| #!/usr/bin/env python |
| # |
| # git-p4.py -- A tool for bidirectional operation between a Perforce depot and git. |
| # |
| # Author: Simon Hausmann <simon@lst.de> |
| # Copyright: 2007 Simon Hausmann <simon@lst.de> |
| # 2007 Trolltech ASA |
| # License: MIT <http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php> |
| # |
| import sys |
| if sys.hexversion < 0x02040000: |
| # The limiter is the subprocess module |
| sys.stderr.write("git-p4: requires Python 2.4 or later.\n") |
| sys.exit(1) |
| import os |
| import optparse |
| import marshal |
| import subprocess |
| import tempfile |
| import time |
| import platform |
| import re |
| import shutil |
| import stat |
| import zipfile |
| import zlib |
| import ctypes |
| import errno |
| |
| try: |
| from subprocess import CalledProcessError |
| except ImportError: |
| # from python2.7:subprocess.py |
| # Exception classes used by this module. |
| class CalledProcessError(Exception): |
| """This exception is raised when a process run by check_call() returns |
| a non-zero exit status. The exit status will be stored in the |
| returncode attribute.""" |
| def __init__(self, returncode, cmd): |
| self.returncode = returncode |
| self.cmd = cmd |
| def __str__(self): |
| return "Command '%s' returned non-zero exit status %d" % (self.cmd, self.returncode) |
| |
| verbose = False |
| |
| # Only labels/tags matching this will be imported/exported |
| defaultLabelRegexp = r'[a-zA-Z0-9_\-.]+$' |
| |
| # Grab changes in blocks of this many revisions, unless otherwise requested |
| defaultBlockSize = 512 |
| |
| def p4_build_cmd(cmd): |
| """Build a suitable p4 command line. |
| |
| This consolidates building and returning a p4 command line into one |
| location. It means that hooking into the environment, or other configuration |
| can be done more easily. |
| """ |
| real_cmd = ["p4"] |
| |
| user = gitConfig("git-p4.user") |
| if len(user) > 0: |
| real_cmd += ["-u",user] |
| |
| password = gitConfig("git-p4.password") |
| if len(password) > 0: |
| real_cmd += ["-P", password] |
| |
| port = gitConfig("git-p4.port") |
| if len(port) > 0: |
| real_cmd += ["-p", port] |
| |
| host = gitConfig("git-p4.host") |
| if len(host) > 0: |
| real_cmd += ["-H", host] |
| |
| client = gitConfig("git-p4.client") |
| if len(client) > 0: |
| real_cmd += ["-c", client] |
| |
| |
| if isinstance(cmd,basestring): |
| real_cmd = ' '.join(real_cmd) + ' ' + cmd |
| else: |
| real_cmd += cmd |
| return real_cmd |
| |
| def chdir(path, is_client_path=False): |
| """Do chdir to the given path, and set the PWD environment |
| variable for use by P4. It does not look at getcwd() output. |
| Since we're not using the shell, it is necessary to set the |
| PWD environment variable explicitly. |
| |
| Normally, expand the path to force it to be absolute. This |
| addresses the use of relative path names inside P4 settings, |
| e.g. P4CONFIG=.p4config. P4 does not simply open the filename |
| as given; it looks for .p4config using PWD. |
| |
| If is_client_path, the path was handed to us directly by p4, |
| and may be a symbolic link. Do not call os.getcwd() in this |
| case, because it will cause p4 to think that PWD is not inside |
| the client path. |
| """ |
| |
| os.chdir(path) |
| if not is_client_path: |
| path = os.getcwd() |
| os.environ['PWD'] = path |
| |
| def calcDiskFree(): |
| """Return free space in bytes on the disk of the given dirname.""" |
| if platform.system() == 'Windows': |
| free_bytes = ctypes.c_ulonglong(0) |
| ctypes.windll.kernel32.GetDiskFreeSpaceExW(ctypes.c_wchar_p(os.getcwd()), None, None, ctypes.pointer(free_bytes)) |
| return free_bytes.value |
| else: |
| st = os.statvfs(os.getcwd()) |
| return st.f_bavail * st.f_frsize |
| |
| def die(msg): |
| if verbose: |
| raise Exception(msg) |
| else: |
| sys.stderr.write(msg + "\n") |
| sys.exit(1) |
| |
| def write_pipe(c, stdin): |
| if verbose: |
| sys.stderr.write('Writing pipe: %s\n' % str(c)) |
| |
| expand = isinstance(c,basestring) |
| p = subprocess.Popen(c, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, shell=expand) |
| pipe = p.stdin |
| val = pipe.write(stdin) |
| pipe.close() |
| if p.wait(): |
| die('Command failed: %s' % str(c)) |
| |
| return val |
| |
| def p4_write_pipe(c, stdin): |
| real_cmd = p4_build_cmd(c) |
| return write_pipe(real_cmd, stdin) |
| |
| def read_pipe(c, ignore_error=False): |
| if verbose: |
| sys.stderr.write('Reading pipe: %s\n' % str(c)) |
| |
| expand = isinstance(c,basestring) |
| p = subprocess.Popen(c, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=expand) |
| (out, err) = p.communicate() |
| if p.returncode != 0 and not ignore_error: |
| die('Command failed: %s\nError: %s' % (str(c), err)) |
| return out |
| |
| def p4_read_pipe(c, ignore_error=False): |
| real_cmd = p4_build_cmd(c) |
| return read_pipe(real_cmd, ignore_error) |
| |
| def read_pipe_lines(c): |
| if verbose: |
| sys.stderr.write('Reading pipe: %s\n' % str(c)) |
| |
| expand = isinstance(c, basestring) |
| p = subprocess.Popen(c, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=expand) |
| pipe = p.stdout |
| val = pipe.readlines() |
| if pipe.close() or p.wait(): |
| die('Command failed: %s' % str(c)) |
| |
| return val |
| |
| def p4_read_pipe_lines(c): |
| """Specifically invoke p4 on the command supplied. """ |
| real_cmd = p4_build_cmd(c) |
| return read_pipe_lines(real_cmd) |
| |
| def p4_has_command(cmd): |
| """Ask p4 for help on this command. If it returns an error, the |
| command does not exist in this version of p4.""" |
| real_cmd = p4_build_cmd(["help", cmd]) |
| p = subprocess.Popen(real_cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, |
| stderr=subprocess.PIPE) |
| p.communicate() |
| return p.returncode == 0 |
| |
| def p4_has_move_command(): |
| """See if the move command exists, that it supports -k, and that |
| it has not been administratively disabled. The arguments |
| must be correct, but the filenames do not have to exist. Use |
| ones with wildcards so even if they exist, it will fail.""" |
| |
| if not p4_has_command("move"): |
| return False |
| cmd = p4_build_cmd(["move", "-k", "@from", "@to"]) |
| p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) |
| (out, err) = p.communicate() |
| # return code will be 1 in either case |
| if err.find("Invalid option") >= 0: |
| return False |
| if err.find("disabled") >= 0: |
| return False |
| # assume it failed because @... was invalid changelist |
| return True |
| |
| def system(cmd, ignore_error=False): |
| expand = isinstance(cmd,basestring) |
| if verbose: |
| sys.stderr.write("executing %s\n" % str(cmd)) |
| retcode = subprocess.call(cmd, shell=expand) |
| if retcode and not ignore_error: |
| raise CalledProcessError(retcode, cmd) |
| |
| return retcode |
| |
| def p4_system(cmd): |
| """Specifically invoke p4 as the system command. """ |
| real_cmd = p4_build_cmd(cmd) |
| expand = isinstance(real_cmd, basestring) |
| retcode = subprocess.call(real_cmd, shell=expand) |
| if retcode: |
| raise CalledProcessError(retcode, real_cmd) |
| |
| _p4_version_string = None |
| def p4_version_string(): |
| """Read the version string, showing just the last line, which |
| hopefully is the interesting version bit. |
| |
| $ p4 -V |
| Perforce - The Fast Software Configuration Management System. |
| Copyright 1995-2011 Perforce Software. All rights reserved. |
| Rev. P4/NTX86/2011.1/393975 (2011/12/16). |
| """ |
| global _p4_version_string |
| if not _p4_version_string: |
| a = p4_read_pipe_lines(["-V"]) |
| _p4_version_string = a[-1].rstrip() |
| return _p4_version_string |
| |
| def p4_integrate(src, dest): |
| p4_system(["integrate", "-Dt", wildcard_encode(src), wildcard_encode(dest)]) |
| |
| def p4_sync(f, *options): |
| p4_system(["sync"] + list(options) + [wildcard_encode(f)]) |
| |
| def p4_add(f): |
| # forcibly add file names with wildcards |
| if wildcard_present(f): |
| p4_system(["add", "-f", f]) |
| else: |
| p4_system(["add", f]) |
| |
| def p4_delete(f): |
| p4_system(["delete", wildcard_encode(f)]) |
| |
| def p4_edit(f, *options): |
| p4_system(["edit"] + list(options) + [wildcard_encode(f)]) |
| |
| def p4_revert(f): |
| p4_system(["revert", wildcard_encode(f)]) |
| |
| def p4_reopen(type, f): |
| p4_system(["reopen", "-t", type, wildcard_encode(f)]) |
| |
| def p4_move(src, dest): |
| p4_system(["move", "-k", wildcard_encode(src), wildcard_encode(dest)]) |
| |
| def p4_last_change(): |
| results = p4CmdList(["changes", "-m", "1"]) |
| return int(results[0]['change']) |
| |
| def p4_describe(change): |
| """Make sure it returns a valid result by checking for |
| the presence of field "time". Return a dict of the |
| results.""" |
| |
| ds = p4CmdList(["describe", "-s", str(change)]) |
| if len(ds) != 1: |
| die("p4 describe -s %d did not return 1 result: %s" % (change, str(ds))) |
| |
| d = ds[0] |
| |
| if "p4ExitCode" in d: |
| die("p4 describe -s %d exited with %d: %s" % (change, d["p4ExitCode"], |
| str(d))) |
| if "code" in d: |
| if d["code"] == "error": |
| die("p4 describe -s %d returned error code: %s" % (change, str(d))) |
| |
| if "time" not in d: |
| die("p4 describe -s %d returned no \"time\": %s" % (change, str(d))) |
| |
| return d |
| |
| # |
| # Canonicalize the p4 type and return a tuple of the |
| # base type, plus any modifiers. See "p4 help filetypes" |
| # for a list and explanation. |
| # |
| def split_p4_type(p4type): |
| |
| p4_filetypes_historical = { |
| "ctempobj": "binary+Sw", |
| "ctext": "text+C", |
| "cxtext": "text+Cx", |
| "ktext": "text+k", |
| "kxtext": "text+kx", |
| "ltext": "text+F", |
| "tempobj": "binary+FSw", |
| "ubinary": "binary+F", |
| "uresource": "resource+F", |
| "uxbinary": "binary+Fx", |
| "xbinary": "binary+x", |
| "xltext": "text+Fx", |
| "xtempobj": "binary+Swx", |
| "xtext": "text+x", |
| "xunicode": "unicode+x", |
| "xutf16": "utf16+x", |
| } |
| if p4type in p4_filetypes_historical: |
| p4type = p4_filetypes_historical[p4type] |
| mods = "" |
| s = p4type.split("+") |
| base = s[0] |
| mods = "" |
| if len(s) > 1: |
| mods = s[1] |
| return (base, mods) |
| |
| # |
| # return the raw p4 type of a file (text, text+ko, etc) |
| # |
| def p4_type(f): |
| results = p4CmdList(["fstat", "-T", "headType", wildcard_encode(f)]) |
| return results[0]['headType'] |
| |
| # |
| # Given a type base and modifier, return a regexp matching |
| # the keywords that can be expanded in the file |
| # |
| def p4_keywords_regexp_for_type(base, type_mods): |
| if base in ("text", "unicode", "binary"): |
| kwords = None |
| if "ko" in type_mods: |
| kwords = 'Id|Header' |
| elif "k" in type_mods: |
| kwords = 'Id|Header|Author|Date|DateTime|Change|File|Revision' |
| else: |
| return None |
| pattern = r""" |
| \$ # Starts with a dollar, followed by... |
| (%s) # one of the keywords, followed by... |
| (:[^$\n]+)? # possibly an old expansion, followed by... |
| \$ # another dollar |
| """ % kwords |
| return pattern |
| else: |
| return None |
| |
| # |
| # Given a file, return a regexp matching the possible |
| # RCS keywords that will be expanded, or None for files |
| # with kw expansion turned off. |
| # |
| def p4_keywords_regexp_for_file(file): |
| if not os.path.exists(file): |
| return None |
| else: |
| (type_base, type_mods) = split_p4_type(p4_type(file)) |
| return p4_keywords_regexp_for_type(type_base, type_mods) |
| |
| def setP4ExecBit(file, mode): |
| # Reopens an already open file and changes the execute bit to match |
| # the execute bit setting in the passed in mode. |
| |
| p4Type = "+x" |
| |
| if not isModeExec(mode): |
| p4Type = getP4OpenedType(file) |
| p4Type = re.sub('^([cku]?)x(.*)', '\\1\\2', p4Type) |
| p4Type = re.sub('(.*?\+.*?)x(.*?)', '\\1\\2', p4Type) |
| if p4Type[-1] == "+": |
| p4Type = p4Type[0:-1] |
| |
| p4_reopen(p4Type, file) |
| |
| def getP4OpenedType(file): |
| # Returns the perforce file type for the given file. |
| |
| result = p4_read_pipe(["opened", wildcard_encode(file)]) |
| match = re.match(".*\((.+)\)( \*exclusive\*)?\r?$", result) |
| if match: |
| return match.group(1) |
| else: |
| die("Could not determine file type for %s (result: '%s')" % (file, result)) |
| |
| # Return the set of all p4 labels |
| def getP4Labels(depotPaths): |
| labels = set() |
| if isinstance(depotPaths,basestring): |
| depotPaths = [depotPaths] |
| |
| for l in p4CmdList(["labels"] + ["%s..." % p for p in depotPaths]): |
| label = l['label'] |
| labels.add(label) |
| |
| return labels |
| |
| # Return the set of all git tags |
| def getGitTags(): |
| gitTags = set() |
| for line in read_pipe_lines(["git", "tag"]): |
| tag = line.strip() |
| gitTags.add(tag) |
| return gitTags |
| |
| def diffTreePattern(): |
| # This is a simple generator for the diff tree regex pattern. This could be |
| # a class variable if this and parseDiffTreeEntry were a part of a class. |
| pattern = re.compile(':(\d+) (\d+) (\w+) (\w+) ([A-Z])(\d+)?\t(.*?)((\t(.*))|$)') |
| while True: |
| yield pattern |
| |
| def parseDiffTreeEntry(entry): |
| """Parses a single diff tree entry into its component elements. |
| |
| See git-diff-tree(1) manpage for details about the format of the diff |
| output. This method returns a dictionary with the following elements: |
| |
| src_mode - The mode of the source file |
| dst_mode - The mode of the destination file |
| src_sha1 - The sha1 for the source file |
| dst_sha1 - The sha1 fr the destination file |
| status - The one letter status of the diff (i.e. 'A', 'M', 'D', etc) |
| status_score - The score for the status (applicable for 'C' and 'R' |
| statuses). This is None if there is no score. |
| src - The path for the source file. |
| dst - The path for the destination file. This is only present for |
| copy or renames. If it is not present, this is None. |
| |
| If the pattern is not matched, None is returned.""" |
| |
| match = diffTreePattern().next().match(entry) |
| if match: |
| return { |
| 'src_mode': match.group(1), |
| 'dst_mode': match.group(2), |
| 'src_sha1': match.group(3), |
| 'dst_sha1': match.group(4), |
| 'status': match.group(5), |
| 'status_score': match.group(6), |
| 'src': match.group(7), |
| 'dst': match.group(10) |
| } |
| return None |
| |
| def isModeExec(mode): |
| # Returns True if the given git mode represents an executable file, |
| # otherwise False. |
| return mode[-3:] == "755" |
| |
| def isModeExecChanged(src_mode, dst_mode): |
| return isModeExec(src_mode) != isModeExec(dst_mode) |
| |
| def p4CmdList(cmd, stdin=None, stdin_mode='w+b', cb=None): |
| |
| if isinstance(cmd,basestring): |
| cmd = "-G " + cmd |
| expand = True |
| else: |
| cmd = ["-G"] + cmd |
| expand = False |
| |
| cmd = p4_build_cmd(cmd) |
| if verbose: |
| sys.stderr.write("Opening pipe: %s\n" % str(cmd)) |
| |
| # Use a temporary file to avoid deadlocks without |
| # subprocess.communicate(), which would put another copy |
| # of stdout into memory. |
| stdin_file = None |
| if stdin is not None: |
| stdin_file = tempfile.TemporaryFile(prefix='p4-stdin', mode=stdin_mode) |
| if isinstance(stdin,basestring): |
| stdin_file.write(stdin) |
| else: |
| for i in stdin: |
| stdin_file.write(i + '\n') |
| stdin_file.flush() |
| stdin_file.seek(0) |
| |
| p4 = subprocess.Popen(cmd, |
| shell=expand, |
| stdin=stdin_file, |
| stdout=subprocess.PIPE) |
| |
| result = [] |
| try: |
| while True: |
| entry = marshal.load(p4.stdout) |
| if cb is not None: |
| cb(entry) |
| else: |
| result.append(entry) |
| except EOFError: |
| pass |
| exitCode = p4.wait() |
| if exitCode != 0: |
| entry = {} |
| entry["p4ExitCode"] = exitCode |
| result.append(entry) |
| |
| return result |
| |
| def p4Cmd(cmd): |
| list = p4CmdList(cmd) |
| result = {} |
| for entry in list: |
| result.update(entry) |
| return result; |
| |
| def p4Where(depotPath): |
| if not depotPath.endswith("/"): |
| depotPath += "/" |
| depotPathLong = depotPath + "..." |
| outputList = p4CmdList(["where", depotPathLong]) |
| output = None |
| for entry in outputList: |
| if "depotFile" in entry: |
| # Search for the base client side depot path, as long as it starts with the branch's P4 path. |
| # The base path always ends with "/...". |
| if entry["depotFile"].find(depotPath) == 0 and entry["depotFile"][-4:] == "/...": |
| output = entry |
| break |
| elif "data" in entry: |
| data = entry.get("data") |
| space = data.find(" ") |
| if data[:space] == depotPath: |
| output = entry |
| break |
| if output == None: |
| return "" |
| if output["code"] == "error": |
| return "" |
| clientPath = "" |
| if "path" in output: |
| clientPath = output.get("path") |
| elif "data" in output: |
| data = output.get("data") |
| lastSpace = data.rfind(" ") |
| clientPath = data[lastSpace + 1:] |
| |
| if clientPath.endswith("..."): |
| clientPath = clientPath[:-3] |
| return clientPath |
| |
| def currentGitBranch(): |
| retcode = system(["git", "symbolic-ref", "-q", "HEAD"], ignore_error=True) |
| if retcode != 0: |
| # on a detached head |
| return None |
| else: |
| return read_pipe(["git", "name-rev", "HEAD"]).split(" ")[1].strip() |
| |
| def isValidGitDir(path): |
| if (os.path.exists(path + "/HEAD") |
| and os.path.exists(path + "/refs") and os.path.exists(path + "/objects")): |
| return True; |
| return False |
| |
| def parseRevision(ref): |
| return read_pipe("git rev-parse %s" % ref).strip() |
| |
| def branchExists(ref): |
| rev = read_pipe(["git", "rev-parse", "-q", "--verify", ref], |
| ignore_error=True) |
| return len(rev) > 0 |
| |
| def extractLogMessageFromGitCommit(commit): |
| logMessage = "" |
| |
| ## fixme: title is first line of commit, not 1st paragraph. |
| foundTitle = False |
| for log in read_pipe_lines("git cat-file commit %s" % commit): |
| if not foundTitle: |
| if len(log) == 1: |
| foundTitle = True |
| continue |
| |
| logMessage += log |
| return logMessage |
| |
| def extractSettingsGitLog(log): |
| values = {} |
| for line in log.split("\n"): |
| line = line.strip() |
| m = re.search (r"^ *\[git-p4: (.*)\]$", line) |
| if not m: |
| continue |
| |
| assignments = m.group(1).split (':') |
| for a in assignments: |
| vals = a.split ('=') |
| key = vals[0].strip() |
| val = ('='.join (vals[1:])).strip() |
| if val.endswith ('\"') and val.startswith('"'): |
| val = val[1:-1] |
| |
| values[key] = val |
| |
| paths = values.get("depot-paths") |
| if not paths: |
| paths = values.get("depot-path") |
| if paths: |
| values['depot-paths'] = paths.split(',') |
| return values |
| |
| def gitBranchExists(branch): |
| proc = subprocess.Popen(["git", "rev-parse", branch], |
| stderr=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE); |
| return proc.wait() == 0; |
| |
| _gitConfig = {} |
| |
| def gitConfig(key, typeSpecifier=None): |
| if not _gitConfig.has_key(key): |
| cmd = [ "git", "config" ] |
| if typeSpecifier: |
| cmd += [ typeSpecifier ] |
| cmd += [ key ] |
| s = read_pipe(cmd, ignore_error=True) |
| _gitConfig[key] = s.strip() |
| return _gitConfig[key] |
| |
| def gitConfigBool(key): |
| """Return a bool, using git config --bool. It is True only if the |
| variable is set to true, and False if set to false or not present |
| in the config.""" |
| |
| if not _gitConfig.has_key(key): |
| _gitConfig[key] = gitConfig(key, '--bool') == "true" |
| return _gitConfig[key] |
| |
| def gitConfigInt(key): |
| if not _gitConfig.has_key(key): |
| cmd = [ "git", "config", "--int", key ] |
| s = read_pipe(cmd, ignore_error=True) |
| v = s.strip() |
| try: |
| _gitConfig[key] = int(gitConfig(key, '--int')) |
| except ValueError: |
| _gitConfig[key] = None |
| return _gitConfig[key] |
| |
| def gitConfigList(key): |
| if not _gitConfig.has_key(key): |
| s = read_pipe(["git", "config", "--get-all", key], ignore_error=True) |
| _gitConfig[key] = s.strip().split(os.linesep) |
| if _gitConfig[key] == ['']: |
| _gitConfig[key] = [] |
| return _gitConfig[key] |
| |
| def p4BranchesInGit(branchesAreInRemotes=True): |
| """Find all the branches whose names start with "p4/", looking |
| in remotes or heads as specified by the argument. Return |
| a dictionary of { branch: revision } for each one found. |
| The branch names are the short names, without any |
| "p4/" prefix.""" |
| |
| branches = {} |
| |
| cmdline = "git rev-parse --symbolic " |
| if branchesAreInRemotes: |
| cmdline += "--remotes" |
| else: |
| cmdline += "--branches" |
| |
| for line in read_pipe_lines(cmdline): |
| line = line.strip() |
| |
| # only import to p4/ |
| if not line.startswith('p4/'): |
| continue |
| # special symbolic ref to p4/master |
| if line == "p4/HEAD": |
| continue |
| |
| # strip off p4/ prefix |
| branch = line[len("p4/"):] |
| |
| branches[branch] = parseRevision(line) |
| |
| return branches |
| |
| def branch_exists(branch): |
| """Make sure that the given ref name really exists.""" |
| |
| cmd = [ "git", "rev-parse", "--symbolic", "--verify", branch ] |
| p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) |
| out, _ = p.communicate() |
| if p.returncode: |
| return False |
| # expect exactly one line of output: the branch name |
| return out.rstrip() == branch |
| |
| def findUpstreamBranchPoint(head = "HEAD"): |
| branches = p4BranchesInGit() |
| # map from depot-path to branch name |
| branchByDepotPath = {} |
| for branch in branches.keys(): |
| tip = branches[branch] |
| log = extractLogMessageFromGitCommit(tip) |
| settings = extractSettingsGitLog(log) |
| if settings.has_key("depot-paths"): |
| paths = ",".join(settings["depot-paths"]) |
| branchByDepotPath[paths] = "remotes/p4/" + branch |
| |
| settings = None |
| parent = 0 |
| while parent < 65535: |
| commit = head + "~%s" % parent |
| log = extractLogMessageFromGitCommit(commit) |
| settings = extractSettingsGitLog(log) |
| if settings.has_key("depot-paths"): |
| paths = ",".join(settings["depot-paths"]) |
| if branchByDepotPath.has_key(paths): |
| return [branchByDepotPath[paths], settings] |
| |
| parent = parent + 1 |
| |
| return ["", settings] |
| |
| def createOrUpdateBranchesFromOrigin(localRefPrefix = "refs/remotes/p4/", silent=True): |
| if not silent: |
| print ("Creating/updating branch(es) in %s based on origin branch(es)" |
| % localRefPrefix) |
| |
| originPrefix = "origin/p4/" |
| |
| for line in read_pipe_lines("git rev-parse --symbolic --remotes"): |
| line = line.strip() |
| if (not line.startswith(originPrefix)) or line.endswith("HEAD"): |
| continue |
| |
| headName = line[len(originPrefix):] |
| remoteHead = localRefPrefix + headName |
| originHead = line |
| |
| original = extractSettingsGitLog(extractLogMessageFromGitCommit(originHead)) |
| if (not original.has_key('depot-paths') |
| or not original.has_key('change')): |
| continue |
| |
| update = False |
| if not gitBranchExists(remoteHead): |
| if verbose: |
| print "creating %s" % remoteHead |
| update = True |
| else: |
| settings = extractSettingsGitLog(extractLogMessageFromGitCommit(remoteHead)) |
| if settings.has_key('change') > 0: |
| if settings['depot-paths'] == original['depot-paths']: |
| originP4Change = int(original['change']) |
| p4Change = int(settings['change']) |
| if originP4Change > p4Change: |
| print ("%s (%s) is newer than %s (%s). " |
| "Updating p4 branch from origin." |
| % (originHead, originP4Change, |
| remoteHead, p4Change)) |
| update = True |
| else: |
| print ("Ignoring: %s was imported from %s while " |
| "%s was imported from %s" |
| % (originHead, ','.join(original['depot-paths']), |
| remoteHead, ','.join(settings['depot-paths']))) |
| |
| if update: |
| system("git update-ref %s %s" % (remoteHead, originHead)) |
| |
| def originP4BranchesExist(): |
| return gitBranchExists("origin") or gitBranchExists("origin/p4") or gitBranchExists("origin/p4/master") |
| |
| |
| def p4ParseNumericChangeRange(parts): |
| changeStart = int(parts[0][1:]) |
| if parts[1] == '#head': |
| changeEnd = p4_last_change() |
| else: |
| changeEnd = int(parts[1]) |
| |
| return (changeStart, changeEnd) |
| |
| def chooseBlockSize(blockSize): |
| if blockSize: |
| return blockSize |
| else: |
| return defaultBlockSize |
| |
| def p4ChangesForPaths(depotPaths, changeRange, requestedBlockSize): |
| assert depotPaths |
| |
| # Parse the change range into start and end. Try to find integer |
| # revision ranges as these can be broken up into blocks to avoid |
| # hitting server-side limits (maxrows, maxscanresults). But if |
| # that doesn't work, fall back to using the raw revision specifier |
| # strings, without using block mode. |
| |
| if changeRange is None or changeRange == '': |
| changeStart = 1 |
| changeEnd = p4_last_change() |
| block_size = chooseBlockSize(requestedBlockSize) |
| else: |
| parts = changeRange.split(',') |
| assert len(parts) == 2 |
| try: |
| (changeStart, changeEnd) = p4ParseNumericChangeRange(parts) |
| block_size = chooseBlockSize(requestedBlockSize) |
| except: |
| changeStart = parts[0][1:] |
| changeEnd = parts[1] |
| if requestedBlockSize: |
| die("cannot use --changes-block-size with non-numeric revisions") |
| block_size = None |
| |
| changes = set() |
| |
| # Retrieve changes a block at a time, to prevent running |
| # into a MaxResults/MaxScanRows error from the server. |
| |
| while True: |
| cmd = ['changes'] |
| |
| if block_size: |
| end = min(changeEnd, changeStart + block_size) |
| revisionRange = "%d,%d" % (changeStart, end) |
| else: |
| revisionRange = "%s,%s" % (changeStart, changeEnd) |
| |
| for p in depotPaths: |
| cmd += ["%s...@%s" % (p, revisionRange)] |
| |
| # Insert changes in chronological order |
| for line in reversed(p4_read_pipe_lines(cmd)): |
| changes.add(int(line.split(" ")[1])) |
| |
| if not block_size: |
| break |
| |
| if end >= changeEnd: |
| break |
| |
| changeStart = end + 1 |
| |
| changes = sorted(changes) |
| return changes |
| |
| def p4PathStartsWith(path, prefix): |
| # This method tries to remedy a potential mixed-case issue: |
| # |
| # If UserA adds //depot/DirA/file1 |
| # and UserB adds //depot/dira/file2 |
| # |
| # we may or may not have a problem. If you have core.ignorecase=true, |
| # we treat DirA and dira as the same directory |
| if gitConfigBool("core.ignorecase"): |
| return path.lower().startswith(prefix.lower()) |
| return path.startswith(prefix) |
| |
| def getClientSpec(): |
| """Look at the p4 client spec, create a View() object that contains |
| all the mappings, and return it.""" |
| |
| specList = p4CmdList("client -o") |
| if len(specList) != 1: |
| die('Output from "client -o" is %d lines, expecting 1' % |
| len(specList)) |
| |
| # dictionary of all client parameters |
| entry = specList[0] |
| |
| # the //client/ name |
| client_name = entry["Client"] |
| |
| # just the keys that start with "View" |
| view_keys = [ k for k in entry.keys() if k.startswith("View") ] |
| |
| # hold this new View |
| view = View(client_name) |
| |
| # append the lines, in order, to the view |
| for view_num in range(len(view_keys)): |
| k = "View%d" % view_num |
| if k not in view_keys: |
| die("Expected view key %s missing" % k) |
| view.append(entry[k]) |
| |
| return view |
| |
| def getClientRoot(): |
| """Grab the client directory.""" |
| |
| output = p4CmdList("client -o") |
| if len(output) != 1: |
| die('Output from "client -o" is %d lines, expecting 1' % len(output)) |
| |
| entry = output[0] |
| if "Root" not in entry: |
| die('Client has no "Root"') |
| |
| return entry["Root"] |
| |
| # |
| # P4 wildcards are not allowed in filenames. P4 complains |
| # if you simply add them, but you can force it with "-f", in |
| # which case it translates them into %xx encoding internally. |
| # |
| def wildcard_decode(path): |
| # Search for and fix just these four characters. Do % last so |
| # that fixing it does not inadvertently create new %-escapes. |
| # Cannot have * in a filename in windows; untested as to |
| # what p4 would do in such a case. |
| if not platform.system() == "Windows": |
| path = path.replace("%2A", "*") |
| path = path.replace("%23", "#") \ |
| .replace("%40", "@") \ |
| .replace("%25", "%") |
| return path |
| |
| def wildcard_encode(path): |
| # do % first to avoid double-encoding the %s introduced here |
| path = path.replace("%", "%25") \ |
| .replace("*", "%2A") \ |
| .replace("#", "%23") \ |
| .replace("@", "%40") |
| return path |
| |
| def wildcard_present(path): |
| m = re.search("[*#@%]", path) |
| return m is not None |
| |
| class LargeFileSystem(object): |
| """Base class for large file system support.""" |
| |
| def __init__(self, writeToGitStream): |
| self.largeFiles = set() |
| self.writeToGitStream = writeToGitStream |
| |
| def generatePointer(self, cloneDestination, contentFile): |
| """Return the content of a pointer file that is stored in Git instead of |
| the actual content.""" |
| assert False, "Method 'generatePointer' required in " + self.__class__.__name__ |
| |
| def pushFile(self, localLargeFile): |
| """Push the actual content which is not stored in the Git repository to |
| a server.""" |
| assert False, "Method 'pushFile' required in " + self.__class__.__name__ |
| |
| def hasLargeFileExtension(self, relPath): |
| return reduce( |
| lambda a, b: a or b, |
| [relPath.endswith('.' + e) for e in gitConfigList('git-p4.largeFileExtensions')], |
| False |
| ) |
| |
| def generateTempFile(self, contents): |
| contentFile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(prefix='git-p4-large-file', delete=False) |
| for d in contents: |
| contentFile.write(d) |
| contentFile.close() |
| return contentFile.name |
| |
| def exceedsLargeFileThreshold(self, relPath, contents): |
| if gitConfigInt('git-p4.largeFileThreshold'): |
| contentsSize = sum(len(d) for d in contents) |
| if contentsSize > gitConfigInt('git-p4.largeFileThreshold'): |
| return True |
| if gitConfigInt('git-p4.largeFileCompressedThreshold'): |
| contentsSize = sum(len(d) for d in contents) |
| if contentsSize <= gitConfigInt('git-p4.largeFileCompressedThreshold'): |
| return False |
| contentTempFile = self.generateTempFile(contents) |
| compressedContentFile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(prefix='git-p4-large-file', delete=False) |
| zf = zipfile.ZipFile(compressedContentFile.name, mode='w') |
| zf.write(contentTempFile, compress_type=zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) |
| zf.close() |
| compressedContentsSize = zf.infolist()[0].compress_size |
| os.remove(contentTempFile) |
| os.remove(compressedContentFile.name) |
| if compressedContentsSize > gitConfigInt('git-p4.largeFileCompressedThreshold'): |
| return True |
| return False |
| |
| def addLargeFile(self, relPath): |
| self.largeFiles.add(relPath) |
| |
| def removeLargeFile(self, relPath): |
| self.largeFiles.remove(relPath) |
| |
| def isLargeFile(self, relPath): |
| return relPath in self.largeFiles |
| |
| def processContent(self, git_mode, relPath, contents): |
| """Processes the content of git fast import. This method decides if a |
| file is stored in the large file system and handles all necessary |
| steps.""" |
| if self.exceedsLargeFileThreshold(relPath, contents) or self.hasLargeFileExtension(relPath): |
| contentTempFile = self.generateTempFile(contents) |
| (pointer_git_mode, contents, localLargeFile) = self.generatePointer(contentTempFile) |
| if pointer_git_mode: |
| git_mode = pointer_git_mode |
| if localLargeFile: |
| # Move temp file to final location in large file system |
| largeFileDir = os.path.dirname(localLargeFile) |
| if not os.path.isdir(largeFileDir): |
| os.makedirs(largeFileDir) |
| shutil.move(contentTempFile, localLargeFile) |
| self.addLargeFile(relPath) |
| if gitConfigBool('git-p4.largeFilePush'): |
| self.pushFile(localLargeFile) |
| if verbose: |
| sys.stderr.write("%s moved to large file system (%s)\n" % (relPath, localLargeFile)) |
| return (git_mode, contents) |
| |
| class MockLFS(LargeFileSystem): |
| """Mock large file system for testing.""" |
| |
| def generatePointer(self, contentFile): |
| """The pointer content is the original content prefixed with "pointer-". |
| The local filename of the large file storage is derived from the file content. |
| """ |
| with open(contentFile, 'r') as f: |
| content = next(f) |
| gitMode = '100644' |
| pointerContents = 'pointer-' + content |
| localLargeFile = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), '.git', 'mock-storage', 'local', content[:-1]) |
| return (gitMode, pointerContents, localLargeFile) |
| |
| def pushFile(self, localLargeFile): |
| """The remote filename of the large file storage is the same as the local |
| one but in a different directory. |
| """ |
| remotePath = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(localLargeFile), '..', 'remote') |
| if not os.path.exists(remotePath): |
| os.makedirs(remotePath) |
| shutil.copyfile(localLargeFile, os.path.join(remotePath, os.path.basename(localLargeFile))) |
| |
| class GitLFS(LargeFileSystem): |
| """Git LFS as backend for the git-p4 large file system. |
| See https://git-lfs.github.com/ for details.""" |
| |
| def __init__(self, *args): |
| LargeFileSystem.__init__(self, *args) |
| self.baseGitAttributes = [] |
| |
| def generatePointer(self, contentFile): |
| """Generate a Git LFS pointer for the content. Return LFS Pointer file |
| mode and content which is stored in the Git repository instead of |
| the actual content. Return also the new location of the actual |
| content. |
| """ |
| if os.path.getsize(contentFile) == 0: |
| return (None, '', None) |
| |
| pointerProcess = subprocess.Popen( |
| ['git', 'lfs', 'pointer', '--file=' + contentFile], |
| stdout=subprocess.PIPE |
| ) |
| pointerFile = pointerProcess.stdout.read() |
| if pointerProcess.wait(): |
| os.remove(contentFile) |
| die('git-lfs pointer command failed. Did you install the extension?') |
| |
| # Git LFS removed the preamble in the output of the 'pointer' command |
| # starting from version 1.2.0. Check for the preamble here to support |
| # earlier versions. |
| # c.f. https://github.com/github/git-lfs/commit/da2935d9a739592bc775c98d8ef4df9c72ea3b43 |
| if pointerFile.startswith('Git LFS pointer for'): |
| pointerFile = re.sub(r'Git LFS pointer for.*\n\n', '', pointerFile) |
| |
| oid = re.search(r'^oid \w+:(\w+)', pointerFile, re.MULTILINE).group(1) |
| localLargeFile = os.path.join( |
| os.getcwd(), |
| '.git', 'lfs', 'objects', oid[:2], oid[2:4], |
| oid, |
| ) |
| # LFS Spec states that pointer files should not have the executable bit set. |
| gitMode = '100644' |
| return (gitMode, pointerFile, localLargeFile) |
| |
| def pushFile(self, localLargeFile): |
| uploadProcess = subprocess.Popen( |
| ['git', 'lfs', 'push', '--object-id', 'origin', os.path.basename(localLargeFile)] |
| ) |
| if uploadProcess.wait(): |
| die('git-lfs push command failed. Did you define a remote?') |
| |
| def generateGitAttributes(self): |
| return ( |
| self.baseGitAttributes + |
| [ |
| '\n', |
| '#\n', |
| '# Git LFS (see https://git-lfs.github.com/)\n', |
| '#\n', |
| ] + |
| ['*.' + f.replace(' ', '[[:space:]]') + ' filter=lfs -text\n' |
| for f in sorted(gitConfigList('git-p4.largeFileExtensions')) |
| ] + |
| ['/' + f.replace(' ', '[[:space:]]') + ' filter=lfs -text\n' |
| for f in sorted(self.largeFiles) if not self.hasLargeFileExtension(f) |
| ] |
| ) |
| |
| def addLargeFile(self, relPath): |
| LargeFileSystem.addLargeFile(self, relPath) |
| self.writeToGitStream('100644', '.gitattributes', self.generateGitAttributes()) |
| |
| def removeLargeFile(self, relPath): |
| LargeFileSystem.removeLargeFile(self, relPath) |
| self.writeToGitStream('100644', '.gitattributes', self.generateGitAttributes()) |
| |
| def processContent(self, git_mode, relPath, contents): |
| if relPath == '.gitattributes': |
| self.baseGitAttributes = contents |
| return (git_mode, self.generateGitAttributes()) |
| else: |
| return LargeFileSystem.processContent(self, git_mode, relPath, contents) |
| |
| class Command: |
| def __init__(self): |
| self.usage = "usage: %prog [options]" |
| self.needsGit = True |
| self.verbose = False |
| |
| class P4UserMap: |
| def __init__(self): |
| self.userMapFromPerforceServer = False |
| self.myP4UserId = None |
| |
| def p4UserId(self): |
| if self.myP4UserId: |
| return self.myP4UserId |
| |
| results = p4CmdList("user -o") |
| for r in results: |
| if r.has_key('User'): |
| self.myP4UserId = r['User'] |
| return r['User'] |
| die("Could not find your p4 user id") |
| |
| def p4UserIsMe(self, p4User): |
| # return True if the given p4 user is actually me |
| me = self.p4UserId() |
| if not p4User or p4User != me: |
| return False |
| else: |
| return True |
| |
| def getUserCacheFilename(self): |
| home = os.environ.get("HOME", os.environ.get("USERPROFILE")) |
| return home + "/.gitp4-usercache.txt" |
| |
| def getUserMapFromPerforceServer(self): |
| if self.userMapFromPerforceServer: |
| return |
| self.users = {} |
| self.emails = {} |
| |
| for output in p4CmdList("users"): |
| if not output.has_key("User"): |
| continue |
| self.users[output["User"]] = output["FullName"] + " <" + output["Email"] + ">" |
| self.emails[output["Email"]] = output["User"] |
| |
| mapUserConfigRegex = re.compile(r"^\s*(\S+)\s*=\s*(.+)\s*<(\S+)>\s*$", re.VERBOSE) |
| for mapUserConfig in gitConfigList("git-p4.mapUser"): |
| mapUser = mapUserConfigRegex.findall(mapUserConfig) |
| if mapUser and len(mapUser[0]) == 3: |
| user = mapUser[0][0] |
| fullname = mapUser[0][1] |
| email = mapUser[0][2] |
| self.users[user] = fullname + " <" + email + ">" |
| self.emails[email] = user |
| |
| s = '' |
| for (key, val) in self.users.items(): |
| s += "%s\t%s\n" % (key.expandtabs(1), val.expandtabs(1)) |
| |
| open(self.getUserCacheFilename(), "wb").write(s) |
| self.userMapFromPerforceServer = True |
| |
| def loadUserMapFromCache(self): |
| self.users = {} |
| self.userMapFromPerforceServer = False |
| try: |
| cache = open(self.getUserCacheFilename(), "rb") |
| lines = cache.readlines() |
| cache.close() |
| for line in lines: |
| entry = line.strip().split("\t") |
| self.users[entry[0]] = entry[1] |
| except IOError: |
| self.getUserMapFromPerforceServer() |
| |
| class P4Debug(Command): |
| def __init__(self): |
| Command.__init__(self) |
| self.options = [] |
| self.description = "A tool to debug the output of p4 -G." |
| self.needsGit = False |
| |
| def run(self, args): |
| j = 0 |
| for output in p4CmdList(args): |
| print 'Element: %d' % j |
| j += 1 |
| print output |
| return True |
| |
| class P4RollBack(Command): |
| def __init__(self): |
| Command.__init__(self) |
| self.options = [ |
| optparse.make_option("--local", dest="rollbackLocalBranches", action="store_true") |
| ] |
| self.description = "A tool to debug the multi-branch import. Don't use :)" |
| self.rollbackLocalBranches = False |
| |
| def run(self, args): |
| if len(args) != 1: |
| return False |
| maxChange = int(args[0]) |
| |
| if "p4ExitCode" in p4Cmd("changes -m 1"): |
| die("Problems executing p4"); |
| |
| if self.rollbackLocalBranches: |
| refPrefix = "refs/heads/" |
| lines = read_pipe_lines("git rev-parse --symbolic --branches") |
| else: |
| refPrefix = "refs/remotes/" |
| lines = read_pipe_lines("git rev-parse --symbolic --remotes") |
| |
| for line in lines: |
| if self.rollbackLocalBranches or (line.startswith("p4/") and line != "p4/HEAD\n"): |
| line = line.strip() |
| ref = refPrefix + line |
| log = extractLogMessageFromGitCommit(ref) |
| settings = extractSettingsGitLog(log) |
| |
| depotPaths = settings['depot-paths'] |
| change = settings['change'] |
| |
| changed = False |
| |
| if len(p4Cmd("changes -m 1 " + ' '.join (['%s...@%s' % (p, maxChange) |
| for p in depotPaths]))) == 0: |
| print "Branch %s did not exist at change %s, deleting." % (ref, maxChange) |
| system("git update-ref -d %s `git rev-parse %s`" % (ref, ref)) |
| continue |
| |
| while change and int(change) > maxChange: |
| changed = True |
| if self.verbose: |
| print "%s is at %s ; rewinding towards %s" % (ref, change, maxChange) |
| system("git update-ref %s \"%s^\"" % (ref, ref)) |
| log = extractLogMessageFromGitCommit(ref) |
| settings = extractSettingsGitLog(log) |
| |
| |
| depotPaths = settings['depot-paths'] |
| change = settings['change'] |
| |
| if changed: |
| print "%s rewound to %s" % (ref, change) |
| |
| return True |
| |
| class P4Submit(Command, P4UserMap): |
| |
| conflict_behavior_choices = ("ask", "skip", "quit") |
| |
| def __init__(self): |
| Command.__init__(self) |
| P4UserMap.__init__(self) |
| self.options = [ |
| optparse.make_option("--origin", dest="origin"), |
| optparse.make_option("-M", dest="detectRenames", action="store_true"), |
| # preserve the user, requires relevant p4 permissions |
| optparse.make_option("--preserve-user", dest="preserveUser", action="store_true"), |
| optparse.make_option("--export-labels", dest="exportLabels", action="store_true"), |
| optparse.make_option("--dry-run", "-n", dest="dry_run", action="store_true"), |
| optparse.make_option("--prepare-p4-only", dest="prepare_p4_only", action="store_true"), |
| optparse.make_option("--conflict", dest="conflict_behavior", |
| choices=self.conflict_behavior_choices), |
| optparse.make_option("--branch", dest="branch"), |
| ] |
| self.description = "Submit changes from git to the perforce depot." |
| self.usage += " [name of git branch to submit into perforce depot]" |
| self.origin = "" |
| self.detectRenames = False |
| self.preserveUser = gitConfigBool("git-p4.preserveUser") |
| self.dry_run = False |
| self.prepare_p4_only = False |
| self.conflict_behavior = None |
| self.isWindows = (platform.system() == "Windows") |
| self.exportLabels = False |
| self.p4HasMoveCommand = p4_has_move_command() |
| self.branch = None |
| |
| if gitConfig('git-p4.largeFileSystem'): |
| die("Large file system not supported for git-p4 submit command. Please remove it from config.") |
| |
| def check(self): |
| if len(p4CmdList("opened ...")) > 0: |
| die("You have files opened with perforce! Close them before starting the sync.") |
| |
| def separate_jobs_from_description(self, message): |
| """Extract and return a possible Jobs field in the commit |
| message. It goes into a separate section in the p4 change |
| specification. |
| |
| A jobs line starts with "Jobs:" and looks like a new field |
| in a form. Values are white-space separated on the same |
| line or on following lines that start with a tab. |
| |
| This does not parse and extract the full git commit message |
| like a p4 form. It just sees the Jobs: line as a marker |
| to pass everything from then on directly into the p4 form, |
| but outside the description section. |
| |
| Return a tuple (stripped log message, jobs string).""" |
| |
| m = re.search(r'^Jobs:', message, re.MULTILINE) |
| if m is None: |
| return (message, None) |
| |
| jobtext = message[m.start():] |
| stripped_message = message[:m.start()].rstrip() |
| return (stripped_message, jobtext) |
| |
| def prepareLogMessage(self, template, message, jobs): |
| """Edits the template returned from "p4 change -o" to insert |
| the message in the Description field, and the jobs text in |
| the Jobs field.""" |
| result = "" |
| |
| inDescriptionSection = False |
| |
| for line in template.split("\n"): |
| if line.startswith("#"): |
| result += line + "\n" |
| continue |
| |
| if inDescriptionSection: |
| if line.startswith("Files:") or line.startswith("Jobs:"): |
| inDescriptionSection = False |
| # insert Jobs section |
| if jobs: |
| result += jobs + "\n" |
| else: |
| continue |
| else: |
| if line.startswith("Description:"): |
| inDescriptionSection = True |
| line += "\n" |
| for messageLine in message.split("\n"): |
| line += "\t" + messageLine + "\n" |
| |
| result += line + "\n" |
| |
| return result |
| |
| def patchRCSKeywords(self, file, pattern): |
| # Attempt to zap the RCS keywords in a p4 controlled file matching the given pattern |
| (handle, outFileName) = tempfile.mkstemp(dir='.') |
| try: |
| outFile = os.fdopen(handle, "w+") |
| inFile = open(file, "r") |
| regexp = re.compile(pattern, re.VERBOSE) |
| for line in inFile.readlines(): |
| line = regexp.sub(r'$\1$', line) |
| outFile.write(line) |
| inFile.close() |
| outFile.close() |
| # Forcibly overwrite the original file |
| os.unlink(file) |
| shutil.move(outFileName, file) |
| except: |
| # cleanup our temporary file |
| os.unlink(outFileName) |
| print "Failed to strip RCS keywords in %s" % file |
| raise |
| |
| print "Patched up RCS keywords in %s" % file |
| |
| def p4UserForCommit(self,id): |
| # Return the tuple (perforce user,git email) for a given git commit id |
| self.getUserMapFromPerforceServer() |
| gitEmail = read_pipe(["git", "log", "--max-count=1", |
| "--format=%ae", id]) |
| gitEmail = gitEmail.strip() |
| if not self.emails.has_key(gitEmail): |
| return (None,gitEmail) |
| else: |
| return (self.emails[gitEmail],gitEmail) |
| |
| def checkValidP4Users(self,commits): |
| # check if any git authors cannot be mapped to p4 users |
| for id in commits: |
| (user,email) = self.p4UserForCommit(id) |
| if not user: |
| msg = "Cannot find p4 user for email %s in commit %s." % (email, id) |
| if gitConfigBool("git-p4.allowMissingP4Users"): |
| print "%s" % msg |
| else: |
| die("Error: %s\nSet git-p4.allowMissingP4Users to true to allow this." % msg) |
| |
| def lastP4Changelist(self): |
| # Get back the last changelist number submitted in this client spec. This |
| # then gets used to patch up the username in the change. If the same |
| # client spec is being used by multiple processes then this might go |
| # wrong. |
| results = p4CmdList("client -o") # find the current client |
| client = None |
| for r in results: |
| if r.has_key('Client'): |
| client = r['Client'] |
| break |
| if not client: |
| die("could not get client spec") |
| results = p4CmdList(["changes", "-c", client, "-m", "1"]) |
| for r in results: |
| if r.has_key('change'): |
| return r['change'] |
| die("Could not get changelist number for last submit - cannot patch up user details") |
| |
| def modifyChangelistUser(self, changelist, newUser): |
| # fixup the user field of a changelist after it has been submitted. |
| changes = p4CmdList("change -o %s" % changelist) |
| if len(changes) != 1: |
| die("Bad output from p4 change modifying %s to user %s" % |
| (changelist, newUser)) |
| |
| c = changes[0] |
| if c['User'] == newUser: return # nothing to do |
| c['User'] = newUser |
| input = marshal.dumps(c) |
| |
| result = p4CmdList("change -f -i", stdin=input) |
| for r in result: |
| if r.has_key('code'): |
| if r['code'] == 'error': |
| die("Could not modify user field of changelist %s to %s:%s" % (changelist, newUser, r['data'])) |
| if r.has_key('data'): |
| print("Updated user field for changelist %s to %s" % (changelist, newUser)) |
| return |
| die("Could not modify user field of changelist %s to %s" % (changelist, newUser)) |
| |
| def canChangeChangelists(self): |
| # check to see if we have p4 admin or super-user permissions, either of |
| # which are required to modify changelists. |
| results = p4CmdList(["protects", self.depotPath]) |
| for r in results: |
| if r.has_key('perm'): |
| if r['perm'] == 'admin': |
| return 1 |
| if r['perm'] == 'super': |
| return 1 |
| return 0 |
| |
| def prepareSubmitTemplate(self): |
| """Run "p4 change -o" to grab a change specification template. |
| This does not use "p4 -G", as it is nice to keep the submission |
| template in original order, since a human might edit it. |
| |
| Remove lines in the Files section that show changes to files |
| outside the depot path we're committing into.""" |
| |
| [upstream, settings] = findUpstreamBranchPoint() |
| |
| template = "" |
| inFilesSection = False |
| for line in p4_read_pipe_lines(['change', '-o']): |
| if line.endswith("\r\n"): |
| line = line[:-2] + "\n" |
| if inFilesSection: |
| if line.startswith("\t"): |
| # path starts and ends with a tab |
| path = line[1:] |
| lastTab = path.rfind("\t") |
| if lastTab != -1: |
| path = path[:lastTab] |
| if settings.has_key('depot-paths'): |
| if not [p for p in settings['depot-paths'] |
| if p4PathStartsWith(path, p)]: |
| continue |
| else: |
| if not p4PathStartsWith(path, self.depotPath): |
| continue |
| else: |
| inFilesSection = False |
| else: |
| if line.startswith("Files:"): |
| inFilesSection = True |
| |
| template += line |
| |
| return template |
| |
| def edit_template(self, template_file): |
| """Invoke the editor to let the user change the submission |
| message. Return true if okay to continue with the submit.""" |
| |
| # if configured to skip the editing part, just submit |
| if gitConfigBool("git-p4.skipSubmitEdit"): |
| return True |
| |
| # look at the modification time, to check later if the user saved |
| # the file |
| mtime = os.stat(template_file).st_mtime |
| |
| # invoke the editor |
| if os.environ.has_key("P4EDITOR") and (os.environ.get("P4EDITOR") != ""): |
| editor = os.environ.get("P4EDITOR") |
| else: |
| editor = read_pipe("git var GIT_EDITOR").strip() |
| system(["sh", "-c", ('%s "$@"' % editor), editor, template_file]) |
| |
| # If the file was not saved, prompt to see if this patch should |
| # be skipped. But skip this verification step if configured so. |
| if gitConfigBool("git-p4.skipSubmitEditCheck"): |
| return True |
| |
| # modification time updated means user saved the file |
| if os.stat(template_file).st_mtime > mtime: |
| return True |
| |
| while True: |
| response = raw_input("Submit template unchanged. Submit anyway? [y]es, [n]o (skip this patch) ") |
| if response == 'y': |
| return True |
| if response == 'n': |
| return False |
| |
| def get_diff_description(self, editedFiles, filesToAdd, symlinks): |
| # diff |
| if os.environ.has_key("P4DIFF"): |
| del(os.environ["P4DIFF"]) |
| diff = "" |
| for editedFile in editedFiles: |
| diff += p4_read_pipe(['diff', '-du', |
| wildcard_encode(editedFile)]) |
| |
| # new file diff |
| newdiff = "" |
| for newFile in filesToAdd: |
| newdiff += "==== new file ====\n" |
| newdiff += "--- /dev/null\n" |
| newdiff += "+++ %s\n" % newFile |
| |
| is_link = os.path.islink(newFile) |
| expect_link = newFile in symlinks |
| |
| if is_link and expect_link: |
| newdiff += "+%s\n" % os.readlink(newFile) |
| else: |
| f = open(newFile, "r") |
| for line in f.readlines(): |
| newdiff += "+" + line |
| f.close() |
| |
| return (diff + newdiff).replace('\r\n', '\n') |
| |
| def applyCommit(self, id): |
| """Apply one commit, return True if it succeeded.""" |
| |
| print "Applying", read_pipe(["git", "show", "-s", |
| "--format=format:%h %s", id]) |
| |
| (p4User, gitEmail) = self.p4UserForCommit(id) |
| |
| diff = read_pipe_lines("git diff-tree -r %s \"%s^\" \"%s\"" % (self.diffOpts, id, id)) |
| filesToAdd = set() |
| filesToChangeType = set() |
| filesToDelete = set() |
| editedFiles = set() |
| pureRenameCopy = set() |
| symlinks = set() |
| filesToChangeExecBit = {} |
| |
| for line in diff: |
| diff = parseDiffTreeEntry(line) |
| modifier = diff['status'] |
| path = diff['src'] |
| if modifier == "M": |
| p4_edit(path) |
| if isModeExecChanged(diff['src_mode'], diff['dst_mode']): |
| filesToChangeExecBit[path] = diff['dst_mode'] |
| editedFiles.add(path) |
| elif modifier == "A": |
| filesToAdd.add(path) |
| filesToChangeExecBit[path] = diff['dst_mode'] |
| if path in filesToDelete: |
| filesToDelete.remove(path) |
| |
| dst_mode = int(diff['dst_mode'], 8) |
| if dst_mode == 0120000: |
| symlinks.add(path) |
| |
| elif modifier == "D": |
| filesToDelete.add(path) |
| if path in filesToAdd: |
| filesToAdd.remove(path) |
| elif modifier == "C": |
| src, dest = diff['src'], diff['dst'] |
| p4_integrate(src, dest) |
| pureRenameCopy.add(dest) |
| if diff['src_sha1'] != diff['dst_sha1']: |
| p4_edit(dest) |
| pureRenameCopy.discard(dest) |
| if isModeExecChanged(diff['src_mode'], diff['dst_mode']): |
| p4_edit(dest) |
| pureRenameCopy.discard(dest) |
| filesToChangeExecBit[dest] = diff['dst_mode'] |
| if self.isWindows: |
| # turn off read-only attribute |
| os.chmod(dest, stat.S_IWRITE) |
| os.unlink(dest) |
| editedFiles.add(dest) |
| elif modifier == "R": |
| src, dest = diff['src'], diff['dst'] |
| if self.p4HasMoveCommand: |
| p4_edit(src) # src must be open before move |
| p4_move(src, dest) # opens for (move/delete, move/add) |
| else: |
| p4_integrate(src, dest) |
| if diff['src_sha1'] != diff['dst_sha1']: |
| p4_edit(dest) |
| else: |
| pureRenameCopy.add(dest) |
| if isModeExecChanged(diff['src_mode'], diff['dst_mode']): |
| if not self.p4HasMoveCommand: |
| p4_edit(dest) # with move: already open, writable |
| filesToChangeExecBit[dest] = diff['dst_mode'] |
| if not self.p4HasMoveCommand: |
| if self.isWindows: |
| os.chmod(dest, stat.S_IWRITE) |
| os.unlink(dest) |
| filesToDelete.add(src) |
| editedFiles.add(dest) |
| elif modifier == "T": |
| filesToChangeType.add(path) |
| else: |
| die("unknown modifier %s for %s" % (modifier, path)) |
| |
| diffcmd = "git diff-tree --full-index -p \"%s\"" % (id) |
| patchcmd = diffcmd + " | git apply " |
| tryPatchCmd = patchcmd + "--check -" |
| applyPatchCmd = patchcmd + "--check --apply -" |
| patch_succeeded = True |
| |
| if os.system(tryPatchCmd) != 0: |
| fixed_rcs_keywords = False |
| patch_succeeded = False |
| print "Unfortunately applying the change failed!" |
| |
| # Patch failed, maybe it's just RCS keyword woes. Look through |
| # the patch to see if that's possible. |
| if gitConfigBool("git-p4.attemptRCSCleanup"): |
| file = None |
| pattern = None |
| kwfiles = {} |
| for file in editedFiles | filesToDelete: |
| # did this file's delta contain RCS keywords? |
| pattern = p4_keywords_regexp_for_file(file) |
| |
| if pattern: |
| # this file is a possibility...look for RCS keywords. |
| regexp = re.compile(pattern, re.VERBOSE) |
| for line in read_pipe_lines(["git", "diff", "%s^..%s" % (id, id), file]): |
| if regexp.search(line): |
| if verbose: |
| print "got keyword match on %s in %s in %s" % (pattern, line, file) |
| kwfiles[file] = pattern |
| break |
| |
| for file in kwfiles: |
| if verbose: |
| print "zapping %s with %s" % (line,pattern) |
| # File is being deleted, so not open in p4. Must |
| # disable the read-only bit on windows. |
| if self.isWindows and file not in editedFiles: |
| os.chmod(file, stat.S_IWRITE) |
| self.patchRCSKeywords(file, kwfiles[file]) |
| fixed_rcs_keywords = True |
| |
| if fixed_rcs_keywords: |
| print "Retrying the patch with RCS keywords cleaned up" |
| if os.system(tryPatchCmd) == 0: |
| patch_succeeded = True |
| |
| if not patch_succeeded: |
| for f in editedFiles: |
| p4_revert(f) |
| return False |
| |
| # |
| # Apply the patch for real, and do add/delete/+x handling. |
| # |
| system(applyPatchCmd) |
| |
| for f in filesToChangeType: |
| p4_edit(f, "-t", "auto") |
| for f in filesToAdd: |
| p4_add(f) |
| for f in filesToDelete: |
| p4_revert(f) |
| p4_delete(f) |
| |
| # Set/clear executable bits |
| for f in filesToChangeExecBit.keys(): |
| mode = filesToChangeExecBit[f] |
| setP4ExecBit(f, mode) |
| |
| # |
| # Build p4 change description, starting with the contents |
| # of the git commit message. |
| # |
| logMessage = extractLogMessageFromGitCommit(id) |
| logMessage = logMessage.strip() |
| (logMessage, jobs) = self.separate_jobs_from_description(logMessage) |
| |
| template = self.prepareSubmitTemplate() |
| submitTemplate = self.prepareLogMessage(template, logMessage, jobs) |
| |
| if self.preserveUser: |
| submitTemplate += "\n######## Actual user %s, modified after commit\n" % p4User |
| |
| if self.checkAuthorship and not self.p4UserIsMe(p4User): |
| submitTemplate += "######## git author %s does not match your p4 account.\n" % gitEmail |
| submitTemplate += "######## Use option --preserve-user to modify authorship.\n" |
| submitTemplate += "######## Variable git-p4.skipUserNameCheck hides this message.\n" |
| |
| separatorLine = "######## everything below this line is just the diff #######\n" |
| if not self.prepare_p4_only: |
| submitTemplate += separatorLine |
| submitTemplate += self.get_diff_description(editedFiles, filesToAdd, symlinks) |
| |
| (handle, fileName) = tempfile.mkstemp() |
| tmpFile = os.fdopen(handle, "w+b") |
| if self.isWindows: |
| submitTemplate = submitTemplate.replace("\n", "\r\n") |
| tmpFile.write(submitTemplate) |
| tmpFile.close() |
| |
| if self.prepare_p4_only: |
| # |
| # Leave the p4 tree prepared, and the submit template around |
| # and let the user decide what to do next |
| # |
| print |
| print "P4 workspace prepared for submission." |
| print "To submit or revert, go to client workspace" |
| print " " + self.clientPath |
| print |
| print "To submit, use \"p4 submit\" to write a new description," |
| print "or \"p4 submit -i <%s\" to use the one prepared by" \ |
| " \"git p4\"." % fileName |
| print "You can delete the file \"%s\" when finished." % fileName |
| |
| if self.preserveUser and p4User and not self.p4UserIsMe(p4User): |
| print "To preserve change ownership by user %s, you must\n" \ |
| "do \"p4 change -f <change>\" after submitting and\n" \ |
| "edit the User field." |
| if pureRenameCopy: |
| print "After submitting, renamed files must be re-synced." |
| print "Invoke \"p4 sync -f\" on each of these files:" |
| for f in pureRenameCopy: |
| print " " + f |
| |
| print |
| print "To revert the changes, use \"p4 revert ...\", and delete" |
| print "the submit template file \"%s\"" % fileName |
| if filesToAdd: |
| print "Since the commit adds new files, they must be deleted:" |
| for f in filesToAdd: |
| print " " + f |
| print |
| return True |
| |
| # |
| # Let the user edit the change description, then submit it. |
| # |
| submitted = False |
| |
| try: |
| if self.edit_template(fileName): |
| # read the edited message and submit |
| tmpFile = open(fileName, "rb") |
| message = tmpFile.read() |
| tmpFile.close() |
| if self.isWindows: |
| message = message.replace("\r\n", "\n") |
| submitTemplate = message[:message.index(separatorLine)] |
| p4_write_pipe(['submit', '-i'], submitTemplate) |
| |
| if self.preserveUser: |
| if p4User: |
| # Get last changelist number. Cannot easily get it from |
| # the submit command output as the output is |
| # unmarshalled. |
| changelist = self.lastP4Changelist() |
| self.modifyChangelistUser(changelist, p4User) |
| |
| # The rename/copy happened by applying a patch that created a |
| # new file. This leaves it writable, which confuses p4. |
| for f in pureRenameCopy: |
| p4_sync(f, "-f") |
| submitted = True |
| |
| finally: |
| # skip this patch |
| if not submitted: |
| print "Submission cancelled, undoing p4 changes." |
| for f in editedFiles: |
| p4_revert(f) |
| for f in filesToAdd: |
| p4_revert(f) |
| os.remove(f) |
| for f in filesToDelete: |
| p4_revert(f) |
| |
| os.remove(fileName) |
| return submitted |
| |
| # Export git tags as p4 labels. Create a p4 label and then tag |
| # with that. |
| def exportGitTags(self, gitTags): |
| validLabelRegexp = gitConfig("git-p4.labelExportRegexp") |
| if len(validLabelRegexp) == 0: |
| validLabelRegexp = defaultLabelRegexp |
| m = re.compile(validLabelRegexp) |
| |
| for name in gitTags: |
| |
| if not m.match(name): |
| if verbose: |
| print "tag %s does not match regexp %s" % (name, validLabelRegexp) |
| continue |
| |
| # Get the p4 commit this corresponds to |
| logMessage = extractLogMessageFromGitCommit(name) |
| values = extractSettingsGitLog(logMessage) |
| |
| if not values.has_key('change'): |
| # a tag pointing to something not sent to p4; ignore |
| if verbose: |
| print "git tag %s does not give a p4 commit" % name |
| continue |
| else: |
| changelist = values['change'] |
| |
| # Get the tag details. |
| inHeader = True |
| isAnnotated = False |
| body = [] |
| for l in read_pipe_lines(["git", "cat-file", "-p", name]): |
| l = l.strip() |
| if inHeader: |
| if re.match(r'tag\s+', l): |
| isAnnotated = True |
| elif re.match(r'\s*$', l): |
| inHeader = False |
| continue |
| else: |
| body.append(l) |
| |
| if not isAnnotated: |
| body = ["lightweight tag imported by git p4\n"] |
| |
| # Create the label - use the same view as the client spec we are using |
| clientSpec = getClientSpec() |
| |
| labelTemplate = "Label: %s\n" % name |
| labelTemplate += "Description:\n" |
| for b in body: |
| labelTemplate += "\t" + b + "\n" |
| labelTemplate += "View:\n" |
| for depot_side in clientSpec.mappings: |
| labelTemplate += "\t%s\n" % depot_side |
| |
| if self.dry_run: |
| print "Would create p4 label %s for tag" % name |
| elif self.prepare_p4_only: |
| print "Not creating p4 label %s for tag due to option" \ |
| " --prepare-p4-only" % name |
| else: |
| p4_write_pipe(["label", "-i"], labelTemplate) |
| |
| # Use the label |
| p4_system(["tag", "-l", name] + |
| ["%s@%s" % (depot_side, changelist) for depot_side in clientSpec.mappings]) |
| |
| if verbose: |
| print "created p4 label for tag %s" % name |
| |
| def run(self, args): |
| if len(args) == 0: |
| self.master = currentGitBranch() |
| elif len(args) == 1: |
| self.master = args[0] |
| if not branchExists(self.master): |
| die("Branch %s does not exist" % self.master) |
| else: |
| return False |
| |
| if self.master: |
| allowSubmit = gitConfig("git-p4.allowSubmit") |
| if len(allowSubmit) > 0 and not self.master in allowSubmit.split(","): |
| die("%s is not in git-p4.allowSubmit" % self.master) |
| |
| [upstream, settings] = findUpstreamBranchPoint() |
| self.depotPath = settings['depot-paths'][0] |
| if len(self.origin) == 0: |
| self.origin = upstream |
| |
| if self.preserveUser: |
| if not self.canChangeChangelists(): |
| die("Cannot preserve user names without p4 super-user or admin permissions") |
| |
| # if not set from the command line, try the config file |
| if self.conflict_behavior is None: |
| val = gitConfig("git-p4.conflict") |
| if val: |
| if val not in self.conflict_behavior_choices: |
| die("Invalid value '%s' for config git-p4.conflict" % val) |
| else: |
| val = "ask" |
| self.conflict_behavior = val |
| |
| if self.verbose: |
| print "Origin branch is " + self.origin |
| |
| if len(self.depotPath) == 0: |
| print "Internal error: cannot locate perforce depot path from existing branches" |
| sys.exit(128) |
| |
| self.useClientSpec = False |
| if gitConfigBool("git-p4.useclientspec"): |
| self.useClientSpec = True |
| if self.useClientSpec: |
| self.clientSpecDirs = getClientSpec() |
| |
| # Check for the existence of P4 branches |
| branchesDetected = (len(p4BranchesInGit().keys()) > 1) |
| |
| if self.useClientSpec and not branchesDetected: |
| # all files are relative to the client spec |
| self.clientPath = getClientRoot() |
| else: |
| self.clientPath = p4Where(self.depotPath) |
| |
| if self.clientPath == "": |
| die("Error: Cannot locate perforce checkout of %s in client view" % self.depotPath) |
| |
| print "Perforce checkout for depot path %s located at %s" % (self.depotPath, self.clientPath) |
| self.oldWorkingDirectory = os.getcwd() |
| |
| # ensure the clientPath exists |
| new_client_dir = False |
| if not os.path.exists(self.clientPath): |
| new_client_dir = True |
| os.makedirs(self.clientPath) |
| |
| chdir(self.clientPath, is_client_path=True) |
| if self.dry_run: |
| print "Would synchronize p4 checkout in %s" % self.clientPath |
| else: |
| print "Synchronizing p4 checkout..." |
| if new_client_dir: |
| # old one was destroyed, and maybe nobody told p4 |
| p4_sync("...", "-f") |
| else: |
| p4_sync("...") |
| self.check() |
| |
| commits = [] |
| if self.master: |
| commitish = self.master |
| else: |
| commitish = 'HEAD' |
| |
| for line in read_pipe_lines(["git", "rev-list", "--no-merges", "%s..%s" % (self.origin, commitish)]): |
| commits.append(line.strip()) |
| commits.reverse() |
| |
| if self.preserveUser or gitConfigBool("git-p4.skipUserNameCheck"): |
| self.checkAuthorship = False |
| else: |
| self.checkAuthorship = True |
| |
| if self.preserveUser: |
| self.checkValidP4Users(commits) |
| |
| # |
| # Build up a set of options to be passed to diff when |
| # submitting each commit to p4. |
| # |
| if self.detectRenames: |
| # command-line -M arg |
| self.diffOpts = "-M" |
| else: |
| # If not explicitly set check the config variable |
| detectRenames = gitConfig("git-p4.detectRenames") |
| |
| if detectRenames.lower() == "false" or detectRenames == "": |
| self.diffOpts = "" |
| elif detectRenames.lower() == "true": |
| self.diffOpts = "-M" |
| else: |
| self.diffOpts = "-M%s" % detectRenames |
| |
| # no command-line arg for -C or --find-copies-harder, just |
| # config variables |
| detectCopies = gitConfig("git-p4.detectCopies") |
| if detectCopies.lower() == "false" or detectCopies == "": |
| pass |
| elif detectCopies.lower() == "true": |
| self.diffOpts += " -C" |
| else: |
| self.diffOpts += " -C%s" % detectCopies |
| |
| if gitConfigBool("git-p4.detectCopiesHarder"): |
| self.diffOpts += " --find-copies-harder" |
| |
| # |
| # Apply the commits, one at a time. On failure, ask if should |
| # continue to try the rest of the patches, or quit. |
| # |
| if self.dry_run: |
| print "Would apply" |
| applied = [] |
| last = len(commits) - 1 |
| for i, commit in enumerate(commits): |
| if self.dry_run: |
| print " ", read_pipe(["git", "show", "-s", |
| "--format=format:%h %s", commit]) |
| ok = True |
| else: |
| ok = self.applyCommit(commit) |
| if ok: |
| applied.append(commit) |
| else: |
| if self.prepare_p4_only and i < last: |
| print "Processing only the first commit due to option" \ |
| " --prepare-p4-only" |
| break |
| if i < last: |
| quit = False |
| while True: |
| # prompt for what to do, or use the option/variable |
| if self.conflict_behavior == "ask": |
| print "What do you want to do?" |
| response = raw_input("[s]kip this commit but apply" |
| " the rest, or [q]uit? ") |
| if not response: |
| continue |
| elif self.conflict_behavior == "skip": |
| response = "s" |
| elif self.conflict_behavior == "quit": |
| response = "q" |
| else: |
| die("Unknown conflict_behavior '%s'" % |
| self.conflict_behavior) |
| |
| if response[0] == "s": |
| print "Skipping this commit, but applying the rest" |
| break |
| if response[0] == "q": |
| print "Quitting" |
| quit = True |
| break |
| if quit: |
| break |
| |
| chdir(self.oldWorkingDirectory) |
| |
| if self.dry_run: |
| pass |
| elif self.prepare_p4_only: |
| pass |
| elif len(commits) == len(applied): |
| print "All commits applied!" |
| |
| sync = P4Sync() |
| if self.branch: |
| sync.branch = self.branch |
| sync.run([]) |
| |
| rebase = P4Rebase() |
| rebase.rebase() |
| |
| else: |
| if len(applied) == 0: |
| print "No commits applied." |
| else: |
| print "Applied only the commits marked with '*':" |
| for c in commits: |
| if c in applied: |
| star = "*" |
| else: |
| star = " " |
| print star, read_pipe(["git", "show", "-s", |
| "--format=format:%h %s", c]) |
| print "You will have to do 'git p4 sync' and rebase." |
| |
| if gitConfigBool("git-p4.exportLabels"): |
| self.exportLabels = True |
| |
| if self.exportLabels: |
| p4Labels = getP4Labels(self.depotPath) |
| gitTags = getGitTags() |
| |
| missingGitTags = gitTags - p4Labels |
| self.exportGitTags(missingGitTags) |
| |
| # exit with error unless everything applied perfectly |
| if len(commits) != len(applied): |
| sys.exit(1) |
| |
| return True |
| |
| class View(object): |
| """Represent a p4 view ("p4 help views"), and map files in a |
| repo according to the view.""" |
| |
| def __init__(self, client_name): |
| self.mappings = [] |
| self.client_prefix = "//%s/" % client_name |
| # cache results of "p4 where" to lookup client file locations |
| self.client_spec_path_cache = {} |
| |
| def append(self, view_line): |
| """Parse a view line, splitting it into depot and client |
| sides. Append to self.mappings, preserving order. This |
| is only needed for tag creation.""" |
| |
| # Split the view line into exactly two words. P4 enforces |
| # structure on these lines that simplifies this quite a bit. |
| # |
| # Either or both words may be double-quoted. |
| # Single quotes do not matter. |
| # Double-quote marks cannot occur inside the words. |
| # A + or - prefix is also inside the quotes. |
| # There are no quotes unless they contain a space. |
| # The line is already white-space stripped. |
| # The two words are separated by a single space. |
| # |
| if view_line[0] == '"': |
| # First word is double quoted. Find its end. |
| close_quote_index = view_line.find('"', 1) |
| if close_quote_index <= 0: |
| die("No first-word closing quote found: %s" % view_line) |
| depot_side = view_line[1:close_quote_index] |
| # skip closing quote and space |
| rhs_index = close_quote_index + 1 + 1 |
| else: |
| space_index = view_line.find(" ") |
| if space_index <= 0: |
| die("No word-splitting space found: %s" % view_line) |
| depot_side = view_line[0:space_index] |
| rhs_index = space_index + 1 |
| |
| # prefix + means overlay on previous mapping |
| if depot_side.startswith("+"): |
| depot_side = depot_side[1:] |
| |
| # prefix - means exclude this path, leave out of mappings |
| exclude = False |
| if depot_side.startswith("-"): |
| exclude = True |
| depot_side = depot_side[1:] |
| |
| if not exclude: |
| self.mappings.append(depot_side) |
| |
| def convert_client_path(self, clientFile): |
| # chop off //client/ part to make it relative |
| if not clientFile.startswith(self.client_prefix): |
| die("No prefix '%s' on clientFile '%s'" % |
| (self.client_prefix, clientFile)) |
| return clientFile[len(self.client_prefix):] |
| |
| def update_client_spec_path_cache(self, files): |
| """ Caching file paths by "p4 where" batch query """ |
| |
| # List depot file paths exclude that already cached |
| fileArgs = [f['path'] for f in files if f['path'] not in self.client_spec_path_cache] |
| |
| if len(fileArgs) == 0: |
| return # All files in cache |
| |
| where_result = p4CmdList(["-x", "-", "where"], stdin=fileArgs) |
| for res in where_result: |
| if "code" in res and res["code"] == "error": |
| # assume error is "... file(s) not in client view" |
| continue |
| if "clientFile" not in res: |
| die("No clientFile in 'p4 where' output") |
| if "unmap" in res: |
| # it will list all of them, but only one not unmap-ped |
| continue |
| if gitConfigBool("core.ignorecase"): |
| res['depotFile'] = res['depotFile'].lower() |
| self.client_spec_path_cache[res['depotFile']] = self.convert_client_path(res["clientFile"]) |
| |
| # not found files or unmap files set to "" |
| for depotFile in fileArgs: |
| if gitConfigBool("core.ignorecase"): |
| depotFile = depotFile.lower() |
| if depotFile not in self.client_spec_path_cache: |
| self.client_spec_path_cache[depotFile] = "" |
| |
| def map_in_client(self, depot_path): |
| """Return the relative location in the client where this |
| depot file should live. Returns "" if the file should |
| not be mapped in the client.""" |
| |
| if gitConfigBool("core.ignorecase"): |
| depot_path = depot_path.lower() |
| |
| if depot_path in self.client_spec_path_cache: |
| return self.client_spec_path_cache[depot_path] |
| |
| die( "Error: %s is not found in client spec path" % depot_path ) |
| return "" |
| |
| class P4Sync(Command, P4UserMap): |
| delete_actions = ( "delete", "move/delete", "purge" ) |
| |
| def __init__(self): |
| Command.__init__(self) |
| P4UserMap.__init__(self) |
| self.options = [ |
| optparse.make_option("--branch", dest="branch"), |
| optparse.make_option("--detect-branches", dest="detectBranches", action="store_true"), |
| optparse.make_option("--changesfile", dest="changesFile"), |
| optparse.make_option("--silent", dest="silent", action="store_true"), |
| optparse.make_option("--detect-labels", dest="detectLabels", action="store_true"), |
| optparse.make_option("--import-labels", dest="importLabels", action="store_true"), |
| optparse.make_option("--import-local", dest="importIntoRemotes", action="store_false", |
| help="Import into refs/heads/ , not refs/remotes"), |
| optparse.make_option("--max-changes", dest="maxChanges", |
| help="Maximum number of changes to import"), |
| optparse.make_option("--changes-block-size", dest="changes_block_size", type="int", |
| help="Internal block size to use when iteratively calling p4 changes"), |
| optparse.make_option("--keep-path", dest="keepRepoPath", action='store_true', |
| help="Keep entire BRANCH/DIR/SUBDIR prefix during import"), |
| optparse.make_option("--use-client-spec", dest="useClientSpec", action='store_true', |
| help="Only sync files that are included in the Perforce Client Spec"), |
| optparse.make_option("-/", dest="cloneExclude", |
| action="append", type="string", |
| help="exclude depot path"), |
| ] |
| self.description = """Imports from Perforce into a git repository.\n |
| example: |
| //depot/my/project/ -- to import the current head |
| //depot/my/project/@all -- to import everything |
| //depot/my/project/@1,6 -- to import only from revision 1 to 6 |
| |
| (a ... is not needed in the path p4 specification, it's added implicitly)""" |
| |
| self.usage += " //depot/path[@revRange]" |
| self.silent = False |
| self.createdBranches = set() |
| self.committedChanges = set() |
| self.branch = "" |
| self.detectBranches = False |
| self.detectLabels = False |
| self.importLabels = False |
| self.changesFile = "" |
| self.syncWithOrigin = True |
| self.importIntoRemotes = True |
| self.maxChanges = "" |
| self.changes_block_size = None |
| self.keepRepoPath = False |
| self.depotPaths = None |
| self.p4BranchesInGit = [] |
| self.cloneExclude = [] |
| self.useClientSpec = False |
| self.useClientSpec_from_options = False |
| self.clientSpecDirs = None |
| self.tempBranches = [] |
| self.tempBranchLocation = "refs/git-p4-tmp" |
| self.largeFileSystem = None |
| |
| if gitConfig('git-p4.largeFileSystem'): |
| largeFileSystemConstructor = globals()[gitConfig('git-p4.largeFileSystem')] |
| self.largeFileSystem = largeFileSystemConstructor( |
| lambda git_mode, relPath, contents: self.writeToGitStream(git_mode, relPath, contents) |
| ) |
| |
| if gitConfig("git-p4.syncFromOrigin") == "false": |
| self.syncWithOrigin = False |
| |
| # This is required for the "append" cloneExclude action |
| def ensure_value(self, attr, value): |
| if not hasattr(self, attr) or getattr(self, attr) is None: |
| setattr(self, attr, value) |
| return getattr(self, attr) |
| |
| # Force a checkpoint in fast-import and wait for it to finish |
| def checkpoint(self): |
| self.gitStream.write("checkpoint\n\n") |
| self.gitStream.write("progress checkpoint\n\n") |
| out = self.gitOutput.readline() |
| if self.verbose: |
| print "checkpoint finished: " + out |
| |
| def extractFilesFromCommit(self, commit): |
| self.cloneExclude = [re.sub(r"\.\.\.$", "", path) |
| for path in self.cloneExclude] |
| files = [] |
| fnum = 0 |
| while commit.has_key("depotFile%s" % fnum): |
| path = commit["depotFile%s" % fnum] |
| |
| if [p for p in self.cloneExclude |
| if p4PathStartsWith(path, p)]: |
| found = False |
| else: |
| found = [p for p in self.depotPaths |
| if p4PathStartsWith(path, p)] |
| if not found: |
| fnum = fnum + 1 |
| continue |
| |
| file = {} |
| file["path"] = path |
| file["rev"] = commit["rev%s" % fnum] |
| file["action"] = commit["action%s" % fnum] |
| file["type"] = commit["type%s" % fnum] |
| files.append(file) |
| fnum = fnum + 1 |
| return files |
| |
| def extractJobsFromCommit(self, commit): |
| jobs = [] |
| jnum = 0 |
| while commit.has_key("job%s" % jnum): |
| job = commit["job%s" % jnum] |
| jobs.append(job) |
| jnum = jnum + 1 |
| return jobs |
| |
| def stripRepoPath(self, path, prefixes): |
| """When streaming files, this is called to map a p4 depot path |
| to where it should go in git. The prefixes are either |
| self.depotPaths, or self.branchPrefixes in the case of |
| branch detection.""" |
| |
| if self.useClientSpec: |
| # branch detection moves files up a level (the branch name) |
| # from what client spec interpretation gives |
| path = self.clientSpecDirs.map_in_client(path) |
| if self.detectBranches: |
| for b in self.knownBranches: |
| if path.startswith(b + "/"): |
| path = path[len(b)+1:] |
| |
| elif self.keepRepoPath: |
| # Preserve everything in relative path name except leading |
| # //depot/; just look at first prefix as they all should |
| # be in the same depot. |
| depot = re.sub("^(//[^/]+/).*", r'\1', prefixes[0]) |
| if p4PathStartsWith(path, depot): |
| path = path[len(depot):] |
| |
| else: |
| for p in prefixes: |
| if p4PathStartsWith(path, p): |
| path = path[len(p):] |
| break |
| |
| path = wildcard_decode(path) |
| return path |
| |
| def splitFilesIntoBranches(self, commit): |
| """Look at each depotFile in the commit to figure out to what |
| branch it belongs.""" |
| |
| if self.clientSpecDirs: |
| files = self.extractFilesFromCommit(commit) |
| self.clientSpecDirs.update_client_spec_path_cache(files) |
| |
| branches = {} |
| fnum = 0 |
| while commit.has_key("depotFile%s" % fnum): |
| path = commit["depotFile%s" % fnum] |
| found = [p for p in self.depotPaths |
| if p4PathStartsWith(path, p)] |
| if not found: |
| fnum = fnum + 1 |
| continue |
| |
| file = {} |
| file["path"] = path |
| file["rev"] = commit["rev%s" % fnum] |
| file["action"] = commit["action%s" % fnum] |
| file["type"] = commit["type%s" % fnum] |
| fnum = fnum + 1 |
| |
| # start with the full relative path where this file would |
| # go in a p4 client |
| if self.useClientSpec: |
| relPath = self.clientSpecDirs.map_in_client(path) |
| else: |
| relPath = self.stripRepoPath(path, self.depotPaths) |
| |
| for branch in self.knownBranches.keys(): |
| # add a trailing slash so that a commit into qt/4.2foo |
| # doesn't end up in qt/4.2, e.g. |
| if relPath.startswith(branch + "/"): |
| if branch not in branches: |
| branches[branch] = [] |
| branches[branch].append(file) |
| break |
| |
| return branches |
| |
| def writeToGitStream(self, gitMode, relPath, contents): |
| self.gitStream.write('M %s inline %s\n' % (gitMode, relPath)) |
| self.gitStream.write('data %d\n' % sum(len(d) for d in contents)) |
| for d in contents: |
| self.gitStream.write(d) |
| self.gitStream.write('\n') |
| |
| # output one file from the P4 stream |
| # - helper for streamP4Files |
| |
| def streamOneP4File(self, file, contents): |
| relPath = self.stripRepoPath(file['depotFile'], self.branchPrefixes) |
| if verbose: |
| size = int(self.stream_file['fileSize']) |
| sys.stdout.write('\r%s --> %s (%i MB)\n' % (file['depotFile'], relPath, size/1024/1024)) |
| sys.stdout.flush() |
| |
| (type_base, type_mods) = split_p4_type(file["type"]) |
| |
| git_mode = "100644" |
| if "x" in type_mods: |
| git_mode = "100755" |
| if type_base == "symlink": |
| git_mode = "120000" |
| # p4 print on a symlink sometimes contains "target\n"; |
| # if it does, remove the newline |
| data = ''.join(contents) |
| if not data: |
| # Some version of p4 allowed creating a symlink that pointed |
| # to nothing. This causes p4 errors when checking out such |
| # a change, and errors here too. Work around it by ignoring |
| # the bad symlink; hopefully a future change fixes it. |
| print "\nIgnoring empty symlink in %s" % file['depotFile'] |
| return |
| elif data[-1] == '\n': |
| contents = [data[:-1]] |
| else: |
| contents = [data] |
| |
| if type_base == "utf16": |
| # p4 delivers different text in the python output to -G |
| # than it does when using "print -o", or normal p4 client |
| # operations. utf16 is converted to ascii or utf8, perhaps. |
| # But ascii text saved as -t utf16 is completely mangled. |
| # Invoke print -o to get the real contents. |
| # |
| # On windows, the newlines will always be mangled by print, so put |
| # them back too. This is not needed to the cygwin windows version, |
| # just the native "NT" type. |
| # |
| try: |
| text = p4_read_pipe(['print', '-q', '-o', '-', '%s@%s' % (file['depotFile'], file['change'])]) |
| except Exception as e: |
| if 'Translation of file content failed' in str(e): |
| type_base = 'binary' |
| else: |
| raise e |
| else: |
| if p4_version_string().find('/NT') >= 0: |
| text = text.replace('\r\n', '\n') |
| contents = [ text ] |
| |
| if type_base == "apple": |
| # Apple filetype files will be streamed as a concatenation of |
| # its appledouble header and the contents. This is useless |
| # on both macs and non-macs. If using "print -q -o xx", it |
| # will create "xx" with the data, and "%xx" with the header. |
| # This is also not very useful. |
| # |
| # Ideally, someday, this script can learn how to generate |
| # appledouble files directly and import those to git, but |
| # non-mac machines can never find a use for apple filetype. |
| print "\nIgnoring apple filetype file %s" % file['depotFile'] |
| return |
| |
| # Note that we do not try to de-mangle keywords on utf16 files, |
| # even though in theory somebody may want that. |
| pattern = p4_keywords_regexp_for_type(type_base, type_mods) |
| if pattern: |
| regexp = re.compile(pattern, re.VERBOSE) |
| text = ''.join(contents) |
| text = regexp.sub(r'$\1$', text) |
| contents = [ text ] |
| |
| try: |
| relPath.decode('ascii') |
| except: |
| encoding = 'utf8' |
| if gitConfig('git-p4.pathEncoding'): |
| encoding = gitConfig('git-p4.pathEncoding') |
| relPath = relPath.decode(encoding, 'replace').encode('utf8', 'replace') |
| if self.verbose: |
| print 'Path with non-ASCII characters detected. Used %s to encode: %s ' % (encoding, relPath) |
| |
| if self.largeFileSystem: |
| (git_mode, contents) = self.largeFileSystem.processContent(git_mode, relPath, contents) |
| |
| self.writeToGitStream(git_mode, relPath, contents) |
| |
| def streamOneP4Deletion(self, file): |
| relPath = self.stripRepoPath(file['path'], self.branchPrefixes) |
| if verbose: |
| sys.stdout.write("delete %s\n" % relPath) |
| sys.stdout.flush() |
| self.gitStream.write("D %s\n" % relPath) |
| |
| if self.largeFileSystem and self.largeFileSystem.isLargeFile(relPath): |
| self.largeFileSystem.removeLargeFile(relPath) |
| |
| # handle another chunk of streaming data |
| def streamP4FilesCb(self, marshalled): |
| |
| # catch p4 errors and complain |
| err = None |
| if "code" in marshalled: |
| if marshalled["code"] == "error": |
| if "data" in marshalled: |
| err = marshalled["data"].rstrip() |
| |
| if not err and 'fileSize' in self.stream_file: |
| required_bytes = int((4 * int(self.stream_file["fileSize"])) - calcDiskFree()) |
| if required_bytes > 0: |
| err = 'Not enough space left on %s! Free at least %i MB.' % ( |
| os.getcwd(), required_bytes/1024/1024 |
| ) |
| |
| if err: |
| f = None |
| if self.stream_have_file_info: |
| if "depotFile" in self.stream_file: |
| f = self.stream_file["depotFile"] |
| # force a failure in fast-import, else an empty |
| # commit will be made |
| self.gitStream.write("\n") |
| self.gitStream.write("die-now\n") |
| self.gitStream.close() |
| # ignore errors, but make sure it exits first |
| self.importProcess.wait() |
| if f: |
| die("Error from p4 print for %s: %s" % (f, err)) |
| else: |
| die("Error from p4 print: %s" % err) |
| |
| if marshalled.has_key('depotFile') and self.stream_have_file_info: |
| # start of a new file - output the old one first |
| self.streamOneP4File(self.stream_file, self.stream_contents) |
| self.stream_file = {} |
| self.stream_contents = [] |
| self.stream_have_file_info = False |
| |
| # pick up the new file information... for the |
| # 'data' field we need to append to our array |
| for k in marshalled.keys(): |
| if k == 'data': |
| if 'streamContentSize' not in self.stream_file: |
| self.stream_file['streamContentSize'] = 0 |
| self.stream_file['streamContentSize'] += len(marshalled['data']) |
| self.stream_contents.append(marshalled['data']) |
| else: |
| self.stream_file[k] = marshalled[k] |
| |
| if (verbose and |
| 'streamContentSize' in self.stream_file and |
| 'fileSize' in self.stream_file and |
| 'depotFile' in self.stream_file): |
| size = int(self.stream_file["fileSize"]) |
| if size > 0: |
| progress = 100*self.stream_file['streamContentSize']/size |
| sys.stdout.write('\r%s %d%% (%i MB)' % (self.stream_file['depotFile'], progress, int(size/1024/1024))) |
| sys.stdout.flush() |
| |
| self.stream_have_file_info = True |
| |
| # Stream directly from "p4 files" into "git fast-import" |
| def streamP4Files(self, files): |
| filesForCommit = [] |
| filesToRead = [] |
| filesToDelete = [] |
| |
| for f in files: |
| filesForCommit.append(f) |
| if f['action'] in self.delete_actions: |
| filesToDelete.append(f) |
| else: |
| filesToRead.append(f) |
| |
| # deleted files... |
| for f in filesToDelete: |
| self.streamOneP4Deletion(f) |
| |
| if len(filesToRead) > 0: |
| self.stream_file = {} |
| self.stream_contents = [] |
| self.stream_have_file_info = False |
| |
| # curry self argument |
| def streamP4FilesCbSelf(entry): |
| self.streamP4FilesCb(entry) |
| |
| fileArgs = ['%s#%s' % (f['path'], f['rev']) for f in filesToRead] |
| |
| p4CmdList(["-x", "-", "print"], |
| stdin=fileArgs, |
| cb=streamP4FilesCbSelf) |
| |
| # do the last chunk |
| if self.stream_file.has_key('depotFile'): |
| self.streamOneP4File(self.stream_file, self.stream_contents) |
| |
| def make_email(self, userid): |
| if userid in self.users: |
| return self.users[userid] |
| else: |
| return "%s <a@b>" % userid |
| |
| def streamTag(self, gitStream, labelName, labelDetails, commit, epoch): |
| """ Stream a p4 tag. |
| commit is either a git commit, or a fast-import mark, ":<p4commit>" |
| """ |
| |
| if verbose: |
| print "writing tag %s for commit %s" % (labelName, commit) |
| gitStream.write("tag %s\n" % labelName) |
| gitStream.write("from %s\n" % commit) |
| |
| if labelDetails.has_key('Owner'): |
| owner = labelDetails["Owner"] |
| else: |
| owner = None |
| |
| # Try to use the owner of the p4 label, or failing that, |
| # the current p4 user id. |
| if owner: |
| email = self.make_email(owner) |
| else: |
| email = self.make_email(self.p4UserId()) |
| tagger = "%s %s %s" % (email, epoch, self.tz) |
| |
| gitStream.write("tagger %s\n" % tagger) |
| |
| print "labelDetails=",labelDetails |
| if labelDetails.has_key('Description'): |
| description = labelDetails['Description'] |
| else: |
| description = 'Label from git p4' |
| |
| gitStream.write("data %d\n" % len(description)) |
| gitStream.write(description) |
| gitStream.write("\n") |
| |
| def inClientSpec(self, path): |
| if not self.clientSpecDirs: |
| return True |
| inClientSpec = self.clientSpecDirs.map_in_client(path) |
| if not inClientSpec and self.verbose: |
| print('Ignoring file outside of client spec: {0}'.format(path)) |
| return inClientSpec |
| |
| def hasBranchPrefix(self, path): |
| if not self.branchPrefixes: |
| return True |
| hasPrefix = [p for p in self.branchPrefixes |
| if p4PathStartsWith(path, p)] |
| if not hasPrefix and self.verbose: |
| print('Ignoring file outside of prefix: {0}'.format(path)) |
| return hasPrefix |
| |
| def commit(self, details, files, branch, parent = ""): |
| epoch = details["time"] |
| author = details["user"] |
| jobs = self.extractJobsFromCommit(details) |
| |
| if self.verbose: |
| print('commit into {0}'.format(branch)) |
| |
| if self.clientSpecDirs: |
| self.clientSpecDirs.update_client_spec_path_cache(files) |
| |
| files = [f for f in files |
| if self.inClientSpec(f['path']) and self.hasBranchPrefix(f['path'])] |
| |
| if not files and not gitConfigBool('git-p4.keepEmptyCommits'): |
| print('Ignoring revision {0} as it would produce an empty commit.' |
| .format(details['change'])) |
| return |
| |
| self.gitStream.write("commit %s\n" % branch) |
| self.gitStream.write("mark :%s\n" % details["change"]) |
| self.committedChanges.add(int(details["change"])) |
| committer = "" |
| if author not in self.users: |
| self.getUserMapFromPerforceServer() |
| committer = "%s %s %s" % (self.make_email(author), epoch, self.tz) |
| |
| self.gitStream.write("committer %s\n" % committer) |
| |
| self.gitStream.write("data <<EOT\n") |
| self.gitStream.write(details["desc"]) |
| if len(jobs) > 0: |
| self.gitStream.write("\nJobs: %s" % (' '.join(jobs))) |
| self.gitStream.write("\n[git-p4: depot-paths = \"%s\": change = %s" % |
| (','.join(self.branchPrefixes), details["change"])) |
| if len(details['options']) > 0: |
| self.gitStream.write(": options = %s" % details['options']) |
| self.gitStream.write("]\nEOT\n\n") |
| |
| if len(parent) > 0: |
| if self.verbose: |
| print "parent %s" % parent |
| self.gitStream.write("from %s\n" % parent) |
| |
| self.streamP4Files(files) |
| self.gitStream.write("\n") |
| |
| change = int(details["change"]) |
| |
| if self.labels.has_key(change): |
| label = self.labels[change] |
| labelDetails = label[0] |
| labelRevisions = label[1] |
| if self.verbose: |
| print "Change %s is labelled %s" % (change, labelDetails) |
| |
| files = p4CmdList(["files"] + ["%s...@%s" % (p, change) |
| for p in self.branchPrefixes]) |
| |
| if len(files) == len(labelRevisions): |
| |
| cleanedFiles = {} |
| for info in files: |
| if info["action"] in self.delete_actions: |
| continue |
| cleanedFiles[info["depotFile"]] = info["rev"] |
| |
| if cleanedFiles == labelRevisions: |
| self.streamTag(self.gitStream, 'tag_%s' % labelDetails['label'], labelDetails, branch, epoch) |
| |
| else: |
| if not self.silent: |
| print ("Tag %s does not match with change %s: files do not match." |
| % (labelDetails["label"], change)) |
| |
| else: |
| if not self.silent: |
| print ("Tag %s does not match with change %s: file count is different." |
| % (labelDetails["label"], change)) |
| |
| # Build a dictionary of changelists and labels, for "detect-labels" option. |
| def getLabels(self): |
| self.labels = {} |
| |
| l = p4CmdList(["labels"] + ["%s..." % p for p in self.depotPaths]) |
| if len(l) > 0 and not self.silent: |
| print "Finding files belonging to labels in %s" % `self.depotPaths` |
| |
| for output in l: |
| label = output["label"] |
| revisions = {} |
| newestChange = 0 |
| if self.verbose: |
| print "Querying files for label %s" % label |
| for file in p4CmdList(["files"] + |
| ["%s...@%s" % (p, label) |
| for p in self.depotPaths]): |
| revisions[file["depotFile"]] = file["rev"] |
| change = int(file["change"]) |
| if change > newestChange: |
| newestChange = change |
| |
| self.labels[newestChange] = [output, revisions] |
| |
| if self.verbose: |
| print "Label changes: %s" % self.labels.keys() |
| |
| # Import p4 labels as git tags. A direct mapping does not |
| # exist, so assume that if all the files are at the same revision |
| # then we can use that, or it's something more complicated we should |
| # just ignore. |
| def importP4Labels(self, stream, p4Labels): |
| if verbose: |
| print "import p4 labels: " + ' '.join(p4Labels) |
| |
| ignoredP4Labels = gitConfigList("git-p4.ignoredP4Labels") |
| validLabelRegexp = gitConfig("git-p4.labelImportRegexp") |
| if len(validLabelRegexp) == 0: |
| validLabelRegexp = defaultLabelRegexp |
| m = re.compile(validLabelRegexp) |
| |
| for name in p4Labels: |
| commitFound = False |
| |
| if not m.match(name): |
| if verbose: |
| print "label %s does not match regexp %s" % (name,validLabelRegexp) |
| continue |
| |
| if name in ignoredP4Labels: |
| continue |
| |
| labelDetails = p4CmdList(['label', "-o", name])[0] |
| |
| # get the most recent changelist for each file in this label |
| change = p4Cmd(["changes", "-m", "1"] + ["%s...@%s" % (p, name) |
| for p in self.depotPaths]) |
| |
| if change.has_key('change'): |
| # find the corresponding git commit; take the oldest commit |
| changelist = int(change['change']) |
| if changelist in self.committedChanges: |
| gitCommit = ":%d" % changelist # use a fast-import mark |
| commitFound = True |
| else: |
| gitCommit = read_pipe(["git", "rev-list", "--max-count=1", |
| "--reverse", ":/\[git-p4:.*change = %d\]" % changelist], ignore_error=True) |
| if len(gitCommit) == 0: |
| print "importing label %s: could not find git commit for changelist %d" % (name, changelist) |
| else: |
| commitFound = True |
| gitCommit = gitCommit.strip() |
| |
| if commitFound: |
| # Convert from p4 time format |
| try: |
| tmwhen = time.strptime(labelDetails['Update'], "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S") |
| except ValueError: |
| print "Could not convert label time %s" % labelDetails['Update'] |
| tmwhen = 1 |
| |
| when = int(time.mktime(tmwhen)) |
| self.streamTag(stream, name, labelDetails, gitCommit, when) |
| if verbose: |
| print "p4 label %s mapped to git commit %s" % (name, gitCommit) |
| else: |
| if verbose: |
| print "Label %s has no changelists - possibly deleted?" % name |
| |
| if not commitFound: |
| # We can't import this label; don't try again as it will get very |
| # expensive repeatedly fetching all the files for labels that will |
| # never be imported. If the label is moved in the future, the |
| # ignore will need to be removed manually. |
| system(["git", "config", "--add", "git-p4.ignoredP4Labels", name]) |
| |
| def guessProjectName(self): |
| for p in self.depotPaths: |
| if p.endswith("/"): |
| p = p[:-1] |
| p = p[p.strip().rfind("/") + 1:] |
| if not p.endswith("/"): |
| p += "/" |
| return p |
| |
| def getBranchMapping(self): |
| lostAndFoundBranches = set() |
| |
| user = gitConfig("git-p4.branchUser") |
| if len(user) > 0: |
| command = "branches -u %s" % user |
| else: |
| command = "branches" |
| |
| for info in p4CmdList(command): |
| details = p4Cmd(["branch", "-o", info["branch"]]) |
| viewIdx = 0 |
| while details.has_key("View%s" % viewIdx): |
| paths = details["View%s" % viewIdx].split(" ") |
| viewIdx = viewIdx + 1 |
| # require standard //depot/foo/... //depot/bar/... mapping |
| if len(paths) != 2 or not paths[0].endswith("/...") or not paths[1].endswith("/..."): |
| continue |
| source = paths[0] |
| destination = paths[1] |
| ## HACK |
| if p4PathStartsWith(source, self.depotPaths[0]) and p4PathStartsWith(destination, self.depotPaths[0]): |
| source = source[len(self.depotPaths[0]):-4] |
| destination = destination[len(self.depotPaths[0]):-4] |
| |
| if destination in self.knownBranches: |
| if not self.silent: |
| print "p4 branch %s defines a mapping from %s to %s" % (info["branch"], source, destination) |
| print "but there exists another mapping from %s to %s already!" % (self.knownBranches[destination], destination) |
| continue |
| |
| self.knownBranches[destination] = source |
| |
| lostAndFoundBranches.discard(destination) |
| |
| if source not in self.knownBranches: |
| lostAndFoundBranches.add(source) |
| |
| # Perforce does not strictly require branches to be defined, so we also |
| # check git config for a branch list. |
| # |
| # Example of branch definition in git config file: |
| # [git-p4] |
| # branchList=main:branchA |
| # branchList=main:branchB |
| # branchList=branchA:branchC |
| configBranches = gitConfigList("git-p4.branchList") |
| for branch in configBranches: |
| if branch: |
| (source, destination) = branch.split(":") |
| self.knownBranches[destination] = source |
| |
| lostAndFoundBranches.discard(destination) |
| |
| if source not in self.knownBranches: |
| lostAndFoundBranches.add(source) |
| |
| |
| for branch in lostAndFoundBranches: |
| self.knownBranches[branch] = branch |
| |
| def getBranchMappingFromGitBranches(self): |
| branches = p4BranchesInGit(self.importIntoRemotes) |
| for branch in branches.keys(): |
| if branch == "master": |
| branch = "main" |
| else: |
| branch = branch[len(self.projectName):] |
| self.knownBranches[branch] = branch |
| |
| def updateOptionDict(self, d): |
| option_keys = {} |
| if self.keepRepoPath: |
| option_keys['keepRepoPath'] = 1 |
| |
| d["options"] = ' '.join(sorted(option_keys.keys())) |
| |
| def readOptions(self, d): |
| self.keepRepoPath = (d.has_key('options') |
| and ('keepRepoPath' in d['options'])) |
| |
| def gitRefForBranch(self, branch): |
| if branch == "main": |
| return self.refPrefix + "master" |
| |
| if len(branch) <= 0: |
| return branch |
| |
| return self.refPrefix + self.projectName + branch |
| |
| def gitCommitByP4Change(self, ref, change): |
| if self.verbose: |
| print "looking in ref " + ref + " for change %s using bisect..." % change |
| |
| earliestCommit = "" |
| latestCommit = parseRevision(ref) |
| |
| while True: |
| if self.verbose: |
| print "trying: earliest %s latest %s" % (earliestCommit, latestCommit) |
| next = read_pipe("git rev-list --bisect %s %s" % (latestCommit, earliestCommit)).strip() |
| if len(next) == 0: |
| if self.verbose: |
| print "argh" |
| return "" |
| log = extractLogMessageFromGitCommit(next) |
| settings = extractSettingsGitLog(log) |
| currentChange = int(settings['change']) |
| if self.verbose: |
| print "current change %s" % currentChange |
| |
| if currentChange == change: |
| if self.verbose: |
| print "found %s" % next |
| return next |
| |
| if currentChange < change: |
| earliestCommit = "^%s" % next |
| else: |
| latestCommit = "%s" % next |
| |
| return "" |
| |
| def importNewBranch(self, branch, maxChange): |
| # make fast-import flush all changes to disk and update the refs using the checkpoint |
| # command so that we can try to find the branch parent in the git history |
| self.gitStream.write("checkpoint\n\n"); |
| self.gitStream.flush(); |
| branchPrefix = self.depotPaths[0] + branch + "/" |
| range = "@1,%s" % maxChange |
| #print "prefix" + branchPrefix |
| changes = p4ChangesForPaths([branchPrefix], range, self.changes_block_size) |
| if len(changes) <= 0: |
| return False |
| firstChange = changes[0] |
| #print "first change in branch: %s" % firstChange |
| sourceBranch = self.knownBranches[branch] |
| sourceDepotPath = self.depotPaths[0] + sourceBranch |
| sourceRef = self.gitRefForBranch(sourceBranch) |
| #print "source " + sourceBranch |
| |
| branchParentChange = int(p4Cmd(["changes", "-m", "1", "%s...@1,%s" % (sourceDepotPath, firstChange)])["change"]) |
| #print "branch parent: %s" % branchParentChange |
| gitParent = self.gitCommitByP4Change(sourceRef, branchParentChange) |
| if len(gitParent) > 0: |
| self.initialParents[self.gitRefForBranch(branch)] = gitParent |
| #print "parent git commit: %s" % gitParent |
| |
| self.importChanges(changes) |
| return True |
| |
| def searchParent(self, parent, branch, target): |
| parentFound = False |
| for blob in read_pipe_lines(["git", "rev-list", "--reverse", |
| "--no-merges", parent]): |
| blob = blob.strip() |
| if len(read_pipe(["git", "diff-tree", blob, target])) == 0: |
| parentFound = True |
| if self.verbose: |
| print "Found parent of %s in commit %s" % (branch, blob) |
| break |
| if parentFound: |
| return blob |
| else: |
| return None |
| |
| def importChanges(self, changes): |
| cnt = 1 |
| for change in changes: |
| description = p4_describe(change) |
| self.updateOptionDict(description) |
| |
| if not self.silent: |
| sys.stdout.write("\rImporting revision %s (%s%%)" % (change, cnt * 100 / len(changes))) |
| sys.stdout.flush() |
| cnt = cnt + 1 |
| |
| try: |
| if self.detectBranches: |
| branches = self.splitFilesIntoBranches(description) |
| for branch in branches.keys(): |
| ## HACK --hwn |
| branchPrefix = self.depotPaths[0] + branch + "/" |
| self.branchPrefixes = [ branchPrefix ] |
| |
| parent = "" |
| |
| filesForCommit = branches[branch] |
| |
| if self.verbose: |
| print "branch is %s" % branch |
| |
| self.updatedBranches.add(branch) |
| |
| if branch not in self.createdBranches: |
| self.createdBranches.add(branch) |
| parent = self.knownBranches[branch] |
| if parent == branch: |
| parent = "" |
| else: |
| fullBranch = self.projectName + branch |
| if fullBranch not in self.p4BranchesInGit: |
| if not self.silent: |
| print("\n Importing new branch %s" % fullBranch); |
| if self.importNewBranch(branch, change - 1): |
| parent = "" |
| self.p4BranchesInGit.append(fullBranch) |
| if not self.silent: |
| print("\n Resuming with change %s" % change); |
| |
| if self.verbose: |
| print "parent determined through known branches: %s" % parent |
| |
| branch = self.gitRefForBranch(branch) |
| parent = self.gitRefForBranch(parent) |
| |
| if self.verbose: |
| print "looking for initial parent for %s; current parent is %s" % (branch, parent) |
| |
| if len(parent) == 0 and branch in self.initialParents: |
| parent = self.initialParents[branch] |
| del self.initialParents[branch] |
| |
| blob = None |
| if len(parent) > 0: |
| tempBranch = "%s/%d" % (self.tempBranchLocation, change) |
| if self.verbose: |
| print "Creating temporary branch: " + tempBranch |
| self.commit(description, filesForCommit, tempBranch) |
| self.tempBranches.append(tempBranch) |
| self.checkpoint() |
| blob = self.searchParent(parent, branch, tempBranch) |
| if blob: |
| self.commit(description, filesForCommit, branch, blob) |
| else: |
| if self.verbose: |
| print "Parent of %s not found. Committing into head of %s" % (branch, parent) |
| self.commit(description, filesForCommit, branch, parent) |
| else: |
| files = self.extractFilesFromCommit(description) |
| self.commit(description, files, self.branch, |
| self.initialParent) |
| # only needed once, to connect to the previous commit |
| self.initialParent = "" |
| except IOError: |
| print self.gitError.read() |
| sys.exit(1) |
| |
| def importHeadRevision(self, revision): |
| print "Doing initial import of %s from revision %s into %s" % (' '.join(self.depotPaths), revision, self.branch) |
| |
| details = {} |
| details["user"] = "git perforce import user" |
| details["desc"] = ("Initial import of %s from the state at revision %s\n" |
| % (' '.join(self.depotPaths), revision)) |
| details["change"] = revision |
| newestRevision = 0 |
| |
| fileCnt = 0 |
| fileArgs = ["%s...%s" % (p,revision) for p in self.depotPaths] |
| |
| for info in p4CmdList(["files"] + fileArgs): |
| |
| if 'code' in info and info['code'] == 'error': |
| sys.stderr.write("p4 returned an error: %s\n" |
| % info['data']) |
| if info['data'].find("must refer to client") >= 0: |
| sys.stderr.write("This particular p4 error is misleading.\n") |
| sys.stderr.write("Perhaps the depot path was misspelled.\n"); |
| sys.stderr.write("Depot path: %s\n" % " ".join(self.depotPaths)) |
| sys.exit(1) |
| if 'p4ExitCode' in info: |
| sys.stderr.write("p4 exitcode: %s\n" % info['p4ExitCode']) |
| sys.exit(1) |
| |
| |
| change = int(info["change"]) |
| if change > newestRevision: |
| newestRevision = change |
| |
| if info["action"] in self.delete_actions: |
| # don't increase the file cnt, otherwise details["depotFile123"] will have gaps! |
| #fileCnt = fileCnt + 1 |
| continue |
| |
| for prop in ["depotFile", "rev", "action", "type" ]: |
| details["%s%s" % (prop, fileCnt)] = info[prop] |
| |
| fileCnt = fileCnt + 1 |
| |
| details["change"] = newestRevision |
| |
| # Use time from top-most change so that all git p4 clones of |
| # the same p4 repo have the same commit SHA1s. |
| res = p4_describe(newestRevision) |
| details["time"] = res["time"] |
| |
| self.updateOptionDict(details) |
| try: |
| self.commit(details, self.extractFilesFromCommit(details), self.branch) |
| except IOError: |
| print "IO error with git fast-import. Is your git version recent enough?" |
| print self.gitError.read() |
| |
| |
| def run(self, args): |
| self.depotPaths = [] |
| self.changeRange = "" |
| self.previousDepotPaths = [] |
| self.hasOrigin = False |
| |
| # map from branch depot path to parent branch |
| self.knownBranches = {} |
| self.initialParents = {} |
| |
| if self.importIntoRemotes: |
| self.refPrefix = "refs/remotes/p4/" |
| else: |
| self.refPrefix = "refs/heads/p4/" |
| |
| if self.syncWithOrigin: |
| self.hasOrigin = originP4BranchesExist() |
| if self.hasOrigin: |
| if not self.silent: |
| print 'Syncing with origin first, using "git fetch origin"' |
| system("git fetch origin") |
| |
| branch_arg_given = bool(self.branch) |
| if len(self.branch) == 0: |
| self.branch = self.refPrefix + "master" |
| if gitBranchExists("refs/heads/p4") and self.importIntoRemotes: |
| system("git update-ref %s refs/heads/p4" % self.branch) |
| system("git branch -D p4") |
| |
| # accept either the command-line option, or the configuration variable |
| if self.useClientSpec: |
| # will use this after clone to set the variable |
| self.useClientSpec_from_options = True |
| else: |
| if gitConfigBool("git-p4.useclientspec"): |
| self.useClientSpec = True |
| if self.useClientSpec: |
| self.clientSpecDirs = getClientSpec() |
| |
| # TODO: should always look at previous commits, |
| # merge with previous imports, if possible. |
| if args == []: |
| if self.hasOrigin: |
| createOrUpdateBranchesFromOrigin(self.refPrefix, self.silent) |
| |
| # branches holds mapping from branch name to sha1 |
| branches = p4BranchesInGit(self.importIntoRemotes) |
| |
| # restrict to just this one, disabling detect-branches |
| if branch_arg_given: |
| short = self.branch.split("/")[-1] |
| if short in branches: |
| self.p4BranchesInGit = [ short ] |
| else: |
| self.p4BranchesInGit = branches.keys() |
| |
| if len(self.p4BranchesInGit) > 1: |
| if not self.silent: |
| print "Importing from/into multiple branches" |
| self.detectBranches = True |
| for branch in branches.keys(): |
| self.initialParents[self.refPrefix + branch] = \ |
| branches[branch] |
| |
| if self.verbose: |
| print "branches: %s" % self.p4BranchesInGit |
| |
| p4Change = 0 |
| for branch in self.p4BranchesInGit: |
| logMsg = extractLogMessageFromGitCommit(self.refPrefix + branch) |
| |
| settings = extractSettingsGitLog(logMsg) |
| |
| self.readOptions(settings) |
| if (settings.has_key('depot-paths') |
| and settings.has_key ('change')): |
| change = int(settings['change']) + 1 |
| p4Change = max(p4Change, change) |
| |
| depotPaths = sorted(settings['depot-paths']) |
| if self.previousDepotPaths == []: |
| self.previousDepotPaths = depotPaths |
| else: |
| paths = [] |
| for (prev, cur) in zip(self.previousDepotPaths, depotPaths): |
| prev_list = prev.split("/") |
| cur_list = cur.split("/") |
| for i in range(0, min(len(cur_list), len(prev_list))): |
| if cur_list[i] <> prev_list[i]: |
| i = i - 1 |
| break |
| |
| paths.append ("/".join(cur_list[:i + 1])) |
| |
| self.previousDepotPaths = paths |
| |
| if p4Change > 0: |
| self.depotPaths = sorted(self.previousDepotPaths) |
| self.changeRange = "@%s,#head" % p4Change |
| if not self.silent and not self.detectBranches: |
| print "Performing incremental import into %s git branch" % self.branch |
| |
| # accept multiple ref name abbreviations: |
| # refs/foo/bar/branch -> use it exactly |
| # p4/branch -> prepend refs/remotes/ or refs/heads/ |
| # branch -> prepend refs/remotes/p4/ or refs/heads/p4/ |
| if not self.branch.startswith("refs/"): |
| if self.importIntoRemotes: |
| prepend = "refs/remotes/" |
| else: |
| prepend = "refs/heads/" |
| if not self.branch.startswith("p4/"): |
| prepend += "p4/" |
| self.branch = prepend + self.branch |
| |
| if len(args) == 0 and self.depotPaths: |
| if not self.silent: |
| print "Depot paths: %s" % ' '.join(self.depotPaths) |
| else: |
| if self.depotPaths and self.depotPaths != args: |
| print ("previous import used depot path %s and now %s was specified. " |
| "This doesn't work!" % (' '.join (self.depotPaths), |
| ' '.join (args))) |
| sys.exit(1) |
| |
| self.depotPaths = sorted(args) |
| |
| revision = "" |
| self.users = {} |
| |
| # Make sure no revision specifiers are used when --changesfile |
| # is specified. |
| bad_changesfile = False |
| if len(self.changesFile) > 0: |
| for p in self.depotPaths: |
| if p.find("@") >= 0 or p.find("#") >= 0: |
| bad_changesfile = True |
| break |
| if bad_changesfile: |
| die("Option --changesfile is incompatible with revision specifiers") |
| |
| newPaths = [] |
| for p in self.depotPaths: |
| if p.find("@") != -1: |
| atIdx = p.index("@") |
| self.changeRange = p[atIdx:] |
| if self.changeRange == "@all": |
| self.changeRange = "" |
| elif ',' not in self.changeRange: |
| revision = self.changeRange |
| self.changeRange = "" |
| p = p[:atIdx] |
| elif p.find("#") != -1: |
| hashIdx = p.index("#") |
| revision = p[hashIdx:] |
| p = p[:hashIdx] |
| elif self.previousDepotPaths == []: |
| # pay attention to changesfile, if given, else import |
| # the entire p4 tree at the head revision |
| if len(self.changesFile) == 0: |
| revision = "#head" |
| |
| p = re.sub ("\.\.\.$", "", p) |
| if not p.endswith("/"): |
| p += "/" |
| |
| newPaths.append(p) |
| |
| self.depotPaths = newPaths |
| |
| # --detect-branches may change this for each branch |
| self.branchPrefixes = self.depotPaths |
| |
| self.loadUserMapFromCache() |
| self.labels = {} |
| if self.detectLabels: |
| self.getLabels(); |
| |
| if self.detectBranches: |
| ## FIXME - what's a P4 projectName ? |
| self.projectName = self.guessProjectName() |
| |
| if self.hasOrigin: |
| self.getBranchMappingFromGitBranches() |
| else: |
| self.getBranchMapping() |
| if self.verbose: |
| print "p4-git branches: %s" % self.p4BranchesInGit |
| print "initial parents: %s" % self.initialParents |
| for b in self.p4BranchesInGit: |
| if b != "master": |
| |
| ## FIXME |
| b = b[len(self.projectName):] |
| self.createdBranches.add(b) |
| |
| self.tz = "%+03d%02d" % (- time.timezone / 3600, ((- time.timezone % 3600) / 60)) |
| |
| self.importProcess = subprocess.Popen(["git", "fast-import"], |
| stdin=subprocess.PIPE, |
| stdout=subprocess.PIPE, |
| stderr=subprocess.PIPE); |
| self.gitOutput = self.importProcess.stdout |
| self.gitStream = self.importProcess.stdin |
| self.gitError = self.importProcess.stderr |
| |
| if revision: |
| self.importHeadRevision(revision) |
| else: |
| changes = [] |
| |
| if len(self.changesFile) > 0: |
| output = open(self.changesFile).readlines() |
| changeSet = set() |
| for line in output: |
| changeSet.add(int(line)) |
| |
| for change in changeSet: |
| changes.append(change) |
| |
| changes.sort() |
| else: |
| # catch "git p4 sync" with no new branches, in a repo that |
| # does not have any existing p4 branches |
| if len(args) == 0: |
| if not self.p4BranchesInGit: |
| die("No remote p4 branches. Perhaps you never did \"git p4 clone\" in here.") |
| |
| # The default branch is master, unless --branch is used to |
| # specify something else. Make sure it exists, or complain |
| # nicely about how to use --branch. |
| if not self.detectBranches: |
| if not branch_exists(self.branch): |
| if branch_arg_given: |
| die("Error: branch %s does not exist." % self.branch) |
| else: |
| die("Error: no branch %s; perhaps specify one with --branch." % |
| self.branch) |
| |
| if self.verbose: |
| print "Getting p4 changes for %s...%s" % (', '.join(self.depotPaths), |
| self.changeRange) |
| changes = p4ChangesForPaths(self.depotPaths, self.changeRange, self.changes_block_size) |
| |
| if len(self.maxChanges) > 0: |
| changes = changes[:min(int(self.maxChanges), len(changes))] |
| |
| if len(changes) == 0: |
| if not self.silent: |
| print "No changes to import!" |
| else: |
| if not self.silent and not self.detectBranches: |
| print "Import destination: %s" % self.branch |
| |
| self.updatedBranches = set() |
| |
| if not self.detectBranches: |
| if args: |
| # start a new branch |
| self.initialParent = "" |
| else: |
| # build on a previous revision |
| self.initialParent = parseRevision(self.branch) |
| |
| self.importChanges(changes) |
| |
| if not self.silent: |
| print "" |
| if len(self.updatedBranches) > 0: |
| sys.stdout.write("Updated branches: ") |
| for b in self.updatedBranches: |
| sys.stdout.write("%s " % b) |
| sys.stdout.write("\n") |
| |
| if gitConfigBool("git-p4.importLabels"): |
| self.importLabels = True |
| |
| if self.importLabels: |
| p4Labels = getP4Labels(self.depotPaths) |
| gitTags = getGitTags() |
| |
| missingP4Labels = p4Labels - gitTags |
| self.importP4Labels(self.gitStream, missingP4Labels) |
| |
| self.gitStream.close() |
| if self.importProcess.wait() != 0: |
| die("fast-import failed: %s" % self.gitError.read()) |
| self.gitOutput.close() |
| self.gitError.close() |
| |
| # Cleanup temporary branches created during import |
| if self.tempBranches != []: |
| for branch in self.tempBranches: |
| read_pipe("git update-ref -d %s" % branch) |
| os.rmdir(os.path.join(os.environ.get("GIT_DIR", ".git"), self.tempBranchLocation)) |
| |
| # Create a symbolic ref p4/HEAD pointing to p4/<branch> to allow |
| # a convenient shortcut refname "p4". |
| if self.importIntoRemotes: |
| head_ref = self.refPrefix + "HEAD" |
| if not gitBranchExists(head_ref) and gitBranchExists(self.branch): |
| system(["git", "symbolic-ref", head_ref, self.branch]) |
| |
| return True |
| |
| class P4Rebase(Command): |
| def __init__(self): |
| Command.__init__(self) |
| self.options = [ |
| optparse.make_option("--import-labels", dest="importLabels", action="store_true"), |
| ] |
| self.importLabels = False |
| self.description = ("Fetches the latest revision from perforce and " |
| + "rebases the current work (branch) against it") |
| |
| def run(self, args): |
| sync = P4Sync() |
| sync.importLabels = self.importLabels |
| sync.run([]) |
| |
| return self.rebase() |
| |
| def rebase(self): |
| if os.system("git update-index --refresh") != 0: |
| die("Some files in your working directory are modified and different than what is in your index. You can use git update-index <filename> to bring the index up-to-date or stash away all your changes with git stash."); |
| if len(read_pipe("git diff-index HEAD --")) > 0: |
| die("You have uncommitted changes. Please commit them before rebasing or stash them away with git stash."); |
| |
| [upstream, settings] = findUpstreamBranchPoint() |
| if len(upstream) == 0: |
| die("Cannot find upstream branchpoint for rebase") |
| |
| # the branchpoint may be p4/foo~3, so strip off the parent |
| upstream = re.sub("~[0-9]+$", "", upstream) |
| |
| print "Rebasing the current branch onto %s" % upstream |
| oldHead = read_pipe("git rev-parse HEAD").strip() |
| system("git rebase %s" % upstream) |
| system("git diff-tree --stat --summary -M %s HEAD --" % oldHead) |
| return True |
| |
| class P4Clone(P4Sync): |
| def __init__(self): |
| P4Sync.__init__(self) |
| self.description = "Creates a new git repository and imports from Perforce into it" |
| self.usage = "usage: %prog [options] //depot/path[@revRange]" |
| self.options += [ |
| optparse.make_option("--destination", dest="cloneDestination", |
| action='store', default=None, |
| help="where to leave result of the clone"), |
| optparse.make_option("--bare", dest="cloneBare", |
| action="store_true", default=False), |
| ] |
| self.cloneDestination = None |
| self.needsGit = False |
| self.cloneBare = False |
| |
| def defaultDestination(self, args): |
| ## TODO: use common prefix of args? |
| depotPath = args[0] |
| depotDir = re.sub("(@[^@]*)$", "", depotPath) |
| depotDir = re.sub("(#[^#]*)$", "", depotDir) |
| depotDir = re.sub(r"\.\.\.$", "", depotDir) |
| depotDir = re.sub(r"/$", "", depotDir) |
| return os.path.split(depotDir)[1] |
| |
| def run(self, args): |
| if len(args) < 1: |
| return False |
| |
| if self.keepRepoPath and not self.cloneDestination: |
| sys.stderr.write("Must specify destination for --keep-path\n") |
| sys.exit(1) |
| |
| depotPaths = args |
| |
| if not self.cloneDestination and len(depotPaths) > 1: |
| self.cloneDestination = depotPaths[-1] |
| depotPaths = depotPaths[:-1] |
| |
| self.cloneExclude = ["/"+p for p in self.cloneExclude] |
| for p in depotPaths: |
| if not p.startswith("//"): |
| sys.stderr.write('Depot paths must start with "//": %s\n' % p) |
| return False |
| |
| if not self.cloneDestination: |
| self.cloneDestination = self.defaultDestination(args) |
| |
| print "Importing from %s into %s" % (', '.join(depotPaths), self.cloneDestination) |
| |
| if not os.path.exists(self.cloneDestination): |
| os.makedirs(self.cloneDestination) |
| chdir(self.cloneDestination) |
| |
| init_cmd = [ "git", "init" ] |
| if self.cloneBare: |
| init_cmd.append("--bare") |
| retcode = subprocess.call(init_cmd) |
| if retcode: |
| raise CalledProcessError(retcode, init_cmd) |
| |
| if not P4Sync.run(self, depotPaths): |
| return False |
| |
| # create a master branch and check out a work tree |
| if gitBranchExists(self.branch): |
| system([ "git", "branch", "master", self.branch ]) |
| if not self.cloneBare: |
| system([ "git", "checkout", "-f" ]) |
| else: |
| print 'Not checking out any branch, use ' \ |
| '"git checkout -q -b master <branch>"' |
| |
| # auto-set this variable if invoked with --use-client-spec |
| if self.useClientSpec_from_options: |
| system("git config --bool git-p4.useclientspec true") |
| |
| return True |
| |
| class P4Branches(Command): |
| def __init__(self): |
| Command.__init__(self) |
| self.options = [ ] |
| self.description = ("Shows the git branches that hold imports and their " |
| + "corresponding perforce depot paths") |
| self.verbose = False |
| |
| def run(self, args): |
| if originP4BranchesExist(): |
| createOrUpdateBranchesFromOrigin() |
| |
| cmdline = "git rev-parse --symbolic " |
| cmdline += " --remotes" |
| |
| for line in read_pipe_lines(cmdline): |
| line = line.strip() |
| |
| if not line.startswith('p4/') or line == "p4/HEAD": |
| continue |
| branch = line |
| |
| log = extractLogMessageFromGitCommit("refs/remotes/%s" % branch) |
| settings = extractSettingsGitLog(log) |
| |
| print "%s <= %s (%s)" % (branch, ",".join(settings["depot-paths"]), settings["change"]) |
| return True |
| |
| class HelpFormatter(optparse.IndentedHelpFormatter): |
| def __init__(self): |
| optparse.IndentedHelpFormatter.__init__(self) |
| |
| def format_description(self, description): |
| if description: |
| return description + "\n" |
| else: |
| return "" |
| |
| def printUsage(commands): |
| print "usage: %s <command> [options]" % sys.argv[0] |
| print "" |
| print "valid commands: %s" % ", ".join(commands) |
| print "" |
| print "Try %s <command> --help for command specific help." % sys.argv[0] |
| print "" |
| |
| commands = { |
| "debug" : P4Debug, |
| "submit" : P4Submit, |
| "commit" : P4Submit, |
| "sync" : P4Sync, |
| "rebase" : P4Rebase, |
| "clone" : P4Clone, |
| "rollback" : P4RollBack, |
| "branches" : P4Branches |
| } |
| |
| |
| def main(): |
| if len(sys.argv[1:]) == 0: |
| printUsage(commands.keys()) |
| sys.exit(2) |
| |
| cmdName = sys.argv[1] |
| try: |
| klass = commands[cmdName] |
| cmd = klass() |
| except KeyError: |
| print "unknown command %s" % cmdName |
| print "" |
| printUsage(commands.keys()) |
| sys.exit(2) |
| |
| options = cmd.options |
| cmd.gitdir = os.environ.get("GIT_DIR", None) |
| |
| args = sys.argv[2:] |
| |
| options.append(optparse.make_option("--verbose", "-v", dest="verbose", action="store_true")) |
| if cmd.needsGit: |
| options.append(optparse.make_option("--git-dir", dest="gitdir")) |
| |
| parser = optparse.OptionParser(cmd.usage.replace("%prog", "%prog " + cmdName), |
| options, |
| description = cmd.description, |
| formatter = HelpFormatter()) |
| |
| (cmd, args) = parser.parse_args(sys.argv[2:], cmd); |
| global verbose |
| verbose = cmd.verbose |
| if cmd.needsGit: |
| if cmd.gitdir == None: |
| cmd.gitdir = os.path.abspath(".git") |
| if not isValidGitDir(cmd.gitdir): |
| cmd.gitdir = read_pipe("git rev-parse --git-dir").strip() |
| if os.path.exists(cmd.gitdir): |
| cdup = read_pipe("git rev-parse --show-cdup").strip() |
| if len(cdup) > 0: |
| chdir(cdup); |
| |
| if not isValidGitDir(cmd.gitdir): |
| if isValidGitDir(cmd.gitdir + "/.git"): |
| cmd.gitdir += "/.git" |
| else: |
| die("fatal: cannot locate git repository at %s" % cmd.gitdir) |
| |
| os.environ["GIT_DIR"] = cmd.gitdir |
| |
| if not cmd.run(args): |
| parser.print_help() |
| sys.exit(2) |
| |
| |
| if __name__ == '__main__': |
| main() |