svn: allow branches outside of refs/remotes
It may be convenient for some users to store svn remote tracking
branches outside of the refs/remotes/ heirarchy.
To accomplish this feat, this patch includes the entire path to
the ref in $r->{'refname'} in &read_all_remotes and tries to change
references to this entry so the new value makes sense.
[ew: fixed backwards compatibility, long lines]
Signed-off-by: Adam Brewster <>
Signed-off-by: Eric Wong <>
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 78610b6..bbfd7f4 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -172,11 +172,11 @@
git update-ref refs/remotes/flunk@18 refs/remotes/stunk~2 &&
git update-ref -d refs/remotes/stunk &&
git config --unset svn-remote.svn.fetch stunk &&
- mkdir -p "$GIT_DIR"/svn/flunk@18 &&
- rev_map=$(cd "$GIT_DIR"/svn/stunk && ls .rev_map*) &&
- dd if="$GIT_DIR"/svn/stunk/$rev_map \
- of="$GIT_DIR"/svn/flunk@18/$rev_map bs=24 count=1 &&
- rm -rf "$GIT_DIR"/svn/stunk &&
+ mkdir -p "$GIT_DIR"/svn/refs/remotes/flunk@18 &&
+ rev_map=$(cd "$GIT_DIR"/svn/refs/remotes/stunk && ls .rev_map*) &&
+ dd if="$GIT_DIR"/svn/refs/remotes/stunk/$rev_map \
+ of="$GIT_DIR"/svn/refs/remotes/flunk@18/$rev_map bs=24 count=1 &&
+ rm -rf "$GIT_DIR"/svn/refs/remotes/stunk &&
git svn init --minimize-url -i flunk "$svnrepo"/flunk &&
git svn fetch -i flunk &&
git svn init --minimize-url -i stunk "$svnrepo"/stunk &&