blob: 655489315f078baa97c083354a25990621e98662 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
my $cmd;
my $name;
my $author;
while (<STDIN>) {
if (/^NAME$/ || eof(STDIN)) {
if ($cmd) {
print PAGE $author if defined($author);
print PAGE "Documentation\n--------------\nDocumentation by David Greaves, Junio C Hamano and the git-list <git\>.\n\n";
print PAGE "GIT\n---\nPart of the link:git.html[git] suite\n\n";
if ($#ARGV || $ARGV[0] eq "-html") {
system(qw(asciidoc -b css-embedded -d manpage), "$cmd.txt");
} elsif ($ARGV[0] eq "-man") {
system(qw(asciidoc -b docbook -d manpage), "$cmd.txt");
system(qw(xmlto man), "$cmd.xml") if -e "$cmd.xml";
exit if eof(STDIN);
$_=<STDIN>;$_=<STDIN>; # discard underline and get command
$name = $_;
($cmd) = split(' ',$_);
print "$name\n";
open(PAGE, "> $cmd.txt") or die;
print PAGE "$cmd(1)\n==="."="x length($cmd);
print PAGE "\nv0.1, May 2005\n\nNAME\n----\n$name\n\n";
$author = "Author\n------\nWritten by Linus Torvalds <torvalds\>\n\n";
next unless $cmd;
$author=undef if /^AUTHOR$/i; # don't use default for commands with an author
print PAGE $_;