| #!/bin/sh |
| |
| test_description='test that git handles an svn repository with empty symlinks' |
| |
| . ./lib-git-svn.sh |
| test_expect_success 'load svn dumpfile' ' |
| svnadmin load "$rawsvnrepo" <<EOF |
| SVN-fs-dump-format-version: 2 |
| |
| UUID: 60780f9a-7df5-43b4-83ab-60e2c0673ef7 |
| |
| Revision-number: 0 |
| Prop-content-length: 56 |
| Content-length: 56 |
| |
| K 8 |
| svn:date |
| V 27 |
| 2008-11-26T07:17:27.590577Z |
| |
| Revision-number: 1 |
| Prop-content-length: 111 |
| Content-length: 111 |
| |
| K 7 |
| svn:log |
| V 4 |
| test |
| K 10 |
| svn:author |
| V 12 |
| normalperson |
| K 8 |
| svn:date |
| V 27 |
| 2008-11-26T07:18:03.511836Z |
| |
| Node-path: bar |
| Node-kind: file |
| Node-action: add |
| Prop-content-length: 33 |
| Text-content-length: 0 |
| Text-content-md5: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e |
| Content-length: 33 |
| |
| K 11 |
| svn:special |
| V 1 |
| * |
| |
| Revision-number: 2 |
| Prop-content-length: 121 |
| Content-length: 121 |
| |
| K 7 |
| svn:log |
| V 13 |
| bar => doink |
| |
| K 10 |
| svn:author |
| V 12 |
| normalperson |
| K 8 |
| svn:date |
| V 27 |
| 2008-11-27T03:55:31.601672Z |
| |
| Node-path: bar |
| Node-kind: file |
| Node-action: change |
| Text-content-length: 10 |
| Text-content-md5: 92ca4fe7a9721f877f765c252dcd66c9 |
| Content-length: 10 |
| |
| link doink |
| |
| EOF |
| ' |
| |
| test_expect_success 'clone using git svn' 'git svn clone -r1 "$svnrepo" x' |
| test_expect_success '"bar" is an empty file' 'test -f x/bar && ! test -s x/bar' |
| test_expect_success 'get "bar" => symlink fix from svn' \ |
| '(cd x && git svn rebase)' |
| test_expect_success '"bar" becomes a symlink' 'test -L x/bar' |
| |
| |
| test_expect_success 'clone using git svn' 'git svn clone -r1 "$svnrepo" y' |
| test_expect_success 'disable broken symlink workaround' \ |
| '(cd y && git config svn.brokenSymlinkWorkaround false)' |
| test_expect_success '"bar" is an empty file' 'test -f y/bar && ! test -s y/bar' |
| test_expect_success 'get "bar" => symlink fix from svn' \ |
| '(cd y && git svn rebase)' |
| test_expect_success '"bar" does not become a symlink' '! test -L y/bar' |
| |
| test_done |