cvsserver: generalize getmeta() to recognize commit refs
This allows getmeta() to recognize any commitish (sha1,
tag/branch name, etc).
Signed-off-by: Matthew Ogilvie <>
Signed-off-by: Junio C Hamano <>
diff --git a/git-cvsserver.perl b/git-cvsserver.perl
index 53d8de7..7bb6f83 100755
--- a/git-cvsserver.perl
+++ b/git-cvsserver.perl
@@ -4041,6 +4041,19 @@
This function takes a filename (with path) argument and returns a hashref of
metadata for that file.
+There are several ways $revision can be specified:
+ - A reference to hash that contains a "tag" that is the
+ actual revision (one of the below). TODO: Also allow it to
+ specify a "date" in the hash.
+ - undef, to refer to the latest version on the main branch.
+ - Full CVS client revision number (mapped to integer in DB, without the
+ "1." prefix),
+ - Complex CVS-compatible "special" revision number for
+ non-linear history (see comment below)
+ - git commit sha1 hash
+ - branch or tag name
sub getmeta
@@ -4051,23 +4064,144 @@
my $tablename_rev = $self->tablename("revision");
my $tablename_head = $self->tablename("head");
- my $db_query;
- if ( defined($revision) and $revision =~ /^1\.(\d+)$/ )
+ if ( ref($revision) eq "HASH" )
- my ($intRev) = $1;
- $db_query = $self->{dbh}->prepare_cached("SELECT * FROM $tablename_rev WHERE name=? AND revision=?",{},1);
- $db_query->execute($filename, $intRev);
- }
- elsif ( defined($revision) and $revision =~ /^[a-zA-Z0-9]{40}$/ )
- {
- $db_query = $self->{dbh}->prepare_cached("SELECT * FROM $tablename_rev WHERE name=? AND commithash=?",{},1);
- $db_query->execute($filename, $revision);
- } else {
- $db_query = $self->{dbh}->prepare_cached("SELECT * FROM $tablename_head WHERE name=?",{},1);
- $db_query->execute($filename);
+ $revision = $revision->{tag};
- my $meta = $db_query->fetchrow_hashref;
+ # Overview of CVS revision numbers:
+ #
+ # General CVS numbering scheme:
+ # - Basic mainline branch numbers: "1.1", "1.2", "1.3", etc.
+ # - Result of "cvs checkin -r" (possible, but not really
+ # recommended): "2.1", "2.2", etc
+ # - Branch tag: "1.2.0.n", where "1.2" is revision it was branched
+ # from, "0" is a magic placeholder that identifies it as a
+ # branch tag instead of a version tag, and n is 2 times the
+ # branch number off of "1.2", starting with "2".
+ # - Version on a branch: "1.2.n.x", where "1.2" is branch-from, "n"
+ # is branch number off of "1.2" (like n above), and "x" is
+ # the version number on the branch.
+ # - Branches can branch off of branches: "" (even number
+ # of components).
+ # - Odd "n"s are used by "vendor branches" that result
+ # from "cvs import". Vendor branches have additional
+ # strangeness in the sense that the main rcs "head" of the main
+ # branch will (temporarily until first normal commit) point
+ # to the version on the vendor branch, rather than the actual
+ # main branch. (FUTURE: This may provide an opportunity
+ # to use "strange" revision numbers for fast-forward-merged
+ # branch tip when CVS client is asking for the main branch.)
+ #
+ # git-cvsserver CVS-compatible special numbering schemes:
+ # - Currently git-cvsserver only tries to be identical to CVS for
+ # simple "1.x" numbers on the "main" branch (as identified
+ # by the module name that was originally cvs checkout'ed).
+ # - The database only stores the "x" part, for historical reasons.
+ # But most of the rest of the cvsserver preserves
+ # and thinks using the full revision number.
+ # - To handle non-linear history, it uses a version of the form
+ # ""..., where the is to help uniquely
+ # identify this as a special revision number, and there are
+ # 20 b's that together encode the sha1 git commit from which
+ # this version of this file originated. Each b is
+ # the numerical value of the corresponding byte plus
+ # 100.
+ # - "plus 100" avoids "0"s, and also reduces the
+ # likelyhood of a collision in the case that someone someday
+ # writes an import tool that tries to preserve original
+ # CVS revision numbers, and the original CVS data had done
+ # lots of branches off of branches and other strangeness to
+ # end up with a real version number that just happens to look
+ # like this special revision number form. Also, if needed
+ # there are several ways to extend/identify alternative encodings
+ # within the "" part if necessary.
+ # - Unlike real CVS revisions, you can't really reconstruct what
+ # relation a revision of this form has to other revisions.
+ # - FUTURE: TODO: Rework database somehow to make up and remember
+ # fully-CVS-compatible branches and branch version numbers.
+ my $meta;
+ if ( defined($revision) )
+ {
+ if ( $revision =~ /^1\.(\d+)$/ )
+ {
+ my ($intRev) = $1;
+ my $db_query;
+ $db_query = $self->{dbh}->prepare_cached(
+ "SELECT * FROM $tablename_rev WHERE name=? AND revision=?",
+ {},1);
+ $db_query->execute($filename, $intRev);
+ $meta = $db_query->fetchrow_hashref;
+ }
+ elsif ( $revision =~ /^2\.1\.1\.2000(\.[1-3][0-9][0-9]){20}$/ )
+ {
+ my ($commitHash)=($revision=~/^2\.1\.1\.2000(.*)$/);
+ $commitHash=~s/\.([0-9]+)/sprintf("%02x",$1-100)/eg;
+ if($commitHash=~/^[0-9a-f]{40}$/)
+ {
+ return $self->getMetaFromCommithash($filename,$commitHash);
+ }
+ # error recovery: fall back on head version below
+ print "E Failed to find $filename version=$revision or commit=$commitHash\n";
+ $log->warning("failed get $revision with commithash=$commitHash");
+ undef $revision;
+ }
+ elsif ( $revision =~ /^[0-9a-f]{40}$/ )
+ {
+ # Try DB first. This is mostly only useful for req_annotate(),
+ # which only calls this for stuff that should already be in
+ # the DB. It is fairly likely to be a waste of time
+ # in most other cases [unless the file happened to be
+ # modified in $revision specifically], but
+ # it is probably in the noise compared to how long
+ # getMetaFromCommithash() will take.
+ my $db_query;
+ $db_query = $self->{dbh}->prepare_cached(
+ "SELECT * FROM $tablename_rev WHERE name=? AND commithash=?",
+ {},1);
+ $db_query->execute($filename, $revision);
+ $meta = $db_query->fetchrow_hashref;
+ if(! $meta)
+ {
+ my($revCommit)=$self->lookupCommitRef($revision);
+ if($revCommit=~/^[0-9a-f]{40}$/)
+ {
+ return $self->getMetaFromCommithash($filename,$revCommit);
+ }
+ # error recovery: nothing found:
+ print "E Failed to find $filename version=$revision\n";
+ $log->warning("failed get $revision");
+ return $meta;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ my($revCommit)=$self->lookupCommitRef($revision);
+ if($revCommit=~/^[0-9a-f]{40}$/)
+ {
+ return $self->getMetaFromCommithash($filename,$revCommit);
+ }
+ # error recovery: fall back on head version below
+ print "E Failed to find $filename version=$revision\n";
+ $log->warning("failed get $revision");
+ undef $revision; # Allow fallback
+ }
+ }
+ if(!defined($revision))
+ {
+ my $db_query;
+ $db_query = $self->{dbh}->prepare_cached(
+ "SELECT * FROM $tablename_head WHERE name=?",{},1);
+ $db_query->execute($filename);
+ $meta = $db_query->fetchrow_hashref;
+ }
$meta->{revision} = "1.$meta->{revision}";