git-gui - remove obsolete Cygwin specific code
In the current git release, git-gui runs on Cygwin without enabling any
of git-gui's Cygwin specific code. This happens as the Cygwin specific
code in git-gui was (mostly) written in 2007-2008 to work with Cygwin's
then supplied Tcl/Tk which was an incompletely ported variant of the
8.4.1 Windows Tcl/Tk code. In March, 2012, that 8.4.1 package was
replaced with a full port based upon the upstream unix/X11 code,
since maintained up to date. The two Tcl/Tk packages are completely
incompatible, and have different signatures.
When Cygwin's Tcl/Tk signature changed in 2012, git-gui no longer
detected Cygwin, so did not enable Cygwin specific code, and the POSIX
environment provided by Cygwin since 2012 supported git-gui as a generic
unix. Thus, no-one apparently noticed the existence of incompatible
Cygwin specific code.
However, since commit c5766eae6f in the git-gui source tree
(, master at a5005ded), and not yet
pulled into the git repository, the is_Cygwin function does detect
Cygwin using the unix/X11 Tcl/Tk. The Cygwin specific code is enabled,
causing use of Windows rather than unix pathnames, and enabling
incorrect warnings about environment variables that were relevant only
to the old Tcl/Tk. The end result is that (upstream) git-gui is now
incompatible with Cygwin.
So, delete Cygwin specific code (code protected by "if is_Cygwin") that
is not needed in any form to work with the unix/X11 Tcl/Tk.
Cygwin specific code required to enable file browsing and shortcut
creation is not addressed in this patch, does not currently work, and
invocation of those items may leave git-gui in a confused state.
Signed-off-by: Mark Levedahl <>
Acked-by: Johannes Schindelin <>
Signed-off-by: Pratyush Yadav <>
diff --git a/ b/
index cb92bba..3f7c31e 100755
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -84,14 +84,7 @@
global env _search_exe _search_path
if {$_search_path eq {}} {
- if {[is_Cygwin] && [regexp {^(/|\.:)} $env(PATH)]} {
- set _search_path [split [exec cygpath \
- --windows \
- --path \
- --absolute \
- $env(PATH)] {;}]
- set _search_exe .exe
- } elseif {[is_Windows]} {
+ if {[is_Windows]} {
set gitguidir [file dirname [info script]]
regsub -all ";" $gitguidir "\\;" gitguidir
set env(PATH) "$gitguidir;$env(PATH)"
@@ -342,14 +335,7 @@
if {[catch {set _gitexec [git --exec-path]} err]} {
error "Git not installed?\n\n$err"
- if {[is_Cygwin]} {
- set _gitexec [exec cygpath \
- --windows \
- --absolute \
- $_gitexec]
- } else {
- set _gitexec [file normalize $_gitexec]
- }
+ set _gitexec [file normalize $_gitexec]
if {$args eq {}} {
return $_gitexec
@@ -364,14 +350,7 @@
# Git not installed or option not yet supported
return {}
- if {[is_Cygwin]} {
- set _githtmldir [exec cygpath \
- --windows \
- --absolute \
- $_githtmldir]
- } else {
- set _githtmldir [file normalize $_githtmldir]
- }
+ set _githtmldir [file normalize $_githtmldir]
if {$args eq {}} {
return $_githtmldir
@@ -1318,9 +1297,6 @@
set _gitdir [pwd]
-if {![file isdirectory $_gitdir] && [is_Cygwin]} {
- catch {set _gitdir [exec cygpath --windows $_gitdir]}
if {![file isdirectory $_gitdir]} {
catch {wm withdraw .}
error_popup [strcat [mc "Git directory not found:"] "\n\n$_gitdir"]
@@ -1332,11 +1308,7 @@
# v1.7.0 introduced --show-toplevel to return the canonical work-tree
if {[package vcompare $_git_version 1.7.0] >= 0} {
- if { [is_Cygwin] } {
- catch {set _gitworktree [exec cygpath --windows [git rev-parse --show-toplevel]]}
- } else {
- set _gitworktree [git rev-parse --show-toplevel]
- }
+ set _gitworktree [git rev-parse --show-toplevel]
} else {
# try to set work tree from environment, core.worktree or use
# cdup to obtain a relative path to the top of the worktree. If
@@ -1561,24 +1533,8 @@
-if {[is_Cygwin]} {
- set is_git_info_exclude {}
- proc have_info_exclude {} {
- global is_git_info_exclude
- if {$is_git_info_exclude eq {}} {
- if {[catch {exec test -f [gitdir info exclude]}]} {
- set is_git_info_exclude 0
- } else {
- set is_git_info_exclude 1
- }
- }
- return $is_git_info_exclude
- }
-} else {
- proc have_info_exclude {} {
- return [file readable [gitdir info exclude]]
- }
+proc have_info_exclude {} {
+ return [file readable [gitdir info exclude]]
proc rescan_stage2 {fd after} {
@@ -3112,10 +3068,6 @@
set doc_path [githtmldir]
if {$doc_path ne {}} {
set doc_path [file join $doc_path index.html]
- if {[is_Cygwin]} {
- set doc_path [exec cygpath --mixed $doc_path]
- }
if {[file isfile $doc_path]} {
@@ -4087,60 +4039,6 @@
wm title . "[appname] ([reponame]) [file normalize $_gitworktree]"
focus -force $ui_comm
-# -- Warn the user about environmental problems. Cygwin's Tcl
-# does *not* pass its env array onto any processes it spawns.
-# This means that git processes get none of our environment.
-if {[is_Cygwin]} {
- set ignored_env 0
- set suggest_user {}
- set msg [mc "Possible environment issues exist.
-The following environment variables are probably
-going to be ignored by any Git subprocess run
-by %s:
-" [appname]]
- foreach name [array names env] {
- switch -regexp -- $name {
- {^GIT_PAGER$} -
- {^GIT_TRACE$} -
- {^GIT_CONFIG$} -
- append msg " - $name\n"
- incr ignored_env
- }
- append msg " - $name\n"
- incr ignored_env
- set suggest_user $name
- }
- }
- }
- if {$ignored_env > 0} {
- append msg [mc "
-This is due to a known issue with the
-Tcl binary distributed by Cygwin."]
- if {$suggest_user ne {}} {
- append msg [mc "
-A good replacement for %s
-is placing values for the and settings into your personal
-~/.gitconfig file.
-" $suggest_user]
- }
- warn_popup $msg
- }
- unset ignored_env msg suggest_user name
# -- Only initialize complex UI if we are going to stay running.
if {[is_enabled transport]} {
diff --git a/lib/choose_repository.tcl b/lib/choose_repository.tcl
index af1fee7..d23abed 100644
--- a/lib/choose_repository.tcl
+++ b/lib/choose_repository.tcl
@@ -174,9 +174,6 @@
-foreground blue \
-underline 1
set home $::env(HOME)
- if {[is_Cygwin]} {
- set home [exec cygpath --windows --absolute $home]
- }
set home "[file normalize $home]/"
set hlen [string length $home]
foreach p $sorted_recent {
@@ -374,18 +371,6 @@
return $objdir
- if {[is_Cygwin]} {
- set objdir [file join $path .git objects.lnk]
- if {[file isfile $objdir]} {
- return [win32_read_lnk $objdir]
- }
- set objdir [file join $path objects.lnk]
- if {[file isfile $objdir]} {
- return [win32_read_lnk $objdir]
- }
- }
return {}
@@ -623,12 +608,6 @@
set giturl $origin_url
- if {[is_Cygwin] && [file isdirectory $giturl]} {
- set giturl [exec cygpath --unix --absolute $giturl]
- if {$clone_type eq {shared}} {
- set objdir [exec cygpath --unix --absolute $objdir]
- }
- }
if {[file exists $local_path]} {
error_popup [mc "Location %s already exists." $local_path]
@@ -668,11 +647,7 @@
fconfigure $f_cp -translation binary -encoding binary
cd $objdir
while {[gets $f_in line] >= 0} {
- if {[is_Cygwin]} {
- puts $f_cp [exec cygpath --unix --absolute $line]
- } else {
- puts $f_cp [file normalize $line]
- }
+ puts $f_cp [file normalize $line]
close $f_in
close $f_cp