blob: c38326c6f106f65b6abd9ab7ff47f12c6dd0b432 [file] [log] [blame]
# Chinese translations for Git package
# Git 软件包的简体中文翻译.
# Copyright (C) 2012,2013 Jiang Xin < AT>
# This file is distributed under the same license as the Git package.
# Contributors:
# - Jiang Xin < AT>
# - Lian Cheng <rhythm.mail AT>
# - Ray Chen <oldsharp AT>
# - Riku <lu.riku AT>
# - Thynson <lanxingcan AT>
# - ws3389 <willsmith3389 AT>
# - Wang Sheng <wangsheng2008love AT>
# - Yichao Yu <yyc1992 AT>
# - Zhuang Ya <zhuangya AT>
# Git glossary for Chinese translators
# English | Chinese
# ---------------------------------+--------------------------------------
# 3-way merge | 三方合并
# abbreviate | 简写(的 SHA-1 值)
# alternate object database | 备用对象库
# amend | 修补
# ancestor | 祖先,祖先提交
# annotated tag | 附注标签
# bare repository | 纯仓库
# bisect | 二分查找
# blob object | 数据对象
# branch | 分支
# bundle | 包
# bypass | 绕过
# cache | 索引(的别称)
# chain | (提交)链
# changeset | 变更集
# checkout | 检出
# checksum | 校验,校验和
# cherry-picking | 拣选
# clean | 干净(的工作区)
# clone | 克隆
# commit | 提交
# commit message | 提交说明
# commit object | 提交对象
# commit-ish (also committish) | 提交号
# conflict | 冲突
# core Git | 核心 Git 工具
# DAG | 有向无环图
# dangling object | 摇摆对象
# detached HEAD | 分离头指针
# directory | 目录
# dirty | 脏(的工作区)
# dumb HTTP protocol | 哑 HTTP 协议
# evil merge | 坏合并(合并引入了父提交没有的修改)
# fast-forward | 快进
# fetch | 获取
# file system | 文件系统
# fork | 派生
# Git archive | 仓库(对于 arch 用户)
# gitfile | gitfile(仓库链接文件)
# grafts | (提交)嫁接
# hash | 哈希值
# HEAD | HEAD(头指针,亦即当前分支)
# head | 头、分支
# head ref | 分支
# header | 头信息
# hook | 钩子
# hunk | 补丁片段
# index | 索引
# index entry | 索引条目
# loose object | 松散对象
# loose refs | 松散引用
# master | master(默认分支名)
# merge | 合并
# object | 对象
# object database | 对象库
# object identifier | 对象标识符
# object name | 对象名称
# object type | 对象类型
# octopus | 章鱼式合并(两分支以上的合并)
# origin | origin(默认的远程名称)
# pack | 包
# pack index | 包索引
# packfile | 包文件
# parent | 父提交
# patch | 补丁
# pathspec | 路径规格
# pattern | 模式
# pickaxe | 挖掘
# plumbing | 管件(Git 底层核心命令的别称)
# porcelain | 瓷件(Git 上层封装命令的别称)
# precious-objects repo | 珍品仓库
# prune | 清除
# pull | 拉,拉取
# push | 推,推送
# reachable | 可达
# rebase | 变基
# ref | 引用
# reflog | 引用日志
# refspec | 引用规格
# remote | 远程,远程仓库
# remote-tracking branch | 远程跟踪分支
# replay | 重放
# repo | 仓库
# repository | 仓库
# resolve | (冲突)解决
# revert | 还原
# revision | 版本
# rewind | 回退
# SCM | 源代码管理(工具)
# SHA-1 | SHA-1(安全哈希算法1)
# shallow repository | 浅(克隆)仓库
# signed tag | 签名标签
# smart HTTP protocol | 智能 HTTP 协议
# squash | 压缩
# stage | n. 暂存区(即索引); v. 暂存
# stash | n. 进度保存; v. 保存进度
# submodule | 子模组
# symref | 符号引用
# tag | n. 标签; v. 打标签
# tag object | 标签对象
# tagger | 打标签者
# topic branch | 主题分支
# track | 跟踪
# tree | 树(工作区或树对象)
# tree object | 树对象
# tree-ish (also treeish) | 树对象(或可以解析为一树对象)
# unmerged index | 未合并索引
# unpack | 解包
# unreachable object | 不可达对象
# unstage | 取消暂存
# upstream | 上游
# upstream branch | 上游分支
# working tree | 工作区
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Git\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: Git Mailing List <>\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2016-11-25 22:50+0800\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2016-11-25 22:54+0800\n"
"Last-Translator: Jiang Xin <>\n"
"Language-Team: GitHub <>\n"
"Language: zh_CN\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
#: advice.c:55
#, c-format
msgid "hint: %.*s\n"
msgstr "提示:%.*s\n"
#: advice.c:83
msgid "Cherry-picking is not possible because you have unmerged files."
msgstr "无法拣选,因为您有未合并的文件。"
#: advice.c:85
msgid "Committing is not possible because you have unmerged files."
msgstr "无法提交,因为您有未合并的文件。"
#: advice.c:87
msgid "Merging is not possible because you have unmerged files."
msgstr "无法合并,因为您有未合并的文件。"
#: advice.c:89
msgid "Pulling is not possible because you have unmerged files."
msgstr "无法拉取,因为您有未合并的文件。"
#: advice.c:91
msgid "Reverting is not possible because you have unmerged files."
msgstr "无法回退,因为您有未合并的文件。"
#: advice.c:93
#, c-format
msgid "It is not possible to %s because you have unmerged files."
msgstr "无法 %s,因为您有未合并的文件。"
#: advice.c:101
msgid ""
"Fix them up in the work tree, and then use 'git add/rm <file>'\n"
"as appropriate to mark resolution and make a commit."
msgstr ""
"请在工作区改正文件,然后酌情使用 'git add/rm <文件>' 命令标记\n"
#: advice.c:109
msgid "Exiting because of an unresolved conflict."
msgstr "因为存在未解决的冲突而退出。"
#: advice.c:114 builtin/merge.c:1181
msgid "You have not concluded your merge (MERGE_HEAD exists)."
msgstr "您尚未结束您的合并(存在 MERGE_HEAD)。"
#: advice.c:116
msgid "Please, commit your changes before merging."
msgstr "请在合并前先提交您的修改。"
#: advice.c:117
msgid "Exiting because of unfinished merge."
msgstr "因为存在未完成的合并而退出。"
#: advice.c:123
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Note: checking out '%s'.\n"
"You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental\n"
"changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this\n"
"state without impacting any branches by performing another checkout.\n"
"If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may\n"
"do so (now or later) by using -b with the checkout command again. Example:\n"
" git checkout -b <new-branch-name>\n"
msgstr ""
"注意:正在检出 '%s'。\n"
"参数 -b 来实现(现在或稍后)。例如:\n"
" git checkout -b <new-branch-name>\n"
#: apply.c:57
#, c-format
msgid "unrecognized whitespace option '%s'"
msgstr "未能识别的空白字符选项 '%s'"
#: apply.c:73
#, c-format
msgid "unrecognized whitespace ignore option '%s'"
msgstr "未能识别的空白字符忽略选项 '%s'"
#: apply.c:125
msgid "--reject and --3way cannot be used together."
msgstr "--reject 和 --3say 不能同时使用。"
#: apply.c:127
msgid "--cached and --3way cannot be used together."
msgstr "--cached 和 --3way 不能同时使用。"
#: apply.c:130
msgid "--3way outside a repository"
msgstr "--3way 在一个仓库之外"
#: apply.c:141
msgid "--index outside a repository"
msgstr "--index 在一个仓库之外"
#: apply.c:144
msgid "--cached outside a repository"
msgstr "--cached 在一个仓库之外"
#: apply.c:845
#, c-format
msgid "Cannot prepare timestamp regexp %s"
msgstr "无法准备时间戳正则表达式 %s"
#: apply.c:854
#, c-format
msgid "regexec returned %d for input: %s"
msgstr "regexec 返回 %d,输入为:%s"
#: apply.c:938
#, c-format
msgid "unable to find filename in patch at line %d"
msgstr "不能在补丁的第 %d 行找到文件名"
#: apply.c:977
#, c-format
msgid "git apply: bad git-diff - expected /dev/null, got %s on line %d"
msgstr "git apply:错误的 git-diff - 应为 /dev/null,但在第 %2$d 行得到 %1$s"
#: apply.c:983
#, c-format
msgid "git apply: bad git-diff - inconsistent new filename on line %d"
msgstr "git apply:错误的 git-diff - 第 %d 行上新文件名不一致"
#: apply.c:984
#, c-format
msgid "git apply: bad git-diff - inconsistent old filename on line %d"
msgstr "git apply:错误的 git-diff - 第 %d 行上旧文件名不一致"
#: apply.c:990
#, c-format
msgid "git apply: bad git-diff - expected /dev/null on line %d"
msgstr "git apply:错误的 git-diff - 第 %d 行处应为 /dev/null"
#: apply.c:1488
#, c-format
msgid "recount: unexpected line: %.*s"
msgstr "recount:意外的行:%.*s"
#: apply.c:1557
#, c-format
msgid "patch fragment without header at line %d: %.*s"
msgstr "第 %d 行的补丁片段没有头信息:%.*s"
#: apply.c:1577
#, c-format
msgid ""
"git diff header lacks filename information when removing %d leading pathname "
"component (line %d)"
msgid_plural ""
"git diff header lacks filename information when removing %d leading pathname "
"components (line %d)"
msgstr[0] "当移除 %d 个前导路径后 git diff 头缺乏文件名信息(第 %d 行)"
msgstr[1] "当移除 %d 个前导路径后 git diff 头缺乏文件名信息(第 %d 行)"
#: apply.c:1589
#, c-format
msgid "git diff header lacks filename information (line %d)"
msgstr "git diff 的头信息中缺乏文件名信息(第 %d 行)"
#: apply.c:1759
msgid "new file depends on old contents"
msgstr "新文件依赖旧内容"
#: apply.c:1761
msgid "deleted file still has contents"
msgstr "删除的文件仍有内容"
#: apply.c:1795
#, c-format
msgid "corrupt patch at line %d"
msgstr "补丁在第 %d 行损坏"
#: apply.c:1832
#, c-format
msgid "new file %s depends on old contents"
msgstr "新文件 %s 依赖旧内容"
#: apply.c:1834
#, c-format
msgid "deleted file %s still has contents"
msgstr "删除的文件 %s 仍有内容"
#: apply.c:1837
#, c-format
msgid "** warning: file %s becomes empty but is not deleted"
msgstr "** 警告:文件 %s 成为空文件但并未删除"
#: apply.c:1984
#, c-format
msgid "corrupt binary patch at line %d: %.*s"
msgstr "二进制补丁在第 %d 行损坏:%.*s"
#: apply.c:2021
#, c-format
msgid "unrecognized binary patch at line %d"
msgstr "未能识别的二进制补丁位于第 %d 行"
#: apply.c:2182
#, c-format
msgid "patch with only garbage at line %d"
msgstr "补丁文件的第 %d 行只有垃圾数据"
#: apply.c:2274
#, c-format
msgid "unable to read symlink %s"
msgstr "无法读取符号链接 %s"
#: apply.c:2278
#, c-format
msgid "unable to open or read %s"
msgstr "不能打开或读取 %s"
#: apply.c:2931
#, c-format
msgid "invalid start of line: '%c'"
msgstr "无效的行首字符:'%c'"
#: apply.c:3050
#, c-format
msgid "Hunk #%d succeeded at %d (offset %d line)."
msgid_plural "Hunk #%d succeeded at %d (offset %d lines)."
msgstr[0] "块 #%d 成功应用于 %d(偏移 %d 行)"
msgstr[1] "块 #%d 成功应用于 %d(偏移 %d 行)"
#: apply.c:3062
#, c-format
msgid "Context reduced to (%ld/%ld) to apply fragment at %d"
msgstr "上下文减少到(%ld/%ld)以在第 %d 行应用补丁片段"
#: apply.c:3068
#, c-format
msgid ""
"while searching for:\n"
msgstr ""
#: apply.c:3090
#, c-format
msgid "missing binary patch data for '%s'"
msgstr "缺失 '%s' 的二进制补丁数据"
#: apply.c:3098
#, c-format
msgid "cannot reverse-apply a binary patch without the reverse hunk to '%s'"
msgstr "不能反向应用一个没有至 '%s' 的反向数据块的二进制补丁"
#: apply.c:3144
#, c-format
msgid "cannot apply binary patch to '%s' without full index line"
msgstr "不能在 '%s' 上应用没有完整索引行的二进制补丁"
#: apply.c:3154
#, c-format
msgid ""
"the patch applies to '%s' (%s), which does not match the current contents."
msgstr "补丁引用到 '%s' (%s),但是和当前内容不匹配。"
#: apply.c:3162
#, c-format
msgid "the patch applies to an empty '%s' but it is not empty"
msgstr "补丁应用到空文件 '%s',但是它并不空"
#: apply.c:3180
#, c-format
msgid "the necessary postimage %s for '%s' cannot be read"
msgstr "无法读取 '%2$s' 必须的目标文件 %1$s"
#: apply.c:3193
#, c-format
msgid "binary patch does not apply to '%s'"
msgstr "二进制补丁未应用到 '%s'"
#: apply.c:3199
#, c-format
msgid "binary patch to '%s' creates incorrect result (expecting %s, got %s)"
msgstr "到 '%s' 的二进制补丁产生了不正确的结果(应为 %s,却为 %s)"
#: apply.c:3220
#, c-format
msgid "patch failed: %s:%ld"
msgstr "打补丁失败:%s:%ld"
#: apply.c:3342
#, c-format
msgid "cannot checkout %s"
msgstr "不能检出 %s"
#: apply.c:3390 apply.c:3401 apply.c:3447 setup.c:248
#, c-format
msgid "failed to read %s"
msgstr "无法读取 %s"
#: apply.c:3398
#, c-format
msgid "reading from '%s' beyond a symbolic link"
msgstr "读取位于符号链接中的 '%s'"
#: apply.c:3427 apply.c:3667
#, c-format
msgid "path %s has been renamed/deleted"
msgstr "路径 %s 已经被重命名/删除"
#: apply.c:3510 apply.c:3681
#, c-format
msgid "%s: does not exist in index"
msgstr "%s:不存在于索引中"
#: apply.c:3519 apply.c:3689
#, c-format
msgid "%s: does not match index"
msgstr "%s:和索引不匹配"
#: apply.c:3554
msgid "repository lacks the necessary blob to fall back on 3-way merge."
msgstr "仓库缺乏必要的数据对象以进行三方合并。"
#: apply.c:3557
#, c-format
msgid "Falling back to three-way merge...\n"
msgstr "回落到三方合并...\n"
#: apply.c:3573 apply.c:3577
#, c-format
msgid "cannot read the current contents of '%s'"
msgstr "无法读取 '%s' 的当前内容"
#: apply.c:3589
#, c-format
msgid "Failed to fall back on three-way merge...\n"
msgstr "无法回落到三方合并...\n"
#: apply.c:3603
#, c-format
msgid "Applied patch to '%s' with conflicts.\n"
msgstr "应用补丁到 '%s' 存在冲突。\n"
#: apply.c:3608
#, c-format
msgid "Applied patch to '%s' cleanly.\n"
msgstr "成功应用补丁到 '%s'。\n"
#: apply.c:3634
msgid "removal patch leaves file contents"
msgstr "移除补丁仍留下了文件内容"
#: apply.c:3706
#, c-format
msgid "%s: wrong type"
msgstr "%s:错误类型"
#: apply.c:3708
#, c-format
msgid "%s has type %o, expected %o"
msgstr "%s 的类型是 %o,应为 %o"
#: apply.c:3859 apply.c:3861
#, c-format
msgid "invalid path '%s'"
msgstr "无效路径 '%s'"
#: apply.c:3917
#, c-format
msgid "%s: already exists in index"
msgstr "%s:已经存在于索引中"
#: apply.c:3920
#, c-format
msgid "%s: already exists in working directory"
msgstr "%s:已经存在于工作区中"
#: apply.c:3940
#, c-format
msgid "new mode (%o) of %s does not match old mode (%o)"
msgstr "%2$s 的新模式(%1$o)和旧模式(%3$o)不匹配"
#: apply.c:3945
#, c-format
msgid "new mode (%o) of %s does not match old mode (%o) of %s"
msgstr "%2$s 的新模式(%1$o)和 %4$s 的旧模式(%3$o)不匹配"
#: apply.c:3965
#, c-format
msgid "affected file '%s' is beyond a symbolic link"
msgstr "受影响的文件 '%s' 位于符号链接中"
#: apply.c:3969
#, c-format
msgid "%s: patch does not apply"
msgstr "%s:补丁未应用"
#: apply.c:3984
#, c-format
msgid "Checking patch %s..."
msgstr "检查补丁 %s..."
#: apply.c:4075
#, c-format
msgid "sha1 information is lacking or useless for submodule %s"
msgstr "子模组 %s 的 sha1 信息缺失或无效"
#: apply.c:4082
#, c-format
msgid "mode change for %s, which is not in current HEAD"
msgstr "%s 的属性改变,但它不再当前 HEAD 中"
#: apply.c:4085
#, c-format
msgid "sha1 information is lacking or useless (%s)."
msgstr "sha1 信息缺失或无效(%s)。"
#: apply.c:4090 builtin/checkout.c:233 builtin/reset.c:135
#, c-format
msgid "make_cache_entry failed for path '%s'"
msgstr "对路径 '%s' 的 make_cache_entry 操作失败"
#: apply.c:4094
#, c-format
msgid "could not add %s to temporary index"
msgstr "不能在临时索引中添加 %s"
#: apply.c:4104
#, c-format
msgid "could not write temporary index to %s"
msgstr "不能把临时索引写入到 %s"
#: apply.c:4242
#, c-format
msgid "unable to remove %s from index"
msgstr "不能从索引中移除 %s"
#: apply.c:4277
#, c-format
msgid "corrupt patch for submodule %s"
msgstr "子模组 %s 损坏的补丁"
#: apply.c:4283
#, c-format
msgid "unable to stat newly created file '%s'"
msgstr "不能枚举新建文件 '%s' 的状态"
#: apply.c:4291
#, c-format
msgid "unable to create backing store for newly created file %s"
msgstr "不能为新建文件 %s 创建后端存储"
#: apply.c:4297 apply.c:4441
#, c-format
msgid "unable to add cache entry for %s"
msgstr "无法为 %s 添加缓存条目"
#: apply.c:4338
#, c-format
msgid "failed to write to '%s'"
msgstr "无法写入 '%s'"
#: apply.c:4342
#, c-format
msgid "closing file '%s'"
msgstr "关闭文件 '%s'"
#: apply.c:4412
#, c-format
msgid "unable to write file '%s' mode %o"
msgstr "不能写文件 '%s' 权限 %o"
#: apply.c:4510
#, c-format
msgid "Applied patch %s cleanly."
msgstr "成功应用补丁 %s。"
#: apply.c:4518
msgid "internal error"
msgstr "内部错误"
#: apply.c:4521
#, c-format
msgid "Applying patch %%s with %d reject..."
msgid_plural "Applying patch %%s with %d rejects..."
msgstr[0] "应用 %%s 个补丁,其中 %d 个被拒绝..."
msgstr[1] "应用 %%s 个补丁,其中 %d 个被拒绝..."
#: apply.c:4532
#, c-format
msgid "truncating .rej filename to %.*s.rej"
msgstr "截短 .rej 文件名为 %.*s.rej"
#: apply.c:4540 builtin/fetch.c:740 builtin/fetch.c:989
#, c-format
msgid "cannot open %s"
msgstr "不能打开 %s"
#: apply.c:4554
#, c-format
msgid "Hunk #%d applied cleanly."
msgstr "第 #%d 个片段成功应用。"
#: apply.c:4558
#, c-format
msgid "Rejected hunk #%d."
msgstr "拒绝第 #%d 个片段。"
#: apply.c:4668
#, c-format
msgid "Skipped patch '%s'."
msgstr "略过补丁 '%s'。"
#: apply.c:4676
msgid "unrecognized input"
msgstr "未能识别的输入"
#: apply.c:4695
msgid "unable to read index file"
msgstr "无法读取索引文件"
#: apply.c:4833
#, c-format
msgid "can't open patch '%s': %s"
msgstr "不能打开补丁 '%s':%s"
#: apply.c:4858
#, c-format
msgid "squelched %d whitespace error"
msgid_plural "squelched %d whitespace errors"
msgstr[0] "抑制下仍有 %d 个空白字符误用"
msgstr[1] "抑制下仍有 %d 个空白字符误用"
#: apply.c:4864 apply.c:4879
#, c-format
msgid "%d line adds whitespace errors."
msgid_plural "%d lines add whitespace errors."
msgstr[0] "%d 行有空白字符误用。"
msgstr[1] "%d 行有空白字符误用。"
#: apply.c:4872
#, c-format
msgid "%d line applied after fixing whitespace errors."
msgid_plural "%d lines applied after fixing whitespace errors."
msgstr[0] "修复空白错误后,应用了 %d 行。"
msgstr[1] "修复空白错误后,应用了 %d 行。"
#: apply.c:4888 builtin/add.c:463 builtin/mv.c:286 builtin/rm.c:431
msgid "Unable to write new index file"
msgstr "无法写入新索引文件"
#: apply.c:4919 apply.c:4922 builtin/am.c:2277 builtin/am.c:2280
#: builtin/clone.c:95 builtin/fetch.c:98 builtin/pull.c:180
#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:281 builtin/submodule--helper.c:407
#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:589 builtin/submodule--helper.c:592
#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:944 builtin/submodule--helper.c:947
msgid "path"
msgstr "路径"
#: apply.c:4920
msgid "don't apply changes matching the given path"
msgstr "不要应用与给出路径向匹配的变更"
#: apply.c:4923
msgid "apply changes matching the given path"
msgstr "应用与给出路径向匹配的变更"
#: apply.c:4925 builtin/am.c:2286
msgid "num"
msgstr "数字"
#: apply.c:4926
msgid "remove <num> leading slashes from traditional diff paths"
msgstr "从传统的 diff 路径中移除指定数量的前导斜线"
#: apply.c:4929
msgid "ignore additions made by the patch"
msgstr "忽略补丁中的添加的文件"
#: apply.c:4931
msgid "instead of applying the patch, output diffstat for the input"
msgstr "不应用补丁,而是显示输入的差异统计(diffstat)"
#: apply.c:4935
msgid "show number of added and deleted lines in decimal notation"
msgstr "以十进制数显示添加和删除的行数"
#: apply.c:4937
msgid "instead of applying the patch, output a summary for the input"
msgstr "不应用补丁,而是显示输入的概要"
#: apply.c:4939
msgid "instead of applying the patch, see if the patch is applicable"
msgstr "不应用补丁,而是查看补丁是否可应用"
#: apply.c:4941
msgid "make sure the patch is applicable to the current index"
msgstr "确认补丁可以应用到当前索引"
#: apply.c:4943
msgid "apply a patch without touching the working tree"
msgstr "应用补丁而不修改工作区"
#: apply.c:4945
msgid "accept a patch that touches outside the working area"
msgstr "接受修改工作区之外文件的补丁"
#: apply.c:4947
msgid "also apply the patch (use with --stat/--summary/--check)"
msgstr "还应用此补丁(与 --stat/--summary/--check 选项同时使用)"
#: apply.c:4949
msgid "attempt three-way merge if a patch does not apply"
msgstr "如果一个补丁不能应用则尝试三方合并"
#: apply.c:4951
msgid "build a temporary index based on embedded index information"
msgstr "创建一个临时索引基于嵌入的索引信息"
#: apply.c:4954 builtin/checkout-index.c:169 builtin/ls-files.c:505
msgid "paths are separated with NUL character"
msgstr "路径以 NUL 字符分隔"
#: apply.c:4956
msgid "ensure at least <n> lines of context match"
msgstr "确保至少匹配 <n> 行上下文"
#: apply.c:4957 builtin/am.c:2265
msgid "action"
msgstr "动作"
#: apply.c:4958
msgid "detect new or modified lines that have whitespace errors"
msgstr "检查新增和修改的行中间的空白字符滥用"
#: apply.c:4961 apply.c:4964
msgid "ignore changes in whitespace when finding context"
msgstr "查找上下文时忽略空白字符的变更"
#: apply.c:4967
msgid "apply the patch in reverse"
msgstr "反向应用补丁"
#: apply.c:4969
msgid "don't expect at least one line of context"
msgstr "无需至少一行上下文"
#: apply.c:4971
msgid "leave the rejected hunks in corresponding *.rej files"
msgstr "将拒绝的补丁片段保存在对应的 *.rej 文件中"
#: apply.c:4973
msgid "allow overlapping hunks"
msgstr "允许重叠的补丁片段"
#: apply.c:4974 builtin/add.c:267 builtin/check-ignore.c:19
#: builtin/commit.c:1339 builtin/count-objects.c:94 builtin/fsck.c:593
#: builtin/log.c:1860 builtin/mv.c:110 builtin/read-tree.c:114
msgid "be verbose"
msgstr "冗长输出"
#: apply.c:4976
msgid "tolerate incorrectly detected missing new-line at the end of file"
msgstr "允许不正确的文件末尾换行符"
#: apply.c:4979
msgid "do not trust the line counts in the hunk headers"
msgstr "不信任补丁片段的头信息中的行号"
#: apply.c:4981 builtin/am.c:2274
msgid "root"
msgstr "根目录"
#: apply.c:4982
msgid "prepend <root> to all filenames"
msgstr "为所有文件名前添加 <根目录>"
#: archive.c:12
msgid "git archive [<options>] <tree-ish> [<path>...]"
msgstr "git archive [<选项>] <树或提交> [<路径>...]"
#: archive.c:13
msgid "git archive --list"
msgstr "git archive --list"
#: archive.c:14
msgid ""
"git archive --remote <repo> [--exec <cmd>] [<options>] <tree-ish> [<path>...]"
msgstr ""
"git archive --remote <仓库> [--exec <命令>] [<选项>] <树或提交> [<路径>...]"
#: archive.c:15
msgid "git archive --remote <repo> [--exec <cmd>] --list"
msgstr "git archive --remote <仓库> [--exec <命令>] --list"
#: archive.c:344 builtin/add.c:152 builtin/add.c:442 builtin/rm.c:327
#, c-format
msgid "pathspec '%s' did not match any files"
msgstr "路径规格 '%s' 未匹配任何文件"
#: archive.c:429
msgid "fmt"
msgstr "格式"
#: archive.c:429
msgid "archive format"
msgstr "归档格式"
#: archive.c:430 builtin/log.c:1429
msgid "prefix"
msgstr "前缀"
#: archive.c:431
msgid "prepend prefix to each pathname in the archive"
msgstr "为归档中每个路径名加上前缀"
#: archive.c:432 builtin/archive.c:88 builtin/blame.c:2603
#: builtin/blame.c:2604 builtin/config.c:59 builtin/fast-export.c:987
#: builtin/fast-export.c:989 builtin/grep.c:723 builtin/hash-object.c:101
#: builtin/ls-files.c:539 builtin/ls-files.c:542 builtin/notes.c:401
#: builtin/notes.c:564 builtin/read-tree.c:109 parse-options.h:153
msgid "file"
msgstr "文件"
#: archive.c:433 builtin/archive.c:89
msgid "write the archive to this file"
msgstr "归档写入此文件"
#: archive.c:435
msgid "read .gitattributes in working directory"
msgstr "读取工作区中的 .gitattributes"
#: archive.c:436
msgid "report archived files on stderr"
msgstr "在标准错误上报告归档文件"
#: archive.c:437
msgid "store only"
msgstr "只存储"
#: archive.c:438
msgid "compress faster"
msgstr "压缩速度更快"
#: archive.c:446
msgid "compress better"
msgstr "压缩效果更好"
#: archive.c:449
msgid "list supported archive formats"
msgstr "列出支持的归档格式"
#: archive.c:451 builtin/archive.c:90 builtin/clone.c:85 builtin/clone.c:88
#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:601 builtin/submodule--helper.c:953
msgid "repo"
msgstr "仓库"
#: archive.c:452 builtin/archive.c:91
msgid "retrieve the archive from remote repository <repo>"
msgstr "从远程仓库(<仓库>)提取归档文件"
#: archive.c:453 builtin/archive.c:92 builtin/notes.c:485
msgid "command"
msgstr "命令"
#: archive.c:454 builtin/archive.c:93
msgid "path to the remote git-upload-archive command"
msgstr "远程 git-upload-archive 命令的路径"
#: archive.c:461
msgid "Unexpected option --remote"
msgstr "未知参数 --remote"
#: archive.c:463
msgid "Option --exec can only be used together with --remote"
msgstr "选项 --exec 只能和 --remote 同时使用"
#: archive.c:465
msgid "Unexpected option --output"
msgstr "未知参数 --output"
#: archive.c:487
#, c-format
msgid "Unknown archive format '%s'"
msgstr "未知归档格式 '%s'"
#: archive.c:494
#, c-format
msgid "Argument not supported for format '%s': -%d"
msgstr "参数不支持此格式 '%s':-%d"
#: attr.c:263
msgid ""
"Negative patterns are ignored in git attributes\n"
"Use '\\!' for literal leading exclamation."
msgstr ""
"负值模版在 git attributes 中被忽略\n"
"当字符串确实要以感叹号开始时,使用 '\\!'。"
#: bisect.c:441
#, c-format
msgid "Could not open file '%s'"
msgstr "不能打开文件 '%s'"
#: bisect.c:446
#, c-format
msgid "Badly quoted content in file '%s': %s"
msgstr "文件 '%s' 包含错误的引用格式:%s"
#: bisect.c:655
#, c-format
msgid "We cannot bisect more!\n"
msgstr "我们无法进行更多的二分查找!\n"
#: bisect.c:708
#, c-format
msgid "Not a valid commit name %s"
msgstr "不是一个有效的提交名 %s"
#: bisect.c:732
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The merge base %s is bad.\n"
"This means the bug has been fixed between %s and [%s].\n"
msgstr ""
"合并基线 %s 是坏的。\n"
"这意味着介于 %s 和 [%s] 之间的 bug 已经被修复。\n"
#: bisect.c:737
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The merge base %s is new.\n"
"The property has changed between %s and [%s].\n"
msgstr ""
"合并基线 %s 是新的。\n"
"介于 %s 和 [%s] 之间的属性已经被修改。\n"
#: bisect.c:742
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The merge base %s is %s.\n"
"This means the first '%s' commit is between %s and [%s].\n"
msgstr ""
"合并基线 %s 是 %s。\n"
"这意味着第一个 '%s' 提交位于 %s 和 [%s] 之间。\n"
#: bisect.c:750
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Some %s revs are not ancestor of the %s rev.\n"
"git bisect cannot work properly in this case.\n"
"Maybe you mistook %s and %s revs?\n"
msgstr ""
"一些 %s 版本不是 %s 版本的祖先。\n"
"这种情况下 git 二分查找无法正常工作。\n"
"您可能弄错了 %s 和 %s 版本?\n"
#: bisect.c:763
#, c-format
msgid ""
"the merge base between %s and [%s] must be skipped.\n"
"So we cannot be sure the first %s commit is between %s and %s.\n"
"We continue anyway."
msgstr ""
"介于 %s 和 [%s] 的合并基线一定被忽略了。\n"
"所以我们无法确认第一个 %s 提交是否介于 %s 和 %s 之间。\n"
#: bisect.c:798
#, c-format
msgid "Bisecting: a merge base must be tested\n"
msgstr "二分查找中:合并基线必须是经过测试的\n"
#: bisect.c:849
#, c-format
msgid "a %s revision is needed"
msgstr "需要一个 %s 版本"
#: bisect.c:866 builtin/notes.c:174 builtin/tag.c:248
#, c-format
msgid "could not create file '%s'"
msgstr "不能创建文件 '%s'"
#: bisect.c:917
#, c-format
msgid "could not read file '%s'"
msgstr "不能读取文件 '%s'"
#: bisect.c:947
msgid "reading bisect refs failed"
msgstr "读取二分查找引用失败"
#: bisect.c:967
#, c-format
msgid "%s was both %s and %s\n"
msgstr "%s 同时为 %s 和 %s\n"
#: bisect.c:975
#, c-format
msgid ""
"No testable commit found.\n"
"Maybe you started with bad path parameters?\n"
msgstr ""
#: bisect.c:994
#, c-format
msgid "(roughly %d step)"
msgid_plural "(roughly %d steps)"
msgstr[0] "(大概 %d 步)"
msgstr[1] "(大概 %d 步)"
#. TRANSLATORS: the last %s will be replaced with
#. "(roughly %d steps)" translation
#: bisect.c:998
#, c-format
msgid "Bisecting: %d revision left to test after this %s\n"
msgid_plural "Bisecting: %d revisions left to test after this %s\n"
msgstr[0] "二分查找中:在此之后,还剩 %d 个版本待测试 %s\n"
msgstr[1] "二分查找中:在此之后,还剩 %d 个版本待测试 %s\n"
#: branch.c:53
#, c-format
msgid ""
"After fixing the error cause you may try to fix up\n"
"the remote tracking information by invoking\n"
"\"git branch --set-upstream-to=%s%s%s\"."
msgstr ""
"\"git branch --set-upstream-to=%s%s%s\" 。"
#: branch.c:67
#, c-format
msgid "Not setting branch %s as its own upstream."
msgstr "未设置分支 %s 作为它自己的上游。"
#: branch.c:93
#, c-format
msgid "Branch %s set up to track remote branch %s from %s by rebasing."
msgstr "分支 %1$s 设置为使用变基来跟踪来自 %3$s 的远程分支 %2$s。"
#: branch.c:94
#, c-format
msgid "Branch %s set up to track remote branch %s from %s."
msgstr "分支 %1$s 设置为跟踪来自 %3$s 的远程分支 %2$s。"
#: branch.c:98
#, c-format
msgid "Branch %s set up to track local branch %s by rebasing."
msgstr "分支 %s 设置为使用变基来跟踪本地分支 %s。"
#: branch.c:99
#, c-format
msgid "Branch %s set up to track local branch %s."
msgstr "分支 %s 设置为跟踪本地分支 %s。"
#: branch.c:104
#, c-format
msgid "Branch %s set up to track remote ref %s by rebasing."
msgstr "分支 %s 设置为使用变基来跟踪远程引用 %s。"
#: branch.c:105
#, c-format
msgid "Branch %s set up to track remote ref %s."
msgstr "分支 %s 设置为跟踪远程引用 %s。"
#: branch.c:109
#, c-format
msgid "Branch %s set up to track local ref %s by rebasing."
msgstr "分支 %s 设置为使用变基来跟踪本地引用 %s。"
#: branch.c:110
#, c-format
msgid "Branch %s set up to track local ref %s."
msgstr "分支 %s 设置为跟踪本地引用 %s。"
#: branch.c:119
msgid "Unable to write upstream branch configuration"
msgstr "无法写入上游分支配置"
#: branch.c:156
#, c-format
msgid "Not tracking: ambiguous information for ref %s"
msgstr "未跟踪:引用 %s 有歧义"
#: branch.c:185
#, c-format
msgid "'%s' is not a valid branch name."
msgstr "'%s' 不是一个有效的分支名称。"
#: branch.c:190
#, c-format
msgid "A branch named '%s' already exists."
msgstr "一个分支名 '%s' 已经存在。"
#: branch.c:198
msgid "Cannot force update the current branch."
msgstr "无法强制更新当前分支。"
#: branch.c:218
#, c-format
msgid "Cannot setup tracking information; starting point '%s' is not a branch."
msgstr "无法设置跟踪信息;起始点 '%s' 不是一个分支。"
#: branch.c:220
#, c-format
msgid "the requested upstream branch '%s' does not exist"
msgstr "请求的上游分支 '%s' 不存在"
#: branch.c:222
msgid ""
"If you are planning on basing your work on an upstream\n"
"branch that already exists at the remote, you may need to\n"
"run \"git fetch\" to retrieve it.\n"
"If you are planning to push out a new local branch that\n"
"will track its remote counterpart, you may want to use\n"
"\"git push -u\" to set the upstream config as you push."
msgstr ""
"您可能需要执行 \"git fetch\" 来获取分支。\n"
"您可能需要使用 \"git push -u\" 推送分支并配置和上游的关联。"
#: branch.c:265
#, c-format
msgid "Not a valid object name: '%s'."
msgstr "不是一个有效的对象名:'%s'。"
#: branch.c:285
#, c-format
msgid "Ambiguous object name: '%s'."
msgstr "歧义的对象名:'%s'。"
#: branch.c:290
#, c-format
msgid "Not a valid branch point: '%s'."
msgstr "无效的分支点:'%s'。"
#: branch.c:344
#, c-format
msgid "'%s' is already checked out at '%s'"
msgstr "'%s' 已经检出到 '%s'"
#: branch.c:363
#, c-format
msgid "HEAD of working tree %s is not updated"
msgstr "工作区 %s 的 HEAD 指向没有被更新"
#: bundle.c:34
#, c-format
msgid "'%s' does not look like a v2 bundle file"
msgstr "'%s' 不像是一个 v2 版本的包文件"
#: bundle.c:61
#, c-format
msgid "unrecognized header: %s%s (%d)"
msgstr "未能识别的包头:%s%s (%d)"
#: bundle.c:87 sequencer.c:963 builtin/commit.c:777
#, c-format
msgid "could not open '%s'"
msgstr "不能打开 '%s'"
#: bundle.c:139
msgid "Repository lacks these prerequisite commits:"
msgstr "仓库中缺少这些必备的提交:"
#: bundle.c:163 ref-filter.c:1462 sequencer.c:830 sequencer.c:1374
#: builtin/blame.c:2814 builtin/commit.c:1061 builtin/log.c:348
#: builtin/log.c:890 builtin/log.c:1340 builtin/log.c:1666 builtin/log.c:1909
#: builtin/merge.c:356 builtin/shortlog.c:170
msgid "revision walk setup failed"
msgstr "版本遍历设置失败"
#: bundle.c:185
#, c-format
msgid "The bundle contains this ref:"
msgid_plural "The bundle contains these %d refs:"
msgstr[0] "这个包中含有这个引用:"
msgstr[1] "这个包中含有 %d 个引用:"
#: bundle.c:192
msgid "The bundle records a complete history."
msgstr "这个包记录一个完整历史。"
#: bundle.c:194
#, c-format
msgid "The bundle requires this ref:"
msgid_plural "The bundle requires these %d refs:"
msgstr[0] "这个包需要这个引用:"
msgstr[1] "这个包需要 %d 个引用:"
#: bundle.c:253
msgid "Could not spawn pack-objects"
msgstr "不能生成 pack-objects 进程"
#: bundle.c:264
msgid "pack-objects died"
msgstr "pack-objects 终止"
#: bundle.c:304
msgid "rev-list died"
msgstr "rev-list 终止"
#: bundle.c:353
#, c-format
msgid "ref '%s' is excluded by the rev-list options"
msgstr "引用 '%s' 被 rev-list 选项排除"
#: bundle.c:443 builtin/log.c:165 builtin/log.c:1572 builtin/shortlog.c:273
#, c-format
msgid "unrecognized argument: %s"
msgstr "未能识别的参数:%s"
#: bundle.c:451
msgid "Refusing to create empty bundle."
msgstr "不能创建空包。"
#: bundle.c:463
#, c-format
msgid "cannot create '%s'"
msgstr "不能创建 '%s'"
#: bundle.c:491
msgid "index-pack died"
msgstr "index-pack 终止"
#: color.c:290
#, c-format
msgid "invalid color value: %.*s"
msgstr "无效的颜色值:%.*s"
#: commit.c:40 builtin/am.c:421 builtin/am.c:457 builtin/am.c:1493
#: builtin/am.c:2127
#, c-format
msgid "could not parse %s"
msgstr "不能解析 %s"
#: commit.c:42
#, c-format
msgid "%s %s is not a commit!"
msgstr "%s %s 不是一个提交!"
#: commit.c:1514
msgid ""
"Warning: commit message did not conform to UTF-8.\n"
"You may want to amend it after fixing the message, or set the config\n"
"variable i18n.commitencoding to the encoding your project uses.\n"
msgstr ""
"警告:提交说明不符合 UTF-8 字符集。\n"
"您可以通过修补提交来改正提交说明,或者将配置变量 i18n.commitencoding\n"
#: compat/obstack.c:406 compat/obstack.c:408
msgid "memory exhausted"
msgstr "内存耗尽"
#: config.c:516
#, c-format
msgid "bad config line %d in blob %s"
msgstr "数据对象 %2$s 中错误的配置行 %1$d"
#: config.c:520
#, c-format
msgid "bad config line %d in file %s"
msgstr "文件 %2$s 中错误的配置行 %1$d"
#: config.c:524
#, c-format
msgid "bad config line %d in standard input"
msgstr "标准输入中错误的配置行 %d"
#: config.c:528
#, c-format
msgid "bad config line %d in submodule-blob %s"
msgstr "子模组数据对象 %2$s 中错误的配置行 %1$d"
#: config.c:532
#, c-format
msgid "bad config line %d in command line %s"
msgstr "命令行 %2$s 中错误的配置行 %1$d"
#: config.c:536
#, c-format
msgid "bad config line %d in %s"
msgstr "在 %2$s 中错误的配置行 %1$d"
#: config.c:655
msgid "out of range"
msgstr "超出范围"
#: config.c:655
msgid "invalid unit"
msgstr "无效的单位"
#: config.c:661
#, c-format
msgid "bad numeric config value '%s' for '%s': %s"
msgstr "配置变量 '%2$s' 的数字取值 '%1$s' 设置错误:%3$s"
#: config.c:666
#, c-format
msgid "bad numeric config value '%s' for '%s' in blob %s: %s"
msgstr "数据对象 %3$s 中配置变量 '%2$s' 错误的取值 '%1$s':%4$s"
#: config.c:669
#, c-format
msgid "bad numeric config value '%s' for '%s' in file %s: %s"
msgstr "文件 %3$s 中配置变量 '%2$s' 错误的取值 '%1$s':%4$s"
#: config.c:672
#, c-format
msgid "bad numeric config value '%s' for '%s' in standard input: %s"
msgstr "标准输入中配置变量 '%2$s' 错误的取值 '%1$s':%3$s"
#: config.c:675
#, c-format
msgid "bad numeric config value '%s' for '%s' in submodule-blob %s: %s"
msgstr "子模组数据 %3$s 中配置变量 '%2$s' 错误的取值 '%1$s':%4$s"
#: config.c:678
#, c-format
msgid "bad numeric config value '%s' for '%s' in command line %s: %s"
msgstr "命令行 %3$s 中配置变量 '%2$s' 错误的取值 '%1$s':%4$s"
#: config.c:681
#, c-format
msgid "bad numeric config value '%s' for '%s' in %s: %s"
msgstr "在 %3$s 中配置变量 '%2$s' 错误的取值 '%1$s':%4$s"
#: config.c:768
#, c-format
msgid "failed to expand user dir in: '%s'"
msgstr "无法扩展 '%s' 中的用户目录"
#: config.c:852 config.c:863
#, c-format
msgid "bad zlib compression level %d"
msgstr "错误的 zlib 压缩级别 %d"
#: config.c:978
#, c-format
msgid "invalid mode for object creation: %s"
msgstr "无效的对象创建模式:%s"
#: config.c:1312
msgid "unable to parse command-line config"
msgstr "无法解析命令行中的配置"
#: config.c:1362
msgid "unknown error occurred while reading the configuration files"
msgstr "在读取配置文件时遇到未知错误"
#: config.c:1716
#, c-format
msgid "unable to parse '%s' from command-line config"
msgstr "无法解析命令行配置中的 '%s'"
#: config.c:1718
#, c-format
msgid "bad config variable '%s' in file '%s' at line %d"
msgstr "在文件 '%2$s' 的第 %3$d 行发现错误的配置变量 '%1$s'"
#: config.c:1777
#, c-format
msgid "%s has multiple values"
msgstr "%s 有多个取值"
#: config.c:2311
#, c-format
msgid "could not set '%s' to '%s'"
msgstr "不能设置 '%s' 为 '%s'"
#: config.c:2313
#, c-format
msgid "could not unset '%s'"
msgstr "不能取消设置 '%s'"
#: connect.c:49
msgid "The remote end hung up upon initial contact"
msgstr "远端在初始连接时即挂断"
#: connect.c:51
msgid ""
"Could not read from remote repository.\n"
"Please make sure you have the correct access rights\n"
"and the repository exists."
msgstr ""
#: connected.c:63 builtin/fsck.c:173 builtin/prune.c:140
msgid "Checking connectivity"
msgstr "检查连接中"
#: connected.c:75
msgid "Could not run 'git rev-list'"
msgstr "不能执行 'git rev-list'"
#: connected.c:95
msgid "failed write to rev-list"
msgstr "无法写入 rev-list"
#: connected.c:102
msgid "failed to close rev-list's stdin"
msgstr "无法关闭 rev-list 的标准输入"
#: convert.c:201
#, c-format
msgid ""
"CRLF will be replaced by LF in %s.\n"
"The file will have its original line endings in your working directory."
msgstr ""
"文件 %s 中的 CRLF 将被 LF 替换。\n"
#: convert.c:205
#, c-format
msgid "CRLF would be replaced by LF in %s."
msgstr "文件 %s 中的 CRLF 将被 LF 替换。"
#: convert.c:211
#, c-format
msgid ""
"LF will be replaced by CRLF in %s.\n"
"The file will have its original line endings in your working directory."
msgstr ""
"文件 %s 中的 LF 将被 CRLF 替换。\n"
#: convert.c:215
#, c-format
msgid "LF would be replaced by CRLF in %s"
msgstr "文件 %s 中的 LF 将被 CRLF 替换"
#: date.c:97
msgid "in the future"
msgstr "在将来"
#: date.c:103
#, c-format
msgid "%lu second ago"
msgid_plural "%lu seconds ago"
msgstr[0] "%lu 秒钟前"
msgstr[1] "%lu 秒钟前"
#: date.c:110
#, c-format
msgid "%lu minute ago"
msgid_plural "%lu minutes ago"
msgstr[0] "%lu 分钟前"
msgstr[1] "%lu 分钟前"
#: date.c:117
#, c-format
msgid "%lu hour ago"
msgid_plural "%lu hours ago"
msgstr[0] "%lu 小时前"
msgstr[1] "%lu 小时前"
#: date.c:124
#, c-format
msgid "%lu day ago"
msgid_plural "%lu days ago"
msgstr[0] "%lu 天前"
msgstr[1] "%lu 天前"
#: date.c:130
#, c-format
msgid "%lu week ago"
msgid_plural "%lu weeks ago"
msgstr[0] "%lu 周前"
msgstr[1] "%lu 周前"
#: date.c:137
#, c-format
msgid "%lu month ago"
msgid_plural "%lu months ago"
msgstr[0] "%lu 个月前"
msgstr[1] "%lu 个月前"
#: date.c:148
#, c-format
msgid "%lu year"
msgid_plural "%lu years"
msgstr[0] "%lu 年"
msgstr[1] "%lu 年"
#. TRANSLATORS: "%s" is "<n> years"
#: date.c:151
#, c-format
msgid "%s, %lu month ago"
msgid_plural "%s, %lu months ago"
msgstr[0] "%s %lu 个月前"
msgstr[1] "%s %lu 个月前"
#: date.c:156 date.c:161
#, c-format
msgid "%lu year ago"
msgid_plural "%lu years ago"
msgstr[0] "%lu 年前"
msgstr[1] "%lu 年前"
#: diffcore-order.c:24
#, c-format
msgid "failed to read orderfile '%s'"
msgstr "无法读取排序文件 '%s'"
#: diffcore-rename.c:536
msgid "Performing inexact rename detection"
msgstr "正在进行非精确的重命名检测"
#: diff.c:62
#, c-format
msgid "option '%s' requires a value"
msgstr "选项 '%s' 需要一个值"
# 译者:注意保持前导空格
#: diff.c:124
#, c-format
msgid " Failed to parse dirstat cut-off percentage '%s'\n"
msgstr " 无法解析 dirstat 截止(cut-off)百分比 '%s'\n"
# 译者:注意保持前导空格
#: diff.c:129
#, c-format
msgid " Unknown dirstat parameter '%s'\n"
msgstr " 未知的 dirstat 参数 '%s'\n"
#: diff.c:283
#, c-format
msgid "Unknown value for 'diff.submodule' config variable: '%s'"
msgstr "配置变量 'diff.submodule' 未知的取值:'%s'"
#: diff.c:346
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Found errors in 'diff.dirstat' config variable:\n"
msgstr ""
"发现配置变量 'diff.dirstat' 中的错误:\n"
#: diff.c:3087
#, c-format
msgid "external diff died, stopping at %s"
msgstr "外部 diff 退出,停止在 %s"
#: diff.c:3412
msgid "--name-only, --name-status, --check and -s are mutually exclusive"
msgstr "--name-only、--name-status、--check 和 -s 是互斥的"
#: diff.c:3502
msgid "--follow requires exactly one pathspec"
msgstr "--follow 明确要求只跟一个路径规格"
#: diff.c:3665
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Failed to parse --dirstat/-X option parameter:\n"
msgstr ""
"无法解析 --dirstat/-X 选项的参数:\n"
#: diff.c:3679
#, c-format
msgid "Failed to parse --submodule option parameter: '%s'"
msgstr "无法解析 --submodule 选项的参数:'%s'"
#: diff.c:4700
msgid "inexact rename detection was skipped due to too many files."
msgstr "因为文件太多,略过不严格的重命名检查。"
#: diff.c:4703
msgid "only found copies from modified paths due to too many files."
msgstr "因为文件太多,只在修改的路径中查找拷贝。"
#: diff.c:4706
#, c-format
msgid ""
"you may want to set your %s variable to at least %d and retry the command."
msgstr "您可能想要将您的 %s 变量至少设置为 %d 并重复此命令。"
#: dir.c:1866
msgid "failed to get kernel name and information"
msgstr "无法获得内核名称和信息"
#: dir.c:1985
msgid "Untracked cache is disabled on this system or location."
msgstr "缓存未跟踪文件在本系统或位置中被禁用。"
#: fetch-pack.c:213
msgid "git fetch-pack: expected shallow list"
msgstr "git fetch-pack:应为 shallow 列表"
#: fetch-pack.c:225
msgid "git fetch-pack: expected ACK/NAK, got EOF"
msgstr "git fetch-pack:应为 ACK/NAK,却得到 EOF"
#: fetch-pack.c:243
#, c-format
msgid "git fetch-pack: expected ACK/NAK, got '%s'"
msgstr "git fetch-pack:应为 ACK/NAK,却得到 '%s'"
#: fetch-pack.c:295
msgid "--stateless-rpc requires multi_ack_detailed"
msgstr "--stateless-rpc 需要 multi_ack_detailed"
#: fetch-pack.c:381
#, c-format
msgid "invalid shallow line: %s"
msgstr "无效的 shallow 信息:%s"
#: fetch-pack.c:387
#, c-format
msgid "invalid unshallow line: %s"
msgstr "无效的 unshallow 信息:%s"
#: fetch-pack.c:389
#, c-format
msgid "object not found: %s"
msgstr "对象未找到:%s"
#: fetch-pack.c:392
#, c-format
msgid "error in object: %s"
msgstr "对象中出错:%s"
#: fetch-pack.c:394
#, c-format
msgid "no shallow found: %s"
msgstr "未发现 shallow:%s"
#: fetch-pack.c:397
#, c-format
msgid "expected shallow/unshallow, got %s"
msgstr "应为 shallow/unshallow,却得到 %s"
#: fetch-pack.c:436
#, c-format
msgid "got %s %d %s"
msgstr "得到 %s %d %s"
#: fetch-pack.c:450
#, c-format
msgid "invalid commit %s"
msgstr "无效提交 %s"
#: fetch-pack.c:483
msgid "giving up"
msgstr "放弃"
#: fetch-pack.c:493 progress.c:235
msgid "done"
msgstr "完成"
#: fetch-pack.c:505
#, c-format
msgid "got %s (%d) %s"
msgstr "得到 %s (%d) %s"
#: fetch-pack.c:551
#, c-format
msgid "Marking %s as complete"
msgstr "标记 %s 为完成"
#: fetch-pack.c:697
#, c-format
msgid "already have %s (%s)"
msgstr "已经有 %s (%s)"
#: fetch-pack.c:735
msgid "fetch-pack: unable to fork off sideband demultiplexer"
msgstr "fetch-pack:无法派生 sideband 多路输出"
#: fetch-pack.c:743
msgid "protocol error: bad pack header"
msgstr "协议错误:坏的包头"
#: fetch-pack.c:799
#, c-format
msgid "fetch-pack: unable to fork off %s"
msgstr "fetch-pack:无法派生进程 %s"
#: fetch-pack.c:815
#, c-format
msgid "%s failed"
msgstr "%s 失败"
#: fetch-pack.c:817
msgid "error in sideband demultiplexer"
msgstr "sideband 多路输出出错"
#: fetch-pack.c:844
msgid "Server does not support shallow clients"
msgstr "服务器不支持 shalllow 客户端"
#: fetch-pack.c:848
msgid "Server supports multi_ack_detailed"
msgstr "服务器支持 multi_ack_detailed"
#: fetch-pack.c:851
msgid "Server supports no-done"
msgstr "服务器支持 no-done"
#: fetch-pack.c:857
msgid "Server supports multi_ack"
msgstr "服务器支持 multi_ack"
#: fetch-pack.c:861
msgid "Server supports side-band-64k"
msgstr "服务器支持 side-band-64k"
#: fetch-pack.c:865
msgid "Server supports side-band"
msgstr "服务器支持 side-band"
#: fetch-pack.c:869
msgid "Server supports allow-tip-sha1-in-want"
msgstr "服务器支持 allow-tip-sha1-in-want"
#: fetch-pack.c:873
msgid "Server supports allow-reachable-sha1-in-want"
msgstr "服务器支持 allow-reachable-sha1-in-want"
#: fetch-pack.c:883
msgid "Server supports ofs-delta"
msgstr "服务器支持 ofs-delta"
#: fetch-pack.c:890
#, c-format
msgid "Server version is %.*s"
msgstr "服务器版本 %.*s"
#: fetch-pack.c:896
msgid "Server does not support --shallow-since"
msgstr "服务器不支持 --shallow-since"
#: fetch-pack.c:900
msgid "Server does not support --shallow-exclude"
msgstr "服务器不支持 --shallow-exclude"
#: fetch-pack.c:902
msgid "Server does not support --deepen"
msgstr "服务器不支持 --deepen"
#: fetch-pack.c:913
msgid "no common commits"
msgstr "没有共同的提交"
#: fetch-pack.c:925
msgid "git fetch-pack: fetch failed."
msgstr "git fetch-pack:获取失败。"
#: fetch-pack.c:1087
msgid "no matching remote head"
msgstr "没有匹配的远程分支"
#: gpg-interface.c:185
msgid "gpg failed to sign the data"
msgstr "gpg 无法为数据签名"
#: gpg-interface.c:215
msgid "could not create temporary file"
msgstr "不能创建临时文件"
#: gpg-interface.c:217
#, c-format
msgid "failed writing detached signature to '%s'"
msgstr "无法将分离式签名写入 '%s'"
#: grep.c:1782
#, c-format
msgid "'%s': unable to read %s"
msgstr "'%s':无法读取 %s"
#: grep.c:1799 builtin/clone.c:381 builtin/diff.c:84 builtin/rm.c:155
#, c-format
msgid "failed to stat '%s'"
msgstr "无法枚举 '%s' 状态"
#: grep.c:1810
#, c-format
msgid "'%s': short read"
msgstr "'%s':读取不完整"
#: help.c:203
#, c-format
msgid "available git commands in '%s'"
msgstr "在 '%s' 下可用的 git 命令"
#: help.c:210
msgid "git commands available from elsewhere on your $PATH"
msgstr "在 $PATH 路径中的其他地方可用的 git 命令"
#: help.c:241
msgid "These are common Git commands used in various situations:"
msgstr "这些是各种场合常见的 Git 命令:"
#: help.c:306
#, c-format
msgid ""
"'%s' appears to be a git command, but we were not\n"
"able to execute it. Maybe git-%s is broken?"
msgstr ""
"'%s' 像是一个 git 命令,但却无法运行。\n"
"可能是 git-%s 受损?"
#: help.c:361
msgid "Uh oh. Your system reports no Git commands at all."
msgstr "唉呀,您的系统中未发现 Git 命令。"
#: help.c:383
#, c-format
msgid ""
"WARNING: You called a Git command named '%s', which does not exist.\n"
"Continuing under the assumption that you meant '%s'"
msgstr ""
"警告:您运行一个不存在的 Git 命令 '%s'。继续执行假定您要运行的\n"
"是 '%s'"
#: help.c:388
#, c-format
msgid "in %0.1f seconds automatically..."
msgstr "在 %0.1f 秒钟后自动运行..."
#: help.c:395
#, c-format
msgid "git: '%s' is not a git command. See 'git --help'."
msgstr "git:'%s' 不是一个 git 命令。参见 'git --help'。"
#: help.c:399 help.c:465
msgid ""
"Did you mean this?"
msgid_plural ""
"Did you mean one of these?"
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#: help.c:461
#, c-format
msgid "%s: %s - %s"
msgstr "%s:%s - %s"
#: ident.c:334
msgid ""
"*** Please tell me who you are.\n"
" git config --global \"\"\n"
" git config --global \"Your Name\"\n"
"to set your account's default identity.\n"
"Omit --global to set the identity only in this repository.\n"
msgstr ""
"*** 请告诉我你是谁。\n"
" git config --global \"\"\n"
" git config --global \"Your Name\"\n"
"如果仅在本仓库设置身份标识,则省略 --global 参数。\n"
#: lockfile.c:152
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Unable to create '%s.lock': %s.\n"
"Another git process seems to be running in this repository, e.g.\n"
"an editor opened by 'git commit'. Please make sure all processes\n"
"are terminated then try again. If it still fails, a git process\n"
"may have crashed in this repository earlier:\n"
"remove the file manually to continue."
msgstr ""
"无法创建 '%s.lock':%s。\n"
"似乎另外一个 git 进程在这个仓库中运行,例如:'git commit' 命令打\n"
"可能之前有一个 git 进程在这个仓库中异常退出:\n"
#: lockfile.c:160
#, c-format
msgid "Unable to create '%s.lock': %s"
msgstr "不能创建 '%s.lock':%s"
#: merge.c:41
msgid "failed to read the cache"
msgstr "无法读取缓存"
#: merge.c:96 builtin/am.c:2000 builtin/am.c:2035 builtin/checkout.c:374
#: builtin/checkout.c:588 builtin/clone.c:731
msgid "unable to write new index file"
msgstr "无法写新的索引文件"
#: merge-recursive.c:209
msgid "(bad commit)\n"
msgstr "(坏提交)\n"
#: merge-recursive.c:231
#, c-format
msgid "addinfo_cache failed for path '%s'"
msgstr "为路径 '%s' addinfo_cache 失败"
#: merge-recursive.c:301
msgid "error building trees"
msgstr "无法创建树"
#: merge-recursive.c:720
#, c-format
msgid "failed to create path '%s'%s"
msgstr "无法创建路径 '%s'%s"
#: merge-recursive.c:731
#, c-format
msgid "Removing %s to make room for subdirectory\n"
msgstr "删除 %s 以便为子目录留出空间\n"
#: merge-recursive.c:745 merge-recursive.c:764
msgid ": perhaps a D/F conflict?"
msgstr ":可能是一个目录/文件冲突?"
#: merge-recursive.c:754
#, c-format
msgid "refusing to lose untracked file at '%s'"
msgstr "拒绝丢弃 '%s' 中的未跟踪文件"
#: merge-recursive.c:796 builtin/cat-file.c:34
#, c-format
msgid "cannot read object %s '%s'"
msgstr "不能读取对象 %s '%s'"
#: merge-recursive.c:798
#, c-format
msgid "blob expected for %s '%s'"
msgstr "%s '%s' 应为数据对象"
#: merge-recursive.c:822
#, c-format
msgid "failed to open '%s': %s"
msgstr "无法打开 '%s':%s"
#: merge-recursive.c:833
#, c-format
msgid "failed to symlink '%s': %s"
msgstr "无法创建符号链接 '%s':%s"
#: merge-recursive.c:838
#, c-format
msgid "do not know what to do with %06o %s '%s'"
msgstr "不知道如何处理 %06o %s '%s'"
#: merge-recursive.c:978
msgid "Failed to execute internal merge"
msgstr "无法执行内部合并"
#: merge-recursive.c:982
#, c-format
msgid "Unable to add %s to database"
msgstr "不能添加 %s 至对象库"
#: merge-recursive.c:1081 merge-recursive.c:1095
#, c-format
msgid ""
"CONFLICT (%s/delete): %s deleted in %s and %s in %s. Version %s of %s left "
"in tree."
msgstr ""
"冲突(%1$s/删除):%2$s 在 %3$s 中被删除,在 %5$s 中被 %4$s。%7$s 在 %6$s 中"
#: merge-recursive.c:1087 merge-recursive.c:1100
#, c-format
msgid ""
"CONFLICT (%s/delete): %s deleted in %s and %s in %s. Version %s of %s left "
"in tree at %s."
msgstr ""
"冲突(%1$s/删除):%2$s 在 %3$s 中被删除,在 %5$s 中被 %4$s。%7$s 在 %6$s 中"
"的版本保留于 %8$s 中。"
#: merge-recursive.c:1143
msgid "rename"
msgstr "重命名"
#: merge-recursive.c:1143
msgid "renamed"
msgstr "重命名"
#: merge-recursive.c:1200
#, c-format
msgid "%s is a directory in %s adding as %s instead"
msgstr "%s 是 %s 中的一个目录而以 %s 为名被添加"
#: merge-recursive.c:1225
#, c-format
msgid ""
"CONFLICT (rename/rename): Rename \"%s\"->\"%s\" in branch \"%s\" rename \"%s"
"\"->\"%s\" in \"%s\"%s"
msgstr ""
"冲突(重命名/重命名):在分支 \"%3$s\" 中重命名 \"%1$s\"->\"%2$s\",在分支 "
"\"%6$s\" 中重命名 \"%4$s\"->\"%5$s\"%7$s"
#: merge-recursive.c:1230
msgid " (left unresolved)"
msgstr "(留下未解决)"
#: merge-recursive.c:1292
#, c-format
msgid "CONFLICT (rename/rename): Rename %s->%s in %s. Rename %s->%s in %s"
msgstr ""
"冲突(重命名/重命名):在 %3$s 中重命名 %1$s->%2$s,在 %6$s 中重命名 %4$s->"
#: merge-recursive.c:1325
#, c-format
msgid "Renaming %s to %s and %s to %s instead"
msgstr "而是重命名 %s 至 %s,以及 %s 至 %s"
#: merge-recursive.c:1531
#, c-format
msgid "CONFLICT (rename/add): Rename %s->%s in %s. %s added in %s"
msgstr "冲突(重命名/添加):在 %3$s 中重命名 %1$s->%2$s。在 %5$s 中添加 %4$s"
#: merge-recursive.c:1546
#, c-format
msgid "Adding merged %s"
msgstr "添加合并后的 %s"
#: merge-recursive.c:1553 merge-recursive.c:1766
#, c-format
msgid "Adding as %s instead"
msgstr "而是以 %s 为名添加"
#: merge-recursive.c:1610
#, c-format
msgid "cannot read object %s"
msgstr "不能读取对象 %s"
#: merge-recursive.c:1613
#, c-format
msgid "object %s is not a blob"
msgstr "对象 %s 不是一个数据对象"
#: merge-recursive.c:1666
msgid "modify"
msgstr "修改"
#: merge-recursive.c:1666
msgid "modified"
msgstr "修改"
#: merge-recursive.c:1676
msgid "content"
msgstr "内容"
#: merge-recursive.c:1683
msgid "add/add"
msgstr "添加/添加"
#: merge-recursive.c:1718
#, c-format
msgid "Skipped %s (merged same as existing)"
msgstr "略过 %s(已经做过相同合并)"
#: merge-recursive.c:1732
#, c-format
msgid "Auto-merging %s"
msgstr "自动合并 %s"
#: merge-recursive.c:1736
msgid "submodule"
msgstr "子模组"
#: merge-recursive.c:1737
#, c-format
msgid "CONFLICT (%s): Merge conflict in %s"
msgstr "冲突(%s):合并冲突于 %s"
#: merge-recursive.c:1831
#, c-format
msgid "Removing %s"
msgstr "删除 %s"
#: merge-recursive.c:1857
msgid "file/directory"
msgstr "文件/目录"
#: merge-recursive.c:1863
msgid "directory/file"
msgstr "目录/文件"
#: merge-recursive.c:1868
#, c-format
msgid "CONFLICT (%s): There is a directory with name %s in %s. Adding %s as %s"
msgstr "冲突(%1$s):在 %3$s 中有一个名为 %2$s 的目录。以 %5$s 为名添加 %4$s"
#: merge-recursive.c:1877
#, c-format
msgid "Adding %s"
msgstr "添加 %s"
#: merge-recursive.c:1914
msgid "Already up-to-date!"
msgstr "已经是最新的!"
#: merge-recursive.c:1923
#, c-format
msgid "merging of trees %s and %s failed"
msgstr "无法合并树 %s 和 %s"
#: merge-recursive.c:2006
msgid "Merging:"
msgstr "合并:"
#: merge-recursive.c:2019
#, c-format
msgid "found %u common ancestor:"
msgid_plural "found %u common ancestors:"
msgstr[0] "发现 %u 个共同祖先:"
msgstr[1] "发现 %u 个共同祖先:"
#: merge-recursive.c:2058
msgid "merge returned no commit"
msgstr "合并未返回提交"
#: merge-recursive.c:2121
#, c-format
msgid "Could not parse object '%s'"
msgstr "不能解析对象 '%s'"
#: merge-recursive.c:2135 builtin/merge.c:641 builtin/merge.c:788
msgid "Unable to write index."
msgstr "不能写入索引。"
#: notes-merge.c:273
#, c-format
msgid ""
"You have not concluded your previous notes merge (%s exists).\n"
"Please, use 'git notes merge --commit' or 'git notes merge --abort' to "
"commit/abort the previous merge before you start a new notes merge."
msgstr ""
"您尚未结束您前一次注释合并(存在 %s)。\n"
"请您在开始一个新的注释合并之前,使用 'git notes merge --commit' 或者 'git "
"notes merge --abort' 来提交/终止前一次合并。"
#: notes-merge.c:280
#, c-format
msgid "You have not concluded your notes merge (%s exists)."
msgstr "您尚未结束注释合并(存在 %s)。"
#: notes-utils.c:41
msgid "Cannot commit uninitialized/unreferenced notes tree"
msgstr "不能提交未初始化/未引用的注解树"
#: notes-utils.c:100
#, c-format
msgid "Bad notes.rewriteMode value: '%s'"
msgstr "坏的 notes.rewriteMode 值:'%s'"
#: notes-utils.c:110
#, c-format
msgid "Refusing to rewrite notes in %s (outside of refs/notes/)"
msgstr "拒绝向 %s(在 refs/notes/ 之外)写入注解"
#. TRANSLATORS: The first %s is the name of the
#. environment variable, the second %s is its value
#: notes-utils.c:137
#, c-format
msgid "Bad %s value: '%s'"
msgstr "坏的 %s 值:'%s'"
#: object.c:242
#, c-format
msgid "unable to parse object: %s"
msgstr "不能解析对象:%s"
#: parse-options.c:572
msgid "..."
msgstr "..."
#: parse-options.c:590
#, c-format
msgid "usage: %s"
msgstr "用法:%s"
#. TRANSLATORS: the colon here should align with the
#. one in "usage: %s" translation
#: parse-options.c:594
#, c-format
msgid " or: %s"
msgstr " 或:%s"
# 译者:为保证在输出中对齐,注意调整句中空格!
#: parse-options.c:597
#, c-format
msgid " %s"
msgstr " %s"
#: parse-options.c:631
msgid "-NUM"
msgstr "-数字"
#: parse-options-cb.c:108
#, c-format
msgid "malformed object name '%s'"
msgstr "非法的对象名 '%s'"
#: path.c:826
#, c-format
msgid "Could not make %s writable by group"
msgstr "不能设置 %s 为组可写"
#: pathspec.c:133
msgid "global 'glob' and 'noglob' pathspec settings are incompatible"
msgstr "全局的 'glob' 和 'noglob' 路径规格设置不兼容"
#: pathspec.c:143
msgid ""
"global 'literal' pathspec setting is incompatible with all other global "
"pathspec settings"
msgstr "全局的 'literal' 路径规格设置和其它的全局路径规格设置不兼容"
#: pathspec.c:177
msgid "invalid parameter for pathspec magic 'prefix'"
msgstr "路径规格包含无效的神奇前缀"
#: pathspec.c:183
#, c-format
msgid "Invalid pathspec magic '%.*s' in '%s'"
msgstr "在路径规格 '%3$s' 中无效的神奇前缀 '%2$.*1$s'"
#: pathspec.c:187
#, c-format
msgid "Missing ')' at the end of pathspec magic in '%s'"
msgstr "路径规格 '%s' 的神奇前缀结尾少了一个 ')'"
#: pathspec.c:205
#, c-format
msgid "Unimplemented pathspec magic '%c' in '%s'"
msgstr "路径规格 '%2$s' 中包含未实现的神奇前缀 '%1$c'"
#: pathspec.c:230
#, c-format
msgid "%s: 'literal' and 'glob' are incompatible"
msgstr "%s:'literal' 和 'glob' 不兼容"
#: pathspec.c:241
#, c-format
msgid "%s: '%s' is outside repository"
msgstr "%s:'%s' 在仓库之外"
#: pathspec.c:291
#, c-format
msgid "Pathspec '%s' is in submodule '%.*s'"
msgstr "路径规格 '%s' 在子模组 '%.*s' 中"
#: pathspec.c:353
#, c-format
msgid "%s: pathspec magic not supported by this command: %s"
msgstr "%s:路径规格神奇前缀不被此命令支持:%s"
#: pathspec.c:408
msgid ""
"empty strings as pathspecs will be made invalid in upcoming releases. please "
"use . instead if you meant to match all paths"
msgstr ""
"请代之以 ."
#: pathspec.c:440
#, c-format
msgid "pathspec '%s' is beyond a symbolic link"
msgstr "路径规格 '%s' 位于符号链接中"
#: pathspec.c:449
msgid ""
"There is nothing to exclude from by :(exclude) patterns.\n"
"Perhaps you forgot to add either ':/' or '.' ?"
msgstr ""
"没有为 :(exclude) 模式提供要忽略的内容。也许您忘记了\n"
"添加 ':/' 或 '.' ?"
#: pretty.c:971
msgid "unable to parse --pretty format"
msgstr "不能解析 --pretty 格式"
#: read-cache.c:1315
#, c-format
msgid ""
"index.version set, but the value is invalid.\n"
"Using version %i"
msgstr ""
"设置了 index.version,但是取值无效。\n"
"使用版本 %i"
#: read-cache.c:1325
#, c-format
msgid ""
"GIT_INDEX_VERSION set, but the value is invalid.\n"
"Using version %i"
msgstr ""
"设置了 GIT_INDEX_VERSION,但是取值无效。\n"
"使用版本 %i"
#: refs.c:576 builtin/merge.c:840
#, c-format
msgid "Could not open '%s' for writing"
msgstr "无法打开 '%s' 进行写入"
#: refs/files-backend.c:2481
#, c-format
msgid "could not delete reference %s: %s"
msgstr "无法删除引用 %s:%s"
#: refs/files-backend.c:2484
#, c-format
msgid "could not delete references: %s"
msgstr "无法删除引用:%s"
#: refs/files-backend.c:2493
#, c-format
msgid "could not remove reference %s"
msgstr "无法删除引用 %s"
#: ref-filter.c:55
#, c-format
msgid "expected format: %%(color:<color>)"
msgstr "期望的格式:%%(color:<color>)"
#: ref-filter.c:57
#, c-format
msgid "unrecognized color: %%(color:%s)"
msgstr "未能识别的颜色:%%(color:%s)"
#: ref-filter.c:71
#, c-format
msgid "unrecognized format: %%(%s)"
msgstr "未能识别的格式:%%(%s)"
#: ref-filter.c:77
#, c-format
msgid "%%(body) does not take arguments"
msgstr "%%(body) 不带参数"
#: ref-filter.c:84
#, c-format
msgid "%%(subject) does not take arguments"
msgstr "%%(subject) 不带参数"
#: ref-filter.c:101
#, c-format
msgid "positive value expected contents:lines=%s"
msgstr "要为 contents:lines=%s 提供一个正数"
#: ref-filter.c:103
#, c-format
msgid "unrecognized %%(contents) argument: %s"
msgstr "未能识别的 %%(contents) 参数:%s"
#: ref-filter.c:113
#, c-format
msgid "unrecognized %%(objectname) argument: %s"
msgstr "未能识别的 %%(objectname) 参数:%s"
#: ref-filter.c:135
#, c-format
msgid "expected format: %%(align:<width>,<position>)"
msgstr "期望的格式:%%(align:<width>,<position>)"
#: ref-filter.c:147
#, c-format
msgid "unrecognized position:%s"
msgstr "未能识别的位置:%s"
#: ref-filter.c:151
#, c-format
msgid "unrecognized width:%s"
msgstr "未能识别的宽度:%s"
#: ref-filter.c:157
#, c-format
msgid "unrecognized %%(align) argument: %s"
msgstr "未能识别的 %%(align) 参数:%s"
#: ref-filter.c:161
#, c-format
msgid "positive width expected with the %%(align) atom"
msgstr "元素 %%(align) 需要一个正数的宽度"
#: ref-filter.c:244
#, c-format
msgid "malformed field name: %.*s"
msgstr "非法的字段名:%.*s"
#: ref-filter.c:270
#, c-format
msgid "unknown field name: %.*s"
msgstr "未知的字段名:%.*s"
#: ref-filter.c:372
#, c-format
msgid "format: %%(end) atom used without corresponding atom"
msgstr "格式:使用了 %%(end) 元素却没有它的对应元素"
#: ref-filter.c:424
#, c-format
msgid "malformed format string %s"
msgstr "非法的格式化字符串 %s"
#: ref-filter.c:878
msgid ":strip= requires a positive integer argument"
msgstr ":strip= 需要一个正整型参数"
#: ref-filter.c:883
#, c-format
msgid "ref '%s' does not have %ld components to :strip"
msgstr "引用 '%s' 未提供用于 :strip 的 %ld 个组件"
#: ref-filter.c:1046
#, c-format
msgid "unknown %.*s format %s"
msgstr "未知的 %.*s 格式 %s"
#: ref-filter.c:1066 ref-filter.c:1097
#, c-format
msgid "missing object %s for %s"
msgstr "缺失 %2$s 的对象 %1$s"
#: ref-filter.c:1069 ref-filter.c:1100
#, c-format
msgid "parse_object_buffer failed on %s for %s"
msgstr "parse_object_buffer 失败于 %2$s 的 %1$s"
#: ref-filter.c:1311
#, c-format
msgid "malformed object at '%s'"
msgstr "非法的对象于 '%s'"
#: ref-filter.c:1373
#, c-format
msgid "ignoring ref with broken name %s"
msgstr "忽略带有错误名称 %s 的引用"
#: ref-filter.c:1378
#, c-format
msgid "ignoring broken ref %s"
msgstr "忽略损坏的引用 %s"
#: ref-filter.c:1633
#, c-format
msgid "format: %%(end) atom missing"
msgstr "格式:缺少 %%(end) 元素"
#: ref-filter.c:1687
#, c-format
msgid "malformed object name %s"
msgstr "非法的对象名 %s"
#: remote.c:746
#, c-format
msgid "Cannot fetch both %s and %s to %s"
msgstr "不能同时获取 %s 和 %s 至 %s"
#: remote.c:750
#, c-format
msgid "%s usually tracks %s, not %s"
msgstr "%s 通常跟踪 %s,而非 %s"
#: remote.c:754
#, c-format
msgid "%s tracks both %s and %s"
msgstr "%s 同时跟踪 %s 和 %s"
#: remote.c:762
msgid "Internal error"
msgstr "内部错误"
#: remote.c:1677 remote.c:1720
msgid "HEAD does not point to a branch"
msgstr "HEAD 没有指向一个分支"
#: remote.c:1686
#, c-format
msgid "no such branch: '%s'"
msgstr "没有此分支:'%s'"
#: remote.c:1689
#, c-format
msgid "no upstream configured for branch '%s'"
msgstr "尚未给分支 '%s' 设置上游"
#: remote.c:1695
#, c-format
msgid "upstream branch '%s' not stored as a remote-tracking branch"
msgstr "上游分支 '%s' 没有存储为一个远程跟踪分支"
#: remote.c:1710
#, c-format
msgid "push destination '%s' on remote '%s' has no local tracking branch"
msgstr "推送目标 '%s' 至远程 '%s' 没有本地跟踪分支"
#: remote.c:1725
#, c-format
msgid "branch '%s' has no remote for pushing"
msgstr "分支 '%s' 没有设置要推送的远程服务器"
#: remote.c:1736
#, c-format
msgid "push refspecs for '%s' do not include '%s'"
msgstr "向 '%s' 推送引用规格未包含 '%s'"
#: remote.c:1749
msgid "push has no destination (push.default is 'nothing')"
msgstr "推送无目标(push.default 是 'nothing')"
#: remote.c:1771
msgid "cannot resolve 'simple' push to a single destination"
msgstr "无法解析 'simple' 推送至一个单独的目标"
#: remote.c:2073
#, c-format
msgid "Your branch is based on '%s', but the upstream is gone.\n"
msgstr "您的分支基于 '%s',但此上游分支已经不存在。\n"
#: remote.c:2077
msgid " (use \"git branch --unset-upstream\" to fixup)\n"
msgstr " (使用 \"git branch --unset-upstream\" 来修复)\n"
#: remote.c:2080
#, c-format
msgid "Your branch is up-to-date with '%s'.\n"
msgstr "您的分支与上游分支 '%s' 一致。\n"
#: remote.c:2084
#, c-format
msgid "Your branch is ahead of '%s' by %d commit.\n"
msgid_plural "Your branch is ahead of '%s' by %d commits.\n"
msgstr[0] "您的分支领先 '%s' 共 %d 个提交。\n"
msgstr[1] "您的分支领先 '%s' 共 %d 个提交。\n"
#: remote.c:2090
msgid " (use \"git push\" to publish your local commits)\n"
msgstr " (使用 \"git push\" 来发布您的本地提交)\n"
#: remote.c:2093
#, c-format
msgid "Your branch is behind '%s' by %d commit, and can be fast-forwarded.\n"
msgid_plural ""
"Your branch is behind '%s' by %d commits, and can be fast-forwarded.\n"
msgstr[0] "您的分支落后 '%s' 共 %d 个提交,并且可以快进。\n"
msgstr[1] "您的分支落后 '%s' 共 %d 个提交,并且可以快进。\n"
# 译者:注意保持前导空格
#: remote.c:2101
msgid " (use \"git pull\" to update your local branch)\n"
msgstr " (使用 \"git pull\" 来更新您的本地分支)\n"
#: remote.c:2104
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Your branch and '%s' have diverged,\n"
"and have %d and %d different commit each, respectively.\n"
msgid_plural ""
"Your branch and '%s' have diverged,\n"
"and have %d and %d different commits each, respectively.\n"
msgstr[0] ""
"您的分支和 '%s' 出现了偏离,\n"
"并且分别有 %d 和 %d 处不同的提交。\n"
msgstr[1] ""
"您的分支和 '%s' 出现了偏离,\n"
"并且分别有 %d 和 %d 处不同的提交。\n"
# 译者:注意保持前导空格
#: remote.c:2114
msgid " (use \"git pull\" to merge the remote branch into yours)\n"
msgstr " (使用 \"git pull\" 来合并远程分支)\n"
#: revision.c:2158
msgid "your current branch appears to be broken"
msgstr "您的当前分支好像被损坏"
#: revision.c:2161
#, c-format
msgid "your current branch '%s' does not have any commits yet"
msgstr "您的当前分支 '%s' 尚无任何提交"
#: revision.c:2355
msgid "--first-parent is incompatible with --bisect"
msgstr "--first-parent 与 --bisect 不兼容"
#: run-command.c:106
msgid "open /dev/null failed"
msgstr "不能打开 /dev/null"
#: run-command.c:108
#, c-format
msgid "dup2(%d,%d) failed"
msgstr "不能调用 dup2(%d,%d)"
#: send-pack.c:297
msgid "failed to sign the push certificate"
msgstr "无法为推送证书签名"
#: send-pack.c:410
msgid "the receiving end does not support --signed push"
msgstr "接收端不支持签名推送"
#: send-pack.c:412
msgid ""
"not sending a push certificate since the receiving end does not support --"
"signed push"
msgstr "未发送推送证书,因为接收端不支持签名推送"
#: send-pack.c:424
msgid "the receiving end does not support --atomic push"
msgstr "接收端不支持原子推送"
#: send-pack.c:429
msgid "the receiving end does not support push options"
msgstr "接收端不支持推送选项"
#: sequencer.c:171
msgid "revert"
msgstr "还原"
#: sequencer.c:171
msgid "cherry-pick"
msgstr "拣选"
#: sequencer.c:228
msgid ""
"after resolving the conflicts, mark the corrected paths\n"
"with 'git add <paths>' or 'git rm <paths>'"
msgstr ""
"冲突解决完毕后,用 'git add <路径>' 或 'git rm <路径>'\n"
#: sequencer.c:231
msgid ""
"after resolving the conflicts, mark the corrected paths\n"
"with 'git add <paths>' or 'git rm <paths>'\n"
"and commit the result with 'git commit'"
msgstr ""
"冲突解决完毕后,用 'git add <路径>' 或 'git rm <路径>'\n"
"对修正后的文件做标记,然后用 'git commit' 提交"
#: sequencer.c:244 sequencer.c:1209
#, c-format
msgid "could not lock '%s'"
msgstr "不能锁定 '%s'"
#: sequencer.c:247 sequencer.c:1125 sequencer.c:1214
#, c-format
msgid "could not write to '%s'"
msgstr "不能写入 '%s'"
#: sequencer.c:251
#, c-format
msgid "could not write eol to '%s'"
msgstr "不能将换行符写入 '%s'"
#: sequencer.c:255 sequencer.c:1130 sequencer.c:1216
#, c-format
msgid "failed to finalize '%s'."
msgstr "无法完成 '%s'。"
#: sequencer.c:279 builtin/am.c:259 builtin/commit.c:749 builtin/merge.c:1032
#, c-format
msgid "could not read '%s'"
msgstr "不能读取 '%s'"
#: sequencer.c:305
#, c-format
msgid "your local changes would be overwritten by %s."
msgstr "您的本地修改将被%s覆盖。"
#: sequencer.c:309
msgid "commit your changes or stash them to proceed."
msgstr "提交您的修改或保存进度后再继续。"
#: sequencer.c:324
#, c-format
msgid "%s: fast-forward"
msgstr "%s:快进"
#. TRANSLATORS: %s will be "revert" or "cherry-pick"
#: sequencer.c:399
#, c-format
msgid "%s: Unable to write new index file"
msgstr "%s:无法写入新索引文件"
#: sequencer.c:418
msgid "could not resolve HEAD commit\n"
msgstr "不能解析 HEAD 提交\n"
#: sequencer.c:438
msgid "unable to update cache tree\n"
msgstr "不能更新缓存\n"
#: sequencer.c:483
#, c-format
msgid ""
"you have staged changes in your working tree\n"
"If these changes are meant to be squashed into the previous commit, run:\n"
" git commit --amend %s\n"
"If they are meant to go into a new commit, run:\n"
" git commit %s\n"
"In both cases, once you're done, continue with:\n"
" git rebase --continue\n"
msgstr ""
" git commit --amend %s\n"
" git commit %s\n"
" git rebase --continue\n"
#: sequencer.c:567
#, c-format
msgid "could not parse commit %s\n"
msgstr "不能解析提交 %s\n"
#: sequencer.c:572
#, c-format
msgid "could not parse parent commit %s\n"
msgstr "不能解析父提交 %s\n"
#: sequencer.c:656
msgid "your index file is unmerged."
msgstr "您的索引文件未完成合并。"
#: sequencer.c:675
#, c-format
msgid "commit %s is a merge but no -m option was given."
msgstr "提交 %s 是一个合并提交但未提供 -m 选项。"
#: sequencer.c:683
#, c-format
msgid "commit %s does not have parent %d"
msgstr "提交 %s 没有第 %d 个父提交"
#: sequencer.c:687
#, c-format
msgid "mainline was specified but commit %s is not a merge."
msgstr "指定了主线,但是提交 %s 不是一个合并提交。"
#. TRANSLATORS: The first %s will be a "todo" command like
#. "revert" or "pick", the second %s a SHA1.
#: sequencer.c:700
#, c-format
msgid "%s: cannot parse parent commit %s"
msgstr "%s:不能解析父提交 %s"
#: sequencer.c:705
#, c-format
msgid "cannot get commit message for %s"
msgstr "不能得到 %s 的提交说明"
#: sequencer.c:797
#, c-format
msgid "could not revert %s... %s"
msgstr "不能还原 %s... %s"
#: sequencer.c:798
#, c-format
msgid "could not apply %s... %s"
msgstr "不能应用 %s... %s"
#: sequencer.c:833
msgid "empty commit set passed"
msgstr "提供了空的提交集"
#: sequencer.c:843
#, c-format
msgid "git %s: failed to read the index"
msgstr "git %s:无法读取索引"
#: sequencer.c:850
#, c-format
msgid "git %s: failed to refresh the index"
msgstr "git %s:无法刷新索引"
#: sequencer.c:944
#, c-format
msgid "invalid line %d: %.*s"
msgstr "无效行 %d:%.*s"
#: sequencer.c:950
msgid "no commits parsed."
msgstr "没有解析提交。"
#: sequencer.c:966
#, c-format
msgid "could not read '%s'."
msgstr "不能读取 '%s'。"
#: sequencer.c:972
#, c-format
msgid "unusable instruction sheet: '%s'"
msgstr "无用的指令清单:'%s'"
#: sequencer.c:983
msgid "cannot cherry-pick during a revert."
msgstr "不能在回退中执行拣选。"
#: sequencer.c:985
msgid "cannot revert during a cherry-pick."
msgstr "不能在拣选中执行回退。"
#: sequencer.c:1028
#, c-format
msgid "invalid key: %s"
msgstr "无效键名:%s"
#: sequencer.c:1031
#, c-format
msgid "invalid value for %s: %s"
msgstr "%s 的值无效:%s"
#: sequencer.c:1063
#, c-format
msgid "malformed options sheet: '%s'"
msgstr "非法的选项清单:'%s'"
#: sequencer.c:1101
msgid "a cherry-pick or revert is already in progress"
msgstr "一个拣选或还原操作已在进行"
#: sequencer.c:1102
msgid "try \"git cherry-pick (--continue | --quit | --abort)\""
msgstr "尝试 \"git cherry-pick (--continue | --quit | --abort)\""
#: sequencer.c:1106
#, c-format
msgid "could not create sequencer directory '%s'"
msgstr "不能创建序列目录 '%s'"
#: sequencer.c:1120
msgid "could not lock HEAD"
msgstr "不能锁定 HEAD"
#: sequencer.c:1151 sequencer.c:1289
msgid "no cherry-pick or revert in progress"
msgstr "拣选或还原操作并未进行"
#: sequencer.c:1153
msgid "cannot resolve HEAD"
msgstr "不能解析 HEAD"
#: sequencer.c:1155 sequencer.c:1189
msgid "cannot abort from a branch yet to be born"
msgstr "不能从尚未建立的分支终止"
#: sequencer.c:1175 builtin/grep.c:578
#, c-format
msgid "cannot open '%s'"
msgstr "不能打开 '%s'"
#: sequencer.c:1177
#, c-format
msgid "cannot read '%s': %s"
msgstr "不能读取 '%s':%s"
#: sequencer.c:1178
msgid "unexpected end of file"
msgstr "意外的文件结束"
#: sequencer.c:1184
#, c-format
msgid "stored pre-cherry-pick HEAD file '%s' is corrupt"
msgstr "保存拣选提交前的 HEAD 文件 '%s' 损坏"
#: sequencer.c:1354
#, c-format
msgid "%s: can't cherry-pick a %s"
msgstr "%s:不能拣选一个%s"
#: sequencer.c:1358
#, c-format
msgid "%s: bad revision"
msgstr "%s:错误的版本"
#: sequencer.c:1391
msgid "can't revert as initial commit"
msgstr "不能作为初始提交回退"
#: setup.c:160
#, c-format
msgid ""
"%s: no such path in the working tree.\n"
"Use 'git <command> -- <path>...' to specify paths that do not exist locally."
msgstr ""
"使用命令 'git <command> -- <path>...' 来指定本地不存在的路径。"
#: setup.c:173
#, c-format
msgid ""
"ambiguous argument '%s': unknown revision or path not in the working tree.\n"
"Use '--' to separate paths from revisions, like this:\n"
"'git <command> [<revision>...] -- [<file>...]'"
msgstr ""
"有歧义的参数 '%s':未知的版本或路径不存在于工作区中。\n"
"使用 '--' 来分隔版本和路径,例如:\n"
"'git <command> [<revision>...] -- [<file>...]'"
#: setup.c:223
#, c-format
msgid ""
"ambiguous argument '%s': both revision and filename\n"
"Use '--' to separate paths from revisions, like this:\n"
"'git <command> [<revision>...] -- [<file>...]'"
msgstr ""
"有歧义的参数 '%s':可同时是版本和文件\n"
"使用 '--' 来分隔版本和路径,例如:\n"
"'git <command> [<revision>...] -- [<file>...]'"
#: setup.c:468
#, c-format
msgid "Expected git repo version <= %d, found %d"
msgstr "期望 git 仓库版本 <= %d,却得到 %d"
#: setup.c:476
msgid "unknown repository extensions found:"
msgstr "发现未知的仓库扩展:"
#: setup.c:762
#, c-format
msgid "Not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): %s"
msgstr "不是一个 git 仓库(或者任何父目录):%s"
#: setup.c:764 setup.c:915 builtin/index-pack.c:1641
msgid "Cannot come back to cwd"
msgstr "无法返回当前工作目录"
#: setup.c:845
msgid "Unable to read current working directory"
msgstr "不能读取当前工作目录"
#: setup.c:920
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Not a git repository (or any parent up to mount point %s)\n"
"Stopping at filesystem boundary (GIT_DISCOVERY_ACROSS_FILESYSTEM not set)."
msgstr ""
"不是一个 git 仓库(或者向上递归至挂载点 %s 的任何祖先目录)\n"
#: setup.c:927
#, c-format
msgid "Cannot change to '%s/..'"
msgstr "不能切换到 '%s/..'"
#: setup.c:989
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Problem with core.sharedRepository filemode value (0%.3o).\n"
"The owner of files must always have read and write permissions."
msgstr ""
"参数 core.sharedRepository 的文件权限值有错(0%.3o)。\n"
#: sha1_file.c:473
#, c-format
msgid "path '%s' does not exist"
msgstr "路径 '%s' 不存在"
#: sha1_file.c:499
#, c-format
msgid "reference repository '%s' as a linked checkout is not supported yet."
msgstr "尚不支持将参考仓库 '%s' 作为一个链接检出。"
#: sha1_file.c:505
#, c-format
msgid "reference repository '%s' is not a local repository."
msgstr "参考仓库 '%s' 不是一个本地仓库。"
#: sha1_file.c:511
#, c-format
msgid "reference repository '%s' is shallow"
msgstr "参考仓库 '%s' 是一个浅克隆"
#: sha1_file.c:519
#, c-format
msgid "reference repository '%s' is grafted"
msgstr "参考仓库 '%s' 已被嫁接"
#: sha1_file.c:1159
msgid "offset before end of packfile (broken .idx?)"
msgstr "偏移量在包文件结束之前(损坏的 .idx?)"
#: sha1_file.c:2592
#, c-format
msgid "offset before start of pack index for %s (corrupt index?)"
msgstr "偏移量在 %s 的包索引开始之前(损坏的索引?)"
#: sha1_file.c:2596
#, c-format
msgid "offset beyond end of pack index for %s (truncated index?)"
msgstr "偏移量越过了 %s 的包索引的结尾(被截断的索引?)"
#: sha1_name.c:407
#, c-format
msgid "short SHA1 %s is ambiguous"
msgstr "歧义的短 SHA1 %s"
#: sha1_name.c:418
msgid "The candidates are:"
msgstr "候选者有:"
#: sha1_name.c:578
msgid ""
"Git normally never creates a ref that ends with 40 hex characters\n"
"because it will be ignored when you just specify 40-hex. These refs\n"
"may be created by mistake. For example,\n"
" git checkout -b $br $(git rev-parse ...)\n"
"where \"$br\" is somehow empty and a 40-hex ref is created. Please\n"
"examine these refs and maybe delete them. Turn this message off by\n"
"running \"git config advice.objectNameWarning false\""
msgstr ""
"Git 通常不会创建一个以40位十六进制字符命名的引用,因为当你提供40位\n"
" git checkout -b $br $(git rev-parse ...)\n"
"当 \"$br\" 空白时一个40位十六进制的引用将被创建。请检查这些引用,\n"
"可能需要删除它们。用 \"git config advice.objectNameWarning false\"\n"
#: submodule.c:64 submodule.c:98
msgid "Cannot change unmerged .gitmodules, resolve merge conflicts first"
msgstr "无法修改未合并的 .gitmodules,先解决合并冲突"
#: submodule.c:68 submodule.c:102
#, c-format
msgid "Could not find section in .gitmodules where path=%s"
msgstr "无法在 .gitmodules 中找到 path=%s 的小节"
#: submodule.c:76
#, c-format
msgid "Could not update .gitmodules entry %s"
msgstr "不能更新 .gitmodules 条目 %s"
#: submodule.c:109
#, c-format
msgid "Could not remove .gitmodules entry for %s"
msgstr "无法移除 %s 的 .gitmodules 条目"
#: submodule.c:120
msgid "staging updated .gitmodules failed"
msgstr "将更新后 .gitmodules 添加暂存区失败"
#: submodule.c:158
msgid "negative values not allowed for submodule.fetchJobs"
msgstr "submodule.fetchJobs 不允许为负值"
#: submodule-config.c:358
#, c-format
msgid "invalid value for %s"
msgstr "%s 的值无效"
#: trailer.c:238
#, c-format
msgid "running trailer command '%s' failed"
msgstr "执行 trailer 命令 '%s' 失败"
#: trailer.c:471 trailer.c:475 trailer.c:479 trailer.c:533 trailer.c:537
#: trailer.c:541
#, c-format
msgid "unknown value '%s' for key '%s'"
msgstr "键 '%2$s' 的未知取值 '%1$s'"
#: trailer.c:523 trailer.c:528 builtin/remote.c:289
#, c-format
msgid "more than one %s"
msgstr "多于一个 %s"
#: trailer.c:672
#, c-format
msgid "empty trailer token in trailer '%.*s'"
msgstr "签名 '%.*s' 的键为空"
#: trailer.c:695
#, c-format
msgid "could not read input file '%s'"
msgstr "不能读取输入文件 '%s'"
#: trailer.c:698
msgid "could not read from stdin"
msgstr "不能自标准输入读取"
#: trailer.c:929 builtin/am.c:44
#, c-format
msgid "could not stat %s"
msgstr "不能获取 %s 的文件状态"
#: trailer.c:931
#, c-format
msgid "file %s is not a regular file"
msgstr "文件 %s 不是一个正规文件"
#: trailer.c:933
#, c-format
msgid "file %s is not writable by user"
msgstr "文件 %s 用户不可写"
#: trailer.c:945
msgid "could not open temporary file"
msgstr "不能打开临时文件"
#: trailer.c:983
#, c-format
msgid "could not rename temporary file to %s"
msgstr "不能重命名临时文件为 %s"
#: transport.c:62
#, c-format
msgid "Would set upstream of '%s' to '%s' of '%s'\n"
msgstr "将要设置 '%1$s' 的上游为 '%3$s' 的 '%2$s'\n"
#: transport.c:151
#, c-format
msgid "transport: invalid depth option '%s'"
msgstr "传输:无效的深度选项 '%s'"
#: transport.c:817
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The following submodule paths contain changes that can\n"
"not be found on any remote:\n"
msgstr "下列子模组路径所包含的修改在任何远程源中都找不到:\n"
#: transport.c:821
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Please try\n"
"\tgit push --recurse-submodules=on-demand\n"
"or cd to the path and use\n"
"\tgit push\n"
"to push them to a remote.\n"
msgstr ""
"\tgit push --recurse-submodules=on-demand\n"
"\tgit push\n"
#: transport.c:829
msgid "Aborting."
msgstr "正在终止。"
#: transport-helper.c:1075
#, c-format
msgid "Could not read ref %s"
msgstr "不能读取引用 %s"
#: tree-walk.c:31
msgid "too-short tree object"
msgstr "太短的树对象"
#: tree-walk.c:37
msgid "malformed mode in tree entry"
msgstr "树对象中的条目属性错误"
#: tree-walk.c:41
msgid "empty filename in tree entry"
msgstr "树对象条目中空的文件名"
#: tree-walk.c:113
msgid "too-short tree file"
msgstr "太短的树文件"
#: unpack-trees.c:64
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by checkout:\n"
"%%sPlease commit your changes or stash them before you switch branches."
msgstr ""
#: unpack-trees.c:66
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by checkout:\n"
msgstr ""
#: unpack-trees.c:69
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by merge:\n"
"%%sPlease commit your changes or stash them before you merge."
msgstr ""
#: unpack-trees.c:71
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by merge:\n"
msgstr ""
#: unpack-trees.c:74
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by %s:\n"
"%%sPlease commit your changes or stash them before you %s."
msgstr ""
"您对下列文件的本地修改将被 %s 覆盖:\n"
"%%s请在 %s 之前提交您的修改或者保存进度。"
#: unpack-trees.c:76
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by %s:\n"
msgstr ""
"您对下列文件的本地修改将被 %s 覆盖:\n"
#: unpack-trees.c:81
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Updating the following directories would lose untracked files in it:\n"
msgstr ""
#: unpack-trees.c:85
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The following untracked working tree files would be removed by checkout:\n"
"%%sPlease move or remove them before you switch branches."
msgstr ""
#: unpack-trees.c:87
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The following untracked working tree files would be removed by checkout:\n"
msgstr ""
#: unpack-trees.c:90
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The following untracked working tree files would be removed by merge:\n"
"%%sPlease move or remove them before you merge."
msgstr ""
#: unpack-trees.c:92
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The following untracked working tree files would be removed by merge:\n"
msgstr ""
#: unpack-trees.c:95
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The following untracked working tree files would be removed by %s:\n"
"%%sPlease move or remove them before you %s."
msgstr ""
"工作区中下列未跟踪的文件将会因为 %s 操作而被删除:\n"
"%%s请在 %s 前移动或删除。"
#: unpack-trees.c:97
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The following untracked working tree files would be removed by %s:\n"
msgstr ""
"工作区中下列未跟踪的文件将会因为 %s 操作而被删除:\n"
#: unpack-trees.c:102
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The following untracked working tree files would be overwritten by "
"%%sPlease move or remove them before you switch branches."
msgstr ""
#: unpack-trees.c:104
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The following untracked working tree files would be overwritten by "
msgstr ""
#: unpack-trees.c:107
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The following untracked working tree files would be overwritten by merge:\n"
"%%sPlease move or remove them before you merge."
msgstr ""
#: unpack-trees.c:109
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The following untracked working tree files would be overwritten by merge:\n"
msgstr ""
#: unpack-trees.c:112
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The following untracked working tree files would be overwritten by %s:\n"
"%%sPlease move or remove them before you %s."
msgstr ""
"工作区中下列未跟踪的文件将会因为 %s 操作而被覆盖:\n"
"%%s请在 %s 前移动或删除。"
#: unpack-trees.c:114
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The following untracked working tree files would be overwritten by %s:\n"
msgstr ""
"工作区中下列未跟踪的文件将会因为 %s 操作而被覆盖:\n"
#: unpack-trees.c:121
#, c-format
msgid "Entry '%s' overlaps with '%s'. Cannot bind."
msgstr "条目 '%s' 和 '%s' 重叠。无法合并。"
#: unpack-trees.c:124
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Cannot update sparse checkout: the following entries are not up-to-date:\n"
msgstr ""
#: unpack-trees.c:126
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The following working tree files would be overwritten by sparse checkout "
msgstr ""
#: unpack-trees.c:128
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The following working tree files would be removed by sparse checkout "
msgstr ""
#: unpack-trees.c:205
#, c-format
msgid "Aborting\n"
msgstr "终止中\n"
#: unpack-trees.c:237
msgid "Checking out files"
msgstr "正在检出文件"
#: urlmatch.c:120
msgid "invalid URL scheme name or missing '://' suffix"
msgstr "无效的 URL 方案名称或丢失 '://' 后缀"
#: urlmatch.c:144 urlmatch.c:297 urlmatch.c:356
#, c-format
msgid "invalid %XX escape sequence"
msgstr "无效的 %XX 转义序列"
#: urlmatch.c:172
msgid "missing host and scheme is not 'file:'"
msgstr "缺失主机名且 URL 方案不是 'file:'"
#: urlmatch.c:189
msgid "a 'file:' URL may not have a port number"
msgstr "一个 'file:' URL 不应该包含端口号"
#: urlmatch.c:199
msgid "invalid characters in host name"
msgstr "主机名中包含无效的字符"
#: urlmatch.c:244 urlmatch.c:255
msgid "invalid port number"
msgstr "无效的端口号"
#: urlmatch.c:322
msgid "invalid '..' path segment"
msgstr "无效的 '..' 路径片段"
#: worktree.c:282
#, c-format
msgid "failed to read '%s'"
msgstr "无法读取 '%s'"
#: wrapper.c:222 wrapper.c:392
#, c-format
msgid "could not open '%s' for reading and writing"
msgstr "无法打开 '%s' 进行读写"
#: wrapper.c:224 wrapper.c:394 builtin/am.c:766
#, c-format
msgid "could not open '%s' for writing"
msgstr "无法打开 '%s' 进行写入"
#: wrapper.c:226 wrapper.c:396 builtin/am.c:320 builtin/am.c:759
#: builtin/am.c:847 builtin/commit.c:1705 builtin/merge.c:1029
#: builtin/pull.c:341
#, c-format
msgid "could not open '%s' for reading"
msgstr "无法打开 '%s' 进行读取"
#: wrapper.c:605 wrapper.c:626
#, c-format
msgid "unable to access '%s'"
msgstr "不能访问 '%s'"
#: wrapper.c:634
msgid "unable to get current working directory"
msgstr "不能获取当前工作目录"
#: wrapper.c:658
#, c-format
msgid "could not write to %s"
msgstr "不能写入 %s"
#: wrapper.c:660
#, c-format
msgid "could not close %s"
msgstr "不能关闭 %s"
#: wt-status.c:151
msgid "Unmerged paths:"
msgstr "未合并的路径:"
# 译者:注意保持前导空格
#: wt-status.c:178 wt-status.c:205
#, c-format
msgid " (use \"git reset %s <file>...\" to unstage)"
msgstr " (使用 \"git reset %s <文件>...\" 以取消暂存)"
# 译者:注意保持前导空格
#: wt-status.c:180 wt-status.c:207
msgid " (use \"git rm --cached <file>...\" to unstage)"
msgstr " (使用 \"git rm --cached <文件>...\" 以取消暂存)"
# 译者:注意保持前导空格
#: wt-status.c:184
msgid " (use \"git add <file>...\" to mark resolution)"
msgstr " (使用 \"git add <文件>...\" 标记解决方案)"
# 译者:注意保持前导空格
#: wt-status.c:186 wt-status.c:190
msgid " (use \"git add/rm <file>...\" as appropriate to mark resolution)"
msgstr " (酌情使用 \"git add/rm <文件>...\" 标记解决方案)"
# 译者:注意保持前导空格
#: wt-status.c:188
msgid " (use \"git rm <file>...\" to mark resolution)"
msgstr " (使用 \"git rm <文件>...\" 标记解决方案)"
#: wt-status.c:199 wt-status.c:945
msgid "Changes to be committed:"
msgstr "要提交的变更:"
#: wt-status.c:217 wt-status.c:954
msgid "Changes not staged for commit:"
msgstr "尚未暂存以备提交的变更:"
# 译者:注意保持前导空格
#: wt-status.c:221
msgid " (use \"git add <file>...\" to update what will be committed)"
msgstr " (使用 \"git add <文件>...\" 更新要提交的内容)"
# 译者:注意保持前导空格
#: wt-status.c:223
msgid " (use \"git add/rm <file>...\" to update what will be committed)"
msgstr " (使用 \"git add/rm <文件>...\" 更新要提交的内容)"
# 译者:注意保持前导空格
#: wt-status.c:224
msgid ""
" (use \"git checkout -- <file>...\" to discard changes in working directory)"
msgstr " (使用 \"git checkout -- <文件>...\" 丢弃工作区的改动)"
# 译者:注意保持前导空格
#: wt-status.c:226
msgid " (commit or discard the untracked or modified content in submodules)"
msgstr " (提交或丢弃子模组中未跟踪或修改的内容)"
# 译者:注意保持前导空格
#: wt-status.c:238
#, c-format
msgid " (use \"git %s <file>...\" to include in what will be committed)"
msgstr " (使用 \"git %s <文件>...\" 以包含要提交的内容)"
#: wt-status.c:253
msgid "both deleted:"
msgstr "双方删除:"
#: wt-status.c:255
msgid "added by us:"
msgstr "由我们添加:"
#: wt-status.c:257
msgid "deleted by them:"
msgstr "由他们删除:"
#: wt-status.c:259
msgid "added by them:"
msgstr "由他们添加:"
#: wt-status.c:261
msgid "deleted by us:"
msgstr "由我们删除:"
#: wt-status.c:263
msgid "both added:"
msgstr "双方添加:"
#: wt-status.c:265
msgid "both modified:"
msgstr "双方修改:"
#: wt-status.c:275
msgid "new file:"
msgstr "新文件:"
#: wt-status.c:277
msgid "copied:"
msgstr "拷贝:"
#: wt-status.c:279
msgid "deleted:"
msgstr "删除:"
#: wt-status.c:281
msgid "modified:"
msgstr "修改:"
#: wt-status.c:283
msgid "renamed:"
msgstr "重命名:"
#: wt-status.c:285
msgid "typechange:"
msgstr "类型变更:"
#: wt-status.c:287
msgid "unknown:"
msgstr "未知:"
#: wt-status.c:289
msgid "unmerged:"
msgstr "未合并:"
# 译者:末尾两个字节可能被删减,如果翻译为中文标点会出现半个汉字
#: wt-status.c:371
msgid "new commits, "
msgstr "新提交, "
# 译者:末尾两个字节可能被删减,如果翻译为中文标点会出现半个汉字
#: wt-status.c:373
msgid "modified content, "
msgstr "修改的内容, "
# 译者:末尾两个字节可能被删减,如果翻译为中文标点会出现半个汉字
#: wt-status.c:375
msgid "untracked content, "
msgstr "未跟踪的内容, "
#: wt-status.c:818
msgid "Submodules changed but not updated:"
msgstr "子模组已修改但尚未更新:"
#: wt-status.c:820
msgid "Submodule changes to be committed:"
msgstr "要提交的子模组变更:"
#: wt-status.c:901
msgid ""
"Do not touch the line above.\n"
"Everything below will be removed."
msgstr ""
#: wt-status.c:1013
msgid "You have unmerged paths."
msgstr "您有尚未合并的路径。"
# 译者:注意保持前导空格
#: wt-status.c:1016
msgid " (fix conflicts and run \"git commit\")"
msgstr " (解决冲突并运行 \"git commit\")"
# 译者:注意保持前导空格
#: wt-status.c:1018
msgid " (use \"git merge --abort\" to abort the merge)"
msgstr " (使用 \"git merge --abort\" 终止合并)"
#: wt-status.c:1023
msgid "All conflicts fixed but you are still merging."
msgstr "所有冲突已解决但您仍处于合并中。"
# 译者:注意保持前导空格
#: wt-status.c:1026
msgid " (use \"git commit\" to conclude merge)"
msgstr " (使用 \"git commit\" 结束合并)"
#: wt-status.c:1036
msgid "You are in the middle of an am session."
msgstr "您正处于 am 操作过程中。"
#: wt-status.c:1039
msgid "The current patch is empty."
msgstr "当前的补丁为空。"
# 译者:注意保持前导空格
#: wt-status.c:1043
msgid " (fix conflicts and then run \"git am --continue\")"
msgstr " (解决冲突,然后运行 \"git am --continue\")"
# 译者:注意保持前导空格
#: wt-status.c:1045
msgid " (use \"git am --skip\" to skip this patch)"
msgstr " (使用 \"git am --skip\" 跳过此补丁)"
# 译者:注意保持前导空格
#: wt-status.c:1047
msgid " (use \"git am --abort\" to restore the original branch)"
msgstr " (使用 \"git am --abort\" 恢复原有分支)"
#: wt-status.c:1172
msgid "No commands done."
msgstr "没有命令被执行。"
#: wt-status.c:1175
#, c-format
msgid "Last command done (%d command done):"
msgid_plural "Last commands done (%d commands done):"
msgstr[0] "最后一条命令已完成(%d 条命令被执行):"
msgstr[1] "最后的命令已完成(%d 条命令被执行):"
#: wt-status.c:1186
#, c-format
msgid " (see more in file %s)"
msgstr " (更多参见文件 %s)"
#: wt-status.c:1191
msgid "No commands remaining."
msgstr "未剩下任何命令。"
#: wt-status.c:1194
#, c-format
msgid "Next command to do (%d remaining command):"
msgid_plural "Next commands to do (%d remaining commands):"
msgstr[0] "接下来要执行的命令(剩余 %d 条命令):"
msgstr[1] "接下来要执行的命令(剩余 %d 条命令):"
# 译者:注意保持前导空格
#: wt-status.c:1202
msgid " (use \"git rebase --edit-todo\" to view and edit)"
msgstr " (使用 \"git rebase --edit-todo\" 来查看和编辑)"
#: wt-status.c:1215
#, c-format
msgid "You are currently rebasing branch '%s' on '%s'."
msgstr "您在执行将分支 '%s' 变基到 '%s' 的操作。"
#: wt-status.c:1220
msgid "You are currently rebasing."
msgstr "您在执行变基操作。"
# 译者:注意保持前导空格
#: wt-status.c:1234
msgid " (fix conflicts and then run \"git rebase --continue\")"
msgstr " (解决冲突,然后运行 \"git rebase --continue\")"
# 译者:注意保持前导空格
#: wt-status.c:1236
msgid " (use \"git rebase --skip\" to skip this patch)"
msgstr " (使用 \"git rebase --skip\" 跳过此补丁)"
# 译者:注意保持前导空格
#: wt-status.c:1238
msgid " (use \"git rebase --abort\" to check out the original branch)"
msgstr " (使用 \"git rebase --abort\" 以检出原有分支)"
# 译者:注意保持前导空格
#: wt-status.c:1244
msgid " (all conflicts fixed: run \"git rebase --continue\")"
msgstr " (所有冲突已解决:运行 \"git rebase --continue\")"
#: wt-status.c:1248
#, c-format
msgid ""
"You are currently splitting a commit while rebasing branch '%s' on '%s'."
msgstr "您在执行将分支 '%s' 变基到 '%s' 的操作时拆分提交。"
#: wt-status.c:1253
msgid "You are currently splitting a commit during a rebase."
msgstr "您在执行变基操作时拆分提交。"
# 译者:注意保持前导空格
#: wt-status.c:1256
msgid " (Once your working directory is clean, run \"git rebase --continue\")"
msgstr " (一旦您工作目录提交干净后,运行 \"git rebase --continue\")"
#: wt-status.c:1260
#, c-format
msgid "You are currently editing a commit while rebasing branch '%s' on '%s'."
msgstr "您在执行将分支 '%s' 变基到 '%s' 的操作时编辑提交。"
#: wt-status.c:1265
msgid "You are currently editing a commit during a rebase."
msgstr "您在执行变基操作时编辑提交。"
# 译者:注意保持前导空格
#: wt-status.c:1268
msgid " (use \"git commit --amend\" to amend the current commit)"
msgstr " (使用 \"git commit --amend\" 修补当前提交)"
# 译者:注意保持前导空格
#: wt-status.c:1270
msgid ""
" (use \"git rebase --continue\" once you are satisfied with your changes)"
msgstr " (当您对您的修改满意后执行 \"git rebase --continue\")"
#: wt-status.c:1280
#, c-format
msgid "You are currently cherry-picking commit %s."
msgstr "您在执行拣选提交 %s 的操作。"
# 译者:注意保持前导空格
#: wt-status.c:1285
msgid " (fix conflicts and run \"git cherry-pick --continue\")"
msgstr " (解决冲突并运行 \"git cherry-pick --continue\")"
# 译者:注意保持前导空格
#: wt-status.c:1288
msgid " (all conflicts fixed: run \"git cherry-pick --continue\")"
msgstr " (所有冲突已解决:运行 \"git cherry-pick --continue\")"
# 译者:注意保持前导空格
#: wt-status.c:1290
msgid " (use \"git cherry-pick --abort\" to cancel the cherry-pick operation)"
msgstr " (使用 \"git cherry-pick --abort\" 以取消拣选操作)"
#: wt-status.c:1299
#, c-format
msgid "You are currently reverting commit %s."
msgstr "您在执行反转提交 %s 的操作。"
# 译者:注意保持前导空格
#: wt-status.c:1304
msgid " (fix conflicts and run \"git revert --continue\")"
msgstr " (解决冲突并运行 \"git revert --continue\")"
# 译者:注意保持前导空格
#: wt-status.c:1307
msgid " (all conflicts fixed: run \"git revert --continue\")"
msgstr " (所有冲突已解决:运行 \"git revert --continue\")"
# 译者:注意保持前导空格
#: wt-status.c:1309
msgid " (use \"git revert --abort\" to cancel the revert operation)"
msgstr " (使用 \"git revert --abort\" 以取消反转提交操作)"
#: wt-status.c:1320
#, c-format
msgid "You are currently bisecting, started from branch '%s'."
msgstr "您在执行从分支 '%s' 开始的二分查找操作。"
#: wt-status.c:1324
msgid "You are currently bisecting."
msgstr "您在执行二分查找操作。"
# 译者:注意保持前导空格
#: wt-status.c:1327
msgid " (use \"git bisect reset\" to get back to the original branch)"
msgstr " (使用 \"git bisect reset\" 以回到原有分支)"
#: wt-status.c:1524
msgid "On branch "
msgstr "位于分支 "
#: wt-status.c:1530
msgid "interactive rebase in progress; onto "
msgstr "交互式变基操作正在进行中;至 "
#: wt-status.c:1532
msgid "rebase in progress; onto "
msgstr "变基操作正在进行中;至 "
#: wt-status.c:1537
msgid "HEAD detached at "
msgstr "头指针分离于 "
#: wt-status.c:1539
msgid "HEAD detached from "
msgstr "头指针分离自 "
#: wt-status.c:1542
msgid "Not currently on any branch."
msgstr "当前不在任何分支上。"
#: wt-status.c:1560
msgid "Initial commit"
msgstr "初始提交"
#: wt-status.c:1574
msgid "Untracked files"
msgstr "未跟踪的文件"
#: wt-status.c:1576
msgid "Ignored files"
msgstr "忽略的文件"
#: wt-status.c:1580
#, c-format
msgid ""
"It took %.2f seconds to enumerate untracked files. 'status -uno'\n"
"may speed it up, but you have to be careful not to forget to add\n"
"new files yourself (see 'git help status')."
msgstr ""
"耗费了 %.2f 秒以枚举未跟踪的文件。'status -uno' 也许能提高速度,\n"
"但您需要小心不要忘了添加新文件(参见 'git help status')。"
#: wt-status.c:1586
#, c-format
msgid "Untracked files not listed%s"
msgstr "未跟踪的文件没有列出%s"
# 译者:中文字符串拼接,可删除前导空格
#: wt-status.c:1588
msgid " (use -u option to show untracked files)"
msgstr "(使用 -u 参数显示未跟踪的文件)"
#: wt-status.c:1594
msgid "No changes"
msgstr "没有修改"
#: wt-status.c:1599
#, c-format
msgid "no changes added to commit (use \"git add\" and/or \"git commit -a\")\n"
msgstr "修改尚未加入提交(使用 \"git add\" 和/或 \"git commit -a\")\n"
#: wt-status.c:1602
#, c-format
msgid "no changes added to commit\n"
msgstr "修改尚未加入提交\n"
#: wt-status.c:1605
#, c-format
msgid ""
"nothing added to commit but untracked files present (use \"git add\" to "
msgstr "提交为空,但是存在尚未跟踪的文件(使用 \"git add\" 建立跟踪)\n"
#: wt-status.c:1608
#, c-format
msgid "nothing added to commit but untracked files present\n"
msgstr "提交为空,但是存在尚未跟踪的文件\n"
# 译者:中文字符串拼接,可删除前导空格
#: wt-status.c:1611
#, c-format
msgid "nothing to commit (create/copy files and use \"git add\" to track)\n"
msgstr "无文件要提交(创建/拷贝文件并使用 \"git add\" 建立跟踪)\n"
#: wt-status.c:1614 wt-status.c:1619
#, c-format
msgid "nothing to commit\n"
msgstr "无文件要提交\n"
# 译者:中文字符串拼接,可删除前导空格
#: wt-status.c:1617
#, c-format
msgid "nothing to commit (use -u to show untracked files)\n"
msgstr "无文件要提交(使用 -u 显示未跟踪的文件)\n"
# 译者:中文字符串拼接,可删除前导空格
#: wt-status.c:1621
#, c-format
msgid "nothing to commit, working tree clean\n"
msgstr "无文件要提交,干净的工作区\n"
# 译者:注意保持句尾空格
#: wt-status.c:1728
msgid "Initial commit on "
msgstr "初始提交于 "
#: wt-status.c:1732
msgid "HEAD (no branch)"
msgstr "HEAD(非分支)"
#: wt-status.c:1761
msgid "gone"
msgstr "丢失"
# 译者:注意保持句尾空格
#: wt-status.c:1763 wt-status.c:1771
msgid "behind "
msgstr "落后 "
#: wt-status.c:1766 wt-status.c:1769
msgid "ahead "
msgstr "领先 "
#. TRANSLATORS: the action is e.g. "pull with rebase"
#: wt-status.c:2270
#, c-format
msgid "cannot %s: You have unstaged changes."
msgstr "不能%s:您有未暂存的变更。"
#: wt-status.c:2276
msgid "additionally, your index contains uncommitted changes."
msgstr "而且您的索引中包含未提交的变更。"
#: wt-status.c:2278
#, c-format
msgid "cannot %s: Your index contains uncommitted changes."
msgstr "不能%s:您的索引中包含未提交的变更。"
#: compat/precompose_utf8.c:57 builtin/clone.c:414
#, c-format
msgid "failed to unlink '%s'"
msgstr "无法删除 '%s'"
#: builtin/add.c:22
msgid "git add [<options>] [--] <pathspec>..."
msgstr "git add [<选项>] [--] <路径规格>..."
#: builtin/add.c:80
#, c-format
msgid "unexpected diff status %c"
msgstr "意外的差异状态 %c"
#: builtin/add.c:85 builtin/commit.c:291
msgid "updating files failed"
msgstr "更新文件失败"
#: builtin/add.c:95
#, c-format
msgid "remove '%s'\n"
msgstr "删除 '%s'\n"
#: builtin/add.c:149
msgid "Unstaged changes after refreshing the index:"
msgstr "刷新索引之后尚未被暂存的变更:"
#: builtin/add.c:209 builtin/rev-parse.c:840
msgid "Could not read the index"
msgstr "不能读取索引"
#: builtin/add.c:220
#, c-format
msgid "Could not open '%s' for writing."
msgstr "无法打开 '%s' 进行写入。"
#: builtin/add.c:224
msgid "Could not write patch"
msgstr "不能生成补丁"
#: builtin/add.c:227
msgid "editing patch failed"
msgstr "编辑补丁失败"
#: builtin/add.c:230
#, c-format
msgid "Could not stat '%s'"
msgstr "不能查看文件状态 '%s'"
#: builtin/add.c:232
msgid "Empty patch. Aborted."
msgstr "空补丁。异常终止。"
#: builtin/add.c:237
#, c-format
msgid "Could not apply '%s'"
msgstr "不能应用 '%s'"
#: builtin/add.c:247
msgid "The following paths are ignored by one of your .gitignore files:\n"
msgstr "下列路径根据您的一个 .gitignore 文件而被忽略:\n"
#: builtin/add.c:266 builtin/clean.c:870 builtin/fetch.c:115 builtin/mv.c:111
#: builtin/prune-packed.c:55 builtin/pull.c:198 builtin/push.c:521
#: builtin/remote.c:1326 builtin/rm.c:268 builtin/send-pack.c:162
msgid "dry run"
msgstr "演习"
#: builtin/add.c:269
msgid "interactive picking"
msgstr "交互式拣选"
#: builtin/add.c:270 builtin/checkout.c:1156 builtin/reset.c:286
msgid "select hunks interactively"
msgstr "交互式挑选数据块"
#: builtin/add.c:271
msgid "edit current diff and apply"
msgstr "编辑当前差异并应用"
#: builtin/add.c:272
msgid "allow adding otherwise ignored files"
msgstr "允许添加忽略的文件"
#: builtin/add.c:273
msgid "update tracked files"
msgstr "更新已跟踪的文件"
#: builtin/add.c:274
msgid "record only the fact that the path will be added later"
msgstr "只记录,该路径稍后再添加"
#: builtin/add.c:275
msgid "add changes from all tracked and untracked files"
msgstr "添加所有改