blob: 2de6d715d5f4c38dc1c1d9060577ce05f498daba [file] [log] [blame]
#ifndef TEST_LIB_H
#define TEST_LIB_H
#include "git-compat-util.h"
* Run a test function, returns 1 if the test succeeds, 0 if it
* fails. If test_skip_all() has been called then the test will not be
* run. The description for each test should be unique. For example:
* TEST(test_something(arg1, arg2), "something %d %d", arg1, arg2)
#define TEST(t, ...) \
test__run_end(test__run_begin() ? 0 : (t, 1), \
* Print a test plan, should be called before any tests. If the number
* of tests is not known in advance test_done() will automatically
* print a plan at the end of the test program.
void test_plan(int count);
* test_done() must be called at the end of main(). It will print the
* plan if plan() was not called at the beginning of the test program
* and returns the exit code for the test program.
int test_done(void);
/* Skip the current test. */
__attribute__((format (printf, 1, 2)))
void test_skip(const char *format, ...);
/* Skip all remaining tests. */
__attribute__((format (printf, 1, 2)))
void test_skip_all(const char *format, ...);
/* Print a diagnostic message to stdout. */
__attribute__((format (printf, 1, 2)))
void test_msg(const char *format, ...);
* Test checks are built around test_assert(). checks return 1 on
* success, 0 on failure. If any check fails then the test will fail. To
* create a custom check define a function that wraps test_assert() and
* a macro to wrap that function to provide a source location and
* stringified arguments. Custom checks that take pointer arguments
* should be careful to check that they are non-NULL before
* dereferencing them. For example:
* static int check_oid_loc(const char *loc, const char *check,
* struct object_id *a, struct object_id *b)
* {
* int res = test_assert(loc, check, a && b && oideq(a, b));
* if (!res) {
* test_msg(" left: %s", a ? oid_to_hex(a) : "NULL";
* test_msg(" right: %s", b ? oid_to_hex(a) : "NULL";
* }
* return res;
* }
* #define check_oid(a, b) \
* check_oid_loc(TEST_LOCATION(), "oideq("#a", "#b")", a, b)
int test_assert(const char *location, const char *check, int ok);
/* Helper macro to pass the location to checks */
/* Check a boolean condition. */
#define check(x) \
check_bool_loc(TEST_LOCATION(), #x, x)
int check_bool_loc(const char *loc, const char *check, int ok);
* Compare two integers. Prints a message with the two values if the
* comparison fails. NB this is not thread safe.
#define check_pointer_eq(a, b) \
(test__tmp[0].p = (a), test__tmp[1].p = (b), \
check_pointer_eq_loc(TEST_LOCATION(), #a" == "#b, \
test__tmp[0].p == test__tmp[1].p, \
test__tmp[0].p, test__tmp[1].p))
int check_pointer_eq_loc(const char *loc, const char *check, int ok,
const void *a, const void *b);
* Compare two integers. Prints a message with the two values if the
* comparison fails. NB this is not thread safe.
#define check_int(a, op, b) \
(test__tmp[0].i = (a), test__tmp[1].i = (b), \
check_int_loc(TEST_LOCATION(), #a" "#op" "#b, \
test__tmp[0].i op test__tmp[1].i, \
test__tmp[0].i, test__tmp[1].i))
int check_int_loc(const char *loc, const char *check, int ok,
intmax_t a, intmax_t b);
* Compare two unsigned integers. Prints a message with the two values
* if the comparison fails. NB this is not thread safe.
#define check_uint(a, op, b) \
(test__tmp[0].u = (a), test__tmp[1].u = (b), \
check_uint_loc(TEST_LOCATION(), #a" "#op" "#b, \
test__tmp[0].u op test__tmp[1].u, \
test__tmp[0].u, test__tmp[1].u))
int check_uint_loc(const char *loc, const char *check, int ok,
uintmax_t a, uintmax_t b);
* Compare two chars. Prints a message with the two values if the
* comparison fails. NB this is not thread safe.
#define check_char(a, op, b) \
(test__tmp[0].c = (a), test__tmp[1].c = (b), \
check_char_loc(TEST_LOCATION(), #a" "#op" "#b, \
test__tmp[0].c op test__tmp[1].c, \
test__tmp[0].c, test__tmp[1].c))
int check_char_loc(const char *loc, const char *check, int ok,
char a, char b);
/* Check whether two strings are equal. */
#define check_str(a, b) \
check_str_loc(TEST_LOCATION(), "!strcmp("#a", "#b")", a, b)
int check_str_loc(const char *loc, const char *check,
const char *a, const char *b);
* Wrap a check that is known to fail. If the check succeeds then the
* test will fail. Returns 1 if the check fails, 0 if it
* succeeds. For example:
* TEST_TODO(check(0));
#define TEST_TODO(check) \
(test__todo_begin(), test__todo_end(TEST_LOCATION(), #check, check))
/* Private helpers */
#define TEST__STR(x) #x
#define TEST__MAKE_LOCATION(line) __FILE__ ":" TEST__STR(line)
union test__tmp {
intmax_t i;
uintmax_t u;
char c;
const void *p;
extern union test__tmp test__tmp[2];
int test__run_begin(void);
__attribute__((format (printf, 3, 4)))
int test__run_end(int, const char *, const char *, ...);
void test__todo_begin(void);
int test__todo_end(const char *, const char *, int);
#endif /* TEST_LIB_H */