xzless: Rename unused variables to silence static analysers.

In this particular case I don't see this affecting readability
of the code.

Thanks to Pavel Raiskup.
diff --git a/src/scripts/xzless.in b/src/scripts/xzless.in
index 288dd87..1b85ad6 100644
--- a/src/scripts/xzless.in
+++ b/src/scripts/xzless.in
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@
-if test "$(less -V | { read less ver re && echo ${ver}; })" -ge 429; then
+if test "$(less -V | { read _ ver _ && echo ${ver}; })" -ge 429; then
 	# less 429 or later: LESSOPEN pipe will be used on
 	# standard input if $LESSOPEN begins with |-.
 	LESSOPEN="|-$xz -cdfq -- %s"