git-cvsimport: add support for CVS pserver method HTTP/1.x proxying
This patch adds support for 'proxy' and 'proxyport' connection options
when using the pserver method for the CVS Root.
It has been tested with a Squid 2.5.x proxy server.
Quoting from the CVS info manual:
The `gserver' and `pserver' connection methods all accept optional
method options, specified as part of the METHOD string, like so:
Currently, the only two valid connection options are `proxy', which
takes a hostname as an argument, and `proxyport', which takes a port
number as an argument. These options can be used to connect via an HTTP
tunnel style web proxy. For example, to connect pserver via a web proxy
at and port 8000, you would use a method of:
*NOTE: The rest of the connection string is required to connect to
the server as noted in the upcoming sections on password authentication,
gserver and kserver. The example above would only modify the METHOD
portion of the repository name.*
PROXY must be supplied to connect to a CVS server via a proxy
server, but PROXYPORT will default to port 8080 if not supplied.
PROXYPORT may also be set via the CVS_PROXY_PORT environment variable.
Signed-off-by: Iñaki Arenaza <>
Signed-off-by: Junio C Hamano <>
diff --git a/git-cvsimport.perl b/git-cvsimport.perl
index b54a948..4310dea 100755
--- a/git-cvsimport.perl
+++ b/git-cvsimport.perl
@@ -161,8 +161,22 @@
sub conn {
my $self = shift;
my $repo = $self->{'fullrep'};
- if($repo =~ s/^:pserver:(?:(.*?)(?::(.*?))?@)?([^:\/]*)(?::(\d*))?//) {
- my($user,$pass,$serv,$port) = ($1,$2,$3,$4);
+ if($repo =~ s/^:pserver(?:([^:]*)):(?:(.*?)(?::(.*?))?@)?([^:\/]*)(?::(\d*))?//) {
+ my($param,$user,$pass,$serv,$port) = ($1,$2,$3,$4,$5);
+ my($proxyhost,$proxyport);
+ if($param && ($param =~ m/proxy=([^;]+)/)) {
+ $proxyhost = $1;
+ # Default proxyport, if not specified, is 8080.
+ $proxyport = 8080;
+ if($ENV{"CVS_PROXY_PORT"}) {
+ $proxyport = $ENV{"CVS_PROXY_PORT"};
+ }
+ if($param =~ m/proxyport=([^;]+)/){
+ $proxyport = $1;
+ }
+ }
$user="anonymous" unless defined $user;
my $rr2 = "-";
unless($port) {
@@ -187,13 +201,43 @@
$pass="A" unless $pass;
- my $s = IO::Socket::INET->new(PeerHost => $serv, PeerPort => $port);
- die "Socket to $serv: $!\n" unless defined $s;
+ my ($s, $rep);
+ if($proxyhost) {
+ # Use a HTTP Proxy. Only works for HTTP proxies that
+ # don't require user authentication
+ #
+ # See:
+ $s = IO::Socket::INET->new(PeerHost => $proxyhost, PeerPort => $proxyport);
+ die "Socket to $proxyhost: $!\n" unless defined $s;
+ $s->write("CONNECT $serv:$port HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: $serv:$port\r\n\r\n")
+ or die "Write to $proxyhost: $!\n";
+ $s->flush();
+ $rep = <$s>;
+ # The answer should look like 'HTTP/1.x 2yy ....'
+ if(!($rep =~ m#^HTTP/1\.. 2[0-9][0-9]#)) {
+ die "Proxy connect: $rep\n";
+ }
+ # Skip up to the empty line of the proxy server output
+ # including the response headers.
+ while ($rep = <$s>) {
+ last if (!defined $rep ||
+ $rep eq "\n" ||
+ $rep eq "\r\n");
+ }
+ } else {
+ $s = IO::Socket::INET->new(PeerHost => $serv, PeerPort => $port);
+ die "Socket to $serv: $!\n" unless defined $s;
+ }
$s->write("BEGIN AUTH REQUEST\n$repo\n$user\n$pass\nEND AUTH REQUEST\n")
or die "Write to $serv: $!\n";
- my $rep = <$s>;
+ $rep = <$s>;
if($rep ne "I LOVE YOU\n") {
$rep="<unknown>" unless $rep;