset --keep deepest && |
| test_all_match git status --porcelain=v2 && |
| |
| test_all_match git reset --hard update-deep && |
| run_on_all ../edit-contents deep/a && |
| test_all_match test_must_fail git reset --keep deepest |
| ' |
| |
| test_expect_success 'reset with pathspecs inside sparse definition' ' |
| init_repos && |
| |
| write_script edit-contents <<-\EOF && |
| echo text >>$1 |
| EOF |
| |
| test_all_match git checkout -b reset-test update-deep && |
| run_on_all ../edit-contents deep/a && |
| |
| test_all_match git reset base -- deep/a && |
| test_all_match git status --porcelain=v2 && |
| |
| test_all_match git reset base -- nonexistent-file && |
| test_all_match git status --porcelain=v2 && |
| |
| test_all_match git reset deepest -- deep && |
| test_all_match git status --porcelain=v2 |
| ' |
| |
| # Although the working tree differs between full and sparse checkouts after |
| # reset, the state of the index is the same. |
| test_expect_success 'reset with pathspecs outside sparse definition' ' |
| init_repos && |
| test_all_match git checkout -b reset-test base && |
| |
| test_sparse_match git reset update-folder1 -- folder1 && |
| git -C full-checkout reset update-folder1 -- folder1 && |
| test_all_match git ls-files -s -- folder1 && |
| |
| test_sparse_match git reset update-folder2 -- folder2/a && |
| git -C full-checkout reset update-folder2 -- folder2/a && |
| test_all_match git ls-files -s -- folder2/a |
| ' |
| |
| test_expect_success 'reset with wildcard pathspec' ' |
| init_repos && |
| |
| test_all_match git reset update-deep -- deep\* && |
| test_all_match git ls-files -s -- deep && |
| |
| test_all_match git reset deepest -- deep\*\*\* && |
| test_all_match git ls-files -s -- deep && |
| |
| # The following `git reset`s result in updating the index on files with |
| # `skip-worktree` enabled. To avoid failing due to discrepencies in reported |
| # "modified" files, `test_sparse_match` reset is performed separately from |
| # "full-checkout" reset, then the index contents of all repos are verified. |
| |
| test_sparse_match git reset update-folder1 -- \*/a && |
| git -C full-checkout reset update-folder1 -- \*/a && |
| test_all_match git ls-files -s -- deep/a folder1/a && |
| |
| test_sparse_match git reset update-folder2 -- folder\* && |
| git -C full-checkout reset update-folder2 -- folder\* && |
| test_all_match git ls-files -s -- folder10 folder1 folder2 && |
| |
| test_sparse_match git reset base -- folder1/\* && |
| git -C full-checkout reset base -- folder1/\* && |
| test_all_match git ls-files -s -- folder1 |
| ' |
| |
| test_expect_success 'update-index modify outside sparse definition' ' |
| init_repos && |
| |
| write_script edit-contents <<-\EOF && |
| echo text >>$1 |
| EOF |
| |
| # Create & modify folder1/a |
| # Note that this setup is a manual way of reaching the erroneous |
| # condition in which a `skip-worktree` enabled, outside-of-cone file |
| # exists on disk. It is used here to ensure `update-index` is stable |
| # and behaves predictably if such a condition occurs. |
| run_on_sparse mkdir -p folder1 && |
| run_on_sparse cp ../initial-repo/folder1/a folder1/a && |
| run_on_all ../edit-contents folder1/a && |
| |
| # If file has skip-worktree enabled, but the file is present, it is |
| # treated the same as if skip-worktree is disabled |
| test_all_match git status --porcelain=v2 && |
| test_all_match git update-index folder1/a && |
| test_all_match git status --porcelain=v2 && |
| |
| # When skip-worktree is disabled (even on files outside sparse cone), file |
| # is updated in the index |
| test_sparse_match git update-index --no-skip-worktree folder1/a && |
| test_all_match git status --porcelain=v2 && |
| test_all_match git update-index folder1/a && |
| test_all_match git status --porcelain=v2 |
| ' |
| |
| test_expect_success 'update-index --add outside sparse definition' ' |
| init_repos && |
| |
| write_script edit-contents <<-\EOF && |
| echo text >>$1 |
| EOF |
| |
| # Create folder1, add new file |
| run_on_sparse mkdir -p folder1 && |
| run_on_all ../edit-contents folder1/b && |
| |
| # The *untracked* out-of-cone file is added to the index because it does |
| # not have a `skip-worktree` bit to signal that it should be ignored |
| # (unlike in `git add`, which will fail due to the file being outside |
| # the sparse checkout definition). |
| test_all_match git update-index --add folder1/b && |
| test_all_match git status --porcelain=v2 |
| ' |
| |
| # NEEDSWORK: `--remove`, unlike the rest of `update-index`, does not ignore |
| # `skip-worktree` entries by default and will remove them from the index. |
| # The `--ignore-skip-worktree-entries` flag must be used in conjunction with |
| # `--remove` to ignore the `skip-worktree` entries and prevent their removal |
| # from the index. |
| test_expect_success 'update-index --remove outside sparse definition' ' |
| init_repos && |
| |
| # When --ignore-skip-worktree-entries is _not_ specified: |
| # out-of-cone, not-on-disk files are removed from the index |
| test_sparse_match git update-index --remove folder1/a && |
| cat >expect <<-EOF && |
| D folder1/a |
| EOF |
| test_sparse_match git diff --cached --name-status && |
| test_cmp expect sparse-checkout-out && |
| |
| # Reset the state |
| test_all_match git reset --hard && |
| |
| # When --ignore-skip-worktree-entries is specified, out-of-cone |
| # (skip-worktree) files are ignored |
| test_sparse_match git update-index --remove --ignore-skip-worktree-entries folder1/a && |
| test_sparse_match git diff --cached --name-status && |
| test_must_be_empty sparse-checkout-out && |
| |
| # Reset the state |
| test_all_match git reset --hard && |
| |
| # --force-remove supercedes --ignore-skip-worktree-entries, removing |
| # a skip-worktree file from the index (and disk) when both are specified |
| # with --remove |
| test_sparse_match git update-index --force-remove --ignore-skip-worktree-entries folder1/a && |
| cat >expect <<-EOF && |
| D folder1/a |
| EOF |
| test_sparse_match git diff --cached --name-status && |
| test_cmp expect sparse-checkout-out |
| ' |
| |
| test_expect_success 'update-index with directories' ' |
| init_repos && |
| |
| # update-index will exit silently when provided with a directory name |
| # containing a trailing slash |
| test_all_match git update-index deep/ folder1/ && |
| grep "Ignoring path deep/" sparse-checkout-err && |
| grep "Ignoring path folder1/" sparse-checkout-err && |
| |
| # When update-index is given a directory name WITHOUT a trailing slash, it will |
| # behave in different ways depending on the status of the directory on disk: |
| # * if it exists, the command exits with an error ("add individual files instead") |
| # * if it does NOT exist (e.g., in a sparse-checkout), it is assumed to be a |
| # file and either triggers an error ("does not exist and --remove not passed") |
| # or is ignored completely (when using --remove) |
| test_all_match test_must_fail git update-index deep && |
| run_on_all test_must_fail git update-index folder1 && |
| test_must_fail git -C full-checkout update-index --remove folder1 && |
| test_sparse_match git update-index --remove folder1 && |
| test_all_match git status --porcelain=v2 |
| ' |
| |
| test_expect_success 'update-index --again file outside sparse definition' ' |
| init_repos && |
| |
| test_all_match git checkout -b test-reupdate && |
| |
| # Update HEAD without modifying the index to introduce a difference in |
| # folder1/a |
| test_sparse_match git reset --soft update-folder1 && |
| |
| # Because folder1/a differs in the index vs HEAD, |
| # `git update-index --no-skip-worktree --again` will effectively perform |
| # `git update-index --no-skip-worktree folder1/a` and remove the skip-worktree |
| # flag from folder1/a |
| test_sparse_match git update-index --no-skip-worktree --again && |
| test_sparse_match git status --porcelain=v2 && |
| |
| cat >expect <<-EOF && |
| D folder1/a |
| EOF |
| test_sparse_match git diff --name-status && |
| test_cmp expect sparse-checkout-out |
| ' |
| |
| test_expect_success 'update-index --cacheinfo' ' |
| init_repos && |
| |
| deep_a_oid=$(git -C full-checkout rev-parse update-deep:deep/a) && |
| folder2_oid=$(git -C full-checkout rev-parse update-folder2:folder2) && |
| folder1_a_oid=$(git -C full-checkout rev-parse update-folder1:folder1/a) && |
| |
| test_all_match git update-index --cacheinfo 100644 $deep_a_oid deep/a && |
| test_all_match git status --porcelain=v2 && |
| |
| # Cannot add sparse directory, even in sparse index case |
| test_all_match test_must_fail git update-index --add --cacheinfo 040000 $folder2_oid folder2/ && |
| |
| # Sparse match only: the new outside-of-cone entry is added *without* skip-worktree, |
| # so `git status` reports it as "deleted" in the worktree |
| test_sparse_match git update-index --add --cacheinfo 100644 $folder1_a_oid folder1/a && |
| test_sparse_match git status --porcelain=v2 && |
| cat >expect <<-EOF && |
| MD folder1/a |
| EOF |
| test_sparse_match git status --short -- folder1/a && |
| test_cmp expect sparse-checkout-out && |
| |
| # To return folder1/a to "normal" for a sparse checkout (ignored & |
| # outside-of-cone), add the skip-worktree flag. |
| test_sparse_match git update-index --skip-worktree folder1/a && |
| cat >expect <<-EOF && |
| S folder1/a |
| EOF |
| test_sparse_match git ls-files -t -- folder1/a && |
| test_cmp expect sparse-checkout-out |
| ' |
| |
| for MERGE_TREES in "base HEAD update-folder2" \ |
| "update-folder1 update-folder2" \ |
| "update-folder2" |
| do |
| test_expect_success "'read-tree -mu $MERGE_TREES' with files outside sparse definition" ' |
| init_repos && |
| |
| # Although the index matches, without --no-sparse-checkout, outside-of- |
| # definition files will not exist on disk for sparse checkouts |
| test_all_match git read-tree -mu $MERGE_TREES && |
| test_all_match git status --porcelain=v2 && |
| test_path_is_missing sparse-checkout/folder2 && |
| test_path_is_missing sparse-index/folder2 && |
| |
| test_all_match git read-tree --reset -u HEAD && |
| test_all_match git status --porcelain=v2 && |
| |
| test_all_match git read-tree -mu --no-sparse-checkout $MERGE_TREES && |
| test_all_match git status --porcelain=v2 && |
| test_cmp sparse-checkout/folder2/a sparse-index/folder2/a && |
| test_cmp sparse-checkout/folder2/a full-checkout/folder2/a |
| |
| ' |
| done |
| |
| test_expect_success 'read-tree --merge with edit/edit conflicts in sparse directories' ' |
| init_repos && |
| |
| # Merge of multiple changes to same directory (but not same files) should |
| # succeed |
| test_all_match git read-tree -mu base rename-base update-folder1 && |
| test_all_match git status --porcelain=v2 && |
| |
| test_all_match git reset --hard && |
| |
| test_all_match git read-tree -mu rename-base update-folder2 && |
| test_all_match git status --porcelain=v2 && |
| |
| test_all_match git reset --hard && |
| |
| test_all_match test_must_fail git read-tree -mu base update-folder1 rename-out-to-in && |
| test_all_match test_must_fail git read-tree -mu rename-out-to-in update-folder1 |
| ' |
| |
| test_expect_success 'read-tree --prefix' ' |
| init_repos && |
| |
| # If files differing between the index and target <commit-ish> exist |
| # inside the prefix, `read-tree --prefix` should fail |
| test_all_match test_must_fail git read-tree --prefix=deep/ deepest && |
| test_all_match test_must_fail git read-tree --prefix=folder1/ update-folder1 && |
| |
| # If no differing index entries exist matching the prefix, |
| # `read-tree --prefix` updates the index successfully |
| test_all_match git rm -rf deep/deeper1/deepest/ && |
| test_all_match git read-tree --prefix=deep/deeper1/deepest -u deepest && |
| test_all_match git status --porcelain=v2 && |
| |
| test_all_match git rm -rf --sparse folder1/ && |
| test_all_match git read-tree --prefix=folder1/ -u update-folder1 && |
| test_all_match git status --porcelain=v2 && |
| |
| test_all_match git rm -rf --sparse folder2/0 && |
| test_all_match git read-tree --prefix=folder2/0/ -u rename-out-to-out && |
| test_all_match git status --porcelain=v2 |
| ' |
| |
| test_expect_success 'read-tree --merge with directory-file conflicts' ' |
| init_repos && |
| |
| test_all_match git checkout -b test-branch rename-base && |
| |
| # Although the index matches, without --no-sparse-checkout, outside-of- |
| # definition files will not exist on disk for sparse checkouts |
| test_sparse_match git read-tree -mu rename-out-to-out && |
| test_sparse_match git status --porcelain=v2 && |
| test_path_is_missing sparse-checkout/folder2 && |
| test_path_is_missing sparse-index/folder2 && |
| |
| test_sparse_match git read-tree --reset -u HEAD && |
| test_sparse_match git status --porcelain=v2 && |
| |
| test_sparse_match git read-tree -mu --no-sparse-checkout rename-out-to-out && |
| test_sparse_match git status --porcelain=v2 && |
| test_cmp sparse-checkout/folder2/0/1 sparse-index/folder2/0/1 |
| ' |
| |
| test_expect_success 'merge, cherry-pick, and rebase' ' |
| init_repos && |
| |
| for OPERATION in "merge -m merge" cherry-pick "rebase --apply" "rebase --merge" |
| do |
| test_all_match git checkout -B temp update-deep && |
| test_all_match git $OPERATION update-folder1 && |
| test_all_match git rev-parse HEAD^{tree} && |
| test_all_match git $OPERATION update-folder2 && |
| test_all_match git rev-parse HEAD^{tree} || return 1 |
| done |
| ' |
| |
| test_expect_success 'merge with conflict outside cone' ' |
| init_repos && |
| |
| test_all_match git checkout -b merge-tip merge-left && |
| test_all_match git status --porcelain=v2 && |
| test_all_match test_must_fail git merge -m merge merge-right && |
| test_all_match git status --porcelain=v2 && |
| |
| # Resolve the conflict in different ways: |
| # 1. Revert to the base |
| test_all_match git checkout base -- deep/deeper2/a && |
| test_all_match git status --porcelain=v2 && |
| |
| # 2. Add the file with conflict markers |
| test_sparse_match test_must_fail git add folder1/a && |
| grep "Disable or modify the sparsity rules" sparse-checkout-err && |
| test_sparse_unstaged folder1/a && |
| test_all_match git add --sparse folder1/a && |
| test_all_match git status --porcelain=v2 && |
| |
| # 3. Rename the file to another sparse filename and |
| # accept conflict markers as resolved content. |
| run_on_all mv folder2/a folder2/z && |
| test_sparse_match test_must_fail git add folder2 && |
| grep "Disable or modify the sparsity rules" sparse-checkout-err && |
| test_sparse_unstaged folder2/z && |
| test_all_match git add --sparse folder2 && |
| test_all_match git status --porcelain=v2 && |
| |
| test_all_match git merge --continue && |
| test_all_match git status --porcelain=v2 && |
| test_all_match git rev-parse HEAD^{tree} |
| ' |
| |
| test_expect_success 'cherry-pick/rebase with conflict outside cone' ' |
| init_repos && |
| |
| for OPERATION in cherry-pick rebase |
| do |
| test_all_match git checkout -B tip && |
| test_all_match git reset --hard merge-left && |
| test_all_match git status --porcelain=v2 && |
| test_all_match test_must_fail git $OPERATION merge-right && |
| test_all_match git status --porcelain=v2 && |
| |
| # Resolve the conflict in different ways: |
| # 1. Revert to the base |
| test_all_match git checkout base -- deep/deeper2/a && |
| test_all_match git status --porcelain=v2 && |
| |
| # 2. Add the file with conflict markers |
| # NEEDSWORK: Even though the merge conflict removed the |
| # SKIP_WORKTREE bit from the index entry for folder1/a, we should |
| # warn that this is a problematic add. |
| test_sparse_match test_must_fail git add folder1/a && |
| grep "Disable or modify the sparsity rules" sparse-checkout-err && |
| test_sparse_unstaged folder1/a && |
| test_all_match git add --sparse folder1/a && |
| test_all_match git status --porcelain=v2 && |
| |
| # 3. Rename the file to another sparse filename and |
| # accept conflict markers as resolved content. |
| # NEEDSWORK: This mode now fails, because folder2/z is |
| # outside of the sparse-checkout cone and does not match an |
| # existing index entry with the SKIP_WORKTREE bit cleared. |
| run_on_all mv folder2/a folder2/z && |
| test_sparse_match test_must_fail git add folder2 && |
| grep "Disable or modify the sparsity rules" sparse-checkout-err && |
| test_sparse_unstaged folder2/z && |
| test_all_match git add --sparse folder2 && |
| test_all_match git status --porcelain=v2 && |
| |
| test_all_match git $OPERATION --continue && |
| test_all_match git status --porcelain=v2 && |
| test_all_match git rev-parse HEAD^{tree} || return 1 |
| done |
| ' |
| |
| test_expect_success 'merge with outside renames' ' |
| init_repos && |
| |
| for type in out-to-out out-to-in in-to-out |
| do |
| test_all_match git reset --hard && |
| test_all_match git checkout -f -b merge-$type update-deep && |
| test_all_match git merge -m "$type" rename-$type && |
| test_all_match git rev-parse HEAD^{tree} || return 1 |
| done |
| ' |
| |
| # Sparse-index fails to convert the index in the |
| # final 'git cherry-pick' command. |
| test_expect_success 'cherry-pick with conflicts' ' |
| init_repos && |
| |
| write_script edit-conflict <<-\EOF && |
| echo $1 >conflict |
| EOF |
| |
| test_all_match git checkout -b to-cherry-pick && |
| run_on_all ../edit-conflict ABC && |
| test_all_match git add conflict && |
| test_all_match git commit -m "conflict to pick" && |
| |
| test_all_match git checkout -B base HEAD~1 && |
| run_on_all ../edit-conflict DEF && |
| test_all_match git add conflict && |
| test_all_match git commit -m "conflict in base" && |
| |
| test_all_match test_must_fail git cherry-pick to-cherry-pick |
| ' |
| |
| test_expect_success 'stash' ' |
| init_repos && |
| |
| write_script edit-contents <<-\EOF && |
| echo text >>$1 |
| EOF |
| |
| # Stash a sparse directory (folder1) |
| test_all_match git checkout -b test-branch rename-base && |
| test_all_match git reset --soft rename-out-to-out && |
| test_all_match git stash && |
| test_all_match git status --porcelain=v2 && |
| |
| # Apply the sparse directory stash without reinstating the index |
| test_all_match git stash apply -q && |
| test_all_match git status --porcelain=v2 && |
| |
| # Reset to state where stash can be applied |
| test_sparse_match git sparse-checkout reapply && |
| test_all_match git reset --hard rename-out-to-out && |
| |
| # Apply the sparse directory stash *with* reinstating the index |
| test_all_match git stash apply --index -q && |
| test_all_match git status --porcelain=v2 && |
| |
| # Reset to state where we will get a conflict applying the stash |
| test_sparse_match git sparse-checkout reapply && |
| test_all_match git reset --hard update-folder1 && |
| |
| # Apply the sparse directory stash with conflicts |
| test_all_match test_must_fail git stash apply --index -q && |
| test_all_match test_must_fail git stash apply -q && |
| test_all_match git status --porcelain=v2 && |
| |
| # Reset to base branch |
| test_sparse_match git sparse-checkout reapply && |
| test_all_match git reset --hard base && |
| |
| # Stash & unstash an untracked file outside of the sparse checkout |
| # definition. |
| run_on_sparse mkdir -p folder1 && |
| run_on_all ../edit-contents folder1/new && |
| test_all_match git stash -u && |
| test_all_match git status --porcelain=v2 && |
| |
| test_all_match git stash pop -q && |
| test_all_match git status --porcelain=v2 |
| ' |
| |
| test_expect_success 'checkout-index inside sparse definition' ' |
| init_repos && |
| |
| run_on_all rm -f deep/a && |
| test_all_match git checkout-index -- deep/a && |
| test_all_match git status --porcelain=v2 && |
| |
| echo test >>new-a && |
| run_on_all cp ../new-a a && |
| test_all_match test_must_fail git checkout-index -- a && |
| test_all_match git checkout-index -f -- a && |
| test_all_match git status --porcelain=v2 |
| ' |
| |
| test_expect_success 'checkout-index outside sparse definition' ' |
| init_repos && |
| |
| # Without --ignore-skip-worktree-bits, outside-of-cone files will trigger |
| # an error |
| test_sparse_match test_must_fail git checkout-index -- folder1/a && |
| test_i18ngrep "folder1/a has skip-worktree enabled" sparse-checkout-err && |
| test_path_is_missing folder1/a && |
| |
| # With --ignore-skip-worktree-bits, outside-of-cone files are checked out |
| test_sparse_match git checkout-index --ignore-skip-worktree-bits -- folder1/a && |
| test_cmp sparse-checkout/folder1/a sparse-index/folder1/a && |
| test_cmp sparse-checkout/folder1/a full-checkout/folder1/a && |
| |
| run_on_sparse rm -rf folder1 && |
| echo test >new-a && |
| run_on_sparse mkdir -p folder1 && |
| run_on_all cp ../new-a folder1/a && |
| |
| test_all_match test_must_fail git checkout-index --ignore-skip-worktree-bits -- folder1/a && |
| test_all_match git checkout-index -f --ignore-skip-worktree-bits -- folder1/a && |
| test_cmp sparse-checkout/folder1/a sparse-index/folder1/a && |
| test_cmp sparse-checkout/folder1/a full-checkout/folder1/a |
| ' |
| |
| test_expect_success 'checkout-index with folders' ' |
| init_repos && |
| |
| # Inside checkout definition |
| test_all_match test_must_fail git checkout-index -f -- deep/ && |
| |
| # Outside checkout definition |
| # Note: although all tests fail (as expected), the messaging differs. For |
| # non-sparse index checkouts, the error is that the "file" does not appear |
| # in the index; for sparse checkouts, the error is explicitly that the |
| # entry is a sparse directory. |
| run_on_all test_must_fail git checkout-index -f -- folder1/ && |
| test_cmp full-checkout-err sparse-checkout-err && |
| ! test_cmp full-checkout-err sparse-index-err && |
| grep "is a sparse directory" sparse-index-err |
| ' |
| |
| test_expect_success 'checkout-index --all' ' |
| init_repos && |
| |
| test_all_match git checkout-index --all && |
| test_sparse_match test_path_is_missing folder1 && |
| |
| # --ignore-skip-worktree-bits will cause `skip-worktree` files to be |
| # checked out, causing the outside-of-cone `folder1` to exist on-disk |
| test_all_match git checkout-index --ignore-skip-worktree-bits --all && |
| test_all_match test_path_exists folder1 |
| ' |
| |
| test_expect_success 'clean' ' |
| init_repos && |
| |
| echo bogus >>.gitignore && |
| run_on_all cp ../.gitignore . && |
| test_all_match git add .gitignore && |
| test_all_match git commit -m "ignore bogus files" && |
| |
| run_on_sparse mkdir folder1 && |
| run_on_all mkdir -p deep/untracked-deep && |
| run_on_all touch folder1/bogus && |
| run_on_all touch folder1/untracked && |
| run_on_all touch deep/untracked-deep/bogus && |
| run_on_all touch deep/untracked-deep/untracked && |
| |
| test_all_match git status --porcelain=v2 && |
| test_all_match git clean -f && |
| test_all_match git status --porcelain=v2 && |
| test_sparse_match ls && |
| test_sparse_match ls folder1 && |
| run_on_all test_path_exists folder1/bogus && |
| run_on_all test_path_is_missing folder1/untracked && |
| run_on_all test_path_exists deep/untracked-deep/bogus && |
| run_on_all test_path_exists deep/untracked-deep/untracked && |
| |
| test_all_match git clean -fd && |
| test_all_match git status --porcelain=v2 && |
| test_sparse_match ls && |
| test_sparse_match ls folder1 && |
| run_on_all test_path_exists folder1/bogus && |
| run_on_all test_path_exists deep/untracked-deep/bogus && |
| run_on_all test_path_is_missing deep/untracked-deep/untracked && |
| |
| test_all_match git clean -xf && |
| test_all_match git status --porcelain=v2 && |
| test_sparse_match ls && |
| test_sparse_match ls folder1 && |
| run_on_all test_path_is_missing folder1/bogus && |
| run_on_all test_path_exists deep/untracked-deep/bogus && |
| |
| test_all_match git clean -xdf && |
| test_all_match git status --porcelain=v2 && |
| test_sparse_match ls && |
| test_sparse_match ls folder1 && |
| run_on_all test_path_is_missing deep/untracked-deep/bogus && |
| |
| test_sparse_match test_path_is_dir folder1 |
| ' |
| |
| for builtin in show rev-parse |
| do |
| test_expect_success "$builtin (cached blobs/trees)" " |
| init_repos && |
| |
| test_all_match git $builtin :a && |
| test_all_match git $builtin :deep/a && |
| test_sparse_match git $builtin :folder1/a && |
| |
| # The error message differs depending on whether |
| # the directory exists in the worktree. |
| test_all_match test_must_fail git $builtin :deep/ && |
| test_must_fail git -C full-checkout $builtin :folder1/ && |
| test_sparse_match test_must_fail git $builtin :folder1/ && |
| |
| # Change the sparse cone for an extra case: |
| run_on_sparse git sparse-checkout set deep/deeper1 && |
| |
| # deep/deeper2 is a sparse directory in the sparse index. |
| test_sparse_match test_must_fail git $builtin :deep/deeper2/ && |
| |
| # deep/deeper2/deepest is not in the sparse index, but |
| # will trigger an index expansion. |
| test_sparse_match test_must_fail git $builtin :deep/deeper2/deepest/ |
| " |
| done |
| |
| test_expect_success 'submodule handling' ' |
| init_repos && |
| |
| test_sparse_match git sparse-checkout add modules && |
| test_all_match mkdir modules && |
| test_all_match touch modules/a && |
| test_all_match git add modules && |
| test_all_match git commit -m "add modules directory" && |
| |
| run_on_all git submodule add "$(pwd)/initial-repo" modules/sub && |
| test_all_match git commit -m "add submodule" && |
| |
| # having a submodule prevents "modules" from collapse |
| test_sparse_match git sparse-checkout set deep/deeper1 && |
| git -C sparse-index ls-files --sparse --stage >cache && |
| grep "100644 .* modules/a" cache && |
| grep "160000 $(git -C initial-repo rev-parse HEAD) 0 modules/sub" cache |
| ' |
| |
| # When working with a sparse index, some commands will need to expand the |
| # index to operate properly. If those commands also write the index back |
| # to disk, they need to convert the index to sparse before writing. |
| # This test verifies that both of these events are logged in trace2 logs. |
| test_expect_success 'sparse-index is expanded and converted back' ' |
| init_repos && |
| |
| GIT_TRACE2_EVENT="$(pwd)/trace2.txt" \ |
| git -C sparse-index reset -- folder1/a && |
| test_region index convert_to_sparse trace2.txt && |
| test_region index ensure_full_index trace2.txt && |
| |
| # ls-files expands on read, but does not write. |
| rm trace2.txt && |
| GIT_TRACE2_EVENT="$(pwd)/trace2.txt" GIT_TRACE2_EVENT_NESTING=10 \ |
| git -C sparse-index ls-files && |
| test_region index ensure_full_index trace2.txt |
| ' |
| |
| test_expect_success 'index.sparse disabled inline uses full index' ' |
| init_repos && |
| |
| # When index.sparse is disabled inline with `git status`, the |
| # index is expanded at the beginning of the execution then never |
| # converted back to sparse. It is then written to disk as a full index. |
| rm -f trace2.txt && |
| GIT_TRACE2_EVENT="$(pwd)/trace2.txt" GIT_TRACE2_EVENT_NESTING=10 \ |
| git -C sparse-index -c index.sparse=false status && |
| ! test_region index convert_to_sparse trace2.txt && |
| test_region index ensure_full_index trace2.txt && |
| |
| # Since index.sparse is set to true at a repo level, the index |
| # is converted from full to sparse when read, then never expanded |
| # over the course of `git status`. It is written to disk as a sparse |
| # index. |
| rm -f trace2.txt && |
| GIT_TRACE2_EVENT="$(pwd)/trace2.txt" GIT_TRACE2_EVENT_NESTING=10 \ |
| git -C sparse-index status && |
| test_region index convert_to_sparse trace2.txt && |
| ! test_region index ensure_full_index trace2.txt && |
| |
| # Now that the index has been written to disk as sparse, it is not |
| # converted to sparse (or expanded to full) when read by `git status`. |
| rm -f trace2.txt && |
| GIT_TRACE2_EVENT="$(pwd)/trace2.txt" GIT_TRACE2_EVENT_NESTING=10 \ |
| git -C sparse-index status && |
| ! test_region index convert_to_sparse trace2.txt && |
| ! test_region index ensure_full_index trace2.txt |
| ' |
| |
| ensure_not_expanded () { |
| rm -f trace2.txt && |
| if test -z "$WITHOUT_UNTRACKED_TXT" |
| then |
| echo >>sparse-index/untracked.txt |
| fi && |
| |
| if test "$1" = "!" |
| then |
| shift && |
| test_must_fail env \ |
| GIT_TRACE2_EVENT="$(pwd)/trace2.txt" \ |
| git -C sparse-index "$@" || return 1 |
| else |
| GIT_TRACE2_EVENT="$(pwd)/trace2.txt" \ |
| git -C sparse-index "$@" || return 1 |
| fi && |
| test_region ! index ensure_full_index trace2.txt |
| } |
| |
| test_expect_success 'sparse-index is not expanded' ' |
| init_repos && |
| |
| ensure_not_expanded status && |
| ensure_not_expanded ls-files --sparse && |
| ensure_not_expanded commit --allow-empty -m empty && |
| echo >>sparse-index/a && |
| ensure_not_expanded commit -a -m a && |
| echo >>sparse-index/a && |
| ensure_not_expanded commit --include a -m a && |
| echo >>sparse-index/deep/deeper1/a && |
| ensure_not_expanded commit --include deep/deeper1/a -m deeper && |
| ensure_not_expanded checkout rename-out-to-out && |
| ensure_not_expanded checkout - && |
| ensure_not_expanded switch rename-out-to-out && |
| ensure_not_expanded switch - && |
| ensure_not_expanded reset --hard && |
| ensure_not_expanded checkout rename-out-to-out -- deep/deeper1 && |
| ensure_not_expanded reset --hard && |
| ensure_not_expanded restore -s rename-out-to-out -- deep/deeper1 && |
| |
| echo >>sparse-index/README.md && |
| ensure_not_expanded add -A && |
| echo >>sparse-index/extra.txt && |
| ensure_not_expanded add extra.txt && |
| echo >>sparse-index/untracked.txt && |
| ensure_not_expanded add . && |
| |
| ensure_not_expanded checkout-index -f a && |
| ensure_not_expanded checkout-index -f --all && |
| for ref in update-deep update-folder1 update-folder2 update-deep |
| do |
| echo >>sparse-index/README.md && |
| ensure_not_expanded reset --hard $ref || return 1 |
| done && |
| |
| ensure_not_expanded reset --mixed base && |
| ensure_not_expanded reset --hard update-deep && |
| ensure_not_expanded reset --keep base && |
| ensure_not_expanded reset --merge update-deep && |
| ensure_not_expanded reset --hard && |
| |
| ensure_not_expanded reset base -- deep/a && |
| ensure_not_expanded reset base -- nonexistent-file && |
| ensure_not_expanded reset deepest -- deep && |
| |
| # Although folder1 is outside the sparse definition, it exists as a |
| # directory entry in the index, so the pathspec will not force the |
| # index to be expanded. |
| ensure_not_expanded reset deepest -- folder1 && |
| ensure_not_expanded reset deepest -- folder1/ && |
| |
| # Wildcard identifies only in-cone files, no index expansion |
| ensure_not_expanded reset deepest -- deep/\* && |
| |
| # Wildcard identifies only full sparse directories, no index expansion |
| ensure_not_expanded reset deepest -- folder\* && |
| |
| ensure_not_expanded clean -fd && |
| |
| ensure_not_expanded checkout -f update-deep && |
| test_config -C sparse-index pull.twohead ort && |
| ( |
| sane_unset GIT_TEST_MERGE_ALGORITHM && |
| for OPERATION in "merge -m merge" cherry-pick rebase |
| do |
| ensure_not_expanded merge -m merge update-folder1 && |
| ensure_not_expanded merge -m merge update-folder2 || return 1 |
| done |
| ) |
| ' |
| |
| test_expect_success 'sparse-index is not expanded: merge conflict in cone' ' |
| init_repos && |
| |
| for side in right left |
| do |
| git -C sparse-index checkout -b expand-$side base && |
| echo $side >sparse-index/deep/a && |
| git -C sparse-index commit -a -m "$side" || return 1 |
| done && |
| |
| ( |
| sane_unset GIT_TEST_MERGE_ALGORITHM && |
| git -C sparse-index config pull.twohead ort && |
| ensure_not_expanded ! merge -m merged expand-right |
| ) |
| ' |
| |
| test_expect_success 'sparse-index is not expanded: stash' ' |
| init_repos && |
| |
| echo >>sparse-index/a && |
| ensure_not_expanded stash && |
| ensure_not_expanded stash list && |
| ensure_not_expanded stash show stash@{0} && |
| ensure_not_expanded stash apply stash@{0} && |
| ensure_not_expanded stash drop stash@{0} && |
| |
| echo >>sparse-index/deep/new && |
| ensure_not_expanded stash -u && |
| ( |
| ensure_not_expanded stash pop |
| ) && |
| |
| ensure_not_expanded stash create && |
| oid=$(git -C sparse-index stash create) && |
| ensure_not_expanded stash store -m "test" $oid && |
| ensure_not_expanded reset --hard && |
| ensure_not_expanded stash pop |
| ' |
| |
| test_expect_success 'sparse index is not expanded: diff' ' |
| init_repos && |
| |
| write_script edit-contents <<-\EOF && |
| echo text >>$1 |
| EOF |
| |
| # Add file within cone |
| test_sparse_match git sparse-checkout set deep && |
| run_on_all ../edit-contents deep/testfile && |
| test_all_match git add deep/testfile && |
| run_on_all ../edit-contents deep/testfile && |
| |
| test_all_match git diff && |
| test_all_match git diff --cached && |
| ensure_not_expanded diff && |
| ensure_not_expanded diff --cached && |
| |
| # Add file outside cone |
| test_all_match git reset --hard && |
| run_on_all mkdir newdirectory && |
| run_on_all ../edit-contents newdirectory/testfile && |
| test_sparse_match git sparse-checkout set newdirectory && |
| test_all_match git add newdirectory/testfile && |
| run_on_all ../edit-contents newdirectory/testfile && |
| test_sparse_match git sparse-checkout set && |
| |
| test_all_match git diff && |
| test_all_match git diff --cached && |
| ensure_not_expanded diff && |
| ensure_not_expanded diff --cached && |
| |
| # Merge conflict outside cone |
| # The sparse checkout will report a warning that is not in the |
| # full checkout, so we use `run_on_all` instead of |
| # `test_all_match` |
| run_on_all git reset --hard && |
| test_all_match git checkout merge-left && |
| test_all_match test_must_fail git merge merge-right && |
| |
| test_all_match git diff && |
| test_all_match git diff --cached && |
| ensure_not_expanded diff && |
| ensure_not_expanded diff --cached |
| ' |
| |
| test_expect_success 'sparse index is not expanded: show and rev-parse' ' |
| init_repos && |
| |
| ensure_not_expanded show :a && |
| ensure_not_expanded show :deep/a && |
| ensure_not_expanded rev-parse :a && |
| ensure_not_expanded rev-parse :deep/a |
| ' |
| |
| test_expect_success 'sparse index is not expanded: update-index' ' |
| init_repos && |
| |
| deep_a_oid=$(git -C full-checkout rev-parse update-deep:deep/a) && |
| ensure_not_expanded update-index --cacheinfo 100644 $deep_a_oid deep/a && |
| |
| echo "test" >sparse-index/README.md && |
| echo "test2" >sparse-index/a && |
| rm -f sparse-index/deep/a && |
| |
| ensure_not_expanded update-index --add README.md && |
| ensure_not_expanded update-index a && |
| ensure_not_expanded update-index --remove deep/a && |
| |
| ensure_not_expanded reset --soft update-deep && |
| ensure_not_expanded update-index --add --remove --again |
| ' |
| |
| test_expect_success 'sparse index is not expanded: blame' ' |
| init_repos && |
| |
| for file in a \ |
| deep/a \ |
| deep/deeper1/a \ |
| deep/deeper1/deepest/a |
| do |
| ensure_not_expanded blame $file |
| done |
| ' |
| |
| test_expect_success 'sparse index is not expanded: fetch/pull' ' |
| init_repos && |
| |
| git -C sparse-index remote add full "file://$(pwd)/full-checkout" && |
| ensure_not_expanded fetch full && |
| git -C full-checkout commit --allow-empty -m "for pull merge" && |
| git -C sparse-index commit --allow-empty -m "for pull merge" && |
| ensure_not_expanded pull full base |
| ' |
| |
| test_expect_success 'sparse index is not expanded: read-tree' ' |
| init_repos && |
| |
| ensure_not_expanded checkout -b test-branch update-folder1 && |
| for MERGE_TREES in "base HEAD update-folder2" \ |
| "base HEAD rename-base" \ |
| "base update-folder2" \ |
| "base rename-base" \ |
| "update-folder2" |
| do |
| ensure_not_expanded read-tree -mu $MERGE_TREES && |
| ensure_not_expanded reset --hard || return 1 |
| done && |
| |
| rm -rf sparse-index/deep/deeper2 && |
| ensure_not_expanded add . && |
| ensure_not_expanded commit -m "test" && |
| |
| ensure_not_expanded read-tree --prefix=deep/deeper2 -u deepest |
| ' |
| |
| test_expect_success 'ls-files' ' |
| init_repos && |
| |
| # Use a smaller sparse-checkout for reduced output |
| test_sparse_match git sparse-checkout set && |
| |
| # Behavior agrees by default. Sparse index is expanded. |
| test_all_match git ls-files && |
| |
| # With --sparse, the sparse index data changes behavior. |
| git -C sparse-index ls-files --sparse >actual && |
| |
| cat >expect <<-\EOF && |
| a |
| before/ |
| deep/ |
| e |
| folder1- |
| folder1.x |
| folder1/ |
| folder10 |
| folder2/ |
| g |
| x/ |
| z |
| EOF |
| |
| test_cmp expect actual && |
| |
| # With --sparse and no sparse index, nothing changes. |
| git -C sparse-checkout ls-files >dense && |
| git -C sparse-checkout ls-files --sparse >sparse && |
| test_cmp dense sparse && |
| |
| # Set up a strange condition of having a file edit |
| # outside of the sparse-checkout cone. We want to verify |
| # that all modes handle this the same, and detect the |
| # modification. |
| write_script edit-content <<-\EOF && |
| mkdir -p folder1 && |
| echo content >>folder1/a |
| EOF |
| run_on_all ../edit-content && |
| |
| test_all_match git ls-files --modified && |
| |
| git -C sparse-index ls-files --sparse --modified >sparse-index-out && |
| cat >expect <<-\EOF && |
| folder1/a |
| EOF |
| test_cmp expect sparse-index-out && |
| |
| # Add folder1 to the sparse-checkout cone and |
| # check that ls-files shows the expanded files. |
| test_sparse_match git sparse-checkout add folder1 && |
| test_all_match git ls-files --modified && |
| |
| test_all_match git ls-files && |
| git -C sparse-index ls-files --sparse >actual && |
| |
| cat >expect <<-\EOF && |
| a |
| before/ |
| deep/ |
| e |
| folder1- |
| folder1.x |
| folder1/0/0/0 |
| folder1/0/1 |
| folder1/a |
| folder10 |
| folder2/ |
| g |
| x/ |
| z |
| EOF |
| |
| test_cmp expect actual && |
| |
| # Double-check index expansion is avoided |
| ensure_not_expanded ls-files --sparse |
| ' |
| |
| # NEEDSWORK: a sparse-checkout behaves differently from a full checkout |
| # in this scenario, but it shouldn't. |
| test_expect_success 'reset mixed and checkout orphan' ' |
| init_repos && |
| |
| test_all_match git checkout rename-out-to-in && |
| |
| # Sparse checkouts do not agree with full checkouts about |
| # how to report a directory/file conflict during a reset. |
| # This command would fail with test_all_match because the |
| # full checkout reports "T folder1/0/1" while a sparse |
| # checkout reports "D folder1/0/1". This matches because |
| # the sparse checkouts skip "adding" the other side of |
| # the conflict. |
| test_sparse_match git reset --mixed HEAD~1 && |
| test_sparse_match git ls-files --stage && |
| test_sparse_match git status --porcelain=v2 && |
| |
| # At this point, sparse-checkouts behave differently |
| # from the full-checkout. |
| test_sparse_match git checkout --orphan new-branch && |
| test_sparse_match git ls-files --stage && |
| test_sparse_match git status --porcelain=v2 |
| ' |
| |
| test_expect_success 'add everything with deep new file' ' |
| init_repos && |
| |
| run_on_sparse git sparse-checkout set deep/deeper1/deepest && |
| |
| run_on_all touch deep/deeper1/x && |
| test_all_match git add . && |
| test_all_match git status --porcelain=v2 |
| ' |
| |
| # NEEDSWORK: 'git checkout' behaves incorrectly in the case of |
| # directory/file conflicts, even without sparse-checkout. Use this |
| # test only as a documentation of the incorrect behavior, not a |
| # measure of how it _should_ behave. |
| test_expect_success 'checkout behaves oddly with df-conflict-1' ' |
| init_repos && |
| |
| test_sparse_match git sparse-checkout disable && |
| |
| write_script edit-content <<-\EOF && |
| echo content >>folder1/larger-content |
| git add folder1 |
| EOF |
| |
| run_on_all ../edit-content && |
| test_all_match git status --porcelain=v2 && |
| |
| git -C sparse-checkout sparse-checkout init --cone && |
| git -C sparse-index sparse-checkout init --cone --sparse-index && |
| |
| test_all_match git status --porcelain=v2 && |
| |
| # This checkout command should fail, because we have a staged |
| # change to folder1/larger-content, but the destination changes |
| # folder1 to a file. |
| git -C full-checkout checkout df-conflict-1 \ |
| 1>full-checkout-out \ |
| 2>full-checkout-err && |
| git -C sparse-checkout checkout df-conflict-1 \ |
| 1>sparse-checkout-out \ |
| 2>sparse-checkout-err && |
| git -C sparse-index checkout df-conflict-1 \ |
| 1>sparse-index-out \ |
| 2>sparse-index-err && |
| |
| # Instead, the checkout deletes the folder1 file and adds the |
| # folder1/larger-content file, leaving all other paths that were |
| # in folder1/ as deleted (without any warning). |
| cat >expect <<-EOF && |
| D folder1 |
| A folder1/larger-content |
| EOF |
| test_cmp expect full-checkout-out && |
| test_cmp expect sparse-checkout-out && |
| |
| # The sparse-index reports no output |
| test_must_be_empty sparse-index-out && |
| |
| # stderr: Switched to branch df-conflict-1 |
| test_cmp full-checkout-err sparse-checkout-err && |
| test_cmp full-checkout-err sparse-checkout-err |
| ' |
| |
| # NEEDSWORK: 'git checkout' behaves incorrectly in the case of |
| # directory/file conflicts, even without sparse-checkout. Use this |
| # test only as a documentation of the incorrect behavior, not a |
| # measure of how it _should_ behave. |
| test_expect_success 'checkout behaves oddly with df-conflict-2' ' |
| init_repos && |
| |
| test_sparse_match git sparse-checkout disable && |
| |
| write_script edit-content <<-\EOF && |
| echo content >>folder2/larger-content |
| git add folder2 |
| EOF |
| |
| run_on_all ../edit-content && |
| test_all_match git status --porcelain=v2 && |
| |
| git -C sparse-checkout sparse-checkout init --cone && |
| git -C sparse-index sparse-checkout init --cone --sparse-index && |
| |
| test_all_match git status --porcelain=v2 && |
| |
| # This checkout command should fail, because we have a staged |
| # change to folder1/larger-content, but the destination changes |
| # folder1 to a file. |
| git -C full-checkout checkout df-conflict-2 \ |
| 1>full-checkout-out \ |
| 2>full-checkout-err && |
| git -C sparse-checkout checkout df-conflict-2 \ |
| 1>sparse-checkout-out \ |
| 2>sparse-checkout-err && |
| git -C sparse-index checkout df-conflict-2 \ |
| 1>sparse-index-out \ |
| 2>sparse-index-err && |
| |
| # The full checkout deviates from the df-conflict-1 case here! |
| # It drops the change to folder1/larger-content and leaves the |
| # folder1 path as-is on disk. The sparse-index behaves the same. |
| test_must_be_empty full-checkout-out && |
| test_must_be_empty sparse-index-out && |
| |
| # In the sparse-checkout case, the checkout deletes the folder1 |
| # file and adds the folder1/larger-content file, leaving all other |
| # paths that were in folder1/ as deleted (without any warning). |
| cat >expect <<-EOF && |
| D folder2 |
| A folder2/larger-content |
| EOF |
| test_cmp expect sparse-checkout-out && |
| |
| # Switched to branch df-conflict-1 |
| test_cmp full-checkout-err sparse-checkout-err && |
| test_cmp full-checkout-err sparse-index-err |
| ' |
| |
| test_done |