blob: d05e80eb105c7bc17c25c592e296fadfa6f24c04 [file] [log] [blame]
* (C) 2012-2013 by Pablo Neira Ayuso <>
* (C) 2013 by Tomasz Bursztyka <>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This code has been sponsored by Sophos Astaro <>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <netinet/ip.h>
#include <xtables.h>
#include <linux/netfilter/nf_tables.h>
#include "nft.h"
#include "nft-shared.h"
static int nft_ipv4_add(struct nft_rule *r, void *data)
struct iptables_command_state *cs = data;
struct xtables_rule_match *matchp;
uint32_t op;
if (cs->fw.ip.iniface[0] != '\0')
add_iniface(r, cs->fw.ip.iniface, cs->fw.ip.invflags);
if (cs->fw.ip.outiface[0] != '\0')
add_outiface(r, cs->fw.ip.outiface, cs->fw.ip.invflags);
if (cs->fw.ip.src.s_addr != 0)
add_addr(r, offsetof(struct iphdr, saddr),
&cs->fw.ip.src.s_addr, 4, cs->fw.ip.invflags);
if (cs->fw.ip.dst.s_addr != 0)
add_addr(r, offsetof(struct iphdr, daddr),
&cs->fw.ip.dst.s_addr, 4, cs->fw.ip.invflags);
if (cs->fw.ip.proto != 0)
add_proto(r, offsetof(struct iphdr, protocol), 1,
cs->fw.ip.proto, cs->fw.ip.invflags);
if (cs->fw.ip.flags & IPT_F_FRAG) {
add_payload(r, offsetof(struct iphdr, frag_off), 2);
/* get the 13 bits that contain the fragment offset */
add_bitwise_u16(r, 0x1fff, !0x1fff);
/* if offset is non-zero, this is a fragment */
if (cs->fw.ip.invflags & IPT_INV_FRAG)
op = NFT_CMP_EQ;
add_cmp_u16(r, 0, op);
add_compat(r, cs->fw.ip.proto, cs->fw.ip.invflags);
for (matchp = cs->matches; matchp; matchp = matchp->next) {
if (add_match(r, matchp->match->m) < 0)
/* Counters need to me added before the target, otherwise they are
* increased for each rule because of the way nf_tables works.
if (add_counters(r, cs->counters.pcnt, cs->counters.bcnt) < 0)
return -1;
return add_action(r, cs, !!(cs->fw.ip.flags & IPT_F_GOTO));
static bool nft_ipv4_is_same(const void *data_a,
const void *data_b)
const struct iptables_command_state *a = data_a;
const struct iptables_command_state *b = data_b;
if (a->fw.ip.src.s_addr != b->fw.ip.src.s_addr
|| a->fw.ip.dst.s_addr != b->fw.ip.dst.s_addr
|| a->fw.ip.smsk.s_addr != b->fw.ip.smsk.s_addr
|| a->fw.ip.dmsk.s_addr != b->fw.ip.dmsk.s_addr
|| a->fw.ip.proto != b->fw.ip.proto
|| a->fw.ip.flags != b->fw.ip.flags
|| a->fw.ip.invflags != b->fw.ip.invflags) {
DEBUGP("different src/dst/proto/flags/invflags\n");
return false;
return is_same_interfaces(a->fw.ip.iniface, a->fw.ip.outiface,
a->fw.ip.iniface_mask, a->fw.ip.outiface_mask,
b->fw.ip.iniface, b->fw.ip.outiface,
b->fw.ip.iniface_mask, b->fw.ip.outiface_mask);
static void get_frag(struct nft_rule_expr_iter *iter, bool *inv)
struct nft_rule_expr *e;
const char *name;
uint8_t op;
e = nft_rule_expr_iter_next(iter);
if (e == NULL)
/* we assume correct mask and xor */
name = nft_rule_expr_get_str(e, NFT_RULE_EXPR_ATTR_NAME);
if (strcmp(name, "bitwise") != 0) {
DEBUGP("skipping no bitwise after payload\n");
/* Now check for cmp */
e = nft_rule_expr_iter_next(iter);
if (e == NULL)
/* we assume correct data */
name = nft_rule_expr_get_str(e, NFT_RULE_EXPR_ATTR_NAME);
if (strcmp(name, "cmp") != 0) {
DEBUGP("skipping no cmp after payload\n");
op = nft_rule_expr_get_u32(e, NFT_EXPR_CMP_OP);
if (op == NFT_CMP_EQ)
*inv = true;
*inv = false;
static const char *mask_to_str(uint32_t mask)
static char mask_str[sizeof("")];
uint32_t bits, hmask = ntohl(mask);
struct in_addr mask_addr = {
.s_addr = mask,
int i;
if (mask == 0xFFFFFFFFU) {
sprintf(mask_str, "32");
return mask_str;
i = 32;
bits = 0xFFFFFFFEU;
while (--i >= 0 && hmask != bits)
bits <<= 1;
if (i >= 0)
sprintf(mask_str, "%u", i);
sprintf(mask_str, "%s", inet_ntoa(mask_addr));
return mask_str;
static void nft_ipv4_parse_meta(struct nft_rule_expr *e, uint8_t key,
void *data)
struct iptables_command_state *cs = data;
parse_meta(e, key, cs->fw.ip.iniface, cs->fw.ip.iniface_mask,
cs->fw.ip.outiface, cs->fw.ip.outiface_mask,
static void nft_ipv4_parse_payload(struct nft_rule_expr_iter *iter,
uint32_t offset, void *data)
struct iptables_command_state *cs = data;
switch(offset) {
struct in_addr addr;
uint8_t proto;
bool inv;
case offsetof(struct iphdr, saddr):
get_cmp_data(iter, &addr, sizeof(addr), &inv);
cs->fw.ip.src.s_addr = addr.s_addr;
cs->fw.ip.smsk.s_addr = 0xffffffff;
if (inv)
cs->fw.ip.invflags |= IPT_INV_SRCIP;
case offsetof(struct iphdr, daddr):
get_cmp_data(iter, &addr, sizeof(addr), &inv);
cs->fw.ip.dst.s_addr = addr.s_addr;
cs->fw.ip.dmsk.s_addr = 0xffffffff;
if (inv)
cs->fw.ip.invflags |= IPT_INV_DSTIP;
case offsetof(struct iphdr, protocol):
get_cmp_data(iter, &proto, sizeof(proto), &inv);
cs->fw.ip.proto = proto;
if (inv)
cs->fw.ip.invflags |= IPT_INV_PROTO;
case offsetof(struct iphdr, frag_off):
cs->fw.ip.flags |= IPT_F_FRAG;
get_frag(iter, &inv);
if (inv)
cs->fw.ip.invflags |= IPT_INV_FRAG;
DEBUGP("unknown payload offset %d\n", offset);
static void nft_ipv4_parse_immediate(const char *jumpto, bool nft_goto,
void *data)
struct iptables_command_state *cs = data;
cs->jumpto = jumpto;
if (nft_goto)
cs->fw.ip.flags |= IPT_F_GOTO;
static void print_ipv4_addr(const struct iptables_command_state *cs,
unsigned int format)
char buf[BUFSIZ];
fputc(cs->fw.ip.invflags & IPT_INV_SRCIP ? '!' : ' ', stdout);
if (cs->fw.ip.smsk.s_addr == 0L && !(format & FMT_NUMERIC))
printf(FMT("%-19s ","%s "), "anywhere");
else {
if (format & FMT_NUMERIC)
strcpy(buf, xtables_ipaddr_to_numeric(&cs->fw.ip.src));
strcpy(buf, xtables_ipaddr_to_anyname(&cs->fw.ip.src));
strcat(buf, xtables_ipmask_to_numeric(&cs->fw.ip.smsk));
printf(FMT("%-19s ","%s "), buf);
fputc(cs->fw.ip.invflags & IPT_INV_DSTIP ? '!' : ' ', stdout);
if (cs->fw.ip.dmsk.s_addr == 0L && !(format & FMT_NUMERIC))
printf(FMT("%-19s ","-> %s"), "anywhere");
else {
if (format & FMT_NUMERIC)
strcpy(buf, xtables_ipaddr_to_numeric(&cs->fw.ip.dst));
strcpy(buf, xtables_ipaddr_to_anyname(&cs->fw.ip.dst));
strcat(buf, xtables_ipmask_to_numeric(&cs->fw.ip.dmsk));
printf(FMT("%-19s ","-> %s"), buf);
static void print_fragment(unsigned int flags, unsigned int invflags,
unsigned int format)
if (!(format & FMT_OPTIONS))
if (format & FMT_NOTABLE)
fputs("opt ", stdout);
fputc(invflags & IPT_INV_FRAG ? '!' : '-', stdout);
fputc(flags & IPT_F_FRAG ? 'f' : '-', stdout);
fputc(' ', stdout);
static void nft_ipv4_print_firewall(struct nft_rule *r, unsigned int num,
unsigned int format)
struct iptables_command_state cs = {};
nft_rule_to_iptables_command_state(r, &cs);
print_firewall_details(&cs, cs.jumpto, cs.fw.ip.flags,
cs.fw.ip.invflags, cs.fw.ip.proto,
num, format);
print_fragment(cs.fw.ip.flags, cs.fw.ip.invflags, format);
print_ifaces(cs.fw.ip.iniface, cs.fw.ip.outiface, cs.fw.ip.invflags,
print_ipv4_addr(&cs, format);
if (format & FMT_NOTABLE)
fputs(" ", stdout);
#ifdef IPT_F_GOTO
if (cs.fw.ip.flags & IPT_F_GOTO)
printf("[goto] ");
print_matches_and_target(&cs, format);
if (!(format & FMT_NONEWLINE))
fputc('\n', stdout);
static void save_ipv4_addr(char letter, const struct in_addr *addr,
uint32_t mask, int invert)
if (!mask && !invert && !addr->s_addr)
printf("%s-%c %s/%s ", invert ? "! " : "", letter, inet_ntoa(*addr),
static void nft_ipv4_save_firewall(const void *data, unsigned int format)
const struct iptables_command_state *cs = data;
save_firewall_details(cs, cs->fw.ip.invflags, cs->fw.ip.proto,
cs->fw.ip.iniface, cs->fw.ip.iniface_mask,
cs->fw.ip.outiface, cs->fw.ip.outiface_mask,
if (cs->fw.ip.flags & IPT_F_FRAG) {
if (cs->fw.ip.invflags & IPT_INV_FRAG)
printf("! ");
printf("-f ");
save_ipv4_addr('s', &cs->fw.ip.src, cs->fw.ip.smsk.s_addr,
cs->fw.ip.invflags & IPT_INV_SRCIP);
save_ipv4_addr('d', &cs->fw.ip.dst, cs->fw.ip.dmsk.s_addr,
cs->fw.ip.invflags & IPT_INV_DSTIP);
save_matches_and_target(cs->matches, cs->target,
cs->jumpto, cs->fw.ip.flags, &cs->fw);
if (cs->target == NULL && strlen(cs->jumpto) > 0) {
printf("-%c %s", cs->fw.ip.flags & IPT_F_GOTO ? 'g' : 'j',
static void nft_ipv4_proto_parse(struct iptables_command_state *cs,
struct xtables_args *args)
cs->fw.ip.proto = args->proto;
cs->fw.ip.invflags = args->invflags;
static void nft_ipv4_post_parse(int command,
struct iptables_command_state *cs,
struct xtables_args *args)
cs->fw.ip.flags = args->flags;
/* We already set invflags in proto_parse, but we need to refresh it
* to include new parsed options.
cs->fw.ip.invflags = args->invflags;
strncpy(cs->fw.ip.iniface, args->iniface, IFNAMSIZ);
args->iniface_mask, IFNAMSIZ*sizeof(unsigned char));
strncpy(cs->fw.ip.outiface, args->outiface, IFNAMSIZ);
args->outiface_mask, IFNAMSIZ*sizeof(unsigned char));
if (args->goto_set)
cs->fw.ip.flags |= IPT_F_GOTO;
cs->counters.pcnt = args->pcnt_cnt;
cs->counters.bcnt = args->bcnt_cnt;
if (command & (CMD_REPLACE | CMD_INSERT |
if (!(cs->options & OPT_DESTINATION))
args->dhostnetworkmask = "";
if (!(cs->options & OPT_SOURCE))
args->shostnetworkmask = "";
if (args->shostnetworkmask)
&args->s.addr.v4, &args->s.mask.v4,
if (args->dhostnetworkmask)
&args->d.addr.v4, &args->d.mask.v4,
if ((args->s.naddrs > 1 || args->d.naddrs > 1) &&
(cs->fw.ip.invflags & (IPT_INV_SRCIP | IPT_INV_DSTIP)))
"! not allowed with multiple"
" source or destination IP addresses");
static void nft_ipv4_parse_target(struct xtables_target *t, void *data)
struct iptables_command_state *cs = data;
cs->target = t;
static bool nft_ipv4_rule_find(struct nft_family_ops *ops,
struct nft_rule *r, void *data)
struct iptables_command_state *cs = data;
return nft_ipv46_rule_find(ops, r, cs);
struct nft_family_ops nft_family_ops_ipv4 = {
.add = nft_ipv4_add,
.is_same = nft_ipv4_is_same,
.parse_meta = nft_ipv4_parse_meta,
.parse_payload = nft_ipv4_parse_payload,
.parse_immediate = nft_ipv4_parse_immediate,
.print_firewall = nft_ipv4_print_firewall,
.save_firewall = nft_ipv4_save_firewall,
.proto_parse = nft_ipv4_proto_parse,
.post_parse = nft_ipv4_post_parse,
.parse_target = nft_ipv4_parse_target,
.rule_find = nft_ipv4_rule_find,