
  git-gui: fix inability to quit after closing another instance
  git-gui: sv.po: Update Swedish translation (576t0f0u)
  git-gui: note the new maintainer
  Makefile(s): do not enforce "all indents must be done with tab"
  Makefile(s): avoid recipe prefix in conditional statements
  doc: switch links to https
  doc: update links to current pages
  git-gui: po: fix typo in French "aperçu"
diff --git a/.cirrus.yml b/.cirrus.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..77346a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.cirrus.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+  env:
+    GIT_PROVE_OPTS: "--timer --jobs 10"
+    GIT_TEST_OPTS: "--no-chain-lint --no-bin-wrappers"
+    MAKEFLAGS: "-j4"
+  freebsd_instance:
+    image_family: freebsd-13-2
+    memory: 2G
+  install_script:
+    pkg install -y gettext gmake perl5
+  create_user_script:
+    - pw useradd git
+    - chown -R git:git .
+  build_script:
+    - su git -c gmake
+  test_script:
+    - su git -c 'gmake DEFAULT_UNIT_TEST_TARGET=unit-tests-prove test unit-tests'
diff --git a/.clang-format b/.clang-format
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3ed4fac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.clang-format
@@ -0,0 +1,184 @@
+# This file is an example configuration for clang-format 5.0.
+# Note that this style definition should only be understood as a hint
+# for writing new code. The rules are still work-in-progress and does
+# not yet exactly match the style we have in the existing code.
+# Use tabs whenever we need to fill whitespace that spans at least from one tab
+# stop to the next one.
+# These settings are mirrored in .editorconfig.  Keep them in sync.
+UseTab: Always
+TabWidth: 8
+IndentWidth: 8
+ContinuationIndentWidth: 8
+ColumnLimit: 80
+# C Language specifics
+Language: Cpp
+# Align parameters on the open bracket
+# someLongFunction(argument1,
+#                  argument2);
+AlignAfterOpenBracket: Align
+# Don't align consecutive assignments
+# int aaaa = 12;
+# int b = 14;
+AlignConsecutiveAssignments: false
+# Don't align consecutive declarations
+# int aaaa = 12;
+# double b = 3.14;
+AlignConsecutiveDeclarations: false
+# Align escaped newlines as far left as possible
+# #define A   \
+#   int aaaa; \
+#   int b;    \
+#   int cccccccc;
+AlignEscapedNewlines: Left
+# Align operands of binary and ternary expressions
+# int aaa = bbbbbbbbbbb +
+#           cccccc;
+AlignOperands: true
+# Don't align trailing comments
+# int a; // Comment a
+# int b = 2; // Comment b
+AlignTrailingComments: false
+# By default don't allow putting parameters onto the next line
+# myFunction(foo, bar, baz);
+AllowAllParametersOfDeclarationOnNextLine: false
+# Don't allow short braced statements to be on a single line
+# if (a)           not       if (a) return;
+#   return;
+AllowShortBlocksOnASingleLine: false
+AllowShortCaseLabelsOnASingleLine: false
+AllowShortFunctionsOnASingleLine: false
+AllowShortIfStatementsOnASingleLine: false
+AllowShortLoopsOnASingleLine: false
+# By default don't add a line break after the return type of top-level functions
+# int foo();
+AlwaysBreakAfterReturnType: None
+# Pack as many parameters or arguments onto the same line as possible
+# int myFunction(int aaaaaaaaaaaa, int bbbbbbbb,
+#                int cccc);
+BinPackArguments: true
+BinPackParameters: true
+# Attach braces to surrounding context except break before braces on function
+# definitions.
+# void foo()
+# {
+#    if (true) {
+#    } else {
+#    }
+# };
+BreakBeforeBraces: Linux
+# Break after operators
+# int value = aaaaaaaaaaaaa +
+#             bbbbbb -
+#             ccccccccccc;
+BreakBeforeBinaryOperators: None
+BreakBeforeTernaryOperators: false
+# Don't break string literals
+BreakStringLiterals: false
+# Use the same indentation level as for the switch statement.
+# Switch statement body is always indented one level more than case labels.
+IndentCaseLabels: false
+# Don't indent a function definition or declaration if it is wrapped after the
+# type
+IndentWrappedFunctionNames: false
+# Align pointer to the right
+# int *a;
+PointerAlignment: Right
+# Don't insert a space after a cast
+# x = (int32)y;    not    x = (int32) y;
+SpaceAfterCStyleCast: false
+# Insert spaces before and after assignment operators
+# int a = 5;    not    int a=5;
+# a += 42;             a+=42;
+SpaceBeforeAssignmentOperators: true
+# Put a space before opening parentheses only after control statement keywords.
+# void f() {
+#   if (true) {
+#     f();
+#   }
+# }
+SpaceBeforeParens: ControlStatements
+# Don't insert spaces inside empty '()'
+SpaceInEmptyParentheses: false
+# The number of spaces before trailing line comments (// - comments).
+# This does not affect trailing block comments (/* - comments).
+SpacesBeforeTrailingComments: 1
+# Don't insert spaces in casts
+# x = (int32) y;    not    x = ( int32 ) y;
+SpacesInCStyleCastParentheses: false
+# Don't insert spaces inside container literals
+# var arr = [1, 2, 3];    not    var arr = [ 1, 2, 3 ];
+SpacesInContainerLiterals: false
+# Don't insert spaces after '(' or before ')'
+# f(arg);    not    f( arg );
+SpacesInParentheses: false
+# Don't insert spaces after '[' or before ']'
+# int a[5];    not    int a[ 5 ];
+SpacesInSquareBrackets: false
+# Insert a space after '{' and before '}' in struct initializers
+Cpp11BracedListStyle: false
+# A list of macros that should be interpreted as foreach loops instead of as
+# function calls. Taken from:
+#   git grep -h '^#define [^[:space:]]*for_each[^[:space:]]*(' \
+#   | sed "s,^#define \([^[:space:]]*for_each[^[:space:]]*\)(.*$,  - '\1'," \
+#   | sort | uniq
+  - 'for_each_abbrev'
+  - 'for_each_builtin'
+  - 'for_each_string_list_item'
+  - 'for_each_ut'
+  - 'for_each_wanted_builtin'
+  - 'list_for_each'
+  - 'list_for_each_dir'
+  - 'list_for_each_prev'
+  - 'list_for_each_prev_safe'
+  - 'list_for_each_safe'
+# The maximum number of consecutive empty lines to keep.
+MaxEmptyLinesToKeep: 1
+# No empty line at the start of a block.
+KeepEmptyLinesAtTheStartOfBlocks: false
+# Penalties
+# This decides what order things should be done if a line is too long
+PenaltyBreakAssignment: 10
+PenaltyBreakBeforeFirstCallParameter: 30
+PenaltyBreakComment: 10
+PenaltyBreakFirstLessLess: 0
+PenaltyBreakString: 10
+PenaltyExcessCharacter: 100
+PenaltyReturnTypeOnItsOwnLine: 60
+# Don't sort #include's
+SortIncludes: false
diff --git a/.editorconfig b/.editorconfig
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..15d6cbe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.editorconfig
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+charset = utf-8
+insert_final_newline = true
+# The settings for C (*.c and *.h) files are mirrored in .clang-format.  Keep
+# them in sync.
+indent_style = tab
+tab_width = 8
+indent_style = space
+indent_size = 4
+max_line_length = 72
diff --git a/.gitattributes b/.gitattributes
index 118d56c..158c3d4 100644
--- a/.gitattributes
+++ b/.gitattributes
@@ -1,6 +1,18 @@
-*           whitespace=indent-with-non-tab,trailing-space,space-before-tab,tabwidth=4
-*           encoding=US-ASCII  encoding=UTF-8
-/po/*.po    encoding=UTF-8
-Makefile    whitespace=!indent,trail,space
+* whitespace=!indent,trail,space
+*.[ch] whitespace=indent,trail,space diff=cpp
+*.sh whitespace=indent,trail,space text eol=lf
+*.perl text eol=lf diff=perl
+*.pl text eof=lf diff=perl
+*.pm text eol=lf diff=perl
+*.py text eol=lf diff=python
+*.bat text eol=crlf -whitespace
+/Documentation/**/*.txt text eol=lf
+/command-list.txt text eol=lf
+/GIT-VERSION-GEN text eol=lf
+/mergetools/* text eol=lf
+/t/oid-info/* text eol=lf
+/Documentation/git-merge.txt conflict-marker-size=32
+/Documentation/gitk.txt conflict-marker-size=32
+/Documentation/user-manual.txt conflict-marker-size=32
+/t/t????-*.sh conflict-marker-size=32
diff --git a/.github/ b/.github/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c8755e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+## Contributing to Git
+Thanks for taking the time to contribute to Git! Please be advised that the
+Git community does not use for their contributions. Instead, we use
+a mailing list ( for code submissions, code
+reviews, and bug reports.
+Nevertheless, you can use [GitGitGadget]( to
+conveniently send your Pull Requests commits to our mailing list.
+Please read ["A note from the maintainer"](
+to learn how the Git project is managed, and how you can work with it.
+In addition, we highly recommend you to read [our submission guidelines](../Documentation/SubmittingPatches).
+If you prefer video, then [this talk](
+might be useful to you as the presenter walks you through the contribution
+process by example.
+Or, you can follow the ["My First Contribution"](
+tutorial for another example of the contribution process.
+Your friendly Git community!
diff --git a/.github/ b/.github/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37654cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+Thanks for taking the time to contribute to Git! Please be advised that the
+Git community does not use for their contributions. Instead, we use
+a mailing list ( for code submissions, code reviews, and
+bug reports. Nevertheless, you can use GitGitGadget (
+to conveniently send your Pull Requests commits to our mailing list.
+For a single-commit pull request, please *leave the pull request description
+empty*: your commit message itself should describe your changes.
+Please read the "guidelines for contributing" linked above!
diff --git a/.github/workflows/check-whitespace.yml b/.github/workflows/check-whitespace.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d0a78fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/workflows/check-whitespace.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+name: check-whitespace
+# Get the repository with all commits to ensure that we can analyze
+# all of the commits contributed via the Pull Request.
+# Process `git log --check` output to extract just the check errors.
+# Exit with failure upon white-space issues.
+  pull_request:
+    types: [opened, synchronize]
+# Avoid unnecessary builds. Unlike the main CI jobs, these are not
+# ci-configurable (but could be).
+  group: ${{ github.workflow }}-${{ github.ref }}
+  cancel-in-progress: true
+  check-whitespace:
+    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+    steps:
+    - uses: actions/checkout@v4
+      with:
+        fetch-depth: 0
+    - name: git log --check
+      id: check_out
+      run: |
+        ./ci/ \
+          "${{github.event.pull_request.base.sha}}" \
+          "$GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY" \
+          "${{github.repository}}"
diff --git a/.github/workflows/coverity.yml b/.github/workflows/coverity.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..48341e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/workflows/coverity.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
+name: Coverity
+# This GitHub workflow automates submitting builds to Coverity Scan. To enable it,
+# set the repository variable `ENABLE_COVERITY_SCAN_FOR_BRANCHES` (for details, see
+# to a JSON
+# string array containing the names of the branches for which the workflow should be
+# run, e.g. `["main", "next"]`.
+# In addition, two repository secrets must be set (for details how to add secrets, see
+# `COVERITY_SCAN_EMAIL` and `COVERITY_SCAN_TOKEN`. The former specifies the
+# email to which the Coverity reports should be sent and the latter can be
+# obtained from the Project Settings tab of the Coverity project).
+# The workflow runs on `ubuntu-latest` by default. This can be overridden by setting
+# the repository variable `ENABLE_COVERITY_SCAN_ON_OS` to a JSON string array specifying
+# the operating systems, e.g. `["ubuntu-latest", "windows-latest"]`.
+# By default, the builds are submitted to the Coverity project `git`. To override this,
+# set the repository variable `COVERITY_PROJECT`.
+  push:
+  run:
+    shell: bash
+  coverity:
+    if: contains(fromJSON(vars.ENABLE_COVERITY_SCAN_FOR_BRANCHES || '[""]'), github.ref_name)
+    strategy:
+      matrix:
+        os: ${{ fromJSON(vars.ENABLE_COVERITY_SCAN_ON_OS || '["ubuntu-latest"]') }}
+    runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}
+    env:
+      COVERITY_PROJECT: ${{ vars.COVERITY_PROJECT || 'git' }}
+      COVERITY_PLATFORM: overridden-below
+    steps:
+      - uses: actions/checkout@v4
+      - name: install minimal Git for Windows SDK
+        if: contains(matrix.os, 'windows')
+        uses: git-for-windows/setup-git-for-windows-sdk@v1
+      - run: ci/
+        if: contains(matrix.os, 'ubuntu') || contains(matrix.os, 'macos')
+        env:
+          distro: ${{ matrix.os }}
+      # The Coverity site says the tool is usually updated twice yearly, so the
+      # MD5 of download can be used to determine whether there's been an update.
+      - name: get the Coverity Build Tool hash
+        id: lookup
+        run: |
+          case "${{ matrix.os }}" in
+          *windows*)
+            COVERITY_PLATFORM=win64
+            MAKEFLAGS=-j$(nproc)
+            ;;
+          *macos*)
+            COVERITY_TOOL_FILENAME=cov-analysis.dmg
+            MAKEFLAGS=-j$(sysctl -n hw.physicalcpu)
+            ;;
+          *ubuntu*)
+            COVERITY_PLATFORM=linux64
+            COVERITY_TOOL_FILENAME=cov-analysis.tgz
+            MAKEFLAGS=-j$(nproc)
+            ;;
+          *)
+            echo '::error::unhandled OS ${{ matrix.os }}' >&2
+            exit 1
+            ;;
+          esac
+                   --fail \
+                   --form token='${{ secrets.COVERITY_SCAN_TOKEN }}' \
+                   --form project="$COVERITY_PROJECT" \
+                   --form md5=1)
+          case $? in
+          0) ;; # okay
+          22) # 40x, i.e. access denied
+            echo "::error::incorrect token or project?" >&2
+            exit 1
+            ;;
+          *) # other error
+            echo "::error::Failed to retrieve MD5" >&2
+            exit 1
+            ;;
+          esac
+          echo "hash=$MD5" >>$GITHUB_OUTPUT
+      # Try to cache the tool to avoid downloading 1GB+ on every run.
+      # A cache miss will add ~30s to create, but a cache hit will save minutes.
+      - name: restore the Coverity Build Tool
+        id: cache
+        uses: actions/cache/restore@v4
+        with:
+          path: ${{ runner.temp }}/cov-analysis
+          key: cov-build-${{ env.COVERITY_LANGUAGE }}-${{ env.COVERITY_PLATFORM }}-${{ steps.lookup.outputs.hash }}
+      - name: download the Coverity Build Tool (${{ env.COVERITY_LANGUAGE }} / ${{ env.COVERITY_PLATFORM}})
+        if: steps.cache.outputs.cache-hit != 'true'
+        run: |
+            --fail --no-progress-meter \
+            --output $RUNNER_TEMP/$COVERITY_TOOL_FILENAME \
+            --form token='${{ secrets.COVERITY_SCAN_TOKEN }}' \
+            --form project="$COVERITY_PROJECT"
+      - name: extract the Coverity Build Tool
+        if: steps.cache.outputs.cache-hit != 'true'
+        run: |
+          case "$COVERITY_TOOL_FILENAME" in
+          *.tgz)
+            mkdir $RUNNER_TEMP/cov-analysis &&
+            tar -xzf $RUNNER_TEMP/$COVERITY_TOOL_FILENAME --strip 1 -C $RUNNER_TEMP/cov-analysis
+            ;;
+          *.dmg)
+            cd $RUNNER_TEMP &&
+            attach="$(hdiutil attach $COVERITY_TOOL_FILENAME)" &&
+            volume="$(echo "$attach" | cut -f 3 | grep /Volumes/)" &&
+            mkdir cov-analysis &&
+            cd cov-analysis &&
+            sh "$volume"/cov-analysis-macosx-*.sh &&
+            ls -l &&
+            hdiutil detach "$volume"
+            ;;
+          *.zip)
+            cd $RUNNER_TEMP &&
+            mkdir cov-analysis-tmp &&
+            unzip -d cov-analysis-tmp $COVERITY_TOOL_FILENAME &&
+            mv cov-analysis-tmp/* cov-analysis
+            ;;
+          *)
+            echo "::error::unhandled archive type: $COVERITY_TOOL_FILENAME" >&2
+            exit 1
+            ;;
+          esac
+      - name: cache the Coverity Build Tool
+        if: steps.cache.outputs.cache-hit != 'true'
+        uses: actions/cache/save@v4
+        with:
+          path: ${{ runner.temp }}/cov-analysis
+          key: cov-build-${{ env.COVERITY_LANGUAGE }}-${{ env.COVERITY_PLATFORM }}-${{ steps.lookup.outputs.hash }}
+      - name: build with cov-build
+        run: |
+          export PATH="$RUNNER_TEMP/cov-analysis/bin:$PATH" &&
+          cov-configure --gcc &&
+          cov-build --dir cov-int make
+      - name: package the build
+        run: tar -czvf cov-int.tgz cov-int
+      - name: submit the build to Coverity Scan
+        run: |
+          curl \
+            --fail \
+            --form token='${{ secrets.COVERITY_SCAN_TOKEN }}' \
+            --form email='${{ secrets.COVERITY_SCAN_EMAIL }}' \
+            --form file=@cov-int.tgz \
+            --form version='${{ github.sha }}' \
+            "$COVERITY_PROJECT"
diff --git a/.github/workflows/l10n.yml b/.github/workflows/l10n.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e2c3dbd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/workflows/l10n.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+name: git-l10n
+on: [push, pull_request_target]
+# Avoid unnecessary builds. Unlike the main CI jobs, these are not
+# ci-configurable (but could be).
+  group: ${{ github.workflow }}-${{ github.ref }}
+  cancel-in-progress: true
+  git-po-helper:
+    if: >-
+      endsWith(github.repository, '/git-po') ||
+      contains(github.head_ref, 'l10n') ||
+      contains(github.ref, 'l10n')
+    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+    permissions:
+      pull-requests: write
+    steps:
+      - name: Setup base and head objects
+        id: setup-tips
+        run: |
+          if test "${{ github.event_name }}" = "pull_request_target"
+          then
+            base=${{ github.event.pull_request.base.sha }}
+            head=${{ github.event.pull_request.head.sha }}
+          else
+            base=${{ github.event.before }}
+            head=${{ github.event.after }}
+          fi
+          echo base=$base >>$GITHUB_OUTPUT
+          echo head=$head >>$GITHUB_OUTPUT
+      - name: Run partial clone
+        run: |
+          git -c init.defaultBranch=master init --bare .
+          git remote add \
+            --mirror=fetch \
+            origin \
+  ${{ github.repository }}
+          # Fetch tips that may be unreachable from github.ref:
+          # - For a forced push, "$base" may be unreachable.
+          # - For a "pull_request_target" event, "$head" may be unreachable.
+          args=
+          for commit in \
+            ${{ steps.setup-tips.outputs.base }} \
+            ${{ steps.setup-tips.outputs.head }}
+          do
+            case $commit in
+            *[^0]*)
+              args="$args $commit"
+              ;;
+            *)
+              # Should not fetch ZERO-OID.
+              ;;
+            esac
+          done
+          git -c protocol.version=2 fetch \
+            --progress \
+            --no-tags \
+            --no-write-fetch-head \
+            --filter=blob:none \
+            origin \
+            ${{ github.ref }} \
+            $args
+      - uses: actions/setup-go@v5
+        with:
+          go-version: '>=1.16'
+          cache: false
+      - name: Install git-po-helper
+        run: go install
+      - name: Install other dependencies
+        run: |
+          sudo apt-get update -q &&
+          sudo apt-get install -q -y gettext
+      - name: Run git-po-helper
+        id: check-commits
+        run: |
+          exit_code=0
+          git-po-helper check-commits \
+            --github-action-event="${{ github.event_name }}" -- \
+            ${{ steps.setup-tips.outputs.base }}..${{ steps.setup-tips.outputs.head }} \
+            >git-po-helper.out 2>&1 || exit_code=$?
+          if test $exit_code -ne 0 || grep -q WARNING git-po-helper.out
+          then
+            # Remove ANSI colors which are proper for console logs but not
+            # proper for PR comment.
+            echo "COMMENT_BODY<<EOF" >>$GITHUB_ENV
+            perl -pe 's/\e\[[0-9;]*m//g; s/\bEOF$//g' git-po-helper.out >>$GITHUB_ENV
+            echo "EOF" >>$GITHUB_ENV
+          fi
+          cat git-po-helper.out
+          exit $exit_code
+      - name: Create comment in pull request for report
+        uses: mshick/add-pr-comment@v2
+        if: >-
+          always() &&
+          github.event_name == 'pull_request_target' &&
+          env.COMMENT_BODY != ''
+        with:
+          repo-token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
+          message: >
+            ${{ steps.check-commits.outcome == 'failure' && 'Errors and warnings' || 'Warnings' }}
+            found by [git-po-helper]( in workflow
+            [#${{ github.run_number }}](${{ env.GITHUB_SERVER_URL }}/${{ github.repository }}/actions/runs/${{ github.run_id }}):
+            ```
+            ${{ env.COMMENT_BODY }}
+            ```
diff --git a/.github/workflows/main.yml b/.github/workflows/main.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..13cc0fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/workflows/main.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,428 @@
+name: CI
+on: [push, pull_request]
+# If more than one workflow run is triggered for the very same commit hash
+# (which happens when multiple branches pointing to the same commit), only
+# the first one is allowed to run, the second will be kept in the "queued"
+# state. This allows a successful completion of the first run to be reused
+# in the second run via the `skip-if-redundant` logic in the `config` job.
+# The only caveat is that if a workflow run is triggered for the same commit
+# hash that another run is already being held, that latter run will be
+# canceled. For more details about the `concurrency` attribute, see:
+  group: ${{ github.sha }}
+  ci-config:
+    name: config
+    if: vars.CI_BRANCHES == '' || contains(vars.CI_BRANCHES, github.ref_name)
+    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+    outputs:
+      enabled: ${{ steps.check-ref.outputs.enabled }}${{ steps.skip-if-redundant.outputs.enabled }}
+      skip_concurrent: ${{ steps.check-ref.outputs.skip_concurrent }}
+    steps:
+      - name: try to clone ci-config branch
+        run: |
+          git -c protocol.version=2 clone \
+            --no-tags \
+            --single-branch \
+            -b ci-config \
+            --depth 1 \
+            --no-checkout \
+            --filter=blob:none \
+  ${{ github.repository }} \
+            config-repo &&
+          cd config-repo &&
+          git checkout HEAD -- ci/config || : ignore
+      - id: check-ref
+        name: check whether CI is enabled for ref
+        run: |
+          enabled=yes
+          if test -x config-repo/ci/config/allow-ref
+          then
+            echo "::warning::ci/config/allow-ref is deprecated; use CI_BRANCHES instead"
+            if ! config-repo/ci/config/allow-ref '${{ github.ref }}'
+            then
+              enabled=no
+            fi
+          fi
+          skip_concurrent=yes
+          if test -x config-repo/ci/config/skip-concurrent &&
+             ! config-repo/ci/config/skip-concurrent '${{ github.ref }}'
+          then
+            skip_concurrent=no
+          fi
+          echo "enabled=$enabled" >>$GITHUB_OUTPUT
+          echo "skip_concurrent=$skip_concurrent" >>$GITHUB_OUTPUT
+      - name: skip if the commit or tree was already tested
+        id: skip-if-redundant
+        uses: actions/github-script@v7
+        if: steps.check-ref.outputs.enabled == 'yes'
+        with:
+          github-token: ${{secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN}}
+          script: |
+            try {
+              // Figure out workflow ID, commit and tree
+              const { data: run } = await{
+                owner: context.repo.owner,
+                repo: context.repo.repo,
+                run_id: context.runId,
+              });
+              const workflow_id = run.workflow_id;
+              const head_sha = run.head_sha;
+              const tree_id = run.head_commit.tree_id;
+              // See whether there is a successful run for that commit or tree
+              const { data: runs } = await{
+                owner: context.repo.owner,
+                repo: context.repo.repo,
+                per_page: 500,
+                status: 'success',
+                workflow_id,
+              });
+              for (const run of runs.workflow_runs) {
+                if (head_sha === run.head_sha) {
+                  core.warning(`Successful run for the commit ${head_sha}: ${run.html_url}`);
+                  core.setOutput('enabled', ' but skip');
+                  break;
+                }
+                if (run.head_commit && tree_id === run.head_commit.tree_id) {
+                  core.warning(`Successful run for the tree ${tree_id}: ${run.html_url}`);
+                  core.setOutput('enabled', ' but skip');
+                  break;
+                }
+              }
+            } catch (e) {
+              core.warning(e);
+            }
+  windows-build:
+    name: win build
+    needs: ci-config
+    if: == 'yes'
+    runs-on: windows-latest
+    concurrency:
+      group: windows-build-${{ github.ref }}
+      cancel-in-progress: ${{ == 'yes' }}
+    steps:
+    - uses: actions/checkout@v4
+    - uses: git-for-windows/setup-git-for-windows-sdk@v1
+    - name: build
+      shell: bash
+      env:
+        HOME: ${{runner.workspace}}
+        NO_PERL: 1
+      run: . /etc/profile && ci/ artifacts
+    - name: zip up tracked files
+      run: git archive -o artifacts/tracked.tar.gz HEAD
+    - name: upload tracked files and build artifacts
+      uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
+      with:
+        name: windows-artifacts
+        path: artifacts
+  windows-test:
+    name: win test
+    runs-on: windows-latest
+    needs: [ci-config, windows-build]
+    strategy:
+      fail-fast: false
+      matrix:
+        nr: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
+    concurrency:
+      group: windows-test-${{ }}-${{ github.ref }}
+      cancel-in-progress: ${{ == 'yes' }}
+    steps:
+    - name: download tracked files and build artifacts
+      uses: actions/download-artifact@v4
+      with:
+        name: windows-artifacts
+        path: ${{github.workspace}}
+    - name: extract tracked files and build artifacts
+      shell: bash
+      run: tar xf artifacts.tar.gz && tar xf tracked.tar.gz
+    - uses: git-for-windows/setup-git-for-windows-sdk@v1
+    - name: test
+      shell: bash
+      run: . /etc/profile && ci/ ${{}} 10
+    - name: print test failures
+      if: failure() && env.FAILED_TEST_ARTIFACTS != ''
+      shell: bash
+      run: ci/
+    - name: Upload failed tests' directories
+      if: failure() && env.FAILED_TEST_ARTIFACTS != ''
+      uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
+      with:
+        name: failed-tests-windows-${{ }}
+        path: ${{env.FAILED_TEST_ARTIFACTS}}
+  vs-build:
+    name: win+VS build
+    needs: ci-config
+    if: github.event.repository.owner.login == 'git-for-windows' && == 'yes'
+    env:
+      NO_PERL: 1
+    runs-on: windows-latest
+    concurrency:
+      group: vs-build-${{ github.ref }}
+      cancel-in-progress: ${{ == 'yes' }}
+    steps:
+    - uses: actions/checkout@v4
+    - uses: git-for-windows/setup-git-for-windows-sdk@v1
+    - name: initialize vcpkg
+      uses: actions/checkout@v4
+      with:
+        repository: 'microsoft/vcpkg'
+        path: 'compat/vcbuild/vcpkg'
+    - name: download vcpkg artifacts
+      shell: powershell
+      run: |
+        $urlbase = ""
+        $id = ((Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing "${urlbase}?definitions=9&statusFilter=completed&resultFilter=succeeded&`$top=1").content | ConvertFrom-JSON).value[0].id
+        $downloadUrl = ((Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing "${urlbase}/$id/artifacts").content | ConvertFrom-JSON).value[0].resource.downloadUrl
+        (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadFile($downloadUrl, "")
+        Expand-Archive -DestinationPath . -Force
+        Remove-Item
+    - name: add msbuild to PATH
+      uses: microsoft/setup-msbuild@v1
+    - name: copy dlls to root
+      shell: cmd
+      run: compat\vcbuild\vcpkg_copy_dlls.bat release
+    - name: generate Visual Studio solution
+      shell: bash
+      run: |
+        cmake `pwd`/contrib/buildsystems/ -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=`pwd`/compat/vcbuild/vcpkg/installed/x64-windows \
+    - name: MSBuild
+      run: msbuild git.sln -property:Configuration=Release -property:Platform=x64 -maxCpuCount:4 -property:PlatformToolset=v142
+    - name: bundle artifact tar
+      shell: bash
+      env:
+        MSVC: 1
+        VCPKG_ROOT: ${{github.workspace}}\compat\vcbuild\vcpkg
+      run: |
+        mkdir -p artifacts &&
+        eval "$(make -n artifacts-tar INCLUDE_DLLS_IN_ARTIFACTS=YesPlease ARTIFACTS_DIRECTORY=artifacts NO_GETTEXT=YesPlease 2>&1 | grep ^tar)"
+    - name: zip up tracked files
+      run: git archive -o artifacts/tracked.tar.gz HEAD
+    - name: upload tracked files and build artifacts
+      uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
+      with:
+        name: vs-artifacts
+        path: artifacts
+  vs-test:
+    name: win+VS test
+    runs-on: windows-latest
+    needs: [ci-config, vs-build]
+    strategy:
+      fail-fast: false
+      matrix:
+        nr: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
+    concurrency:
+      group: vs-test-${{ }}-${{ github.ref }}
+      cancel-in-progress: ${{ == 'yes' }}
+    steps:
+    - uses: git-for-windows/setup-git-for-windows-sdk@v1
+    - name: download tracked files and build artifacts
+      uses: actions/download-artifact@v4
+      with:
+        name: vs-artifacts
+        path: ${{github.workspace}}
+    - name: extract tracked files and build artifacts
+      shell: bash
+      run: tar xf artifacts.tar.gz && tar xf tracked.tar.gz
+    - name: test
+      shell: bash
+      env:
+        NO_SVN_TESTS: 1
+      run: . /etc/profile && ci/ ${{}} 10
+    - name: print test failures
+      if: failure() && env.FAILED_TEST_ARTIFACTS != ''
+      shell: bash
+      run: ci/
+    - name: Upload failed tests' directories
+      if: failure() && env.FAILED_TEST_ARTIFACTS != ''
+      uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
+      with:
+        name: failed-tests-windows-vs-${{ }}
+        path: ${{env.FAILED_TEST_ARTIFACTS}}
+  regular:
+    name: ${{matrix.vector.jobname}} (${{matrix.vector.pool}})
+    needs: ci-config
+    if: == 'yes'
+    concurrency:
+      group: ${{ matrix.vector.jobname }}-${{ matrix.vector.pool }}-${{ github.ref }}
+      cancel-in-progress: ${{ == 'yes' }}
+    strategy:
+      fail-fast: false
+      matrix:
+        vector:
+          - jobname: linux-sha256
+            cc: clang
+            pool: ubuntu-latest
+          - jobname: linux-reftable
+            cc: clang
+            pool: ubuntu-latest
+          - jobname: linux-gcc
+            cc: gcc
+            cc_package: gcc-8
+            pool: ubuntu-20.04
+          - jobname: linux-TEST-vars
+            cc: gcc
+            cc_package: gcc-8
+            pool: ubuntu-20.04
+          - jobname: osx-clang
+            cc: clang
+            pool: macos-13
+          - jobname: osx-reftable
+            cc: clang
+            pool: macos-13
+          - jobname: osx-gcc
+            cc: gcc-13
+            pool: macos-13
+          - jobname: linux-gcc-default
+            cc: gcc
+            pool: ubuntu-latest
+          - jobname: linux-leaks
+            cc: gcc
+            pool: ubuntu-latest
+          - jobname: linux-reftable-leaks
+            cc: gcc
+            pool: ubuntu-latest
+          - jobname: linux-asan-ubsan
+            cc: clang
+            pool: ubuntu-latest
+    env:
+      CC: ${{}}
+      CC_PACKAGE: ${{matrix.vector.cc_package}}
+      jobname: ${{matrix.vector.jobname}}
+      distro: ${{matrix.vector.pool}}
+    runs-on: ${{matrix.vector.pool}}
+    steps:
+    - uses: actions/checkout@v4
+    - run: ci/
+    - run: ci/
+    - name: print test failures
+      if: failure() && env.FAILED_TEST_ARTIFACTS != ''
+      run: ci/
+    - name: Upload failed tests' directories
+      if: failure() && env.FAILED_TEST_ARTIFACTS != ''
+      uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
+      with:
+        name: failed-tests-${{matrix.vector.jobname}}
+        path: ${{env.FAILED_TEST_ARTIFACTS}}
+  fuzz-smoke-test:
+    name: fuzz smoke test
+    needs: ci-config
+    if: == 'yes'
+    env:
+      CC: clang
+    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+    steps:
+    - uses: actions/checkout@v4
+    - run: ci/
+    - run: ci/
+  dockerized:
+    name: ${{matrix.vector.jobname}} (${{matrix.vector.image}})
+    needs: ci-config
+    if: == 'yes'
+    concurrency:
+      group: dockerized-${{ matrix.vector.jobname }}-${{ matrix.vector.image }}-${{ github.ref }}
+      cancel-in-progress: ${{ == 'yes' }}
+    strategy:
+      fail-fast: false
+      matrix:
+        vector:
+        - jobname: linux-musl
+          image: alpine
+          distro: alpine-latest
+        - jobname: linux32
+          image: daald/ubuntu32:xenial
+          distro: ubuntu32-16.04
+        - jobname: pedantic
+          image: fedora
+          distro: fedora-latest
+    env:
+      jobname: ${{matrix.vector.jobname}}
+      distro: ${{matrix.vector.distro}}
+    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+    container: ${{matrix.vector.image}}
+    steps:
+    - uses: actions/checkout@v4
+      if: matrix.vector.jobname != 'linux32'
+    - uses: actions/checkout@v1 # cannot be upgraded because Node.js Actions aren't supported in this container
+      if: matrix.vector.jobname == 'linux32'
+    - run: ci/
+    - run: ci/
+    - name: print test failures
+      if: failure() && env.FAILED_TEST_ARTIFACTS != ''
+      run: ci/
+    - name: Upload failed tests' directories
+      if: failure() && env.FAILED_TEST_ARTIFACTS != '' && matrix.vector.jobname != 'linux32'
+      uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
+      with:
+        name: failed-tests-${{matrix.vector.jobname}}
+        path: ${{env.FAILED_TEST_ARTIFACTS}}
+    - name: Upload failed tests' directories
+      if: failure() && env.FAILED_TEST_ARTIFACTS != '' && matrix.vector.jobname == 'linux32'
+      uses: actions/upload-artifact@v1 # cannot be upgraded because Node.js Actions aren't supported in this container
+      with:
+        name: failed-tests-${{matrix.vector.jobname}}
+        path: ${{env.FAILED_TEST_ARTIFACTS}}
+  static-analysis:
+    needs: ci-config
+    if: == 'yes'
+    env:
+      jobname: StaticAnalysis
+    runs-on: ubuntu-22.04
+    concurrency:
+      group: static-analysis-${{ github.ref }}
+      cancel-in-progress: ${{ == 'yes' }}
+    steps:
+    - uses: actions/checkout@v4
+    - run: ci/
+    - run: ci/
+    - run: ci/check-directional-formatting.bash
+  sparse:
+    needs: ci-config
+    if: == 'yes'
+    env:
+      jobname: sparse
+    runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
+    concurrency:
+      group: sparse-${{ github.ref }}
+      cancel-in-progress: ${{ == 'yes' }}
+    steps:
+    - name: Download a current `sparse` package
+      # Ubuntu's `sparse` version is too old for us
+      uses: git-for-windows/get-azure-pipelines-artifact@v0
+      with:
+        repository: git/git
+        definitionId: 10
+        artifact: sparse-20.04
+    - name: Install the current `sparse` package
+      run: sudo dpkg -i sparse-20.04/sparse_*.deb
+    - uses: actions/checkout@v4
+    - name: Install other dependencies
+      run: ci/
+    - run: make sparse
+  documentation:
+    name: documentation
+    needs: ci-config
+    if: == 'yes'
+    concurrency:
+      group: documentation-${{ github.ref }}
+      cancel-in-progress: ${{ == 'yes' }}
+    env:
+      jobname: Documentation
+    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+    steps:
+    - uses: actions/checkout@v4
+    - run: ci/
+    - run: ci/
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 6483b21..8caf370 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -1,8 +1,250 @@
diff --git a/.gitlab-ci.yml b/.gitlab-ci.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37b991e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.gitlab-ci.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+  timeout: 2h
+  rules:
+    - if: $CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE == "merge_request_event"
+    - if: $CI_COMMIT_TAG
+    - if: $CI_COMMIT_REF_PROTECTED == "true"
+  image: $image
+  variables:
+    CUSTOM_PATH: "/custom"
+  before_script:
+    - ./ci/
+  script:
+    - useradd builder --create-home
+    - chown -R builder "${CI_PROJECT_DIR}"
+    - sudo --preserve-env --set-home --user=builder ./ci/
+  after_script:
+    - |
+      if test "$CI_JOB_STATUS" != 'success'
+      then
+        sudo --preserve-env --set-home --user=builder ./ci/
+      fi
+  parallel:
+    matrix:
+      - jobname: linux-sha256
+        image: ubuntu:latest
+        CC: clang
+      - jobname: linux-reftable
+        image: ubuntu:latest
+        CC: clang
+      - jobname: linux-gcc
+        image: ubuntu:20.04
+        CC: gcc
+        CC_PACKAGE: gcc-8
+      - jobname: linux-TEST-vars
+        image: ubuntu:20.04
+        CC: gcc
+        CC_PACKAGE: gcc-8
+      - jobname: linux-gcc-default
+        image: ubuntu:latest
+        CC: gcc
+      - jobname: linux-leaks
+        image: ubuntu:latest
+        CC: gcc
+      - jobname: linux-reftable-leaks
+        image: ubuntu:latest
+        CC: gcc
+      - jobname: linux-asan-ubsan
+        image: ubuntu:latest
+        CC: clang
+      - jobname: pedantic
+        image: fedora:latest
+      - jobname: linux-musl
+        image: alpine:latest
+  artifacts:
+    paths:
+      - t/failed-test-artifacts
+    when: on_failure
+  image: $image
+  tags:
+    - saas-macos-medium-m1
+  variables:
+  before_script:
+    # Create a 4GB RAM disk that we use to store test output on. This small hack
+    # significantly speeds up tests by more than a factor of 2 because the
+    # macOS runners use network-attached storage as disks, which is _really_
+    # slow with the many small writes that our tests do.
+    - sudo diskutil apfs create $(hdiutil attach -nomount ram://8192000) RAMDisk
+    - ./ci/
+  script:
+    - ./ci/
+  after_script:
+    - |
+      if test "$CI_JOB_STATUS" != 'success'
+      then
+        ./ci/
+        mv "$TEST_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY"/failed-test-artifacts t/
+      fi
+  parallel:
+    matrix:
+      - jobname: osx-clang
+        image: macos-13-xcode-14
+        CC: clang
+      - jobname: osx-reftable
+        image: macos-13-xcode-14
+        CC: clang
+  artifacts:
+    paths:
+      - t/failed-test-artifacts
+    when: on_failure
+  image: ubuntu:latest
+  variables:
+    CC: clang
+  before_script:
+    - ./ci/
+  script:
+    - ./ci/
+  image: ubuntu:22.04
+  variables:
+    jobname: StaticAnalysis
+  before_script:
+    - ./ci/
+  script:
+    - ./ci/
+    - ./ci/check-directional-formatting.bash
+  image: ubuntu:latest
+  before_script:
+    - ./ci/
+  script:
+  rules:
+    - if: $CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE == 'merge_request_event'
+  image: ubuntu:latest
+  variables:
+    jobname: Documentation
+  before_script:
+    - ./ci/
+  script:
+    - ./ci/
diff --git a/.gitmodules b/.gitmodules
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cbeebda
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.gitmodules
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+[submodule "sha1collisiondetection"]
+	path = sha1collisiondetection
+	url =
+	branch = master
diff --git a/.mailmap b/.mailmap
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..18128a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.mailmap
@@ -0,0 +1,303 @@
+# This list is used by git-shortlog to fix a few botched name translations
+# in the git archive, either because the author's full name was messed up
+# and/or not always written the same way, making contributions from the
+# same person appearing not to be so.
+<> <>
+Alejandro R. Sedeño <asedeno@MIT.EDU> <>
+Alex Bennée <>
+Alex Riesen <> <>
+Alex Riesen <> <raa@limbo.localdomain>
+Alex Riesen <> <raa@steel.home>
+Alex Vandiver <> <alexmv@MIT.EDU>
+Alexander Gavrilov <>
+Alexander Kuleshov <>
+Alexey Shumkin <> <>
+Alexey Shumkin <> <>
+Anders Kaseorg <andersk@MIT.EDU> <>
+Anders Kaseorg <andersk@MIT.EDU> <>
+Andrey Mazo <> Mazo, Andrey <>
+Aneesh Kumar K.V <>
+Amos Waterland <> <>
+Amos Waterland <> <>
+Ben Peart <> <>
+Ben Peart <> <>
+Ben Walton <> <>
+Benoit Sigoure <> <>
+Bernt Hansen <> <>
+Brandon Casey <> <>
+Brandon Williams <> <>
+brian m. carlson <>
+brian m. carlson <> <>
+brian m. carlson <> <>
+Bryan Larsen <> <>
+Bryan Larsen <> <>
+Cheng Renquan <>
+Chris Shoemaker <>
+Chris Wright <> <>
+Christian Ludwig <> <>
+Cord Seele <> <>
+Christian Couder <> <>
+Christian Stimming <> <chs@ckiste.goetheallee>
+Christopher Díaz Riveros <> Christopher Diaz Riveros
+Clemens Buchacher <> <>
+Clemens Buchacher <> <>
+Csaba Henk <> <>
+Dan Johnson <>
+Dana L. How <> <>
+Dana L. How <> Dana How
+Daniel Barkalow <>
+Daniel Knittl-Frank <> knittl
+Daniel Trstenjak <> <>
+Daniel Trstenjak <> <>
+David Brown <> <>
+David D. Kilzer <>
+David Kågedal <>
+David Reiss <> <dreiss@dreiss-vmware.(none)>
+David S. Miller <>
+David Turner <> <>
+David Turner <> <>
+Derrick Stolee <> <>
+Derrick Stolee <> Derrick Stolee via GitGitGadget <>
+Derrick Stolee <> <>
+Deskin Miller <>
+Đoàn Trần Công Danh <> Doan Tran Cong Danh
+Dirk Süsserott <>
+Emily Shaffer <> <>
+Eric Blake <> <>
+Eric Hanchrow <> <>
+Eric S. Raymond <>
+Eric Wong <> <>
+Erik Faye-Lund <> <>
+Eyvind Bernhardsen <> <>
+Fangyi Zhou <> Zhou Fangyi
+Florian Achleitner <> <>
+Franck Bui-Huu <> <>
+Frank Lichtenheld <> <>
+Frank Lichtenheld <> <>
+Fredrik Kuivinen <> <>
+Frédéric Heitzmann <>
+Garry Dolley <> <>
+Glen Choo <> <>
+Greg Price <> <price@MIT.EDU>
+Greg Price <> <>
+Heiko Voigt <> <>
+H. Merijn Brand <> H.Merijn Brand <>
+H. Peter Anvin <> <>
+H. Peter Anvin <> <>
+H. Peter Anvin <> <>
+H. Peter Anvin <> <>
+Han-Wen Nienhuys <> Han-Wen Nienhuys <>
+Horst H. von Brand <>
+J. Bruce Fields <> <>
+J. Bruce Fields <> <>
+J. Bruce Fields <> <>
+Jakub Narębski <>
+James Y Knight <> <>
+# The 2 following authors are probably the same person,
+# but both emails bounce.
+Jason McMullan <>
+Jason McMullan <>
+Jason Riedy <> <ejr@EECS.Berkeley.EDU>
+Jason Riedy <> <>
+Jay Soffian <> <>
+Jean-Noël Avila <> Jean-Noel Avila
+Jean-Noël Avila <> Jean-Noël AVILA
+Jeff King <> <>
+Jeff Muizelaar <> <>
+Jens Axboe <> <>
+Jens Axboe <> <>
+Jens Lindström <> Jens Lindstrom <>
+Jim Meyering <> <>
+Joachim Berdal Haga <>
+Joachim Jablon <> <>
+Johannes Schindelin <> <>
+Johannes Schindelin <> Johannes Schindelin via GitGitGadget <>
+Johannes Sixt <> <>
+Johannes Sixt <> <>
+Johannes Sixt <> <>
+John 'Warthog9' Hawley <> <>
+Jon Loeliger <> <>
+Jon Loeliger <> <>
+Jon Seymour <> <>
+Jonathan Nieder <> <>
+Jonathan del Strother <> <>
+Josh Triplett <> <>
+Josh Triplett <> <>
+Julian Phillips <> <>
+Junio C Hamano <> <>
+Junio C Hamano <> <>
+Junio C Hamano <> <>
+Junio C Hamano <> <>
+Junio C Hamano <> <>
+Junio C Hamano <> <>
+Junio C Hamano <> <>
+Kaartic Sivaraam <> <>
+Karl Wiberg <> Karl  Hasselström
+Karl Wiberg <> <>
+Karsten Blees <> <>
+Karsten Blees <> <>
+Kay Sievers <> <>
+Kay Sievers <> <kay@mam.(none)>
+Kazuki Saitoh <> kazuki saitoh <>
+Keith Cascio <keith@CS.UCLA.EDU> <>
+Kent Engstrom <>
+Kevin Leung <>
+Kirill Smelkov <> <>
+Kirill Smelkov <> <>
+Knut Franke <> <>
+Lars Doelle <lars.doelle@on-line ! de>
+Lars Doelle <>
+Lars Noschinski <> <>
+Li Hong <>
+Linus Arver <> <>
+Linus Torvalds <> <>
+Linus Torvalds <> <>
+Linus Torvalds <> <>
+Linus Torvalds <> <>
+Linus Torvalds <> <>
+Linus Torvalds <> <>
+Lukas Sandström <> <>
+Marc Khouzam <> <>
+Marc-André Lureau <>
+Marco Costalba <> <>
+Mark Levedahl <> <>
+Mark Rada <>
+Martin Langhoff <> <>
+Martin von Zweigbergk <> <>
+Masaya Suzuki <> <>
+Matheus Tavares <> <>
+Matt Draisey <> <>
+Matt Kraai <> <>
+Matt McCutchen <> <>
+Matthias Kestenholz <> <>
+Matthias Rüster <> Matthias Ruester
+Matthias Urlichs <> <smurf@kiste.(none)>
+Matthias Urlichs <> <>
+Matthieu Moy <> <>
+Michael Coleman <>
+Michael J Gruber <> <>
+Michael J Gruber <> <>
+Michael S. Tsirkin <> <>
+Michael S. Tsirkin <> <>
+Michael S. Tsirkin <> <>
+Michael W. Olson <>
+Michael Witten <> <mfwitten@MIT.EDU>
+Michael Witten <> <>
+Michal Rokos <> <>
+Michele Ballabio <>
+Miklos Vajna <> <>
+Namhyung Kim <> <>
+Namhyung Kim <> <>
+Nanako Shiraishi <> <>
+Nanako Shiraishi <>
+Nelson Elhage <> <nelhage@MIT.EDU>
+Nelson Elhage <> <>
+Nguyễn Thái Ngọc Duy <>
+Nick Stokoe <> Nick Woolley <>
+Nick Stokoe <> Nick Woolley <>
+Nicolas Morey-Chaisemartin <> <>
+Nicolas Morey-Chaisemartin <> <>
+Nicolas Morey-Chaisemartin <> <>
+Nicolas Morey-Chaisemartin <> <>
+Nicolas Morey-Chaisemartin <> <>
+Nicolas Sebrecht <> <>
+Orgad Shaneh <> <>
+Paolo Bonzini <> <>
+Pascal Obry <> <>
+Pascal Obry <> <>
+Pat Notz <> <>
+Patrick Steinhardt <> <>
+Paul Mackerras <> <paulus@dorrigo.(none)>
+Paul Mackerras <> <paulus@pogo.(none)>
+Peter Baumann <> <>
+Peter Baumann <> <>
+Peter Krefting <> <>
+Peter Krefting <> <>
+Petr Baudis <> <>
+Petr Baudis <> <xpasky@machine>
+Phil Hord <> <>
+Philip Jägenstedt <> <>
+Philip Oakley <> <> # secondary <>
+Philipp A. Hartmann <> <>
+Philippe Bruhat <>
+Ralf Thielow <> <>
+Ramsay Jones <> <>
+Ramkumar Ramachandra <> <>
+Randall S. Becker <> <>
+René Scharfe <> <>
+René Scharfe <> Rene Scharfe
+Richard Hansen <> <>
+Richard Hansen <> <>
+Robert Fitzsimons <>
+Robert Shearman <> <>
+Robert Zeh <>
+Robin Rosenberg <> <>
+Rutger Nijlunsing <> <>
+Rutger Nijlunsing <> <>
+Ryan Anderson <> <>
+Salikh Zakirov <> <>
+Sam Vilain <> <>
+Sam Vilain <>
+Santi Béjar <> <>
+Sean Estabrooks <>
+Sebastian Schuberth <> <>
+Seth Falcon <> <>
+Shawn O. Pearce <>
+Wei Shuyu <> Shuyu Wei
+Sidhant Sharma <> Sidhant Sharma [:tk]
+Simon Hausmann <> <>
+Simon Hausmann <> <>
+Stefan Beller <> <>
+Stefan Beller <> <>
+Stefan Naewe <> <>
+Stefan Naewe <> <>
+Stefan Sperling <> <>
+Štěpán Němec <> <>
+Stephen Boyd <> <>
+Steven Drake <> <>
+Steven Grimm <> <sgrimm@sgrimm-mbp.local>
+Steven Grimm <>
+Steven Walter <> <>
+Steven Walter <> <>
+Sven Verdoolaege <> <>
+Sven Verdoolaege <> <>
+SZEDER Gábor <> <>
+Tao Qingyun <> <>
+Tay Ray Chuan <>
+Ted Percival <> <>
+Theodore Ts'o <>
+Thomas Ackermann <> <>
+Thomas Rast <> <>
+Thomas Rast <> <>
+Thomas Rast <> <>
+Timo Hirvonen <> <>
+Toby Allsopp <> <>
+Tom Grennan <> <>
+Tommi Virtanen <> <>
+Tommi Virtanen <> <>
+Tommy Thorn <> <>
+Tony Luck <>
+Tor Arne Vestbø <> <>
+Trần Ngọc Quân <> Tran Ngoc Quan <>
+Trent Piepho <> <>
+Trent Piepho <> <>
+Uwe Kleine-König <> <>
+Uwe Kleine-König <> <>
+Uwe Kleine-König <> <>
+Uwe Kleine-König <> <>
+Ville Skyttä <> <>
+Vitaly "_Vi" Shukela <> <>
+Vitaly "_Vi" Shukela <> Vitaly _Vi Shukela
+W. Trevor King <> <>
+William Pursell <>
+YONETANI Tomokazu <> <>
+YONETANI Tomokazu <> <>
+YOSHIFUJI Hideaki <>
+Yi-Jyun Pan <>
+# the two anonymous contributors are different persons:
+anonymous <>
+anonymous <>
+İsmail Dönmez <>
diff --git a/.tsan-suppressions b/.tsan-suppressions
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5ba86d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.tsan-suppressions
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+# Suppressions for ThreadSanitizer (tsan).
+# This file is used by setting the environment variable TSAN_OPTIONS to, e.g.,
+# "suppressions=$(pwd)/.tsan-suppressions". Observe that relative paths such as
+# ".tsan-suppressions" might not work.
+# A static variable is written to racily, but we always write the same value, so
+# in practice it (hopefully!) doesn't matter.
+# A boolean value, which tells whether the replace_map has been initialized or
+# not, is read racily with an update. As this variable is written to only once,
+# and it's OK if the value change right after reading it, this shouldn't be a
+# problem.
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e58917c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+# Git Code of Conduct
+This code of conduct outlines our expectations for participants within
+the Git community, as well as steps for reporting unacceptable behavior.
+We are committed to providing a welcoming and inspiring community for
+all and expect our code of conduct to be honored. Anyone who violates
+this code of conduct may be banned from the community.
+## Our Pledge
+We as members, contributors, and leaders pledge to make participation in our
+community a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of age, body
+size, visible or invisible disability, ethnicity, sex characteristics, gender
+identity and expression, level of experience, education, socio-economic status,
+nationality, personal appearance, race, religion, or sexual identity
+and orientation.
+We pledge to act and interact in ways that contribute to an open, welcoming,
+diverse, inclusive, and healthy community.
+## Our Standards
+Examples of behavior that contributes to a positive environment for our
+community include:
+* Demonstrating empathy and kindness toward other people
+* Being respectful of differing opinions, viewpoints, and experiences
+* Giving and gracefully accepting constructive feedback
+* Accepting responsibility and apologizing to those affected by our mistakes,
+  and learning from the experience
+* Focusing on what is best not just for us as individuals, but for the
+  overall community
+Examples of unacceptable behavior include:
+* The use of sexualized language or imagery, and sexual attention or
+  advances of any kind
+* Trolling, insulting or derogatory comments, and personal or political attacks
+* Public or private harassment
+* Publishing others' private information, such as a physical or email
+  address, without their explicit permission
+* Other conduct which could reasonably be considered inappropriate in a
+  professional setting
+## Enforcement Responsibilities
+Community leaders are responsible for clarifying and enforcing our standards of
+acceptable behavior and will take appropriate and fair corrective action in
+response to any behavior that they deem inappropriate, threatening, offensive,
+or harmful.
+Community leaders have the right and responsibility to remove, edit, or reject
+comments, commits, code, wiki edits, issues, and other contributions that are
+not aligned to this Code of Conduct, and will communicate reasons for moderation
+decisions when appropriate.
+## Scope
+This Code of Conduct applies within all community spaces, and also applies when
+an individual is officially representing the community in public spaces.
+Examples of representing our community include using an official e-mail address,
+posting via an official social media account, or acting as an appointed
+representative at an online or offline event.
+## Enforcement
+Instances of abusive, harassing, or otherwise unacceptable behavior may be
+reported to the community leaders responsible for enforcement at, or individually:
+  - Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason <>
+  - Christian Couder <>
+  - Junio C Hamano <>
+  - Taylor Blau <>
+All complaints will be reviewed and investigated promptly and fairly.
+All community leaders are obligated to respect the privacy and security of the
+reporter of any incident.
+## Enforcement Guidelines
+Community leaders will follow these Community Impact Guidelines in determining
+the consequences for any action they deem in violation of this Code of Conduct:
+### 1. Correction
+**Community Impact**: Use of inappropriate language or other behavior deemed
+unprofessional or unwelcome in the community.
+**Consequence**: A private, written warning from community leaders, providing
+clarity around the nature of the violation and an explanation of why the
+behavior was inappropriate. A public apology may be requested.
+### 2. Warning
+**Community Impact**: A violation through a single incident or series
+of actions.
+**Consequence**: A warning with consequences for continued behavior. No
+interaction with the people involved, including unsolicited interaction with
+those enforcing the Code of Conduct, for a specified period of time. This
+includes avoiding interactions in community spaces as well as external channels
+like social media. Violating these terms may lead to a temporary or
+permanent ban.
+### 3. Temporary Ban
+**Community Impact**: A serious violation of community standards, including
+sustained inappropriate behavior.
+**Consequence**: A temporary ban from any sort of interaction or public
+communication with the community for a specified period of time. No public or
+private interaction with the people involved, including unsolicited interaction
+with those enforcing the Code of Conduct, is allowed during this period.
+Violating these terms may lead to a permanent ban.
+### 4. Permanent Ban
+**Community Impact**: Demonstrating a pattern of violation of community
+standards, including sustained inappropriate behavior,  harassment of an
+individual, or aggression toward or disparagement of classes of individuals.
+**Consequence**: A permanent ban from any sort of public interaction within
+the community.
+## Attribution
+This Code of Conduct is adapted from the [Contributor Covenant][homepage],
+version 2.0, available at
+Community Impact Guidelines were inspired by
+[Mozilla's code of conduct enforcement ladder][Mozilla CoC].
+For answers to common questions about this code of conduct, see the FAQ at
+[][FAQ]. Translations are available
+at [][translations].
+[Mozilla CoC]:
diff --git a/COPYING b/COPYING
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..536e555
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,360 @@
+ Note that the only valid version of the GPL as far as this project
+ is concerned is _this_ particular version of the license (ie v2, not
+ v2.2 or v3.x or whatever), unless explicitly otherwise stated.
+ HOWEVER, in order to allow a migration to GPLv3 if that seems like
+ a good idea, I also ask that people involved with the project make
+ their preferences known. In particular, if you trust me to make that
+ decision, you might note so in your copyright message, ie something
+ like
+	This file is licensed under the GPL v2, or a later version
+	at the discretion of Linus.
+  might avoid issues. But we can also just decide to synchronize and
+  contact all copyright holders on record if/when the occasion arises.
+			Linus Torvalds
+		       Version 2, June 1991
+ Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+ Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
+ of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
+			    Preamble
+  The licenses for most software are designed to take away your
+freedom to share and change it.  By contrast, the GNU General Public
+License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free
+software--to make sure the software is free for all its users.  This
+General Public License applies to most of the Free Software
+Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to
+using it.  (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by
+the GNU Lesser General Public License instead.)  You can apply it to
+your programs, too.
+  When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
+price.  Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
+have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
+this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it
+if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it
+in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things.
+  To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
+anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights.
+These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you
+distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it.
+  For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
+gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that
+you have.  You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the
+source code.  And you must show them these terms so they know their
+  We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and
+(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy,
+distribute and/or modify the software.
+  Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain
+that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free
+software.  If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we
+want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so
+that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original
+authors' reputations.
+  Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software
+patents.  We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free
+program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the
+program proprietary.  To prevent this, we have made it clear that any
+patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all.
+  The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
+modification follow.
+  0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains
+a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed
+under the terms of this General Public License.  The "Program", below,
+refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program"
+means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law:
+that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it,
+either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another
+language.  (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in
+the term "modification".)  Each licensee is addressed as "you".
+Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
+covered by this License; they are outside its scope.  The act of
+running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program
+is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the
+Program (independent of having been made by running the Program).
+Whether that is true depends on what the Program does.
+  1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's
+source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you
+conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate
+copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the
+notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty;
+and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License
+along with the Program.
+You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and
+you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee.
+  2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion
+of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and
+distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
+above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
+    a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices
+    stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.
+    b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in
+    whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any
+    part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third
+    parties under the terms of this License.
+    c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively
+    when run, you must cause it, when started running for such
+    interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an
+    announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a
+    notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide
+    a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under
+    these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this
+    License.  (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but
+    does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on
+    the Program is not required to print an announcement.)
+These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole.  If
+identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program,
+and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
+themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
+sections when you distribute them as separate works.  But when you
+distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
+on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of
+this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the
+entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it.
+Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest
+your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to
+exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
+collective works based on the Program.
+In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program
+with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of
+a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under
+the scope of this License.
+  3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it,
+under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of
+Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following:
+    a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable
+    source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections
+    1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or,
+    b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three
+    years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your
+    cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete
+    machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be
+    distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium
+    customarily used for software interchange; or,
+    c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer
+    to distribute corresponding source code.  (This alternative is
+    allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you
+    received the program in object code or executable form with such
+    an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.)
+The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for
+making modifications to it.  For an executable work, complete source
+code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any
+associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to
+control compilation and installation of the executable.  However, as a
+special exception, the source code distributed need not include
+anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary
+form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the
+operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component
+itself accompanies the executable.
+If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering
+access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent
+access to copy the source code from the same place counts as
+distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not
+compelled to copy the source along with the object code.
+  4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program
+except as expressly provided under this License.  Any attempt
+otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is
+void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License.
+However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under
+this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such
+parties remain in full compliance.
+  5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
+signed it.  However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or
+distribute the Program or its derivative works.  These actions are
+prohibited by law if you do not accept this License.  Therefore, by
+modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the
+Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and
+all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
+the Program or works based on it.
+  6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the
+Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
+original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to
+these terms and conditions.  You may not impose any further
+restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
+You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to
+this License.
+  7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent
+infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),
+conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
+otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
+excuse you from the conditions of this License.  If you cannot
+distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
+License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you
+may not distribute the Program at all.  For example, if a patent
+license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by
+all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then
+the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to
+refrain entirely from distribution of the Program.
+If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under
+any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to
+apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other
+It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any
+patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any
+such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the
+integrity of the free software distribution system, which is
+implemented by public license practices.  Many people have made
+generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed
+through that system in reliance on consistent application of that
+system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing
+to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot
+impose that choice.
+This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to
+be a consequence of the rest of this License.
+  8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in
+certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the
+original copyright holder who places the Program under this License
+may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding
+those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among
+countries not thus excluded.  In such case, this License incorporates
+the limitation as if written in the body of this License.
+  9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions
+of the General Public License from time to time.  Such new versions will
+be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
+address new problems or concerns.
+Each version is given a distinguishing version number.  If the Program
+specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any
+later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions
+either of that version or of any later version published by the Free
+Software Foundation.  If the Program does not specify a version number of
+this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software
+  10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free
+programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author
+to ask for permission.  For software which is copyrighted by the Free
+Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes
+make exceptions for this.  Our decision will be guided by the two goals
+of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and
+of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally.
+	    How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
+  If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
+possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it
+free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.
+  To do so, attach the following notices to the program.  It is safest
+to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
+convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
+the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
+    <one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
+    Copyright (C) <year>  <name of author>
+    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+    (at your option) any later version.
+    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+    GNU General Public License for more details.
+    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+    with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+    51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
+If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this
+when it starts in an interactive mode:
+    Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) year name of author
+    Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
+    This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
+    under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.
+The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate
+parts of the General Public License.  Of course, the commands you use may
+be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be
+mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program.
+You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your
+school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if
+necessary.  Here is a sample; alter the names:
+  Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program
+  `Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker.
+  <signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1989
+  Ty Coon, President of Vice
+This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into
+proprietary programs.  If your program is a subroutine library, you may
+consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the
+library.  If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Lesser General
+Public License instead of this License.
diff --git a/Documentation/.gitattributes b/Documentation/.gitattributes
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ddb0301
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/.gitattributes
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+*.txt whitespace
diff --git a/Documentation/.gitignore b/Documentation/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a48448d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
diff --git a/Documentation/BreakingChanges.txt b/Documentation/BreakingChanges.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0532bfc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/BreakingChanges.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+= Upcoming breaking changes
+The Git project aims to ensure backwards compatibility to the best extent
+possible. Minor releases will not break backwards compatibility unless there is
+a very strong reason to do so, like for example a security vulnerability.
+Regardless of that, due to the age of the Git project, it is only natural to
+accumulate a backlog of backwards-incompatible changes that will eventually be
+required to keep the project aligned with a changing world. These changes fall
+into several categories:
+* Changes to long established defaults.
+* Concepts that have been replaced with a superior design.
+* Concepts, commands, configuration or options that have been lacking in major
+  ways and that cannot be fixed and which will thus be removed without any
+  replacement.
+Explicitly not included in this list are fixes to minor bugs that may cause a
+change in user-visible behavior.
+The Git project irregularly releases breaking versions that deliberately break
+backwards compatibility with older versions. This is done to ensure that Git
+remains relevant, safe and maintainable going forward. The release cadence of
+breaking versions is typically measured in multiple years. We had the following
+major breaking releases in the past:
+* Git 1.6.0, released in August 2008.
+* Git 2.0, released in May 2014.
+We use <major>.<minor> release numbers these days, starting from Git 2.0. For
+future releases, our plan is to increment <major> in the release number when we
+make the next breaking release. Before Git 2.0, the release numbers were
+1.<major>.<minor> with the intention to increment <major> for "usual" breaking
+releases, reserving the jump to Git 2.0 for really large backward-compatibility
+breaking changes.
+The intent of this document is to track upcoming deprecations for future
+breaking releases. Furthermore, this document also tracks what will _not_ be
+deprecated. This is done such that the outcome of discussions document both
+when the discussion favors deprecation, but also when it rejects a deprecation.
+Items should have a clear summary of the reasons why we do or do not want to
+make the described change that can be easily understood without having to read
+the mailing list discussions. If there are alternatives to the changed feature,
+those alternatives should be pointed out to our users.
+All items should be accompanied by references to relevant mailing list threads
+where the deprecation was discussed. These references use message-IDs, which
+can visited via
+to see the message and its surrounding discussion. Such a reference is there to
+make it easier for you to find how the project reached consensus on the
+described item back then.
+This is a living document as the environment surrounding the project changes
+over time. If circumstances change, an earlier decision to deprecate or change
+something may need to be revisited from time to time. So do not take items on
+this list to mean "it is settled, do not waste our time bringing it up again".
+== Git 3.0
+The following subsections document upcoming breaking changes for Git 3.0. There
+is no planned release date for this breaking version yet.
+Proposed changes and removals only include items which are "ready" to be done.
+In other words, this is not supposed to be a wishlist of features that should
+be changed to or replaced in case the alternative was implemented already.
+=== Changes
+* The default hash function for new repositories will be changed from "sha1"
+  to "sha256". SHA-1 has been deprecated by NIST in 2011 and is nowadays
+  recommended against in FIPS 140-2 and similar certifications. Furthermore,
+  there are practical attacks on SHA-1 that weaken its cryptographic properties:
+  ** The SHAppening (2015). The first demonstration of a practical attack
+     against SHA-1 with 2^57 operations.
+  ** SHAttered (2017). Generation of two valid PDF files with 2^63 operations.
+  ** Birthday-Near-Collision (2019). This attack allows for chosen prefix
+     attacks with 2^68 operations.
+  ** Shambles (2020). This attack allows for chosen prefix attacks with 2^63
+     operations.
+While we have protections in place against known attacks, it is expected
+that more attacks against SHA-1 will be found by future research. Paired
+with the ever-growing capability of hardware, it is only a matter of time
+before SHA-1 will be considered broken completely. We want to be prepared
+and will thus change the default hash algorithm to "sha256" for newly
+initialized repositories.
+An important requirement for this change is that the ecosystem is ready to
+support the "sha256" object format. This includes popular Git libraries,
+applications and forges.
+There is no plan to deprecate the "sha1" object format at this point in time.
+Cf. <>,
+=== Removals
+* Support for grafting commits has long been superseded by git-replace(1).
+  Grafts are inferior to replacement refs:
+  ** Grafts are a local-only mechanism and cannot be shared across
+     repositories.
+  ** Grafts can lead to hard-to-diagnose problems when transferring objects
+     between repositories.
+The grafting mechanism has been marked as outdated since e650d0643b (docs: mark
+info/grafts as outdated, 2014-03-05) and will be removed.
+Cf. <>.
+== Superseded features that will not be deprecated
+Some features have gained newer replacements that aim to improve the design in
+certain ways. The fact that there is a replacement does not automatically mean
+that the old way of doing things will eventually be removed. This section tracks
+those features with newer alternatives.
+* The features git-checkout(1) offers are covered by the pair of commands
+  git-restore(1) and git-switch(1). Because the use of git-checkout(1) is still
+  widespread, and it is not expected that this will change anytime soon, all
+  three commands will stay.
+This decision may get revisited in case we ever figure out that there are
+almost no users of any of the commands anymore.
+Cf. <xmqqttjazwwa.fsf@gitster.g>,
diff --git a/Documentation/CodingGuidelines b/Documentation/CodingGuidelines
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1d92b2d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/CodingGuidelines
@@ -0,0 +1,827 @@
+Like other projects, we also have some guidelines for our code.  For
+Git in general, a few rough rules are:
+ - Most importantly, we never say "It's in POSIX; we'll happily
+   ignore your needs should your system not conform to it."
+   We live in the real world.
+ - However, we often say "Let's stay away from that construct,
+   it's not even in POSIX".
+ - In spite of the above two rules, we sometimes say "Although
+   this is not in POSIX, it (is so convenient | makes the code
+   much more readable | has other good characteristics) and
+   practically all the platforms we care about support it, so
+   let's use it".
+   Again, we live in the real world, and it is sometimes a
+   judgement call, the decision based more on real world
+   constraints people face than what the paper standard says.
+ - Fixing style violations while working on a real change as a
+   preparatory clean-up step is good, but otherwise avoid useless code
+   churn for the sake of conforming to the style.
+   "Once it _is_ in the tree, it's not really worth the patch noise to
+   go and fix it up."
+   Cf.
+ - Log messages to explain your changes are as important as the
+   changes themselves.  Clearly written code and in-code comments
+   explain how the code works and what is assumed from the surrounding
+   context.  The log messages explain what the changes wanted to
+   achieve and why the changes were necessary (more on this in the
+   accompanying SubmittingPatches document).
+Make your code readable and sensible, and don't try to be clever.
+As for more concrete guidelines, just imitate the existing code
+(this is a good guideline, no matter which project you are
+contributing to). It is always preferable to match the _local_
+convention. New code added to Git suite is expected to match
+the overall style of existing code. Modifications to existing
+code are expected to match the style the surrounding code already
+uses (even if it doesn't match the overall style of existing code).
+But if you must have a list of rules, here are some language
+specific ones. Note that Documentation/ToolsForGit.txt document
+has a collection of tips to help you use some external tools
+to conform to these guidelines.
+For shell scripts specifically (not exhaustive):
+ - We use tabs for indentation.
+ - Case arms are indented at the same depth as case and esac lines,
+   like this:
+	case "$variable" in
+	pattern1)
+		do this
+		;;
+	pattern2)
+		do that
+		;;
+	esac
+ - Redirection operators should be written with space before, but no
+   space after them.  In other words, write 'echo test >"$file"'
+   instead of 'echo test> $file' or 'echo test > $file'.  Note that
+   even though it is not required by POSIX to double-quote the
+   redirection target in a variable (as shown above), our code does so
+   because some versions of bash issue a warning without the quotes.
+	(incorrect)
+	cat hello > world < universe
+	echo hello >$world
+	(correct)
+	cat hello >world <universe
+	echo hello >"$world"
+ - We prefer $( ... ) for command substitution; unlike ``, it
+   properly nests.  It should have been the way Bourne spelled
+   it from day one, but unfortunately isn't.
+ - If you want to find out if a command is available on the user's
+   $PATH, you should use 'type <command>', instead of 'which <command>'.
+   The output of 'which' is not machine parsable and its exit code
+   is not reliable across platforms.
+ - We use POSIX compliant parameter substitutions and avoid bashisms;
+   namely:
+   - We use ${parameter-word} and its [-=?+] siblings, and their
+     colon'ed "unset or null" form.
+   - We use ${parameter#word} and its [#%] siblings, and their
+     doubled "longest matching" form.
+   - No "Substring Expansion" ${parameter:offset:length}.
+   - No shell arrays.
+   - No pattern replacement ${parameter/pattern/string}.
+ - We use Arithmetic Expansion $(( ... )).
+ - We do not use Process Substitution <(list) or >(list).
+ - Do not write control structures on a single line with semicolon.
+   "then" should be on the next line for if statements, and "do"
+   should be on the next line for "while" and "for".
+	(incorrect)
+	if test -f hello; then
+		do this
+	fi
+	(correct)
+	if test -f hello
+	then
+		do this
+	fi
+ - If a command sequence joined with && or || or | spans multiple
+   lines, put each command on a separate line and put && and || and |
+   operators at the end of each line, rather than the start. This
+   means you don't need to use \ to join lines, since the above
+   operators imply the sequence isn't finished.
+	(incorrect)
+	grep blob verify_pack_result \
+	| awk -f print_1.awk \
+	| sort >actual &&
+	...
+	(correct)
+	grep blob verify_pack_result |
+	awk -f print_1.awk |
+	sort >actual &&
+	...
+ - We prefer "test" over "[ ... ]".
+ - We do not write the noiseword "function" in front of shell
+   functions.
+ - We prefer a space between the function name and the parentheses,
+   and no space inside the parentheses. The opening "{" should also
+   be on the same line.
+	(incorrect)
+	my_function(){
+		...
+	(correct)
+	my_function () {
+		...
+ - As to use of grep, stick to a subset of BRE (namely, no \{m,n\},
+   [::], [==], or [..]) for portability.
+   - We do not use \{m,n\};
+   - We do not use ? or + (which are \{0,1\} and \{1,\}
+     respectively in BRE) but that goes without saying as these
+     are ERE elements not BRE (note that \? and \+ are not even part
+     of BRE -- making them accessible from BRE is a GNU extension).
+ - Use Git's gettext wrappers in git-sh-i18n to make the user
+   interface translatable. See "Marking strings for translation" in
+   po/README.
+ - We do not write our "test" command with "-a" and "-o" and use "&&"
+   or "||" to concatenate multiple "test" commands instead, because
+   the use of "-a/-o" is often error-prone.  E.g.
+     test -n "$x" -a "$a" = "$b"
+   is buggy and breaks when $x is "=", but
+     test -n "$x" && test "$a" = "$b"
+   does not have such a problem.
+ - Even though "local" is not part of POSIX, we make heavy use of it
+   in our test suite.  We do not use it in scripted Porcelains, and
+   hopefully nobody starts using "local" before they are reimplemented
+   in C ;-)
+ - Some versions of shell do not understand "export variable=value",
+   so we write "variable=value" and then "export variable" on two
+   separate lines.
+ - Some versions of dash have broken variable assignment when prefixed
+   with "local", "export", and "readonly", in that the value to be
+   assigned goes through field splitting at $IFS unless quoted.
+	(incorrect)
+	local variable=$value
+	local variable=$(command args)
+	(correct)
+	local variable="$value"
+	local variable="$(command args)"
+ - Use octal escape sequences (e.g. "\302\242"), not hexadecimal (e.g.
+   "\xc2\xa2") in printf format strings, since hexadecimal escape
+   sequences are not portable.
+For C programs:
+ - We use tabs to indent, and interpret tabs as taking up to
+   8 spaces.
+ - We try to keep to at most 80 characters per line.
+ - As a Git developer we assume you have a reasonably modern compiler
+   and we recommend you to enable the DEVELOPER makefile knob to
+   ensure your patch is clear of all compiler warnings we care about,
+   by e.g. "echo DEVELOPER=1 >>config.mak".
+ - We try to support a wide range of C compilers to compile Git with,
+   including old ones.  As of Git v2.35.0 Git requires C99 (we check
+   "__STDC_VERSION__"). You should not use features from a newer C
+   standard, even if your compiler groks them.
+   New C99 features have been phased in gradually, if something's new
+   in C99 but not used yet don't assume that it's safe to use, some
+   compilers we target have only partial support for it. These are
+   considered safe to use:
+   . since around 2007 with 2b6854c863a, we have been using
+     initializer elements which are not computable at load time. E.g.:
+	const char *args[] = {"constant", variable, NULL};
+   . since early 2012 with e1327023ea, we have been using an enum
+     definition whose last element is followed by a comma.  This, like
+     an array initializer that ends with a trailing comma, can be used
+     to reduce the patch noise when adding a new identifier at the end.
+   . since mid 2017 with cbc0f81d, we have been using designated
+     initializers for struct (e.g. "struct t v = { .val = 'a' };").
+   . since mid 2017 with 512f41cf, we have been using designated
+     initializers for array (e.g. "int array[10] = { [5] = 2 }").
+   . since early 2021 with 765dc168882, we have been using variadic
+     macros, mostly for printf-like trace and debug macros.
+   . since late 2021 with 44ba10d6, we have had variables declared in
+     the for loop "for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)".
+   New C99 features that we cannot use yet:
+   . %z and %zu as a printf() argument for a size_t (the %z being for
+     the POSIX-specific ssize_t). Instead you should use
+     printf("%"PRIuMAX, (uintmax_t)v).  These days the MSVC version we
+     rely on supports %z, but the C library used by MinGW does not.
+   . Shorthand like ".a.b = *c" in struct initializations is known to
+     trip up an older IBM XLC version, use ".a = { .b = *c }" instead.
+     See the 33665d98 (reftable: make assignments portable to AIX xlc
+     v12.01, 2022-03-28).
+ - Variables have to be declared at the beginning of the block, before
+   the first statement (i.e. -Wdeclaration-after-statement).
+ - NULL pointers shall be written as NULL, not as 0.
+ - When declaring pointers, the star sides with the variable
+   name, i.e. "char *string", not "char* string" or
+   "char * string".  This makes it easier to understand code
+   like "char *string, c;".
+ - Use whitespace around operators and keywords, but not inside
+   parentheses and not around functions. So:
+        while (condition)
+		func(bar + 1);
+   and not:
+        while( condition )
+		func (bar+1);
+ - Do not explicitly compare an integral value with constant 0 or '\0',
+   or a pointer value with constant NULL.  For instance, to validate that
+   counted array <ptr, cnt> is initialized but has no elements, write:
+	if (!ptr || cnt)
+		BUG("empty array expected");
+   and not:
+	if (ptr == NULL || cnt != 0);
+		BUG("empty array expected");
+ - We avoid using braces unnecessarily.  I.e.
+	if (bla) {
+		x = 1;
+	}
+   is frowned upon. But there are a few exceptions:
+	- When the statement extends over a few lines (e.g., a while loop
+	  with an embedded conditional, or a comment). E.g.:
+		while (foo) {
+			if (x)
+				one();
+			else
+				two();
+		}
+		if (foo) {
+			/*
+			 * This one requires some explanation,
+			 * so we're better off with braces to make
+			 * it obvious that the indentation is correct.
+			 */
+			doit();
+		}
+	- When there are multiple arms to a conditional and some of them
+	  require braces, enclose even a single line block in braces for
+	  consistency. E.g.:
+		if (foo) {
+			doit();
+		} else {
+			one();
+			two();
+			three();
+		}
+ - We try to avoid assignments in the condition of an "if" statement.
+ - Try to make your code understandable.  You may put comments
+   in, but comments invariably tend to stale out when the code
+   they were describing changes.  Often splitting a function
+   into two makes the intention of the code much clearer.
+ - Multi-line comments include their delimiters on separate lines from
+   the text.  E.g.
+	/*
+	 * A very long
+	 * multi-line comment.
+	 */
+   Note however that a comment that explains a translatable string to
+   translators uses a convention of starting with a magic token
+   "TRANSLATORS: ", e.g.
+	/*
+	 * TRANSLATORS: here is a comment that explains the string to
+	 * be translated, that follows immediately after it.
+	 */
+	_("Here is a translatable string explained by the above.");
+ - Double negation is often harder to understand than no negation
+   at all.
+ - There are two schools of thought when it comes to comparison,
+   especially inside a loop. Some people prefer to have the less stable
+   value on the left hand side and the more stable value on the right hand
+   side, e.g. if you have a loop that counts variable i down to the
+   lower bound,
+	while (i > lower_bound) {
+		do something;
+		i--;
+	}
+   Other people prefer to have the textual order of values match the
+   actual order of values in their comparison, so that they can
+   mentally draw a number line from left to right and place these
+   values in order, i.e.
+	while (lower_bound < i) {
+		do something;
+		i--;
+	}
+   Both are valid, and we use both.  However, the more "stable" the
+   stable side becomes, the more we tend to prefer the former
+   (comparison with a constant, "i > 0", is an extreme example).
+   Just do not mix styles in the same part of the code and mimic
+   existing styles in the neighbourhood.
+ - There are two schools of thought when it comes to splitting a long
+   logical line into multiple lines.  Some people push the second and
+   subsequent lines far enough to the right with tabs and align them:
+        if (the_beginning_of_a_very_long_expression_that_has_to ||
+		span_more_than_a_single_line_of ||
+		the_source_text) {
+                ...
+   while other people prefer to align the second and the subsequent
+   lines with the column immediately inside the opening parenthesis,
+   with tabs and spaces, following our "tabstop is always a multiple
+   of 8" convention:
+        if (the_beginning_of_a_very_long_expression_that_has_to ||
+	    span_more_than_a_single_line_of ||
+	    the_source_text) {
+                ...
+   Both are valid, and we use both.  Again, just do not mix styles in
+   the same part of the code and mimic existing styles in the
+   neighbourhood.
+ - When splitting a long logical line, some people change line before
+   a binary operator, so that the result looks like a parse tree when
+   you turn your head 90-degrees counterclockwise:
+        if (the_beginning_of_a_very_long_expression_that_has_to
+	    || span_more_than_a_single_line_of_the_source_text) {
+   while other people prefer to leave the operator at the end of the
+   line:
+        if (the_beginning_of_a_very_long_expression_that_has_to ||
+	    span_more_than_a_single_line_of_the_source_text) {
+   Both are valid, but we tend to use the latter more, unless the
+   expression gets fairly complex, in which case the former tends to
+   be easier to read.  Again, just do not mix styles in the same part
+   of the code and mimic existing styles in the neighbourhood.
+ - When splitting a long logical line, with everything else being
+   equal, it is preferable to split after the operator at higher
+   level in the parse tree.  That is, this is more preferable:
+	if (a_very_long_variable * that_is_used_in +
+	    a_very_long_expression) {
+		...
+   than
+	if (a_very_long_variable *
+	    that_is_used_in + a_very_long_expression) {
+		...
+ - Some clever tricks, like using the !! operator with arithmetic
+   constructs, can be extremely confusing to others.  Avoid them,
+   unless there is a compelling reason to use them.
+ - Use the API.  No, really.  We have a strbuf (variable length
+   string), several arrays with the ALLOC_GROW() macro, a
+   string_list for sorted string lists, a hash map (mapping struct
+   objects) named "struct decorate", amongst other things.
+ - When you come up with an API, document its functions and structures
+   in the header file that exposes the API to its callers. Use what is
+   in "strbuf.h" as a model for the appropriate tone and level of
+   detail.
+ - The first #include in C files, except in platform specific compat/
+   implementations and sha1dc/, must be <git-compat-util.h>.  This
+   header file insulates other header files and source files from
+   platform differences, like which system header files must be
+   included in what order, and what C preprocessor feature macros must
+   be defined to trigger certain features we expect out of the system.
+   A collorary to this is that C files should not directly include
+   system header files themselves.
+   There are some exceptions, because certain group of files that
+   implement an API all have to include the same header file that
+   defines the API and it is convenient to include <git-compat-util.h>
+   there.  Namely:
+   - the implementation of the built-in commands in the "builtin/"
+     directory that include "builtin.h" for the cmd_foo() prototype
+     definition,
+   - the test helper programs in the "t/helper/" directory that include
+     "t/helper/test-tool.h" for the cmd__foo() prototype definition,
+   - the xdiff implementation in the "xdiff/" directory that includes
+     "xdiff/xinclude.h" for the xdiff machinery internals,
+   - the unit test programs in "t/unit-tests/" directory that include
+     "t/unit-tests/test-lib.h" that gives them the unit-tests
+     framework, and
+   - the source files that implement reftable in the "reftable/"
+     directory that include "reftable/system.h" for the reftable
+     internals,
+   are allowed to assume that they do not have to include
+   <git-compat-util.h> themselves, as it is included as the first
+   '#include' in these header files.  These headers must be the first
+   header file to be "#include"d in them, though.
+ - A C file must directly include the header files that declare the
+   functions and the types it uses, except for the functions and types
+   that are made available to it by including one of the header files
+   it must include by the previous rule.
+ - If you are planning a new command, consider writing it in shell
+   or perl first, so that changes in semantics can be easily
+   changed and discussed.  Many Git commands started out like
+   that, and a few are still scripts.
+ - Avoid introducing a new dependency into Git. This means you
+   usually should stay away from scripting languages not already
+   used in the Git core command set (unless your command is clearly
+   separate from it, such as an importer to convert random-scm-X
+   repositories to Git).
+ - When we pass <string, length> pair to functions, we should try to
+   pass them in that order.
+ - Use Git's gettext wrappers to make the user interface
+   translatable. See "Marking strings for translation" in po/README.
+ - Variables and functions local to a given source file should be marked
+   with "static". Variables that are visible to other source files
+   must be declared with "extern" in header files. However, function
+   declarations should not use "extern", as that is already the default.
+ - You can launch gdb around your program using the shorthand GIT_DEBUGGER.
+   Run `GIT_DEBUGGER=1 ./bin-wrappers/git foo` to simply use gdb as is, or
+   run `GIT_DEBUGGER="<debugger> <debugger-args>" ./bin-wrappers/git foo` to
+   use your own debugger and arguments. Example: `GIT_DEBUGGER="ddd --gdb"
+   ./bin-wrappers/git log` (See ``.)
+For Perl programs:
+ - Most of the C guidelines above apply.
+ - We try to support Perl 5.8.1 and later ("use Perl 5.008001").
+ - use strict and use warnings are strongly preferred.
+ - Don't overuse statement modifiers unless using them makes the
+   result easier to follow.
+	... do something ...
+	do_this() unless (condition);
+        ... do something else ...
+   is more readable than:
+	... do something ...
+	unless (condition) {
+		do_this();
+	}
+        ... do something else ...
+   *only* when the condition is so rare that do_this() will be almost
+   always called.
+ - We try to avoid assignments inside "if ()" conditions.
+ - Learn and use if you need that functionality.
+For Python scripts:
+ - We follow PEP-8 (
+ - As a minimum, we aim to be compatible with Python 2.7.
+ - Where required libraries do not restrict us to Python 2, we try to
+   also be compatible with Python 3.1 and later.
+Program Output
+ We make a distinction between a Git command's primary output and
+ output which is merely chatty feedback (for instance, status
+ messages, running transcript, or progress display), as well as error
+ messages. Roughly speaking, a Git command's primary output is that
+ which one might want to capture to a file or send down a pipe; its
+ chatty output should not interfere with these use-cases.
+ As such, primary output should be sent to the standard output stream
+ (stdout), and chatty output should be sent to the standard error
+ stream (stderr). Examples of commands which produce primary output
+ include `git log`, `git show`, and `git branch --list` which generate
+ output on the stdout stream.
+ Not all Git commands have primary output; this is often true of
+ commands whose main function is to perform an action. Some action
+ commands are silent, whereas others are chatty. An example of a
+ chatty action commands is `git clone` with its "Cloning into
+ '<path>'..." and "Checking connectivity..." status messages which it
+ sends to the stderr stream.
+ Error messages from Git commands should always be sent to the stderr
+ stream.
+Error Messages
+ - Do not end error messages with a full stop.
+ - Do not capitalize the first word, only because it is the first word
+   in the message ("unable to open %s", not "Unable to open %s").  But
+   "SHA-3 not supported" is fine, because the reason the first word is
+   capitalized is not because it is at the beginning of the sentence,
+   but because the word would be spelled in capital letters even when
+   it appeared in the middle of the sentence.
+ - Say what the error is first ("cannot open %s", not "%s: cannot open")
+Externally Visible Names
+ - For configuration variable names, follow the existing convention:
+   . The section name indicates the affected subsystem.
+   . The subsection name, if any, indicates which of an unbounded set
+     of things to set the value for.
+   . The variable name describes the effect of tweaking this knob.
+   The section and variable names that consist of multiple words are
+   formed by concatenating the words without punctuation marks (e.g. `-`),
+   and are broken using bumpyCaps in documentation as a hint to the
+   reader.
+   When choosing the variable namespace, do not use variable name for
+   specifying possibly unbounded set of things, most notably anything
+   an end user can freely come up with (e.g. branch names).  Instead,
+   use subsection names or variable values, like the existing variable
+   branch.<name>.description does.
+Writing Documentation:
+ Most (if not all) of the documentation pages are written in the
+ AsciiDoc format in *.txt files (e.g. Documentation/git.txt), and
+ processed into HTML and manpages (e.g. git.html and git.1 in the
+ same directory).
+ The documentation liberally mixes US and UK English (en_US/UK)
+ norms for spelling and grammar, which is somewhat unfortunate.
+ In an ideal world, it would have been better if it consistently
+ used only one and not the other, and we would have picked en_US
+ (if you wish to correct the English of some of the existing
+ documentation, please see the documentation-related advice in the
+ Documentation/SubmittingPatches file).
+ In order to ensure the documentation is inclusive, avoid assuming
+ that an unspecified example person is male or female, and think
+ twice before using "he", "him", "she", or "her".  Here are some
+ tips to avoid use of gendered pronouns:
+  - Prefer succinctness and matter-of-factly describing functionality
+    in the abstract.  E.g.
+     `--short`:: Emit output in the short-format.
+    and avoid something like these overly verbose alternatives:
+     `--short`:: Use this to emit output in the short-format.
+     `--short`:: You can use this to get output in the short-format.
+     `--short`:: A user who prefers shorter output could....
+     `--short`:: Should a person and/or program want shorter output, he
+                 she/they/it can...
+    This practice often eliminates the need to involve human actors in
+    your description, but it is a good practice regardless of the
+    avoidance of gendered pronouns.
+  - When it becomes awkward to stick to this style, prefer "you" when
+    addressing the hypothetical user, and possibly "we" when
+    discussing how the program might react to the user.  E.g.
+      You can use this option instead of `--xyz`, but we might remove
+      support for it in future versions.
+    while keeping in mind that you can probably be less verbose, e.g.
+      Use this instead of `--xyz`. This option might be removed in future
+      versions.
+  - If you still need to refer to an example person that is
+    third-person singular, you may resort to "singular they" to avoid
+    "he/she/him/her", e.g.
+      A contributor asks their upstream to pull from them.
+    Note that this sounds ungrammatical and unnatural to those who
+    learned that "they" is only used for third-person plural, e.g.
+    those who learn English as a second language in some parts of the
+    world.
+ Every user-visible change should be reflected in the documentation.
+ The same general rule as for code applies -- imitate the existing
+ conventions.
+ Literal parts (e.g. use of command-line options, command names,
+ branch names, URLs, pathnames (files and directories), configuration and
+ environment variables) must be typeset as verbatim (i.e. wrapped with
+ backticks):
+   `--pretty=oneline`
+   `git rev-list`
+   `remote.pushDefault`
+   ``
+   `.git/config`
+   `GIT_DIR`
+   `HEAD`
+   `umask`(2)
+ An environment variable must be prefixed with "$" only when referring to its
+ value and not when referring to the variable itself, in this case there is
+ nothing to add except the backticks:
+   `GIT_DIR` is specified
+   `$GIT_DIR/hooks/pre-receive`
+ Word phrases enclosed in `backtick characters` are rendered literally
+ and will not be further expanded. The use of `backticks` to achieve the
+ previous rule means that literal examples should not use AsciiDoc
+ escapes.
+   Correct:
+      `--pretty=oneline`
+   Incorrect:
+      `\--pretty=oneline`
+ Placeholders are spelled in lowercase and enclosed in
+ angle brackets surrounded by underscores:
+   _<file>_
+   _<commit>_
+ If a placeholder has multiple words, they are separated by dashes:
+   _<new-branch-name>_
+   _<template-directory>_
+ A placeholder is not enclosed in backticks, as it is not a literal.
+ When needed, use a distinctive identifier for placeholders, usually
+ made of a qualification and a type:
+   _<git-dir>_
+   _<key-id>_
+ When literal and placeholders are mixed, each markup is applied for
+ each sub-entity. If they are stuck, a special markup, called
+ unconstrained formatting is required.
+ Unconstrained formating for placeholders is __<like-this>__
+ Unconstrained formatting for literal formatting is ++like this++
+   `--jobs` _<n>_
+   ++--sort=++__<key>__
+   __<directory>__++/.git++
+   ++remote.++__<name>__++.mirror++
+ caveat: ++ unconstrained format is not verbatim and may expand
+ content. Use Asciidoc escapes inside them.
+Synopsis Syntax
+ Syntax grammar is formatted neither as literal nor as placeholder.
+ A few commented examples follow to provide reference when writing or
+ modifying command usage strings and synopsis sections in the manual
+ pages:
+ Possibility of multiple occurrences is indicated by three dots:
+   _<file>_...
+   (One or more of <file>.)
+ Optional parts are enclosed in square brackets:
+   [_<file>_...]
+   (Zero or more of <file>.)
+   ++--exec-path++[++=++__<path>__]
+   (Option with an optional argument.  Note that the "=" is inside the
+   brackets.)
+   [_<patch>_...]
+   (Zero or more of <patch>.  Note that the dots are inside, not
+   outside the brackets.)
+ Multiple alternatives are indicated with vertical bars:
+   [`-q` | `--quiet`]
+   [`--utf8` | `--no-utf8`]
+ Use spacing around "|" token(s), but not immediately after opening or
+ before closing a [] or () pair:
+   Do: [`-q` | `--quiet`]
+   Don't: [`-q`|`--quiet`]
+ Don't use spacing around "|" tokens when they're used to separate the
+ alternate arguments of an option:
+    Do: ++--track++[++=++(`direct`|`inherit`)]`
+    Don't: ++--track++[++=++(`direct` | `inherit`)]
+ Parentheses are used for grouping:
+   [(_<rev>_ | _<range>_)...]
+   (Any number of either <rev> or <range>.  Parens are needed to make
+   it clear that "..." pertains to both <rev> and <range>.)
+   [(`-p` _<parent>_)...]
+   (Any number of option -p, each with one <parent> argument.)
+   `git remote set-head` _<name>_ (`-a` | `-d` | _<branch>_)
+   (One and only one of "-a", "-d" or "<branch>" _must_ (no square
+   brackets) be provided.)
+ And a somewhat more contrived example:
+   `--diff-filter=[(A|C|D|M|R|T|U|X|B)...[*]]`
+   Here "=" is outside the brackets, because "--diff-filter=" is a
+   valid usage.  "*" has its own pair of brackets, because it can
+   (optionally) be specified only when one or more of the letters is
+   also provided.
+  A note on notation:
+   Use 'git' (all lowercase) when talking about commands i.e. something
+   the user would type into a shell and use 'Git' (uppercase first letter)
+   when talking about the version control system and its properties.
+ If some place in the documentation needs to typeset a command usage
+ example with inline substitutions, it is fine to use +monospaced and
+ inline substituted text+ instead of `monospaced literal text`, and with
+ the former, the part that should not get substituted must be
+ quoted/escaped.
diff --git a/Documentation/DecisionMaking.txt b/Documentation/DecisionMaking.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dbb4c1f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/DecisionMaking.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+Decision-Making Process in the Git Project
+This document describes the current decision-making process in the Git
+project. It is a descriptive rather than prescriptive doc; that is, we want to
+describe how things work in practice rather than explicitly recommending any
+particular process or changes to the current process.
+Here we document how the project makes decisions for discussions
+(with or without patches), in scale larger than an individual patch
+series (which is fully covered by the SubmittingPatches document).
+Larger Discussions (with patches)
+As with discussions on an individual patch series, starting a larger-scale
+discussion often begins by sending a patch or series to the list. This might
+take the form of an initial design doc, with implementation following in later
+iterations of the series (for example,
+link:[adding unit tests] or
+link:[config-based hooks]),
+or it might include a full implementation from the beginning.
+In either case, discussion progresses the same way for an individual patch series,
+until consensus is reached or the topic is dropped.
+Larger Discussions (without patches)
+Occasionally, larger discussions might occur without an associated patch series.
+These may be very large-scale technical decisions that are beyond the scope of
+even a single large patch series, or they may be more open-ended,
+policy-oriented discussions (examples:
+link:[introducing Rust]
+or link:[improving submodule UX]).
+In either case, discussion progresses as described above for general patch series.
+For larger discussions without a patch series or other concrete implementation,
+it may be hard to judge when consensus has been reached, as there are not any
+official guidelines. If discussion stalls at this point, it may be helpful to
+restart discussion with an RFC patch series (such as a partial, unfinished
+implementation or proof of concept) that can be more easily debated.
+When consensus is reached that it is a good idea, the original
+proposer is expected to coordinate the effort to make it happen,
+with help from others who were involved in the discussion, as
+For decisions that require code changes, it is often the case that the original
+proposer will follow up with a patch series, although it is also common for
+other interested parties to provide an implementation (or parts of the
+implementation, for very large changes).
+For non-technical decisions such as community norms or processes, it is up to
+the community as a whole to implement and sustain agreed-upon changes.
+The project leadership committe (PLC) may help the implementation of
+policy decisions.
+Other Discussion Venues
+Occasionally decision proposals are presented off-list, e.g. at the semi-regular
+Contributors' Summit. While higher-bandwidth face-to-face discussion is often
+useful for quickly reaching consensus among attendees, generally we expect to
+summarize the discussion in notes that can later be presented on-list. For an
+example, see the thread
+from Git Contributor Summit, Los Angeles (April 5, 2020)] by James Ramsay.
+We prefer that "official" discussion happens on the list so that the full
+community has opportunity to engage in discussion. This also means that the
+mailing list archives contain a more-or-less complete history of project
+discussions and decisions.
diff --git a/Documentation/Makefile b/Documentation/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dc65759
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,505 @@
+# Import tree-wide shared Makefile behavior and libraries
+include ../shared.mak
+# Guard against environment variables
+MAN1_TXT += $(filter-out \
+		$(patsubst %,%.txt,$(EXCLUDED_PROGRAMS)) \
+		$(addsuffix .txt, $(ARTICLES) $(SP_ARTICLES)), \
+		$(wildcard git-*.txt))
+MAN1_TXT += git.txt
+MAN1_TXT += gitk.txt
+MAN1_TXT += gitweb.txt
+MAN1_TXT += scalar.txt
+# man5 / man7 guides (note: new guides should also be added to command-list.txt)
+MAN5_TXT += gitattributes.txt
+MAN5_TXT += gitformat-bundle.txt
+MAN5_TXT += gitformat-chunk.txt
+MAN5_TXT += gitformat-commit-graph.txt
+MAN5_TXT += gitformat-index.txt
+MAN5_TXT += gitformat-pack.txt
+MAN5_TXT += gitformat-signature.txt
+MAN5_TXT += githooks.txt
+MAN5_TXT += gitignore.txt
+MAN5_TXT += gitmailmap.txt
+MAN5_TXT += gitmodules.txt
+MAN5_TXT += gitprotocol-capabilities.txt
+MAN5_TXT += gitprotocol-common.txt
+MAN5_TXT += gitprotocol-http.txt
+MAN5_TXT += gitprotocol-pack.txt
+MAN5_TXT += gitprotocol-v2.txt
+MAN5_TXT += gitrepository-layout.txt
+MAN5_TXT += gitweb.conf.txt
+MAN7_TXT += gitcli.txt
+MAN7_TXT += gitcore-tutorial.txt
+MAN7_TXT += gitcredentials.txt
+MAN7_TXT += gitcvs-migration.txt
+MAN7_TXT += gitdiffcore.txt
+MAN7_TXT += giteveryday.txt
+MAN7_TXT += gitfaq.txt
+MAN7_TXT += gitglossary.txt
+MAN7_TXT += gitpacking.txt
+MAN7_TXT += gitnamespaces.txt
+MAN7_TXT += gitremote-helpers.txt
+MAN7_TXT += gitrevisions.txt
+MAN7_TXT += gitsubmodules.txt
+MAN7_TXT += gittutorial-2.txt
+MAN7_TXT += gittutorial.txt
+MAN7_TXT += gitworkflows.txt
+HOWTO_TXT += $(wildcard howto/*.txt)
+DOC_DEP_TXT += $(wildcard *.txt)
+DOC_DEP_TXT += $(wildcard config/*.txt)
+DOC_DEP_TXT += $(wildcard includes/*.txt)
+MAN_TXT = $(filter $(MAN_FILTER),$(MAN1_TXT) $(MAN5_TXT) $(MAN7_TXT))
+MAN_XML = $(patsubst %.txt,%.xml,$(MAN_TXT))
+MAN_HTML = $(patsubst %.txt,%.html,$(MAN_TXT))
+GIT_MAN_REF = master
+OBSOLETE_HTML += everyday.html
+OBSOLETE_HTML += git-remote-helpers.html
+ARTICLES += howto-index
+ARTICLES += git-tools
+ARTICLES += git-bisect-lk2009
+# with their own formatting rules.
+SP_ARTICLES += user-manual
+SP_ARTICLES += howto/new-command
+SP_ARTICLES += howto/revert-branch-rebase
+SP_ARTICLES += howto/using-merge-subtree
+SP_ARTICLES += howto/using-signed-tag-in-pull-request
+SP_ARTICLES += howto/use-git-daemon
+SP_ARTICLES += howto/update-hook-example
+SP_ARTICLES += howto/setup-git-server-over-http
+SP_ARTICLES += howto/separating-topic-branches
+SP_ARTICLES += howto/revert-a-faulty-merge
+SP_ARTICLES += howto/recover-corrupted-blob-object
+SP_ARTICLES += howto/recover-corrupted-object-harder
+SP_ARTICLES += howto/rebuild-from-update-hook
+SP_ARTICLES += howto/rebase-from-internal-branch
+SP_ARTICLES += howto/keep-canonical-history-correct
+SP_ARTICLES += howto/maintain-git
+SP_ARTICLES += howto/coordinate-embargoed-releases
+API_DOCS = $(patsubst %.txt,%,$(filter-out technical/api-index-skel.txt technical/api-index.txt, $(wildcard technical/api-*.txt)))
+TECH_DOCS += DecisionMaking
+TECH_DOCS += ReviewingGuidelines
+TECH_DOCS += MyFirstContribution
+TECH_DOCS += MyFirstObjectWalk
+TECH_DOCS += SubmittingPatches
+TECH_DOCS += ToolsForGit
+TECH_DOCS += technical/bitmap-format
+TECH_DOCS += technical/bundle-uri
+TECH_DOCS += technical/hash-function-transition
+TECH_DOCS += technical/long-running-process-protocol
+TECH_DOCS += technical/multi-pack-index
+TECH_DOCS += technical/pack-heuristics
+TECH_DOCS += technical/parallel-checkout
+TECH_DOCS += technical/partial-clone
+TECH_DOCS += technical/racy-git
+TECH_DOCS += technical/reftable
+TECH_DOCS += technical/scalar
+TECH_DOCS += technical/send-pack-pipeline
+TECH_DOCS += technical/shallow
+TECH_DOCS += technical/trivial-merge
+TECH_DOCS += technical/unit-tests
+SP_ARTICLES += technical/api-index
+ARTICLES_HTML += $(patsubst %,%.html,$(ARTICLES) $(SP_ARTICLES))
+DOC_MAN1 = $(patsubst %.txt,%.1,$(filter $(MAN_FILTER),$(MAN1_TXT)))
+DOC_MAN5 = $(patsubst %.txt,%.5,$(filter $(MAN_FILTER),$(MAN5_TXT)))
+DOC_MAN7 = $(patsubst %.txt,%.7,$(filter $(MAN_FILTER),$(MAN7_TXT)))
+prefix ?= $(HOME)
+bindir ?= $(prefix)/bin
+htmldir ?= $(prefix)/share/doc/git-doc
+infodir ?= $(prefix)/share/info
+pdfdir ?= $(prefix)/share/doc/git-doc
+mandir ?= $(prefix)/share/man
+man1dir = $(mandir)/man1
+man5dir = $(mandir)/man5
+man7dir = $(mandir)/man7
+GIT_DATE := $(shell git show --quiet --pretty='%as')
+ASCIIDOC = asciidoc
+ASCIIDOC_HTML = xhtml11
+ASCIIDOC_CONF = -f asciidoc.conf
+		-amanmanual='Git Manual' -amansource='Git $(GIT_VERSION)' \
+		-arevdate='$(GIT_DATE)'
+MANPAGE_XSL = manpage-normal.xsl
+XMLTO = xmlto
+INSTALL ?= install
+RM ?= rm -f
+MAN_REPO = ../../git-manpages
+HTML_REPO = ../../git-htmldocs
+MAKEINFO = makeinfo
+INSTALL_INFO = install-info
+DOCBOOK2X_TEXI = docbook2x-texi
+DBLATEX = dblatex
+ASCIIDOC_DBLATEX_DIR = /etc/asciidoc/dblatex
+DBLATEX_COMMON = -p $(ASCIIDOC_DBLATEX_DIR)/asciidoc-dblatex.xsl -s $(ASCIIDOC_DBLATEX_DIR)/asciidoc-dblatex.sty
+ifndef PERL_PATH
+	PERL_PATH = /usr/bin/perl
+-include ../config.mak.autogen
+-include ../config.mak
+XMLTO_EXTRA += -m manpage-bold-literal.xsl
+# Newer DocBook stylesheet emits warning cruft in the output when
+# this is not set, and if set it shows an absolute link.  Older
+# stylesheets simply ignore this parameter.
+# Distros may want to use MAN_BASE_URL=file:///path/to/git/docs/
+# or similar.
+ifndef MAN_BASE_URL
+MAN_BASE_URL = file://$(htmldir)/
+XMLTO_EXTRA += --stringparam man.base.url.for.relative.links='$(MAN_BASE_URL)'
+ASCIIDOC = asciidoctor
+ASCIIDOC_EXTRA += -acompat-mode -atabsize=8
+ASCIIDOC_EXTRA += -I. -rasciidoctor-extensions
+ASCIIDOC_EXTRA += -alitdd='&\#x2d;&\#x2d;'
+ASCIIDOC_DEPS = asciidoctor-extensions.rb GIT-ASCIIDOCFLAGS
+XMLTO_EXTRA += --skip-validation
+XMLTO_EXTRA += -x manpage.xsl
+# Shell quote;
+SHELL_PATH_SQ = $(subst ','\'',$(SHELL_PATH))
+DEFAULT_PAGER_SQ = $(subst ','\'',$(DEFAULT_PAGER))
+ASCIIDOC_EXTRA += -a 'git-default-pager=$(DEFAULT_PAGER_SQ)'
+ASCIIDOC_EXTRA += -a 'git-default-editor=$(DEFAULT_EDITOR_SQ)'
+all: html man
+html: $(DOC_HTML)
+man: man1 man5 man7
+man1: $(DOC_MAN1)
+man5: $(DOC_MAN5)
+man7: $(DOC_MAN7)
+pdf: user-manual.pdf
+install: install-man
+install-man: man
+	$(INSTALL) -d -m 755 $(DESTDIR)$(man1dir)
+	$(INSTALL) -d -m 755 $(DESTDIR)$(man5dir)
+	$(INSTALL) -d -m 755 $(DESTDIR)$(man7dir)
+	$(INSTALL) -m 644 $(DOC_MAN1) $(DESTDIR)$(man1dir)
+	$(INSTALL) -m 644 $(DOC_MAN5) $(DESTDIR)$(man5dir)
+	$(INSTALL) -m 644 $(DOC_MAN7) $(DESTDIR)$(man7dir)
+install-info: info
+	$(INSTALL) -d -m 755 $(DESTDIR)$(infodir)
+	$(INSTALL) -m 644 $(DESTDIR)$(infodir)
+	if test -r $(DESTDIR)$(infodir)/dir; then \
+	  $(INSTALL_INFO) --info-dir=$(DESTDIR)$(infodir) ;\
+	  $(INSTALL_INFO) --info-dir=$(DESTDIR)$(infodir) ;\
+	else \
+	  echo "No directory found in $(DESTDIR)$(infodir)" >&2 ; \
+	fi
+install-pdf: pdf
+	$(INSTALL) -d -m 755 $(DESTDIR)$(pdfdir)
+	$(INSTALL) -m 644 user-manual.pdf $(DESTDIR)$(pdfdir)
+install-html: html
+	'$(SHELL_PATH_SQ)' ./ $(DESTDIR)$(htmldir)
+ifneq ($(filter-out lint-docs clean,$(MAKECMDGOALS)),)
+-include ../GIT-VERSION-FILE
+# Determine "include::" file references in asciidoc files.
+docdep_prereqs = \
+	mergetools-list.made $(mergetools_txt) \
+	cmd-list.made $(cmds_txt)
+doc.dep : $(docdep_prereqs) $(DOC_DEP_TXT) build-docdep.perl
+	$(QUIET_GEN)$(PERL_PATH) ./build-docdep.perl >$@ $(QUIET_STDERR)
+ifneq ($(MAKECMDGOALS),clean)
+-include doc.dep
+cmds_txt = cmds-ancillaryinterrogators.txt \
+	cmds-ancillarymanipulators.txt \
+	cmds-mainporcelain.txt \
+	cmds-plumbinginterrogators.txt \
+	cmds-plumbingmanipulators.txt \
+	cmds-synchingrepositories.txt \
+	cmds-synchelpers.txt \
+	cmds-guide.txt \
+	cmds-developerinterfaces.txt \
+	cmds-userinterfaces.txt \
+	cmds-purehelpers.txt \
+	cmds-foreignscminterface.txt
+$(cmds_txt): cmd-list.made
+cmd-list.made: cmd-list.perl ../command-list.txt $(MAN1_TXT)
+	$(QUIET_GEN)$(PERL_PATH) ./cmd-list.perl ../command-list.txt $(cmds_txt) $(QUIET_STDERR) && \
+	date >$@
+mergetools_txt = mergetools-diff.txt mergetools-merge.txt
+$(mergetools_txt): mergetools-list.made
+mergetools-list.made: ../ $(wildcard ../mergetools/*)
+	$(QUIET_GEN) \
+	$(SHELL_PATH) -c 'MERGE_TOOLS_DIR=../mergetools && TOOL_MODE=diff && \
+		. ../ && \
+		show_tool_names can_diff' | sed -e "s/\([a-z0-9]*\)/\`\1\`;;/" >mergetools-diff.txt && \
+	$(SHELL_PATH) -c 'MERGE_TOOLS_DIR=../mergetools && TOOL_MODE=merge && \
+		. ../ && \
+		show_tool_names can_merge' | sed -e "s/\([a-z0-9]*\)/\`\1\`;;/" >mergetools-merge.txt && \
+	date >$@
+	    if test x"$$FLAGS" != x"`cat GIT-ASCIIDOCFLAGS 2>/dev/null`" ; then \
+		echo >&2 "    * new asciidoc flags"; \
+            fi
+	$(RM) -rf .build/
+	$(RM) *.xml *.xml+ *.html *.html+ *.1 *.5 *.7
+	$(RM) *.texi *.texi+ *.texi++
+	$(RM) *.pdf
+	$(RM) howto-index.txt howto/*.html doc.dep
+	$(RM) technical/*.html technical/api-index.txt
+	$(RM) SubmittingPatches.txt
+	$(RM) $(cmds_txt) $(mergetools_txt) *.made
+$(MAN_HTML): %.html : %.txt $(ASCIIDOC_DEPS)
+	$(QUIET_ASCIIDOC)$(TXT_TO_HTML) -d manpage -o $@ $<
+$(OBSOLETE_HTML): %.html : %.txto $(ASCIIDOC_DEPS)
+manpage-prereqs := $(wildcard manpage*.xsl)
+manpage-cmd = $(QUIET_XMLTO)$(XMLTO) -m $(MANPAGE_XSL) $(XMLTO_EXTRA) man $<
+%.1 : %.xml $(manpage-prereqs)
+	$(manpage-cmd)
+%.5 : %.xml $(manpage-prereqs)
+	$(manpage-cmd)
+%.7 : %.xml $(manpage-prereqs)
+	$(manpage-cmd)
+%.xml : %.txt $(ASCIIDOC_DEPS)
+	$(QUIET_ASCIIDOC)$(TXT_TO_XML) -d manpage -o $@ $<
+user-manual.xml: user-manual.txt user-manual.conf asciidoctor-extensions.rb GIT-ASCIIDOCFLAGS
+	$(QUIET_ASCIIDOC)$(TXT_TO_XML) -d book -o $@ $<
+technical/api-index.txt: technical/api-index-skel.txt \
+	technical/ $(patsubst %,%.txt,$(API_DOCS))
+	$(QUIET_GEN)cd technical && '$(SHELL_PATH_SQ)' ./
+technical/%.html: ASCIIDOC_EXTRA += -a git-relative-html-prefix=../
+$(patsubst %,%.html,$(API_DOCS) technical/api-index $(TECH_DOCS)): %.html : %.txt \
+	asciidoc.conf GIT-ASCIIDOCFLAGS
+SubmittingPatches.txt: SubmittingPatches
+	$(QUIET_GEN) cp $< $@
+XSLT = docbook.xsl
+XSLTOPTS += --xinclude
+XSLTOPTS += --stringparam html.stylesheet docbook-xsl.css
+XSLTOPTS += --param generate.consistent.ids 1
+user-manual.html: user-manual.xml $(XSLT)
+	$(QUIET_XSLTPROC)xsltproc $(XSLTOPTS) -o $@ $(XSLT) $<
+ user-manual.texi
+	$(QUIET_MAKEINFO)$(MAKEINFO) --no-split -o $@ user-manual.texi
+user-manual.texi: user-manual.xml
+	$(QUIET_DB2TEXI)$(DOCBOOK2X_TEXI) user-manual.xml --encoding=UTF-8 --to-stdout >$@+ && \
+	$(PERL_PATH) fix-texi.perl <$@+ >$@ && \
+	$(RM) $@+
+user-manual.pdf: user-manual.xml
+gitman.texi: $(MAN_XML) cat-texi.perl texi.xsl
+	($(foreach xml,$(sort $(MAN_XML)),xsltproc -o $(xml)+ texi.xsl $(xml) && \
+		$(DOCBOOK2X_TEXI) --encoding=UTF-8 --to-stdout $(xml)+ && \
+		$(RM) $(xml)+ &&) true) > $@+ && \
+	$(PERL_PATH) cat-texi.perl $@ <$@+ >$@ && \
+	$(RM) $@+
+ gitman.texi
+	$(QUIET_MAKEINFO)$(MAKEINFO) --no-split --no-validate $<
+$(patsubst %.txt,%.texi,$(MAN_TXT)): %.texi : %.xml
+	$(QUIET_DB2TEXI)$(DOCBOOK2X_TEXI) --to-stdout $*.xml >$@
+howto-index.txt: $(HOWTO_TXT)
+	$(QUIET_GEN)'$(SHELL_PATH_SQ)' ./ $(sort $(HOWTO_TXT)) >$@
+$(patsubst %,%.html,$(ARTICLES)) : %.html : %.txt
+WEBDOC_DEST = /pub/software/scm/git/docs
+howto/%.html: ASCIIDOC_EXTRA += -a git-relative-html-prefix=../
+$(patsubst %.txt,%.html,$(HOWTO_TXT)): %.html : %.txt GIT-ASCIIDOCFLAGS
+	sed -e '1,/^$$/d' $< | \
+	$(TXT_TO_HTML) - >$@
+install-webdoc : html
+# You must have a clone of 'git-htmldocs' and 'git-manpages' repositories
+# next to the 'git' repository itself for the following to work.
+quick-install: quick-install-man
+	@if test ! -d $(MAN_REPO); \
+	then echo "git-manpages repository must exist at $(MAN_REPO)"; exit 1; fi
+quick-install-man: require-manrepo
+	'$(SHELL_PATH_SQ)' ./ $(MAN_REPO) $(DESTDIR)$(mandir) $(GIT_MAN_REF)
+	@if test ! -d $(HTML_REPO); \
+	then echo "git-htmldocs repository must exist at $(HTML_REPO)"; exit 1; fi
+quick-install-html: require-htmlrepo
+	'$(SHELL_PATH_SQ)' ./ $(HTML_REPO) $(DESTDIR)$(htmldir) $(GIT_MAN_REF)
+	@for i in $(MAN1_TXT); do echo $$i; done
+## Lint: gitlink
+LINT_DOCS_GITLINK = $(patsubst %.txt,.build/lint-docs/gitlink/%.ok,$(HOWTO_TXT) $(DOC_DEP_TXT))
+$(LINT_DOCS_GITLINK): lint-gitlink.perl
+$(LINT_DOCS_GITLINK): .build/lint-docs/gitlink/%.ok: %.txt
+	$(call mkdir_p_parent_template)
+	$(QUIET_LINT_GITLINK)$(PERL_PATH) lint-gitlink.perl \
+		$< \
+		--section=1 $(MAN1_TXT) \
+		--section=5 $(MAN5_TXT) \
+		--section=7 $(MAN7_TXT) >$@
+.PHONY: lint-docs-gitlink
+lint-docs-gitlink: $(LINT_DOCS_GITLINK)
+## Lint: man-end-blurb
+LINT_DOCS_MAN_END_BLURB = $(patsubst %.txt,.build/lint-docs/man-end-blurb/%.ok,$(MAN_TXT))
+$(LINT_DOCS_MAN_END_BLURB): lint-man-end-blurb.perl
+$(LINT_DOCS_MAN_END_BLURB): .build/lint-docs/man-end-blurb/%.ok: %.txt
+	$(call mkdir_p_parent_template)
+	$(QUIET_LINT_MANEND)$(PERL_PATH) lint-man-end-blurb.perl $< >$@
+.PHONY: lint-docs-man-end-blurb
+## Lint: man-section-order
+LINT_DOCS_MAN_SECTION_ORDER = $(patsubst %.txt,.build/lint-docs/man-section-order/%.ok,$(MAN_TXT))
+$(LINT_DOCS_MAN_SECTION_ORDER): lint-man-section-order.perl
+$(LINT_DOCS_MAN_SECTION_ORDER): .build/lint-docs/man-section-order/%.ok: %.txt
+	$(call mkdir_p_parent_template)
+	$(QUIET_LINT_MANSEC)$(PERL_PATH) lint-man-section-order.perl $< >$@
+.PHONY: lint-docs-man-section-order
+lint-docs-man-section-order: $(LINT_DOCS_MAN_SECTION_ORDER)
+.PHONY: lint-docs-fsck-msgids
+LINT_DOCS_FSCK_MSGIDS = .build/lint-docs/fsck-msgids.ok
+$(LINT_DOCS_FSCK_MSGIDS): lint-fsck-msgids.perl
+$(LINT_DOCS_FSCK_MSGIDS): ../fsck.h fsck-msgids.txt
+	$(call mkdir_p_parent_template)
+	$(QUIET_GEN)$(PERL_PATH) lint-fsck-msgids.perl \
+		../fsck.h fsck-msgids.txt $@
+lint-docs-fsck-msgids: $(LINT_DOCS_FSCK_MSGIDS)
+	$(QUIET_GEN)./
+## Lint: list of targets above
+.PHONY: lint-docs
+lint-docs: lint-docs-fsck-msgids
+lint-docs: lint-docs-gitlink
+lint-docs: lint-docs-man-end-blurb
+lint-docs: lint-docs-man-section-order
+lint-docs: lint-docs-manpages
+ifeq ($(wildcard po/Makefile),po/Makefile)
+doc-l10n install-l10n::
+	$(MAKE) -C po $@
diff --git a/Documentation/MyFirstContribution.txt b/Documentation/MyFirstContribution.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e41654c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/MyFirstContribution.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,1395 @@
+My First Contribution to the Git Project
+== Summary
+This is a tutorial demonstrating the end-to-end workflow of creating a change to
+the Git tree, sending it for review, and making changes based on comments.
+=== Prerequisites
+This tutorial assumes you're already fairly familiar with using Git to manage
+source code.  The Git workflow steps will largely remain unexplained.
+=== Related Reading
+This tutorial aims to summarize the following documents, but the reader may find
+useful additional context:
+- `Documentation/SubmittingPatches`
+- `Documentation/howto/new-command.txt`
+=== Getting Help
+If you get stuck, you can seek help in the following places.
+This is the main Git project mailing list where code reviews, version
+announcements, design discussions, and more take place. Those interested in
+contributing are welcome to post questions here. The Git list requires
+plain-text-only emails and prefers inline and bottom-posting when replying to
+mail; you will be CC'd in all replies to you. Optionally, you can subscribe to
+the list by sending an email to <>
+(see for details).
+The[archive] of this mailing list is
+available to view in a browser.
+This mailing list is targeted to new contributors and was created as a place to
+post questions and receive answers outside of the public eye of the main list.
+Veteran contributors who are especially interested in helping mentor newcomers
+are present on the list. In order to avoid search indexers, group membership is
+required to view messages; anyone can join and no approval is required.
+====[#git-devel] on Libera Chat
+This IRC channel is for conversations between Git contributors. If someone is
+currently online and knows the answer to your question, you can receive help
+in real time. Otherwise, you can read the
+[scrollback] to see
+whether someone answered you. IRC does not allow offline private messaging, so
+if you try to private message someone and then log out of IRC, they cannot
+respond to you. It's better to ask your questions in the channel so that you
+can be answered if you disconnect and so that others can learn from the
+== Getting Started
+=== Clone the Git Repository
+Git is mirrored in a number of locations. Clone the repository from one of them;
+ suggests one of the best places to clone from is
+the mirror on GitHub.
+$ git clone git
+$ cd git
+=== Installing Dependencies
+To build Git from source, you need to have a handful of dependencies installed
+on your system. For a hint of what's needed, you can take a look at
+`INSTALL`, paying close attention to the section about Git's dependencies on
+external programs and libraries. That document mentions a way to "test-drive"
+our freshly built Git without installing; that's the method we'll be using in
+this tutorial.
+Make sure that your environment has everything you need by building your brand
+new clone of Git from the above step:
+$ make
+NOTE: The Git build is parallelizable. `-j#` is not included above but you can
+use it as you prefer, here and elsewhere.
+=== Identify Problem to Solve
+Use + to indicate fixed-width here; couldn't get ` to work nicely with the
+quotes around "Pony Saying 'Um, Hello'".
+In this tutorial, we will add a new command, +git psuh+, short for ``Pony Saying
+`Um, Hello''' - a feature which has gone unimplemented despite a high frequency
+of invocation during users' typical daily workflow.
+(We've seen some other effort in this space with the implementation of popular
+commands such as `sl`.)
+=== Set Up Your Workspace
+Let's start by making a development branch to work on our changes. Per
+`Documentation/SubmittingPatches`, since a brand new command is a new feature,
+it's fine to base your work on `master`. However, in the future for bugfixes,
+etc., you should check that document and base it on the appropriate branch.
+For the purposes of this document, we will base all our work on the `master`
+branch of the upstream project. Create the `psuh` branch you will use for
+development like so:
+$ git checkout -b psuh origin/master
+We'll make a number of commits here in order to demonstrate how to send a topic
+with multiple patches up for review simultaneously.
+== Code It Up!
+NOTE: A reference implementation can be found at
+=== Adding a New Command
+Lots of the subcommands are written as builtins, which means they are
+implemented in C and compiled into the main `git` executable. Implementing the
+very simple `psuh` command as a built-in will demonstrate the structure of the
+codebase, the internal API, and the process of working together as a contributor
+with the reviewers and maintainer to integrate this change into the system.
+Built-in subcommands are typically implemented in a function named "cmd_"
+followed by the name of the subcommand, in a source file named after the
+subcommand and contained within `builtin/`. So it makes sense to implement your
+command in `builtin/psuh.c`. Create that file, and within it, write the entry
+point for your command in a function matching the style and signature:
+int cmd_psuh(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix)
+We'll also need to add the declaration of psuh; open up `builtin.h`, find the
+declaration for `cmd_pull`, and add a new line for `psuh` immediately before it,
+in order to keep the declarations alphabetically sorted:
+int cmd_psuh(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix);
+Be sure to `#include "builtin.h"` in your `psuh.c`. You'll also need to
+`#include "gettext.h"` to use functions related to printing output text.
+Go ahead and add some throwaway printf to the `cmd_psuh` function. This is a
+decent starting point as we can now add build rules and register the command.
+NOTE: Your throwaway text, as well as much of the text you will be adding over
+the course of this tutorial, is user-facing. That means it needs to be
+localizable. Take a look at `po/README` under "Marking strings for translation".
+Throughout the tutorial, we will mark strings for translation as necessary; you
+should also do so when writing your user-facing commands in the future.
+int cmd_psuh(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix)
+	printf(_("Pony saying hello goes here.\n"));
+	return 0;
+Let's try to build it.  Open `Makefile`, find where `builtin/pull.o` is added
+to `BUILTIN_OBJS`, and add `builtin/psuh.o` in the same way next to it in
+alphabetical order. Once you've done so, move to the top-level directory and
+build simply with `make`. Also add the `DEVELOPER=1` variable to turn on
+some additional warnings:
+$ echo DEVELOPER=1 >config.mak
+$ make
+NOTE: When you are developing the Git project, it's preferred that you use the
+`DEVELOPER` flag; if there's some reason it doesn't work for you, you can turn
+it off, but it's a good idea to mention the problem to the mailing list.
+Great, now your new command builds happily on its own. But nobody invokes it.
+Let's change that.
+The list of commands lives in `git.c`. We can register a new command by adding
+a `cmd_struct` to the `commands[]` array. `struct cmd_struct` takes a string
+with the command name, a function pointer to the command implementation, and a
+setup option flag. For now, let's keep mimicking `push`. Find the line where
+`cmd_push` is registered, copy it, and modify it for `cmd_psuh`, placing the new
+line in alphabetical order (immediately before `cmd_pull`).
+The options are documented in `builtin.h` under "Adding a new built-in." Since
+we hope to print some data about the user's current workspace context later,
+we need a Git directory, so choose `RUN_SETUP` as your only option.
+Go ahead and build again. You should see a clean build, so let's kick the tires
+and see if it works. There's a binary you can use to test with in the
+`bin-wrappers` directory.
+$ ./bin-wrappers/git psuh
+Check it out! You've got a command! Nice work! Let's commit this.
+`git status` reveals modified `Makefile`, `builtin.h`, and `git.c` as well as
+untracked `builtin/psuh.c` and `git-psuh`. First, let's take care of the binary,
+which should be ignored. Open `.gitignore` in your editor, find `/git-pull`, and
+add an entry for your new command in alphabetical order:
+Checking `git status` again should show that `git-psuh` has been removed from
+the untracked list and `.gitignore` has been added to the modified list. Now we
+can stage and commit:
+$ git add Makefile builtin.h builtin/psuh.c git.c .gitignore
+$ git commit -s
+You will be presented with your editor in order to write a commit message. Start
+the commit with a 50-column or less subject line, including the name of the
+component you're working on, followed by a blank line (always required) and then
+the body of your commit message, which should provide the bulk of the context.
+Remember to be explicit and provide the "Why" of your change, especially if it
+couldn't easily be understood from your diff. When editing your commit message,
+don't remove the `Signed-off-by` trailer which was added by `-s` above.
+psuh: add a built-in by popular demand
+Internal metrics indicate this is a command many users expect to be
+present. So here's an implementation to help drive customer
+satisfaction and engagement: a pony which doubtfully greets the user,
+or, a Pony Saying "Um, Hello" (PSUH).
+This commit message is intentionally formatted to 72 columns per line,
+starts with a single line as "commit message subject" that is written as
+if to command the codebase to do something (add this, teach a command
+that). The body of the message is designed to add information about the
+commit that is not readily deduced from reading the associated diff,
+such as answering the question "why?".
+Signed-off-by: A U Thor <>
+Go ahead and inspect your new commit with `git show`. "psuh:" indicates you
+have modified mainly the `psuh` command. The subject line gives readers an idea
+of what you've changed. The sign-off line (`-s`) indicates that you agree to
+the Developer's Certificate of Origin 1.1 (see the
+`Documentation/SubmittingPatches` +++[[dco]]+++ header).
+For the remainder of the tutorial, the subject line only will be listed for the
+sake of brevity. However, fully-fleshed example commit messages are available
+on the reference implementation linked at the top of this document.
+=== Implementation
+It's probably useful to do at least something besides printing out a string.
+Let's start by having a look at everything we get.
+Modify your `cmd_psuh` implementation to dump the args you're passed, keeping
+existing `printf()` calls in place:
+	int i;
+	...
+	printf(Q_("Your args (there is %d):\n",
+		  "Your args (there are %d):\n",
+		  argc),
+	       argc);
+	for (i = 0; i < argc; i++)
+		printf("%d: %s\n", i, argv[i]);
+	printf(_("Your current working directory:\n<top-level>%s%s\n"),
+	       prefix ? "/" : "", prefix ? prefix : "");
+Build and try it. As you may expect, there's pretty much just whatever we give
+on the command line, including the name of our command. (If `prefix` is empty
+for you, try `cd Documentation/ && ../bin-wrappers/git psuh`). That's not so
+helpful. So what other context can we get?
+Add a line to `#include "config.h"`. Then, add the following bits to the
+function body:
+	const char *cfg_name;
+	git_config(git_default_config, NULL);
+	if (git_config_get_string_tmp("", &cfg_name) > 0)
+		printf(_("No name is found in config\n"));
+	else
+		printf(_("Your name: %s\n"), cfg_name);
+`git_config()` will grab the configuration from config files known to Git and
+apply standard precedence rules. `git_config_get_string_tmp()` will look up
+a specific key ("") and give you the value. There are a number of
+single-key lookup functions like this one; you can see them all (and more info
+about how to use `git_config()`) in `Documentation/technical/api-config.txt`.
+You should see that the name printed matches the one you see when you run:
+$ git config --get
+Great! Now we know how to check for values in the Git config. Let's commit this
+too, so we don't lose our progress.
+$ git add builtin/psuh.c
+$ git commit -sm "psuh: show parameters & config opts"
+NOTE: Again, the above is for sake of brevity in this tutorial. In a real change
+you should not use `-m` but instead use the editor to write a meaningful
+Still, it'd be nice to know what the user's working context is like. Let's see
+if we can print the name of the user's current branch. We can mimic the
+`git status` implementation; the printer is located in `wt-status.c` and we can
+see that the branch is held in a `struct wt_status`.
+`wt_status_print()` gets invoked by `cmd_status()` in `builtin/commit.c`.
+Looking at that implementation we see the status config being populated like so:
+status_init_config(&s, git_status_config);
+But as we drill down, we can find that `status_init_config()` wraps a call
+to `git_config()`. Let's modify the code we wrote in the previous commit.
+Be sure to include the header to allow you to use `struct wt_status`:
+#include "wt-status.h"
+Then modify your `cmd_psuh` implementation to declare your `struct wt_status`,
+prepare it, and print its contents:
+	struct wt_status status;
+	wt_status_prepare(the_repository, &status);
+	git_config(git_default_config, &status);
+	printf(_("Your current branch: %s\n"), status.branch);
+Run it again. Check it out - here's the (verbose) name of your current branch!
+Let's commit this as well.
+$ git add builtin/psuh.c
+$ git commit -sm "psuh: print the current branch"
+Now let's see if we can get some info about a specific commit.
+Luckily, there are some helpers for us here. `commit.h` has a function called
+`lookup_commit_reference_by_name` to which we can simply provide a hardcoded
+string; `pretty.h` has an extremely handy `pp_commit_easy()` call which doesn't
+require a full format object to be passed.
+Add the following includes:
+#include "commit.h"
+#include "pretty.h"
+Then, add the following lines within your implementation of `cmd_psuh()` near
+the declarations and the logic, respectively.
+	struct commit *c = NULL;
+	struct strbuf commitline = STRBUF_INIT;
+	c = lookup_commit_reference_by_name("origin/master");
+	if (c != NULL) {
+		pp_commit_easy(CMIT_FMT_ONELINE, c, &commitline);
+		printf(_("Current commit: %s\n"), commitline.buf);
+	}
+The `struct strbuf` provides some safety belts to your basic `char*`, one of
+which is a length member to prevent buffer overruns. It needs to be initialized
+nicely with `STRBUF_INIT`. Keep it in mind when you need to pass around `char*`.
+`lookup_commit_reference_by_name` resolves the name you pass it, so you can play
+with the value there and see what kind of things you can come up with.
+`pp_commit_easy` is a convenience wrapper in `pretty.h` that takes a single
+format enum shorthand, rather than an entire format struct. It then
+pretty-prints the commit according to that shorthand. These are similar to the
+formats available with `--pretty=FOO` in many Git commands.
+Build it and run, and if you're using the same name in the example, you should
+see the subject line of the most recent commit in `origin/master` that you know
+about. Neat! Let's commit that as well.
+$ git add builtin/psuh.c
+$ git commit -sm "psuh: display the top of origin/master"
+=== Adding Documentation
+Awesome! You've got a fantastic new command that you're ready to share with the
+community. But hang on just a minute - this isn't very user-friendly. Run the
+$ ./bin-wrappers/git help psuh
+Your new command is undocumented! Let's fix that.
+Take a look at `Documentation/git-*.txt`. These are the manpages for the
+subcommands that Git knows about. You can open these up and take a look to get
+acquainted with the format, but then go ahead and make a new file
+`Documentation/git-psuh.txt`. Like with most of the documentation in the Git
+project, help pages are written with AsciiDoc (see CodingGuidelines, "Writing
+Documentation" section). Use the following template to fill out your own
+// Surprisingly difficult to embed AsciiDoc source within AsciiDoc.
+git-psuh - Delight users' typo with a shy horse
+'git-psuh [<arg>...]'
+Part of the linkgit:git[1] suite
+The most important pieces of this to note are the file header, underlined by =,
+the NAME section, and the SYNOPSIS, which would normally contain the grammar if
+your command took arguments. Try to use well-established manpage headers so your
+documentation is consistent with other Git and UNIX manpages; this makes life
+easier for your user, who can skip to the section they know contains the
+information they need.
+NOTE: Before trying to build the docs, make sure you have the package `asciidoc`
+Now that you've written your manpage, you'll need to build it explicitly. We
+convert your AsciiDoc to troff which is man-readable like so:
+$ make all doc
+$ man Documentation/git-psuh.1
+$ make -C Documentation/ git-psuh.1
+$ man Documentation/git-psuh.1
+While this isn't as satisfying as running through `git help`, you can at least
+check that your help page looks right.
+You can also check that the documentation coverage is good (that is, the project
+sees that your command has been implemented as well as documented) by running
+`make check-docs` from the top-level.
+Go ahead and commit your new documentation change.
+=== Adding Usage Text
+Try and run `./bin-wrappers/git psuh -h`. Your command should crash at the end.
+That's because `-h` is a special case which your command should handle by
+printing usage.
+Take a look at `Documentation/technical/api-parse-options.txt`. This is a handy
+tool for pulling out options you need to be able to handle, and it takes a
+usage string.
+In order to use it, we'll need to prepare a NULL-terminated array of usage
+strings and a `builtin_psuh_options` array.
+Add a line to `#include "parse-options.h"`.
+At global scope, add your array of usage strings:
+static const char * const psuh_usage[] = {
+	N_("git psuh [<arg>...]"),
+Then, within your `cmd_psuh()` implementation, we can declare and populate our
+`option` struct. Ours is pretty boring but you can add more to it if you want to
+explore `parse_options()` in more detail:
+	struct option options[] = {
+		OPT_END()
+	};
+Finally, before you print your args and prefix, add the call to
+	argc = parse_options(argc, argv, prefix, options, psuh_usage, 0);
+This call will modify your `argv` parameter. It will strip the options you
+specified in `options` from `argv` and the locations pointed to from `options`
+entries will be updated. Be sure to replace your `argc` with the result from
+`parse_options()`, or you will be confused if you try to parse `argv` later.
+It's worth noting the special argument `--`. As you may be aware, many Unix
+commands use `--` to indicate "end of named parameters" - all parameters after
+the `--` are interpreted merely as positional arguments. (This can be handy if
+you want to pass as a parameter something which would usually be interpreted as
+a flag.) `parse_options()` will terminate parsing when it reaches `--` and give
+you the rest of the options afterwards, untouched.
+Now that you have a usage hint, you can teach Git how to show it in the general
+command list shown by `git help git` or `git help -a`, which is generated from
+`command-list.txt`. Find the line for 'git-pull' so you can add your 'git-psuh'
+line above it in alphabetical order. Now, we can add some attributes about the
+command which impacts where it shows up in the aforementioned help commands. The
+top of `command-list.txt` shares some information about what each attribute
+means; in those help pages, the commands are sorted according to these
+attributes. `git psuh` is user-facing, or porcelain - so we will mark it as
+"mainporcelain". For "mainporcelain" commands, the comments at the top of
+`command-list.txt` indicate we can also optionally add an attribute from another
+list; since `git psuh` shows some information about the user's workspace but
+doesn't modify anything, let's mark it as "info". Make sure to keep your
+attributes in the same style as the rest of `command-list.txt` using spaces to
+align and delineate them:
+git-prune-packed                        plumbingmanipulators
+git-psuh                                mainporcelain		info
+git-pull                                mainporcelain           remote
+git-push                                mainporcelain           remote
+Build again. Now, when you run with `-h`, you should see your usage printed and
+your command terminated before anything else interesting happens. Great!
+Go ahead and commit this one, too.
+== Testing
+It's important to test your code - even for a little toy command like this one.
+Moreover, your patch won't be accepted into the Git tree without tests. Your
+tests should:
+* Illustrate the current behavior of the feature
+* Prove the current behavior matches the expected behavior
+* Ensure the externally-visible behavior isn't broken in later changes
+So let's write some tests.
+Related reading: `t/README`
+=== Overview of Testing Structure
+The tests in Git live in `t/` and are named with a 4-digit decimal number using
+the schema shown in the Naming Tests section of `t/README`.
+=== Writing Your Test
+Since this a toy command, let's go ahead and name the test with t9999. However,
+as many of the family/subcmd combinations are full, best practice seems to be
+to find a command close enough to the one you've added and share its naming
+Create a new file `t/`. Begin with the header as so (see
+"Writing Tests" and "Source ''" in `t/README`):
+test_description='git-psuh test
+This test runs git-psuh and makes sure it does not crash.'
+. ./
+Tests are framed inside of a `test_expect_success` in order to output TAP
+formatted results. Let's make sure that `git psuh` doesn't exit poorly and does
+mention the right animal somewhere:
+test_expect_success 'runs correctly with no args and good output' '
+	git psuh >actual &&
+	grep Pony actual
+Indicate that you've run everything you wanted by adding the following at the
+bottom of your script:
+Make sure you mark your test script executable:
+$ chmod +x t/
+You can get an idea of whether you created your new test script successfully
+by running `make -C t test-lint`, which will check for things like test number
+uniqueness, executable bit, and so on.
+=== Running Locally
+Let's try and run locally:
+$ make
+$ cd t/ && prove
+You can run the full test suite and ensure `git-psuh` didn't break anything:
+$ cd t/
+$ prove -j$(nproc) --shuffle t[0-9]*.sh
+NOTE: You can also do this with `make test` or use any testing harness which can
+speak TAP. `prove` can run concurrently. `shuffle` randomizes the order the
+tests are run in, which makes them resilient against unwanted inter-test
+dependencies. `prove` also makes the output nicer.
+Go ahead and commit this change, as well.
+== Getting Ready to Share: Anatomy of a Patch Series
+You may have noticed already that the Git project performs its code reviews via
+emailed patches, which are then applied by the maintainer when they are ready
+and approved by the community. The Git project does not accept contributions from
+pull requests, and the patches emailed for review need to be formatted a
+specific way.
+Before taking a look at how to convert your commits into emailed patches,
+let's analyze what the end result, a "patch series", looks like. Here is an
+{patch-series}[example] of the summary view for a patch series on the web interface of
+the {lore}[Git mailing list archive]:
+2022-02-18 18:40 [PATCH 0/3] libify reflog John Cai via GitGitGadget
+2022-02-18 18:40 ` [PATCH 1/3] reflog: libify delete reflog function and helpers John Cai via GitGitGadget
+2022-02-18 19:10   ` Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason [this message]
+2022-02-18 19:39     ` Taylor Blau
+2022-02-18 19:48       ` Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason
+2022-02-18 19:35   ` Taylor Blau
+2022-02-21  1:43     ` John Cai
+2022-02-21  1:50       ` Taylor Blau
+2022-02-23 19:50         ` John Cai
+2022-02-18 20:00   ` // other replies elided
+2022-02-18 18:40 ` [PATCH 2/3] reflog: call reflog_delete from reflog.c John Cai via GitGitGadget
+2022-02-18 19:15   ` Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason
+2022-02-18 20:26     ` Junio C Hamano
+2022-02-18 18:40 ` [PATCH 3/3] stash: call reflog_delete from reflog.c John Cai via GitGitGadget
+2022-02-18 19:20   ` Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason
+2022-02-19  0:21     ` Taylor Blau
+2022-02-22  2:36     ` John Cai
+2022-02-22 10:51       ` Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason
+2022-02-18 19:29 ` [PATCH 0/3] libify reflog Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason
+2022-02-22 18:30 ` [PATCH v2 0/3] libify reflog John Cai via GitGitGadget
+2022-02-22 18:30   ` [PATCH v2 1/3] stash: add test to ensure reflog --rewrite --updatref behavior John Cai via GitGitGadget
+2022-02-23  8:54     ` Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason
+2022-02-23 21:27       ` Junio C Hamano
+// continued
+We can note a few things:
+- Each commit is sent as a separate email, with the commit message title as
+  subject, prefixed with "[PATCH _i_/_n_]" for the _i_-th commit of an
+  _n_-commit series.
+- Each patch is sent as a reply to an introductory email called the _cover
+  letter_ of the series, prefixed "[PATCH 0/_n_]".
+- Subsequent iterations of the patch series are labelled "PATCH v2", "PATCH
+  v3", etc. in place of "PATCH". For example, "[PATCH v2 1/3]" would be the first of
+  three patches in the second iteration. Each iteration is sent with a new cover
+  letter (like "[PATCH v2 0/3]" above), itself a reply to the cover letter of the
+  previous iteration (more on that below).
+NOTE: A single-patch topic is sent with "[PATCH]", "[PATCH v2]", etc. without
+_i_/_n_ numbering (in the above thread overview, no single-patch topic appears,
+=== The cover letter
+In addition to an email per patch, the Git community also expects your patches
+to come with a cover letter. This is an important component of change
+submission as it explains to the community from a high level what you're trying
+to do, and why, in a way that's more apparent than just looking at your
+The title of your cover letter should be something which succinctly covers the
+purpose of your entire topic branch. It's often in the imperative mood, just
+like our commit message titles. Here is how we'll title our series:
+Add the 'psuh' command
+The body of the cover letter is used to give additional context to reviewers.
+Be sure to explain anything your patches don't make clear on their own, but
+remember that since the cover letter is not recorded in the commit history,
+anything that might be useful to future readers of the repository's history
+should also be in your commit messages.
+Here's an example body for `psuh`:
+Our internal metrics indicate widespread interest in the command
+git-psuh - that is, many users are trying to use it, but finding it is
+unavailable, using some unknown workaround instead.
+The following handful of patches add the psuh command and implement some
+handy features on top of it.
+This patchset is part of the MyFirstContribution tutorial and should not
+be merged.
+At this point the tutorial diverges, in order to demonstrate two
+different methods of formatting your patchset and getting it reviewed.
+The first method to be covered is GitGitGadget, which is useful for those
+already familiar with GitHub's common pull request workflow. This method
+requires a GitHub account.
+The second method to be covered is `git send-email`, which can give slightly
+more fine-grained control over the emails to be sent. This method requires some
+setup which can change depending on your system and will not be covered in this
+Regardless of which method you choose, your engagement with reviewers will be
+the same; the review process will be covered after the sections on GitGitGadget
+and `git send-email`.
+== Sending Patches via GitGitGadget
+One option for sending patches is to follow a typical pull request workflow and
+send your patches out via GitGitGadget. GitGitGadget is a tool created by
+Johannes Schindelin to make life as a Git contributor easier for those used to
+the GitHub PR workflow. It allows contributors to open pull requests against its
+mirror of the Git project, and does some magic to turn the PR into a set of
+emails and send them out for you. It also runs the Git continuous integration
+suite for you. It's documented at
+=== Forking `git/git` on GitHub
+Before you can send your patch off to be reviewed using GitGitGadget, you will
+need to fork the Git project and upload your changes. First thing - make sure
+you have a GitHub account.
+Head to the[GitHub mirror] and look for the Fork
+button. Place your fork wherever you deem appropriate and create it.
+=== Uploading to Your Own Fork
+To upload your branch to your own fork, you'll need to add the new fork as a
+remote. You can use `git remote -v` to show the remotes you have added already.
+From your new fork's page on GitHub, you can press "Clone or download" to get
+the URL; then you need to run the following to add, replacing your own URL and
+remote name for the examples provided:
+$ git remote add remotename
+or to use the HTTPS URL:
+$ git remote add remotename
+Run `git remote -v` again and you should see the new remote showing up.
+`git fetch remotename` (with the real name of your remote replaced) in order to
+get ready to push.
+Next, double-check that you've been doing all your development in a new branch
+by running `git branch`. If you didn't, now is a good time to move your new
+commits to their own branch.
+As mentioned briefly at the beginning of this document, we are basing our work
+on `master`, so go ahead and update as shown below, or using your preferred
+$ git checkout master
+$ git pull -r
+$ git rebase master psuh
+Finally, you're ready to push your new topic branch! (Due to our branch and
+command name choices, be careful when you type the command below.)
+$ git push remotename psuh
+Now you should be able to go and check out your newly created branch on GitHub.
+=== Sending a PR to GitGitGadget
+In order to have your code tested and formatted for review, you need to start by
+opening a Pull Request against `gitgitgadget/git`. Head to
+ and open a PR either with the "New pull
+request" button or the convenient "Compare & pull request" button that may
+appear with the name of your newly pushed branch.
+Review the PR's title and description, as they're used by GitGitGadget
+respectively as the subject and body of the cover letter for your change. Refer
+to <<cover-letter,"The cover letter">> above for advice on how to title your
+submission and what content to include in the description.
+NOTE: For single-patch contributions, your commit message should already be
+meaningful and explain at a high level the purpose (what is happening and why)
+of your patch, so you usually do not need any additional context. In that case,
+remove the PR description that GitHub automatically generates from your commit
+message (your PR description should be empty). If you do need to supply even
+more context, you can do so in that space and it will be appended to the email
+that GitGitGadget will send, between the three-dash line and the diffstat
+(see <<single-patch,Bonus Chapter: One-Patch Changes>> for how this looks once
+When you're happy, submit your pull request.
+=== Running CI and Getting Ready to Send
+If it's your first time using GitGitGadget (which is likely, as you're using
+this tutorial) then someone will need to give you permission to use the tool.
+As mentioned in the GitGitGadget documentation, you just need someone who
+already uses it to comment on your PR with `/allow <username>`. GitGitGadget
+will automatically run your PRs through the CI even without the permission given
+but you will not be able to `/submit` your changes until someone allows you to
+use the tool.
+NOTE: You can typically find someone who can `/allow` you on GitGitGadget by
+either examining recent pull requests where someone has been granted `/allow`
+is:pr is:open "/allow"]), in which case both the author and the person who
+granted the `/allow` can now `/allow` you, or by inquiring on the
+[#git-devel] IRC channel on Libera Chat
+linking your pull request and asking for someone to `/allow` you.
+If the CI fails, you can update your changes with `git rebase -i` and push your
+branch again:
+$ git push -f remotename psuh
+In fact, you should continue to make changes this way up until the point when
+your patch is accepted into `next`.
+It'd be nice to be able to verify that the patch looks good before sending it
+to everyone on Git mailing list.
+=== Check Your Work
+=== Sending Your Patches
+Now that your CI is passing and someone has granted you permission to use
+GitGitGadget with the `/allow` command, sending out for review is as simple as
+commenting on your PR with `/submit`.
+=== Updating With Comments
+Skip ahead to <<reviewing,Responding to Reviews>> for information on how to
+reply to review comments you will receive on the mailing list.
+Once you have your branch again in the shape you want following all review
+comments, you can submit again:
+$ git push -f remotename psuh
+Next, go look at your pull request against GitGitGadget; you should see the CI
+has been kicked off again. Now while the CI is running is a good time for you
+to modify your description at the top of the pull request thread; it will be
+used again as the cover letter. You should use this space to describe what
+has changed since your previous version, so that your reviewers have some idea
+of what they're looking at. When the CI is done running, you can comment once
+more with `/submit` - GitGitGadget will automatically add a v2 mark to your
+== Sending Patches with `git send-email`
+If you don't want to use GitGitGadget, you can also use Git itself to mail your
+patches. Some benefits of using Git this way include finer grained control of
+subject line (for example, being able to use the tag [RFC PATCH] in the subject)
+and being able to send a ``dry run'' mail to yourself to ensure it all looks
+good before going out to the list.
+=== Prerequisite: Setting Up `git send-email`
+Configuration for `send-email` can vary based on your operating system and email
+provider, and so will not be covered in this tutorial, beyond stating that in
+many distributions of Linux, `git-send-email` is not packaged alongside the
+typical `git` install. You may need to install this additional package; there
+are a number of resources online to help you do so. You will also need to
+determine the right way to configure it to use your SMTP server; again, as this
+configuration can change significantly based on your system and email setup, it
+is out of scope for the context of this tutorial.
+=== Preparing Initial Patchset
+Sending emails with Git is a two-part process; before you can prepare the emails
+themselves, you'll need to prepare the patches. Luckily, this is pretty simple:
+$ git format-patch --cover-letter -o psuh/ --base=auto psuh@{u}..psuh
+ . The `--cover-letter` option tells `format-patch` to create a
+   cover letter template for you. You will need to fill in the
+   template before you're ready to send - but for now, the template
+   will be next to your other patches.
+ . The `-o psuh/` option tells `format-patch` to place the patch
+   files into a directory. This is useful because `git send-email`
+   can take a directory and send out all the patches from there.
+ . The `--base=auto` option tells the command to record the "base
+   commit", on which the recipient is expected to apply the patch
+   series.  The `auto` value will cause `format-patch` to compute
+   the base commit automatically, which is the merge base of tip
+   commit of the remote-tracking branch and the specified revision
+   range.
+ . The `psuh@{u}..psuh` option tells `format-patch` to generate
+   patches for the commits you created on the `psuh` branch since it
+   forked from its upstream (which is `origin/master` if you
+   followed the example in the "Set up your workspace" section).  If
+   you are already on the `psuh` branch, you can just say `@{u}`,
+   which means "commits on the current branch since it forked from
+   its upstream", which is the same thing.
+The command will make one patch file per commit. After you
+run, you can go have a look at each of the patches with your favorite text
+editor and make sure everything looks alright; however, it's not recommended to
+make code fixups via the patch file. It's a better idea to make the change the
+normal way using `git rebase -i` or by adding a new commit than by modifying a
+NOTE: Optionally, you can also use the `--rfc` flag to prefix your patch subject
+with ``[RFC PATCH]'' instead of ``[PATCH]''. RFC stands for ``request for
+comments'' and indicates that while your code isn't quite ready for submission,
+you'd like to begin the code review process. This can also be used when your
+patch is a proposal, but you aren't sure whether the community wants to solve
+the problem with that approach or not - to conduct a sort of design review. You
+may also see on the list patches marked ``WIP'' - this means they are incomplete
+but want reviewers to look at what they have so far. You can add this flag with
+Check and make sure that your patches and cover letter template exist in the
+directory you specified - you're nearly ready to send out your review!
+=== Preparing Email
+Since you invoked `format-patch` with `--cover-letter`, you've already got a
+cover letter template ready. Open it up in your favorite editor.
+You should see a number of headers present already. Check that your `From:`
+header is correct. Then modify your `Subject:` (see <<cover-letter,above>> for
+how to choose good title for your patch series):
+Subject: [PATCH 0/7] Add the 'psuh' command
+Make sure you retain the ``[PATCH 0/X]'' part; that's what indicates to the Git
+community that this email is the beginning of a patch series, and many
+reviewers filter their email for this type of flag.
+You'll need to add some extra parameters when you invoke `git send-email` to add
+the cover letter.
+Next you'll have to fill out the body of your cover letter. Again, see
+<<cover-letter,above>> for what content to include.
+The template created by `git format-patch --cover-letter` includes a diffstat.
+This gives reviewers a summary of what they're in for when reviewing your topic.
+The one generated for `psuh` from the sample implementation looks like this:
+ Documentation/git-psuh.txt | 40 +++++++++++++++++++++
+ Makefile                   |  1 +
+ builtin.h                  |  1 +
+ builtin/psuh.c             | 73 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+ git.c                      |  1 +
+ t/   | 12 +++++++
+ 6 files changed, 128 insertions(+)
+ create mode 100644 Documentation/git-psuh.txt
+ create mode 100644 builtin/psuh.c
+ create mode 100755 t/
+Finally, the letter will include the version of Git used to generate the
+patches. You can leave that string alone.
+=== Sending Email
+At this point you should have a directory `psuh/` which is filled with your
+patches and a cover letter. Time to mail it out! You can send it like this:
+$ git send-email psuh/*.patch
+NOTE: Check `git help send-email` for some other options which you may find
+valuable, such as changing the Reply-to address or adding more CC and BCC lines.
+:contrib-scripts: footnoteref:[contrib-scripts,Scripts under `contrib/` are +
+not part of the core `git` binary and must be called directly. Clone the Git +
+codebase and run `perl contrib/contacts/git-contacts`.]
+NOTE: If you're not sure whom to CC, running `contrib/contacts/git-contacts` can
+list potential reviewers. In addition, you can do `git send-email
+--cc-cmd='perl contrib/contacts/git-contacts' feature/*.patch`{contrib-scripts} to
+automatically pass this list of emails to `send-email`.
+NOTE: When you are sending a real patch, it will go to - but
+please don't send your patchset from the tutorial to the real mailing list! For
+now, you can send it to yourself, to make sure you understand how it will look.
+After you run the command above, you will be presented with an interactive
+prompt for each patch that's about to go out. This gives you one last chance to
+edit or quit sending something (but again, don't edit code this way). Once you
+press `y` or `a` at these prompts your emails will be sent! Congratulations!
+Awesome, now the community will drop everything and review your changes. (Just
+kidding - be patient!)
+=== Sending v2
+This section will focus on how to send a v2 of your patchset. To learn what
+should go into v2, skip ahead to <<reviewing,Responding to Reviews>> for
+information on how to handle comments from reviewers.
+We'll reuse our `psuh` topic branch for v2. Before we make any changes, we'll
+mark the tip of our v1 branch for easy reference:
+$ git checkout psuh
+$ git branch psuh-v1
+Refine your patch series by using `git rebase -i` to adjust commits based upon
+reviewer comments. Once the patch series is ready for submission, generate your
+patches again, but with some new flags:
+$ git format-patch -v2 --cover-letter -o psuh/ --range-diff master..psuh-v1 master..
+The `--range-diff master..psuh-v1` parameter tells `format-patch` to include a
+range-diff between `psuh-v1` and `psuh` in the cover letter (see
+linkgit:git-range-diff[1]). This helps tell reviewers about the differences
+between your v1 and v2 patches.
+The `-v2` parameter tells `format-patch` to output your patches
+as version "2". For instance, you may notice that your v2 patches are
+all named like `v2-000n-my-commit-subject.patch`. `-v2` will also format
+your patches by prefixing them with "[PATCH v2]" instead of "[PATCH]",
+and your range-diff will be prefaced with "Range-diff against v1".
+After you run this command, `format-patch` will output the patches to the `psuh/`
+directory, alongside the v1 patches. Using a single directory makes it easy to
+refer to the old v1 patches while proofreading the v2 patches, but you will need
+to be careful to send out only the v2 patches. We will use a pattern like
+`psuh/v2-*.patch` (not `psuh/*.patch`, which would match v1 and v2 patches).
+Edit your cover letter again. Now is a good time to mention what's different
+between your last version and now, if it's something significant. You do not
+need the exact same body in your second cover letter; focus on explaining to
+reviewers the changes you've made that may not be as visible.
+You will also need to go and find the Message-ID of your previous cover letter.
+You can either note it when you send the first series, from the output of `git
+send-email`, or you can look it up on the
+[mailing list]. Find your cover letter in the
+archives, click on it, then click "permalink" or "raw" to reveal the Message-ID
+header. It should match:
+Message-ID: <>
+Your Message-ID is `<>`. This example will be used
+below as well; make sure to replace it with the correct Message-ID for your
+**previous cover letter** - that is, if you're sending v2, use the Message-ID
+from v1; if you're sending v3, use the Message-ID from v2.
+While you're looking at the email, you should also note who is CC'd, as it's
+common practice in the mailing list to keep all CCs on a thread. You can add
+these CC lines directly to your cover letter with a line like so in the header
+(before the Subject line):
+CC:, Othe R <>
+Now send the emails again, paying close attention to which messages you pass in
+to the command:
+$ git send-email
+		 --in-reply-to="<>"
+		 psuh/v2-*.patch
+=== Bonus Chapter: One-Patch Changes
+In some cases, your very small change may consist of only one patch. When that
+happens, you only need to send one email. Your commit message should already be
+meaningful and explain at a high level the purpose (what is happening and why)
+of your patch, but if you need to supply even more context, you can do so below
+the `---` in your patch. Take the example below, which was generated with `git
+format-patch` on a single commit, and then edited to add the content between
+the `---` and the diffstat.
+From 1345bbb3f7ac74abde040c12e737204689a72723 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: A U Thor <>
+Date: Thu, 18 Apr 2019 15:11:02 -0700
+Subject: [PATCH] README: change the grammar
+I think it looks better this way. This part of the commit message will
+end up in the commit-log.
+Signed-off-by: A U Thor <>
+Let's have a wild discussion about grammar on the mailing list. This
+part of my email will never end up in the commit log. Here is where I
+can add additional context to the mailing list about my intent, outside
+of the context of the commit log. This section was added after `git
+format-patch` was run, by editing the patch file in a text editor.
+ | 2 +-
+ 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
+diff --git a/ b/
+index 88f126184c..38da593a60 100644
+--- a/
++++ b/
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ Git - fast, scalable, distributed revision control system
+ =========================================================
+-Git is a fast, scalable, distributed revision control system with an
++Git is a fast, scalable, and distributed revision control system with an
+ unusually rich command set that provides both high-level operations
+ and full access to internals.
+== My Patch Got Emailed - Now What?
+Please give reviewers enough time to process your initial patch before
+sending an updated version. That is, resist the temptation to send a new
+version immediately, because others may have already started reviewing
+your initial version.
+While waiting for review comments, you may find mistakes in your initial
+patch, or perhaps realize a different and better way to achieve the goal
+of the patch. In this case you may communicate your findings to other
+reviewers as follows:
+ - If the mistakes you found are minor, send a reply to your patch as if
+   you were a reviewer and mention that you will fix them in an
+   updated version.
+ - On the other hand, if you think you want to change the course so
+   drastically that reviews on the initial patch would be a waste of
+   time (for everyone involved), retract the patch immediately with
+   a reply like "I am working on a much better approach, so please
+   ignore this patch and wait for the updated version."
+Now, the above is a good practice if you sent your initial patch
+prematurely without polish.  But a better approach of course is to avoid
+sending your patch prematurely in the first place.
+Please be considerate of the time needed by reviewers to examine each
+new version of your patch. Rather than seeing the initial version right
+now (followed by several "oops, I like this version better than the
+previous one" patches over 2 days), reviewers would strongly prefer if a
+single polished version came 2 days later instead, and that version with
+fewer mistakes were the only one they would need to review.
+=== Responding to Reviews
+After a few days, you will hopefully receive a reply to your patchset with some
+comments. Woohoo! Now you can get back to work.
+It's good manners to reply to each comment, notifying the reviewer that you have
+made the change suggested, feel the original is better, or that the comment
+inspired you to do something a new way which is superior to both the original
+and the suggested change. This way reviewers don't need to inspect your v2 to
+figure out whether you implemented their comment or not.
+Reviewers may ask you about what you wrote in the patchset, either in
+the proposed commit log message or in the changes themselves.  You
+should answer these questions in your response messages, but often the
+reason why reviewers asked these questions to understand what you meant
+to write is because your patchset needed clarification to be understood.
+Do not be satisfied by just answering their questions in your response
+and hear them say that they now understand what you wanted to say.
+Update your patches to clarify the points reviewers had trouble with,
+and prepare your v2; the words you used to explain your v1 to answer
+reviewers' questions may be useful thing to use.  Your goal is to make
+your v2 clear enough so that it becomes unnecessary for you to give the
+same explanation to the next person who reads it.
+If you are going to push back on a comment, be polite and explain why you feel
+your original is better; be prepared that the reviewer may still disagree with
+you, and the rest of the community may weigh in on one side or the other. As
+with all code reviews, it's important to keep an open mind to doing something a
+different way than you originally planned; other reviewers have a different
+perspective on the project than you do, and may be thinking of a valid side
+effect which had not occurred to you. It is always okay to ask for clarification
+if you aren't sure why a change was suggested, or what the reviewer is asking
+you to do.
+Make sure your email client has a plaintext email mode and it is turned on; the
+Git list rejects HTML email. Please also follow the mailing list etiquette
+outlined in the
+Note], which are similar to etiquette rules in most open source communities
+surrounding bottom-posting and inline replies.
+When you're making changes to your code, it is cleanest - that is, the resulting
+commits are easiest to look at - if you use `git rebase -i` (interactive
+rebase). Take a look at this
+from O'Reilly. The general idea is to modify each commit which requires changes;
+this way, instead of having a patch A with a mistake, a patch B which was fine
+and required no upstream reviews in v1, and a patch C which fixes patch A for
+v2, you can just ship a v2 with a correct patch A and correct patch B. This is
+changing history, but since it's local history which you haven't shared with
+anyone, that is okay for now! (Later, it may not make sense to do this; take a
+look at the section below this one for some context.)
+=== After Review Approval
+The Git project has four integration branches: `seen`, `next`, `master`, and
+`maint`. Your change will be placed into `seen` fairly early on by the maintainer
+while it is still in the review process; from there, when it is ready for wider
+testing, it will be merged into `next`. Plenty of early testers use `next` and
+may report issues. Eventually, changes in `next` will make it to `master`,
+which is typically considered stable. Finally, when a new release is cut,
+`maint` is used to base bugfixes onto. As mentioned at the beginning of this
+document, you can read `Documents/SubmittingPatches` for some more info about
+the use of the various integration branches.
+Back to now: your code has been lauded by the upstream reviewers. It is perfect.
+It is ready to be accepted. You don't need to do anything else; the maintainer
+will merge your topic branch to `next` and life is good.
+However, if you discover it isn't so perfect after this point, you may need to
+take some special steps depending on where you are in the process.
+If the maintainer has announced in the "What's cooking in git.git" email that
+your topic is marked for `next` - that is, that they plan to merge it to `next`
+but have not yet done so - you should send an email asking the maintainer to
+wait a little longer: "I've sent v4 of my series and you marked it for `next`,
+but I need to change this and that - please wait for v5 before you merge it."
+If the topic has already been merged to `next`, rather than modifying your
+patches with `git rebase -i`, you should make further changes incrementally -
+that is, with another commit, based on top of the maintainer's topic branch as
+detailed in Your work is still in the same topic
+but is now incremental, rather than a wholesale rewrite of the topic branch.
+The topic branches in the maintainer's GitHub are mirrored in GitGitGadget, so
+if you're sending your reviews out that way, you should be sure to open your PR
+against the appropriate GitGitGadget/Git branch.
+If you're using `git send-email`, you can use it the same way as before, but you
+should generate your diffs from `<topic>..<mybranch>` and base your work on
+`<topic>` instead of `master`.
diff --git a/Documentation/MyFirstObjectWalk.txt b/Documentation/MyFirstObjectWalk.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dec8afe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/MyFirstObjectWalk.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,898 @@
+= My First Object Walk
+== What's an Object Walk?
+The object walk is a key concept in Git - this is the process that underpins
+operations like object transfer and fsck. Beginning from a given commit, the
+list of objects is found by walking parent relationships between commits (commit
+X based on commit W) and containment relationships between objects (tree Y is
+contained within commit X, and blob Z is located within tree Y, giving our
+working tree for commit X something like `y/z.txt`).
+A related concept is the revision walk, which is focused on commit objects and
+their parent relationships and does not delve into other object types. The
+revision walk is used for operations like `git log`.
+=== Related Reading
+- `Documentation/user-manual.txt` under "Hacking Git" contains some coverage of
+  the revision walker in its various incarnations.
+- `revision.h`
+-[Git for Computer Scientists]
+  gives a good overview of the types of objects in Git and what your object
+  walk is really describing.
+== Setting Up
+Create a new branch from `master`.
+git checkout -b revwalk origin/master
+We'll put our fiddling into a new command. For fun, let's name it `git walken`.
+Open up a new file `builtin/walken.c` and set up the command handler:
+ * "git walken"
+ *
+ * Part of the "My First Object Walk" tutorial.
+ */
+#include "builtin.h"
+#include "trace.h"
+int cmd_walken(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix)
+	trace_printf(_("cmd_walken incoming...\n"));
+	return 0;
+NOTE: `trace_printf()`, defined in `trace.h`, differs from `printf()` in
+that it can be turned on or off at runtime. For the purposes of this
+tutorial, we will write `walken` as though it is intended for use as
+a "plumbing" command: that is, a command which is used primarily in
+scripts, rather than interactively by humans (a "porcelain" command).
+So we will send our debug output to `trace_printf()` instead.
+When running, enable trace output by setting the environment variable `GIT_TRACE`.
+Add usage text and `-h` handling, like all subcommands should consistently do
+(our test suite will notice and complain if you fail to do so).
+We'll need to include the `parse-options.h` header.
+#include "parse-options.h"
+int cmd_walken(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix)
+	const char * const walken_usage[] = {
+		N_("git walken"),
+		NULL,
+	};
+	struct option options[] = {
+		OPT_END()
+	};
+	argc = parse_options(argc, argv, prefix, options, walken_usage, 0);
+	...
+Also add the relevant line in `builtin.h` near `cmd_whatchanged()`:
+int cmd_walken(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix);
+Include the command in `git.c` in `commands[]` near the entry for `whatchanged`,
+maintaining alphabetical ordering:
+{ "walken", cmd_walken, RUN_SETUP },
+Add it to the `Makefile` near the line for `builtin/worktree.o`:
+BUILTIN_OBJS += builtin/walken.o
+Build and test out your command, without forgetting to ensure the `DEVELOPER`
+flag is set, and with `GIT_TRACE` enabled so the debug output can be seen:
+$ echo DEVELOPER=1 >>config.mak
+$ make
+$ GIT_TRACE=1 ./bin-wrappers/git walken
+NOTE: For a more exhaustive overview of the new command process, take a look at
+NOTE: A reference implementation can be found at
+=== `struct rev_cmdline_info`
+The definition of `struct rev_cmdline_info` can be found in `revision.h`.
+This struct is contained within the `rev_info` struct and is used to reflect
+parameters provided by the user over the CLI.
+`nr` represents the number of `rev_cmdline_entry` present in the array.
+`alloc` is used by the `ALLOC_GROW` macro. Check `alloc.h` - this variable is
+used to track the allocated size of the list.
+Per entry, we find:
+`item` is the object provided upon which to base the object walk. Items in Git
+can be blobs, trees, commits, or tags. (See `Documentation/gittutorial-2.txt`.)
+`name` is the object ID (OID) of the object - a hex string you may be familiar
+with from using Git to organize your source in the past. Check the tutorial
+mentioned above towards the top for a discussion of where the OID can come
+`whence` indicates some information about what to do with the parents of the
+specified object. We'll explore this flag more later on; take a look at
+`Documentation/revisions.txt` to get an idea of what could set the `whence`
+`flags` are used to hint the beginning of the revision walk and are the first
+block under the `#include`s in `revision.h`. The most likely ones to be set in
+the `rev_cmdline_info` are `UNINTERESTING` and `BOTTOM`, but these same flags
+can be used during the walk, as well.
+=== `struct rev_info`
+This one is quite a bit longer, and many fields are only used during the walk
+by `revision.c` - not configuration options. Most of the configurable flags in
+`struct rev_info` have a mirror in `Documentation/rev-list-options.txt`. It's a
+good idea to take some time and read through that document.
+== Basic Commit Walk
+First, let's see if we can replicate the output of `git log --oneline`. We'll
+refer back to the implementation frequently to discover norms when performing
+an object walk of our own.
+To do so, we'll first find all the commits, in order, which preceded the current
+commit. We'll extract the name and subject of the commit from each.
+Ideally, we will also be able to find out which ones are currently at the tip of
+various branches.
+=== Setting Up
+Preparing for your object walk has some distinct stages.
+1. Perform default setup for this mode, and others which may be invoked.
+2. Check configuration files for relevant settings.
+3. Set up the `rev_info` struct.
+4. Tweak the initialized `rev_info` to suit the current walk.
+5. Prepare the `rev_info` for the walk.
+6. Iterate over the objects, processing each one.
+==== Default Setups
+Before examining configuration files which may modify command behavior, set up
+default state for switches or options your command may have. If your command
+utilizes other Git components, ask them to set up their default states as well.
+For instance, `git log` takes advantage of `grep` and `diff` functionality, so
+its `init_log_defaults()` sets its own state (`decoration_style`) and asks
+`grep` and `diff` to initialize themselves by calling each of their
+initialization functions.
+==== Configuring From `.gitconfig`
+Next, we should have a look at any relevant configuration settings (i.e.,
+settings readable and settable from `git config`). This is done by providing a
+callback to `git_config()`; within that callback, you can also invoke methods
+from other components you may need that need to intercept these options. Your
+callback will be invoked once per each configuration value which Git knows about
+(global, local, worktree, etc.).
+Similarly to the default values, we don't have anything to do here yet
+ourselves; however, we should call `git_default_config()` if we aren't calling
+any other existing config callbacks.
+Add a new function to `builtin/walken.c`.
+We'll also need to include the `config.h` header:
+#include "config.h"
+static int git_walken_config(const char *var, const char *value,
+			     const struct config_context *ctx, void *cb)
+	/*
+	 * For now, we don't have any custom configuration, so fall back to
+	 * the default config.
+	 */
+	return git_default_config(var, value, ctx, cb);
+Make sure to invoke `git_config()` with it in your `cmd_walken()`:
+int cmd_walken(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix)
+	...
+	git_config(git_walken_config, NULL);
+	...
+==== Setting Up `rev_info`
+Now that we've gathered external configuration and options, it's time to
+initialize the `rev_info` object which we will use to perform the walk. This is
+typically done by calling `repo_init_revisions()` with the repository you intend
+to target, as well as the `prefix` argument of `cmd_walken` and your `rev_info`
+Add the `struct rev_info` and the `repo_init_revisions()` call.
+We'll also need to include the `revision.h` header:
+#include "revision.h"
+int cmd_walken(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix)
+	/* This can go wherever you like in your declarations.*/
+	struct rev_info rev;
+	...
+	/* This should go after the git_config() call. */
+	repo_init_revisions(the_repository, &rev, prefix);
+	...
+==== Tweaking `rev_info` For the Walk
+We're getting close, but we're still not quite ready to go. Now that `rev` is
+initialized, we can modify it to fit our needs. This is usually done within a
+helper for clarity, so let's add one:
+static void final_rev_info_setup(struct rev_info *rev)
+	/*
+	 * We want to mimic the appearance of `git log --oneline`, so let's
+	 * force oneline format.
+	 */
+	get_commit_format("oneline", rev);
+	/* Start our object walk at HEAD. */
+	add_head_to_pending(rev);
+Instead of using the shorthand `add_head_to_pending()`, you could do
+something like this:
+	struct setup_revision_opt opt;
+	memset(&opt, 0, sizeof(opt));
+	opt.def = "HEAD";
+	opt.revarg_opt = REVARG_COMMITTISH;
+	setup_revisions(argc, argv, rev, &opt);
+Using a `setup_revision_opt` gives you finer control over your walk's starting
+Then let's invoke `final_rev_info_setup()` after the call to
+int cmd_walken(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix)
+	...
+	final_rev_info_setup(&rev);
+	...
+Later, we may wish to add more arguments to `final_rev_info_setup()`. But for
+now, this is all we need.
+==== Preparing `rev_info` For the Walk
+Now that `rev` is all initialized and configured, we've got one more setup step
+before we get rolling. We can do this in a helper, which will both prepare the
+`rev_info` for the walk, and perform the walk itself. Let's start the helper
+with the call to `prepare_revision_walk()`, which can return an error without
+dying on its own:
+static void walken_commit_walk(struct rev_info *rev)
+	if (prepare_revision_walk(rev))
+		die(_("revision walk setup failed"));
+NOTE: `die()` prints to `stderr` and exits the program. Since it will print to
+`stderr` it's likely to be seen by a human, so we will localize it.
+==== Performing the Walk!
+Finally! We are ready to begin the walk itself. Now we can see that `rev_info`
+can also be used as an iterator; we move to the next item in the walk by using
+`get_revision()` repeatedly. Add the listed variable declarations at the top and
+the walk loop below the `prepare_revision_walk()` call within your
+#include "pretty.h"
+static void walken_commit_walk(struct rev_info *rev)
+	struct commit *commit;
+	struct strbuf prettybuf = STRBUF_INIT;
+	...
+	while ((commit = get_revision(rev))) {
+		strbuf_reset(&prettybuf);
+		pp_commit_easy(CMIT_FMT_ONELINE, commit, &prettybuf);
+		puts(prettybuf.buf);
+	}
+	strbuf_release(&prettybuf);
+NOTE: `puts()` prints a `char*` to `stdout`. Since this is the part of the
+command we expect to be machine-parsed, we're sending it directly to stdout.
+Give it a shot.
+$ make
+$ ./bin-wrappers/git walken
+You should see all of the subject lines of all the commits in
+your tree's history, in order, ending with the initial commit, "Initial revision
+of "git", the information manager from hell". Congratulations! You've written
+your first revision walk. You can play with printing some additional fields
+from each commit if you're curious; have a look at the functions available in
+=== Adding a Filter
+Next, let's try to filter the commits we see based on their author. This is
+equivalent to running `git log --author=<pattern>`. We can add a filter by
+modifying `rev_info.grep_filter`, which is a `struct grep_opt`.
+First some setup. Add `grep_config()` to `git_walken_config()`:
+static int git_walken_config(const char *var, const char *value,
+			     const struct config_context *ctx, void *cb)
+	grep_config(var, value, ctx, cb);
+	return git_default_config(var, value, ctx, cb);
+Next, we can modify the `grep_filter`. This is done with convenience functions
+found in `grep.h`. For fun, we're filtering to only commits from folks using a
+`` email address - a not-very-precise guess at who may be working on
+Git as a hobby. Since we're checking the author, which is a specific line in the
+header, we'll use the `append_header_grep_pattern()` helper. We can use
+the `enum grep_header_field` to indicate which part of the commit header we want
+to search.
+In `final_rev_info_setup()`, add your filter line:
+static void final_rev_info_setup(int argc, const char **argv,
+		const char *prefix, struct rev_info *rev)
+	...
+	append_header_grep_pattern(&rev->grep_filter, GREP_HEADER_AUTHOR,
+		"gmail");
+	compile_grep_patterns(&rev->grep_filter);
+	...
+`append_header_grep_pattern()` adds your new "gmail" pattern to `rev_info`, but
+it won't work unless we compile it with `compile_grep_patterns()`.
+NOTE: If you are using `setup_revisions()` (for example, if you are passing a
+`setup_revision_opt` instead of using `add_head_to_pending()`), you don't need
+to call `compile_grep_patterns()` because `setup_revisions()` calls it for you.
+NOTE: We could add the same filter via the `append_grep_pattern()` helper if we
+wanted to, but `append_header_grep_pattern()` adds the `enum grep_context` and
+`enum grep_pat_token` for us.
+=== Changing the Order
+There are a few ways that we can change the order of the commits during a
+revision walk. Firstly, we can use the `enum rev_sort_order` to choose from some
+typical orderings.
+`topo_order` is the same as `git log --topo-order`: we avoid showing a parent
+before all of its children have been shown, and we avoid mixing commits which
+are in different lines of history. (`git help log`'s section on `--topo-order`
+has a very nice diagram to illustrate this.)
+Let's see what happens when we run with `REV_SORT_BY_COMMIT_DATE` as opposed to
+`REV_SORT_BY_AUTHOR_DATE`. Add the following:
+static void final_rev_info_setup(int argc, const char **argv,
+		const char *prefix, struct rev_info *rev)
+	...
+	rev->topo_order = 1;
+	rev->sort_order = REV_SORT_BY_COMMIT_DATE;
+	...
+Let's output this into a file so we can easily diff it with the walk sorted by
+author date.
+$ make
+$ ./bin-wrappers/git walken > commit-date.txt
+Then, let's sort by author date and run it again.
+static void final_rev_info_setup(int argc, const char **argv,
+		const char *prefix, struct rev_info *rev)
+	...
+	rev->topo_order = 1;
+	rev->sort_order = REV_SORT_BY_AUTHOR_DATE;
+	...
+$ make
+$ ./bin-wrappers/git walken > author-date.txt
+Finally, compare the two. This is a little less helpful without object names or
+dates, but hopefully we get the idea.
+$ diff -u commit-date.txt author-date.txt
+This display indicates that commits can be reordered after they're written, for
+example with `git rebase`.
+Let's try one more reordering of commits. `rev_info` exposes a `reverse` flag.
+Set that flag somewhere inside of `final_rev_info_setup()`:
+static void final_rev_info_setup(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix,
+		struct rev_info *rev)
+	...
+	rev->reverse = 1;
+	...
+Run your walk again and note the difference in order. (If you remove the grep
+pattern, you should see the last commit this call gives you as your current
+== Basic Object Walk
+So far we've been walking only commits. But Git has more types of objects than
+that! Let's see if we can walk _all_ objects, and find out some information
+about each one.
+We can base our work on an example. `git pack-objects` prepares all kinds of
+objects for packing into a bitmap or packfile. The work we are interested in
+resides in `builtin/pack-objects.c:get_object_list()`; examination of that
+function shows that the all-object walk is being performed by
+`traverse_commit_list()` or `traverse_commit_list_filtered()`. Those two
+functions reside in `list-objects.c`; examining the source shows that, despite
+the name, these functions traverse all kinds of objects. Let's have a look at
+the arguments to `traverse_commit_list()`.
+- `struct rev_info *revs`: This is the `rev_info` used for the walk. If
+  its `filter` member is not `NULL`, then `filter` contains information for
+  how to filter the object list.
+- `show_commit_fn show_commit`: A callback which will be used to handle each
+  individual commit object.
+- `show_object_fn show_object`: A callback which will be used to handle each
+  non-commit object (so each blob, tree, or tag).
+- `void *show_data`: A context buffer which is passed in turn to `show_commit`
+  and `show_object`.
+In addition, `traverse_commit_list_filtered()` has an additional parameter:
+- `struct oidset *omitted`: A linked-list of object IDs which the provided
+  filter caused to be omitted.
+It looks like these methods use callbacks we provide instead of needing us
+to call it repeatedly ourselves. Cool! Let's add the callbacks first.
+For the sake of this tutorial, we'll simply keep track of how many of each kind
+of object we find. At file scope in `builtin/walken.c` add the following
+tracking variables:
+static int commit_count;
+static int tag_count;
+static int blob_count;
+static int tree_count;
+Commits are handled by a different callback than other objects; let's do that
+one first:
+static void walken_show_commit(struct commit *cmt, void *buf)
+	commit_count++;
+The `cmt` argument is fairly self-explanatory. But it's worth mentioning that
+the `buf` argument is actually the context buffer that we can provide to the
+traversal calls - `show_data`, which we mentioned a moment ago.
+Since we have the `struct commit` object, we can look at all the same parts that
+we looked at in our earlier commit-only walk. For the sake of this tutorial,
+though, we'll just increment the commit counter and move on.
+The callback for non-commits is a little different, as we'll need to check
+which kind of object we're dealing with:
+static void walken_show_object(struct object *obj, const char *str, void *buf)
+	switch (obj->type) {
+	case OBJ_TREE:
+		tree_count++;
+		break;
+	case OBJ_BLOB:
+		blob_count++;
+		break;
+	case OBJ_TAG:
+		tag_count++;
+		break;
+	case OBJ_COMMIT:
+		BUG("unexpected commit object in walken_show_object\n");
+	default:
+		BUG("unexpected object type %s in walken_show_object\n",
+			type_name(obj->type));
+	}
+Again, `obj` is fairly self-explanatory, and we can guess that `buf` is the same
+context pointer that `walken_show_commit()` receives: the `show_data` argument
+to `traverse_commit_list()` and `traverse_commit_list_filtered()`. Finally,
+`str` contains the name of the object, which ends up being something like
+`foo.txt` (blob), `bar/baz` (tree), or `v1.2.3` (tag).
+To help assure us that we aren't double-counting commits, we'll include some
+complaining if a commit object is routed through our non-commit callback; we'll
+also complain if we see an invalid object type. Since those two cases should be
+unreachable, and would only change in the event of a semantic change to the Git
+codebase, we complain by using `BUG()` - which is a signal to a developer that
+the change they made caused unintended consequences, and the rest of the
+codebase needs to be updated to understand that change. `BUG()` is not intended
+to be seen by the public, so it is not localized.
+Our main object walk implementation is substantially different from our commit
+walk implementation, so let's make a new function to perform the object walk. We
+can perform setup which is applicable to all objects here, too, to keep separate
+from setup which is applicable to commit-only walks.
+We'll start by enabling all types of objects in the `struct rev_info`.  We'll
+also turn on `tree_blobs_in_commit_order`, which means that we will walk a
+commit's tree and everything it points to immediately after we find each commit,
+as opposed to waiting for the end and walking through all trees after the commit
+history has been discovered. With the appropriate settings configured, we are
+ready to call `prepare_revision_walk()`.
+static void walken_object_walk(struct rev_info *rev)
+	rev->tree_objects = 1;
+	rev->blob_objects = 1;
+	rev->tag_objects = 1;
+	rev->tree_blobs_in_commit_order = 1;
+	if (prepare_revision_walk(rev))
+		die(_("revision walk setup failed"));
+	commit_count = 0;
+	tag_count = 0;
+	blob_count = 0;
+	tree_count = 0;
+Let's start by calling just the unfiltered walk and reporting our counts.
+Complete your implementation of `walken_object_walk()`.
+We'll also need to include the `list-objects.h` header.
+#include "list-objects.h"
+	traverse_commit_list(rev, walken_show_commit, walken_show_object, NULL);
+	printf("commits %d\nblobs %d\ntags %d\ntrees %d\n", commit_count,
+		blob_count, tag_count, tree_count);
+NOTE: This output is intended to be machine-parsed. Therefore, we are not
+sending it to `trace_printf()`, and we are not localizing it - we need scripts
+to be able to count on the formatting to be exactly the way it is shown here.
+If we were intending this output to be read by humans, we would need to localize
+it with `_()`.
+Finally, we'll ask `cmd_walken()` to use the object walk instead. Discussing
+command line options is out of scope for this tutorial, so we'll just hardcode
+a branch we can change at compile time. Where you call `final_rev_info_setup()`
+and `walken_commit_walk()`, instead branch like so:
+	if (1) {
+		add_head_to_pending(&rev);
+		walken_object_walk(&rev);
+	} else {
+		final_rev_info_setup(argc, argv, prefix, &rev);
+		walken_commit_walk(&rev);
+	}
+NOTE: For simplicity, we've avoided all the filters and sorts we applied in
+`final_rev_info_setup()` and simply added `HEAD` to our pending queue. If you
+want, you can certainly use the filters we added before by moving
+`final_rev_info_setup()` out of the conditional and removing the call to
+Now we can try to run our command! It should take noticeably longer than the
+commit walk, but an examination of the output will give you an idea why. Your
+output should look similar to this example, but with different counts:
+Object walk completed. Found 55733 commits, 100274 blobs, 0 tags, and 104210 trees.
+This makes sense. We have more trees than commits because the Git project has
+lots of subdirectories which can change, plus at least one tree per commit. We
+have no tags because we started on a commit (`HEAD`) and while tags can point to
+commits, commits can't point to tags.
+NOTE: You will have different counts when you run this yourself! The number of
+objects grows along with the Git project.
+=== Adding a Filter
+There are a handful of filters that we can apply to the object walk laid out in
+`Documentation/rev-list-options.txt`. These filters are typically useful for
+operations such as creating packfiles or performing a partial clone. They are
+defined in `list-objects-filter-options.h`. For the purposes of this tutorial we
+will use the "tree:1" filter, which causes the walk to omit all trees and blobs
+which are not directly referenced by commits reachable from the commit in
+`pending` when the walk begins. (`pending` is the list of objects which need to
+be traversed during a walk; you can imagine a breadth-first tree traversal to
+help understand. In our case, that means we omit trees and blobs not directly
+referenced by `HEAD` or `HEAD`'s history, because we begin the walk with only
+`HEAD` in the `pending` list.)
+For now, we are not going to track the omitted objects, so we'll replace those
+parameters with `NULL`. For the sake of simplicity, we'll add a simple
+build-time branch to use our filter or not. Preface the line calling
+`traverse_commit_list()` with the following, which will remind us which kind of
+walk we've just performed:
+	if (0) {
+		/* Unfiltered: */
+		trace_printf(_("Unfiltered object walk.\n"));
+	} else {
+		trace_printf(
+			_("Filtered object walk with filterspec 'tree:1'.\n"));
+		parse_list_objects_filter(&rev->filter, "tree:1");
+	}
+	traverse_commit_list(rev, walken_show_commit,
+			     walken_show_object, NULL);
+The `rev->filter` member is usually built directly from a command
+line argument, so the module provides an easy way to build one from a string.
+Even though we aren't taking user input right now, we can still build one with
+a hardcoded string using `parse_list_objects_filter()`.
+With the filter spec "tree:1", we are expecting to see _only_ the root tree for
+each commit; therefore, the tree object count should be less than or equal to
+the number of commits. (For an example of why that's true: `git commit --revert`
+points to the same tree object as its grandparent.)
+=== Counting Omitted Objects
+We also have the capability to enumerate all objects which were omitted by a
+filter, like with `git log --filter=<spec> --filter-print-omitted`. To do this,
+change `traverse_commit_list()` to `traverse_commit_list_filtered()`, which is
+able to populate an `omitted` list.  Asking for this list of filtered objects
+may cause performance degradations, however, because in this case, despite
+filtering objects, the possibly much larger set of all reachable objects must
+be processed in order to populate that list.
+First, add the `struct oidset` and related items we will use to iterate it:
+#include "oidset.h"
+static void walken_object_walk(
+	...
+	struct oidset omitted;
+	struct oidset_iter oit;
+	struct object_id *oid = NULL;
+	int omitted_count = 0;
+	oidset_init(&omitted, 0);
+	...
+Replace the call to `traverse_commit_list()` with
+`traverse_commit_list_filtered()` and pass a pointer to the `omitted` oidset
+defined and initialized above:
+	...
+		traverse_commit_list_filtered(rev,
+			walken_show_commit, walken_show_object, NULL, &omitted);
+	...
+Then, after your traversal, the `oidset` traversal is pretty straightforward.
+Count all the objects within and modify the print statement:
+	/* Count the omitted objects. */
+	oidset_iter_init(&omitted, &oit);
+	while ((oid = oidset_iter_next(&oit)))
+		omitted_count++;
+	printf("commits %d\nblobs %d\ntags %d\ntrees %d\nomitted %d\n",
+		commit_count, blob_count, tag_count, tree_count, omitted_count);
+By running your walk with and without the filter, you should find that the total
+object count in each case is identical. You can also time each invocation of
+the `walken` subcommand, with and without `omitted` being passed in, to confirm
+to yourself the runtime impact of tracking all omitted objects.
+=== Changing the Order
+Finally, let's demonstrate that you can also reorder walks of all objects, not
+just walks of commits. First, we'll make our handlers chattier - modify
+`walken_show_commit()` and `walken_show_object()` to print the object as they
+#include "hex.h"
+static void walken_show_commit(struct commit *cmt, void *buf)
+	trace_printf("commit: %s\n", oid_to_hex(&cmt->object.oid));
+	commit_count++;
+static void walken_show_object(struct object *obj, const char *str, void *buf)
+	trace_printf("%s: %s\n", type_name(obj->type), oid_to_hex(&obj->oid));
+	...
+NOTE: Since we will be examining this output directly as humans, we'll use
+`trace_printf()` here. Additionally, since this change introduces a significant
+number of printed lines, using `trace_printf()` will allow us to easily silence
+those lines without having to recompile.
+(Leave the counter increment logic in place.)
+With only that change, run again (but save yourself some scrollback):
+$ GIT_TRACE=1 ./bin-wrappers/git walken 2>&1 | head -n 10
+Take a look at the top commit with `git show` and the object ID you printed; it
+should be the same as the output of `git show HEAD`.
+Next, let's change a setting on our `struct rev_info` within
+`walken_object_walk()`. Find where you're changing the other settings on `rev`,
+such as `rev->tree_objects` and `rev->tree_blobs_in_commit_order`, and add the
+`reverse` setting at the bottom:
+	...
+	rev->tree_objects = 1;
+	rev->blob_objects = 1;
+	rev->tag_objects = 1;
+	rev->tree_blobs_in_commit_order = 1;
+	rev->reverse = 1;
+	...
+Now, run again, but this time, let's grab the last handful of objects instead
+of the first handful:
+$ make
+$ GIT_TRACE=1 ./bin-wrappers/git walken 2>&1 | tail -n 10
+The last commit object given should have the same OID as the one we saw at the
+top before, and running `git show <oid>` with that OID should give you again
+the same results as `git show HEAD`. Furthermore, if you run and examine the
+first ten lines again (with `head` instead of `tail` like we did before applying
+the `reverse` setting), you should see that now the first commit printed is the
+initial commit, `e83c5163`.
+== Wrapping Up
+Let's review. In this tutorial, we:
+- Built a commit walk from the ground up
+- Enabled a grep filter for that commit walk
+- Changed the sort order of that filtered commit walk
+- Built an object walk (tags, commits, trees, and blobs) from the ground up
+- Learned how to add a filter-spec to an object walk
+- Changed the display order of the filtered object walk
diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fea3f99
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+GIT v1.5.0.1 Release Notes
+Fixes since v1.5.0
+* Documentation updates
+  - Clarifications and corrections to 1.5.0 release notes.
+  - The main documentation did not link to git-remote documentation.
+  - Clarified introductory text of git-rebase documentation.
+  - Converted remaining mentions of update-index on Porcelain
+    documents to git-add/git-rm.
+  - Some i18n.* configuration variables were incorrectly
+    described as core.*; fixed.
+* Bugfixes
+  - git-add and git-update-index on a filesystem on which
+    executable bits are unreliable incorrectly reused st_mode
+    bits even when the path changed between symlink and regular
+    file.
+  - git-daemon marks the listening sockets with FD_CLOEXEC so
+    that it won't be leaked into the children.
+  - segfault from git-blame when the mandatory pathname
+    parameter was missing was fixed; usage() message is given
+    instead.
+  - git-rev-list did not read $GIT_DIR/config file, which means
+    that did not honor i18n.logoutputencoding correctly.
+* Tweaks
+  - sliding mmap() inefficiently mmaped the same region of a
+    packfile with an access pattern that used objects in the
+    reverse order.  This has been made more efficient.
diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b061e50
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+GIT v1.5.0.2 Release Notes
+Fixes since v1.5.0.1
+* Bugfixes
+  - Automated merge conflict handling when changes to symbolic
+    links conflicted were completely broken.  The merge-resolve
+    strategy created a regular file with conflict markers in it
+    in place of the symbolic link.  The default strategy,
+    merge-recursive was even more broken.  It removed the path
+    that was pointed at by the symbolic link.  Both of these
+    problems have been fixed.
+  - 'git diff maint master next' did not correctly give combined
+    diff across three trees.
+  - 'git fast-import' portability fix for Solaris.
+  - 'git show-ref --verify' without arguments did not error out
+    but segfaulted.
+  - 'git diff :tracked-file `pwd`/an-untracked-file' gave an extra
+    slashes after a/ and b/.
+  - 'git format-patch' produced too long filenames if the commit
+    message had too long line at the beginning.
+  - Running 'make all' and then without changing anything
+    running 'make install' still rebuilt some files.  This
+    was inconvenient when building as yourself and then
+    installing as root (especially problematic when the source
+    directory is on NFS and root is mapped to nobody).
+  - 'git-rerere' failed to deal with two unconflicted paths that
+    sorted next to each other.
+  - 'git-rerere' attempted to open(2) a symlink and failed if
+    there was a conflict.  Since a conflicting change to a
+    symlink would not benefit from rerere anyway, the command
+    now ignores conflicting changes to symlinks.
+  - 'git-repack' did not like to pass more than 64 arguments
+    internally to underlying 'rev-list' logic, which made it
+    impossible to repack after accumulating many (small) packs
+    in the repository.
+  - 'git-diff' to review the combined diff during a conflicted
+    merge were not reading the working tree version correctly
+    when changes to a symbolic link conflicted.  It should have
+    read the data using readlink(2) but read from the regular
+    file the symbolic link pointed at.
+  - 'git-remote' did not like period in a remote's name.
+* Documentation updates
+  - added and clarified core.bare, core.legacyheaders configurations.
+  - updated "git-clone --depth" documentation.
+* Assorted git-gui fixes.
diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cd500f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+GIT v1.5.0.3 Release Notes
+Fixes since v1.5.0.2
+* Bugfixes
+  - 'git.el' honors the commit coding system from the configuration.
+  - 'blameview' in contrib/ correctly digs deeper when a line is
+    clicked.
+  - 'http-push' correctly makes sure the remote side has leading
+    path.  Earlier it started in the middle of the path, and
+    incorrectly.
+  - 'git-merge' did not exit with non-zero status when the
+    working tree was dirty and cannot fast forward.  It does
+    now.
+  - 'cvsexportcommit' does not lose yet-to-be-used message file.
+  - int-vs-size_t typefix when running combined diff on files
+    over 2GB long.
+  - 'git apply --whitespace=strip' should not touch unmodified
+    lines.
+  - 'git-mailinfo' choke when a logical header line was too long.
+  - 'git show A..B' did not error out.  Negative ref ("not A" in
+    this example) does not make sense for the purpose of the
+    command, so now it errors out.
+  - 'git fmt-merge-msg --file' without file parameter did not
+    correctly error out.
+  - 'git archimport' barfed upon encountering a commit without
+    summary.
+  - 'git index-pack' did not protect itself from getting a short
+    read out of pread(2).
+  - 'git http-push' had a few buffer overruns.
+  - Build dependency fixes to rebuild fetch.o when other headers
+    change.
+* Documentation updates
+  - user-manual updates.
+  - Options to 'git remote add' were described insufficiently.
+  - Configuration format.suffix was not documented.
+  - Other formatting and spelling fixes.
diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..feefa5d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+GIT v1.5.0.4 Release Notes
+Fixes since v1.5.0.3
+* Bugfixes
+  - git.el does not add duplicate sign-off lines.
+  - git-commit shows the full stat of the resulting commit, not
+    just about the files in the current directory, when run from
+    a subdirectory.
+  - "git-checkout -m '@{8 hours ago}'" had a funny failure from
+    eval; fixed.
+  - git-gui updates.
+* Documentation updates
+* User manual updates
diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eeec3d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+GIT v1.5.0.5 Release Notes
+Fixes since v1.5.0.3
+* Bugfixes
+  - git-merge (hence git-pull) did not refuse fast-forwarding
+    when the working tree had local changes that would have
+    conflicted with it.
+  - git.el does not add duplicate sign-off lines.
+  - git-commit shows the full stat of the resulting commit, not
+    just about the files in the current directory, when run from
+    a subdirectory.
+  - "git-checkout -m '@{8 hours ago}'" had a funny failure from
+    eval; fixed.
+  - git-gui updates.
+* Documentation updates
+* User manual updates
diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c02015a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+GIT v1.5.0.6 Release Notes
+Fixes since v1.5.0.5
+* Bugfixes
+  - a handful small fixes to gitweb.
+  - build procedure for user-manual is fixed not to require locally
+    installed stylesheets.
+  - "git commit $paths" on paths whose earlier contents were
+    already updated in the index were failing out.
+* Documentation
+  - user-manual has better cross references.
+  - gitweb installation/deployment procedure is now documented.
diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..670ad32
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+GIT v1.5.0.7 Release Notes
+Fixes since v1.5.0.6
+* Bugfixes
+  - git-upload-pack failed to close unused pipe ends, resulting
+    in many zombies to hang around.
+  - git-rerere was recording the contents of earlier hunks
+    duplicated in later hunks.  This prevented resolving the same
+    conflict when performing the same merge the other way around.
+* Documentation
+  - a few documentation fixes from Debian package maintainer.
diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/1.5.0.txt b/Documentation/RelNotes/1.5.0.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d6d42f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/1.5.0.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,469 @@
+GIT v1.5.0 Release Notes
+Old news
+This section is for people who are upgrading from ancient
+versions of git.  Although all of the changes in this section
+happened before the current v1.4.4 release, they are summarized
+here in the v1.5.0 release notes for people who skipped earlier
+As of git v1.5.0 there are some optional features that changes
+the repository to allow data to be stored and transferred more
+efficiently.  These features are not enabled by default, as they
+will make the repository unusable with older versions of git.
+Specifically, the available options are:
+ - There is a configuration variable core.legacyheaders that
+   changes the format of loose objects so that they are more
+   efficient to pack and to send out of the repository over git
+   native protocol, since v1.4.2.  However, loose objects
+   written in the new format cannot be read by git older than
+   that version; people fetching from your repository using
+   older clients over dumb transports (e.g. http) using older
+   versions of git will also be affected.
+   To let git use the new loose object format, you have to
+   set core.legacyheaders to false.
+ - Since v1.4.3, configuration repack.usedeltabaseoffset allows
+   packfile to be created in more space efficient format, which
+   cannot be read by git older than that version.
+   To let git use the new format for packfiles, you have to
+   set repack.usedeltabaseoffset to true.
+The above two new features are not enabled by default and you
+have to explicitly ask for them, because they make repositories
+unreadable by older versions of git, and in v1.5.0 we still do
+not enable them by default for the same reason.  We will change
+this default probably 1 year after 1.4.2's release, when it is
+reasonable to expect everybody to have new enough version of
+ - 'git pack-refs' appeared in v1.4.4; this command allows tags
+   to be accessed much more efficiently than the traditional
+   'one-file-per-tag' format.  Older git-native clients can
+   still fetch from a repository that packed and pruned refs
+   (the server side needs to run the up-to-date version of git),
+   but older dumb transports cannot.  Packing of refs is done by
+   an explicit user action, either by use of "git pack-refs
+   --prune" command or by use of "git gc" command.
+ - 'git -p' to paginate anything -- many commands do pagination
+   by default on a tty.  Introduced between v1.4.1 and v1.4.2;
+   this may surprise old timers.
+ - 'git archive' superseded 'git tar-tree' in v1.4.3;
+ - 'git cvsserver' was new invention in v1.3.0;
+ - 'git repo-config', 'git grep', 'git rebase' and 'gitk' were
+   seriously enhanced during v1.4.0 timeperiod.
+ - 'gitweb' became part of git.git during v1.4.0 timeperiod and
+   seriously modified since then.
+ - reflog is an v1.4.0 invention.  This allows you to name a
+   revision that a branch used to be at (e.g. "git diff
+   master@{yesterday} master" allows you to see changes since
+   yesterday's tip of the branch).
+Updates in v1.5.0 since v1.4.4 series
+* Index manipulation
+ - git-add is to add contents to the index (aka "staging area"
+   for the next commit), whether the file the contents happen to
+   be is an existing one or a newly created one.
+ - git-add without any argument does not add everything
+   anymore.  Use 'git-add .' instead.  Also you can add
+   otherwise ignored files with an -f option.
+ - git-add tries to be more friendly to users by offering an
+   interactive mode ("git-add -i").
+ - git-commit <path> used to refuse to commit if <path> was
+   different between HEAD and the index (i.e. update-index was
+   used on it earlier).  This check was removed.
+ - git-rm is much saner and safer.  It is used to remove paths
+   from both the index file and the working tree, and makes sure
+   you are not losing any local modification before doing so.
+ - git-reset <tree> <paths>... can be used to revert index
+   entries for selected paths.
+ - git-update-index is much less visible.  Many suggestions to
+   use the command in git output and documentation have now been
+   replaced by simpler commands such as "git add" or "git rm".
+* Repository layout and objects transfer
+ - The data for origin repository is stored in the configuration
+   file $GIT_DIR/config, not in $GIT_DIR/remotes/, for newly
+   created clones.  The latter is still supported and there is
+   no need to convert your existing repository if you are
+   already comfortable with your workflow with the layout.
+ - git-clone always uses what is known as "separate remote"
+   layout for a newly created repository with a working tree.
+   A repository with the separate remote layout starts with only
+   one default branch, 'master', to be used for your own
+   development.  Unlike the traditional layout that copied all
+   the upstream branches into your branch namespace (while
+   renaming their 'master' to your 'origin'), the new layout
+   puts upstream branches into local "remote-tracking branches"
+   with their own namespace. These can be referenced with names
+   such as "origin/$upstream_branch_name" and are stored in
+   .git/refs/remotes rather than .git/refs/heads where normal
+   branches are stored.
+   This layout keeps your own branch namespace less cluttered,
+   avoids name collision with your upstream, makes it possible
+   to automatically track new branches created at the remote
+   after you clone from it, and makes it easier to interact with
+   more than one remote repository (you can use "git remote" to
+   add other repositories to track).  There might be some
+   surprises:
+   * 'git branch' does not show the remote tracking branches.
+     It only lists your own branches.  Use '-r' option to view
+     the tracking branches.
+   * If you are forking off of a branch obtained from the
+     upstream, you would have done something like 'git branch
+     my-next next', because traditional layout dropped the
+     tracking branch 'next' into your own branch namespace.
+     With the separate remote layout, you say 'git branch next
+     origin/next', which allows you to use the matching name
+     'next' for your own branch.  It also allows you to track a
+     remote other than 'origin' (i.e. where you initially cloned
+     from) and fork off of a branch from there the same way
+     (e.g. "git branch mingw j6t/master").
+   Repositories initialized with the traditional layout continue
+   to work.
+ - New branches that appear on the origin side after a clone is
+   made are also tracked automatically.  This is done with an
+   wildcard refspec "refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*", which
+   older git does not understand, so if you clone with 1.5.0,
+   you would need to downgrade remote.*.fetch in the
+   configuration file to specify each branch you are interested
+   in individually if you plan to fetch into the repository with
+   older versions of git (but why would you?).
+ - Similarly, wildcard refspec "refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/me/*"
+   can be given to "git-push" command to update the tracking
+   branches that is used to track the repository you are pushing
+   from on the remote side.
+ - git-branch and git-show-branch know remote tracking branches
+   (use the command line switch "-r" to list only tracked branches).
+ - git-push can now be used to delete a remote branch or a tag.
+   This requires the updated git on the remote side (use "git
+   push <remote> :refs/heads/<branch>" to delete "branch").
+ - git-push more aggressively keeps the transferred objects
+   packed.  Earlier we recommended to monitor amount of loose
+   objects and repack regularly, but you should repack when you
+   accumulated too many small packs this way as well.  Updated
+   git-count-objects helps you with this.
+ - git-fetch also more aggressively keeps the transferred objects
+   packed.  This behavior of git-push and git-fetch can be
+   tweaked with a single configuration transfer.unpacklimit (but
+   usually there should not be any need for a user to tweak it).
+ - A new command, git-remote, can help you manage your remote
+   tracking branch definitions.
+ - You may need to specify explicit paths for upload-pack and/or
+   receive-pack due to your ssh daemon configuration on the
+   other end.  This can now be done via remote.*.uploadpack and
+   remote.*.receivepack configuration.
+* Bare repositories
+ - Certain commands change their behavior in a bare repository
+   (i.e. a repository without associated working tree).  We use
+   a fairly conservative heuristic (if $GIT_DIR is ".git", or
+   ends with "/.git", the repository is not bare) to decide if a
+   repository is bare, but "core.bare" configuration variable
+   can be used to override the heuristic when it misidentifies
+   your repository.
+ - git-fetch used to complain updating the current branch but
+   this is now allowed for a bare repository.  So is the use of
+   'git-branch -f' to update the current branch.
+ - Porcelain-ish commands that require a working tree refuses to
+   work in a bare repository.
+* Reflog
+ - Reflog records the history from the view point of the local
+   repository. In other words, regardless of the real history,
+   the reflog shows the history as seen by one particular
+   repository (this enables you to ask "what was the current
+   revision in _this_ repository, yesterday at 1pm?").  This
+   facility is enabled by default for repositories with working
+   trees, and can be accessed with the "branch@{time}" and
+   "branch@{Nth}" notation.
+ - "git show-branch" learned showing the reflog data with the
+   new -g option.  "git log" has -g option to view reflog
+   entries in a more verbose manner.
+ - git-branch knows how to rename branches and moves existing
+   reflog data from the old branch to the new one.
+ - In addition to the reflog support in v1.4.4 series, HEAD
+   reference maintains its own log.  "HEAD@{5.minutes.ago}"
+   means the commit you were at 5 minutes ago, which takes
+   branch switching into account.  If you want to know where the
+   tip of your current branch was at 5 minutes ago, you need to
+   explicitly say its name (e.g. "master@{5.minutes.ago}") or
+   omit the refname altogether i.e. "@{5.minutes.ago}".
+ - The commits referred to by reflog entries are now protected
+   against pruning.  The new command "git reflog expire" can be
+   used to truncate older reflog entries and entries that refer
+   to commits that have been pruned away previously with older
+   versions of git.
+   Existing repositories that have been using reflog may get
+   complaints from fsck-objects and may not be able to run
+   git-repack, if you had run git-prune from older git; please
+   run "git reflog expire --stale-fix --all" first to remove
+   reflog entries that refer to commits that are no longer in
+   the repository when that happens.
+* Cruft removal
+ - We used to say "old commits are retrievable using reflog and
+   'master@{yesterday}' syntax as long as you haven't run
+   git-prune".  We no longer have to say the latter half of the
+   above sentence, as git-prune does not remove things reachable
+   from reflog entries.
+ - There is a toplevel garbage collector script, 'git-gc', that
+   runs periodic cleanup functions, including 'git-repack -a -d',
+   'git-reflog expire', 'git-pack-refs --prune', and 'git-rerere
+   gc'.
+ - The output from fsck ("fsck-objects" is called just "fsck"
+   now, but the old name continues to work) was needlessly
+   alarming in that it warned missing objects that are reachable
+   only from dangling objects.  This has been corrected and the
+   output is much more useful.
+* Detached HEAD
+ - You can use 'git-checkout' to check out an arbitrary revision
+   or a tag as well, instead of named branches.  This will
+   dissociate your HEAD from the branch you are currently on.
+   A typical use of this feature is to "look around".  E.g.
+	$ git checkout v2.6.16
+	... compile, test, etc.
+	$ git checkout v2.6.17
+	... compile, test, etc.
+ - After detaching your HEAD, you can go back to an existing
+   branch with usual "git checkout $branch".  Also you can
+   start a new branch using "git checkout -b $newbranch" to
+   start a new branch at that commit.
+ - You can even pull from other repositories, make merges and
+   commits while your HEAD is detached.  Also you can use "git
+   reset" to jump to arbitrary commit, while still keeping your
+   HEAD detached.
+   Remember that a detached state is volatile, i.e. it will be forgotten
+   as soon as you move away from it with the checkout or reset command,
+   unless a branch is created from it as mentioned above.  It is also
+   possible to rescue a lost detached state from the HEAD reflog.
+* Packed refs
+ - Repositories with hundreds of tags have been paying large
+   overhead, both in storage and in runtime, due to the
+   traditional one-ref-per-file format.  A new command,
+   git-pack-refs, can be used to "pack" them in more efficient
+   representation (you can let git-gc do this for you).
+ - Clones and fetches over dumb transports are now aware of
+   packed refs and can download from repositories that use
+   them.
+* Configuration
+ - configuration related to color setting are consolidated under
+   color.* namespace (older diff.color.*, status.color.* are
+   still supported).
+ - 'git-repo-config' command is accessible as 'git-config' now.
+* Updated features
+ - git-describe uses better criteria to pick a base ref.  It
+   used to pick the one with the newest timestamp, but now it
+   picks the one that is topologically the closest (that is,
+   among ancestors of commit C, the ref T that has the shortest
+   output from "git-rev-list T..C" is chosen).
+ - git-describe gives the number of commits since the base ref
+   between the refname and the hash suffix.  E.g. the commit one
+   before v2.6.20-rc6 in the kernel repository is:
+	v2.6.20-rc5-306-ga21b069
+   which tells you that its object name begins with a21b069,
+   v2.6.20-rc5 is an ancestor of it (meaning, the commit
+   contains everything -rc5 has), and there are 306 commits
+   since v2.6.20-rc5.
+ - git-describe with --abbrev=0 can be used to show only the
+   name of the base ref.
+ - git-blame learned a new option, --incremental, that tells it
+   to output the blames as they are assigned.  A sample script
+   to use it is also included as contrib/blameview.
+ - git-blame starts annotating from the working tree by default.
+* Less external dependency
+ - We no longer require the "merge" program from the RCS suite.
+   All 3-way file-level merges are now done internally.
+ - The original implementation of git-merge-recursive which was
+   in Python has been removed; we have a C implementation of it
+   now.
+ - git-shortlog is no longer a Perl script.  It no longer
+   requires output piped from git-log; it can accept revision
+   parameters directly on the command line.
+* I18n
+ - We have always encouraged the commit message to be encoded in
+   UTF-8, but the users are allowed to use legacy encoding as
+   appropriate for their projects.  This will continue to be the
+   case.  However, a non UTF-8 commit encoding _must_ be
+   explicitly set with i18n.commitencoding in the repository
+   where a commit is made; otherwise git-commit-tree will
+   complain if the log message does not look like a valid UTF-8
+   string.
+ - The value of i18n.commitencoding in the originating
+   repository is recorded in the commit object on the "encoding"
+   header, if it is not UTF-8.  git-log and friends notice this,
+   and re-encodes the message to the log output encoding when
+   displaying, if they are different.  The log output encoding
+   is determined by "git log --encoding=<encoding>",
+   i18n.logoutputencoding configuration, or i18n.commitencoding
+   configuration, in the decreasing order of preference, and
+   defaults to UTF-8.
+ - Tools for e-mailed patch application now default to -u
+   behavior; i.e. it always re-codes from the e-mailed encoding
+   to the encoding specified with i18n.commitencoding.  This
+   unfortunately forces projects that have happily been using a
+   legacy encoding without setting i18n.commitencoding to set
+   the configuration, but taken with other improvement, please
+   excuse us for this very minor one-time inconvenience.
+* e-mailed patches
+ - See the above I18n section.
+ - git-format-patch now enables --binary without being asked.
+   git-am does _not_ default to it, as sending binary patch via
+   e-mail is unusual and is harder to review than textual
+   patches and it is prudent to require the person who is
+   applying the patch to explicitly ask for it.
+ - The default suffix for git-format-patch output is now ".patch",
+   not ".txt".  This can be changed with --suffix=.txt option,
+   or setting the config variable "format.suffix" to ".txt".
+* Foreign SCM interfaces
+ - git-svn now requires the Perl SVN:: libraries, the
+   command-line backend was too slow and limited.
+ - the 'commit' subcommand of git-svn has been renamed to
+   'set-tree', and 'dcommit' is the recommended replacement for
+   day-to-day work.
+ - git fast-import backend.
+* User support
+ - Quite a lot of documentation updates.
+ - Bash completion scripts have been updated heavily.
+ - Better error messages for often used Porcelainish commands.
+ - Git GUI.  This is a simple Tk based graphical interface for
+   common Git operations.
+* Sliding mmap
+ - We used to assume that we can mmap the whole packfile while
+   in use, but with a large project this consumes huge virtual
+   memory space and truly huge ones would not fit in the
+   userland address space on 32-bit platforms.  We now mmap huge
+   packfile in pieces to avoid this problem.
+* Shallow clones
+ - There is a partial support for 'shallow' repositories that
+   keeps only recent history.  A 'shallow clone' is created by
+   specifying how deep that truncated history should be
+   (e.g. "git clone --depth 5 git://some.where/repo.git").
+   Currently a shallow repository has number of limitations:
+   - Cloning and fetching _from_ a shallow clone are not
+     supported (nor tested -- so they might work by accident but
+     they are not expected to).
+   - Pushing from nor into a shallow clone are not expected to
+     work.
+   - Merging inside a shallow repository would work as long as a
+     merge base is found in the recent history, but otherwise it
+     will be like merging unrelated histories and may result in
+     huge conflicts.
+   but this would be more than adequate for people who want to
+   look at near the tip of a big project with a deep history and
+   send patches in e-mail format.
diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9147121
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+GIT v1.5.1.1 Release Notes
+Fixes since v1.5.1
+* Documentation updates
+  - The --left-right option of rev-list and friends is documented.
+  - The documentation for cvsimport has been majorly improved.
+  - "git-show-ref --exclude-existing" was documented.
+* Bugfixes
+  - The implementation of -p option in "git cvsexportcommit" had
+    the meaning of -C (context reduction) option wrong, and
+    loosened the context requirements when it was told to be
+    strict.
+  - "git cvsserver" did not behave like the real cvsserver when
+    client side removed a file from the working tree without
+    doing anything else on the path.  In such a case, it should
+    restore it from the checked out revision.
+  - "git fsck" issued an alarming error message on detached
+    HEAD.  It is not an error since at least 1.5.0.
+  - "git send-email" produced of References header of unbounded length;
+    fixed this with line-folding.
+  - "git archive" to download from remote site should not
+    require you to be in a git repository, but it incorrectly
+    did.
+  - "git apply" ignored -p<n> for "diff --git" formatted
+    patches.
+  - "git rerere" recorded a conflict that had one side empty
+    (the other side adds) incorrectly; this made merging in the
+    other direction fail to use previously recorded resolution.
+  - t4200 test was broken where "wc -l" pads its output with
+    spaces.
+  - "git branch -m old new" to rename branch did not work
+    without a configuration file in ".git/config".
+  - The sample hook for notification e-mail was misnamed.
+  - gitweb did not show type-changing patch correctly in the
+    blobdiff view.
+  - git-svn did not error out with incorrect command line options.
+  - git-svn fell into an infinite loop when insanely long commit
+    message was found.
+  - git-svn dcommit and rebase was confused by patches that were
+    merged from another branch that is managed by git-svn.
+  - git-svn used to get confused when globbing remote branch/tag
+    spec (e.g. "branches = proj/branches/*:refs/remotes/origin/*")
+    is used and there was a plain file that matched the glob.
diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d884563
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+GIT v1.5.1.2 Release Notes
+Fixes since v1.5.1.1
+* Bugfixes
+  - "git clone" over http from a repository that has lost the
+    loose refs by running "git pack-refs" were broken (a code to
+    deal with this was added to "git fetch" in v1.5.0, but it
+    was missing from "git clone").
+  - "git diff a/ b/" incorrectly fell in "diff between two
+    filesystem objects" codepath, when the user most likely
+    wanted to limit the extent of output to two tracked
+    directories.
+  - git-quiltimport had the same bug as we fixed for
+    git-applymbox in v1.5.1.1 -- it gave an alarming "did not
+    have any patch" message (but did not actually fail and was
+    harmless).
+  - various git-svn fixes.
+  - Sample update hook incorrectly always refused requests to
+    delete branches through push.
+  - git-blame on a very long working tree path had buffer
+    overrun problem.
+  - git-apply did not like to be fed two patches in a row that created
+    and then modified the same file.
+  - git-svn was confused when a non-project was stored directly under
+    trunk/, branches/ and tags/.
+  - git-svn wants the module that was at least as new
+    as what we ship as part of git; install ours in our private
+    installation location if the one on the system is older.
+  - An earlier update to command line integer parameter parser was
+    botched and made 'update-index --cacheinfo' completely useless.
+* Documentation updates
+  - Various documentation updates from J. Bruce Fields, Frank
+    Lichtenheld, Alex Riesen and others.  Andrew Ruder started a
+    war on undocumented options.
diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..876408b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+GIT v1.5.1.3 Release Notes
+Fixes since v1.5.1.2
+* Bugfixes
+  - git-add tried to optimize by finding common leading
+    directories across its arguments but botched, causing very
+    confused behaviour.
+  - unofficial rpm.spec file shipped with git was letting
+    ETC_GITCONFIG set to /usr/etc/gitconfig.  Tweak the official
+    Makefile to make it harder for distro people to make the
+    same mistake, by setting the variable to /etc/gitconfig if
+    prefix is set to /usr.
+  - git-svn inconsistently stripped away username from the URL
+    only when svnsync_props was in use.
+  - git-svn got confused when handling symlinks on Mac OS.
+  - git-send-email was not quoting recipient names that have
+    period '.' in them.  Also it did not allow overriding
+    envelope sender, which made it impossible to send patches to
+    certain subscriber-only lists.
+  - built-in write_tree() routine had a sequence that renamed a
+    file that is still open, which some systems did not like.
+  - when memory is very tight, sliding mmap code to read
+    packfiles incorrectly closed the fd that was still being
+    used to read the pack.
+  - import-tars contributed front-end for fastimport was passing
+    wrong directory modes without checking.
+  - git-fastimport trusted its input too much and allowed to
+    create corrupt tree objects with entries without a name.
+  - git-fetch needlessly barfed when too long reflog action
+    description was given by the caller.
+Also contains various documentation updates.
diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..df2f66c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+GIT v1.5.1.4 Release Notes
+Fixes since v1.5.1.3
+* Bugfixes
+  - "git-http-fetch" did not work around a bug in libcurl
+    earlier than 7.16 (curl_multi_remove_handle() was broken).
+  - "git cvsserver" handles a file that was once removed and
+    then added again correctly.
+  - import-tars script (in contrib/) handles GNU tar archives
+    that contain pathnames longer than 100 bytes (long-link
+    extension) correctly.
+  - xdelta test program did not build correctly.
+  - gitweb sometimes tried incorrectly to apply function to
+    decode utf8 twice, resulting in corrupt output.
+  - "git blame -C" mishandled text at the end of a group of
+    lines.
+  - "git log/rev-list --boundary" did not produce output
+    correctly without --left-right option.
+  - Many documentation updates.
diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b0ab8eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+GIT v1.5.1.5 Release Notes
+Fixes since v1.5.1.4
+* Bugfixes
+  - git-send-email did not understand aliases file for mutt, which
+    allows leading whitespaces.
+  - git-format-patch emitted Content-Type and Content-Transfer-Encoding
+    headers for non ASCII contents, but failed to add MIME-Version.
+  - git-name-rev had a buffer overrun with a deep history.
+  - contributed script import-tars did not get the directory in
+    tar archives interpreted correctly.
+  - git-svn was reported to segfault for many people on list and
+    #git; hopefully this has been fixed.
+  - "git-svn clone" does not try to minimize the URL
+    (i.e. connect to higher level hierarchy) by default, as this
+    can prevent clone to fail if only part of the repository
+    (e.g. 'trunk') is open to public.
+  - "git checkout branch^0" did not detach the head when you are
+    already on 'branch'; backported the fix from the 'master'.
+  - "git-config section.var" did not correctly work when
+    existing configuration file had both [section] and [section "name"]
+    next to each other.
+  - "git clone ../other-directory" was fooled if the current
+    directory $PWD points at is a symbolic link.
+  - (build) tree_entry_extract() function was both static inline
+    and extern, which caused trouble compiling with Forte12
+    compilers on Sun.
+  - Many many documentation fixes and updates.
diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..55f3ac1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+GIT v1.5.1.6 Release Notes
+Fixes since v1.5.1.4
+* Bugfixes
+  - git-send-email did not understand aliases file for mutt, which
+    allows leading whitespaces.
+  - git-format-patch emitted Content-Type and Content-Transfer-Encoding
+    headers for non ASCII contents, but failed to add MIME-Version.
+  - git-name-rev had a buffer overrun with a deep history.
+  - contributed script import-tars did not get the directory in
+    tar archives interpreted correctly.
+  - git-svn was reported to segfault for many people on list and
+    #git; hopefully this has been fixed.
+  - git-svn also had a bug to crash svnserve by sending a bad
+    sequence of requests.
+  - "git-svn clone" does not try to minimize the URL
+    (i.e. connect to higher level hierarchy) by default, as this
+    can prevent clone to fail if only part of the repository
+    (e.g. 'trunk') is open to public.
+  - "git checkout branch^0" did not detach the head when you are
+    already on 'branch'; backported the fix from the 'master'.
+  - "git-config section.var" did not correctly work when
+    existing configuration file had both [section] and [section "name"]
+    next to each other.
+  - "git clone ../other-directory" was fooled if the current
+    directory $PWD points at is a symbolic link.
+  - (build) tree_entry_extract() function was both static inline
+    and extern, which caused trouble compiling with Forte12
+    compilers on Sun.
+  - Many many documentation fixes and updates.
diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/1.5.1.txt b/Documentation/RelNotes/1.5.1.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..daed367
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/1.5.1.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,371 @@
+GIT v1.5.1 Release Notes
+Updates since v1.5.0
+* Deprecated commands and options.
+  - git-diff-stages and git-resolve have been removed.
+* New commands and options.
+  - "git log" and friends take --reverse, which instructs them
+    to give their output in the order opposite from their usual.
+    They typically output from new to old, but with this option
+    their output would read from old to new.  "git shortlog"
+    usually lists older commits first, but with this option,
+    they are shown from new to old.
+  - "git log --pretty=format:<string>" to allow more flexible
+    custom log output.
+  - "git diff" learned --ignore-space-at-eol.  This is a weaker
+    form of --ignore-space-change.
+  - "git diff --no-index pathA pathB" can be used as diff
+    replacement with git specific enhancements.
+  - "git diff --no-index" can read from '-' (standard input).
+  - "git diff" also learned --exit-code to exit with non-zero
+    status when it found differences.  In the future we might
+    want to make this the default but that would be a rather big
+    backward incompatible change; it will stay as an option for
+    now.
+  - "git diff --quiet" is --exit-code with output turned off,
+    meant for scripted use to quickly determine if there is any
+    tree-level difference.
+  - Textual patch generation with "git diff" without -w/-b
+    option has been significantly optimized.  "git blame" got
+    faster because of the same change.
+  - "git log" and "git rev-list" has been optimized
+    significantly when they are used with pathspecs.
+  - "git branch --track" can be used to set up configuration
+    variables to help it easier to base your work on branches
+    you track from a remote site.
+  - "git format-patch --attach" now emits attachments.  Use
+    --inline to get an inlined multipart/mixed.
+  - "git name-rev" learned --refs=<pattern>, to limit the tags
+    used for naming the given revisions only to the ones
+    matching the given pattern.
+  - "git remote update" is to run "git fetch" for defined remotes
+    to update tracking branches.
+  - "git cvsimport" can now take '-d' to talk with a CVS
+    repository different from what are recorded in CVS/Root
+    (overriding it with environment CVSROOT does not work).
+  - "git bundle" can help sneaker-netting your changes between
+    repositories.
+  - "git mergetool" can help 3-way file-level conflict
+    resolution with your favorite graphical merge tools.
+  - A new configuration "core.symlinks" can be used to disable
+    symlinks on filesystems that do not support them; they are
+    checked out as regular files instead.
+  - You can name a commit object with its first line of the
+    message.  The syntax to use is ':/message text'.  E.g.
+    $ git show ":/object name: introduce ':/<oneline prefix>' notation"
+    means the same thing as:
+    $ git show 28a4d940443806412effa246ecc7768a21553ec7
+  - "git bisect" learned a new command "run" that takes a script
+    to run after each revision is checked out to determine if it
+    is good or bad, to automate the bisection process.
+  - "git log" family learned a new traversal option --first-parent,
+    which does what the name suggests.
+* Updated behavior of existing commands.
+  - "git-merge-recursive" used to barf when there are more than
+    one common ancestors for the merge, and merging them had a
+    rename/rename conflict.  This has been fixed.
+  - "git fsck" does not barf on corrupt loose objects.
+  - "git rm" does not remove newly added files without -f.
+  - "git archimport" allows remapping when coming up with git
+    branch names from arch names.
+  - git-svn got almost a rewrite.
+  - core.autocrlf configuration, when set to 'true', makes git
+    to convert CRLF at the end of lines in text files to LF when
+    reading from the filesystem, and convert in reverse when
+    writing to the filesystem.  The variable can be set to
+    'input', in which case the conversion happens only while
+    reading from the filesystem but files are written out with
+    LF at the end of lines.  Currently, which paths to consider
+    'text' (i.e. be subjected to the autocrlf mechanism) is
+    decided purely based on the contents, but the plan is to
+    allow users to explicitly override this heuristic based on
+    paths.
+  - The behavior of 'git-apply', when run in a subdirectory,
+    without --index nor --cached were inconsistent with that of
+    the command with these options.  This was fixed to match the
+    behavior with --index.  A patch that is meant to be applied
+    with -p1 from the toplevel of the project tree can be
+    applied with any custom -p<n> option.  A patch that is not
+    relative to the toplevel needs to be applied with -p<n>
+    option with or without --index (or --cached).
+  - "git diff" outputs a trailing HT when pathnames have embedded
+    SP on +++/--- header lines, in order to help "GNU patch" to
+    parse its output.  "git apply" was already updated to accept
+    this modified output format since ce74618d (Sep 22, 2006).
+  - "git cvsserver" runs hooks/update and honors its exit status.
+  - "git cvsserver" can be told to send everything with -kb.
+  - "git diff --check" also honors the --color output option.
+  - "git name-rev" used to stress the fact that a ref is a tag too
+    much, by saying something like "v1.2.3^0~22".  It now says
+    "v1.2.3~22" in such a case (it still says "v1.2.3^0" if it does
+    not talk about an ancestor of the commit that is tagged, which
+    makes sense).
+  - "git rev-list --boundary" now shows boundary markers for the
+    commits omitted by --max-age and --max-count condition.
+  - The configuration mechanism now reads $(prefix)/etc/gitconfig.
+  - "git apply --verbose" shows what preimage lines were wanted
+    when it couldn't find them.
+  - "git status" in a read-only repository got a bit saner.
+  - "git fetch" (hence "git clone" and "git pull") are less
+    noisy when the output does not go to tty.
+  - "git fetch" between repositories with many refs were slow
+    even when there are not many changes that needed
+    transferring.  This has been sped up by partially rewriting
+    the heaviest parts in C.
+  - "git mailinfo" which splits an e-mail into a patch and the
+    meta-information was rewritten, thanks to Don Zickus.  It
+    handles nested multipart better.  The command was broken for
+    a brief period on 'master' branch since 1.5.0 but the
+    breakage is fixed now.
+  - send-email learned configurable bcc and chain-reply-to.
+  - "git remote show $remote" also talks about branches that
+    would be pushed if you run "git push remote".
+  - Using objects from packs is now seriously optimized by clever
+    use of a cache.  This should be most noticeable in git-log
+    family of commands that involve reading many tree objects.
+    In addition, traversing revisions while filtering changes
+    with pathspecs is made faster by terminating the comparison
+    between the trees as early as possible.
+* Hooks
+  - The part to send out notification e-mails was removed from
+    the sample update hook, as it was not an appropriate place
+    to do so.  The proper place to do this is the new post-receive
+    hook.  An example hook has been added to contrib/hooks/.
+* Others
+  - git-revert, git-gc and git-cherry-pick are now built-ins.
+Fixes since v1.5.0
+These are all in v1.5.0.x series.
+* Documentation updates
+  - Clarifications and corrections to 1.5.0 release notes.
+  - The main documentation did not link to git-remote documentation.
+  - Clarified introductory text of git-rebase documentation.
+  - Converted remaining mentions of update-index on Porcelain
+    documents to git-add/git-rm.
+  - Some i18n.* configuration variables were incorrectly
+    described as core.*; fixed.
+  - added and clarified core.bare, core.legacyheaders configurations.
+  - updated "git-clone --depth" documentation.
+  - user-manual updates.
+  - Options to 'git remote add' were described insufficiently.
+  - Configuration format.suffix was not documented.
+  - Other formatting and spelling fixes.
+  - user-manual has better cross references.
+  - gitweb installation/deployment procedure is now documented.
+* Bugfixes
+  - git-upload-pack closes unused pipe ends; earlier this caused
+    many zombies to hang around.
+  - git-rerere was recording the contents of earlier hunks
+    duplicated in later hunks.  This prevented resolving the same
+    conflict when performing the same merge the other way around.
+  - git-add and git-update-index on a filesystem on which
+    executable bits are unreliable incorrectly reused st_mode
+    bits even when the path changed between symlink and regular
+    file.
+  - git-daemon marks the listening sockets with FD_CLOEXEC so
+    that it won't be leaked into the children.
+  - segfault from git-blame when the mandatory pathname
+    parameter was missing was fixed; usage() message is given
+    instead.
+  - git-rev-list did not read $GIT_DIR/config file, which means
+    that did not honor i18n.logoutputencoding correctly.
+  - Automated merge conflict handling when changes to symbolic
+    links conflicted were completely broken.  The merge-resolve
+    strategy created a regular file with conflict markers in it
+    in place of the symbolic link.  The default strategy,
+    merge-recursive was even more broken.  It removed the path
+    that was pointed at by the symbolic link.  Both of these
+    problems have been fixed.
+  - 'git diff maint master next' did not correctly give combined
+    diff across three trees.
+  - 'git fast-import' portability fix for Solaris.
+  - 'git show-ref --verify' without arguments did not error out
+    but segfaulted.
+  - 'git diff :tracked-file `pwd`/an-untracked-file' gave an extra
+    slashes after a/ and b/.
+  - 'git format-patch' produced too long filenames if the commit
+    message had too long line at the beginning.
+  - Running 'make all' and then without changing anything
+    running 'make install' still rebuilt some files.  This
+    was inconvenient when building as yourself and then
+    installing as root (especially problematic when the source
+    directory is on NFS and root is mapped to nobody).
+  - 'git-rerere' failed to deal with two unconflicted paths that
+    sorted next to each other.
+  - 'git-rerere' attempted to open(2) a symlink and failed if
+    there was a conflict.  Since a conflicting change to a
+    symlink would not benefit from rerere anyway, the command
+    now ignores conflicting changes to symlinks.
+  - 'git-repack' did not like to pass more than 64 arguments
+    internally to underlying 'rev-list' logic, which made it
+    impossible to repack after accumulating many (small) packs
+    in the repository.
+  - 'git-diff' to review the combined diff during a conflicted
+    merge were not reading the working tree version correctly
+    when changes to a symbolic link conflicted.  It should have
+    read the data using readlink(2) but read from the regular
+    file the symbolic link pointed at.
+  - 'git-remote' did not like period in a remote's name.
+  - 'git.el' honors the commit coding system from the configuration.
+  - 'blameview' in contrib/ correctly digs deeper when a line is
+    clicked.
+  - 'http-push' correctly makes sure the remote side has leading
+    path.  Earlier it started in the middle of the path, and
+    incorrectly.
+  - 'git-merge' did not exit with non-zero status when the
+    working tree was dirty and cannot fast forward.  It does
+    now.
+  - 'cvsexportcommit' does not lose yet-to-be-used message file.
+  - int-vs-size_t typefix when running combined diff on files
+    over 2GB long.
+  - 'git apply --whitespace=strip' should not touch unmodified
+    lines.
+  - 'git-mailinfo' choke when a logical header line was too long.
+  - 'git show A..B' did not error out.  Negative ref ("not A" in
+    this example) does not make sense for the purpose of the
+    command, so now it errors out.
+  - 'git fmt-merge-msg --file' without file parameter did not
+    correctly error out.
+  - 'git archimport' barfed upon encountering a commit without
+    summary.
+  - 'git index-pack' did not protect itself from getting a short
+    read out of pread(2).
+  - 'git http-push' had a few buffer overruns.
+  - Build dependency fixes to rebuild fetch.o when other headers
+    change.
+  - git.el does not add duplicate sign-off lines.
+  - git-commit shows the full stat of the resulting commit, not
+    just about the files in the current directory, when run from
+    a subdirectory.
+  - "git-checkout -m '@{8 hours ago}'" had a funny failure from
+    eval; fixed.
+  - git-merge (hence git-pull) did not refuse fast-forwarding
+    when the working tree had local changes that would have
+    conflicted with it.
+  - a handful small fixes to gitweb.
+  - build procedure for user-manual is fixed not to require locally
+    installed stylesheets.
+  - "git commit $paths" on paths whose earlier contents were
+    already updated in the index were failing out.
+* Tweaks
+  - sliding mmap() inefficiently mmaped the same region of a
+    packfile with an access pattern that used objects in the
+    reverse order.  This has been made more efficient.
diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d41984d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+GIT v1.5.2.1 Release Notes
+Fixes since v1.5.2
+* Bugfixes
+  - Temporary files that are used when invoking external diff
+    programs did not tolerate a long TMPDIR.
+  - git-daemon did not notice when it could not write into its
+    pid file.
+  - git-status did not honor core.excludesFile configuration like
+    git-add did.
+  - git-annotate did not work from a subdirectory while
+    git-blame did.
+  - git-cvsserver should have disabled access to a repository
+    with "gitcvs.pserver.enabled = false" set even when
+    "gitcvs.enabled = true" was set at the same time.  It
+    didn't.
+  - git-cvsimport did not work correctly in a repository with
+    its branch heads were packed with pack-refs.
+  - ident unexpansion to squash "$Id: xxx $" that is in the
+    repository copy removed incorrect number of bytes.
+  - git-svn misbehaved when the subversion repository did not
+    provide MD5 checksums for files.
+  - git rebase (and git am) misbehaved on commits that have '\n'
+    (literally backslash and en, not a linefeed) in the title.
+  - code to decode base85 used in binary patches had one error
+    return codepath wrong.
+  - RFC2047 Q encoding output by git-format-patch used '_' for a
+    space, which is not understood by some programs.  It uses =20
+    which is safer.
+  - git-fastimport --import-marks was broken; fixed.
+  - A lot of documentation updates, clarifications and fixes.
diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7bfa341
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+GIT v1.5.2.2 Release Notes
+Fixes since v1.5.2.1
+* Usability fix
+  - git-gui is shipped with its updated blame interface.  It is
+    rumored that the older one was not just unusable but was
+    active health hazard, but this one is actually pretty.
+    Please see for yourself.
+* Bugfixes
+  - "git checkout fubar" was utterly confused when there is a
+    branch fubar and a tag fubar at the same time.  It correctly
+    checks out the branch fubar now.
+  - "git clone /path/foo" to clone a local /path/foo.git
+    repository left an incorrect configuration.
+  - "git send-email" correctly unquotes RFC 2047 quoted names in
+    the patch-email before using their values.
+  - We did not accept number of seconds since epoch older than
+    year 2000 as a valid timestamp.  We now interpret positive
+    integers more than 8 digits as such, which allows us to
+    express timestamps more recent than March 1973.
+  - git-cvsimport did not work when you have GIT_DIR to point
+    your repository at a nonstandard location.
+  - Some systems (notably, Solaris) lack hstrerror() to make
+    h_errno human readable; prepare a replacement
+    implementation.
+  - .gitignore file listed git-core.spec but what we generate is
+    git.spec, and nobody noticed for a long time.
+  - "git-merge-recursive" does not try to run file level merge
+    on binary files.
+  - "git-branch --track" did not create tracking configuration
+    correctly when the branch name had slash in it.
+  - The email address of the user specified with
+    configuration was overridden by EMAIL environment variable.
+  - The tree parser did not warn about tree entries with
+    nonsense file modes, and assumed they must be blobs.
+  - "git log -z" without any other request to generate diff still
+    invoked the diff machinery, wasting cycles.
+* Documentation
+  - Many updates to fix stale or missing documentation.
+  - Although our documentation was primarily meant to be formatted
+    with AsciiDoc7, formatting with AsciiDoc8 is supported better.
diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..addb229
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+GIT v1.5.2.3 Release Notes
+Fixes since v1.5.2.2
+ * Bugfixes
+   - Version 2 pack index format was introduced in version 1.5.2
+     to support pack files that has offset that cannot be
+     represented in 32-bit.  The runtime code to validate such
+     an index mishandled such an index for an empty pack.
+   - Commit walkers (most notably, fetch over http protocol)
+     tried to traverse commit objects contained in trees (aka
+     subproject); they shouldn't.
+   - A build option NO_R_TO_GCC_LINKER was not explained in Makefile
+     comment correctly.
+ * Documentation Fixes and Updates
+   - git-config --regexp was not documented properly.
+   - git-repack -a was not documented properly.
+   - git-remote -n was not documented properly.
diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..75cff47
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+GIT v1.5.2.4 Release Notes
+Fixes since v1.5.2.3
+ * Bugfixes
+   - "git-gui" bugfixes, including a handful fixes to run it
+     better on Cygwin/MSYS.
+   - "git checkout" failed to switch back and forth between
+     branches, one of which has "frotz -> xyzzy" symlink and
+     file "xyzzy/filfre", while the other one has a file
+     "frotz/filfre".
+   - "git prune" used to segfault upon seeing a commit that is
+     referred to by a tree object (aka "subproject").
+   - "git diff --name-status --no-index" mishandled an added file.
+   - "git apply --reverse --whitespace=warn" still complained
+     about whitespaces that a forward application would have
+     introduced.
+ * Documentation Fixes and Updates
+   - A handful documentation updates.
diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e8281c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+GIT v1.5.2.5 Release Notes
+Fixes since v1.5.2.4
+ * Bugfixes
+   - "git add -u" had a serious data corruption problem in one
+     special case (when the changes to a subdirectory's files
+     consist only deletion of files).
+   - "git add -u <path>" did not work from a subdirectory.
+   - "git apply" left an empty directory after all its files are
+     renamed away.
+   - "git $anycmd foo/bar", when there is a file 'foo' in the
+     working tree, complained that "git $anycmd foo/bar --" form
+     should be used to disambiguate between revs and files,
+     which was completely bogus.
+   - "git checkout-index" and other commands that checks out
+     files to the work tree tried unlink(2) on directories,
+     which is a sane thing to do on sane systems, but not on
+     Solaris when you are root.
+ * Documentation Fixes and Updates
+   - A handful documentation fixes.
diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/1.5.2.txt b/Documentation/RelNotes/1.5.2.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e8328d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/1.5.2.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
+GIT v1.5.2 Release Notes
+Updates since v1.5.1
+* Plumbing level superproject support.
+  You can include a subdirectory that has an independent git
+  repository in your index and tree objects of your project
+  ("superproject").  This plumbing (i.e. "core") level
+  superproject support explicitly excludes recursive behaviour.
+  The "subproject" entries in the index and trees of a superproject
+  are incompatible with older versions of git.  Experimenting with
+  the plumbing level support is encouraged, but be warned that
+  unless everybody in your project updates to this release or
+  later, using this feature would make your project
+  inaccessible by people with older versions of git.
+* Plumbing level gitattributes support.
+  The gitattributes mechanism allows you to add 'attributes' to
+  paths in your project, and affect the way certain git
+  operations work.  Currently you can influence if a path is
+  considered a binary or text (the former would be treated by
+  'git diff' not to produce textual output; the latter can go
+  through the line endings conversion process in repositories
+  with core.autocrlf set), expand and unexpand '$Id$' keyword
+  with blob object name, specify a custom 3-way merge driver,
+  and specify a custom diff driver.  You can also apply
+  arbitrary filter to contents on check-in/check-out codepath
+  but this feature is an extremely sharp-edged razor and needs
+  to be handled with caution (do not use it unless you
+  understand the earlier mailing list discussion on keyword
+  expansion).  These conversions apply when checking files in
+  or out, and exporting via git-archive.
+* The packfile format now optionally supports 64-bit index.
+  This release supports the "version 2" format of the .idx
+  file.  This is automatically enabled when a huge packfile
+  needs more than 32-bit to express offsets of objects in the
+  pack.
+* Comes with an updated git-gui 0.7.1
+* Updated gitweb:
+  - can show combined diff for merges;
+  - uses font size of user's preference, not hardcoded in pixels;
+  - can now 'grep';
+* New commands and options.
+  - "git bisect start" can optionally take a single bad commit and
+    zero or more good commits on the command line.
+  - "git shortlog" can optionally be told to wrap its output.
+  - "subtree" merge strategy allows another project to be merged in as
+    your subdirectory.
+  - "git format-patch" learned a new --subject-prefix=<string>
+    option, to override the built-in "[PATCH]".
+  - "git add -u" is a quick way to do the first stage of "git
+    commit -a" (i.e. update the index to match the working
+    tree); it obviously does not make a commit.
+  - "git clean" honors a new configuration, "clean.requireforce".  When
+    set to true, this makes "git clean" a no-op, preventing you
+    from losing files by typing "git clean" when you meant to
+    say "make clean".  You can still say "git clean -f" to
+    override this.
+  - "git log" family of commands learned --date={local,relative,default}
+    option.  --date=relative is synonym to the --relative-date.
+    --date=local gives the timestamp in local timezone.
+* Updated behavior of existing commands.
+    but $EMAIL is set, the latter is used as a substitute.
+  - "git diff --stat" shows size of preimage and postimage blobs
+    for binary contents.  Earlier it only said "Bin".
+  - "git lost-found" shows stuff that are unreachable except
+    from reflogs.
+  - "git checkout branch^0" now detaches HEAD at the tip commit
+    on the named branch, instead of just switching to the
+    branch (use "git checkout branch" to switch to the branch,
+    as before).
+  - "git bisect next" can be used after giving only a bad commit
+    without giving a good one (this starts bisection half-way to
+    the root commit).  We used to refuse to operate without a
+    good and a bad commit.
+  - "git push", when pushing into more than one repository, does
+    not stop at the first error.
+  - "git archive" does not insist you to give --format parameter
+    anymore; it defaults to "tar".
+  - "git cvsserver" can use backends other than sqlite.
+  - "gitview" (in contrib/ section) learned to better support
+    "git-annotate".
+  - "git diff $commit1:$path2 $commit2:$path2" can now report
+    mode changes between the two blobs.
+  - Local "git fetch" from a repository whose object store is
+    one of the alternates (e.g. fetching from the origin in a
+    repository created with "git clone -l -s") avoids
+    downloading objects unnecessarily.
+  - "git blame" uses .mailmap to canonicalize the author name
+    just like "git shortlog" does.
+  - "git pack-objects" pays attention to pack.depth
+    configuration variable.
+  - "git cherry-pick" and "git revert" does not use .msg file in
+    the working tree to prepare commit message; instead it uses
+    $GIT_DIR/MERGE_MSG as other commands do.
+* Builds
+  - git-p4import has never been installed; now there is an
+    installation option to do so.
+  - gitk and git-gui can be configured out.
+  - Generated documentation pages automatically get version
+    information from GIT_VERSION.
+  - Parallel build with "make -j" descending into subdirectory
+    was fixed.
+* Performance Tweaks
+  - Optimized "git-rev-list --bisect" (hence "git-bisect").
+  - Optimized "git-add $path" in a large directory, most of
+    whose contents are ignored.
+  - Optimized "git-diff-tree" for reduced memory footprint.
+  - The recursive merge strategy updated a worktree file that
+    was changed identically in two branches, when one of them
+    renamed it.  We do not do that when there is no rename, so
+    match that behaviour.  This avoids excessive rebuilds.
+  - The default pack depth has been increased to 50, as the
+    recent addition of delta_base_cache makes deeper delta chains
+    much less expensive to access.  Depending on the project, it was
+    reported that this reduces the resulting pack file by 10%
+    or so.
+Fixes since v1.5.1
+All of the fixes in v1.5.1 maintenance series are included in
+this release, unless otherwise noted.
+* Bugfixes
+  - Switching branches with "git checkout" refused to work when
+    a path changes from a file to a directory between the
+    current branch and the new branch, in order not to lose
+    possible local changes in the directory that is being turned
+    into a file with the switch.  We now allow such a branch
+    switch after making sure that there is no locally modified
+    file nor un-ignored file in the directory.  This has not
+    been backported to 1.5.1.x series, as it is rather an
+    intrusive change.
+  - Merging branches that have a file in one and a directory in
+    another at the same path used to get quite confused.  We
+    handle such a case a bit more carefully, even though that is
+    still left as a conflict for the user to sort out.  This
+    will not be backported to 1.5.1.x series, as it is rather an
+    intrusive change.
+  - git-fetch had trouble with a remote with insanely large number
+    of refs.
+  - "git clean -d -X" now does not remove non-excluded directories.
+  - rebasing (without -m) a series that changes a symlink to a directory
+    in the middle of a path confused git-apply greatly and refused to
+    operate.
diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7ff546c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+GIT v1.5.3.1 Release Notes
+Fixes since v1.5.3
+This is solely to fix the generated RPM's dependencies.  We used
+to have git-p4 package but we do not anymore.  As suggested on
+the mailing list, this release makes git-core "Obsolete" git-p4,
+so that yum update would not complain.
diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4bbde3c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+GIT v1.5.3.2 Release Notes
+Fixes since v1.5.3.1
+ * git-push sent thin packs by default, which was not good for
+   the public distribution server (no point in saving transfer
+   while pushing; no point in making the resulting pack less
+   optimum).
+ * git-svn sometimes terminated with "Malformed network data" when
+   talking over svn:// protocol.
+ * git-send-email re-issued the same message-id about 10% of the
+   time if you fired off 30 messages within a single second.
+ * git-stash was not terminating the log message of commits it
+   internally creates with LF.
+ * git-apply failed to check the size of the patch hunk when its
+   beginning part matched the remainder of the preimage exactly,
+   even though the preimage recorded in the hunk was much larger
+   (therefore the patch should not have applied), leading to a
+   segfault.
+ * "git rm foo && git commit foo" complained that 'foo' needs to
+   be added first, instead of committing the removal, which was a
+   nonsense.
+ * git grep -c said "/dev/null: 0".
+ * git-add -u failed to recognize a blob whose type changed
+   between the index and the work tree.
+ * The limit to rename detection has been tightened a lot to
+   reduce performance problems with a huge change.
+ * cvsimport and svnimport barfed when the input tried to move
+   a tag.
+ * "git apply -pN" did not chop the right number of directories.
+ * "git svnimport" did not like SVN tags with funny characters in them.
+ * git-gui 0.8.3, with assorted fixes, including:
+   - font-chooser on X11 was unusable with large number of fonts;
+   - a diff that contained a deleted symlink made it barf;
+   - an untracked symbolic link to a directory made it fart;
+   - a file with % in its name made it vomit;
+Documentation updates
+User manual has been somewhat restructured.  I think the new
+organization is much easier to read.
diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d213846
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+GIT v1.5.3.3 Release Notes
+Fixes since v1.5.3.2
+ * git-quiltimport did not like it when a patch described in the
+   series file does not exist.
+ * p4 importer missed executable bit in some cases.
+ * The default shell on some FreeBSD did not execute the
+   argument parsing code correctly and made git unusable.
+ * git-svn incorrectly spawned pager even when the user
+   explicitly asked not to.
+ * sample post-receive hook overquoted the envelope sender
+   value.
+ * git-am got confused when the patch contained a change that is
+   only about type and not contents.
+ * git-mergetool did not show our and their version of the
+   conflicted file when started from a subdirectory of the
+   project.
+ * git-mergetool did not pass correct options when invoking diff3.
+ * git-log sometimes invoked underlying "diff" machinery
+   unnecessarily.
diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b04b3a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+GIT v1.5.3.4 Release Notes
+Fixes since v1.5.3.3
+ * Change to "git-ls-files" in v1.5.3.3 that was introduced to support
+   partial commit of removal better had a segfaulting bug, which was
+   diagnosed and fixed by Keith and Carl.
+ * Performance improvements for rename detection has been backported
+   from the 'master' branch.
+ * "git-for-each-ref --format='%(numparent)'" was not working
+   correctly at all, and --format='%(parent)' was not working for
+   merge commits.
+ * Sample "post-receive-hook" incorrectly sent out push
+   notification e-mails marked as "From: " the committer of the
+   commit that happened to be at the tip of the branch that was
+   pushed, not from the person who pushed.
+ * "git-remote" did not exit non-zero status upon error.
+ * "git-add -i" did not respond very well to EOF from tty nor
+   bogus input.
+ * "git-rebase -i" squash subcommand incorrectly made the
+   author of later commit the author of resulting commit,
+   instead of taking from the first one in the squashed series.
+ * "git-stash apply --index" was not documented.
+ * autoconfiguration learned that "ar" command is found as "gas" on
+   some systems.
diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7ff1d5d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+GIT v1.5.3.5 Release Notes
+Fixes since v1.5.3.4
+ * Comes with git-gui 0.8.4.
+ * "git-config" silently ignored options after --list; now it will
+   error out with a usage message.
+ * "git-config --file" failed if the argument used a relative path
+   as it changed directories before opening the file.
+ * "git-config --file" now displays a proper error message if it
+   cannot read the file specified on the command line.
+ * "git-config", "git-diff", "git-apply" failed if run from a
+   subdirectory with relative GIT_DIR and GIT_WORK_TREE set.
+ * "git-blame" crashed if run during a merge conflict.
+ * "git-add -i" did not handle single line hunks correctly.
+ * "git-rebase -i" and "git-stash apply" failed if external diff
+   drivers were used for one or more files in a commit.  They now
+   avoid calling the external diff drivers.
+ * "git-log --follow" did not work unless diff generation (e.g. -p)
+   was also requested.
+ * "git-log --follow -B" did not work at all.  Fixed.
+ * "git-log -M -B" did not correctly handle cases of very large files
+   being renamed and replaced by very small files in the same commit.
+ * "git-log" printed extra newlines between commits when a diff
+   was generated internally (e.g. -S or --follow) but not displayed.
+ * "git-push" error message is more helpful when pushing to a
+   repository with no matching refs and none specified.
+ * "git-push" now respects + (force push) on wildcard refspecs,
+   matching the behavior of git-fetch.
+ * "git-filter-branch" now updates the working directory when it
+   has finished filtering the current branch.
+ * "git-instaweb" no longer fails on Mac OS X.
+ * "git-cvsexportcommit" didn't always create new parent directories
+   before trying to create new child directories.  Fixed.
+ * "git-fetch" printed a scary (but bogus) error message while
+   fetching a tag that pointed to a tree or blob.  The error did
+   not impact correctness, only user perception.  The bogus error
+   is no longer printed.
+ * "git-ls-files --ignored" did not properly descend into non-ignored
+   directories that themselves contained ignored files if d_type
+   was not supported by the filesystem.  This bug impacted systems
+   such as AFS.  Fixed.
+ * Git segfaulted when reading an invalid .gitattributes file.  Fixed.
+ * post-receive-email example hook was fixed for non-fast-forward
+   updates.
+ * Documentation updates for supported (but previously undocumented)
+   options of "git-archive" and "git-reflog".
+ * "make clean" no longer deletes the configure script that ships
+   with the git tarball, making multiple architecture builds easier.
+ * "git-remote show origin" spewed a warning message from Perl
+   when no remote is defined for the current branch via
+   branch.<name>.remote configuration settings.
+ * Building with NO_PERL_MAKEMAKER excessively rebuilt contents
+   of perl/ subdirectory by rewriting perl.mak.
+ * http.sslVerify configuration settings were not used in scripted
+   Porcelains.
+ * "git-add" leaked a bit of memory while scanning for files to add.
+ * A few workarounds to squelch false warnings from recent gcc have
+   been added.
+ * "git-send-pack $remote frotz" segfaulted when there is nothing
+   named 'frotz' on the local end.
+ * "git-rebase --interactive" did not handle its "--strategy" option
+   properly.
diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..069a2b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+GIT v1.5.3.6 Release Notes
+Fixes since v1.5.3.5
+ * git-cvsexportcommit handles root commits better.
+ * git-svn dcommit used to clobber when sending a series of
+   patches.
+ * git-svn dcommit failed after attempting to rebase when
+   started with a dirty index; now it stops upfront.
+ * git-grep sometimes refused to work when your index was
+   unmerged.
+ * "git-grep -A1 -B2" acted as if it was told to run "git -A1 -B21".
+ * git-hash-object did not honor configuration variables, such as
+   core.compression.
+ * git-index-pack choked on a huge pack on 32-bit machines, even when
+   large file offsets are supported.
+ * atom feeds from git-web said "10" for the month of November.
+ * a memory leak in commit walker was plugged.
+ * When git-send-email inserted the original author's From:
+   address in body, it did not mark the message with
+   Content-type: as needed.
+ * git-revert and git-cherry-pick incorrectly refused to start
+   when the work tree was dirty.
+ * git-clean did not honor core.excludesfile configuration.
+ * git-add mishandled ".gitignore" files when applying them to
+   subdirectories.
+ * While importing a too branchy history, git-fastimport did not
+   honor delta depth limit properly.
+ * Support for zlib implementations that lack ZLIB_VERNUM and definition
+   of deflateBound() has been added.
+ * Quite a lot of documentation clarifications.
diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2f69061
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+GIT v1.5.3.7 Release Notes
+Fixes since v1.5.3.6
+ * git-send-email added 8-bit contents to the payload without
+   marking it as 8-bit in a CTE header.
+ * "git-bundle create a.bndl HEAD" dereferenced the symref and
+   did not record the ref as 'HEAD'; this prevented a bundle
+   from being used as a normal source of git-clone.
+ * The code to reject nonsense command line of the form
+   "git-commit -a paths..." and "git-commit --interactive
+   paths..." were broken.
+ * Adding a signature that is not ASCII-only to an original
+   commit that is ASCII-only would make the result non-ASCII.
+   "git-format-patch -s" did not mark such a message correctly
+   with MIME encoding header.
+ * git-add sometimes did not mark the resulting index entry
+   stat-clean.  This affected only cases when adding the
+   contents with the same length as the previously staged
+   contents, and the previous staging made the index entry
+   "racily clean".
+ * git-commit did not honor GIT_INDEX_FILE the user had in the
+   environment.
+ * When checking out a revision, git-checkout did not report where the
+   updated HEAD is if you happened to have a file called HEAD in the
+   work tree.
+ * "git-rev-list --objects" mishandled a tree that points at a
+   submodule.
+ * "git cvsimport" was not ready for packed refs that "git gc" can
+   produce and gave incorrect results.
+ * Many scripted Porcelains were confused when you happened to have a
+   file called "HEAD" in your work tree.
+Also it contains updates to the user manual and documentation.
diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0e3ff58
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+GIT v1.5.3.8 Release Notes
+Fixes since v1.5.3.7
+ * Some documentation used "" as an example domain.
+ * git-svn fix to handle funky branch and project names going over
+   http/https correctly.
+ * git-svn fix to tone down a needlessly alarming warning message.
+ * git-clone did not correctly report errors while fetching over http.
+ * git-send-email added redundant Message-Id: header to the outgoing
+   e-mail when the patch text already had one.
+ * a read-beyond-end-of-buffer bug in configuration file updater was fixed.
+ * git-grep used to show the same hit repeatedly for unmerged paths.
+ * After amending the patch title in "git-am -i", the command did not
+   report the patch it applied with the updated title.
diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/1.5.3.txt b/Documentation/RelNotes/1.5.3.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0668d3c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/1.5.3.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,366 @@
+GIT v1.5.3 Release Notes
+Updates since v1.5.2
+* The commit walkers other than http are officially deprecated,
+  but still supported for now.
+* The submodule support has Porcelain layer.
+  Note that the current submodule support is minimal and this is
+  deliberately so.  A design decision we made is that operations
+  at the supermodule level do not recurse into submodules by
+  default.  The expectation is that later we would add a
+  mechanism to tell git which submodules the user is interested
+  in, and this information might be used to determine the
+  recursive behaviour of certain commands (e.g. "git checkout"
+  and "git diff"), but currently we haven't agreed on what that
+  mechanism should look like.  Therefore, if you use submodules,
+  you would probably need "git submodule update" on the
+  submodules you care about after running a "git checkout" at
+  the supermodule level.
+* There are a handful pack-objects changes to help you cope better
+  with repositories with pathologically large blobs in them.
+* For people who need to import from Perforce, a front-end for
+  fast-import is in contrib/fast-import/.
+* Comes with git-gui 0.8.2.
+* Comes with updated gitk.
+* New commands and options.
+  - "git log --date=<format>" can use more formats: iso8601, rfc2822.
+  - The hunk header output from "git diff" family can be customized
+    with the attributes mechanism.  See gitattributes(5) for details.
+  - "git stash" allows you to quickly save away your work in
+    progress and replay it later on an updated state.
+  - "git rebase" learned an "interactive" mode that let you
+    pick and reorder which commits to rebuild.
+  - "git fsck" can save its findings in $GIT_DIR/lost-found, without a
+    separate invocation of "git lost-found" command.  The blobs stored by
+    lost-found are stored in plain format to allow you to grep in them.
+  - $GIT_WORK_TREE environment variable can be used together with
+    $GIT_DIR to work in a subdirectory of a working tree that is
+    not located at "$GIT_DIR/..".
+  - Giving "--file=<file>" option to "git config" is the same as
+    running the command with GIT_CONFIG=<file> environment.
+  - "git log" learned a new option "--follow", to follow
+    renaming history of a single file.
+  - "git filter-branch" lets you rewrite the revision history of
+    specified branches. You can specify a number of filters to
+    modify the commits, files and trees.
+  - "git cvsserver" learned new options (--base-path, --export-all,
+    --strict-paths) inspired by "git daemon".
+  - "git daemon --base-path-relaxed" can help migrating a repository URL
+    that did not use to use --base-path to use --base-path.
+  - "git commit" can use "-t templatefile" option and commit.template
+    configuration variable to prime the commit message given to you in the
+    editor.
+  - "git submodule" command helps you manage the projects from
+    the superproject that contain them.
+  - In addition to core.compression configuration option,
+    core.loosecompression and pack.compression options can
+    independently tweak zlib compression levels used for loose
+    and packed objects.
+  - "git ls-tree -l" shows size of blobs pointed at by the
+    tree entries, similar to "/bin/ls -l".
+  - "git rev-list" learned --regexp-ignore-case and
+    --extended-regexp options to tweak its matching logic used
+    for --grep filtering.
+  - "git describe --contains" is a handier way to call more
+    obscure command "git name-rev --tags".
+  - "git gc --aggressive" tells the command to spend more cycles
+    to optimize the repository harder.
+  - "git repack" learned a "window-memory" limit which
+    dynamically reduces the window size to stay within the
+    specified memory usage.
+  - "git repack" can be told to split resulting packs to avoid
+    exceeding limit specified with "--max-pack-size".
+  - "git fsck" gained --verbose option.  This is really really
+    verbose but it might help you identify exact commit that is
+    corrupt in your repository.
+  - "git format-patch" learned --numbered-files option.  This
+    may be useful for MH users.
+  - "git format-patch" learned format.subjectprefix configuration
+    variable, which serves the same purpose as "--subject-prefix"
+    option.
+  - "git tag -n -l" shows tag annotations while listing tags.
+  - "git cvsimport" can optionally use the separate-remote layout.
+  - "git blame" can be told to see through commits that change
+    whitespaces and indentation levels with "-w" option.
+  - "git send-email" can be told not to thread the messages when
+    sending out more than one patches.
+  - "git send-email" can also be told how to find whom to cc the
+    message to for each message via --cc-cmd.
+  - "git config" learned NUL terminated output format via -z to
+    help scripts.
+  - "git add" learned "--refresh <paths>..." option to selectively refresh
+    the cached stat information.
+  - "git init -q" makes the command quieter.
+  - "git -p command" now has a cousin of opposite sex, "git --no-pager
+    command".
+* Updated behavior of existing commands.
+  - "gitweb" can offer multiple snapshot formats.
+    ***NOTE*** Unfortunately, this changes the format of the
+    $feature{snapshot}{default} entry in the per-site
+    configuration file 'gitweb_config.perl'.  It used to be a
+    three-element tuple that describe a single format; with the
+    new configuration item format, you only have to say the name
+    of the format ('tgz', 'tbz2' or 'zip').  Please update the
+    your configuration file accordingly.
+  - "git clone" uses -l (hardlink files under .git) by default when
+    cloning locally.
+  - URL used for "git clone" and friends can specify nonstandard SSH port
+    by using ssh://host:port/path/to/repo syntax.
+  - "git bundle create" can now create a bundle without negative refs,
+    i.e. "everything since the beginning up to certain points".
+  - "git diff" (but not the plumbing level "git diff-tree") now
+    recursively descends into trees by default.
+  - "git diff" does not show differences that come only from
+    stat-dirtiness in the form of "diff --git" header anymore.
+    It runs "update-index --refresh" silently as needed.
+  - "git tag -l" used to match tags by globbing its parameter as if it
+    has wildcard '*' on both ends, which made "git tag -l gui" to match
+    tag 'gitgui-0.7.0'; this was very annoying.  You now have to add
+    asterisk on the sides you want to wildcard yourself.
+  - The editor to use with many interactive commands can be
+    overridden with GIT_EDITOR environment variable, or if it
+    does not exist, with core.editor configuration variable.  As
+    before, if you have neither, environment variables VISUAL
+    and EDITOR are consulted in this order, and then finally we
+    fall back on "vi".
+  - "git rm --cached" does not complain when removing a newly
+    added file from the index anymore.
+  - Options to "git log" to affect how --grep/--author options look for
+    given strings now have shorter abbreviations.  -i is for ignore case,
+    and -E is for extended regexp.
+  - "git log" learned --log-size to show the number of bytes in
+    the log message part of the output to help qgit.
+  - "git log --name-status" does not require you to give "-r" anymore.
+    As a general rule, Porcelain commands should recurse when showing
+    diff.
+  - "git format-patch --root A" can be used to format everything
+    since the beginning up to A.  This was supported with
+    "git format-patch --root A A" for a long time, but was not
+    properly documented.
+  - "git svn dcommit" retains local merge information.
+  - "git svnimport" allows an empty string to be specified as the
+    trunk/ directory.  This is necessary to suck data from a SVN
+    repository that doe not have trunk/ branches/ and tags/ organization
+    at all.
+  - "git config" to set values also honors type flags like --bool
+    and --int.
+  - core.quotepath configuration can be used to make textual git
+    output to emit most of the characters in the path literally.
+  - "git mergetool" chooses its backend more wisely, taking
+    notice of its environment such as use of X, Gnome/KDE, etc.
+  - "gitweb" shows merge commits a lot nicer than before.  The
+    default view uses more compact --cc format, while the UI
+    allows to choose normal diff with any parent.
+  - snapshot files "gitweb" creates from a repository at
+    $path/$project/.git are more useful.  We use $project part
+    in the filename, which we used to discard.
+  - "git cvsimport" creates lightweight tags; there is no
+    interesting information we can record in an annotated tag,
+    and the handcrafted ones the old code created was not
+    properly formed anyway.
+  - "git push" pretends that you immediately fetched back from
+    the remote by updating corresponding remote tracking
+    branches if you have any.
+  - The diffstat given after a merge (or a pull) honors the
+    color.diff configuration.
+  - "git commit --amend" is now compatible with various message source
+    options such as -m/-C/-c/-F.
+  - "git apply --whitespace=strip" removes blank lines added at
+    the end of the file.
+  - "git fetch" over git native protocols with "-v" option shows
+    connection status, and the IP address of the other end, to
+    help diagnosing problems.
+  - We used to have core.legacyheaders configuration, when
+    set to false, allowed git to write loose objects in a format
+    that mimics the format used by objects stored in packs.  It
+    turns out that this was not so useful.  Although we will
+    continue to read objects written in that format, we do not
+    honor that configuration anymore and create loose objects in
+    the legacy/traditional format.
+  - "--find-copies-harder" option to diff family can now be
+    spelled as "-C -C" for brevity.
+  - "git mailsplit" (hence "git am") can read from Maildir
+    formatted mailboxes.
+  - "git cvsserver" does not barf upon seeing "cvs login"
+    request.
+  - "pack-objects" honors "delta" attribute set in
+    .gitattributes.  It does not attempt to deltify blobs that
+    come from paths with delta attribute set to false.
+  - "new-workdir" script (in contrib) can now be used with a
+    bare repository.
+  - "git mergetool" learned to use gvimdiff.
+  - "gitview" (in contrib) has a better blame interface.
+  - "git log" and friends did not handle a commit log message
+    that is larger than 16kB; they do now.
+  - "--pretty=oneline" output format for "git log" and friends
+    deals with "malformed" commit log messages that have more
+    than one lines in the first paragraph better.  We used to
+    show the first line, cutting the title at mid-sentence; we
+    concatenate them into a single line and treat the result as
+    "oneline".
+  - "git p4import" has been demoted to contrib status.  For
+    a superior option, checkout the "git p4" front end to
+    "git fast-import" (also in contrib).  The man page and p4
+    rpm have been removed as well.
+  - "git mailinfo" (hence "am") now tries to see if the message
+    is in utf-8 first, instead of assuming iso-8859-1, if
+    incoming e-mail does not say what encoding it is in.
+* Builds
+  - old-style function definitions (most notably, a function
+    without parameter defined with "func()", not "func(void)")
+    have been eradicated.
+  - "git tag" and "git verify-tag" have been rewritten in C.
+* Performance Tweaks
+  - "git pack-objects" avoids re-deltification cost by caching
+    small enough delta results it creates while looking for the
+    best delta candidates.
+  - "git pack-objects" learned a new heuristic to prefer delta
+    that is shallower in depth over the smallest delta
+    possible.  This improves both overall packfile access
+    performance and packfile density.
+  - diff-delta code that is used for packing has been improved
+    to work better on big files.
+  - when there are more than one pack files in the repository,
+    the runtime used to try finding an object always from the
+    newest packfile; it now tries the same packfile as we found
+    the object requested the last time, which exploits the
+    locality of references.
+  - verifying pack contents done by "git fsck --full" got boost
+    by carefully choosing the order to verify objects in them.
+  - "git read-tree -m" to read into an already populated index
+    has been optimized vastly.  The effect of this can be seen
+    when switching branches that have differences in only a
+    handful paths.
+  - "git add paths..." and "git commit paths..." has also been
+    heavily optimized.
+Fixes since v1.5.2
+All of the fixes in v1.5.2 maintenance series are included in
+this release, unless otherwise noted.
+* Bugfixes
+  - "gitweb" had trouble handling non UTF-8 text with older
+ Perl module.
+  - "git svn" misparsed the data from the commits in the repository when
+    the user had "color.diff = true" in the configuration.  This has been
+    fixed.
+  - There was a case where "git svn dcommit" clobbered changes made on the
+    SVN side while committing multiple changes.
+  - "git-write-tree" had a bad interaction with racy-git avoidance and
+    gitattributes mechanisms.
+  - "git --bare command" overrode existing GIT_DIR setting and always
+    made it treat the current working directory as GIT_DIR.
+  - "git ls-files --error-unmatch" does not complain if you give the
+    same path pattern twice by mistake.
+  - "git init" autodetected core.filemode but not core.symlinks, which
+    made a new directory created automatically by "git clone" cumbersome
+    to use on filesystems that require these configurations to be set.
+  - "git log" family of commands behaved differently when run as "git
+    log" (no pathspec) and as "git log --" (again, no pathspec).  This
+    inconsistency was introduced somewhere in v1.3.0 series but now has
+    been corrected.
+  - "git rebase -m" incorrectly displayed commits that were skipped.
diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d4e44b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+GIT v1.5.4.1 Release Notes
+Fixes since v1.5.4
+ * "git-commit -C $tag" used to work but rewrite in C done in
+   1.5.4 broke it.
+ * An entry in the .gitattributes file that names a pattern in a
+   subdirectory of the directory it is in did not match
+   correctly (e.g. pattern "b/*.c" in "a/.gitattributes" should
+   match "a/b/foo.c" but it didn't).
+ * Customized color specification was parsed incorrectly when
+   numeric color values are used.  This was fixed in
diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..21d0df5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+GIT v1.5.4.2 Release Notes
+Fixes since v1.5.4
+ * The configuration parser was not prepared to see string
+   valued variables misspelled as boolean and segfaulted.
+ * Temporary files left behind due to interrupted object
+   transfers were not cleaned up with "git prune".
+ * "git config --unset" was confused when the unset variables
+   were spelled with continuation lines in the config file.
+ * The merge message detection in "git cvsimport" did not catch
+   a message that began with "Merge...".
+ * "git status" suggests "git rm --cached" for unstaging the
+   earlier "git add" before the initial commit.
+ * "git status" output was incorrect during a partial commit.
+ * "git bisect" refused to start when the HEAD was detached.
+ * "git bisect" allowed a wildcard character in the commit
+   message expanded while writing its log file.
+ * Manual pages were not formatted correctly with docbook xsl
+   1.72; added a workaround.
+ * "git-commit -C $tag" used to work but rewrite in C done in
+   1.5.4 broke it.  This was fixed in
+ * An entry in the .gitattributes file that names a pattern in a
+   subdirectory of the directory it is in did not match
+   correctly (e.g. pattern "b/*.c" in "a/.gitattributes" should
+   match "a/b/foo.c" but it didn't).  This was fixed in
+ * Customized color specification was parsed incorrectly when
+   numeric color values are used.  This was fixed in
+ * http transport misbehaved when linked with curl-gnutls.
diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b0fc67f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+GIT v1.5.4.3 Release Notes
+Fixes since v1.5.4.2
+ * RPM spec used to pull in everything with 'git'.  This has been
+   changed so that 'git' package contains just the core parts,
+   and we now supply 'git-all' metapackage to slurp in everything.
+   This should match end user's expectation better.
+ * When some refs failed to update, git-push reported "failure"
+   which was unclear if some other refs were updated or all of
+   them failed atomically (the answer is the former).  Reworded
+   the message to clarify this.
+ * "git clone" from a repository whose HEAD was misconfigured
+   did not set up the remote properly.  Now it tries to do
+   better.
+ * Updated git-push documentation to clarify what "matching"
+   means, in order to reduce user confusion.
+ * Updated git-add documentation to clarify "add -u" operates in
+   the current subdirectory you are in, just like other commands.
+ * git-gui updates to work on OSX and Windows better.
diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..323c1a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+GIT v1.5.4.4 Release Notes
+Fixes since v1.5.4.3
+ * Building and installing with an overtight umask such as 077 made
+   installed templates unreadable by others, while the rest of the install
+   are done in a way that is friendly to umask 022.
+ * "git cvsexportcommit -w $cvsdir" misbehaved when GIT_DIR is set to a
+   relative directory.
+ * "git http-push" had an invalid memory access that could lead it to
+   segfault.
+ * When "git rebase -i" gave control back to the user for a commit that is
+   marked to be edited, it just said "modify it with commit --amend",
+   without saying what to do to continue after modifying it.  Give an
+   explicit instruction to run "rebase --continue" to be more helpful.
+ * "git send-email" in issued a bogus empty In-Reply-To: header.
+ * "git bisect" showed mysterious "won't bisect on seeked tree" error message.
+   This was leftover from Cogito days to prevent "bisect" starting from a
+   cg-seeked state.  We still keep the Cogito safety, but running "git bisect
+   start" when another bisect was in effect will clean up and start over.
+ * "git push" with an explicit PATH to receive-pack did not quite work if
+   receive-pack was not on usual PATH.  We earlier fixed the same issue
+   with "git fetch" and upload-pack, but somehow forgot to do so in the
+   other direction.
+ * git-gui's info dialog was not displayed correctly when the user tries
+   to commit nothing (i.e. without staging anything).
+ * "git revert" did not properly fail when attempting to run with a
+   dirty index.
+ * "git merge --no-commit --no-ff <other>" incorrectly made commits.
+ * "git merge --squash --no-ff <other>", which is a nonsense combination
+   of options, was not rejected.
+ * "git ls-remote" and "git remote show" against an empty repository
+   failed, instead of just giving an empty result (regression).
+ * "git fast-import" did not handle a renamed path whose name needs to be
+   quoted, due to a bug in unquote_c_style() function.
+ * "git cvsexportcommit" was confused when multiple files with the same
+   basename needed to be pushed out in the same commit.
+ * "git daemon" did not send early errors to syslog.
+ * "git log --merge" did not work well with --left-right option.
+ * "git svn" prompted for client cert password every time it accessed the
+   server.
+ * The reset command in "git fast-import" data stream was documented to
+   end with an optional LF, but it actually required one.
+ * "git svn dcommit/rebase" did not honor --rewrite-root option.
+Also included are a handful documentation updates.
diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bbd130e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+GIT v1.5.4.5 Release Notes
+Fixes since v1.5.4.4
+ * "git fetch there" when the URL information came from the Cogito style
+   branches/there file did not update refs/heads/there (regression in
+   1.5.4).
+ * Bogus refspec configuration such as "remote.there.fetch = =" were not
+   detected as errors (regression in 1.5.4).
+ * You couldn't specify a custom editor whose path contains a whitespace
+   via GIT_EDITOR (and core.editor).
+ * The subdirectory filter to "git filter-branch" mishandled a history
+   where the subdirectory becomes empty and then later becomes non-empty.
+ * "git shortlog" gave an empty line if the original commit message was
+   malformed (e.g. a botched import from foreign SCM).  Now it finds the
+   first non-empty line and uses it for better information.
+ * When the user fails to give a revision parameter to "git svn", an error
+   from the Perl interpreter was issued because the script lacked proper
+   error checking.
+ * After "git rebase" stopped due to conflicts, if the user played with
+   "git reset" and friends, "git rebase --abort" failed to go back to the
+   correct commit.
+ * Additional work trees prepared with git-new-workdir (in contrib/) did
+   not share git-svn metadata directory .git/svn with the original.
+ * "git-merge-recursive" did not mark addition of the same path with
+   different filemodes correctly as a conflict.
+ * "gitweb" gave malformed URL when pathinfo stype paths are in use.
+ * "-n" stands for "--no-tags" again for "git fetch".
+ * "git format-patch" did not detect the need to add 8-bit MIME header
+   when the user used format.header configuration.
+ * "rev~" revision specifier used to mean "rev", which was inconsistent
+   with how "rev^" worked.  Now "rev~" is the same as "rev~1" (hence it
+   also is the same as "rev^1"), and "rev~0" is the same as "rev^0"
+   (i.e. it has to be a commit).
+ * "git quiltimport" did not grok empty lines, lines in "file -pNNN"
+   format to specify the prefix levels and lines with trailing comments.
+ * "git rebase -m" triggered pre-commit verification, which made
+   "rebase --continue" impossible.
+As usual, it also comes with many documentation fixes and clarifications.
diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3e3c3e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+GIT v1.5.4.6 Release Notes
+I personally do not think there is any reason anybody should want to
+run v1.5.4.X series these days, because 'master' version is always
+more stable than any tagged released version of git.
+This is primarily to futureproof "git-shell" to accept requests
+without a dash between "git" and subcommand name (e.g. "git
+upload-pack") which the newer client will start to make sometime in
+the future.
+Fixes since v1.5.4.5
+ * Command line option "-n" to "git-repack" was not correctly parsed.
+ * Error messages from "git-apply" when the patchfile cannot be opened
+   have been improved.
+ * Error messages from "git-bisect" when given nonsense revisions have
+   been improved.
+ * reflog syntax that uses time e.g. "HEAD@{10 seconds ago}:path" did not
+   stop parsing at the closing "}".
+ * "git rev-parse --symbolic-full-name ^master^2" printed solitary "^",
+   but it should print nothing.
+ * "git apply" did not enforce "match at the beginning" correctly.
+ * a path specification "a/b" in .gitattributes file should not match
+   "sub/a/b", but it did.
+ * "git log --date-order --topo-order" did not override the earlier
+   date-order with topo-order as expected.
+ * "git fast-export" did not export octopus merges correctly.
+ * "git archive --prefix=$path/" mishandled gitattributes.
+As usual, it also comes with many documentation fixes and clarifications.
diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9065a0e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+GIT v1.5.4.7 Release Notes
+Fixes since
+ * Removed support for an obsolete gitweb request URI, whose
+   implementation ran "git diff" Porcelain, instead of using plumbing,
+   which would have run an external diff command specified in the
+   repository configuration as the gitweb user.
diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/1.5.4.txt b/Documentation/RelNotes/1.5.4.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f1323b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/1.5.4.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,377 @@
+GIT v1.5.4 Release Notes
+ * "git svnimport" was removed in favor of "git svn".  It is still there
+   in the source tree (contrib/examples) but unsupported.
+ * As git-commit and git-status have been rewritten, "git runstatus"
+   helper script lost all its users and has been removed.
+Temporarily disabled
+ * "git http-push" is known not to work well with cURL library older
+   than 7.16, and we had reports of repository corruption.  It is
+   disabled on such platforms for now.  Unfortunately, shares
+   the same issue.  In other words, this does not mean you will be
+   fine if you stick to an older git release.  For now, please do not
+   use http-push from older git with cURL older than 7.16 if you
+   value your data. A proper fix will hopefully materialize in
+   later versions.
+Deprecation notices
+ * From v1.6.0, git will by default install dashed form of commands
+   (e.g. "git-commit") outside of users' normal $PATH, and will install
+   only selected commands ("git" itself, and "gitk") in $PATH.  This
+   implies:
+   - Using dashed forms of git commands (e.g. "git-commit") from the
+     command line has been informally deprecated since early 2006, but
+     now it officially is, and will be removed in the future.  Use
+     dash-less forms (e.g. "git commit") instead.
+   - Using dashed forms from your scripts, without first prepending the
+     return value from "git --exec-path" to the scripts' PATH, has been
+     informally deprecated since early 2006, but now it officially is.
+   - Use of dashed forms with "PATH=$(git --exec-path):$PATH; export
+     PATH" early in your script is not deprecated with this change.
+   Users are strongly encouraged to adjust their habits and scripts now
+   to prepare for this change.
+ * The post-receive hook was introduced in March 2007 to supersede
+   the post-update hook, primarily to overcome the command line length
+   limitation of the latter.  Use of post-update hook will be deprecated
+   in future versions of git, starting from v1.6.0.
+ * "git lost-found" was deprecated in favor of "git fsck"'s --lost-found
+   option, and will be removed in the future.
+ * "git peek-remote" is deprecated, as "git ls-remote" was written in C
+   and works for all transports; "git peek-remote" will be removed in
+   the future.
+ * "git repo-config" which was an old name for "git config" command
+   has been supported without being advertised for a long time.  The
+   next feature release will remove it.
+ * From v1.6.0, the repack.usedeltabaseoffset config option will default
+   to true, which will give denser packfiles (i.e. more efficient storage).
+   The downside is that git older than version 1.4.4 will not be able
+   to directly use a repository packed using this setting.
+ * From v1.6.0, the pack.indexversion config option will default to 2,
+   which is slightly more efficient, and makes repacking more immune to
+   data corruptions.  Git older than version 1.5.2 may revert to version 1
+   of the pack index with a manual "git index-pack" to be able to directly
+   access corresponding pack files.
+Updates since v1.5.3
+ * Comes with much improved gitk, with i18n.
+ * Comes with git-gui 0.9.2 with i18n.
+ * gitk is now merged as a subdirectory of git.git project, in
+   preparation for its i18n.
+ * progress displays from many commands are a lot nicer to the eye.
+   Transfer commands show throughput data.
+ * many commands that pay attention to per-directory .gitignore now do
+   so lazily, which makes the usual case go much faster.
+ * Output processing for '--pretty=format:<user format>' has been
+   optimized.
+ * Rename detection of diff family while detecting exact matches has
+   been greatly optimized.
+ * Rename detection of diff family tries to make more natural looking
+   pairing.  Earlier, if multiple identical rename sources were
+   found in the preimage, the source used was picked pretty much at random.
+ * Value "true" for color.diff and color.status configuration used to
+   mean "always" (even when the output is not going to a terminal).
+   This has been corrected to mean the same thing as "auto".
+ * "git diff" Porcelain now respects diff.external configuration, which
+   is another way to specify GIT_EXTERNAL_DIFF.
+ * "git diff" can be told to use different prefixes other than
+   "a/" and "b/" e.g. "git diff --src-prefix=l/ --dst-prefix=k/".
+ * "git diff" sometimes did not quote paths with funny
+   characters properly.
+ * "git log" (and any revision traversal commands) misbehaved
+   when --diff-filter is given but was not asked to actually
+   produce diff.
+ * HTTP proxy can be specified per remote repository using
+   remote.*.httpproxy configuration, or global http.proxy configuration
+   variable.
+ * Various Perforce importer updates.
+ * Example update and post-receive hooks have been improved.
+ * Any command that wants to take a commit object name can now use
+   ":/string" syntax to name a commit.
+ * "git reset" is now built-in and its output can be squelched with -q.
+ * "git reset --hard" does not make any sense in a bare
+   repository, but did not error out; fixed.
+ * "git send-email" can optionally talk over ssmtp and use SMTP-AUTH.
+ * "git rebase" learned --whitespace option.
+ * In "git rebase", when you decide not to replay a particular change
+   after the command stopped with a conflict, you can say "git rebase
+   --skip" without first running "git reset --hard", as the command now
+   runs it for you.
+ * "git rebase --interactive" mode can now work on detached HEAD.
+ * Other minor to serious bugs in "git rebase -i" have been fixed.
+ * "git rebase" now detaches head during its operation, so after a
+   successful "git rebase" operation, the reflog entry branch@{1} for
+   the current branch points at the commit before the rebase was
+   started.
+ * "git rebase -i" also triggers rerere to help your repeated merges.
+ * "git merge" can call the "post-merge" hook.
+ * "git pack-objects" can optionally run deltification with multiple
+   threads.
+ * "git archive" can optionally substitute keywords in files marked with
+   export-subst attribute.
+ * "git cherry-pick" made a misguided attempt to repeat the original
+   command line in the generated log message, when told to cherry-pick a
+   commit by naming a tag that points at it.  It does not anymore.
+ * "git for-each-ref" learned %(xxxdate:<date-format>) syntax to show the
+   various date fields in different formats.
+ * "git gc --auto" is a low-impact way to automatically run a variant of
+   "git repack" that does not lose unreferenced objects (read: safer
+   than the usual one) after the user accumulates too many loose
+   objects.
+ * "git clean" has been rewritten in C.
+ * You need to explicitly set clean.requireForce to "false" to allow
+   "git clean" without -f to do any damage (lack of the configuration
+   variable used to mean "do not require -f option to lose untracked
+   files", but we now use the safer default).
+ * The kinds of whitespace errors "git diff" and "git apply" notice (and
+   fix) can be controlled via 'core.whitespace' configuration variable
+   and 'whitespace' attribute in .gitattributes file.
+ * "git push" learned --dry-run option to show what would happen if a
+   push is run.
+ * "git push" does not update a tracking ref on the local side when the
+   remote refused to update the corresponding ref.
+ * "git push" learned --mirror option.  This is to push the local refs
+   one-to-one to the remote, and deletes refs from the remote that do
+   not exist anymore in the repository on the pushing side.
+ * "git push" can remove a corrupt ref at the remote site with the usual
+   ":ref" refspec.
+ * "git remote" knows --mirror mode.  This is to set up configuration to
+   push into a remote repository to store local branch heads to the same
+   branch on the remote side, and remove branch heads locally removed
+   from local repository at the same time.  Suitable for pushing into a
+   back-up repository.
+ * "git remote" learned "rm" subcommand.
+ * "git cvsserver" can be run via "git shell".  Also, "cvs" is
+   recognized as a synonym for "git cvsserver", so that CVS users
+   can be switched to git just by changing their login shell.
+ * "git cvsserver" acts more like receive-pack by running post-receive
+   and post-update hooks.
+ * "git am" and "git rebase" are far less verbose.
+ * "git pull" learned to pass --[no-]ff option to underlying "git
+   merge".
+ * "git pull --rebase" is a different way to integrate what you fetched
+   into your current branch.
+ * "git fast-export" produces data-stream that can be fed to fast-import
+   to reproduce the history recorded in a git repository.
+ * "git add -i" takes pathspecs to limit the set of files to work on.
+ * "git add -p" is a short-hand to go directly to the selective patch
+   subcommand in the interactive command loop and to exit when done.
+ * "git add -i" UI has been colorized.  The interactive prompt
+   and menu can be colored by setting color.interactive
+   configuration.  The diff output (including the hunk picker)
+   are colored with color.diff configuration.
+ * "git commit --allow-empty" allows you to create a single-parent
+   commit that records the same tree as its parent, overriding the usual
+   safety valve.
+ * "git commit --amend" can amend a merge that does not change the tree
+   from its first parent.
+ * "git commit" used to unconditionally strip comment lines that
+   began with '#' and removed excess blank lines.  This behavior has
+   been made configurable.
+ * "git commit" has been rewritten in C.
+ * "git stash random-text" does not create a new stash anymore.  It was
+   a UI mistake.  Use "git stash save random-text", or "git stash"
+   (without extra args) for that.
+ * "git stash clear extra-text" does not clear the whole stash
+   anymore.  It is tempting to expect "git stash clear stash@{2}"
+   to drop only a single named stash entry, and it is rude to
+   discard everything when that is asked (but not provided).
+ * "git prune --expire <time>" can exempt young loose objects from
+   getting pruned.
+ * "git branch --contains <commit>" can list branches that are
+   descendants of a given commit.
+ * "git log" learned --early-output option to help interactive GUI
+   implementations.
+ * "git bisect" learned "skip" action to mark untestable commits.
+ * "git bisect visualize" learned a shorter synonym "git bisect view".
+ * "git bisect visualize" runs "git log" in a non-windowed
+   environments.  It also can be told what command to run (e.g. "git
+   bisect visualize tig").
+ * "git format-patch" learned "format.numbered" configuration variable
+   to automatically turn --numbered option on when more than one commits
+   are formatted.
+ * "git ls-files" learned "--exclude-standard" to use the canned set of
+   exclude files.
+ * "git tag -a -f existing" begins the editor session using the existing
+   annotation message.
+ * "git tag -m one -m bar" (multiple -m options) behaves similarly to
+   "git commit"; the parameters to -m options are formatted as separate
+   paragraphs.
+ * The format "git show" outputs an annotated tag has been updated to
+   include "Tagger: " and "Date: " lines from the tag itself.  Strictly
+   speaking this is a backward incompatible change, but this is a
+   reasonable usability fix and people's scripts shouldn't have been
+   relying on the exact output from "git show" Porcelain anyway.
+ * "git cvsimport" did not notice errors from underlying "cvsps"
+   and produced a corrupt import silently.
+ * "git cvsexportcommit" learned -w option to specify and switch to the
+   CVS working directory.
+ * "git checkout" from a subdirectory learned to use "../path" to allow
+   checking out a path outside the current directory without cd'ing up.
+ * "git checkout" from and to detached HEAD leaves a bit more
+   information in the reflog.
+ * "git send-email --dry-run" shows full headers for easier diagnosis.
+ * "git merge-ours" is now built-in.
+ * "git svn" learned "info" and "show-externals" subcommands.
+ * "git svn" run from a subdirectory failed to read settings from the
+   .git/config.
+ * "git svn" learned --use-log-author option, which picks up more
+   descriptive name from From: and Signed-off-by: lines in the commit
+   message.
+ * "git svn" wasted way too much disk to record revision mappings
+   between svn and git; a new representation that is much more compact
+   for this information has been introduced to correct this.
+ * "git svn" left temporary index files it used without cleaning them
+   up; this was corrected.
+ * "git status" from a subdirectory now shows relative paths, which
+   makes copy-and-pasting for git-checkout/git-add/git-rm easier.  The
+   traditional behavior to show the full path relative to the top of
+   the work tree can be had by setting status.relativepaths
+   configuration variable to false.
+ * "git blame" kept text for each annotated revision in core needlessly;
+   this has been corrected.
+ * "git shortlog" learned to default to HEAD when the standard input is
+   a terminal and the user did not give any revision parameter.
+ * "git shortlog" learned "-e" option to show e-mail addresses as well as
+   authors' names.
+ * "git help" learned "-w" option to show documentation in browsers.
+ * In addition there are quite a few internal clean-ups. Notably:
+   - many fork/exec have been replaced with run-command API,
+     brought from the msysgit effort.
+   - introduction and more use of the option parser API.
+   - enhancement and more use of the strbuf API.
+ * Makefile tweaks to support HP-UX is in.
+Fixes since v1.5.3
+All of the fixes in v1.5.3 maintenance series are included in
+this release, unless otherwise noted.
+These fixes are only in v1.5.4 and not backported to v1.5.3 maintenance
+ * The way "git diff --check" behaves is much more consistent with the way
+   "git apply --whitespace=warn" works.
+ * "git svn" talking with the SVN over HTTP will correctly quote branch
+   and project names.
+ * "git config" did not work correctly on platforms that define
+   REG_NOMATCH to an even number.
+ * Recent versions of AsciiDoc 8 has a change to break our
+   documentation; a workaround has been implemented.
+ * "git diff --color-words" colored context lines in a wrong color.
diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7de4197
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+GIT v1.5.5.1 Release Notes
+Fixes since v1.5.5
+ * "git archive --prefix=$path/" mishandled gitattributes.
+ * "git fetch -v" that fetches into FETCH_HEAD did not report the summary
+   the same way as done for updating the tracking refs.
+ * "git svn" misbehaved when the configuration file customized the "git
+   log" output format using format.pretty.
+ * "git submodule status" leaked an unnecessary error message.
+ * "git log --date-order --topo-order" did not override the earlier
+   date-order with topo-order as expected.
+ * "git bisect good $this" did not check the validity of the revision
+   given properly.
+ * "url.<there>.insteadOf" did not work correctly.
+ * "git clean" ran inside subdirectory behaved as if the directory was
+   explicitly specified for removal by the end user from the top level.
+ * "git bisect" from a detached head leaked an unnecessary error message.
+ * "git bisect good $a $b" when $a is Ok but $b is bogus should have
+   atomically failed before marking $a as good.
+ * "git fmt-merge-msg" did not clean up leading empty lines from commit
+   log messages like "git log" family does.
+ * "git am" recorded a commit with empty Subject: line without
+   complaining.
+ * when given a commit log message whose first paragraph consists of
+   multiple lines, "git rebase" squashed it into a single line.
+ * "git remote add $bogus_name $url" did not complain properly.
+Also comes with various documentation updates.
diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..391a7b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+GIT v1.5.5.2 Release Notes
+Fixes since v1.5.5.1
+ * "git repack -n" was mistakenly made no-op earlier.
+ * "git imap-send" wanted to always have even when use of
+   imap.tunnel made it unnecessary.
+ * reflog syntax that uses time e.g. "HEAD@{10 seconds ago}:path" did not
+   stop parsing at the closing "}".
+ * "git rev-parse --symbolic-full-name ^master^2" printed solitary "^",
+   but it should print nothing.
+ * "git commit" did not detect when it failed to write tree objects.
+ * "git fetch" sometimes transferred too many objects unnecessarily.
+ * a path specification "a/b" in .gitattributes file should not match
+   "sub/a/b".
+ * various gitweb fixes.
+Also comes with various documentation updates.
diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f22f98b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+GIT v1.5.5.3 Release Notes
+Fixes since v1.5.5.2
+ * "git send-email --compose" did not notice that non-ascii contents
+   needed some MIME magic.
+ * "git fast-export" did not export octopus merges correctly.
+Also comes with various documentation updates.
diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2d0279e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+GIT v1.5.5.4 Release Notes
+Fixes since v1.5.5.4
+ * "git name-rev --all" used to segfault.
diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..30fa361
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+GIT v1.5.5.5 Release Notes
+I personally do not think there is any reason anybody should want to
+run v1.5.5.X series these days, because 'master' version is always
+more stable than any tagged released version of git.
+This is primarily to futureproof "git-shell" to accept requests
+without a dash between "git" and subcommand name (e.g. "git
+upload-pack") which the newer client will start to make sometime in
+the future.
diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d5e85cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+GIT v1.5.5.6 Release Notes
+Fixes since
+ * Removed support for an obsolete gitweb request URI, whose
+   implementation ran "git diff" Porcelain, instead of using plumbing,
+   which would have run an external diff command specified in the
+   repository configuration as the gitweb user.
diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/1.5.5.txt b/Documentation/RelNotes/1.5.5.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2932212
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/1.5.5.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,207 @@
+GIT v1.5.5 Release Notes
+Updates since v1.5.4
+ * Comes with git-gui 0.10.1
+ * We shouldn't ask for BSD group ownership semantics by setting g+s bit
+   on directories on older BSD systems that refuses chmod() by non root
+   users.  BSD semantics is the default there anyway.
+ * Bunch of portability improvement patches coming from an effort to port
+   to Solaris has been applied.
+ * On platforms with suboptimal qsort(3) implementation, there
+   is an option to use more reasonable substitute we ship with
+   our software.
+ * New configuration variable "pack.packsizelimit" can be used
+   in place of command line option --max-pack-size.
+ * "git fetch" over the native git protocol used to make a
+   connection to find out the set of current remote refs and
+   another to actually download the pack data.  We now use only
+   one connection for these tasks.
+ * "git commit" does not run lstat(2) more than necessary
+   anymore.
+(usability, bells and whistles)
+ * Bash completion script (in contrib) are aware of more commands and
+   options.
+ * You can be warned when core.autocrlf conversion is applied in
+   such a way that results in an irreversible conversion.
+ * A catch-all "color.ui" configuration variable can be used to
+   enable coloring of all color-capable commands, instead of
+   individual ones such as "color.status" and "color.branch".
+ * The commands refused to take absolute pathnames where they
+   require pathnames relative to the work tree or the current
+   subdirectory.  They now can take absolute pathnames in such a
+   case as long as the pathnames do not refer outside of the
+   work tree.  E.g. "git add $(pwd)/foo" now works.
+ * Error messages used to be sent to stderr, only to get hidden,
+   when $PAGER was in use.  They now are sent to stdout along
+   with the command output to be shown in the $PAGER.
+ * A pattern "foo/" in .gitignore file now matches a directory
+   "foo".  Pattern "foo" also matches as before.
+ * bash completion's prompt helper function can talk about
+   operation in-progress (e.g. merge, rebase, etc.).
+ * Configuration variables "url.<usethis>.insteadof = <otherurl>" can be
+   used to tell "git-fetch" and "git-push" to use different URL than what
+   is given from the command line.
+ * "git add -i" behaves better even before you make an initial commit.
+ * "git am" refused to run from a subdirectory without a good reason.
+ * After "git apply --whitespace=fix" fixes whitespace errors in a patch,
+   a line before the fix can appear as a context or preimage line in a
+   later patch, causing the patch not to apply.  The command now knows to
+   see through whitespace fixes done to context lines to successfully
+   apply such a patch series.
+ * "git branch" (and "git checkout -b") to branch from a local branch can
+   optionally set "branch.<name>.merge" to mark the new branch to build on
+   the other local branch, when "branch.autosetupmerge" is set to
+   "always", or when passing the command line option "--track" (this option
+   was ignored when branching from local branches).  By default, this does
+   not happen when branching from a local branch.
+ * "git checkout" to switch to a branch that has "branch.<name>.merge" set
+   (i.e. marked to build on another branch) reports how much the branch
+   and the other branch diverged.
+ * When "git checkout" has to update a lot of paths, it used to be silent
+   for 4 seconds before it showed any progress report.  It is now a bit
+   more impatient and starts showing progress report early.
+ * "git commit" learned a new hook "prepare-commit-msg" that can
+   inspect what is going to be committed and prepare the commit
+   log message template to be edited.
+ * "git cvsimport" can now take more than one -M options.
+ * "git describe" learned to limit the tags to be used for
+   naming with --match option.
+ * "git describe --contains" now barfs when the named commit
+   cannot be described.
+ * "git describe --exact-match" describes only commits that are tagged.
+ * "git describe --long" describes a tagged commit as $tag-0-$sha1,
+   instead of just showing the exact tagname.
+ * "git describe" warns when using a tag whose name and path contradict
+   with each other.
+ * "git diff" learned "--relative" option to limit and output paths
+   relative to the current directory when working in a subdirectory.
+ * "git diff" learned "--dirstat" option to show birds-eye-summary of
+   changes more concisely than "--diffstat".
+ * "git format-patch" learned --cover-letter option to generate a cover
+   letter template.
+ * "git gc" learned --quiet option.
+ * "git gc" now automatically prunes unreachable objects that are two
+   weeks old or older.
+ * "git gc --auto" can be disabled more easily by just setting
+   to zero.  It also tolerates more packfiles by default.
+ * "git grep" now knows "--name-only" is a synonym for the "-l" option.
+ * "git help <alias>" now reports "'git <alias>' is alias to <what>",
+   instead of saying "No manual entry for git-<alias>".
+ * "git help" can use different backends to show manual pages and this can
+   be configured using "man.viewer" configuration.
+ * "gitk" does not restore window position from $HOME/.gitk anymore (it
+   still restores the size).
+ * "git log --grep=<what>" learned "--fixed-strings" option to look for
+   <what> without treating it as a regular expression.
+ * "git gui" learned an auto-spell checking.
+ * "git push <somewhere> HEAD" and "git push <somewhere> +HEAD" works as
+   expected; they push the current branch (and only the current branch).
+   In addition, HEAD can be written as the value of "remote.<there>.push"
+   configuration variable.
+ * When the configuration variable "pack.threads" is set to 0, "git
+   repack" auto detects the number of CPUs and uses that many threads.
+ * "git send-email" learned to prompt for passwords
+   interactively.
+ * "git send-email" learned an easier way to suppress CC
+   recipients.
+ * "git stash" learned "pop" command, that applies the latest stash and
+   removes it from the stash, and "drop" command to discard the named
+   stash entry.
+ * "git submodule" learned a new subcommand "summary" to show the
+   symmetric difference between the HEAD version and the work tree version
+   of the submodule commits.
+ * Various "git cvsimport", "git cvsexportcommit", "git cvsserver",
+   "git svn" and "git p4" improvements.
+ * Duplicated code between git-help and git-instaweb that
+   launches user's preferred browser has been refactored.
+ * It is now easier to write test scripts that records known
+   breakages.
+ * "git checkout" is rewritten in C.
+ * "git remote" is rewritten in C.
+ * Two conflict hunks that are separated by a very short span of common
+   lines are now coalesced into one larger hunk, to make the result easier
+   to read.
+ * Run-command API's use of file descriptors is documented clearer and
+   is more consistent now.
+ * diff output can be sent to FILE * that is different from stdout.  This
+   will help reimplementing more things in C.
+Fixes since v1.5.4
+All of the fixes in v1.5.4 maintenance series are included in
+this release, unless otherwise noted.
+ * "git-http-push" did not allow deletion of remote ref with the usual
+   "push <remote> :<branch>" syntax.
+ * "git-rebase --abort" did not go back to the right location if
+   "git-reset" was run during the "git-rebase" session.
+ * "git imap-send" without setting did not error out but
+   segfaulted.
diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4864b16
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+GIT v1.5.6.1 Release Notes
+Fixes since v1.5.6
+* Last minute change broke loose object creation on AIX.
+* (performance fix) We used to make $GIT_DIR absolute path early in the
+  programs but keeping it relative to the current directory internally
+  gives 1-3 per-cent performance boost.
+* bash completion knows the new --graph option to git-log family.
+* git-diff -c/--cc showed unnecessary "deletion" lines at the context
+  boundary.
+* git-for-each-ref ignored %(object) and %(type) requests for tag
+  objects.
+* git-merge usage had a typo.
+* Rebuilding of git-svn metainfo database did not take rewriteRoot
+  option into account.
+* Running "git-rebase --continue/--skip/--abort" before starting a
+  rebase gave nonsense error messages.
diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5902a85
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+GIT v1.5.6.2 Release Notes
+ * "git-shell" accepts requests without a dash between "git" and
+   subcommand name (e.g. "git upload-pack") which the newer client will
+   start to make sometime in the future.
+Fixes since v1.5.6.1
+* "git clone" from a remote that is named with url.insteadOf setting in
+  $HOME/.gitconfig did not work well.
+* "git describe --long --tags" segfaulted when the described revision was
+  tagged with a lightweight tag.
+* "git diff --check" did not report the result via its exit status
+  reliably.
+* When remote side used to have branch 'foo' and git-fetch finds that now
+  it has branch 'foo/bar', it refuses to lose the existing remote tracking
+  branch and its reflog.  The error message has been improved to suggest
+  pruning the remote if the user wants to proceed and get the latest set
+  of branches from the remote, including such 'foo/bar'.
+* "git reset file" should mean the same thing as "git reset HEAD file",
+  but we required disambiguating -- even when "file" is not ambiguous.
+* "git show" segfaulted when an annotated tag that points at another
+  annotated tag was given to it.
+* Optimization for a large import via "git-svn" introduced in v1.5.6 had a
+  serious memory and temporary file leak, which made it unusable for
+  moderately large import.
+* "git-svn" mangled remote nickname used in the configuration file
+  unnecessarily.
diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f61dd35
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+GIT v1.5.6.3 Release Notes
+Fixes since v1.5.6.2
+* Setting core.sharedrepository to traditional "true" value was supposed to make
+  the repository group writable but should not affect permission for others.
+  However, since 1.5.6, it was broken to drop permission for others when umask is
+  022, making the repository unreadable by others.
+* Setting GIT_TRACE will report spawning of external process via run_command().
+* Using an object with very deep delta chain pinned memory needed for extracting
+  intermediate base objects unnecessarily long, leading to excess memory usage.
+* Bash completion script did not notice '--' marker on the command
+  line and tried the relatively slow "ref completion" even when
+  completing arguments after one.
+* Registering a non-empty blob racily and then truncating the working
+  tree file for it confused "racy-git avoidance" logic into thinking
+  that the path is now unchanged.
+* The section that describes attributes related to git-archive were placed
+  in a wrong place in the gitattributes(5) manual page.
+* "git am" was not helpful to the users when it detected that the committer
+  information is not set up properly yet.
+* "git clone" had a leftover debugging fprintf().
+* "git clone -q" was not quiet enough as it used to and gave object count
+  and progress reports.
+* "git clone" marked downloaded packfile with .keep; this could be a
+  good thing if the remote side is well packed but otherwise not,
+  especially for a project that is not really big.
+* "git daemon" used to call syslog() from a signal handler, which
+  could raise signals of its own but generally is not reentrant.  This
+  was fixed by restructuring the code to report syslog() after the handler
+  returns.
+* When "git push" tries to remove a remote ref, and corresponding
+  tracking ref is missing, we used to report error (i.e. failure to
+  remove something that does not exist).
+* "git mailinfo" (hence "git am") did not handle commit log messages in a
+  MIME multipart mail correctly.
+Contains other various documentation fixes.
diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d8968f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+GIT v1.5.6.4 Release Notes
+Fixes since v1.5.6.3
+* Various commands could overflow its internal buffer on a platform
+  with small PATH_MAX value in a repository that has contents with
+  long pathnames.
+* There wasn't a way to make --pretty=format:%<> specifiers to honor
+  .mailmap name rewriting for authors and committers.  Now you can with
+  %aN and %cN.
+* Bash completion wasted too many cycles; this has been optimized to be
+  usable again.
+* Bash completion lost ref part when completing something like "git show
+  pu:Makefile".
+* "git-cvsserver" did not clean up its temporary working area after annotate
+  request.
+* "git-daemon" called syslog() from its signal handler, which was a
+  no-no.
+* "git-fetch" into an empty repository used to remind that the fetch will
+   be huge by saying "no common commits", but this was an unnecessary
+   noise; it is already known by the user anyway.
+* "git-http-fetch" would have segfaulted when pack idx file retrieved
+  from the other side was corrupt.
+* "git-index-pack" used too much memory when dealing with a deep delta chain.
+* "git-mailinfo" (hence "git-am") did not correctly handle in-body [PATCH]
+  line to override the commit title taken from the mail Subject header.
+* "git-rebase -i -p" lost parents that are not involved in the history
+  being rewritten.
+* "git-rm" lost track of where the index file was when GIT_DIR was
+  specified as a relative path.
+* "git-rev-list --quiet" was not quiet as advertised.
+Contains other various documentation fixes.
diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..47ca172
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+GIT v1.5.6.5 Release Notes
+Fixes since v1.5.6.4
+* "git cvsimport" used to spit out "UNKNOWN LINE..." diagnostics to stdout.
+* "git commit -F filename" and "git tag -F filename" run from subdirectories
+  did not read the right file.
+* "git init --template=" with blank "template" parameter linked files
+  under root directories to .git, which was a total nonsense.  Instead, it
+  means "I do not want to use anything from the template directory".
+* "git diff-tree" and other diff plumbing ignored diff.renamelimit configuration
+  variable when the user explicitly asked for rename detection.
+* "git name-rev --name-only" did not work when "--stdin" option was in effect.
+* "git show-branch" mishandled its 8th branch.
+* Addition of "git update-index --ignore-submodules" that happened during
+  1.5.6 cycle broke "git update-index --ignore-missing".
+* "git send-email" did not parse charset from an existing Content-type:
+  header properly.
+Contains other various documentation fixes.
diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..79da23d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+GIT v1.5.6.6 Release Notes
+Fixes since
+ * Removed support for an obsolete gitweb request URI, whose
+   implementation ran "git diff" Porcelain, instead of using plumbing,
+   which would have run an external diff command specified in the
+   repository configuration as the gitweb user.
diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/1.5.6.txt b/Documentation/RelNotes/1.5.6.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e143d8d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/1.5.6.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+GIT v1.5.6 Release Notes
+Updates since v1.5.5
+* Comes with updated gitk and git-gui.
+* git will build on AIX better than before now.
+* core.ignorecase configuration variable can be used to work better on
+  filesystems that are not case sensitive.
+* "git init" now autodetects the case sensitivity of the filesystem and
+  sets core.ignorecase accordingly.
+* cpio is no longer used; neither "curl" binary (libcurl is still used).
+* Many freestanding documentation pages have been converted and made
+  available to "git help" (aka "man git<something>") as section 7 of
+  the manual pages. This means bookmarks to some HTML documentation
+  files may need to be updated (eg "tutorial.html" became
+  "gittutorial.html").
+* "git clone" was rewritten in C.  This will hopefully help cloning a
+  repository with insane number of refs.
+* "git rebase --onto $there $from $branch" used to switch to the tip of
+  $branch only to immediately reset back to $from, smudging work tree
+  files unnecessarily.  This has been optimized.
+* Object creation codepath in "git-svn" has been optimized by enhancing
+  plumbing commands git-cat-file and git-hash-object.
+(usability, bells and whistles)
+* "git add -p" (and the "patch" subcommand of "git add -i") can choose to
+  apply (or not apply) mode changes independently from contents changes.
+* "git bisect help" gives longer and more helpful usage information.
+* "git bisect" does not use a special branch "bisect" anymore; instead, it
+  does its work on a detached HEAD.
+* "git branch" (and "git checkout -b") can be told to set up
+  branch.<name>.rebase automatically, so that later you can say "git pull"
+  and magically cause "git pull --rebase" to happen.
+* "git branch --merged" and "git branch --no-merged" can be used to list
+  branches that have already been merged (or not yet merged) to the
+  current branch.
+* "git cherry-pick" and "git revert" can add a sign-off.
+* "git commit" mentions the author identity when you are committing
+  somebody else's changes.
+* "git diff/log --dirstat" output is consistent between binary and textual
+  changes.
+* "git filter-branch" rewrites signed tags by demoting them to annotated.
+* "git format-patch --no-binary" can produce a patch that lack binary
+  changes (i.e. cannot be used to propagate the whole changes) meant only
+  for reviewing.
+* "git init --bare" is a synonym for "git --bare init" now.
+* "git gc --auto" honors a new pre-auto-gc hook to temporarily disable it.
+* "git log --pretty=tformat:<custom format>" gives a LF after each entry,
+  instead of giving a LF between each pair of entries which is how
+  "git log --pretty=format:<custom format>" works.
+* "git log" and friends learned the "--graph" option to show the ancestry
+  graph at the left margin of the output.
+* "git log" and friends can be told to use date format that is different
+  from the default via '' configuration variable.
+* "git send-email" now can send out messages outside a git repository.
+* "git send-email --compose" was made aware of rfc2047 quoting.
+* "git status" can optionally include output from "git submodule
+  summary".
+* "git svn" learned --add-author-from option to propagate the authorship
+  by munging the commit log message.
+* new object creation and looking up in "git svn" has been optimized.
+* "gitweb" can read from a system-wide configuration file.
+* "git unpack-objects" and "git receive-pack" is now more strict about
+  detecting breakage in the objects they receive over the wire.
+Fixes since v1.5.5
+All of the fixes in v1.5.5 maintenance series are included in
+this release, unless otherwise noted.
+And there are too numerous small fixes to otherwise note here ;-)
diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..49d7a1c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+GIT v1.6.0.1 Release Notes
+Fixes since v1.6.0
+* "git diff --cc" did not honor content mangling specified by
+  gitattributes and core.autocrlf when reading from the work tree.
+* "git diff --check" incorrectly detected new trailing blank lines when
+  whitespace check was in effect.
+* "git for-each-ref" tried to dereference NULL when asked for '%(body)" on
+  a tag with a single incomplete line as its payload.
+* "git format-patch" peeked before the beginning of a string when
+  "format.headers" variable is empty (a misconfiguration).
+* "git help help" did not work correctly.
+* "git mailinfo" (hence "git am") was unhappy when MIME multipart message
+  contained garbage after the finishing boundary.
+* "git mailinfo" also was unhappy when the "From: " line only had a bare
+  e-mail address.
+* "git merge" did not refresh the index correctly when a merge resulted in
+  a fast-forward.
+* "git merge" did not resolve a truly trivial merges that can be done
+  without content level merges.
+* "git svn dcommit" to a repository with URL that has embedded usernames
+  did not work correctly.
+Contains other various documentation fixes.
diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7d8fb85
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+GIT v1.6.0.2 Release Notes
+Fixes since v1.6.0.1
+* Installation on platforms that needs .exe suffix to git-* programs were
+  broken in
+* Installation on filesystems without symbolic links support did not
+  work well.
+* In-tree documentations and test scripts now use "git foo" form to set a
+  better example, instead of the "git-foo" form (which is an acceptable
+  form if you have "PATH=$(git --exec-path):$PATH" in your script)
+* Many commands did not use the correct working tree location when used
+  with GIT_WORK_TREE environment settings.
+* Some systems need to use compatibility fnmatch and regex libraries
+  independent from each other; the compat/ area has been reorganized to
+  allow this.
+* "git apply --unidiff-zero" incorrectly applied a -U0 patch that inserts
+  a new line before the second line.
+* "git blame -c" did not exactly work like "git annotate" when range
+  boundaries are involved.
+* "git checkout file" when file is still unmerged checked out contents from
+  a random high order stage, which was confusing.
+* "git clone $there $here/" with extra trailing slashes after explicit
+  local directory name $here did not work as expected.
+* "git diff" on tracked contents with CRLF line endings did not drive "less"
+  intelligently when showing added or removed lines.
+* "git diff --dirstat -M" did not add changes in subdirectories up
+  correctly for renamed paths.
+* "git diff --cumulative" did not imply "--dirstat".
+* "git for-each-ref refs/heads/" did not work as expected.
+* "git gui" allowed users to feed patch without any context to be applied.
+* "git gui" botched parsing "diff" output when a line that begins with two
+  dashes and a space gets removed or a line that begins with two pluses
+  and a space gets added.
+* "git gui" translation updates and i18n fixes.
+* "git index-pack" is more careful against disk corruption while completing
+  a thin pack.
+* "git log -i --grep=pattern" did not ignore case; neither "git log -E
+  --grep=pattern" triggered extended regexp.
+* "git log --pretty="%ad" --date=short" did not use short format when
+  showing the timestamp.
+* "git log --author=author" match incorrectly matched with the
+  timestamp part of "author " line in commit objects.
+* "git log -F --author=author" did not work at all.
+* Build procedure for "git shell" that used stub versions of some
+  functions and globals was not understood by linkers on some platforms.
+* "git stash" was fooled by a stat-dirty but otherwise unmodified paths
+  and refused to work until the user refreshed the index.
+* "git svn" was broken on Perl before 5.8 with recent fixes to reduce
+  use of temporary files.
+* "git verify-pack -v" did not work correctly when given more than one
+  packfile.
+Also contains many documentation updates.
diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ad36c0f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+GIT v1.6.0.3 Release Notes
+Fixes since v1.6.0.2
+* "git archive --format=zip" did not honor core.autocrlf while
+  --format=tar did.
+* Continuing "git rebase -i" was very confused when the user left modified
+  files in the working tree while resolving conflicts.
+* Continuing "git rebase -i" was also very confused when the user left
+  some staged changes in the index after "edit".
+* "git rebase -i" now honors the pre-rebase hook, just like the
+  other rebase implementations "git rebase" and "git rebase -m".
+* "git rebase -i" incorrectly aborted when there is no commit to replay.
+* Behaviour of "git diff --quiet" was inconsistent with "diff --exit-code"
+  with the output redirected to /dev/null.
+* "git diff --no-index" on binary files no longer outputs a bogus
+  "diff --git" header line.
+* "git diff" hunk header patterns with multiple elements separated by LF
+  were not used correctly.
+* Hunk headers in "git diff" default to using extended regular
+  expressions, fixing some of the internal patterns on non-GNU
+  platforms.
+* New config "diff.*.xfuncname" exposes extended regular expressions
+  for user specified hunk header patterns.
+* "git gc" when ejecting otherwise unreachable objects from packfiles into
+  loose form leaked memory.
+* "git index-pack" was recently broken and mishandled objects added by
+  thin-pack completion processing under memory pressure.
+* "git index-pack" was recently broken and misbehaved when run from inside
+  .git/objects/pack/ directory.
+* "git stash apply sash@{1}" was fixed to error out.  Prior versions
+  would have applied stash@{0} incorrectly.
+* "git stash apply" now offers a better suggestion on how to continue
+  if the working tree is currently dirty.
+* "git for-each-ref --format=%(subject)" fixed for commits with no
+  newline in the message body.
+* "git remote" fixed to protect printf from user input.
+* "git remote show -v" now displays all URLs of a remote.
+* "git checkout -b branch" was confused when branch already existed.
+* "git checkout -q" once again suppresses the locally modified file list.
+* "git clone -q", "git fetch -q" asks remote side to not send
+  progress messages, actually making their output quiet.
+* Cross-directory renames are no longer used when creating packs.  This
+  allows more graceful behavior on filesystems like sshfs.
+* Stale temporary files under $GIT_DIR/objects/pack are now cleaned up
+  automatically by "git prune".
+* "git merge" once again removes directories after the last file has
+  been removed from it during the merge.
+* "git merge" did not allocate enough memory for the structure itself when
+  enumerating the parents of the resulting commit.
+* "git blame -C -C" no longer segfaults while trying to pass blame if
+   it encounters a submodule reference.
+* "git rm" incorrectly claimed that you have local modifications when a
+  path was merely stat-dirty.
+* "git svn" fixed to display an error message when 'set-tree' failed,
+   instead of a Perl compile error.
+* "git submodule" fixed to handle checking out a different commit
+  than HEAD after initializing the submodule.
+* The "git commit" error message when there are still unmerged
+  files present was clarified to match "git write-tree".
+* "git init" was confused when core.bare or core.sharedRepository are set
+  in system or user global configuration file by mistake.  When --bare or
+  --shared is given from the command line, these now override such
+  settings made outside the repositories.
+* Some segfaults due to uncaught NULL pointers were fixed in multiple
+  tools such as apply, reset, update-index.
+* Solaris builds now default to OLD_ICONV=1 to avoid compile warnings;
+  Solaris 8 does not define NEEDS_LIBICONV by default.
+* "" tests relied on unnecessarily more recent version of Perl.
+* "gitweb" triggered undef warning on commits without log messages.
+* "gitweb" triggered undef warnings on missing trees.
+* "gitweb" now removes PATH_INFO from its URLs so users don't have
+  to manually set the URL in the gitweb configuration.
+* Bash completion removed support for legacy "git-fetch", "git-push"
+  and "git-pull" as these are no longer installed.  Dashless form
+  ("git fetch") is still however supported.
+Many other documentation updates.
diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d522661
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+GIT v1.6.0.4 Release Notes
+Fixes since v1.6.0.3
+* 'git add -p' said "No changes" when only binary files were changed.
+* 'git archive' did not work correctly in bare repositories.
+* 'git checkout -t -b newbranch' when you are on detached HEAD was broken.
+* when we refuse to detect renames because there are too many new or
+  deleted files, 'git diff' did not say how many there are.
+* 'git push --mirror' tried and failed to push the stash; there is no
+  point in sending it to begin with.
+* 'git push' did not update the remote tracking reference if the corresponding
+  ref on the remote end happened to be already up to date.
+* 'git pull $there $branch:$current_branch' did not work when you were on
+  a branch yet to be born.
+* when giving up resolving a conflicted merge, 'git reset --hard' failed
+  to remove new paths from the working tree.
+* 'git send-email' had a small fd leak while scanning directory.
+* 'git status' incorrectly reported a submodule directory as an untracked
+  directory.
+* 'git svn' used deprecated 'git-foo' form of subcommand invocation.
+* 'git update-ref -d' to remove a reference did not honor --no-deref option.
+* Plugged small memleaks here and there.
+* Also contains many documentation updates.
diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a08bb96
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+GIT v1.6.0.5 Release Notes
+Fixes since v1.6.0.4
+* "git checkout" used to crash when your HEAD was pointing at a deleted
+  branch.
+* "git checkout" from an un-checked-out state did not allow switching out
+  of the current branch.
+* "git diff" always allowed GIT_EXTERNAL_DIFF and --no-ext-diff was no-op for
+  the command.
+* Giving 3 or more tree-ish to "git diff" is supposed to show the combined
+  diff from second and subsequent trees to the first one, but the order was
+  screwed up.
+* "git fast-export" did not export all tags.
+* "git ls-files --with-tree=<tree>" did not work with options other
+  than -c, most notably with -m.
+* "git pack-objects" did not make its best effort to honor --max-pack-size
+  option when a single first object already busted the given limit and
+  placed many objects in a single pack.
+* "git-p4" fast import frontend was too eager to trigger its keyword expansion
+  logic, even on a keyword-looking string that does not have closing '$' on the
+  same line.
+* "git push $there" when the remote $there is defined in $GIT_DIR/branches/$there
+  behaves more like what cg-push from Cogito used to work.
+* when giving up resolving a conflicted merge, "git reset --hard" failed
+  to remove new paths from the working tree.
+* "git tag" did not complain when given mutually incompatible set of options.
+* The message constructed in the internal editor was discarded when "git
+  tag -s" failed to sign the message, which was often caused by the user
+  not configuring GPG correctly.
+* "make check" cannot be run without sparse; people may have meant to say
+  "make test" instead, so suggest that.
+* Internal diff machinery had a corner case performance bug that choked on
+  a large file with many repeated contents.
+* "git repack" used to grab objects out of packs marked with .keep
+  into a new pack.
+* Many unsafe call to sprintf() style varargs functions are corrected.
+* Also contains quite a few documentation updates.
diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..64ece1f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+GIT v1.6.0.6 Release Notes
+Fixes since
+ * "git fsck" had a deep recursion that wasted stack space.
+ * "git fast-export" and "git fast-import" choked on an old style
+   annotated tag that lack the tagger information.
+ * "git mergetool -- file" did not correctly skip "--" marker that
+   signals the end of options list.
+ * "git show $tag" segfaulted when an annotated $tag pointed at a
+   nonexistent object.
+ * "git show 2>error" when the standard output is automatically redirected
+   to the pager redirected the standard error to the pager as well; there
+   was no need to.
+ * "git send-email" did not correctly handle list of addresses when
+   they had quoted comma (e.g. "Lastname, Givenname" <>).
+ * Logic to discover branch ancestry in "git svn" was unreliable when
+   the process to fetch history was interrupted.
+ * Removed support for an obsolete gitweb request URI, whose
+   implementation ran "git diff" Porcelain, instead of using plumbing,
+   which would have run an external diff command specified in the
+   repository configuration as the gitweb user.
+Also contains numerous documentation typofixes.
diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/1.6.0.txt b/Documentation/RelNotes/1.6.0.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..de7ef16
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/1.6.0.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,258 @@
+GIT v1.6.0 Release Notes
+User visible changes
+With the default Makefile settings, most of the programs are now
+installed outside your $PATH, except for "git", "gitk" and
+some server side programs that need to be accessible for technical
+reasons.  Invoking a git subcommand as "git-xyzzy" from the command
+line has been deprecated since early 2006 (and officially announced in
+1.5.4 release notes); use of them from your scripts after adding
+output from "git --exec-path" to the $PATH is still supported in this
+release, but users are again strongly encouraged to adjust their
+scripts to use "git xyzzy" form, as we will stop installing
+"git-xyzzy" hardlinks for built-in commands in later releases.
+An earlier change to page "git status" output was overwhelmingly unpopular
+and has been reverted.
+Source changes needed for porting to MinGW environment are now all in the
+main git.git codebase.
+By default, packfiles created with this version uses delta-base-offset
+encoding introduced in v1.4.4.  Pack idx files are using version 2 that
+allows larger packs and added robustness thanks to its CRC checking,
+introduced in v1.5.2 and v1.4.4.5.  If you want to keep your repositories
+backwards compatible past these versions, set repack.useDeltaBaseOffset
+to false or pack.indexVersion to 1, respectively.
+We used to prevent sample hook scripts shipped in templates/ from
+triggering by default by relying on the fact that we install them as
+unexecutable, but on some filesystems, this approach does not work.
+They are now shipped with ".sample" suffix.  If you want to activate
+any of these samples as-is, rename them to drop the ".sample" suffix,
+instead of running "chmod +x" on them.  For example, you can rename
+hooks/post-update.sample to hooks/post-update to enable the sample
+hook that runs update-server-info, in order to make repositories
+friendly to dumb protocols (i.e. HTTP).
+GIT_CONFIG, which was only documented as affecting "git config", but
+actually affected all git commands, now only affects "git config".
+GIT_LOCAL_CONFIG, also only documented as affecting "git config" and
+not different from GIT_CONFIG in a useful way, is removed.
+The ".dotest" temporary area "git am" and "git rebase" use is now moved
+inside the $GIT_DIR, to avoid mistakes of adding it to the project by
+An ancient merge strategy "stupid" has been removed.
+Updates since v1.5.6
+* git-p4 in contrib learned "allowSubmit" configuration to control on
+  which branch to allow "submit" subcommand.
+* git-gui learned to stage changes per-line.
+* Changes for MinGW port have been merged, thanks to Johannes Sixt and
+  gangs.
+* Sample hook scripts shipped in templates/ are now suffixed with
+  *.sample.
+* perl's in-place edit (-i) does not work well without backup files on Windows;
+  some tests are rewritten to cope with this.
+* Updated howto/update-hook-example
+* Got rid of usage of "git-foo" from the tutorial and made typography
+  more consistent.
+* Disambiguating "--" between revs and paths is finally documented.
+(performance, robustness, sanity etc.)
+* index-pack used too much memory when dealing with a deep delta chain.
+  This has been optimized.
+* reduced excessive inlining to shrink size of the "git" binary.
+* verify-pack checks the object CRC when using version 2 idx files.
+* When an object is corrupt in a pack, the object became unusable even
+  when the same object is available in a loose form,  We now try harder to
+  fall back to these redundant objects when able.  In particular, "git
+  repack -a -f" can be used to fix such a corruption as long as necessary
+  objects are available.
+* Performance of "git-blame -C -C" operation is vastly improved.
+* git-clone does not create refs in loose form anymore (it behaves as
+  if you immediately ran git-pack-refs after cloning).  This will help
+  repositories with insanely large number of refs.
+* core.fsyncobjectfiles configuration can be used to ensure that the loose
+  objects created will be fsync'ed (this is only useful on filesystems
+  that does not order data writes properly).
+* "git commit-tree" plumbing can make Octopus with more than 16 parents.
+  "git commit" has been capable of this for quite some time.
+(usability, bells and whistles)
+* even more documentation pages are now accessible via "man" and "git help".
+* A new environment variable GIT_CEILING_DIRECTORIES can be used to stop
+  the discovery process of the toplevel of working tree; this may be useful
+  when you are working in a slow network disk and are outside any working tree,
+  as bash-completion and "git help" may still need to run in these places.
+* By default, stash entries never expire.  Set reflogexpire in [gc
+  "refs/stash"] to a reasonable value to get traditional auto-expiration
+  behaviour back
+* Longstanding latency issue with bash completion script has been
+  addressed.  This will need to be backmerged to 'maint' later.
+* pager.<cmd> configuration variable can be used to enable/disable the
+  default paging behaviour per command.
+* "git-add -i" has a new action 'e/dit' to allow you edit the patch hunk
+  manually.
+* git-am records the original tip of the branch in ORIG_HEAD before it
+  starts applying patches.
+* git-apply can handle a patch that touches the same path more than once
+  much better than before.
+* git-apply can be told not to trust the line counts recorded in the input
+  patch but recount, with the new --recount option.
+* git-apply can be told to apply a patch to a path deeper than what the
+  patch records with --directory option.
+* git-archive can be told to omit certain paths from its output using
+  export-ignore attributes.
+* git-archive uses the zlib default compression level when creating
+  zip archive.
+* git-archive's command line options --exec and --remote can take their
+  parameters as separate command line arguments, similar to other commands.
+  IOW, both "--exec=path" and "--exec path" are now supported.
+* With -v option, git-branch describes the remote tracking statistics
+  similar to the way git-checkout reports by how many commits your branch
+  is ahead/behind.
+* git-branch's --contains option used to always require a commit parameter
+  to limit the branches with; it now defaults to list branches that
+  contains HEAD if this parameter is omitted.
+* git-branch's --merged and --no-merged option used to always limit the
+  branches relative to the HEAD, but they can now take an optional commit
+  argument that is used in place of HEAD.
+* git-bundle can read the revision arguments from the standard input.
+* git-cherry-pick can replay a root commit now.
+* git-clone can clone from a remote whose URL would be rewritten by
+  configuration stored in $HOME/.gitconfig now.
+* "git-clone --mirror" is a handy way to set up a bare mirror repository.
+* git-cvsserver learned to respond to "cvs co -c".
+* git-diff --check now checks leftover merge conflict markers.
+* "git-diff -p" learned to grab a better hunk header lines in
+  BibTex, Pascal/Delphi, and Ruby files and also pays attention to
+  chapter and part boundary in TeX documents.
+* When remote side used to have branch 'foo' and git-fetch finds that now
+  it has branch 'foo/bar', it refuses to lose the existing remote tracking
+  branch and its reflog.  The error message has been improved to suggest
+  pruning the remote if the user wants to proceed and get the latest set
+  of branches from the remote, including such 'foo/bar'.
+* fast-export learned to export and import marks file; this can be used to
+  interface with fast-import incrementally.
+* fast-import and fast-export learned to export and import gitlinks.
+* "gitk" left background process behind after being asked to dig very deep
+  history and the user killed the UI; the process is killed when the UI goes
+  away now.
+* git-rebase records the original tip of branch in ORIG_HEAD before it is
+  rewound.
+* "git rerere" can be told to update the index with auto-reused resolution
+  with rerere.autoupdate configuration variable.
+* git-rev-parse learned $commit^! and $commit^@ notations used in "log"
+  family.  These notations are available in gitk as well, because the gitk
+  command internally uses rev-parse to interpret its arguments.
+* git-rev-list learned --children option to show child commits it
+  encountered during the traversal, instead of showing parent commits.
+* git-send-mail can talk not just over SSL but over TLS now.
+* git-shortlog honors custom output format specified with "--pretty=format:".
+* "git-stash save" learned --keep-index option.  This lets you stash away the
+  local changes and bring the changes staged in the index to your working
+  tree for examination and testing.
+* git-stash also learned branch subcommand to create a new branch out of
+  stashed changes.
+* git-status gives the remote tracking statistics similar to the way
+  git-checkout reports by how many commits your branch is ahead/behind.
+* "git-svn dcommit" is now aware of auto-props setting the subversion user
+  has.
+* You can tell "git status -u" to even more aggressively omit checking
+  untracked files with --untracked-files=no.
+* Original SHA-1 value for "update-ref -d" is optional now.
+* Error codes from gitweb are made more descriptive where possible, rather
+  than "403 forbidden" as we used to issue everywhere.
+* git-merge has been reimplemented in C.
+Fixes since v1.5.6
+All of the fixes in v1.5.6 maintenance series are included in
+this release, unless otherwise noted.
+ * git-clone ignored its -u option; the fix needs to be backported to
+   'maint';
+ * git-mv used to lose the distinction between changes that are staged
+   and that are only in the working tree, by staging both in the index
+   after moving such a path.
+ * "git-rebase -i -p" rewrote the parents to wrong ones when amending
+   (either edit or squash) was involved, and did not work correctly
+   when fast forwarding.
diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8c594ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+GIT v1.6.1.1 Release Notes
+Fixes since v1.6.1
+* "git add frotz/nitfol" when "frotz" is a submodule should have errored
+  out, but it didn't.
+* "git apply" took file modes from the patch text and updated the mode
+  bits of the target tree even when the patch was not about mode changes.
+* "git bisect view" on Cygwin did not launch gitk
+* "git checkout $tree" did not trigger an error.
+* "git commit" tried to remove COMMIT_EDITMSG from the work tree by mistake.
+* "git describe --all" complained when a commit is described with a tag,
+  which was nonsense.
+* "git diff --no-index --" did not trigger no-index (aka "use git-diff as
+  a replacement of diff on untracked files") behaviour.
+* "git format-patch -1 HEAD" on a root commit failed to produce patch
+  text.
+* "git fsck branch" did not work as advertised; instead it behaved the same
+  way as "git fsck".
+* "git log --pretty=format:%s" did not handle a multi-line subject the
+  same way as built-in log listers (i.e. shortlog, --pretty=oneline, etc.)
+* "git daemon", and "git merge-file" are more careful when freopen fails
+  and barf, instead of going on and writing to unopened filehandle.
+* "git http-push" did not like some RFC 4918 compliant DAV server
+  responses.
+* "git merge -s recursive" mistakenly overwritten an untracked file in the
+  work tree upon delete/modify conflict.
+* "git merge -s recursive" didn't leave the index unmerged for entries with
+  rename/delete conflicts.
+* "git merge -s recursive" clobbered untracked files in the work tree.
+* "git mv -k" with more than one erroneous paths misbehaved.
+* "git read-tree -m -u" hence branch switching incorrectly lost a
+  subdirectory in rare cases.
+* "git rebase -i" issued an unnecessary error message upon a user error of
+  marking the first commit to be "squash"ed.
+* "git shortlog" did not format a commit message with multi-line
+  subject correctly.
+Many documentation updates.
diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..be37cbb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+GIT v1.6.1.2 Release Notes
+Fixes since v1.6.1.1
+* The logic for rename detection in internal diff used by commands like
+  "git diff" and "git blame" has been optimized to avoid loading the same
+  blob repeatedly.
+* We did not allow writing out a blob that is larger than 2GB for no good
+  reason.
+* "git format-patch -o $dir", when $dir is a relative directory, used it
+  as relative to the root of the work tree, not relative to the current
+  directory.
+* v1.6.1 introduced an optimization for "git push" into a repository (A)
+  that borrows its objects from another repository (B) to avoid sending
+  objects that are available in repository B, when they are not yet used
+  by repository A.  However the code on the "git push" sender side was
+  buggy and did not work when repository B had new objects that are not
+  known by the sender.  This caused pushing into a "forked" repository
+  served by v1.6.1 software using "git push" from v1.6.1 sometimes did not
+  work.  The bug was purely on the "git push" sender side, and has been
+  corrected.
+* "git status -v" did not paint its diff output in colour even when
+  color.ui configuration was set.
+* "git ls-tree" learned --full-tree option to help Porcelain scripts that
+  want to always see the full path regardless of the current working
+  directory.
+* "git grep" incorrectly searched in work tree paths even when they are
+  marked as assume-unchanged.  It now searches in the index entries.
+* "git gc" with no grace period needlessly ejected packed but unreachable
+  objects in their loose form, only to delete them right away.
diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cd08d81
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+GIT v1.6.1.3 Release Notes
+Fixes since v1.6.1.2
+* "git diff --binary | git apply" pipeline did not work well when
+  a binary blob is changed to a symbolic link.
+* Some combinations of -b/-w/--ignore-space-at-eol to "git diff" did
+  not work as expected.
+* "git grep" did not pass the -I (ignore binary) option when
+  calling out an external grep program.
+* "git log" and friends include HEAD to the set of starting points
+  when --all is given.  This makes a difference when you are not
+  on any branch.
+* "git mv" to move an untracked file to overwrite a tracked
+  contents misbehaved.
+* "git merge -s octopus" with many potential merge bases did not
+  work correctly.
+* RPM binary package installed the html manpages in a wrong place.
+Also includes minor documentation fixes and updates.
diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ccbad79
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+GIT v1.6.1.4 Release Notes
+Fixes since v1.6.1.3
+* .gitignore learned to handle backslash as a quoting mechanism for
+  comment introduction character "#".
+  This fix was first merged to
+* "git fast-export" produced wrong output with some parents missing from
+  commits, when the history is clock-skewed.
+* "git fast-import" sometimes failed to read back objects it just wrote
+  out and aborted, because it failed to flush stale cached data.
+* "git-ls-tree" and "git-diff-tree" used a pathspec correctly when
+  deciding to descend into a subdirectory but they did not match the
+  individual paths correctly.  This caused pathspecs "abc/d ab" to match
+  "abc/0" ("abc/d" made them decide to descend into the directory "abc/",
+  and then "ab" incorrectly matched "abc/0" when it shouldn't).
+  This fix was first merged to
+* import-zips script (in contrib) did not compute the common directory
+  prefix correctly.
+  This fix was first merged to
+* "git init" segfaulted when given an overlong template location via
+  the --template= option.
+  This fix was first merged to
+* "git repack" did not error out when necessary object was missing in the
+  repository.
+* git-repack (invoked from git-gc) did not work as nicely as it should in
+  a repository that borrows objects from neighbours via alternates
+  mechanism especially when some packs are marked with the ".keep" flag
+  to prevent them from being repacked.
+  This fix was first merged to
+Also includes minor documentation fixes and updates.
diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/1.6.1.txt b/Documentation/RelNotes/1.6.1.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7b152a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/1.6.1.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,280 @@
+GIT v1.6.1 Release Notes
+Updates since v1.6.0
+When some commands (e.g. "git log", "git diff") spawn pager internally, we
+used to make the pager the parent process of the git command that produces
+output.  This meant that the exit status of the whole thing comes from the
+pager, not the underlying git command.  We swapped the order of the
+processes around and you will see the exit code from the command from now
+* gitk can call out to git-gui to view "git blame" output; git-gui in turn
+  can run gitk from its blame view.
+* Various git-gui updates including updated translations.
+* Various gitweb updates from installation.
+* Updates to emacs bindings.
+* A few test scripts used nonportable "grep" that did not work well on
+  some platforms, e.g. Solaris.
+* Sample pre-auto-gc script has OS X support.
+* Makefile has support for (ancient) FreeBSD 4.9.
+* Many operations that are lstat(3) heavy can be told to pre-execute
+  necessary lstat(3) in parallel before their main operations, which
+  potentially gives much improved performance for cold-cache cases or in
+  environments with weak metadata caching (e.g. NFS).
+* The underlying diff machinery to produce textual output has been
+  optimized, which would result in faster "git blame" processing.
+* Most of the test scripts (but not the ones that try to run servers)
+  can be run in parallel.
+* Bash completion of refnames in a repository with massive number of
+  refs has been optimized.
+* Cygwin port uses native stat/lstat implementations when applicable,
+  which leads to improved performance.
+* "git push" pays attention to alternate repositories to avoid sending
+  unnecessary objects.
+* "git svn" can rebuild an out-of-date rev_map file.
+(usability, bells and whistles)
+* When you mistype a command name, git helpfully suggests what it guesses
+  you might have meant to say.  help.autocorrect configuration can be set
+  to a non-zero value to accept the suggestion when git can uniquely
+  guess.
+* The packfile machinery hopefully is more robust when dealing with
+  corrupt packs if redundant objects involved in the corruption are
+  available elsewhere.
+* "git add -N path..." adds the named paths as an empty blob, so that
+  subsequent "git diff" will show a diff as if they are creation events.
+* "git add" gained a built-in synonym for people who want to say "stage
+  changes" instead of "add contents to the staging area" which amounts
+  to the same thing.
+* "git apply" learned --include=paths option, similar to the existing
+  --exclude=paths option.
+* "git bisect" is careful about a user mistake and suggests testing of
+  merge base first when good is not a strict ancestor of bad.
+* "git bisect skip" can take a range of commits.
+* "git blame" re-encodes the commit metainfo to UTF-8 from i18n.commitEncoding
+  by default.
+* "git check-attr --stdin" can check attributes for multiple paths.
+* "git checkout --track origin/hack" used to be a syntax error.  It now
+  DWIMs to create a corresponding local branch "hack", i.e. acts as if you
+  said "git checkout --track -b hack origin/hack".
+* "git checkout --ours/--theirs" can be used to check out one side of a
+  conflicting merge during conflict resolution.
+* "git checkout -m" can be used to recreate the initial conflicted state
+  during conflict resolution.
+* "git cherry-pick" can also utilize rerere for conflict resolution.
+* "git clone" learned to be verbose with -v
+* "git commit --author=$name" can look up author name from existing
+  commits.
+* output from "git commit" has been reworded in a more concise and yet
+  more informative way.
+* "git count-objects" reports the on-disk footprint for packfiles and
+  their corresponding idx files.
+* "git daemon" learned --max-connections=<count> option.
+* "git daemon" exports REMOTE_ADDR to record client address, so that
+  spawned programs can act differently on it.
+* "git describe --tags" favours closer lightweight tags than farther
+  annotated tags now.
+* "git diff" learned to mimic --suppress-blank-empty from GNU diff via a
+  configuration option.
+* "git diff" learned to put more sensible hunk headers for Python,
+  HTML and ObjC contents.
+* "git diff" learned to vary the a/ vs b/ prefix depending on what are
+  being compared, controlled by diff.mnemonicprefix configuration.
+* "git diff" learned --dirstat-by-file to count changed files, not number
+  of lines, when summarizing the global picture.
+* "git diff" learned "textconv" filters --- a binary or hard-to-read
+  contents can be munged into human readable form and the difference
+  between the results of the conversion can be viewed (obviously this
+  cannot produce a patch that can be applied, so this is disabled in
+  format-patch among other things).
+* "--cached" option to "git diff has an easier to remember synonym "--staged",
+  to ask "what is the difference between the given commit and the
+  contents staged in the index?"
+* "git for-each-ref" learned "refname:short" token that gives an
+  unambiguously abbreviated refname.
+* Auto-numbering of the subject lines is the default for "git
+  format-patch" now.
+* "git grep" learned to accept -z similar to GNU grep.
+* "git help" learned to use GIT_MAN_VIEWER environment variable before
+  using "man" program.
+* "git imap-send" can optionally talk SSL.
+* "git index-pack" is more careful against disk corruption while
+  completing a thin pack.
+* "git log --check" and "git log --exit-code" passes their underlying diff
+  status with their exit status code.
+* "git log" learned --simplify-merges, a milder variant of --full-history;
+  "gitk --simplify-merges" is easier to view than with --full-history.
+* "git log" learned "--source" to show what ref each commit was reached
+  from.
+* "git log" also learned "--simplify-by-decoration" to show the
+  birds-eye-view of the topology of the history.
+* "git log --pretty=format:" learned "%d" format element that inserts
+  names of tags that point at the commit.
+* "git merge --squash" and "git merge --no-ff" into an unborn branch are
+  noticed as user errors.
+* "git merge -s $strategy" can use a custom built strategy if you have a
+  command "git-merge-$strategy" on your $PATH.
+* "git pull" (and "git fetch") can be told to operate "-v"erbosely or
+  "-q"uietly.
+* "git push" can be told to reject deletion of refs with receive.denyDeletes
+  configuration.
+* "git rebase" honours pre-rebase hook; use --no-verify to bypass it.
+* "git rebase -p" uses interactive rebase machinery now to preserve the merges.
+* "git reflog expire branch" can be used in place of "git reflog expire
+  refs/heads/branch".
+* "git remote show $remote" lists remote branches one-per-line now.
+* "git send-email" can be given revision range instead of files and
+  maildirs on the command line, and automatically runs format-patch to
+  generate patches for the given revision range.
+* "git submodule foreach" subcommand allows you to iterate over checked
+  out submodules.
+* "git submodule sync" subcommands allows you to update the origin URL
+  recorded in submodule directories from the toplevel .gitmodules file.
+* "git svn branch" can create new branches on the other end.
+* "gitweb" can use more saner PATH_INFO based URL.
+* "git hash-object" learned to lie about the path being hashed, so that
+  correct gitattributes processing can be done while hashing contents
+  stored in a temporary file.
+* various callers of git-merge-recursive avoid forking it as an external
+  process.
+* Git class defined in "" can be subclasses a bit more easily.
+* We used to link GNU regex library as a compatibility layer for some
+  platforms, but it turns out it is not necessary on most of them.
+* Some path handling routines used fixed number of buffers used alternately
+  but depending on the call depth, this arrangement led to hard to track
+  bugs.  This issue is being addressed.
+Fixes since v1.6.0
+All of the fixes in v1.6.0.X maintenance series are included in this
+release, unless otherwise noted.
+* Porcelains implemented as shell scripts were utterly confused when you
+  entered to a subdirectory of a work tree from sideways, following a
+  symbolic link (this may need to be backported to older releases later).
+* Tracking symbolic links would work better on filesystems whose lstat()
+  returns incorrect st_size value for them.
+* "git add" and "git update-index" incorrectly allowed adding S/F when S
+  is a tracked symlink that points at a directory D that has a path F in
+  it (we still need to fix a similar nonsense when S is a submodule and F
+  is a path in it).
+* "git am" after stopping at a broken patch lost --whitespace, -C, -p and
+  --3way options given from the command line initially.
+* "git diff --stdin" used to take two trees on a line and compared them,
+  but we dropped support for such a use case long time ago.  This has
+  been resurrected.
+* "git filter-branch" failed to rewrite a tag name with slashes in it.
+* "git http-push" did not understand URI scheme other than opaquelocktoken
+  when acquiring a lock from the server (this may need to be backported to
+  older releases later).
+* After "git rebase -p" stopped with conflicts while replaying a merge,
+ "git rebase --continue" did not work (may need to be backported to older
+  releases).
+* "git revert" records relative to which parent a revert was made when
+  reverting a merge.  Together with new documentation that explains issues
+  around reverting a merge and merging from the updated branch later, this
+  hopefully will reduce user confusion (this may need to be backported to
+  older releases later).
+* "git rm --cached" used to allow an empty blob that was added earlier to
+  be removed without --force, even when the file in the work tree has
+  since been modified.
+* "git push --tags --all $there" failed with generic usage message without
+  telling saying these two options are incompatible.
+* "git log --author/--committer" match used to potentially match the
+  timestamp part, exposing internal implementation detail.  Also these did
+  not work with --fixed-strings match at all.
+* "gitweb" did not mark non-ASCII characters imported from external HTML fragments
+  correctly.
diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dfa3641
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+GIT v1.6.2.1 Release Notes
+Fixes since v1.6.2
+* .gitignore learned to handle backslash as a quoting mechanism for
+  comment introduction character "#".
+* timestamp output in --date=relative mode used to display timestamps that
+  are long time ago in the default mode; it now uses "N years M months
+  ago", and "N years ago".
+* git-add -i/-p now works with non-ASCII pathnames.
+* "git hash-object -w" did not read from the configuration file from the
+  correct .git directory.
+* git-send-email learned to correctly handle multiple Cc: addresses.
diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fafa998
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+GIT v1.6.2.2 Release Notes
+Fixes since v1.6.2.1
+* A longstanding confusing description of what --pickaxe option of
+  git-diff does has been clarified in the documentation.
+* "git-blame -S" did not quite work near the commits that were given
+  on the command line correctly.
+* "git diff --pickaxe-regexp" did not count overlapping matches
+  correctly.
+* "git diff" did not feed files in work-tree representation to external
+  diff and textconv.
+* "git-fetch" in a repository that was not cloned from anywhere said
+  it cannot find 'origin', which was hard to understand for new people.
+* "git-format-patch --numbered-files --stdout" did not have to die of
+  incompatible options; it now simply ignores --numbered-files as no files
+  are produced anyway.
+* "git-ls-files --deleted" did not work well with GIT_DIR&GIT_WORK_TREE.
+* "git-read-tree A B C..." without -m option has been broken for a long
+  time.
+* git-send-email ignored --in-reply-to when --no-thread was given.
+* 'git-submodule add' did not tolerate extra slashes and ./ in the path it
+  accepted from the command line; it now is more lenient.
+* git-svn misbehaved when the project contained a path that began with
+  two dashes.
+* import-zips script (in contrib) did not compute the common directory
+  prefix correctly.
+* miscompilation of negated enum constants by old gcc (2.9) affected the
+  codepaths to spawn subprocesses.
+Many small documentation updates are included as well.
diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4d3c1ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+GIT v1.6.2.3 Release Notes
+Fixes since v1.6.2.2
+* Setting an octal mode value to core.sharedrepository configuration to
+  restrict access to the repository to group members did not work as
+  advertised.
+* A fairly large and trivial memory leak while rev-list shows list of
+  reachable objects has been identified and plugged.
+* "git-commit --interactive" did not abort when underlying "git-add -i"
+  signaled a failure.
+* git-repack (invoked from git-gc) did not work as nicely as it should in
+  a repository that borrows objects from neighbours via alternates
+  mechanism especially when some packs are marked with the ".keep" flag
+  to prevent them from being repacked.
+Many small documentation updates are included as well.
diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f4bf1d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+GIT v1.6.2.4 Release Notes
+Fixes since v1.6.2.3
+* The configuration parser had a buffer overflow while parsing an overlong
+  value.
+* pruning reflog entries that are unreachable from the tip of the ref
+  during "git reflog prune" (hence "git gc") was very inefficient.
+* "git-add -p" lacked a way to say "q"uit to refuse staging any hunks for
+  the remaining paths.  You had to say "d" and then ^C.
+* "git-checkout <tree-ish> <submodule>" did not update the index entry at
+  the named path; it now does.
+* "git-fast-export" choked when seeing a tag that does not point at commit.
+* "git init" segfaulted when given an overlong template location via
+  the --template= option.
+* "git-ls-tree" and "git-diff-tree" used a pathspec correctly when
+  deciding to descend into a subdirectory but they did not match the
+  individual paths correctly.  This caused pathspecs "abc/d ab" to match
+  "abc/0" ("abc/d" made them decide to descend into the directory "abc/",
+  and then "ab" incorrectly matched "abc/0" when it shouldn't).
+* "git-merge-recursive" was broken when a submodule entry was involved in
+  a criss-cross merge situation.
+Many small documentation updates are included as well.
+exec >/var/tmp/1
+echo O=$(git describe maint)
+git shortlog --no-merges $O..maint
diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b23f9e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+GIT v1.6.2.5 Release Notes
+Fixes since v1.6.2.4
+* "git apply" mishandled if you fed a git generated patch that renames
+  file A to B and file B to A at the same time.
+* "git diff -c -p" (and "diff --cc") did not expect to see submodule
+  differences and instead refused to work.
+* "git grep -e '('" segfaulted, instead of diagnosing a mismatched
+  parentheses error.
+* "git fetch" generated packs with offset-delta encoding when both ends of
+  the connection are capable of producing one; this cannot be read by
+  ancient git and the user should be able to disable this by setting
+  repack.usedeltabaseoffset configuration to false.
diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/1.6.2.txt b/Documentation/RelNotes/1.6.2.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..166d73c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/1.6.2.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
+GIT v1.6.2 Release Notes
+With the next major release, "git push" into a branch that is
+currently checked out will be refused by default.  You can choose
+what should happen upon such a push by setting the configuration
+variable receive.denyCurrentBranch in the receiving repository.
+To ease the transition plan, the receiving repository of such a
+push running this release will issue a big warning when the
+configuration variable is missing.  Please refer to:
+for more details on the reason why this change is needed and the
+transition plan.
+For a similar reason, "git push $there :$killed" to delete the branch
+$killed in a remote repository $there, if $killed branch is the current
+branch pointed at by its HEAD, gets a large warning.  You can choose what
+should happen upon such a push by setting the configuration variable
+receive.denyDeleteCurrent in the receiving repository.
+Updates since v1.6.1
+* git-svn updates.
+* gitweb updates, including a new patch view and RSS/Atom feed
+  improvements.
+* (contrib/emacs) git.el now has commands for checking out a branch,
+  creating a branch, cherry-picking and reverting commits; vc-git.el
+  is not shipped with git anymore (it is part of official Emacs).
+* pack-objects autodetects the number of CPUs available and uses threaded
+  version.
+(usability, bells and whistles)
+* automatic typo correction works on aliases as well
+* @{-1} is a way to refer to the last branch you were on.  This is
+  accepted not only where an object name is expected, but anywhere
+  a branch name is expected and acts as if you typed the branch name.
+  E.g. "git branch --track mybranch @{-1}", "git merge @{-1}", and
+  "git rev-parse --symbolic-full-name @{-1}" would work as expected.
+* When refs/remotes/origin/HEAD points at a remote tracking branch that
+  has been pruned away, many git operations issued warning when they
+  internally enumerated the refs.  We now warn only when you say "origin"
+  to refer to that pruned branch.
+* The location of .mailmap file can be configured, and its file format was
+  enhanced to allow mapping an incorrect e-mail field as well.
+* "git add -p" learned 'g'oto action to jump directly to a hunk.
+* "git add -p" learned to find a hunk with given text with '/'.
+* "git add -p" optionally can be told to work with just the command letter
+  without Enter.
+* when "git am" stops upon a patch that does not apply, it shows the
+  title of the offending patch.
+* "git am --directory=<dir>" and "git am --reject" passes these options
+  to underlying "git apply".
+* "git am" learned --ignore-date option.
+* "git blame" aligns author names better when they are spelled in
+  non US-ASCII encoding.
+* "git clone" now makes its best effort when cloning from an empty
+  repository to set up configuration variables to refer to the remote
+  repository.
+* "git checkout -" is a shorthand for "git checkout @{-1}".
+* "git cherry" defaults to whatever the current branch is tracking (if
+  exists) when the <upstream> argument is not given.
+* "git cvsserver" can be told not to add extra "via git-CVS emulator" to
+  the commit log message it serves via gitcvs.commitmsgannotation
+  configuration.
+* "git cvsserver" learned to handle 'noop' command some CVS clients seem
+  to expect to work.
+* "git diff" learned a new option --inter-hunk-context to coalesce close
+  hunks together and show context between them.
+* The definition of what constitutes a word for "git diff --color-words"
+  can be customized via gitattributes, command line or a configuration.
+* "git diff" learned --patience to run "patience diff" algorithm.
+* "git filter-branch" learned --prune-empty option that discards commits
+  that do not change the contents.
+* "git fsck" now checks loose objects in alternate object stores, instead
+  of misreporting them as missing.
+* "git gc --prune" was resurrected to allow "git gc --no-prune" and
+  giving non-default expiration period e.g. "git gc --prune=now".
+* "git grep -w" and "git grep" for fixed strings have been optimized.
+* "git mergetool" learned -y(--no-prompt) option to disable prompting.
+* "git rebase -i" can transplant a history down to root to elsewhere
+  with --root option.
+* "git reset --merge" is a new mode that works similar to the way
+  "git checkout" switches branches, taking the local changes while
+  switching to another commit.
+* "git submodule update" learned --no-fetch option.
+* "git tag" learned --contains that works the same way as the same option
+  from "git branch".
+Fixes since v1.6.1
+All of the fixes in v1.6.1.X maintenance series are included in this
+release, unless otherwise noted.
+Here are fixes that this release has, but have not been backported to
+v1.6.1.X series.
+* "git-add sub/file" when sub is a submodule incorrectly added the path to
+  the superproject.
+* "git bundle" did not exclude annotated tags even when a range given
+  from the command line wanted to.
+* "git filter-branch" unnecessarily refused to work when you had
+  checked out a different commit from what is recorded in the superproject
+  index in a submodule.
+* "git filter-branch" incorrectly tried to update a nonexistent work tree
+  at the end when it is run in a bare repository.
+* "git gc" did not work if your repository was created with an ancient git
+  and never had any pack files in it before.
+* "git mergetool" used to ignore autocrlf and other attributes
+  based content rewriting.
+* branch switching and merges had a silly bug that did not validate
+  the correct directory when making sure an existing subdirectory is
+  clean.
+* "git -p cmd" when cmd is not a built-in one left the display in funny state
+  when killed in the middle.
diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2400b72
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+GIT v1.6.3.1 Release Notes
+Fixes since v1.6.3
+* "git checkout -b new-branch" with a staged change in the index
+  incorrectly primed the in-index cache-tree, resulting a wrong tree
+  object to be written out of the index.  This is a grave regression
+  since the last 1.6.2.X maintenance release.
diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b2f3f02
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+GIT v1.6.3.2 Release Notes
+Fixes since v1.6.3.1
+ * A few codepaths picked up the first few bytes from an sha1[] by
+   casting the (char *) pointer to (int *); GCC 4.4 did not like this,
+   and aborted compilation.
+ * Some unlink(2) failures went undiagnosed.
+ * The "recursive" merge strategy misbehaved when faced rename/delete
+   conflicts while coming up with an intermediate merge base.
+ * The low-level merge algorithm did not handle a degenerate case of
+   merging a file with itself using itself as the common ancestor
+   gracefully.  It should produce the file itself, but instead
+   produced an empty result.
+ * GIT_TRACE mechanism segfaulted when tracing a shell-quoted aliases.
+ * OpenBSD also uses st_ctimspec in "struct stat", instead of "st_ctim".
+ * With NO_CROSS_DIRECTORY_HARDLINKS, "make install" can be told not to
+   create hardlinks between $(gitexecdir)/git-$builtin_commands and
+   $(bindir)/git.
+ * command completion code in bash did not reliably detect that we are
+   in a bare repository.
+ * "git add ." in an empty directory complained that pathspec "." did not
+   match anything, which may be technically correct, but not useful.  We
+   silently make it a no-op now.
+ * "git add -p" (and "patch" action in "git add -i") was broken when
+   the first hunk that adds a line at the top was split into two and
+   both halves are marked to be used.
+ * "git blame path" misbehaved at the commit where path became file
+   from a directory with some files in it.
+ * "git for-each-ref" had a segfaulting bug when dealing with a tag object
+   created by an ancient git.
+ * "git format-patch -k" still added patch numbers if format.numbered
+   configuration was set.
+ * "git grep --color ''" did not terminate.  The command also had
+   subtle bugs with its -w option.
+ * http-push had a small use-after-free bug.
+ * "git push" was converting OFS_DELTA pack representation into less
+   efficient REF_DELTA representation unconditionally upon transfer,
+   making the transferred data unnecessarily larger.
+ * "git remote show origin" segfaulted when origin was still empty.
+Many other general usability updates around help text, diagnostic messages
+and documentation are included as well.
diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1c28398
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+GIT v1.6.3.3 Release Notes
+Fixes since v1.6.3.2
+ * "git archive" running on Cygwin can get stuck in an infinite loop.
+ * "git daemon" did not correctly parse the initial line that carries
+   virtual host request information.
+ * "git diff --textconv" leaked memory badly when the textconv filter
+   errored out.
+ * The built-in regular expressions to pick function names to put on
+   hunk header lines for java and objc were very inefficiently written.
+ * in certain error situations git-fetch (and git-clone) on Windows didn't
+   detect connection abort and ended up waiting indefinitely.
+ * import-tars script (in contrib) did not import symbolic links correctly.
+ * http.c used CURLOPT_SSLKEY even on libcURL version 7.9.2, even though
+   it was only available starting 7.9.3.
+ * low-level filelevel merge driver used return value from strdup()
+   without checking if we ran out of memory.
+ * "git rebase -i" left stray closing parenthesis in its reflog message.
+ * "git remote show" did not show all the URLs associated with the named
+   remote, even though "git remote -v" did.  Made them consistent by
+   making the former show all URLs.
+ * "whitespace" attribute that is set was meant to detect all errors known
+   to git, but it told git to ignore trailing carriage-returns.
+Includes other documentation fixes.
diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cad461b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+GIT v1.6.3.4 Release Notes
+Fixes since v1.6.3.3
+ * "git add --no-ignore-errors" did not override configured
+   add.ignore-errors configuration.
+ * "git apply --whitespace=fix" did not fix trailing whitespace on an
+   incomplete line.
+ * "git branch" opened too many commit objects unnecessarily.
+ * "git checkout -f $commit" with a path that is a file (or a symlink) in
+   the work tree to a commit that has a directory at the path issued an
+   unnecessary error message.
+ * "git diff -c/--cc" was very inefficient in coalescing the removed lines
+   shared between parents.
+ * "git diff -c/--cc" showed removed lines at the beginning of a file
+   incorrectly.
+ * "git remote show nickname" did not honor configured
+   remote.nickname.uploadpack when inspecting the branches at the remote.
+ * "git request-pull" when talking to the terminal for a preview
+   showed some of the output in the pager.
+ * "git request-pull start nickname [end]" did not honor configured
+   remote.nickname.uploadpack when it ran git-ls-remote against the remote
+   repository to learn the current tip of branches.
+Includes other documentation updates and minor fixes.
diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/1.6.3.txt b/Documentation/RelNotes/1.6.3.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bbf177f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/1.6.3.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
+GIT v1.6.3 Release Notes
+With the next major release, "git push" into a branch that is
+currently checked out will be refused by default.  You can choose
+what should happen upon such a push by setting the configuration
+variable receive.denyCurrentBranch in the receiving repository.
+To ease the transition plan, the receiving repository of such a
+push running this release will issue a big warning when the
+configuration variable is missing.  Please refer to:
+for more details on the reason why this change is needed and the
+transition plan.
+For a similar reason, "git push $there :$killed" to delete the branch
+$killed in a remote repository $there, if $killed branch is the current
+branch pointed at by its HEAD, gets a large warning.  You can choose what
+should happen upon such a push by setting the configuration variable
+receive.denyDeleteCurrent in the receiving repository.
+When the user does not tell "git push" what to push, it has always
+pushed matching refs.  For some people it is unexpected, and a new
+configuration variable push.default has been introduced to allow
+changing a different default behaviour.  To advertise the new feature,
+a big warning is issued if this is not configured and a git push without
+arguments is attempted.
+Updates since v1.6.2
+* various git-svn updates.
+* git-gui updates, including an update to Russian translation, and a
+  fix to an infinite loop when showing an empty diff.
+* gitk updates, including an update to Russian translation and improved Windows
+  support.
+* many uses of lstat(2) in the codepath for "git checkout" have been
+  optimized out.
+(usability, bells and whistles)
+* Boolean configuration variable yes/no can be written as on/off.
+* rsync:/path/to/repo can be used to run git over rsync for local
+  repositories.  It may not be useful in practice; meant primarily for
+  testing.
+* http transport learned to prompt and use password when fetching from or
+  pushing to http://user@host.xz/ URL.
+* (msysgit) progress output that is sent over the sideband protocol can
+  be handled appropriately in Windows console.
+* "--pretty=<style>" option to the log family of commands can now be
+  spelled as "--format=<style>".  In addition, --format=%formatstring
+  is a short-hand for --pretty=tformat:%formatstring.
+* "--oneline" is a synonym for "--pretty=oneline --abbrev-commit".
+* "--graph" to the "git log" family can draw the commit ancestry graph
+  in colors.
+* If you realize that you botched the patch when you are editing hunks
+  with the 'edit' action in git-add -i/-p, you can abort the editor to
+  tell git not to apply it.
+* @{-1} is a new way to refer to the last branch you were on introduced in
+  1.6.2, but the initial implementation did not teach this to a few
+  commands.  Now the syntax works with "branch -m @{-1} newname".
+* git-archive learned --output=<file> option.
+* git-archive takes attributes from the tree being archived; strictly
+  speaking, this is an incompatible behaviour change, but is a good one.
+  Use --worktree-attributes option to allow it to read attributes from
+  the work tree as before (deprecated git-tar tree command always reads
+  attributes from the work tree).
+* git-bisect shows not just the number of remaining commits whose goodness
+  is unknown, but also shows the estimated number of remaining rounds.
+* You can give --date=<format> option to git-blame.
+* "git-branch -r" shows HEAD symref that points at a remote branch in
+  interest of each tracked remote repository.
+* "git-branch -v -v" is a new way to get list of names for branches and the
+  "upstream" branch for them.
+* git-config learned -e option to open an editor to edit the config file
+  directly.
+* git-clone runs post-checkout hook when run without --no-checkout.
+* git-difftool is now part of the officially supported command, primarily
+  maintained by David Aguilar.
+* git-for-each-ref learned a new "upstream" token.
+* git-format-patch can be told to use attachment with a new configuration,
+  format.attach.
+* git-format-patch can be told to produce deep or shallow message threads.
+* git-format-patch can be told to always add sign-off with a configuration
+  variable.
+* git-format-patch learned format.headers configuration to add extra
+  header fields to the output.  This behaviour is similar to the existing
+  --add-header=<header> option of the command.
+* git-format-patch gives human readable names to the attached files, when
+  told to send patches as attachments.
+* git-grep learned to highlight the found substrings in color.
+* git-imap-send learned to work around Thunderbird's inability to easily
+  disable format=flowed with a new configuration, imap.preformattedHTML.
+* git-rebase can be told to rebase the series even if your branch is a
+  descendant of the commit you are rebasing onto with --force-rebase
+  option.
+* git-rebase can be told to report diffstat with the --stat option.
+* Output from git-remote command has been vastly improved.
+* "git remote update --prune $remote" updates from the named remote and
+  then prunes stale tracking branches.
+* git-send-email learned --confirm option to review the Cc: list before
+  sending the messages out.
+* Test scripts can be run under valgrind.
+* Test scripts can be run with installed git.
+* Makefile learned 'coverage' option to run the test suites with
+  coverage tracking enabled.
+* Building the manpages with docbook-xsl between 1.69.1 and 1.71.1 now
+  requires setting DOCBOOK_SUPPRESS_SP to work around a docbook-xsl bug.
+  This workaround used to be enabled by default, but causes problems
+  with newer versions of docbook-xsl.  In addition, there are a few more
+  knobs you can tweak to work around issues with various versions of the
+  docbook-xsl package.  See comments in Documentation/Makefile for details.
+* Support for building and testing a subset of git on a system without a
+  working perl has been improved.
+Fixes since v1.6.2
+All of the fixes in v1.6.2.X maintenance series are included in this
+release, unless otherwise noted.
+Here are fixes that this release has, but have not been backported to
+v1.6.2.X series.
+* "git-apply" rejected a patch that swaps two files (i.e. renames A to B
+  and B to A at the same time).  May need to be backported by cherry
+  picking d8c81df and then 7fac0ee).
+* The initial checkout did not read the attributes from the .gitattribute
+  file that is being checked out.
+* git-gc spent excessive amount of time to decide if an object appears
+  in a locally existing pack (if needed, backport by merging 69e020a).
diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e439e45
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+GIT v1.6.4.1 Release Notes
+Fixes since v1.6.4
+ * An unquoted value in the configuration file, when it contains more than
+   one whitespaces in a row, got them replaced with a single space.
+ * "git am" used to accept a single piece of e-mail per file (not a mbox)
+   as its input, but multiple input format support in v1.6.4 broke it.
+   Apparently many people have been depending on this feature.
+ * The short help text for "git filter-branch" command was a single long
+   line, wrapped by terminals, and was hard to read.
+ * The "recursive" strategy of "git merge" segfaulted when a merge has
+   more than one merge-bases, and merging of these merge-bases involves
+   a rename/rename or a rename/add conflict.
+ * "git pull --rebase" did not use the right fork point when the
+   repository has already fetched from the upstream that rewinds the
+   branch it is based on in an earlier fetch.
+ * Explain the concept of fast-forward more fully in "git push"
+   documentation, and hint to refer to it from an error message when the
+   command refuses an update to protect the user.
+ * The default value for pack.deltacachesize, used by "git repack", is now
+   256M, instead of unbounded.  Otherwise a repack of a moderately sized
+   repository would needlessly eat into swap.
+ * Document how "git repack" (hence "git gc") interacts with a repository
+   that borrows its objects from other repositories (e.g. ones created by
+   "git clone -s").
+ * "git show" on an annotated tag lacked a delimiting blank line between
+   the tag itself and the contents of the object it tags.
+ * "git verify-pack -v" erroneously reported number of objects with too
+   deep delta depths as "chain length 0" objects.
+ * Long names of authors and committers outside US-ASCII were sometimes
+   incorrectly shown in "gitweb".
+Other minor documentation updates are included.
diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c11ec01
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+GIT v1.6.4.2 Release Notes
+Fixes since v1.6.4.1
+* --date=relative output between 1 and 5 years ago rounded the number of
+    years when saying X years Y months ago, instead of rounding it down.
+* "git add -p" did not handle changes in executable bits correctly
+  (a regression around 1.6.3).
+* "git apply" did not honor GNU diff's convention to mark the creation/deletion
+  event with UNIX epoch timestamp on missing side.
+* "git checkout" incorrectly removed files in a directory pointed by a
+  symbolic link during a branch switch that replaces a directory with
+  a symbolic link.
+* "git clean -d -f" happily descended into a subdirectory that is managed by a
+  separate git repository.  It now requires two -f options for safety.
+* "git fetch/push" over http transports had two rather grave bugs.
+* "git format-patch --cover-letter" did not prepare the cover letter file
+  for use with non-ASCII strings when there are the series contributors with
+  non-ASCII names.
+* "git pull origin branch" and "git fetch origin && git merge origin/branch"
+  left different merge messages in the resulting commit.
+Other minor documentation updates are included.
diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5643e65
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+GIT v1.6.4.3 Release Notes
+Fixes since v1.6.4.2
+* "git clone" from an empty repository gave unnecessary error message,
+  even though it did everything else correctly.
+* "git cvsserver" invoked git commands via "git-foo" style, which has long
+  been deprecated.
+* "git fetch" and "git clone" had an extra sanity check to verify the
+  presence of the corresponding *.pack file before downloading *.idx
+  file by issuing a HEAD request.  Github server however sometimes
+  gave 500 (Internal server error) response to HEAD even if a GET
+  request for *.pack file to the same URL would have succeeded, and broke
+  clone over HTTP from some of their repositories.  As a workaround, this
+  verification has been removed (as it is not absolutely necessary).
+* "git grep" did not like relative pathname to refer outside the current
+  directory when run from a subdirectory.
+* an error message from "git push" was formatted in a very ugly way.
+* "git svn" did not quote the subversion user name correctly when
+  running its author-prog helper program.
+Other minor documentation updates are included.
diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0ead45f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+GIT v1.6.4.4 Release Notes
+Fixes since v1.6.4.4
+* The workaround for Github server that sometimes gave 500 (Internal server
+  error) response to HEAD requests in introduced a regression that
+  caused re-fetching projects over http to segfault in certain cases due
+  to uninitialized pointer being freed.
+* "git pull" on an unborn branch used to consider anything in the work
+  tree and the index discardable.
+* "git diff -b/w" did not work well on the incomplete line at the end of
+  the file, due to an incorrect hashing of lines in the low-level xdiff
+  routines.
+* "git checkout-index --prefix=$somewhere" used to work when $somewhere is
+  a symbolic link to a directory elsewhere, but v1.6.4.2 broke it.
+* "git unpack-objects --strict", invoked when receive.fsckobjects
+  configuration is set in the receiving repository of "git push", did not
+  properly check the objects, especially the submodule links, it received.
+Other minor documentation updates are included.
diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eb6307d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+Git v1.6.4.5 Release Notes
+Fixes since v1.6.4.4
+ * Simplified base85 implementation.
+ * An overlong line after ".gitdir: " in a git file caused out of bounds
+   access to an array on the stack.
+ * "git count-objects" did not handle packs larger than 4G.
+ * "git rev-parse --parseopt --stop-at-non-option" did not stop at non option
+   when --keep-dashdash was in effect.
+ * "gitweb" can sometimes be tricked into parrotting a filename argument
+   given in a request without properly quoting.
+Other minor fixes and documentation updates are included.
diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/1.6.4.txt b/Documentation/RelNotes/1.6.4.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0fccfb0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/1.6.4.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
+GIT v1.6.4 Release Notes
+With the next major release, "git push" into a branch that is
+currently checked out will be refused by default.  You can choose
+what should happen upon such a push by setting the configuration
+variable receive.denyCurrentBranch in the receiving repository.
+To ease the transition plan, the receiving repository of such a
+push running this release will issue a big warning when the
+configuration variable is missing.  Please refer to:
+for more details on the reason why this change is needed and the
+transition plan.
+For a similar reason, "git push $there :$killed" to delete the branch
+$killed in a remote repository $there, if $killed branch is the current
+branch pointed at by its HEAD, gets a large warning.  You can choose what
+should happen upon such a push by setting the configuration variable
+receive.denyDeleteCurrent in the receiving repository.
+Updates since v1.6.3
+ * gitweb Perl style clean-up.
+ * git-svn updates, including a new --authors-prog option to map author
+   names by invoking an external program, 'git svn reset' to unwind
+   'git svn fetch', support for more than one branches, documenting
+   of the useful --minimize-url feature, new "git svn gc" command, etc.
+ * We feed iconv with "UTF-8" instead of "utf8"; the former is
+   understood more widely.  Similarly updated test scripts to use
+   encoding names more widely understood (e.g. use "ISO8859-1" instead
+   of "ISO-8859-1").
+ * Various portability fixes/workarounds for different vintages of
+   SunOS, IRIX, and Windows.
+ * Git-over-ssh transport on Windows supports PuTTY plink and TortoisePlink.
+ * Many repeated use of lstat() are optimized out in "checkout" codepath.
+ * git-status (and underlying git-diff-index --cached) are optimized
+   to take advantage of cache-tree information in the index.
+(usability, bells and whistles)
+ * "git add --edit" lets users edit the whole patch text to fine-tune what
+   is added to the index.
+ * "git am" accepts StGIT series file as its input.
+ * "git bisect skip" skips to a more randomly chosen place in the hope
+   to avoid testing a commit that is too close to a commit that is
+   already known to be untestable.
+ * "git cvsexportcommit" learned -k option to stop CVS keywords expansion
+ * "git fast-export" learned to handle history simplification more
+   gracefully.
+ * "git fast-export" learned an option --tag-of-filtered-object to handle
+   dangling tags resulting from history simplification more usefully.
+ * "git grep" learned -p option to show the location of the match using the
+   same context hunk marker "git diff" uses.
+ * https transport can optionally be told that the used client
+   certificate is password protected, in which case it asks the
+   password only once.
+ * "git imap-send" is IPv6 aware.
+ * "git log --graph" draws graphs more compactly by using horizontal lines
+   when able.
+ * "git log --decorate" shows shorter refnames by stripping well-known
+   refs/* prefix.
+ * "git push $name" honors remote.$name.pushurl if present before
+   using remote.$name.url.  In other words, the URL used for fetching
+   and pushing can be different.
+ * "git send-email" understands quoted aliases in .mailrc files (might
+   have to be backported to 1.6.3.X).
+ * "git send-email" can fetch the sender address from the configuration
+   variable "sendmail.from" (and "sendmail.<identity>.from").
+ * "git show-branch" can color its output.
+ * "add" and "update" subcommands to "git submodule" learned --reference
+   option to use local clone with references.
+ * "git submodule update" learned --rebase option to update checked
+   out submodules by rebasing the local changes.
+ * "gitweb" can optionally use gravatar to adorn author/committer names.
+ * A major part of the "git bisect" wrapper has moved to C.
+ * Formatting with the new version of AsciiDoc 8.4.1 is now supported.
+Fixes since v1.6.3
+All of the fixes in v1.6.3.X maintenance series are included in this
+release, unless otherwise noted.
+Here are fixes that this release has, but have not been backported to
+v1.6.3.X series.
+ * "git diff-tree -r -t" used to omit new or removed directories from
+   the output.  df533f3 (diff-tree -r -t: include added/removed
+   directories in the output, 2009-06-13) may need to be cherry-picked
+   to backport this fix.
+ * The way sets up a Repository object was not friendly to callers
+   that chdir around.  It now internally records the repository location
+   as an absolute path when autodetected.
+ * Removing a section with "git config --remove-section", when its
+   section header has a variable definition on the same line, lost
+   that variable definition.
+ * "git rebase -p --onto" used to always leave side branches of a merge
+   intact, even when both branches are subject to rewriting.
+ * "git repack" used to faithfully follow grafts and considered true
+   parents recorded in the commit object unreachable from the commit.
+   After such a repacking, you cannot remove grafts without corrupting
+   the repository.
+ * "git send-email" did not detect erroneous loops in alias expansion.
diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..309ba18
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+GIT v1.6.5.1 Release Notes
+Fixes since v1.6.5
+ * An corrupt pack could make codepath to read objects into an
+   infinite loop.
+ * Download throughput display was always shown in KiB/s but on fast links
+   it is more appropriate to show it in MiB/s.
+ * "git grep -f filename" used uninitialized variable and segfaulted.
+ * "git clone -b branch" gave a wrong commit object name to post-checkout
+   hook.
+ * "git pull" over http did not work on msys.
+Other minor documentation updates are included.
diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aa7ccce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+GIT v1.6.5.2 Release Notes
+Fixes since v1.6.5.1
+ * Installation of templates triggered a bug in busybox when using tar
+   implementation from it.
+ * "git add -i" incorrectly ignored paths that are already in the index
+   if they matched .gitignore patterns.
+ * "git describe --always" should have produced some output even there
+   were no tags in the repository, but it didn't.
+ * "git ls-files" when showing tracked files incorrectly paid attention
+   to the exclude patterns.
+Other minor documentation updates are included.
diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b2fad1b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+Git v1.6.5.3 Release Notes
+Fixes since v1.6.5.2
+ * info/grafts file didn't ignore trailing CR at the end of lines.
+ * Packages generated on newer FC were unreadable by older versions of
+   RPM as the new default is to use stronger hash.
+ * output from "git blame" was unreadable when the file ended in an
+   incomplete line.
+ * "git add -i/-p" didn't handle deletion of empty files correctly.
+ * "git clone" takes up to two parameters, but did not complain when
+   given more arguments than necessary and silently ignored them.
+ * "git cvsimport" did not read files given as command line arguments
+   correctly when it is run from a subdirectory.
+ * "git diff --color-words -U0" didn't work correctly.
+ * The handling of blank lines at the end of file by "git diff/apply
+   --whitespace" was inconsistent with the other kinds of errors.
+   They are now colored, warned against, and fixed the same way as others.
+ * There was no way to allow blank lines at the end of file without
+   allowing extra blanks at the end of lines.  You can use blank-at-eof
+   and blank-at-eol whitespace error class to specify them separately.
+   The old trailing-space error class is now a short-hand to set both.
+ * "-p" option to "git format-patch" was supposed to suppress diffstat
+   generation, but it was broken since 1.6.1.
+ * "git imap-send" did not compile cleanly with newer OpenSSL.
+ * "git help -a" outside of a git repository was broken.
+ * "git ls-files -i" was supposed to be inverse of "git ls-files" without -i
+   with respect to exclude patterns, but it was broken since
+ * "git ls-remote" outside of a git repository over http was broken.
+ * "git rebase -i" gave bogus error message when the command word was
+   misspelled.
+ * "git receive-pack" that is run in response to "git push" did not run
+   garbage collection nor update-server-info, but in larger hosting sites,
+   these almost always need to be run.  To help site administrators, the
+   command now runs "gc --auto" and "u-s-i" by setting receive.autogc
+   and receive.updateserverinfo configuration variables, respectively.
+ * Release notes spelled the package name with incorrect capitalization.
+ * "gitweb" did not escape non-ascii characters correctly in the URL.
+ * "gitweb" showed "patch" link even for merge commits.
+ * "gitweb" showed incorrect links for blob line numbers in pathinfo mode.
+Other minor documentation updates are included.
diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..344333d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+Git v1.6.5.4 Release Notes
+Fixes since v1.6.5.3
+ * "git help" (without argument) used to check if you are in a directory
+   under git control. There was no breakage in behaviour per-se, but this
+   was unnecessary.
+ * "git prune-packed" gave progress output even when its standard error is
+   not connected to a terminal; this caused cron jobs that run it to
+   produce cruft.
+ * "git pack-objects --all-progress" is an option to ask progress output
+   from write-object phase _if_ progress output were to be produced, and
+   shouldn't have forced the progress output.
+ * "git apply -p<n> --directory=<elsewhere>" did not work well for a
+   non-default value of n.
+ * "git merge foo HEAD" was misparsed as an old-style invocation of the
+   command and produced a confusing error message.  As it does not specify
+   any other branch to merge, it shouldn't be mistaken as such.  We will
+   remove the old style "git merge <message> HEAD <commit>..."  syntax in
+   future versions, but not in this release,
+ * "git merge -m <message> <branch>..." added the standard merge message
+   on its own after user-supplied message, which should have overridden the
+   standard one.
+Other minor documentation updates are included.
diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ecfc57d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+Git v1.6.5.5 Release Notes
+Fixes since v1.6.5.4
+ * Manual pages can be formatted with older xmlto again.
+ * GREP_OPTIONS exported from user's environment could have broken
+   our scripted commands.
+ * In configuration files, a few variables that name paths can begin with
+   ~/ and ~username/ and they are expanded as expected.  This is not a
+   bugfix but 1.6.6 will have this and without backporting users cannot
+   easily use the same ~/.gitconfig across versions.
+ * "git diff -B -M" did the same computation to hash lines of contents
+   twice, and held onto memory after it has used the data in it
+   unnecessarily before it freed.
+ * "git diff -B" and "git diff --dirstat" was not counting newly added
+   contents correctly.
+ * "git format-patch revisions... -- path" issued an incorrect error
+   message that suggested to use "--" on the command line when path
+   does not exist in the current work tree (it is a separate matter if
+   it makes sense to limit format-patch with pathspecs like that
+   without using the --full-diff option).
+ * "git grep -F -i StRiNg" did not work as expected.
+ * Enumeration of available merge strategies iterated over the list of
+   commands in a wrong way, sometimes producing an incorrect result.
+ * "git shortlog" did not honor the "encoding" header embedded in the
+   commit object like "git log" did.
+ * Reading progress messages that come from the remote side while running
+   "git pull" is given precedence over reading the actual pack data to
+   prevent garbled progress message on the user's terminal.
+ * "git rebase" got confused when the log message began with certain
+   strings that looked like Subject:, Date: or From: header.
+ * "git reset" accidentally run in .git/ directory checked out the
+   work tree contents in there.
+Other minor documentation updates are included.
diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a9eaf76
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+Git v1.6.5.6 Release Notes
+Fixes since v1.6.5.5
+ * "git add -p" had a regression since v1.6.5.3 that broke deletion of
+   non-empty files.
+ * "git archive -o -- Makefile" produced an archive in
+   but in POSIX tar format.
+ * Error message given to "git pull --rebase" when the user didn't give
+   enough clue as to what branch to integrate with still talked about
+   "merging with" the branch.
+ * Error messages given by "git merge" when the merge resulted in a
+   fast-forward still were in plumbing lingo, even though in v1.6.5
+   we reworded messages in other cases.
+ * The post-upload-hook run by upload-pack in response to "git fetch" has
+   been removed, due to security concerns (the hook first appeared in
+   1.6.5).
diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dc5302c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+Git v1.6.5.7 Release Notes
+Fixes since v1.6.5.6
+* If a user specifies a color for a <slot> (i.e. a class of things to show
+  in a particular color) that is known only by newer versions of git
+  (e.g. "color.diff.func" was recently added for upcoming 1.6.6 release),
+  an older version of git should just ignore them.  Instead we diagnosed
+  it as an error.
+* With help.autocorrect set to non-zero value, the logic to guess typos
+  in the subcommand name misfired and ran a random nonsense command.
+* If a command is run with an absolute path as a pathspec inside a bare
+  repository, e.g. "rev-list HEAD -- /home", the code tried to run
+  strlen() on NULL, which is the result of get_git_work_tree(), and
+  segfaulted.
diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8b24beb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+Git v1.6.5.8 Release Notes
+Fixes since v1.6.5.7
+* "git count-objects" did not handle packfiles that are bigger than 4G on
+  platforms with 32-bit off_t.
+* "git rebase -i" did not abort cleanly if it failed to launch the editor.
+* "git blame" did not work well when commit lacked the author name.
+* "git fast-import" choked when handling a tag that points at an object
+  that is not a commit.
+* "git reset --hard" did not work correctly when GIT_WORK_TREE environment
+  variable is used to point at the root of the true work tree.
+* "git grep" fed a buffer that is not NUL-terminated to underlying
+  regexec().
+* "git checkout -m other" while on a branch that does not have any commit
+  segfaulted, instead of failing.
+* "git branch -a other" should have diagnosed the command as an error.
+Other minor documentation updates are also included.
diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bb469dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+Git v1.6.5.9 Release Notes
+Fixes since v1.6.5.8
+ * An overlong line after ".gitdir: " in a git file caused out of bounds
+   access to an array on the stack.
+ * "git blame -L $start,$end" segfaulted when too large $start was given.
+ * "git rev-parse --parseopt --stop-at-non-option" did not stop at non option
+   when --keep-dashdash was in effect.
+ * "gitweb" can sometimes be tricked into parrotting a filename argument
+   given in a request without properly quoting.
+Other minor fixes and documentation updates are included.
diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/1.6.5.txt b/Documentation/RelNotes/1.6.5.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..79cb1b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/1.6.5.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
+GIT v1.6.5 Release Notes
+In git 1.7.0, which was planned to be the release after 1.6.5, "git
+push" into a branch that is currently checked out will be refused by
+You can choose what should happen upon such a push by setting the
+configuration variable receive.denyCurrentBranch in the receiving
+Also, "git push $there :$killed" to delete the branch $killed in a remote
+repository $there, when $killed branch is the current branch pointed at by
+its HEAD, will be refused by default.
+You can choose what should happen upon such a push by setting the
+configuration variable receive.denyDeleteCurrent in the receiving
+To ease the transition plan, the receiving repository of such a
+push running this release will issue a big warning when the
+configuration variable is missing.  Please refer to:
+for more details on the reason why this change is needed and the
+transition plan.
+Updates since v1.6.4
+ * various updates to gitk, git-svn and gitweb.
+ * more improvements on mingw port.
+ * mingw will also give FRSX as the default value for the LESS
+   environment variable when the user does not have one.
+ * initial support to compile git on Windows with MSVC.
+ * On major platforms, the system can be compiled to use with Linus's
+   block-sha1 implementation of the SHA-1 hash algorithm, which
+   outperforms the default fallback implementation we borrowed from
+   Mozilla.
+ * Unnecessary inefficiency in deepening of a shallow repository has
+   been removed.
+ * "git clone" does not grab objects that it does not need (i.e.
+   referenced only from refs outside refs/heads and refs/tags
+   hierarchy) anymore.
+ * The "git" main binary used to link with libcurl, which then dragged
+   in a large number of external libraries.  When using basic plumbing
+   commands in scripts, this unnecessarily slowed things down.  We now
+   implement http/https/ftp transfer as a separate executable as we
+   used to.
+ * "git clone" run locally hardlinks or copies the files in .git/ to
+   newly created repository.  It used to give new mtime to copied files,
+   but this delayed garbage collection to trigger unnecessarily in the
+   cloned repository.  We now preserve mtime for these files to avoid
+   this issue.
+(usability, bells and whistles)
+ * Human writable date format to various options, e.g. --since=yesterday,
+   master@{2000.09.17}, are taught to infer some omitted input properly.
+ * A few programs gave verbose "advice" messages to help uninitiated
+   people when issuing error messages.  An infrastructure to allow
+   users to squelch them has been introduced, and a few such messages
+   can be silenced now.
+ * refs/replace/ hierarchy is designed to be usable as a replacement
+   of the "grafts" mechanism, with the added advantage that it can be
+   transferred across repositories.
+ * "git am" learned to optionally ignore whitespace differences.
+ * "git am" handles input e-mail files that has CRLF line endings sensibly.
+ * "git am" learned "--scissors" option to allow you to discard early part
+   of an incoming e-mail.
+ * "git archive -o" works without being told what format to
+   use with an explicit "--format=zip".option.
+ * "git checkout", "git reset" and "git stash" learned to pick and
+   choose to use selected changes you made, similar to "git add -p".
+ * "git clone" learned a "-b" option to pick a HEAD to check out
+   different from the remote's default branch.
+ * "git clone" learned --recursive option.
+ * "git clone" from a local repository on a different filesystem used to
+   copy individual object files without preserving the old timestamp, giving
+   them extra lifetime in the new repository until they gc'ed.
+ * "git commit --dry-run $args" is a new recommended way to ask "what would
+   happen if I try to commit with these arguments."
+ * "git commit --dry-run" and "git status" shows conflicted paths in a
+   separate section to make them easier to spot during a merge.
+ * "git cvsimport" now supports password-protected pserver access even
+   when the password is not taken from ~/.cvspass file.
+ * "git fast-export" learned --no-data option that can be useful when
+   reordering commits and trees without touching the contents of
+   blobs.
+ * "git fast-import" has a pair of new front-end in contrib/ area.
+ * "git init" learned to mkdir/chdir into a directory when given an
+   extra argument (i.e. "git init this").
+ * "git instaweb" optionally can use mongoose as the web server.
+ * "git log --decorate" can optionally be told with --decorate=full to
+   give the reference name in full.
+ * "git merge" issued an unnecessarily scary message when it detected
+   that the merge may have to touch the path that the user has local
+   uncommitted changes to. The message has been reworded to make it
+   clear that the command aborted, without doing any harm.
+ * "git push" can be told to be --quiet.
+ * "git push" pays attention to url.$base.pushInsteadOf and uses a URL
+   that is derived from the URL used for fetching.
+ * informational output from "git reset" that lists the locally modified
+   paths is made consistent with that of "git checkout $another_branch".
+ * "git submodule" learned to give submodule name to scripts run with
+   "foreach" subcommand.
+ * various subcommands to "git submodule" learned --recursive option.
+ * "git submodule summary" learned --files option to compare the work
+   tree vs the commit bound at submodule path, instead of comparing
+   the index.
+ * "git upload-pack", which is the server side support for "git clone" and
+   "git fetch", can call a new post-upload-pack hook for statistics purposes.
+ * With GIT_TEST_OPTS="--root=/p/a/t/h", tests can be run outside the
+   source directory; using tmpfs may give faster turnaround.
+ * With NO_PERL_MAKEMAKER set, DESTDIR= is now honoured, so you can
+   build for one location, and install into another location to tar it
+   up.
+Fixes since v1.6.4
+All of the fixes in v1.6.4.X maintenance series are included in this
+release, unless otherwise noted.
diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f1d0a4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+Git v1.6.6.1 Release Notes
+Fixes since v1.6.6
+ * "git blame" did not work well when commit lacked the author name.
+ * "git branch -a name" wasn't diagnosed as an error.
+ * "git count-objects" did not handle packfiles that are bigger than 4G on
+   platforms with 32-bit off_t.
+ * "git checkout -m other" while on a branch that does not have any commit
+   segfaulted, instead of failing.
+ * "git fast-import" choked when fed a tag that do not point at a
+   commit.
+ * "git grep" finding from work tree files could have fed garbage to
+   the underlying regexec(3).
+ * "git grep -L" didn't show empty files (they should never match, and
+   they should always appear in -L output as unmatching).
+ * "git rebase -i" did not abort cleanly if it failed to launch the editor.
+ * "git reset --hard" did not work correctly when GIT_WORK_TREE environment
+   variable is used to point at the root of the true work tree.
+ * http-backend was not listed in the command list in the documentation.
+ * Building on FreeBSD (both 7 and 8) needs OLD_ICONV set in the Makefile
+ * "git checkout -m some-branch" while on an unborn branch crashed.
+Other minor documentation updates are included.
diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4eaddc0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+Git v1.6.6.2 Release Notes
+Fixes since v1.6.6.1
+ * recursive merge didn't correctly diagnose its own programming errors,
+   and instead caused the caller to segfault.
+ * The new "smart http" aware clients probed the web servers to see if
+   they support smart http, but did not fall back to dumb http transport
+   correctly with some servers.
+ * Time based reflog syntax e.g. "@{yesterday}" didn't diagnose a misspelled
+   time specification and instead assumed "@{now}".
+ * "git archive HEAD -- no-such-directory" produced an empty archive
+   without complaining.
+ * "git blame -L start,end -- file" misbehaved when given a start that is
+   larger than the number of lines in the file.
+ * "git checkout -m" didn't correctly call custom merge backend supplied
+   by the end user.
+ * "git config -f <file>" misbehaved when run from a subdirectory.
+ * "git cvsserver" didn't like having regex metacharacters (e.g. '+') in
+   CVSROOT environment.
+ * "git fast-import" did not correctly handle large blobs that may
+   bust the pack size limit.
+ * "git gui" is supposed to work even when launched from inside a .git
+   directory.
+ * "git gui" misbehaved when applying a hunk that ends with deletion.
+ * "git imap-send" did not honor imap.preformattedHTML as documented.
+ * "git log" family incorrectly showed the commit notes unconditionally by
+   mistake, which was especially irritating when running "git log --oneline".
+ * "git status" shouldn't require an write access to the repository.
+Other minor documentation updates are included.
diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..11483ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+Git v1.6.6.3 Release Notes
+Fixes since v1.6.6.2
+ * An overlong line after ".gitdir: " in a git file caused out of bounds
+   access to an array on the stack.
+ * "git bisect $path" did not correctly diagnose an error when given a
+   non-existent path.
+ * "git blame -L $start,$end" segfaulted when too large $start was given.
+ * "git imap-send" did not write draft box with CRLF line endings per RFC.
+ * "git rev-parse --parseopt --stop-at-non-option" did not stop at non option
+   when --keep-dashdash was in effect.
+ * "gitweb" can sometimes be tricked into parrotting a filename argument
+   given in a request without properly quoting.
+Other minor fixes and documentation updates are included.
diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/1.6.6.txt b/Documentation/RelNotes/1.6.6.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..88b86a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/1.6.6.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,224 @@
+Git v1.6.6 Release Notes
+Notes on behaviour change
+ * In this release, "git fsck" defaults to "git fsck --full" and
+   checks packfiles, and because of this it will take much longer to
+   complete than before.  If you prefer a quicker check only on loose
+   objects (the old default), you can say "git fsck --no-full".  This
+   has been supported by 1.5.4 and newer versions of git, so it is
+   safe to write it in your script even if you use slightly older git
+   on some of your machines.
+Preparing yourselves for compatibility issues in 1.7.0
+In git 1.7.0, which is planned to be the release after 1.6.6, there will
+be a handful of behaviour changes that will break backward compatibility.
+These changes were discussed long time ago and existing behaviours have
+been identified as more problematic to the userbase than keeping them for
+the sake of backward compatibility.
+When necessary, a transition strategy for existing users has been designed
+not to force them running around setting configuration variables and
+updating their scripts in order to either keep the traditional behaviour
+or adjust to the new behaviour, on the day their sysadmin decides to install
+the new version of git.  When we switched from "git-foo" to "git foo" in
+1.6.0, even though the change had been advertised and the transition
+guide had been provided for a very long time, the users procrastinated
+during the entire transition period, and ended up panicking on the day
+their sysadmins updated their git installation.  We are trying to avoid
+repeating that unpleasantness in the 1.7.0 release.
+For changes decided to be in 1.7.0, commands that will be affected
+have been much louder to strongly discourage such procrastination, and
+they continue to be in this release.  If you have been using recent
+versions of git, you would have seen warnings issued when you used
+features whose behaviour will change, with a clear instruction on how
+to keep the existing behaviour if you want to.  You hopefully are
+already well prepared.
+Of course, we have also been giving "this and that will change in
+1.7.0; prepare yourselves" warnings in the release notes and
+announcement messages for the past few releases.  Let's see how well
+users will fare this time.
+ * "git push" into a branch that is currently checked out (i.e. pointed by
+   HEAD in a repository that is not bare) will be refused by default.
+   Similarly, "git push $there :$killed" to delete the branch $killed
+   in a remote repository $there, when $killed branch is the current
+   branch pointed at by its HEAD, will be refused by default.
+   Setting the configuration variables receive.denyCurrentBranch and
+   receive.denyDeleteCurrent to 'ignore' in the receiving repository
+   can be used to override these safety features.  Versions of git
+   since 1.6.2 have issued a loud warning when you tried to do these
+   operations without setting the configuration, so repositories of
+   people who still need to be able to perform such a push should
+   already have been future proofed.
+   Please refer to:
+   for more details on the reason why this change is needed and the
+   transition process that already took place so far.
+ * "git send-email" will not make deep threads by default when sending a
+   patch series with more than two messages.  All messages will be sent
+   as a reply to the first message, i.e. cover letter.  Git 1.6.6 (this
+   release) will issue a warning about the upcoming default change, when
+   it uses the traditional "deep threading" behaviour as the built-in
+   default.  To squelch the warning but still use the "deep threading"
+   behaviour, give --chain-reply-to option or set sendemail.chainreplyto
+   to true.
+   It has been possible to configure send-email to send "shallow thread"
+   by setting sendemail.chainreplyto configuration variable to false.
+   The only thing 1.7.0 release will do is to change the default when
+   you haven't configured that variable.
+ * "git status" will not be "git commit --dry-run".  This change does not
+   affect you if you run the command without pathspec.
+   Nobody sane found the current behaviour of "git status Makefile" useful
+   nor meaningful, and it confused users.  "git commit --dry-run" has been
+   provided as a way to get the current behaviour of this command since
+   1.6.5.
+ * "git diff" traditionally treated various "ignore whitespace" options
+   only as a way to filter the patch output.  "git diff --exit-code -b"
+   exited with non-zero status even if all changes were about changing the
+   amount of whitespace and nothing else.  and "git diff -b" showed the
+   "diff --git" header line for such a change without patch text.
+   In 1.7.0, the "ignore whitespaces" will affect the semantics of the
+   diff operation itself.  A change that does not affect anything but
+   whitespaces will be reported with zero exit status when run with
+   --exit-code, and there will not be "diff --git" header for such a
+   change.
+Updates since v1.6.5
+ * various gitk updates including use of themed widgets under Tk 8.5,
+   Japanese translation, a fix to a bug when running "gui blame" from
+   a subdirectory, etc.
+ * various git-gui updates including new translations, wm states fixes,
+   Tk bug workaround after quitting, improved heuristics to trigger gc,
+   etc.
+ * various git-svn updates.
+ * "git fetch" over http learned a new mode that is different from the
+   traditional "dumb commit walker".
+ * imap-send can be built on mingw port.
+ * "git diff -B" has smaller memory footprint.
+(usability, bells and whistles)
+ * The object replace mechanism can be bypassed with --no-replace-objects
+   global option given to the "git" program.
+ * In configuration files, a few variables that name paths can begin with ~/
+   and ~username/ and they are expanded as expected.
+ * "git subcmd -h" now shows short usage help for many more subcommands.
+ * "git bisect reset" can reset to an arbitrary commit.
+ * "git checkout frotz" when there is no local branch "frotz" but there
+   is only one remote tracking branch "frotz" is taken as a request to
+   start the named branch at the corresponding remote tracking branch.
+ * "git commit -c/-C/--amend" can be told with a new "--reset-author" option
+   to ignore authorship information in the commit it is taking the message
+   from.
+ * "git describe" can be told to add "-dirty" suffix with "--dirty" option.
+ * "git diff" learned --submodule option to show a list of one-line logs
+   instead of differences between the commit object names.
+ * "git diff" learned to honor diff.color.func configuration to paint
+   function name hint printed on the hunk header "@@ -j,k +l,m @@" line
+   in the specified color.
+ * "git fetch" learned --all and --multiple options, to run fetch from
+   many repositories, and --prune option to remove remote tracking
+   branches that went stale.  These make "git remote update" and "git
+   remote prune" less necessary (there is no plan to remove "remote
+   update" nor "remote prune", though).
+ * "git fsck" by default checks the packfiles (i.e. "--full" is the
+   default); you can turn it off with "git fsck --no-full".
+ * "git grep" can use -F (fixed strings) and -i (ignore case) together.
+ * import-tars contributed fast-import frontend learned more types of
+   compressed tarballs.
+ * "git instaweb" knows how to talk with mod_cgid to apache2.
+ * "git log --decorate" shows the location of HEAD as well.
+ * "git log" and "git rev-list" learned to take revs and pathspecs from
+   the standard input with the new "--stdin" option.
+ * "--pretty=format" option to "log" family of commands learned:
+   . to wrap text with the "%w()" specifier.
+   . to show reflog information with "%g[sdD]" specifier.
+ * "git notes" command to annotate existing commits.
+ * "git merge" (and "git pull") learned --ff-only option to make it fail
+   if the merge does not result in a fast-forward.
+ * "git mergetool" learned to use p4merge.
+ * "git rebase -i" learned "reword" that acts like "edit" but immediately
+   starts an editor to tweak the log message without returning control to
+   the shell, which is done by "edit" to give an opportunity to tweak the
+   contents.
+ * "git send-email" can be told with "--envelope-sender=auto" to use the
+   same address as "From:" address as the envelope sender address.
+ * "git send-email" will issue a warning when it defaults to the
+   --chain-reply-to behaviour without being told by the user and
+   instructs to prepare for the change of the default in 1.7.0 release.
+ * In "git submodule add <repository> <path>", <path> is now optional and
+   inferred from <repository> the same way "git clone <repository>" does.
+ * "git svn" learned to read SVN 1.5+ and SVK merge tickets.
+ * "git svn" learned to recreate empty directories tracked only by SVN.
+ * "gitweb" can optionally render its "blame" output incrementally (this
+   requires JavaScript on the client side).
+ * Author names shown in gitweb output are links to search commits by the
+   author.
+Fixes since v1.6.5
+All of the fixes in v1.6.5.X maintenance series are included in this
+release, unless otherwise noted.
diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8ff5bca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+Git v1.7.0.1 Release Notes
+Fixes since v1.7.0
+ * In a freshly created repository "rev-parse HEAD^0" complained that
+   it is dangling symref, even though "rev-parse HEAD" didn't.
+ * "git show :no-such-name" tried to access the index without bounds
+   check, leading to a potential segfault.
+ * Message from "git cherry-pick" was harder to read and use than necessary
+   when it stopped due to conflicting changes.
+ * We referred to ".git/refs/" throughout the documentation when we
+   meant to talk about abstract notion of "ref namespace".  Because
+   people's repositories often have packed refs these days, this was
+   confusing.
+ * "git diff --output=/path/that/cannot/be/written" did not correctly
+   error out.
+ * "git grep -e -pattern-that-begin-with-dash paths..." could not be
+   spelled as "git grep -- -pattern-that-begin-with-dash paths..." which
+   would be a GNU way to use "--" as "end of options".
+ * "git grep" compiled with threading support tried to access an
+   uninitialized mutex on boxes with a single CPU.
+ * "git stash pop -q --index" failed because the unnecessary --index
+   option was propagated to "git stash drop" that is internally run at the
+   end.
+And other minor fixes and documentation updates.
diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..73ed2b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+Git v1.7.0.2 Release Notes
+Fixes since v1.7.0.1
+ * GIT_PAGER was not honored consistently by some scripted Porcelains, most
+   notably "git am".
+ * updating working tree files after telling git to add them to the
+   index and while it is still working created garbage object files in
+   the repository without diagnosing it as an error.
+ * "git bisect -- pathspec..." did not diagnose an error condition properly when
+   the simplification with given pathspec made the history empty.
+ * "git rev-list --cherry-pick A...B" now has an obvious optimization when the
+   histories haven't diverged (i.e. when one end is an ancestor of the other).
+ * "git diff --quiet -w" did not work as expected.
+ * "git fast-import" didn't work with a large input, as it lacked support
+   for producing the pack index in v2 format.
+ * "git imap-send" didn't use CRLF line endings over the imap protocol
+   when storing its payload to the draft box, violating RFC 3501.
+ * "git log --format='%w(x,y,z)%b'" and friends that rewrap message
+   has been optimized for utf-8 payload.
+ * Error messages generated on the receiving end did not come back to "git
+   push".
+ * "git status" in 1.7.0 lacked the optimization we used to have in 1.6.X series
+   to speed up scanning of large working tree.
+ * "gitweb" did not diagnose parsing errors properly while reading its configuration
+   file.
+And other minor fixes and documentation updates.
diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3b35573
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+Git v1.7.0.3 Release Notes
+Fixes since v1.7.0.2
+ * Object files are created in a more ACL friendly way in repositories
+   where group permission is ACL controlled.
+ * "git add -i" didn't handle a deleted path very well.
+ * "git blame" padded line numbers with one extra SP when the total number
+   of lines was one less than multiple of ten due to an off-by-one error.
+ * "git fetch --all/--multi" used to discard information for remotes that
+   are fetched earlier.
+ * "git log --author=me --grep=it" tried to find commits that have "it"
+   or are written by "me", instead of the ones that have "it" _and_ are
+   written by "me".
+ * "git log -g branch" misbehaved when there was no entries in the reflog
+   for the named branch.
+ * "git mailinfo" (hence "git am") incorrectly removed initial indent from
+   paragraphs.
+ * "git prune" and "git reflog" (hence "git gc" as well) didn't honor
+   an instruction never to expire by setting gc.reflogexpire to never.
+ * "git push" misbehaved when branch.<name>.merge was configured without
+   matching branch.<name>.remote.
+And other minor fixes and documentation updates.
diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cf7f60e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+Git v1.7.0.4 Release Notes
+Fixes since v1.7.0.3
+ * Optimized ntohl/htonl on big-endian machines were broken.
+ * Color values given to "color.<cmd>.<slot>" configuration can now have
+   more than one attributes (e.g. "bold ul").
+ * "git add -u nonexistent-path" did not complain.
+ * "git apply --whitespace=fix" didn't work well when an early patch in
+   a patch series adds trailing blank lines and a later one depended on
+   such a block of blank lines at the end.
+ * "git fast-export" didn't check error status and stop when marks file
+   cannot be opened.
+ * "git format-patch --ignore-if-in-upstream" gave unwarranted errors
+   when the range was empty, instead of silently finishing.
+ * "git remote prune" did not detect remote tracking refs that became
+   dangling correctly.
+And other minor fixes and documentation updates.
diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3149c91
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+Git v1.7.0.5 Release Notes
+Fixes since v1.7.0.4
+ * "git daemon" failed to compile on platforms without sockaddr_storage type.
+ * Output from "git rev-list --pretty=oneline" was unparsable when a
+   commit did not have any message, which is abnormal but possible in a
+   repository converted from foreign scm.
+ * "git stash show <commit-that-is-not-a-stash>" gave an error message
+   that was not so useful.  Reworded the message to "<it> is not a
+   stash".
+ * Python scripts in contrib/ area now start with "#!/usr/bin/env python"
+   to honor user's PATH.
+ * "git imap-send" used to mistake any line that begins with "From " as a
+   message separator in format-patch output.
+ * Smart http server backend failed to report an internal server error and
+   infinitely looped instead after output pipe was closed.
+And other minor fixes and documentation updates.
diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b2852b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+Git v1.7.0.6 Release Notes
+Fixes since v1.7.0.5
+ * "git diff --stat" used "int" to count the size of differences,
+   which could result in overflowing.
+ * "git rev-list --abbrev-commit" defaulted to 40-byte abbreviations, unlike
+   newer tools in the git toolset.
+And other minor fixes and documentation updates.
diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d0cb7ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+Git v1.7.0.7 Release Notes
+Fixes since v1.7.0.6
+ * "make NO_CURL=NoThanks install" was broken.
+ * An overlong line after ".gitdir: " in a git file caused out of bounds
+   access to an array on the stack.
+ * "git config --path conf.var" to attempt to expand a variable conf.var
+   that uses "~/" short-hand segfaulted when $HOME environment variable
+   was not set.
+And other minor fixes and documentation updates.
diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7f05b48
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+Git v1.7.0.8 Release Notes
+This is primarily to backport support for the new "add.ignoreErrors"
+name given to the existing "add.ignore-errors" configuration variable.
+The next version, Git 1.7.4, and future versions, will support both
+old and incorrect name and the new corrected name, but without this
+backport, users who want to use the new name "add.ignoreErrors" in
+their repositories cannot use older versions of Git.
diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bfb3166
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Git v1.7.0.9 Release Notes
+Fixes since v1.7.0.8
+ * "gitweb" can sometimes be tricked into parrotting a filename argument
+   given in a request without properly quoting.
diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/1.7.0.txt b/Documentation/RelNotes/1.7.0.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0bb8c0b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/1.7.0.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,214 @@
+Git v1.7.0 Release Notes
+Notes on behaviour change
+ * "git push" into a branch that is currently checked out (i.e. pointed at by
+   HEAD in a repository that is not bare) is refused by default.
+   Similarly, "git push $there :$killed" to delete the branch $killed
+   in a remote repository $there, when $killed branch is the current
+   branch pointed at by its HEAD, will be refused by default.
+   Setting the configuration variables receive.denyCurrentBranch and
+   receive.denyDeleteCurrent to 'ignore' in the receiving repository
+   can be used to override these safety features.
+ * "git send-email" does not make deep threads by default when sending a
+   patch series with more than two messages.  All messages will be sent
+   as a reply to the first message, i.e. cover letter.
+   It has been possible already to configure send-email to send "shallow thread"
+   by setting sendemail.chainreplyto configuration variable to false.  The
+   only thing this release does is to change the default when you haven't
+   configured that variable.
+ * "git status" is not "git commit --dry-run" anymore.  This change does
+   not affect you if you run the command without argument.
+ * "git diff" traditionally treated various "ignore whitespace" options
+   only as a way to filter the patch output.  "git diff --exit-code -b"
+   exited with non-zero status even if all changes were about changing the
+   amount of whitespace and nothing else;  and "git diff -b" showed the
+   "diff --git" header line for such a change without patch text.
+   In this release, the "ignore whitespaces" options affect the semantics
+   of the diff operation.  A change that does not affect anything but
+   whitespaces is reported with zero exit status when run with
+   --exit-code, and there is no "diff --git" header for such a change.
+ * External diff and textconv helpers are now executed using the shell.
+   This makes them consistent with other programs executed by git, and
+   allows you to pass command-line parameters to the helpers. Any helper
+   paths containing spaces or other metacharacters now need to be
+   shell-quoted.  The affected helpers are GIT_EXTERNAL_DIFF in the
+   environment, and diff.*.command and diff.*.textconv in the config
+   file.
+ * The --max-pack-size argument to 'git repack', 'git pack-objects', and
+   'git fast-import' was assuming the provided size to be expressed in MiB,
+   unlike the corresponding config variable and other similar options accepting
+   a size value.  It is now expecting a size expressed in bytes, with a possible
+   unit suffix of 'k', 'm', or 'g'.
+Updates since v1.6.6
+ * "git fast-import" updates; adds "option" and "feature" to detect the
+   mismatch between fast-import and the frontends that produce the input
+   stream.
+ * "git svn" support of subversion "merge tickets" and miscellaneous fixes.
+ * "gitk" and "git gui" translation updates.
+ * "gitweb" updates (code clean-up, load checking etc.)
+ * Some more MSVC portability patches for msysgit port.
+ * Minimum Pthreads emulation for msysgit port.
+ * More performance improvement patches for msysgit port.
+(usability, bells and whistles)
+ * More commands learned "--quiet" and "--[no-]progress" options.
+ * Various commands given by the end user (e.g. diff.type.textconv,
+   and GIT_EDITOR) can be specified with command line arguments.  E.g. it
+   is now possible to say "[diff "utf8doc"] textconv = nkf -w".
+ * "sparse checkout" feature allows only part of the work tree to be
+   checked out.
+ * HTTP transfer can use authentication scheme other than basic
+   (i.e./e.g. digest).
+ * Switching from a version of superproject that used to have a submodule
+   to another version of superproject that no longer has it did not remove
+   the submodule directory when it should (namely, when you are not
+   interested in the submodule at all and didn't clone/checkout).
+ * A new attribute conflict-marker-size can be used to change the size of
+   the conflict markers from the default 7; this is useful when tracked
+   contents (e.g. git-merge documentation) have strings that resemble the
+   conflict markers.
+ * A new syntax "<branch>@{upstream}" can be used on the command line to
+   substitute the name of the "upstream" of the branch.  Missing branch
+   defaults to the current branch, so "git fetch && git merge @{upstream}"
+   will be equivalent to "git pull".
+ * "git am --resolved" has a synonym "git am --continue".
+ * "git branch --set-upstream" can be used to update the (surprise!) upstream,
+   i.e. where the branch is supposed to pull and merge from (or rebase onto).
+ * "git checkout A...B" is a way to detach HEAD at the merge base between
+   A and B.
+ * "git checkout -m path" to reset the work tree file back into the
+   conflicted state works even when you already ran "git add path" and
+   resolved the conflicts.
+ * "git commit --date='<date>'" can be used to override the author date
+   just like "git commit --author='<name> <email>'" can be used to
+   override the author identity.
+ * "git commit --no-status" can be used to omit the listing of the index
+   and the work tree status in the editor used to prepare the log message.
+ * "git commit" warns a bit more aggressively until you configure,
+   whose default value almost always is not (and fundamentally cannot be)
+   what you want.
+ * "git difftool" has been extended to make it easier to integrate it
+   with gitk.
+ * "git fetch --all" can now be used in place of "git remote update".
+ * "git grep" does not rely on external grep anymore.  It can use more than
+   one thread to accelerate the operation.
+ * "git grep" learned "--quiet" option.
+ * "git log" and friends learned "--glob=heads/*" syntax that is a more
+   flexible way to complement "--branches/--tags/--remotes".
+ * "git merge" learned to pass options specific to strategy-backends.  E.g.
+    - "git merge -Xsubtree=path/to/directory" can be used to tell the subtree
+      strategy how much to shift the trees explicitly.
+    - "git merge -Xtheirs" can be used to auto-merge as much as possible,
+      while discarding your own changes and taking merged version in
+      conflicted regions.
+ * "git push" learned "git push origin --delete branch", a syntactic sugar
+   for "git push origin :branch".
+ * "git push" learned "git push --set-upstream origin forker:forkee" that
+   lets you configure your "forker" branch to later pull from "forkee"
+   branch at "origin".
+ * "git rebase --onto A...B" means the history is replayed on top of the
+   merge base between A and B.
+ * "git rebase -i" learned new action "fixup" that squashes the change
+   but does not affect existing log message.
+ * "git rebase -i" also learned --autosquash option that is useful
+   together with the new "fixup" action.
+ * "git remote" learned set-url subcommand that updates (surprise!) url
+   for an existing remote nickname.
+ * "git rerere" learned "forget path" subcommand.  Together with "git
+   checkout -m path" it will be useful when you recorded a wrong
+   resolution.
+ * Use of "git reset --merge" has become easier when resetting away a
+   conflicted mess left in the work tree.
+ * "git rerere" had rerere.autoupdate configuration but there was no way
+   to countermand it from the command line; --no-rerere-autoupdate option
+   given to "merge", "revert", etc. fixes this.
+ * "git status" learned "-s(hort)" output format.
+ * The infrastructure to build foreign SCM interface has been updated.
+ * Many more commands are now built-in.
+ * THREADED_DELTA_SEARCH is no more.  If you build with threads, delta
+   compression will always take advantage of it.
+Fixes since v1.6.6
+All of the fixes in v1.6.6.X maintenance series are included in this
+release, unless otherwise noted.
+ * "git branch -d branch" used to refuse deleting the branch even when
+   the branch is fully merged to its upstream branch if it is not merged
+   to the current branch.  It now deletes it in such a case.
+ * "filter-branch" command incorrectly said --prune-empty and --filter-commit
+   were incompatible; the latter should be read as --commit-filter.
+ * When using "git status" or asking "git diff" to compare the work tree
+   with something, they used to consider that a checked-out submodule with
+   uncommitted changes is not modified; this could cause people to forget
+   committing these changes in the submodule before committing in the
+   superproject. They now consider such a change as a modification and
+   "git diff" will append a "-dirty" to the work tree side when generating
+   patch output or when used with the --submodule option.
diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3f6b314
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+Git v1.7.1.1 Release Notes
+Fixes since v1.7.1
+ * Authentication over http transport can now be made lazily, in that the
+   request can first go to a URL without username, get a 401 response and
+   then the client will ask for the username to use.
+ * We used to mistakenly think "../work" is a subdirectory of the current
+   directory when we are in "../work-xyz".
+ * The attribute mechanism now allows an entry that uses an attribute
+   macro that set/unset one attribute, immediately followed by an
+   overriding setting; this makes attribute macros much easier to use.
+ * We didn't recognize timezone "Z" as a synonym for "UTC" (75b37e70).
+ * In 1.7.0, read-tree and user commands that use the mechanism such as
+   checkout and merge were fixed to handle switching between branches one
+   of which has a file while the other has a directory at the same path
+   correctly even when there are some "confusing" pathnames in them.  But
+   the algorithm used for this fix was suboptimal and had a terrible
+   performance degradation especially in larger trees.
+ * "git am -3" did not show diagnosis when the patch in the message was corrupt.
+ * After "git apply --whitespace=fix" removed trailing blank lines in an
+   patch in a patch series, it failed to apply later patches that depend
+   on the presence of such blank lines.
+ * "git bundle --stdin" segfaulted.
+ * "git checkout" and "git rebase" overwrote paths that are marked "assume
+   unchanged".
+ * "git commit --amend" on a commit with an invalid author-name line that
+   lacks the display name didn't work.
+ * "git describe" did not tie-break tags that point at the same commit
+   correctly; newer ones are preferred by paying attention to the
+   tagger date now.
+ * "git diff" used to tell underlying xdiff machinery to work very hard to
+   minimize the output, but this often was spending too many extra cycles
+   for very little gain.
+ * "git diff --color" did not paint extended diff headers per line
+   (i.e. the coloring escape sequence didn't end at the end of line),
+   which confused "less -R".
+ * "git fetch" over HTTP verifies the downloaded packfiles more robustly.
+ * The memory usage by "git index-pack" (run during "git fetch" and "git
+   push") got leaner.
+ * "GIT_DIR=foo.git git init --bare bar.git" created foo.git instead of bar.git.
+ * "git log --abbrev=$num --format='%h' ignored --abbrev=$num.
+ * "git ls-files ../out/side/cwd" refused to work.
+ * "git merge --log" used to replace the custom message given by "-m" with
+   the shortlog, instead of appending to it.
+ * "git notes copy" without any other argument segfaulted.
+ * "git pull" accepted "--dry-run", gave it to underlying "git fetch" but
+   ignored the option itself, resulting in a bogus attempt to merge
+   unrelated commit.
+ * "git rebase" did not faithfully reproduce a malformed author ident, that
+   is often seen in a repository converted from foreign SCMs.
+ * "git reset --hard" started from a wrong directory and a working tree in
+   a nonstandard location is in use got confused.
+ * "git send-email" lacked a way to specify the domainname used in the
+   EHLO/HELO exchange, causing rejected connection from picky servers.
+   It learned --smtp-domain option to solve this issue.
+ * "git send-email" did not declare a content-transfer-encoding and
+   content-type even when its payload needs to be sent in 8-bit.
+ * "git show -C -C" and other corner cases lost diff metainfo output
+   in 1.7.0.
+ * "git stash" incorrectly lost paths in the working tree that were
+   previously removed from the index.
+ * "git status" stopped refreshing the index by mistake in 1.7.1.
+ * "git status" showed excess "hints" even when advice.statusHints is set to false.
+And other minor fixes and documentation updates.
diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..61ba14e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+Git v1.7.1.2 Release Notes
+Fixes since v1.7.1.1
+ * "git commit" did not honor GIT_REFLOG_ACTION environment variable, resulting
+   reflog messages for cherry-pick and revert actions to be recorded as "commit".
+ * "git clone/fetch/pull" issued an incorrect error message when a ref and
+   a symref that points to the ref were updated at the same time.  This
+   obviously would update them to the same value, and should not result in
+   an error condition.
+ * "git diff" inside a tree with many pathnames that have certain
+   characters has become very slow in 1.7.0 by mistake.
+ * "git rev-parse --parseopt --stop-at-non-option" did not stop at non option
+   when --keep-dashdash was in effect.
+ * An overlong line after ".gitdir: " in a git file caused out of bounds
+   access to an array on the stack.
+ * "git config --path conf.var" to attempt to expand a variable conf.var
+   that uses "~/" short-hand segfaulted when $HOME environment variable
+   was not set.
+And other minor fixes and documentation updates.
diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5b18518
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+Git v1.7.1.3 Release Notes
+This is primarily to backport support for the new "add.ignoreErrors"
+name given to the existing "add.ignore-errors" configuration variable.
+The next version, Git 1.7.4, and future versions, will support both
+old and incorrect name and the new corrected name, but without this
+backport, users who want to use the new name "add.ignoreErrors" in
+their repositories cannot use older versions of Git.
diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7c734b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Git v1.7.1.4 Release Notes
+Fixes since v1.7.1.3
+ * "gitweb" can sometimes be tricked into parrotting a filename argument
+   given in a request without properly quoting.
diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/1.7.1.txt b/Documentation/RelNotes/1.7.1.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9d89fed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/1.7.1.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+Git v1.7.1 Release Notes
+Updates since v1.7.0
+ * Eric Raymond is the maintainer of updated CIAbot scripts, in contrib/.
+ * gitk updates.
+ * Some commands (e.g. svn and http interfaces) that interactively ask
+   for a password can be told to use an external program given via
+ * Conflict markers that lead the common ancestor in diff3-style output
+   now have a label, which hopefully would help third-party tools that
+   expect one.
+ * Comes with an updated bash-completion script.
+ * "git am" learned "--keep-cr" option to handle inputs that are
+   a mixture of changes to files with and without CRLF line endings.
+ * "git cvsimport" learned -R option to leave revision mapping between
+   CVS revisions and resulting git commits.
+ * "git diff --submodule" notices and describes dirty submodules.
+ * "git for-each-ref" learned %(symref), %(symref:short) and %(flag)
+   tokens.
+ * "git hash-object --stdin-paths" can take "--no-filters" option now.
+ * "git init" can be told to look at init.templatedir configuration
+   variable (obviously that has to come from either /etc/gitconfig or
+   $HOME/.gitconfig).
+ * "git grep" learned "--no-index" option, to search inside contents that
+   are not managed by git.
+ * "git grep" learned --color=auto/always/never.
+ * "git grep" learned to paint filename and line-number in colors.
+ * "git log -p --first-parent -m" shows one-parent diff for merge
+   commits, instead of showing combined diff.
+ * "git merge-file" learned to use custom conflict marker size and also
+   to use the "union merge" behaviour.
+ * "git notes" command has been rewritten in C and learned many commands
+   and features to help you carry notes forward across rebases and amends.
+ * "git request-pull" identifies the commit the request is relative to in
+   a more readable way.
+ * "git reset" learned "--keep" option that lets you discard commits
+   near the tip while preserving your local changes in a way similar
+   to how "git checkout branch" does.
+ * "git status" notices and describes dirty submodules.
+ * "git svn" should work better when interacting with repositories
+   with CRLF line endings.
+ * "git imap-send" learned to support CRAM-MD5 authentication.
+ * "gitweb" installation procedure can use "minified" js/css files
+   better.
+ * Various documentation updates.
+Fixes since v1.7.0
+All of the fixes in v1.7.0.X maintenance series are included in this
+release, unless otherwise noted.
+ * "git add frotz/nitfol" did not complain when the entire frotz/ directory
+   was ignored.
+ * "git diff --stat" used "int" to count the size of differences,
+   which could result in overflowing.
+ * "git rev-list --pretty=oneline" didn't terminate a record with LF for
+   commits without any message.
+ * "git rev-list --abbrev-commit" defaulted to 40-byte abbreviations, unlike
+   newer tools in the git toolset.
diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..71a86cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+Git v1.7.10.1 Release Notes
+Additions since v1.7.10
+Localization message files for Danish and German have been added.
+Fixes since v1.7.10
+ * "git add -p" is not designed to deal with unmerged paths but did
+   not exclude them and tried to apply funny patches only to fail.
+ * "git blame" started missing quite a few changes from the origin
+   since we stopped using the diff minimization by default in v1.7.2
+   era.
+ * When PATH contains an unreadable directory, alias expansion code
+   did not kick in, and failed with an error that said "git-subcmd"
+   was not found.
+ * "git clean -d -f" (not "-d -f -f") is supposed to protect nested
+   working trees of independent git repositories that exist in the
+   current project working tree from getting removed, but the
+   protection applied only to such working trees that are at the
+   top-level of the current project by mistake.
+ * "git commit --author=$name" did not tell the name that was being
+   recorded in the resulting commit to hooks, even though it does do
+   so when the end user overrode the authorship via the
+   "GIT_AUTHOR_NAME" environment variable.
+ * When "git commit --template F" errors out because the user did not
+   touch the message, it claimed that it aborts due to "empty
+   message", which was utterly wrong.
+ * The regexp configured with diff.wordregex was incorrectly reused
+   across files.
+ * An age-old corner case bug in combine diff (only triggered with -U0
+   and the hunk at the beginning of the file needs to be shown) has
+   been fixed.
+ * Rename detection logic used to match two empty files as renames
+   during merge-recursive, leading to unnatural mismerges.
+ * The parser in "fast-import" did not diagnose ":9" style references
+   that is not followed by required SP/LF as an error.
+ * When "git fetch" encounters repositories with too many references,
+   the command line of "fetch-pack" that is run by a helper
+   e.g. remote-curl, may fail to hold all of them. Now such an
+   internal invocation can feed the references through the standard
+   input of "fetch-pack".
+ * "git fetch" that recurses into submodules on demand did not check
+   if it needs to go into submodules when non branches (most notably,
+   tags) are fetched.
+ * "log -p --graph" used with "--stat" had a few formatting error.
+ * Running "notes merge --commit" failed to perform correctly when run
+   from any directory inside $GIT_DIR/.  When "notes merge" stops with
+   conflicts, $GIT_DIR/NOTES_MERGE_WORKTREE is the place a user edits
+   to resolve it.
+ * The 'push to upstream' implementation was broken in some corner
+   cases. "git push $there" without refspec, when the current branch
+   is set to push to a remote different from $there, used to push to
+   $there using the upstream information to a remote unrelated to
+   $there.
+ * Giving "--continue" to a conflicted "rebase -i" session skipped a
+   commit that only results in changes to submodules.
+Also contains minor fixes and documentation updates.
diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7a7e9d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+Git v1.7.10.2 Release Notes
+Fixes since v1.7.10.1
+ * The test scaffolding for git-daemon was flaky.
+ * The test scaffolding for fast-import was flaky.
+ * The filesystem boundary was not correctly reported when .git directory
+   discovery stopped at a mount point.
+ * HTTP transport that requires authentication did not work correctly when
+   multiple connections are used simultaneously.
+ * Minor memory leak during unpack_trees (hence "merge" and "checkout"
+   to check out another branch) has been plugged.
+ * In the older days, the header "Conflicts:" in "cherry-pick" and "merge"
+   was separated by a blank line from the list of paths that follow for
+   readability, but when "merge" was rewritten in C, we lost it by
+   mistake. Remove the newline from "cherry-pick" to make them match
+   again.
+ * The command line parser choked "git cherry-pick $name" when $name can
+   be both revision name and a pathname, even though $name can never be a
+   path in the context of the command.
+ * The "include.path" facility in the configuration mechanism added in
+   1.7.10 forgot to interpret "~/path" and "~user/path" as it should.
+ * "git config --rename-section" to rename an existing section into a
+   bogus one did not check the new name.
+ * The "diff --no-index" codepath used limited-length buffers, risking
+   pathnames getting truncated.  Update it to use the strbuf API.
+ * The report from "git fetch" said "new branch" even for a non branch
+   ref.
+ * The http-backend (the server side of the smart http transfer) used
+   to overwrite GIT_COMMITTER_NAME and GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL with the
+   value obtained from REMOTE_USER unconditionally, making it
+   impossible for the server side site-specific customization to use
+   different identity sources to affect the names logged. It now uses
+   REMOTE_USER only as a fallback value.
+ * "log --graph" was not very friendly with "--stat" option and its
+   output had line breaks at wrong places.
+ * Octopus merge strategy did not reduce heads that are recorded in the
+   final commit correctly.
+ * "git push" over smart-http lost progress output a few releases ago;
+   this release resurrects it.
+ * The error and advice messages given by "git push" when it fails due
+   to non-ff were not very helpful to new users; it has been broken
+   into three cases, and each is given a separate advice message.
+ * The insn sheet given by "rebase -i" did not make it clear that the
+   insn lines can be re-ordered to affect the order of the commits in
+   the resulting history.
+ * "git repack" used to write out unreachable objects as loose objects
+   when repacking, even if such loose objects will immediately pruned
+   due to its age.
+ * A contrib script "rerere-train" did not work out of the box unless
+   user futzed with her $PATH.
+ * "git rev-parse --show-prefix" used to emit nothing when run at the
+   top-level of the working tree, but now it gives a blank line.
+ * The i18n of error message "git stash save" was not properly done.
+ * "git submodule" used a sed script that some platforms mishandled.
+ * When using a Perl script on a system where "perl" found on user's
+   $PATH could be ancient or otherwise broken, we allow builders to
+   specify the path to a good copy of Perl with $PERL_PATH.  The
+   gitweb test forgot to use that Perl when running its test.
+Also contains minor fixes and documentation updates.
diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..703fbf1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+Git v1.7.10.3 Release Notes
+Fixes since v1.7.10.2
+ * The message file for German translation has been updated a bit.
+ * Running "git checkout" on an unborn branch used to corrupt HEAD.
+ * When checking out another commit from an already detached state, we
+   used to report all commits that are not reachable from any of the
+   refs as lossage, but some of them might be reachable from the new
+   HEAD, and there is no need to warn about them.
+ * Some time ago, "git clone" lost the progress output for its
+   "checkout" phase; when run without any "--quiet" option, it should
+   give progress to the lengthy operation.
+ * The directory path used in "git diff --no-index", when it recurses
+   down, was broken with a recent update after v1.7.10.1 release.
+ * "log -z --pretty=tformat:..." did not terminate each record with
+   NUL.  The fix is not entirely correct when the output also asks for
+   --patch and/or --stat, though.
+ * The DWIM behaviour for "log --pretty=format:%gd -g" was somewhat
+   broken and gave undue precedence to configured, causing
+   "git stash list" to show "stash@{time stamp string}".
+ * "git status --porcelain" ignored "--branch" option by mistake.  The
+   output for "git status --branch -z" was also incorrect and did not
+   terminate the record for the current branch name with NUL as asked.
+ * When a submodule repository uses alternate object store mechanism,
+   some commands that were started from the superproject did not
+   notice it and failed with "No such object" errors.  The subcommands
+   of "git submodule" command that recursed into the submodule in a
+   separate process were OK; only the ones that cheated and peeked
+   directly into the submodule's repository from the primary process
+   were affected.
+Also contains minor fixes and documentation updates.
diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..57597f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+Git v1.7.10.4 Release Notes
+Fixes since v1.7.10.3
+ * The message file for Swedish translation has been updated a bit.
+ * A name taken from mailmap was copied into an internal buffer
+   incorrectly and could overrun the buffer if it is too long.
+ * A malformed commit object that has a header line chomped in the
+   middle could kill git with a NULL pointer dereference.
+ * An author/committer name that is a single character was mishandled
+   as an invalid name by mistake.
+ * The progress indicator for a large "git checkout" was sent to
+   stderr even if it is not a terminal.
+ * "git grep -e '$pattern'", unlike the case where the patterns are
+   read from a file, did not treat individual lines in the given
+   pattern argument as separate regular expressions as it should.