Merge branch 'jn/maint-request-pull' into jn/request-pull
diff --git a/contrib/ b/contrib/
index c364dda..a4ed4c3 100755
--- a/contrib/
+++ b/contrib/
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
 is rather slow but allows you to resurrect other people's topic
 git resurrect $USAGE
diff --git a/ b/
index 8fd15f6..74238b0 100755
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
 LONG_USAGE='Summarizes the changes between two commits to the standard output,
 and includes the given URL in the generated summary.'
 OPTIONS_SPEC='git request-pull [options] start url [end]
 p    show patch text as well
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8e0425b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/
@@ -0,0 +1,228 @@
+test_description='Test workflows involving pull request.'
+. ./
+test_expect_success 'setup' '
+	git init --bare upstream.git &&
+	git init --bare downstream.git &&
+	git clone upstream.git upstream-private &&
+	git clone downstream.git local &&
+	trash_url="file://$TRASH_DIRECTORY" &&
+	downstream_url="$trash_url/downstream.git/" &&
+	upstream_url="$trash_url/upstream.git/" &&
+	(
+		cd upstream-private &&
+		cat <<-\EOT >mnemonic.txt &&
+		Thirtey days hath November,
+		Aprile, June, and September:
+		EOT
+		git add mnemonic.txt &&
+		test_tick &&
+		git commit -m "\"Thirty days\", a reminder of month lengths" &&
+		git tag -m "version 1" -a initial &&
+		git push --tags origin master
+	) &&
+	(
+		cd local &&
+		git remote add upstream "$trash_url/upstream.git" &&
+		git fetch upstream &&
+		git pull upstream master &&
+		cat <<-\EOT >>mnemonic.txt &&
+		Of twyecescore-eightt is but eine,
+		And all the remnante be thrycescore-eine.
+		O’course Leap yare comes an’pynes,
+		Ev’rie foure yares, gote it ryghth.
+		An’twyecescore-eight is but twyecescore-nyne.
+		EOT
+		git add mnemonic.txt &&
+		test_tick &&
+		git commit -m "More detail" &&
+		git tag -m "version 2" -a full &&
+		git checkout -b simplify HEAD^ &&
+		mv mnemonic.txt mnemonic.standard &&
+		cat <<-\EOT >mnemonic.clarified &&
+		Thirty days has September,
+		All the rest I can’t remember.
+		EOT
+		git add -N mnemonic.standard mnemonic.clarified &&
+		git commit -a -m "Adapt to use modern, simpler English
+But keep the old version, too, in case some people prefer it." &&
+		git checkout master
+	)
+test_expect_success 'setup: two scripts for reading pull requests' '
+	downstream_url_for_sed=$(
+		printf "%s\n" "$downstream_url" |
+		sed -e '\''s/\\/\\\\/g'\'' -e '\''s/[[/.*^$]/\\&/g'\''
+	) &&
+	cat <<-\EOT >read-request.sed &&
+	#!/bin/sed -nf
+	/ in the git repository at:$/! d
+	n
+	/^$/! q
+	n
+	s/^[ 	]*\(.*\) \([^ ]*\)/please pull\
+	\1\
+	\2/p
+	q
+	cat <<-EOT >fuzz.sed
+	#!/bin/sed -nf
+	s/$_x40/OBJECT_NAME/g
+	s/A U Thor/AUTHOR/g
+	s/        [^ ].*/        SUBJECT/g
+	s/$downstream_url_for_sed/URL/g
+	s/for-upstream/BRANCH/g
+	s/mnemonic.txt/FILENAME/g
+	/^ FILENAME | *[0-9]* [-+]*\$/ b diffstat
+	/^AUTHOR ([0-9]*):\$/ b shortlog
+	p
+	b
+	: diffstat
+	n
+	/ [0-9]* files changed/ {
+		a\\
+		b
+	}
+	b diffstat
+	: shortlog
+	/^        [a-zA-Z]/ n
+	/^[a-zA-Z]* ([0-9]*):\$/ n
+	/^\$/ N
+	/^\n[a-zA-Z]* ([0-9]*):\$/! {
+		a\\
+		D
+	}
+	n
+	b shortlog
+test_expect_success 'pull request when forgot to push' '
+	rm -fr downstream.git &&
+	git init --bare downstream.git &&
+	(
+		cd local &&
+		git checkout initial &&
+		git merge --ff-only master &&
+		test_must_fail git request-pull initial "$downstream_url" \
+			2>../err
+	) &&
+	grep "No branch of.*is at:\$" err &&
+	grep "Are you sure you pushed" err
+test_expect_success 'pull request after push' '
+	rm -fr downstream.git &&
+	git init --bare downstream.git &&
+	(
+		cd local &&
+		git checkout initial &&
+		git merge --ff-only master &&
+		git push origin master:for-upstream &&
+		git request-pull initial origin >../request
+	) &&
+	sed -nf read-request.sed <request >digest &&
+	cat digest &&
+	{
+		read task &&
+		read repository &&
+		read branch
+	} <digest &&
+	(
+		cd upstream-private &&
+		git checkout initial &&
+		git pull --ff-only "$repository" "$branch"
+	) &&
+	test "$branch" = for-upstream &&
+	test_cmp local/mnemonic.txt upstream-private/mnemonic.txt
+test_expect_success 'request names an appropriate branch' '
+	rm -fr downstream.git &&
+	git init --bare downstream.git &&
+	(
+		cd local &&
+		git checkout initial &&
+		git merge --ff-only master &&
+		git push --tags origin master simplify &&
+		git push origin master:for-upstream &&
+		git request-pull initial "$downstream_url" >../request
+	) &&
+	sed -nf read-request.sed <request >digest &&
+	cat digest &&
+	{
+		read task &&
+		read repository &&
+		read branch
+	} <digest &&
+	{
+		test "$branch" = master ||
+		test "$branch" = for-upstream
+	}
+test_expect_success 'pull request format' '
+	rm -fr downstream.git &&
+	git init --bare downstream.git &&
+	cat <<-\EOT >expect &&
+	The following changes since commit OBJECT_NAME:
+	  AUTHOR (1):
+	        SUBJECT
+	are available in the git repository at:
+	(
+		cd local &&
+		git checkout initial &&
+		git merge --ff-only master &&
+		git push origin master:for-upstream &&
+		git request-pull initial "$downstream_url" >../request
+	) &&
+	<request sed -nf fuzz.sed >request.fuzzy &&
+	test_cmp expect request.fuzzy
+test_expect_success 'request-pull ignores OPTIONS_KEEPDASHDASH poison' '
+	(
+		cd local &&
+		git checkout initial &&
+		git merge --ff-only master &&
+		git push origin master:for-upstream &&
+		git request-pull -- initial "$downstream_url" >../request
+	)